Newsletter - Issue 1 - October 2013 - The Langley Academy

Newsletter - Issue 1 - October 2013 - The Langley Academy

Newsletter - Issue 1 - October 2013 - The Langley Academy


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Geography<strong>The</strong> Year 13s have been out collating data from Black Park regarding leisure and tourism in rurallandscapes in preparation for their report style examinations next summer.We are fast approaching our first Geography residential trip at TLA. <strong>The</strong> students will be visiting riverfeatures across Somerset as part of their controlled assessment process. We currently have over 50students attending and the number is still rising! You can view their place of residence here:http://www.field-studies-council.org/virtualtours/nettlecombecourt/index.htmlPlease remember to check your emails regarding the next instalment of payments.RPSIn RPS this term Year 7’s have been looking at religious communities and have looked closely at theJewish and Christian faith communities. Lots of students have made good progress and have made agood start to their RPS lessonsYear 8 have been looking at the key themes of Christianity through studying the film ‘Pay it forward’Later in the year they will develop their understanding of these key themes of the film further bydesigning their own charity project that will be financed by ‘Giving Nation.’ This is a nationalorganisation that works with schools to help encourage young people to give something back tosociety.Year 9 have started their GCSE studies andhave been looking at the relationship existingbetween religion and sport. As part of theirPSHE programme, a group of 50 Year 9’s weregiven the opportunity to take part in a ChickenShed <strong>The</strong>atre workshop that highlighted theproblem of unwanted teenage pregnancy. Allstudents had a fantastic afternoon and cameup with some very interesting and thoughtprovoking ideas that were expressed wellthrough their final drama presentations.Year 9 students taking part in the Chicken Shed <strong>The</strong>atre WorkshopYear 10 are continuing with their GCSE studies and have been examining arguments supporting ordenying the existence of God. <strong>The</strong> students have led most of the debates and have come up withsome very interesting viewpoints and perspectives that have led to lots of students doing very well intheir end of term exam.Year 11 are studying the AQA religion and sport module as part of their preparation for their finalGCSE exam in the summer.25

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