Additions to the Flora of Herefordshire

Additions to the Flora of Herefordshire

Additions to the Flora of Herefordshire


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47110. Ulota crispa, Hedw.New District. 1. On a willow bole at Llanwarne old Church, 1893; Ley.111. Orthotrichum saxatile, Brid.New District. 13. L ondon rocks near Peterchurch; L ey.112. Orthotrichum cupulatum, Ho.ffm.On s<strong>to</strong>ne in <strong>the</strong> Llanthony valley (14), one mile south <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Abbey ; Ley.Var. b. nudum.New District. 4 . . Col wall; Miss R aper I Plentiful on s<strong>to</strong>nes by <strong>the</strong> river,under Caradoc (2) ; Ley.114. Orthotrichum stramineum, Homsch.New District. 14. Ash bole on <strong>the</strong> Olchon brook, near L ong<strong>to</strong>wn: Ashbole in <strong>the</strong> Grwyne valley ; Ley. On Maple at Upper W elsJn, Eardisley (12);Binstead.115. Orthotrichum tenellum, B1·uch.Eardisley (12); Binstead.117. Orthotrichum diaphanum, Schrad.New District. 10. On Elder, near Down<strong>to</strong>n; Ley.118. Orthotrichum Lyellii, H. & T.N ew District. 14. Near Llanthony Abboy; Ley.119. Orthotrichum leiocarpum, B. ,(; s.On Ash near <strong>the</strong> junction <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Garren and Gamber brooks (1); Ley. OnApple, Se!lack ; on Willow, Eccleswall; on Ash at <strong>the</strong> Old Pike; on Ash andOak at <strong>the</strong> Great Do ward; all in (2); Ley. On Maple at Upper Welson, Eardisley(12); Binstead.120. Orthotrichum Sprucei, Mont.On a Willow bole on <strong>the</strong> Garren brook near Langs<strong>to</strong>ne (1) ; L ey. Willow boleat <strong>the</strong> N ew W eir, Great Doward (2) ;. L ey. On <strong>the</strong> Wye between Winfor<strong>to</strong>n andLet<strong>to</strong>n {12) ; Binstead.121. Orthotrichum rivulare, Tu1•n.Willow bole by <strong>the</strong> Teme at Down <strong>to</strong>n (10); Ley.Eardisley (12); Binstead.124. Encalypta strep<strong>to</strong>carpa, Hedw.New District. 12. Eardisley; Binstead.125. Physcomitrella patens, Hedw.New Districts. 7. Pool at Ro<strong>the</strong>rwas; L ey. 12. Pool near Eardisley;Binstead I! 13. Old pool bed, Moccas, growing with Ct..a<strong>to</strong>don cylind1·icus,1888; Ley.

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