Guidance Memorandum 12C - WI Child Nutrition Programs (FNS)

Guidance Memorandum 12C - WI Child Nutrition Programs (FNS)

Guidance Memorandum 12C - WI Child Nutrition Programs (FNS)


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<strong>Guidance</strong> <strong>Memorandum</strong> <strong>12C</strong>: CACFP Meal Pattern Requirementspart of a reimbursable meal. Fluid milk served may also be fat-free or low-fat lactose reduced milk, fatfreeor low-fat lactose free milk, fat-free or low-fat buttermilk, or fat-free or low-fat acidified milk.Whole milk is recommended to be served to children between one and two years old. Milk served must bepasteurized fluid milk that meets State and local standards and may be flavored or unflavored.3. Drinking WaterDrinking water must be made available to children upon request, including at meal times. It is not part of areimbursable meal and may not be served in place of fluid milk. It does not have to be available for childrento self-serve but can be made available in a variety of ways which include having cups available next to thekitchen sink faucet, having water pitchers and cups set out, or simply providing water to a child when it isrequested. It is advised that children not be served too much water before and during meal times; excesswater may lead to reducing the amount of food and milk consumed by the children. Water should be servedwith snacks when no other beverage is being served and in place of other high calorie, sweetenedbeverages (juice drinks, soda, sports drinks, etc.) that are served outside of meal times.4. Written, Dated MenusMenus must be maintained for all meals and snacks served to children ages 1 through 12 and olderparticipants served in child care centers, outside of school hours care centers, emergency shelters and atriskafterschool programs. All food items served as the required food components must be documented onthe menus kept on file as supporting documentation of the meals and snacks claimed for reimbursement.Any menu substitutions must be documented on the menu kept with monthly claim documentation.5. Food Production RecordsA prototype form, the Lunch/Supper and Breakfast/Snack Production Record form (PI-1488) is attached.Contact your assigned consultant to obtain forms for centers approved to claim meals other than breakfast,lunch, and one snack.All agencies, except for emergency shelters, must complete daily, dated food production records for allapproved meals and snacks served to children one year and over. Each meal service must provide, at aminimum, the serving sizes required by the CACFP Meal Pattern for each child served. Production recordsmust be completed for the purpose of planning and preparing the total amount of food that will be madeavailable to the anticipated number of children and adults participating in each meal service which willassure that the serving size requirements are met. They may also help control food cost.The amounts of whole or reduced fat (2%) milk offered to one to two year olds and low fat (1%) or fat-free(skim) milk offered for children ages two and older must be documented separately.Refer to the attached Instructions for Filling out Daily Food Production Record for how to complete theproduction record. The direct web link to these instructions is:http://fns.dpi.wi.gov/sites/default/files/imce/fns/pdf/pr_instruction_ccc.pdfWebcast Training: The DPI webcast Completing Production Records located athttp://fns.dpi.wi.gov/fns_cntwebcasts provides a basic overview of how to complete production records.You may use the Meal Requirements Calculation tool found athttp://fns.dpi.wi.gov/files/fns/xls/meal_req_calc.xls to determine the required amounts for each foodcomponent for each meal. Please note that the completion of the “Amounts Required” column isoptional for those staff who are familiar with the serving size requirements.To calculate the total amounts of each individual food item to be purchased and prepared based on therequired amounts, use either the Food Buying Guide for <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>Programs</strong> (November 2001) orthe Food Buying Guide Calculator for <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>Programs</strong> at http://fbg.nfsmi.org/.H. Serving Meals to StaffIf staff or other adults are served meals, the number of adult meals must be documented for two purposes: (1) toplan the amounts of food to prepare for assuring the required minimum serving sizes are provided to all childrenand adults to be served and (2) to account for the food cost incurred for serving these adult meals. Documentthe number of adult meals to be served on the Production Record (PI-1488) in the space provided for recordingthe “Projected Meal Counts” for adults. Meals served to staff or other adults must be identified either as programadult meals or non-program adult meals.1. Program AdultA program adult is an adult employee or volunteer who performs CACFP labor on the day a meal isserved to him or her. CACFP labor includes meal preparation, serving the meals, assisting the childrenduring meal service, cleaning up before and after meals, and performing administrative responsibilitiesRevision Date: 10/14All <strong>Guidance</strong> <strong>Memorandum</strong>s for the <strong>Child</strong> Care Component: http://fns.dpi.wi.gov/fns_centermemos4

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