Polygon Worksheet

Polygon Worksheet

Polygon Worksheet


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Risk <strong>Worksheet</strong> version 4.1Risk #This version (version 4.1) differs from version 4.0 only in suggesting that R2.5 be not used and so is "struck out" from calculation.R1.0 Task Description:This Risk calculation is adapted from a DRAFT document that has NOT been adopted by the interagency team thatdeveloped the Mitigation Bank Review Process. This is offered for use until replaced.Wildlife Overstory Ground Up/Wet Hydrology WaterR2.0 Criteria Scores Utilization /Shrub Cover Buffer QualityR2.1 Mitigation TypeFor example -> Wildlife Utilization & Water Quality: High=Creation; Med=Enhancement; Low=PreservationOverstory/Shrub & Ground Cover: High=Creation (planting); Med=Enhancement (exoticHigh = 1 removal); Low=PreservationMed = 2 Hydrology: High=Enery intensive (pumping); Med=Structural Mods (adjustable weirs,Low = 3 ditch plugs, etc.); Low = Total restoration (backfill ditch, degrade levee, etc.)Enter 1, 2, or 3R2.2 Size of and/or the landscape context of the polygonFor example -> Wildlife Utilization: High=Highly predisposed to disturbance;Med=Moderately predisposed to disturbance; Low=Not predisposedHigh = 1 Hydrology: High=Unreliable source; Med=Moderately reliable; High: Highly reliableMed = 2 Water Quality: High=Highly predisposed to contamination;Low = 3 Med=Moderately predisposed to contamination; Low=Not predisposedEnter 1, 2, or 3R2.3 Maintenance requirementsFor example -> Overstory/Shrub & Ground Cover: High=High potential for exotic/invasion;High = 1 Med=Moderate potential for exotic/invasion; Low=Minimal potentialMed = 2 Hydrology: High=High maintenance (pumps, etc.); Med=Moderate (ditch cleaning);Low = 3 Low=Low maintenanceEnter 1, 2, or 3R2.4 Maintenance PlanHigh = 1 Wildlife Utilization: Low=Fire managementMed = 2 Overstory/Shrub & Ground Cover: High=Mechanical control of exotic/invasives;Low = 3 Med=Chemical control of exotic/invasives; Low=Fire managementEnter 1, 2, or 3R2.5 Qualifications of Mitigation Supervisor (note: suggest not use pending discussion of how to assess)For example -> For all functions: High=0=Neophyte; Med=1=Has credentials; Low=3=Has track recordEnter 1, 2, or 3R3.0 Subtotal of ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= =======R2.1 to R2.5R4.0 Risk Factor. Divide line R3.0 by 15 by 12. Copy numbers onto line P8.0 of <strong>Polygon</strong> <strong>Worksheet</strong>.R3.0 / 15.0 12.0RR5.0 Note

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