Government's Sustainability Moment - CGI Initiative for Collaborative ...

Government's Sustainability Moment - CGI Initiative for Collaborative ...

Government's Sustainability Moment - CGI Initiative for Collaborative ...


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PHOTO BY BRENDAN HOFFMAN/GETTY IMAGESWilliam Borchardt, Executive Director <strong>for</strong> Operations at the Nuclear RegulatoryCommission (L), and Dr. Gregory B. Jaczko, Chairman of the Nuclear RegulatoryCommission, testify about the nuclear situation in Japan on Capitol Hill on March16, 2011.successful. I see my job as beinga clay layer to keep all the politicalnoise from getting to them.”Borchardt says he relies on “ahandful of core values” to empowerNRC’s work<strong>for</strong>ce. Those valuesinclude trusting his people, operatingas much as possible like aflat organization, eliminating intraagencystovepipes and promotinga culture of trust.“My premise is that every oneof the 4,000 people who come towork here want to work hard. Theywant to accomplish somethingand they want to go home at theend of the day feeling good abouthaving done something,” Borchardtsays. “My job is to clearlydefine what it is we’re trying to doand to help them succeed throughwhatever mechanism I can utilize.I’ve yet to be disappointed usingthat logic.”Those mechanisms take many<strong>for</strong>ms. The NRC is an aggressiveuser of flexible schedule programs,Borchardt says. More than49 percent of its workers telework,according to a recent Office ofPersonnel Management report. 1The use of those tools has earnedthe agency a reputation as one ofthe best places to work in the federalgovernment. 2“We’re not a perfectly flat organization,but we try to operatewith a flat mentality, with a lot ofin<strong>for</strong>mation sharing and no bureaucraticbarriers. Anybody cancome in here and talk to me, inthe hallway or downstairs whenI’m eating lunch. There’s very littlebureaucracy.”His big focus last year was promotinga more collaborative workenvironment. Currently, Borchardtis emphasizing cultivation of amore interdependent mindset, onein which “you trust your colleaguesto do their job [in order] to help yoube successful, so your success orfailure isn’t perfectly under yourcontrol.”He promotes open, collaborativework environments and interdependenceduring all-hands meetings,through videos disseminatedthroughout the agency, and byway of his leadership team.“It takes a lot of faith in your coworkersand the organization <strong>for</strong>that to happen, but that is wherewe’re going,” says Borchardt.JOHN PULLEY is a veteran journalistin the Washington, D.C., areaand founder of The Pulley Group,an editorial services agency.1 “Status of Telework in the Federal Government,” February 2011 http://www.telework.gov/Reports_and_Studies/Annual_Reports/2010teleworkreport.pdf2 “Best Places to Work in the Federal Government 2010,” Partnership <strong>for</strong> Public Service, http://ourpublicservice.org/OPS/publications/viewcontentdetails.php?id=149S P R I N G 2 0 11 | COLL ABOR ATIVEGOV.ORG/LE AD | Leadership 33

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