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MEANING: a Roadmap to Knowledge Technologies ... - CiteSeerX

MEANING: a Roadmap to Knowledge Technologies ... - CiteSeerX


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present in the web as the others. Usingthis approach it is possible <strong>to</strong> balance bothgaps.Although the technology <strong>to</strong> providecompatibility across wordnets exits(Daudé et al, 1999, 2000, 2001), newresearch is needed for porting anduploading the various types of knowledgeacross languages, and new ways <strong>to</strong> test thevalidity of the ported knowledge in thetarget languages.3. The <strong>MEANING</strong> <strong>Roadmap</strong>The improvements mentioned above havebeen explored separately with relativesuccess. In fact, no research group inisolation has tried <strong>to</strong> combine all thisaforementioned fac<strong>to</strong>rs. We designed the<strong>MEANING</strong> project 3 convinced that only acombination of all relevant knowledgeand resources will be able <strong>to</strong> producesignificant advances in this crucialresearch area.<strong>MEANING</strong> will treat the web as a (huge)corpus <strong>to</strong> learn information from, sinceeven the largest conventional corporaavailable (e.g. the Reuters corpus, theBritish National Corpus) are not largeenough <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> acquire reliableinformation in sufficient detail aboutlanguage behaviour. Moreover, mostlanguages do not have large or diverseenough corpora available.<strong>MEANING</strong> proposes an innovativebootstrapping process <strong>to</strong> deal with theinter-dependency between WSD andknowledge acquisition:populate it with domain labels, <strong>to</strong>induce au<strong>to</strong>matically trainingexamples) with ML techniques thatcombine very large amounts of labeledand unlabeled data. When ready, usealso the knowledge acquired in 2.2. Use the obtained accurate WSD data inconjunction with shallow parsingtechniques and domain tagging <strong>to</strong>extract new linguistic knowledge <strong>to</strong>incorporate in<strong>to</strong> EuroWordNet.This method will be able <strong>to</strong> break thisinterdependency in a series of cycles thanks<strong>to</strong> the fact that the WSD system will bebased on all domain information,sophisticated linguistic knowledge, largenumbers of au<strong>to</strong>matically tagged examplesfrom the web, and a combination ofannotated and unannotated data. The firstWSD system will have weaker linguisticknowledge, but the sole combination of therest of the fac<strong>to</strong>rs will produce significantperformance gains. Besides, some of therequired linguistic knowledge can beacquired from unnanotated data, and cantherefore be acquired without using anyWSD system. Once acceptable WSD isavailable, the acquired knowledge will beof a higher quality, and will allow for betterWSD performance.Multilingualism will be also helpful for<strong>MEANING</strong>. The idiosyncratic way themeaning is realised in a particular languagewill be captured and ported <strong>to</strong> the rest oflanguages involved in the project 4 usingEuroWordNet as a Multilingual CentralReposi<strong>to</strong>ry in three consecutive phases (seefigure 1).1. Train accurate WSD systems andapply them <strong>to</strong> very large corpora bycoupling knowledge-based techniqueson the existing EuroWordNet (e.g. <strong>to</strong>3Started in March 2002, <strong>MEANING</strong> IST-2001-34460 "Developing Multilingual Web-scaleLanguage <strong>Technologies</strong>" is a three years researchproject funded by the EC.4 <strong>MEANING</strong> will work with three major Europeanlanguages (English, Spanish and Italian) and twominority languages (Catalan and Basque).

(QJOLVK:HE&RUSXV:6':6',WDOLDQ:HE&RUSXV$&4(QJOLVK(:183/2$'83/2$',WDOLDQ(:1$&4325732570XOWLOLQJXDO&HQWUDO5HSRVLWRU\32573257$&46SDQLVK(:183/2$'83/2$'%DVTXH(:1$&46SDQLVK:HE&RUSXV&DWDODQ(:1:6'%DVTXH:HE&RUSXV&DWDODQ:HE&RUSXV:6'4 ConclusionsWhere the acquisition of knowledge fromlarge-scale document collections will beone of the major challenge for the nextgeneration of text processing applications,<strong>MEANING</strong> emphasises multilingualcontent-based access <strong>to</strong> web content.Moreover, it can provide a keys<strong>to</strong>neenabling technologies for the semanticweb. In particular, the MultilingualCentral Reposi<strong>to</strong>ry produced by<strong>MEANING</strong> is going <strong>to</strong> constitute thenatural knowledge resource for a numberof semantic processes that need largeamounts of linguistic data <strong>to</strong> be effective<strong>to</strong>ols (e.g. web on<strong>to</strong>logies). NLP <strong>to</strong>ols andsoftware of the next generation willbenefit from the <strong>MEANING</strong> outcomes.Current web access applications are basedon words; <strong>MEANING</strong> will open the wayfor access <strong>to</strong> the multilingual web basedon concepts, providing applications withcapabilities that significantly exceed thosecurrently available. <strong>MEANING</strong> willFigure 1: <strong>MEANING</strong> data flow.facilitate development of concept-basedopen domain Internet applications (such asQuestion/Answering, Cross LingualInformation Retrieval, Summarisation, TextCategorisation, Event Tracking,Information Extraction, MachineTranslation, etc.). Furthermore, <strong>MEANING</strong>will supply a common conceptual structure<strong>to</strong> Internet documents, thus facilitatingknowledge management of web content.This common conceptual structure is adecisive enabling technology for allowingthe semantic web.ReferencesAgirre E. and Martínez D. Exploring au<strong>to</strong>maticword sense disambiguation with decision listsand the Web. Proceedings of the Workshop“Semantic Annotation And IntelligentAnnotation” organized by COLING 2000.Luxembourg. 2000.Agirre E. and Martinez D. Learning class-<strong>to</strong>-classselectional preferences. Proceedings of theWorkshop "Computational Natural LanguageLearning" (CoNLL-2001). In conjunction withACL'2001/EACL'2001. Toulouse. 2001.Agirre E., Ansa O., Martínez D. and Hovy E.Enriching WordNet concepts with <strong>to</strong>pic

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