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HERTWIG, R. und E. LESSER, 1874. Ueber Rhizopo<strong>de</strong>n und <strong>de</strong>nselbennahe stehan<strong>de</strong> organismen. Arch. f. Micros.Anat. 10 (Suppl.): 35-243HEYWOOD, P. and L.J. ROTHSCHILD, 1987. Reconciliation of evolution and nomenc<strong>la</strong>ture among the higher taxaof protists. Biol.. J. Linn. Soc., 30: 91-98.HILL, J., 1752. History of Animals, Including the Several C<strong>la</strong>sses of Animalcu<strong>la</strong> Visible Only by the Assistance ofMicroscopes. Vol. 3, Compleat Body of Natural History. Osborne, London. 584 p.HOARE, C.A., 1927. Studies on coprozoic ciliates. Parasitology, 19: 154-222.HOARE, C.A., 1949. Handbook of medical protozoology. Ballière, Tindall & Cox, London. 334 p.HOARE, C.A., 1972. The Trypanosomes of Mammals. B<strong>la</strong>ckwell Scientific Publs., Oxford. 749 p.HONIGBERG, B.M., 1967. Developments in microscopy in re<strong>la</strong>tion to our un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of protozoa. Trans. Amer.Microsc. Soc., 86; 101-112.HOOKE, R.,1965. Micrographia. Martyn & Allestry, London.HOVASSE, R., 1923. Endodinium chattoni nov. gen. nov. sp., parasite inhacellu<strong>la</strong>ire <strong>de</strong>s vélelles. Bull.. Biol.. Fr.Belg, 57: 107-130.HOVASSE, R., 1932. Contribution à l'etu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>s silicof<strong>la</strong>gellés. Multiplication, variabilité, hérédité, affinités. Bull..Biol.. Fr. Belg., 66: 447-501.HOVASSE, R., 1965. Trichocystes, corps trichocystoi<strong>de</strong>s, cnidocystes et collob<strong>la</strong>stes. Protopasmatologia, 3 (Sect.f): 1-57.HOVASSE, R., 1984a. Les associations symbiotiques. In: Grassé, P.-P., ed., Traité <strong>de</strong> Zoologie. Anatomie,Systématique, Biologie. Vol. II, fasc. l, Masson et Cie, paris, pp. 311-343.HOVASSE, R., 1984b. Les associations parasitaires. In: Grassé, P.-P., ed., Traité <strong>de</strong> Zoologie. Anatomie,Systématique, Biologie. Vol. ll, fasc. I, Masson et Cie, paris, pp. 345-357.HUTNER, S.H., 1936. The nutritional requirements of two species of Euglena. Arch. Protistenk, 88: 93-106.HUTNER, S.H., ed., 1964. Biochemistry and Physiology of Protozoa. Vol. 3. Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Press, New York and London.616 p.HUTNER, S.H., H. BAKER, O. FRANK, and D. COX, 1972. Nutrition and metabolism in protozoa. In: Fiennes, R.N.,ed., Biology of Nutrition, Pergamon Press, London and New York, pp. 85-177.HUTNER, S.H. and A. LWOFF, eds., 1955. Biochemistry and Physiology of Protozoa. Vol. 2. Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Press, NewYork and London. 388 p.HYMAN, L.H., 1917. Metabolic gradients in Amoeba and their re<strong>la</strong>tion to the mechanism of amoeboid movement. J.Exp. Zool.., 24: 55-99.HYMAN, L.H., 1936. Observations on protozoa. I. The impermanence of the contractile vacuole in Amoebavespertilio. II. Structure and mo<strong>de</strong> of food ingestion of Peranema. Quart. J. Micros Sci., N.S., 79: 43-56.HYMAN, L.H., 1940. The invertebrates: Protozoa through Ctenophora. Vol. 1. MacGraw-Hill, New York. 726 p.HYMAN, L.H., 1959. The Invertebrates: Smaller Coelomate Groups. Vol. 5. MacGraw-Hill, New York. 783 p. (PhylumProtozoa of Vol. 1 reconsi<strong>de</strong>red on pp. 698-713).JACOBS, N.X., 1989. From unit to unity: protozoology, cell theory, and the new concept of life. J. Hist. Biol.., 22:215-242.JAHN, T.L. and F.F. JAHN, 1949. How to know the Protozoa. Brown, Dubuque, lowa. 234 p.

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