STUDENT DRESS CODE - Cuyahoga Falls City School District

STUDENT DRESS CODE - Cuyahoga Falls City School District

STUDENT DRESS CODE - Cuyahoga Falls City School District


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<strong>STUDENT</strong> <strong>DRESS</strong> <strong>CODE</strong><strong>Cuyahoga</strong> <strong>Falls</strong> High <strong>School</strong> recognizes that each student’s mode of dress and grooming is amanifestation of personal style and individual preference. However, that style andindividualization must also meet the dress code standards. CFHS also recognizes that the primaryresponsibility for students’ dress and grooming rests with the students and parents. It is furtherrecognized that student dress has an impact on the learning climate of a school and therefore acommittee of staff, students, and parents has developed these guidelines.1. Student dress should be neat, clean, in good taste, and in styles appropriate to theeducational climate of the school. Appropriate dress should be similar to what would beappropriate for an informal workplace or place of business. Student dress should not attractany unusual attention or comment from other students, teachers, administrators, or visitors toour school.2. As a general rule, all clothes and proper undergarments should be worn as designed and fitappropriately. Student dress should not expose the midriff, shoulders, back, orundergarments.3. Novelty signs and patches must be of acceptable taste for school-wear. Students will not bepermitted to wear clothing and/or accessories that display drugs, alcohol, tobacco products,illegal substances, or anti-social behaviors. Profanity, obscenity, and sexual innuendoes onany clothing or accessories are prohibited.4. Examples of inappropriate clothing and accessories that are not permitted in school are asfollows:a. Hats, hoods, headbands, jackets, coats, head coverings, scarves, gloves andbandanas are not to be worn in the building and are to be kept in assigned lockers.Bandanas worn by males are not permitted. All hair bands and bandanas worn byfemale students must be approximately two inches in width, must be worn off theforehead and must be holding back hair.b. Chains, studded bracelets, or collars, and other articles, which may be potentiallyharmful and/or destructive. Body piercing (other than the ears) is not permitted.c. Shorts and skirts that are shorter than mid-thigh.d. Cutoffs, bicycle/spandex and “droopy” pants.e. Pajamas, slippers, night wear.f. Shirts need to cover shoulders and stomach.g. Ill fitting, dirty or torn apparel.h. Bare midriff is defined as the showing of skin between the bottom of the shirt andthe top of the pant. Shirts should be long enough to be tucked in. Tops andbottoms must overlap at all times.i. Showing of skin/and or underwear (male or female) whether standing or sitting.Showing of navels, cleavage, hip bones or underclothing should never be visible.j. Students are not permitted to carry book bags or duffel bags during the school day.Students may bring book bags or duffel bags to school but must place them in theirlockers at the beginning of the school day.k. Clothing that is torn, tattered or contains holes are not permitted.l. Sunglasses are not to be worn in school.5. Building principals shall be ultimately responsible for the enforcement of this code, as wellas decisions regarding individual cases of safety, questionable dress or grooming. Buildingprincipals may designate “special” days or events when some part of the dress code isadjusted, permitted, or changed.

6. Students in violation of the <strong>Cuyahoga</strong> <strong>Falls</strong> High <strong>School</strong> Dress Codes will be given theopportunity to remedy the appropriate dress or will be assigned to the in-school detentionroom for the rest of the school day. Additional violations in dress code will result indisciplinary action in accordance with the Student Discipline Code.7. A <strong>Cuyahoga</strong> <strong>Falls</strong> High <strong>School</strong> student’s manners and attire directly reflects his/her selfesteemand school pride. Students’ dress should be appropriate to the educational activitiesand the school environment and should be governed by good sense, good taste, andcleanliness.8. If there are any questions as to the appropriateness of any type of clothing, the school shouldbe contacted in advance.Inappropriate <strong>School</strong> Dress Includes:Shorts and skirts that are shorter thanmid-thigh.Shirts need to cover shoulders andstomach.Bare midriff is defined as the showing ofskin between the bottom of the shirt andthe top of the pant. Shirts should belong enough to be tucked in. Tops andbottoms must overlap at all times.

Pajamas, slippers, night wear are notacceptable.Sunglasses are not to be worn inschool.

Hats, hoods,headbands, jackets,coats, headcoverings, scarves,gloves and bandanasare not to be worn inthe building and areto be kept inassigned lockers.Cutoffs, bicycle/spandex and“droopy” pants are not permittedClothing that is torn, tattered orcontains holes are not permitted.Novelty signs and patches must beof acceptable taste for school-wear.Students will not be permitted towear clothing and/or accessoriesthat display drugs, alcohol, tobaccoproducts, illegal substances, or antisocialbehaviors. Profanity,obscenity, and sexual innuendoes onany clothing or accessories areprohibited.

Students are not permitted to carry book bags or duffel bags during the schoolday. Students may bring book bags or duffel bags to school but must placethem in their lockers at the beginning of the school day.Acceptable <strong>School</strong> Dress

Student dress should be neat, clean, in good taste, and in styles appropriate tothe educational climate of the school. Appropriate dress should be similar towhat would be appropriate for an informal workplace or place of business.Student dress should not attract any unusual attention or comment from otherstudents, teachers, administrators, or visitors to our school.

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