OECD Complaint Against Barrick's Porgera Operations

OECD Complaint Against Barrick's Porgera Operations

OECD Complaint Against Barrick's Porgera Operations


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Contents:I. Introduction p. 1II. Specific Concerns with Reference to the <strong>OECD</strong> Guidelines1. Sustainable Development p. 32. Human RightsA. Alleged violence by PJV security guards p. 7B. Operation Ipili ’09 p. 173. Environment p. 23III. Conclusion and Summary of Remedies Sought p. 29I. IntroductionThis request for review contends that Barrick, through its wholly-owned subsidiaries in PapuaNew Guinea, has violated and continues to violate the <strong>OECD</strong> Guidelines for MultinationalEnterprises (<strong>OECD</strong> Guidelines) in its operations at the <strong>Porgera</strong> Joint Venture (PJV) mine. Itseeks the good offices of the Canadian National Contact Point (NCP) to bring Barrick/PJVback into compliance with the guidelines and makes recommendations for how this can beachieved. This request for review asks the NCP to offer good offices to bring about a dialoguebetween the submitters of this request for review, together with their advisors fromEarthRights International and Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID), andBarrick/PJV for the purposes of resolving the issues of concern raised in this request forreview.With respect to sustainable development, the <strong>OECD</strong> Guidelines provide that Barrick/PJV has aresponsibility to “contribute to economic, social and environmental progress with a view toachieving sustainable development” 1 and should “conduct their activities in a mannercontributing to the wider goal of sustainable development.” 2 This request for review maintainsthat the operations of Barrick/PJV have harmed and continue to harm the economic and socialprogress of indigenous Ipili communities living within Barrick/PJV’s Special Mine Lease (SML)area as a result of the untenable living conditions brought about by, among other things,requisitioning of land and water resources, environmental contamination of land and water, andthe disruption of social life, cultural traditions and sacred sites.With respect to human rights, the <strong>OECD</strong> Guidelines provide that Barrick/PJV has aresponsibility to: “respect the human rights of those affected by their activities consistent withthe host government’s international obligations and commitments.” 3 This request for reviewmaintains that the operations of Barrick/PJV have not respected the human rights of local men1 Section II. General Policies. Paragraph 1.2 Section V. Environment. Preamble.3 Section II. General Policies. Paragraph 2.1

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