University-related science parks - 'seedbeds' or 'enclaves' of ...

University-related science parks - 'seedbeds' or 'enclaves' of ...

University-related science parks - 'seedbeds' or 'enclaves' of ...


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D. Felsensteintechnological prowess and innovation prompted by <strong>science</strong> park location, this latter fact<strong>or</strong> can servesupply-push conditions.to entrench existing seedbed interactions.The complete system <strong>of</strong> these interrelationships The question now arises as to whether otheris examined m<strong>or</strong>e f<strong>or</strong>mally in the log-linear model. fact<strong>or</strong>s exist that could impact on location. AreThe reduced-f<strong>or</strong>m model <strong>of</strong> the relationships other seedbed-promoting processes <strong>related</strong> to scibetweenW, I and L takes the f<strong>or</strong>mln(M,iJ = (Y + YWi t YZj + rWZij(18*18/l) (853/l) (4.5411)(i,Z, k = 1,O)+ YWZLij~(8*14/l)where ln(Mij,) = the expected cell frequency, OL= overall mean <strong>of</strong> the log <strong>of</strong> expected cellfrequencies, yWi = effect attributable to theith categ<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>k experience, YZj = effectattributable to the jth categ<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong> innovation level,YWZij = effect attributable to the interactionbetween the ith categ<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>k experience andthe jth categ<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong> innovation level, and YWZL,,= effect attributable to the third-<strong>or</strong>der interactionbetween the ith categ<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>k experience, thejth categ<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong> innovation and the kth categ<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong>location.Figures in parentheses are chi-square statisticsand degrees <strong>of</strong> freedom, all significant at thep < O-05 level.Likelihood ratio chi-square value f<strong>or</strong> estimatedmodel = 5.76 (p = 0.0461,3 degrees <strong>of</strong> freedom).The results show that only one second-<strong>or</strong>derand one third-<strong>or</strong>der interaction term are significant.Both these terms express the interaction effects<strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>k experience with innovation. There wouldthus seem to be an inf<strong>or</strong>mation flow basedon employment background that is <strong>related</strong> toinnovation level. This also interacts with location,suggesting that while w<strong>or</strong>k experience is <strong>related</strong>to innovation this may be contingent on location.However, this latter three-way interaction is theonly way in which location shows up in the results.All the two-way interactions that include locationare not ‘significant, and even the direct effect <strong>of</strong><strong>science</strong> park location by itself is not included inthe model. All this would seem to imply that whilethe seedbed effect is not necessarily contingent onence park location? As noted earlier, the spin-<strong>of</strong>fprocess is <strong>of</strong>ten associated with spatial clustering,the assumption being that spin-<strong>of</strong>f firms remain inthe local area once they have broken away andcontinue to interact f<strong>or</strong>mally (e.g. subcontracting)<strong>or</strong> inf<strong>or</strong>mally (social exchange) with their f<strong>or</strong>merplaces <strong>of</strong> employment [49].Amongst the firms surveyed, the pattern <strong>of</strong>spin-<strong>of</strong>f was distributed across: (1) local firms,both Israeli and local f<strong>or</strong>eign subsidiaries (36%<strong>of</strong> firms attributable to this source); (2) f<strong>or</strong>eigncompanies abroad (22%); (3) universities (nearlyall local) (26%); and (4) the defence industry(including f<strong>or</strong>mer army <strong>of</strong>ficers) and a ‘miscellaneous’categ<strong>or</strong>y (16%). This distribution highlightedthe relatively large number <strong>of</strong> firms thathave spun-out <strong>of</strong> f<strong>or</strong>eign companies abroad. W<strong>or</strong>kexperience abroad would seem to expose thepotential entrepreneur to the possibilities <strong>of</strong> settingup an independent operation. It could also be thatnew firms starting up in this way have a guaranteedmarket in the f<strong>or</strong>m <strong>of</strong> their f<strong>or</strong>mer company. Thismitigates some <strong>of</strong> the risk generally involved inspinning-<strong>of</strong>f [49].A significant relationship is found to existbetween spin-<strong>of</strong>f (P) and <strong>science</strong> park location(L) (x2 = 4@07, p = 0X)451). However, whenstratifying the relationship between innovationand location by type <strong>of</strong> spin-<strong>of</strong>f, no significantrelationship exists. This would seem to show thatthe (rather weak) relationship between innovationand location, outlined above, is not contingent onthe type <strong>of</strong> spin-<strong>of</strong>f. Thus, unlike the case f<strong>or</strong>w<strong>or</strong>k experience, we cannot conclusively say thatf<strong>or</strong>mer companies are an apparent source <strong>of</strong> inputthat will influence the firm’s innovation level. Assuch, there does not seem to be any reasonf<strong>or</strong> conscious <strong>science</strong>-park clustering <strong>of</strong> spin-<strong>of</strong>fsaround ‘incubat<strong>or</strong>’ <strong>or</strong>ganizations. They might clusterdue to inertia, prestige considerations associatedwith the location <strong>or</strong> simply through lack <strong>of</strong>106 Technovation Vol. ?4 No. 2

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