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joined them, carrying a banner that read:“We want bread, but we want roses too!’.In 1917 women in Russia protested oncemore and went on strike for ‘Bread andPeace’. According to the Julian calendar(the calendar used in Russia at the time), thestrike took place on the 23rd of February.After much discussion the 8th of March wasdecided upon using the Gregorian calendar(which is the one commonly used today).The strike resulted in the abdication of the Czarand the attainment of Russian women’s rightto vote. The year 1945 marked the signingof the Charter of the United Nations, in SanFrancisco, that proclaimed gender equality.Ever since, the UN has helped to create ahistoric legacy of internationally agreedstrategies, standards and goals in order toimprove the status of women worldwide.The world celebratingAlthough this event is widely commemoratedand internationally recognized it iscelebrated differently in different countries.In Palestine, Turkey, Sri Lanka and othercountries women take to the streets toprotest, whereas in Armenia, Mongolia andBurkina Faso, for instance, the ladies takethe day off. This is also the case in Algeria,with the addition of exchanging of gifts andoften a festive event. In the United States ofAmerica, where the significance of this daytends to be suppressed to be eclipsed by“Mother’s Day” and the “mom cult”, peopledonate money to non-profit organisationsto help deprived women around the world.In England, festive activities and events arecombined with educational seminars, artexhibitions and interviews with inspirational-public or individual- personalities.Theatrical performances with women’ssuffering and oppression as their theme,poetry readings, song recitals andfilm showings are also held in Pakistan.A Momentous Event?People around the globe consider this dayan opportunity to honor women’s past,economic and political achievements aswell as to acknowledge the importanceof women in society. Moreover, otherswant to raise awareness about womenenduring domestic violence, which has beenincreasing all over the world over recentyears, especially in European countries..We also need to celebrate this gloriousday to help fight illiteracy which is rife,especially in Third World countries. Lastbut not least, it is proved that women aremore likely to suffer poverty. According tostatistics 70% of the world’s poorest peopleare women. This is due to wages inequalitywhich results in their receiving low salariesregardless of the fact that women performthe same work as men in several countries.A Shallow Celebration?No one can deny the facts mentioned above,yet just one day in a whole year does not solveall the problems of female subordinationand tyranny across the world. Furthermore,regarding the United Nations’ declaration“Stand Of Peace”, there is no particulareffort being made to raise awareness ofwomen’s suffering. This may be becauseoften women themselves are not overlyinterested in these events. This heroic dayis being mostly celebrated in a shallow waythat does not ennoble it in the right mannerto reflect the struggle of women throughhistory who fought persistently in order towin the right for a more humane treatment.Women have suffered throughout historyand are still suffering worldwide fromabuse, rape and lack of education. Thisprevents them from knowing that theyhave a divine right to be free as well as tobe treated as human beings with dignity.By Sebai Asma

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