July, 2013 - ZE DataWatch by ZE PowerGroup powered by ZEMA ...

July, 2013 - ZE DataWatch by ZE PowerGroup powered by ZEMA ...

July, 2013 - ZE DataWatch by ZE PowerGroup powered by ZEMA ...


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<strong>July</strong> <strong>2013</strong>Other MattersIHS Launches Aerospace,Defense Information WebsiteOn June 21, <strong>2013</strong>, IHS announced the launch of itsIHSJanes360.com website that provides content, analysis,videos and interviews relevant to Aerospace and Defenseindustry members. The website is part of IHS's company-widestrategy to help customers build their businesses.Markit LaunchesETP AnalyticsOn June 03, <strong>2013</strong>, Markit announced the launch of its globalexchange-traded product (ETP) analytics tool, Markit ETPAnalytics. The analytics will include performance, correlation,trading and liquidity trends, holding and risk assessment.Markit Launches CLO Database,Analytics ServiceOn June 10, <strong>2013</strong>, Markit announced the launch of itscollateralized loan obligation (CLO) loan performanceanalytics and data services, which include performance data,loan pricing, and managed portfolio administration and tradesettlement services.Markit, Quartet FS Enhance RiskCalculations, Data AggregationOn June 6, <strong>2013</strong>, Markit and Quartet FS announced theirpartnership to enhance stochastic risk calculations (includingrisk weighted assets, initial margins, and credit valuationadjustments) and to better aggregate Markit’s 1000+ vectorsfor real-time marginal netting node and impact analysisthrough the licensing of Quartet FS’ ActivePivot technology.ATS Brasil and that the exchange would be approved <strong>by</strong> asearly as next year.IHS Announces Intent to AcquireAutomotive InformationProviderOn June 10, <strong>2013</strong>, global information provider HIS announcedits intention to acquire R.L. Polk & Co., <strong>by</strong> signing a definitiveagreement to purchase the automotive information companyin a $1.4 billion transaction. R.L. Polk & Co. own suchproperties as Polk and CARFAX that provide actionablemarketing intelligence and extensive vehicle histories.HKEx, Hunan Financial AffairsSign MOUOn June 24, <strong>2013</strong>, the Hong Kong Exchanges and ClearingLimited (HKEx) and Hunan Financial Affairs Office announceda memorandum of understanding (MOU) on the sharing ofinformation, which enables there to be greater businesscooperation between the city of Hong Kong and the HunanProvince.ICE Acquisition of NYSEApproved <strong>by</strong> EU CommissionOn June 24, <strong>2013</strong>, IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) announcedit had received approval <strong>by</strong> the European Commission toacquire NYSE Euronext. The completion of the acquisition isstill subject to final approval from the College of Regulators,other national regulators and the U.S. Securities andExchange Commission.ATS Brasil Files to Become NewStock ExchangeOn June 19, <strong>2013</strong>, Americas Trading Group (ATG) and NYSEEuronext’s joint venture, Americas Trading System Brasil (ATSBrasil), announced it had made a formal request to the BrazilSEC to launch a new stock exchange in the Brazilian marketthat will focus on the trading of equities. The request alsoincludes the provision for admission of liquidity providers to19 Back to Summary

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