Dennis E. Benner, Giving Back - Thomas M. Cooley Law School

Dennis E. Benner, Giving Back - Thomas M. Cooley Law School

Dennis E. Benner, Giving Back - Thomas M. Cooley Law School


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5he isn’t. In fact, he has been married for over 30 years and hastwo grown children. Their sons, Garrett, 24, and Brandon, 21,both attended Lehigh University and currently the eldest is at<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>.“I know my wife would consider me a workaholic,” said <strong>Benner</strong>. “Ijust really like to work and I also consider my work a hobby forme. I only hope that my sons find the career that will give them thesatisfaction that I have experienced through the years.”Currently <strong>Benner</strong> shares his satisfying career with business partnerin the law firm, <strong>Benner</strong> and Piperato. With over 20 years togetherin business, the law firm is considered one of the longest standingfirms in the area and is committed to continuing to serve the area formany more years to come. Joe Piperato is also a <strong>Cooley</strong> graduate.“I would say that we work really hard at what we do. We’re dealmakersand we love doing it,” he said. “I would also say that wehave had our share of luck as well. Being in the right place at theright time is important. I would attribute a strong foundation, hardwork, and a little luck to our success. Sometimes, it seems the harderyou work, the luckier you get!”GIVING BACK IS IMPORTANT<strong>Benner</strong> gives tremendous credit for his strong convictionsand dedication to the time spent at <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>.“My <strong>Cooley</strong> education is a wonderful asset for anything that I do,”he said. “<strong>Cooley</strong> taught me how to teach myself. That is a tremendousasset.”<strong>Benner</strong> has spent the last 25 years watching as his alma mater hasgrown and prospered. He admits that he has a sense of pride thatthe school is now considered the largest law school in the nation.“My <strong>Cooley</strong>education is awonderful assetfor anything thatI do,”“<strong>Cooley</strong> taughtme how to teachmyself. That is atremendousasset.”“The continued growth and visibility of the school is truly a tributeto the board and administration,” <strong>Benner</strong> said. “They have topnotch professors and a legal community that supports them. It isimpressive.”Although <strong>Benner</strong> is a busy man, he hasn’t lost sight of his responsibilityto acknowledge the many people, places, and educationalopportunities he has had. <strong>Benner</strong> recently gave a large “thankyou” gift to <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>, which has truly demonstrated hisappreciation for his education.“It’s time to give back and I couldn’t think of a better place to doit,” he said. “I’ve learned a lot from all the experiences I’veencountered in my life. I’m thankful for every job, career, or educationalopportunity that I’ve ever had.”

Feature6 Michaelmas Term 2005<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>Grad Deployed inthe Afte rma t hBy Sonya L. Leibowitz, LT, USCGofKatr i n aShortly after graduating from <strong>Thomas</strong> M.<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> (Turner Class, 1991),I began working as an associate at a smalllaw firm in Battle Creek, Mich. My careeradvanced quickly and in 1995, I accepteda position with the Calhoun County CircuitCourt, as a Family Division Referee.While I found the position incredibly fulfilling and enjoyable,as many of you know, burnout is an often inevitable consequenceof working within the Family Court System. Afterabout six years with the Family Court, and shortly after9/11, I found myself searching on the Internet for a wellneededvacation. It was then that an advertisement poppedup, “Coast Guard-Jobs that Matter.” In 2003, I entered theU.S. Coast Guard, and as you can imagine, life has been awhirlwind ever since. Of all the experiences that I have hadin the Coast Guard, the one which has left the greatest personalimpact has been my deployment in the aftermath ofHurricane Katrina.On Monday, Aug. 29, 2005 as Hurricane Katrina made hernow notorious and disastrous journey to the Gulf Coast,many of us in our Coast Guard office were staring withunwavering vigilance not into the face of the storm, but intothe TV screen and the media’s uninterrupted coverage of thebiggest natural disaster to ravage the United States in nearlya century. As an active duty Coast Guard Judge Advocate(JAG), assigned to the Coast Guard’s Maintenance andLogistics Command Atlantic, the Coast Guard’s largest legalfield office, I never actually thought that I would be deployedand certainly not deployed into something that would laterbe described as “in theater.”On Wednesday, Aug. 31, legal teams were formed; I wasdesignated as a lead attorney and sent off to the “theater.”BENCHMARK

Feature 7The purpose of this rapidly implementedlegal assistance field support was singular: Take care ofCoast Guard members and their families so that themembers can continue with their mission. Rescuing therescuers, is the way we envisioned our mission. To carry outour mission, we spent countless hours driving thousands ofmiles, often late into the night, along unfamiliar and dangerousroads. We flew aboard Coast Guard, Navy, and contractaircraft to reach our clients in locations inaccessibleby car and, of course, accessed many areas by boat.Many of the people that we counseled during our deploymentpossessed little more than what they were able to throwinto their cars before evacuating from their homes. They losttheir homes and everything in it and were now suddenlyworking and living in convention centers, hotel rooms, andmilitary evacuee housing. These folks had little time to grievebecause their jobs demanded so much of them. Despite theirown enormous personal losses, their total concentration andcommitment to the task at hand was needed and demandedbecause lives were at stake. Coast Guard members throughoutthe region worked tirelessly saving lives, property, andthe environment. No excuses. No complaints. No “highfives.”They were just doing their jobs as best they couldunder extreme circumstances. These were the people wewere sent to help.During one of my first trips I was diverted to Lockport,Louisiana; not the location of a Coast Guard Station, butrather the location of the apartment complex of a youngCoast Guard Petty Officer from Station Grand Isle.When it became apparent that Station Grand Isle wouldsuffer a possible direct hit from the storm, the petty officeroffered his apartment as a safe haven to his fellow “Coasties”who had no other place to go. About 20 members of hiscrew took him up on his generous offer, and they spentBENCHMARK

almost a week in his home. It was in the living room ofthis cramped, over-populated apartment that I providedmuch-needed legal assistance and assurance to a group ofyoung Coast Guard members suddenly made homeless bythe hurricane.However, the most memorable trip during my deploymentwas my first journey into the city of New Orleans. Once wereached the city limits, our team was escorted by an armedconvoy through the city and into Coast Guard Station NewOrleans. The military presence was overwhelming; therewere literally tens of thousands of troops in encampmentsthroughout the city. When we arrived on site, our memberswere living and working out of a “tent city,” but the smellthey had to endure was unimaginable; it was the smell ofnatural gas leaking into the air, raw sewage, and decay. Iimmediately arranged for an impromptu town meeting in amakeshift bunker.All around us, helicopters were landing every two minutes,taking sandbags to the levy breaks, all of which made for adramatic setting for a legal briefing. After the briefing, I wasable to counsel members individually. I heard their oftenheart-wrenching stories and did whatever it took to lend ahelping hand from a legal perspective.I served about a month in the impacted area before beingrelieved by other Coast Guard JAGs from various legal unitsaround the country. Some of the unique legal issues Iaddressed included:• whether a divorced parent, whose custody order preventsher from moving out of Orleans Parish, wouldviolate that order by relocating across country whenthe entire area within Orleans Parish was uninhabitable;• whether a lease automatically terminated if the rentalproperty was uninhabitable;• and a very common issue was if an apartment had notbeen destroyed, but a civil order prevented the tenantfrom entering the property, was the tenant still required topay rent during that period.However, the most complex issues involved insurance companieswhere the companies would not pay claims until anadjuster assessed the damage. However, the insuranceadjusters would not visit residential properties until utilitieswere restored, which for some areas could take manymonths. When insurance adjusters did visit properties,homeowners were often informed that their damage was notBENCHMARK

Feature99When insurance adjusters did visit properties, homeowners wereoften informed that their damage was not from the hurricane, butfrom flood damage, and thus their homeowner’s insurance policydid not cover the damage.from the hurricane, but from flood damage, and thus theirhomeowner’s insurance policy did not cover the damage.In addition to addressing these, and many other issues, myfellow JAGs and I also fulfilled the tremendous need forrevised estate planning and powers of attorney.As anticipated by the Coast Guard’s legal division, legalconcerns and issues affecting the area have now turned fromthat of a first-responder to a higher degree of legal assistancethat may ultimately result in litigation involving complexenvironmental, property, insurance, and contract law.Regardless of the future legal direction taken by the courseof events, Coast Guard JAGs remain Semper Paratus — theCoast Guard’s motto — always ready. For those of us fortunateenough to have served on these first-response legalassistance teams, the experience gained from working inthe field and supporting our teammates was invaluable andunforgettable.Lt. Sonya L. Leibowitz is a member of the Michigan State BarAssociation, and is a past president of the Calhoun CountyBar Association. In 1995, Lt. Leibowitz was appointed to theFamily Court bench as a Family Court Referee in CalhounCounty, Mich. Lt. Leibowitz entered the Coast Guard inAugust 2003. She serves as a staff attorney at theMaintenance and Logistics Command Atlantic, the CoastGuard’s largest legal field office in the country. Lt. Leibowitzregularly instructs the Child Custody and Child Supportclasses at the U.S. Army JAG <strong>School</strong>, and has authoredsections of the Army JAG’s legal assistance course book.BENCHMARK

FeatureJustice <strong>Cooley</strong>’s<strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>:Legal Education for TodayThrough the Eyes of the 19thCentury’s Greatest <strong>Law</strong>yer.By Professor and Assistant Dean Nelson MillerIt is not hard to defendthe claim that the law school’snamesake <strong>Thomas</strong> McIntyre<strong>Cooley</strong> was the 19th Century’s greatest lawyer.<strong>Thomas</strong> <strong>Cooley</strong> worked his father’s farm in upperNew York until age 19 when he followed thousandsof others along the Erie Canal into theMidwestern heartlands. He settled in Michigan in1843, apprenticing and then practicing as a smalltown lawyer, where his hard work and publicspirit soon earned him the thankless task of compilingthe state’s statute. Things being what theyare, however (with great ends often starting fromhard work and humble beginnings), when it cametime to start the state’s first law school, who betterto serve as its first dean than the law compiler<strong>Thomas</strong> <strong>Cooley</strong> — who, not incidentally, was theonly candidate willing to move to Ann Arbor.Hard-won habits are not easily cast aside. As theUniversity of Michigan <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>’s dean from1858 until 1883, <strong>Thomas</strong> <strong>Cooley</strong> just kept onworking. In addition to acting as the officialreporter for decisions of the Michigan SupremeCourt, he wrote and revised treatises in severaldifferent areas of the law, each a classic of itstime used widely in the proliferating new lawschools: <strong>Cooley</strong> on Torts covering the breadth oftort law; <strong>Cooley</strong>’s Blackstone introducing andannotating the great law commentator’s epicwork; The <strong>Law</strong> of Taxation; a revised edition ofStory’s Commentaries on the Constitution; and hisown richly detailedcomparative work ConstitutionalLimitations, which for 20 years scholarsadmired as the best law book available. It is saidthat the United States Supreme Court has cited<strong>Thomas</strong> <strong>Cooley</strong> more than any other writer.His law students, though, admired him not for hisprofundity but for the clarity of his lectures, hiskindness, and his accessibility. The most celebratededucator of the age called <strong>Thomas</strong> <strong>Cooley</strong> themost lucid lecturer he had ever heard. Studentsalso appreciated <strong>Thomas</strong> <strong>Cooley</strong> for his design ofthe law school curriculum, which was short, practical,and flexible, so as to quickly and inexpensivelyequip each student with the particular skillsthey needed to return to their communities toserve a common-sense, ordered justice. And theyadmired <strong>Thomas</strong> <strong>Cooley</strong>’s law school for beingopen to anyone age 18, of good moral character,and literate in English — including African-Americans and including 80 students who camefrom Japan with the first opening of that secretiveempire. For a time <strong>Cooley</strong>’s law school was thelargest in the nation.It is not hard to imagine how <strong>Thomas</strong> <strong>Cooley</strong> wasable to turn his populist roots, work ethic, lawcompiling, and academic respect into the electedMichigan Supreme Court seat he held for 20

It has been my fortune to be to some extent in variousways a teacher of the law.years from 1865 to 1885. Justice <strong>Cooley</strong> earned furthernational recognition and respect while on that bench, for hissearch for order and respect for law in an enormously tumultuoustime. Indeed when in 1886 Harvard University commemoratedits 250th anniversary, to whom better to turn tolend prestige to the event by the granting of an honorarydegree, than the unparalleled Justice <strong>Cooley</strong>? It is said thatthe only reason he never reached the United States SupremeCourt was that he was not sufficiently political to capture theappointment.His career though was not over yet. In 1888, PresidentCleveland appointed the retired and acceptably apoliticalJustice <strong>Cooley</strong> to the nation’s first independent administrativeagency, the Interstate Commerce Commission, which promptlymade <strong>Cooley</strong> its first chair. He is today credited with havinginspired much of modern administrative law from thatpost. Though his Commission had no power (not even thesubpoena), Justice <strong>Cooley</strong>’s clear and accessiblefederal regulations adopted by fair procedures,together with his personal preaching, won sufficientrespect and compliance from the railroadbarons as to make a critical difference in an eraof competitive and labor turmoil. Justice <strong>Cooley</strong>’scareer ended with his election to president of theAmerican Bar Association.Anyone who would know the personal side ofJustice <strong>Cooley</strong> would want to know at least twoof his influences: President Andrew Jackson,whose populist Democratic politics dominatedthe hard scrabble country <strong>Thomas</strong> <strong>Cooley</strong> hadleft for the Michigan wilderness, and the 19thCentury’s great lawyer-evangelist Charles Finney. Thoughofficially first a Free Soiler and then a Republican inMichigan, <strong>Thomas</strong> <strong>Cooley</strong> was a Barnburner and JacksonianDemocrat at heart, concerned most with peace and prosperityfor the working family. As a consequence, he would belabeled both a conservative and a liberal and his writingsused by both. He was also unquestionably influenced byFinney’s relentlessly rational exposition of Christian truth andmoral responsibility, spurring the abolition of slavery, thegrant of suffrage, the end of child labor, and other socialand economic reform.Anyone who would know the professional side of Justice<strong>Cooley</strong> would want to know at least two of his influences: thegreat commentator William Blackstone, and the extraordinaryGerman-American law professor Francis Lieber.Blackstone’s substantive natural law scholarship (reflected soperfectly in the Declaration of Independence) was law’s paradigmfrom the time of his Commentaries completed in 1768Justice <strong>Cooley</strong>’swords were aperfect mix ofhumility, convictionas to thepurpose oflegal educationBENCHMARKup until Justice <strong>Cooley</strong>’s day, just as it had influenced lawsince the days of Aristotle. Lieber’s 1837 Hermeneuticsdescribing the principles for the interpretation of legal textswas so influential and so widely adopted, and so establishedthe unique American form of legal analysis, that Lieber himselfwas nearly forgotten. Two of Justice <strong>Cooley</strong>’s fellow lawprofessors and friends in Ann Arbor had been Lieber students,and throughout his career <strong>Cooley</strong> would cite Lieberextensively. Abraham Lincoln and <strong>Thomas</strong> <strong>Cooley</strong> learnedthe law by reading Blackstone, Lieber, and Chitty whileapprenticing, not by attending law school or even college,the many advantages of which neither suffered.All of these influences, together with the way that they wouldconflict with the new legal paradigm, were in evidence onthat November 1886 day when Harvard honored Justice<strong>Cooley</strong>. Justice <strong>Cooley</strong>’s words were a perfect mix of humility,conviction as to the purpose of legal education, and confidenceas a lawyer-scholar, as well as a reflectionof his nature as a peacemaker preacher.Harvard’s record of that commemoration reportsJustice <strong>Cooley</strong> stating, “It has been my fortune tobe to some extent in various ways a teacher ofthe law,” a modest introduction which he continued,“inculcating the nobility of the lawyer’s calling,which should be at once the effective instrumentof justice and of true benevolence.”“Nobility” was no empty word to Justice <strong>Cooley</strong>who knew the writings of Cicero, Augustine,and Aquinas, knew the fragile quality of democraticrepublics, and knew also the mediatingrole lawyers must play between the governorand the governed.Justice <strong>Cooley</strong> told the gathered crowd that in his law teaching,he only tried “to make the fact obvious, that, aside fromphysical needs, the State is most of all dependent for thehappiness of its people upon a clear recognition and readyacceptance of the rules which determine and protect ourrights.” <strong>Law</strong> was nothing to hide from the student. Nor was itmeant for an elite to engineer an unimagined social state.What was needed was clear recognition and ready acceptanceof ordinary rules protecting basic rights.“The sense of security, upon which public content not lessthan public liberty depends, must spring mainly from asteady administration of just laws,” Justice <strong>Cooley</strong> cautioned,to which he added, “we fail to appreciate the dignity of ourprofession if we look for it in either profundity of learning orin forensic triumphs.” To Justice <strong>Cooley</strong>, the profession’s “reasonfor being must be found in the effective aid it renders tojustice, and in the sense it gives of public security through its11

12 Michaelmas Term 2005steady support of public order.” “These are commonplaces,”Justice <strong>Cooley</strong> finished, “but the strength of law lies in itscommonplace character; and it becomes feeble and untrustworthywhen it expresses something different from the commonthoughts of men.”Justice <strong>Cooley</strong> was admonishing Justice Oliver WendellHolmes, Dean Christopher Columbus Langdell, and the otherBoston Brahmins and legal giants in the Harvard crowd.Langdell, who was promoting his new casebook method,rejoined <strong>Cooley</strong> that law was not to be learned from practicaleducation, experience, and apprenticeship, or from anexperienced lawyer, as <strong>Cooley</strong> had learned it, but was a scienceand “that all the available materials of that science arecontained in printed books.” For his part, Holmes laterrejected <strong>Cooley</strong>’s steadying commonplaces and insteaddescribed law as a “field for the lightning of genius” hopingthat from it “may fly sparks that shall set free in some geniushis explosive message.” In his final writing, “The Path of the<strong>Law</strong>,” Holmes wished that “every word of moral significancecould be banished from the law altogether” in favor of anamoral social science enabling the eugenics he favored.The rest is history. One might say that Langdell, not <strong>Cooley</strong>,won. At least, Harvard became the model for legal education.<strong>Law</strong> school, which students had entered immediately afterhigh school, gradually became a graduate school with a fouryear undergraduate degree generally required for admission.The law school curriculum gradually extended to three years.<strong>Law</strong> school eventually became mandatory for the bar as stateseliminated qualification by apprenticeship. Entering the professionrequires seven years of education, whereas in Justice<strong>Cooley</strong>’s day it had required none—only apprenticeship, committedreading, and practical examination.In addition to the credentialing of the profession and theenormous increase in entry cost, there was also a change inthe way law itself was taught. Langdell’s Socratic casebookmethod became the standard in which students read longstrings of cases with little guidance and much intimidationfrom the professor. (Langdell was said to frustrate his studentsto the point of apoplexy over his unwillingness toanswer questions.) Gone were <strong>Thomas</strong> <strong>Cooley</strong>’s clear lecturesand equally clear treatises, as well as the inalienablerights and ethical bases for law. In their place was aprocess-oriented form of legal analysis producing graduateswhom some scholars today call “amoral technicians”—readyto employ a discussion-closing rhetoric to achieve any clientend without much regard for the greater consequences.But did Langdell win? Although law’s professionalization certainlyserved the industrializing nation well, some studiessuggest that in today’s post-industrial society law schoolenforces a process and produces a product with which neitherthe student nor the public is very satisfied. Studentsreport that the ethical component they expected to find inAuthor’s note: Those wishing to know more of the legal,BENCHMARKlaw school is disappointingly absent. The profession is notparticularly pleased with graduates’ practical incapacity. Thepublic seems not much more satisfied with either lawyerintegrity or service. And there are serious questions whethera profession which so highly values technical skills and credentialsadequately serves its fundamental and historicaccess to justice role.Yet fortunately, there are still law schools like <strong>Cooley</strong> thatarticulate a values-based mission centered on knowledge,skills, and ethics. By offering evening, weekend, and yearroundclasses, law schools help students complete their educationmore quickly and without foregoing other earnings.When tuition is reasonable and students graduate with lessdebt, those graduates have greater opportunity to undertakethose eleemosynary missions which may have brought themto law school—to serve rather than to accumulate, engagingin the kind of widespread, disinterested, moral advocacy onwhich a democratic republic depends. Moreover, when lawschools employ practitioner-scholars as professors, requirerigorous writing courses, and offer clinical courses andexternships, they help students develop skills immediatelyuseful in practice. When they maintain academic resourcecenters offering voluntary supplemental educational seminarsand services, they help fit the education to the student. Whenthey offer professional exploration programs and meritbasedadmissions to large numbers of students, they offeraccess and promote diversity. And again, when they placeethics at the center of the law school curriculum, they allowthe student to retain the heart, mind, and soul with which toserve clients, community, and country.Duke University Professor Paul Carrington believes thatJustice <strong>Cooley</strong>, whom he calls the “elder to the republic,”offers the profession a post-modern archetype—that thecharacter traits Justice <strong>Cooley</strong> exhibited and ethic he taughtmakes him the model American professional for the 21stCentury. Whether that is true or not, Justice <strong>Cooley</strong>’s life continuesto inform and invigorate his namesake law schooland, we hope, enrich and guide its graduates.political, and spiritual culture that formed and continuouslyinformed Justice <strong>Cooley</strong>, and of how that culture still influenceslaw school, may consider reading: Paul D. Carrington,“The Common Thoughts of Men: The <strong>Law</strong>-Teaching andJudging of <strong>Thomas</strong> McIntyre <strong>Cooley</strong>,” 49 Stanford L. Rev.495 (1997); Paul D. Carrington, Stewards of Democracy:<strong>Law</strong> as a Public Profession (Westview Press 1999); <strong>Thomas</strong>M. <strong>Cooley</strong>, “Suggestions for the Study of <strong>Law</strong>” in <strong>Cooley</strong>’sBlackstone (4th ed., Callaghan and Co. 1899); <strong>Thomas</strong> M. <strong>Cooley</strong>, ARecord of the Commemoration on the 250th Anniversary of the Founding ofHarvard College 92-96 (John Wilson & Son 1887); Charles G. Finney,Lectures on Systematic Theology (4th ed. 1878 (reprinted Bethany 1994));Philip C. Kissam, The Discipline of <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>: The Making of Modern<strong>Law</strong>yers (Carolina Academic Press 2003); Francis Lieber, Legal and PoliticalHermeneutics (1838, reprinted Wm. S. Hein & Co. 1970); Robert Stevens,<strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>: Legal Education in America from the 1850s to the 1980s (Univ.of North Carolina Press 1983).]

<strong>Cooley</strong> Brings Exhibit From the Nations’sOnly Central Repository For AfricanAmerican Legal History to LansingAs part of its mission to promote diversity, <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>unveiled at the State Capitol on Sept. 27, “Saluting a Giant,” thesecond touring exhibit from the Damon J. Keith Collection ofAfrican American Legal History. The exhibit, which was on displayat the Capitol until Oct. 11, was hosted by the MichiganLegislative Black Caucus and the Lansing Sister CitiesCommission, and was sponsored by <strong>Cooley</strong>.Based on the career of the Hon. Damon J. Keith, senior judge ofthe U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (Michigan), theexhibit follows the well-received national tour of the collection’sfirst exhibit, Marching Toward Justice, that chronicled the historyand importance of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.Saluting a Giant was the first in a series of exhibits entitled“Fighters for Justice” that will showcase the contributions ofnotable African American lawyers and judges, including JudgeKeith and Justice Thurgood Marshall. The Damon J. KeithCollection of African American Legal History is the first and onlycollection in the country that is working to document the historiccontributions of African American lawyers and judges.“Bringing this exhibit to Lansing is a great honor for the <strong>Thomas</strong>M. <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>,” <strong>Cooley</strong> President and Dean Don LeDucsaid. “As the law school with the nation’s highest minority population,we believe it is very important to recognize the significantcontributions made by African American lawyers and judges toour society and our legal system. This collection represents amajor effort to document those contributions, and the JudgeKeith Collection illustrates these contributions perfectly.”Judge Damon J. Keith was appointed by President Lyndon B.Johnson to the U.S. District Court in 1967. Nationally, he is bestknown for his decision prohibiting the warrantless wiretappingof individuals, a decision that was affirmed by the U.S. SupremeCourt. But he is also well-known for his important rulings incases dealing with civil rights, civil liberties, school desegregation,and housing discrimination.Judge Keith was awarded the Spingarn Award, the highesthonor that the NAACP bestows, and the Edward J. DevittAward, given annually to the outstanding federal judge in thecountry. In 1987, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist of the U.S.Supreme Court appointed Judge Keith the national chair of theJudicial Conference Committee of the Bicentennial of the U.S.Constitution.Keith has served as a United States Court of Appeals Judge forthe Sixth Circuit since 1977. Previously, he served as ChiefJudge of the United States District Court for the Eastern Districtof Michigan. Judge Keith is a graduate of West Virginia StateCollege (B.A. 1943), Howard <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> (J.D. 1949), where hewas elected Chief Justice of the Court of Peers, and Wayne StateUniversity <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> (LL.M. 1956).NewEnrollmentRecordThe single largest classever to enter law schoolstarted classes at the<strong>Thomas</strong> M. <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong><strong>School</strong> Tuesday, Sept. 6,2005. Over 1,000 peoplefrom throughout the UnitedStates and several foreigncountries make up therecord-breaking class.

14 Michaelmas Term 2005World Views CollideOver 1,000 attendees gathered at <strong>Cooley</strong><strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>’s Lansing campus September13, 2005, for <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> Reviewsymposium, “World Views Collide.”The event featured a spirited debate among renownedscholars and civil rights attorneys about issues involvingchurch and state, including the public display of the TenCommandments, faith-based initiatives and other vital constitutionalissues related to the topic.“As educators of law, we at the <strong>Thomas</strong> M. <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong><strong>School</strong> are always hoping to have further discussion aboutthe most crucial debates in today’s legal world," said <strong>Cooley</strong><strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> President Don LeDuc. “This year’s symposium isa great step in doing just that.”The symposium was held at <strong>Cooley</strong>’s Lansing campus inconjunction with <strong>Cooley</strong>’s Center for Ethics & Responsibility,and The Director of the Center for Ethics & Responsibility,Professor William Wagner, stated, “A world view groundedin sincerely held faith-based beliefs, has dramatically differentmoral and policy implications than a world view foundedin secular humanism. We welcome the opportunity to pro-vide a public forum for differing views to debate contemporarypolicy questions such as the public display of the TenCommandments and publicly funded, faith-based initiatives.”The distinguished panel included David Friedman, leadcounsel in the U.S. Supreme Court case McCreary Countyvs. American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky; MarvinOlasky, professor of journalism at the University of Texas-Austin and the editor-in-chief of WORLD, a national weeklynews magazine written from a biblical perspective; NadineStrossen, professor of law at the New York <strong>School</strong> of <strong>Law</strong>and the first woman president of the A.C.L.U.; and JefferyVentrella, senior vice president of strategic training at theAlliance Defense Fund. The fund has participated in numerousmatters before the U.S. Supreme Court in connectionwith the protection of religious liberties.Professor Kimble Publishes Bookon Legal Language<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> Professor Joseph Kimble recentlypublished a book called Lifting the Fog of Legalese:Essays on Plain Language.The book, which collects many of Kimble’s published essays,is unique. No other American book combines the strongevidence and myth-busting arguments for plain languagewith so much practical advice and so many useful examples.For instance, he takes on such high-profile legalese as theimpeachment order of President Clinton and a section of theUSA Patriot Act and translates the original wording fromlegalese into plain language.The comments on Professor Kimble’s book have been veryfavorable.Bryan A. Garner, perhaps the leading authority on legalwriting, said: “Joseph Kimble is an important, originalthinker on legal language. He is also a virtuoso writer andeditor. In this book he brings all those qualities to bear —and no lawyer can safely ignore the wisdom it contains.”Richard Wydick, the author of Plain English for <strong>Law</strong>yers,said: “This book belongs in the library of every lawyerwho takes language seriously.”Justice Michael Kirby, a member of Australia’s High(Supreme) Court, called it “a brilliant book.”The book is available on www.amazon.com (where italready has a five-star rating); from the publisher,Carolina Academic Press (www.cap-press.com); and fromthe <strong>Cooley</strong> bookstore. If you order from the <strong>Cooley</strong> bookstore,Professor Kimble will be glad to inscribe the book.BENCHMARK

AwardsSTUDENT15Alumni President Diane Britt GrantsDistinguished Student Awards forthe Reid ClassSara Lynn Rickson, left, receives the DistinguishedStudent Award from Alumni President Diane Britt.The faculty, staff, and students of<strong>Thomas</strong> M. <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>gathered in the auditorium Nov.10 for the Honors Convocation ofMichaelmas Term 2005. AlumniAssociation President Diane Britt(Chandler Class, 1983) was onhand to grant the DistinguishedStudent Award to Sara LynnRickson and Evelyn Williams ofthe graduating Neil E. Reid Class.The 14 students nominated for thisterm’s Distinguished Student Award furnished a variety of information,including résumés and letters of reference that were reviewedby the Executive Committee. Nominees were also personally interviewedas part of the selection process. Members of each graduatingclass are evaluated on the criteria of character, academicaccomplishment, leadership, and extracurricular activities in thedecision to grant the Distinguished Student Award.Reid Class Distinguished Student Sara Lynn Rickson will sit for theFebruary 2006 Michigan bar exam and the July 2006 New Yorkbar exam. She is seeking a position as a clerk with the MichiganCourt of Appeals or the New York Superior Court. Her long-termplans involve practice in the area of patent law.Reid Class Distinguished Student Evelyn Williams will take theFebruary 2006 bar exam in Florida. She wants to join a law firmthat will offer her the opportunity to perform pro bono legalservices, and is particularly interested in the areas of litigation,landlord and tenant law, and elder law. Her goal is to becomea judge.The <strong>Cooley</strong> Alumni Association is proud and pleased to giverecognition to these outstanding members of the Reid Class andextends its best wishes for their continuing success.Malewska/WissmullerScholarshipGranted toRose A.YazdaniDarryl Parsell, left, congratulates Rose Yazdani,who was granted the Malewska/MillerScholarship.Dale Malewska (McAlvay Class, 1984) provided thethird annual Dale Malewska/Robert Wissmuller FundScholarship at the Honors Convocation of MichaelmasTerm 2005. The scholarship was awarded to The Pillarnewspaper’s contributing writer Rose A. Yazdani, whoanticipates graduating with the 2007 Lindemer Class.Mr. Malewska founded the scholarship in 2002 inmemory of his father-in-law, Robert Wissmuller. SinceMr. Malewska had a career in the newspaper business,preference was given to students who worked on thelaw school’s news publication, The Pillar.The three students who applied for this year’sMalewska/Wissmuller Fund Scholarship furnished avariety of information, including résumés and financialinformation that was reviewed by Mr. Malewska’sdesignee. The scholarship’s basic requirements are thatthe grantee must be a currently enrolled student whohas earned at least 30 credit hours at <strong>Cooley</strong> and whois a student of good character and in good academicstanding.Ms. Yazdani began publishing articles in The Pillar inTrinity Term 2005 and has been published in nearlyevery issue since then. Some of her articles dealt withlaw student networking and loan repayment. She hasshown a passion for writing all her life, crafting shortstories and poetry. Ms. Yazdani has been active inother organizations, including service as president ofthe ABA/LSD, a member of the Mock Trial Board, anda National Team member.James Robb, left,Associate Deanof Development& AlumniRelations congratulatesKellyDay, winner ofthe MerylMarkowitzAward.(From left),Jonathan Beatoand Ebonee Avery,LeadershipAchievement Awardwinners and PaulZelenski AssociateDean of Enrollmentand StudentServices.

school newsGraduationHIGHLIGHTSStarr ClassCommencement ceremonies for theStarr Class were held September24, 2005.The invocation was given by AssistantProfessor Cindy Faulkner. SeniorRinzer Williams III, was chosen byhis fellow graduates to deliver thevaledictory remarks.Commencement speaker was the Hon.Jane E. Markey (Dethmers Class,1981), Michigan Court of Appeals.Peter Christian Schaub, summa cumlaude, was the recipient of both theJames E. Burns Memorial Awardand the President’s AchievementAward. The Burns Award is given tothe student who graduates with thehighest grade point average in theclass, while the President’s AchievementAward goes to the student who hadthe highest percentage increasebetween incoming index andgraduating G.P.A.Professor Phil Prygoski won theBeattie Award for Excellence inTeaching, an award voted on bymembers of the graduating class.Illia McClain singsthe NationalAnthem.ProfessorPhil Prygoski, left,accepts the BeattieAward from <strong>Cooley</strong>President DonLeDuc.The Hon.Jane E.Markey, left,served as thecommencementspeaker.Peter C. Schaub,left, summa cumlaude, won boththe James E.Burns MemorialAward and thePresident’sAchievementAward.Rinzer WilliamsIII, right,served as thevaledictoryspeaker.

17GraduatesStarr Class, September 24, 2005THE DEGREE OFMASTER OF LAWSRegina Reneé Blough (Tax)Lynn Curry (Tax)Ibeakolam KwameEnwezu Ezurike(Intellectual Property)Willette Joyce Oleh (Tax)JURIS DOCTOR DEGREESarah Abernathy, CUM LAUDEOkon Jimmy Akpan, Jr.Alice Antonovsky,WITH DISTINCTIONChristina Ann ApfelMelissa J. Armbrister,CUM LAUDEJaneli ArredondoDonnica Rhashun AugustRakhi BahadkarKara Leigh BakerSharon L. Barnett<strong>Law</strong>rence J. BarronBrendon George BasigaJoshua Ryan BeckRobert Henry Bellinger, IIJanelle Lystra BenjaminSamuel BiersRobin Sabrina BonovitchRyan Chandler Bramblett,CUM LAUDEValissa Lynnae Bunting,CUM LAUDEAndrea Lee CampbellStephen George CappJohn Michael CelebrezzeMatthew Leonard ClassensBrian Christopher CookDenise Marshelle CooperMelody Melissa CooperLisa Renee Coscarelli,WITH DISTINCTIONAaron D. Cox,MAGNA CUM LAUDESherri Kay CrawfordJerie Terice CrealGarabet DakarmandjianMario Nicholas Delmonaco,CUM LAUDESandra Jean Densham,MAGNA CUM LAUDESheila Cooper DiBerardino,WITH DISTINCTIONRebecca Lynn DomzalskiSena DorlekuJennifer Cruz DubbeldPrentis Edwards, Jr.Rejeanne Maureen Eyre,CUM LAUDEMichael John Feltman, Jr.Pashens La’Ray FitzpatrickJeffrey Martin FoldieRyan Forrest Friebele,ALUMNI DISTINGUISHEDSTUDENT AWARDGrzegorz GancarczykJennifer GarciaJessica Gonzalez,LEADERSHIPACHIEVEMENT AWARDDavid Henry Goodkin,MAGNA CUM LAUDEJason Paul GowerFred A. GreenawaltSyeetah Ann Hampton-ELKari Lynn HarrisKeysha K. HarrisAyanna HatchettNicole Marie HebertJohn Edward Heisler, IIIWendy HernandezLuciana M. HobdyTomika Anne HorneNadine Mazza Huggins,CUM LAUDEDaniel Matthew JamesBrian Frederick Johnson,CUM LAUDENicholas Dominic JonesAdoraeu LaDieu JouettNatchia Jules,WITH DISTINCTIONNathan Robert KaczmarekAntonios KalogerakosMatthew Richard KatzNegial R. KempJordan Petersen Kendell,MAGNA CUM LAUDEScott M. KineavyAnthony R. KitureJeffrey Harold KnoopHenry Donald Kopicko,CUM LAUDEJoseph Patrick LatourRodney James LeonJoseph Mariano LosurdoCharles <strong>Law</strong>rence MagerskiKieste Chana MayfieldIllia Kylene Cenilious McClainJ. Clay McKisson, III,WITH DISTINCTIONKatrina Ann McLoudMichael Stanley MerrittMatthew <strong>Thomas</strong> MillerHazim Gulrase MohammedPollyanna MolinaLaWanda Demetria MorrisBrian Gene Morrison,CUM LAUDEKimberly J. Mossel,CUM LAUDEKimberly Hart Mutchnik,WITH DISTINCTIONPhillip Howard MyersJeremy Paul NachbarCindy Gita NajhramHelen NelsonPaul Andrew NeumannGiancarlo Vito NicolosiWilliam Francis O’BrienArezteo Fernandez ObradorAntonia T. PappasMelissa Denise PatrickJohn David PerkinsStephanie Judy PerlowAndrew <strong>Thomas</strong> Perry,CUM LAUDENicole Lynn ProvoNicole Marie QuenbyKyle Michael Rapier,WITH DISTINCTIONRichard Clayton Reding<strong>Thomas</strong> William Reimel,CUM LAUDESamanda RenéKathryn Rice, CUM LAUDEAndrew Michael Rockafellow,CUM LAUDEAngela Rodriguez,CUM LAUDEArturo RodriguezJulianna Rojas-ButcherPriti Saini, CUM LAUDEAdam Joseph SavaglioPeter Christian Schaub,SUMMA CUM LAUDE,PRESIDENT’SACHIEVEMENT AWARDSadia Fatima ShakirAileen Maya ShresthaShelly Lee Small, CUM LAUDERalph Brandon SmithRichard Michael SorannoLindsay Anne StaffordElizabeth Jean StanleyMatthew John StromengerHeather Marie Swindler,CUM LAUDEAndrea Melissa SzumlinskiBrian Barry Tessin,WITH DISTINCTIONMoneke <strong>Thomas</strong>Rachel Zita TobinMilea Marie Vislosky,CUM LAUDEHelena Maria Walker,MAGNA CUM LAUDEGary Alan WallaceStacy Rogers Wallace,CUM LAUDESantha WaltersEdward Michael WhalenCheryl R. WhitleyDonna Jean WiesnerElizabeth Stacey WilliamsKorey WilliamsRinzer Williams, IIIRoger Alan WilsonJanna Michelle Wizenberg,CUM LAUDE

school newsFaculty BriefsGary Bauer,Associate ProfessorAttended, the 6thInternational ClinicalConference Oct. 27-30,2005, in Lake Arrowhead,Calif.Spoke, on RecognizingMedicaid Issues — The Invisible Ropes ThatTrip You Up,” at the 2nd annual Solo &Small Firm Institute Oct. 20-21, 2005, inDearborn, Mich.Appointed, Vice-Chair <strong>Law</strong> PracticeManagement Section of the Michigan BarAssociation by a vote of the SectionCouncil.Alan F. Blakley,Associate ProfessorAuthored, an article,“Expect the Unexpected”,in The Federal <strong>Law</strong>yer,Vol. 53, No. 1, January2006, beginning atpage 19.Published, an article,“Privilege Log Dilemma,” in 52 The Federal<strong>Law</strong>yer, No. 10, p. 24(November/December 2005).Published, an article, “Coddling Spies:Why the <strong>Law</strong> Doesn’t Adequately AddressComputer Spyware,” in 2005 Duke <strong>Law</strong> &Technology Review, No. 25.Published, a book, the 2006 edition ofThe Digital Litigation Handbook.Published, an article, “Working withRelevant Agency Information,” in Vol. 52,No. 9, The Federal <strong>Law</strong>yer, p. 16 (October2005).Contributed, to 6 The SedonaConference Journal 183 (Fall 2005). Hewrote the introduction and the dedication,as well as “Best Practices AddressingProtective Orders” and “Confidentiality andPublic Access in Civil Cases.”Ronald Bretz,ProfessorElected, on October 27,President of the Board ofDirectors of the CitizensAlliance on Prisons andPublic Spending.Appeared, onNovember 1, on the DeltaCollege Public TV station community affairsprogram “Currently Speaking;” Topic:Parole and Punishment.Spoke, on November 8, at Peoples <strong>Law</strong><strong>School</strong> on Criminal <strong>Law</strong> and the CriminalJustice System.Spoke, on November 18, with ProfessorJim Peden, at the Wayne County CriminalAdvocacy Program; Topic: Criminal <strong>Law</strong>Update.Julie Clement,Assistant ProfessorElected, vice president ofthe <strong>Thomas</strong> M. <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong><strong>School</strong> Alumni Association.Mary Phelan D’Isa,ProfessorPublished, “AreNational BankingAssociations ‘Located’ inand thus Citizens of theStates in Which TheyOperate Branch Offices?”in ABA Preview of UnitedStates Supreme CourtCases, Nov. 2005, IssueNo. 3 (2005-2006 Term).Published, “When May a Court ofAppeals Review the Sufficiency of EvidenceSupporting a Civil Jury Verdict?” in ABAPreview of United States Supreme CourtCases, Oct. 2005, Issue No. 2 (2005-2006Term).Published, “When Is the Citizenship ofUnnamed Affiliates Relevant to DiversityJurisdiction Analysis?” in ABA Preview ofUnited States Supreme Court Cases, Sept.26, 2005 Issue No. 1, pg. 29 (Sept. 26,2005) 2005-2006 Term.Published, “Women and Health, ArmYourself With Knowledge,” in the LansingState Journal Greater Lansing Womanmagazine, Oct/Nov 2005, page 12.David Finnegan,Assistant ProfessorDelivered, a paper on“The Demand for <strong>Law</strong> inAfrica” at the Conferenceon ComparativeConstitutionalism andRights: GlobalPerspectives, at theBENCHMARKUniversity of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban,South Africa on December 13, 2005.Judy Frank,ProfessorHosted, an alumni eventon February 2, 2006 inPhoenix, Ariz.Will host, an alumnievent on March 15, 2006in Seattle, Wash.Elliot B. Glicksman,ProfessorServed, on a panelbefore the ArizonaAssociation of CriminalDefense <strong>Law</strong>yers inPrescott, Ariz., to discussthe Crawford v.Washington decision andits ramifications for the future. He was invitedto speak on the panel by Saji Vettiyil(Krinock Class, 1991).Richard Henke,ProfessorElected, to the American<strong>Law</strong> Institute (ALI), a prestigiousassociation of lawpractitioners, judges, andacademics. Members areselected on the basis ofprofessional achievementand demonstrated interest in the improvementof the law.Keith J. Hey,Dean Emeritusand ProfessorInvited, to teach a combinedContracts-Tortscourse at the University ofMontevideo inMontevideo, Uruguay.Contracts-Torts is one ofseveral mini courses in English taught at theUniversity. This will be the seventh foreigncountry where Dean Hey has taught orguest lectured, including the <strong>Cooley</strong> ForeignStudies Program in Australia and NewZealand.Will direct, the <strong>Cooley</strong> Foreign StudiesProgram in Toronto, Canada in Summer2006. He was the director for the inauguralprogram in 2000 and this will be his thirdtime directing the program.

Joseph Kimble,ProfessorSigned, his new book,Lifting the Fog of Legalese:Essays on Plain Language,at Way Station Books inLansing and at Barnes &Noble in East Lansing. Thebook is available at the <strong>Cooley</strong> bookstore,from Carolina Academic Press (www.cappress.com),and from Amazon.com.Organized, the sixth Golden Pen Awardfor the Legal Writing Institute. This year’swinner was Joseph Williams, author ofStyle: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace.Interviewed, for a National Public Radioshow on Latinisms in legal language. Theshow was broadcast during the Alito confirmationhearings.Invited, to testify before the U.S. HouseSubcommittee on Regulatory Affairs.The subcommittee is considering a billto require plain language in federalregulations.Began, his third and last year as the presidentof Clarity, an international associationpromoting plain legal language.Dorean MargueriteKoenig, ProfessorElected, and acceptedmembership in, theFellows of the AmericanBar Association. Electionto membership in theFellows is a high professionalhonor bestowed upon a lawyer byhis or her colleagues. Membership in theFellows is limited to one-third of one percentof lawyers licensed to practice in eachjurisdiction. Members are nominated byFellows of their jurisdiction and elected bythe Board of the American Bar Foundation.Nelson P. Miller,AssistantDean/AssociateProfessorPublished, “ ‘JudicialPolitics:’ Restoring theMichigan SupremeCourt,” in the MichiganBar Journal, 85(1) Mich. BJ 38 (2006).Received, the State Bar of Michigan’s2005 John W. Cummiskey Award forpro bono service.Accepted, for publication in the PennState <strong>Law</strong> Review, the article “Of ShiningKnights and Cunning Pettifoggers: TheSymbolic World of the Model Rules ofProfessional Conduct.”Published, an article “<strong>Law</strong>lessnessRevealed: The Supreme Court’s Man ofLiberty Transcends Tort <strong>Law</strong>,” in 66Louisiana <strong>Law</strong> Review 95 (2005).Norm Plate,Associate ProfessorNamed, an AssociateProfessor at <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong><strong>School</strong>. He formerlyserved as a VisitingProfessor at <strong>Cooley</strong>.Marjorie Russell,ProfessorPresented, a lecture,“Showing More, TellingLess,” on bringingaction methods intothe courtroom at theCDAM Fall Conference onAdvanced CriminalDefense, November 3-5, 2005, in TraverseCity, Mich.Conducted, small-group skills training atthe CDAM Fall Conference on AdvancedCriminal Defense, November 3-5, 2005, inTraverse City, Mich.Chris A. Shafer,Professor,Spoke, on “Not Just aWalk on the Beach: PublicAccess v. Private PropertyRights,” at The NationalWater Crisis: Energy andAccess For All?, held Nov.18, 2005, at the University of Toledo <strong>Law</strong><strong>School</strong>, Toledo, Ohio.Testified, before the Michigan SenateCommittee on Natural Resources andEnvironmental Affairs concerning waterwithdrawal legislation, SB850-852, on Dec.6, 2005, in Lansing, Mich.Finalized, a technical paper, “LegalFramework Pertaining to LakebedAlterations,” which is part of a larger studyof offshore energy projects in the GreatLakes being completed for the Great LakesFisheries Commission, Jan. 11, 2006.Participated, Feb. 4, 2006, in a paneldiscussion at Ave Maria <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> for aprogram organized by the Environmental<strong>Law</strong> Section of the State Bar Association ontwo wetland protection jurisdiction cases,Rafanos and Carabell, pending before theU.S. Supreme Court.Otto Stockmeyer,Emeritus ProfessorProfiled, in the Nov. 16,2005 edition of Michigan<strong>Law</strong>yers Weekly as a“Leader in the <strong>Law</strong>.”BENCHMARK19Published, in CASA Quarterly (Winter2006), an online journal of the ABACouncil of Appellate Staff Attorneys, areprint of his book review of A Matter ofRight: A History of the Michigan Court ofAppeals. The book review, titled “T. John’sCourt,” was first published in the State Bar’sAppellate Practice Section Newsletter. It canbe accessed athttp://www.abanet.org/jd/ajc/casa/newsletter/06winter/t_john.htmlAmy Timmer,Associate Deanand ProfessorSpoke, on “ImpartingProfessionalism and theImportance of Civility,”Jan. 4, 2006, at theAnnual Conference of theAssociation of American <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>s, inWashington, D.C.Appointed, to the State Bar of MichiganCommittee on Grievance by the presidentof the State Bar of Michigan.Evelyn Tombers,Associate ProfessorServes, as a member ofthe Delay ReductionWorkgroup of theMichigan Court ofAppeals. The groupincludes MichiganSupreme Court justices,Appeals Court judges, and appellatelawyers from across the state. Prof. Tomberswas appointed to the task force by theMichigan Supreme Court.William Wagner, Professor andDirector, Centerfor Ethics &ResponsibilityAuthored, a Brief filedin the Supreme Court ofSweden related to theprotection of free speechand the free exercise ofreligious beliefs.Presented, “Immorally Relative Codes ofConduct - and the Value of Christian Virtuein the Practice of <strong>Law</strong>,” at the nationalconference of the Canadian ChristianLegal Foundation.Co-sponsored, a visit to the <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong><strong>School</strong> by the national president of theNational Rifle Association.Sponsored, an Integrity Lecture Serieswhere members of the bench and barspeak and meet with law students at thelaw school about issues of integrity in thepractice of law.

20 Michaelmas Term 2005<strong>Giving</strong>to<strong>Cooley</strong>Donor Honor RollAnother Successful Year of <strong>Giving</strong> to <strong>Cooley</strong>The future is indeed bright, and we are grateful to the communityof alumni and friends who believe in us and ourpromise of a legal education embodying the core principlesof knowledge, skills, and ethics. Thanks to the support ofmany <strong>Cooley</strong> alumni, faculty, staff, and friends, 2005 wasanother outstanding year for <strong>Cooley</strong>’s fund-raising program.In 2005, we received a total of $336,592.78 in donationsfrom 513 donors as compared with $245,720.10 in donationsfrom 499 donors in 2004.The decision to support <strong>Thomas</strong> M. <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> takesvision and commitment. Your gifts, large or small, representa dedicated effort to steer this remarkable law schooltoward a new level of excellence in the years to come.Outstanding programs will be even better. Opportunities forserving students and the public will multiply. Scholarshipand teaching will be enhanced. Facilities that foster learningand innovation will be superior. The experience for ourfuture “ministers of justice,” as described by Justice <strong>Cooley</strong>himself, will be transformative.<strong>Cooley</strong> is not trying to be like any other institution, butrather to be the best possible institution it can be, at everylevel, in every endeavor. The time has come for all who hold<strong>Cooley</strong> dear to share in its future through their generousinvestment in its vision and the promise it holds. During thisnew year of 2006, give for pride. Give to elevate the valueof your degree in law. Give to make it possible for <strong>Cooley</strong> toshape others’ lives.For now, though, we are proud to list our alumni andfriends who so generously supported our students by a giftto <strong>Cooley</strong> in 2005. To those of you listed: we appreciatewhat you have done for us, and we offer you our sincerethanks.2005 Annual <strong>Giving</strong> List by <strong>Giving</strong> Club Level2005 Annual <strong>Giving</strong> List by<strong>Giving</strong> Club LevelCharter Club -- $100,000+<strong>Dennis</strong> E. <strong>Benner</strong> (1980 Potter Class)President’s Club -- $10,000+A.D. Johnson FoundationG. Michael Stakias(1976 Campbell Class)Dean’s Club -- $5,000+Alliance Defense FundDon LeDucAnthony H. Gair (1980 Potter Class)Joseph WhiteFounders’ Club -- $2,500+Adams Outdoor AdvertisingJeanette R. Buttrey (1991 Turner Class)Marion M. Hilligan (1989 Johnson Class)Image Creative Group LLCLexisNexisDan LongoCharles C. Mickens and Helen PrattMickens (1980 Bushnell Class)Charles R. Toy (1981 Kavanagh Class)Temple Club -- $1,000+American Association of Matrimonial<strong>Law</strong>yers, Michigan ChapterM. Carol Bambery (1985 Morell Class)Edward O. Blews Jr.(1989 Copeland Class)James Bonfiglio (1976 <strong>Cooley</strong> Class)Kathleen C. ButlerCapital Area United Way, Inc.Paul CarrierTerrence F. CavanaughDebra A. Clawson (1988 Martin Class)Julie A. Clement (1998 McDonald Class)Joseph A. Collins (1977 Felch Class)<strong>Cooley</strong> Alumni AssociationJohn E. Cozean (1998 Sharpe Class)Malcolm DavisJonathan S. Dean (1987 Morse Class)Susan E. Dean (1988 Green Class)Cindy E. Faulkner (1992 Durand Class)Norman FellForesight GroupJudith A. Frank (1986 Mundy Class)Bruce M. Gale (1978 Ransom Class)Richard C. HenkeJames M. Hicks Jr.Peter D. and Sandy JasonJohn KaneEileen KavanaghMara KentR. Joseph KimbleStuart LazarArnold & Lynn MarkowitzJohn H. MarksDan L. McNealRobert T. Meeks (1977 Christiancy Class)Charles C. MickensKen K. Miller (1989 Copeland Class)M. Ann MillerNelson MillerRobert MitchellMartha Moore<strong>Law</strong>rence W. MorganJohn R. NussbaumerCharles A. PalmerErnest A. PhillipsNorm PlateWallace D. RileyJames D. RobbJohn P. RooneyLauren RousseauSandra SoiferSoMa Resources, LLCState Bar of MichiganJohn TaylorEvelyn K. Tombers (1991 <strong>Law</strong>rence Class)Ronald J. TrostyChristopher R. Trudeau (2002 ChaseClass)Gerald TschuraWilliam P. WeinerF. Georgann Wing (1977 Felch Class)Nancy A. Wonch (1978 Kelly Class)Paul ZelenskiPillar Club -- $500+Daniel J. Abraham (1983 O'Hara Class)Gary P. Bauer (1988 Green Class)Curt A. Benson (1986 Mundy Class)Carey S. Bernstein(1992 Montgomery Class)<strong>Thomas</strong> E. Brennan Sr.Charles P. CerconeKaren ChadwickJohn C. Colpean (1978 Ransom Class)Brent V. Danielson (1976 <strong>Cooley</strong> Class)Michael P. Farmer (1990 Wilson Class)John W. FitzgeraldStephanie GreggRobert J. Gronauer (1996 Moody Class)N. Victor HatamiHewlett PackardKeith J. HeyEmily HorvathJames G. Hurley Jr. (1990 Wilson Class)Ingham County Bar FoundationIeva A. InglisJewell Media ServicesPeter M. KempelDermot F. Kennedy (1982 Wing Class)Steven M. Krause (1978 Ransom Class)Salvatore F. Lanza (1982 Brooke Class)Mahoney and Associates, Inc.Jane E. Markey (1981 Dethmers Class)Ann M. Marks (2000 Jay Class)Dena M .Marks (1995 Steere Class)Konstantinos I. Mikropoulos(1991 Turner Class)Marla Mitchell-CichonMaurice E. MunroeNational City CorporationDarryl J. Parsell (1979 Wiest Class)Nora J. Pasman-GreenLinda L. Peck (2000 Jay Class)Plante & Moran PLLCSteven A. Ramey (1988 Green Class)Marjorie P. Russell (1983 Chandler Class)BENCHMARK

21Christopher A. Shafer(1993 Hooker Class)Strickland Family FoundationDuane StrojnyStudent Bar AssociationSuch Video, Inc.Sutton Advisors PLCThomson WestThrun Maatsch & Nordberg PCUniversity of Michigan - Michigan RadioJames J. Vlasic (1978 Ransom Class)William R. WagnerReza Yazdian (2003 Smith Class)Cornerstone Club -- $250+Louise Alderson (1986 Sherwood Class)Marylynn BainDawn C. BeachnauCherie L. Beck (1999 Flannigan Class)Barry E. Berger (1981 Kavanagh Class)David BerryGordon C. Boardman(1978 Marston Class)Ron BretzJames CareyRalph E. Cascarilla (1976 <strong>Cooley</strong> Class)<strong>Thomas</strong> J. Cerio (1995 Bird Class)David G. Chopp (1993 Moore Class)Kevin W. Cobb (1977 Felch Class)Joseph C. Correnti (1988 Green Class)Cynthia M. <strong>Dennis</strong>Detroit Tigers, Inc.Frank DiGiacomo (1997 Fellows Class)Mary E. D'IsaGerald B. Eisman (1978 Ransom Class)Gerald FisherAudra A. Foster (1997 Fellows Class)Virginia FrezellJohn D. Golden (1980 Potter Class)Steven B. Goolnick (1980 Potter Class)Greater Lansing SymphonyWilliam H. Harsha III (1982 Wing Class)Karen S. Holden (1987 Champlin Class)Aletha L. Honsowitz(1990 Witherell Class)Kim Kauffman Photography, Inc.Andrew J. Krause (1980 North Class)The Kresge FoundationHenry J. Legere Jr.(1993 Carpenter Class)David S. Leyton (1982 Brooke Class)Deborah A. Liverence (1995 Bird Class)Cheryl A. Loeffler (1988 Pratt Class)Salvatore Marabondo(1985 Whipple Class)Jeffrey L. Martlew (1976 Campbell Class)William C. Mathewson(1984 McAlvay Class)Michael MolitorLouis A. Perfetto (1993 Moore Class)Philip J. PrygoskiDanny R. Quesenberry<strong>Thomas</strong> C. Rombach (1987 Morse Class)Ryan, Podein, Joyce & Postema, P.C.William E. SchoettleCharles J. SengerStephanie M. Sewak(1993 Hooker Class)Shari F. Shugart (1998 Sharpe Class)State Employees Credit UnionLaurie A. TaylorMichele S. Teny-Borsellino (1994Ostrander Class)Miguel A. Terc (2003 Swainson Class)Amy Timmer (1988 Pratt Class)Gina TorielliSally B. Vandenberg(2000 Rutledge Class)Sherida WysockiCentury Club -- $100+Natalie Alane (2002 Chase Class)Virginia P. Allen (1982 Wing Class)Anthony R. AlvaradoMarc D. Amos (2004 Cross Class)Amway Grand Plaza HotelNicholas AncelAuto-Owners InsuranceMina Bahgat (2003 Toy Class)Bank of AmericaEvan B. Barenbaum(1998 McDonald Class)Steven M. Basha (1979 Wiest Class)Brett J. Bean (1980 Potter Class)Elizabeth S. Beckley(1992 Montgomery Class)Richard A. Behof (1994 Person Class)Ross A. Berlin (1981 Kavanagh Class)Laurie A. Berner (2000 Cushing Class)Bernick, Omer, Radner & Ouellette, P.C.Kathryn A. Bielefeldt (1995 Steere Class)Gregory D. Bill (1981 Dethmers Class)Barbara M. Bonge (1987 Morse Class)Raymond J. Brennan Jr.Gus BreymannJohn F. Brower (1995 Bird Class)Tammy L. Brown Asher(1993 Moore Class)Raymond G. Buffmyer(1976 Campbell Class)Arthur A. Busch (1982 Wing Class)Robert M. Buzaitis (2000 Cushing Class)Mary Cagle (1980 Bushnell Class)Peter B. Cagle (1980 North Class)<strong>Dennis</strong> M. Callen (1990 Wilson Class)Canteen ServicesTheresa CarellaMike CarrBrian C. Casterline (2001 Wilson Class)Elaine H. Charney (1978 Marston Class)Henry Y. Chen (2001 Iredell Class)Gary R. Chopp (1981 Kavanagh Class)<strong>Dennis</strong> E. CichonDana L. Cilla (2004 Needham Class)Clara's Lansing StationKathleen ConklinColleen L. Conlin (1978 Ransom Class)ConocoPhillipsEdward S. Cooper(1989 Copeland Class)Janice K. Cunningham-Transeth (1986Mundy Class)John J. D'Alessandro(1985 Whipple Class)Michael A. Darby (1985 Smith Class)Stacey L. Dinser (2000 Jay Class)Patricia A. D'Itri (1998 Sharpe Class)Deborah J. Dorr Haskett(1991 Krinock Class)Margaret DoyleRuth M. DragoH. K. Drake (1980 Bushnell Class)John B. Earle III(1992 Montgomery Class)Robert C. Ellis (1987 Morse Class)Farhat & Story PCMichelle A. Flewelling(1983 Chandler Class)Michael R. ForebackDustin S. Foster (1997 Fellows Class)Patrick L. Fuller (1985 Smith Class)<strong>Thomas</strong> GarikesJohn M. Gear (2004 Cross Class)Michael J. GibsonDean E. Goldblatt (1991 Turner Class)William T. Graham Jr.(1989 Johnson Class)Grand Rapids Building Services, Inc.Eleanor C. GriffithPhyllis D. Groenewoud(1977 Christiancy Class)Roger GroveKarl E. Hand (1993 Moore Class)Christine L. Harter(1991 <strong>Law</strong>rence Class)Frederick Headen (1986 Sherwood Class)<strong>Thomas</strong> E. Heffron (1984 Carr Class)Terry E. Heiss (1984 Carr Class)Joan HentchelPamela HeosCharles W. Heran Jr.(1981 Dethmers Class)Jeanne M. Heran (1984 McAlvay Class)Ronald D. Higgerson (1983 Blair Class)Beverly N. Holaday (1987 Grant Class)Donald E. Hood (1991 Krinock Class)Rose HoukLee A. Howard (1992 Durand Class)Hubbard Fox <strong>Thomas</strong>White & Bengston PCDouglas R. InglisVivian Jackson-BokoMary Pat Jaracz (1982 Goodwin Class)Joseph K. Jones (2005 Boyles Class)<strong>Thomas</strong> F. Kendziorski(1982 Brooke Class)Janet KeyserMichael P. Kimbrell(1999 Flannigan Class)<strong>Law</strong>rence J. Kish (1978 Marston Class)Grerald KnauerhaseDorean M. KoenigStephen P. Krupp (1995 Steere Class)Nell M. Kuhnmuench(1978 Marston Class)George D. Lenard (1984 McAlvay Class)Charles B. Lipscomb(1998 McDonald Class)Loomis Ewert Parsley Davis & Gotting PCSheila LovelaceSuzanne E. Lowe (1981 Long Class)Dale E. Malewska (1984 McAlvay Class)Linda MarkhamKathy A. Martin (1999 Weadock Class)Mable Martin-Scott<strong>Thomas</strong> A. Matthews(1978 Marston Class)Mayotte-Jacob ArchitectsJoseph D. McCormack(1991 Turner Class)Patrick D. McCoy (1978 Ransom Class)Stephen J. McCurrie(1992 Montgomery Class)James C. McLaughlin(1985 Morell Class)Edward A. Mermelstein(1995 Kuhn Class)Julianne Meyer-Sorek (2000 Jay Class)Gerald D. Miller (1988 Green Class)Rodney MorrisonMonty C. MoyerJoseph NelsonSteven R. Nicholas (1986 Miles Class)Daniel E. Nickerson Jr. (1983 Blair Class)<strong>Thomas</strong> B. North (1981 Long Class)John H. Norton (1978 Marston Class)Omar A. Obeid (1998 Sharpe Class)Lucille H. O'Connor (1993 Moore Class)Michael J. O'Connor(1986 Sherwood Class)Simon M. Painter Jr.(1989 Johnson Class)William R. Peattie (1993 Hooker Class)Robert A. Pecchio (1984 McAlvay Class)Brian L. Petrequin (1997 Fellows Class)Richard A. Phillips (1984 McAlvay Class)Stephen H. Pierpoint (1986 Miles Class)<strong>Law</strong>rence M. Ploucha (1978 Kelly Class)Brenda Popplewell (1997 Adams Class)Darin S. Portnoy (1990 Witherell Class)Richard A. Randall (1981 Long Class)Mark D. Raven (1979 Butzel Class)Judith M. Roe Sorensen(1991 <strong>Law</strong>rence Class)Joseph R. Scalise (1991 <strong>Law</strong>rence Class)Steven H. Schinker (1992 Durand Class)Cheryl A. ScottKeldon K. Scott (1988 Pratt Class)Christopher A. Sevick(2002 Johnson Class)Khalid M. Sheikh (1995 Steere Class)Gerald L. Shidaker (1990 Wilson Class)Michelle A. Simmons Brown(1992 Durand Class)Laura A. Simoldoni (1993 Moore Class)Robyn A. Sisti Devine(1993 Moore Class)David J. Skala (1979 Clark Class)L’Mell M. Smith (1979 Butzel Class)Robert M. Smith (2002 Paterson Class)Robert C. Steinman(1978 Marston Class)Robert J. Stommel (1991 Turner Class)John M. Strachan (1987 Morse Class)Timothy A. Stratton (1999 Fead Class)Frederick J. Taylor (1978 Kelly Class)John C. Terlaje (2001 Iredell Class)John M. Tranter (1993 Carpenter Class)Kelley A. Tucker (2004 Cross Class)John H. Turner III (1994 Williams Class)Gene F. Turnwald (1991 <strong>Law</strong>rence Class)Joan P. VestrandDavid C. Whipple (1979 Butzel Class)Janice U. Whipple (1979 Butzel Class)White Schneider Young & Chiodini PCGary S. Wichrowski(1983 O'Hara Class)Eric T. Wooden (1992 Durand Class)Shelley K. WoodworthShannon E. York (2003 Swainson Class)<strong>Cooley</strong> Club – Up to $99Joseph J. Allessie (1990 Witherell Class)Robert J. Alpiner (1986 Mundy Class)AnonymousWilliam J. Ard (1995 Kuhn Class)William ArnoldBear AssociatesRonda BeckLarry R. Betz (1979 Clark Class)Patricia S. Boguslawski(2003 Smith Class)Richard J. BoruszewskiJeffery A. BrancheauLynn S. BranhamMarina U. Braswell (1982 Wing Class)Diane J. Britt (1983 Chandler Class)William BrownCarrol A. BuckSusan L. Budzileni(1992 Montgomery Class)Diane CanningCapitol Cadillac/HummerAngela D. CastleRobert G. Collins (1997 Adams Class)Edward F. Cook (1985 Morell Class)Mary Anne A. CoonPatrick E. CorbettDavid G. Cotter (1976 <strong>Cooley</strong> Class)Hillie V. CoxMichael P. CoxWilliam D. Cox III (1990 Witherell Class)Barbara A. Craft (1978 Ransom Class)Douglas W. Crim (1985 Smith Class)Kelly L. Crosser (2001 Blair Class)Kimberly DabnerBrent A. Davis (1997 Voelker Class)Colleen M. Davis (2003 Toy Class)Lisa A. DavisDavid DeeStacey DonahuePaula S. Dooper (2003 Toy Class)Richard Dukes IITimothy DurkinJudith DzierbickiAndrew J. Edelberg (1994 Person Class)Vickie EggersLaura EmardKatie ErchickRenata EricksonJ. Michael Fedewa Jr.Samuel J. Finnessey Jr.(2000 Cushing Class)First National Bank of AmericaLeah K. FitchMadeline ForbesJohn Frame IIRobert L. Gariepy (1977 Graves Class)Edward GoldbergSteven W. Grant (1996 Black Class)Karen GutchJeff G. Haarer (1989 Copeland Class)David HaddadHelen M. Haessly (2000 Cushing Class)Danielle M. Hall (2001 Blair Class)Lisa HalushkaRichard G. Hayhoe Jr.(1979 Wiest Class)John C. Heugel (1980 Bushnell Class)Janice L. HuntErin M. JerickMaurice V. Joseph (2003 Toy Class)Mindy KeckEric KennedyCharles Kleinbrook (1987 Grant Class)James KlepkColleen S. Klesmith (1985 Whipple Class)Garry J. Kregelka (2002 Paterson Class)Diana L. Krueger (2003 Swainson Class)Cynthia J. KruskaDawn M. LaCasse (1993 Carpenter Class)Lansing LugnutsJoni LarsonPaula LatovickNancy LewisVickie S. LewisGary M. Lobel (2000 Cushing Class)Gina M. Longobardi(2003 Swainson Class)Gerald LostraccoJennifer LuntCarol LycosLeslie R. MalcolmsonRita MarsalaPatricia MartinSunita Mathur WhiteRhoda C. Mattson (2002 Chase Class)Valerie McArdleMelissa L. McEndree (2000 Jay Class)Erica McKessyKevin J. McQuillan(1983 Chandler Class)Daniel MembielaDaniel MetrauxKaren MinkinArnold A. Moncada(2003 Swainson Class)Kelly MorrisWilliam W. Morrison(2000 Cushing Class)Amy M. Moya (2003 Swainson Class)Jolea A. Mull (2002 Chase Class)Mary Jo Murtaugh (1995 Kuhn Class)Marjorie K. Nanian(1982 Goodwin Class)James A. Newton (1983 Blair Class)Monica NuckollsJulie A. O'Neill (2002 Johnson Class)Michael J. Pelot (1988 Martin Class)Kathryn PostemaBrian A. Potestivo (1989 Douglass Class)Vera PritchettJill K. PullumElizabeth H. Rainey(2002 Paterson Class)Susan RankinMichael ReedWilliam D. Renner II (1978 Kelly Class)Allan G. RichensWilliam R. Roberts (2001 Wilson Class)Amanda L. Roggenbuck(2003 Swainson Class)Kevin J. Roragen (1997 Adams Class)Joan E. Rosema David (2000 Jay Class)Bluma SchechterValinta SchnableMary A. SchuchaskieDaniel F. Sheaffer (1996 Moody Class)Athanasios Sianis (2003 Swainson Class)Jodi E. SilbermanDiane M. Smith (1980 North Class)Jennifer L. Smith (2005 McAllister Class)Kimberly M. SmithZahnie L. Soe Myint (1999 Fead Class)David L. Steeno (1976 Campbell Class)Christine StehlikBrian E. Stier (1984 Manning Class)N. Otto Stockmeyer Jr.Henry M. Stoever (1980 Bushnell Class)Jason P. Stoffel (2003 Smith Class)Allen R. Stout (1981 Long Class)Phillip A. Strehle (1987 Champlin Class)<strong>Dennis</strong> W. Strelchuk (1985 Smith Class)Philip C. Strother (1997 Fellows Class)Elaine StulbergNatasha M. Summit (1997 Voelker Class)Kathy SwedlowAmy SwopePaula TaroneMarie S. Templo-Capule(2001 Wilson Class)Ian M. Thompson (2002 Paterson Class)Barbara TrottJohannah TurnerJames R. Underwood(1999 Weadock Class)Travis A. Walker (2000 Rutledge Class)Ardena L. Walsh (1981 Dethmers Class)

John L. Ward II (1977 Christiancy Class)Rachel WawroIngeborg WeinbergerLinda L. WeinbergerWheatfield Valley Golf ClubTara L. Whitaker (2003 Toy Class)Patricia M. WilsonErin WisemanWomen’s Connection of Grosse Pte.Pamela Wynn-Quada (1996 Stone Class)Lisa Yoon (2002 Chase Class)<strong>Giving</strong> By Graduation Class1976 <strong>Cooley</strong> Class: $1,621.00James BonfiglioRalph E. CascarillaDavid G. CotterBrent V. Danielson1976 Campbell Class: $10,510.06Raymond G. BuffmyerJeffrey L. MartlewG. Michael StakiasDavid L. Steeno1977 Christiancy Class: $1,250.00Phyllis D. GroenewoudRobert T. MeeksJohn L. Ward II1977 Felch Class: $3,818.71Kevin W. CobbJoseph A. CollinsF. Georgann Wing1977 Graves ClassRobert L. Gariepy1978 Marston Class: $1,000.00Gordon C. BoardmanElaine H. Charney<strong>Law</strong>rence J. KishNell M. Kuhnmuench<strong>Thomas</strong> A. MatthewsJohn H. NortonRobert C. Steinman1978 Ransom Class: $3,100.30John C. ColpeanColleen L. ConlinBarbara A. CraftGerald B. EismanBruce M. GaleSteven M. KrausePatrick D. McCoyJames J. Vlasic1978 Kelly Class: $1,802.14<strong>Law</strong>rence M. PlouchaWilliam D. Renner IIFrederick J. TaylorNancy A. Wonch1979 Butzel Class: $400.00Mark D. RavenL'Mell M. SmithDavid C. WhippleJanice U. Whipple1979 Wiest Class: $665.48Steven M. BashaRichard G. Hayhoe Jr.Darryl J. Parsell1979 Clark Class: $235.00Larry R. BetzDavid J. Skala1980 Potter Class: $105,800.00Brett J. Bean<strong>Dennis</strong> E. <strong>Benner</strong>Anthony H. GairJohn D. GoldenSteven B. Goolnick1980 Bushnell Class: $4,103.44Mary CagleH. K. DrakeJohn C. HeugelHelen P. MickensHenry M. Stoever1980 North Class: $435.00Peter B. CagleAndrew J. KrauseDiane M. Smith1981 Dethmers Class: $960.00Gregory D. BillCharles W. Heran Jr.Jane E. MarkeyArdena L. Walsh1981 Kavanagh Class: $3,356.06Barry E. BergerRoss A. BerlinGary R. ChoppCharles R. Toy1981 Long Class: $370.42Suzanne E. Lowe<strong>Thomas</strong> B. NorthRichard A. RandallAllen R. Stout1982 Wing Class: $1,190.24Virginia P. AllenMarina U. BraswellArthur A. BuschWilliam H. Harsha IIIDermot F. Kennedy1982 Goodwin Class: $ 225.00Mary Pat JaraczMarjorie K. Nanian1982 Brooke Class: $850.00<strong>Thomas</strong> F. KendziorskiSalvatore F. LanzaDavid S. Leyton1983 O’Hara Class: $600.00Daniel J. AbrahamGary S. Wichrowski1983 Chandler Class: $1,191.49Diane J. BrittMichelle A. FlewellingKevin J. McQuillanMarjorie P. Russell1983 Blair Class: $250.00Ronald D. HiggersonJames A. NewtonDaniel E. Nickerson Jr.1984 McAlvay Class: $875.00Jeanne M. HeranGeorge D. LenardDale E. MalewskaWilliam C. MathewsonRobert A. PecchioRichard A. Phillips1984 Carr Class: $200.00<strong>Thomas</strong> E. HeffronTerry E. Heiss1984 Manning ClassBrian E. Stier1985 Smith Class: $430.18Douglas W. CrimMichael A. DarbyPatrick L. Fuller<strong>Dennis</strong> W. Strelchuk1985 Morell Class: $1,150.00M. Carol BamberyEdward F. CookJames C. McLaughlin1985 Whipple Class: $620.00John J. D'AlessandroColleen S. KlesmithSalvatore Marabondo1986 Mundy Class: $1,936.44Robert J. AlpinerCurt A. BensonJanice K. Cunningham-TransethJudith A. Frank1986 Miles Class: $200.00Steven R. NicholasStephen H. Pierpoint1986 Sherwood Class: $530.48Louise AldersonFrederick HeadenMichael J. O'Connor1987 Champlin Class: $260.06Karen S. HoldenPhillip A. Strehle1987 Morse Class: $2,700.00Barbara M. BongeJonathan S. DeanRobert C. Ellis<strong>Thomas</strong> C. RombachJohn M. Strachan1987 Grant Class: $135.00Beverly N. HoladayCharles Kleinbrook1988 Green Class: $3,613.83Gary P. BauerJoseph C. CorrentiSusan E. DeanGerald D. MillerSteven A. Ramey1988 Pratt Class: $944.00Cheryl A. LoefflerKeldon K. ScottAmy Timmer1988 Martin Class: $2,045.06Debra A. ClawsonMichael J. Pelot1989 Copeland Class: $2,735.00Edward O. Blews Jr.Edward S. CooperJeff G. HaarerKen K. Miller1989 Douglass ClassBrian A. Potestivo1989 Johnson Class: $4,695.61William T. Graham Jr.Marion M. HilliganSimon M. Painter Jr.1990 Wilson Class: $1,200.00<strong>Dennis</strong> M. CallenMichael P. FarmerJames G. Hurley Jr.Gerald L. Shidaker1990 Witherell Class: $560.36Joseph J. AllessieWilliam D. Cox IIIAletha L. HonsowitzDarin S. Portnoy1991 Turner Class: $4,431.77Jeanette R. ButtreyDean E. GoldblattJoseph D. McCormackKonstantinos I. MikropoulosRobert J. Stommel1991 <strong>Law</strong>rence Class: $1,780.91Christine L. HarterJudith M. Roe SorensenJoseph R. ScaliseEvelyn K. TombersGene F. Turnwald1991 Krinock Class: $300.00Deborah J. Dorr HaskettDonald E. Hood1992 Montgomery Class:$1,060.06Elizabeth S. BeckleyCarey S. BernsteinSusan L. BudzileniJohn B. Earle IIIStephen J. McCurrie1992 Durand Class: $1,900.72Cindy E. FaulknerLee A. HowardSteven H. SchinkerMichelle A. Simmons BrownEric T. Wooden1993 Hooker Class: $1,298.85William R. PeattieStephanie M. SewakChristopher A. Shafer1993 Moore Class: $1,000.00Tammy L. Brown AsherDavid G. ChoppKarl E. HandLucille H. O’ConnorLouis A. PerfettoLaura A. SimoldoniRobyn A. Sisti Devine1993 Carpenter Class: $522.18Dawn M. LaCasseHenry J. Legere Jr.John M. Tranter1994 Ostrander ClassMichele S. Teny-Borsellino1994 Williams ClassJohn H. Turner III1994 Person Class: $220.00Richard A. BehofAndrew J. Edelberg1995 Bird Class: $830.18John F. Brower<strong>Thomas</strong> J. CerioDeborah A. Liverence1995 Steere Class: $1,383.43Kathryn A. BielefeldtStephen P. KruppDena M .MarksKhalid M. Sheikh1995 Kuhn Class: $170.12William J. ArdEdward A. MermelsteinMary Jo Murtaugh1996 Stone ClassPamela Wynn-Quada1996 Moody Class: $520.50Robert J. GronauerDaniel F. Sheaffer1996 Black ClassSteven W. Grant1997 Adams Class: $245.12Robert G. CollinsBrenda PopplewellKevin J. Roragen1997 Voelker Class: $30.18Brent A. DavisNatasha M. Summit1997 Fellows Class: $1,010.62Frank DiGiacomoAudra A. FosterDustin S. FosterBrian L. PetrequinPhilip C. Strother1998 Sharpe Class: $1,770.12John E. CozeanPatricia A. D'ItriOmar A. ObeidShari F. Shugart1998 McDonald Class: $1,329.87Evan B. BarenbaumJulie A. ClementCharles B. Lipscomb1999 Flannigan Class: $615.12Cherie L. BeckMichael P. Kimbrell1999 Fead Class: $120.12Zahnie L. Soe MyintTimothy A. Stratton1999 Weadock Class: $140.24Kathy A. MartinJames R. Underwood2000 Jay Class: $1,240.12Stacey L. DinserAnn M. MarksMelissa L. McEndreeJulianne Meyer-SorekLinda L. PeckJoan E. Rosema David2000 Rutledge Class: $410.06Sally B. VandenbergTravis A. Walker2000 Cushing Class: $295.30Laurie A. BernerRobert M. BuzaitisSamuel J. Finnessey Jr.Helen M. HaesslyGary M. LobelWilliam W. Morrison2001 Wilson Class: $175.06Brian C. CasterlineWilliam R. RobertsMarie S. Templo-Capule2001 Blair Class: $40.12Kelly L. CrosserDanielle M. Hall2001 Iredell Class: $200.00Henry Y. ChenJohn C. Terlaje2002 Jefferson Class: $250.30Julie A. O'NeillChristopher A. Sevick2002 Paterson Class: $245.42Garry J. KregelkaElizabeth H. RaineyRobert M. SmithIan M. Thompson2002 Chase Class: $1,838.44Natalie AlaneRhoda C. MattsonJolea A. MullChristopher R. TrudeauLisa Yoon2003 Swainson Class: $770.12Diana L. KruegerGina M. LongobardiArnold A. MoncadaAmy M. MoyaAmanda L. RoggenbuckAthanasios SianisMiguel A. TercShannon E. YorkBENCHMARK

2003 Smith Class: $560.06Patricia S. BoguslawskiJason P. StoffelReza Yazdian2003 Toy Class: $185.06Mina BahgatColleen M. DavisPaula S. DooperMaurice V. JosephTara L. Whitaker2004 Cross Class: $330.78Marc D. AmosJohn M. GearKelley A. Tucker2004 Needham ClassDana L. Cilla2005 Boyles ClassJoseph K. Jones2005 McAllister ClassJennifer L. SmithThe <strong>Cooley</strong> Continuity Club<strong>Cooley</strong> gives special thanks to the followingdonors who have demonstrated theirsustained faith in <strong>Cooley</strong>’s mission andgoals by having given to the school ineach of the last 10 or more years.Virginia P. Allen (1982 Wing Class)Anthony R. AlvaradoMarylynn BainDawn C. BeachnauCherie L. Beck (1999 Flannigan Class)Gordon C. Boardman(1976 Marston Class)David G. Chopp (1993 Chopp Class)Michael P. CoxMary E. D’IsaBrent V. Danielson (1976 <strong>Cooley</strong> Class)Margaret DoyleH. K. Drake (1980 Bushnell Class)J. Michael Fedewa, Jr.Norman FellJohn W. FitzgeraldMichael R. ForebackJudith A. Frank (1986 Mundy Class)Michael J. GibsonJames M. Hicks, Jr.Marion M. Hilligan (1989 Johnson Class)Peter D. JasonPeter M. KempelR. Joseph KimblePaula LatovickDon LeDucHelen P. Mickens (1980 Bushnell Class)M. Ann Miller<strong>Law</strong>rence W. MorganMonty C. MoyerJohn R. NussbaumerCharles A. PalmerDarryl J. Parsell (1979 Wiest Class)Nora J. Pasman-GreenErnest A. PhillipsStephen H. Pierpoint (1986 Miles Class)Philip J. PrygoskiDanny R. Quesenberry<strong>Thomas</strong> C. Rombach (1987 Morse Class)Marjorie P. Russell (1983 Chandler Class)Charles J. SengerAmy Timmer (1988 Pratt Class)William P. WeinerF. Georgann Wing (1977 Felch Class)kudos|Alumni have generously given of their timeto represent classmates, as directors on theAlumni Association’s Board of Directors, andby attending the annual meeting in Lansingeach Michaelmas Term. Some members ofthat group have gone “above and beyondthe call of duty” by giving additional serviceon the Executive Committee as officers andOperating Committee chairs.The following alumni are members of thecurrent Board of Directors:One-Year Term of Office (BeginningOctober, 2005)Gordon C. Boardman (Marston Class,1978), Christine M. Campbell (Potter Class,1980), Judith Frank (Mundy Class, 1986),Kristin Heyse (Swift Class, 2004), Larry Kish(Marston Class, 1978), Garry Kregelka(Paterson Class, 2002), Michael O’Malley(Wilson Class, 2001), Kamal Nawash(Black Class, 1996), Matthew Romashko(Flannigan Class, 1999), Diane M. Smith(North Class, 1980), Amy Timmer (PrattClass, 1988), Tom Rombach (MorseClass, 1987).Two-Year Term of OfficeLaurie Berner (Cushing Class, 2000), SharonEllis (North Class, 1980), Audra A. Foster(Fellows Class, 1997), Katherine S. Gardner(Blair Class, 2001), Ron Grim (FlanniganClass, 1999), Helen Haessly (Cushing Class,2000), Kathy A. Martin (Weadock Class,1999), Lisa M. Pohl (Kuhn Class, 1995),Alecia M. Ruswinckel (Swainson Class,2003), Kristin M. Smith (Krinock Class,1991), Jim Siver (Kavanagh Class, 1981),Stella Sorovigas (Swift Class, 2004).Three-Year Term of OfficeVirginia P. Allen (Wing Class, 1982), M.Carol Bambery (Morell Class, 1985),George Betts (Moore Class, 1993), Larry R.Betz (Clark Class, 1979), Diane Britt(Chandler Class, 1983), Mary AnnCartwright (Graves Class, 1997), JulieClement (McDonald Class, 1998), JeffHaarer (Copeland Class, 1989), HenryLegere, Jr. (Carpenter Class, 1993), Darryl J.BENCHMARKthanks|23THANKSParsell (Wiest Class, 1979), Michael J. Pelot(Martin Class, 1988), Brenda Popplewell(Adams Class, 1997), Marie Templo(Wilson Class, 2001), Charles R. Toy(Kavanagh Class, 1981).The Operating Committees arecomprised of the following areas ofresponsibility:The Constituent Alumni Club Committeechaired by Christine Campbell (Potter Class,1980), the Alumni Fundraising Committeechaired by Mary Ann Cartwright (GravesClass, 1977), the Alumni Membership &Outreach Committee chaired by GeorgeBetts (Moore Class, 1993), the PastPresidents’ Committee chaired by Virginia P.Allen (Wing Class, 1982), the SpecialEvents Committee chaired by AlethaHonsowitz (Witherell Class, 1990), theStudent Recruitment Committee chaired byLarry R. Betz (Clark Class, 1979), and theStudent Services Committee chaired byBrenda Popplewell (Adams Class, 1997)and Garry Kregelka (Paterson Class, 2002).Executive Committee members andOperating Committee Chairs meet on amonthly basis at <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> totransact the ongoing business of the AlumniAssociation. Further, the ExecutiveCommittee members, Committee Chairs,and many Directors have helped the schoolby planning and staffing events, includingour Grand Rapids <strong>Law</strong> Day Lunch, theannual Alumni Memorial Scholarship GolfOuting, and the Alumni Reception at theAnnual Meeting of the State Bar ofMichigan.The Alumni Executive Committee membersare as follows: President Diane Britt(Chandler Class, 1983), Vice President JulieClement (McDonald Class, 1998), SecretaryMaria Templo (J. Wilson Class, 2001),Treasurer Henry Legere, Jr. (CarpenterClass, 1993); Executive Secretary Darryl J.Parsell (Wiest Class, 1979); and PastPresident Charles R. Toy (KavanaghClass, 1981).thank You}

Alumni}ALUMNImentoringBENCHMARKthanks|Robert J. DiVitoThe Alumni Mentoring Program puts senior level law students and recent graduates in touch with <strong>Thomas</strong> <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong><strong>School</strong> alumni for networking purposes. After a student has spent three years in Lansing, he or she can appreciate havingcontact with an experienced attorney in the area where the student plans to return after graduation. Our thanks go out tothose who have volunteered and served as mentors to these students and recent graduates.AlabamaLarry Boswell (Bird Class, 1995)ArizonaDeborah A. Liverance(Bird Class, 1995)Rick Poster (Black Class, 1996)David W. Reichel(Black Class, 1996)Adam K. Zickerman(Swainson Class, 2003)ArkansasTim Cribb (Durant Class, 1992)CaliforniaMichael Anderson(Felch Class, 1977)Tom Borchard (North Class, 1980)Lisa Edgar Dickman(Wilson Class, 1990)Mitchell A. Goldman(Montgomery Class, 1992)Kevin McQuillan(Chandler Class, 1983)Eugene Oak (Bacon Class, 1990)Scott Sachs (Cushing Class, 2000)Evan Scheffel (Kuhn Class, 1995)<strong>Thomas</strong> Watt(Dethmers Class, 1981)ColoradoKarl Berg (Wilson Class, 1990)Douglas Romero (Blair Class, 2001)Elizabeth Lindsay Ochoa(Chase Class, 2002)ConnecticutChristopher Dolberry(Flannigan Class, 1999)Laurel Fedor(Montgomery Class, 1992)Michael R. Hasse(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)Michael D. Quinn(Black Class, 1996)Clarisse Campanale-Orozco(Hooker Class, 1993)Ralph Yazdiya(Adams Class, 1997)FloridaManuel Alvarez (Stone Class, 1996)David Brandwein(Steere Class, 1995)Shannon Brown(Voelker Class, 1997)Bradley D. Bryant (Fead Class,1999)Lisa Davis (Fead Class, 1999)Cassandria L. Denmark(Johnson Class, 2002)M. Cristina Escobar(Carpenter, 1993)Lara Edelstein (Steere Class, 1995)Christopher A. Ferry(Fead Class, 1999)Mitchell Fox (Manning Class, 1984)George M. Gingo(Johnson Class, 1989)G. Donald Golden(Voelker Class, 1997)Jason J. Guari (Steere Class, 1995)Sharon Hanlon(Goodwin Class, 1982)Jason Helfant (Jay Class, 2000)Harvey Hesse III(Moody Class, 1996)Michael Horowitz(Douglass Class, 1989)Bruce R. Insana (Black Class, 1996)Luis E. Insignares(Martin Class, 1988)Anthony Kunasek(Williams Class, 1994)Andrew Marchese(Steere Class, 1995)Angela (Tyree) Miller(Miles Class, 1986)David Oaks (Clark Class, 1979)Julie Parker (J. Wilson Class, 2001)Michelle Reddin(Flannigan Class, 1999)Michael Rubin(Douglass Class, 1989)Lorna J. Scharlacken(Black Class, 1996)Brad Sherman (Adams Class, 1997)Samantha Stevins(Rutledge Class, 2000)Victor Veschio (Sharpe Class, 1998)Steven Waldman(Moody Class, 1996)Tod Weston (Douglass Class, 1989)Jack Wilkins (Fellows Class, 1997)Ralph Yazdiya (Adams Class, 1997)GeorgiaCicely Tabb Barber(Rutledge Class, 2000)Philip Botwinik(Williams Class, 1994)Tim Chandler (Black Class, 1996)(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)Vaughn Fisher (Steere Class, 1995)Karen Fultz (McDonald Class, 1998)Brenda Godfrey (Stone Class, 1995)L. Paul Hudgins(Montgomery Class, 1992)Jefferson Kennelly(Hooker Class, 1993)Ray Lail (Ostrander Class, 1993)T. H. Pierce (Weadock Class, 1999)Sheri Rosenthal (Steere Class, 1995)John P. Rutkowski (Bird Class, 1995)Sherita V. Strange(Paterson Class, 2002)IllinoisSamuel Collins (Cross Class, 2004)<strong>Thomas</strong> Crawford(Montgomery Class, 1992)Tatiana Czaplicki(Fead Class, 1999)Richard Fonfrias (Stone Class, 1996)Nick Johnson(McAllister Class, 2005)Peter C. Kalagis(Person Class, 1994)George G. Leynaud(Chandler Class, 1983)Marcia J. Nawrocki-Verburgt(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)John Nocita (Turner Class, 1991)Christopher Nudo(Moore Class, 1993)Mary Anna Planey(Jay Class, 2000)Judith Parker (Moore Class, 1993)Carlo Reyes (Fead Class, 1999)Adele M. Saaf (Kuhn Class, 1995)John G. Sasek (Moody Class, 1996)Timothy A. Stratton(Fead Class, 1999)IndianaMichelle Simmons Brown(Durand Class, 1992)Jeremy Braunstein(Cushing Class, 2000)Dale S. Coffey (Steere Class, 1995)Donald J. Engel(Flannigan Class, 1999)William Fisher(E. Wilson Class, 1990)Linda Loepker(Manning Class, 1984)Ken Mattern (Iredell Class, 2001)Kimra Schleicher(Hooker Class, 1993)Holli Shorter-Pifer(Green Class, 1988)Michael Smith(Douglass Class, 1989)Allen Stout (Long Class, 1981)Lynne A. Taft (Morse Class, 1987)Deborah A. Vian(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)Randi Zimmerman-Irgang(D. Johnson Class, 1989)IowaAaron Siebrecht(McDonald Class, 1998)Cathleen Siebrecht(McDonald Class, 1998)Joel Walker(Needham Class, 2004)KansasYvette L. Wilson(Stone Class, 1996)Price Banks (Brooke Class, 1982)KentuckyPaul Couch (Cushing Class, 2000)Reid Glass (Hooker Class, 1993)Vincent Johnson(Durand Class, 1992)Earl-Ray Neal (Stone Class, 1996)Leslie Howton Rudloff(Flannigan Class, 1999)Mike Farmer(Witherell Class, 1990)MaineCalien Lewis (North Class, 1980)MarylandThecca Bethel(Witherell Class, 1990)Heather Camp Burns(Flannigan Class, 1999)Anthony A. Fatemi(Sharpe Class, 1998)Rebecca L. Freeland(Williams Class, 1994)<strong>Law</strong>rence A. Friedman(Carr Class, 1984)John Kaden(Carpenter Class, 1993)Loretta Kendall(Swainson Class, 2003)

25Alison P. Kramer(Kuhn Class, 1995)Joseph R. Laumann(Fellows Class, 1997)Jennifer Light(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)Chip Lipscomb(McDonald Class, 1998)Marc Ominky (Stone Class, 1996)Susan Polaski-Tibbs(Kuhn Class, 1995)Ernie Rafailides(Steere Class, 1995)Jon Sandler (Marston Class, 1978)MassachusettsRichard Byers (Steere Class, 1995)Joseph Chancellor(Wilson Class, 2001)Joseph Correnti (Green Class,1988)Anthony A. Fatemi(Sharpe Class, 1998)Murray Hershman(Kelly Class, 1978)Anthony Keck (Carr Class, 1984)Howard Lewis(Carpenter Class, 1993)Mark Lukehart (Kuhn Class, 1995)MichiganRebecca Abraham(Cushing Class, 2000)Joann Vallarelli Adam(Krinock Class, 1991)Deborah A. AdeOjo(T. Johnson, 2002)Omar Anderson(Rutledge Class, 2000)Michael D. Blumeno(Smith Class, 2003)Barry Brickner(Campbell Class, 1976)Mark Broderick(Steere Class, 1995)Terrence Bronson(Campbell Class, 1976)William Carmody(Chandler Class, 1983)James Carolan (Miles Class, 1986)Margaret Chamberlain(Fellows Class, 1997)Matthew Coffey(Douglass Class, 1989)Bill Colovos (Carr Class, 1984)Shari Stowers Craig(Snow Class, 1998)Charles Cuzydlo(Adams Class, 1997)Ron David (Carr Class, 1984)Terry Dawes (Hooker Class, 1993)Jay Drick (<strong>Cooley</strong> Class, 1976)Geoffrey Ehnis-Clark(Iredell Class, 2001)Michelle Esperance(Weadock Class, 1999)John Farrell (Felch Class, 1977)Gary Fineman (Pratt Class, 1998)Bem K. Frimpong(Smith Class, 2003)Allison Folmar(Flannigan Class, 1999)Dierdre Ford (Kuhn Class, 1995)Donald C. Frank(North Class, 1980)<strong>Law</strong>rence Friedman(Carr Class, 1984)Anthony J. Garczynski(Williams Class, 1994)Robert L. Gariepy(Graves Class, 1977)Beth Gibson(Montgomery Class, 1992)David M. Gilbert(Clark Class, 1979)Gerald Gray Jr.(Campbell Class, 1976)Ron Grim (Flannigan Class, 1999)Kelly Harrigan (Toy Class, 2003)MaryBeth Hudgens(Fead Class, 1999)Brenda Hutson(Sharpe Class, 1998)Lisa Imerman (Sharpe Class, 1998)Julie Jensen(Montgomery Class, 1992)Jody Jernigan (Fead Class, 1999)Dale Kelly (Kavanaugh Class, 1981)Charles Kleinbrook(Grant Class, 1987)Timothy Kovach(Whipple Class, 1985)Roy Kranz (Sharpe Class, 1998)Dawn LaCasse(Carpenter Class, 1993)Julie A. LaCost (Pratt Class, 1998)Ron Lowe (Wing Class, 1982)Ross Luxon (<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)Timothy Lynch (Morrell Class, 1985)George Lyons (Moody Class, 1996)Marvin Marks(Goodwin Class, 1982)Nicholas Meier(Cushing Class, 2000)Tina Meyer(Flannigan Class, 1999)Sheila A. Miller(Wilson Class, 1997)Keith Moore (Cushing Class, 2000)John Moritz (Wing Class, 1982)William Morrison(Cushing Class, 2000)Marjorie Nanian Mugerian(Goodwin Class, 1982)Leslie M. Nye (Wing Class, 1982)Julie O’Neil(T. Johnson Class, 2002)Brian Potestivo(Douglass Class, 1989)Randy Price (Adams Class, 1997)Steven Reed (Krinock Class, 1991)Robert Rollinger(Campbell Class, 1976)Tom Rombach (Morse Class, 1987)Cheryl Ronk (Kuhn Class, 1995)Shannon Watkins Schlegel(Rutledge Class, 2000)Sam Silverman(Moore Class, 1993)Richard Soranno(Bushnell Class, 1980)Stella Sorovigas(Swift Class, 2004)John Streby (Campbell Class, 1976)Andis Svikis (Chandler Class, 1983)Debbie Taylor(Flannigan Class, 1989)Desmond Tibbs (Smith Class, 2003)Amy Timmer (Pratt Class, 1988)Roger Treice (Carpenter Class, 1993)Joseph VanderHorst(Hooker Class, 1993)Joseph P. Villarosa(Kuhn Class, 1995)Rebecca Eaton Walsh(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)Stacey Walters(McDonald Class, 1998)David Warren(Dethmers Class, 1981)R. Scott Weidenfeller(Voelker Class, 1997)Jessica Weiler(T. Johnson Class, 2002)David Whipple (Butzel Class, 1979)Pamela Wynn-Quada(Stone Class, 1996)MinnesotaRichard Edinger (Stone Class, 1996)James Martino (Kuhn Class, 1995)MissouriJohn E. Cozean(Sharpe Class, 1998)Robert Johnson (Mundy Class, 1985)Kenneth Schwartz(Person Class, 1994)Michelle Rine (Swift Class, 2004)MontanaDeborah (Elmore) Butler(Douglass Class, 1989)NevadaGeorge Beckingham(Durand Class, 1992)Ellen Bezian (Black Class, 1996)Steven Goldstein(Voelker Class, 1997)Bob Gronauer (Moody Class, 1996)Tracy L. Itts (Voelker Class, 1997)Matthew Johnson(Moody Class, 1996)Kirk Kaplan (Stone Class, 1996)New HampshireRobert S. Ross (Wilson Class, 1990)New JerseyGail Abrams-Gornstein(Person Class, 1994)Ron Bar-Nadav (Black Class, 1996)Heather Blitz(Montgomery Class, 1992)Christopher Cronenwett(McDonald Class, 1998)Christopher Garibian(Adams Class, 1997)Heather Gray(Montgomery Class, 1992)Ted Hanratty (Voelker Class, 1997)Patricia Horsting (Bird Class, 1995)Robert J. Kane (Steere Class, 1995)Charles Koernig(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)David A. Krenkel(Bird Class, 1995)Kimberley LaMountain(Bird Class, 1995)Siegfried Limjoco(Fellows Class, 1997)Dr. Gary M. Lobel(Cushing Class, 2000)John Marabondo(Mundy Class, 1985)Stephen McCurrie(Montgomery Class, 1992)Otto Nicholas Monaco(Flannigan Class, 1999)Lee Perlman(Carpenter Class, 1993)Brian L. Petrequin(Fellows Class, 1997)Stephania S. Saienni(Sharpe Class, 1998)John T. Somohano(Cushing Class, 2000)Gerard Tamburino(Durand Class, 1992)Jennifer (Kovach) VanderWiele(Hooker Class, 1993)Stephen Vanna(Sharpe Class, 1998)Andrew Young(Montgomery Class, 1992)New MexicoBrian Jennings (Potter Class, 1980)Bill Keeler (Voelker Class, 1997)Timothy Steider(Carpenter Class, 1993)New YorkStuart Altman (Kuhn Class, 1995)Dana E. Brown (Kuhn Class, 1995)Matthew Butler(Flannigan Class, 1999)Mark Carney(Champlin Class, 1987)Kevin Condon (Snow Class, 1998)Joseph R. Costello(Sharpe Class, 1998)James DeFilippo(Sharpe Class, 1998)Samuel J. Finnessey, Jr.(Cushing Class, 2000)Mark Gugino (Bird Class, 1995)Erol Gurcan (Green Class, 1988)Anthony J. Hatab(Blair Class, 1983)Anthony S. Pecoraro(Flannigan Class, 1999)Kolette Kresses-Piasecki(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)David Martin(Sherwood Class, 1986)Michael Metzger(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)BENCHMARK

26 Michaelmas Term 2005Christian T. Novay(Fellows Class, 1997)Brandon Piasecki(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)Lorne M. Reiter (Kuhn Class 1995)Doug Stiller(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)Louis P. Violante(Weadock Class, 1999)James E. Walsh(Stone Class, 1996)Todd J.W. Wisner(Durand Class, 1992)North CarolinaHal Berger (Voelker Class, 1997)Gregory Booker(Steere Class, 1995)Angela Brown (Bird Class, 1995)Paul Mediratta (Jay Class, 2000)Robert G. Scott(Flannigan Class, 1999)OhioPatrick Baker(Rutledge Class, 2000)Robin Bohnert (Morse Class, 1987)David Carter(McDonald Class, 1998)James Garvin (Steere Class, 1995)Judge William Harsha(Wing Class, 1982)John Kahler II (Stone Class, 1996)Andrea J. Kochensparger(Moore Class, 1993)Ryan W. Lynch(Cushing Class, 2000)John Martin Murphy(Stone Class, 1996)<strong>Thomas</strong> Perotti (Steere Class, 1995)Jeannine Notaro Pratt(Carpenter Class, 1993)Scott Singer (Stone Class, 1996)OregonRonald Guerra(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)David Weiss (Wilson Class, 1990)PennsylvaniaGail Abrams-Gornstein(Person Class, 1994)Brad Allen (North Class, 1980)Barry Bohmueller(Steere Class, 1995)William Braslawsce(Montgomery Class, 1992)Heather Camp-Burns(Flannigan Class, 1999)Dean E. Collins(Moody Class, 1996)Diane L. Dagger(Swainson Class, 2003)Angela Dobrinoff(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)Andrew Edelberg(Person Class, 1994)Warren Hampton(Johnson Class, 1989)Loretta Kendall(Swainson Class, 2003)Billy Love (Morse Class, 1987)Irene Lubin (Moore Class, 1993)Frank Martocci(Krinock Class, 1991)Joseph McIntosh(Adams Class, 1997)Kristen Morris(Carpenter Class, 1993)Stephen P. Moschetta(McDonald Class, 1998)Ryan Mulderig(Flannigan Class, 1999)Christina T. Novajosky(Stone Class, 1996)Russell J. Ressler(Stone Class, 1996)Michael S. Travis(Stone Class, 1996)Joseph Vaccaro(Flannigan Class, 1999)Gladys Wiles(McDonald Class, 1998)Jeff Wood (O’Hara Class, 1983)Anthony W. Ziccardi(Stone Class, 1996)Puerto RicoMicheal Hasse(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)Hector L. Ramos(Paterson Class, 2002)Rhode IslandJames Devine, Jr.(Moore Class, 1993)Steven Hartford(Witherell Class, 1990)Robyn Sisti (Moore Class, 1993)South CarolinaTrent Chambers (Black Class, 1996)Rose M. DeVries(Weadock Class, 1999)Tammie Hoffman(Flannigan Class, 1999)Memminger E. Wiggins(Kuhn Class, 1995)TennesseeKevin James Havens(Wilson Class, 2001)Hershel Koger(Montgomery Class, 1992)Aimee Tenaglia(Black Class, 1996)TexasChad Berry (Voelker Class, 1997)Catharine (Caeli) Blount(Bacon Class, 1990)R. Nathan Brin(Graves Class, 1977)Jeff Garcia (Smith Class, 2003)Diane M. Hamelin Given(Brooke Class, 1982)David G. Karlen(Krinock Class, 1991)Stephen P. Krupp(Steere Class, 1995)BENCHMARKN. Jude Menes(Fellows Class, 1997)Randall Reynolds(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)Patrick Thornton(Green Class, 1988)Briar Wilcox(Needham Class, 2004)UtahScott Charlier(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)Jessica McAuliffe(Cross Class, 2004)VermontJeffery Tobin (Morse Class, 1987)VirginiaStephen P. Cook(Paterson Class, 2002)Steven Frank(Witherell Class, 1990)John Paul Gregorio(Kuhn Class, 1996)Manolita Marmol Holadia(McGrath Class, 1992)Stephen Julias (Sharpe Class, 1998)Anetra King(Swainson Class, 2003)Steven Y. Lee (Moody Class, 1996)Neil Motter (Turner Class, 1991)Michael J. Seck (Blair Class, 2001)Nicole Michelle Spicer(Person Class, 1994)Philip Carter Strother(Fellows Class, 1997)H. Evans <strong>Thomas</strong>(Black Class, 1996)John Wheelock(Williams Class, 1994)Daniel Zavadil(Montgomery Class, 1992)WashingtonDavid S. Engle(Montgomery Class, 1992)Megan Goodrick(Montgomery Class, 1992)Jason M. Hanson(Fead Class, 1999)John Kapuza (Kuhn Class, 1995)Mark D. Walters(Steere Class, 1995)Richard Seward(Bushnell Class, 1980)Asia Vue (Needham Class, 2004)Washington, D.C.<strong>Dennis</strong> Cuevos(Ostrander Class, 1994)John Dodds (Sharpe Class, 1998)John J. Karasek(<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991)Murat Ozgu (Kuhn Class, 1995)Jeffrey R. Sural(Williams Class, 1994)West VirginiaJeffrey Barton (Stone Class, 1996)William Valentino(Ostrander Class, 1994)WisconsinRobert Dorf (Moody Class, 1996)Mary Ellen Doucette-Lunstrum(Bacon Class, 1990)Michael Fitzpatrick(Ostrander Class, 1994)Peter A. Flessas(Krinock Class, 1991)Dawn Klocklow(Chase Class, 2002)David Knaapen(Manning Class, 1984)Ron Niesen (Witherell Class, 1990)Mark G. Pierquet(Iredell Class, 2001)Martin Stein(E. Wilson Class, 1990)Rick Steinberg (Adams Class, 1997)Bradley Stern(Rutledge Class, 2000)InternationalJim Koumarelas(Iredell Class, 2001)George O. White(Blair Class, 2001)Janelle Benjamin(Starr Class, 2005)Vincenzo Pirazza(Wilson Class, 2001)Stephanie Guerrero Flores(Snow Class, 1998)thank you|

The Admissions Office would like tothank the members of the Alumni StudentRecruitment Committee for their help incontacting alumni to recruit qualified applicantsto the <strong>Thomas</strong> M. <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>.The following alumni contributed their time at events during thefall recruitment schedule in 2005:Ian S. Meyeroff, LSAC <strong>Law</strong> Forum in Washington, D.C.; KimWinokur, Kaplan Panel Discussion, "The <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> Edge," atthe University of Michigan <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>; Bethany Pierpont,University of Michigan Graduate and Professional <strong>School</strong> Day;Joseph A. Collins, Greater Western New York <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> Fair,Buffalo, NY; Ray Lail, Vaughn Fisher, Gregory Clifton, andRobert DiVito, LSAC <strong>Law</strong> Forum, Atlanta, GA.; Scott Sachs,LSAC <strong>Law</strong> Forum, Los Angeles, CA.; Amy Timmer, JamesMadison College at Michigan State University.Assistant Dean of Admissions Stephanie Gregg expressed hergratitude to the alumni listed who took the time to speak withprospective students around the country about their law schoolexperiences and the education they obtained at <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong><strong>School</strong>. “Prospective students appreciate hearing directly fromour alumni all about what makes <strong>Cooley</strong> an excellent choiceamong law schools. We value the experiences and the expertiseTHANKS27of our alumni especially when they can tell incoming studentshow their education prepared them for law practice.”<strong>Cooley</strong>'s Admissions Office has two alumni on staff, AllenChung and Bethany Pierpont, both Assistant Directors ofAdmission. Dean Gregg said that “Their recent law school experiencesare important on the recruitment trail. It was not thatlong ago that they were the applicants hoping to be admitted tolaw school. Allen and Bethany help the candidates navigate thelaw school application process and they give good advice onhow to succeed in law school.”The following alumni worked at the <strong>Cooley</strong> Open Houses inOctober: Jim Siver and Maureen Burns Van Hoven at the GrandRapids Open House; <strong>Law</strong>rence Filiberto, Ron Grimm, HarrisSorovigas, and Darryl Parsell at the Lansing Open House;and Ron Grimm, Harris Sorovigas, Michelle R. Esperance,Aaron Kendal, and Tammy Asher at the Oakland UniversityOpen House.The members of the Alumni Student Recruitment Committee are:Evan Barenbaum, Laurie Berner, Chair Larry Betz, MaureenBurns Van Hoven, William Carmody, Brian Casterline, AllenChung, Joseph Collins, Colleen Davis, Robert DiVito, MichaelEllis, Vaughn Fisher, Demetrius Ford, Tiffany Foske, Ron Grim,Helen Haessly, Elizabeth Lindsay-Ochoa, Dr. Gary Label, HelenMickens, John Nocita, Elizabeth Russell, Jim Siver, HarilaosSorovigas, Diane Britt, Terry Carella, Stephanie Gregg, WilliamArnold, Darryl Parsell, and James Robb.Grand Rapids CampusThe fourth and final phase of construction at <strong>Cooley</strong>’s downtownGrand Rapids campus, located at 111 Commerce Street in theCherry Street Landing district, was announced this term.The project’s final phase will feature two 90-seat classrooms, anumber of smaller classrooms, two state-of-the-art courtrooms –an appellate and a trial courtroom – and faculty and administrativeoffices on the fourth and fifth floors of the building. Theproject is expected to be completed in May 2006.“We’re very excited to be able to make this announcement,”<strong>Cooley</strong> President and Dean Don LeDuc said. “We have createdone of the finest law school facilities in America and we’reproud to have a location in downtown Grand Rapids.”In total, the project included a renovation of one building andan addition, totaling approximately 100,000 square feet.Design Plus of Grand Rapids served as the architect for the fivestoryproject.“It has been a pleasure to work with <strong>Cooley</strong> and to design thisstate-of-the-art building,” said Design Plus partner Jack DeBruin.“The growth of higher education in our community is of greatimportance to our future and <strong>Cooley</strong>’s Grand Rapids location isa shining example of the facilities that are needed for teachingthe top professionals of tomorrow.”Rockford Construction Company, Inc., the construction managerfor the project, began construction on <strong>Cooley</strong>’s Grand Rapidslocation in September 2003 and will manage the final build-out.Earlier phases included the renovation and construction ofoffices for the dean and faculty members, classrooms and anAcademic Resource Center on floors two and three, as well as alaw library with two computer labs on the lower level and firstfloor.“I commend <strong>Cooley</strong> for having the foresight to open its campusin the heart of downtown.” said Rockford Companies CEO JohnWheeler. "<strong>Cooley</strong> is an anchor for the downtown Cherry StreetLanding area. We are thrilled to be a part of this and all theexciting projects that have turned that part of the city into athriving neighborhood.”<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> is working closely with Grand Rapids-basedCuster Office Environments, Stelter Partners and Irwin Seatingfor office equipment and seating.<strong>Cooley</strong> also will continue to work with Rockford DevelopmentGroup on the development of a parking ramp at the corner ofCommerce and Cherry streets. The ramp will serve <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong><strong>School</strong> students, faculty and staff, and it will help to fulfill thegeneral parking needs of the Heartside neighborhood.“We’re grateful to our partners – Rockford Development andRockford Construction, Design Plus, Western Michigan University,and a large number of Grand Rapids-area businesses that havehelped to make this happen,” said LeDuc. “The Grand Rapidscommunity, including the city, the bar associations, the courts,and the business community have graciously welcomed <strong>Cooley</strong>into its community.”

alumni matters28 Michaelmas Term 2005alumninewsD.C. Area Alumni Join Former MichiganGovernor Engler at December ReceptionMany of <strong>Cooley</strong>’s CapitalArea alumni congregatedDec. 1 with <strong>Cooley</strong>President and Dean DonLeDuc and Associate DeanJim Robb, at the law firmof King & Spalding LLP,1700 PennsylvaniaAvenue. Everyone wasthere to meet the guest ofhonor, former MichiganGovernor John M. Engler (Wing Class, 1982).Governor Engler is the current president of theNational Association of Manufacturers.Forty <strong>Cooley</strong> alumni, current students, and friendsattended. Special thanks go to Alumni AssociationPast President M. Carol Bambery (Morrell Class,1985) and John Smirnow (Ostrander Class, 1994),who were instrumental in making this event possibleand shared the hosting duties with President LeDuc,Dean Robb and Alumni Director Darryl Parsell (WiestClass, 1979).The current Alumni Association President, Diane Britt(Chandler Class, 1983), came from Lansing to greetthe guests as well.Alumni guests shared stories of their days at <strong>Cooley</strong>with the students. Everyone also enjoyed having achance to get to know the other <strong>Cooley</strong> graduates inthe area. Past President Bambery noted that “It was awonderful evening visiting with old and new friendsfrom the <strong>Thomas</strong> M. <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>, truly a celebrationof <strong>Cooley</strong>’s successes in our nation’s capitol.”The guests included Suzanne Anglewicz (Swift Class,2004), Glen Baker (Ostrander Class, 1994), DavidBrink (Person Class, 2004), current student VanessaChauhan, former U.S. Senator Dan Coats, current studentSara Cook, J. Burns Earle III (Montgomery Class,1992), Paul Gallo (Moody Class, 1996), current studentJordan Jackson, Katherine Lane (Flannigan Class,1999), Andrew Langreich (McGrath Class, 1992),September LeFevre O'Brien (Weadock Class, 1999),<strong>Thomas</strong> Magalski (Adams Class, 1997), current studentBrian Melson, Ian Meyeroff (Johnson Class,2002), LaWanda Morris (Starr Class, 2005), KamalNawash (Black Class, 1996), William Niner (ToyClass, 2003), current student Jeffrey Roland, currentstudent Lynda Sangmor, Imad Soubra (Boyles Class,2005), Jeffrey Sural (Williams Class, 1994), JolydaSwaim (Needham Class, 2004), Melanie Taylor (BirdClass, 1995), and Michael Taylor (Weadock Class,1999).<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>and the Illinois AlumniClub Host DecemberChicago Lunch<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> and theIllinois Alumni Club hosted analumni lunch in Chicago onDecember 13. Twenty-fiveIllinois alumni and friends joined state alumni leader MarciaNawrocki (<strong>Law</strong>rence Class, 1991), <strong>Cooley</strong> Development Directors<strong>Thomas</strong> Garikes and Pamela Heos, and Alumni Relations DirectorDarryl Parsell (Wiest Class, 1979) at Maggiano’s Little ItalyRestaurant in downtown Chicago.The group heard about current events at the law school, includingthe growth of the newly reconstituted alumni association. The groupenjoyed the chance to network. Ms Nawrocki said “I truly enjoyedhearing at the luncheon from alumni who participated in the<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> exchange program headed by Professor Weinerin cooperation with law schools in Australia and New Zealand. Inaddition, I was pleased to hear recent graduates express a positiveexperience once they completed a year with the 60 Plus Clinic at<strong>Cooley</strong> as I felt this was an invaluable experience while I attended<strong>Cooley</strong>.”In addition to Nawrocki, the alumni guests included El Cid Balatan(Paterson Class, 2002), Susan Budzileni (Montgomery Class,1992), Steve Chareas (Stone Class, 1996), Patience Clark (ToyClass, 2003), Ted Diamantopoulos (Fead Class, 1999), JohnEkonomou (Williams Class, 1994), James Galco (Toy Class, 2003),Maureen Hughes (Cross Class, 2004), Constantine Kanellos(Carpenter Class, 1993), Emily Koch (Swift Class, 2004), GeorgeLiaskas (Swift Class, 2004), Jennifer MacDougall (Needham Class,2004), Majdel Musa (Toy Class, 2003), Antara Nath (CushingClass, 2000), Carmen Reeves (McAllister Class, 2005), JeffreySakol (Wilson Class, 1990), Carl Lloyd Santos (Paterson Class,2002), Wendy Taube (McAllister Class, 2005), and Eric Wooden(Durand Class, 1992).The 2005 Alumni Association Holiday WreathProgram A Great SuccessA hearty thank you goes to all alumni and friends who participatedin the 2005 Alumni Association Holiday Wreath Program. The 22-inch wreath, made of fresh balsam boughs from the Straits ofMackinac region of northern Michigan, was priced at $33, sameas the year before. The purchase price not only included thewreath, but also the shipping and handling cost. A portion of thesale price also was a tax deductible contribution to <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong><strong>School</strong>.The participants sent wreaths as a wonderful seasonal gift to familyand friends, and ordered wreaths for their own homes and offices.The 251 wreaths ordered this year raised $2,525.06 that will beused to support alumni programs. Thanks to all who bought aholiday wreath.

alumni matters 29alumninewsNevada Alumni and 1982 Grads Join<strong>Cooley</strong> Director <strong>Thomas</strong> Garikes atNovember Las Vegas Reception<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> provided an alumni reception inLas Vegas for Nevada alumni on November 10.Some special guests celebrating an informal reunionof the 1982 graduating classes also joined thegroup. The event was hosted by Jeff Paupore (WingClass, 1982), John Marinelli (Wing Class, 1982),and Director of Development <strong>Thomas</strong> Garikes.Twenty-two alumni and friends joined Jeff, John, andTom at Bertolini’s, at the Forum Shops in Caesar’sPalace. The alumni guests included Kay Abramsohn(Goodwin Class, 1982), John Bell (Goodwin Class,1982), John Bishop (Brooke Class, 1982), JohnGavenda (Wing Class, 1982), Kirk Kaplan (StoneClass, 1996), Wendy Kazel (Needham Class, 2004),Gary Lipsman (Turner Class, 1991), Kathryn Martel(Bacon Class, 1990), Rebecca Hallock Munro (WiestClass, 1979), Gus O'Neil (Wing Class, 1982), WailPaulus (Wing Class, 1982), Amanda Roberts (SmithClass, 2003), Steven Shapiro (Goodwin Class,1982), Jason Stoffel (Smith Class, 2003), and LaurieThake (McAllister Class, 2005).Director Garikes said that “The main feeling thatboth my wife and I observed was the genuine friendshipthat existed between all those who attendedincluding their spouses, even with the years that separatedthem. Many had not seen each other in yearsand you would think they spoke to each other everyweek. <strong>Cooley</strong> was the main topic discussed.Kay Abramsohn (Goodwin Class, 1982) broughtthree picture albums and many spoke of those goodyears after looking at the pictures. Many of theprofessors have not changed in appearance.The opportunity to go to <strong>Cooley</strong> was there and nowyou had to earn that privilege by working hard toearn that law degree. Professors were hard on youbut they also wanted you to succeed.”<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> Hosts October IndianapolisAlumni Reception<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> hosted an alumni reception in downtownIndianapolis on Oct. 6 at Palomino Restaurant. Guests were greeted byProfessor Mable Martin-Scott. The 12 guests included alumni StanleyCollesano (Williams Class, 1994), Lynn Curry (Swift Class, 2004),William Fisher (Wilson Class, 1990), Annette Haas (Boyles Class,2005), Evan Hammond (Boyles Class, 2005), Chad Montgomery (BoylesClass, 2005), Tammy Ortman (Needham Class, 2004), A. BeatriceTravis (Boyles Class, 2005), and Rebekah Williams (Boyles Class, 2005).Current <strong>Cooley</strong> student Joel Bornkamp was also able to join the party.Everyone had a great time renewing old friendships and making newones. Professor Martin-Scott noted that the current student and mostrecent graduates were very pleased to have the opportunity to meet andwere glad to get networking ideas from those present, sharing informationwith Indiana graduates. Several established alumni gave their businesscards and offered to give their employers other alums’ résumés anddo what they could to help out. All alumni interested in joining ourIndiana alumni group are encouraged to contact Darryl Parsell atparselld@cooley.edu.NYC Area AlumniJoin Prof. Henkeand Dean Robb atOctober 14 Reception<strong>Cooley</strong>’s New York Cityarea alumni gathered inManhattan on Oct. 14 forthe alumni reception at LunaPiena Ristorante Italiano,hosted by Prof. Rich Henke,Chad Hammond (PatersonClass, 2002), and Associate Dean Jim Robb. Twenty-seven <strong>Cooley</strong> gradsand friends joined the hosts at the reception.Professor Henke and Dean Robb brought the group the latest news from<strong>Cooley</strong>. Professor Henke said that “there was a tremendously positiveenergy in the air. Moreover, perhaps it should be noted that these folksbraved epic rains and flooding to share an evening with old law schoolfriends. I think that alone speaks very loudly.”In addition to Chad Hammond, the alumni guests included Leticia Arzu(McAllister Class, 2005), Rodney Austin (Jay Class, 2000), Gilda AustrieBailey (Iredell Class, 2001), Nick Banilov (McAllister Class, 1995),Richard Borzouye’ (Iredell Class, 2001), Brian Charles (Cross Class,2004), Sidney Cherubin (Blair Class, 2001), Monica Constain (CrossClass, 2004), Joseph Costello (Sharpe Class, 1998), Nigel Daniels(Boyles Class, 2005), Adam Etman (Cushing Class, 2000), RobertFeldstein (Pratt Class, 1988), Tiffany Foskey (Smith Class, 2003),Andrew Gozinsky (Carpenter Class, 1993), Joe Jones (Boyles Class,2005), John Katsougrakis (McAllister Class, 2005), Tino LaTorre(Rutledge Class, 2000), Jason May (Blair Class, 2001), Stuart Muroff(Montgomery Class, 1992), Annel-Stephan Norgaisse (Cross Class,2004), and Marc Stiefeld (Cushing Class, 2000).

alumni matters30 Michaelmas Term 2005alumninewsGrand Rapids Area Alums, Staff, andStudents Socialize in October<strong>Cooley</strong>’s western Michigan alumni and current studentsgathered on Oct. 27 in the new <strong>Law</strong> Center located at 111Commerce Avenue, SW, in downtown Grand Rapids,Michigan. Twenty-seven alumni, students, faculty, staff andfriends of the law school joined the hosts at the AlumniReception and Student Mixer.Associate Dean of the Grand Rapids campus MarionHilligan (Johnson Class, 1989) and Alumni RelationsDirector Darryl Parsell (Wiest Class, 1979) welcomed theguests to the campus. Alumni co-hosts, Grand Rapids Headof Public Services Aletha Honsowitz (Witherell Class, 1990)and Lisa Pohl (Kuhn Class, 1995) were a great help as theymet and registered all of the guests.Additional <strong>Cooley</strong> faculty and staff attending the receptionand mixer included Professor Curt Benson (Mundy Class,1986), Professor Alan Blakley, Professor Lynn Branham, GRCampus Career Services Coordinator Danielle Hall (BlairClass, 2001), GR Campus Director C J Kruska, GR AssistantDean Nelson Miller, Professor Mike Molitor, Professor DonPetersen, Director of Auxiliary Services Fred Puffenberger,and GR Deputy Campus Director Joan Rosema-David (JayClass, 2000).In addition to the staff and distinguished guests alreadymentioned, alumni attending included Maureen Burns VanHoven (Grant Class, 1987), Charles Clapp (Long Class,1981), Michael DeYoung (Boyles Class, 2005), MyraDutton-Johnson (Kuhn Class, 1995), Stacy Flanery(McAllister Class, 2005), Gordon Haan (Swainson Class,2003), Janet Haynes (Kavanagh Class, 1981), ColleenKlesmith (Whipple Class, 1985), Judy Kruger (NeedhamClass, 2004), Steve Savickas (Witherell Class, 1990), andBradford Winkler (Stone Class, 1996).Current students enjoyed the opportunity to network with thegraduates. Students at the mixer included PatriciaGelderloos, Mykisha Jordan, Paul Konggaard, MichaelLichterman, Don Stauffer, and Robin Wohlberg.<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> Hosts November AlumniReception at Oakland University<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> hosted an alumni reception and studentmixer at OU’s Oakland Center on Nov. 3. Twenty-eightguests, including grads from the southeastern Michigan areaalumni club joined Legal Counsel and Associate Dean ofDevelopment Jim Robb and Alumni Relations Director DarrylParsell (Wiest Class, 1979) for the evening in Rochester Hills.Southeast Michigan alumni leaders Michelle Esperance(Weadock Class, 1999) and Mark Lyon (<strong>Cooley</strong> Class,1976) co-hosted the event with Mr. Parsell and Mr. Robb.Current student Diea Krowik staffed a table with informationon the <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> Review and explained how graduatesare invited to submit articles for publication in that journal.The <strong>Cooley</strong> contingent included Professor Karen Chadwick,Reference Librarian Marlene Coir, Professor Mark Cooney(Montgomery Class, 1992), Professor Dan Matthews,Professor Martha Moore, Director of the Tax LL.M ProgramGina Torielli, and Assistant <strong>Cooley</strong>/OU Dean and ProfessorJoan Vestrand.The alumni guests included Demetrius Ford (Wilson Class,2001), Amer Hakim (Chase Class, 2002), Carol Hogan(Manning Class, 1984), Hadeel Jarbo (Montgomery Class,1992), Donald Pelland (Cross Class, 2004), Tom Rombach(Morse Class, 1987), Renee Schattler-Houk (Toy Class,2003), and Greg Thatcher (Swainson Class, 2003).Current <strong>Cooley</strong> students also attended the event, includingBarry Malone, Kelly Parfitt, Marcia Spivey, Jaron Thompson,Alice Tremont, and Dan Wagnitz. The students particularlyenjoyed the stories that graduates told of their days attendinglaw school, as it was a very different experience in theearly years. Also, the graduates inspired the students withtheir present day success and their encouragement to perseverein their studies.NC Area Alums Join Prof. Tombers forOctober Charlotte Reception<strong>Cooley</strong>’s North Carolina alumni gathered in downtownCharlotte on Oct. 19 for an alumni reception at the SonomaBistro, with co-hosts Professor Evelyn Tombers (<strong>Law</strong>renceClass, 1991) and Tia Hartley (Flannigan Class, 1999). Fouralumni and a current student joined the hosts at the reception.Prof. Tombers brought the group the latest news from<strong>Cooley</strong>. Professor Tombers noted that the alumni wereextremely interested in forming a regional alumni association.The seasoned alumni were committed to help the neweralumni learn about the Charlotte legal community andopportunities within that area.Ms. Hartley said “I know everyone was excited about findingout that there already was an alumni association, andthat now, hopefully with renewed interest and resources, itcould be a great organization for us all.”She added that “I have a very strong interest in making surethat alums from my alma mater do well and that was a sentimentthat all of the alumni present felt, because it builds upour school's positive reputation in different parts of thecountry. The great thing about <strong>Cooley</strong> is that we have awonderful network of alumni all over the country, and weneed to tap into that.”In addition to the hosts, the guests included Hal Berger(Voelker Class, 1997), Eric Galuszka (Paterson Class,2002), Lisa Marie Johnson (Boyles Class, 2005), JosephLatour (Starr Class, 2005) and student Cianti Stewart-Reid.BENCHMARK

alumni matters31alumninewsAlumni Enjoy Reception During the MichiganBar Association’s Annual MeetingThe 70th annual meeting of the State Bar of Michigan tookplace Sept. 22-23 at the Kellogg Hotel and ConferenceCenter in East Lansing. One hundred and fifteen graduates,faculty, staff, students, and friends gathered for <strong>Thomas</strong> M.<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>’s alumni reception in the lobby of the<strong>Cooley</strong> Center Sept. 22.James Robb, <strong>Cooley</strong>’s Associate Dean of Development andGeneral Counsel, greeted the guests and served as masterof ceremonies. He related the news from the law school,highlighting the success of <strong>Cooley</strong>’s Center for Ethics andResponsibility under the leadership of Professor WilliamWagner.Robb also noted that the State Bar of Michigan gave theJohn W. Cummiskey Pro Bono Award to Nelson P. Miller,Assistant Dean and Associate Professor at <strong>Cooley</strong>’s GrandRapids campus this year. Finally, Robb noted that the <strong>Cooley</strong>Alumni Association has been reorganized and encouragedthe guests, to join the new group.This year’s guests socialized with <strong>Cooley</strong> faculty and staffmembers Dean and President Don LeDuc, <strong>Cooley</strong> BoardMembers <strong>Law</strong>rence Nolan (<strong>Cooley</strong> Class, 1976) andCharles R. Toy, who is also the Alumni Association President(Kavanagh Class, 1981), <strong>Cooley</strong> founding board memberJohn Coté, Coordinator of Student Services & DiversityGoldie Adele (Paterson Class, 2002), Director of EnrollmentPrograms & Student Services William Arnold, AlumniRelations Student Assistant Ebonee Avery, Professor RonBretz, Alumni Relations Student Assistant Timisha Brooks,Professor Paul Carrier, Professor Terry Cavanaugh,Professor/Alumni Secretary Julie Clement (McDonald Class,1998), Professor and Dean Emeritus Michael Cox, ProfessorCynthia <strong>Dennis</strong>, Professor Cindy Faulkner (Durand Class,1993), Professor Norm Fell, Professor Gerald Fisher,Professor Judith Frank (Mundy Class, 1986), DevelopmentDirector Tom Garikes, Career Services Coordinator DanielleHall (Blair, Jr. Class, 2001), Development Director PamelaHeos, Associate Dean of Grand Rapids Campus MarionHilligan (Johnson Class, 1989), Professor Eileen Kavanagh,Professor Mabel Martin-Scott, Associate Dean of CommunityRelations Helen Pratt Mickens (Bushnell Class, 1980),Associate Dean of Information and Technology CharlesMickens, Professor <strong>Law</strong>rence Morgan, Assistant CareerServices Director Julie Mullens, Coordinator of ClinicalPrograms Alecia Ruswinckel (Swainson Class, 2003),Associate Dean of Oakland Campus John Nussbaumer,Director of Alumni Relations Darryl Parsell (Wiest Class,1979), Professor Ernest Phillips, Trial Workshop InstructorPeggy Rostorfer, Professor Marjorie Russell (Chandler Class,1983), Professor Otto Stockmeyer, Alumni RelationsExecutive Assistant Amy Swope, Professor John Taylor,Professor Gina Torielli, Director for the Center of Ethics andResponsibility and Professor William Wagner, AssociateDean of International and Graduate Programs WilliamWeiner, Professor Ann Wing (Felch Class, 1977), ProfessorNancy Wonch (Kelly Class, 1978), and Associate Dean forEnrollment and Student Services Paul Zelenski.The alumni and student guests included Rhonda Allen(Needham Class, 2004), current student Antonio Alonso,Laura Baird (Wiest Class, 1979), Richard Baron (LongClass, 1981), Alumni Committee Chair George Betts (MooreClass, 1993), Alumni Committee Chair Larry Betz (ClarkClass 1979), Brian Bridson (Smith Class, 1985), AlumniPresident-elect Diane Britt (Chandler Class, 1983), RonBrittain (Steere Class, 1995), Donna Budnick (Bacon Class,1990), Alumni Committee Chair Christine Campbell (PotterClass, 1980), William Carmody (Chandler Class, 1983),current student Vickie Cole, Robert Ellis (Morse Class,1987), Katy Conklin (Moody, Jr. Class, 1996), <strong>Law</strong>renceFilberto (Boyles Class, 2005), Myron Freeman (MontgomeryClass, 1992), Norm Gaffney (Campbell Class, 1976),Robert Gardella (Durand Class, 1992), Stephen Gobbo(Bird Class, 1995), Ronald Grim (Flannigan Class, 1999),Alumni Committee Chair Catherine Groll (MontgomeryClass, 1992), Alumni Past President Jeff Haarer (CopelandClass, 1989), Cynthia Harrison (Brooke Class, 1982),Steven Heisler (Iredell Class, 2001), Steve Howard (Blair, Jr.Class, 2001), Molly Jason (Steere Class, 1995), JohnJuroszek (Carr Class, 1984), Charles Kleinbrook (GrantClass, 1987), Dan Klemptner (Boyles Class, 2005), MelindaKnowles (Boyles Class, 2005), Jeffrey Kortes (SwainsonClass, 2003), Kristen Krol (McDonald Class, 1998), DawnLaCasse (Carpenter Class, 1993), current student ShaneLavigne, Alumni Treasurer Henry Legere, Jr. (CarpenterClass, 1993), Davis Lerew (Swift Class, 2004), SuzanneLowe (Long Class, 1981), Kieran Marion (Johnson Class,2002), James Mauro (Champlin Class, 1987), current studentla’Rufus Mitchell, Mark Nawrocki (Boyles Class, 2005),Adekunle Oshiyoye (Voelker Class, 1997), W. StevenPearson (Manning Class, 1984), Kevin Peterson (BoylesClass, 2005), Karen Poole (Witherell Class, 1990), KarynReid (Boyles Class, 2005), Kathryn Root (Felch Class, 1997),Brendan Sanger (Kuhn Class, 1995), Charlotte Shoup(Moore Class, 1993), Jennifer Slatten (Boyles Class, 2005),Diane Smith (North Class, 1980), Neal Smith (Boyles Class,2005), current student Victoria Starks, current student DanielStauffer, Lisa Sullivan (Williams Class, 1994), Jack Wein(Morell Class, 1985), current student Donna Weisner, GlennWhite (Steere Class, 1995), Dean Winnie (Wiest Class,1979), Pamela Wynn-Quada (Stone Class, 1996), andGeorge Zulakis (Marston Class, 1978).BENCHMARK

Professor Swedlow HostsNovember Alum Receptionin Philadelphia<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> Professor KathySwedlow hosted an alumni receptionin Philadelphia on Nov. 7. NineteenPennsylvania and New Jersey alumniand friends gathered at PanoramaRistorante in the Penn’s View Hotel indowntown Philadelphia.The alumni guests included AbiolaBablola (Swift Class, 2004), KevinDiMedio (Moore Class, 1993), StevenGratman (Ostrander Class, 1994),George Griffith (Needham Class,2004), Amy Karpf (Cross Class,2004), Ari Karpf (Smith Class, 2003),Dermot Kennedy (Wing Class, 1982),Chong Kim (Black Class, 1996), JoyKreutzer (Paterson Class, 2002),Therese Maloney (Swift Class, 2004),Joe Mirarchi (Blair Class, 2001), JohnOgden (Hooker Class, 1993),William Parker (Brooke Class, 1982),Matthew Razzano (Iredell Class,2001), Cassandra Rhodes (BoylesClass, 2005), Jesse Smith (CrossClass, 2004), and current studentObinna Abara.Amy Karpf said that “the Philadelphiaalumni reception with ProfessorSwedlow was great! It was very niceto catch up with old colleagues andmeet new ones. Professor Swedlowwas a great hostess - mingling andurging us to mingle around with others.Overall, it was a great evening.”As at all alumni gatherings, memoriesof faculty members were exchanged.Some of the comments were aboutProfessor Charlie Senger, that hemade property "understandable,"another said that he was "awesome"and that it was a "privilege just to bein his wake." Professor and AssociateDean John Nussbaumer received areview as a "terrific teacher." Analum commented that Professor NormFell “wouldn’t give me the answerand made me find it for myself. Itmade me mad at the time, but ittaught me a lot about being alawyer.” Professor Rich Henkeimpressed another grad, “what amemory!” Finally President and DeanDon LeDuc drew the comment “He’snow the president of the law schooland I booked his class!”LETTER FROM THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PRESIDENTDo Justice. Love Mercy.By Diane Britt, Alumni Association PresidentAs human beings, and especially as lawyers, letthis be our resolution as the New Year unfolds.The new year is an exciting and hopeful time, full of promise.Let us also promise each other to connect as alumni of <strong>Cooley</strong><strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>. The new committee structure in the bylaws ofthe alumni association offers many more ways to make aconnection, with other alumni, with current students, andwith the larger organization.Until the change in bylaws in 2004, a handful of alumni on the executivecommittee planned events and made many decisions for the organization.Now over 100 alumni actively take part in eight committees.OneJustice}of those committees, the Student Recruitment Committee, helps attract newstudents — and future alumni — to <strong>Cooley</strong>. Alumni members of the StudentServices Committee make contact with new students during their first few hoursat <strong>Cooley</strong>, at orientation, with gifts to welcome them.The Membership and Outreach Committee seeks out new benefits for <strong>Cooley</strong>alumni.The Constituent Alumni Club Committee reaches out to existing alumni clubs allover the United States. We also provide opportunities for smaller, informalalumni groups to gather, to network and share their experiences in their diverseareas of expertise.The Special Events Committee plans the annual golf outing, student and alumnimixers, and other ways for alumni to interact. The Fundraising Committee andthe Past Presidents Committee also work to grow our association and to recognizeoutstanding students and alumni.Together we seek to knit together the 10,250 <strong>Cooley</strong> Alumni all over the UnitedStates, and all over the world.As president of the alumni association, I believe that we will build uponour successes, and also serve a larger purpose.To Do Justice and Love Mercy.Here’s a heads upon how to be sure you receive all of your <strong>Thomas</strong><strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> e-mail about alumni events. Please check to see if our messages havebeen stopped by a spam filter. Most e-mail systems today have some sort of spam filteringenabled to reduce unsolicited advertisements. Sometimes messages you do want to receivecan get caught in the process.These systems generally have ‘whitelists’ and ‘blacklists.’ To keep messages from trustedand desired sites like <strong>Thomas</strong> M. <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> from being caught in your filter, addthe domain name to your whitelist! While ‘whitelist’ is the most commonterm used, if you don’t see whitelist on your system it may be called a ‘trusted site.’Since there are a wide variety of filtering systems out there on a wide variety of systemsand they all have their own processes, we can’t offer you the steps to add us to yourwhitelist. However, there is generally some support available in the form of a helpdesk atyour site, filtering manual link, web site, Internet provider, e-mail provider, etc.Please attend to this right away, as we will be sending you exciting information about newalumni gatherings and benefits available to alumni association members that you will notwant to miss.

classnotesThe Benchmark encourages all graduates to contribute informationto the Class Notes. Please include graduating class name andyear when submitting your information. We encourage informationabout your law practice and other accomplishments in thelegal profession. The Benchmark has a policy of not printing barpassage information.1977 Felch ClassTheile, The Hon. Michael J., wasappointed by Michigan Gov. JenniferGranholm to the bench in the 7th CircuitCourt Genesee County, Mich., Family Court.Previously, he served on the Workers’Compensation Board of Magistrates. He alsospent more than 20 years in private practice.1979 Butzel ClassTiderington, James E., along withChristopher Picard (Chandler Class, 1983)and two others, formed the law firm ofBurkhart, Picard, Tiderington & McLeod,820 N. Michigan, Saginaw, Mich. He specializesin collection matters, and criminaland juvenile proceedings.1980 Potter ClassJennings, Brian E., and Stephen Laverwon the two-man scramble golf tournamentat the 2005 annual meeting of the NewMexico State Bar Association on Sept. 24,2005. Phone: (505) 246-8676.Bushnell ClassReincke, The Hon. Julie H., wasappointed to the bench in 56-A DistrictCourt, serving Eaton County, Mich.Previously, she was in private practice.1981 Dethmers ClassMarkey, The Hon. Jane, delivered thecommencement address to the RaymondStarr Class during graduation ceremonies at<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> on Sept. 24, 2005.Kavanagh ClassToy, Charles, serves as treasurer of theState Bar of Michigan for 2005-2006. He isa past president of the <strong>Cooley</strong> AlumniAssociation, and a member of the <strong>Cooley</strong>Board of Directors.Long ClassBrown, José, was appointed to a threeyearterm as the state representative forDefense Research Institute. Defense ResearchInstitute is an organization of nationwidecivil defense lawyers dealing with healthcarelaw and all areas of defense. He continuesto practice in the area of medical malpractice.E-mail: jbrown@ccglawyers.com.1982 Wing ClassEngler, John, former Michigan governorand current president of the NationalAssociation of Manufacturers, spoke beforethe Judiciary Committee of the U.S. Senate.Goodwin ClassAyres, Timothy M., was honored byPhiladelphia Magazine in its June 2005 issueas a 2005 Pennsylvania Super <strong>Law</strong>yer in thecategory of elder law. The designation isachieved by only 5 percent of Pennsylvania’slawyers in all areas of practice.1983 Chandler ClassPicard, Christopher, along with JamesE. Tiderington (Butzel Class, 1979) and twoothers, formed the law firm of Burkhart,Picard, Tiderington & McLeod, 820 N.Michigan, Saginaw, Mich. He specializes infamily law and criminal law. He served asCarrolton Township (Mich.) supervisor 1992-2000.1984 McAlvay ClassMunson, Diane, and her husband DaveMunson, wrote and published a thrillernovel, Facing Justice. She is a former federalprosecutor with the U.S. Department ofJustice.Carr ClassHess, Mark, accepted a position asAssociate General Counsel, SpecialLitigation, for Cooper Industries in Houston,Texas. He is responsible for asbestoslitigation and environmental matters.Phone: (713) 209-8469; e-mail:mhess@cooperindustries.com.Marx, Ronald, was re-certified in elementaryand secondary education inFlorida. He works for the <strong>School</strong> Board ofBroward County, teaching law studies atPiper High <strong>School</strong>, in Sunrise, Fla. E-mail:ronmarx@mac.com.Manning ClassSmith, William, executive vice presidentand general counsel for Hurley MedicalCenter in Flint, Mich., was selected as vicepresident of the Board of Michigan Society ofHealthcare Attorneys. In this role, he willeducate attorneys on issues facing hospitals.He has been with Hurley for almost 30 years.1986 Mundy ClassWellman, Sheri A.,has joined the law firm ofMiller, Canfield, Paddockand Stone, PLC, in thefirm’s Environmental andRegulatory PracticeGroup. She practices franchisingand administrativelaw, in addition to energy and telecommunicationslaw. She graduated summa cumlaude from both <strong>Cooley</strong> and WesternMichigan University.Sherwood ClassO’Connor, MichaelJ., with offices throughoutnortheasternPennsylvania, has beenrecognized byMartindale-Hubbell asan AV-Rated Attorney,the highest such ratingavailable to any individual lawyer. This ratingis a result of an extensive, confidentialreview conducted among the legal professionalsin the community. The award showsthat he has reached the height of professionalexcellence. The AV Rating signifies hislegal abilities are of the very highest standardand recognizes him as a highlyrespected, ethical member of the Bar.1987 Champlin ClassReddy, David M., was named FamilyCourt Commissioner for Walworth County,Wis. He previously was a solo practitionerin Delevan, Wis.Morse ClassFolks, Karen, was named Chief ExecutiveOfficer of the YWCA of Greater Flint. Shepreviously served as chief legal officer of thecity of Flint, Mich., 2002-2004.Ware, Glen, has joined Diligence, Inc.He is a former senior officer with the WorldBank, where he was responsible forsupervising all fraud and corruptioninvestigations involving operations in theMiddle East and Africa. At Diligence, heconsults with clients on mitigating the risksof fraud and corruption.Grant ClassNakfoor, Julie, was appointed as BarryCounty (Michigan) Prosecutor to fill a vacancy.Most recently, she had served as anassistant prosecutor in Allegan County(Michigan). An election to fill the full unexpiredterm will be held in November 2006.33

34 Michaelmas Term 20051988 Pratt ClassKayes, Karen L., hasjoined the Muskegon,Mich., office of WarnerNorcross & Judd LLP asa senior trust and estatescounsel. She concentratesher practice intrusts and estates. Shehas served as a visitingprofessor at <strong>Cooley</strong>.1989 Douglass ClassMcDonough, Robert, director of corporateaffairs for Pfizer’s Kalamazoo, Mich.,offices, served as the master of ceremoniesfor the 11th annual Thornapple Arts Councilart auction. He is responsible for communityrelations and governmental affairs forPfizer’s operations in Kalamazoo. Heformerly served as the mayor of ThreeRivers, Mich.1990 Bacon ClassBudnick, Donna, was the recipient of the2005 Tecumseh Peacemaking Award. Theaward is given by the Michigan State Bar,American Indian <strong>Law</strong> Section, “for demonstratingthe highest spirit of leadership in herefforts to protect and advance AmericanIndian legal and culture rights.” She is LTTBAppellate Court Justice and American IndianAffairs Specialist for the MichiganDepartment of Civil Rights. Phone: (517)241-7748.Martel, Kathryn, of Las Vegas, Nev.joined GES Exhibition Services as Directorof Labor Relations for Western Operations.GES is one of the largest trade show andevent exhibition providers in North America.Witherell ClassCox, William D. III, was named againas a Texas Super <strong>Law</strong>yer in criminal law inthe October 2005 edition of Texas Monthly.Doggette, Jackson Michael Jr.,earned the professional designation ofCertified Specialist in Planned <strong>Giving</strong> fromthe American Institute for PhilanthropicStudies, California State University, LongBeach Foundation. He focuses his Floridapractice in estate planning and charitableplanned giving counsel to charities.1991 Turner ClassPasteur, MichelynE., has been elected vicepresident and treasurerfor 2006 of the firm ofFoster Zack & Lowe, PC.<strong>Law</strong>rence ClassBaran, Julie, joined Glenn D. Steeg &Associates, P.C., of Kalamazoo, Mich., asan associate attorney. She focuses on personalinjury, Social Security disability, workers’compensation, and elder law.Krinock ClassMcCaffrey, Sean F., maintains a practicein Queens, N.Y., consisting of primarily civiland criminal litigation, and real estate developmentand conveyance. Phone: (718) 423-4200; e-mail: mccaffreylaw@yahoo.com.1992 McGrath ClassSveska, Kim J., a principal in the lawfirm of Foley, Baron & Metzger, PLLC, inFarmington Hills, Mich., spoke Nov. 4,2005, at the annual meeting of theMichigan Society of Health-SystemPharmacists. He spoke on “Pharmacists asDefendants — What Every PharmacistShould Know.”Montgomery ClassMartell, Marie Elena, was elected to afourth one-year term as secretary of theMichigan Attorney Discipline Board. She isan administrative law examiner at theMichigan Department of Treasury Office ofHearings.Durand ClassGardella, Robert C., was elected clerkof the State Bar of Michigan RepresentativeAssembly on Sept. 22, 2005. He will takeover as chairperson of the assembly for2007-2008, along with serving on theBoard of Commissioners. He operates ageneral practice in Livingston County, Mich.Phone: (810) 220-4200; e-mail:bobgardella@yahoo.com.1993 Hooker ClassKolasa, Michael, has joined Wells FargoPrivate Client Services asa vice president and trustofficer. He develops newtrust and estate planningbusiness relationships andprovides trust and agencyaccount administration toexisting clients.Phelps, Diane K., hasjoined Miller, Canfield,Paddock and Stone, PLC,in the firm’s Environmentaland Regulatory PracticeGroup. She works out ofthe firm’s Lansing, Mich.,office, focusing on occupationalhealth and safety.She previously worked forthe Michigan Occupational Safety & HealthAdministration for 28 years. In her newpost, she assists clients in health and safetymatters, including compliance counselingand litigation.Moore ClassFeldman, Lori (Zimmerman), and herhusband, Dr. Stuart M. Feldman, announcethe birth of their twin sons, Jordan Henryand Dylan Matthew, on Nov. 17, 2005.They join big brother, Benjamin Oscar. Lorihas a disability and health law practice inLas Vegas, Nev.Lubin, Irene, of Greensburg, Penn.,adopted a seven-year-old girl from Pune,India, Rekha Shoshannah Lubin. Phone:(724) 832-1080; e-mail:irenelubin724@aol.com.1994 Williams ClassSural, Jeffrey R., was appointed byPresident George W. Bush as the AssistantAdministrator for Legislative Affairs at theTransportation Security Administration (TSA).He serves as the primary liaison and advocatefor the TSA to Congress. Previously, heserved as general counsel for the GeneralAviation Manufacturers Association, inWashington, D.C. He also served as legislativecounsel to U.S. Rep. Vernon Ehlers, (R-Michigan). E-mail: jsural@verizon.net.1995 Kuhn ClassOzgu, Murat, was named a partner atthe Arent Fox law firm in Washington, D.C.He is a practicing patent attorney registeredwith the Pennsylvania, D.C., and U.S. patentbars. Mr. Ozgu and his wife, Aylin, live inBethesda, Md., with their daughter, Mina,and son, Evren. Phone: (202) 857-8979;e-mail: ozgu.murat@arentfox.comPayne, Jeffrey, is celebrating the thirdyearanniversary of starting his own lawfirm, Vaccaro Payne, LLP, in New York City.Phone: (212) 577-9100; e-mail:jpayne@vaccaropayne.com.Scheib, Bethany Lyn-Urbanick, herhusband, Michael; and son, Ethan,announced the birth of Alden GrahamScheib, born on Aug. 8, 2005. Bethany isan Assistant Attorney General working inthe Alcohol and Gaming EnforcementDivision. Phone: (517) 241-0210.1996 Stone ClassMurphy, John M., was named inCincinnati Magazine as a 2005 Ohio RisingStar Super <strong>Law</strong>yer in Plaintiff PersonalInjury: General. The honorees are chosen bya vote of Ohio Super <strong>Law</strong>yers.BENCHMARK

class notes35Ressler, Russell, apartner with StradleyRonon Stevens & Young,was named “2005Pennsylvania Rising Star”by PhiladelphiaMagazine andPennsylvania Super<strong>Law</strong>yer Magazine, an annual listing of thetop lawyers in Pennsylvania. Ressler wasselected by his peers statewide and representsthe top 2.5 percent of up-and-comingattorneys in Pennsylvania.Moody ClassWilson, Andrew R., joined the Florence,Italy office of Studio Legale Russo &Associati as Of Counsel, following nearly sixyears with Studio Pirola in Milan, Italy. Hecontinues to practice in the areas of mergersand acquisitions, Italian direct and indirecttax, U.S. tax, and the U.S. QualifiedIntermediary regime.Black ClassRavosa, Richard S. Jr., is a solo practitionerin Massachusetts with four law officesacross the state. In addition, he foundedTown & Country Legal Associates, whichhandles real estate matters and bankruptciesin Massachusetts, and Estate Realty, Inc. Hewas profiled in the Aug. 29, 2005, editionof Massachusetts <strong>Law</strong>yers Weekly.1997 Adams ClassGregory, David, was named to incomingLansing, Mich., Mayor Virg Bernero’s transitionteam as a member of the State andFederal Relations Task Force. David is apartner in the law and government relationsfirm of Kelley Cawthorne, PLC, based inLansing. Phone: (517) 371-1400.Fellows ClassBoyle, Christopher J., opened a generallaw practice at 125 S. Heisterman St., BadAxe, Mich. He focuses his practice on personalinjury, workers’ compensation, criminaldefense, wills and trusts, consumer law,Social Security and VA benefits. He recentlycompleted four years in the U.S. Air Forceas a commissioned officer and lawyer in theJAG Corp. Phone: (989) 269-7151. E-mail:cboylelaw@yahoo.com.Petrequin, Brian,was elected a partner atSt. John & Wayne, inNewark, N.J. He concentrateshis practice inthe areas of corporatelaw, corporate finance,lender’s counsel, mergers and acquisitions,intellectual property law, and Internet law.1998 Sharpe ClassIves, Rhonda, is president of the BranchCounty (Michigan) Bar Association.1999 Weadock ClassBasch, Charles L. II, married AmberBoulos on July 29, 2005, at the LittleWedding Chapel in Las Vegas.2000 Jay ClassCary, Catherine, hasjoined the Sutton <strong>Law</strong>Center, PC, in its Reno,Nev. office, as a trademark,copyright, andfranchise attorney for thefirm. She also assistswith the firm’s othertransactional work. She has been a guest onradio shows speaking about trademark andfranchising issues. Phone: (775) 824-0300;e-mail: ccary@sutlaw.com.Gamez-Garcia, Mariza, was namedone of the “<strong>Law</strong>yers of the Year 2005” byMichigan <strong>Law</strong>yers Weekly. She was honoredfor her work on behalf of migrants,particularly through Michigan Migrant LegalAssistance, Inc.McDonald, Steven R., of The <strong>Law</strong> Officeof Steven McDonald, has been appointed tothe position of Chapter 7 trustee by theOffice of the U.S. Trustee for the EasternDistrict of Wisconsin. His practice emphasizesconsumer bankruptcy, debt collection,and consumer law.Redick, Ronald M.,has been elected to themembership of the lawfirm of Mika MeyersBeckett & Jones PLC inGrand Rapids, Mich.Rutledge ClassVanDenBerg, Sally B., has joined theState Bar of Michigan to help set up andadminister a Practice Management ResourceCenter. She serves as the program manager.VanDenBerg was a solo practitioner for fiveyears and is an adjunct faculty member at<strong>Cooley</strong>.Cushing ClassReed, Michelle Lahey, and Shane Reed(Iredell Class, 2001) announce the arrival oftheir daughter, Reagyn Michelle Reed, bornon Oct. 7, 2005. Reagyn weighed 7 lbs, 14oz., at birth and was 19 inches long. Shejoins her brother, Jackson, 2.2001 J. Wilson ClassPorterfield, Nanette (Dadich), marriedMark Porterfield in November 2005. Sheworks as an attorney in Detroit.Keysor-Oudman, Candy, and her husband,Jeff, announce the birth of LailaOudman, born on Nov. 3, 2005. Candysuccessfully completed the Probate andEstate Planning Certificate Program offeredby the Institute of Continuing LegalEducation. She is an associate at BittnerHyrns Daly & Riemland, P.C., in St. Joseph,Mich. She practices in the areas of estateplanning, probate, real estate, and businesslaw. Phone: (269) 983-0551; e-mail:ckeysor@bhlr.com.2001 Blair Jr. ClassDodson, Eric, was named city manager ofSt. Ignace, Mich. Previously he was in privatepractice. He has also served as managerfor the village of Edmore, Mich.Langham, Lewis, accepted an appointmentby Governor Jennifer M. Granholm asCriminal Justice Adviser, Office of TheGovernor. He formerly served with theWashtenaw County Public Defenders Office.Payne, Rebecca, U.S. Army Sergeant,was awarded the Purple Heart, for injuriesreceived Aug. 23, 2005, during service inIraq.Iredell ClassReed, Shane M., and Michelle LaheyReed (Cushing Class, 2000) announce thearrival of their daughter, Reagyn MichelleReed, born on Oct. 7, 2005. Reagyn weighed7 lbs, 14 oz., at birth and was 19 incheslong. She joins her brother, Jackson, 2.2002 T. Johnson ClassLesperance, Jeffrey, accepted a positionwith Novak Druce Deluca & Quigg LLP, inWashington, D.C. He prosecutes patentapplications in the mechanical and electricalarts.Chase ClassSerrano, Cathy, is an adjunct professorof law at Indiana-Purdue University, Ft.Wayne campus, teaching Hospitality <strong>Law</strong>.2003 Swainson ClassNunnally, Andrew, passed the NFLPAcertification process to be a contract representativefor NFL players. Phone: (614) 237-1120; e-mail: hrtbrker70@yahoo.com.Roggenbuck, Amanda L., openedAmanda L. Roggenbuck & Associates, PLLC,in Deckerville, Mich. She also has a practicein Cass City, Mich., concentrating on estateplanning, family law, and general practice.BENCHMARK

class notes 36Toy ClassWhitaker, Tara L., joined the Bell <strong>Law</strong>Firm, in Georgetown, S.C., as an associatein the firm’s product liability group. She previouslyworked for the South Carolina judiciary.Phone: (843) 546-2408; e-mail:tarawhitaker25@aol.com.2004Needham ClassKhan, MohammadJavad, has joined thelaw firm of Brault PalmerGrove White &Steinhilber, LLP, in FairfaxVirginia. His practiceareas are civil litigationand contractual disputes.Phone: (703) 273-6400; e-mail:mjkhan@thebraultfirm.com.Ost, Robert, received an LL.M. in Taxationfrom the University of Florida Levin Collegeof <strong>Law</strong> in December 2005. He has accepteda position with the Little Rock, Ark., office ofKutak Rock LLP, where his practice focuseson all aspects of taxation and securities law.2005 McAllister ClassMiller, Mark C., has joined theBalgooyen Firm, in Muskegon, Mich., as anassociate. His major areas of practiceinclude personal injury, wrongful death,medical malpractice, and products liability.He plans to specialize in elder law. He isalso a professional hockey agent.Boyles ClassCook, Jackie J., has joined the Detroitoffice of Miller, Canfield, Paddock andStone, PLC, as an associate in the LitigationPractice Group. Her focus is on state andlocal taxation. Prior to joining MillerCanfield she worked for Powers, Chapman,DeAgostino, Meyers & Milia in Troy,Michigan, as a law clerk. She also was anexecutive office intern at the MichiganDepartment of Treasury in Lansing,Michigan. Her previous experience alsoincludes working for the Sanilac CountyCircuit Court's Juvenile Division and theSanilac County Prosecutor’s Office, both inSandusky, Michigan.Dodson, Nathan, was hired by the lawfirm of Garan Lucow Miller as an associatein the firm’s Detroit office. He practices inthe areas of premises liability defense, casinolitigation, and automobile negligencedefense.McDonough, John, accepted a positionas assistant prosecutor in St. Joseph County,Mich.Pintar, Jeffrey, and Laura McKimmywere married Nov. 26, 2005. He is a prehearingattorney for the Michigan Court ofAppeals.Memoriam|In Memoriam1982 Goodwin ClassSnyder, Diana S., 60, of Nebraska, haspassed away.1983 Chandler ClassO’Sullivan, James P., 48, died Dec. 5,2005, after a lengthy battle with cancer.He worked with the law firm of<strong>School</strong>master, Hom, Killeen, Siefer, Arene& Hoehn for the past 15 years, andspecialized in insurance law.1987 Champlin ClassGladney, Patrick O., 45, of FarmingtonHills, Mich., has passed away. He was anadjunct professor at <strong>Cooley</strong> for 12 years,and a partner in the law firm of Gladney,Reader and Banks, of Brighton, Mich., forseveral years. He was a member of theAncient Order of Hibernians, and hadserved on the Brighton Township Board ofTrustees.1988Tytla, Kathleen, 48, of Waterford,Conn., died Oct. 10, 2005. She practicedlaw in Connecticut for the past 16 years.1993 Moore ClassPawluk, Michael F., 55, died suddenlyDec. 4, 2005 in LaCeiba, Honduras. Hespent the past five years living on his boatoff the coast of Florida and teaching highschool. He received several “Teacher of theYear” awards. He had a degree in audiology,his pilot’s license, and was a publishedauthor.1996 Moody ClassKelley, Gregory Lee, 41, died Dec. 17,2005. He was an attorney in theShreveport-Bossier City, La., area. Mr. Kelleywas a magna cum laude graduate of<strong>Cooley</strong>, and a member of the Order of theCoif. He was a member of the NationalAssociation of Criminal Defense <strong>Law</strong>yers,the Bossier Parish Bar Association, and theLouisiana State Bar Association.2002Montgomery, Drew Donovan, 33,died May 6, 2005.ErratumThe name of graduate Jason Schlesinger(Boyles Class, 2005) was listed incorrectly inthe Trinity Term 2005 Benchmark. The nameshould appear as Jason Derek Schlesinger.The Benchmark apologizes for the error.<strong>Cooley</strong> Grad Wins 2005Adjunct Faculty Award<strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> honored cum laude<strong>Cooley</strong> graduate Donald J. Hinkle (PrattClass, 1988) as Adjunct Faculty Memberof the Year and winner of the ninthannual Griffith Award Friday, Nov. 18,2005.Hinkle, an Internal Revenue Service (IRS)Revenue Agent, has served as anadjunct professor at <strong>Cooley</strong> since 1990,teaching Tax Fraud,Corporate Tax, TaxProcedure, andTaxation of BusinessEntities.The Griffith Awardwas established in1997 to recognize the contributions ofadjunct professors to <strong>Cooley</strong>’s mission ofpractical legal education. The awardwas funded by contributions made inmemory of the late Frederick J. Griffith,who served as an adjunct facultymember at <strong>Cooley</strong>.Professor Hinkle has worked with theIRS since 1982. He has taught tax law,auditing techniques, and computerapplications. He audits the tax returns ofcorporations, partnerships, and individuals.He is assigned to the Large andMid-Size Business Division (LMSB) of theIRS. Professor Hinkle has also served asa Summary Witness for the IRS duringcriminal tax trials.BENCHMARK

THANK YOUThe Career and Professional Development Office would like to acknowledge thefollowing graduates who generously donated their time and expertise throughout theyear with programs such as Alumni Access, <strong>Cooley</strong> Volunteer Corps, Lunch with a<strong>Law</strong>yer, Excursions to the Legal Community, Mock Interview Program, and the SmallFirm and Solo Practice Fair. We appreciate the help of our <strong>Cooley</strong> alumni, as wellas faculty, and staff, whose participation has been invaluable to our students.Barry Brickner, Attorney at <strong>Law</strong>; Lesley Baribeau, Elder <strong>Law</strong> ofMichigan, Inc.; Laura Bhat, Elder <strong>Law</strong> of Michigan, Inc.; KeithMorris, Elder <strong>Law</strong> of Michigan, Inc.; James Dillon, Vice PresidentClaims, Accident Fund Insurance Company of America; JamesHolcomb, Chief of Staff, Michigan Speaker of the House; LindaA. Maloney, Chief Assistant Prosecutor, Ingham CountyProsecuting Attorney; James F. Mauro, Dickinson Wright PLLC;Lynn Perry, Perry & Stuursma; Ann Stuursma, Perry & Stuursma;Stacy Van Dyken, Perry & Stuursma; Deborah Autman, KentCounty Circuit Court, Family Division Referee; James A.Carolan, Vice President Trust Officer, The Private Bank;Mary Chartier-Mittendorf, Michigan Supreme Court; JulieClement, <strong>Thomas</strong> M. <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>; Christopher Frayer,Secrest Wardle Lynch Hampton Truex & Morley, PC; Dee DeeFuller, Fuller <strong>Law</strong> and Counseling, PC; Shawn Grinnen,D’Agostini, Sable & Ruggeri, PLLC; Kristin Heyse, MichiganCourt of Appeals; Suzanne Klein, Howard & Howard Attorneys,PC; Michelle Lahey Reed, Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti &Sherbrook; Melinda Leonard, Assistant Attorney General,Department of Attorney General; Jacqueline McCann, StateAppellate Defender Office; Susan Murphy, Deputy City Attorney,City of Jackson; Mark Nawrocki, Anthony J. Garczynski, PLC;Brian Richards, <strong>Law</strong> Offices of Brian T. Richards; KennethSanders, Attorney at <strong>Law</strong>; Kevin Schumacher, Glassen, Rhead,BENCHMARKMcLean, Campbell & Schumacher; Barry Selden, MichiganDepartment of Environmental Quality; Todd S. Selin, Mallory,Cunningham, Lapka & Scott, P.C.; Shannon Watkins Schlegel,Schlegel <strong>Law</strong> Firm; Robert Alpiner, QDRO Express, LLC; Amy H.Bailey, Bailey, Smith & Bailey, P.C.; Todd Balkema, Jordon <strong>Law</strong>Office; Burt Burleson, Burleson & O’Neill PLLC; LauraChappelle, Public Service Commission; Geoffrey Ehnis-Clark,Guyselman & Ehnis-Clark; Anthony Garczynski, Anthony J.Garczynski, PLC; John Lange, Gold Lange & Majoros PC; J.R.McGraw, McGraw <strong>Law</strong> Firm, PLC; William Metros, Attorney at<strong>Law</strong>; Darryl Parsell, <strong>Thomas</strong> M. <strong>Cooley</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong>; KevinRoragen, Loomis Ewert Parsley Davis & Gotting, PC; CharlesToy, Farhat & Story, P.C.; S. Tutt Gorman, Legal Counsel, Officeof General Counsel, Administrative Office of the Courts; DavidGregory, Kelley Cawthorne, PLLC; Laurie B. Schmidt, ChiefCounsel’s Office for the Internal Revenue Service; Kristen L. Krol,<strong>Law</strong> Office of Kristin L. Krol, PLC; Amanda Roggenbuck,Amanda Roggenbuck & Associates, PLLC; Sally B. VanDenBerg,<strong>Law</strong> Office of Sally B. VanDenBerg, PC.If you would like to volunteer for any of the above mentionedprograms, please contact the Career and ProfessionalDevelopment Office at (517) 371-5140 ext. 4110.

Alumni GolfOutingSaturday,July 15, 2006Benefitting the Alumni MemorialScholarship FundCall Darryl Parsell for informationat (800) 243-ALUM, in Lansing area(517) 371-5140, extension 2038.Non ProfitOrganizationU.S. PostageP AIDLansing, MIPermit No. 241300 South Capitol Ave.P.O. Box 13038Lansing, MI 48901Change Service RequestedBENCHMARK

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