(U.S. Coins) Catalog - Stack's Bowers

(U.S. Coins) Catalog - Stack's Bowers

(U.S. Coins) Catalog - Stack's Bowers


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Session Six Ends 3:00 PM PT • Tuesday, November 12, 201310167 Massachusetts—Chicopee Falls. MANUFACTURED BY/ MASS. ARMS CO. / CHICOPEE FALLS / MAYNARDARMS CO. / WASHINGTON on an 1851 cent (51 over 81variety). Brunk M-281, M-328, Rulau-DC-Wa 18. Hostcoin Very Fine. Tan overall with blushes of blue and violet.Both counterstamps appear to be the identical manufacturersstamps used in the production of Maynard percussion-lockbreech-loading carbines. Many of these carbines reportedlyended up in the hands of the Confederate Cavalry duringthe Civil War. It’s likely that this counterstamp was producedin the mid to late 1850s.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.10168 Massachusetts—Concord / Vermont—Middlebury. J.DYAR twice on an 1826 cent. Brunk—Unlisted, Rulau—Unlisted. Host coin Good. Fancy scroll-shaped incusepunch. Intermingled golden brown and violet. A silversmith’smark. Joseph Dyar (Dyer) worked during the first half ofthe 19th century in both Concord, Massachusetts andMiddlebury, Vermont. Most of his silver output appears tohave been spoons. He is also credited with the manufactureof clocks.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.10169 Massachusetts—Haverhill. CARLETON & CO. withinincuse rectangular punch on 1798 cent (Style I Hair).Brunk C-187, Rulau-Mass A705. Host coin Very Fine.Cleaned and since retoned. Attributed to James H. Carletonwho was known to be a silversmith in that town. A few smallrim bruises are noted.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.10170 Massachusetts—Holyoke. LYMAN / MILLS on an 1842cent. Brunk M-717, Rulau—Unlisted. Host coin VeryFine. Blended golden brown and olive. This was likely thetextile mill situated in Holyoke, Massachusetts rather than aplace name.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.10171 Massachusetts—Holyoke. LYMAN / MILLS on an 1856large cent. Brunk M-717, Rulau—Unlisted. Host coinVery Good. Golden brown toning.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.10172 Massachusetts—Lowell. A.G. BACHELDER. / LOWELLMASS on a Capped Bust dime. Brunk—Unlisted (similarto B-103), Rulau—Unlisted. Host coin Poor, date missing,holed. Pewter gray toning. Asahel G. Bachelder was amanufacturer of spoke shaves, items which has survived insubstantial numbers and which are evidently popular withcollectors.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.10173 Massachusetts—Millbury. G.F. GALE / MILLBURY MASSon an 1842 cent. Brunk G-61 (type), Rulau—Unlisted.Host coin Very Good. Tan with blue and violet accents. Noidentity information comes to hand for this issuer.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.10174 Massachusetts—Millbury. HALE & [///]. / MILLBURY /MASS. / Gryphon / MILLBURY / MASS on a very nearlysmooth Draped Bust cent. Brunk H-93, Rulau-Mass 625.Host coin Poor. Maroon-brown overall with wisps of blue.The Directory of American Toolmakers reports that thefirm of Hale & Whipple manufactured scythes in Millbury,Massachusetts in the mid 1830s.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate. Earlier from our (<strong>Bowers</strong> andMerena’s) sale of the Donovan and Hudgens collections, November1993, lot 3177.10175 Massachusetts—Millbury. US / A. WATERS / MILLBURY/ 1825 on an 1810 cent. Brunk W-253, Rulau-E-Mass46C. Host coin Fair. Chocolate brown, with blue andviolet accents. Brunk identifies Asa Waters Jr. as a gunsmithwho did contract work for the U.S. government. Hiscounterstamps are necessarily early as he died in 1841.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.10176 Massachusetts—Natick. G.E. FRANKLIN / MACHINIST/ NATICK on an 1864 Large Motto two-cent piece.Brunk—Unlisted, Rulau—Unlisted. Host coin Very Fine.Golden brown. George E. Franklin was a manufacturerof woodworking planes and pipe wrenches in Natick,Massachusetts. He had an 1873 patent for a surfacing plane.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.10177 Massachusetts—Pittsfield. CAST.STEEL / PITTSFIEL[D]/ WARRANT[ED] on an 1838 cent. Brunk C-270, W-221,Rulau—Unlisted. Host coin Poor. Blended chocolate andgolden brown. CAST STEEL and WARRANTED were bothcommonly stamped by factories onto the steel tools thatthey manufactured during the 19th century.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.10178 Massachusetts—Shelburne Falls. LAMSON GOODNOW& CO. / S. FALLS WORKS on an 1851 cent. Brunk L-80,Rulau-Mass 625. Host coin Very Fine. Golden browntoning.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.10179 Massachusetts—Shelburne Falls. LAMSONS & CO / S.FALLS WORKS on an 1826 cent. Brunk—Unlisted (relatedto L-80), Rulau—Unlisted. Host coin Good. Chestnutbrown overall, with hints of violet. Undoubtedly, this shouldhave been LAMSON rather than LAMSONS. Lamson,Goodnow & Co. was a cutlery company in Shelburne Falls,Massachusetts that was credited with a product line ofmore than 500 types of knives and related items. They alsomanufactured augers and bits. Silas Lamson was famous forhaving designed a popular type of scythe snath. Whetherthis counterstamp was issued prior to or subsequent to thepartnership with Goodnow is speculative, but the early dateof the host coin suggests that it was produced prior to thepartnership.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.10180 Massachusetts—Springfield. R. PAINE / WG / sittingdog / donkey head all on 1829 cent. Brunk P-89, Rulau—Unlisted (type of Mass-521 to 523). Host coin Fair.Blended chocolate brown and tan. The dog and donkeyhead may both be representative examples of his work.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.10181 Massachusetts—Springfield. R. PAINE / dagger on an1831 cent. Brunk P-89, Rulau—Mass 680. Host coinFine. Granular charcoal-gray surfaces. R. Paine is probablyRichard Paine, the engraver from Springfield, Massachusetts.The dagger may be a representative example of his work.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.10182 Massachusetts—Springfield. BY R. PAINE /SPRINGFIELD on 1830 cent. Brunk P-90, Rulau-Mass 521(type). Host coin Fine. Chocolate brown. Richard Paine ofSpringfield, Massachusetts was a self-described stamp cutterand die sinker in directories of the era. He also worked as aninspector for N.P. Ames, a firearms manufacturer located inSpringfield.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.10183 Massachusetts—Springfield. BY R. PAINE /SPRINGFIELD / U.S. T-A. on 1834 cent. Brunk P-90,Rulau-Mass 521 (type). Host coin Fair Blended chocolatebrown and golden brown toning.From the Stephen L. Tanenbaum Estate.Bid online at www.stacksbowers.com Page 481

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