Yamina N. Touhami Department of Physics ... - GSU Astronomy

Yamina N. Touhami Department of Physics ... - GSU Astronomy

Yamina N. Touhami Department of Physics ... - GSU Astronomy


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IAU Symposium 272 on OB Stars: structure, evolution, mass loss and Critical limit,Paris, France, 2010American Astronomical Society Meeting #215, Washington DC, 2010Sagan Workshop for Extraterrestrial Planets search, Caltech, CA, 2009Interferometry <strong>of</strong> Be Stars Meeting, Nice, France 2009The CHARA Array Interferometer 5th Annual Meeting, Nice, France, 2009The Interferometric View on Hot Stars, ESO-Santiago, Chile, 2009American Astronomical Society Meeting #213, Long Beach, CA, 2009American Astronomical Society Meeting #211, Austin, TX, 2008Michelson Summer School on Interferometry, Caltech, Pasadena, 2006Michelson Summer School on Astrometry, Caltech, Pasadena, 2005Michelson Summer School on Coronagraphy, Caltech, Pasadena, 2004Refereed Publications1. <strong>Touhami</strong>, <strong>Yamina</strong>; Gies, Douglas R.; Schaefer, Gail H.; Richardson, Noel D.; tenBrummelaar, T. A., Farrington, C. D., Goldfinger, P. J., Grundstrom, McAlister,Sturmann, J., Sturmann, L., Turner, N. H., “A Survey <strong>of</strong> Be Star Circumstellar Disksusing the CHARA Array Long Baseline Interferometer”, Accepted for ApJ2. Geraldine J. Peters, Tiffany D. Pewett, Douglas R. Gies, <strong>Yamina</strong> N. <strong>Touhami</strong>, ErikaD. Grundstrom, “FUV Detection <strong>of</strong> the Suspected Subdwarf Companion to the Be Star59 Cygni”, Accepted for ApJ3. N. D. Richardson, G. H. Schaefer, D. R. Gies, O. Chesneau, J. D. Monnier,. Baron,X. Che, J. R. Parks, R. A. Matson, Y. <strong>Touhami</strong>, D. P. Clemens, E. J. Aldoretta, N. D.Morrison, T. A. ten Brummelaar, H. A. McAlister, S. T. Ridgway et al., “The H-bandEmitting Region <strong>of</strong> the Luminous Blue Variable P Cygni”, Submitted for ApJ4. <strong>Touhami</strong>, Y.; Richardson, N. D.; Gies, D. R.; Schaefer, G. H.; Boyajian, T. S.;Williams, S. J.; Grundstrom, E. D.; McSwain, M. V.; Clemens, D. P.; Taylor, B.“Spectral Energy Distributions <strong>of</strong> Be and Other Massive Star", PASP, 2012,124, 5155. Boyajian, Tabetha S.; McAlister, Harold A.; van Belle, Gerard; Gies, Douglas R.;ten Brummelaar, Theo A.; von Braun, Kaspar; Farrington, Chris; Goldfinger, P. J.;O'Brien, David; Parks, J. Robert; <strong>Yamina</strong> <strong>Touhami</strong> et al., “Stellar Diameters andTemperatures. I. Main-sequence A, F, and G Stars”, ApJ, 2012, 746, 1016. Kraus, S.; Monnier, J. D.; Che, X.; Schaefer, G.; <strong>Touhami</strong>, Y.; Gies, D. R.;Aufdenberg, J. P.; Baron, F.; Thureau, N.; ten Brummelaar, T. A. et al., “ GasDistribution, Kinematics, and Excitation Structure in the Disks around the Classical BeStars β Canis Minoris and ζ Tauri”, ApJ, 2012, 744, 197. Chesneau O.; Meilland A.; Banerjee D. P. K.; Le Bouquin J.-B.; McAlister H.;Millour F.; Ridgway S.T.; Spang A.; ten Brummelaar T.; Wittkowski M.; Ashok N.M.;

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