2011 High School YRBS Results

2011 High School YRBS Results

2011 High School YRBS Results


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AREAS OF SUCCESS<strong>High</strong> school students reported several positive trends in health-related risk behaviors over the past 14years. There were significant positive changes (i.e., increases in health-promoting behaviors ordecreases in risk behaviors) in the following behavior areas:ViolenceThe percentage of students who report they seriouslyconsidered attempting suicide in the past year hasdecreased.The percentage of students who report being in aphysical fight on school property has decreased.Fewer students report carrying a weapon on schoolproperty.1997 †Result (%)<strong>2011</strong>Result (%)20.1 12.911.2 7.67.8 5.8Tobacco UseAlcohol UseFewer students report smoking on school property. 9.3 3.2The number of students who report ever trying acigarette has been greatly reduced.Current alcohol use (i.e., in the past 30 days) hasdecreased.Fewer students report having their first drink before age13.60.0 35.627.5 21.028.6 18.1Other DrugUseSexualBehaviorNutrition &PhysicalActivityThe percentage of students who report lifetimemarijuana use has decreased.The percentage of students who report being offered,sold, or given a drug on school property has decreased.Among currently sexually active youth, the percentagewho used injectable birth control or birth control pills toprevent pregnancy before last sexual intercourse hasincreased (2001-<strong>2011</strong>).The number of students who report watching three ormore hours of television per day has decreased (2001-<strong>2011</strong>).Percentage of students who are obese (i.e., >=95 thpercentile on Body Mass Index has decreased (2001-<strong>2011</strong>).33.0 30.137.0 28.315.4 26.545.0 26.510.3 7.4† Since 1997, unless otherwise indicated.SFUSD <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Health Survey <strong>Results</strong> <strong>2011</strong> P a g e | 3

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