English (American) Level 2 - Answer Key

English (American) Level 2 - Answer Key

English (American) Level 2 - Answer Key


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Unit 2, Lesson 1Worksheet 1Section 11) Tomorrow 2) Yesterday3) yesterday 4) yesterday5) yesterday 6) Tomorrow7) yesterday 8) tomorrow9) yesterday 10) TomorrowSection 21) sell 2) run 3) bought 4) ate5) play 6) writing 7) running8) sell 9) buying 10) gaveSection 31) I’m going to play soccer at thestadium.2) No. I bought a bicycle.3) Yes, I’m running.4) I’m eating an orange.5) Yes, I played soccer.6) I ate an apple.Worksheet 2Section 11) last 2) tomorrow 3) today4) last 5) yesterday 6) next7) yesterday 8) last week9) today 10) yesterdaySection 21) stamps, envelope2) dictionary 3) e-mail4) notebook 5) deskSection 31) A 2) A 3) A 4) B 5) B 6) A7) A 8) B 9) B 10) BWorksheet 3Section 11) he’s taking a train2) bought a house, I’m buying3) sold a car, she’s takingSection 2Possible responses shown.1) Yesterday the woman ranten miles.2) Today we are going to swim.3) Next week the man is going towrite an e-mail.4) Last Friday the children ate asandwich and an apple.5) Last year the wife bought anew dictionary.Section 3<strong>Answer</strong>s will vary.Worksheet 4Section 1<strong>Answer</strong>s may vary.1) he’s cooking rice.2) I’m going to swim.3) I bought stamps 4) I ate5) I’m not going to goSection 21) No, I did not swim. I ran2) Yes, I ate my carrots.3) No, I’m going to play soccernext week.4) No, I played tennis last week.5) I’m reading this book.Section 31) Yes, I swam.2) I bought a dictionary yesterday.3) The man ran 10 milesyesterday.4) She’s selling her car today.5) We’re going to visit our parentsnext month.6) The girl read a book last week.QuizSection 11) bought 2) walk 3) visit 4) ate5) buying 6) ran 7) swim 8) beSection 21) She’s giving an apple to herteacher.2) Did you give the sandwich toyour brother?3) We gave our jewelry to ourmother.4) The man gave medicine tohis son.5) He wrote an e-mail to hisfriend.6) The mother gave the milk toher daughter.Section 31) a 2) f 3) b 4) c 5) d 6) h 7) eTestSection 11) gave flowers to his2) is selling a notebook to3) played soccer4) am/’m going to swim5) boughtSection 21) Yes. I ate bread yesterday./No I did not eat bread yesterday.2) It’s hot/ cold/ sunny/ cloudy/raining/ snowing.3) Yes. It’s raining./No. It’s notraining.4) Yes. I played tennis lastweek./No. I did not play tennislast week.5) Yes. I’m studying./No. I’m notstudying6) Yes. I wrote an e-mail to myfriend./No. I did not write ane-mail to my friend.7) Yes. I’m going to visit myfriend./No. I’m not going to visitmy friend.Section 31) no, yes, yes 2) no, no, yesUnit 2, Lesson 2Worksheet 1Section 11) Where 2) When 3) Where4) What 5) What 6) Why7) What 8) What 9) Where10) WhenSection 21) I bought these flowers for you.2) You gave us the keys yesterday.3) My friend wrote me an e-maillast week.4) The woman sold him a hat.5) I’m reading a book to them.6) He’s teaching us <strong>English</strong>.7) He’s going to buy jewelryfor her.8) We gave chocolate to him.9) They’re going to sell a carto me.Section 31) A 2) C 3) A 4) BWorksheet 2Section 11) A 2) C 3) A 4) C 5) BSection 21) I’m studying math.2) I played tennis yesterday.3) He’s going to the kitchen.4) We’re going to study art.5) He went to the bank.6) I’m going to play tennison Friday.7) We studied history.8) Yes. We’re playing tennis.Section 31) mean 2) understand3) understands 4) understand5) means 6) understand7) meansWorksheet 3Section 11) The teacher gave a bookto me.2) He’s buying jewelry for her.3) They wrote a letter to us.4) The woman read thema book.5) I sold a car to you.6) We bought coffee for them.7) My father is giving the keysto me.Section 21) ran 2) studied science.3) played tennis.4) went to the grocery store.5) went to the beach.Section 31) didn’t go 2) does, mean3) doesn’t understand4) don’t understand5) didn’t understand6) did, goWorksheet 4Section 11) She gave the book to Sarahthis morning.2) No. She does not havethe book.3) She went to the beach.4) No. She didn’t run at thebeach./She swam and ate atthe beach.5) She’s going to study historyand art.6) She’s going to visit hergrandmother.Section 21) 3 2) We ate breakfast3) He went to the grocery store4) 3 5) They went to thepharmacy.Section 31) What does this sign mean2) Can you repeat that3) Thank you.Rosetta Stone ® <strong>Answer</strong> <strong>Key</strong> – <strong>English</strong> (<strong>American</strong>) <strong>Level</strong> 23

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