ENCORE SUSPENSE Schedule - May, 2012 - Starz

ENCORE SUSPENSE Schedule - May, 2012 - Starz

ENCORE SUSPENSE Schedule - May, 2012 - Starz


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G<strong>ENCORE</strong> <strong>SUSPENSE</strong> <strong>Schedule</strong> • <strong>May</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>encoretv.comMonday, 5 217:30a Diagnosis Murder (E101)s C(:46)·TVPGOther zones: CT·6:30a•MT·5:30a8:20a Perry Mason: The Case Of The...s C(1:35)·TVPGOther zones: CT·7:20a•MT·6:20a10:00a Ronin12:05p Rope1:30p Stones C EM C ED C E3:20p The 24th Days C(2:01)·ROther zones: CT·9:00a•MT·8:00a(1:45)·ROther zones: CT·12:30p•MT·11:30a(1:36)·ROther zones: CT·2:20p•MT·1:20p5:05p 8 Heads In a Duffel Bags C E(1:35)·ROther zones: CT·4:05p•MT·3:05p6:45p To Die For8:35p Rope11:45p Stones C EM C ED C E(1:46)·ROther zones: CT·5:45p•MT·4:45p(1:21)·TVPGOther zones: CT·7:35p•MT·6:35p(1:45)·ROther zones: CT·10:45p•MT·9:45p1:35a 8 Heads In a Duffel Bags C E(1:35)·ROther zones: CT·12:35a•MT·11:35p3:15a RopeM C E4:40a Forever Mines C E(1:21)·TVPGOther zones: CT·2:15a•MT·1:15a(1:57)·ROther zones: CT·3:40a•MT·2:40aTuesday, 5 226:45a The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (E76)M C E B(:50)·TVPGOther zones: CT·5:45a•MT·4:45a7:40a Lookers C E9:20a The Recruits C E(1:33)·PGOther zones: CT·6:40a•MT·5:40a(1:55)·PG13Other zones: CT·8:20a•MT·7:20a1:10p Perry Mason: The Case Of The...s C(1:33)·TVPGOther zones: CT·12:10p•MT·11:10a2:50p The Contractors C E(1:38)·ROther zones: CT·1:50p•MT·12:50p4:30p Spawns C E(1:36)·PG13Other zones: CT·3:30p•MT·2:30p6:10p The Real McCoys C E(1:45)·PG13Other zones: CT·5:10p•MT·4:10p8:00p The Recruits C E(1:55)·PG13Other zones: CT·7:00p•MT·6:00p11:45p Pacific Heightss C E(1:42)·ROther zones: CT·10:45p•MT·9:45p1:30a Spawns C E3:10a The Recruits C E(1:36)·PG13Other zones: CT·12:30a•MT·11:30p(1:55)·PG13Other zones: CT·2:10a•MT·1:10a5:10a The Pope Of Greenwich VillageM C E(2:01)·ROther zones: CT·4:10a•MT·3:10aWednesday, 5 237:15a Blade Runners C E9:15a SaboteurM C E B(1:57)·ROther zones: CT·6:15a•MT·5:15a(1:49)·PGOther zones: CT·8:15a•MT·7:15a11:10a Staten Islands C(1:36)·ROther zones: CT·10:10a•MT·9:10a2:35p Blade Runners C E(1:57)·ROther zones: CT·1:35p•MT·12:35p4:35p Going To Pieces: The Rise and...s C(1:28)·TVMAOther zones: CT·3:35p•MT·2:35p6:10p Staten Islands C7:50p Colorss C E(1:36)·ROther zones: CT·5:10p•MT·4:10p(2:00)·ROther zones: CT·6:50p•MT·5:50p10:00p Diagnosis Murder (E103)s C(:45)·TVPGOther zones: CT·9:00p•MT·8:00p1:45a Ghost Storys C E(1:51)·ROther zones: CT·12:45a•MT·11:45p3:40a Going To Pieces: The Rise and...s C(1:28)·TVMAOther zones: CT·2:40a•MT·1:40a5:10a Colorss C E(2:00)·ROther zones: CT·4:10a•MT·3:10aThursday, 5 247:15a The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (E78)M C E B(:50)·TVPGOther zones: CT·6:15a•MT·5:15a9:50a The Crews C E(1:27)·PG13Other zones: CT·8:50a•MT·7:50a11:20a Pacific Heights12:50p Johnny Mnemonic11:20a Poltergeist II: The Other Side(1:21)·TVPG s C E(1:42)·R s C E(1:37)·R s C E(1:31)·PG13Other zones: CT·11:05a•MT·10:05aOther zones: CT·10:20a•MT·9:20aOther zones: CT·11:50a•MT·10:50aOther zones: CT·10:20a•MT·9:20a1:00p The Fans C E(1:56)·ROther zones: CT·12:00p•MT·11:00a3:00p Kull The Conquerors C E(1:36)·PG13Other zones: CT·2:00p•MT·1:00p4:40p Hackerss C E6:30p The Crews C E8:00p The Fans C E(1:45)·PG13Other zones: CT·3:40p•MT·2:40p(1:27)·PG13Other zones: CT·5:30p•MT·4:30p(1:56)·ROther zones: CT·7:00p•MT·6:00p10:00p Diagnosis Murder (E101)10:00p Diagnosis Murder (E102)10:50p The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (E78) 10:00p DIAGNOSIS MURDER (E104)s C(:46)·TVPG s C(:45)·TVPG M C E B(:50)·TVPG s(:49)·TVPGOther zones: CT·9:00p•MT·8:00pOther zones: CT·9:00p•MT·8:00pOther zones: CT·9:50p•MT·8:50pOther zones: CT·9:00p•MT·8:00p10:50p The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (E76) 10:50p The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (E77) 11:45p Blade Runner10:50p The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (E79)M C E B(:50)·TVPG M C E B(:50)·TVPG s C E(1:57)·R M C E B(:50)·TVPGOther zones: CT·9:50p•MT·8:50pOther zones: CT·9:50p•MT·8:50pOther zones: CT·10:45p•MT·9:45pOther zones: CT·9:50p•MT·8:50p11:45p Bagheads C E1:10a Hackerss C E3:00a The Fan5:00a JFKs C Es C E(1:21)·ROther zones: CT·10:45p•MT·9:45p(1:45)·PG13Other zones: CT·12:10a•MT·11:10p(1:56)·ROther zones: CT·2:00a•MT·1:00a(3:09)·ROther zones: CT·4:00a•MT·3:00aFriday, 5 258:10a Silver StreakM C E8:10a Kull The Conqueror10:05a Goodfellass C E(1:36)·PG13Other zones: CT·7:10a•MT·6:10as C E12:35p Gambit2:30p JFKM C Es C E5:40p The Deals C7:30p Goodfellass C E(1:54)·PGOther zones: CT·7:10a•MT·6:10a(2:25)·ROther zones: CT·9:05a•MT·8:05a(1:48)·TVGOther zones: CT·11:35a•MT·10:35a(3:09)·ROther zones: CT·1:30p•MT·12:30p(1:48)·ROther zones: CT·4:40p•MT·3:40p(2:25)·ROther zones: CT·6:30p•MT·5:30p10:00p DIAGNOSIS MURDER (E105)s(:49)·TVPGOther zones: CT·9:00p•MT·8:00p10:50p The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (E80)M C E B(:50)·TVPGOther zones: CT·9:50p•MT·8:50p11:45p JFKs C E3:00a The I Insides C E4:35a Goodfellass C E(3:09)·ROther zones: CT·10:45p•MT·9:45p(1:31)·ROther zones: CT·2:00a•MT·1:00a(2:25)·ROther zones: CT·3:35a•MT·2:35aSaturday, 5 267:05a 8 Heads In a Duffel Bags C E(1:35)·ROther zones: CT·6:05a•MT·5:05a8:45a Shadow Of A DoubtM C E B(1:48)·PGOther zones: CT·7:45a•MT·6:45a12:15p True LiesM C E(2:21)·ROther zones: CT·11:15a•MT·10:15a2:40p 8 Heads In a Duffel Bags C E(1:35)·ROther zones: CT·1:40p•MT·12:40p4:20p Fragiles C(1:42)·PG13Other zones: CT·3:20p•MT·2:20p6:10p Shadow Of A DoubtM C E B(1:48)·PGOther zones: CT·5:10p•MT·4:10p8:00p True LiesM C E10:30p The Recruits C E(2:21)·ROther zones: CT·7:00p•MT·6:00p(1:55)·PG13Other zones: CT·9:30p•MT·8:30p2:10a The Secret In Their Eyess C 2(2:09)·ROther zones: CT·1:10a•MT·12:10a4:20a True LiesM C E(2:21)·ROther zones: CT·3:20a•MT·2:20aSunday, 5 276:45a The Recruits C E10:35a Perry Mason Returns10:15a Blade RunnerM C(1:36)·TVPG s C EOther zones: CT·9:35a•MT·8:35a(1:55)·PG13Other zones: CT·5:45a•MT·4:45a8:45a Sherlock Holmess C(1:29)·PG13Other zones: CT·7:45a•MT·6:45a(1:57)·ROther zones: CT·9:15a•MT·8:15a12:15p The Morning Afters C E(1:43)·ROther zones: CT·11:15a•MT·10:15a2:00p The Recruits C E4:00p MarnieM C E(1:55)·PG13Other zones: CT·1:00p•MT·12:00p(2:10)·PGOther zones: CT·3:00p•MT·2:00p6:15p Pacific Heightss C E(1:42)·ROther zones: CT·5:15p•MT·4:15p8:00p Blade Runner10:00p Stones C ED C E(1:57)·ROther zones: CT·7:00p•MT·6:00p(1:45)·ROther zones: CT·9:00p•MT·8:00p12:30a 8 Heads In a Duffel Bag11:50p The Morning Afters C E(1:35)·R s C E(1:43)·ROther zones: CT·11:30p•MT·10:30pOther zones: CT·10:50p•MT·9:50p1:40a MarnieM C E4:00a Blade Runners C E(2:10)·PGOther zones: CT·12:40a•MT·11:40p(1:57)·ROther zones: CT·3:00a•MT·2:00aAll times listed are Eastern/Pacific (Other time zones: CT = Central Time - MT = Mountain Time)Copyright © <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Starz</strong> Entertainment, LLC · Encore Suspense <strong>Schedule</strong> 4 of 5D = Dolby Digital 5.1 s = Stereo C = Closed Captioned E = español L = Letter Box (Wide screen) B = Black & White 1 = Dubbed 2 = Subtitle

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