Role models and Sportsmanship

Role models and Sportsmanship

Role models and Sportsmanship


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<strong>Sportsmanship</strong>To know <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong> the concepts of ‘sportsmanship’<strong>and</strong> ‘etiquette’.All – must be able to describe sportsmanship <strong>and</strong> etiquetteMost – should be able to use examples to explain thedifference between good <strong>and</strong> bad sportsmanshipSome – might be able to explain how crowd conduct caninfluence performer behaviour

Task• Write a definition of sportsmanship.Extension• Give examples to explain your answer• Describe the word ‘etiquette’

What is sportsmanship?• Playing fair• Following the rules of the game• Respecting the judgment of referees <strong>and</strong> officials• Treating opponents with respect• It is about Etiquette!• Respect, honour <strong>and</strong> courtesy for the opponents<strong>and</strong> the game

Good <strong>Sportsmanship</strong> <strong>and</strong> Etiquette• Shaking h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> three cheers• Thanking the official <strong>and</strong> accepting their decisions• Helping an opponent up• Swapping shirts• Owning up• Kicking the ball out of play if there is an injury• Boxers touching gloves at the start of a match/huggingat the end• Walking off when out in cricket• Playing within the rules

‘Bad’ <strong>Sportsmanship</strong> <strong>and</strong> Etiquette• Deliberate foul play e.g. late tackle• Gamesmanship e.g. time wasting/diving• Cheating• Arguing the judgements of the officials• Reacting immaturely/blaming others• Bad language• Racism• Taking drugs• Poor behaviour – throwing the ball away/fighting

Task1. Using examples describe 2 specific acts of goodsportsmanship.2. Using examples describe 2 specific acts of badsportsmanship.ExtensionHow do you think the crowd can influence thebehaviour of performers. Consider positive <strong>and</strong>negative.

How can the crowd influence thebehaviour of the participantswithin a game?ExtensionTry to think of examples to support your answers.

Crowd influencePositive• Create a positiveatmosphere• Support the teams whichlifts players spirits• Acknowledging goodplay from either side• Good behaviour caninfluence the players toremain calmNegative• Intimidating the otherteam may spur on theplayers to do the same• Hooliganism creates anegative atmosphere

<strong>Role</strong> <strong>models</strong>• To consider the characteristics <strong>and</strong> importance of role<strong>models</strong>• Evaluate the impact role <strong>models</strong> can have on thepopularity of a sportAll – describe a role modelMost – use examples to describe the characteristics of a rolemodelSome – explain the positives <strong>and</strong> negatives of being a rolemodel

Task• Describe what a role model is.• Who is your role model – explain why to yourpartner.Extension• Why do you think people become role <strong>models</strong>.Can you give examples?

What is a role model?Use the sentence starter <strong>and</strong> key words to write aDefinition. You may use additional words.A role model is………• Aspire to be like• Good example• Inspirational• High Achiever• Successful• Positive

How might an individual becomea role model? Try to giveexamples.• Success / Achievement• Effort <strong>and</strong> commitment• Overcoming difficulties / barriers

Discuss whether each factor is apositive or negative effect ofbeing a role model.• Media attention• ‘Targeted’ by other performers• Maintain consistency of performance• Expectations to behave/perform• Money / Sponsorship• Pressure of status• Fame

PopularityCan you think of 2 popular <strong>and</strong> 2 minority sports in theUK? Why is there a difference?• Media coverage• Positive role <strong>models</strong>• Funding• Facilities• Climate• Fashion/trend• Recent successes of national teams

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