Mayer I. Gruber - Historia Antigua

Mayer I. Gruber - Historia Antigua

Mayer I. Gruber - Historia Antigua


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30<br />

Women in the Biblical World<br />

358. Gibert, P. Bible, Mythes et Recits de Commencement. Paris:<br />

Editions du Seuil, 1986.<br />

359. Gilbert, Maurice, ed. La sagesse de l' ancien testament. Leuven:<br />

University Press, 1979.<br />

360. Gilliland, Dolores Scott. Selected Women of the Scriptures of<br />

Stamina and Courage. Illustrated by Gael Scott. Spearfish,<br />

South Dakota: Honor Books, 1978.<br />

361. Ginsberg, H. L. The Israelian Heritage of Judaism. New York:<br />

Jewish Theological Seminary, 1982.<br />

362. Glickman, S. Craig. A Song for Lovers. Downers Grove, 111.:<br />

InterVarsity Press, 1976. Ciriticles<br />

363. Goldingay, John. Songs from a Strange Land: Psalms 42-51.<br />

Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1978.<br />

364. Gottwald, Norman. The Tribes of Yahweh: A Sociology of the<br />

Religion of Liberated Israel 1250-1050 B.C. Maryknoll:<br />

Orbis Books, 1979.<br />

365 -. The Hebrew Bible. A Socio-Literary Introduction. Philadelphia:<br />

Fortress, 1985<br />

366. Goulder, Michael D. The Song of Fourleen Songs. JSOT Supplement,<br />

no. 36. Sheffield: University of Sheffield Press,<br />

1986.<br />

367. Granqvist, Hilma. Child Problems among the Arabs. Helsinkil<br />

Copenhagen: Soderstrom & Co.) 1950.<br />

368. Graves, Robert, and Patai, Raphael. Hebrew Myth: The Book<br />

of Genesis. New York: Greenwich House, 1973.<br />

369. Grelot, Pierre. Man and Wife in Scripture. New York: Herder<br />

& Herder, 1964.<br />

370. -. Le couple humain dans l'Ecriture. Paris: Editions du Cerf,<br />

1969.<br />

371. Griffith, K. A. Come and Meet Adam and Eve: The Story of<br />

Gen. 1-4. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1977.<br />

Women and Womanhood in Hebrew Scripture: Books<br />

372. Gross, R. M., ed. Beyond Androcentrism: New Essays on<br />

Women and Religion. Missoula: Scholars Press, 1977.<br />

373. Gunn, David M. The Story of King David: Genre and Interpretation.<br />

JSOT Supplementary Series 6. Sheffield: Sheffield<br />

University Press, 1978.<br />

374. Gunn, David M., ed. Narrative Novella in Samuel. Sheffield:<br />

Almond Press, 1991.<br />

375. Hadas, Pamela White. In Light of Genesis. Philadelphia: Jewish<br />

Publication Society, 1980.<br />

376. Hallet, Mary Thomas. Their Names Remain: Seventeen Women<br />

of Old Testament Days. New York: Abingdon Press, 1938._<br />

377. Harrison, Eveleen. Little-known Women of the Bible. New<br />

York: Round Table Press, 1936.<br />

378. Hartmann, Anton T. Die Hebräerin am Putztische und als<br />

Braut. 3 vois. Amsterdam: Kunst-und-Industrie-Comptoir,<br />

1809-1810.<br />

379. Hartsoe, Colleen Ivey. Dear Daughter: Letters from Eve and<br />

Other Women of the Bible. Wilton, Conn.: Morehouse-Barlow,<br />

1981.<br />

380. Haytes, M. The New Eve in Christ: The Use and Abuse of the<br />

Bible in the Debate about Women in the Church. London:<br />

SPCK, 1987. Gen. 1:27; female metaphors for God; feminist<br />

hermeneutics<br />

381. Headley, Phineas Camp. Historical and Descriptive Sketches of<br />

the Women of the Bible, from Eve of the Old Testament to<br />

the Marys of the New Testament. Auburn: Derby Miller &<br />

Co., 1850.<br />

382. Heidt, William G. The Canticle of Canticles: The Book ofWisdom.<br />

Collegeville, Minn.: Human Life Center, 1977. Female<br />

authorship of Canticles.<br />

383. Heister, Maria-Sybilla. Frauen in der biblischen Glaubimgeschichte.<br />

Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1984.<br />

384. Hentschel, Georg. Die Elijaerzählungen. Erfurter Theologische<br />

Studien, 33. Leipzig: St. Benno Verlag, 1977. Jezebel<br />


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