GUIDELINES - The Endocrine Society

GUIDELINES - The Endocrine Society

GUIDELINES - The Endocrine Society


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THE ENDOCRINE SOCIETY’S CLINICAL <strong>GUIDELINES</strong>24. Strauch B, Zelinka T, Hampf M, Bernhardt R, WidimskyJ, Jr. 2003 Prevalence of primary hyperaldosteronism inmoderate to severe hypertension in the Central Europeregion. J Hum Hypertens 17:349–5225. Williams JS, Williams GH, Raji A, Jeunemaitre X,Brown NJ, Hopkins PN, Conlin PR 2006 Prevalence ofprimary hyperaldosteronism in mild to moderatehypertension without hypokalaemia. J Hum Hypertens20:129–3626. Benchetrit S, Bernheim J, Podjarny E 2002Normokalemic hyperaldosteronism in patients withresistant hypertension. Isr Med Assoc J 4:17–2027. Calhoun DA, Nishizaka MK, Zaman MA, Thakkar RB,Weissmann P 2002 Hyperaldosteronism among black andwhite subjects with resistant hypertension. Hypertension40:892–628. Eide IK, Torjesen PA, Drolsum A, Babovic A, LilledahlNP 2004 Low-renin status in therapy-resistanthypertension: a clue to efficient treatment. J Hypertens22:2217–2629. 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