Retirement and Long Service Recognition 1 - West London Mental ...

Retirement and Long Service Recognition 1 - West London Mental ...

Retirement and Long Service Recognition 1 - West London Mental ...


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managers10.3 Line Managers should ensure that they are aware of their staff intentions inrelation to retirement.10.4 HR will liaise closely with Line Manager <strong>and</strong> Heads of <strong>Service</strong> in order to ensureproper notice is given <strong>and</strong> any requests are considered in accordance withsection 8 of this policy.10.5 Payroll/HR staff should, on request, obtain statements of service from thePensions Agency.10.6 Wherever possible, employees planning retirement should have the opportunityto vary or reduce their working hours if this is their wish. The employees must befully aware of the implications of such a decision prior to making such a request.12. TYPES OF RETIREMENTNormal <strong>Retirement</strong>12.1 Scheme members who reach the NRA will be eligible to receive a pension <strong>and</strong>tax free lump sum based on years of service <strong>and</strong> final earnings.Ill Health12.2 Current scheme members who become permanently incapable of performingtheir job may be eligible to apply for retirement on grounds of ill health. Adviceshould be sought from Occupational Health <strong>and</strong> HR.Early Voluntary <strong>Retirement</strong>12.3 Members of the NHS Pension Scheme may choose to take voluntary earlyretirement at anytime from age 50. A pension <strong>and</strong> tax free lump sum will bepayable based on years of service <strong>and</strong> final earnings. However these benefitswill be reduced in order to provide for the additional costs incurred by the longerperiod of payment. Information should be sought by individuals from Payroll /HR.Redundancy12.4 If the Trust decides to declare a post or posts redundant (for an examplefollowing a reorganisation) <strong>and</strong> no suitable alternative employment can beidentified, immediate pension benefits may be paid to qualifying Schememembers who are aged 50 or over.12.5 Flexible <strong>Retirement</strong>The Trust’s Flexible <strong>Retirement</strong> Scheme provides a range of alternativesavailable for staff as they approach retirement. Simply stopping work <strong>and</strong> starting<strong>West</strong> <strong>London</strong> <strong>Mental</strong> Health NHS Trust________________________________________________________Policy R7 Date of Issue: September 2006May be disclosed to patients8

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