The SOR method for infinite systems of linear equations (III)

The SOR method for infinite systems of linear equations (III)

The SOR method for infinite systems of linear equations (III)


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CARPATHIAN J. MATH.22 (2006), No. 1 - 2, 49 - 55<strong>The</strong> <strong>SOR</strong> <strong>method</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>infinite</strong> <strong>systems</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>linear</strong><strong>equations</strong> (<strong>III</strong>)BÉLA FINTAABSTRACT. In [3], [4] we presented the extension <strong>of</strong> the Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iterative numerical<strong>method</strong> from the case <strong>of</strong> finite <strong>linear</strong> <strong>systems</strong> to the case <strong>of</strong> <strong>infinite</strong> <strong>systems</strong>.<strong>The</strong> purpose <strong>of</strong> this paper is to extend the classical <strong>SOR</strong> (successiv over relaxation) <strong>method</strong>, known<strong>for</strong> finite <strong>linear</strong> <strong>systems</strong>, to <strong>infinite</strong> <strong>systems</strong>.Let x =⎛⎜⎝x 0x 1.x n..1. VECTOR NORMS⎞be a sequence <strong>of</strong> real numbers represented in the <strong>for</strong>m <strong>of</strong>⎟⎠an <strong>infinite</strong> column vector, and we denote by s the real <strong>linear</strong> space <strong>of</strong> these sequences.Let us define l 1 = {x ∈ s | |x i | is convergent}. It is well known∞∑thatl 1 is a real <strong>linear</strong> subspace <strong>of</strong> s and <strong>for</strong> every x ∈ l 1 the <strong>for</strong>mula ‖x‖ 1 =i=0∞∑|x i |defines a norm on l 1 . In this way (l 1 , ‖·‖ 1 ) is not only a normed <strong>linear</strong> space,but a Banach space, too. We will call it vector space, the elements vectors and theabove mentioned norm, vector norm [6], [8]. For this paragraph see also [2].i=02. MATRIX NORMSLet A =(a ij ) i,j∈N be an <strong>infinite</strong> matrix <strong>of</strong> real numbers and we denote by M{∞∑the real <strong>linear</strong> space <strong>of</strong> these <strong>infinite</strong> matrices. Let M 1 = A ∈ M | sup |a ij |j∈Ni=0is finite}. <strong>The</strong>n M 1 is a real <strong>linear</strong> subspace <strong>of</strong> M and <strong>for</strong> every A ∈ M 1 the∞∑<strong>for</strong>mula ‖A‖ 1 =sup |a ij | defines a norm on M 1 called column norm. In thisj∈Ni=0way (M 1 , ‖·‖ 1 ) becomes not only a real <strong>linear</strong> normed space, but a Banach space,too.Received: 15.02.2006; In revised <strong>for</strong>m: 10.10.2006; Accepted: 01.11.20062000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 65F10, 15A60.Key words and phrases: Space l 1 , <strong>infinite</strong> <strong>systems</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>linear</strong> <strong>equations</strong>, <strong>SOR</strong> iterative <strong>method</strong>, Gauss-Seidel’s iterative <strong>method</strong>, Banach fixed point theorem.49

50 Béla FintaCorollary 2.1. If <strong>for</strong> the matrix A =(a ij ) i,j∈N we have a ij =0<strong>for</strong> i>nand j>n,n ∈ N, then from the above we obtain the results in the finite dimensional space R n [1],[5].This space will be called matrix space and the above mentioned norm, matrixnorm. For this paragraph see also [2], [6], [8].3. THE COMPATIBILITY OF THE VECTOR AND MATRIX NORMSLet x ∈ s be a sequence <strong>of</strong> real numbers, and A =(a ij ) i,j∈N ∈ M an <strong>infinite</strong>matrix <strong>of</strong> real numbers.Definition 3.1. We will define the product A · x if <strong>for</strong> every i ∈ N the series∞∑a ij x j is convergent. In this case the resulting vector y = A · x is a columnj=0⎛vector with components y =⎜⎝∞∑⎞a 0j x jj=0∞∑a 1j x jj=0...∞∑a ij x j⎟j=0 ⎠.<strong>The</strong>orem 3.1. <strong>The</strong> vector norm ‖·‖ 1 defined on l 1 is compatible with the matrix norm‖·‖ 1 defined on M 1 , i.e. ‖Ax‖ 1 ≤‖A‖ 1 ·‖x‖ 1 <strong>for</strong> every x ∈ l 1 and every A ∈ M 1 .Pro<strong>of</strong>. We have:‖A · x‖ 1 ==≤∣ ∣∣∣∣∣ ∞∑∞∑∞∑ ∞∑a ij x j ≤ |a ij |·|x j | =∣j=0i=0 j=0∞∑ ∞∑∞∑ ∞∑|a ij |·|x j | = |x j |· |a ij |≤i=0j=0 i=0∞∑j=0|x j |·supj∈N∞∑i=0j=0|a ij | =supj∈Ni=0∞∑ ∞∑|a ij |· |x j | = ‖A‖ 1 ·‖x‖ 1 .i=0j=0□Corollary 3.2. If <strong>for</strong> the matrix A =(a ij ) i,j∈N we have a ij =0<strong>for</strong> i>nand j>n,n ∈ N, then from <strong>The</strong>orem 3.1 we reobtain the results in the finite dimensional space R n[1], [5].For this paragraph see also [2], [6], [8].

<strong>The</strong> <strong>SOR</strong> <strong>method</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>infinite</strong> <strong>systems</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>linear</strong> <strong>equations</strong> (<strong>III</strong>) 514. THE MATRIX NORM SUBORDINATED TO A GIVEN VECTOR NORMFor every x ∈ l 1 and A ∈ M 1 we have ‖Ax‖ 1 ≤‖A‖ 1 ·‖x‖ 1 according to<strong>The</strong>orem 3.1. If x ≠ θ l 1 (the null element <strong>of</strong> the vector space l 1 ), then ‖Ax‖ 1≤{ }‖x‖ 1‖Ax‖1‖A‖ 1 and we can define sup | x ∈ l 1 \{θ l 1} .‖x‖ 1It is known that this <strong>for</strong>mula defines a matrix norm on M 1 , which we call thematrix norm subordinated { to the vector norm } ‖·‖ 1 defined on l 1 and we denoteit by ‖A‖ ∗ ‖Ax‖11 =sup | x ∈ l 1 \{θ l 1} . It is immediately that ‖A‖ ∗ 1 ≤‖A‖ 1 ,‖x‖ 1<strong>for</strong> every A ∈ M 1 . Actually, we have<strong>The</strong>orem 4.2. ‖A‖ ∗ 1 = ‖A‖ 1.∞∑Pro<strong>of</strong>. We must prove that ‖A‖ ∗ 1 ≥‖A‖ 1 . From ‖A‖ 1 =sup |a ij | we obtain: <strong>for</strong>j∈Ni=0∞∑every ε>0 there exists j 0 ∈ N such that |a ij0 |≥‖A‖ 1 − ε. Let us choose thevector x ∈ l 1 such that all the components <strong>of</strong> x are zero except <strong>for</strong> the componentj 0 . So∣ ∣∣∣∣∣ ∞∑∞∑∞∑‖A · x‖ 1 =a ij x j = |a ij0 x j0 | =i=0 ∣j=0i=0(∞∑∞)∑= |a ij0 |·|x j0 | = |a ij0 | ·|x j0 |≥Consequentlyi=0i=0i=0≥ (‖A‖ 1 − ε) ·|x j0 | =(‖A‖ 1 − ε) ·‖x‖ 1 .‖Ax‖ 1≥‖A‖ 1 − ε,‖x‖ 1i.e.{ }‖A‖ ∗ ‖Ax‖11 =sup | x ∈ l 1 \{θ l 1} ≥‖A‖ 1 − ε,‖x‖ 1<strong>for</strong> every ε>0. This means that ‖A‖ ∗ 1 ≥‖A‖ 1.□Corollary 4.3. If <strong>for</strong> the matrix A =(a ij ) i,j∈N we have a ij =0<strong>for</strong> i>nand j>n,n ∈ N, then from <strong>The</strong>orem 4.2 we reobtain the results in the finite dimensional space R n[1], [5].For this paragraph see also [2], [6], [8].<strong>The</strong> above presented vector and matrix spaces will be used to extend the iterativeJacobi’s and Gauss-Seidel’s <strong>method</strong>s, from finite <strong>linear</strong> <strong>systems</strong> to the case<strong>of</strong> <strong>infinite</strong> <strong>systems</strong>. In this way we can study the <strong>linear</strong> stationary processes with<strong>infinite</strong> but countable number <strong>of</strong> parameters.

52 Béla Finta5. THE <strong>SOR</strong> METHOD FOR INFINITE SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONSLet us consider the <strong>infinite</strong> system <strong>of</strong> <strong>linear</strong> <strong>equations</strong> Ax = b, where A ∈ Mand x, b ∈ s.Definition 5.2. For a given A ∈ M and b ∈ s we will say that x ∗ ∈ s is a solution<strong>of</strong> the <strong>infinite</strong> system <strong>of</strong> <strong>linear</strong> <strong>equations</strong> Ax = b if we have Ax ∗ = b.∞∑∞∑This means that the series a ij x ∗ j is convergent and we have a ij x ∗ j = b i ,j=0<strong>for</strong> every i ∈ N.Let us suppose that a ii ≠0<strong>for</strong> every i ∈ N and let us consider the constantsω i ∈ R \{0} <strong>for</strong> every i ∈ N. <strong>The</strong> initial system <strong>of</strong> <strong>linear</strong> <strong>equations</strong> Ax = b isequivalent to the following iterative system <strong>of</strong> <strong>linear</strong> <strong>equations</strong>:⎧∑∞ a 0j b 0x 0 =(1− ω 0 )x 0 − ω 0 x j + ω 0a 00⎪⎨⎪⎩.j=1x 1 = −ω 1a 10a 11x 0 +(1− ω 1 )x 1 − ω 1a 00∑∞j=2a 1ja 11x j + ω 1b 1x 2 = −ω 2a 20a 22x 0 − ω 2a 21a 22x 1 +(1− ω 2 )x 2 − ω 2.∑i−1a ijx i = −ω i x j +(1− ω i )x i − ω ia iij=0∞ ∑j=i+1a 11∑∞j=3a ija iix j + ω ib ia iij=0a 2ja 22x j + ω 2b 2a 22Using this system <strong>of</strong> <strong>linear</strong> <strong>equations</strong>, let us choose x 0 ∈ s and we generate thesequence (x k ) k∈N ⊂ s by the following iterative <strong>for</strong>mula:⎧∞∑x k+10 =(1− ω 0 )x k 0 − ω a 0j0 x k ja + ω b 0000(5.1)⎪⎨⎪⎩.j=1a 00x k+1 a 10∑∞1 = −ω 1 x k+10 +(1− ω 1 )x k a 1j1 − ω 1 x k b 1j + ω 1a 11 a 11 a 11x k+12 = −ω 2a 20a 22x k+10 −ω 2a 21a 22tx k+1.x k+1i∑i−1a ij= −ω i x k+1ja iij=0j=21 +(1−ω 2 )x k 2 −ω 2 ∞ ∑+(1− ω i )x k i − ω i∞∑j=i+1a ijj=3a iix k j + ω ia 2ja 22x k j +ω 2b 2a 22Consequently, starting from the vector x k , we generate the vector x k+1 by therecursion <strong>for</strong>mula x k+1 = B ω · x k + c.b ia ii

<strong>The</strong> <strong>SOR</strong> <strong>method</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>infinite</strong> <strong>systems</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>linear</strong> <strong>equations</strong> (<strong>III</strong>) 53Definition 5.3. <strong>The</strong> matrix A =(a ij ) i,j∈N is l 1 diagonal dominated if there existsthe positive real number λ > 0 such that <strong>for</strong> every j ∈ N we have∞∑λ|a jj | > |a ij |.i=0i≠jIt is immediately that A is l 1 diagonal dominated if and only if supj∈Na finite real number.Let us denote by λ := supj∈N∞∑∣ a ij ∣∣∣∣ isa jji=0i≠j∣ ∞∑a ij ∣∣∣∣ ,ω ∗ =sup{|ω i |/i ∈ N} ∈R and ω ∗∗ =a jji=0i≠jsup{|1 − ω i |/i∈ N} ∈R. Let us suppose ω ∗ · λ

54 Béla FintaConsequently:‖y‖ 1 ≤ ω ∗ λ‖x‖ 1 + ω ∗ λ‖y‖ 1 + ω ∗∗ ‖x‖ 1 ,which is equivalent to‖y‖ 1≤ ω∗ λ + ω ∗∗‖x‖ 1 1 − ω ∗ λ .This means that‖B ω x‖ 1 ‖y‖ 1‖B ω ‖ 1 = sup = sup ≤ ω∗ λ + ω ∗∗x≠θ l‖x‖1 1 x≠θ l‖x‖1 1 1 − ω ∗ λ < 1.Now we can apply the Banach fixed point theorem <strong>for</strong> the iteration map Φ:l 1 → l 1 , Φ(x) =B ω x + c. Indeed, Φ is a contraction, because‖Φ(x) − Φ(y)‖ 1 = ‖(B ω x + c) − (B ω y + c)‖ 1 = ‖B ω (x − y)‖ 1 ≤‖B ω ‖ 1 ‖x − y‖ 1 .This means that the sequence (x k ) k∈N is convergent in l 1 <strong>for</strong> every x 0 ∈ l 1 andits limit point x ∗ ∈ l 1 is the unique fixed point <strong>of</strong> Φ in l 1 , i.e. Φ(x ∗ )=x ∗ . SoB ω x ∗ + c = x ∗ , which is equivalent to Ax ∗ = b.□Corollary 5.4. If <strong>for</strong> the matrix A =(a ij ) i,j∈N we have a ij =0when i>n,j>nand b i =0<strong>for</strong> i>n,n∈ N, then we reobtain the <strong>linear</strong> system with finite number <strong>of</strong><strong>equations</strong> and finite number <strong>of</strong> unknowns. In this way from <strong>The</strong>orem 5.3 we obtain theclassical <strong>SOR</strong> iterative numerical <strong>method</strong> to solve finite <strong>systems</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>linear</strong> <strong>equations</strong> [7].In the following we consider the particular case when ω i = ω, <strong>for</strong> every i ∈ N.So, from (5.1) we can deduce: let us choose x 0 ∈ s and we generate the sequence(x k ) k∈N ⊂ s by the following iterative <strong>for</strong>mula:(5.2)⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩.∞ x k+10 =(1− ω)x k 0 − ω ∑ a 0jx k j + ω b 0a 00j=1x k+11 = −ω a 10a 11x k+10 +(1− ω)x k 1 − ωx k+12 = −ω a 20x k+10 − ω a 21x k+1a 22 a 22..x k+1i∑i−1= −ωj=0a 00∞∑a 1jx k j + ω b 1aj=2 11 a 11∞1 +(1− ω)x k 2 − ω ∑a ija iix k+1j +(1− ω)x k i − ω ∞ ∑In this case from <strong>The</strong>orem 5.3 we obtain:j=i+1j=3a ija iix k j + ω b ia iia 2ja 22x k j + ω b 2a 22|ω|λ + |1 − ω|Corollary 5.5. If < 1, (|ω|λ < 1) then the corresponding iterative1 −|ω|λsequence (x k ) k∈N given by (5.2) is convergent in l 1 <strong>for</strong> every x 0 ∈ l 1 . <strong>The</strong> limit pointx ∗ ∈ l 1 is the unique solution <strong>of</strong> the <strong>linear</strong> system Ax = b.

<strong>The</strong> <strong>SOR</strong> <strong>method</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>infinite</strong> <strong>systems</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>linear</strong> <strong>equations</strong> (<strong>III</strong>) 55In the following we consider the particular case, when ω i = ω =1<strong>for</strong> everyi ∈ N. So from (5.2) we can deduce: let us choose x 0 ∈ s and we generate thesequence (x k ) k∈N ⊂ s by the following iterative <strong>for</strong>mula:(5.3)⎧⎪⎨x k+10 = −∞∑j=1a 0ja 00x k j + b 0x k+11 = − a 10a 11x k+10 −a 00∞∑j=2x k+12 = − a 20a 22x k+10 − a 21a 22x k+1.x k+1i∑i−1a ij= − x k+1ja iij=0−a 1ja 11x k j + b 11 −∞∑j=i+1a 11∞∑j=3a 2ja 22x k j + b 2a 22a ija iix k j + b ia ii⎪⎩.From <strong>The</strong>orem 5.3 and Corollary 5.5 we obtain the author’s result, the Gauss-Seidel’s iterative <strong>method</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>infinite</strong> <strong>systems</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>linear</strong> <strong>equations</strong> [4]:Corollary 5.6. If λ< 1 2 , then the corresponding iterative sequence (xk ) k∈N given by(5.3) is convergent in l 1 <strong>for</strong> every x 0 ∈ l 1 . <strong>The</strong> limit point x ∗ ∈ l 1 is the unique solution<strong>of</strong> the <strong>linear</strong> system Ax = b.We can obtain similar results if we replace the space l 1 by the space l ∞ or l p ,<strong>for</strong> p ∈ (1, +∞).We mention that all these results are valid in the complex case, too.REFERENCES[1] Finta, B., A Remark about Vector and Operator Norms, Mathematical Magazine Octogon, Braşov, 6,No. 1, April, 1998, 58-60[2] Finta, B., A Remark about Vector and Matrix Norms (II), Buletin Ştiinţific, XV-XVI, Universitatea”Petru Maior”, Tg. Mureş, 2002-2003, 113-120[3] Finta, B., Jacobi’s <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>for</strong> Infinite System <strong>of</strong> Linear Equations, Pr<strong>of</strong>esor Gheorghe Fărcaşlavârsta de70 de ani, Volum omagial, Editura Universităţii ”Petru Maior” Tg. Mureş, 2004, 103-108[4] Finta, B., Gauss-Seidel’s <strong>The</strong>orem <strong>for</strong> Infinite System <strong>of</strong> Linear Equations (II), International Conference”European Integration Between Tradition and Modernity”, IETM First Edition, ”Petru Maior”University <strong>of</strong> Tg. Mures, 22-24 September 2005, Romania, 669-677[5] Horn, R. A., Johnson, C. R., Matrix Analysis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990[6] Kantorovitch, L., Akilov, G., Analyse fonctionnelle, Éditions MIR, Moscou, 1981[7] Plato, R., Concise Numerical Mathematics, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 57, AMS, 2003[8] Szidarovszky, F., Yakowitz, S., Principles and Procedures <strong>of</strong> Numerical Analysis, Plenum Press,New York and London, 1978DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS”PETRU MAIOR”UNIVERSITY TG. MUREŞNICOLAE IORGA 1, 540088 TG. MUREŞ, ROMANIAE-mail address: fintab@upm.ro

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