Orleans Wood Elementary School - Ottawa-Carleton District School ...

Orleans Wood Elementary School - Ottawa-Carleton District School ...

Orleans Wood Elementary School - Ottawa-Carleton District School ...


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Academic Programs• Regular English program with 40 minutes of Core Frenchdaily.• Early French Immersion program SK – grade 3.• Grade 1 offers 100% Immersion1500 min./week• Grades 2 -3, French instruction1200 min./weekSpecial Education andESL Programs<strong>Orleans</strong> <strong>Wood</strong> has amultidisciplinary team comprisedof teaching staff, a primarylanguage learning disabilityclass, an educational assistant, alearning support teacher andschool administration. Supportservices are also provided bycentral board staff through apsychologist, social worker, anda speech and languagepathologist. All students who areidentified with needs remain inthe regular classroom wheretheir program may bedifferentiated throughaccommodations and/ormodifications.Safe <strong>School</strong>s Initiatives• A school-wide commitment to character development andanti-bullying programs.• Radio-equipped staff on duty in yard.• Students, staff and parents have refined the Code ofBehaviour.• Student Recognition, Character Program and RestorativeJustice Practices.• Programs to encourage tolerance, personal safety andappreciation for all cultures through presentations andassemblies.• Safe Arrival Program and Visitor Sign-In Procedure.• Leadership development opportunities for students.• Partnerships with school nurse Irene Reid and <strong>School</strong>Resource Officer Ben Albert.• Anaphylaxis and Diabetic Protocols.• Fire drills and Lockdown practices.Classroom Organization• <strong>Orleans</strong> <strong>Wood</strong> is a JK – 3 dual track community school.• Currently, there are two English classes, five Early FrenchImmersion classes, one Primary Learning Disability class,two English JK classes, one English JK/SK class and twoFrench Immersion SK classes.• Our average class size in the Primary Division (Kindergartento grade 3) is 17.Clubs and ActivitiesFacilities andResources• Our school is surrounded by alarge school yard borderedwith beautiful trees, parkbenches and is adjacent to acity park. Recently, we alsohave added several new playstructures and well as anoutdoor classroom.• Inside, the building is brightand attractive. In addition tothe full-size gymnasium, thereis an exercise room and alarge library containing over12 000 books.• Also, we have a wellequippedLiteracy room forresources, a technology roomwith a Smartboard, and aconference room formeetings. Our conferenceroom contains a variety ofparent resources that can besigned out for reading.• Comprehensive sports programs include development ofvolleyball and basketball skills, Cross-Country and Trackand Field teams.• <strong>School</strong> Spirit Club, Swim to Survive Program (grade 3) andskating.• Choir, drama, dance, lunch helpers, community serviceactivities.• All students are encouraged to contribute to their communityby supporting causes such as the Terry Fox Walk, theEducation Foundation, the Angel Tree of Giving, the Heartand Stroke foundation and The Food Bank.• Students demonstrate leadership through reading buddies,recycling assistants, activity cart helpers, and studentannouncers.<strong>Orleans</strong> <strong>Wood</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 3

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