Wastebook - Senator Tom Coburn - U.S. Senate

Wastebook - Senator Tom Coburn - U.S. Senate

Wastebook - Senator Tom Coburn - U.S. Senate


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<strong>Wastebook</strong> 2013Some of the recent website topics include:• Team Edward or Team Jacob? “Are heroes like Edward romantic or controlling?” pondersthe Popular Romance Project website, referring to the vampire character in the Twilight. 43• Call Me Maybe: The Popular Romance Project website celebrates Carly Rae Jepsen’s hitsong “Call Me Maybe” as a “fun, flirty invitation to a dreamy crush” and examines how thesong’s video has provokes some “very interesting conversations about contemporaryromance.” 44• The Spy Who Loved Me: The romance of British Secret Service Agent James Bond, 007, isexamined by the Popular Romance Project website, noting that “the recurrent death ofromance is fundamental to the 007 franchise. What can popular romance scholars make ofthis motif?” 45While supporters note that “in some ways, romance novels are the dirty little secret of the literaryworld” and “largely ignored by mainstream critics, regularly maligned by academics, and sometimeshidden away even by their readers,” they hope this project will change that impression–all with theassistance of the federal government. 46 In addition to the NEH financial aid, the Library of Congress isplanning symposium to “explore the past and future of the romance novel form, scheduled to coincidewith the release” of the “Love Between theCovers” documentary “around Valentine’sDay 2015.” 47“Are heroes like Edward romantic or controlling?” is one of themany topics related to love and romance the Popular RomanceProject website explores.NEH has invested nearly $1 million in thisproject over the past three years. InSeptember, NEH issued a $250,000 grantfor the “production of an interactive,multifaceted website that would serve as ananchor for the Popular Romance Project, amultimedia project on the writing,production, and consumption of popularromance literature.” 48 Last October, NEHprovided $616,000 for the “production of atwo-hour documentary about the historyand context of the romance novel and theglobal community built around a massproducedpopular cultural product” to bespent this year and next. 49 In 2010, NEHawarded a two year grant totaling $48,000for the “planning and scripting for a film, a symposium, and reading and discussion programs on howromance literature reflects universal themes of courtship, love, and intimacy” 50 as well as travel toconferences about romance novels. 51NEH may love to waste money on this project, but taxpayers are likely to feel jilted about subsidizingthe promotion of a billion dollar industry that generated over $1.4 billion in 2012, and remains as hotas ever. 528

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