October 2012 - Trademax Publications

October 2012 - Trademax Publications

October 2012 - Trademax Publications


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esidential developmentResidential Units) subsidised rental units owned by theCity of Cape Town, 550 fully subsidised RDP/BNG units and210 freehold affordable housing units.In addition to the dam being erected, a clear and visibleimprovement in terms of roads can be seen, andconstruction of top structures has commenced.The first delivery of housing will consist of 130 RDP/BNGhousing units for the Provincial Government of theWestern Cape with an expected date of handoverearmarked for July 2013.The next large scale product offering consists of 340 CRUhousing units of which construction has commenced inMay <strong>2012</strong> and the expected date of handover is assignedfor <strong>October</strong> 2013. The recipient of the CRU units is the Cityof Cape Town.One of the first projects Calgro M3 undertook was to callfor the commencement of the construction of a huge newattenuation dam by Bigen Africa, which will, oncompletion, be one of the largest such dams constructedin the Western Cape, and will manage storm water flowfrom a very large catchment area.The total project will comprise 2 247 units – 1 147 GAP,social housing and rental units, 340 CRU units (CommunityConstruction of the first batch of free standing openbonded houses, which will consist of 88 units, willcommence in November <strong>2012</strong> and handover of units is setto start taking place towards the end of April 2013. Thesehouses offer high quality finishes and specifications farabove those regularly found in the market, and werebought by individual homeowners making use of financialinstruments from the four large banks. Interest in theproduct was extremely high and the units were sold out ina very short space of time.“We believe this is due to a number of factors, namely avery dedicated and well trained sales force, excellentpricing, really well positioned stands offering fantasticviews of the Helderberg range and this all translating to asolid value proposition for the average buyer who wishesto own an own property,” says Charl Cornelissen,Marketing Director for Calgro M3.OCTOBER <strong>2012</strong>17

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