2002 CAMPAIGN FINANCE SUMMARY - Minnesota State Legislature

2002 CAMPAIGN FINANCE SUMMARY - Minnesota State Legislature

2002 CAMPAIGN FINANCE SUMMARY - Minnesota State Legislature


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Issued: May 30, 2003 (data as of May 15, 2003)<strong>CAMPAIGN</strong> <strong>FINANCE</strong> AND PUBLIC DISCLOSURE BOARDSuite 190, Centennial Office Building658 Cedar StreetSt. Paul MN 55155-1603Telephone: 651/296-5148 or 800/657-3889Fax: 651/296-1722For TTY/TDD communication contact us through the <strong>Minnesota</strong> Relay Service at 800/627-3529Email: cf.board@state.mn.usWorldwide web site: http://www.cfboard.state.mn.us

EXECUTIVE <strong>SUMMARY</strong> - ELECTION YEAR <strong>2002</strong>The Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board is charged with the administration of theEthics in Government Act, <strong>Minnesota</strong> Statutes Chapter 10A. During an election year campaigncommittees of candidates who file for office are required to file three Reports of Receipts andExpenditures: pre-primary, pre-general, and year-end. Campaign committees of candidateswho chose not to file for office file one year-end report. Offices open for election in <strong>2002</strong> were:Constitutional, <strong>State</strong> Senate, House of Representatives, and certain Judicial seats. Politicalparty units, political committees, and political funds registered with the Board also filed preprimary,pre-general, and year-end reports.This summary is based on reports for election year <strong>2002</strong>, as filed with the Board by principalcampaign committees of candidates for 4 constitutional offices (25 candidates filed) 67 statesenate seats (163 candidates filed), 134 state representative seats (324 candidates filed), andby 42 candidates for elective judicial seats. Additionally, this summary includes data suppliedby 11 judicial officeholders; 518 committees of candidates who did not file for election in <strong>2002</strong>;382 political party units; and 382 political committees and political funds. Comparison of totaldata from election year <strong>2002</strong> by principal campaign committee, political committee, or politicalfund with similar data from election years 2000 and 1998 is included in this summary. The datahas not been verified or audited.This summary includes, for each candidate committee, political party unit, political committee orpolitical fund, total contributions received; total transfers to other candidates, politicalcommittees or political funds; total expenditures; beginning and ending cash balances; and thetotal amount of public subsidy received by qualifying candidates. A committee or fund'soutstanding loans payable, unpaid bills, or disbursements other than campaign expenditures ortransfers to candidates are not itemized but are reflected in the totals reported in the summary.The <strong>2002</strong> election was the first election following the 2000 census. In three legislative districts,two incumbent legislators challenged each other. Seventeen incumbent legislators lost theirbid for reelection. Forty-seven incumbent legislators did not run for reelection. Of the 47legislators who did not run for reelection, seven House of Representative incumbents ran forthe Senate and six won; six legislative candidates ran for constitutional office and two won.Contributions totaling $5,445,005 were reported received by candidates for constitutional office(see page 12). Contributions totaling $3,295,513 were reported received by candidates whofiled for office for <strong>State</strong> Senate; contributions totaling $4,286,529 were reported received bycandidates for House of Representatives (see page 14); and a total of $616,250 incontributions were reported received by 20 judicial candidates (see page 37). A listing of thenames of individuals, committees, or funds contributing in aggregate more than $100 tolegislative or district court candidates and more than $200 to constitutional office candidatesand to political committees and political funds begins on page 58.Included in the total contributions received by Constitutional office candidates werecontributions from 4,318 donations of more than $200 each totaling $3,393,028 (62% of totalcontributions received). <strong>State</strong> Senate candidates received 3,696 donations of more than $100each totaling $1,354,033 (41% of total contributions received). House candidates receivedcontributions from 4,133 donations of more than $100 each totaling $1,429,650 (33% of totalcontributions received). Judicial candidates received contributions from 478 donations of morethan $100 each totaling $441,759 (71% of total contributions received).

Most candidates voluntarily agree to limit expenditures in order to receive public subsidies.These subsidies include direct payments to eligible candidates during election years and theright to participate in the Political Contribution Refund (PCR) program. Agreements to abide byspending limits in order to receive money from the <strong>State</strong> Elections Campaign Fund were signedby 99% of registered constitutional and legislative candidates filing for office. A total of$4,442,829 in public subsidy was distributed to constitutional and legislative candidates.Campaign expenditures are made for the purpose of influencing the nomination or election of acandidate and apply toward the expenditure limit applicable to partisan candidates who signeda Public Subsidy Agreement. In <strong>2002</strong>, 25 constitutional office candidates reported making totalcampaign expenditures of $6,957,873; a 37% decrease in campaign spending compared to$10,976,129 in 1998. Campaign expenditures for 163 candidates who filed for state senatetotaled $4,496,989; a 13% increase in campaign spending when compared with totalexpenditures of $3,916,752 in 2000. Campaign expenditures by 324 house candidates totaled$5,027,261; a 14% increase in campaign spending compared to total expenditures of$4,336,825 in 2000.According to statistics compiled from candidate reports, winners outspent losers in 80% of thestate senate races and 80% of the house races. Candidates in 2 state senate districts and 5house districts ran without opposition in the general election.Constitutional candidates reported receiving a total of $4,889,605 in contributions fromindividuals, lobbyists, political committees, and political funds, $1,942,781 from public subsidy,and $555,400 from political parties. <strong>State</strong> senate candidates reported receiving a total of$2,972,317 in contributions from individuals, lobbyists, political committees, and political funds;$1,223,850 from public subsidy; and $323,196 in contributions from political parties. Housecandidates reported receiving a total of $3,892,701 in contributions from individuals, lobbyists,political committees, and political funds; $1,234,283 from public subsidy; and $393,828 incontributions from political parties. Other candidate committees who did not file for officereported receiving $2,740,304 in contributions, and making total campaign expenditures of$3,130,275.This summary includes selected data from reports filed by political party units, politicalcommittees and political funds. Reports filed by 382 political party committees and 382 politicalcommittees and political funds disclosed receipt of contributions totaling $46,852,209 fromwhich they made total contributions of $15,087,343 to state candidate committees, politicalcommittees, and political funds. Included in the $46,839,021: $17,406,596 was contributed toDemocratic Farmer Labor party units which made $2,369,308 in contributions to statecandidates and other committees; $12,916,670 was contributed to Republican Party of<strong>Minnesota</strong> party units which made $1,203,940 in contributions to state candidates and othercommittees; $78,613 was contributed to Independence Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong> party units whichmade $3,906 in contributions to state candidates and other committees; and $84,703 incontributions to the Green Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong> party units which made $1,617 in contributions tostate candidates and other committees. Contributions made by individuals to qualifying politicalparty units also qualify for a refund under the PCR program.Also included are names of donors who contributed in aggregate more than $1,000 tocandidate committees, political committees, political funds, and political party units during <strong>2002</strong>(page 232) and a list of political committees and political funds that made independentexpenditures expressly advocating the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate (page189).

TABLE OF CONTENTSEntities in this Summary ............................................................................................................... 1Abbreviations................................................................................................................................ 1Campaign Expenditure Limits....................................................................................................... 1Cash Balances / Contributions Received .............................................................................................2Expenditures Made................................................................................................................................3<strong>2002</strong> Statistics ............................................................................................................................. 4Comparison of Reports Filed by <strong>State</strong> Candidates....................................................................... 5<strong>State</strong> Public Subsidy Program...................................................................................................... 6Tax Return Participation Rate....................................................................................................... 8Constitutional Candidates........................................................................................................... 12Legislative Candidates .............................................................................................................. .14Judicial Office Candidates .......................................................................................................... 37Special Election Candidates....................................................................................................... 39Judicial Officeholders ................................................................................................................. 41Other Registered Principal Campaign Committees .................................................................... 42Principal Campaign Committee - Major Donors ......................................................................... 58Special Election Candidates- Major Donors ............................................................................. 163Comparison of Reports Filed by Political Committees and Political Funds (PCFs)and Political Party Units................................................................................................... 165Political Committees and Political Funds - Receiving Contributions in Excess of $50,000 ...... 166Political Committees and Political Funds - Making Contributions in Excess of $30,000 .......... 167Political Party Units................................................................................................................... 168Political Committees and Political Funds ................................................................................. 180Independent Expenditures for Political Party Units.................................................................. .189Independent Expenditures for Political Committees and Political Funds................................. .190Public Subsidy Payments and Disbursements for Political Parties ......................................... 193Political Committees and Political Funds - Major Donors......................................................... 194Large Givers ............................................................................................................................ 232

ENTITIES IN THIS <strong>SUMMARY</strong># Terminated in<strong>2002</strong># ContinuingRegistrationCategory# in SummaryCandidates filing for office in <strong>2002</strong>:<strong>State</strong> Senate 163 13 150<strong>State</strong> Representative 324 26 301Judicial 42 18 24Constitutional 25 4 21Special Election 18 3 15Other Registered Candidates 518 158 358Subtotal 1,090 222 869Political Party Committees:DFL 183 20 163RPM 166 25 141IPM 10 1 9GPM 23 1 22Subtotal 382 47 335Political Committees & Funds 382 34 348Total 1,855 303 1,552ABBREVIATIONSOFFICEPOLITICAL PARTY UNITSGC Governor Committee DFL Democratic-Farmer-Labor PartyAG Attorney General Committee RPM Republican Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong>SS Secretary of <strong>State</strong> Committee IPM Independence Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong>SA <strong>State</strong> Auditor Committee GPM Green Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong>SC Supreme Court OTH Other party affiliationAC Appeals CourtDC District Court District numbers with * refers to legislative districtsprior to <strong>2002</strong> reapportionment.PUBLIC SUBSIDYMISCELLANEOUSY Public Subsidy Agreement in effect T Terminated with <strong>2002</strong> ReportN No Public Subsidy Agreement in effect A Amendment pendingI Increase in spending limit N/A Not ApplicableR Final report not filed<strong>2002</strong> BASE <strong>CAMPAIGN</strong> EXPENDITURE LIMITSElection YearGovernor/Lt. Governor $2,188,090Attorney General $364,690Secretary <strong>State</strong>, <strong>State</strong> Auditor $182,350<strong>State</strong> Senator $54,740<strong>State</strong> Representative $27,3801

CASH BALANCES / CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVEDBEGINNING CASH BALANCESCandidates for: <strong>2002</strong> 2000 1998Constitutional $277,402 $253,756Senators $745,078 $648,375Representatives $732,330 $995,362 $801,352TOTAL $1,745,810 $1,643,737 $1,055,108Other Registered Committee’s beginning cash balancesOther Registered<strong>2002</strong>Committee’sConstitutional $779,185Senate $374,165Representative $613,374TOTAL $1,766,724CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVEDCandidates for: Individuals Lobbyists Political Party Political Committees &UnitsFundsConstitutional $4,353,427 $174,723 $554,400 $361,455Senators $2,234,763 $101,970 $323,196 $635,584Representatives $2,994,109 $72,692 $393,828 $825,900TOTAL $9,582,299 $349,385 $1,271,424 $1,822,939Other Registered Committees contributions total: $2,749,339 in <strong>2002</strong>.Other RegisteredCommitteesIndividuals Lobbyists Political PartyUnitsPolitical Committees &FundsConstitutional $2,242,434 $13,190 $25,962 $21,950Senate $131,187 $6,225 $5,514 $65,863Representative $155,442 $9,712 $11,133 $56,677TOTAL $2,529,063 $29,127 $42,609 $144,4902

EXPENDITURES MADECandidates for: <strong>2002</strong> Campaign 2000 Campaign 1998 Campaign % increase orExpenditures Expenditures ExpendituresdecreaseConstitutional $6,957,873 $10,976,129 37% decreaseSenators $4,496,989 $3,916,752 13% increaseRepresentatives $5,027,261 $4,336,825 $4,280,840 14% increaseTotal $15,482,123 $8,253,577Other Registered Committees – 518 campaign committees reported making expenditures totaling$4,171,429.Political party units, political committees, and political fundsIn <strong>2002</strong>, 382 political party units and 382 political committees and political funds were registered with theBoard. These entities reported receiving total contributions of $46,839,021 in <strong>2002</strong> from which they madetotal contributions of $15,078,187 to other committees and state candidates.Political Party Committees Contributions received Contributions madeDemocratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) $17,406,596 $2,369,308Republican Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong> (RPM) $12,916,670 $1,203,940Green Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong> (GPM) $84,703 $1,617Independence Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong> (IPM) $78,613 $3,906Political Committees and Political Funds $16,351,939 $11,499,416Total $46,852,209 $15,087,3433

<strong>2002</strong> STATISTICS FORCONSTITUTIONAL, STATE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVECANDIDATESConstitutional Senate HouseCANDIDATES: 25 - 100% 163 - 100% 324 - 100% Number of candidates registered with theBoard who filed for office24 - 96% 161 - 99% 322 - 99% Number of candidates who signed publicsubsidy agreement2 - 100% 55 - 100% 100 - 100% Number of incumbents who ran forreelection and signed a public subsidyagreement22 - 96% 106 - 98% 222 - 99% Number of non-incumbents who signedpublic subsidy agreementDISTRICTS: 4 - 100% 67 - 100% 134 - 100%0 - % 2 - 3% 5 - 3.7% Number of unopposed general electioncandidates4 - 100% 53 - 80% 107 - 80% Number of districts in which winner outspentloser in general election2 - 50% 53 - 80% 98 - 73% Number of districts in which incumbents ranfor re-election0 - % 3 - 4% 18 - 13% Number of districts in which non-incumbentsoutspent incumbent and lost in generalelection0 - % 1 - 1.5% 3 - 2% Number of districts in which non-incumbentsoutspent incumbent and won in generalelectionCONTRIBUTIONS: $4,889,605 $2,972,317 $3,892,701 Contributions received from individuals,lobbyists, political committees and funds$195,584 $18,235 $11,978 Average amount of contributions receivedfrom individuals, lobbyists, politicalcommittees and funds per candidate$555,400 $323,196 $393,828 Contributions received from political parties$222,160 $1,983 $1,212 Average amount of contributions receivedfrom political parties per candidate$5,445,005 $3,295,513 $4,286,529 Total amount of contributions received$417,746 $20,218 $13,189 Average amount of contributions receivedper candidateEXPENDITURES: $6,957,873 $4,496,989 $5,027,261 Total amount of campaign expenditures$278,315 $27,589 $15,516 Average amount of campaign expendituresper candidate$570,807 $392,005 $645,422 Total amount of non-campaign expenditures$22,832 $2,405 $1,986 Average amount of non-campaignexpenditures per candidate$7,599,919 $5,022,195 $5,900,777 Total amount of campaign expenditures,non-campaign disbursements and otherdisbursements$303,997 $30,811 $18,156 Average amount of campaign expenditures,non-campaign disbursements and otherdisbursements per candidate4

COMPARISON OF REPORT FILED BY PRINCIPAL <strong>CAMPAIGN</strong>COMMITTEESElection years <strong>2002</strong>, 2000, 1998Office/YearReceivedCashBalanceJan 1TotalContributionsReceivedContributionsFrom MajorDonors# ofMajor*DonorsTotalCampaignExpendituresCashBalanceDec 31<strong>State</strong> Constitutional Offices<strong>2002</strong> $277,402 $5,445,005 $3,393,028 4,325 $6,957,873 $358,3022000 - - - - - -1998 $253,756 $8,788,165 $6,302,455 7,157 $10,976,129 $426,445<strong>State</strong> Senator<strong>2002</strong> $745,078 $3,295,513 $1,354,033 3,697 $4,496,989 $586,1122000 $648,376 $2,865,399 $1,166,668 3,311 $3,916,752 $1,001,5031998 - - - - - -<strong>State</strong> Representative<strong>2002</strong> $732,330 $4,286,529 $1,429,650 4,132 $5,027,261 $683,3592000 $995,362 $3,749,873 $1,380,859 3,593 $4,336,825 $1,129,6901998 $801,352 $3,535,944 $1,419,667 3,533 $4,280,840 $1,209,538Other Registered Principal Campaign Committees<strong>2002</strong> $1,795,047 $2,749,339 $1,789,881 1,068 $3,146,056 $529,1842000 $825,769 $1,223,023 $136,969 372 $281,126 $680,2301998 $647,066 $857,407 $391,615 799 $889,182 $209,697Totals<strong>2002</strong> $3,549,857 $15,776,386 $7,966,592 13,222 $19,628,179 $2,156,9572000 $2,469,507 $7,838,295 $2,684,496 7,276 $8,534,703 $2,811,4231998 $1,702,174 $13,181,516 $8,113,737 11,489 $16,146,151 $1,845,680· Major Donors - individuals, political party units, political committees, and political funds contributing in aggregatemore than $100 to state legislators, and more than $200 to state constitutional officeholders.Election years for state offices:2004 - <strong>State</strong> Representative2006 Governor-Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of <strong>State</strong>, <strong>State</strong> Auditor, <strong>State</strong> Representative5

STATE PUBLIC SUBSIDY PROGRAM<strong>2002</strong> ELECTION OF STATE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESCandidate participation in public subsidy programDFL IPM RPM GPM OTHER TOTALCandidates filing for office: 229 55 216 30 6 536Filing candidates whoregistered a committee with theBoard:226(99%)43(78%)213(99%)26(87%)4(67%)512(95%)Registered candidates whosigned a public subsidyagreement:Registered candidates withPSA who received publicsubsidy payments:224(99%)193(86%)42(98%)32(76%)212(99%)184(87%)25(96%)12(48%)3(75%)0(0%)506(99%)421(83%)Distribution of Party Account public subsidy by office and party:GovernorDFL IPM RPM GPM TOTALAvailable: $194,517 $82,099 $208,940 $25,669 $511,225Paid to candidates: $194,517 $82,099 $208,940 $25,669 $511,225Paid to party 1 0 0 0 0 0Returned to <strong>State</strong> 2 0 0 0 0 0Attorney GeneralDFL IPM RPM GPM TOTALAvailable: $38,870 $16,415 $41,753 $5,134 $102,172Paid to candidates: $38,870 0 $41,753 0 $80,623Paid to party 1 0 0 0 0 0Returned to <strong>State</strong> 2 0 0 0 0 0Redistributed to Party 3 0 $16,415 0 $5,134 $21,549Secretary of <strong>State</strong>DFL IPM RPM GPM TOTALAvailable: $22,197 $9,378 $23,843 $2,933 $58,351Paid to candidates: $22,197 $9,378 $23,843 $2,933 $58,351Paid to party 1 0 0 0 0 0Returned to <strong>State</strong> 2 0 0 0 0 0<strong>State</strong> AuditorDFL IPM RPM GPM TOTALAvailable: $22,197 $9,378 $23,843 $2,933 $58,351Paid to candidates: $22,197 $9,378 $23,843 $2,933 $58,351Paid to party 1 0 0 0 0 0Returned to <strong>State</strong> 2 0 0 0 0 0<strong>State</strong> SenateDFL IPM RPM GPM TOTALAvailable: $295,561 $62,952 $267,093 $51,784 $677,390Paid to candidates: $282,407 $9,072 $246,068 $2,932 $540,479Paid to party 1 $5,600 0 $2,768 0 $8,368Returned to <strong>State</strong> 2 $7,554 $53,880 $18,257 $48,852 $128,5436

House of RepresentativesDFL IPM RPM GPM TOTALAvailable: $296,065 $63,043 $269,528 $51,846 $680,482Paid to candidates: $275,173 $9,987 $250,840 $2,448 $538,448Paid to party 1 $10,859 0 $4,822 0 $15,681Returned to <strong>State</strong> 2 $10,033 $53,056 $13,866 $49,398 $126,3531Party account public subsidy designated for an otherwise qualified candidate of the party who is unopposed is paid to the party.2Party account public subsidy designated for a district and office in which the party has no candidate is returned to the general fundof the state.3Party account public subsidy for a constitutional office for which the party has no candidate is redistributed to the candidates of thatparty at the next state general election.Distribution of General Account public subsidy by officeTotal Paid Number ofCandidatesPayment PerCandidateGovernor $865,852 4 $216,463Attorney General $173,142 2 $86,571Secretary of <strong>State</strong> $110,924 4 $24,731<strong>State</strong> Auditor $110,924 4 $24,731<strong>State</strong> Senate: $709,051 133 $5,345House of Representatives: $709,447 272* $2,608* Two candidates for the House of Representatives received the party account portion of the public subsidy payment, but did not qualifyfor the general account payment.Distribution of General Account public subsidy by party:DFL IPM RPM GPM TOTALGovernor $216,463 $216,463 $216,463 $216,463 $865,852Attorney General $86,571 0 $86,571 0 $173,142Secretary of <strong>State</strong> $24,732 $24,732 $24,732 $24,732 $98,928<strong>State</strong> Auditor $24,732 $24,732 $24,732 $24,732 $98,928<strong>State</strong> Senate: $336,749 $46,244 $315,368 $10,690 $709,051House of$328,604 $49,562 $315,630 $15,651 $709,447Representatives:Total: $1,017,851 $361,732 $983,496 $292,269 $2,655,348Public subsidy totals by party:General AccountPaid tocandidates:Party Account paidto candidates:Party Account paidto party:DFL IPM RPM GPM TOTAL$1,017,851 $361,732 $983,496 $292,269 $2,655,348$835,364 $119,914 $795,287 $36,916 $1,787,481$16,459 0 $7,589 0 $24,048Total: $1,869,674 $481,646 $1,786,372 $329,185 $4,466,877Differences between totals shown and individual amounts included in totals are due to rounding.7

TAX RETURN PARTICIPATION RATETOTAL NO. OF RETURNSPROPERTY TOTAL NO. % OFTAX YEAR INCOME TAX TAX REFUNDS OF CHECKOFFS PARTICIPATION1974 Actual 1,669,794 - 372,311 22.3%1975 Actual 1,584,086 - 376,223 23.8%1976 Actual 1,616,441 - 391,799 24.2%1977 Actual 1,667,924 - 451,512 27.1%1978 Actual 1,722,053 938,791 516,300 19.4%1979 Actual 1,761,586 880,185 458,586 17.4%1980 Actual 1,752,137 797,327 401,566 15.8%1981 Actual 1,738,194 806,698 395,804 15.6%1982 Actual 1,712,796 703,470 403,371 16.7%1983 Actual 1,721,645 660,854 416,606 17.5%1984 Actual 1,773,807 630,530 426,514 17.7%1985 Actual 1,801,993 571,772 393,424 16.6%1986 Actual 1,814,958 556,935 367,543 15.5%1987 Actual 1,963,300 429,993 361,321 15.1%1988 Actual 1,978,135 524,855 379,544 15.2%1989 Actual 2,012,123 480,123 379,845 15.2%1990 Actual 2,029,347 544,138 398,235 15.5%1991 Actual 2,063,233 523,085 355,727 13.8%1992 Actual 2,059,228 557,892 350,545 13.4%1993 Actual 2,087,914 554,942 341,034 12.9%1994 Actual 2,132,617 534,040 335,641 12.6%1995 Actual 2,178,578 518,236 302,053 11.2%1996 Actual 2,226,721 499,845 293,312 9.8%1997 Actual 2,404,536 500,001 284,528 9.0%1998 Actual 2,455,354 491,768 288,901 9.8%1999 Actual 2,358,098 501,999 226,270 7.9%2000 Actual 2,442,043 485,330 235,692 8.1%2001 Actual 2,413,952 462,956 300,496 10.4%8

Political Checkoff Participation Compared to Total Tax Returns3,500,000.003,000,000.002,500,000.002,000,000.001,500,000.001,000,000.00500,000.000.00Year1974197519761977197819791980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001# of Checkoffs Income Tax Property TaxNumber of Returns

STATE ELECTIONS <strong>CAMPAIGN</strong> FUNDINCOME TAX AND PROPERTY TAX CHECKOFFS (A)TAX YEARGENERAL % OFACCOUNT TOTALDFL % OFACCT. TOTALRPM % OFACCT. TOTALIPM % OFACCT. TOTALGPM % OFACCT. TOTALOTHER % OFPARTIES (B) TOTALTOTAL (C)1974 - Actual $125,169 - 33.6% $175,259 - 7.1% $68,395 - 18.4% $3,488 - 0.9% $ 372,3111975 - Actual 125,979 - 33.5% 164,071 - 43.6% 83,218 - 22.1% 2,955 - 0.8% 376,2331976 - Actual 106,303 - 27.2% 186,927 - 47.7% 89,227 - 22.8% 9,252 - 2.3% 391,7991977 - Actual 118,774 - 26.3% 187,812 - 41.6% 132,913 - 29.4% 12,013 - 2.7% 451,5121978 - Actual 127,740 - 24.8% 220,116 - 42.6% 153,921 - 29.8% 14,523 - 2.8% 516,3001979 - Actual 118,454 - 24.2% 197,503 - 40.3% 160,327 - 32.7% 13,529 - 2.8% 489,8131980 - Actual 198,028 - 24.7% 332,394 - 41.4% 258,748 - 32.2% 13,962 - 1.7% 803,1321981 - Actual 206,640 - 26.1% 307,286 - 38.8% 262,240 - 33.1% 14,331 - 2.0% 791,6081982 - Actual 207,014 - 25.7% 356,800 - 44.2% 229,748 - 28.5% 13,180 - 1.6% 806,7421983 - Actual 208,328 - 25.0% 330,206 - 39.6% 282,790 - 34.0% 11,888 - 1.4% 833,2121984 - Actual 230,294 - 27.0% 356,074 - 41.7% 266,658 - 31.3% 0 - 0% 853,0261985 - Actual 241,682 - 30.7% 299,904 - 38.1% 245,682 - 31.2% 0 - 0% 786,8481986 - Actual 228,470 - 31.1% 306,258 - 41.7% 200,358 - 27.2% 0 - 0% 735,0861987 - Actual 564,790 - 31.3% 673,870 - 37.3% 567,954 - 31.4% 0 - 0% 1,806,6051988 - Actual 545,885 - 28.8% 778,275 - 41.0% 573,560 - 30.2% 0 - 0% 1,897,7201989 - Actual 572,375 - 30.2% 669,370 - 35.4% 650,620 - 34.4% 0 - 0% 1,892,3651990 - Actual 593,250 - 31.6% 731,055 - 38.9% 554,005 - 29.5% 0 - 0% 1,878,3101991 - Actual 555,730 - 33.0% 636,225 - 37.8% 491,450 - 29.2% 0 - 0% 1,683,4051992 - Actual 515,855 - 31.5% 673,285 - 41.1% 449,390 - 27.4% 0 - 0% 1,638,5301993 - Actual 517,790 - 32.2% 577,240 - 36.0% 511,115 - 31.8% 0 - 0% 1,606,1451994 - Actual 485,905 - 30.7% 592,650 - 37.5% 500,260 - 31.6% 0 - 0% 1,578,8151995 - Actual 327,055 - 22.9% 528,905 - 37.1% 460,820 - 32.2% 48,820 - 2.4% 63,305 - 4.4% 1,428,9051996 - Actual 333,135 - 24.0% 546,740 - 39.3% 415,620 - 29.9% 27,685 - 2.0% 67,745 - 4.8% 1,390,9251997 - Actual 328,575 - 24.5% 494,430 - 36.9% 404,055 - 30.2% 46,465 - 3.5% 65,075 - 4.9% 1,338,6001998 - Actual 330,920 - 24.1% 199,165 - 14.5% 444,645 - 32.4% 342,480 - 4.9% 53,495 - 3.9% 1,370,7051999 - Actual 279,480 - 26.2% 356,050 - 33.3% 305,260 - 28.6% 69,875 - 6.5% 36,680 - 3.4% 21,225 - 2.0% 1,068,5702000 - Actual 245,980 - 21.8% 407,530 - 36.1% 340,025 - 30.2% 74,190 - 6.6% 59,700 - 5.3% 0 - 0% 1,127,4252001 - Actual 290,655 - 20.6% 465,795 - 33.1% 446,125 - 31.7% 112,215 - 8.0% 93,570 - 6.6% 0 - 0% 1,408,360(A) Beginning with tax year 1980, taxpayers may check off $2.00 per individual; beginning in tax year 1987 taxpayers may check off $5.00 per individual.(B) Other parties that are, or have been, qualified for inclusion on the state tax form since 1998 include: Grassroots, Constitution, Progressive <strong>Minnesota</strong>, Green, and Libertarian.(C) Beginning with tax year 1990, 3% of check off is retained in the general fund for administration costs.Prepared: 3/07/0310

Public Subsidy Money Dedicated Through Check Off$2,000,000Amount$1,800,000$1,600,000$1,400,000$1,200,000$1,000,000GENERALDFLRPMIPMGPMOTHERTOTALCheck off amountincreased from $1to $2 in 1980Check off amountincreased from $2to $5 in 1987$800,000$600,000$400,000$200,000$0197419751976197719781979198019811982198319841985198619871988Year1989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001

Gubernatorial CandidatesContributionsName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyIndividualGovernor /Lt.GovernorRoger Moe, DFL P Y 0 410,981 23,700 1,210,471Julie SaboOle Savior, DFL Y 0 00 12,201Doug LaLoneRichard Klatte, GPM I 25 00 1,000Mark Allan HansonKen Pentel, GPM P Y 0 239,776200 126,645Rhoda GilmanBill Dahn, IPM Y 85 00 200Rome HansonTimothy Penny, IPM P I 0 298,563 4,089 659,594Martha RobertsonBooker Hodges, OTH P I 0 00 17,865Kamal BuchananKari Sachs, OTH P N 0 00 406Samuel FarleyLeslie Davis, RPM Y 70 00 950Pete WagnerTimothy Pawlenty, RPM PG Y 117,829 425,404 502,900 1,567,942Carol MolnauTotal 118,009 1,374,724 530,889 3,597,274

Gubernatorial CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/02160,443 107,9121,930,345 1,887,486 2,002,812 22,3130 0 12,201 12,201 12,201 0 T2,200 0 3,225 3,200 3,200 25 T0 200 376,969 349,711 353,737 23,232 A0 0 285 200 200 85 T72,809 19,2461,054,320 1,040,878 1,056,107 20,3210 0 17,865 25,258 25,258 -5,039 A0 0 406 406 406 0 T0 01,020 975 975 4563,434 20,5052,698,825 2,176,201 2,525,770 186,320298,886 147,8636,095,461 5,496,516 5,980,666 247,30212

Attorney General, Secretary of <strong>State</strong> and <strong>State</strong> AuditorCandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualAttorney GeneralMichael Hatch, DFL PG Y 115,894 125,442 2,087 167,377Dale Nathan, IPM P I 100 00 4,690Sharon Anderson, RPM Y 0 00 0Thomas Kelly, RPM P I 4,313 128,324 6,775 118,112Subtotal 120,307 253,766 8,862 290,179Secretary of <strong>State</strong>Hubert (Buck) Humphrey IV, P I 16,171 46,929 5,000 125,966Andrew Koebrick, GPM P I 0 27,396 1,000 9,872Dean Alger, IPM P I 205 34,1100 7,843Mary Kiffmeyer, RPM PG Y 12,801 48,576 5,000 134,129Subtotal 29,177 157,010 11,000 277,810<strong>State</strong> AuditorGregory Gray, DFL I 4,089 0300 28,523Carol Johnson, DFL P Y 4,637 46,929600 9,895David Berger, GPM P I 0 27,665100 8,503John David Hutcheson, IPM P I 0 34,1100 9,669Todd Paulson, IPM I 0 00 6,010Patti Awada, RPM PG I 1,133 48,576 3,649 123,280Jual Carlson, RPM Y 50 00 2,284Subtotal 9,909 157,280 4,649 188,164Total 159,393 568,057 24,511 756,153

Attorney General, Secretary of <strong>State</strong> and <strong>State</strong> AuditorCandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/0224,800 15,490 454,043 363,472 381,603 72,4400 0 4,790 15,228 15,795 -786 A0 0 0 0 0 0 R1,625 100 259,259 244,937 255,437 7,59826,425 15,590718,092 623,637 652,834 79,25210,095 3,000269 501,500 02,900 70014,764 3,750207,661 192,115 202,605 4,55738,857 37,152 37,968 62048,529 44,542 48,467 61251,605 181,975 234,409 16,389546,652 455,784 523,449 21,62616,055 3,3254,600 5000 00 00 0725 3,6950 021,380 7,52058,317 54,490 57,990 32767,161 68,132 68,132 24336,269 31,348 31,798 4,47150,617 43,538 48,338 3,3456,010 5,676 5,676 334201,057 176,686 224,530 7737,134 2,067 6,506 628426,565 381,936 442,969 10,12162,569 26,8601,691,309 1,461,357 1,619,253 111,00013

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 1LeRoy Stumpf, DFL PG Y 14,841 6,940 375 15,865Lyle Kenner, RPM P Y 36 6,886 2,150 14,764District 1AMark Borsheim, DFL PI 0 00 0Maxine Penas, RPM PG Y 1,675 3,347 1,600 13,235District 1BBernard Lieder, DFL PG Y 2,651 3,647 1,650 5,740Lonn Kiel, RPM PI 100 3,423 2,350 20,910District 2Rod Skoe, DFL PG Y 0 8,159 2,675 13,840Michael Moore, DFL I 0 00 2,900Steven Booth, RPM PI 0 7,959 1,600 8,155District 2ABernhard Kent Eken, DFL PG I 0 3,980 3,250 12,485Gregory Lund, RPM PI 0 3,984 4,400 7,540District 2BMark Edevold, DFL PI 0 4,052 4,300 7,241Quentin Fairbanks, DFL I 0 00 900Doug Lindgren, RPM PG Y 2,065 3,860 2,300 6,878District 3Tom Saxhaug, DFL PG I 10 8,609 1,700 25,955William McLaughlin, DFL I 0 00 5,630Welbec (Bill) Hamm, DFL I 0 00 1,600J Mark Wedel, RPM PI 0 7,831 5,000 5,301District 3AIrv Anderson, DFL PG Y 8,854 00 5,520District 3BLoren Solberg, DFL PG Y 3,499 4,141 3,500 17,015Catherine McLynn, RPM P Y 5,216 3,899 2,013 17,660

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/028,100 1,475200 047,784 36,340 37,651 9,84124,037 23,875 23,975 1360 0 0 0 0R2,950 <strong>2002</strong>4,489 15,580 18,048 6,4415,450 0700 021,138 18,842 20,891 24727,492 22,630 22,650 4,8416,150 10030,924 23,626 23,626 7,2980 0 2,900 2,959 2,959 22 T1,553 019,268 18,717 18,748 5204,700 60029,015 27,441 27,839 1,1765,000 250 21,174 20,374 21,174 0 T2,550 020,643 19,712 20,288 2540 0 5,400 5,122 5,400 0 T3,450 29418,847 13,000 15,073 3,7745,760 1,0750 00 00 046,119 38,190 43,836 2,38311,130 6,640 8,013 3,1171,600 1,359 1,359 24118,132 15,852 15,963 2,1694,900 57519,849 4,533 14,888 4,9615,475 00 033,630 25,958 29,866 3,76428,788 27,375 28,728 3514

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 4Stanley Nagorski, DFL PI 0 8,743 4,998 20,175Darrell Carter, RPM Y 20 0 500 8,060Caroline Ruud, RPM PG I 0 8,894 5,000 21,595District 4AMonte Hammitt, DFL PI 0 4,258 2,570 8,583Douglas Fuller, RPM PG Y 5,168 4,008 3,950 15,826District 4BWilliam Weis, DFL PI 68 4,359 1,012 3,418Larry Howes, RPM PG Y 771 4,787 2,580 13,115District 5David Tomassoni, DFL PG Y 10,963 11,4280 15,700Matt Matasich, RPM P Y 2,988 8,004 600 3,595District 5AThomas Rukavina, DFL PG Y 1,472 5,8940 20,065Scott Dane, IPM PI 0 3,1790 8,378District 5BAnthony Sertich, DFL PG Y 3,257 5,4140 8,746James Collins, RPM P Y 546 3,893 1,100 2,050District 6Bruce Lotti, DFL I 0 0 850 11,231Thomas Bakk, DFL PG I 0 10,960 7,382 37,278Thomas Norman, IPM PI 0 6,3010 6,588District 6AScott Johnson, DFL Y 0 00 3,190David Dill, DFL PG I 0 5,4030 26,153William Hansen, DFL I 0 0 50 33,241Paul Kess, DFL Y 0 00 10,496Roger Skraba, IPM P Y 0 3,052 465 9,350Bernard Pistner, IPM Y 2,830 00 0Tom Porter, RPM PI 90 00 795

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/027,670 325 42,857 42,020 43,109 -252 A0 03,849 014,200 11,576 14,631 42144,338 40,775 43,074 1,2644,150 1004,818 65019,661 19,102 19,602 5834,420 26,358 34,145 5473,900 04,440 1,00012,757 11,744 12,098 65926,693 18,794 26,679 148,575 1,8000 048,466 25,097 42,405 6,06115,187 8,577 9,380 5,8075,200 00 032,845 21,199 32,251 59411,957 13,438 13,838 8523,250 35021,017 11,193 19,959 1,0580 0 7,589 5,406 7,589 0 T3,700 08,198 2,9500 018,806 17,494 18,529 27667,167 59,564 63,405 3,56314,889 13,407 14,688 2010 07,364 7,364 7,364 04,850 250 41,656 36,038 42,108 -230 A1,747 20035,287 23,922 24,684 10,603600 0 11,096 15,094 15,094 12 T0 012,867 12,754 12,854 130 0 2,830 1,345 2,830 0 T3,000 0 6,885 2,444 2,444 1,441 R15

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 6BMary Murphy, DFL PG Y 9,748 5,4360 4,155Dale Brodin, RPM PI 0 4,059 450 2,747District 7Yvonne Solon, DFL PG Y 16,818 10,979 1,000 16,707Justin Krych, RPM PI 0 7,926 2,050 3,550District 7ATom Huntley, DFL PG Y 2,514 5,5480 10,322Alan Johnson, RPM Y 0 0 1,000 2,885Harry Welty, RPM PI 0 4,176 100 8,409District 7BMike Jaros, DFL PG Y 3,860 5,309 1,000 6,365Dale Swapinski, IPM P Y 479 3,293 528 4,195Marcia Hales, RPM PI 0 3,642 500 13,534District 8Becky Lourey, DFL PG Y 6,940 8,300 1,300 6,383Steven Keillor, OTH P Y 0 00 8,175Bruce Nelson, RPM P Y 391 7,541 1,350 3,470District 8ADarwin Chester, DFL I 0 00 3,000Bill Hilty, DFL PG Y 6,322 4,510 1,650 3,450Uriah Wilkinson, RPM PI 0 3,733 1,000 4,033District 8BLoren Jennings, DFL P Y 12,064 3,6650 10,665Ray Fenner, GPM PI 0 00 1James Sprague, IPM PI 0 00 344Judith Soderstrom, RPM PG I 0 3,698 4,600 12,316District 9Keith Langseth, DFL PG Y 22,793 8,503 800 10,948Bradley Monson, RPM PI 0 8,286 3,500 5,300

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/025,476 0100 024,815 13,169 15,629 9,1867,606 7,070 7,303 3038,025 700200 054,229 23,535 33,164 21,06515,772 13,657 13,657 2,1155,050 027,434 22,019 26,226 1,2070 0 3,885 3,946 3,946 -61 A500 0 13,231 13,225 13,225 6 T5,299 200500 022,033 20,218 20,218 1,81512,995 12,695 12,695 301800 0 18,637 18,083 18,619 17 T8,250 4000 031,572 14,232 15,307 16,2658,175 9,463 9,463 00 0 12,767 8,892 12,049 718 A0 04,800 3000 03,000 2,908 2,908 32221,033 12,776 14,585 6,4478,767 6,465 6,595 2,1712,450 2,6500 00 01,550 032,494 25,524 35,144 3901 0 0 1344 344 027,164 18,810 21,569 5,5946,873 4,175250 054,302 41,658 44,054 10,24917,486 17,304 17,481 516

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 9ALawrence Anderson, DFL PI 0 4,3410 5,901Wade Hannon, GPM P N 0 00 1,183Morrie Lanning, RPM PG Y 0 4,266 1,000 3,850District 9BPaul Marquart, DFL PG Y 2,314 4,037 1,400 11,508David Sohl, RPM PI 0 0 2,450 10,388District 10Karl Hanson, DFL PI 0 7,503 1,300 10,506Cal Larson, RPM PG Y 13,302 8,165 1,500 23,090District 10ADaniel Peterson, DFL PI 0 3,598 750 14,560Larry Nornes, RPM PG Y 7,944 4,061 500 8,936District 10BDean Simpson, RPM PG I 0 0 3,500 21,045District 11Dallas Sams, DFL PG Y 41,664 7,382 2,000 32,825George Cassell, RPM P Y 0 7,919 5,000 18,340District 11ARyan Berg, DFL PI 0 3,909 4,000 5,181Torrey Westrom, RPM PG Y 19,242 4,176 500 17,801District 11BMary Ellen Otremba, DFL PG Y 12,259 3,345 250 9,020Greg Brede, IPM P Y 0 2,8470 2,200Marlene Clark, RPM PI 2,070 3,627 1,991 6,478District 12Don Samuelson, DFL P Y 10,594 7,538 3,900 29,239Paul Koering, RPM PG Y 161 8,151 5,148 19,331District 12ALucy Nesheim, DFL PI 0 3,979 1,650 16,035Dale Walz, RPM PG Y 728 4,334 3,750 6,881

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/022,800 500 014,140 40018,832 18,167 18,517 2651,583 1,121 1,121 46233,796 20,406 21,551 2,1045,280 1508,411 026,690 24,915 26,664 23625,161 20,597 20,712 5371,150 508,538 2,24521,509 22,935 23,447 73657,517 35,285 49,266 7,8481,950 2502,770 <strong>2002</strong>4,960 25,547 27,165 29124,411 18,019 19,991 4,920100 10024,805 10,859 13,342 11,4636,300 4,225 94,894 52,250 73,734 21,160 A24,420 15079,669 54,740 56,726 2032,600 03,100 50015,690 15,265 15,265 42545,878 26,710 40,636 5,2425,064 32530,263 16,226 20,312 9,9510 0 5,047 5,033 5,033 14 T0 014,666 14,163 14,163 5038,500 2,400 62,171 54,625 58,886 3,285 A700 0 58,517 54,730 57,960 556 A4,650 15 27,605 25,630 27,305 0 TA5,206 <strong>2002</strong>1,107 16,929 20,576 1,23417

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 12BDebra Copa Nagel, DFL P Y 21 3,633 2,650 8,471Greg Blaine, RPM PG Y 734 3,716 2,940 9,946District 13Dean Johnson, DFL PG Y 11,635 8,0770 25,370Joseph Gimse, RPM P Y 0 8,188 4,690 14,266District 13ABruce Shuck, DFL PI 0 3,564 225 8,767Anton Massmann, IPM I 0 00 2,555Paul Ellering, IPM PI 0 2,8710 5,425Bud Heidgerken, RPM PG Y 0 3,961 468 19,556District 13BAlan Juhnke, DFL PG Y 5,573 4,2870 8,565Thomas VanEngen, RPM P Y 0 4,114 1,291 8,331District 14Lynn Schurman, DFL P Y 137 7,726 1,450 13,625Michelle Fischbach, RPM PG Y 7,200 7,973 1,000 25,830District 14ADennis Molitor, DFL PI 0 3,759 1,050 23,100Anthony Muehlbauer, IPM P Y 539 00 625Daniel Severson, RPM PG I 0 3,663 1,300 19,560District 14BMichael Slavik, DFL PI 50 3,841 500 5,645Douglas Stang, RPM PG Y 9,238 4,0700 30,295District 15Tarryl Clark, DFL P Y 7,226 8,145 1,400 22,134Dave Kleis, RPM PG Y 10,473 7,496 5,000 33,338District 15AJim Kostreba, DFL P Y 0 3,938 700 7,788Jim Knoblach, RPM PG Y 12,250 3,8090 26,670

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/021,450 5016,276 16,039 16,039 2364,525 350 22,211 13,934 20,241 1,970 A8,505 2,6000 056,238 51,057 52,463 3,98931,643 30,683 31,427 2161,600 0 19,156 26,293 26,630 -7,474 A0 00 03,150 02,555 1,833 1,833 7228,296 8,075 8,075 22227,135 24,912 26,187 9495,226 250500 023,901 17,762 20,943 2,95814,255 14,461 14,607 5312,150 05,405 1,25040,268 38,390 40,030 23856,658 48,919 55,718 9413,925 1000 032,324 30,078 32,216 581,164 569 569 5964,750 1,300 31,793 25,507 28,802 2,271 A700 504,950 62514,786 13,495 14,533 25349,610 26,489 42,321 7,2886,057 1,5241,100 40046,485 44,092 44,991 1,49457,808 54,620 56,768 1,0403,467 00 015,893 14,601 14,601 1,29248,117 26,914 43,033 5,08418

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 15BJoseph Opatz, DFL PG Y 7,563 4,081 500 5,460Duane Schumacher, RPM P Y 29 3,5750 8,280District 16David Reines, DFL PI 0 7,992 6,958 8,652Bruno Gad, DFL Y 231 00 0Betsy Wergin, RPM PG Y 0 9,085 1,592 18,157District 16AC R Chuck Davis, DFL P Y 0 3,760 4,950 2,610Richard Fischer, GPM PI 0 2,7900 1,890Sondra Erickson, RPM PG Y 13,022 4,101 1,592 14,275District 16BLeslie Schumacher, DFL P Y 1,766 3,961 4,450 12,840Mark Olson, RPM PG Y 5,185 4,817 2,210 21,201District 17Twyla Ring, DFL P Y 2,772 8,068 500 9,401Sean Nienow, RPM PG I 0 8,294 1,877 11,045District 17APatricia Sundberg, DFL P Y 0 3,860 950 8,730Rob Eastlund, RPM PG Y 8,630 4,077 900 9,007District 17BGeorge McMahon, DFL I 0 00 7,025Monica Abress, DFL PI 0 4,080 2,000 7,376P J Richardson, IPM P Y 0 3,0240 1,900Peter Nelson, RPM PG I 0 4,110 2,555 18,406District 18Sheila Sudbeck, DFL PI 0 00 0Stephen Dille, RPM PG Y 7,437 8,264 1,200 4,635District 18ALowell Ueland, DFL PI 0 3,491 1,550 6,955Tony Kielkucki, RPM PG Y 1,918 3,807 1,250 3,687

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/024,700 1500 022,454 12,182 19,533 2,92116,884 16,833 16,833 513,200 <strong>2002</strong>8,656 32,087 32,281 2260 0 231 150 150 81 T2,361 375 42,778 45,174 47,099 -4,321 A1,300 3500 02,000 5013,470 10,347 10,547 4234,680 4,491 4,491 18935,054 14,335 25,000 10,0541,812 1,600200 034,016 24,005 35,413 48733,613 20,820 30,405 3,4267,515 5702,314 10029,499 28,047 29,739 36528,581 27,834 27,849 7322,280 05,080 2515,820 14,354 14,354 1,46727,719 15,678 19,944 7,7756,650 7004,928 4001,570 01,500 60017,475 12,102 15,484 1,12623,684 20,917 23,329 3556,494 4,712 4,881 1,61327,421 25,428 25,428 1,7430 0 0 0 0 0 T5,510 1,37528,421 18,759 22,585 5,4862,000 10014,096 12,251 12,665 1,4313,230 0 13,892 11,560 13,438 454 A19

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 18BMari Pokornowski, DFL PI 0 3,588 2,500 5,385Phillip Jarman, OTH P Y 233 00 10,392Dean Urdahl, RPM PG I 0 4,236 3,713 15,623David Detert, RPM I 2,714 00 7,350District 19John McIntosh, DFL PI 307 7,9780 150Mark Ourada, RPM PG Y 1,649 9,404 300 10,982District 19AGeoffrey Tenney, DFL PI 0 4,1050 7,352Bruce Anderson, RPM PG Y 3,884 4,540 400 10,363District 19BLori Schmidt, DFL PI 0 3,9680 4,570Darren Knight, RPM N 0 00 2,310Dick Borrell, RPM PG I 0 4,767 850 5,250District 20Gary Kubly, DFL PG Y 0 7,217 2,100 22,275Erick Harper, RPM PI 0 6,966 5,066 20,487District 20AAaron Peterson, DFL PG I 0 3,415 5,000 14,776Jeff Moen, RPM PI 0 3,377 4,746 6,650District 20BLyle Koenen, DFL PG Y 0 3,676 3,991 7,779Colin Berg, RPM PI 0 3,485 871 14,659District 21Dennis Frederickson, RPM PG Y 63 0 1,250 805District 21ADeb Hess, DFL PI 0 3,485 1,455 6,943Marty Seifert, RPM PG Y 12,361 3,840 700 4,190

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/023,850 1,045 16,369 16,154 16,275 0 T325 03,609 5000 010,950 10,839 10,839 11127,680 32,550 33,614 8710,064 9,120 9,784 2802,650 50 11,135 17,091 18,491 -6,755 A7,400 1,70031,434 26,269 31,306 128250 01,940 20011,707 11,581 11,581 12621,616 14,820 19,906 1,7114,808 200 16,096 16,727 16,746 444 A0 0 5,080 10,820 10,820 -5,740 A1,700 017,567 21,142 21,387 1,08629,216 1,220350 085,215 53,897 59,720 2,62932,869 36,044 36,297 5114,475 955635 5028,621 27,244 28,499 12220,457 20,100 20,200 2582,862 8713,180 30018,395 18,047 18,974 32032,522 30,112 31,428 1,1886,430 5509,098 6,983 8,389 710800 2050 012,888 12,024 12,412 1,42521,348 15,687 19,317 2,03120

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 21BMark Wiger, DFL P Y 0 3,744 1,550 9,164Cody Schreyer, RPM Y 688 00 1,550Brad Finstad, RPM PG I 0 4,157 4,400 8,680District 22James Vickerman, DFL PG Y 17,417 7,129 2,750 9,707Alex Frick, RPM PI 0 7,325 5,000 7,881District 22ATed Winter, DFL P Y 4,553 3,516 3,050 12,940Doug Magnus, RPM PG I 0 3,665 4,953 16,876District 22BCraig Rubis, DFL PI 0 3,487 4,251 16,924Elaine Harder, RPM PG Y 4,914 3,547 1,940 16,720District 23Troy Haefner, DFL I 0 00 100John Hottinger, DFL PG Y 7,859 8,390 4,750 24,500Julie Storm, RPM P Y 0 7,971 10,708 10,846District 23ARuth Johnson, DFL P Y 5,566 4,049 2,750 12,855Thomas Marks, GPM PI 0 0 625 1,044Howard Swenson, RPM PG Y 8,462 4,036 3,650 12,755District 23BJohn Dorn, DFL PG Y 7,686 4,214 400 4,755Dean Kluge, RPM P Y 1,514 3,825 2,150 1,690District 24Chuck Fowler, DFL P Y 913 7,454 4,010 17,271Tim Hage, IPM P Y 1,040 5,9360 8,432Julie Rosen, RPM PG I 4,049 7,804 4,000 36,254District 24ALavonne Bowman, DFL PI 100 3,575 1,620 3,715Robert Gunther, RPM PG Y 9,064 4,001 83 9,030

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/02400 014,939 13,985 14,036 9020 0 2,238 1,533 2,233 5 T2,600 50020,337 17,998 18,032 2,3059,700 1,0750 047,778 33,311 35,153 12,62520,206 19,814 20,180 265,200 2500 029,621 25,618 27,949 1,67225,495 21,717 22,110 3,3851,400 2003,880 1,32526,272 26,011 26,040 23232,326 26,724 31,972 3550 08,448 1,450500 02,700 1,678 1,678 1,02257,637 40,293 51,295 6,34230,024 28,833 29,964 604,864 4820 04,881 25030,742 26,906 27,470 2,8341,669 966 1,631 3834,034 26,954 28,056 5,9783,520 1000 020,675 9,964 12,152 8,37310,314 8,987 9,057 1,25710,445 4750 040,567 40,732 41,845 5115,446 14,932 15,382 637,400 250 64,757 59,259 59,259 1,114 A1,350 04,805 15010,360 10,225 10,331 2927,133 16,427 22,863 4,27021

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 24BSandy Lorenz, DFL PI 0 3,755 2,025 13,328Anthony Cornish, RPM PG I 0 3,951 4,999 16,746District 25James Mladek, DFL P Y 5,806 8,396 2,700 10,808Thomas Neuville, RPM PG Y 27,095 8,083 1,150 22,035District 25ADon Sauter, DFL P Y 0 3,515 950 12,321Terry Morrison, IPM PI 0 2,8430 9,640Laura Brod, RPM PG I 0 3,535 1,950 26,529District 25BDavid Bly, DFL PI 0 4,765 650 18,929Raymond Cox, RPM PG I 0 4,316 600 18,525District 26Jeremy Eller, DFL PI 0 7,864 863 4,162Dick Day, RPM PG Y 21,183 8,164 400 25,845District 26ALynn Kidder, DFL PI 0 3,563 100 3,420Connie Ruth, RPM PG Y 1,322 4,008 2,000 15,326District 26BPatti Fritz, DFL PI 0 4,174 200 9,979Lynda Boudreau, RPM PG Y 7,485 4,043 1,600 9,280District 27Daniel Sparks, DFL PG I 0 8,306 1,620 17,596Terry Kelley, IPM PI 650 5,920 500 3,500Grace Schwab, RPM P Y 1,158 7,275 3,650 36,166District 27AAllan Halvorsen, DFL PI 0 3,930 3,920 5,805Dan Dorman, RPM PG Y 15,341 3,5380 19,665

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/024,809 7004,500 024,618 27,557 27,803 1730,196 29,769 29,945 2505,450 0 33,318 32,094 33,318 0 T6,046 50064,909 54,433 62,012 2,8973,300 00 023,586 21,449 23,449 13717,183 14,581 16,181 1,0020 0 32,514 26,620 26,758 5,756 A3,900 503,550 65028,294 28,222 28,222 7227,841 20,803 20,803 6,8381,300 08,200 2,35014,188 17,539 18,219 71866,141 48,132 60,492 5,649150 05,426 507,234 7,184 7,184 028,132 12,455 19,554 8,5785,073 1754,680 50019,601 17,626 18,983 61727,701 17,887 24,686 2,7256,800 3,18837,509 40,222 40,752 3480 0 10,570 2,821 8,571 1,999 A6,990 900 61,278 54,687 61,347 -69 A1,850 1002,920 70015,605 15,441 15,610 6442,164 21,483 33,528 8,63622

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 27BJeanne Poppe, DFL PI 0 4,248 1,000 11,276Jeffrey Anderson, RPM PG Y 2,636 3,834 3,300 12,685District 28Steven Murphy, DFL PG Y 8,902 7,999 5,750 11,655Gary Iocco, RPM PI 0 9,090 4,938 18,266District 28ASandra Gaye Wollschlager, DF PI 0 4,096 1,700 9,218Jerome Dempsey, RPM PG Y 1,397 4,503 1,000 10,990District 28BScott George Metcalf, DFL PI 0 3,777 100 2,070Steven Sviggum, RPM PG Y 5,812 4,477 500 15,141District 29Michael Tupper, DFL P Y 5,988 8,7550 5,780David Senjem, RPM PG I 0 10,185 3,400 39,096District 29ARodney Peterson, DFL P Y 0 3,871 200 9,575Dan Raaen, IPM P Y 0 3,0170 3,340Randy Demmer, RPM PG I 0 4,851 3,400 8,885District 29BPaul Munnis, DFL PI 0 4,617 200 2,315Francis Bradley, RPM PG Y 19,123 5,230 600 8,125District 30Richard Wright, DFL PI 0 296 200 9,397Sheila Kiscaden, IPM PG Y 25,032 6,305 2,000 87,844Lynn Zaffke, RPM P Y 0 10,575 4,680 21,818District 30ATina Liebling, DFL PI 0 4,771 450 17,232Joseph Duffy, IPM PI 0 3,112 3,000 23,649Carla Jean Nelson, RPM PG I 0 4,861 2,650 19,697

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/025,485 3003,242 <strong>2002</strong>2,869 21,735 22,247 31225,897 24,813 26,015 3504,750 2,80043,475 43,123 43,396 3,598400 0 36,404 39,976 41,395 -5,091 A3,950 2250 024,139 22,255 23,032 1,07917,890 15,738 17,118 886700 500 07,905 4,946 7,674 23125,930 13,826 23,681 2,2491,100 1005,600 52521,723 20,456 20,561 1,06158,864 53,463 56,218 2,6460 500 03,864 12513,696 12,759 12,859 9256,785 3,662 6,693 28721,324 17,116 19,096 2,2901,400 1005,270 30010,422 8,677 10,227 19538,663 9,038 25,369 13,29510,563 2004,736 2,425900 029,419 18,624 18,624 4,827128,568 53,285 102,763 25,80538,045 37,260 37,486 5584,650 3001,000 4501,800 1,05027,403 25,665 25,794 1,60932,664 26,762 30,813 1,85134,160 29,250 30,197 3,96323

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 30BWilliam Kuisle, RPM PG Y 8,903 5,610 500 2,575District 31Sharon Ropes, DFL PI 0 7,657 600 16,795Robert Kierlin, RPM PG Y 26,887 7,763 3,070 30,803District 31AGene Pelowski, DFL PG Y 924 3,9780 9,045Justin Costello, RPM P Y 0 3,851 5,000 4,801District 31BAl Hein, DFL P Y 1,718 3,554 1,750 13,785Gregory Davids, RPM PG Y 9,257 3,808 812 46,300District 32Angela Mitchell, DFL PI 0 10,434 1,355 3,151Warren Limmer, RPM PG Y 2,682 12,640 2,573 6,497District 32ATherese Van Blarcom, DFL PI 0 4,948 465 5,470R Tom Child, IPM PI 0 3,171 200 8,173Arlon Lindner, RPM PG Y 5,936 6,484 500 6,855District 32BRichard Stanek, RPM PG Y 15,899 0 500 22,850District 33Julie Ingleman, DFL PI 0 9,768 100 26,392Gen Olson, RPM PG Y 17,113 14,218 2,500 10,627District 33AMartha Van De Ven, DFL PI 0 4,728 50 15,929Steve Smith, RPM PG Y 20,007 6,943 1,000 5,650District 33BBarbara Sykora, RPM PG Y 14,795 7,232 1,000 10,728District 34Kelly Shasky, DFL PI 492 8,072 1,800 17,612Julianne Ortman, RPM PG I 0 10,529 5,000 25,138John Fahey, RPM I 0 00 19,828

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/024,995 25022,833 7,931 18,060 4,7732,300 1000 029,452 27,062 27,062 2,39068,594 50,169 52,353 16,2415,150 3000 019,400 18,421 19,172 22813,652 13,253 13,371 281300 04,800 67529,308 27,363 29,028 28065,653 27,335 64,312 1,3411,500 07,300 1,57516,439 15,649 15,771 66834,768 23,528 27,663 7,1053,300 1,3700 01,970 10015,553 9,507 10,553 5,04020,644 13,445 17,745 2,89922,875 17,460 21,448 1,4274,470 1,00045,151 15,560 41,885 5,300750 575 38,348 39,233 42,573 0 T2,400 10046,957 29,887 35,135 11,8221,208 504,950 30021,976 23,998 24,590 038,850 25,800 25,925 12,9263,820 17537,768 14,578 26,519 11,2495,400 1,8624,000 250100 035,297 32,613 34,419 90144,927 37,584 41,260 81722,538 21,398 22,080 30924

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 34ABev Simon, DFL PI 0 3,836 550 1,935Donald Schwartz, RPM I 0 00 6,405Paul Kohls, RPM PG I 0 5,358 750 10,595District 34BSusan Sperling, DFL PI 0 3,996 400 4,194Joe Hoppe, RPM PG I 0 5,128 2,100 8,051District 35Jennifer Gallagher, DFL PI 0 8,165 595 4,330Claire Robling, RPM PG Y 20,606 10,211 1,050 14,545District 35ACharles Gerlach, DFL P Y 0 00 3,160Thomas Menke, GPM PI 0 2,7040 11,558Michael Beard, RPM PG Y 0 5,029 300 6,065District 35BDavid Olson, DFL PI 0 3,9830 3,480Mark Buesgens, RPM PG Y 3,806 5,094 1,050 5,300District 36Charlene Briner, DFL PI 0 9,088 4,238 5,080Patricia Pariseau, RPM PG Y 20,802 11,649 855 11,945District 36ASheila Ehrich, DFL PI 0 4,471 250 3,090Mary Holberg, RPM PG Y 4,191 5,848 250 16,605District 36BChristine Murphy, DFL PI 0 4,497 250 2,665Steven Strachan, RPM PG I 0 5,730 500 12,838District 37Rhonda Arkley, DFL PI 0 9,597 532 3,120David Knutson, RPM PG Y 11,743 11,660 1,000 19,085

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/021,000 00 03,000 7507,556 4,788 5,113 2,3226,405 6,335 6,335 7020,453 16,488 17,735 2,7182,800 0 11,390 11,940 12,040 2,257 A4,050 10019,429 12,473 15,113 4,3162,250 0 17,840 15,295 17,840 0 T3,330 45050,192 26,943 33,329 16,8631,500 0 4,660 3,516 4,086 574 T0 0 14,261 11,983 14,129 132 A2,325 013,744 9,518 10,359 3,3601,900 02,150 010,313 9,999 10,099 21417,400 15,426 16,210 1,1904,500 1457,110 35023,051 22,553 22,756 29553,024 26,514 28,789 24,2351,100 03,270 08,911 8,476 8,476 43530,165 13,768 18,625 11,5402,650 1003,966 40010,162 9,915 10,114 4823,434 21,045 22,167 1,2671,700 0 14,950 13,357 14,850 99 T7,100 1,050 51,638 41,721 46,721 4,918 A25

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 37AGerrie Boice, DFL P Y 1,529 4,643 500 4,196Andrew Ward, IPM PI 0 3,181 150 1,965Chris Gerlach, RPM PG Y 14,386 5,878 800 13,307District 37BLax Sundae, DFL Y 3,304 00 5,805Rosie Isaacson, DFL PI 0 4,8350 2,570Dennis Ozment, RPM PG I 9,097 5,712 1,000 15,045Judy Lindsay, RPM Y 0 00 13,127District 38Deanna Wiener, DFL P Y 4,208 9,930 5,000 29,284Michael McGinn, RPM PG Y 56 11,079 4,450 26,567District 38AMargaret Tilley, DFL P Y 0 4,914 3,500 12,641Art Seaberg, IPM P Y 0 3,182 430 5,225Tim Wilkin, RPM PG Y 2,507 5,450 4,614 15,995District 38BWayne Gilbert, DFL PI 0 4,898 3,900 11,651Lance Staricha, GPM PI 100 00 2,477Paul Bakken, IPM PI 173 3,1920 8,400Mike Dean, IPM I 0 00 980Lynn Wardlow, RPM PG I 0 5,561 1,300 6,577Alison Bakken, RPM N 0 00 575District 39James Metzen, DFL PG Y 11,135 11,475 500 30,214John Trojack, RPM P Y 0 9,954 3,334 11,461District 39AThomas Pugh, DFL PG Y 4,814 5,833 600 21,308Brian McClung, RPM PI 0 5,085 1,500 22,045

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/024,320 2250 03,750 10015,858 13,366 13,466 2,3925,755 4,304 6,004 3738,382 24,478 32,532 5,8500 02,050 504,550 600700 759,109 8,146 9,566 3369,972 8,995 9,007 96436,004 21,575 28,857 7,14718,902 17,085 17,393 1,5109,850 1,0503,926 35059,322 46,930 50,848 12,47346,477 41,560 42,921 3,5565,050 42526,530 25,735 26,731 1790 0 9,858 8,691 9,958 0 T5,322 15034,038 26,515 33,568 4706,360 7250 029,233 26,686 27,959 2742,577 2,477 2,577 00 0 11,765 11,570 11,670 95 T0 0 1,162 1,161 1,161 1 T3,900 12517,463 17,182 17,379 1,5950 0 675 423 649 26 T8,900 2,025 64,249 51,366 61,282 2,966 A0 034,749 24,854 33,854 8955,460 01,450 57538,890 24,472 37,578 1,31230,849 29,488 30,162 68726

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 39BJoe Atkins, DFL PG Y 0 5,5240 31,844Bob Pollock, GPM PI 0 2,8980 1,800Marley Danner, RPM PI 0 4,7790 13,925District 40Ray Heinonen, DFL PI 0 10,815 1,644 4,100Frank Sanisidro, DFL I 150 00 1,715William Belanger, RPM PG Y 13,050 11,191 1,000 5,837District 40AJoseph Rosenfield, DFL P Y 0 4,554 600 3,390Daniel McElroy, RPM PG Y 5,416 5,4280 17,110District 40BAnn Lenczewski, DFL PG Y 9,153 6,155 1,750 17,641David Groves, IPM P Y 808 3,2320 1,600Don Stiles, RPM PI 0 5,690 3,935 15,280District 41Marilyn McKnight, DFL P Y 2,843 11,391 700 5,810Tom Cleland, GPM PI 0 0 25 1,706Andy Otness, IPM PI 0 6,841 200 8,180Geoffrey Michel, RPM PG I 22,393 13,196 500 51,327Jan Schneider, RPM I 0 0 1,000 9,470District 41ADebbie James, DFL P Y 2,310 5,727 350 3,960Ron Erhardt, RPM PG Y 22,572 7,1200 20,485District 41BKurt Laughinghouse, DFL P Y 0 5,550 350 3,970Alice Seagren, RPM PG Y 14,021 6,671 950 9,560

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/023,750 1,72442,842 27,282 40,252 2,6660 0 4,698 4,614 4,614 84 T0 023,704 20,210 20,971 2,7331,150 2417,735 15,300 15,832 1,903100 0 1,965 1,202 1,965 0 T7,900 1,05040,028 39,017 43,375 9,628750 05,120 3509,294 21,881 21,881 3733,424 14,457 20,997 12,4285,350 760 0450 42540,125 25,518 35,898 4,2275,640 4,854 4,854 78630,730 28,213 30,630 1001,650 10022,495 21,273 21,273 1,2210 0 1,731 1,555 1,731 21 T0 0 15,221 15,030 15,221 0 T0 125 87,540 66,642 78,319 9,222 A500 10011,070 10,947 10,947 123300 04,876 10012,647 11,973 12,102 54555,153 23,116 41,492 13,6611,550 504,300 1,00012,470 10,850 11,871 59936,502 25,389 30,448 6,75527

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 42Larry Piumbroeck, DFL PI 0 10,251 790 8,748Sherry Butcher, IPM P Y 0 6,6600 29,030Patrick Haley, IPM I 0 00 50Richard (Dick) Campbell, RPM Y 33 00 295David Hann, RPM PG Y 0 12,921 3,850 13,280District 42ADavid Larson, DFL PI 0 5,298 2,050 2,555David Larson, IPM PI 0 3,329 1,900 2,610William Sutherland, RPM I 0 00 8,105Peter Adolphson, RPM PG I 0 6,376 2,850 10,500Bob House, RPM I 0 00 2,675District 42BRay Daniels, DFL PI 0 00 365Erik Paulsen, RPM PG Y 16,937 6,522 500 22,410District 43Harold Lerner, DFL PI 0 10,685 100 6,475Saundra Spigner, IPM P Y 0 6,427 200 5,545David Gaither, RPM PG I 0 12,960 330 14,713District 43ASheryl Frieman, DFL P Y 6,204 5,306 50 3,195Jeffrey Johnson, RPM PG Y 1,371 6,264 1,165 13,705District 43BWesley Lindstrom, DFL PI 0 5,267 50 5,635Ronald Abrams, RPM PG Y 8,952 6,653 165 8,260District 44Stephen Kelley, DFL PG Y 294 12,952 2,500 27,485William Donovan III, GPM P N 0 00 899Rahn Workcuff, IPM P Y 0 00 0Daniel Freeman, RPM PI 0 10,666 4,950 12,731

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/02350 0100 00 0150 03,650 020,188 19,101 19,928 8035,790 33,069 34,266 1,52350 194 219 25477 118 218 25933,701 31,754 31,754 1,948550 00 0500 2502,600 2000 010,453 8,755 8,855 1,5988,339 7,446 7,446 89413,355 16,510 16,894 2,07522,526 17,722 18,315 4,2102,675 2,594 2,644 31700 00 1,9001,065 827 827 31848,269 26,495 41,391 6,878725 00 04,650 40022,985 16,218 21,557 1,42813,672 12,734 13,327 34533,053 34,847 35,966 2931,800 25 16,580 20,945 20,979 -4,400 A2,950 1,27526,730 12,526 22,965 3,765500 05,050 20013,202 12,814 12,814 33929,386 18,827 21,412 8,3655,900 4,4950 00 01,000 054,096 54,301 65,701 169899 696 696 2030 0 0 030,267 30,654 30,654 63928

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 44ABetty Folliard, DFL P Y 1,807 6,199 3,975 13,275Michael Cavlan, GPM N 0 00 1,575Keith Meland, GPM PI 0 6680 3,160Jim Rhodes, RPM PG Y 1,760 5,131 5,000 36,456District 44BRonald Latz, DFL PG Y 0 6,649 500 17,851Karyn Milos, GPM PI 0 00 501Lisa Peilen, RPM PI 0 5,461 5,000 25,616District 45Ann Rest, DFL PG Y 4,397 12,402 2,600 9,845Rebekah Adams, RPM P Y 0 0 2,429 1,428District 45AMark Thompson, DFL P Y 4,535 5,900 3,250 9,850T Lynne Osterman, RPM PG Y 77 5,471 5,400 12,655District 45BLyndon Carlson, DFL PG Y 14,183 6,395 1,200 10,805Michael Barnett, RPM PI 0 5,363 1,600 12,983District 46Linda Scheid, DFL PG Y 390 11,107 4,900 9,980Edward Nelson, RPM P Y 1,811 9,136 3,100 4,595District 46AMichael Nelson, DFL PG Y 169 5,301 5,000 3,428John Jordan, RPM P Y 6,790 4,223 1,927 3,082District 46BDebra Hilstrom, DFL PG Y 110 5,701 3,700 3,544Lana Ensrud, RPM P Y 0 4,657 1,500 11,652District 47Leo Foley, DFL PG Y 22,434 10,294 1,600 8,750Mark Temke, IPM N 0 0 3,000 250Ray Egan, RPM PI 0 00 2,570

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/025,295 35035,902 27,356 32,492 3,4090 0 1,575 1,520 1,520 55 T0 0 3,978 3,549 3,978 100 T5,935 10055,666 27,089 41,061 13,3203,065 1,47532,421 27,368 30,812 1,6090 0 501 501 501 0 T4,050 35040,477 29,697 34,038 6,4399,000 1,9500 040,194 33,744 40,329 1083,875 3,553 3,833 106,732 4459,300 35035,212 26,273 34,845 36735,923 27,374 28,886 1,8375,350 12538,148 23,407 26,584 11,5641,810 0 21,756 23,041 23,510 -1,754 A10,398 5500 037,325 27,144 36,730 98118,650 16,719 16,719 1,9315,200 2251,520 024,594 19,146 23,778 89617,541 16,024 17,301 2404,670 2501,870 018,675 16,679 19,730 419,678 14,079 15,469 4,2098,935 45052,605 43,414 43,877 8,7270 0 6,630 3,568 3,909 2,721 T500 0 3,070 1,758 2,184 886 R29

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 47ALuanne Koskinen, DFL P Y 136 4,962 1,875 11,990Bill Haas, RPM PG Y 1,205 5,365 4,450 13,563District 47BMelissa Hortman, DFL P Y 0 5,223 600 19,150Adam Roesch, IPM PI 0 2,973 200 1,795Stephanie Olsen, RPM PG I 0 5,345 2,940 13,005District 48Amy Bodnar, DFL PI 0 8,769 4,294 17,466Michael Jungbauer, RPM PG Y 0 10,079 250 9,250District 48ASteven Voss, DFL PI 0 4,189 1,450 9,615Thomas Hackbarth, RPM PG Y 8,488 5,034 167 9,902District 48BBetsy O'Berry, DFL P Y 889 4,366 725 15,293Andrew Boho, GPM PI 0 00 1,091James Abeler, RPM PG Y 3,665 4,970 125 11,960District 49Kenneth McInnis, DFL P Y 0 0 2,250 1,885Debbie Johnson, RPM PG Y 2,251 10,387 2,500 10,520District 49AJim Pithan, DFL P Y 0 4,242 23 2,025Christopher DeLaForest, RPM PG I 478 5,434 1,000 9,280District 49BBernadette Chlebeck, DFL PI 0 4,636 1,400 5,237Roger Johnson, DFL I 0 00 6,923Kathy Tingelstad, RPM PG Y 338 4,858 1,750 8,135District 50Steven Novak, DFL Y 789 0 3,391 27,007Satveer Chaudhary, DFL PG I 2,366 11,148 5,000 33,956Steve Minar, RPM P Y 0 10,529 2,920 14,797

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/025,450 254,280 1,15024,438 21,385 24,423 1530,013 24,107 28,838 1,1755,739 150 31,362 26,428 31,689 -827 A0 03,450 4755,068 3,954 3,954 1,11425,215 24,344 24,559 65610,896 8401,550 043,111 40,375 41,535 61421,129 29,599 29,805 1,1003,700 05,000 10023,763 23,009 23,059 70428,691 18,371 18,371 10,3205,710 2750 04,400 1,07027,287 26,544 27,262 251,091 1,032 1,088 326,190 17,668 19,935 6,2552,150 06,285 6,066 6,066 2194,316 0 29,974 25,075 25,075 4,900 A2,300 03,050 4508,591 8,114 8,114 47719,967 19,056 19,840 1273,320 150300 012,388 55015,593 15,207 15,380 2097,623 7,188 7,460 16235,515 25,897 29,244 1,7767,141 6,31212,077 70047,344 47,311 47,847 55165,346 64,397 81,352 11511,779 0 50,553 27,286 27,745 1,751 A30

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 50ABarb Goodwin, DFL PG Y 3,117 5,181 5,000 4,535Phil Ratte', IPM P Y 0 00 100Adam Davis, RPM PI 0 4,437 450 3,520District 50BGeri Evans, DFL P Y 328 5,843 5,000 10,485Char Samuelson, RPM PG Y 4,451 6,009 1,300 12,487District 51Donald Betzold, DFL PG Y 25,325 10,0740 5,825Phil Heir, RPM P Y 0 9,690 950 6,446District 51AChad Hobot, DFL P Y 2,149 4,664 4,450 7,484Andrew Westerberg, RPM PG Y 1,278 4,790 800 18,644District 51BConnie Bernardy, DFL PG Y 4,452 5,289 650 18,196Harold Holmstrom, RPM PI 0 4,813 800 4,835District 52Jane Krentz, DFL P Y 24,170 9,922 1,075 42,505Michele Bachmann, RPM PG Y 8,572 11,554 4,160 59,578District 52APatrick Driscoll, DFL PI 0 4,715 700 2,175Raymond Vandeveer, RPM PG Y 13,779 5,4920 15,326District 52BRebecca Otto, DFL P Y 0 5,088 800 12,021Mark Holsten, RPM PG Y 5,624 5,724 1,035 17,130District 53Paul Auger, DFL P Y 0 11,012 5,000 12,477Mady Reiter, RPM PG Y 8,077 11,806 1,500 17,023District 53AThomas Kranz, DFL P Y 3,797 5,057 5,000 4,830Philip Krinkie, RPM PG Y 13,994 5,681 1,200 9,130

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/025,225 <strong>2002</strong>3,294 16,895 20,403 2,8910 0 100 100 100 0 R0 08,407 5,710 5,710 2,6974,090 2853,700 25027,493 27,271 27,278 21428,204 18,166 21,144 7,060291 60043,401 29,107 32,025 11,377300 25 18,185 18,942 19,832 -1,647 A5,150 295 24,193 24,363 25,641 93 A5,550 10031,162 22,706 30,367 7955,170 300500 035,170 25,450 33,903 1,26711,248 10,805 11,240 87,259 2,5703,423 087,501 53,470 70,926 16,57487,937 54,735 65,143 22,7941,150 1753,400 1008,915 8,638 8,638 71938,113 19,428 26,659 11,4945,350 10024,009 22,599 23,577 432650 4,000 34,163 25,567 33,602 3,732 A5,660 505,490 1,25035,309 31,093 31,093 3,10645,397 36,136 42,383 3,0343,250 00 10021,935 20,131 20,826 1,10930,105 9,078 17,304 12,80231

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 53BBrett Smith, DFL PI 836 5,841 5,000 18,381Doug Meslow, RPM PG Y 0 6,075 2,000 15,535District 54John Marty, DFL PG Y 25,357 13,0570 15,870Mark Zasadny, RPM P Y 6,649 11,181 3,200 16,394District 54AMindy Greiling, DFL PG Y 17,191 6,820 4,900 17,649Julie Ward, RPM P Y 2,260 5,550 4,950 10,195District 54BBeverly Scalze, DFL PI 0 6,128 4,412 7,255Carl Jacobson, RPM PG Y 6,329 5,565 5,000 14,161District 55Charles Wiger, DFL PG Y 32,403 11,723 5,000 9,875Joel Blackford, RPM PI 0 9,928 800 9,020District 55AScott Wasiluk, DFL PG Y 3,745 6,214 5,000 5,560Jan Steiner, RPM P Y 0 4,950 450 6,175District 55BNora Slawik, DFL PG Y 2,683 5,396 1,000 10,842Bret Walsh, RPM PI 0 5,105 500 3,810District 56Leonard Price, DFL P Y 6,410 10,023 2,875 13,988Brian LeClair, RPM PG I 0 11,533 1,120 28,656District 56AMichael Redmond, DFL P Y 2,439 4,905 1,488 15,099Eric Lipman, RPM PG Y 92 5,622 3,310 17,299District 56BMatthew Tourville, DFL PI 0 5,004 538 11,190Steve Lagoon, RPM Y 0 00 3,070Karen Klinzing, RPM PG Y 0 5,844 350 9,350

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/024,318 1254,150 75034,501 30,317 31,480 3,76628,510 25,184 26,496 2,0140 0600 5054,320 32,883 42,975 11,34552,474 42,919 53,734 107100 0150 10046,659 25,379 38,070 8,58923,206 22,033 22,389 8165,938 2255,200 27628,987 23,674 23,802 5,08536,531 22,745 27,899 8,63310,148 80071,121 45,683 49,180 21,9410 25 19,773 24,547 24,647 -219 A4,920 500572 025,939 17,182 21,638 4,30114,510 13,592 14,586 2325,100 225500 025,246 18,372 20,570 4,6759,915 10,626 10,626 7338,025 2,9204,292 60544,322 38,207 39,830 4,49251,206 52,239 53,112 1,9045,250 2005,370 5029,381 27,345 29,266 11534,743 21,997 31,526 3,2172,350 15021,232 18,707 20,707 5250 0 3,070 2,999 2,999 71 T12,550 25028,444 23,887 24,819 3,55032

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 57Sharon Marko, DFL PG Y 0 10,753 12,000 11,150Dave Engstrom, GPM PI 1,050 5,8810 9,315Kip Knippel, RPM PI 0 9,933 3,250 26,936District 57AKatie Sieben, DFL PG I 0 5,518 1,300 31,593Teresa Bowe-Cover, GPM PI 0 2,8780 1,840Anita Rae Sandborgh, RPM PI 0 4,4010 3,519District 57BJeffrey Sieben, DFL PI 0 5,1240 25,785George Bateman, GPM P Y 0 00 432Dennis McNamara, RPM PG I 0 5,272 1,300 28,945District 58Michael Fedor, DFL Y 0 00 1,020Linda Higgins, DFL PG Y 17,460 10,6370 9,045Sheree Breedlove, IPM P Y 4,903 00 0Jeff Scott, RPM P Y 0 0 2,824 2,460District 58ATim Davis, DFL Y 1,275 00 1,627Joe Mullery, DFL PG Y 28,636 5,4740 10,440Eric Oines, GPM PI 0 3,1318 3,740Dan Niesen, RPM P Y 0 3,510 100 1,665District 58BKeith Ellison, DFL PG Y 911 5,0520 4,780Bonnie Smith, GPM P Y 0 2,8680 1,625Thomas Lijewski, IPM PI 0 2,8660 2,495Duane Reed, OTH PI 0 00 9,988Larissa Presho, RPM PI 5 3,094 750 4,860District 59Lawrence Pogemiller, DFL PG Y 24,628 12,3890 11,968Steven Sumner, RPM PI 0 8,228 500 3,940

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/0210,200 70044,803 42,445 43,338 1,465150 350 18,001 17,348 17,999 2 T1,200 049,826 41,033 49,667 1593,761 1,6000 0500 043,772 28,290 29,715 13,6574,718 4,616 4,716 29,420 7,296 8,506 1,9144,050 1,026 36,085 30,102 35,950 34 T0 0 432 432 432 0 T500 036,017 27,579 30,926 5,091100 09,250 1,6602,040 1,699 1,699 34148,051 32,537 44,946 3,1050 0 4,903 0 0 4,903 R0 0 5,284 6,931 6,931 -1,647 A0 05,220 2500 0100 02,902 2,898 2,898 350,019 26,048 29,295 20,7256,879 8,758 8,913 6665,375 4,054 4,168 1,1075,600 100 16,443 13,168 15,853 590 A0 04,493 1,416 1,416 3,0770 0 5,361 6,842 6,842 -1,212 A0 00 013,490 11,824 13,455 08,709 7,561 7,562 1,14710,150 1,295492 060,471 29,840 33,840 26,63113,425 10,029 10,044 3,38033

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 59ALen Biernat, DFL PG Y 1,883 00 2,215District 59BPhyllis Kahn, DFL PG Y 4,173 5,6860 5,031Jason Samuels, GPM PI 0 00 110District 60Richard Roche, DFL N 0 00 14,903D Scott Dibble, DFL PG I 0 15,181 2,000 23,168Nick Granath, GPM PI 0 00 1,650District 60AMargaret Anders Kelliher, DFL PG Y 2,933 7,0920 8,388Noah Rouen, RPM PI 0 00 2,365District 60BFrank Hornstein, DFL PG I 0 00 13,973District 61Linda Berglin, DFL PG Y 10,730 10,8970 6,245Laverne Turner, GPM P Y 0 00 120Steve Braa, RPM P Y 17 0 100 200District 61AKaren Clark, DFL PG Y 5,074 4,9150 8,417Kevin Trainor, RPM PI 0 3,050 195 1,645District 61BNeva Walker, DFL PG Y 3,468 5,8710 4,175Andy Lindberg, RPM P Y 2,183 00 150District 62Wes Skoglund, DFL PG Y 0 14,142 8,637 9,030Holle Brian, GPM P Y 0 7,7410 5,525Kelly Bailey, RPM P Y 177 8,291 500 5,071

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/024,450 08,548 5,849 7,841 1,0024,796 68020,366 10,523 18,445 1,9210 0 110 85 85 25 T0 0 60,449 57,237 60,375 74 T5,475 1,35550,279 48,709 51,391 4,1800 0 1,655 2,460 2,460 -805 A3,695 7050 022,864 15,872 21,658 1,1552,365 2,098 2,198 1684,125 019,478 17,418 18,268 1,2108,600 2,20038,684 17,867 21,247 17,3860 0 120 56 56 64 R0 0317 173 300 184,850 375125 023,630 21,632 23,744 1,0965,015 4,135 4,432 7334,395 250 017,935 12,979 13,039 4,8962,333 150 2,150 1847,500 4000 0410 039,709 18,197 21,817 18,26813,266 10,234 10,234 3,03214,459 13,299 14,091 35934

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 62AJim Davnie, DFL PG Y 1,322 6,9250 8,183Laura Holzschuh, IPM PI 0 3,4430 1,875Orlando Ochoada, RPM P Y 147 3,734 100 1,940District 62BJean Wagenius, DFL PG Y 5,312 7,1180 5,799Ronald Moey, RPM PI 0 4,461 250 6,100District 63Jane Ranum, DFL PG Y 9,122 12,880 250 19,910Edwina Garcia, IPM P Y 0 6,5670 5,974Vernon Wilcox, RPM P Y 0 9,927 4,100 13,635District 63APaul Thissen, DFL PG I 0 6,729 25 19,013Ronald Lischeid, IPM P Y 28 3,3280 2,250Tim Erlander, RPM P Y 611 5,034 2,075 2,962District 63BDaniel Larson, DFL PG Y 2,853 6,052 3,700 8,515Marc Sullivan, RPM P Y 0 4,816 2,375 2,085District 64Richard Cohen, DFL PG Y 16,266 14,9770 17,990Christopher Johnston, RPM PI 0 9,1300 6,554District 64AJim Berry, DFL N 0 00 287Matthew Entenza, DFL PG Y 4,529 7,572 50 14,787Rory Koch, RPM P Y 522 4,2650 1,520District 64BMichael Paymar, DFL PG Y 6,360 7,2980 7,220John Krenik, RPM P Y 496 4,790 500 2,445District65Sandra Pappas, DFL PG Y 2,655 00 3,212

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/024,850 1200 00 021,450 11,146 17,452 3,9485,918 5,025 5,725 1935,921 3,921 5,135 7860 0400 018,229 15,106 16,179 2,05011,211 8,952 9,614 1,5979,350 1,410550 150460 40552,927 48,594 50,270 2,65713,741 12,704 13,404 33729,664 22,421 24,815 4,8494,720 724 31,210 29,922 30,995 215 A0 00 06,566 6,024 6,544 2210,859 10,446 10,546 3135,400 7026,790 26,207 29,993 39125 0 10,234 9,243 9,978 231 T7,750 3,1880 067,094 44,631 52,270 14,82415,717 14,233 15,070 6470 0 1,287 329 329 958 R2,981 495 30,654 16,056 34,254 -1,228 A0 06,308 4,115 4,765 1,5434,820 1750 025,883 22,106 22,829 3,05410,831 7,811 10,811 216,350 57512,792 3,666 11,968 82435

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesName, PartyElectionResultSpendLimitCash onHand1/1/02PublicSubsidyPoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualDistrict 65ADarryl Spence, DFL I 0 00 1,730Cy Thao, DFL PG Y 452 5,005 2,000 12,820Patricia Lammers, DFL I 0 00 1,363Gary DeYoung, RPM P Y 0 00 1,264District 65BCarlos Mariani, DFL PG Y 2,490 5,8260 1,700District 66Ellen Anderson, DFL PG Y 11,713 12,193 5,000 4,710Jeffrey Carnes, RPM P Y 0 00 150District 66AJohn Lesch, DFL PG I 519 4,9150 15,993Jeffrey Johnson, DFL I 0 00 500Nancy Haas, DFL I 0 00 20,753Greg Copeland, RPM PI 0 3,5820 1,525District 66BAlice Hausman, DFL PG Y 6,669 6,970 5,000 3,215Andy Carlson, RPM PI 0 4,259 500 1,846District 67Mee Moua, DFL PG Y 2,730 11,200 1,100 18,243Dave Racer, RPM P Y 0 7,706 3,550 16,612District 67ATimothy Mahoney, DFL PG Y 0 5,570 1,917 7,986Mark Jorgensen, RPM PI 0 3,6370 1,600Joshua Graham, RPM I 0 0 575 2,172District 67BSheldon Johnson, DFL PG Y 8,038 5,513 700 3,585Total $1,477,408 $2,458,133 $717,023 $5,228,872

Senate and House of Representative CandidatesContributionsCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/020 0 1,730 1,640 1,640 90 A4,723 32526,530 15,772 21,644 4,886550 0 2,193 2,708 3,030 -457 A0 0 1,264 1,264 1,264 0 T3,200 55013,766 8,606 11,893 1,8738,725 2750 042,616 18,536 33,231 9,385150 0 116 343,850 983 26,259 19,774 25,437 3,116 A0 02,300 1,7950 0500 491 491 927,848 24,556 26,584 2419,857 4,528 8,087 1,7702,625 1950 024,730 9,204 23,949 7806,605 4,655 5,690 9167,650 1,913300 042,835 25,336 28,232 14,60328,968 29,505 30,289 7955,250 10025,157 12,169 19,764 6,2170 0 6,437 3,874 5,074 1,363 A0 02,747 3,628 3,645 5363,750 0$1,461,484 $174,66221,586 10,648 12,958 8,629$12,113,404 $9,524,250 $10,922,972 $1,269,47236

Judicial Office CandidatesContributionsOffice, NameElectionResultCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyIndividualSupreme Court, DistrictPaul Anderson PG0 0 77,375Appeals Court, DistrictTerri Jean Stoneburner G0 0 12,661District Court, District 1-1Robert Bauer 0 0 3,149Mike Baxter 0 0 2,780Charles Halberg P0 0 4,338Pauline Halpenny 0 0 2,382Carol Hooten PG0 0 9,608James Keeler 0 0 10,156Nathaniel Reitz 0 0 1,274Jane Volz 0 0 16,433Jori Whitehead 0 0 13,050Todd Zettler 0 0 7,065District Court, District 1-28Karen Asphaug G0 0 11,000Kevin Quigley 0 0 2,235District Court, District 1-31Judy Payne 0 0 1,791Mary Theisen G0 0 19,246District Court, District 1-5Kevin Eide G0 0 7,645David Grounds 0 0 1,216District Court, District 2-21John Finley G2,845 0 19,716Kathleen Hupalo 0 0 392District Court, District 4-12Harry Crump G0 0 7,854District Court, District 4-46Stephen Aldrich G0 0 7,560Judd Gushwa 0 0 1,761

ContributionsJudicial Office CandidatesCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/0212,000 2,45091,825 87,820 88,394 3,4318,900 55032,111 28,770 28,789 3,3230 0 3,149 3,077 3,077 72 T0 0 2,780 2,780 2,780 0 T150 0 4,488 4,488 4,488 0 T0 0 2,836 1,752 2,836 0 T1,000 012,608 12,455 12,455 1530 0 10,156 10,156 10,156 0 T0 03,974 3,285 3,599 3750 0 16,433 16,433 16,433 0 T0 0 13,050 11,162 13,050 0 T0 0 7,065 7,017 7,034 31 T0 0200 014,000 13,037 13,037 9636,135 4,661 5,461 2740 0 1,791 2,777 2,777 0 T0 019,246 18,734 19,321 3100 012,645 6,710 11,965 6790 0 1,216 1,204 1,204 12 T8,300 1,05041,911 36,893 37,014 4,8980 0 392 252 392 0 T6,750 36019,964 16,113 16,788 3,176700 00 5008,368 4,712 4,712 3,6562,261 2,261 2,261 037

Judicial Office CandidatesContributionsOffice, NameElectionResultCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyIndividualDistrict Court, District 4-47Tanya Bransford G0 0 14,022District Court, District 4-53Jill Clark 0 0 10,586Thomas Wexler G0 0 10,360District Court, District 4-56Herbert Lefler G0 0 9,685Liz Pierce 0 0 14,156District Court, District 4-58Robert Schwartz 0 0 985James Swenson G0 0 6,725District Court, District 4-60Julie O'Neil 0 0 11,973Lloyd Zimmerman G0 0 25,026District Court, District 7-17John Hatling 0 0 20,416Thomas Stringer G0 0 6,978District Court, District 9-12David Kuduk 0 0 6,128Lois Lang G0 0 23,956District Court, District 9-4David Harrington PG0 0 49,980Ted Lundrigan P0 0 80,386Jay Sommer 0 0 9,012Robert Tiffany 0 0 1,500District Court, District 10-14Nancy Logering G0 0 3,815Luke Stellpflug 0 0 488Total$2,845 $0 $546,860

ContributionsJudicial Office CandidatesCommittee/FundLobbyistTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/026,300 71525,737 25,503 25,556 1800 15 10,601 15,488 15,553 -2,452 A800 028,966 22,452 26,940 2,0265,500 00 015,185 14,801 14,887 31719,814 19,267 19,802 120 05,900 03,685 3,550 3,550 12512,725 12,618 12,635 1270 0 11,973 11,936 11,936 37 T5,450 030,676 24,374 29,394 1,2820 0 20,416 20,519 20,519 -103 A0 043,033 43,001 43,001 320 0 6,128 6,128 6,128 0 T0 0 24,459 23,576 24,379 0 T100 0 50,080 50,080 50,080 0 T0 0 80,978 78,193 80,978 0 T0 0 9,012 9,012 9,012 0 T0 0 1,500 1,470 1,500 0 T1,700 00 0$63,750 $5,64016,105 14,701 16,105 0488 331 331 157$739,962 $693,544 $720,306 $23,09338

Special ElectionsDistrict47A(3/4/<strong>2002</strong>)ContributionsName, PartyElect Spend Cash on HandResul Limit 2/4/<strong>2002</strong>PoliticalPartyIndividualCommittee/FundJeanette Meyer, DFL Y 0 0 2,100 0Michael Nelson, DFL PY 0 4,900 8,480 4,550John Jordan, RPM PG Y 0 2,950 5,850 1,050Total 0 7,850 16,430 5,600District40A(2/3/2003)ContributionsName, PartyElect Spend Cash on HandResul Limit 1/7/2003PoliticalPartyIndividualCommittee/FundJoseph Rosenfield, DFL PY 0 2,725 5,175 2,400Duke Powell, RPM PG Y 1,092 3,200 3,500 4,225Total 1,092 5,925 8,675 6,625

Special ElectionsContributionsDistrict47A (3/4/<strong>2002</strong>)PublicCampaign Disbursement Cash on HandLobbyist Subsidy Total ExpendituresTotal5/3/<strong>2002</strong>0 0 2,100 2,100 2,100 0 T3501,0005,942 25,749 25,029 25,580 1696,359 17,209 10,420 10,420 6,7901,35012,302 45,059 37,549 38,100 6,959ContributionsDistrict40A (2/3/2003)PublicCampaign Disbursement Cash on HandLobbyist Subsidy Total ExpendituresTotal4/4/200303004,554 18,854 17,558 17,558 1,2955,428 17,745 5,222 6,224 11,5213009,982 36,599 22,780 23,782 12,81739

Special ElectionsDistrict52B(2/11/2003)ContributionsName, PartyElect Spend Cash on HandResul Limit 1/17/2003PoliticalPartyIndividualCommittee/FundRebecca Otto, DFL PG Y 432 1,100 21,764 4,826Steven Wolgamot, DFL I 0 0 2,500 0Kathleen Vadnais, GPM PI 0 0 2,160 0Anthony Frolik, IPM PI 0 100 2,075 0Robert Goodman, IPM Y 0 0 50 0Matthew Dean, RPM PY 9,485 500 15,247 2,600Charles Haas, RPM Y 0 0 7,100 500Jay Kimble, RPM Y 0 0 850 0John McCallum, RPM I 0 0 158 0Francis Miron, RPM N 0 0 1,250 0John Nolde, RPM Y 0 0 10,619 500Total 9,917 1,700 63,773 8,426District32B(2/25/2003)ContributionsName, PartyElect Spend Cash on HandResul Limit 1/30/2003PoliticalPartyIndividualCommittee/FundMichael Ganley, DFL Y 0 2,200 14,635 3,832Kurt Zellers, RPM GI 50 1,120 17,899 3,100Total 50 3,320 32,534 6,932

Special ElectionsContributionsDistrict52B (2/11/2003)PublicCampaign Disbursement Cash on HandLobbyist Subsidy Total ExpendituresTotal 4/14/20036505,088 33,885 27,335 28,907 4,9790 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 T00035010002,949 5,109 2,877 5,109 03,224 5,399 4,636 4,786 6130 50 0 0 505,998 39,180 23,695 24,095 15,0850 8,320 7,618 8,318 20 850 620 770 800 0 158 158 158 0 T000 1,250 1,054 1,054 7070 16,119 16,362 16,586 8861,10017,258 112,819 86,855 92,281 22,402ContributionsDistrict32B (2/25/2003)PublicCampaign Disbursement Cash on HandLobbyist Subsidy Total ExpendituresTotal 4/28/20035501,1505,357 26,574 24,029 25,624 9506,043 29,362 30,634 31,489 9281,70011,401 55,937 54,663 57,113 1,87940

COMPARISON OF REPORTS FILED BY POLITICAL COMMITTEES ANDPOLITICAL FUNDS (PCF) AND POLITICAL PARTY UNITSElection years <strong>2002</strong>, 2000, 1998Cash Contributions # of Total Total CashBalance From Major Major* Contributions ContributionsCategory Jan. 1 Donors Donors Received Made Dec. 31Political Committees & Political Funds<strong>2002</strong> (382) 21,176,282 12,291,186 2,871 16,351,939 11,499,416 4,948,2332000 (322) 8,370,958 11,453,978 2,372 22,184,516 5,304,014 14,394,5591998 (346) 3,865,085 5,320,247 2,339 9,181,620 4,345,922 4,611,803DFL<strong>2002</strong> (183) 939,377 16,750,290 1,353 17,406,596 2,369,308 246,7152000 (170) 720,033 7,128,090 1,156 7,794,784 1,166,117 721,1701998 (170) 510,521 4,365,292 986 4,998,961 1,119,795 492,656RPM<strong>2002</strong> (166) 742,959 11,740,812 1,033 12,917,170 1,203,940 218,0692000 (143) 758,934 3,024,475 1,487 9,683,078 472,240 312,1611998 (143) 616,116 3,851,567 1,094 7,023,546 703,204 417,685IPM<strong>2002</strong> (10) 2,072 18,582 36 78,613 3,906 27,7512000 (3) 8,123 12,933 17 31,163 1,515 5,0231998 (2) 5,806 1,357 2 8,686 4,280 6,743GPM<strong>2002</strong> (23) 19,951 44,978 64 84,703 1,617 10,9302000 (18) 20,504 69,452 79 172,216 6,221 36,1561998 (8) 10,287 27,616 45 102,611 2,219 7,004TOTALS<strong>2002</strong> $22,880,641 $40,845,848 5,357 $46,839,021 $15,078,187 $5,451,6982000 $9,878,552 $21,688,928 5,111 $39,865,757 $6,950,107 $15,469,069

Judicial OfficeholdersContributionsOffice, NameCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistSupreme CourtKathleen Blatz 2,233 0 0 0 0James Gilbert 6,606 0 0 0 0Supreme CourtRussell Anderson 0 0 0 0 0District Court, District 2-11Gary Bastian 1,009 0 0 0 0District Court, District 2-25Judith Meridel Tilsen 1 0 0 0 0District Court, District 4-20Myron Greenberg 4,420 0 0 0 0District Court, District 4-48John McShane 707 0 0 0 0District Court, District 4-55Cara Lee Neville 285 0 0 0 0District Court, District 6- 6Gerald C Martin 1,326 0 0 0 0District Court, District 10-16Doug Swenson 2,650 0 0 0 0District Court, District 10-3Thomas Armstrong 0 0 0 0 0Total 19,238 0 00 0

Judicial OfficeholdersTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementCash on Hand12/31/022,233 0 0 2,23312,606 74 6,074 6,5320 0 0 0 T1,009 0 35 9741 0 0 14,420 0 43 4,377707 0 0 707285 0 0 2851,326 0 0 1,3262,650 0 23 2,6270 0 0 025,238 74 6,175 19,06341

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistAamoth, Erik RPM, 33 Y 0 0 12,860 0 0Abild, Don DFL, 22B* Y 200 0 0 0 0Adlin, David RPM, 41* Y 113 0 0 0 0Aiken, John DFL, 19A* N 2,418 0 0 0 0Allen, Kerri DFL, 65A* N 417 0 0 0 0Amoako, Nana OTH, GC N 0 0 0 0 0Anderson, Bob DFL, 10A* N 5,710 0 0 0 0Anderson, Cyndi DFL, 11A Y 178 0 0 0 0Anderson, Diane RPM, 38B* Y 151 0 3,400 0 0Anderson, Gene RPM, 57B N 2,176 0 0 0 0Anderson, Maureen DFL, 53B* Y 0 0 0 0 0Anderson, Russell SC, N 0 0 0 0 0Anderson, Sharon RPM, 64A* N 0 0 0 0 0Anderson, Steven IPM, 62 Y 190 0 200 0 0Anderson, Todd DFL, 41A* N 3,025 0 0 0 0Andrade, Martin RPM, 11B Y 0 0 50 0 0Armstrong, Thomas DC, 10-3 N 0 0 0 0 0Bakk, Thomas DFL, 6A* Y 11,898 0 175 5,450 0Bales, Bev DFL, 10B* Y 565 0 0 0 0Bambenek, Bob OTH, 32* N 4,368 0 0 0 0Barrett, Bob DFL, 17B* Y 7 0 450 0 0Bastian, Gary NA, 2-11 N 1,009 0 0 0 0Baumann, Roger RPM, 22* Y 627 0 0 0 0Beaver, Joan DFL, 56A* Y 51 0 0 0 0Beck, Marianne RPM, 63* N 3,884 0 0 0 0Bennett, Bradley OTH, 7A* N 2,751 0 0 0 0Bennett, Ross DFL, 19* Y 3,484 0 1,975 0 0Benson, Joanne RPM, GC Y 85 0 340 0 0Benson, Wendy RPM, 53B* N 850 0 0 0 0Berg, Charles RPM, 13 N 11,162 0 0 600 0Berg, Christopher RPM, 64* N 0 0 0 0 0Berg, James DFL, 35* N 1,033 0 0 0 0Berg, James DFL, 35B* N 17 0 0 0 0Bernick, Lee RPM, 41B* Y 2,900 0 0 0 0

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/0212,860 8,722 8,722 4,138200 0 0 T113 0 96 17 T2,418 0 0 2,418417 0 0 4170 0 0 05,717 475 725 4,991178 3 178 0 T6,345 1,167 4,426 1,9192,176 0 2,176 0 T0 0 0 00 0 0 0 T0 0 0 0 R390 0 350 403,025 0 0 050 17 17 330 0 0 018,521 6,547 18,521 0 T565 0 0 5654,368 0 0 0457 450 450 71,009 0 35 974627 0 627 0 T51 0 0 51 T3,884 0 3,800 84 T2,751 0 0 2,7515,459 3,901 5,051 408425 0 285 140851 0 0 85112,154 0 12,154 0 T0 0 0 0 R1,033 0 0 1,03317 0 0 172,900 0 0 2,90042

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistBertram, Joe DFL, 14* N 3,395 0 0 0 0Biele, Brian DFL, 59B* Y 106 0 150 0 0Billings, Steven DFL, 52A* N 8 0 0 500 0Bishop, David RPM, 30B* Y 7,535 0 450 1,800 0Blakely, Tim DC, 1- 8 N 140 0 0 0 0Blakey, Brooke DFL, 65A Y 0 0 0 0 0Blanchard, Dave DFL, 31 Y 868 0 0 0 0Blatz, Kathleen SC, SC N 2,233 0 0 0 0Blixt, Pamela DFL, 62* N 336 0 0 0 0Bodelson, Pat DFL, 14B* N 29 0 0 0 0Bowman, Benjamin RPM, 59B* Y 1,527 0 88 0 0Boynton, Mary DFL, 48A* N 3,514 0 0 0 0Bradley, Ronald RPM, 49* N 5,208 0 0 0 0Brake, Steve RPM, 22A N 1,108 0 0 0 0Brekke, Jon RPM, 35A Y 0 0 650 0 0Brian, Holle GPM, 62B* Y 503 0 617 0 0Brisbois, Leo DFL, 38B* N 3,139 0 0 0 0Brown, Brad DFL, 45B* N 198 0 0 0 0Busch, Nathan A DFL, 44B* Y 775 0 0 0 0Cain, Melvin RPM, 25A Y 0 0 115 0 0Cairnes, Richard RPM, 67B* N 712 0 0 0 0Carlson, Roy (Swede) DFL, 17A* N 218 0 0 0 0Carlson, Skip RPM, ST N 105 0 0 0 0Carlson, Steven RPM, 55B* Y 123 0 0 0 0Carmack, Gaylon DFL, 30* N 41 0 0 0 0Carruthers, Philip DFL, 47B* N 2,596 0 0 0 0Cassell, George RPM, 10B Y 20,269 0 7,605 0 0Cavanaugh, Margaret RPM, 40B* N 0 0 0 0 0Chandler, Kevin DFL, 55* N 783 0 0 0 0Chaudhary, Satveer DFL, 52A* N 847 0 0 0 0Christiansen, Mathew RPM, 8B Y 0 0 0 0 0Christianson, Arlo IPM, 17A N 3 0 0 0 0Clark, James RPM, 23A Y 3,817 0 685 700 0Clark, Steve RPM, 36A Y 2,825 0 1,060 0 0

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/023,397 0 3,397 0 T256 123 123 133508 508 508 09,785 0 7,104 2,681140 0 0 1400 0 0 0868 48 868 0 T2,233 0 0 2,233336 308 308 28 T29 0 29 0 T1,915 1,398 1,915 0 T3,514 0 3,514 0 T5,208 0 24 5,1841,108 655 1,108 0 T650 593 650 0 T1,120 866 1,120 0 T3,139 0 3,125 14 T198 0 42 1561,625 0 1,625 0 T115 82 82 18712 0 0 712218 0 218 0 T105 0 0 105123 0 123 0 T41 0 41 0 T2,596 486 486 2,11027,987 939 27,987 0 T0 0 0 0 T783 0 0 7831,847 1,000 1,000 8470 0 0 0 T3 0 0 35,552 519 5,552 0 T3,885 0 2,500 1,38543

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistClemenson, Lyle RPM, 48* Y 1,619 0 0 0 0Cleveland, Raymond RPM, 64B* N 42 0 0 0 0Coffman, Scott DFL, 17A N 1,319 0 0 0 0Coleman, Norman RPM, GC Y 6,337 0 0 0 0Commers, Tim RPM, 38A N 462 0 0 0 0Connor, David DFL, 67B* N 667 0 0 0 0Connor, Peter DFL, 28A N 1,843 0 0 0 0Connors, William (Bill) DFL, 64B* N 11 0 0 0 0Coop, Cary DFL, 35 Y 102 0 0 0 0Cooper, Roger DFL, 15B* N 2,138 0 0 0 0Copeland, Greg RPM, 67* N 4,892 0 0 0 0Cottingham-Zierdt, L Jaqueline DFL, N 5,296 0 0 0 0Crutchfield, Christopher DFL, 65A* Y 6,002 0 4,700 0 0Daggett, Roxann RPM, 11A* Y 11,777 0 1,650 0 0Dahl, Kristian RPM, 63B* N 1,289 0 0 0 0Dahlberg, Christopher RPM, 7B* N 1,022 0 0 0 0Dammer, Eric RPM, 57B* N 1,093 0 0 0 0Dauer, Brian DFL, 30A* Y 1,542 0 5,685 0 0Davis, Jeff GPM, 67 Y 0 0 1,025 0 0Davis, Leslie PTE, GC Y 75 0 2,750 0 0Dawkins, Andy DFL, 65A* Y 507 0 0 0 100Dean, Matthew RPM, 52B Y 6,115 0 100 0 0Dehler, Steven RPM, 14A* Y 1,326 0 295 1,600 0Delaney, Lyall RPM, 49B Y 0 0 2,520 1,000 0Dibble, D Scott DFL, 60B Y 3,949 0 7,929 250 0Dicklich, Ronald DFL, 3* N 32 0 0 0 0Dimond, Tom DFL, 67 Y 3,796 0 2,265 0 0Dittbenner, Kevin RPM, 15A N 289 0 0 0 0Dolce, Greg RPM, 61A* N 192 0 0 0 0Dooley, John DFL, 56* N 37 0 0 0 0Dotes, Kent RPM, 55B N 0 0 200 0 0Drewry, Donald RPM, 36B Y 0 0 550 0 0Droogsma, Tim RPM, 29* N 0 0 0 0 0Dunham, Terry RPM, 38B Y 0 0 5,373 0 0

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/021,619 1,619 1,619 042 0 0 421,319 0 1,312 7 T6,337 6,250 6,337 0 T462 0 462 0 T667 0 667 01,860 0 1,860 0 T11 0 0 11102 0 0 1022,138 0 0 2,1387,392 0 9,500 1425,308 0 0 5,30810,702 551 10,441 26113,504 1,469 13,504 0 T1,289 0 0 1,2891,022 0 1,022 0 T1,093 0 0 1,0937,227 2,741 2,791 4,4361,026 299 1,026 0 T2,825 2,742 2,742 83 T607 228 228 37911,215 930 1,730 9,4853,221 3,217 3,217 53,520 787 2,787 73312,228 6,393 12,228 25 T32 0 0 326,061 1,600 6,000 61 T289 0 282 7 T192 0 100 9237 0 0 37 T200 116 116 84 T550 320 320 2300 0 0 0 T5,373 5,373 5,373 0 T44

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistDutcher, Judi DFL, SA Y 1,769 0 0 0 0Dutcher, Judi DFL, GC Y 7,111 21,745 261,443 9,150 1,150Dutcher, Scott RPM, 66B N 485 0 0 0 0Ehlke, Philip RPM, 2B* N 286 0 0 0 0Eland, Marcia DFL, 43A* Y 1,897 300 0 0 0Eller, Jeremy DFL, 25B* Y 124 0 650 0 0Elliott, Howard DFL, 22B* N 2,035 0 0 0 0Elmer, Russ RPM, 26B* N 1,468 0 0 0 0Elmstrand, Donald DFL, 18* N 177 0 0 0 0Engdahl, Mark RPM, 39B* N 2,910 0 0 0 0Entenza, Matt DFL, AG Y 48,146 0 35,984 5,100 7,645Erickson, Charles RPM, 34A* Y 86 0 0 0 0Erickson, Jeffrey IPM, 47A* Y 0 0 100 0 0Evans, Denn IPM, 60B* Y 876 0 0 0 0Evenson, Andrew DFL, 23B* Y 1,655 0 2,045 0 0Fawver, Jay RPM, 2 N 2,353 0 0 0 0Filson, Walter RPM, 47 Y 0 0 0 0 0Finn, Harold DFL, 4 N 21,035 0 0 0 0Finseth, Tim RPM, 1B* Y 2,525 0 100 650 0Flatley, William RPM, 57A Y 0 0 100 0 0Flower, Terrence RPM, 57 N 0 0 83 0 0Ford, Michele DFL, 67* Y 87 0 0 0 0Ford, Michele DFL, 67A* Y 96 0 0 0 0Foster, Steven IPM, 16 Y 0 0 0 0 0Frank, Floyd DFL, 4B* N 1,935 0 0 0 0Franson, Dick DFL, SS Y 260 0 2,467 0 0Fraulini, Roman RPM, 47 Y 0 0 2,045 0 0Frederickson, Mark DFL, 30B Y 2,517 0 2,517 0 0Freeman, Michael DFL, GC Y 6,722 0 863 0 0Fryer, Merrilee DFL, 33A N 4,056 0 0 0 0Gajewski, Duane GPM, Y 0 0 819 0 0Gamache, Mike DFL, 50B* N 364 0 0 0 0Garcia, Edwina DFL, SS Y 911 0 0 0 0Gilbert, James SC, SC N 6,606 0 0 0 0

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/021,769 24 1,769 0 T306,862 305,193 306,666 9,525485 424 424 61 T286 0 0 2862,197 0 2,197 0 T774 311 774 0 T2,035 0 2,035 0 T1,468 168 1,328 140177 0 165 12 T2,910 0 2,500 410 A97,637 50,802 96,174 1,46386 0 0 90 T100 100 100 0876 0 0 8763,700 603 3,673 28 T2,353 0 2,353 0 T750 0 750 0 T21,035 0 21,035 0 T3,275 0 3,250 25 T100 50 50 5083 83 83 0 T87 32 32 55 T96 0 0 960 0 0 0 T1,935 0 1,935 0 T2,727 2,637 2,637 90 T2,045 1,990 1,990 555,034 80 80 4,9547,605 0 944 6,6614,056 0 4,000 56 T829 725 725 104364 250 310 54 T911 0 563 34812,606 74 6,074 6,53245

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistGilow, Judy DFL, 32* N 2,957 0 0 0 0Gleason, Mark DFL, 63B* Y 4,511 0 100 1,200 0Gleason, Mark DFL, SA Y 1,914 3,817 7,870 1,300 1,049Goodno, Kevin RPM, 9A* Y 17,136 0 5,175 3,025 1,000Goudge, Russell RPM, 18B Y 808 0 3,275 0 0Graber, Colleen RPM, 49B* N 299 0 0 0 0Gray, Gregory DFL, 58B* Y 2,298 0 0 1,200 0Greenberg, Myron DC, 4-20 N 4,420 0 0 0 0Greenslit, Leon OTH, 15B* N 1,817 0 1 0 0Groebner, Jerome (Jerry) RPM, 26B N 636 0 0 0 0Gruenhagen, Glenn RPM, 25A N 0 0 100 0 0Gustafson, Bob RPM, 18* N 792 0 0 0 0Haapoja, Wayne RPM, 23A* Y 978 0 925 0 0Hagel, Thomas DFL, 56B Y 0 0 0 0 0Hagen, Dick RPM, 20 Y 0 0 2,780 0 0Hall, Aaron RPM, 40A* Y 18,742 0 9,011 0 100Hall, Aaron RPM, 40 Y 0 0 0 26,063 0Hansen, Greg DFL, 19A* Y 1,439 0 0 0 0Hanson, Mark IPM, 18* N 1,288 0 0 0 0Hanson, Paula DFL, 50* N 13,316 0 0 0 0Hapka, Sandra DFL, 1B* Y 394 500 3,560 500 0Hardin, Glen RPM, 50* N 1,003 0 0 0 0Harris, Patrick DFL, 64B* N 30 0 0 0 0Hasskamp, Kris DFL, 12A* Y 871 0 0 0 0Hatch, Michael DFL, GC Y 45 0 0 0 0Hauser, Marie DFL, 61B Y 0 0 475 0 0Heck, Scott IPM, 52A* Y 1,042 0 0 0 0Heir, Philip RPM, 50 Y 551 0 7 0 0Hendricks, Carter DFL, 48* Y 0 0 935 0 0Hill, Robert DFL, 56* N 16 0 0 0 0Hoefert, Robert DFL, 16A Y 157 0 0 0 0Hoffert, Wayne RPM, 11* Y 141 0 0 0 0Hohnstadt, Larry DFL, 25B* N 1,880 0 0 0 0Holman, David IPM, 11A Y 388 0 800 0 0

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/022,957 0 1,700 1,2575,811 776 5,811 015,950 15,682 16,026 4,77726,336 2,211 20,191 6,1454,083 162 4,915 0 T299 0 0 2995,967 4,413 5,967 0 T4,420 0 43 4,3771,818 0 100 1,718636 136 636 0 T100 100 100 0 T792 0 0 7921,903 1,697 1,697 2050 0 0 0 T2,780 2,641 2,780 0 T28,252 1,841 28,860 0 T26,063 608 608 25,4551,439 1,282 1,282 1571,288 0 0 1,28813,316 0 0 13,3164,954 163 4,954 0 T1,003 0 0 1,00330 0 0 30871 0 0 87145 0 0 45475 798 798 351,042 0 38 1,004558 290 558 0 T935 870 870 6516 0 0 16158 0 0 158141 0 141 0 T1,978 0 0 1,9781,188 0 395 79346

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistHolmseth, Gregory DFL, 31* N 278 0 0 0 0Holmstrom, Caroll DFL, 34B* N 406 0 0 0 0Holstad, Joel DFL, 51B* Y 4,624 0 0 0 0Hoosier, Dale DFL, 4 N 0 0 0 0 0Horn, Gerald RPM, 47A Y 1,695 0 2,150 0 0Hubert, Jim RPM, 47B N 672 0 0 0 0Hugoson, Gene RPM, 26A* N 4,568 0 0 0 0Humphrey, Hubert DFL, GC Y 5,504 0 0 0 0Humphrey, Hubert DFL, AG N 6,600 0 0 0 0Hyatt, Loyal RPM, 18B* N 854 0 0 0 0Ivey, Bob RPM, 32A Y 0 0 402 0 0Jackson, Gail DFL, 16 Y 140 0 0 500 0Jaehne, David NA, 1- 0 N 0 0 3,151 0 0Janssen, Dennis RPM, 8 Y 3,110 0 0 0 0Jax, Christine IPM, N 0 0 0 0 0Jenkins, Karen DFL, 45* Y 5,960 0 0 0 0Jenkins, Karen A DFL, 45A* N 1,620 0 0 0 0Jenneke, Jeffrey DFL, 35A* N -61 0 0 0 0Johnson, Alice DFL, 48B N 992 0 0 0 0Johnson, Cheryl DFL, 33A* Y 241 1,500 275 0 0Johnson, David DFL, 40* Y 9,662 0 4,805 7,850 1,800Johnson, David Ole AP, 12 N 180 0 0 0 0Johnson, Douglas DFL, 6* Y 2,032 0 2,825 1,350 450Johnson, Douglas DFL, GC Y 0 0 0 0 0Johnson, Gunnar DFL, 6A Y 0 0 650 0 0Johnson, Joel DFL, 25B Y 0 0 500 0 0Johnson, Joellen DFL, 53A* Y 13,668 0 0 0 0Johnson, Judy RPM, 34 Y 0 0 4,205 0 100Johnston, Lee DFL, 12B* Y 1,934 2,000 0 0 0Jones, Valorie DFL, 58B* Y 61 0 0 0 0Jorgenson, Nancy IPM, 48B* Y 696 0 0 0 0Junge, Ember Reichgott DFL, 46* Y 6 0 0 0 0Junge, Ember Reichgott DFL, AG Y 419 0 0 0 0Juni, Howard RPM, 53* Y 10,023 0 2,720 500 0

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/02278 75 278 0 T406 0 0 4064,624 0 0 4,6240 0 0 0 T3,845 1,541 1,541 2,304672 2 672 0 T4,618 0 4,618 0 T6,954 0 6,954 06,600 0 0 6,600854 0 0 0 R402 269 269 133640 0 620 203,151 3,151 3,151 0 T3,110 1,164 3,110 0 T0 0 0 0 T5,960 0 0 5,9601,620 0 0 1,620-61 0 0 0 R992 0 992 0 T2,016 481 2,010 624,117 9,947 27,147 -3,029 A180 0 0 1806,665 6,665 6,665 0 TA0 0 0 0 T650 469 650 0 T500 475 475 25 TA13,668 0 0 13,6684,305 2,155 4,305 0 T3,934 0 3,900 3461 0 0 61 T696 0 746 0 T6 0 5 1 T419 0 419 0 T13,243 839 839 12,40547

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistKaardal, Erick RPM, 33 Y 240 0 2,085 0 0Kakac, Arlan DFL, 10B* Y 845 0 0 0 0Kalis, Henry DFL, 24B Y 11,028 0 350 800 150Kasden, Bruce RPM, 8* N 80 0 0 0 0Kaufman, Richard (Dick) DFL, 52A* N 95 0 0 0 0Kehoe, Tom RPM, 65B* N 0 0 0 0 0Kehr, Allan RPM, 7B Y 7,403 0 350 0 0Keith, Ian DFL, 64A* Y 1,183 0 1,460 0 0Kelly, Randy DFL, 67* Y 3,911 0 0 0 0Kielkopf, James DFL, 67* Y 542 0 0 0 0King, Maria DFL, 50B* N 3,635 0 0 0 0Kinkel, Anthony DFL, 4* Y 10,626 100 0 900 0Klaphake, Jay DFL, 52A* N 9 0 0 0 0Knickerbocker, Gerald RPM, 43B* N 4,646 0 0 0 0Knoedler, Tim LIB, 6* N 112 0 0 0 0Knudsen, Fred DFL, 26* N 10 0 0 0 0Koenen, Lyle DFL, 13* N 2,700 0 0 0 0Korvela, Dee RPM, 47A* Y 3,523 0 0 0 0Kosovich, Todd DFL, 26A Y 0 0 800 0 0Krambeer, Richard RPM, 47A* N 3,996 0 0 0 0Kramer, Don RPM, 47* Y 1,427 0 0 0 0Krueger, Jeffrey DFL, 20* N 2,458 0 0 0 0Krueger, William DFL, 53* Y 6,120 0 0 0 0Kubly, Gary DFL, 15B Y 20,625 0 1,375 1,300 0Kuettel, Paul RPM, 54A* Y 27 0 0 0 0Lacher, Mardi DFL, 17A N 119 0 0 0 0Lagoon, Steve RPM, 57 Y 0 0 350 0 0Laguban, Robert IPM, 61B* N 12 0 10 0 0Laidig, Gary RPM, 56 Y 890 0 355 0 0Lamotte, Andy RPM, 67A* N 1,957 0 0 0 0Larsen, Margaret RPM, 56B* N 28 0 0 0 0Larson, Wayne RPM, 34A Y 0 0 1,900 0 0Lasley, Harold DFL, 18* N 236 0 0 0 0Lawrence, Bill RPM, 4* N 3,628 0 0 0 0

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/023,061 836 3,036 25 T845 0 845 0 T12,434 1,427 7,878 4,55680 0 80 0 T95 0 0 95 T0 0 0 07,753 397 397 7,3562,643 1,637 1,637 1,0063,911 0 1,438 2,473542 100 542 0 T3,635 0 2,000 1,63511,626 0 10,887 7399 0 0 94,646 0 314 4,332112 0 5 10710 0 0 102,741 250 2,891 03,523 766 766 2,757800 0 759 41 T3,996 0 0 3,9961,427 0 1,427 0 T2,458 0 2,400 58 T6,120 3,195 4,019 2,10123,370 1,774 24,865 0 T27 0 0 27 T119 0 115 4 T350 306 306 44 T22 0 0 221,245 11,948 11,948 21,957 0 0 1,95728 0 12 161,900 1,849 1,900 0237 0 151 863,628 0 3,600 28 T48

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistLawrence, Bryan RPM, 17B* Y 194 0 0 0 0Leighton, Robert DFL, 27B* Y 4,595 0 339 2,800 0Leland, Harold (Hal) DFL, 10* N 2,196 0 0 0 0Lemieux, Michael RPM, 63A Y 3,851 0 0 0 0Leppik, Margaret RPM, 45B* Y 9,974 0 100 1,500 0Lesewski, Arlene RPM, 21* Y 10,338 0 1,600 950 100Lessard, Robert IPM, 3* Y 859 0 15,341 3,600 2,425Levine, Lynn DFL, 60A* N 331 0 0 0 0Lewerenz, Sarah DFL, 6A Y 0 0 1,077 237 37Lewis, Cheryl DFL, 41* N 1,874 0 0 0 0Limmer, Warren RPM, SS Y 1,073 0 0 0 0Lindberg, Mark DFL, 60B Y 0 0 3,250 0 0Lindquist, Todd RPM, 60A* N 3,623 0 0 0 0Lindsay, Michael RPM, 37* Y 0 0 1,170 0 0Lonsbury, John RPM, 42* N 1,609 0 0 0 0Losinski, James RPM, 25B* N 2,926 0 0 0 0Lourey, Becky DFL, GC Y 69,802 200 189,259 2,200 1,026Loveland, Roger RPM, 54B* Y -2,789 0 0 0 0Lownie, Larry RPM, 7B* N 0 0 0 0 0Luciano, Jose OTH, 62A* N 463 0 0 0 0Luther, Darlene DFL, 47A* Y 14,701 0 1,100 350 0Machowicz, Gerry RPM, 59A* Y 461 0 250 0 0Mackenthun, Alan RPM, 35A Y 0 0 450 0 0Maggert, Joel RPM, 3A* N 1,572 0 0 0 0Mahon, Mark DFL, 40A* N 2,203 0 0 0 0Mahoney, Timothy DFL, 67* Y 1,457 0 0 0 0Mahoney, Timothy DFL, 67A Y 2,223 0 0 0 0Maiers, Thomas RPM, 16A* N 46 0 0 0 0Makidon, Charlie IPM, 55B N 308 0 0 0 0Mangan, James OTH, AG N 9 0 0 0 0Mangan, James OTH, 24* N 2 0 0 0 0Mann, Michael DFL, 42B* N 2,156 0 0 0 0Manthey, Timothy RPM, 44* Y 7,556 0 0 0 0Marana, Mary RPM, 12B N 1,023 0 0 0 0

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/02194 80 80 1147,734 0 7,349 3852,198 0 73 2,1263,851 0 3,851 0 T11,574 1,207 11,574 0 T12,988 564 11,040 1,94922,264 0 16,361 5,903331 0 0 3311,352 1,143 1,143 2091,874 0 0 1,8741,073 0 1,073 0 T3,250 3,250 3,250 0 T3,623 0 0 0 R1,170 39 244 9261,609 0 500 1,109 A2,926 0 2,926 0 T276,158 263,723 282,446 625-2,789 0 0 -2,789 A0 0 0 0 R463 0 50 41316,177 430 2,530 13,647736 216 736 0 T450 450 450 0 T1,572 0 0 1,5722,203 0 0 2,2031,457 0 0 04,523 2,143 5,577 0 T46 0 46 0 T308 42 308 0 T9 0 0 9 T2 0 0 02,156 0 84 2,0727,556 1,369 1,369 6,1871,023 0 1,023 0 T49

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistMares, Harry RPM, 55A* Y 12,217 0 220 3,450 100Marko, Sharon DFL, 57B* Y 6,535 0 0 1,250 0Marks, Dawn RPM, 6A* N 300 0 0 0 0Marshall, Douglas IPM, 17A* N 94 0 0 0 0Martin, Gerald C DC, 6- 6 N 1,326 0 0 0 0Marty, John DFL, GC N 8,715 0 0 0 0Masin, Sandra DFL, 38A Y 1,697 0 0 0 0Mason, Ruth A LIB, AG Y 351 0 0 0 0Mathias, David RPM, 46B* N 233 0 0 0 0Mathias, Karen RPM, 62B* Y 3,024 0 0 0 0May, Donald DFL, 29A* N 359 0 0 0 0McCarville, Sue RPM, 44A Y 1,917 1,100 195 0 0McCluhan, Richard IPM, 24B* N 174 0 0 0 0McGuire, Mary Jo DFL, 54A* Y 5,502 1,000 1,830 1,800 250McInnis, Kenneth DFL, 50A* Y 1,645 0 0 0 0McKenzie, Larry DFL, 58B* N 0 0 0 0 0McLeod, Robert RPM, 55 N 0 0 200 0 0McNeilus, Malachi RPM, 29A N 0 0 100 0 0McQuillan, Jerry RPM, 39* Y 545 0 100 0 0McShane, John DC, 4-48 N 707 0 0 0 0Mellen, Mary IPM, 62A* Y 0 0 400 0 0Menze, Glen RPM, SA Y 450 0 1,494 0 0Metcalf, Scott DFL, 28 Y 34 0 755 0 0Meyer, Kristin RPM, 59* Y 4,321 0 0 0 0Meyer, Maynard RPM, 13B N 1,012 0 0 0 0Milbert, Robert DFL, 39B* Y 124 0 450 700 100Miller, Clyde IPM, 18 N 2,114 0 0 0 0Miller, Clyde IPM, 18A N 313 0 0 0 0Miller, Craig RPM, 33A* Y 1,622 0 2,195 14 0Miller, Leonard DFL, 27B Y 0 0 201 0 0Miller, William DFL, 6 N 0 0 480 0 0Minar, Stephen RPM, 52A Y 5,069 0 750 0 0Mitchell, Dean DFL, 36* N 683 0 0 0 0Moe, Roger DFL, 2* Y 6,836 0 1,670 2,825 0

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/0215,987 3,176 13,560 2,4277,785 0 7,400 385300 0 0 30094 0 0 94 T1,326 0 0 1,3268,744 0 0 8,7441,697 233 233 1,465351 0 0 351233 0 0 2333,024 317 3,024 0 T359 0 0 3593,223 0 3,203 21174 0 0 17410,892 2,376 10,305 87 T1,645 0 1,645 0 T0 0 0 0 R200 0 200 0 T100 100 100 0 T645 0 0 645707 0 0 707400 350 350 501,944 1,944 1,944 0789 187 787 2 T4,321 0 470 3,851 A1,012 0 1,012 0 T1,374 0 506 8692,114 0 2,114 0 T313 0 313 0 T8,167 1,228 1,228 6,924 A201 180 201 0 T530 470 530 0 T5,819 2,899 5,826 0 T683 0 683 0 T11,331 1,384 11,331 0 T50

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistMoerke, Dale E DFL, 21B* Y 3,680 0 0 0 0Molnau, Carol RPM, 35A Y 9,584 0 2,550 500 0Mondale, Ted DFL, GC N 1,161 0 0 0 0Moore, Gary DFL, 38B* Y 2,057 0 0 0 0Morse, Steven DFL, 32* N 0 0 0 0 0Mortenson, Phil RPM, 40* Y 3,799 0 0 0 0Mosel, Darrel DFL, 23B* N 310 0 0 0 0Muffett, Dorothy DFL, 34B* N 574 0 0 0 0Mulder, Richard RPM, 21B* Y 12,386 0 1,025 0 0Mulvihill, Lynette DFL, 37 N 887 0 0 0 0Munger, Willard DFL, 7A* N 0 0 525 0 0Murphy, Thomas DFL, 32B* N 1,244 0 0 0 0Nadosy, Al IPM, 45* Y 120 0 0 0 0Nawrocki, Bruce DFL, 52A* N 2,056 0 0 0 0Neil, David RPM, 11B* N 1,556 0 0 0 0Nelson, Clair DFL, 13A* N 3,419 0 0 0 0Nelson, Marvin RPM, 47A* N 2,624 0 0 0 0Nelson, Roger RPM, 8B* Y 463 0 5 0 0Ness, Lance DFL, 45B* N 5,482 0 0 0 0Ness, Robert RPM, 20A* Y 13,752 0 3,265 1,850 500Neuman, Bill DFL, 17* Y 1,576 0 0 0 0Neuman, Bill DFL, 17B* Y 724 0 0 0 0Neville, Cara Lee DC, 4-55 N 285 0 0 0 0Newinski, Dennis RPM, 55* Y 1,314 0 0 0 0Newton, Gerald (Jerry) DFL, 49A* N 2,791 0 0 0 0Nienow, Sean RPM, 18A N 592 0 0 0 0Nord, Wallace RPM, 9* N 2,968 0 0 0 0Norman, Merl RPM, 29* N 434 0 0 0 0Norquist, Kenneth IPM, 18* N 476 0 0 0 0Novak, Steve DFL, GC Y 2,391 0 0 0 0Odden, Bob LIB, SA N 0 0 0 0 0Oliver, Edward RPM, 43* Y 17,946 1,000 3,320 3,950 0Olson, Brian DFL, 15 Y 888 0 0 0 0Olson, Edgar DFL, 2B* N 1,806 0 0 0 0

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/023,680 0 0 3,68012,725 33 12,725 0 T1,161 933 1,005 1562,157 0 2,067 90 T0 0 0 03,801 3,611 3,611 189310 0 0 310574 0 0 57413,411 210 10,884 2,527887 0 887 0 T525 1,033 1,033 01,244 250 650 594120 0 0 1202,056 0 0 2,0561,556 0 0 1,5563,419 0 0 3,4196,624 40 6,624 0 T469 0 469 0 T5,482 0 5,482 0 T19,367 3,332 16,386 2,9811,576 0 1,500 76724 0 500 224285 0 0 2851,314 0 0 1,3142,791 0 2,791 0 T592 0 592 0 T2,968 407 407 2,561468 0 468 0 T476 0 0 4762,391 0 2,391 0 T0 0 0 0 T26,216 2,303 19,223 6,993888 0 789 99 T1,806 0 1,806 0 T51

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistOlson, Michael Jon DFL, 62 Y 0 0 100 0 0Olson, Randy DFL, 13A Y 39 500 4,095 0 0Olson, Tim RPM, 46B* N 2,511 0 0 0 0Orenstein, Howard DFL, 64B* N 393 0 0 0 0Orfield, Myron DFL, 60* Y 11,141 0 268 1,700 0Ortman, Julianne DC, 1-12 N 62 0 0 0 0Osskopp, Michael RPM, 29B* Y 6 100 3,595 2,450 0Osthoff, Tom DFL, 66A* Y 6,142 0 155 1,800 850Otremba, Ken DFL, 11B* N 34 0 0 0 0Pawlenty, Timothy RPM, 38B Y 10,936 2,600 0 0 0Pecar, Richard RPM, 64* N 505 0 0 0 0Peppin, Joyce RPM, 32A Y 0 0 900 0 0Perino, John DFL, 10* N 873 0 0 0 0Peters, Joan Nelson RPM, 45* Y 2,494 0 1,775 0 0Petersen, Harry RPM, 24A* Y 766 0 0 0 0Peterson, Douglas DFL, 13B* Y 10,466 0 1,828 200 300Peterson, Richard DFL, 22B* N 2,766 0 0 0 0Pettersen, Gregory RPM, 48B Y 2,700 0 5 0 0Pfeffer, Douglas DFL, 55A* N 110 0 0 0 0Pierce, Raymond Lee IPM, 5B* N 0 0 0 0 0Pigman, Mary Jean DFL, 22B Y 0 0 100 0 0Pinegar, William DFL, 34* Y 0 0 0 0 0Piper, Pat DFL, 27* N 7,555 0 0 0 0Pithan, Jim IPM, 50 Y 0 0 2,000 0 0Poncelet, Peter RPM, 29 N 610 0 0 0 0Pone, Eric RPM, 58* Y 0 0 0 0 0Powell, Duke RPM, 40A Y 0 0 5,500 0 400Powers, Daniel RPM, 40A Y 0 0 400 0 0Powers, Ricka DFL, 36A Y 1,481 0 5 0 0Pyka, John DFL, 55A* N 1,233 0 0 0 0Rabuse, Dwight RPM, 38A* N 717 0 0 0 0Raeker, Arthur (Mick) DFL, 19B* N 2,591 0 0 0 0Rahn, Sean DFL, 47B* N 65 0 0 0 0Rainville, Richard DFL, 58A* N 396 0 0 0 0

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/02100 0 0 1004,634 3,961 4,397 2742,511 0 2,511 0 T393 0 0 39313,484 2,589 13,484 0 T62 0 0 626,151 2,854 6,129 218,947 0 8,863 84 T34 0 0 3413,536 939 13,536 0 T505 0 0 505900 197 197 703873 0 873 0 T4,269 0 1,605 2,664766 0 0 76612,795 5,011 12,251 5432,766 0 0 2,7662,705 0 2,705 0 T110 0 110 110 T0 0 0 0 T100 0 18 83 T0 0 0 0 T7,631 0 7,620 11 T2,000 0 2,000 0 T614 614 614 0 T0 0 0 0 R9,500 4,318 4,391 5,109400 17 17 3831,488 0 0 1,4881,233 0 1,233 0 T717 0 0 7172,591 0 0 2,59165 0 0 65396 0 0 39652

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistRaleigh, Nick GPM, Y 0 0 4,216 0 0Rees, Tom RPM, 35B N 0 0 0 0 0Reines, David DFL, 16B Y 0 0 2,675 0 0Reinhardt, Victoria Ann DFL, SA Y 2,199 0 18,447 700 2,220Rentz, Michael S DFL, 43B* N 2,406 0 0 0 0Rettke, Dennis DFL, 52B Y 0 0 0 0 0Richardson, P J IPM, 18 Y 684 0 475 0 0Rifenberg, Michelle RPM, 32B* Y 9,992 0 4,130 5,000 0Riley, Sarah RPM, 38B Y 0 0 776 0 0Riveness, Phillip DFL, 40 N 308 0 0 0 0Robertson, Martha RPM, 45* Y 22,039 0 18,880 4,875 1,150Robideau, Ronnie OTH, GC N 0 0 0 0 0Robins, Heather DFL, 25A* N 5,098 0 0 0 0Ross, Thomas RPM, 61B* N 627 0 0 0 0Rostberg, James RPM, 18A* N 1,353 0 0 0 0Rubenstein, Doris DFL, 63B* Y 5,123 0 810 0 0Runbeck, Linda RPM, 53* N 1,088 0 350 0 0Sabby, Gary RPM, 16A* Y 789 0 0 0 0Sabo, Julie DFL, 62* Y 12,466 0 969 4,750 0Samudio, Anthony DFL, 27A* N 1,485 0 0 0 0Sande, Scott DFL, 52* N 631 0 0 0 0Sauter, Lee DFL, 25B Y 0 0 450 0 0Scheevel, Kenric RPM, 31* Y 20,247 0 2,050 2,500 100Schirrick, Don DFL, 1B Y 54 0 450 0 0Scott, Jeff RPM, 58B N 2,774 0 0 0 0Seifert, James RPM, 57A* Y 11,044 0 3,145 0 0Sekhon, Kathleen DFL, 50A* N 3,546 0 0 0 0Seppanen, Linda RPM, 32A* Y 686 0 0 0 0Seppelt, Miles RPM, 14A Y 0 0 1,286 0 0Serrano, Joe RPM, 14A Y 0 0 1,000 0 0Sharp, Michael DFL, 14* N 343 0 0 0 0Shilepsky, Alan IPM, GC N 367 0 0 0 0Shreves, Catherine DFL, 60 Y 0 0 10,941 0 0Singer, Jack RPM, 58A* N 0 0 0 0 0

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/024,216 3,903 3,921 2950 0 0 0 T2,675 666 2,675 0 T26,066 21,219 23,943 1,3492,406 0 2,000 4060 0 0 0 T1,159 689 1,159 0 T20,278 3,627 7,548 12,730776 776 776 0308 0 0 30846,953 15,924 45,804 1,1480 0 0 0 T5,098 0 0 5,098627 0 0 6271,353 0 1,322 31 T5,933 3,468 5,933 01,438 0 1,343 95 T789 0 464 32518,477 6,510 18,381 96 T1,506 0 0 1,506631 0 0 631450 266 266 024,897 2,141 5,911 18,986504 0 400 1042,774 0 2,774 0 T14,189 3,031 13,031 1,158 A3,560 0 3,676 222686 0 0 6861,286 1,286 1,286 0 T1,000 851 1,000 0 T343 90 343 0 T367 0 367 0 T10,941 9,290 10,290 6510 0 0 0 T53

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistSipress, Joel GPM, 7 N 105 0 0 0 0Skoe, Rod DFL, 2B Y 6,792 0 0 1,300 0Skoglund, Wes DFL, 62B* Y 10,361 0 75 1,300 0Skoog, John DFL, 19B* Y 342 0 100 0 0Smolnisky, Dale DFL, 20* N 1,926 0 0 0 0Solgard, Anthony DFL, 62* Y 44 0 0 0 0Solon, Sam DFL, 7 Y 21,041 0 0 0 0Speer, Katherine DFL, 29B* Y 541 0 0 0 0Spencer, Eldon RPM, 41* Y 410 0 0 0 0Splittstoser, Diane RPM, 17 Y 0 0 300 0 0Sprinkel, Jeff DFL, 61A* N 5,621 0 0 0 0Stauber, James RPM, 6B* Y 1,016 0 0 0 0Steele, Adam IPM, 4A* N 22 0 89 0 0Stevens, Daniel RPM, 17* Y 13,836 0 0 0 0Stevens, Vince DFL, 50* N 118 0 1,122 0 0Stockstead, Michael RPM, 42 Y 0 0 5,100 500 0Stone, Craig RPM, 64B* Y 147 0 0 0 0Storm, Julie RPM, 24B Y 1,453 0 1,445 100 0Stotts, Rick DFL, 9A N 1,520 0 0 0 0Strater, Mark RPM, 19B N 0 0 0 0 0Sullivan, Brian RPM, GC N 466,447 0 1,648,737 3,500 100Sullivan, Lyno IPM, 56* N 117 0 0 0 0Sullivan, Marc RPM, 63* Y 285 0 735 0 0Swapinski, Dale DFL, 7 Y 0 0 1,450 0 0Swenson, Doug DC, 10-16 N 2,650 0 0 0 0Swenson, Matthew RPM, 4B* N 756 0 0 0 0Sylvester, Steve DFL, 57A Y 0 0 100 0 0Tabatt, Randy RPM, 12B* N 0 0 0 0 0Tarasar, Lisa DFL, 51A* N 0 0 0 0 0Tennison, Fred RPM, 65A* N 241 0 0 0 0Terwilliger, Roy RPM, GC Y 0 0 0 0 0Terwilliger, Roy W RPM, 42* Y 7,055 0 0 1,000 0Teske, Paul DFL, 56* Y 113 0 0 0 0Tessmer, Todd RPM, 55* N 486 0 0 0 0

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/02110 0 110 0 T8,492 5,171 8,492 0 T11,747 2,284 11,747 0 T442 320 366 761,926 0 1,926 0 T44 0 0 4428,256 0 28,256 0 T541 0 0 541410 0 0 410300 300 300 0 T5,621 0 0 5,6211,016 257 257 759111 85 89 2213,836 0 0 0 R1,240 0 1,240 0 T5,600 485 485 5,115 A147 0 57 902,998 298 2,998 0 T1,520 0 1,520 0 T0 0 0 0 T2,133,683 2,102,881 2,133,683 0 T117 0 117 0 T1,020 963 1,020 0 T6,450 5,922 6,450 0 T2,650 0 23 2,627756 0 0 756100 100 100 0 T0 0 0 0 T0 0 0 0 R241 0 241 0 T0 0 0 0 T8,055 7,963 8,055 0 T113 0 0 0 A486 0 486 0 T54

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistThibault, Steve RPM, 66B* N 1,044 0 0 0 0Thomas, Patrick RPM, 57* N 2,888 0 0 0 0Thompson, David RPM, 26 N 395 0 0 0 0Thompson, Ted DFL, 56* Y 2,448 0 0 0 0Tiedeman, Chris RPM, 2A* N 597 0 245 0 0Tilsen, Judith Meridel DC, 2-25 N 1 0 0 0 0Tingelstad, Kathy RPM, 50* Y 5,159 0 2,185 1,450 0Tomassoni, David DFL, 5B* Y 29 0 0 0 0Tomczak, John IPM, 67* N 31 0 0 0 0Traub, Lauri DFL, 37B* N 302 0 0 0 0Treichel, Tyler DFL, 17A Y 1,748 0 0 0 0Trojack, John RPM, 39A N 1,299 0 37 0 0Truwe, Jack RPM, 24* N 3,843 0 0 0 0Tuma, John RPM, 25A* Y 1,612 0 1,665 2,900 1,150Tunheim, Jim DFL, 1A N 254 0 0 0 0Underdahl, Vi RPM, 46A N 845 0 0 0 0Urevig, Dean RPM, 46* N 2,429 0 0 0 0Vail, David DFL, 55* N 1,579 0 0 0 0Vail, David DFL, 55A* N 612 0 0 0 0Van Guilder, Charles DFL, 41B* N 532 0 0 0 0Van Hee, Robert DFL, 23A Y 72 0 0 0 0Van Hees, Dawn Marie RPM, 18* Y 0 0 50 0 0VanBinsbergen, Scott RPM, 13B* N 919 0 0 0 0VanDellen, H Todd RPM, 34B* N 3,777 0 0 0 0Vekich, Michael RPM, GC Y 12,378 0 6,100 0 0Ventura, Jesse IPM, GC Y 65,848 0 61,595 0 0Vettleson, Lealand OTH, Y 0 0 50 0 0Vitalis, Wade DFL, 17B Y 0 0 150 0 0Vlach, Diane RPM, 13 Y 1,962 0 3,285 0 0Walker, Ann DFL, 43 N 0 0 315 0 0Wallace, Lindsay RPM, 19B Y 0 0 100 0 0Waller, Donald IPM, 18B* Y 1,102 0 0 0 0Wallin, Justin RPM, 12* Y 250 0 0 0 0Walters, Gary RPM, 12B* Y 627 0 650 0 0

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/021,044 0 0 1,0442,888 922 1,147 1,7401,199 0 1,159 40 T2,448 0 0 0 A2,864 0 950 1,9141 0 0 18,801 1,057 8,801 0 T29 0 13 17 T31 0 0 31302 0 0 3021,748 0 0 1,7481,336 2 1,336 0 T3,843 0 3,843 0 T7,327 3,607 7,327 0 T254 0 254 0 T917 0 917 0 T2,429 2,250 2,429 0 T1,579 0 0 1,579612 0 0 612532 532 532 0 T72 0 15 57 T50 24 24 26919 496 496 4243,777 0 3,777 0 T18,478 4,914 18,478 0 T130,115 43,296 133,060 0 T50 0 0 50150 125 150 0 T5,247 3,904 3,904 1,343315 315 315 0 T100 0 0 1001,102 0 0 1,102250 47 47 2031,277 950 950 32755

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistWarkentin, Eldon RPM, 49B* N 671 0 0 0 0Weaver, Charles RPM, AG Y 61,988 0 0 0 0Weiss, Daniel RPM, 46* Y 2,810 0 0 0 0Wejcman, Linda DFL, 61B* N 695 0 0 0 0Welch, Dick DFL, 18A* Y 123 0 0 0 0Wells, Dudley DFL, 9A* N 2,058 0 0 0 0Welty, Harry RPM, 6* Y 170 0 0 0 0Wergin, Betsy Lou RPM, 17B* Y 657 0 5,700 0 0Werner, Timothy RPM, 48B* N 724 0 0 0 0Wersal, Greg NA, SC N 8,704 0 500 0 0Wersal, Greg RPM, 46 Y 0 0 3,480 0 0Wertz, John DFL, 15A Y 14 0 3,490 0 0Werven, Gerry DFL, 30A N 414 0 0 0 0Werven, Gerry RPM, 29 Y 0 414 1,488 0 0Westbury, Rae Lynn DFL, 56B Y 50 0 750 0 0Westfall, Robert RPM, 9B* N 6,117 0 0 0 0Wheeler, Ray RPM, 8A* N 1,542 0 0 0 0White, Carol Ann DFL, 58A* N 88 0 0 0 0Wiger, Lynne RPM, 15B* N 671 0 0 0 0Wiggins, Scott RPM, 56 Y 0 0 1,400 0 0Wiggins, Scott RPM, 56B Y 0 533 0 0 0Wilcox, Vern RPM, 40A Y 572 0 0 0 0Wilkinson, Dale OTH, Y 0 200 0 0 0Wilkinson, Dale OTH, 59A* Y 210 0 0 0 0Wimmer, Mitch RPM, 9B Y 0 0 0 0 0Winfield, Barbara RPM, 49* Y 183 0 2 0 0Wold, Clifford DFL, 19A* N 378 0 0 0 0Wolf, Kenneth RPM, 41B* Y 7,327 1,000 1,822 3,100 1,925Wolverton, Matt DFL, 26A Y 50 0 0 0 0Workcuff, Rahn IPM, 60A* Y 47 0 0 0 0Workman, Tom RPM, 43A* Y 3,835 0 2,226 4,100 2,750Wright, Wilhelmina NA, N 0 0 400 0 0Wuorenma, Janet DFL, 57A Y 0 0 736 0 0Xiong, Aly DFL, 67B* N 51 0 0 0 0

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/02671 0 0 671 A61,988 7,517 14,755 47,2342,810 0 0 2,810832 240 832 0 T124 0 124 0 T2,058 0 2,058 0 T204 0 204 0 T6,360 0 6,226 134724 0 0 7249,844 0 9,814 30 T3,480 2,421 2,421 1,0593,904 856 3,856 48414 0 414 0 T1,902 1,873 1,902 0 T800 230 302 4986,117 0 4,466 1,6511,542 0 0 088 0 0 88671 0 600 71 T1,400 867 1,400 0 T533 420 420 113572 0 0 572200 57 57 144210 0 200 10 T0 0 0 0 T235 0 233 2 T378 0 0 37815,174 5,814 14,404 77050 50 50 0 T47 0 0 4712,911 9,311 12,811 100 A400 0 30 370736 642 642 94 T51 0 0 51 T56

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesName (Party, District )SpendLimitCash on Hand1/1/02PoliticalPartyContributionsIndividualCommittee/FundLobbyistYoung, John DFL, 9B* Y 794 0 0 0 0Zerwas, Nicholas RPM, 48 Y 0 0 1,375 0 0Zick, Robert (Bob) RPM, 55A Y 573 0 0 0 0Ziegler, Donald RPM, 26* N 2,408 0 0 0 0Zimmer, Scott RPM, 67B* N 518 0 0 0 0Zook, Penny DFL, 15A Y 0 0 825 0 0Total 1,798,664 38,609 2,528,179 144,489 29,027

Other Registered Principal Campaign CommitteesTotalAvailableCampaignExpendituresTotalDisbursementsCash on Hand12/31/02794 0 500 2941,375 1,236 1,236 64573 180 180 3932,408 0 0 2,408518 0 0 518825 825 825 0 T4,640,363 3,130,275 4,152,803 497,16357

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesAamoth, Erik RPM 33Aamoth, Gordon M 500Aamoth, Mary K 500Arthur, Katherine 125Arthur, Lindsay G 125Bernhoff, Susan D 150Berry, Jane R 500Burbach, Tina M 250Burnet, Ralph 500Coleman Jr, Douglas R 150Dayton, Robert 250Gibson, Renee 200MacMillan, Nivin S 200Marvid, Sanders W 250McCannel, Louise 500McCannel, Malcolm 500McNeely, Donald 250McNeely, Mrs Donald 250Morrison, Katherine 200Sterk, Joseph A 250Sterk, Margaret L 250Sullivan Jr, Austin P 500Sullivan Jr, Marie 500Winston, Elenor C 1507,050Abeler, James RPM 48B48th Senate District RPM 125Abeler, James J. 250Abeler, Vivian S. 250Barrett, Juliann 250Matt, Debra M. 125Matt, Jeff 125Mottaz, Judith K. 125Mottaz, Thomas 125Ruf, Sherri R. 150Toonen, Timothy 200Minn Eye PAC 250Minn League of Conservation Voters 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500MSA-PAC 2503,225Abrams, Ronald RPM 43B43rd Senate District RPM 165Abrams, Kalman W. 250Abrams, Michael 250Abrams, Sally 250Anderson, Marc 250Fiterman, Michael 200Himle, John 200Pillsbury, Sally 200Tetzloff, Robert 200Tilsner, Joel 250CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 200Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 2003,315Abress, Monica DFL 17B8th Congressional District DFL 30017th Senate District DFL 150Chisago County DFL 300Anderson, Bruce 250Christianson, David 200Cowles, John 200Hathaway, Hilary M 125Johnson, Dennis O 200Walz, Jeanne A 125Education Minn PAC 400Emily's List- Minn 500Friends of DFL Women 500Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200MAPE-PAC 500Minn AFL-CIO 250Minn DRIVE 300Minn League of Conservation Voters 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 250Pistner (Bernard) Volunteer Committee 1,0007,750Adams, Rebekah RPM 455th Congressional District RPM 25045th Senate District RPM 2,000Citizens for (Dean) Urevig 1792,429Adolphson, Peter RPM 42A3rd Congressional District RPM 1,00042nd Senate District RPM 1,250Bohlig, Brenda 500Bohlig, Stephen W 500Cummins, Joan 500Cummins, Robert 500Kettle, William 250Koch, David 500Maddox, Wendell 400Pitmon, Jerry 250Pulles, Gregory 200Sullivan, Brian 250Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Knickerbocker, Gerald 200CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Food PAC of Minn 200MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Health PAC 200SITCO PAC 200Twin Cities Republican Assn 150TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PAC 500(Edward) Oliver for Senate Committe 500Adolphson, Peter 1,50011,100Aldrich, Stephen N/A 4-46Caplan, Allan 250Christy, Junelle J 250Ciresi, Michael V 200Finch, Frederick E 200McGrath, Kevin J 150Meshbesher, Ronald I 200Newman, Kathleen 200O'Gorman, Patricia A 250Schmidt, Steven 150Schwebel, James 200Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 5002,550Alger, Dean IPMGoodman, Nancy 250Goodman, Robert 250Johnson, Buford 333Volunteers for Merrilee Fryer 1,5002,333Anderson, Bruce RPM 19AWright County RPM 400Eddy, Robert 200Kiellberg, Kent 200Knight, Darren 140Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 25058

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesDorsey Political Fund 2001,890Anderson, Ellen DFL 6666B House District DFL 5,000Bloodgod, Patricia A 200Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250District 66 Choice Coalition 175Dorsey Political Fund 200Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 500Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 150Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 200Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 200U of M Faculty Candidate Support Com 2008,825Anderson, Irv DFL 3APohlad, Carl 250Pohlad, James 250Pohlad, Robert 250Pohlad, William 250Committee of Nine PAC 300MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn DRIVE 300Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200NCRCC-MN-PAC 500Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 589 P 500SITCO PAC 2003,750Anderson, Jeffrey RPM 27BFillmore County RPM 750Arnold, Kevin 125Arnold, Lenise R 125Halvorson, John 150Kierlin, Robert 250Schneider, Mahlon 200CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Committee for <strong>State</strong> Pro-life Candidates 378Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200Jobs Political Fund 300MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 200Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Citizens for Bob Ness 2004,378Anderson, Lawrence DFL 9AAnderson, Beth C 150Cramer, Mary Kay 300Dodds, Dorothy 125Midgarden, Bette G 250Education Minn PAC 400Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 300Minn League of Conservation Voters 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Dudley Wells Volunteer Committee 500Stotts (Rick) for Minn <strong>State</strong> House 5003,525Anderson, Paul NAAafedt, Michael 250Andersen, Elmer 1,250Anderson, Edward 250Berglund, John J 250Binger, James 500Borhart, Robert J. 250Burwell, Barbara 500Carlson, James A. 500Carpenter, Walter S. 250Ciresi, Michael V. 1,000Daley, Annamarie 250Dayton, Bruce B. 1,250Dayton, Douglas J. 600Dietzen, C. J. 350Duckstad, Jon R. 500French, John D. 550Galvin, Michael J 250Green, Kevin O 250Haugen, Gary J 500Head, Martha 1,125Hennessey, Robert 250Herr, David 500Holden, George 250Hubbard, Stanley 250Hughes, Kevin J. 500Humphrey III, Hubert H 250Kaplan, Samuel 250Kayser, Thomas 1,000Kelly, Timothy 250Kemp, Kelly S. 500Lillehaug, David 250Matonich, Edward J 250McDonald, John J 250Meshbesher, Ronald I 250Mitau, Lee R. 300Monahan, Shawne M. 500Montpetit, Joel 250Mooty, Bruce W. 300Mooty, John 250Opperman, Vance 2,500Otis, Constance 300Peterson, Kathleen 250Pillsbury, George 250Pillsbury, Sally 250Schroeder, Robert 250Schwebel, James 450Short, Brian P. 250Sieben, William 250Soule, George 1,215Sweet, Bradley C. 250Thornton, T R 450Ursu, John 500Van Dyck, Sharon 350Wertheimer, Henry 250Whitney, J Kimball 500Whitney, Wheelock 500Willette, DePaul 300Schneider, Mahlon 500Stanoch, John M 250Dorsey Political Fund 5,000Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 1,000Lindquist & Vennum Political Fund 500Lommen Nelson Political Action Comm 400Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand Pol 750RKM&C Fund 2,500Brisbois, Leo I House Dist. 38B* Commi 1,50038,690Arkley, Rhonda DFL 37Senate Majority Caucus 532Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500So Dakota Cty Labor Council COPE Fu 5002,232Asphaug, Karen N/A 1-28Asphaud, Karen 500Dillon, Timothy 200Hobeuman, Harry 200Linde, L.H. 15059

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesLombardi, Jeannie 200Malone, Robert 150Mardell, Sarah Currie 200McDonough, Mark 250Nelson, R. Owen 300O Connell, James P. 200Rogosheske, Paul 250Wagner, Lisa 200White, Kyle 1502,950Atkins, Joe DFL 39BAnfang, Dick 200Bolander, Dorothy 200Bonestroo, Otto 249Corniea, Donald 180Derrick, Patricia A. 200Domke, Jean 200Edgerton, Scott M. 250Fine, Bianca 250Fine, William 249Gaisbauer, Sandra 249Gerten, Lewis R. 200Gervais, Don J. 150Gessner, W.A. 200Gonyea, Thomas 149Greengard, Louis M. 150Gunderman, John 249Hapka, Victor 150Hassing, Paul D 249Hencier, Jody 200Johnson, Kevin A. 249Johnson, Larry H. 250Kaplan, Samuel 200Keegan, William P. 200Kellison, James E. 150Kuchera, Douglas G. 150Kuchera, Linda A. 150Kuntz, Timothy J. 240Lewis, Jill 249Mahovlich, C. N. 150Marion, Colleen 250Marmo, Ronald P. 150McGuire, A. W. 249O'Gara, Deborah M. 250O'Gara, Richard 250Olson, Donald W. 150Pedelty, Kevin 249Pitera, Gino 150Pitera, Teresa 150Riley, James R. 249Riley, Jill L. 249Robinson, Chas A. 250Rosland, Paul K. 249Rud, Sandy L. 249Saxon, Mike 249Schenian, Dale 200Shillingstad, Kimberly A. 250Stinski, R. A. 249Weigel, Mark 249Westbrock, Leon 250Wetli, Peg 250Wiplinger, Robert 249Wirkus, Karen L. 249Chapdelaine, Don 200Domke, John 200Dorfman, Glenn 250Schmidt Koebele, Diane 199Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Education Minn PAC 400Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 200Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200Pine Bend PAC 300So Dakota Cty Labor Council COPE Fu 500Sprinkler Fitters Local Union No 417 30015,200Auger, Paul DFL 5353rd Senate District DFL 4,700Senate Majority Caucus 300Gerga, Bill 250Gerga, Linda 250Grzeskowick, Bonnie 250Opperman, Vance 150Wade, Terry 250Walsh, Len 500Chandler, Kevin 200Automotive Service Political Action 250Education Minn PAC 400IBEW 110 PAC 300Iron Workers Local 512 300Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Road PAC of Minn 350Sprinkler Fitters Local Union No 417 125St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 500TRIAL-PAC 250U A Plumbers Local #34 Political Fund 150UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Political 20010,475Awada, Patti RPM3rd Congressional District RPM 1,0005th Congressional District RPM 2495th Senate District RPM 50033rd Senate District RPM 500Abdo, Larry 500Albrecht, Marilyn 250Allen, John 250Allen, Rebecca 250Ames, Karen 500Ames, Raymond 500Ames, Richard 500Anderson, George 500Anderson, Richard 500Awada, Michael 250Baer, Elam 500Barry, B. John 250Becken, H.T. 250Becken, Thor 250Beddor, Willliam 250Bentdahl, Craig 250Binger, James 500Birdseye, Art 250Bissonett, James 250Black, Jan 250Black, Michael 250Blanning, Natalie 250Bonestroo, Otto 300Boschwitz, Ellen 250Boschwitz, Rudy 250Brockman, John 500Brockman, Peggy 500Bryant, Steven 500Buxton, Norma 250Christopherson, Todd 250Colon, Martin 250Commers, Cheryl 500Commers, Connie 250Commers, Daniel 500Cullen, Hugh 250Cummins, Joan 250Cummins, Robert 250DeGenaro, Donald 250DeGenaro, Karen 25060

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesDietzen, Chris 400Dorn, Gail 500Dougherty, Elizabeth 350Dougherty, Micheal 250Doyle, Dennis 500Durand, John 250Egginton, R. Scott 250Eibensteiner, Jean 250Eibensteiner, Keith 250Eibensteiner, Marcel 250Evanstad, Kevin 250Evrard, Lita 250Fayfield, Robert 500Freeman, Louis 250Gage, Edwin 250Gair, Michael 250Gallagher, Thomas 500Garg, Satya 250Garner, Gary 250Gergen, Mark 250Goodman, John 500Graves, Gregory 250Greene, John 250Gresser, Joan 450Gressor, Micheal 500Grunseth, Victoria 250Gruss, Mark 250Gualtieri, Peter 250Hafiz, Peter 500Hammerly, Harry 250Hartman, Robert 250Head, Douglas 500Head, Martha 500Heithoff, Kenneth 250Hinderaker, John 400Hoffman, Patrick 250Holmquist, Lisa 250Holquist, James 250Hosch, Maryellen 250Hosch, Robert 350Houle, Helene 250Hubbard, Karen 500Hubbard, Stanley 500Isaacs, John 500Jensen, Jay 250Jones, Douglas 300Kazeminy, Nasser 250Kazeminy, Yvonne 250Kierlin, Robert 500Klas, Robert 500Kleppe, Roger 500Knutson, Dave 250Knutson, Laurie 250Koch, Barbara 500Koch, David 500Kordonowy, Thomas 500Kuhrmeyer, Carl 250Kurtz, Michael 250La Salle, Culver 250Lampland, Paula 500Lampland, Scott 500Larson, David 500Larson, Doreen 250Larson, Jeff 250LeJeune, Laurence 500Longley, Chris 250Longley, Nancy 250Lowe, Thomas 250Ludwick, Harriet 250Ludwick, William 500Mach, Robert 250MacMillan, Whitney 500Marhula, Dennis 250Mason, Ronald 250McFarland, Richard 500Mcmahon, Robert 500McMahon, Teresa 500Mech, Robert 250Merritt, Terry 500Miller, Barbara 500Miller, Bruce 250Miller, Gregory 500Miller, Jane 250Miller, Joseph 250Molenda, Linda 350Molenda, Micheal 250Morphew, Richard 250Murzyn, Michelle 500Nasseff, John 250Odegard, Mindy Isaa 250Oistad, Leon 250Oistad, Rebecca 250Oistad, Sarah 250Olson, B.A. Blue 250Olson, John 250Patton, Donald 250Peake, Susan 250Peterson, Gregg 400Petters, Thomas 250Phillipi, WA 250Phillips, Edward 250Pillsbury, George 250Pillsbury, Sally 250Pulles, Gregory 500Reiling, William 250Reisen, Barbara 250Remick, John 283Remick, Mary Ann 250Rich, Howard 500Riches, Gene 250Riesen, Dean 250Russell, C.J. 250Russell, Richard 250Sandeen, Cheryl 250Schilling, Hugh 250Schroepfer, John 250Schwalbach, Gerald 250Seaton, Douglas 250Seaton, Hilory 250Severson, Larry 500Sheahan, Amanda 500Sheahan, William 500Sheldon, James 250Sheldon, Nancy 250Smith, Jeffrey 250Solfest, Laura 250Solfest, Loren 250Spevacek, George 250Spooner, Sheila 250Staley, Mary Lynn 250Staley, Warren 250Steffen, Lori 250Steingart, David 250Sullivan, Brian 250Sullivan, Mia 250Sundquist, Amy 500Sundquist, Dean 500Swanson, Peter 250Tankenhoff, Scott 250Taylor, Glen 500Telander, Bruce 250Traeger, Micheal 500Trautz, Jill 500Trautz, John 50061

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesUlrich, Bob 250Urshan, Daniel 250Vogt, David 250Volz, Jerry 250Wagener, Morrie 250Walrath, Thomas 500Weicht, Mr. 250Weis, Joseph 450Weyerhaeuser, F.T. 250Whitney, Benson 500Whitney, J Kimball 400Whitney, Wheelock 500Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Wilson, Thomas 300Wren, John 250Zauhar, Sharon 250Zehring, Richard 500Zenner, Paul 250Coyle, Peter 250Georgacas, Chris 500Morris, Kevin 250Poul, Thomas J 300Thomas, Richard 500Weber, Joseph 250Dorsey Political Fund 250Russ Goudge for <strong>State</strong> Rep 30071,582Bachmann, Michele RPM 523rd Congressional District RPM 5007A House District RPM 500McLeod County RPM 200Alf, Marion 125Alf, Richard 125Amble, Marge 250Amble, Paul 250Backhaus, Gerald 150Benyon, James 125Benyon, Virginia 125Bowe, Joshua 200Cady, Al 250Cady, Toni 250Dean, Laura 250Dean, Matthew 250Doyle, Megan 250Ericksen, Kirk 125Ericksen, Mary 125Gerson, Tom 200Goerss, Douglas 250Haire, Gerald 500Harjes, Kathleen 500Hart, Kevin 500Hart, Polly 500Holmquist, James 250Holmquist, Lisa 250Jeddeloh, Ann Marie 150Jeddeloh, Larry 150Johnson, Helen 250Johnson, Scott 250Larson, Vern 250McKenna, Sharon 150Meader, Mark R 250Meader, Peggy J. 250Nash, Charles 200Nelson, Dwayne 250Novitch, Brian 125Novitch, Tori 125O Connor, Greg 150Palmer, Art 250Peterson, Howard 125Pulles, Gregory 200Richard Jr, Kenneth 250Scribante, John 250Scribante, Marguerite 500Scribante, Tina 250Stephan, Barbara 250Stephen, Sydney 250Sullivan, Brian 500Trautz, Jill 125Trautz, John 125Tschida, Ken 200Von Walhof, Bettina 250Von Walhof, Chris 250Waldschmidt, Rick 150Wiens, Howard 500Wigley, Michael 250Witt, Jeanie 120Wren, John 500MABC PAC 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 200Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce 500Twin Cities Republican Assn 200David Thompson for Senate 200Tim Olson 2000 20017,945Bailey, Kelly RPM 625th Congressional District RPM 500Bailey, Kelly J 327Carpenter, William G 429Moey, Ronald 150Williams, Thomas D 250Twin Cities Republican Assn 200Mathias, Karen E House Dist. 62B* Co <strong>2002</strong>,056Bakk, Thomas DFL 6Senate Majority Caucus 300Aho, Bill 200Amundson, Joe 250Amundson, Nicole 250Amundson, Sarah 200Amundson, Val 250Brinzo, John 250Burns-Bezik, Cynthia 250Calfee, William 250Cich, Clayton 250Eaton, David 250Eaton, Diane 250Erickson, Dale 250Erickson, Jim 250Forsman, Mike 250Hallberg, Arlene 250Hallberg, Dennis 250Hedstrom, Howard 250Hedstrom, John 250Hegg, Chris 250Jorgenson, Paul 250Kajala, Steven 250Maki, Brenda 250Maki, Brian 250Mayry, Coralee 250Olson, Lori 250Olson, Tim 250Rinerson, Shawna 250Troutwine, David 250Troutwine, Mary Kay 250Troutwine, Matthew 250Troutwine, Phil 250Tuomala, Michael 250Washke, Ken 250Brandt, Wayne 40062

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesCerkvenik, Gary 200Dorfman, Glenn 500Jorgensen, Julie 250Micheletti, Thomas 250Williams, Charles 250CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 500Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 250Messerli & Kramer Political Action 200Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 200Minn DRIVE 300Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn Power PAC 200Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500MinnBank <strong>State</strong> PAC 200NCRCC-MN-PAC 500Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 500People in Construction Political Action 500Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 589 P 500Political Action Fund of Duluth Firefight 250Road PAC of Minn 500St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 498Friends of Tom Bakk 7,00024,898Bakk, Thomas DFL 6A*Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 500CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 589 P 500USWA LU 1938 PAC 5002,450Bakken, Alison RPM 38BRogers, Judy 250250Bakken, Paul IPM 38BAnson, Sally 250Bakken, Linda 250Bakken, Michael 150Bakken, Paul 4,100Bakken, William 250Rogers, Philip 250Simon, Stephen 1505,400Barnett, Michael RPM 45B5th Congressional District RPM 25045th Senate District RPM 1,000House RPM Campaign Committee 250Baker, Lowell 250Beberman, Edward 125Beberman, Luann 125Feldmann, Julie A 500Fiterman, Steven C. 500Fiterman, Susan L. 500Grossman, Michael F. 500Hawkins, Thane 200Mayeron, Cindy 125Mayeron, Jack 125Rosenthal, Scott P. 250Rosenthal, Stephanie P. 250Schwimmer, Elaine 125Schwimmer, Howard 125CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500MABC PAC 200Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 200Margaret Leppik Volunteer Committee 500Tim Olson 2000 4107,010Bateman, George GPM 57BGeorge Bateman Volunteer Committee 439439Bauer, Robert N/A 1-1Bauer, Laura 500Bauer, Robert 200Burns Jr., John T 200Derichs, Joyce A 300Knutson, Herb 200Lambert Jr., Richard 2501,650Baxter, Mike N/A 1-1Ciresi, Michael 250Engen, David 250Evinger, David S 250Gill, Richard L 250Webster, Gail 250Webster, William A 2501,500Beard, Michael RPM 35A35th Senate District RPM 300Albinson, Jon 200Doyle, Dennis J 500Doyle, Megan 500Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 250Sampson, Curtis 250Sampson, Randall 200Ames Construction PAC 200CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Food PAC of Minn 200MABC PAC 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250People in Construction Political Action 200SITCO PAC 2504,550Belanger, William RPM 4040th Senate District RPM 1,000Fadel, Mary 250Fadel, Mitchell 250Kirchner, Jan L 125Kirchner, Steve 125Committee of Nine PAC 200Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 200Dorsey Political Fund 200Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Food PAC of Minn 200MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250People in Construction Political Action 200SITCO PAC 2004,850Berg, Colin RPM 20BLac qui Parle County RPM 121Renville County RPM 500Yellow Medicine County RPM 250Berg, Colin D 2,059Breitkreutz, Robert 200Page, Gregory 250Page, Mary J 200Sampson, Curtis 200Staley, Warren 250CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Education Minn PAC 400Hospitality Political Action Committee 250Jobs Political Fund 30063

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMinn Wheat Political Action Committee 150SITCO PAC 250Berg, Charles Senate Dist. 13 Committ 10,73016,610Berg, Ryan DFL 11ADouglas County DFL 800Grant County DFL 2,000Stevens County DFL 1,200Berg, Ryan P 831Marshall, Kent D 200Tyberg, Scott 500Education Minn PAC 400Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 250Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joi 500Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500PACE International Union 200Pipe Fitters Local 539 2507,931Berger, David GPMPage, Dave P 330330Berglin, Linda DFL 61Haselow, Robert 250Madel Jr., R P 200Miller, Thomas E 250Doyle, O'Brien 200Seck, Gerald 350AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 250CARE / PAC 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 500Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 200Minn Health PAC 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Minneapolis Municipal Retirement Asso 500PharmPAC 200Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 250SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 5005,600Bernardy, Connie DFL 51BFaris, Priscilla 250Faris, Wayne 250Ring, James 150Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Committee of Nine PAC 150Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 250Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500Jerry Newton Campaign Committee 400<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 2504,750Berry, Jim DFL 64ABerry, Jim 187187Betzold, Donald DFL 51Newman, Kathleen 200Jerry Newton Campaign Committee 291491Biernat, Len DFL 59ABijoch, Chester 250Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 3501,600Billings, Steven DFL 52A*Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500500Bishop, David RPM 30B*Dorsey Political Fund 200Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500700Blackford, Joel RPM 554th Congressional District RPM 200House RPM Campaign Committee 200400Blaine, Greg RPM 12B8th Congressional District RPM 1,000Richmond, Floyd 500Wenzel, Stephen 500Dorsey Political Fund 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Independent Community Bankers of Mi 300Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 250Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Rural Electric Political Action Comm 130SITCO PAC 200VET-PAC of Minn 150Citizens for Bob Ness 3004,530Bly, David DFL 25B25th Senate District DFL 250Bly, David 250Bly, Richard 300AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 500AFSCME Local 8 People Fund 500Dedicated Americans for the Senate 500Education Minn PAC 400Food PAC of Minn 200IBEW Local 292 Political Education 200Minn AFL-CIO 500Minn DRIVE 300SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500So Dakota Cty Labor Council COPE Fu 250TRIAL-PAC 250<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 3505,250Bodnar, Amy DFL 4848th Senate District DFL 500Senate Majority Caucus 3,644Sherburne County DFL 150Bialke, James R 150Bodnar, Amy L 500Bowman, Jane N 150DUBOVICH, ANN S 125Johnson, Lorne E 120Kern, Melanie 150Lavorato, Cindy 200Metzen, James 200Miskowiec, Francis M 150Ostby, Roger B 150Rassouli, Hud 250Schnell, Julie K 150Sutherland, Lola B 300Thiessen, Chris N 150Van Patten-Chuba, Marilyn 125Woodruff, Tom 249Committee of Nine PAC 200Education Minn PAC 400Friends of DFL Women 500Iron Workers Local 512 200Local 59 Political Fund 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 50064

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMinn AFL-CIO 500Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Minneapolis Central Labor Union Counc 500Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 250Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 250Painters Union Local No 61 Political Act 200Pipe Fitters Local 539 250SEIU Local 113 200SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500Suburban School Emp Local 284 Pol A 500Transportation Political Education 250TRIAL-PAC 750UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Political 200(Kathleen )Sekhon Campaign Committe 500Union House 20016,813Boho, Andrew GPM 48BBoho, Andrew A 391391Boice, Gerrie DFL 37ADFL House Caucus 500Long, Dee 150Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500MAPE-PAC 120Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 250So Dakota Cty Labor Council COPE Fu 5002,520Booth, Steven RPM 28th Congressional District RPM 500Hubbard County RPM 800Norman County RPM 300Cuperus, Ronald 150Cuperus, Susanne 150Dahlberg, Karleen 300Palubicki, James 250Palubicki, Nina 250Stordahl, Ronald 250Bill Lawrence Volunteer Committee 200Fawver (Jay) for Senate 1,353Booth, Steven 8375,340Borrell, Dick RPM 19BMcLeod County RPM 250Wright County RPM 500Bell, Michael 350Herbst, Dan 500Spoering, Theresa 110Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Food PAC of Minn 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 250IFAPAC Minn 200SITCO PAC 500Twin Cities Republican Assn 2003,310Boudreau, Lynda RPM 26B1st Congressional District RPM 500Steele County RPM 1,000Beckmann, David 250Beckmann, Sarah 250Carlander, Lorraine 200Carlander, Richard 200Dien, Philip 250Kosiak, John 200Spears, Wayne 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 250MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn Health PAC 250Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200SITCO PAC 2004,950Bowman, Lavonne DFL 24AFaribault County DFL 1,000Martin County DFL 620Dayton, Mark 250Krahmer, Fred 200Opperman, Vance 150Friends of DFL Women 500Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn Democrats 150Minn PEOPLE Committee 5003,570Bradley, Francis RPM 29BCUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200M H H A PAC 250MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150Minn Chiropractic Political Action 5001,550Bransford, Tanya N/A 4-47Green, Frederick M. 250Jackson, Rosella 250Jackson, Toni M. 200Johnson, Carol M. 150Jones, B. Todd 250Kayser, Thomas 200Kelly, Timothy 250Moore, Cornell L. 150Morris, Nicole N. 150Propps, Evelyn L. 250Rucker, Anthony E. 150Watson, Perry 200Whack, Jerome 200White, Linda L. 150Lommen Nelson Political Action Comm 200Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 1,000RKM&C Fund 5,0009,000Brian, Holle GPM 62Brian, Holle 500Cramer, Scott 300Hurd, Patricia A 2001,000Briner, Charlene DFL 362nd Congressional District DFL 20036th Senate District DFL 500Senate Majority Caucus 3,538Raplinger, John 125Raplinger, Marilyn 125Education Minn PAC 400Emily's List- Minn 500Friends of DFL Women 500Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Pipe Fitters Local 539 250Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 250So Dakota Cty Labor Council COPE Fu 5008,688Brod, Laura RPM 25ALeSueur County RPM 1,500Sibley County RPM Party Exec Commit 25065

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesBender, WA 300Davis, Mark 350Driscoll, Leslie 125Driscoll, Michael 125Geiger, Angela 125Geiger, Joseph 125Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 250Hill, Jeannette 250Hubbard, Stanley 500Jones, Douglas 200Kosiak, John 250Morris, Andrew 125Morris, Crystal 125Morris, Dorothy 125Morris, Franklin T 125Morris, George 125Morris, James 500Morris, Janet 500Morris, Mary Kay 125Morris, Susan 125Morris, Todd 125Oneill, Daniel 125Oneill, Ellen 125Sanford, Gene 200Solheid, Kristine 500Spears, Wayne 250Swellan, Lisa 500Swellan, Mark 500Welcome, Palmer 250Welcome, Sue 250Winn, George 250Winn, Joan 250Witt, Christopher 125Witt, Jason 500Witt, Karin 125Witt, Ken 375Witt, Lana 375Witt, Nancy 500Witty, Jay 125Witty, Stacey 125John Tuma for <strong>State</strong> Rep 20012,249Brodin, Dale RPM 6B8th Congressional District RPM 350Brodin, Dale 500Meirick, Carl 150Sullivan, Brian 2501,250Buesgens, Mark RPM 35BHarkey, Keith 500Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250BAM-PAC 250CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Messerli & Kramer Political Action 200Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Multi Housing Political Action Comm <strong>2002</strong>,650Butcher, Sherry IPM 42Anson, Sally 250Baier, Eldred G. 250Baier, Elizabeth A. 250Boll, Carol A. 250Boll, William A. 250Bouta, Robin P. 250Brown, David 500Brown, Janet L. 500Brown, Jessica M. 500Buell, Darrell 250Butcher, James 500Callander, Allan T 150Collins, Mark T. 250Cook, Daniel 500Corneille, Frantz 250Corning, Christine 250Cowles, John 250Deminico, Elizabeth M. 300Duff, Carol 200Ersfeld, Vanessa 250Frenzel, William 250Gartner, Robert F. 250Greenhagen, Cherie 250Greenhagen, Paul V 250Grindal, H Theodore 125Grindal, Michelle 375Hahn, Lucille E 250Hamilton, K. 250Herbst, Daniel J. 500Herbst, Karen A. 500Herbst-Collins, Melissa L. 250Higginbotham, Ava 150Higginbotham, Ken 250Hope, Brett A 500Hope, Tracy 500Hustad, Ruth 150Hustad, Wallace 150Ingleman, Julie 250Jelle, Dwight 250Kardell, Katherine C. 500Kark, Sylvia 150Klugman, Allan S 500Kurtz, Stephanie 500Laberee, Kathleen F. 250Laberee, Mark P. 250Luse, David K 500Luse, Juliann 500Marhula, Dennis 500Marhula, Diana 500Miller, Calvin 250Miller, Margaret C. 500Murray, Rick D. 250Murray, Roberta M. 250Okrent, Alice 150Palmer, Nancy 150Pauly, Sidney 120Randolph, Terry 200Rohs, Jon R. 250Simenstad, Beth 150Simenstad, Mark L 150Stoebner, Carol 250Stoebner, Joe M. 250Tambornino, Mary 200Thiss, Abbie 250Thiss, Scott 250Thompson, Chris 250Uram, Donald R 250Wacholz, Chad D. 250Wacholz, Jennifer L. 250Weber, Diane C 500Weber, Martin J 500Wertheim, Larry M. 150Whitbeck, Elizabeth C 150Wissner, Basil 250Wissner, Mary Jane 25022,170Campbell, Richard (Dick) RPM 42Twin Cities Republican Assn 150150Carlson, Andy RPM 66B66B House District RPM 50050066

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesCarlson, Lyndon DFL 45B45th Senate District DFL 1,200Education Minn PAC 400Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 250Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 300Robbinsdale Federation of Teachers C 2503,350Carter, Darrell RPM 4Masog, John 250Robia, Jan 150Robia, Mark 150Bill Lawrence Volunteer Committee 5001,050Cassell, George RPM 10BSmith, Brenton <strong>2002</strong>00Cassell, George RPM 11Douglas County RPM 2,000Grant County RPM 2,400Stevens County RPM 300Todd County RPM 300Anderson, Eileen 200Anderson, Keith 200Anderson, Wesley J 200Davis, John 250Davis, June E 250Golberg, Jeffery 175Golberg, Luann 175Morrell, Jay C 250Morrell, Katherine 250Riley, Joe 300Riley, John 300Wigley, Michael 250Wollin, David W 125Hospitality Political Action Committee 250Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 200Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 150Rural Electric Political Action Comm 130Savings Assns for Voter Educ & Respo 200SITCO PAC 500Cassell (George) for <strong>State</strong> Rep 22,74032,095Chaudhary, Satveer DFL 5050th Senate District DFL 5,000Abboy, Jamuna 200Aggarwal, Krishan K 125Aggarwal, Madhu 125Akula, Dheeraj 250Arya, Saroj 250Atreya, Prem Lata 125Atreya, Rakesh M. 125Baxi, Niraj P 101Bhargava, Vinay 250Bhosale, Asha 250Bhosale, Pratap 250Birda, F E 200Chander, Subhash 250Chatrala, Hitesh 250Chaudhary, Ashwani 125Chaudhary, Pushpa 125Chaudhary, Raj M 125Chaudhary, Raj S 125Chaudhary, Ravi 200Chaudhary, Surendra PS 225Chaudhary, Uma 200Chaudhary, Veerbala 250Chaudhary, Vikas 250Chaudhary, Vinita 125Choudhary, Alkesh 250Cohen, Richard J. 125Dreier, Denise L. 101Jain, Kapil 500Jain, Mahendra S 250Jain, Tina 500Katari, Anjali R 250Kumari, Raj 250Lillehaug, David 250Lund, Sharon 200Mahn Bich, Chu 135Malik, Ram L 125Malik, Rekha 125Malik, Sanjay 151Mangalick, D 250Mangalick, Dinesh C 250McDonough, Brigid 150McLaren, Deborah R 250Mohla, Archana 125Nalwa, Hari 350Neelakantiah, Bangakore P 250Neelakantiah, Leelavathi 250Phillips, Suzanne W 250Ramer, Robert 250Ravindran, Ravi 250Ravindran, Shashi S 250Reddy, Amrutha G 250Reddy, Charan 250Reddy, Krishan 250Reddy, Krishna 250Roperia, Jitender 203Roperia, Santosh 203Senra, Geetha M 250Senra, Manohar R 250Shreedhar, Kamini 250Shreedhar, Rakesh 250Siddiqai, AJ 500Singh, B 200Singh, Bhagwan 245Singh, Bhusham 250Singh, Chandra B 250Singh, Gulab 200Singh, Inder 200Singh, Kanwal 250Singh, Meenakshi 250Singh, Prabha 250Singh, Randeep 125Singh, Surinder 250Sreenivas, N 250Sreenivas, Rue 250Stanton, David P 125Thanedar, Shri 250Tomar, Babita 150Tomar, Jitendra S 250Tomar, Rajpal S 250Tomar, Ruchi S 250Tomar, Satish 250Treuenfels, Peter 250Verma, Vishal 250Vu, Sang 200Walters, Lawrence 250Seck, Gerald 400Strauss, Joseph 150AFSCME Local 34 PEOPLE 500Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 150Local 59 Political Fund 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 250Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 50067

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMinn League of Conservation Voters 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Municipal Retirement Asso 500People in Construction Political Action 200Police Officers Alliance of MN Pol Actio 500Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 250Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 500Progressive Minn 312Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 400Campaign for Vince Stevens 500Wejcman (Linda) Volunteer Committee 25032,300Chester, Darwin DFL 8ADarwin Chester Volunteer Committee 3,0003,000Child, R Tom IPM 32A3rd Congressional District IPM 200Child, Grace 375Child, Rollin B 500Johnson, Nancy C 200Kellams, Louise 500Lynde, Edward S 125Lynde, Sandra D 125Overby, David D 250Overby, Diane L 250Pavek, Darin D 200Schoenwetter, Jeffrey M 200Schwarz, Audri 200Ties, Jill M 3003,425Chlebeck, Bernadette DFL 49B3rd Congressional District DFL 150Garcia, Lena 500Garcia, Shelia 500Education Minn PAC 400Friends of DFL Women 500IBEW Local 292 Political Education 250Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 200Minn AFL-CIO 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500TRIAL-PAC 250Jerry Newton Campaign Fund 500King (Maria) Campaign Committee 500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 150Chlebeck, Bernadette 1,5506,950Clark, James RPM 23AMinn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 200700Clark, Jill N/A 4-53Clark, Barbara 500Clark, Hartley 500Clark, Jill 3,395Roth, Jeff 4,2358,630Clark, Karen DFL 61ALange, Amy S. 135Reid, Catherine 149Weiner, Phyllis 149CUVOL 250Education Minn PAC 250Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5002,433Clark, Marlene RPM 11BDouglas County RPM 1,000Todd County RPM 550Wadena County RPM 250Bense, Rodger 250Bitker, Jerry 250Haaser, Joan 160Leverich, Chuck 470Citizens for Wayne Hoffert 1413,071Clark, Tarryl DFL 1515th Senate District DFL 1,000Sherburne County DFL 150Barnett, Maxine 180Bormes, Richard J 350Bradley, David 125Bradley, Nancy 125Crawford, Amy 225Engman, Frederic J 150Engman, Lynn K 150Fish, Marjorie J 350Gower, Calvin 175Kaplan, Samuel 150Mason, Ralonda 166McCarter, Jerome 108McCarter, Maureen 108Opperman, Vance 150Record, George H 110Swanson, Robert 200Thorsteinson, Michael 150Wood, Rex 150Ziemer, Gladys 200Elwood, Ron 150Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 500Iron Workers Local 512 200Minn Democrats 150Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA-P 200Minn <strong>State</strong> MNPL 150Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5006,321Cleland, Tom GPM 41Cleland, Thomas S. 1,7061,706Cohen, Richard DFL 64Anderson, David S 200Barrows, June 250Berman, Frank 125Berman, Toby 125Bloodgood, Patricia 250Breyer, Karl J 200Cohen, Burton D 250Cooper, Peter L 200Coppock, Bruce H 250Cowles, John 200Dowling, Joe 250Ellingson, Edward C 250Grindal, Michelle 250Hale, Roger 150Halloran, Jerome 200Haselow, Robert 200Huss, Alvin John 250Latimer, George 250Lavorato, Cindy 250Mackay, Harvey B 250Mears Hueg, Hella L 200Minkkinen, David 200Perryman, Margaret 150Poul, Mojdeh 200Smith, Kevin H 200Steenland, Douglas 250Straughn, Robert 250Wark, Mary 25068

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesZelle, Charles 250Kramer, Ross 150Seck, Gerald 500Strusinski, William 200Dorsey Political Fund 200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Friends of the Minn Zoo 250Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Messerli & Kramer Political Action 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200People in Construction Political Action 200Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 25011,250Copeland, Greg RPM 67*67A House District RPM 50067B House District RPM 500Republican Party of Minn 1,000Senate Victory Fund 2,0004,000Cornish, Anthony RPM 24B1st Congressional District RPM 650Blue Earth County RPM 2,266Waseca County RPM 500Billiar, Lloyd 125Cornish, Mike 150Hamm, Michael 200Hurley, Jack 500Knewtson, Wayne 125Palmer, Floyd 300Staley, Warren 250Ulrich, Bob 250BCA Agents Political Fund 250Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Hospitality Political Action Committee 250Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200Jobs Political Fund 500MABC PAC 500Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 200Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Minn Cons Off Leg Act Committee 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 150Minn <strong>State</strong> Patrol Troopers Assoc 500Citizens to Elect Ken Wolf 500Russ Elmer Volunteer Committee 500Volunteers for Jerry Groebner 500Cornish, Anthony 20011,316Costello, Justin RPM 31A1st Congressional District RPM 650Winona County RPM 4,350Double, Norma M. 125DOUBLE, PAUL B 125Kierlin, Robert 500Klimek, Gertrude S. 500Slade, Tim 350Thompson, Deborah 500Thompson, Thomas 5007,600Cox, Raymond RPM 25BAppeldoorn, Jerome 250Braucher, Jim 250Carlson, Greg 250Ehresmann, Gretchen 200Elbin, Gary 150Enebek, Robert 250Falck, R. John 200Frenz, Donald 250Gelle, Robert 200Jones, Douglas 250Jones, Mary 250Jusnoch, Eugene 250Kain, Amy 250Larson, Ann 250Pavek, Yvonne 500Polansky, Ellen 200Polzin, Gary 250Polzin, Lynette 250Sawyer, James 500Shumway, Dave 150Zoerb, Dale 250Zoerb, Nancy 250Girard, James 200Hill, Todd 250Ames Construction PAC 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Jobs Political Fund 500MABC PAC 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn League of Conservation Voters 250People in Construction Political Action 200Citizens to Elect Ken Wolf 5009,200Crump, Harry N/A 4-12Birrell, Andrew 250Caplan, Allan 300Knoll, Franklin 150Meshbesher, Ronald I 250Schwebel, James 300Sheehy, John 500Sieben, Harry 200Simonson, James S. 234Rice, Brian 200Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 250Messerli & Kramer Political Action 150Minn DRIVE 250Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500RKM&C Fund 5,0009,034Crutchfield, Christopher DFL 65A*McLaughlin, Judy 150150Dane, Scott IPM 5AAultman, Lee 200Jackson, Mark 450Poaletti, Angelo 500Toumala, Michael A 1501,300Daniels, Ray DFL 42BAFSCME Local 34 PEOPLE 250Minn AFL-CIO 150Minn PEOPLE Committee 300700Danner, Marley RPM 39BChirhart, Gary 200Frattalone, Cheryl 250Frattalone, Frank 250Johnson, David 125Johnson, Elizabeth 125Kamish, Jim 200Murphy, Patrick 500Noonan, Judy 125Noonan, Mike 125Quade, David 500Sill, Mary 250Sill, Michael 25069

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign Committees2,900Dauer, Brian DFL 30A*Arriola, John 250Dauer, Larry J. 300Dauer, Mary A. 300Kirchner, Julie M 250Sutton, Doug 5001,600Davids, Gregory RPM 31BAasland, Chris 200Bessette, Andy 150Bessette, Cheryl 150Bothun, Arlouene 250Bothun, Valborg 250Bridge, Chris 200Broom, Phillip 200Christensen, Sally 250Corporal, George 200Doyle, Sue A 250Fidler, Howard A 200Goldenberg, J.R. 125Grindal, Michelle 200Hagen, Dan 200Hammond, Mary 200Hanson, Brian 125Hanson, Diane 125Jeter, Mark 250Minor, Michael E 250Niemiec, Dick 175Pulles, Gregory 200Pulles, Michelle 200Riley, Leigh 250Sarles, Mary 250Serfling, Trisha 200Speese, Carolyn 250Speese, Mark 250Strangis, Ralph 250Toonen, Timothy 200Ulrich, Bob 250Vottomeyer, Leann 250Vottomeyer, Richard 250Weinshel, Eric 125Weinshel, Kathy 125Strusinski, William 200CUVOL 500Dorsey Political Fund 200IFAPAC Minn 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 150Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 5009,550Davis, Adam RPM 50A5th Congressional District RPM 15050A House District RPM 300Davis, James J 250Davis, Se Cha 250Minar, Cush 500Williams, Robert 3001,750Davis, C R Chuck DFL 16ABenton County DFL 450Mille Lacs County DFL 2,500Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 2,000Grindal, Michelle 125Sikorski, Gerald 200Grindal, H. Theodore 125Bois Forte Political Education Fund 500Education Minn PAC 250Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 250Minn AFL-CIO 250Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 5007,450Davnie, Jim DFL 62ALuoma, Jacqueline 150Schwartz, Joel 150Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 500Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 250SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 250TRIAL-PAC 2502,050Day, Dick RPM 26Steele County RPM 300Boeke, Dan 150Buxton, Norma 250Hanscom, John 200Jones, Douglas 200Madel Jr., R P 200Mikel, Gerry 150Tollefson, John 200Dorfman, Glenn 500Spano, Wyman 200CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 250Committee of Nine PAC 200CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 250Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 450People in Construction Political Action 200PharmPAC 400Rural Electric Political Action Comm 400SITCO PAC 400VET-PAC of Minn 1506,450Dean, Matthew RPM 52B52nd Senate District RPM 500Beix, Bob 125Beix, Jaci 125Boosalis, Peter 250Boosalis, Susan 250Calvin, Cynthia 125Calvin, Steven 125Davis, Catherine 125Davis, Donald 125Dean, James 300Dennison, Bruce 125Dennison, Danielle 125Elliott, Jodi 125Elliott, Kip 125Galicich, Stefanie 250Galicich, Walter 250Hartman, Todd 250Holmquist, James 125Holmquist, Lisa 125Losasso, Jane 125Losasso, Tom 125Nicholson, Ford 250Nicholson, Martha 250Nicholson, Todd 250Olsen, Marie 250Olsen, Richard 250Petrungaro, Gina 200Poulos, Sara A 500Poulos, William 500Richard Jr, Kenneth 200Strohbohn, Barbara 125Strohbohn, Mark 12570

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesWiderski, Janet 500Widerski, Robert 750Wojtowicz, Lyn 250Wojtowicz, Mark 250Yasmineh, David 250Apitz, John 200ARC PAC of Minn 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Jobs Political Fund 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Messerli & Kramer Political Action 250Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce 250SITCO PAC 25011,400Dean, Mike IPM 38BDean, Michael 182182DeLaForest, Christopher RPM 49A49th Senate District RPM, Anoka Count 1,000Bureau, Howard 500Zemke, Dan 500Dorfman, Glenn 250Food PAC of Minn 200IFAPAC Minn 200Jobs Political Fund 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn League of Conservation Voters 500MSA-PAC 250Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 250SITCO PAC 2505,200Delaney, Lyall RPM 49BDelaney, Helen B 500Delmonico, John C 500Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 500Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 5002,000Demmer, Randy RPM 29A1st Congressional District RPM 1,150Dodge County RPM 750Olmsted County RPM 1,000Ellingson, Roger 175Fosness, Jon 250Halverson, Kenneth L 125Larson, Donald 125Larson, Larry 125Larson, Lynette 125Larson, Melissa 125Larson, Suzanne 125Larson, Vance 125Staley, Warren 250Committee for <strong>State</strong> Pro-life Candidates 314Dorsey Political Fund 200Food PAC of Minn 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 250IFAPAC Minn 200Jobs Political Fund 200Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 250MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Eye PAC 250MSA-PAC 250SITCO PAC 2507,864Dempsey, Jerome RPM 28AWabasha County RPM 750Albrecht, Arlin 375Albrecht, Marilyn 375Dempsey, Nicholas 300Dempsey, Patrick 150Stearns, Rachel 150Stearns, Roger 150Tollison, Evelyn 1502,400Detert, David RPM 18BHicks, Lyle 250Sparboe, Robert 400650DeYoung, Gary RPM 65ADeYoung, Gary 1,1491,149Dibble, D Scott DFL 60Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 2,000Ansin, Ronald M 249Brunson, Ryan 250Coe, Alexandra 500Cowles, John 250Cullen, John D. 150De Cosse, Cyrille E. 500De Cosse, Paula W 500De Vido, Paul G. 500Dean, Jeffrey C 300Deharpporte, Amie 150Elliott, Pamela 200Gage, Camille J 120Glaefke, Brook 250Johnson, Amy 250Kennedy, J. Christopher 249Knabel, Thomas 250Krause, Michael 150Lewis, William C 500Markwardt, Paul W 200Martin, Richard H 150Orman, Gregory J 500Perta, Joseph M 200Ritchie, Niel 125Rose, R. T. 500Rosser, Simon 250Skorina, Jane 200Smith, Tina F 250Tylko, Jan K. 150Van Hove, Scott J 249Widmeyer, Scott D 250Gates, Fred 250Qualy, Phillip 150Education Minn PAC 500Food PAC of Minn 200Local 59 Political Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn DRIVE 300Minneapolis Municipal Retirement Asso 500Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 250SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 400TRIAL-PAC 250United Food & Commerical Workers, C 200Dibble, D Scott House Dist. 60B Comm 18915,531Dibble, D Scott DFL 60BDachis, Toni 250Eliott, Pam 300Falcon, Ronald 200Pierce, Shannon 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 2501,20071

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesDill, David DFL 6AAdams, Dave 250Anderson, Lisa D 250Anderson, Mark R 250Astleford, Joel R 125Astleford, Lori J 125Bak, Paul M 250Beddow, Bonnie J 125Beddow, Joel A 125Best, Betty B 250Bodkin, Sandra 250Bruns, Paul D 250Bruns, Zelda J 250Byers, Philip C 200Carlson, Ruth 250Congdon, Deena R 125Congdon, William B 125Cope, John F 250Daniels, Bette J 125Daniels, Russell C 125Dawson, Adam 250Dawson, EJay 250Dawson, Linda 250Dawson, Madeline 250Drobnick, Joe 250Drobnick, Sara 250Dry, James R 150Eggen, Arthur 250Eggen, Oliver 250Glowaski, David M 200Greischar, Chris 125Greischar, David 125Gruska, William 250Harvey, Richard H 250Holman, Russell G 250Holman, Ryan R 200Huber, Charles T 125Huber, Lois J 125Janssen, Gretchen M 125Janssen, James V 125Klinefelter, Bonnie 250Klinefelter, Charles 250Lager, Jim 250Lager, Sheryl 250Ludlow, J Mark 150Ludlow, Sally 150McGillivray, Todd R 125McGillivray, Wanda A 125Monacelli, Mark A 250Olson, Gregory D 250Olson, Lori 250Olson, Maxine M 250Olson, Timothy 250Reamer, Jill M 125Reamer, John M 125Scott, Carole B 125Scott, Darrell W 125Scott, Marilyn A 150Scott, Robert J 150Seigley, Michael R 150Simon, Frank L 250Tuomala, Michael 250Watson, Charlene M 250Watson, Timothy G 250Williams, Bruce R 250Bois Forte Political Education Fund 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Dul Bldg Trades Vol Party Fund 300Education Minn PAC 400Food PAC of Minn 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Iron Range Bldg Trades-PAF 500Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joi 500Minn Health PAC 200NCRCC-MN-PAC 500SITCO PAC 250TRIAL-PAC 25017,300Dille, Stephen RPM 18Wright County RPM 200Hicks, Lyle 500Stearns, Roger 200Schoenfeld, Gerald 250Seck, Gerald 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 250Independent Community Bankers of Mi 250Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 250Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 200Minn Farm Credit Services PAC 250Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 200MSCA-PAC 200Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Rural Electric Political Action Comm 110Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 200VET-PAC of Minn 150Citizens for Bob Ness 3005,460Dorman, Dan RPM 27APassingham, Sean 125Schoenfeld, Gerald 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Soybean 450Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 150Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200Rural Electric Political Action Comm 1201,995Dorn, John DFL 23B23rd Senate District DFL 250Blue Earth County DFL 150Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Minn AFL-CIO 300Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250SITCO PAC 4501,650Drewry, Donald RPM 36BDrewry, Don 300300Driscoll, Patrick DFL 52A52nd Senate District DFL 500Eggers, William 200Education Minn PAC 250Minn AFL-CIO 200St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 500Volunteers for Paul Teske 2001,850Duffy, Joseph IPM 30AAmadio, Peter 200Anson, Sally 250Brataas, Nancy 200Carryer, Carol 162Chafoulias, Gus 250Chandler, Robert 200Downes, Marylouise 250Duffy, Lois 425Fiterman, Dolly 500Foley, Daniel 200Gaffey, Thomas 30072

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesGinsburg, William 150Good, Allison 150Good, Andrew 150Harris, Emily 500Heath, Lore 400Honick, Gregory C 400Honick, Lesa 400Horner, Thomas 200Houle, Helene 500Nasseff, Arthur 300Nasseff, John 500Nasseff, Susan 300Riggs, Janet 200MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn Eye PAC 250MSA-PAC 250(David) Bishop Volunteer Committee 3,00011,087Dunham, Terry RPM 38BDunham, Terry 1,4731,473Dutcher, Judi DFLMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 20,000Anselmo, Dario 500Anson, Sally 500Appelhof, Gregory 500Arends, Craig 250Baer, Zenas 500Barczak, Ron 500Barrow, Sara 250Barrows, June 250Bauer, Patrick 250Beck, Warren 500Belford, Mary 500Bell, Ford 500Bergstedt, Tim 250Bloomquist, Lynn 500Bohn, Karen 500Brody, Mary Beth 500Brown, Andy 500Bruckner, W Joseph 250Bryant, Ruth 250Bujold, Tyrone 250Butler, Sandra 250Buttenwieser, Peter 2,000Bye, Heidi 1,000Cabot, Elizabeth 250Campbell, Karlyn 250Camper, Dorothy 250Caplan, Allan 250Case, Robert 500Cermak, Kim 250Chapman, Kristen 500Cohen, Burt 750Cohen, Rusty 250Colich, Phil 500Cowles, Jay III 500Cowles, John III 500Denny, Chuck 1,000Doar, Patricia L 500Donaldson, Linda 1,250Dooley, Elizabeth 250Doyscher, Dean 500Dutcher, Janet 300Engler, Linda 300Etzwiler, Marion 1,000Evans, Karen 500Fenton, Eleanor 500Fiori Hacking, Laurie 750Folliard, Betty 250Frankel, Doreen 500Freeman, Jean 500French, BJ 1,000Frisch, Patti W 350Froehlke, Teresa 1,250Gamer, Paula 650Gamer, Ronald 500Garst, Christine 1,100Garvis, Trissa 500Gidley, Bridget 250Gilardi, Dennis 1,000Grathwol, Philip 500Griffin, Gloria 250Griffith, Sima 500Grimshaw, Steve 500Grindal, Michelle 500Gustafson, Jill 500Hamilton, James T 500Hasselbring, Brent 500Hausfeld, Michael 1,000Hawn, Elizabeth 350Hines, L. Cecily 1,250Houle, Coral S 500Hughes, Shirley 500Huntley, Thomas 2,000Hust, George 1,000Hyman, Michael 450Ingleman, Julie 1,000Janasz, Kathleen 300Johnson, Gary 225Johnstone, Andrea 500Kahn, Richard 500Keeler, James 250Kelly, Gretchen 1,000Kelly, Katie 250Kelly, Thomas 600Ketz, Lori 300Kinder, Susan 500Klein, John 400Klohs, Katherine 300Knoff, Tyrone 1,000Koehn, Christina 500La Porte, Lawrence 250Larson, Merle 250Laurent, John L. 2,000Lazarus, Barry 250Lenfestey, Susan 500Lindsay, Daniel 1,000Lipowitz, Alan 250Long, James 250Luken, Ellen 250Lutter, Barbara 1,000Lynch, Leland 500Lyon, Marina 500Mahai, Chris 250Mains, Rhoda W 250Marek, Terry 2,000Maritz, Kristine M 2,000Marshall, David 500McDonough, Brigid 1,250McFarland, Richard 500McNamara, Richard 2,000Melanson, Judy 350Messinger, Alida 1,000Metz, Helen 250Mills, Stacey 2,000Milstein, Herbert 1,000Minkkinen, David 250Moe, Carey 750Morgan, Mary Ann 1,000Murphy, Kathleen 2,000Nelson, Julie 500Nichols, Donald 50073

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesNovak, Jay 250O Neal, Barbara 250O Sullivan Kane, Margaret 400Ober, Gayle 250Olin, Susanne 500Owen, Nan 1,000Pappas Stanoch, Pam 1,000Perlman, Lawrence 750Peterson, Douglas 250Petters, Thomas 500Pohlad, James 2,000Pohlad, Michelle 2,000Pohlad, William 2,000Portwood, Barbara 250Possis, Ann M 500Proft, Pat 1,000Raplinger, Marylin 450Reedstrom Bishop, Jennifer 700Render, James 250Rickerman, Norman 2,000Roberts, Chris 500Ross, Barbara 250Rothstein, Thomas 500Rupert, Jeannette 500Russell, Carol 500Saario, Terry 250Schmidt, Eda 250Sheehy, John 1,000Shreves, Catherine 500Smith, Louis 500Stanley, Alfred 250Stanley, David 1,000Staples Thompson, Mary 625Steiner, Julie 250Stevenson, Jackie 250Sullivan, John 500Swenson, Sandra 250Thompson, Van 600Thornton, T R 300Thuringer, Brian 2,000Toll, Steven 1,000Trysla, Trudi 500Tuttle, Emily Ann 500Vaughn, Mary 500Weiner, Deanna 250Westcott, Mary 500White, Ann 500Wildfang, K.Craig 500Wilson, Janet 1,000Wirtz, Keith 500Wishnick, Harriet 500Wolff, Vikki 250Yackel, John 250Yanisch, Rebecca 500Zikmund, Nyle 500Zoidis, Susan 250Ginsberg, Richard 250Herman, John 500Messerli & Kramer Political Action 250Minn DRIVE 300Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 2,000Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 2,000RKM&C Fund 2,000United Steelworkers of America Dist 2,000Dutcher (Judi) for Auditor 1,745140,595Eastlund, Rob RPM 17A8th Congressional District RPM 500Carlson, Paul E. 125Eastlund, Doris 200Eastlund, Valerie 250Johnson, Neil A. 150Richmond, Michael W. 125Richmond, Susan M. 125Swenson, Donald C 150Swenson, Julie C 150Van Alstine, Eugene 250Van Alstine, Shari 250BAM-PAC 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500Rural Electric Political Action Comm 180SITCO PAC 200SOF - PAC 500TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PAC 5006,155Edevold, Mark DFL 2B2nd Senate District DFL 500Beltrami County DFL 1,300Hubbard County DFL 1,750Corbid, Patricia 200Edevold, Marvin 200Edevold, Tamara 258Mann, Michael 125Mann, Terri 125Rasmussen, Ed 150Bemidji Central Labor Body AFL-CIO 250Education Minn PAC 400Minn AFL-CIO 500Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500NCRCC-MN-PAC 500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 250Rod Skoe for <strong>State</strong> Rep 500Edevold, Mark 2,42010,228Egan, Ray RPM 47Hamilton, Harold 500Bike PAC 5001,000Ehrich, Sheila DFL 36A36th Senate District DFL 250Friends of DFL Women 200Minn PEOPLE Committee 300Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5001,250Eide, Kevin N/A 1-5Dove, Tony 240Eide, Ralph S 400Groggins, Robert 150Malone, Robert 150Mayer, Michael 200McDonough, Mark 200Montpetit, Joel 150Schmidt, Debra E 200Wolf, Miriam 2001,890Eken, Bernhard Kent DFL 2A2nd Senate District DFL 500DFL House Caucus 1,000Polk County DFL 400Haddeland, Peter 200Haddeland, Sandra 200Hoekstra, Mitchell 150Jungels, Brian 150Corbid, John 400Dedicated Americans for the Senate 500Education Minn PAC 400Greater Minn Conference Pol Action 50074

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesIndependent Community Bankers of Mi 400MAPE-PAC 500Minn AFL-CIO 500Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500NCRCC-MN-PAC 500Savings Assns for Voter Educ & Respo 250TRIAL-PAC 250Rod Skoe for <strong>State</strong> Rep 1,2508,850Eland, Marcia DFL 43A*43rd Senate District RPM 300300Eller, Jeremy DFL 262nd Congressional District DFL 200Steele County DFL 200Eller, Angie 115Eller, Stan 115Education Minn PAC 250Minn AFL-CIO 250Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Eller Volunteer Committee 413Eller, Jeremy 2922,634Ellering, Paul IPM 13AAtkinson, Rodney 250Ellering, Al 375Ellering, Carlyn 375Wilwerding, Joseph 2001,200Ellison, Keith DFL 58BCrowther, Donald 300Ross, Thomas 300<strong>State</strong>n, Randy 200AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 200AFSCME Local 34 PEOPLE 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 300Dorsey Political Fund 200Education Minn PAC 400IBEW Local 292 Political Education 250Iron Workers Local 512 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 250Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Retirement Association Political Commi 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 250TRIAL-PAC 250Minneapolis Federation of Teachers 5005,700Engstrom, Dave GPM 57Clark, Thomas 250Flinsch, Suzanne 500Foley, Kevin 450Foley, Shula 500Hartwell, David 500Horst, Rechel Bacher 500Miyamoto, Sharon 500Mucciacciaro, Elaine 250Mucciacciaro, Nicholas 275Reiter, Thomas 500Stordalen, Linda K. 500Tungseth, Barry 250Foley, Tom 2505,225Ensrud, Lana RPM 46B3rd Congressional District RPM 50046th Senate District RPM 1,000Ensrud, Julius 200Gusaas, Ronn 500Don Kramer Senate Committee 500Filson, Walter T Senate Dist. 47 Commi 500Hubert, Jim House Dist. 47B Committe 470Tim Olson 2000 4004,070Entenza, Matt DFLGrindal, Michelle 500Jennings, Loren 400Johnson, Eric 300Lindquist, Felicia 1,000Minkkinen, David 300Moyers, Allison 500Tuckson, Margie 500Tuckson, Reed 500Zalamea, Luis 600Zalamea, Margarita 500Amundson, Kristen 300Birk, Peggy J 250Moyers, William C 500Redmond, Lawrence 250Wilensky, Scott 250Food PAC of Minn 500Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Winthrop & Weinstine, PA Political 250Crutchfield, Christopher House Dist. 65 5008,900Entenza, Matthew DFL 64ABloodgood, Patricia 200Boston, Jeffrey 200Corbid, Patricia 200Damon, Susan 150Dien, Catherine 125Dien, Philip 125Givogre, John 150Haven, Robert 200Jennings, Wayne 150Johnson, Roger 200Kowalski, Mary 200Laughlin, Michael 200Liengswangwong, Molvipa 125Liengswangwong, Vichaivood 125Megan, Lynne 200Miller, Kristine 150Miller, T Michael 150Orbovich, Cynthia B 200Peterson, H. Geoffrey 200Senkler, Robert 200Siekmeier, John 175Strong, Gregory 200Timmons, Leo 150Unowsky, R David 150Van Wert, Laurie Davis 250Weigum, M. Jeanne 150Zagaria-Meyer, Christine 500Zagaria-Meyer, Lee 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 300Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Education Minn PAC 400Insurance Federation Political Acti 200Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Entenza, Mat 2,84710,472Erhardt, Ron RPM 41ADoherty, Timothy 500Seaton, Douglas 20075

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesDorsey Political Fund 200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500IFAPAC Minn 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 226Multi Housing Political Action Comm 2003,326Erickson, Sondra RPM 16A17B House District RPM 350Laddusaw, Liane 132Laddusaw, Robert 132Sampson, Curtis 125Sampson, Marian 125Schroeder, Robert 200Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Bill Lawrence Volunteer Committee 500Citizens for Bob Ness 5003,515Erlander, Tim RPM 63A5th Congressional District RPM 20063rd Senate District RPM 1,5001,700Evans, Geri DFL 50B50th Senate District DFL 5,000Braley, Gary 200Carlson, Wayne E. 250Carruthers, Philip C 125Chies, Michael R. 200Edmondson, Joanna F. 150Evans, Jim 150Gilbert, Caroline M 125Keller, Louis F. 200Welsch, Delane E. 150Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Clean Water Action Voter Education 190Local 59 Political Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 2508,990Fahey, John RPM 34Burandt, Robert 300Eder, Donna 170Fahey Richter, Mary J 500Fahey, Carol J 500Fahey, David P 500Fahey, Leone P 500Forst, Perry 150Fritz, Donald J 120Krumm, Pearl 110Lano, Robert 225Lind, David 150McNearney, Juliet 150Miller, Lana L 125Miller, William 125Rademacher, Cindy 204Richter, Elizabeth J 500Richter, Larry L 500Schlueter, Russell 205Schmitz, Robert F 500Shimota, Mary 122Spaude, Michael 135Sprengeler, Mel 360Willems, Eugene A 126Willems, Margie 126Willems, Renee 200Willems, Steve 2506,851Fairbanks, Quentin DFL 2BFairbanks, Quentin 4,5004,500Finley, John N/A 2-21Bryant-Wolf, Gary R. 150Cody, Daniel T. 150Cosgriff, William 200De Courcy, D. M. 500De Courcy, Merry 500Feeney, Leo F. 500Fetsch, Marilyn J. 500Galvin, Michael J. 256Gilsdorf, John F. 250Houle, Helene 2,000Huntrods, Ann 150Kayser, Thomas 200Landreville, Alden E. 200Malone, Robert 150McKenna, Lou 300Meshbesher, Ronald I 500Montpetit, Joel 250Mullan, Robert J. 300Nasseff, Mickey 400Newell, Maurice P. 400O'Loughlin, Terence 150Opperman, Vance 2,500Rogosheske, Paul 250Rutzick, Steven R. 200Sheehy, John 500Simonet, Edward W. 200Snyder, Michael C. 500Thornton, T R 200Walsh, John E. 200Finley, Joseph M 525Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 300Leonard, Street and Deinard PAC 150Minn DRIVE 250Painters Union Local No 61 Political Act 200Plumbers Local Union #15 COPE Acco 500RKM&C Fund 5,000St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 500U A Plumbers Local #34 Political Fund 15020,631Finseth, Tim RPM 1B*MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150Minn Soybean 250400Finstad, Brad RPM 21B1st Congressional District RPM 650Brown County RPM 2,500Redwood County RPM 1,250Boyce, Jean 150Boyce, Jeff 150Schwartz, Joseph 250Schwartz, Judy 250Woodley, Gerald 200Girard, James 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 500IFAPAC Minn 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300SITCO PAC 250Baumann, Roger Senate Dist. 22* Com 450Clark, James T House Dist. 23A Commi 3007,800Fischbach, Michelle RPM 1476

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesBernick, Richard 150Bisignani, Mark 200Burkowski, Earl 150Christensen, James 150Easterday, David 200Ehlen, Charles 150Ehlen, Kelli 150Ellard, Sandy 200Faber, Rose Ann 150Feuling, Bob 250Feuling, Linda 250Fischbach, Harold 150Fischbach, Rita 150Fishbein, Michael 200Frank, David 200Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 200Heim, David 150Herman, Jeffrey 450Hill, Peter 200Illies, James 150Kosiak, John 450Neiss, Dennis 150Sampson, Curtis 250Schenian, Dale 200Schuelke, Harry 200Schwantes, Darwin 200Spears, Wayne 450St Martin, Darla 500St Martin, Thomas 150Apitz, John 250Sampson, Randall 200Seck, Gerald 450CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Health PAC 250Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 2009,750Fischer, Richard GPM 16AFischer, Richard J. 125125Foley, Leo DFL 473rd Congressional District DFL 50047th Senate District DFL 500Senate Majority Caucus 250Bowers, Barbara 250Diaz, Jean 250Diaz, Richard 250Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 500Mendoza, Mia 250Olson, Barbara 250Olson, Douglas J 250Spears, Wayne 200Seck, Gerald 350Iron Workers Local 512 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 350Messerli & Kramer Political Action 200Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Eye PAC 200Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500Rural Electric Political Action Comm 110SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500Jerry Newton Campaign Fund 3008,410Folliard, Betty DFL 44ABowers, Barbara 200Dayton, Mark 250Ducker, Thomas 250Entenza, Matthew 125Flynn, Thomas 150Gendreau, James 250Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 250Holman, John 125Johnson,Craig 150Killen, Peter 250Mondale, Ted 250Nwaneri, M. O. 250Olson, Douglas J 200Quam, Lois 125Simon, Stephen 250Spears, Wayne 200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Eye PAC 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500MSA-PAC 250SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500Citizens for Nathan Busch 1,625<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 2508,650Fowler, Chuck DFL 24Faribault County DFL 500Krahmer, Fred 200Kramer, Mary 200Committee of Nine PAC 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn League of Conservation Voters 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 200Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Rural Electric Political Action Comm 210SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 500SITCO PAC 200Elliott (Howard) Volunteer Committe 2,035Kosovich Campaign Committee 400Orfield (Myron) Volunteer Committee 5009,045Fraulini, Roman RPM 47Fraulini, Roman G 445Gabbard, Brian L 250Gabbard, Tonya M 150845Frederickson, Dennis RPM 21Committee of Nine PAC 200Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Education Minn PAC 250Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn League of Conservation Voters 200Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 200Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 250Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 30077

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign Committees3,900Freeman, Daniel RPM 4444th Senate District RPM 2,000Bakken, Bradley 500Bloomgren, Bernice 125Fox, Dean A. 125Fox, Robyn L. 125Hilger, Jeff 250Krebs, Stacie 250Krebs, Williams Jr, 250London, Ronald 200Peters, Joan 300Sandberg, Carrie 125Sandberg, Jeffry 125Tetzloff, Robert 235Tremere, Blair 175Tremere, Linda 175Wigley, Barbara 125Wigley, Michael 125Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 500TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PAC 500(Margaret) Leppik Volunteer Committ 1,000Friends of Joan Nelson Peters 700McCarville (Sue) Friends and Neighbors 1,000Freeman, Daniel 3969,306Freeman, Michael DFLFreeman, Orvile 363363Frick, Alex RPM 221st Congressional District RPM 650Jackson County RPM 200Murray County RPM 2,000Pipestone County RPM 500Rock County RPM 1,500Bloemendahl, Curtis 350Bloemendahl, Marilyn 350Clark, Gregory J 200Erickson, Wendell 150Frick, Alex 1,931Huisken, Charlotte 2508,081Frieman, Sheryl DFL 43AFrieman, Sheryl 200Herman, Randall J 200Education Minn PAC 250Minn Independent Insurance Agents PA 250Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5001,900Fritz, Patti DFL 26B2nd Congressional District DFL 200Musel, Meredith 150Opperman, Vance 150Woodruff, Tom 249Education Minn PAC 250Friends of DFL Women 500Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 250Minn AFL-CIO 500Minn Democrats 150Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500SEIU Local 113 500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 5004,649Frolik, Anthony IPM 52BFrolik, Anthony <strong>2002</strong>00Fuller, Douglas RPM 4A8th Congressional District RPM 500Beltrami County RPM 2,000Cass County RPM 350Beitzel, Richard 200Cuperus, Susanne 250Klinefelter, Bonnie 250Klinefelter, Charles 250Peters, R.H. 200Ulrich, Bob 250CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Dorsey Political Fund 200IFAPAC Minn 200Messerli & Kramer Political Action 200MinnBank <strong>State</strong> PAC 500SITCO PAC 500Bill Lawrence Volunteer Committee 200Citizens for Bob Ness 5007,050Gaither, David RPM 4343rd Senate District RPM 330Bakken, Paul 200Bathe, Ellie S. 250Bathe, William G. 250Cheifetz, Isaac 500Christy, Allen E 250Christy, Junelle J. 250Cummins, Joan 500Cummins, Robert P 500Kallgren, Earnest 500Kosmoski, Dan 125Kosmoski, Ellen 125Manley, John F. 500Manley, Mary 500McKee, Tim 250McKee, Valerie 250Nolte, Greg L. 300Schutz, Janet J 500Schutz, Ronald 500Seveland, Deb 250Seveland, John 250Sullivan, Brian 500Swanson, Peter 250Whelan, Casey D. 250Whelan, Mary F. 250Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Zejdlik, Todd 200CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Education Minn PAC 400Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Hospitality Political Action Committee 250Jobs Political Fund 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500People in Construction Political Action 200SITCO PAC 300TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PAC 500H Todd VanDellen for <strong>State</strong> Representa 250Johnson, Judy A Senate Dist. 34 Com 75013,680Gajewski, Duane GPMGajewski, Duane 349349Gallagher, Jennifer DFL 35Senate Majority Caucus 595Opoien, Karen 250Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 30078

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMinn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5002,645Ganley, Michael DFL 32B3rd Congressional District DFL 70032nd Senate District DFL 1,400Berg, Eve 250Berg, Gary 250Casserly, Benard 150Dayton, Mark 250Goodson, Michael 150Goodson, Molly Casserly 150Townsend, C. Edward 500Townsend, Susan 500Anderson, Wendell 250AFSCME Local 2938 400ARC PAC of Minn 150Education Minn PAC 400Firefighters Assoc of Mpls Politica 200Iron Workers Local 512 300Local 59 Political Fund 400Local 851 Political Action Committe 500Minn IBEW <strong>State</strong> Council 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 482TRIAL-PAC 5008,382Garcia, Edwina IPM 63Anaya-Boyer, Sally 300Harms, Thomas E 125Scalia, Tom 225Tharaldson, Peter 150Zaragoza, Oliver 125Road PAC of Minn 5001,425Gerlach, Charles DFL 35ABenton, Angela 500Griep, John 200Musolf, DeAnna 115Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 200Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 5002,215Gerlach, Chris RPM 37A37th Senate District RPM 500Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Dorsey Political Fund 200IFAPAC Minn 200MABC PAC 250Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200Ben Bowman Election Committee <strong>2002</strong>,050Gilbert, Wayne DFL 38B38th Senate District DFL 2,500Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,400Asunma, Laurie A 200Flaherty, Mary S. 200Fredenburg, Wesley C. 250Gilbert, Dorie H. 188Gilbert, Wayne E. 188Gilderman, Kerry D. 110Lewis, James W 250Mondale, Ted 250Olsen, Louis B. 125Olsen, Sally F. 125Opperman, Vance 150Perrault, Katie M 150Saggau, David J. 250Schulz, John R. 250Asunma, Randy 250Education Minn PAC 400Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 300Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 250Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500MAPE-PAC 250Minn Democrats 150Minn DRIVE 300Minn Eye PAC 250Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500People in Construction Political Action 200So Dakota Cty Labor Council COPE Fu 500TRIAL-PAC 250Brisbois, Leo I House Dist. 38B* Commi 510Moore, Gary House Dist. 38B* Committ 50012,195Gimse, Joseph RPM 13Kandiyohi County RPM 518Pope County RPM 2,500Brinton, Gene 500Brinton, Nola 500Ebnet, Nicholas 125Ebnet, Peggy 125Houdek, Larry 500Houdek, Lynette 500Moe, Edward 250Moe, Marilyn 250Olson, Earl 500Roberts, Peggy 250Roberts, Wills 250Schmidt, David 125Schmidt, Janna 125Smith, Andrew 200Smith, Pamela 200Sullivan, Brian 250Underland, Gene 200Williamson, Carol 250Williamson, Donald 250People for (Joseph) Gimse Campaign 1,67210,040Gleason, Mark DFLMah Mah Wi No Min - I 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 250We Want Mark Gleason 3,8174,817Gleason, Mark DFL 63B*Dorsey Political Fund 200Minn DRIVE 300SITCO PAC 250750Goodno, Kevin RPM 9A*Bisignani, Mark 200Diaz, Richard 200Haselow, Robert 200Herman, Jeffrey 400Kosiak, John 400Nisi, Kurt 200Spears, Wayne 200CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 5002,750Goodwin, Barb DFL 50A50th Senate District DFL 5,000Committee of Nine PAC 150Education Minn PAC 400Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 150Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 50079

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMinn DRIVE 300Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 5008,450Goudge, Russell RPM 18BCharais, Dease 125Charais, John 125250Graham, Joshua RPM 67A67B House District RPM 500500Granath, Nick GPM 60Granath, Barbara L 500Granath, Marvin O 5001,000Gray, Gregory DFLAitkin County DFL Committee 300Cowles, Jr, John 500Crowther, Donald A. 300Davis, William J 300Gray, Laurence D 500Jones, Ezell 400Kaplan, Samuel 250Kaplan, Sylvia 300Louper-Morris, Carolyn 500McDonough, Brigid 500Moore, Cornell L. 250Olson, Jon 250Remele Jr, Lewis 350Ross, Thomas 500Schubring, Randal R. 225Trice, James 500Ward Brown, Cassandra K. 300Webster, William A 500Banion, Teresa 250Dorfman, Glenn 250Grabarski, Sam W 250Hofstede, Albert 300Kozak, Andrew 300Rice, Brian 250Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 300Committee of Nine PAC 250Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 500Duluth Central Labor Body COPE Fund 500Education Minn PAC 400Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joi 500Local 59 Political Fund 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 500Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Minn AFL-CIO 500Minn DRIVE 300Minn IBEW <strong>State</strong> Council 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minneapolis Downtown Council PAC 250Minneapolis Municipal Retirement Asso 500Pipe Fitters Local 539 500Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500RKM&C Fund 500RMJ Political Fund 250SEIU Local 113 500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 500St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 500Suburban School Emp Local 284 Pol A 500TRIAL-PAC 500VOTE - 66 500Gray, Gregory House Dist. 58B Commi 1,50522,330Gray, Gregory DFL 58B*Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 5001,000Greiling, Mindy DFL 54AConnett, Jane Y 125Connett, John E 125Kolderie, Ted G 200Seebeck, Nancy L 200Wallace, Marion B 200Waterman, Robert M 150White, Kyle 250Greiling, Mindy 1091,359Grounds, David N/A 1-5Grounds, David H 876Grounds, Richard 1911,066Gunther, Robert RPM 24ABosshart, Marvin 150Bunther, Robert 500Eaton, David 250Geller, Jack 250Hammond Jr, Robert 250Kramer, Mary 200Kramer, Ross 150CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Multi Housing Political Action Comm 300Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500Rural Electric Political Action Comm 3804,380Gushwa, Judd N/A 4-46Bottema, Ken 200Garcia, Albert 500Committee To Elect Judd Gushwa 1,0561,756Haas, Bill RPM 47ABrucker, Susan 125Brucker, Thomas 125Flynn, Helen 125Flynn, Thomas 125Grindal, Michelle 125Seig, John 250Wangsness, John 250Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250IFAPAC Minn 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 200Winthrop & Weinstine, PA Political 200Filson (Walter) for Senate Committe 2503,275Haas, Charles RPM 52BDinkel, William 200Hughes, Jeff 250Hughes, Mary Sue 250Skelton, Patrick 200900Haas, Nancy DFL 66ABeeson, Richard 200Benson, Dennis 250Chin, Chuck 24980

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesConley, Patricia 150Dinkel, Joseph 250Dinkel, Veronica 250Freeman, Jane 200Freeman, Michael 199Haas, Charles 500Haas, David 250Haas, Jill 150Haas, Mary Kay 250Haas, Michael 150Halverson, Gene 200Huntley, Tom 250Iverson, Ellen 150Jambois, David 250Jambois, Gail 250Janita, April 250Lee, Annette 239Lee, Kelvin 339O Gara, Dan 250Orenstein, Howard 250Rahne, Denise 200Ramstad Hvass, Sheryl 400Schultz, Kurt 200Symmes, Jessica 250Ginsberg, Richard 150CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 300Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Political Education Fund of Local 2 500Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce 5008,477Hackbarth, Thomas RPM 48A48th Senate District RPM 125Anderson, Charles 200Johnson, R. Kenmore 200Knowlan, Bruce 125Knowlan, Mary 125Insurance Federation Political Acti 500Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500MinnBank <strong>State</strong> PAC 500TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PAC 5003,775Hage, Tim IPM 24Tim Hage for <strong>State</strong> Senate 1,6101,610Hagen, Dick RPM 20Baumgartner, Catherine 250Baumgartner, John 250500Halberg, Charles N/A 1-1McDonald, Michael 200Halberg, Charles 2,3282,528Hales, Marcia RPM 7B8th Congressional District RPM 350Anunti, John 250Anunti, Shiela 250Kratt, Linda 250Kratt, Michael 250Lewis, Frederick 300Mars, Robert 200Meierhoff, William 200Meirick, Carl 300Patronas, Nick 284Sneve, Peter 284Van Etta, John 200Duluth First 300Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5003,918Hall, Aaron RPM 40Aaron Hall Volunteer Committee 26,06326,063Halpenny, Pauline N/A 1-1Halpenny, Pauline 2,0822,082Halvorsen, Allan DFL 27AFreeborn County DFL 3,920Bye, Carol 150Halvorsen, Alma 200Halvorsen, Leo 150Opperman, Vance 150Education Minn PAC 250Minn AFL-CIO 250Minn Democrats 150Minn PEOPLE Committee 500United Food & Commerical Workers, C 200Pat Piper Volunteer Committee 5006,420Hammitt, Monte DFL 4A8th Congressional District DFL 300Beltrami County DFL 1,470Bedeau, Linda 500Cecil, Lorraine 500Daugherty, Jonna 250Daugherty, Mary 118Daugherty, Ron 250McCarthy, John 250McCarthy, Kathy 250Oboyle, John 108Bemidji Central Labor Body AFL-CIO 250Education Minn PAC 400Greater Minn Conference Pol Action 500Leech Lake PAC 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 250Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500NCRCC-MN-PAC 500TRIAL-PAC 250(Anthony) Kinkel for Senate 500(Harold) Finn For Senate 5008,746Hann, David RPM 423rd Congressional District RPM 1,00042nd Senate District RPM 2,750Boitlig, Stephen W 250Cummins, Joan 500Cummins, Robert 500Hahn, J D 150Hultgren, Bruce W 250Langefels, Margie B 250Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Food PAC of Minn 200Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Hospitality Political Action Committee 250IFAPAC Minn 200Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300SITCO PAC 250TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PAC 5008,100Hansen, William DFL 6AAnderson, Rick 150Benedict, Deborah L. 200Benson, Buck 200Benzie-Lourey, Marlana 500Brandenburg, Jim 125Brandenburg, Judy 200Deharpporte, Joyce 250DeHarpporte, Ron 25081

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesDornfeld, Kirk 250Eastlund, Randy 150Green, Janet 175Hansen, Frank 250Hansen, Mary Alice 250Hanson, Clyde G. 250Hart, James T 250Hauser, William A 152Huntley, Tom 250Kenig, Laura 150Knuffke, Darrell R 250Lamb, Limb M 200Lourey, Anthony 500Lourey, Becky 150MaClean, Lynn 500Nagle, Terrence S 150Nankivell, Sally 150Netland, Alan 250Olson, Richard 150Opperman, Darin 150Perpich, George 150Piragis, Steve 200Possis, Ann M 250Powers, Nancy D 250Rhodes, Will 125Rider, Ann 200Rider, Thomas 200Rolle, Phillip 125Rysdahl, Dennis 250Rysdahl, Jeanne T 250Schurke, Paul D 250Schurke, Susan D 250Smith, Scott W 250Updegraff, David 500Vick, Kari K 150Winter, Carol 250Clean Water Action Voter Education 247Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn League of Conservation Voters 500VOTE - 66 500Hansen, William F. 1,14012,788Hanson, Karl DFL 10Becker County DFL 150Otter Tail County DFL 1,000Wadena County DFL 150Anderson, Cyndi 113Leaders, Diane 494Parta, Janet 125Parta, Mike A 125Schulz, Tom R 386Ziegler, Richard E 143Education Minn PAC 250Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 5003,736Harder, Elaine RPM 22B1st Congressional District RPM 500Nobles County RPM 250Dynes, Debby 130Dynes, Rod 130Harder, Ronald 200Pietz, Mark 125Pietz, Susan 125Rupp, Eunice 105Rupp, Russell 105Cashman, Thomas 200James, Karen 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 250IFAPAC Minn 500Minn Health PAC 250Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 150Citizens for Bob Ness 2503,970Harper, Erick RPM 20Big Stone County RPM 200Chippewa County RPM 250Lac qui Parle County RPM 1,791Lincoln County RPM 925Renville County RPM 500Swift County RPM 500Yellow Medicine County RPM 700Harper, Beatte 500Harper, Erick 4,931Harper, Sara Beth 300Harper, Thomas J 500Kohler, Jason 500Lindholm, Steve 200Rupp, Aaron D 500Rupp, David A 500Rupp, Gay 500Seppelt, Miles 500Meyer (Maynard) for Representative 25014,047Harrington, David N/A 9-4Arnold, Jeff 1,180Cecil, Lorraine 1,000Wigand, Lisa 500Harrington, David 46,02048,700Hatch, Michael DFL36B House District DFL 1,637Aitkin County DFL Committee 300Aafedt, David 300Anderson, Alfred 450Anderson, Carole 350Anderson, Julia 250Andolshek, Richard 250Andrisevic, James 500Anglim, Richard 400Banks, Mark 1,000Barry, Peter 1,000Berger, Larry 300Bert, Jack 300Bert, Mary 300Bieniek, Susan 250Bloodgood, Patricia 500Buck, Kristy 500Carlson, Steven 400Cashman, Noah 500Cavner, Catherine 250Cavner, Hollis 250Cole, Phillip A 300Cooper, Peter 500Cowles, John 300Cowles, Sage 300Crawford, Brian 1,000Crossman, Scott 250Daly, Florence 250Daly, Peter 250Drogt, J.A. 450Engwall, Craig 450Geist, Rosemary 250Gilbert, Alan 250Gilchrist, Laura 500Gilchrist, Scott 500Giteck, Katherine 500Giteck, Ronald 500Gordon, Ceil 1,000Gordon, Cory 1,000Gustafson, Jill 500Hart, Nathan 25082

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesHaugen, Gary J 700Hausfeld, Michael 1,000Hays, Linda 375Heins, Sam 1,000Heithoff, Kenneth 500Hoard, Heidi 250Hoff, Janet 225Holstein, Linda 250Hopper, Robert 500Hubbard, Stanley 500Hyman, Michael 300Jacobsen, Brad 400Jacobson, James 500Jennings, Loren 500Johnson, Badri 700Johnson, Dave 300Kaplan, Samuel 300Kelly, Holly 500Kinsella, Ann 500Klumpp, Bill 250Lebedoff, David 275Lebedoff, Randy 275Leneave, Wayne 800Levin, Irwin 1,000Lewis, Glenn 250Lillehaug, David 350Lockridge, Mary Louise 500Lockridge, Richard 500Lukovsky, George 225Mauzy, William J 350McAfee, Betsy 500McCarron, Paul 350McCutcheon, Gertrude 225McDonald, Ann 500McDonald, John J 500Mieczkowski, Lovette 250Mieczkowski, Tim 250Millman, Kimberly 250Mills, Stacey 1,000Milstein, Herbert 1,000Moody, Roger 400Morgan, John 1,000Mottl, Charles 250Mottl, Marilee 250Najjar, Willow 350Nauen, Charles 750Niemiec, Joan 900Niemiec, Richard 600Nord-Taylor, Linda 250Peele, Marvel 250Peterson, Kenneth 275Petters, Thomas 500Pofahl, Pati Jo 750Pohlad, James 1,000Polinsky, Douglas 250Ravich, Paul 600Reece, Jim 550Riley, Antoinette 250Riley, Neil 250Robards, Louis 300Rogers, Barbara 250Rogers, Harold 250Rogosheske, Paul 250Rufer, Stephen 250Schmidt, Peggy 1,000Sherek, Amy 500Sieben, Gretchen 300Sieben, Michael 300Stanton, James 500Steiner, Paul 600Steiner, Renae 1,000Tabacco, Joseph 1,000Thornton, T R 600Tietz, Adrienne 400Tietz, Paul 400Toll, Steven 1,000Usem, Ruth 500Van Baak, Dorothy 250Van Baak, Gary 250Walters, Joe 500Warch, Stephen 500Weerts, Jennifer 500Weerts, Robert 500Westin, Kathrine 250Westin, Mark 250Wozniak, Donald 250Ahern, Michael 250Bailey, Thomas 300Benner, Robert 500Berkelman, Thomas 300Erickson, James 600Flaherty, Timothy 500Grindal, H. Theodore 1,000Johnson, Eric 250Johnson, Todd 250Lipschultz, Dan 300Redmond, Lawrence 500Ryan, Mary 250Sieben, James 500Sposeto, Dominic 500Stanoch, John 250Tennessen, Robert 500Wilensky, Scott 300CARE / PAC 750Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 1,000Communication Workers of America Lo 300CWA <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>State</strong> Council 300Gray Plant Mooty Mooty & Bennett 500International Union of Operating En 250Leonard, Street and Deinard PAC 250Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joi 1,000MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn AFL-CIO 1,000Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 250Minn Cons Off Leg Act Committee 500Minn Health PAC 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 1,000Minn <strong>State</strong> Patrol Troopers Assoc 500Minn Utility Labor Council PAC 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Painters Union Local No 61 Political Act 500PharmPAC 500RMJ Political Fund 250SEIU Local 113 1,000SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 1,000Suburban School Emp Local 284 Pol A 1,000U A Plumbers Local #34 Political Fund 400United Steelworkers of America Dist 50082,062Hatling, John N/A 7-17Bakken, Gordon 200Behm, Stephen 200Colling, Grant 250Hatling, John 18,294Hatling, Noble 1,000Loftsgard, Gary <strong>2002</strong>0,144Hausman, Alice DFL 66B66B House District DFL 5,000District 66 Choice Coalition 175Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 200Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 200Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 20083

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesVET-PAC of Minn 1505,925Heidgerken, Bud RPM 13AKandiyohi County RPM 259Pope County RPM 209Anderson, Donald 150Arvig, Thomas 500Dubois, Pat 500Hemker, J Mr 150Hemker, Jean 150Hennen, Joe 150Rose, John 125Rose, Sharon 125CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Education Minn PAC 400Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Jobs Political Fund 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300NFIB/MN SAFE Trust 126SITCO PAC 2505,394Hein, Al DFL 31BBalman, Denise 200Thorson, Alan H 150Thorson, Janell N 150Minn PEOPLE Committee 300Ben Thorson Construction 3001,100Heinonen, Ray DFL 4040th Senate District DFL 300Senate Majority Caucus 1,194Heinonen, Ray 145Education Minn PAC 250Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn PEOPLE Committee 500UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Political <strong>2002</strong>,789Heir, Phil RPM 514th Congressional District RPM 2005th Congressional District RPM 25051st Senate District RPM 500Froiland, Robert 125Froiland, Sheryl 125Heir, P 236Hentges, Loren 200Hier, Linda 120Watkins, Daniel 300Minn Licensed Beverage Assoc PAC 3002,356Hess, Deb DFL 21A21st Senate District DFL 250Lyon County DFL 630Redwood County DFL 500Kettner, Delbert T. 150McLaughlin, Dennis 125McLaughlin, Marcia 125Minn PEOPLE Committee 5002,280Higgins, Linda DFL 58Cox, Betty 200Seck, Gerald 400Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 10 150Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 500Dorsey Political Fund 200Firefighters Assoc of Mpls Political Fun 200Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 300MSA-PAC 250Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 5005,200Hilstrom, Debra DFL 46B3rd Congressional District DFL 20046th Senate District DFL 3,500Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 250Local 851 Political Action Committee 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 350Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200TRIAL-PAC 5006,500Hilty, Bill DFL 8A8th Congressional District COPE AF 500Messerli & Kramer Political Action 200Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 3001,000Hobot, Chad DFL 51AMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 3,950Capra, Nancy 200Opperman, Vance 150Stankiewicz, Ellen 150Swanson, Richard 200Voss, Elaine 247Voss, Gordon 197Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 500Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 300Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Democrats 150<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 250Orfield (Myron) Volunteer Committee 5007,294Hodges, Booker OTHCarter, Gerald 5,500Jones, Nika 10,000Kohn, Andy 300Lee, Travis 325Roasch, Matt 70016,825Holberg, Mary RPM 36A36th Senate District RPM 250Angus, Robert 200Edmunds, David 200Matasosky, Jack 200Raskovitch, Beth 150Wigley, Barbara 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200IFAPAC Minn 200Messerli & Kramer Political Action 200Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Multi Housing Political Action Comm <strong>2002</strong>,750Holmstrom, Harold RPM 51B51st Senate District RPM 700Pettersen, Gregory L. 225Rogge, Brian S 250Rogge, Judy A 250Rovick, Arne 250Pettersen (Gregory) Volunteer Committ 5002,175Holsten, Mark RPM 52B84

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign Committees52nd Senate District RPM 375Anderson, Charles 250Anderson, Joel 250Edmunds, David 200Engelsma, Bruce 200Kircher, A.R. 250Koebele, John 243Olsen, Richard N 200Olson, Donavan 150Oren, Beverly 250Oren, Donald 250Sampson, Marian 125Wren, John 500Brandt, Wayne 200Henkel, Annette 200Jerich, Valerie 200Johnson, Todd 300Sampson, Randall 200Strusinski, William 200Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 200People in Construction Political Action 2004,943Holzschuh, Laura IPM 62A5th Congressional District IPM 441441Hooten, Carol N/A 1-1Borene, Scott 200Girard, Bonita 125Gordan, Ceil 350Gordon, Cory 350Greene, Kim 200Gunstad, Brad 125Gunstad, Jackie 125Hoffner, Fabian 250Jacobson, James 200Johnson, Brian 250Karls, Robert 125Kaufman, Andrea 200Lebedoff, David 250Lebedoff, Sarah 200Malone, Robert 150Remele Jr, Lewis 150Webb, Timothy 200RKM&C Fund 1,0004,450Hoppe, Joe RPM 34BCarver County RPM 500Allen, Douglas 200Gale, Alfred 500Gale, Leona 500Hoppe, David 200Hoppe, Karen 200Ogren, Stephen 250Schlicht, Jeffery 150Sundby, Patricia 200Ames Construction PAC 200CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Independent Community Bankers of Mi 400Jobs Political Fund 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 200Minn Health PAC 200Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500MSA-PAC 250People in Construction Political Action 200SITCO PAC 250Tom Workman Volunteer Committee 1,5008,150Hornstein, Frank DFL 60BCowles, John 250Kaplan, Samuel 125Kaplan, Sylvia 125Committee of Nine PAC 250Education Minn PAC 400Local 59 Political Fund 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 250Hornstein, Frank 2004,150Hortman, Melissa DFL 47B47th Senate District DFL 500Aanenson, Steven 200Alford, Lynn 200Anwar, Sridevi 273Boehm, Cora 249Boehm, Maurice 249Dayton, Mark 250Engelmeier, Sheila 150Haluptzok, Chenoa 249Haluptzok, Harry 249Haluptzok, Linda 249Haluptzok, Patrick 249Hortman, Mark 249Ingleman, Julie 200Knight, Cheri 249Meuers, Virginia 150Shorts, Yvonne 150Williams, Robin 150Yerigan, Debra 250AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 500Education Minn PAC 400Friends of DFL Women 500IBEW Local 292 Political Education 250Iron Workers Local 512 200Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 200Local 59 Political Fund 300Minn AFL-CIO 250Minn DRIVE 500Minn League of Conservation Voters 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500PAL 9 Natl Assoc of Letter Carriers 200TRIAL-PAC 250Jerry Newton Campaign Fund 500Melissa Hortman Campaign Committee 4,61314,628Hottinger, John DFL 2323rd Senate District DFL 250Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 4,500Anton, Jim E. 200Banks, Gretchen 250Banks, Mark 250Biederman, Judith 125Biederman, Larry 125Bjorum, Stephen 150Burton, Verona 200Corporal, George 200Dancik, Jo Marie 250Dotson, Dennis 500Fishbein, Michael E. 250Hamze, Francois 150Hamze, Jill 150Henry, Verna 175Hottinger, John 130Kramer, Mary 200Lutz, Fred 25085

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesLysen, Janis L. 200Milis, Robert 200Speese, Carolyn 250Speese, Mark 250Steinmetz, Eric H. 250Flaherty, Timothy 250Hood, Christopher 200CUVOL 500Dorsey Political Fund 200Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500IFAPAC Minn 200MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150Minn Architects Political Action Co 200Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Multi Housing Political Action Comm 300Pine Bend PAC 500SITCO PAC 40013,555House, Bob RPM 42AHouse, Helen 150Hovde, Rob 150300Howes, Larry RPM 4BCass County RPM 780Bieloh, Bill 150Chell, Marv 250Corporaal, George 200Regen, Jim 150Regen, Mrs. Jim 150Holten, Cort 250Johnson, Todd 250Silesky, Nancy 150Education Minn PAC 250Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 150Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Rural Electric Political Action Comm 140Friends of Joan Nelson Peters 3004,670Humphrey IV, Hubert (Buck) DFL8th Congressional District DFL 250Aitkin County DFL Committee 300Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 4,450Abramson, Norman 250Anderson, Andy 250Anderson, Angela 500Anderson, Katharine 250Anderson, Kristi 250Anderson, Lee R. 250Anderson, Nancy E 250Andreas, D. I. 500Andreas, D.O. 500Anselmo, Dario 250Anselmo, Jeanne 250Backes, Elizabeth 500Backes, Kimberly 500Backes, Robert 500Backes, Sarah 500Barrow, Justin R 250Barrow, Sara 250Belgarde, John 500Bell, Ford 500Bilbray, Jim H. 250Bilbray, Michaelene 250Bontempo, Paul 500Borman, Thomas 250Botana, Phil J. 250Bye, James 250Campbell, Diedre H. 250Campbell, Niall 250Cardwell, Joseph C. 250Cerrell, Joseph 250Cerrell, Lee 250Cherry, Myron M. 250Cherry, Pat 250Clark, Fred J. 250Cloyd, James H. 250Cobert, Mary 250Colbert, Charles 250Coover, Judy 250Cowles, Sage and John Jr. 250Craighead Mullen, Kelly 250Davis, Frances J. 250Dayton, Mark 500Dayton, Mary Lee 250Dayton, Wallace 250DeBriyn, Paul 250DeGidio, Mark 250Denis, Francis 450Denis, Holly 500Driver, Norman 233Dubrow, Evelyn 500Entenza, Matthew 500Epstein, Donald 250Faust, Clint J. 250Faust, Joseph 250Felton, Doug 250Flynn, Carol and Dick 250Foster, Thomas 250Franks, Herbert H. 250Frederickson, April 500Fredrickson, CT 500Frey, Barbara 250Friedenfeld, Peter G. 250Garrison, John 250Garrison, Sally W. 250Gaziano, Emanuel 250Giangreco, Peter A. 250Goetz, John 500Gordon, Corey 250Gray, Richard 250Greenberg, James 250Griffin, William J. 250Grow, Roy 250Growe, Joan 350Haddeland, William 250Hallberg, Jon S. 250Harvey, John K 250Heins, Sam 250Henry, Tom 250Highum, Erick 250Hoffner, Fabian 250Holland, Patricia 250Holm, Chris 250Holm, Jessica 250Howard, Janet 250Hubbard, Stanley 750Huenefeld, Braden R. 250Huenefeld, Cynthia M. 250Humphrey III, Hubert H 250Humphrey, Lee 250Humphrey, Lorie 350Humphrey, Pamela K. 250Hunegs, Steven 250Hunter, David 225Itzler, Jesse 500Johnson, Bryce 500Johnson, Dave 250Johnson, Lon 213Jones, David 50086

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesKaplan, Samuel 500Kaplan, Sylvia 500Kelly, William N. 250Kennedy, Harry 350Kerns, Brian 250Kieloch, Bruce 500King, Edward 250Klaus, Patricia 250Klaus, Robin B. 250Klein, Annette 250Klein, Melvyn N. 250Kucera, Maureen 250Larson, Robert 350Lau, Bonnie 250Lau, Stephen 250Laurent, Ann 250Laurent, John L. 250LeSage, David 250Lord, Maxine 250Lord, Miles 250Lund, Robert 250Lyon, Sheri 250Lyon, Tommy 250Madigan, Michael J. 250Madigan, Shirley 250Manatt, Charles T. 250Mark, Richard 250Maroney Jr., Peter 250McCarty, John 250McCarty, Linda S. 250McDonough, Brigid 250McEvoy, Mary 250McMahon, Eileen M. 250McMahon, Steve 250Mead, S. Dore 250Miller, Thomas 500Mondale, Ted 250Moore, Tom 250Moreau Jr., William 250Morgan, G. Britton 250Mulheran, Daniel P. 250Mullen, Erick C. 250Murphy, Erin 250Murphy, Patrick 250Newman, Harold 250O'Day, Elizabeth 250O'Day, John 250Olson, Deborah 250Olson, LouAnn 250Opperman, Darin 250Opperman, Vance 250Percelay, Anne 250Percelay, Bruce 250Perlman, Lawrence 500Perlman, Linda 500Phillips, Dean 250Phillips, Karin 250Pillsbury, Philip W. 250Pitts, Michael J. 500Pohlad, Carl 250Pohlad, James 250Pohlad, Robert 250Pohlad, William 250Porter, Christopher 250Price, Kevin 250Pryor, James 250Remele Jr, Lewis 250Robins, Jennifer B 250Roe, Robert W. 250Roitenberg, Harold 500Rokala, Mark 250Rosen, David 250Rosenmayer, Michael 500Salario Jr., Samuel 250Salita, Dean M. 250Samargia, Jerry 250Sassoon, Beverly 250Sassoon, Rhonda 500Sassoon, Vidal 500Schadow, Bruce 500Schadow, Patty 500Schaitberger, Hubert 250Schaitberger, Jeanne 250Selby, Steve K. 250Short, Brian P. 250Short, Marion D. 250Sieben, Michael 500Sieben, William 500Sikorski, Gerald 250Sikorski, Susan 250Singer, Jeff 250Singer, Lynn 250Singer, William 250Smith, Arch 500Smith, Louis 500Smith, Michael 250Smith, Tina F 500Spiegel, Daniel L. 250Strother, Dane A. 500Sump, Mark D. 250Sump, Rosemary 250Sussman, Marc 250Svac Hawks, Lisa 400Thone, Bill 250Tuttle, Emily Ann 250Tuttle, Gedney 250Voss, Gordon 250Walters, Joe 500Watson, Mary 250Woods, Medora 500Wyard, Gary E. 250Wyard, Vicki J. 250Yaffe, Belle 250Yaffe, Harry 250Youngerman, Sarah 250Zamansky, Ronald 500Choi, John 500Gates, Fred 250O'Connor, Patrick 500Orenstein, Howard 500Redmond, Lawrence 250Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Education Minn PAC 400Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 500IBEW Local 292 Political Education Fun 500Independent Community Bankers of Mi 250Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 500Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joi 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn AFL-CIO 500Minn DRIVE 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Pipe Fitters Local 539 500SEIU Local 113 500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500TRIAL-PAC 500UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Political 500Kinkel, Anthony Senate Dist. 4* Comm 500Dedicated Americans for the Senate 50080,571Huntley, Tom DFL 7ABjorum, Stephen 200Bloodgood, Patricia 250Campbell, Jon R 20087

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesDaLoia, Sakym 200Diaz, Richard 400Dickson, Ross 200Fishbein, Michael 250Flynn, Thomas 250Fuchs, Michael 200Grindal, Michelle 250Hart, Doris 200Haselow, Robert 200Lysen, Janis L. 200Nelson, Nancy 150Nord, Gary 150Sipola, JoAnn 250Spears, Wayne 200VanEtta, John 200Winisi, Kurt 200Education Minn PAC 400Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Eye PAC 500NCRCC-MN-PAC 5006,300Hupalo, Kathleen N/A 2-21Hupalo, Kathleen 366366Hutcheson, John David IPMJohnson, Buford 383383Ingleman, Julie DFL 33Atkinson, Clayton C 290Bell, Amy 200Bell, Carrie A 300Caron, Jennifer L 200Clay, Lynne 250Dayton, Mark 250Dayton, Mary Lee 500Erickson, Bill K 150Erickson, Gerald 200Erickson, Karen 150Forster, Barbara 500Greseth, Melanie D 410Griffin, Gloria 122Hahn, Lucille E 250Hayden, Carol S 250Howe-Ribbeck, Carole 500Ingleman, John 126Ingleman, Vivian E 500Johnson, Rachel E 150Lager, Diane F 150Lager, Fredric J 150Maple, Barbara J 330Maple, Thomas S 330Martin, Jennifer L 300McCormick, Emmet 200Merkow, Margaret M. 150Miller, Douglas B 150Murray, Mary Joan 250Opperman, Darin 200Penn, Karyn A 252Penn, Richard 267Pillsbury, Sally 200Schrock, Christian G 155Schrock, Mary H 303Schultz, Carol M 500Schultz, Frederick L 500Smith, Tina F 125Sokol-Adamson, Susan 200Tambornino, Mary 355Teborek West, Lisa A. 375Tuttle, Emily Ann 483Usem, Ronald 527Westlind, Heidi 150Whitehead, Tracey 200Clay, Walter 250Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Ingleman, Julie 1,32414,175Iocco, Gary RPM 281st Congressional District RPM 95041st Senate District RPM 450Goodhue County RPM 500Senate Victory Fund 500Wabasha County RPM 1,188Winona County RPM 1,350Albrecht, Arlin 200Albrecht, Marilyn 200Amundson, Debra L. 250Anderson, Jeffrey L. 250Andolshek, Elizabeth 250Andolshek, Margaret D. 250Andolshek, Terry J. 250Banfield, Raymond B. 200Beebe, Daniel M. 150Bjerke, Scott 250Bjerke, Susan E 250Black, Charlene 125Black, James E. 125Brengman, Daniel 250Brigham, Jennifer A. 150Callstrom, Daniel C 125Callstrom, Tamara 125Carver, David M. 200Erlandson, Dawn J. 125Erlandson, James M. 125Hipple, Diana 250Hipple, Gregg G 250Iocco, Gary J. 1,396Iocco, Irene 500Iocco, Michael F. 500Monssen, Brian 250Murray, Lisa 250Norton, John 250Rohstad, David P. 200Rutledge, Robb G. 150Schiemann, Jacqueline L. 125Schiemann, Ronald G. 125Seifert, Theodore G. 250Stegora, Steve J. 150Stegora, Theresa M. 150Weingartner, Gerard J. 350Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 30014,234Isaacson, Rosie DFL 37BDayton, Mark 250Friends of DFL Women 500Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500So Dakota Cty Labor Council COPE Fu 500U of M Faculty Candidate Support Com <strong>2002</strong>,150Ivey, Bob RPM 32AIvey, Bob 102102Jacobson, Carl RPM 54B41st Senate District RPM 45054B House District RPM 4,550Bettendorf, Steven M. 150Carlson, Terrance 250Ducker, Thomas 250Flynn, Thomas P. 250Frattalone, Cheryl 125Frattalone, Frank 12588

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesHouck, Mary K. 125Houck, Paul R. 125Liengswangwong, Vichaivood 150Michels, Mary C. 125Michels, Robert J. 150Wangsness, John 250Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250BAM-PAC 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Insurance Federation Political Acti 500MABC PAC 500Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500SOF - PAC 50011,375Jaehne, David NA 1- 0Blackmar,Thomas 250Meisinger, David 150Meisinger, Edmund C 250Rogosheske, Paul 250Strandemo, Neut 250Jaehne, David 1,5002,650James, Debbie DFL 41A3rd Congressional District DFL 15041st Senate District DFL 200Barklind, Kenneth 150Dege, Delores 200Selness, Janice 150850Jarman, Phillip OTH 18BFitzsimmons, David 200Forbes, John 250Fredman, Brenda 500Jarrman, William 300Kloechner, Darrel 200Moore, Joe 5002nd Congressional Dist Constitutio 2502,200Jaros, Mike DFL 7BMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,000Lavoy, Jack 200Regons, John 500Education Minn PAC 250Fryberger, Buchanan, Smith & Frederic 149Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 250Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 200Minn DRIVE 300NCRCC-MN-PAC 500VOTE - 66 5003,849Johnson, Alan RPM 7A7A House District RPM 1,000Carlson, Patricia 200Neiwohner, Laura 2501,450Johnson, Carol DFLAitkin County DFL Committee 500Cowles, John 250Cowles, Sara 250Dedicated Americans for the Senate 500Education Minn PAC 400IBEW Local 292 Political Education 500Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joi 500Middle Management Assoc PAC 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Minneapolis Municipal Retirement Asso 500Pipe Fitters Local 539 2505,150Johnson, Cheryl DFL 33A*Volunteers for Merrilee Fryer 1,5001,500Johnson, David DFL 40*Grindal, Michelle 125Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 250Kosiak, John 200Spears, Wayne 200Kozak, Andrew 400Committee of Nine PAC 500Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Actio 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minneapolis Downtown Council PAC 200Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief As 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Lower Taxes 200Multi Housing Political Action Comm 500NAIOP Economic Growth Fund 200Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 5006,475Johnson, Dean DFL 13Ames, Karen 250Ames, Raymond 250Bailey, John 125Bailey, Patricia 125Cunningham, William 200Dols, Marlene 125Dols, Mike 125DuBois, Janet 125Dubois, Pat 125Hoey, Diane 200Kelly, Philip J. 150Linder, Steve 250Olson, Charles 250Olson, Earl 200Pohlad, Carl 250Pohlad, James 250Pohlad, Robert 250Pohlad, William 250Rambow, Steve 200Roiland, Jeffrey 150Strehlow, Norm 150Thomas, Richard O 250Wensman, Gretchen 125Wensman, Steve 125Amundson, Kristen 200Coyle, Peter 200Krogman, Robert 500Ames Construction PAC 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 200Dorsey Political Fund 200Education Minn PAC 400Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 200Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 500Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce 125Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 500SITCO PAC 400VET-PAC of Minn 15089

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign Committees10,375Johnson, Debbie RPM 493rd Congressional District RPM 50049th Senate District RPM 2,000Folkes, Bill 200Hansen, Michael 200Hubbard, Stanley 250Kierlin, Robert 200Knowlan, Bruce 200Matt, Debra M. 125Matt, Jeff 125Nemchik, Al 150Pettis, Michael 200Committee of Nine PAC 200Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 200Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 250Rural Electric Political Action Comm 2006,250Johnson, Douglas DFL 6*Corporaal, George 200Foley, Tom 250Dorsey Political Fund 200MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 5001,550Johnson, Gunnar DFL 6ACarney, Erin 150150Johnson, Jeffrey DFL 66AJohnson, Jeffrey 500500Johnson, Jeffrey RPM 43A43rd Senate District RPM 165Erickson, Lisa 200Erickson, Robert 200Pietsch, Brian 200CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Insurance Federation Political Acti 200Minn Chiropractic Political Action 200Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 300Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200H Todd VanDellen for <strong>State</strong> Representa 250Judy Johnson for Senate Volunteers 7503,115Johnson, Joel DFL 25BJohnson, Timothy 250250Johnson, Roger DFL 49BHarstad, James L. 250Harstad, Julie R. 250Johnson, Roger I. 101Sands, Mary Ann 250Sands, Neil F. 250Strauss, Joseph 125Strauss, Pamela 125Thompson, Karol 250Thompson, Will 250Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC <strong>2002</strong>,051Johnson, Ruth DFL 23A23rd Senate District DFL 250Fleming, James D. 200Musicant, Gretchen 125Sanderson, Joy 200Zaragoza, Anthony 150AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 500Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 300Local 59 Political Fund 300Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn AFL-CIO 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 246Citizens in Support of (Andy) Evenson 1,500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 2506,021Johnson, Sheldon DFL 67BVoorhees, W Phillip 200Committee of Nine PAC 200Dorsey Political Fund 200Education Minn PAC 250Local 552 Union 400Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 200Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 200SITCO PAC 250TRIAL-PAC 250United Food & Commerical Workers, C <strong>2002</strong>,350Johnston, Christopher RPM 64Chwialkowski, Keith 300Clary, Frederick 475Johnston, Christopher 170Rawlings, Vance 125Robinson, Brent 4501,520Johnston, Lee DFL 12B*DFL House Caucus 2,0002,000Jordan, John RPM 46A3rd Congressional District RPM 50046th Senate District RPM 1,000Dorsey Political Fund 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Messerli & Kramer Political Action 150TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PAC 500Don Kramer Senate Committee 4273,277Jordan, John RPM 47A5th Congressional District RPM 25042nd Senate District RPM 20044th Senate District RPM 50047th Senate District RPM 1,000Republican Party of Minn 1,000Soderberg, James 300Jepsen, Cynthia 500Hospitality Political Action Commit 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 150TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PAC 4004,800Juhnke, Alan DFL 13BSchoenfeld, Gerald 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 250Minn DRIVE 300Minn Farm Credit Services PAC 250Minn Soybean 250Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 150MinnBank <strong>State</strong> PAC 200Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250VET-PAC of Minn 1502,500Jungbauer, Michael RPM 4848th Senate District RPM 25090

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesAbeler, James J. 250Buzzell, Glenn C. 250Buzzell, Janet T. 250Hart, Kevin 250Hart, Polly 250Jochum, Craig J. 125Jochum, Jeanette E. 125Johnson, Charles R. 125Johnson, Kristen L. 125Kurak, Patti 150Kurak, Tom 150Mead, Michael R. 250Mead, Roxanne M. 250Medelberg, Jeffrey D. 200Mickschl, Rochelle 200Food PAC of Minn 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Jobs Political Fund 500SITCO PAC 2504,650Juni, Howard RPM 53*Larson, Kathleen M. 250Larson, Vern 250500Kaardal, Erick RPM 33Branczyk, Josephine 300Cooper, William 500800Kahn, Phyllis DFL 59BLavorato, Cindy 150Tilton, William 250Rice, Brian 150Committee of Nine PAC 450Dorsey Political Fund 200Minn AFL-CIO 200Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 300RMJ Political Fund <strong>2002</strong>,400Kalis, Henry DFL 24BKramer, Ross 150Dorsey Political Fund 200Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500850Keeler, James N/A 1-1Gondeck, Norah 500Jurkovich, Patti 150Keeler, James 8,374Lillehaug, David 150Powers, Robert 2,000Powers, Tom 571Gruber, Lynn 250Keeler, Jim 2,02614,021Keillor, Steven OTH 8Holm, Allen 150Holm, Gwendolyn 150Keillor, Steve 3,4503,750Keith, Ian DFL 64A*McCarty, John <strong>2002</strong>00Kelley, Stephen DFL 44Barrow, Sara 125Bell, Ford 150Bergstedt, Tim 200Bolnick, Lynn 200Brooks, John 200Brown, Thomas 150Cairns, John 150Campbell, Carmen 250Campbell, James 250Casey, Lynn 125Christy, Allen 250Ciresi, Ann 250Ciresi, Michael 250Commers, Lawrence 250Cowles, John 300Feste, Dale 150Fishbein, Michael 250Flynn, Thomas 250Geiger, Steve 200Gorman, Michael 250Grazzini-Olson, Nancy 125Gullickson, William 250Hare, James 125Harris, Benjamin 200Hunegs, Steven 250Kaplan, Samuel 250Klaas, Paul 250Kramer, Mary 200Kraut, Billee 150Lawrence, James 250McDonald, Kathryn Ann 250McNamara, Richard 250McNamara, Sharon 250Melville, James 250Minkkinen, David 200Mondale, Ted 250Murphy, Ann 125Olson, Jay 125Opperman, Vance 250Perkins, Mark 250Perlman, Lawrence 200Pohlad, Carl 250Pohlad, James 250Pohlad, Robert 250Pohlad, William 250Ponder, Darryl 250Roscitt, Michelle 250Roscitt, Rick 250Rubin, Kathryn 200Schall, David 150Schwartz, Burton 250Sigel, Melvine 250Stiele, Harold 250Strangis, Ralph 250Swift, Sue 125Turner, Joanne 250Vatland, Jack 125Weiser, Irving 250Weiser, Marjorie 250Hasbargen, Vernae 200Kelly, Jr, Michael 250Poul, Thomas J 200Redmond, Lawrence 400Rice, Brian 450CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 250Committee of Nine PAC 200Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Dorsey Political Fund 400Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 400Local 59 Political Fund 200Messerli & Kramer Political Action 200Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 200Power P A C 200RMJ Political Fund 250Winthrop & Weinstine, PA Political 20017,500Kelley, Terry IPM 2791

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign Committees(Pat) Piper Volunteer Committee 500500Kelliher, Margaret Anders DFL 60ACowles, John 350Dayton, Julia 500Kalitowski, James 200O'Brien, Kathleen 150Kramer, Ross 150Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 150Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 2003,000Kelly, Thomas RPM3rd Congressional District RPM 5005th Congressional District RPM 2505th Senate District RPM 5008th Congressional District RPM 50033rd Senate District RPM 1,00049th Senate District RPM 250Grant County RPM 300Lac qui Parle County RPM 300McLeod County RPM 250Waseca County RPM 300Aho, Beverly 300Alexander, Patrick 500Anderson, Clifford 500Anderson, Joe 300Bailey, William 500Beck, Alec 300Becker, Douglas 500Binger, James 250Bird, Jeffery 500Birdseye, Art 400Boelter, Philip 225Boschwitz, Rudy 300Brooks, Conley 300Cummins, Joan 1,000Currie, Craig 500Dayton, Bruce 500Desmond, Scott 700Dietz, Charlton 250Dietzen, C.J. 250Doyle, Dennis 400Duininck, Harris 500Eckberg, Lyle J. 500Emison, James 1,000Engelsma, Bruce 250Fayfield, Robert 1,000Frothingham, Ben 300Georgacas, Chris 250Gibbs, John 500Goodman, John 1,000Gruss, Mark 500Hamilton, Harold 500Head, Douglas 1,000Head, Martha 1,000Hendrixson, Peter 250Hoffman, Jim 225Hubbard, Karen 1,000Kadlec, Thomas 500Kazeminy, Nasser 1,000Kellogg, Martin 450Kelly II, Thomas O. 500Kierlin, Robert 1,000Kinkead, John 250Knaak, Fritz 300Koch, Barbara 1,000Koch, David 1,000Kolbo, Kirk 250Kosco, Thomas J. 1,000LeJeune, Laurence 500Lindholm, C Paul 600Ludwick, William 1,000Lurton, H William 400Mars, Robert 250Marvin, Jake 300McCaffery, Gene 1,000Moore, Linda 250Moore, Mark 500Mooty, John 250Murphy, Helen 1,000Naegele III, Robert 300Nagorske, Lynn 1,000Nelson, Glen 1,000Nelson, Marilyn 1,000Olson, Clifford 500Palen, Gregory 250Pillsbury, George 1,000Pulles, Michelle 1,000Quigley, Mary T 1,000Rosen, Julie 1,000Saliterman, Richard 250Sarles, Mary 500Schellenberg, Lucinda 250Schneider, Mahlon C. 300Schwalbach, Gerald 1,000Seaton, Douglas 300Seymour III, John L. 500Shreffler, Charles 500Silverman, Suzanne B. 400Sime, Michael 500Stauber, Karen 250Stauber, Thomas 1,000Stotesbery, Anne 1,000Stotesbery, Patrick 1,000Stratton, Earl 500Sullivan, Brian 500Sundquist, Dean 1,000Swanson, Peter 250Trautz, Jill 500Trucano, Michael B 450Tyler, John II 300Ulrich, Bob 500Weber, Cheryl 1,000Weber, Vin 1,000Whitney, J Kimball 300Whitney, Wheelock 1,000Wigley, Barbara 500Wigley, Michael 500Wren, John 1,000Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,000MABC PAC 250H Todd VanDellen for <strong>State</strong> Representa 250Kaardal for <strong>State</strong> Senate 1,000Marianne Beck for <strong>State</strong> Rep 50063,800Kenner, Lyle RPM 1Kittson County RPM 200Polk County Republicans 600Roseau County RPM 500Stordahl, Ronald 500Vatthauer, Dean 105Vatthauer, Sharon 105Tim Finseth for <strong>State</strong> Rep 250Kenner, Lyle 4,0626,322Kess, Paul DFL 6AKess, Douglas 200Silverberg, Jennifer 150Spackman, Karen 20092

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesEducation Minn PAC 400Minn Health PAC 200Kess, Paul 1,9913,141Kiel, Lonn RPM 1B41st Senate District RPM 450Marshall County RPM 600Pennington County RPM 300Polk County RPM 1,000Altringer, Diane 250Altringer, Larry 250Boll, Bryan J. 125Boll, Melissa 125Douglas, Lana 250Gasper, Connie 250Gasper, Michael 250Hanson, Gilman 250Hoerner, Gary W 125Hoerner, Lori J 125Johanson, Brian C 200Mitchell, Michael 200Morgan, Craig L 125Morgan, Linda K 125Perry, Jon 250Perry, Marlys 250Solheim, Elliott 125Solheim, Michelle 125Citizens for Bob Ness 200Tim Finseth for <strong>State</strong> Rep 5006,450Kielkucki, Tony RPM 18ASchoenfelder, Mark 250Schoenfelder, Teresa 250Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 250Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 200Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Citizens for Bob Ness 2502,900Kierlin, Robert RPM 31Fillmore County RPM 250Arnold, David H 500Bunge, Eric 250Hampton, Dan E 500Lampo, Gerard 188Lundquist, Nicholas J. 250Miller, Ellen V 250Miller, Hugh L 250Nelson, Nancy G. 200Oberton, Shirley 250Oberton, Will 250Remick, Mary Ann 500Rukavina, Patricia 500Slaggie, Barbara 249Slaggie, Matthew 250Walz, Barb 245Zolondek, Steve 2505,132Kiffmeyer, Mary RPM7A House District RPM 50041st Senate District RPM 500Alexander, John 250Anderson, Barbara 500Anderson, Clifford 250Anderson, George 500Anderson, Pamela 500Anderson, William 500Aplikowski, Beverly 500Arneson, Ruth 250Arneson, Ted 250Barton, Mary 250Barton, Ray 250Bird, Jeffery 250Bissonett, James 250Blommel, Scott 225Boschwitz, Ellen 250Boschwitz, Rudy 250Broadston, Lee 500Broadston, Rhonda 500Brooks, Joan 250Brooks, John 250Buxton, Norma 250Carter, Joanne 500Carter, Stephen 500Cecchettini, Richard 250Cragle, Stephen 250Cragle, Beth 250Dayton, Bruce 500Dolphin, Dorthy 500Dolphin, Gregory 500Dolphin, Joan 500Dolphin, Kathleen 500Doyle, Dennis 500Doyle, Megan 500Eckels, Neil 250Eckels, Sue 250Eddy, Robert 500Emison, James 250Emison, Jane 250Evanstad, Grace 250Evanstad, Kenneth 250Fayfield, Mary 250Fayfield, Robert 250Ferguson, Kenneth 500Fluth, Barbara 250Fluth, Barry 250Fotsch, Harold 500Goodman, John 500Green, Thomas 250Greiner, Jeffrey 250Gruss, Geralyn 250Gruss, Mark 250Hagen, Luaina 500Hagen, Russell 500Hamilton, Eleanor 250Hamilton, Harold 250Harrington, Donna 500Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 250Head, Douglas 500Head, Martha 500Hedberg, Benjamin 250Heithoff, Kenneth 250Holden, George 250Hubbard, Stanley 750Ihle, Larry 250Ihle, Roseanne 250Isaacs, John 500Isaacs, Shirley 500Johnson, Edwin 250Kellogg, Esther 250Kellogg, Martin 250Kelly, Timothy 500Kierlin, Brenda Burriphter 250Kierlin, Robert 250Klas, Robert 250Knaak, Fritz 500Knoke, Carla 500Knoke, Les 50093

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesKoch, Barbara 500Koch, David 500Konsti, Rose 250Kordonowy, Janet 250Lambrecht, Bruce 250Larson, Mitchell 250Lehar, Francis 470Lemke, Leo 500Lemke, Ruth 500Lindahl, B. John Jr. 250Lindahl, Sarah 250MacMillan, Whitney 500Marvin, Jake 500Marvin, Katherine 500McNamara, Richard 500McNamara, Sharon 500Mech, Robert 250Nibbe, Marilyn 250Olson, Blue 250Oren, Beverly 500Oren, Donald 500Priem, Melissa 250Priem, Troy 250Pulles, Michelle 500Sanborn, Bruce 250Sanborn, Thea 250Sather, Helen 250Schilling, Hugh 500Schilling, Margaret 500Schroeder, Karen 500Schroeder, Robert 500Shaver III, Craig 250Shea-Hellervik, Catherine 500Sime, Michael 250Sime, Patricia 250Smith, Gregory 250Stonebrink, Glen 500Stonebrink, Loydee 500Sullivan, Brian 500Sullivan, Mia 500Sundquist, Amy 500Sundquist, Dean 500Sutton, Anthony 250Taylor, Glen 500Taylor, Glenda 250Trautz, Jill 250Trautz, John 250Weyerhaeuser, F.T. 250Whitney, Helen 250Whitney, J Kimball 250Wigley, Barbara 500Wigley, Michael 500Williams, Thomas D 250Wren, John 500Wren, Mary 500Dorsey Political Fund 250SITCO PAC 250Taxpayers League MN Victory Fund 500Pettersen (Gregory) Volunteer Committ 500SBA List Candidate Fund 50051,695Kiscaden, Sheila IPM 30Anson, Sally 250Arneson, Ruth 125Arneson, Ted 125Baird, Nancy 250Barlow, Stephen 500Batchelder, Christopher 150Batchelder, Kay 150Bayrd, Edwin 300Berquist, Thomas 249Bisignani, Mark 400Bomgaars, Rebecca 225Branch, Charles 200Branch, Cynthia 200Broughton, Daniel 125Broughton, Sheila 125Brubaker, Nancy 200Brutinel, Kathryn 250Brutinel, Mark 250Butt, Hugh 150Callahan, Mark 250Coleman, Douglas 150Coleman, Lois 150Cowles, John 125Cowles, Sage 125Daube, Cynthia 175Daube, Jasper 175Dayton, Bruce 200Dayton, Douglas 250Dayton, Wendy 250DeWitz, Robert 200Doth, David 150Dramer, Mary 250Duemann, Sharon 249Duff, Carol 250Fenton, Eleanor 250Gastineau, Patricia 150Geier, Karen 225Geier, Richard G Jr. 225Good, Allison 200Good, Andrew 200Halvorson, Kenneth 125Halvorson, Linda 125Harris, Emily 250Harris, Jed 250Hayden, Carol 250Head, Douglas 200Helmholz, H F 500Heltsley, Mary 250Henderson, E 200Henoch, Barbara 200Henoch, Phillip 200Herman, David 249Herman, Jeffrey 300Herman, Margo 249Hoffman, Beverly 150Howard, Stewart 200Iossi, Linda 249Johnson, E Wesley 250Johnson, Nell 250Keith, Marion 150Kosiak, John 200Kraft, Sue 125Kramer, Mary 250Krysan, Germaine 150Kunerth, Vicki 250Layton, Donald 200Layton, Phyllis 200Lichty, Ann 150Melton, L J 200Miller, Douglas 150Miller, Erv 130Minn, Lucy Brown 150Minn, Steve M 150Mohr, Tina 250Murphy, Bronagh 250Myers, Janet 200Nelson, Audrey 200Nobrega, Eileen 125Nobrega, Fred 125Otis, Constance 300Perryman, Margaret 250Pestka, Margaret 15094

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesPillsbury, Sally 250Richards, Steven W 225Roesler, Petrea 200Rome, Paula 250Schmidt, Darlene 150Schmidt, Fred 125Schuller, Karl 130Siemsen, Dennis 150Simmons, Patricia 249Smith, Aynsley 249Smith, Hugh 249Smith, Mary 249Stewart, Marilyn 200Tambornino, Mary 200Tasler, Mark 200Tasler, Sheryl 200Tedford, Michael 200Ulrich, Bob 250Ward, Ellen 200Weaver, Neil 250Weigel, Karel 150Wilson, George 300Zembrosky, Caryn 200Hasbargen, Vernae 500Keith, A 150Pratt, J. Ron 500Scandrett, Michael 150Dorsey Political Fund 200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500(David) Bishop Volunteer Committee 1,000(Margaret) Leppik Volunteer Committ 500Ed Oliver Senate Committee 50026,501Klatte, Richard GPMDrori, Thalia 1,0001,000Kleis, Dave RPM 15Senate Victory Fund 5,000Casto, Debbie 250Casto, William 250Christensen, James 500Coborn, Daniel 300Diaz, Richard 250Dickson, D Ross 250Donlin, Colleen 250Donlin, Gerald 250Eckles, Cally 448Feuling, Bob 250Feuling, Linda 250Frobenius, John 250Frobenius, Nancy 250Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 250Helgeson, Donald 250Hill, Peter 250Jardins, Linda Eich Des 250Johnson, Judith 250Johnson, Robert 250Koch, Barbara 250Koch, David 250Landy, Mike 250Miller, Jim 250Miller, Marion 250Niess, Dennis 250Pearson, Daniel 500Ratcliff, Jeff 250Ratcliff, Joan 250Schlough, Joyce 250Schlough, Thomas 250Sexton, Robert 250Strack, Laurie 250Strack, Robert 250Thienes, R. Lawrence 500Thienes, Rick 500Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Willenbring, Duane 250Williams, Tom 25016,248Klinzing, Karen RPM 56B56th Senate District RPM 350Christiansen, Daniel A 175Hansen, Eric P 200Johnson, Donald E 200Schmidt, Frances M 200Schmidt, Kristine S 300Swenson, Larry G 200Tebbe, Theresa L 250Poul, Thomas J 200CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Food PAC of Minn 200Jobs Political Fund 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 500Minn Health PAC 200Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500MSA-PAC 250Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce 250SITCO PAC 250TRIAL-PAC 250Volunteers for Jim Seifert 8,50014,425Kluge, Dean RPM 23B1st Congressional District RPM 1,150Truwe (Jack) Volunteer Committee 5001,650Knight, Darren RPM 19BAnderson, Bruce 300Knight, Mike 500Panker, Don 400Wigley, Barbara 500Wigley, Michael 5002,200Knippel, Kip RPM 5729A House District RPM 1,250Senate Victory Fund 2,000Campion, Kathryn M 125Dodge, James E 125Gill, Mary H 250Gill, Richard 250Haider, Theresa A 125Hendrickson, Karla M 250Hendrickson, Paul S 250Hertogs, Sam 500Hertogs, Shirley 500Holm, Craig D 250Holm, Marilyn M 250Knippel, Aaron J 250Knippel, Berniece 350Knippel, Cliff 500Knippel, Kip M 500Knippel, Sharon 500Koch, Herbert 499Langlais, Janet 250Langlais, Richard 250Lawrence, David 150Lawrence, Sharon 150MacCafferty, Bronagh 125MacCafferty, Flora 125Nelson, Mark J 25095

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesPoepl, John 250Poepl, Mary P 250Regan, Patrick O 150Rother, Daniel J 293Rother, Jackie L 293Rowe, David W 125Rymer, Edward T 250Rymer, Jamie 400Rymer, Paulette E 250Sontag, Ben S 225Sontag, Rosemarie 225Woessner, Marsha 150Woessner, Ronald T 150Jobs Political Fund 500Twin Cities Republican Assn 200Anderson, Gene House Dist. 57B Com 50014,236Knoblach, Jim RPM 15ABernick, Dick 175Bernick, Lila 175Botz, Chantel 150Botz, Chris 150Cragle, Beth 500Cragle, Steve 500Goulet, Anthony 200Helgeson, Don 200Johnson, Jerry 250Knoblach, Mark 500Knoblach, Vivian 500Schlough, Joyce 250Schlough, Thomas 250Ulrich, Bob 250Weitzel, John 2004,250Knutson, David RPM 3737th Senate District RPM 1,000Ames, Richard 250Kallsen, Ann 125Kallsen, Gary 125Milis, Robert 200Niemic, Richard 200Sampson, Curtis 125Sampson, Marian 125Schenian, Dale 200Warg, David 200Apitz, John 250Poul, Thomas J 150Sampson, Randall 200COLL PAC 200Committee of Nine PAC 200Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Manufactured Home PAC 150Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 250Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500SITCO PAC 2007,700Koebrick, Andrew GPMGreen Party of Minn 1,000Rieke, Clark 250Weismann, Joe 4001,650Koenen, Lyle DFL 20B20th New Senate District DFL 200Yellow Medicine County DFL 800Dedicated Americans for the Senate 500Greater Minn Conference Pol Action 267MAPE-PAC 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Koenen (Lyle) Volunteer Committee 2,641<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 2506,458Koering, Paul RPM 1241st Senate District RPM 450Grant, James 450Olmsted, William 300Richmond, Floyd 300Richmond, Lynn 300Rostad, Richard 150Sullivan, Brian 250Hospitality Political Action Committee 250SITCO PAC 250Ben Bowman Election Committee 175Mary Marana Volunteer Committee 1,0233,898Kohls, Paul RPM 34A2nd Congressional District RPM 250Carver County RPM 500Barron, Cassondra 250Hillger, Joshua 150Porter, Timothy 250Soule, George 250CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Food PAC of Minn 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 400MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 200Minn Health PAC 200MSA-PAC 250SITCO PAC 250Kohls, Paul 6505,000Koskinen, Luanne DFL 47A3rd Congressional District DFL 20047th Senate District DFL 500Bowers, Barbara 250Haselow, Justine 200Haselow, Robert 200Herman, Jeffrey 250Olson, Douglas J 250AFSCME Local 2938 200Education Minn PAC 400Local 851 Political Action Committee 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA-P 200Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500MSA-PAC 250Pipe Fitters Local 539 500UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Political 150Jerry Newton Campaign Committee 500King (Maria) Campaign Committee 5006,300Kostreba, Jim DFL 15A15th Senate District DFL 600Schiller, Arnold 400Dedicated Americans for the Senate 500Education Minn PAC 250Greater Minn Conference Pol Action 26796

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesInter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200MAPE-PAC 250Minn AFL-CIO 350Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn <strong>State</strong> MNPL 150Minn <strong>State</strong> Patrol Troopers Assoc 5004,467Kranz, Thomas DFL 53A53rd Senate District DFL 5,000Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Education Minn PAC 250Iron Workers Local 512 200Local 851 Political Action Committee 200Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 5006,950Krentz, Jane DFL 52Andersen, Anne 150Andersen, Tony 150Barezak, Mart Terese 150Christanen, Lauri 250Christanen, Terry 250Clapp, A.W. 250Clapp, Sharon 250Coffin, Barbra 150Dayton, Mark 250Dowling, Joe 250Engstrom, Daniel 150Ghere, Dave 125Ghere, Gail 125Gibson, Nancy 250Gross, Jennifer 150Holcomb, James 125Holcomb, Sandy 125Hooley, Thomas 200Janes, Donald 250Johnson, Jim 125Johnson, Laura 125Katsen, Marlene 150Longley, William 300Norton, Marvel 300Opperman, Darin 150Rothchild, Kennon 250Rothchild, Nina 250Speer, Nancy 250Stauber, Hollis 150Stauber, Kari 150Stephens, David 250Hentges, Robert 200Herman, John 150Rice, Brian 200Spano, Wyman 150ARC PAC of Minn 250Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn AFL-CIO 500Minn League of Conservation Voters 500Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA-P 200Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Rural Electric Political Action Comm 200St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 500Orfield (Myron) Volunteer Committee 50011,400Krinkie, Philip RPM 53ACarlson, Ricky 250Corporal, George 200Dean, Matthew 200Grindal, Michelle 250Lockridge, Richard 250Nauen, Charles 150Schroeder, Robert 200Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Witort, Janet 250Witort, Stephen 2502,500Krych, Justin RPM 77A House District RPM 1,0007th Senate District RPM 7008th Congressional District RPM 350Sullivan, Brian 2502,300Kubly, Gary DFL 15BDickson, Ross 200Haselow, Robert 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200Minn Eye PAC 250850Kubly, Gary DFL 2020th New Senate District DFL 200Lac qui Parle County DFL 300Swift County DFL 600Yellow Medicine County DFL 1,000Fagen, Diane 200Fagen, Ron 200Lewison, Henry A 150Lindholm, Mary Jane 300Lindholm, Steve 300Nisi, Kurt 250Education Minn PAC 400IFAPAC Minn 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200Local 59 Political Fund 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 250MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 200Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn DRIVE 500Minn Eye PAC 250Minn Health PAC 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Rural Electric Political Action Comm 200TRIAL-PAC 500Friends of Gary Kubly 22,86632,166Kuduk, David NA 9-12Biggins, Bruce 500Choi, Christine 500Dimich, John 108Flohaug, Lori 250Kuduk, Dave 200Matonich, Edward J 1,000Otterness, Rodney 400Undem, John 5003,458Kuisle, William RPM 30BDorsey Political Fund 200IFAPAC Minn 200MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 200Minn Soybean 250Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 150Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Rural Electric Political Action Comm 1201,870Lagoon, Steve RPM 56B97

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesRechtzigel, Arlyn 110110Lammers, Patricia DFL 65ALammers, Patricia 266Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500766Lang, Lois NA 9-12Berens, Richard D 200Burg, Randall 200Nielsen, C. L. 200Zimmerman, Gary J 150Lang, Lois 19,79720,547Langseth, Keith DFL 9Becker County DFL 300Borchers, Timothy 150Cooper, Peter 200Crossman, Scott 200Enz Finken, Kathleen 200Hanson, Bruce R. 150Sampson, Curtis 200Straughn, Robert 250Strong, Judith Ann 150Goff, Robert 200Kozak, Andrew 200Nelson, Richard 200Spano, Wyman 250Strusinski, William 200Thomas, Richard 200Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 200Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Friends of the Minn Zoo 250Fryberger, Buchanan, Smith & Frederic 200MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Messerli & Kramer Political Action 250Minn Architects Political Action Co 200Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 200NCRCC-MN-PAC 500Public Emp Pension Serv Assn (PEPS 200Rural Electric Political Action Comm 200VET-PAC of Minn 200(Sam) Solon Volunteer Committee 5007,300Lanning, Morrie RPM 9AClay County RPM 1,000Carey, R Scott 150Helmstetter, Chuck 150Horn, Connie 250Horn, Paul 250Jeffries, Linda 500Jeffries, Richard 500Lanning, Joan 250Offutt, Karen 250Offutt, Ronald 250Scheel, Eileen 250Scheel, Steve 250Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Food PAC of Minn 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 250IFAPAC Minn 200Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200Jobs Political Fund 200MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500SITCO PAC 250TRIAL-PAC 2507,650Larson, Cal RPM 10OtterTail County RPM 500Wadena County RPM 1,000Ahlfs, Jim 250Awsumb, Robert 135Baker, Richard M. 200Beaudry, Tom 250Billodeau, Pete 150Blaha, Verle 250Brooks, Karen 250Dirkman, Wayne B 250Dubois, Pat 250Halvorson, George 250Henderson, Stuart C. 235Nelson, Brent 250Nelson, Laurel 250Pederson, Robert H 150Radel, Dwayne C. 135Schroeder, Robert 250Smedsrud, Bea 250Smedsrud, M.E. 250Tuel, Marsha J 200Erickson, James 300O'Neill, Joseph T 135Beer PAC-Minn Beer Wholesalers Asso 500Committee of Nine PAC 200Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 300CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 250IFAPAC Minn 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 200Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Rural Electric Political Action Comm 140Savings Assns for Voter Educ & Respo 200SOF - PAC 20011,230Larson, Daniel DFL 63B3rd Congressional District DFL 200Hutchinson, Chuck 250CUVOL 250Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn DRIVE 300Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 5004,000Larson, David DFL 42ACiresi, Michael 250Larson, Carol A. 150Education Minn PAC 400Minn AFL-CIO 150Friends of Michael Rentz 2,0002,950Larson, David IPM 42A3rd Congressional District IPM 200Lee, Andrew 300Lee, Donna 300McGaa, Ed 200Bill Lawrence Volunteer Committee 1,7002,700Larson, Wayne RPM 34A98

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesYork, Robert 250250Latz, Ronald DFL 44B44th Senate District DFL 500Boda, Mary A 200Dayton, Mark 250Finkelstein, Beverly 200Freeman, Wayne L 205Gottstein, Leland E 125Gottstein, Mary 125Hunegs, Dobra 200Hunegs, Steven 150Kaplan, Samuel 150Keefe, Steve 361Latz, Martin E 500Livon, Jeffrey 150Opperman, Vance 150Ornstein, Norman J 250Roitenberg, Harold 150Sachs, Richard F 250Schwebel, James 200Skolnick, William R 250Swadden, Edward B 500Tallen, Steven 250Teplinsky, Scott A 150Choi, John 150Education Minn PAC 400Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 200Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 300Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn Democrats 150Minn Milk PAC 150Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn <strong>State</strong> MNPL 250TRIAL-PAC 250Orfield (Myron) Volunteer Committee 5008,316Laughinghouse, Kurt DFL 41B41st Senate District DFL 200Selness, Janice 200Minn AFL-CIO 250Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500RKM&C Fund 200UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Political 2001,850LeClair, Brian RPM 5656th Senate District RPM 600Alfonso, Craig 200Brown, LeRoy 250Carter, Joanne 250Cummins, Joan 500Cummins, Robert 500Dalcol, William 250Devine, Thomas 250Fawcett, Judy 200Fletcher, Terrence 200Forbes, Sabina 250Forbes, Steve 250Fortney, Carol 250Fortney, Eric 250Fortney, Lisa 250Fortney, Marc 250Gesell, Heidi 150Gossman, George 200Hyatt, Michelle LeClair 150Jacques, Derek 125Kelly, Timothy 250Kizer, Richard 150Lally, Dawn 250Lally, Grant 250Lally, Lawrence 200Lanners, Norma 250LeClair, Ed 250LeClair, John 250LeClair, Margaret 250LeClair, Mary 250Lyrek, Rick 125Lyrek, Shari 125McGregor, Duncan 250McGregor, Jeannine 250McLaughlin, John 250McLaughlin, Mary 250Mischke, Herb 303Monkman, Beth 250Monkman, Kelly 250Myers, Betty 125Myers, Herm 125Nelson, Dwayne 350Phillips, Susan 250Poole, Brynne Brewster 250Pothast, Margaret 250Schell, Marlene 250Schell, Robert 250Schneeman, Christopher 200Schroeder, Anne 250Schroeder, Jill 250Schroetter, Ann 125Schroetter, P David 125Sullivan, Brian 500Tomlinson, Ken 250Tomlinson, Rebecca 250Vieth, Timothy 250Wigley, Barbara 500Wigley, Michael 500Yocum, Tony 250Youso, Steve 150Zignego, John 150BAM-PAC 250CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 300Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Hospitality Political Action Committee 250IFAPAC Minn 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 500MABC PAC 500Minn Independent Insurance Agents PA 250Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce 250SITCO PAC 300Kaardal for <strong>State</strong> Senate 200Marianne Beck for <strong>State</strong> Rep 30019,678Lefler, Herbert N/A 4-56Barr, Candace 125Brennan, Sidney L 250Colich, Michael 200Cooper, Stephen 150Godon, Lisa M 250Granger, Robert L 300Iijima, Evan K 200Kelly, Timothy 250Kovalik, George J 600Lefler, Mary J 500Neuger, Win 500Southwell, Brian C 250Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 500RKM&C Fund 5,0009,075Leighton, Robert DFL 27B*CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 50099

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMinn Chiropractic Political Action 5001,450Lenczewski, Ann DFL 40B3rd Congressional District DFL 200DFL House Caucus 1,000Abrams, Cynthia 150Abrams, David 150Lenczewski, John 250Lenczewski, Susan 250Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 400Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 2505,400Leppik, Margaret RPM 45B*Dorsey Political Fund 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500700Lerner, Harold DFL 43Senate Majority Caucus 425Garthaffner, Fancis 125Garthaffner, Judith 125Lerner, Goldie 125Lerner, Marc 125Schwartz, Fridel 250Schwartz, Leonard 250Minn DRIVE 3001,725Lesch, John DFL 66AJohnson, Mike 200Lesch, Tedd 200Snyder, Norman 120Stankiewicz, Ellen 200Steiner, Robert 150Strub, Brian 125AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 500AFSCME Local 34 PEOPLE 500Education Minn PAC 400Local 28 Political Fund 500Local 552 Union 200Minn League of Conservation Voters 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500Transportation Political Education 2504,845Lesewski, Arlene RPM 21*Dorsey Political Fund 200MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150350Lessard, Robert IPM 3*Dahl, Marilyn 250Duckstad, Jon 500Shannon, Alton 250CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Messerli & Kramer Political Action 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Power PAC 200Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 5003,150Lewerenz, Sarah DFL 6APolitical Action Fund of Duluth Firefight <strong>2002</strong>00Liebling, Tina DFL 30AOlmsted County DFL 200Cuddihy, Maria-Teresa 250Cuddihy, Robert 250Goldberg, Lynda 225Goldberg, Richard 225Katcher, Gerald 250Katcher, Jane 250Liebling, Cheryl 250Liebling, Jerome 250Liebling, Mark 250Liebow, Mark 250Nordstrom, Rebecca 250Keith, A 200Clean Water Action Voter Education 169Dedicated Americans for the Senate 500Education Minn PAC 400Friends of DFL Women 500Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 250MAPE-PAC 500Minn AFL-CIO 400Minn Eye PAC 250Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA-P 200Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500TRIAL-PAC 250<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 2507,969Lieder, Bernard DFL 1B1st Senate District DFL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Education Minn PAC 250Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 250Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 150Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250NCRCC-MN-PAC 500Rod Skoe for <strong>State</strong> Rep 5002,850Lijewski, Thomas IPM 58BKnowles, Linda <strong>2002</strong>00Limmer, Warren RPM 3232nd Senate District RPM 1,000Gibbs, Gailyn 350Grindal, H Theodore 125Grindal, Michelle 125Gunther, Barbara 200Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Kozak, Andrew 200Kramer, Ross 150Scamehorn, Andrea Schmidt 200Turbes, Susan 150Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Dorsey Political Fund 350IFAPAC Minn 200Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 500Messerli & Kramer Political Action 150Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Health PAC 250Minneapolis Municipal Retirement Asso 500Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 300Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500Nelson ( Marvin) Volunteer Committee 500Warren Limmer for Senate Committee 1,0738,273100

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesLindberg, Mark DFL 60BIsrael, Lynne 500Lindberg, Donna 200Lindberg, Peter 200Schultz, Martha 250Schultz, Scott 2501,400Lindgren, Doug RPM 2B8th Congressional District RPM 500Hubbard County RPM 800Committee for <strong>State</strong> Pro-life Candidates 294Hospitality Political Action Committee 250Fawver (Jay) for Senate 1,0002,844Lindner, Arlon RPM 32A32nd Senate District RPM 500Breske, Sally 250Breske, Tim 250Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 2502,200Lindsay, Judy RPM 37BAnderson, Barbara 500Anderson, George 500Barry, Jane 125Barry, Walter R 125Carlson, Charlotte 125Carlson, Keith 125Cummins, Joan 500Cummins, Robert 500Evenstad, Kenneth 250Fayfield, Robert 250Hamilton, Harold 200Heithoff, Kenneth 250Hobbs, Richard 125Hobbs, Shanon 125Hubbard, Stanley 250Jacobs, Sheldon 500Jacobs, Valeria 500Massey, Chloe 250Massey, J B 250Porter, Lawrence H 200Schwalbach, Gerald 250Sullivan, Brian 250Sullivan, Mia 250Wigley, Barbara 500Wigley, Michael 500Wren, John 500Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Twin Cities Republican Assn 2008,600Lindstrom, Wesley DFL 43BMinn AFL-CIO 150Minn DRIVE 300450Lipman, Eric RPM 56ABenschoten, Greta Van 200Bonestroo, Otto 300Eno, Ann 150Hubbard, Heidi 250Hubbard, Robert 250Johnson, Scott 250Johnson, Steven 250Kolbo, Kirk 250Larson, Debra 250Lipman, Jayne 250Lipman, John 250Miller, Michael 250Ohara, Catherine 125Perkins, Karen 250Perkins, Michael 250Pulles, Gregory 250Wren, John 250Wren, Mary 250BAM-PAC 500Dorsey Political Fund 200Insurance Federation Political Acti 500M H H A PAC 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 300Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500MinnBank <strong>State</strong> PAC 500H Todd VanDellen for <strong>State</strong> Representa 250Kaardal for <strong>State</strong> Senate 250Marianne Beck for <strong>State</strong> Rep 1,30010,075Logering, Nancy N/A 10-14Eddy, Robert 250Jacobs, Michael R 530Ahern, Michael 200Lommen Nelson Political Action Comm 200RKM&C Fund 1,5002,680Lorenz, Sandy DFL 24BBlue Earth County DFL 225DFL House Caucus 800Faribault County DFL 1,000Beckman, Harold 200Beckman, Janel K 150Beckman, Steven H 150Beckman, Troy M 150Coyle, Eldon L 110Flo, David J 200Lorenz, Joshua 220Mueller, Richard A. 200Opperman, Vance 150Seedorf, Juliene E 200Wegner, Marlene 200Wolff, Sherryl 200Spano, Wyman 200Education Minn PAC 400Friends of DFL Women 500Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 500Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joi 500MAPE-PAC 500Minn AFL-CIO 350Minn Democrats 150Minn DRIVE 300SITCO PAC 200St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 500TRIAL-PAC 250<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 2508,755Lotti, Bruce DFL 68th Congressional District DFL 500Carlton County DFL 350Falsani, Robert 200Green, John 200Netland, Alan 300Peterson, Raymond 200Rosenthal, Mary 250Sondin, Mikael 150Wheatman, Russell 200Minn League of Conservation Voters 500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500TAC PAC 2705 500United Food & Commerical Workers, C 500101

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesUnited Steelworkers of America Dist 500USWA LU 7263 PAC Fund 500VOTE - 66 5005,850Lourey, Becky DFLAndersen, Elmer 1,000Baker, David R 335Barrett, Margaret A 1,000Benzie-Lourey, Marlana 1,150Berg, Helene K 375Betts, Gene 250Blacklock, Craig 1,100Bly, Carol M 1,000Bowen, William E 250Brown, Cheryll 215Bundshuh, Anthony 2,000Case, David R 2,000Christensen, Sally 220Copeland, Katherine M 2,000Copeland, Lotte B 2,000Copeland, William 2,000Cowles, Sage F 1,000Cox, David 500Damico, Rocco 500Davis, William J 300Dayton, Ken 1,000Desrosier, Susan 335Devegter, Jean 2,000Diaz, Richard 500Ellis, Steven E 350Fraser, Arvonne 300Glessing, Kathryn 570Haselow, Robert 500Herzberg, Gay S 350Hunter, Kim 685Jordan, Catherine 222Keillor, Garrison 1,500Kramer, Adam L 250Kramer, Elias 300Kramer, Joel 20,000Kramer, Laurie 2,000Kramer, Matt 1,322Levin, Bridget E 250Levin, Ross 250Lilly, Perrin B 600Lourey, Gene 530Lourey, Heidi K 710Lourey, Tony 2,000Lundberg, Margaret 250Maloff, Peter C 250Margolis, Mark D 300Marks, Jill Ann 286Markusen, Ann 500May, Aase 450Mays, Richard L 1,000McKenna, Karen 350Miles, Steve 1,000Neary, Pam 500Neary, Pamela D 390Netland, Alan 350Newman, Eric 500Olson Browne, Barb 400Opstad, Marcia 500Perry, Susan L 270Peterson, Erik S 500Plimpton, Susan B 300Pomroy, Lisa A 300Pomroy, William H 250Quade, Charlene K 300Rice, Brian F 250Ring, Twyla L 350Rosenthal, Mary 300Ross, Paul 300Rothchild, Nina 250Rothman, Alexander J 1,300Rubenstein, Andrea 225Scoll, Barbara 250Shulman, Margaret 250Stack, Kathy 275Stevens, Christine G 500Terlizo, Tom 1,000Tims, Albert R 400Turnball, Marlene 550Turnbull, Charles V 500Turnbull, Helene V 571Waletzko, Bonnie 950Weber, Eileen P 1,000West, Jean M 500Westreich, Gilbert 300Witson, Jean 300Woods, Medora 500Zaragoza, Anthony 900Zimlich, Christy A 500Neary, Pamela 1,000Fond du Lac Committee of Political 1,000Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 50079,886Lourey, Becky DFL 8Benson, Ann 200Bol, Barbara 125Mattson, Merle L. 200Committee of Nine PAC 300Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Local 59 Political Fund 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Messerli & Kramer Political Action 200Minn DRIVE 300Minn Health PAC 250Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Minneapolis Fiirefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 200Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250PharmPAC 200Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 5005,475Lund, Gregory RPM 2A41st Senate District RPM 450Becker County RPM 250House RPM Campaign Committee 2,300Norman County RPM 900Polk County Republicans 500Hill, Jeannette 500Olson, Carolyn Healy 250Olson, David C 250Palubicki, James 250Palubicki, Nina 250Hill, Todd 250Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Jobs Political Fund 200SITCO PAC 250(Roxann) Daggett Volunteer Committe 2,000Citizens for Bob Ness 300Citizens to Elect Ken Wolf 500Tim Finseth for <strong>State</strong> Rep 50010,650Lundrigan, Ted N/A 9-4Askeggard, Eric 150Beard, Mark 1,200Cristoforo, Michael 200102

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesGalbraith, Mary Ella 200MacMillan, Glenn 500Miller, Kathleen 200Schroeder, Paul 350Vukobratovich, George 1,450Lundigan, Ted 72,45076,700Luther, Darlene DFL 47A*Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 250250Magnus, Doug RPM 22A1st Congressional District RPM 750House RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Murray County RPM 1,000Nobles County RPM 150Pipestone County RPM 500Rock County RPM 1,500Baize, John C. 200Forest, Loren 120Kluis, Jim 200McLaughlin, Esther 125McLaughlin, John 125Pierson, Maxine 300Rupp, David A 250Spronk, Beth 125Spronk, Randy 1256,470Mahoney, Timothy DFL 67A67th Senate District DFL 700CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Committee of Nine PAC 150Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 200Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Painters Union Local No 61 Political Act 200Pipe Fitters Local 539 500Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 589 P 500Plumbers Local Union #15 COPE Acco 200Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 250Sprinkler Fitters Local Union No 417 300St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 500TRIAL-PAC 500U A Plumbers Local #34 Political Fund 250Eastsiders for Tim Mahoney 1,2176,417Mares, Harry RPM 55A*Jobs Political Fund 500MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 300Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 5001,450Mariani, Carlos DFL 65BPrice, Tim 150Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 200Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 2001,550Marko, Sharon DFL 57Senate Majority Caucus 5,000Bonestroo, Christina 225Bonestroo, Otto 225Fogarty, Joseph 125Fogarty, Paulette 125Gossman, George 200Gritters, Bruce Amundson 200O'Gorman, Patricia A 250Sieben, Jr Harry 200Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 200Emily's List- Minn 500Friends of DFL Women 500Iron Workers Local 512 200Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500MAPE-PAC 500Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Minneapolis Downtown Council PAC 200Minneapolis Municipal Retirement Asso 500MUCA PAC (Minn Utility Contractors) 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 300St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 500St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 500TRIAL-PAC 500USWA LU 7263 PAC Fund 500Citizens for Sharon Marko 7,00023,050Marko, Sharon DFL 57B*Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 250Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500750Marks, Thomas GPM 23A24th Senate District GPM 625Marks, Thomas 9721,597Marquart, Paul DFL 9BMarquart, Paul A 1,982CUVOL 500Dorsey Political Fund 200Jobs Political Fund 200Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 150NCRCC-MN-PAC 500Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250SITCO PAC 200Dudley Wells Volunteer Committee 500Stotts (Rick) for Minn <strong>State</strong> House 5006,982Massmann, Anton IPM 13AMassmann, Anton 280280McClung, Brian RPM 39A39A House District RPM 500House RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Anderson, Nancy E 125Anderson, Ross B 125Anfang, Matt 325Baumann, Bernard 450Baumann, Susan 200Beaudette, Marita I 250Berg, Ronald 350Bogut, Elizabeth N 300Crider, Mark S 150Haugland, Helene L 150Heffernan, Daniel E 250Helms, William W 350Hubbard, Stanley 250Isaacs, Joe 300Kinkead, John 250LeVander,, Iantha 350103

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMassey, J B 375McClung, Aileen L 500McClung, John 500McClung, Paula 500McMahon, Robert 125McMahon, Teresa 125Mueller, Craig P 250Palmer, Jim 150Pitera, David A 250Schellhas, Kurt P 250Schiltgen, Jerome N 200Sheley, Donald R 250Sheley, Pamela J 250Stassen, Arline 200Stassen, J Robert 200Utley, Mark 150Walstien, Michael M 111Wells, Walter J 300Wozniak, Daniel D 200Zipko, Michael 250Ed Oliver Senate Committee 250Engdahl (Mark) Volunteer Committee 1,10012,161McElroy, Daniel RPM 40ABanks, Mark 200Beckwith, Larry 250Eaton, David 250Eaton, Diane 250Einess, Del 200Fishman, Jay 150Fishman, Randi 150Grindal, Michelle 500Johnson, Marvin 200Kramer, Mary 200Lockridge, Richard 250Nauen, Charles 250Pohlad, Bob 250Pohlad, Carl 250Pohlad, James 250Pohlad, William 250Slipka, Kenneth 200Streefland, Russell 200Ulrich, Bob 250CUVOL 500Dorsey Political Fund 200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 2506,200McGinn, Michael RPM 38Senate Victory Fund 3,000Baker, Al 200Black, Peg 500Buehlman, Edward 150Burrows, John 175Carroll, Terrance 200Chapelaine, Gerry 175Cummins, Joan 500Cummins, Robert 500Duckstad, Jon 200Engen, Bonny 125Fischer, John 125Grannis, Vance 200Hale, Dennis 200Heroux, Andrew C 250Holm, Scott A 225Johnson, David 125Lemon, Ed 115Lentsch, Eugene 150Mueller, Jack 200Murtaugh, Richard A 300Nicholson, Ford 200Olson, Clifford 250Pavlak, David B 125Peck, Philip H 200Rivet, Gary L 400Theo, James 200Theo, Thomas 200Thuringer, Jeff 125Wigley, Michael 250Wiese, Sandra U 250CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Jobs Political Fund 250Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 250Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 390Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce 250SOF - PAC 250Tessmer (Todd) for <strong>State</strong> Senate 48612,441McGuire, Mary Jo DFL 54A*Dedicated Americans for the Senate 500Fond du Lac Committee of Political 5001,000McInnis, Kenneth DFL 49Madsen, Mabel 500Selton, Joseph 300Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Education Minn PAC 400Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Pipe Fitters Local 539 250King (Maria) Campaign Committee 500McInnis, Kenneth 1,6754,825McKnight, Marilyn DFL 413rd Congressional District DFL 30041st Senate District DFL 400Bergstrom, Paul W. 150Meyer, Barry 125Meyer, Laurelee M 125Schaefer, Mark T 125Schaefer, Nancy A 125Schulz, John R. 250Education Minn PAC 400Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5003,000McLynn, Catherine RPM 3B5th Senate District RPM 200Adams, Patrick J 150Boomer, George 150Boomer, Irene 150650McMahon, George DFL 17BCarey, Colleen 200Conlan, Catherine 200Frisch, Gerald E 300Johnson, Kenneth R 150Lantry, Marilyn 200McKenna, Lou 300Winkel, Matthew 500Zalk, Michael D 200Seck, Gerald 200Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500International Union of Operating En 300Iron Workers Local 512 500Minn AFL-CIO 250Minn DRIVE 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 500U A Plumbers Local #34 Political Fund 300104

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesTom Osthoff Volunteer Committee 3,0008,600McNamara, Dennis RPM 57B29A House District RPM 1,300Avent, Sharon 125Avent, Terry 125Bailey, Gordon 125Bailey, Jo 125Bathrick, Bob 125Bathrick, Diane 125Caturia, James 125Caturia, Peggy 125Drexler, Elizabeth 125Drexler, Joseph 125Eisinger, Claire 150Hertogs, Sam 125Hertogs, Shirley 125Klaus, Julie 125Klaus, Kendall 125Koch, Herbert 250Langlais, Janet 150Langlais, Richard 150Lawrence, David 125Lawrence, Sharon 125McNamara, Annette 250McNamara, Corrine 125McNamara, Paul 125McNamara, Robert 250Murphy, Patricia 500Murphy, Patrick 500Niebur, Paul 125Niebur, Sue 125Oconnell, Millett 150Otten, Cliff 250Otten, Louise 250Poepl, John 250Poepl, Mary P 250Swanson, Steven 400Sweasy, Bill 125Sweasy, Carol 125Volunteers for (Gene) Anderson 5008,300Meland, Keith GPM 44AFlannery, Lois 250Flannery, Michael J 250Hall, Charles 350Mitchell, Elizabeth 125Mitchell, Larry 1251,100Menke, Thomas GPM 35ABoegeman, Don 200Menke, Thomas 250Muelken, Jim 250700Meslow, Doug RPM 53B4th Congressional District RPM 20041st Senate District RPM 30053B House District RPM 500Barry, Peter 200Knaak, Fritz 249Meslow, John 250Meslow, Karen 250Turner, Jena 200Olson, David 500Rice, Brian 200Committee of Nine PAC 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Local 552 Union 200MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 250Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 200Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 250Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250SITCO PAC 200Citizens to Elect Ken Wolf 500Harry Mares Volunteer Committee 4007,849Metcalf, Scott George DFL 28BMinn AFL-CIO 200Minn PEOPLE Committee 500700Metzen, James DFL 39Ahern, Sharon 200Becker, Chuck 200Benjamin, Roland 150Bolander, Dorothy 200Bruckner, Joseph 250Corporaal, George 200Cotter, John 125Cotter, Wendy 125Davis, William 200Dorn, Craig 250Driscoll, Joanne 125Driscoll, Edward 125Erickson, Jay 250Fahey, Mike 200Frisch, Elizabeth 250Frisch, George 250Gerry, Gary 200Grindal, Michelle 250Hagen, Dan 200Hapka, Victor 149Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 200Jorgensen, Jens 250Kamish, James 200Knack, Daniel 200Kraus, Jean 200Lesher, Dennis 250Lockridge, Mary Louise 125Lockridge, Richard 125Mendoza, Mia 250Mendoza, Salvador 250Menk, Roger 200Meyer, Jeffrey 125Meyer, Jenny 125Nauen, Charles 250Nisi, Kurt 225Nisi, Laura 225Ogara, Deborah 200O'Gara, Richard 200Perryman, Margaret 150Schenian, Dale 250Schenian, Michael 250Sparby, Nancy 150Tetzloff, Robert 200Troje, Dennis 250Urness, Elizabeth 150Urness, Kent 150Wilensky, Joan 150Wirkus, Raymond 150Wirkus, Karen L. 150Grindal, H. Theodore 250Redmond, Lawrence 200Seck, Gerald 400Strusinski, William 200Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500CUVOL 500105

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesDorsey Political Fund 200Education Minn PAC 400Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 350Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 400MN Utility Investors Pol Action Fun 200Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500Rural Electric Political Action Comm 400(Sam) Solon Volunteer Committee 50016,499Michel, Geoffrey RPM 41Badger, Pam 150Bagley, Wendell Dwyer 200Banks, Mark 500Batchelor, James A. 250Bjork, Beth 125Bjork, Robert 125Brisclair, Ron 250Brooks, Karen 500Corrigan, F 250Corrigan, Glenda 250Coughlin, Jennifer 250Coughlin, Robert 250Davell, Lori 125Dorn, Paul C. 250Dorris, Albert 250Dorris, Nancy 250Farris, Jonathan 125Farris, Roberta 125Frenzel, Bill 250Frenzel, Ruth 250Grimes, Susan E. 150Grindal, Michelle 250Hahn, Lucille E 250Hartfiel, William 250Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 250Hatzung, David 250Head, Douglas 250Head, Martha 250Horner, Libby Jo 125Horner, Thomas 125Hoyt, Greg 125Hoyt, Patricia 125Hsiao, Hoyt 250Hubbard, Stanley 250Humphries, Cary 250Humphries, Margot 250Hungiville, Jean 250Jasper, Kelly 200Kelly, Michael F 250King, Lawrence 250Klabunde, Karen 250Knutson, David 120Krieger, Fredrich 250Leggott, Rich 500Lockridge, Mary Louise 250Lockridge, Richard 250Luther, Anne 250Luther, Charles 250McPherson, John W. 500Michel, Barbara 500Michel, Catherine 500Miller, Michael 200Moe, Ruth R. 250Mortenson, M.A. 500Naegele III, Robert 250Neal, Barb 250Neal, Robert 250Nicholson, Bruce 250Nicholson, Carol 250Nickerson, William 500Preusser, Donald 125Preusser, Mary 125Prohofsky, Dennis 125Prohofsky, Sandra 125Reidel, Dwayne 125Reidel, Jane 125Robinson, Mitchell 150Sawyer, James 200Schroeder, Robert 500Schurman, Lori 150Seefridge, Harriet H. 500Senkler, Pam 250Shaver, Maureen 250Sit, Eugene 250Thiss, Abbie 250Turner, Jona 200Walsh, Andrea 125Walsh, Tim 125Weyerhaeuser, David 500Weyerhaeuser, Elizabeth 500Weyerhaeuser, F.T. 250Wiese, Gray 500Winninger, Lynne 125Winninger, Thomas 125Grindal, H. Theodore 125(John) Lonsbury Volunteer Committee 50021,970Miller, Craig RPM 33A*Christiansen, Jens 195195Minar, Steve RPM 505th Congressional District RPM 250Davis, James J 350Franke, Margaret 500Franke, Stephan 300Karkela, Emilie 452Marsh, Frederick 250Minar, Cush 500Minar, Karen 500Rasmussen, Joyce 500Rasmussen, Otto 500Richardson, Betty Ann 200Richardson, Tuck 200Wigley, Barbara 125Wigley, Michael 125Zoerb, Dale 250Zoerb, Nancy 250Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500MABC PAC 500Steve Minar Volunteer Committee 2,9209,172Miron, Francis RPM 52BWaller, John 500Miron, Francis 5001,000Mitchell, Angela DFL 3232nd Senate District DFL 315Senate Majority Caucus 940Friends of DFL Women 200Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Political <strong>2002</strong>,655Mladek, James DFL 25Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,450Opperman, Vance 150106

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesCarpenter's Local 1644 PAC 250Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Committee of Nine PAC 200Iron Workers Local 512 200MAPE-PAC 500Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 200SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500So Dakota Cty Labor Council COPE Fu 2504,950Moe, Roger DFL3B House District DFL 2508th Congressional District DFL 1,00057th Senate District DFL 300Aitkin County DFL Committee 1,300Meeker County DFL 500Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 19,000Norman County DFL 300Polk County DFL 500Adams, Edward 250Admonius, Ann 250Albrecht, Jeffrey 400Alexander, Linda 1,000Alfton, Robert 300Allegue, Raul 250Allyn, Richard 1,000Altringer, Larry 400Amberg, William 350Ames, Richard 2,000Ames, Ronald 1,534Amundson Gritters, Bruce 1,000Amundson, Luther 500Andersen, Elmer 1,400Anderson, Brian 250Anderson, Charles 300Anderson, Cynthia 686Anderson, David 1,000Anderson, John 250Anderson, Julie 1,000Anderson, Merle 800Anderson, Paula 1,000Anderson, Richard 1,000Anderson, Robert 350Anderson, Susan K 1,000Anderson, Terry 500Anderson,Mark 2,900Andreas, D. I. 2,000Andreas, D.O. 2,000Andreas, G.A. 2,000Andreas, Toni 2,000Andrew, Connie 250Andrew, Mark 800Antell, Wilfred 400Appleby, George 1,000Atchison, Dennis 250Atwater, Martha 500Avchen, Daniel 250Bagley, Lester 250Bailey, John 850Baisi, Al 500Baker-Kent, Lurline 1,250Bakken-Dryden, Thomas 225Banks, Mark 1,000Baratz, Stanford 500Barczak, Ron 300Bard, Howard 300Baron, Glenn 500Barrett, Thomas 600Barrow, Susan P. 250Barrows Wark, Mary Ann 2,000Barrows, June 450Bauerly, Gerald 2,000Beals, Nancy 600Beck, Peter 300Beedle, Gerald 225Bell, Ford 1,000Beloff, Jim 500Bench, Les 500Beneke, Kieth 1,000Bennett, Jerry 500Bennett, Sue 250Benson, Dennis 775Benson, Gary 500Benson, Scott 500Berg, Margit 1,000Berg, Thomas 1,000Bergh, Kjell 1,000Bergman, Mary 1,000Bergstom, Eric 250Berman, Michael S 1,000Bialke, James 500Bieging, David 500Bishop, Jonathan 500Bishop, Lois 1,000Bjork, David 500Bjorum, Stephen 250Blaze, Coral 1,000Bless, Dennis 700Bloodgood, Patricia 500Bloom, Jennifer 500Blosberg, Wayne 500Blumenshine, Amy 400Boche, H. Leonard 250Boetcher, Gregory 250Bonderud, Kevin 1,000Bordwell, Thomas 250Borgen, Jeff 500Borgen, Pat 500Borgen, Patricia 500Borman, Elizabeth 1,000Borman, Kimberly 900Borman, Marvin 1,000Bostelmann, Margaret 400Bowen, Glenn 1,000Bowman, Sharon 250Boysen, Brian 1,200Bracy, Terrence 1,000Brady, James 350Brainerd, Mary 300Braun, Alan 250Breen, Aviva 225Breen, Kari 950Breon, John 250Brewer, Kathryn M. 250Brimsek, John 1,000Brooker, Charlotte 1,000Broydrick, Bill 1,000Bruckner, W Joseph 350Brutlag, Paul 1,000Bryant, Michael 500Bubul, Stephen 600Buffham, Patricia 500Burke, M.N. 250Burns, Harry 1,000Burt, Bonnie 300Burton, Verona 300Busacker, Janel 300Bye, James 1,000Bye, Julianne 500Bye, William 1,000Byers, Barbara 400Cameron, George 250Cameron, William 610107

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesCampbell, Candace 300Campbell, Timothy 250Campobasso, John 1,000Cappel, Mary 260Carey, Colleen 450Carey, James 500Carey, John 500Carlson, Steven 1,000Carlson, Will 2,000Carpenter, Roland 250Casmey, Sandra 400Cavner, Hollis 300Cecil, Lorraine F 2,000Cedarblade, Duane 350Cerkvenik, Mary 350Cerkvenik, Steven 250Chapin, Mark 450Chesley, Jean 250Chin, Chuck 1,000Christensen, Robert 250Christenson, Carol 400Christenson, Elisabeth 700Christenson, Gerald 600Christenson, Michael 700Christenson, Pearl 1,086Christianson, Roger 250Chunselle, Mary 250Ciresi, Ann 2,000Ciresi, Michael 2,000Cisewski, Walter 1,000Claflin, Susan 250Clapp, Sharon 1,000Clarke, Charles 250Clifford, John 450Cochrane, Charles 500Cody, Murray 300Cohen, Audrey 500Cohen, Burton 600Cohen, Jerry 400Collins, Patrick 250Conley, Patricia 450Conlin, Jan 1,000Conn, Bernice 250Conzemius, George 300Cook, Bradley 500Corbid, Patricia 2,000Corbid, Rebecca 600Coudron, Mark 1,000Cowle, Stanley 250Cowles III, John 1,000Cowles, John 2,000Cowles, Sage Fuller 2,000Cox, David 1,000Cox, Vicki 500Crandall, William A 250Crosby, John 250Crosby, Joseph 500Dady, J. Michael 1,000Davidson, Charme 250Davies, Jack 1,100Davies, John 1,000Davies, Pat 1,000Davis, Frances 1,750Davis, Lora 275Dayton, Edward 1,000Dayton, John 1,000Dayton, Julia 2,000Dayton, K. N. 2,000Dayton, Mark 2,000Dayton, Mary 1,000Dayton, Sherry 250Dean, Jeffrey 250Deikel, Andrew 1,000Deikel, Daniel 1,000Deikel, Theodore 1,000Delaney, Patrick 250Delong, Michael 500Delzell, Linda 250Demars, Louis. G 600DeMers, Dennis 250Desnick, Ahuva 2,000Desnick, James 2,000Diamond, Patrick 500Diaz, Richard 250Dickerson, Jon 1,000Dickman, Scott 300Dickson,, D.Ross 250Dietz, Diane 275Differt, Douglas 250Dircks, Janice 1,000Dittrich, Allen 948Dittrich, Denise 948Dixon, Joseph 250Doerfler, John 400Doerr, Lisa 600Donough, M. Brigid 500Doot, Guy 1,000Doot, Jennifer 1,000Dornik, John 450Dorsey, James 250Doty, Russell 500Dovre, Mardeth 1,000Dowling, Joe 500Downey, Thomas 500Downing, Fred 300Duininck, Connie 1,000Dunbar, Frank 500Dunn, Jean 619Dunn, Patricia H. 1,000Dyrdahl, Roger 350Dziedzic, Karen 900Eaton, Judith 250Edwards, Robert 300Eggimann, Steven 500Eisberg, John 2,000Ek, Alan 250Ellingson, Edward 1,100Ellingson, Perry 500Elliot, Douglas 250Engelsma, Bruce 1,000English, Nancy 350Eno, Woodrow 250Erickson, Bill 1,000Erickson, Joy 1,500Erickson, Karen 1,000Erlandson, Dawn 371Erlandson, Mike 423Etzwiler, Marion 1,000Eugster, Jack 350Evans, Janet 300Evans, John 500Evans, Sara M 350Evert, Jon 410Fahy, James 250Falsani, Robert 1,500Faricy, Carole 1,000Faris, Wayne 1,000Farmer, Edward 300Farmes, Allen 250Farrell, Patricia 500Fausch, P.A. 1,000Faust, Joseph 550Fazio, Victor 250Fedje, Jill 1,000108

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesFee, Frank 500Feldman, Nancy 500Fellman, Mark 350Fellows, Ben 250Fennelly, Elizabeth 250Fenton, Mrs. Eleanor 300Filipovich, Matt 250Finzen, Bruce 1,000Fisher, Linda 450Flahaven, Patrick 400Flaherty, Mary 1,000Flom, Katherine 350Fluegel, Wilbur 250Flynn, Carolyn 250Flynn, Joseph 300Flynn, Thomas 300Foote, Connie 250Forciea, Patrick 500Forneris, Jeanne 500Forster, Barbara 1,500Foster, Thomas 250Fournier, Katharine 275Frame, Anne 500Fraser, Arvonne 725Fraser, Donald 1,000Fraser, Thomas 650Frederick, Harold 300Freeman, Carol 350Freeman, Jane 2,000Freeman, Michael 700Freeman, Orville 1,000French, John 2,000French, Nelson 300Frentz, Nick 250Frobenius, John 250Frothingham, Ben 250Gabler, Barbara 250Gabrielson, David 250Gaffaney, Jack 250Gandrud, Gary 750Garland, Sara 250Garon, Philip 250Garry, Candace 250Garry, Daniel 750Gasparini, Kathleen 300Gavin, Ellen 300Gearty, Edward 400Gemlo, Brett 250Genereux, Mark 300Gerhardt, Audrey 1,000Germscheid, Thomas 250Gerten, Joan 250Ghylin, Gaylen 500Gillen, John 300Glaefke, Brook 500Glenn, Lyn 500Glennon, Edward 250Goetz, Gene 350Goetz, John 750Goff, Rosemary 400Gordon, Corey 500Gorlin, Marilyn 600Gove, Peter 850Graba, Joe 300Graba, Sylvia 800Graham, Richard 250Grave, Marilyn 350Gray, Lisa 500Green, Doreen 600Greenfield, Marcia 400Grell II, Victor 1,000Gresser, Michael 1,000Grindal, Michelle 250Gross, Elizabeth 500Gross, Susan 500Growe, Joan 700Gustafson, Earl 450Gustafson, Jill 1,000Guttormson, Ronald 250Guttormson, Terry 500Haddeland, Sandra 250Haddeland, William 1,500Haglund, James 500Halbreich, Kathy 400Hale, Roger 1,000Hall, Gary 942Hall, Linda 942Hall, Steven 250Hallberg, Arlene 1,000Hallberg, Mark 250Halleland, Keith 1,000Halloway, Jean 260Halvorson, George 1,000Hamlin, Thomas 2,000Hampel, Larry 300Handschin, Walt 300Hannah, Paul 250Hansen, James 450Hanson, Lee 750Hanson, Mark 450Hanson, Marvin 250Hanson, Michael 1,000Harper, William 1,450Harris, Clarence 300Harty, K.C. 400Harvey, Paul 250Harvey, Richard 250Harvin, P. 1,300Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 1,000Hatch, Michael 500Haugerud, Renee 300Haugo, David 770Hawkanson, David 1,000Hawn, Van 250Hazelton, Gary 500Heaberlin, Penny 250Hedstrom, Mary 350Heins, Sam 1,000Heisler, Dorothy 258Helgen, Michele 1,500Heller, Mary 400Hendrixson, Peter 250Hennessey, Robert 350Hennessy, Thomas 300Henrickson, Mary 500Henry, Verna 250Hentges, Janet 1,000Hentges, Judith 1,000Herman, Kathleen 1,000Herman, Lamont 1,000Hermodson, Rose 250Hest, Bryan 1,000Higgins, Linda 450Higgins, Peter 250Hiller, Charles 400Hoffinger, Paul 300Hoffman, Robert L 400Hoffner, Fabian 250Hofstede, Diane 250Holmberg, Barbara 1,000Homans, Nancy 259Hook, Gary 500Hopp, Deborah 350109

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesHottinger, John 2,000Houglum, Paul 300Houle, Romayne 250Hovde, Peter 250Hubbard, Stanley 2,000Humphrey III, Hubert H 1,500Humphrey, Leona 300Hunegs, Steven 500Huntley, Thomas 225Hutcheson, III, Zenas 500Hutcheson, Susanne 500Hutchinson, Chuck 250Ingham, Scott 1,000Iosso, Kenneth 300Jackman, Michael 500Jacobson, D.W. 2,000Jacobson, Francis 500Jacobson, Steve 500Jarvis, William 1,000Jauert, Rick 250Jennings, Loren 500Jerich, Michael 2,000Jernberg, James 250Johannson, Kenneth 250Johnson, Alice 350Johnson, Blaine 250Johnson, Bradley 2,000Johnson, Brian 300Johnson, Carol 300Johnson, David 500Johnson, Dennis 450Johnson, Elaine S 2,000Johnson, Elizabeth 2,000Johnson, Eric 2,000Johnson, Gary 250Johnson, Gloria 2,000Johnson, James 250Johnson, Jill D 2,000Johnson, Lynn 2,000Johnson, Marlene 250Johnson, Michael H 2,000Johnson, Nellie 500Johnson, Rachel E 250Johnson, Raymond 300Johnson, Steve 500Johnson, Todd W 2,000Jorgensen, Paul 250Jorstad, David 250Joseph, Geri 250Judge, J. Steven 250Kahn, Phyllis 250Kaplan, Elliot 2,000Kaplan, Harvey 250Kaplan, Samuel 2,000Kaplan, Sylvia 2,000Kaste, Gloria 500Kaul, William 750Kayser, Marlene C. 2,000Kayser, Thomas 2,000Kazeminy, Nasser 2,000Kazeminy, Yvonne 2,000Keith, Marion 2,000Keller III, Thomas 1,000Keller, Patricia 500Kelley, Stephen 300Kelly, Cleo A. 500Kelly, Patricia 2,231Kelly, William N. 2,250Kempston, David 1,000Kennedy, Michael 475Kessler, Helga 1,600Kessler, Robert 225Kiedrowski, Iris 1,000Kiedrowski, Jay 2,000Kief, Paul 225Kienitz, David 465Kinder, Susan 250Kircher, Robert 1,000Kitchak, Peter 2,000Kitto, Mary Jo 450Klas, Louise 350Klausner, Robert 250Klein, John 350Klemmer, George 500Klevan, David 207Klobuchar, Amy 500Knabel, Thomas 250Knoll, Verne 2,000Knowlton, Douglas 300Knuth, Daniel 700Knutsen, Jeffery L 500Knutson, Jeffery 500Knutson, Richard 400Koch, Julie 250Koering, Jerome 250Kogovsek, Ray 250Kopka, Christopher 300Koppel, Lora 250Koppel, Mary 336Kosiak, John 1,000Kottke, Frederic 1,300Kramer, Joel 1,000Kramer, Mary 500Kranz, Edward 250Kringstad, Marit 250Krueger, Diane 1,900Krueger, Richard 2,100Krum, Jill 1,000Kruzman, Marc 300Kucera, Maureen 500Kukielka, Thomas 500Kuller, Hart 500Kurzman, Marc 250Lang, A Scheffer 500Lari, Adeel 600Larson, Carole 300Larson, Merle 500Latimer, George 1,000Latimer, Nancy 500Laurent, Ann Marie 1,000LaVerdiere, Richard 250Lavorato, Cindy 1,000Lawrence, Lloyd 250Lawrence, Ruth 450Lee, Tammy 1,000Lee, Toumoua 250Lenfesty, Jim 1,000Leonard, Rodney 500Lerner, Harry 1,000Levinger, Mark 270Lewis, Donald 250Lewis, James 785Lillehaug, Duane 250Lilly, Perrin 1,500Lindell, James 250Lindstrom, James 2,000Liska, Robert 1,000Loesch, Jeffrey 500Loewe, Curtis 550Loftus, Barbara 250Longfellow, Thomas 1,000Lonnes, Bruce 250Louwagie, Vincent 500Lumry II, Rufus 300110

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesLund, Dean 700Lund, John 250Luzaich, Donna 500Lynch, Leland 2,000Mackay, Harvey B 1,000Maddox, Julia 250Maglich, Michael 500Maglich, Terry J 500Magnuson, Richard H. 400Magrath, C.Peter 250Mahle, Katherine 250Maki, Brian 2,450Malone, John 250Malters, Jim 250Mammenga, Gene 250Mancini, Nick 700Manning, Monica M. 2,000Manning, William 1,000Marchetti, Dennis 400Margitan, Theodore 550Margulies, Michael 500Martin, Kathleen 700Martineau, Sara 250Massey, Rodney 250Mathison, Marilyn 350Matsui, Doris 1,000Mattson, Robert 500Matzke, Susan 1,500Mauren, Susan 350Mc Greevy, James 250McCoy, Timothy 250McDonough, Brigid 500McEvoy, Mary 800McEwen, Gregory 300McEwen, Neil 250McGill, Katherine 550McGowan, Michael 250McGrann, Judith 1,000McLaughlin, Peter 800McNellis, Mary 1,000McNulty, Priscilla 300Melton, William 1,000Mendoza, Mia 1,000Mendoza, Salvador 1,000Merriam, Gene 500Merrigan, Paula 250Meshbesher, Ronald I 750Messerli, Chris A. 1,000Metcalf, Robert 300Metzen, Dave 300Metzen, James 500Meuers, Virginia 500Meyer, Jeanne 2,000Meyer, Joseph 2,000Meyer, Lawrence 250Miles, Laura 1,000Miller, Christine 250Miller, Keith 500Miller, Richard 250Miller, Tom 250Millman, Kimberly 250Mills, Stacey 1,000Mills, Susan 240Milne, John 250Milstein, Bernie 250Milton, John 250Minars, Len 300Minkkinen, David 250Moccio, Vincent 1,100Modell, Charles 500Moe, Alden 1,300Moe, Mathilde 650Moe, Paul 1,750Moe, Paulette 1,000Moe, Richard 1,150Moe, Roger D. 1,000Moe, Sherilyn L. 700Moen, Janet 600Moen, Mary 425Moen, Phyllis 500Mohrenweiser, Gary 500Moloney, Lawrence 250Mondale, Pam 1,000Mondale, Ted 1,000Mondale, Walter 1,000Montague, Robert 1,000Moore, Jr, T.W. 500Moore, Victor 2,100Moosally, Beatrice 250Morgan, John 2,000Morgan, Sheila 2,000Morris, David 350Morrissey, Paul 300Moryn, Joel 2,000Moses, Jerrold 500Moss, Kate 250Mott, Joyce 250Mottaz, Thomas 1,000Mullin, Chouhei 250Mullin, William 1,000Mullins, Mallory 2,000Murphy, D.R. 250Musilek, Joseph 250Myhre, Allison 250Naftalin, Frances 350Nauen, Charles 1,000Nelson, Darby 800Nelson, Gregg 250Nelson, Linda 475Nelson, Russell 250Nelson, Wayne 500Nepp, James 300Ness, Mark 1,000Newman, David 450Newman, Harold 500Niemi, Roy 500Niemiec, Joan 2,000Niemiec, Richard 2,000Niess, Dennis 250Nisi, Kurt 1,000Njus, James 1,000Noblitt, Harding 500Nolan, Fred 350Nolan, Mark 350Noren, Jay 2,000Norgard, Tami 350Norris, Jane 250O' Connor, Patrick 1,000Oakes, J 250O'Berry, Betsy 500O'Brien, Georgia 350O'Brien, Kathleen 1,100O'Connor, Debra 250Odell, Robert 2,000O'Fallon, Daniel 700Ogaard, Donald 650Ogren, Sandra 300Okie, Mrs. Richardson 275Olson, Deborah 2,000Olson, Edgar 500Opperman, Darin 2,000Opperman, Vance 2,000Orloff, Steven 250Osborne, Burt 300111

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesOtis, Constance 750Ouse, Clifford 500Page, Mary Ann 400Pagel, Gary 500Paquin, Jerome 500Parker, Bruce 500Parkinson, Roger 1,000Paulucci, Jeno 2,000Paulucci, Lois 2,000Pauly, Daniel 250Pearce, Kathryn 250Pederson, James 300Perino, John 1,123Perlman, Lawrence 2,000Perlman, Linda 2,000Perovich, Elliott 650Perpich, George 800Perryman, Margaret 1,000Peterson, James 250Peterson, Kathleen 1,500Peterson, Kenneth 400Peterson, Larry 1,000Peterson, Patricia 400Peterson, Paul 250Peterson, Raymond 250Petrie, Arthur 500Petters, Thomas 500Pflaum, Peter 250Pflaum, Stephen 500Phelps, Paul 250Phillips, Morton 500Piper, Pat 275Plakut, Marvin 500Plunkett, Rick 1,700Pofahl, Pati Jo 1,000Pohlad, Carl 2,000Pohlad, Eloise 2,000Pohlad, James 2,000Pohlad, Michelle 2,000Pohlad, William 2,000Polk, Michael 300Porter, David 500Pratt, Harriet 1,000Pudas, Craig 2,000Quam, Lois 1,250Quam, Matthew 350Quinn, James 250Raabe, Mark 500Ramlet Hughes, Marsha 250Rasmusson, Maxine 400Ratchford, Barbara 250Rawlings, Vance 275Redmond, Jane 1,000Redmond, John 300Reed, Marna 250Reichert, Brent 500Reilly, Shannon 1,000Reinhardt, Hazel 250Remele Jr, Lewis 500Rerat, Eugene 1,000Reseland, Erik T. 260Reveal, Ernest 500Richter, Sherman 300Ridgeway, Rosalind 1,000Riehm, Harold 300Riley, Antoinette 300Riley, Peter 350Risbrudt, Peter 250Rivers, Bruce 250Robins, Jim 240Robins, Leonard 1,000Rodgers, Mark 530Roeder, Susan 250Rogers, Paul 400Rogosheske, Paul 450Rohde, Barbara 1,000Roitenberg, Harold 2,000Roitenberg, Ruth 2,000Rollins, David 1,000Romans, Lawrence 300Rood, Omar 2,000Rosenthal, Alan 1,500Rosenthal, Mary 250Ross, Barry 1,000Ross, Constance 250Ross, Francine 250Ross, Jeff 250Ross, Sterling 900Rothchild, Cornelia 750Rothchild, Kennon 1,000Rothchild, Nina 750Rothman, Michael 500Rudd, Gordon 1,000Ruddy, Mary 500Rufer, Stephen 450Ruff, Mark 250Ruggles, Steven 500Ruhe, Shirley 250Ruhland, Douglas 250Ruohonen, Richard 500Ryan, Catherine 300Ryan, James 500Ryder, Jaclyn 450Rynda, Douglas 500Saario, Terry 2,100Sabo, Martin 1,000Sabo, Sylvia 1,000Sackett, Thomas 1,000Safley, Diane 1,000Safley, Dianne 250Sahlstrom, S.D. 250Samargia, Jane 1,200Samargia, Jerry 250Sampson, Curtis 300Sampson, Randall 250Sand, Thomas 1,000Sandberg, Jeanne 300Sandstorm, David 1,000Sandstrom, David 500Sanger, Susan 300Sargeant, Donald 400Sather, Gail 1,250Sauer, Gary 1,000Sauer, Patricia 1,000Sawicki, Walter 500Schenian, Dale 300Schertlrer, Mary 375Scheu, James 275Schmitz, Gordon 250Schmitz, Kathy 300Schoenfelder, Gail 1,100Schriner, Maureen 250Schumeister, Steven 1,000Schutt, Pamela J. 1,900Schwanke, Lawrence 250Schwebel, James 700Schweiger, Aaron 250Schweiger, Paul 500Seck, Allan 1,000Seck, Timothy 300Segall, Miriam 250Seidl, James 500Sellner, Patrick 1,000Sheehy, John 2,000112

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesSheehy, Lee 600Shipstead, Susan 500Shively, W. Phillips 300Siddiqui, Ashraf 550Sieben, Harry 1,450Sieben, Joyce 700Sieben, Michael 1,250Sieben, William 1,000Sieff, Philip 950Sieloff, Ronald 500Siggerud, Charles 250Sikorski, Gerald 500Silberfeld, Roman 1,000Simmonds, Janice 2,000Simpkins, David 500Sinclair, James 450Skinner, Jane 500Skordahl, Kristy 700Sletten, Mr. Ivan 500Sletten, Mrs. Ivan 500Smedsrud, Jeffrey 700Smedsrud, M.E. 500Smith, Arch 2,000Smith, Louis 700Smith, Tina 2,000Snow, Michael 1,000Sobolik, Dennis 350Soderberg, Scott 250Solheim, Janet 768Solon, Paula 250Sparboe, Robert 400Sparby, Wallace 250Speedie, Marilyn 500Speer, Nancy 600Sperling, Jack 1,000Spillane, John 500Stankiewicz, Ellen 300Steadman, Michael 250Steenland, Douglas 500Steiner, Paul 400Steinworth, Jerome 500Stenson, Gary 300Stephenson, James 500Stillman, Michael 2,000Stokke, William 250Strauss, Joseph 300Streed, Mark 1,000Strong, Kevin 1,000Strusinski, Donna 1,000Stumpf, LeRoy 250Such, Michael 300Sullivan, Austin 500Sullivan, Bridget 250Sullivan, R.Patricia 250Sundquist, Russell 250Sutton, George 1,000Sutton, Tara 1,000Sweeney, Mike 250Swierzbin, B.J 250Tabarrok, Michael 1,000Tarkow, Howard 250Tashjian, Joseph 500Taylor, Glen 500Tennessen, Christine 1,000Tennessen, Kathleen 500Thakur, Mukhtar 500Thatcher, Paul Rexford 2,000Thell, Charles 1,000Thompson, Van 633Thorne, Georganne 500Thornley, Phyllis 350Thorson, Brian 1,215Tietjen, Randall 500Timm, Kathryn 750Timmons, Leo 375Torkelson, Jodie 500Tornblom, Scott 250Toscano, James 1,000Truen, Gerald 2,000Tschida, Jane 500Tunheim, Kathryn 600Turch, David 500Turner, Mary 500Turner, Ronald 250Tweten, Henry 400Ulland, Robert 500Underwood, Cecil 300Usem, Ronald 500Usem, Ruth 1,000Utter, Karen 300Vail, David 250Van Dyck, Sharon 250Vanasek, Mary 600Vandelist, Mark 250Vander Kooi, Benjamin 250Vanderlinden, James 300Varpness, James 360Vaughan, Angus 500Vaughan, Mary 750Vaughan, Peter 500Veis, David 500Velde, David 1,000Venaas, Thomas 250Vilmo, David 300Voss, Elaine 250Voss, Gordon 750Wade, Terry 1,000Wagner, Mary 325Wahlberg, Timothy 250Walbran, Mark 275Walburn, Roberta 1,000Wallin, Maxine 300Walser, R.J. 1,000Walters, Joe 250Wark, David 2,000Wark, Mary 2,000Watson, Steve 250Way, Ronald 450Wayne, Michelle 2,000Webster, Reede 792Webster, Steven 300Weed, Charles 250Weigum, M. Jeanne 225Weinblatt, Alan 500Weiser, Irving 250Weiser, Marjorie 250Weissbrodt, David 300Welch, Richard 500Wellman, James 500Wene, Edward 300Wenstrom, Gene 500Wheeler, Penny 300Whitmore, Barbara 300Wicks, Martrene 450Wieck, Colleen 300Wiener, Deanna 300Wigand, Lisa 500Wike, John 650Wildfang, K.Craig 2,000Wildmo, David 500Wilkens, Daniel 1,000Williams, Richard 250Williamson, Jane 2,000Williamson, Kurt 2,000113

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesWilson, Charles 250Wilson, Daniel 400Wilson, David 2,000Wilson, Gary 1,000Wilson, Richard 250Winkles, Elaine 300Winter, Marjorie 544Winton, Sarah 750Wivell, Martha K. 1,250Wojtalewicz, Brain 250Wray, Nancy 250Wurtele, Angus 1,000Wurtele, Margaret 1,500Yanisch, Stephen 250Yohe, Lance 1,000Young, Ellen 300Zelle, Charles 2,000Ahern, Michael 400Amundson, Kristen 2,200Anderson, Lee A 250Anderson, Wendell 2,000Anfang, Richard 600Apitz, John 250Arlandson, John 300Asunma, Randy 250Avner, Marcia 650Bachman, Peter 250Benner, Peter J 450Bohn, Ray 350Borman, Thomas H 2,000Breitinger, Jennifer 250Buckler, Robert B 250Campbell, Joan 250Carlson, Keith E 250Carnival, Douglas 500Chelseth, Archie D 300Choi, John 700Corbid, John 500Corrigan, Fred J 300Cullen, Patricia 250DeMay, James J 250Derus, John 250Dorfman, Glenn 250Doyle, O'Brien 300Driscoll, Edward J 1,250Elwood, Ron 1,100Erickson, James 2,000Espel, Larry D 500Fehrenbach, N. William 230Flahaven, Maureen C 300Flaherty, Dennis J 500Flaherty, Timothy 800Fleming, W. Morgan 600Franke, Roger 250Freeman, Iris C 250Frey, M. Ann 250Furrer, Cheryl 225Gabler, William 250Garst, Samuel D 1,650Goff, Robert 2,000Grabarski, Sam W 500Grindal, H. Theodore 2,000Gruber, Lynn 500Hahne, Kathryn S 350Hart Kajer, Andrea 489Hasbargen, Vernae 550Heaney, William M 300Herman, John 500Hofstede, Albert 500Holten, Cort 550Howard, James J 1,000Howard, Paula 2,000Huber, Mark 1,000Hylden, Nancy 500James, John 1,100Jennings, David M 500Jerich, Ronald 910Jerich, Valerie 500Jesson, Lucinda 350Johnson, James P 2,000Johnson, Patricia 250Johnson, Todd M 250Jorgensen, Julie 250Just, Myron 250Kaul, John 250Keefe, Elaine M 1,100Keefe, Steve 500Keith, A 2,000Keliher, Thomas 350Kelly, Jr, Michael F 500Kelm, Thomas A 500Klett, Rebecca 250Knapp, John A 2,000Kneeland, Christine 300Koehler, Thomas G 1,100Kozak, Andrew 900Kramer, Ross 1,000Krogstad, Dianna M 1,500Kvenvold, Gayle 450Lamb, Kathleen 2,000Larson, Nancy 450LaShomb, Robert 250Lundell, Bradley N 250Mahlum, William M 400Martin, Richard 500Martyn, Patrick J 1,500Maternowski, Joseph G 275McGrann, William 1,000McGreevy, James A 362Micheletti, Thomas 250Miller, Richard R 250Moe, Donald M 2,000Morris, William J 250Neerland, Charles S 250Novak, Steven G 300Olson, Allen I 250Orenstein, Howard 1,000Otis, Todd 850Parsons, Alvin L 550Rapp, Todd 1,000Redmond, Lawrence 1,350Rice, Brian 2,000Rowen, Robyn 250Rueben, Bruce J 500Ryan, Mary 400Samargia, Joe 600Sampson, Ellen G 450Scholen, Renee C 1,000Seck, Gerald 2,000Seck, Tim 300Shea, Andrew 250Sieben, James 250Skubic, Mark 300Spannaus, Warren 950Spano, Wyman 257Stanoch, John M 250Strusinski, William 655Sundberg, Lee 600Tanick, Marshall 500Tennessen, Robert 2,000Tilley, Barry 500Tufenk, Steven A 250Turner, Beverly 2,500Vento, Susan 2,000114

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesWaelti, Arlin B 250Waldron, Ray 300Walli, Kevin 400Westin, Charles W 2,000White, Byron 250Wicks, Larry E 450Wilson, Kingsley 300Wolkin, Stephanie C 350Young, Randall 250AFSCME Local 34 PEOPLE 500Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 100 750Bois Forte Political Education Fund 1,000Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers 1,000CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 300Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 500Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 2,000Committee of Nine PAC 1,000Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 750Communication Workers of America Lo 2,000CWA <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>State</strong> Council 1,000Dedicated Americans for the Senate 2,000Dorsey Political Fund 2,000Emily's List- Minn 1,000Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 2,000Fond du Lac Committee of Political 2,000Friends of DFL Women 500Gray Plant Mooty Mooty & Bennett 500IBEW 110 PAC 2,000IBEW Local 292 Political Education Fun 2,000Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 1,950International Union of Operating En 2,250Iron Workers Local 512 2,000Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 2,000Leonard, Street and Deinard PAC 500Lindquist & Vennum Political Fund 250Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joi 2,000Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 1,000Local 59 Political Fund 2,000Local 851 Political Action Committee 2,000Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 2,000Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 2,000M H H A PAC 1,000MAFMIC Political Action Committee 250Management Concerned for Public Edu 350MAPE-PAC 2,000Messerli & Kramer Political Action 500Minn AFL-CIO 2,000Minn Architects Political Action Co 500Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 1,000Minn Chiropractic Political Action 2,000Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 750Minn DRIVE 2,000Minn Health PAC 2,000Minn IBEW <strong>State</strong> Council 2,000Minn Licensed Beverage Assoc PAC 500Minn Manufactured Home PAC 250Minn Milk PAC 250Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA-P 2,000Minn PACE 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 2,000Minn Service Station Assoc 300Minn <strong>State</strong> Council of H.E.R.E. Unions 1,000Minn <strong>State</strong> MNPL 2,000Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 250Minneapolis Bldg & Construct Trades 500Minneapolis Central Labor Union Counc 2,000Minneapolis Downtown Council PAC 2,000Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 1,000Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 1,000Minneapolis Municipal Retirement Asso 2,000Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 1,000Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 500MN Corn 1,000Multi Housing Political Action Comm 2,000NCRCC-MN-PAC 2,000Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 500Painters Union Local No 61 Political Act 1,500PharmPAC 1,000Pipe Fitters Local 539 2,000Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 11 PAC 1,000Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 589 P 2,000Plumbers Local Union #15 COPE Acco 1,000Political Action Fund of Duluth Firefight 400Public Emp Pension Serv Assn (PEPS 500RKM&C Fund 2,000RMJ Political Fund 1,000Road PAC of Minn 2,000Savings Assns for Voter Educ & Respo 500SEIU Local 113 2,000Service Employees Intl Union 2,000Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 2,000SITCO PAC 500Sprinkler Fitters Local Union No 417 500St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 2,000Suburban School Emp Local 284 Pol A 2,000Transportation Political Education 2,000TRIAL-PAC 2,000U A Plumbers Local #34 Political Fund 1,000U of M Faculty Candidate Support Com 1,500UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Political 700United Steelworkers of America Dist 2,000VOTE - 66 250Winthrop & Weinstine, PA Political 1,000Anderson, Cyndi House Dist. 11A Com 350Finn, Harold Senate Dist. 4 Committee 2,000Julie Sabo Volunteer Committee 11,000Kelly, Randy C Senate Dist. 67 Commit 500Orfield (Myron) Volunteer Committee 2,000Pat Piper Volunteer Committee 1,000Roger Moe Volunteer Committee 7,500Democratic Governors Association 2,000Miles Lord and Associates 1,250Verizon Iowa <strong>State</strong> Good Government 500970,052Moe, Roger DFL 2*Tetzlof, Robert 200AFSCME Local 2938 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 500Pine Bend PAC 2001,850Moen, Jeff RPM 20ABig Stone County RPM 200House RPM Campaign Committee 500Lac qui Parle County RPM 1,921Lyon County RPM 200Swift County RPM 500Yellow Medicine County RPM 250Anderson, Arthur 500Anderson, Betty 500Kremer, Brian 200Kremer, David 200Kremer, Patrick 200Moen, Janice 500Moen, Sylvester 200Staley, Warren 250Committee for <strong>State</strong> Pro-life Candidates 435Citizens for Bob Ness 200Meyer (Maynard) for Representative 2507,005Moey, Ronald RPM 62B115

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign Committees5th Congressional District RPM 250Moey, Ronald 500Moey, Willard A 200Phillips, Kimberly K 135Royer, Kenneth W 200Twin Cities Republican Assn 200Mathias, Karen E House Dist. 62B* Co 2001,685Molitor, Dennis DFL 14A14th Senate District DFL 500Benton County DFL 450Feneis, Richard J 150Moran, Cynthia 150Moran, Manuel 150Dedicated Americans for the Senate 500Education Minn PAC 400Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joi 150Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 300MAPE-PAC 500Minn AFL-CIO 400Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn <strong>State</strong> MNPL 150PACE International Union 250Pipe Fitters Local 539 250TRIAL-PAC 2505,250Monson, Bradley RPM 9Becker County RPM 600Clay County RPM 1,000Traverse County RPM 500Wilkin County RPM 900Collins, Perry 150Monson, Bradley 1,250Nord, Wallace 200Sillers, Douglas 200Minn <strong>State</strong> Patrol Troopers Assoc 250Bob Westfall for Minn House 5005,550Moore, Michael DFL 2Moore, Michael 2,0002,000Morrison, Terry IPM 25AGraham, Tom 200Kurtzweg, Ronda 150Morrison, Helen 200Murphy, Pat 125Neer, Ed 300Neisen, Ken 200Nerud, Anthony 200Neugebauer, Robert 500Peterson, Dick 125Savage, Jean 125Spellacy, Mike 125Spellacy, Pat 1752,425Moua, Mee DFL 6767th Senate District DFL 1,100Andersen, Elmer 250Bloom, Pamela A 150Boss, W. Andrew 250Chang, Kao 175Denelsbeck, Susan M 150Dreier, Denise L 250Goff, Richard D 125Kaplan, Stanley 125Kaplan, Sylvia 125Kelly, Melanie L 250Lee, Teng 150Lilly, Perrin 425Moua, Chao T 150Moua, Vang T 150Regnier, Amy 250Regnier, Todd 250Rixmann, Brad 250Rixmann, Paul 500Rixmann, Wayne 500Thao, Yia 138Vang, Houa 138Wilkinson Donovan, Christine 125Choi, John 150Garvis, Nathan Keller 125Hardy, Daniel W 150Seck, Gerald 125Turner, Beverly 125Wiese, Sandra U 125CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 125CUVOL 125Dorsey Political Fund 125Education Minn PAC 400Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 225Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500IBEW 110 PAC 125Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200Leonard, Street and Deinard PAC 250Local 28 Political Fund 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 125Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Messerli & Kramer Political Action 125Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 125Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce 500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500TRIAL-PAC 250UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Political 20013,975Mullery, Joe DFL 58ABonner III, John 250Kantorowicz, Jerome J 250Lavorato, Cindy 125CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minneapolis Downtown Council PAC 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 2003,025Munger, Willard DFL 7A*Munger, Will Jr 525525Munnis, Paul DFL 29BOlmsted County DFL 200Education Minn PAC 250Local 851 Political Action Committee 200Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 3001,450Murphy, Christine DFL 36B36th Senate District DFL 250Raplinger, John 125Raplinger, Marylin 125Friends of DFL Women 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500116

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesPipe Fitters Local 539 250Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 300So Dakota Cty Labor Council COPE Fu 5003,050Murphy, Mary DFL 6BEducation Minn PAC 400Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200Local 552 Union 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 250Messerli & Kramer Political Action 200Minn <strong>State</strong> Patrol Troopers Assoc 200Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 300NCRCC-MN-PAC 500Political Action Fund of Duluth Firefight 200Rural Electric Political Action Comm 2003,400Murphy, Steven DFL 2828th Senate District DFL 2,500Berggren, Melissa 200Bolander, Dorothy 200CHESLEY, JEAN 150DOMKE, JEAN 200Isaacs, Fred 250Isaacs, John 250Mondale, Ted 250Ogara, Deborah 200Schoenfilder, Gail 500Sieben, William 500Sonnek, Larry 120Strilinski, Bill 200Wollschlager, Joe 500Zignego, Joseph 150Spano, Wyman 200CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 200Dorsey Political Fund 300Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Intl Brotherhood of Elec Wkrs - Com 250MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Soybean 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500Orfield (Myron) Volunteer Committee 50010,420Nagel, Debra Copa DFL 12B3rd Senate District DFL 500Crow Wing County DFL 950DFL House Caucus 500Morrison County DFL 700Batzer, Bruce 300Nagel, Ron 150Education Minn PAC 250Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 5004,450Nagorski, Stanley DFL 4Beltrami County DFL 1,470Cass County DFL 223Crow Wing County DFL 950Hubbard County DFL 2,355Brekke, Burma 200Cecil, Lorraine F 500Ehlert, John F. 200Moore, Timothy Q. 200Nagorski, Stan M 3,638Bemidji Central Labor Body AFL-CIO 250Clean Water Action Voter Education 145Education Minn PAC 400Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 300Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 250Leech Lake PAC 500Local 59 Political Fund 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn AFL-CIO 500Minn DRIVE 300Minn Health PAC 250Minn PEOPLE Committee 500NCRCC-MN-PAC 500Pipe Fitters Local 539 500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500TRIAL-PAC 250Finn, Harold Senate Dist. 4 Committee 500Kinkel, Anthony Senate Dist. 4* Comm 500Orfield (Myron) Volunteer Committee 50017,131Nelson, Bruce RPM 8Wigley, Barbara 125Wigley, Michael 125250Nelson, Carla Jean RPM 30A1st Congressional District RPM 1,150Olmsted County RPM 1,500Barber, James W. 150Barber, Kenna L. 150Barlow, Nora 250Barlow, Stephen 250Berndt, Daniel E. 200Berndt, Sandra L. 200Birdseye, Art 150Birdseye, Maryann 150Currie, Donna U. 125Currie, Michael J. 125DeWitz, Beverly 149DeWitz, Robert D. 150Gander, James L. 150Haselow, Robert 250Hubbard, Mrs. Stanley 250Hubbard, Stanley 250Huse, Bryan N. 500Huse, Deloris 500Huse, Mary 500Huse, Norman 500Kottschade, Franklin 200McNeilus, Garwin 250McNeilus, Marilee 250Nelson, Carla J 146Neumann, Julie A. 125Neumann, Michael A. 125Nobrega, Eileen 150Nobrega, Fred 150Penz, Lowell 250Penz, Teresa 250Pestka, Beth 150Pestka, Gerald 150Pierson, Nels 125Pierson, Nicole M. 125Pitzer, Kevin M. 125Pitzer, Mary B. 125Remick, Mary Ann 250Seeger, Ronald L. 125Seeger, Teresa A. 125Spears, Wayne 250Stewart, Howard 175Stewart, Janet 125Sullivan, Brian 250Sullivan, Mia 250117

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesUlrich, Bob 125Ulrich, Lia 125Weis, Darlene 250Weis, Joseph 250Wright, Jannelle W. 125Wright, Scott R. 125Zubay, Jerry 237Zubay, Ken 500Zubay, LeeAnn 200Zubay, Mary 250Cook, Judy 500Keith, A 200Wade, John 150Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200Jobs Political Fund 300Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 250Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 25016,382Nelson, Edward RPM 4646th Senate District RPM 2,000Don Kramer Senate Committee 500Jim Hubert Campaign Committee 200Tim Olson 2000 4003,100Nelson, Michael DFL 46A3rd Congressional District DFL 40046th Senate District DFL 3,850Monette, Robert 145Timm, Shirley Nelson 175Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 500Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Committee of Nine PAC 250Education Minn PAC 400Local 552 Union 200Local 59 Political Fund 300Local 851 Political Action Committee 500Minn AFL-CIO 500Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 250Orfield (Myron) Volunteer Committee 50010,020Nelson, Michael DFL 47A46th New Senate District DFL 1,000DFL House Caucus 3,900Cardinal, Dennis 125Cardinal, Gloria 125Rice, Brian 200Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 500Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 500Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & 500Local 851 Political Action Committe 500MAPE-PAC 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn <strong>State</strong> MNPL 200Pipe Fitters Local 539 250TRIAL-PAC 5009,800Nelson, Peter RPM 17B8th Congressional District RPM 1,000Chisago County RPM 1,055Hensel, Jeff 200Kaltenhauser, Judy 125Kaltenhauser, Ken 125Maloney, D. Robert 200Messin, Frank 450Messin, Marlene 450Olson, Michael 500Schmitz, John 200Stein, Debra 125Stein, James 125Cook, Judy 250Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Jobs Political Fund 200Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300SITCO PAC 250Citizens to Elect Ken Wolf 5006,555Nesheim, Lucy DFL 12ACrow Wing County DFL 950DFL House Caucus 700Brenny, Joseph 200Hinkar, Ruth 200Miner, Michael 200Nesheim, Christine 200Nesheim, Frank 200Olson, Verlyn 163Opperman, Vance 150Wayt, Char 130Dedicated Americans for the Senate 500Friends of DFL Women 500Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 200Local 59 Political Fund 500MAPE-PAC 500Minn AFL-CIO 400Minn Democrats 150Minn PEOPLE Committee 500NCRCC-MN-PAC 500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 250TRIAL-PAC 250MDU Resources Group 2007,543Ness, Robert RPM 20A*Independent Community Bankers of Mi 250MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Soybean 2501,150Neuville, Thomas RPM 25Sibley County RPM Party Exec Commit 250Barthel, Ronald 500Blaisdell, Linda 200Defries, Larry 150Ebling, Gary 150Enebak, Robert 200Falck, R. John 300Fausch, Guinevere 125Gargrave, Harold 300Gelle, Robert 200Grindal, Michelle 200King, Robert 200Murphy, Bronagh 150Pavek, Donald 200Sawyer, James 200Silkey, Jacqueline 125Simon, Roxanne 200Carlson, Joel 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 500NFIB/MN SAFE Trust 136People in Construction Political Action 200Rural Electric Political Action Comm 110SITCO PAC 2004,996Nienow, Sean RPM 178th Congressional District RPM 1,000Chisago County RPM 477Isanti County RPM 400118

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesJohnson, Brian 175Nienow, Cyndy 500Stein, James 200Sullivan, Brian 250Warring, Kathleen D 125Warring, Michael 125Wigley, Michael 250James Rostberg Volunteer Committee 1,322Nienow, Sean House Dist. 18A Commit 592Russ Goudge for <strong>State</strong> Rep 2005,616Nolde, John RPM 52BBoschwitz, Rudy 500Jennings, Cindy 500Jennings, David M 500Jennings, Lisa 500Jennings, Paul 500Jones, Norm 250Jones, Sandy 250Lafayette, Robert 250Luukkonen, Carol 248Luukkonen, Thomas 248Nehm, Rick 200Nolde, Donald 245Nolde, Elizabeth 250Nolde, Maggi 500Nolde, Marianne 245Nolde, Tim 500Winthrop & Weinstine, PA Political 5006,184Norman, Thomas IPM 6Norman, James 500Norman, Jason 500Norman, Jessica 500Norman, Karl 500Norman, Sandy 500Norman, Sherri 118Roche, Karen 3002,918Nornes, Larry RPM 10AOtterTail County RPM 500Dorn, Jeanette 200Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500MSA-PAC 2502,250Novak, Steven DFL 50Aplikowski, Beverly 200Blomquist, Roger V 200Brainerd, Mary 250Cavner, Catherine D 250Cavner, Hollis E 250De Marco, Alex H. 185De Marco, William J 185Dunbar, Frank C 500Dunbar, Mary E 500Erhart, Dan 250Erhart, Kathleen 250Grabanski Pohlad, Michelle 250Grindal, Michelle 250Ingrebrand-Pohlad, Mary 250Johnson, David H 250Klabunde, Karen 150Knickerbocker, Becky 200Kucera, Emil G. 125Lavorato, Cindy 250Lockridge, Mary Louise 250McCloskey, Terence J 175Nauen, Charles 250Novak, Barbara A 200Novak, Steven G 238O'Hern, Cassandra O. 250Ohman, Jack H 250Opperman, Corie 250Opperman, Darin 250Opperman, Dwight 250Opperman, Vance 500Pagh, Michael 200Perovich, Elliott 200Pohlad, Carl 250Pohlad, Eloise 250Pohlad, James 250Pohlad, Rebecca 250Pohlad, Robert 250Pohlad, William 250Rutstein, Harold 250Scheffknecht, John E 250Schenian, Dale 200Schmidt, Steven 250Schulte, Cynthia A 250Thell, Charles F 250Thompson, Barbara A. 200Thompson, Lowell D 200Ulrich, Bob 250Voss, Gordon 250Zikmund, Nyle 250Zikmund, Theresa 250Anfang, Richard 250Bell, Jerry 250Berglund, John F 200Bonner, John F 200Flaherty, Dennis J 200Goff, Robert 500Huepenbecker, William G 150Richardson, Mary I 200Richter, Trudy J 200Strauss, Joseph 250Widdess, Stewart K 500Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Firefighters Assoc of Mpls Political Fun 300Messerli & Kramer Political Action 500Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Power P A C 250Road PAC of Minn 500SITCO PAC 500Bill Lawrence Volunteer Committee 500Kelly, Randy C Senate Dist. 67* Commi 500Steve Novak for Governor 2,39121,949O'Berry, Betsy DFL 48B48th Senate District DFL 725Baumgartner, G. E. 250Beals, Nancy 250Blaha, Julie 250Chandler, Kathryn M 200Freeman, Jane C 250Grossman, Beverly N 250Grossman, Bud 250Hennek, David G 500Hennek, Gail 500Henrikson, Virginia 200Holtzclaw, Catherine 150Landon, Roger 250Menth, Jeff 155O'Berry, Betsy 565O'Berry, Jon 111Pallansch, Claudia 250Palm, Karen R 200Quist, Robert M 150Robert, Janet 200119

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesSitz, Erika 200Tate, Suzanne L 200Tetzloff, Robert 210Vernon, Dale T 250Education Minn PAC 400Friends of DFL Women 500Local 851 Political Action Committee 500Minn AFL-CIO 250Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 500Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500TRIAL-PAC 250UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Political 200(Kathleen )Sekhon Campaign Committe 500Campaign for Vince Stevens 210Jerry Newton Campaign Committee 300King (Maria) Campaign Committee 50011,925Oines, Eric GPM 58ADowds, Jim 200Oines, Sharon 500700Oliver, Edward RPM 43*Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500IFAPAC Minn 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 5001,500Olsen, Stephanie RPM 47B3rd Congressional District RPM 50047th Senate District RPM 1,690Dejournett, Todd 500Haglund, James 250Haglund, Kathleen 250Hamilton, Eleanor 250Hamilton, Harold 250Hubbard, Stanley 500Simenas, Jennifer 500Wigley, Michael 250Breitinger, Jennifer 200CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 250Insurance Federation Political Acti 250Jobs Political Fund 400MABC PAC 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Eye PAC 250MSA-PAC 250SITCO PAC 250Citizens to Elect Ken Wolf 500Harry Mares Volunteer Committee 2509,090Olson, David DFL 35BOlson, Delores 300Olson, Sharon 300Education Minn PAC 400Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 5002,000Olson, Gen RPM 33Fayfield, Mary 500Jabbour, Gabriel 200Kordonowy, Thomas 500Kretsch, Kevin 250Kretsch, Patricia 250Lindholm, C Paul 200Lurton, William 250Nagorski, Lynn 250Otten, Louise 500Smith, Gregory J 250Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Williams, Dan 200CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 200SOF - PAC 2004,750Olson, Mark RPM 16BSherburne County RPM 210Heikes, Bruce 150Heikes, Laurie 150Holter, George 500Kjellberg, Kent 200Morrell, Jay C 300Olson, Malcolm 125Olson, Steven 125Page, Gregory 250Sullivan, Brian 500Wenmark, William 350Twin Cities Republican Assn 2003,060Olson, Randy DFL 13ABrian Olson for Senate 500500O'Neil, Julie N/A 4-60Plahn, Katherine Chang 750O'Neil, Julie 10,79811,548Opatz, Joseph DFL 15B15th Senate District DFL 350Sherburne County DFL 150CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200IBEW Local 292 Political Education 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 200Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux <strong>2002</strong>,100Orfield, Myron DFL 60*Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 5001,500Ortman, Julianne RPM 342nd Congressional District RPM 250Carver County RPM 1,000Senate Victory Fund 3,650Andersen, Colleen 500Anderson, Mark 150Atkinson, Bobby 250Atkinson, Marilyn 250Basset, Jeanine 200Bergquist, Steve 150Bright, Janet 250Bright, Sam 250Brunberg, W Thomas 150Budlong, Irving 500Burke, Jeanne 200Burns, Michael 128Burton, Michael 200Cooper, Joel 150Devine, Thomas 250Dimler, Ursula 150Goodman, John 500Grant, Gary 300Habiger, Charles 500Henderson, William 200120

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesHoffman, Paul 500Jabbour, Colleen 200Jabbour, Gabriel 200Jeffrey, Dypwick 400Johnson, Bradley 175Johnson, Karol 175Johnson, Peter 200Lerschen, Barbara 150Lundquist, Brian 150Mackay, Marshall 150Mancino, Nancy 150Mendez, Frank 250Mitchell, Kim 150Murphy, Patrick 250Neumann, Linda 150Neumann, Paul 150Newinski, David 150Norby, Kevin 150Nyen, Jennifer 500Perry, Brett 200Petersen, Lois 125Przymus, John 500Quaintance, Kurt 150Ryan, Ellen 500Ryan, Jan 250Ryan, R.C. 500Ryan, Robert C 250Scherff, Karen 200Schoenwetter, Nancy 250Senn, Mark 150Shaver, William 300Shoemaker, Ruth 200Sullivan, Brian 500Swan, Suzanne 150Tatge, Beth 500Truempi, Dennis 200Williams, David 250Williams, Laurie 250Weaver, Pam 150BAM-PAC 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 300Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Food PAC of Minn 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 250IFAPAC Minn 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 400Jobs Political Fund 300MABC PAC 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500SITCO PAC 25023,803Osskopp, Michael RPM 29B*Independent Community Bankers of Mi 250Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Soybean 2501,000Osterman, T Lynne RPM 45A3rd Congressional District RPM 50041st Senate District RPM 1,300Anfang, Heather 125Anfang, Matt 125Bullet, Steve 150Cook, Diane 250Cook, James 250Hagen, Luaina 250Hill, Jeanette 250Hubbard, Julie 250Meier, Jan 150Meier, Rick 150Murray, Dana 125Osterman, Shayla 200Ulrich, Bob 250Wehling, Fred 250Wehling, Terri 250Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Grindal, H. Theodore 250Hospitality Political Action Committee 500IFAPAC Minn 200Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 500Minn Eye PAC 250MSA-PAC 250SITCO PAC 250Citizens for Bob Ness 200Margaret Leppik Volunteer Committee 2,000Tim Olson 2000 40010,125Osthoff, Tom DFL 66A*Seck, Gerald 750Dorsey Political Fund 200Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 5001,450Otness, Andy IPM 413rd Congressional District IPM 200Bonaparte, Janet 150Brachlow, Stephen 200Burdick, Mary 200Gagnon, Pam 150Otness, James 200Otness, Mary 500Roach-Bastian, Darleen 150Strickland, Jeffrey S 200Watson, Mary 1102,060Otremba, Mary Ellen DFL 11BDouglas County DFL 250Bisignani, Mark 250Kosiak, John 250Spears, Wayne 200Wangsness, John 150Wong, Vichaivood 150Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 200Edmund Burke PAC 200Local 59 Political Fund 500Local 851 Political Action Committee 200MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn AFL-CIO 500Minn Health PAC 250Pipe Fitters Local 539 5003,850Otto, Rebecca DFL 52B52nd Senate District DFL 1,00056th Senate District DFL 250DFL House Caucus 500Anderson, Dale 175Anderson, Nancy 175Baird, Nancy 200Bunn, Julie 200Christopher, Katherine 150Cowles, John 150Dayton, Mark 250Dietz, Diane 200Dietz, Diane J 150Eggers, William 550Entenza, Matthew 250Forciea, Cathy 250Forciea, Patrick 250Gunderson, Marlon 200Lourey, Becky 200McNellis, Mary 200121

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMorrison, John V 125Morrison, Mary D 125Otto, Rebecca 500Quam, Lois 250Schweiger McNellis, Mary 200Tollefsrud, Carol 200Turner, Adoness 250Wade, Terry 250Waller, John 250Wollschlager, Sandra 125ARC PAC of Minn 150Clean Water Action Voter Education 300Education Minn PAC 625Friends of DFL Women 1,000IBEW 110 PAC 800Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 300Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joi 500Local 28 Political Fund 400Minn AFL-CIO 600Minn IBEW <strong>State</strong> Council 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 1,000RKM&C Fund 500St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 1,000St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 301TRIAL-PAC 500Volunteers for Paul Teske 1,00017,051Ourada, Mark RPM 19Wright County RPM 300Ames, GeorgeAnn 350Ames, Richard 350Demeules, Richard 250Demeules, Sue 250Eaton, David 250Eaton, Diane 250Veit, Vaughn 500Bartley, Wilford 125Rice, Brian 200Weaver, Thomas 200Ames Construction PAC 200BAM-PAC 150Committee of Nine PAC 200Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 300MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 250Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 300Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Power P A C 250Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 2506,075Ozment, Dennis RPM 37BBeltz, Karen 200Beltz, Mark 200Pawlenty, Tim 250Ulrich, Bob 250Seck, Gerald 250Strusinski, William 200Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Education Minn PAC 400MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 500Pine Bend PAC 200Sprinkler Fitters Local Union No 417 200Ness (Lance) Volunteer Committee 5004,500Pappas, Sandra DFL 65Corporaal, George 200Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 300Leonard, Street and Deinard PAC 160Local 59 Political Fund 200Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 200SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 5004,210Pariseau, Patricia RPM 3636th Senate District RPM 525Foster-Smith, Karl 125McMillan, Diane 125Rousey, Steven 125Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Committee of Nine PAC 200Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 500Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 200Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Eye PAC 250Minn Health PAC 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 250Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200MSA-PAC 250Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250People in Construction Political Action 200Pine Bend PAC 200(Steve) Strachan Volunteer Committee 3305,630Paulsen, Erik RPM 42BMcCarthy, Donald 200Rogers, James 350Smith, Richard 300Tostrud, Eric 350Wigley, Michael 250Gallaher, Harry 200Grindal, H. Theodore 250Poul, Thomas J 250Sandberg, Christopher <strong>2002</strong>,350Pawlenty, Timothy RPMClay County RPM 600McLeod County RPM 500Redwood County RPM 500Republican Party of Minn 500,000Traverse County RPM 250Wadena County RPM 500Abood, Thomas 250Adams, Edward 500Adamson, Thomas 350Adwell, Jerry 300Akradi, Bahram 2,000Akradi, Bijan 500Akradi, Lydia 500Aksoz, Kenan 713Albrecht, Arlin 1,000Albrecht, Marilyn 1,000Alexander, John 850Alexander, Mary 2,000Alexander, Patrick 2,000Alkire, Gary 500Allen, Burton 600122

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesAllen, John 898Allen, Rebecca 898Allex, George 2,000Allex, Gordon 2,000Almquist, Adrian 1,000Almquist, Sally 1,000Ames, Karen 2,500Ames, Raymond 2,500Ames, Richard 250Amiot, Darrel 2,000Amiot, Virginia 2,000Amoth, Dennis 1,000Anderson Jr, Lee 500Anderson, Barbara 2,000Anderson, Brian 500Anderson, Charles 300Anderson, Dennis 2,150Anderson, George 2,000Anderson, Janice 500Anderson, Kristin 500Anderson, Michael 410Anderson, Paul J. 500Anderson, Ralph 662Anderson, Terry 600Andrus, James 1,000Ankeny, Dewalt 1,000Ankeny, Marie 500Aplikowski, Beverly 500Arcand, Howard 450Arends, Beth 250Arney, Joel 400Artimovich, Lana 250Artimovich, Lee 250Ashton, Marie 2,000Asplin, Eleanor W. 500Atherton, Danna 250Atterholt, Perry 1,000Atterholt, Rebecca 1,000Auth, Thomas 250Ayres, Debra 250Ayres, Michael 250Azzone, Tom 1,000Baker Jr, Looe 500Baker, Mary 500Baker, Stephen 217Bame, Christian 250Barlow, Stephen 1,000Barry, B. John 2,000Bartell, James 300Barthel, Joseph 250Bartling, Linda 350Bartling, Peter 350Barton, Raymond 2,000Bauch, Walter 1,000Baukol, Gay 1,000Baumer, Jeffrey 569Baumer, Jill 569Beadle, Edward 250Beauchine, Fay 250Beck, James 250Becker, Douglas 500Becker, Heidi 600Beddow, Kathleen 675Bednarczyk, Colette 250Bednarczyk, W William 250Beebe, David 250Belgrade, Charles 300Bennett, Jay 500Benson, Barbara 250Benson, John 250Benson, Kenneth 500Bentdahl, EE 1,000Bentdahl, Shirley 1,000Bergquist, Carl 1,000Bergquist, Elizabeth 1,000Berman, Toby 675Bert, Jack 500Bert, Mary 250Bierbrauer, Carol 500Bierle, Donald 2,000Bierle, Vernee 2,000Bigwood, Mrs Robert 325Bigwood, Robert 225Bills, Fred 325Binder, Dee 250Binder, Lonny 250Binger, James 750Binger, Virginia 750Bissonett, James 1,000Bjerke, Scott 250Bjorgen, John 250Bjorkman, John 250Bjornnes Jr, Norman 350Black, Jan 500Black, Lance 250Black, Michael 500Blakeslee, Kristin 500Blanning-Weber, Natalie 500Blease, Jeffrey 250Bloom, Steven 1,000Boardman, Sue 225Bodenhamer, Albert 250Boehnen, David 250Boehnen, Shari 250Boelter, Linda 250Boelter, Philip 250Bondhus, Larry 250Bonner III, John 500Bonrud, Dean 250Boosalis, Peter 1,000Boosalis, Susan 1,000Borgerding, Shirley 250Born, Richard 3,000Boss II, John 909Boyce, Jean 250Boyce, Jeff 250Boyd, Darrell 300Bradley, Michelle 500Bradley, Thomas 500Brady, Coleen 450Brandt, John 215Brandt, Marlene 500Brandt, Ray 500Braun, Ann 250Braun, Brad 250Braun, Jeanne 901Breckner, Andrea 250Breen, Kari 250Brehm III, Edward 750Brehm, Kristin 750Brehm, Ward 500Brekke, Diane 250Brekke, Keith 250Bremer, Jerry 250Bremer, Shari 250Brener, Maureen 250Bridwell, Gerald 500Bridwell, Julianne 500Brimacomb, Kelly 250Brimacomb, Richard 250Brink, Paul 500Brockman, John 500Brockman, Peggy 500Brooks, Conley 500123

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesBrooks, David 1,000Brooks, Joan 250Brooks, John 250Brooks, Juanae 300Brown, Michael 250Bruckner, W Joseph 250Brunnette, Daniel 278Brust, Susan 250Brust, Thomas 250Bryant, Lynette 500Bryant, Steven 1,000Brzica, Stephen 250Buckley, Elizabeth 250Budd Jr, Stephen 600Buhl, Gregory 250Bujarski, Marcel 210Burgeson, Brian 250Burgeson, John 250Burke, Miller 250Burke, Richard 250Burns, Richard 1,000Bursch, Frederic 500Burwell, Barbara 1,000Burwell, Rodney 1,000Buscher, Brad 1,000Bush, Walter 500Butler, Peter 750Buxton, Linda 250Buxton, Norma 1,000Buxton, Winslow 250Cady, Alfred 1,100Cady, Toni 1,100Cafferty, Lee 250Cairncross, Sean 225Cameron, Kenneth 500Cameron, Nancy 500Cammack, Ann 500Cammack, Rich 500Campbell, Jon R 500Campbell, Susan 400Capen, Gary 500Carlsen, David 250Carlsen, David R 500Carlson Nelson, Marilyn 1,000Carpenter, Elsa 350Carpenter, Walter 350Carter, Joanne 250Carter, Stephen 250Cashin, Timothy 1,000Cassell, Carol 250Cassell, George 250Chozen, Laurie Ann 300Christensen, Amy 2,000Christensen, Judith 2,000Christensen, McCord 2,000Christensen, Raymond 250Christiansen, Amy Sue 1,000Christiansen, Brent 1,000Christie, Jon 250Christopherson, Todd 250Christy, Allen 750Christy, Junelle 750Chute, Fred 500Clark, Kirsten 500Clark, Larry 500Cleveland, Charles A. 2,000Cobb, Elliott 500Coborn, Daniel 1,000Cole, Christopher 250Coleman, Douglas 625Colich, Phil 500Colon, Martin 250Commers, Angela 300Commers, Clement 250Commers, Constance 1,000Commers, Dan 300Commers, Frederick 1,000Commers, Joseph 500Commers, Molly 250Connolly, Meg M. 850Conroy, Timothy 1,000Cook, Brad 250Cook, Richard 625Cords, Allen 250Cords, Genevieve 250Cornelius, Dennis 250Cornelius, Robert 1,000Coughlan, Jay 1,000Coughlan, Jule 1,000Cragle, Stephen 250Cragun, MK 850Crawford, Beth 600Crawford, Robert 600Cree, Mark 1,000Cree, Nancy 1,000Cress, Dave 250Crooks, Glynn 250Crosby Jr, Thomas K. 400Cullen, Hugh 500Cullen, Melissa 500Cummins, Carl 250Cummins, Joan 2,000Cummins, Robert 2,000Cusick, Thomas 500Cussons, Jackson 350Cutlan, Gregory 300Dahlberg, Burton 350Dahlin, Jill 2,000Daly, Denis 1,000Daly, Josephine 500D'Aquila, Carl 300Dasburg, John 500Dasburg, Mary Lou 1,000Davis, Anne 500Davis, Frances 500Davis, James L 300Davis, Jon 500Davis, Mark 1,000Davis, Martin 500Davis, Mitchell 500Dawson, Kenneth 2,000Dederick, Anita 250Dederick, Gerald 250Deeney, Catherine 250Deeney, Lawrence 250Dehen, James J 250Dekko, Dorothie 250Dekko, Jeffrey 1,000Deleo, Susan 220Deming, David 250Deming, Teresa 250Denny Jr, Charles 2,000DeSimone, Livio 2,000Detlefsen, Kirk 300Dey, Caroline 210Dien, Catherine 250Dien, Philip 250Diessner, Dennis 500Dietzen, Peg M. 400Dioury, Mohamed 300Dobbs, Jeff 1,000Dobbs, Kay 1,000Dodge, Olivia 250Doherty, Timothy 2,000124

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesDoherty, Valerie 2,000Dolphin, Dorothy 500Dolphin, Kathleen 500Donaldson, Frank 250Donaldson, John 500Dondelinger, DJ 1,000Donnelly III, Stan 2,000Donnelly, Mary 2,000Donohue, Patrick J 500Donovan, Patrick 500Dorn, Gail 2,000Douglass, Emily 1,000Douglass, John 1,000Dowdle, Anne 250Dowling, Joe 250Doyle, Dennis 2,000Doyle, Megan 2,000Drake, Carl 250Drake, Charlotte 250Driano Jr, Dominick 250Driano, Nancy 250Drill, Scott 1,000Driscoll, Lee 500Driscoll, W John 500Drogt, JA 250Drogt, Karen 250Drown, John 500Drown, Patricia 500Dryden, Forrest 400Duckstad, Jon 650Dudley, Catherine 250Dudley, James 500Duff, Andrew 250Duininck, Connie 500Duininck, Harris 500Dunkley, Barbra 1,000Dunkley, Chad 1,000Dunkley, Susan 1,000Dunkley, William 1,000Durenberger, Charles 500Durenberger, David 1,000Dwyer Bagley, M. Wendell 250Dyke, David 375Dyke, John 550Eastling, David 300Eaton, Diane 500Eckles, Cally 550Edmunds, Robert 500Ehrmann, Kathryn 1,000Eibensteiner, Becky 500Eibensteiner, Joseph 530Eibensteiner, Keith 2,000Eibensteiner, Marcel 2,000Eisele, Jonathan 1,000Ellison, Carolyn 387Ellison, Victor 637Emery, Ann 500Engelsma, Bruce 500Engle, John 300Erdahl, Lars 500Erdahl, Molly 500Erhardt, Ronnie 335Ericksen, Alfred 250Ericksen, Sharan 250Erickson, John A. 1,000Erickson, Karen 500Erickson, Kristine 1,000Erickson, Ronald 1,000Evans, Janet C 250Evenstad, Grace 2,000Evenstad, Kenneth 2,000Evrard, John 351Evrard, Lita 351Faris, Andrew 250Faris, Heidi 250Farley, Patrick 500Farrish, John 250Farstad, Kathy 1,000Fayette, Mark 500Fayfield, Robert 2,000Fenstermaker, Douglas 750Fenstermaker, Margaret 500Ferrian, Gregory 250Feuling, Linda 600Field, Litton E.S. 1,000Finley, Linda 2,000Finley, Timothy 2,000Fischbach, Michelle 500Fish, Irving 1,000Fiterman, Ben 250Fiterman, Bernice 250Fiterman, Dolly 800Fitzgerald, Dave 225Fitzgerald, Helen 225Flahave, Dennis 500Flaherty, Edward 850Flynn, Diane 250Flynn, Helen 250Flynn, Michael 1,000Flynn, Thomas J. 250Flynn, Thomas P. 250Flynn, Vincent 500Forsythe, Anne 250Forsythe, John 225Foss, J. Frank 325Foster, Mark 250Frandsen, Dennis 1,000Frankman, Leland 250Franz, Timothy 500Frattalone, Frank 250Frauenshuh, David 750Frauenshuh, Sandra 250Frecon, Leslie 250Frenz, Stephen 300Frenzel, William 1,000Frey, James 2,000Frey, John 2,000Frey, Mary 2,000Freytag, James 350Frick, Stuart 250Fulton, Douglas 250Furrie, AL 450Gadel, Greg 500Gadel, Virginia 500Gallivan Jr, Robert 500Galvin, Michael J. 250Garrity, Ann 250Garry, Daniel 250Garske, Charlotte 250Garske, Stephen 500Gehrke, Allen J 250Geiger, Earl 500Geiger, Virginia 500Georgacas, Sue 1,000Gergen, Mark 1,000Gesme, Charles 500Gibbs, John 2,000Gibbs, Theresa 2,000Gigerich, David 500Gigerich, Kristine 250Gildea, Andrew 760Gleeson, Daniel 300Gleichert, Gregg C. 1,000Glumack, Jenny 300125

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesGoettsch, Dennis 500Gostomski, Joette 500Gostomski, Michael 500Gracyalny, Jerome 300Gramling, Dave 300Graybow, Bruce 250Graybow, Caree 250Green, Joseph 600Greiner, Jeffrey 1,000Greiner, Teri 500Greve, Pam 400Griffin, Donald 250Griffin, Ellen 250Griffith, John 1,000Grimm, Jodi 250Grimm, William 250Grodahl, Barbara 2,000Grodahl, Robert 2,000Grossfield, Marc 250Gruenes, Margaret 835Grundhofer, Jack 1,000Grundhofer, Kathleen 2,000Gruss, Mark 1,000Gullickson, William 700Gulseth, Matt 350Gust, Louis 250Gustafson, David 313Gustafson, Eric 575Gustafson, Wallace 500Haddad, Grace 1,000Hageman, Robert 1,000Hagen, Hans T 500Hagen, Luaina 1,000Haglund, James 2,000Haglund, Kathleen 2,000Halbasch, Bruce 250Hale, James 600Hale, Mrs James 500Hamilton, Eleanor 2,000Hamilton, Harold 2,000Hamm, Edward 2,000Hamm, Richard 250Hammerly, Harry 1,900Hammerly, Lorraine 1,000Hansen, Allen 250Hansen, Jake 250Hansen, Jane 300Hanson, Howard 500Hanson, Melony 1,000Hanson, Robert 1,000Harms, Brent 250Harms, Catherine 250Haselow, Robert 1,000Haslerud, Bruce 300Hauge, Leah 250Haugen, Gary J 1,500Hausladen, Carla 250Hawkinson, Mark 250Hay, Thomas 2,000Hays, Chris 1,000Heath, Vernon 1,000Hedberg, John 250Hehir, Denise 1,000Hehir, Stephen 1,000Heithoff, Kenneth 2,000Hendrickson, Lawrence 500Hentges, Judith 500Hepp, Bradley 1,000Herman, John W 250Herman, Kathleen 1,000Herman, Lamont 1,000Hermel, Darcy 500Hermel, David 500Herr, David 250Herr, Mary Kay 250Herriges, Kenneth 375Herring, Andrew 250Heslep, Grant 250Heslep, Lori 250Hilker, Georgeanne 250Hill, Jeannette 800Hilla, Joseph 250Hillstrom, Anne 250Hillstrom, Scott 300Hinderaker, Loree 300Hockert, Carol 450Hodder, WA 1,000Hoedeman, George 500Hoey, Diane 250Hoff, D.A. 600Hoffman, Gregory 250Hogan, Randall 1,000Hogan, Sara 1,000Hollonquest, Barbara 250Holmen Hubbard, Karen 2,000Holmquist, James 2,000Holmquist, Lisa 2,000Hook, Gary 250Hook, Janet 250Hooley, John 250Hooper, Shawn 375Hopeman, Jane 500Hopeman, Jon 500Hopf, Catherine 500Hopf, Patrick 500Hopp, Deborah 500Hopper, Robert 500Hosch, Robert 550Howard, James 750Howse, Craig 550Howse, Lisa 550Hoyt, Greg 250Hoyt, Patricia 250Hsiao, Hoyt 250Hubbard, Robert 1,000Hubbard, Stanley 3,000Hubers, David 500Hubers, Shirley 500Hudgens, Johnny 250Hudlow, WM. J. 250Hudson, Linnea 1,000Hughes, Keith 350Humboldt, Robert 500Hunt, Louis 400Hunt, Marsha 500Hunt, Virginia 400Hunter, Shawn 1,100Huntting, James 500Hustin, Richard 1,000Ingleman, John 250Irvine, John 250Irvine, Mrs John 250Ives, Michael 250Jabbour, Gabriel 1,000Jackman, Michael 1,000Jacobs, Harlan 250Jacobson, D.W. 1,700Jacobson, Deborah 500Jacobson, Peter 500Jaeger, Barry 250Jaeger, Lori 250Jandric, Frank 500Jarocki, James 500Jarpe, Geoffrey 300126

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesJaspers, Anthony C. 250Javens, Duane 1,000Jeffers, Susan 500Jennings, David M 250Jennings, Paul 250Jennings, Steven C 250Jerome, Billie Jean 250Jerome, Jerome 250Jodl, Jacqueline 1,000Johannson, John 800Johnson, Craig 300Johnson, David A. 500Johnson, Joel W 1,000Johnson, Kelli 250Johnson, Wayne 250Johnson,Laura 250Johnson,Mark 250Jones, Mary 2,000Jones, Theresa 210Jorgensen, Paul 250Jossart, Mark 250Kadlec, Thomas 500Kaemmer, Martha 1,000Kaminski, M G. 250Kamp, Cheri 250Kamp, Thomas G 250Kanuit, Gary 250Kazeminy, Jibil 2,000Kazeminy, Nader 2,000Keenan III, William 1,000Keliher, Judith 900Kelleher, Robin 700Kelly, Warren 250Kempe, Jeanne 250Kempe, John R 250Kennedy, Honora 250Kennedy, Mary 250Kennedy, Steven 250Kernan, Edward J. 250Kernan, Laureen 250Kerr, Carol Ann 250Kessler, Irvin 2,000King, Lawrence 750King, Peter 1,000Kinkead, John 400Kinney, E Robert 500Kinney, Peter 500Kirtland, Richard 300Kitchak, Patricia 1,000Kitchak, Peter 1,000Klas Jr, Robert 350Klas, Alexandra 2,000Klas, Robert 2,000Kleckner, William 500Kline Jr, John 225Kline, Vicky 325Klodt, Kevin 1,000Klodt, Mrs. Paul 1,000Klodt, Paul 1,000Kmetz-Sheehy, Andrea 500Knaak, Frederic 1,000Knoke, Carla 1,000Knoke, Les 1,000Knudsvig, Brian 300Knuth, Steven 300Koalska, Gregory 250Kohaut, Joseph 500Kolbo, Kirk 800Konold, Bruce 275Konold, Tamera 275Kopp, Barbara 250Kopp, Debbie 250Kopp, L C. 250Kopp, Mary 250Kopp, Terrence 250Kordonowy, Thomas 2,000Kottemann, William 500Kramer, Linda 425Kramer, Randy 775Kuhrmeyer, Carl 250Kunin, David 500Kurtz, Michael 250Kurtz, Patricia 250Lafave, James E. 250Lafrence, Andrew 527Lambrecht, Bruce 1,250Landrus, Tracey 250Landsburg, Marie 1,000Landsburg, Roger 1,000Lang, Theodora 500Langlais, Janet 500Langlais, Richard 600Larson, Dale 500Larson, John O. 500Larson, Kathleen M. 500Larson, Vern 500Lasky, Joseph 250Lasky, Wendy 250Lastavich, Dan 500Lastavich, Joanne 500Lastavich, Michael 1,000Lathrop, Miland 300Lazarus, Barry 250Leary, James 250Leckey, David 250Leggott, Anita L 500Lehmann, Robert 250Lenzen, David 250Lewandowski, Lanee 750Lewandowski, Rick 250Liefschultz, Dee Dee 1,000Liefschultz, Steven 1,000Lien, Kim 225Liesch, Brian 450Liesch, Hollace 450Lindahl, John 1,000Lindbloom, Paul 300Lindon, Carrie 500Lindon, Matthew 500Lockridge, Mary Louise 500Longley, Chris 786Longley, Nancy 586Lovell Jr, William 300Lowe, James R 750Lowe, Mari 2,000Lowther, Michael 500Lowther, Myron 500Lubben, David 1,000Lucker, Donald 1,000Ludcke, George 250Ludcke, Georgianna 250Ludeman, Ivan 400Ludwick, Harriet 1,000Ludwick, William 1,000Luebstorf, Jon 350Lueck, Martin 500Lund, Pamela 250Lund, Robert 250Lundell, Leroy 250Lundstrom, L.N. 1,000Lupient, Barbara 500Lurton, H William 500Lurton, Susan 500Maas Girard, Becky 500127

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMaas, Philip 1,000Macaluso, Michael 250MacMillan, W Duncan 500MacMillan, Whitney 1,000Madison, Marilyn 250Maglich, Michael 550Makarikhalilpoor, Afsaneh 250Makens, Leonard 2,250Mansfield, Ellen 1,000Mansourian, Gregory 300Manthey, Paul 250Mark, Brian 1,000Markoe, Peter 1,500Marrs, Larry 250Mars Jr, Robert 550Marsden, Adrian 500Marshall, Andrew 250Marttila, James 250Marvin, John 500Marvin, Susan 1,200Marvin, William 750Mason, Arthur 500Mason, Ronald 250Mason, Thomas 1,000Mathiowetz, Brian 750Mathiowetz, Ronda 750Mathy, Charles 1,000Mathy, Leah 1,000Mathy, LeeAnn 1,000Mathy, Steven 1,000Mattson, Richard 250Matz, Greg 500Maxson, John 1,000Mayers, Alice 325Mayers, Aloysius 625Mc Donald, John J 1,000McCaffery, Gene 2,000McCain Jr, Donovan 300McCarthy, Edwin 2,000McClintock, George 1,000McCormack, Rosemarie 500McCormack, William 500McCrossan, Charles 500McCullogh, Jim 300McCune, John 250McDonald Jr, John 250McDonald, Ann 500McDonald, Charles 375McDonald, John J 250McDonald, Judith 275McDonald, Malcolm 275McFarland, Richard 2,000McGee, Denise 600McGee, Richard 500McGough, Andrea 300McGough, Lawrence 300McGrath, Lee 750McGuire, A. W. 250McGuire, Nadine 1,000McGuire, William 1,000McLeod, Jeanne 250McLeod, William 250McMahon, Robert 1,000McMahon, Teresa 1,000McMillan, Douglas 2,000McNamara, Richard 2,000McNearney, James 300McNearney, Juliet 300McNeilus, Marilee 500McQuillan, Jane 500McQuinn, Alvin 500Mech, Robert 400Meilander, Thomas 300Menard, Jean 325Mershon, Jan 1,000Messerli, William 500Metzger, Michael 500Meuers, Virginia 350Meyer, Daniel 250Meyer, Ellen 250Meyerle, Kathleen 350Michaels, Lorie 1,000Michaels, Robert 1,000Michel, Cheryl 250Michel, Steve 250Michels, Daniel 600Milbert, Robert 250Milbert, Victoria 250Milis, Robert 250Miller, Darcy L 300Miller, Kenneth R. 225Miller, Lana 500Miller, William 500Mills Jr, Stewart C 1,000Minar, Cush 500Miner, Jerome 500Mitsch, Marilyn 500Mitsch, Ronald 500Mohebbiabivardi, Aliasghar 250Molnau, Carol 500Molnau, Steve 500Monson, D Jon 250Monson, Mary 250Montague, Christine 250Montague, Robert 250Moore, Marnie 242Moorhouse, Allard 250Mooty, Charles 250Mooty, Elizabeth 250Mooty, Jane 250Mooty, John 450Morley, Spence 1,000Morris, Cheril 1,000Morris, Raymond 250Morrison, Angus 500Morrison, Clinton 500Morrison, John 750Morrison, Mrs Clinton 500Morton, Christopher 250Morton, Joseph 500Motschenbacher, John 500Mower, Sara 250Mower, William 250Mueller, Janet 1,000Mueller, Kathleen 250Mueller, Kim 250Mueller, Terry 250Muhawesh, Margaret 350Muhawesh, Odeh 350Mullaney, Virginia 300Mullins, Mallory 500Mulvey, Dennis 250Mulvey, Judith 250Mundstock, Jason 1,000Murphy, Corrine 2,000Murphy, Herbert 2,000Murphy, Judith 500Murphy, Robert 500Murray, Gladys 210Mus, Christine 250Mus, Daniel 250Musech, Cary 250Musech, Regina 250Musich, Ronald 2,000128

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMuske, Michael 300Myser, John 250Naegele III, Robert 500Naegele, William 1,000Nagorske, Lynn 500Nanne, Patti 300Nardini, Robin 300Nardini, Tom 300Nath, Asha 500Nath, Mahendra 500Nelson, Brian 300Nelson, Curtis 500Nelson, Donald P. 225Nelson, Glen 1,000Nelson, Grant 1,000Nelson, Joan 210Nelson, Kenneth 450Nessly Jr, Eugene 1,750Newman Jr, Graydon 500Newman, Kathleen 500Nicholson, Barbara 250Nicholson, Catherine 1,750Nicholson, David 250Nicholson, Elizabeth 1,000Nicholson, Ford 2,000Nicholson, Jeffrey 1,000Nicholson, John 1,000Nicholson, Martha 1,500Nicholson, Richard 500Nicholson, Todd 2,500Nickoloff, Robert 250Nierengarten, Nicholas 250Nill, Douglas 300Nordlie, James 500Norton, John 1,000Nouri, Mohamed 1,000Nugent, Bonnie 250Nyrop, Donald 700Nystrom, Eric 300O'Brien, J Dennis 1,000O'Connor, Gregory 235Olsem, Douglas 500Olsem, Leanna 500Olsen, Craig 250Olson, Barbara 300Olson, Carolyn 500Olson, Clifford 2,000Olson, Douglas J 450Olson, Earl 1,000Olson, Gregory C 250Olson, Jeffrey 250Olson, Mark 2,000Olson, Philip 500Olson, Wayne 250Olsten, Jann 500Ordway III, John 864Ordway Jr, John G. 2,000Ordway, Margaret 1,000Ordway, Philip W. 1,000O'Reilly, Magdalena 1,000O'Reilly, Sharon 500Oren, Beverly 1,000Oren, Donald 1,000Osborn, S Bartley 250Oswald, Charles W 2,000Ounjian, John 250Owens, Ali 2,000Owens, Rosita 2,000Owens, Sam 2,000Owens, Tim 2,000Ozment, Dennis 270Padilla, Eduardo 250Padilla, Susanne 250Page, Cynthia 1,000Page, David 300Page, Gregory 1,000Palen, Gregory 2,000Palmer, Floyd 1,000Palmer, Ronald 500Pankow, Paul A.H. 250Paparella, Michael 250Paparella, Treva 250Papenfuss, Jerry 1,250Papenfuss, Pat 1,250Parenteau, Janet 2,000Parenteau, John 2,000Parker, Andrew 1,138Parker, Charles 2,000Parker, Loretta 2,000Paskach, David 250Paskach, Kyong AE 250Pawlenty, Edward 225Peake, Ernest 250Peake, Susan 250Peel, Cathryn 250Peel, Michael 250Pekula, William 2,000Pell, Lee 250Pell, Linda 250Pell, William 500Penrod, Travis 500Penz, Lowell 350Penz, Sharon 300Penz, Teresa 250Peppin, Mary 500Peppin, Richard 500Perkins, David 250Perkins, Jon 500Perkins, Mary 250Peters, Gregory 250Peterson, Carter 750Peterson, Gregg 750Peterson, Jeffrey K. 275Peterson, Robert 550Peterson, Scott 250Peterson, Timothy M. 500Petrucci, Gary 1,000Petters, Jennifer 2,000Petters, John 2,000Petters, Thomas 2,500Pfohl, Matthew 350Phillips, Edward 1,000Piazza, Alisa 2,000Pillsbury, George 500Pint, Gerald 500Pint, Margaret 500Piper, Addison 250Pitzer, Kevin 325Podner, Kurt 400Pogin, Margaret 750Pogin, Richard 1,000Pohlad, Robert 2,000Popp, Teri E. 1,000Popp, William J. 1,000Potts, Robert D 250Poulos, William 1,000Powell, David 375Powell, Virginia 375Prentnieks, Erik 300Preusser, Donald 850Preusser, Mary 850Prill, Ron 500Primeau, Juliette 1,000Primozich, Gayle 250129

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesProuty, Kay 250Pulles, Gregory 1,000Pulles, Michelle 1,000Quam, Jay M. 500Quaranta, Michael 904Quie, Albert 400Quigley, Terence 500Quisberg, Ruth 500Quisberg, Steve 500Radunz, Jeffrey 500Raiter, Elizabeth 250Raiter, Shawn 250Rapp, Mary 500Rasmussen, Ruth 2,000Rasmussen, Virgil 2,000Ratliff, Lisa 2,000Ratliff, Stephen 2,000Raymond, Thomas 250Reed, Martha 250Reedy, Geraldine 1,125Regan, Barbara 1,000Regan, Scott 1,000Reier, Michael 1,000Remick, John 625Remick, Mary Ann 625Repya, Joseph 1,000Reynolds, David 700Ricci, Donato 250Rice, Daniel 1,000Rice, Joseph 500Richard Jr, Kenneth 250Richter, John 375Richter, Martha 375Riesen, Barbara 1,000Riesen, Dean 1,000Rifenberg, Michelle 400Rihm, John 500Rihm, Kari 500Riley Jr, James 350Riley, Joe 550Riley, John 500Risdall, Ted 250Rivet, Jeannine 1,000Robbillard, Gregory 250Robson, James 250Robson, Liza 250Roche, Kevin 500Roche, William 250Rodde, Fritz 2,000Roelofs, Mary 2,000Roelofs, Thomas 2,000Roethle, Steven 2,000Rogers, James 300Roise, John 1,000Roise, Susan 1,000Ronning, Joel 2,000Rosedahl, David Evans 500Rosen, Daniel 300Rosen, Joanne 250Rosen, Tom 1,100Ross, Burton 250Ross, Lois 2,000Ross, Ray 2,000Roth, David 300Rovick, Arne 250Rowlette, Roger 250Rowlette, Virginia 250Ruane, Vincent 350Rukavina, Daniel 250Rukavina, Patricia 250Runbeck, Richard 300Rutherford, Douglas 400Ryan, Ann 2,000Ryan, Joseph 1,000Ryan, Patrick 2,000Ryan, Sandra 1,000Ryan, Tom 250Rystrom, Brent 250Rystrom, Julie 250Sanborn, Bruce 1,000Sanborn, Thea 1,000Sanders, Gretchen 250Sands Coleman, Lois 375Sandvig, Steven 1,000Sarles, Mary 500Saul, William 500Sawyer, James 1,000Scheel, Steve 1,000Scherer, Roger H 1,000Schiefelbein, Karen 250Schiefelbein, William 250Schieffer, Richard 600Schimbeno, Joan 500Schlegel, Chris 250Schmidt, Darlene 375Schmidt, Fred 375Schneider, Catherine 250Schneider, Mark W 250Schoen, Kenneth 250Schoenfeld, Mrs Gerald 250Schrader, Alvan 250Schroeder, Cheryl 225Schroeder, William 225Schuck, Scott 1,000Schugel, Theresa 350Schugel, Timothy 350Schultz, Roger 229Schumacher, Donald A 500Schumann, Glen 450Schwab, Marilyn 250Schwalbach, Gerald 1,000Schwan, Alfred 1,000Schwartz, Burton 250Schwartz, Sharon 250Schwickert, Jane 250Schwickert, Kent 250Schwieters, Cindi 1,000Schwieters, Joel 1,000Schwieters, John 2,000Schwieters, Lynnea 2,000Schwingler, Jon 250Scott, Daniel 500Scribante, John 250Scribante, Tina 250Seaton, Douglas 350Seaton, Hilory 250Sefton, Claudia 375Sefton, Stephen 375Sela, Amit 500Sela, Paz 500Sendecky, Thomas 250Senkler, Pamela 1,000Senkler, Robert 1,000Severson, Larry 450Shank, Judith 250Shaver III, Craig 1,000Shaver, Maureen 1,000Shea, Christina 750Shea, Henry 750Shea, Pat 2,000Shea, Rosanne 2,000Sheard, Maureen 225Sheehy, Robert 500Shellerud, Gene M. 1,000130

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesShellerud, Marilyn 1,000Shipley, Jill 500Shipley, Steven 500Sieben, Deborah 250Sigel, David 250Silker, Barbara 2,000Silker, Glen 2,000Silker, Greg 2,000Silker, Sue 2,000Sime, Michael 500Sime, Pam 500Sinnott, Joseph 250Smith, Charles 250Smith, Cindy 250Smith, Ronald 300Smith, William 250Snodgrass, Joseph 250Snodgrass, Nancy 250Snyder, William 500Soderlund, Ann 1,000Soderlund, Pat 1,000Soderlund, William 1,000Solheim, Mark 500Sparboe, Robert 500Speer McGrath, Bonnie 850Speese, Carolyn 500Speese, Mark 500Spencer Jr, Edson 1,000Sperling, Jack 1,000Spevacek, Charles 600Spillane, John 1,000Splinter, Thomas 500Spoor, Janet 375Spoor, William 375Sprenger, Dolores 300Sprenger, Gordon 300Stafford, Richard H. 450Stanius, Bradley 1,000Stanius, Randa 1,000Stassen, David W 1,000Stassen, J Robert 513Stassen, Kathleen F 1,000Stauber Jr, Larry 300Stauber, Karen 1,000Stauber, Thomas 1,000Steenland, Carol 250Steenland, Douglas 250Steingas, Joan 500Steingas, Mark 500Steinhafel, Gregg 1,000Steinke, Karl 500Steinke, Neera 500Stelter, Fred 2,000Stelter, Lynda 2,000Stenglein, Chris 1,000Stevenson, Timothy 500Stoebner, Carol 1,000Story, John 250Stover, Mitch 410Stratton, Earl 500Straughn, Robert 350Sturzl, Mary 250Sullivan, Brian 1,000Sullivan, Mia 1,000Sunberg, Frank 500Sunberg, Judith 500Sundquist, Amy 1,000Sundquist, Dean 1,000Svitak, David 2,000Svitak, Jody 2,000Swanson, Peter 450Swanson, Stephen L 250Swedberg, Joe 500Sweeney, Janice L 500Sweere, HC 250Sweere, Janet M 250Tapper, Stuart 500Taunton, Paul 2,000Taylor, Benjamin 500Taylor, Glen 1,000Taylor, Glenda 1,000Tennyson, Joseph 250Tetzloff, Robert 475Thiss, Abbie 225Thiss, Scott 725Thom, Cynthia 250Thom, Jeff 250Thompson, David M. 450Thompson, Lane 300Thomson, Bruce 1,000Thomson, John 1,000Thrane, Mary Jo 225Thuringer, Brian 500Thuringer, M Deborah 500Titcomb, Judith 1,000Titcomb, Julie 250Tomlinson, Percy 500Tondryk, Dale 250Torrey, George 250Tortelli, Ronald 250Tourek, Steven 250Trautz, Jill 500Trautz, John 500Tremere, Blair 600Trimble, Tony 2,000Trok, Lynn 500Trok, Ronald 500Troup, John 250Troup, Margaret 250Tschohl, William 400Turner, John 1,500Turnquist, Rolf 500Tuveson, Kay 500Ulland, James 250Ulrey, Joseph 250Ulrey, Mary 250Unhjem, Michael 250Utz, William 600Van Dyke, Douglas 2,000Van Dyke, Judith 2,000Van Heel, Charles 500Van Heel, Marilyn 500VanVeck, Vern 500Varda, Richard 500Vasko, Gary 400Vasko, Lynn 400Veach, Jack 500Veker, Steven 500Velgersdyk, Janice 250Velgersdyk, John 250Vennes, Colby 2,000Vennes, Denley 2,000Vennes, Gregory 2,000Vennes, Kimberly 2,000Vennes, Stephanie 2,000Verdoorn, Carol 1,000Verdoorn, Daryl 1,000Vetter, Howard 250Vetter, Joyce 250Viere, Pamela 250Viere, Timothy 250Voge, Lynda 250Voight, Faith 225Volstad, Barbara 375131

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesVolstad, Paul 375Voltin, Darwin 600Walcher, Eric 761Walcher, Suzanne 761Waldo, David 350Waldron, John 500Waldron, Sandra 1,000Waldron, Thomas 1,000Walker, Jim 250Walrath, Thomas 500Walser, Paul 1,000Walser, Rebecca 1,000Walsh, Andrea 925Walsh, Harry 1,500Walsh, Tim 475Walter, George 400Walter, Gregory 400Wang, Helen 250Watson Durenberger, Heather 250Watson, Maureen 225Weaver, Peggy 250Weaver, Scott 250Weber, Cheryl 500Weber, Vin 500Weisbecker, Richard 600Wenmark, Monica 1,250Wenmark, William 1,250Wenzel, Stephen 1,100West Duffy, Lois 593Wetterstrom, Roy 250Weyerhaeuser, David 1,000Weyerhaeuser, Elizabeth 1,000Weyerhaeuser, F T. 2,000Weyerhaeuser, Nancy 1,250Whitaker, Douglas 250White, James 500Whitney, Helen 750Whitney, J Kimball 1,000Whitten, Benjamin 250Wicker, David 1,000Wicker, Mary 1,000Wiens, Claudia 1,000Wiens, Harold 1,000Wigley, Barbara 1,500Wigley, Michael 1,500Wiita, Barbara 450Wiita, Ronald 450Wilcox, Janice 400Wilcox, Steven 250Wilcox, Vickie 250Wilensky, Joan 250Wilkins, Kevin 250Williams Sr, Dan 500Wilmes, Gregory 500Wilson, James 750Wilson, Janis 250Wilson, Mark 1,000Wilson, Nancy 1,000Winter, Deborah 1,000Winter, Douglas 1,000Wipf, Elaine 2,000Wipf, Ronald 2,000Witherington, Dale 2,000Witherington, Susan 2,000Witort, Janet 875Witort, Stephen 875Wolbert, Cindy 2,000Wolbert, Mark 2,000Wolbert, Marlyn 2,000Wolbert, Marlys 2,000Wolbert, Rich 2,000Wolbert, Sarah 2,000Wolf, John 250Wolford, James 250Woodhead III, John 500Woodhouse, Kirt 500Wozniak, D.D. 700Wozniak, George 1,000Yasmineh, Courtney 500Yasmineh, David 500Yellen, Michael 250Yost, William 1,000Young, Jack 2,000Young, Myna 2,000Young, W Steven 2,000Yue, Jeffrey 250Zahler, Melanie 250Zaine Karos, Cynthia 500Zander, Nancy 250Zander, Paul 250Zech, Paul 350Zelle, Charles 250Zelle, Julie 250Zenanko, Jean 500Ziebell, Lavon 625Ziebell, Michael 625Zietlow, Amy 500Zietlow, Donald 1,000Zietlow, Hans 500Zobel, Larry 225Zobel, Victoria 225Zona, Rene 1,000Zona, Richard 1,000Zuraitis, James 500Zuraitis, Marita 500Apitz, John 800Birk, Peggy J 1,000Brener, Scott 250Cook, Judy 625Doyle, O'Brien 250Forsythe, Thomas M 250Fujii, Stacey 500Girard, James 1,000Hill, Todd 550Johnson, Patricia 250Kramer, Ross 500Morris, Kevin 1,000Morris, Randolph 250Parsons, Alvin L 250Peterson, Jeff 350Pietsch, Brian 250Redmond, Lawrence 300Schoenfeld, Gerald 250Schreiber, William H 350Thomas, Richard 225Thrane, Peter H 325Weaver, Thomas 500Wiese, Sandra U 350Wozniak Smith, Angela 600Alliance of American Insurers PAC 600CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 2,000Committee of Nine PAC 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 1,000CUVOL 250Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 600Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 2,000Gray Plant Mooty Mooty & Bennett 250IFAPAC Minn 250Insurance Federation Political Acti 1,000Leonard, Street and Deinard PAC 500MAFMIC Political Action Committee 350Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 750Midwest Food Processors Political Actio 250Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 250132

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMinn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 250Minn Manufactured Home PAC 500Minn Professional Fire Fighters PAC 250Minn Soybean 750Minn <strong>State</strong> Patrol Troopers Assoc 500Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250MSA-PAC 350Multi Housing Political Action Comm 2,000Public Emp Pension Serv Assn (PEPS 250RMJ Political Fund 500Road PAC of Minn 750Savings Assns for Voter Educ & Respo 250SITCO PAC 500TRIAL-PAC 500U of M Faculty Candidate Support Com 250Winthrop & Weinstine, PA Political 750(Timothy) Pawlenty Volunteer Committe 12,597Clark, James T House Dist. 23A Commi 3,133Commers, Tim House Dist. 38A Comm 462Dahlberg (Christopher) for Duluth 500Marianne Beck for <strong>State</strong> Rep 300Molnau, Carol House Dist. 35A Commit12,692People for Vekich (Michael) 1,000Russ Goudge for <strong>State</strong> Rep 1,500Volunteers for Jim Seifert 1,000Citizens for Sensible Government Real 5001,530,684Pawlenty, Timothy RPM 38BCUVOL 500Pine Bend PAC 200Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 5001,200Paymar, Michael DFL 64BArzdorf-Schubbe, Margaret 125Bunin, C. Scott 125Dahler, John S 125Gregerson, Annice 200Hammerling, Lawrence 150Kayser, Thomas 400CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 250Painters Union Local No 61 Political Act <strong>2002</strong>,025Payne, Judy N/A 1-31Payne, William 126Payne, Judith 1,5151,641Peilen, Lisa RPM 44BAnson, Sally 200Atwater, H. Bruce W 125Atwater, Martha 125Cohen, Diane 125Cohen, Richard 125Dooley, Elizabeth 125Dooley, Kevin 125Dougherty, Michael 250Gershman, Karen 150Goldenberg, Jack 250Head, Martha 400Hed, Gordon 250Hed, Wini 250Hubbard, Karen 250Hubbard, Stanley 250Jackson, Ann 250Kagen, Jeanne 125Kagen, Stanley 125Kandel, Charlotte 150Kandel, Stanley 150Lebeoof, David 250Lebeoof, Randy 250Leppik, Ilo 250Leppik, Peggy 250Levitt, Mrs. Richard 250Malkerson, Elizabeth 250Mann, Roberta 500Mitchell, Lucy 125Mitchell, Robert 125Morrison, Christine 125Morrison, John 125Murphy, Katherine 250Murphy, Kingsley 250Pelaum, Ann 250Pillsbury, John 125Pillsbury, Katherine 125Pillsbury, Sally 250Pohlad, Carl 250Pohlad, Eloise 250Pohlad, James 250Pohlad, Michelle 250Pohlad, William 250Rockler, Bert 200Rosenberg, David 250Schactman, Nancy 125Schactman, Steven 125Schneider, Phillip 250Sullivan, Austin 125Sullivan, Marie 125Tucj,am, Deera 125Tychman, Albert 125Vaughn, Mary 250Walsh, Harry 250Winton, Penny 250Wurtele, Angus 250Wurtele, Margaret 250Dorsey Political Fund 200IFAPAC Minn 200Jobs Political Fund 300MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Independent Insurance Agents PA 250Minn League of Conservation Voters 250Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500RKM&C Fund 500TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PAC 500Margaret Leppik Volunteer Committee 5,00020,250Pelowski, Gene DFL 31ADorsey Political Fund 200Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 200400Penas, Maxine RPM 1AKittson County RPM 200Marshall County RPM 600Pennington County RPM 300Staley, Mary Lynn 125Staley, Warren 125Thompson, Helen 150Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 500Hospitality Political Action Committee 250Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200Jobs Political Fund 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 300SITCO PAC 450Tim Finseth for <strong>State</strong> Rep 5004,200Penny, Timothy IPMIndependence Party of Minn 4,089Abdnor, Leanne J 400Abrams, Cynthia 250133

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesAlbrecht, Kenneth J 300Albrecht, Marilyn 250Alexander, Joseph W 300Amadio, Peter 250Anderson, Dean 500Anderson, Douglas 1,596Anderson, Jeffery D 350Anderson, Mark S 2,000Anson, Sally 715Anthony, Betty J 215Arambula, Amelia 2,000Armanjani, Babak F 1,000Armitage, Robert D 1,000Ashland, Cynthia 270Atwater, H. Bruce W 1,000Atwater, Martha 1,000Babb, Douglas 250Bachman, Karen 250Baer, Norman J 600Bailey, John 250Banks, Mark 1,000Barkelew, Ann H 500Barkley, Dean 263Barr, Candace 1,000Bartlett, James Marchant A 350Bartlett, Steve L 1,000Bauerly, A. Jake M 250Bauerly, Elaine J 1,000Bauer-Scandin, Lawrence J 300Bauer-Scandin, Margaret L 300Baxter III, John K 250Bayrd, Garrett T 400Bean, Bruce 500Beardsley, Douglas H 1,000Begalle, Mary S 430Bemis, Scott Edward 250Benda, David M 390Bergman, Samuel 250Bernards, James A 250Bernards, Janice P 250Bernstein, James C. 500Binger, James 500Birchem, James B 2,000Bjorkman, John 250Blethen, Bailey M 500Blue, Suzanne R 500Boeckermann, Daniel 500Boerboom, Thomas 500Boisclair, Robert J 1,000Bolander, David 1,000Bolander, Dorothy E 1,000Bollom, Colleen 250Boncher, Michael S 250Boren, Susan 250Bosacker, Steven 1,250Boyd, Ronald G 250Brainerd, Mary 500Braun, Francis W 250Bredeson, Thomas R 500Breyer, Karl J 1,000Bringgold, Paul H 565Brooks, Marney 500Brown, Robert C 500Brown, Sheldon L. 315Brutinel, Kathryn 250Brutinel, Mark 250Burdick, Allan L 2,000Burdick, B. C 400Burdick, Lou Brum 2,000Buscher, Brad 2,000Camp, John 1,000Cantale, Charles W 500Carlson, Jerome 445Carlson, Lawrence B 250Carlson, Linda 250Carlstrom Jr., George W 550Carlstrom, Jeffrey G 250Carlstrom, Jon Gustav R 1,000Carlstrom, Lee R 1,000Carpenter, Robin 750Carter, Darryl G 300Carter, Julien 300Caruso, Jerry 250Caruso, Sarah 250Castro, Leonardo L 300Chies, Steven E 1,000Christofferson, David L 500Clark, Calvin W 565Clouser, Christopher E 500Colleran, Sarah G 1,000Connors, Robert 230Conzemius, Norbert J 250Coppersmith, Samuel G 250Coughlin, T. William G 1,000Courtier, Dennis J 500Cowles, John 1,000Craig, James L 250Craig, Roberta A 250Crest, Jerome A 250Crone, Brad F 500Crowl, Diane M 250Crowl, Richard 250Dalsin, Robert M 500Dannecker, Edward 300Davidson, William L 400Davis, Frances J 1,000Dayton, Bruce B 2,000Dayton, Douglas J 1,000Denny Jr., Charles M 1,000Devine, Elizabeth J 250Dietz, Charlton 250Donnelly, Thomas E 500Donovan, Patrick J 500Doran, Kelly 500Doran, Maria 1,000Dotseth, Keith A 500Dotson, J. Dennis 1,000Dowling, Joe 500Doyscher, Dean 1,000Drake, Carl B. 500Drake, Melanie 300Drawe, Scott P 500Duff, Carol 1,000Duffy, Joseph 500Duffy, Lois W 400Dulebohn, Heidi L 250Dwyer, Michael E 266Dyrstad, Joanell 235Dyrstad, Marvin E 235Ehrhardt, George M 250Eichinger, Robert D 250Ekdahl, Karla C 2,000Ellinghuysen, Scott 250Elliott, John J 400Elsey, Deborah S 300Erickson, Tina M 1,000Feges, John P 250Fitzsimmons, William T 595Flemming, Scott M 250Fletcher, Ronald R 500Flugstad, Dean A 500Foster, Brian M 500Foster, Timothy D 2,000Galaydh, Ali K 500134

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesGallagher, Bernita 1,000Gartner, Judith R 300Garvis, Nathan K 700Gearen, James P 500Gearen, Mary Beidler 500Geisenhoff, Gail M 350Geller, Jack 250George, William W 2,000Gershman, Karen 500Gibson, Celeste J 250Gibson, James B 250Glasgow, Richard 425Goho, Thomas S 500Goldberg, Joel Henry 500Goldman, Daniel P 610Gordon, Kristin V 750Gordon, Peter 750Goss, Paul W 250Graham, Keith D 700Grant, Hendrie 1,000Green, Robert D 500Greenwood, Patrick M 500Gunkel, Thomas F 2,000Guzinski, Joseph F 500Haas, J. D 300Haase, Hannibal 1,230Hahn, Lucille E 1,000Halleland, Keith 1,000Hamalainen, James S 250Hamilton, James T 1,000Hammond, Robert L 500Hanratty, Timothy J 500Hansen, Thomas C 500Hanson, Robert 1,000Harrison, Supenn Supata D 500Hartfiel, William F 250Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 500Hathaway, Jennifer M 250Haugland, J. Mark D 450Hawkins, Blanche 2,000Hawkins, Thane 2,000Hayenga, Betty M 1,050Heegaard, Jeffrey 2,000Heegaard, Lucy H 500Heino, John 1,008Heithoff, Karen S 500Hentges, Robert 500Hergott, Carol J 550Herman, Kathleen 1,000Herman, Lamont 1,000Hermel, Howard A 250Herrmann, C. R 350Hetterick, John 500Hetterick, Kathe P 500Heymans, Mark P 350Hildebrandt, Margaret M 535Hildebrandt, Scott B 250Hines, L. Cecily 250Hintz, Jeffrey T 400Hoff, Albert C 250Hoffman, Robert 1,300Hofstad, Ralph P 500Hood, William 450Houle, Coral S 500Housom, Virginia Anne M 500Hugoson, Gene 250Huseby, A 250Hutchinson, Peter 2,000Huynh, Nghi M 1,250Idelkope, Julie A 1,000Jacobson, Susan L 250Jensen, Kathryn L 250Johnson Jr., Robert 250Johnson, Brian 500Johnson, Carol O. 500Johnson, Curtis W. 1,225Johnson, Dale A 300Johnson, J. Buford 829Johnson, Jerome D 2,000Johnson, L. Steven 1,000Johnson, Patricia R 500Johnson, Robbin S 500Johnson, Scott W 1,000Johnson,Scott 265Jones, Anne L 2,000Jones, R. Scott 2,000Juhl, Larry D 1,000Kamstra, Dennis A 1,000Kanson, Lucy 250Keane, Dionne Benson 250Keane, Timothy J 550Keffeler, Jean B 2,000Kelly, Michael F 500Kepner, Gordon R 250Ketelsen, Lynn C 1,000Kieffer, John Y 2,000Kimball, John G 250King, Lawrence 600Kingman, Nancy M 1,567Kingsley, Steven 260Kinney, E Robert 1,000Kitchak, Peter 500Kleppe, Roger 250Knapp, James F 500Knapp, Maureen A 1,000Koenigs, Ruth A 1,030Kogovsek, Ray 500Kosiak, John 250Krahmer, Fred 650Kramer, Harold J 630Landy, Michael W 1,030Lang, A Scheffer 1,000Larson, Dale I 500Larson, David E 680Leicht, Douglas 330Leutvold, Steven 1,000Levin, Millicent 500Levin, Philip 500Lewis Jr., Steve 1,000Lewis, Ward B 1,000Lidstrom, Tim K 500Lierman, Terry L 500Lim, Sharon S 1,000Lohmann, Thomas R 1,000Lonnes, Bruce 250Losinski, Elizabeth A 500Lueck, Martin 250Lundquist, Todd S 250Lutz, Diane L 400Lutz, Fred 600Lynde, Edward S 500Lyon, Jeffrey E 500Lyon, Ruth Henriquez 500Mac Donald, Reid V 500Maciona, Gerald J 250Mackay, Harvey B 2,000Madel Jr., R P 2,000Madel, Wendy 1,000Maglich, Michael 500Maglich, Terry J 500Maloney, Judy R 900Maloney, Timothy L 1,100Mangan, Sanne D. 500135

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMarinovich, Michael R 500Maritz, Kristine M 2,000Martini, Jr, Edwin A 1,000Mathern, Rebecca 403Mathiowetz, Brian 500Mathiowetz, Ronda 500Mauzy, William J 650Mayer, Randall E 1,000McCluhan, Richard N 1,000McClure, Michael A 250McCollom, William J 300McDonald, Lisa M. 1,965McFarland, Richard 1,000McGowen, Norman V 250McGrath, Lee 1,000McKeirnan, Joseph M 500McNamara, Richard 1,000McNeilus, Garwin P 250McNeilus, Marilee 250McQuinn, Alvin 250Mellen, Mary Ann 245Menssen, Merle D 1,000Meyers, William 400Midness, Robert B 2,000Miller, Benjamin A 2,000Miller, Thomas E 300Mills Jr, Stewart C 500Mills, Sandra 500Minear, Gay 250Minear, Spencer A 250Minkkinen, David 250Minn, Steve M 235Minnerath, John A 525Mitchell, Ruth F 300Mitchell, T. S 1,000Moorhead, Tracey E 250Moret, Pamela J 500Morse, J. Tucker C 500Mortensen, Alice D 1,000Moss, Susan 1,000Moss, Thomas V. 1,130Mueller, Guy E 500Musel, Meredith 300Naftalin, Neil T 1,000Nedegaard, Bruce A 1,000Nelson, Greg A 2,000Nelson, Richard A 500Nelson, Russell C 250Nerhaugen II, Stanley A 263Neuner, Richard 500Newkirk, Raymond M 500Nicholson, Bruce 442Nickoloff, Robert 250Niemiec, Richard 1,000Nisi, Kurt 250Nolan, Timothy M 215Norton, Henry M 500Obernauer Jr., Marne F 500O'Gara, Richard 900O'Keefe, Michael 250Olsen, Eric N 500Olson, Curtis D 255Olson, Evon A 500Olson, Newman E 1,000Olson, Paul M 250Orbovich, Cynthia B 1,500Ostlund, Jackie 1,000Ostlund, Peter 1,000Oswald, Charles W 2,000Ouellette, William F 250Palmby, Thomas M 1,500Palmer, Arnold H 1,000Palmer, Blake A 500Palmer, Floyd 250Palmer, Kurt B 500Parker, Andrew 263Pate, Galen T 250Pattee, M. Melinda 1,000Payne, James A 550Pearson, Paul A 500Peine, Douglas G 400Pelovsky, Karl E 1,000Penny, Daniel C. 280Penny, Donna 219Penny, Robert J 400Penny, Timothy J 490Perlman, Lawrence 250Peterson, Kelly A 250Peterson, Thomas L 500Pham, Tuan 450Phillips, Martha 250Pickrel, Steven J 250Pillsbury, Sally 2,000Pohlad, Carl 2,000Pohlad, James 2,000Porett, Matthew 500Powers, Joseph O 250Preuss, Timothy 430Quinn, James 2,000Racek, John 300Rappaport Jr., Jerome L. 2,000Rappaport, Elizabeth 2,000Rappaport, Jerome Lyle 2,000Rappaport, Lori Platt 2,000Rappaport, Phyllis E 2,000Rasmussen, Peggy 250Rasmussen, Todd A 250Regan, Michelle Lea A 500Reidelberger, Jacque H 1,000Remele Jr, Lewis 500Rew, Ray R 589Reyerson, Mary R 205Rhodes, Carleen P 447Richards, Steven W 225Rieder, Mary E 1,000Roberts, Christine H 250Robertson, Martha 210Robinson, William G 1,000Roche, Kevin 2,000Rocheford, Stephen H 500Rockwell, Winthrop A 2,000Roe III, John H 1,000Rosar, Axel R 285Rosar, Richard K 650Rosas, Janeen E 1,130Rosha, Darrin 1,065Rudd, Gordon 250Rudman, Warren B 500Rutledge, Jerry J 230Ruvelson Sr, Alan 500Sampson, Curtis 1,000Sands, A. William 250Sanford, Ann M 250Sanford, Paul B 250Satnan, Gary M. 2,000Scheffler, Lenor 250Schemel, Michael 500Schenian, Dale 2,000Scherven, Patricia B 500Scherven, Shawn Young 500Schmidt, James C 630Schulte, David M 250Schulz, Elroy D 1,000Schulze Jr., Arthur R 1,000136

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesSchumacher, John 1,200Schwanke, Lawrence 350Schwarz, Audri 299Schwebel, James 250Senn, Fredrick Martin G 2,000Sharp, Dennis N 500Shelly, Thomas W 515Shey, Jane 250Shortridge, Julie 965Shortridge, Peter 300Simon, Ronald L 1,000Sit, Debra Ann B 250Sit, Eugene 2,000Skovholt, Glen 350Sledz, Lad 760Sledz, Melody 565Smedsrud, Jeffrey 1,000Smith, Robert J 500Smith, Stephen 250Smith-Dewey, Charles E 250Snider, Eric F 2,000Snodgrass, Joseph 500Solheim, Mark 500Sommer, Steven R 1,000Soule, George 2,000Spatz, D. Dean 500Spatz, Ruth Carol 500Spears, Wayne 250Spencer, Edson W 2,000Sperduto, Jody Laursen 2,000Sperduto, Paul W. 2,000Stallman, Patrick M 300Steffen, Natalie Haas 350Steinwall, Maureen B 500Stellon, Elizabeth H 1,000Stephenson, James 350Stevens, Lois J 250Stirtz, Lawrence E 225Strand, Michael D 250Struthers, Margo S 550Studders, Karen A 565Surdel, Gary M 250Swaggert, Craig C 300Swain, Tom H 300Swapinski, Dale E. 250Sweasy, Carol 1,000Sweasy, William 1,000Symchych, Janice M 1,000Tate, Catherine R 250Theissen, Joseph A 250Thompson, Conrad 220Thompson, Dale M 1,000Thompson, Mary 250Thro, Christopher C 1,000Tipping, Marla 500Tipping, William 250Tuntland, Sharon R 500Turnbull, Charles V 250Turnbull, Marlene 250Turner, John 2,000Turner, Leslie C 500Tuttle, Gedney 1,200Twait, Douglas S 500Tyson, Lawrence 250Uldrich, Cynthia M 550Uldrich, John M 512Ursu, John 500Van Etta, John 2,000Van Etta, Linda 1,000Vasko, Gary 400Vasko, Lynn 400Vetsch, Gordon 300Vitt, J. Thomas A 2,500Vitt, Kamala Udayamurthy 250Vogler, William J 300Waage, Donn 250Wait, Robert A. 500Wakefield, Lowell G 500Wald, John S 1,000Wallin, Winston R. 2,000Walters-Kieffer, Mary Jo 2,000Warszynski, Lois 300Weatherford, Jack M. 1,000Weerts, Jennifer 500Weerts, Robert 500Weidt, John A 500Weiner, Howard 500Weiss, Robert M 500Wendt, Karin A 250Wenger, Jerry A 2,000Wenger, Wendy N 1,000Westin, Mark S 250Wheelock, Pamela A 2,000Whitbeck, Elizabeth C 265Whittlinger, Erica L 1,000Wilkinson, Frank 250Willeke, Donald C 500Willett, Jason M 395Willette, Diane M 460Windahl, Earl W 250Wobschall, Rachel 550Wodele Jr, John A 250Yanisch, Stephen 250Zander, John F 2,000Zelle, Charles A 500Zogby, Eileen P 500Zogby, James 500Zwiebel, John M 500Apitz, John 600Archer, Joan M 500Bagley, Lester 250Borgert, David J 350Carter, Rick 1,560Dorfman, Glenn 500Foley, Tom 800Grindal, H. Theodore 1,000Hammond, Phillip R 250Hasbargen, Vernae 750Herman, John 250Keith, A 1,000Kramer, Ross 500Kvenvold, Gayle 455Lindgren, Jay 250Orbovich, Samuel D 2,000Parsons, Alvin L 250Poul, Thomas J 250Redmond, Lawrence 1,000Sampson, Randall 1,000Young, Randall 250Bertram, Joe Senate Dist. 14* Committ 2,000Citizens for Martha Robertson 29,880Connor, Peter W House Dist. 28A Com 1,860Friends of Andy Ward 300Ventura, Jesse Gov. Committee 38,500464,350Pentel, Ken GPMAnderson, Alan 1,050Austin, Larry 300Bates, Charles T. 230Birchler, Steve 277Burns, Jeanne 550Burt, Sharon E. 1,500Ciernia, Robert M. 250Ciernia, Suzannah Y. 250137

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesCowles, Sage 500Cramer, W. Scott 300Crawford, David 250Danbury, Peter 250Eddy, Perry 1,500Eisenmenger, Stephen 670French, Stephen R. 400Gavin, Judith 500Gehan, John P. 550Heap-Chester, Heidi A. 250Howard, Jane 500Irish, Donald P. 1,500Knudsen, Dag I. 300Kong, Dee 1,500Lofgren, Charlene 500Mayo, Martha 800McEvoy, Jane 220McKinstry, Katherine 250Middendorf, Kim 500Mithun, Mary A. 1,000Pillsbury, Charles A. 500Pratt, Barbara 550Purcell, Richard L. 300Rechelbacher, Horst 1,500Reindl, Leslie 500Sargent, Charles 350Schultz, David A 250Shoemaker, Bruce 250Simon-Dastych, Katherine 325Stockwell, Clinton G. 1,000Stordalen, Linda K. 1,500Taylor, Charles T. 220Tel-Oren, Adiel 500Toppe, Michael J. 300Tyndall, Christopher R. 250Uhlman, Dorothy 600Weismann, Jennifer 250Weismann, Joe 250Winston, Robert D. 624Yoakam, John R. 600Zeppa, Alan 1,000Zimmerman, Dean 51728,783Peppin, Joyce RPM 32APeppin, Gregg 250Peppin, Joyce 250Waage, Donn 250750Peterson, Aaron DFL 20ALac qui Parle County DFL 300Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 4,200Yellow Medicine County DFL 400Julian, Carole 250Mitlyng, Steve 200Opperman, Vance 150Peterson, Douglas P 250Peterson, Eloise A 250Redmond, Lawrence 200Education Minn PAC 400Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 300Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 200MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn AFL-CIO 500Minn Democrats 150Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Milk PAC 150Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250SITCO PAC 250TRIAL-PAC 50010,150Peterson, Daniel DFL 10ABecker County DFL 150Otter Tail County DFL 600Anderson, Robert 150Anderson, Ronald 150Buchanen, Anna M 500Buchanen, Gerald 500Houpt, Gwen 500Hunt, Leon T 205Myhre, Allison 150Education Minn PAC 250M H H A PAC 250Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn Health PAC 200Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 2504,655Peterson, Douglas DFL 13B*Strickler, Carl 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200400Peterson, Rodney DFL 29AOlmsted County DFL 200Peterson, Rodney 1,3851,585Pierce, Liz N/A 4-56Glaefke, Brook 2,000Hixson, Emma 250Hughes, Liz 925Ojile, Fred 200Pierce, Ruth 1,000Richards, Pauline 1,700Salas, Cathalina 250Todd, David 2006,525Pithan, Jim DFL 49AEducation Minn PAC 400Local 851 Political Action Committee 500Minn AFL-CIO 250Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 5002,150Piumbroeck, Larry DFL 423rd Congressional District DFL 30042nd Senate District DFL 490Piumbroeck, Larry 2,758MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 2503,798Pogemiller, Lawrence DFL 59Gregory, Arnold 200Gritters, Bruce Amundson 250Hennessy, Daniel 200Hennessy, Mary 250Singer, Gerald 200Tetzloff, Robert 200Seck, Gerald 200Spano, Wyman 150Strickler, Carl 200Dorsey Political Fund 200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 200Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Municipal Retirement Asso 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 500Multi Housing Political Action Comm 500138

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesPolice Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500Rural Electric Political Action Comm 200Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 5006,350Pokornowski, Mari DFL 18BMeeker County DFL 500Larson, Merle 247Rego, Robert 413Rego, Susan 413Snelling, Norma 150Stankiewicz, Ellen 150Worcester, Mike 500Flaherty, Timothy 200Larson, Nancy 445Dedicated Americans for the Senate 500Friends of DFL Women 500Greater Minn Conference Pol Action 500IBEW Local 292 Political Education 500Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 200Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joi 150Minn AFL-CIO 250Minn DRIVE 300Pipe Fitters Local 539 500TRIAL-PAC 250Citizens for (Dale) Smolnisky 1,000<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 200People for Krueger (Jeffrey) 8008,867Poppe, Jeanne DFL 27BMower County DFL 1,000Frederickson, Florence 500Maus, Lawrence E 200Opperman, Vance 150Schulstad, James 150Thronson, Jodean 200Education Minn PAC 400Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 250Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 300MAPE-PAC 500Minn AFL-CIO 400Minn Democrats 150Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500TRIAL-PAC 250United Food & Commerical Workers, C 500(Pat) Piper Volunteer Committee 500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 2756,725Porter, Tom RPM 6AMcElroy, Philip 500Tom Porter for <strong>State</strong> <strong>Legislature</strong> Co 3,0003,500Powell, Duke RPM 40A40th Senate District RPM 1,000Republican Party of Minn 2,200Campo, E. Joseph 200Gibbs, John F. 500Johnson, Todd 500Powell, Willa Mae 500Powell, William H. 500Robinson, Mara L. 200Slipka, Kenneth 250Sullivan, Brian 500Thompson, Lowell 500Weber, Vin 500Wigley, Michael 500Doyle, O'Brien 200Burnsville Chamber PAC 250Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Jobs Political Fund 500Messerli & Kramer Political Action 250Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 200Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Manufactured Home PAC 150Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 250Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500Ramsey County Republicans 125SITCO PAC 25011,575Presho, Larissa RPM 58B5th Congressional District RPM 750Aplikowski, Beverly 200Brennan, Donald 500Cleveland, Charles 500Cotter, John 250Ludwick, Harriet 250Nessly, Jr., Gene 150Steinhafel, Gregg 4003,000Price, Leonard DFL 5656th Senate District DFL 1,875Senate Majority Caucus 1,000Bunn, Julie 200Eiden, Kristine 250Erickson, Kay 150Flaherty, Mary 250Gervais, Kenneth 150Griffith, Douglas 150Gritters, Bruce Amundson 250Hawkins, Vicky 200Hennessy, Mary 250Hohenstein, Karl 150Nelson, Sheila 200Van Wyk, Sandra 200Kaul, John 150Robertson, Michael 200Seck, Gerald 200Strusinski, William 150Vento, Susan 500CARE / PAC 150Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Dorsey Political Fund 200Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 250Local 59 Political Fund 300Messerli & Kramer Political Action 200Minn AFL-CIO 500Minn League of Conservation Voters 500Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA-P 200Minn <strong>State</strong> Patrol Troopers Assoc 200Minneapolis Municipal Retirement Asso 250Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 50010,875Pugh, Thomas DFL 39AArney, Joel 150Arney, Joyce 150Burns, Ann 200Gorman, Patricia 250Hunegs, Steven 200Kamish, James 200Klas, Robert 150Kuntz, Timothy J. 200Lockridge, Richard 250Lynch, Sharon 150McGuire, A. W. 249McMorrow, Milton 150Milbert, Robert 200139

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesNauen, Charles 250Pugh, Joann 150Pugh, Thomas 150Rogosheske, Paul 200Sampson, Curtis 250Schonian, Michael 150Sieben, Gretchen 200Sieben, Jr Harry 200Sieben, Michael 200Speese, Carolyn 250Speese, Mark 250Strandemo, Neut 250Streed, Mark 125Dorsey Political Fund 200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 300Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Pine Bend PAC 200Tom Osthoff Volunteer Committee 6008,174Quigley, Kevin N/A 1-28Foley, Patrick 200McKeag, Jane 300Foley, Tom 300Quigley, Kevin 3101,110Raaen, Dan IPM 29ABielen, Betty 125Bielen, Dan 125Jahrus, Stacy 250Jahrus, Wendy 250750Racer, Dave RPM 674th Congressional District RPM 20067A House District RPM 15067B House District RPM 1,200Senate Victory Fund 2,000Ballen, Boni 105Bearth, Bernard P. 281Dattilo, Joan 150Evans, James 500Giebel, Thomas M. 500Griebenow, Frank T. 150Hackbarth, Steven 200Jacobson, Dale 150Kletschka, Barbara C 500Kletschka, Harold D 500Kothe, Kenneth P 150Meader, Mark R 400Meader, Peggy J. 400Mills III, Stewart C 250Mills Jr, Stewart C 500Mills, Sandra 250Mills, Steven 250Minar, Cush 150Nibbe, Marilyn 400Okronglis, Michael J. 150Olson, Eugene G. 125Pilla, Daniel J 200Poppenhagen, Dennis J 125Richter, Don 135Sandberg, William 300Speros, Paul A. 500Suek, Jane S. 150Sullivan, Brian 250Watkins, Guy M. 200Wigley, Michael 250Twin Cities Republican Assn 20011,921Raleigh, Nick GPMGentzsch, Enrique 300Jore, Joshua 400Skorich, Suzanne 3001,000Ranum, Jane DFL 633rd Congressional District DFL 250Bachman, Rachman 250Benson, Beverly 200Bornong, Joseph 200Coleen, Brady 150De Cosse, Paula W 250Decosse, Cyrille 250Duane, Steven 150Harrison, Bruce 125Harrison, Supenn 167Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 250Hauser, Jacquelyn J 200Johnson,Carol 150Knabel, Thomas 150McCauley, Patrick 200McConnell, Daniel 200McLeod, Mary 250Miller, C. A. 250Rubenstein, Andrea 120Rubenstein, James 120Spears, Wayne 250Steven, Sonya C 150Stone, Frank 200Trout, Ellen 200Ugland, Erik 250Ugland, Melissa 250Wade, Terry 200Woolman, Janet 125Zikmund, Nyle 200Zikmund, Theresa 200Doyle, O'Brien 250AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 500Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 10 200ARC PAC of Minn 150Friends of DFL Women 500Jobs Political Fund 500Local 28 Political Fund 400Local 552 Union 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn DRIVE 300Minn Health PAC 250Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Minneapolis Municipal Retirement Asso 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 30011,457Redmond, Michael DFL 56ABryant, Michael 150Cochrane, Charles 250Duxbury, Mark 200Middleton, Frank 150Newman, David 150Newman, Kathleen 150Quinn, Mike 250Simonet, Ed 200Utecht, Jerome 200Wade, Terry 200Wieden, David 200Iron Workers Local 512 200Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 2503,050Reed, Duane OTH 58B140

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesBurnett, Barry 200Edgar, Robert 200Grigsby, Fred 300Hunphries, Cary 250Johnson, Rutha 500Kelly, Murray 150Kvelland, Glen 250Michaels, James 150Pentermen, John 200Reed, Duane K 250Reed, Willa 250Sherman, Kenneth 500Sims, Bradford 125Sims, Frank 125Sims, Leigh 125Sims, Robyn 125Trisko, Frank 300Tucker, Larry 2004,200Reines, David DFL 16Benton County DFL 450Mille Lacs County DFL 2,500Senate Majority Caucus 1,319Sherburne County DFL 580Dockendorf, Paula 114Dockendorf, Robert 145Huhtala, James 200Opperman, Vance 150Sikorski, Gerald 250Education Minn PAC 400Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 200Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn Democrats 150Minn DRIVE 300Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA-P 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Pipe Fitters Local 539 500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 250TRIAL-PAC 250Dave Reines Volunteer Committee 2,109Reines, David 82011,687Reines, David DFL 16BBromaghim, Roger 200Reines, David 500700Reinhardt, Victoria Ann DFLBrasaemle, Jeff 300Brasaemle, Linda 300Doty, Kathie 210Krum, Steve 500Olson, Deborah 250Raplinger, Marilyn 250Tesky, Tammy 324Thompson, Mary 300Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5002,934Reiter, Mady RPM 53Carlson, Debra A 250Carlson, Ricky L 250Cossack, Thomas G 225Czech, David L 200Frattalone, Cheryl L 225Frattalone, Frank M 225Hall, Sue 200Kieger, Edward J 125Kieger, Mary Ellen 125Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 400IFAPAC Minn 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200SOF - PAC 200Twin Cities Republican Assn 2005,825Reitz, Nathaniel N/A 1-1Reitz, Joshua 450Reitz, Nathaniel J 520970Rest, Ann DFL 4545th Senate District DFL 1,700Bloodgood, Patricia 250Bobgan, Sharon 150Grindal, Michelle 250Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 250Mendoza, Salvador 250Pohlad, Bill 250Pohlad, Bob 250Pohlad, Carl 250Pohlad, James 250Spears, Wayne 250Yessman, Kathy 150Yessman, Timothy 150Dorfman, Glenn 500Committee of Nine PAC 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 450Dorsey Political Fund 200Education Minn PAC 400Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Insurance Federation Political Acti 200Jobs Political Fund 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 300Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200Pine Bend PAC 200Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500Robbinsdale Federation of Teachers C 250Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 50011,550Rhodes, Jim RPM 44ABakken, Bradley 250Bakken, Mary 250Berman, Frank 250Erickson, Joy 200Fine, Jeffrey 250Fitzgerald, Rachel 150Hagen, Luainia 250Hagen, Russell 250Heitoff, Kenneth 250Homans, Meredith 250Lambrecht, Bruce 250Lindquist, Leonard Kelley 200Martin, Richard H 150Pogin, Margaret 250Pogin, Richard 250Remington, John 250Sampson, Marian 250Sampson, Randall 200Shenian, Dale 200Steinhafel, Denise 250Steinhafel, Gregg 250Tetzloff, Robert 200Ulrich, Bob 250141

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesVekich, Micheal 200Vekich, Sue 200Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Dorsey Political Fund 200MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 200Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500SITCO PAC 250People for Vekich (Michael) 785Citizens for Sensible Gov'ernment Polic 5008,835Richardson, P J IPM 17BLarson, Madrienne 500Larson, Richard 500Richardson, Kim 500Richardson, P J House Dist. 17B Com 1,5703,070Rifenberg, Michelle RPM 32B*BAM-PAC 500MABC PAC 500Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500SOF - PAC 5003,000Riley, Sarah RPM 38BRiley, Sarah 191Titus, Lonnie 150341Ring, Twyla DFL 17Isanti County DFL 400Andersen, Elmer 250Anderson, Jerry 150Anderson, Patsy A 150Flynn, Thomas P 200Haselow, Robert 400Herman, Jeffrey 200Johnson, Dennis O 250Nisi, Kurt 200Olson, Douglas J 200Spears, Wayne 200Doerr, Lisa 200Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Emily's List- Minn 500Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND Pol 200MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action Com 500Minn Eye PAC 200Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc Le 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 200Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500People in Construction Political Action 200Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 200St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 1306,680Robertson, Martha RPM 45*Bolstad, Les 500Boschwitz, Rudy 250Cowles, Jr, John 250Dayton, Edward 250Donaldson, Debbie 125Donaldson, Frank A 125Frothingham, Ben 500Hasbargen, Vernae 250Hoffman, Robert L 200Hopp, Deborah 200Johnson, Tracy W 200Leppik, Peggy 250Maloney, Judy R 250Maloney, Timothy L 250Meyers, William 250Nosbisch, Kevin A 150Preston, James 200Rappaport, Sara 250Semmer, Phillip 200White, Susan 200Wurtele, Margaret 250McPherson, Margaret 250Seck, Gerald 200ARC PAC of Minn 250Dorsey Political Fund 200GOP FC PAC 500Leonard, Street and Deinard PAC 200Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 200Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 2507,850Robling, Claire RPM 35Bemis, Mary 120Otting, Jeanette 200Sampson, Curtis 250Schenian, Dale 200Williamson, John 150Zweber, Ben 400Apitz, John 150Sampson, Randall 200Ames Construction PAC 200Rural Electric Political Action Comm 130SITCO PAC <strong>2002</strong>,200Roche, Richard DFL 60Brown, Ellen 250Brown, Jane 250Devereaux, Edward 250Farley, Gregory 150Feaster, Joseph 250Geoffrion, Alfred 200Glynn, Kristine 200Kosobud, Anthony 250Larson, John 300Long, Bruce 200McKeever, Bryan 250O Brien, Maurice 400Richen, Jeff 250Roche, Carrie 125Roche, John 500Roche, Joseph 500Roche, Margaret 500Roche, Stephen 250Roche, Teresa 500Roman, John 250Roman, Kathy 250Roche, Richard 45,54651,621Roesch, Adam IPM 47B3rd Congressional District IPM 200Vote (Adam) Roesch 150350Ropes, Sharon DFL 31Fillmore County DFL 600Mandelko, Delbert C 150McNeil, William 150Nopar, Douglas 200Rapona, Linda 200Ropes, Sharlean 500Shepard, Judith G 225Education Minn PAC 400Friends of DFL Women 500142

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMinn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Political 2004,125Rosen, Julie RPM 241st Congressional District RPM 1,150Blue Earth County RPM 500Martin County RPM 1,850Waseca County RPM 500Boyer, Keith 250Byrne, Eamonn 200Christensen, Mary Ann 500Christensen, Robert 500Cooper, William 250Deeney, Gerald 250Dick, Carol 125Dick, James 125Doyle, Sharon 250Doyle, Thomas 250Draino, Dominick 485Draino, Nancy 485Eckles, Cally 125Eckles, Neil 123Eckles, Sue 125Eckles, William 125Elmer, Russ 500Hashmall, David 250Hubbard, Karen 250Hubbard, Stanley 500Jessen, Caroline 250Jessen, Jon 250Jessen, Juli 250Johnson, Arba 250Johnson, Margaret 250Lichty, Bruce 125Lichty, Judy 125Lynch, Gerald 250Lynch, Ruth 250Manske, Lynn 250Manske, Robert 250Marlow, Kristen 250Marlow, Richard 250Melco, Larry 250Merkley, Edith 300Rosenberg, Darrel 125Rosenberg, Kathleen 125Roth, Eldon 500Roth, Regina 500Schneider, Karen 125Sudeith, Mary Ann 250Sudeith, Russell 250Underwood, Roger 250Van Dyke, Karen 250Van Dyke, William 250Vignieri, Charles 500Vignieri, Lorraine 500Wagner, Bernel 250Wagner, Richard 250Wells, Barbra 150Wells, Ivan 150Whipple, Anne 250Whipple, Bill 250Schneider, Mahlon 125Jobs Political Fund 500MABC PAC 500Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 200Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500Rosen, Julie 5,00025,468Rosenfield, Joseph DFL 40A2nd Congressional Dist DFL 15036th Senate District DFL 50040th Senate District DFL 600DFL House Caucus 2,000Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Education Minn PAC 400Local 59 Political Fund 900Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn DRIVE 200Minneapolis Central Labor Union Counc 200So Dakota Cty Labor Council COPE Fu 5006,000Rouen, Noah RPM 60ADecosse, Cyrille 500500Rubis, Craig DFL 22B22nd Senate District DFL 1,500Cottonwood County DFL 300DFL House Caucus 800Jackson County DFL 650Nobles County DFL 326Rock County DFL 300Aakre, Nicole 150Fischer, Janet 150Fischer, Wayne 150Rubis, Steve 300Rubis, Dannielle 150Rubis, Keith 500Rubis, Shirley 250Dedicated Americans for the Senate 500Education Minn PAC 400Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 200Minn AFL-CIO 200Don Abild Volunteer Committee 2007,026Rukavina, Thomas DFL 5ABirchem, Jim 125Birchem, JoAnn 125Corporaal, George 200Eaton, David 125Eaton, Diane 125Jorgenson, Paul 250Luhtala, John 150Miner, Michael 250Shemon, Gary 200Sipola, Don 125Sipola, JoAnn 125Strand, Alfred 250CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 250Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 250Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250NCRCC-MN-PAC 500Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 589 P 5005,200Ruth, Connie RPM 26A1st Congressional District RPM 500Buxton, Norma 250Madel Jr., R P 200Ptacek, Melvin 150Randall, Harley 200BAM-PAC 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Independent Community Bankers of Mi 250Insurance Federation Political Acti 500MABC PAC 500Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 500143

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMinn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200Rural Electric Political Action Comm 140SOF - PAC 5005,890Ruud, Caroline RPM 48th Congressional District RPM 1,00041st Senate District RPM 450Hubbard County RPM 800Senate Victory Fund 2,750Bee, Nancy 300Bzoskie, Joyce 500Fogarty, James 500Gabel, Paul 250Libby, Deanna 250Libby, Mark 250Narveson, Neal 375Narveson, Shelly 375Pederson, Theodore 500Quirk, Joan 300Rajala, Dean 200Rostad, Richard 500Spizzo, Robert 500Steuber, Virginia 500Steuber, William 500Sullivan, Brian 250Timmerman, Jeff 500Turk, Slyvia 500Turk, Thomas 250Vadnais, Arthur 200Wiebolt, Mike 300Zacher, John 250Zacher, Vickie 250BAM-PAC 250CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Dorsey Political Fund 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Jobs Political Fund 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Service Station Assoc 200NFIB/MN SAFE Trust 199Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250SITCO PAC 250Carrie Ruud for Senate Vol Committee 4,90521,554Sabo, Julie DFL 62*Committee of Nine PAC 500Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 300Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 5003,300Sams, Dallas DFL 11Grant County DFL 500Bisignani, Mark 200Cook Jr, Herbert 200Corporaal, George 200Diercks, Robert 200Fadel, Mary 250Fadel, Mitchell 250Grindal, Michelle 250Haselow, Robert 500Kastner, Mrs. R. S. 200Kosiak, John 200Mennis, William 200Miller, Douglas 250Doyle, O'Brien 200Gruenes, David 150Spano, Wyman 200Strusinski, William 200CARE / PAC 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 300Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150Minn Health PAC 300Minn Optometric Political Action Comm 350Minn Soybean 250PharmPAC 400Rural Electric Political Action Comm 200(Sam) Solon Volunteer Committee 500Orfield (Myron) Volunteer Committee 500McGrann Shea Anderson 2008,450Samuels, Jason GPM 59BSamuels, Jason A 110110Samuelson, Char RPM 50B4th Congressional District RPM 20041st Senate District RPM 300CARE / PAC 250Hospitality Political Action Committee 500IFAPAC Minn 200Jobs Political Fund 400M H H A PAC 250Minn Health PAC 250SITCO PAC 450Citizens for Bob Ness 200Citizens to Elect Ken Wolf 5003,500Samuelson, Don DFL 12Grindal, Michelle 125Hennessey, Mary 250Mendoza, Mia 250Mendoza, Salvador 250Miller, Craig 250Miller, Doug 250Miller, Thomas 250Mills Jr, Stewart C 250Mills, Sandra 250Olson, Barbara 250Sealock, Donald 150Sealock, Jeannie 150Singer, Gerald 200BAM-PAC 500CUVOL 500Dorsey Political Fund 200Education Minn PAC 400Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 400Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150MAPE-PAC 500NCRCC-MN-PAC 500Rural Electric Political Action Comm 200SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500(Sam) Solon Volunteer Committee 500Samuelson, Don 5007,925Sandborgh, Anita Rae RPM 57AGulick, Bertrand L 250Sandborgh, Anita 1,835Volunteers for (Gene) Anderson 5002,585Sanisidro, Frank DFL 40Sanisidro, Frank 121121144

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesSauter, Don DFL 25A2nd Congressional District DFL 200LeSueur County DFL 500Opperman, Vance 150Dedicated Americans for the Senate 500Education Minn PAC 400MAPE-PAC 500Minn AFL-CIO 400Minn Democrats 150Minn League of Conservation Voters 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 300TRIAL-PAC 250<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 2504,100Saxhaug, Tom DFL 33rd Senate District DFL 200Aitkin County DFL Committee 1,300Anderson, Catherine 500Anderson, Gerald K 500Arbour, Stephen 250Beghly, David S 125Bobich, Frederick M. 375Bobich, Gwynne 375Borgh, John 200Broberg, David 150Gesme, Charles 200Gilbertson, Cindy 125Gilbertson, Steven 125Glorvigen, Rick 200Hawkinson, Carol 250Hawkinson, Mark 250Heino, John 200Hokkanen, Jack 125Hokkanen, Marsha 125Hoolihan, Laura 150Hoolihan, William 150Ives, Mary 250Ives, Mike 250Jackson, Thomas 250Jackson,Ann 250Jacobson Jr., Marty 250Jacobson Jr., Wayne 250Jacobson Sr., Wayne 250Kachinske, Lester 200MacNeil, James H 500MacNeil, Janet 500Maher, Joseph C 250Maher, Robin 250McDermott, Charlotte B 140Miner, Jerome 250Miner, Shirley 250Nelson, Ronald R 500Nielsen, Dar 125Nielsen, Michael 125Opperman, Vance 150Petermeier, Jerry 150Petermeier, Marge 150Powell, Meredith 125Powell, William 125Roessler, Joan 125Roessler, John 125Rowell, Byron 250Rowell, Luann 250Roy, Dennis 125Roy, Wendy 125Sandstrom, David 500Saxhaug, Ann 125Serratore, Anthony 250Serratore, Crystal 250Undem, John 250Undem, Linda 250Ward, Jewel 150Ward, John D 150Weber, Diane 125Weber, Terrance J. 125White, Mark R 250Wilbur, George I 320Wilcox, Steven 250Wilcox, Vicky 250Hahne, Kathryn S 200Zabinski, Edward M 300Aitkin County DFL Club 200CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 300Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 200Education Minn PAC 400Food PAC of Minn 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 500IBEW Local #31 Volunteer COPE Fund 200Local 59 Political Fund 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn Democrats 150Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Independent Insurance Agents PA 250Minn Manufactured Home PAC 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Power PAC 200NCRCC-MN-PAC 500SITCO PAC 250TRIAL-PAC 25021,910Scalze, Beverly DFL 54B54th Senate District DFL 4,412Opperman, Vance 150Weihrauch, Bobbie 150Dedicated Americans for the Senate 500Education Minn PAC 250Emily's List- Minn 500Friends of DFL Women 500MAPE-PAC 500Minn AFL-CIO 250Minn Democrats 150Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Transportation Political Education 500TRIAL-PAC 250Anderson, Todd J House Dist. 41A* Co 338<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 25010,000Scheevel, Kenric RPM 31*Dorsey Political Fund <strong>2002</strong>00Scheid, Linda DFL 463rd Congressional District DFL 50046th Senate District DFL 4,400Corporaal, George 200Davis, Frances 200Dorfman, Janet 250Erickson, Kent 250Gallagher, Pat 250Grindal, Michelle 250Nauen, Charles 250Pohlad, Carl 250Pohlad, James 250Pohlad, Robert 250Pohlad, William 250Pulles, Gregory 250Sborov, Mark 250Schwartz, Burton 250Seng, John 200Tetzloff, Robert 200Dorfman, Glenn 250145

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesBAM-PAC 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500CUVOL 500Dorsey Political Fund 200IFAPAC Minn 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 500Insurance Federation Political Acti 500Jobs Political Fund 500MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Multi Housing Political Action Comm 300Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 250SOF - PAC 500TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PAC 50016,550Schmidt, Lori DFL 19BDavis, Gabriel M 200Rego, Susan 300AFSCME Local 34 PEOPLE 500Communication Workers of America Lo 400Dedicated Americans for the Senate 500Education Minn PAC 400IBEW Local 292 Political Education Fun 500Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200Local 552 Union 200Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5004,800Schneider, Jan RPM 4141st Senate District RPM 1,000Beam, Gregory 500Cummins, Joan 500Cummins, Robert 500Pulles, Gregory 250Sisam, Edwin 250Siyczinski, Thomas 250Sullivan, Brian 250Wigley, Barbara 500Wigley, Michael 500Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Schneider, Janet 1,4296,429Schumacher, Leslie DFL 16BBauerly, Elaine 150Bauerly, Gerald 150Haugen, Mariel 150Haugen, Roger 150Hayes, Sandra 300Kuhlmann, Bruce 200Nesheim, Robert 250Stahlmann, James 250Stahlmann, Mary 250Carlson, Joel 200Grindal, H. Theodore 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 250Scott Coffman Volunteer Committee 1,3124,362Schurman, Lynn DFL 1414th Senate District DFL 1,000Benton County DFL 450Loehlein, Kathleen E 225Nolan, Fred 150Opperman, Vance 150Schurman, Dale 500Education Minn PAC 250Friends of DFL Women 500Greater Minn Conference Pol Action 500Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn Democrats 150Minn PEOPLE Committee 300Pipe Fitters Local 539 2504,625Schwab, Grace RPM 271st Congressional District RPM 500Fillmore County RPM 250Arends, Patricia 150Baldus, Walter 250Binder, Steven 250Bothum, Donna 180Bothum, J. David 320Curry, Alice 250Dahl, Martha 125Dunlap, William 250Entorf, Robert 200Erdman, Randall 180Field, Paul 200Halvorson, John 150Hareid, Gary 200Haukoos, Melvin 150Janzig, Jerry 250Johnson, Skeeter 125Knowlton, Richard 200Kramer, Mary 200Kraus, Kathy 150Kraus, Ron 150McCoy, Mike 500Miller, Harley 250Moline, Chuck 250Naverud, J 250Nelson, Brad 150Nelson, Pamela 150Orth, Jeff 200Overgaard, Jan 500Overguard, Paul 308Pestorious, Dawn 125Pestorious, Gary 125Purcell, Tim 250Purcell, Tom 500Robbins, Donna 150Schamber, Arlen 120Schmidt, Donna 200Snyder, William 200Stabell, Judith 250Thompson, Brian 175Thompson, Nora 175Tolbert, Sheila 200Vanderwaerdt, Nancy 125Waller, Joel 200Kramer, Ross 150Schneider, Mahlon 250BAM-PAC 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Committee of Nine PAC 200Dorsey Political Fund 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Jobs Political Fund 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 500Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Minn Farm Credit Services PAC 200Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 250NFIB/MN SAFE Trust 139Rural Electric Political Action Comm 140SITCO PAC 200146

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesSOF - PAC 500TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PAC 50016,762Schwartz, Robert N/A 4-58Goldfein, Melvin 310Kemph, Patty 300Schwartz, Sylvia 300910Scott, Jeff RPM 58Scott, Jeff 1,647Jeff Scott for <strong>Legislature</strong> 2,7744,421Seaberg, Art IPM 38A2nd Congressional District IPM 150Independence Party of Minn 280430Seagren, Alice RPM 41BThiss, Abbie 250Thiss, Scott 250Walsh, Andrea 113Walsh, Tim 113Wilcox, Patrick 150Georgacas, Chris 500Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200Citizens for Bob Ness <strong>2002</strong>,775Seifert, Marty RPM 21ASchwan, Alfred 500Wigley, Michael 250Citizens for Bob Ness 200950Senjem, David RPM 291st Congressional District RPM 1,150Dodge County RPM 750Olmsted County RPM 1,500Bigelow, Joel 200Blum, Pat 300Byer, David 200DeWitz, Beverly 150DeWitz, Robert 150Gauthier, Tom 200Hansen, Mary 200Hawkins, Richard 250Keith, Marion 125Kottschade, Franklin 200Kraft, Gilbert 500Mech, Robert 250Narr, Bradly 150Pappas, Charles 250Pestka, Gerald 200Prow, Barbara 150Prow, Don 150Sborov, Mark 250Schmidt, Darlene 125Schmidt, Fred 125Schnirring, Erwin 250Schnirring, Glenda 250Senjem, David H 2,946Senjem, Hazel 200Senjem, Jeanne 125Senjem, Louis 125Senjem, Marc 250Talen, James L 125Talen, Joyce 125Thompson, Conrad 125Thompson, Joyce 125Vetter, Janice 125Vetter, Richard 125Yanish, Dianne 250Yanish, Ronald J 250Keith, A 125BAM-PAC 250CUVOL 500Dorsey Political Fund 500Food PAC of Minn 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 500IFAPAC Minn 200Jobs Political Fund 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 250MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Eye PAC 250Minn Health PAC 500MSA-PAC 250Multi Housing Political Action Comm 250People in Construction Political Action 200SITCO PAC 30018,495Seppelt, Miles RPM 14ASeppelt, Miles 712712Sertich, Anthony DFL 5BDavidson, Gerald 250Johnson, Gunnar B 181Perrella, LaVaughn 200Schroetter, Randy 250Valentini, Patrick G 200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500IFAPAC Minn 200Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 150NCRCC-MN-PAC 500Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 589 P 500TRIAL-PAC 2503,181Severson, Daniel RPM 14A14th Senate District RPM 1,00017B House District RPM 300Adams, Katherine 125Adams, Scott 125Anderson, Dean 200Bernick, Lila 175Bernick, Richard 175Coborn, Dan 150Cragle, Beth 250Cragle, Steve 250Cummins, Joan 250Cummins, Robert 250Faber, Rose Ann 200Holland, Dennis 250Hubbard, Stanley 500Kinney, Peter 150Landwehr, Daniel 250Lynch, Patrick 250Moran, Cynthia 175Moran, Manuel 175Oakes, Patrick 250Payne, Kelly 250Payne, Todd 250Pulles, Gregory 125Pulles, Michelle 125Sullivan, Brian 250Sullivan, Mia 250Thienes, Rick 250Tims, Alan 125Tims, Elna 125Watkins, Don 125Zwiener, Bill 150Zwiener, Pat 150Girard, James 500147

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesHeise, Robert 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Jobs Political Fund 300MABC PAC 500MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500SITCO PAC 250Twin Cities Republican Assn 150Bertram, Joe Senate Dist. 14* Committ 381Citizens to Elect Ken Wolf 50012,856Shasky, Kelly DFL 342nd Congressional District DFL 200Carver County DFL 600Senate Majority Caucus 1,000Alberts, Joel G 200Ames, Raymond 200Bader, Thomas M 195Barlow, Kenneth 250Barlow, Shawn 250Bendzick, Peter A 150Calvery, Steven E 200Ciresi, Ann 200Ciresi, Michael 200Dahlke, David 260Dayton, Bruce B 250Edelan, Adam 250Haddeland, William 200Helgen, Henry 200Helmer, Bruce 450Helmer, Laura 450Hoff, Susan C 300Humphrey III, Hubert H 150Krueger, Richard 200Kucera, Maureen 300Moravec, John W 420Moravec, Sue 300O'Brien, Denver 185Olson, Deborah 500Opperman, Darin 200Sampson, Randall 250Shasky, Jennifer J 250Stevens, Janice R 500Stevens, Roy E 500Strange, Joy 150Tirk, Eugene R 125Varone, John 300Wright, Joe 250Zeitlin, Henry 200Shepardson, Frances 362Ames Construction PAC 250ARC PAC of Minn 150Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 300Education Minn PAC 400Emily's List- Minn 500Friends of DFL Women 500Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 200Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joi 500Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 150Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA-P 400Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500People in Construction Political Action 200RKM&C Fund 150TRIAL-PAC 25016,397Shreves, Catherine DFL 60Anderson,Nancy 400Centner, Sally Webber 150Cooper, Leon 150Davis, Frances 250Graves, Kathy D 200Gulden, Diana 150Hopper, Robert 250Kaplan, Mark 111Kaplan, Samuel 150Knighton, Ellen 500Lavercombe, Larry A 150Lenfestey, James P 200Loud, Mary S 150Pluimer, Peggy L 150Schapiro, Dennis J 200Shnider, Bruce 200Shreves, Helen C 200Shreves, Margaret E 200Smith, Tina F 500Strickland, Sarah B 200Suga, Maureen 200Thomas, Jennifer Jewell 2504,911Shuck, Bruce DFL 13APope County DFL 225Heidecker, James 250Heidecker, Richard 250Hellie, Charles 121Jorgenson, Doreen 300Jorgenson, Jeff 300Meyer, Verne 200Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 200Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn DRIVE 300TRIAL-PAC 500VET-PAC of Minn 2003,146Sieben, Jeffrey DFL 57BArney, Barb 200Aune, Richard C. 250Broin, Marlene M 250Carey, James 250Carey, John 250Carey, Molly 250Cronin, J.P. 250Dayton, Mark 250Dietrich, Corinne 250Dietrich, William 250Dusich, Bernard 150Foster, William 200Givogre, John 150Haber, Phillip B 250Halverson, Beth 200Henrichs, Dave 200Holmgren, Gary 250Johnson, Mary 250Kosieradzki, Mark 200LaVerdiere, Richard 250Meshbesher, Ronald I 200Mondale, Ted 250Morrow, Jane F 250Novak, Damian 200Novak, Thomas V 150Opperman, Darin 250Opperman, Vance 250Peterson, Jeffrey H 200Poepl, John 500Reuter, Mary T 140Robinson, John H 250Rogosheske, Paul 250Sawicki, Walter 200Schaumann, Robert W 250Schwebel, James 200148

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesSchweiger, Paul 250Scully, Patrick 150Sieben, Gretchen 250Sieben, John 200Sieben, Michael 250Sikorski, Gerald 250Stromquist, Edna 250Taylor, Philip C 250Thue, David A 250Van Berkom, Leanne 250Van Berkom, Lowell C 250Anderson, Wendell 250Hunter, Larry 200Keith, A 150Kramer, Ross 150Education Minn PAC 400IBEW Local 292 Political Education 250Iron Workers Local 512 500Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 300MAPE-PAC 500Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 500TRIAL-PAC 25014,940Sieben, Katie DFL 57AAune, Richard C. 250Berman, Michael S 250Carey, John 250Chezick, Steven N. 250Ciresi, Ann 250Ciresi, Michael 250Cronin, J. Patrick 250Dayton, Mark 250Dietrich, Connie 250Dietrich, William 250Dusich, Bernie 200Fahnhorst, Keith 250Fahnhorst, Sue 250Fogarty, Greg 125Fogarty, Joe 125Fogarty, Marnie 125Fogarty, Paulette 125Foster, William 200Freeman, Jane 200Givogre, John 150Hawes, Amanda 150Hertogs, Scott 250Ishikawa, Robert G. 150Johnson, Ginny 250Jones, Harvey 200Kimmel Ritter, Ann 250Kisch, John 200Klein, Lori L. 150Kosieradzki, Mark 200Kranz, William 125Krizner, Andrea 125LaVerdiere, Richard 250Mazard, Camelia C. 125McGill, Judy 200Meshbesher, Ronald I 200Montpetit, Joel 125Morrow, Jane F 250Noran, Anna Maria 250Novak, Kevin J. 250Novak, Marie J. 250Opperman, Darin 250Opperman, Vance 250Osborne, Amanda L. 237Pinnelli, Janis 250Poepl, John 250Poepl, Mary P 250Polk, Kathy 250Polk, Mike 250Ritter, Ann K. 250Robinson, John H 250Rogosheske, Paul 250Sawicki, Walter 200Schaumann, Robert W 250Schwebel, James 200Schweiger, Paul 250Shakow, Peter J. 250Sieben, David R. 250Sieben, Gretchen 250Sieben, Harry 250Sieben, Jeff 250Sieben, John 150Sieben, Michael 250Sieben, Tom 250Sikorski, Gerald 250Sikorski, Susan 250Stromquist, Edna 250Taylor, Philip C 250Van Berkom, Leanne 250Van Berkom, Lowell C 250Wolsfeld, Anne E. 250Wynia, Ann 200Anderson, Wendell 250Keith, A 150Kramer, Ross 150Vento, Susan 500Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Education Minn PAC 400IBEW Local 292 Political Education Fun 250Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 250Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 500St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 500TRIAL-PAC 250(Jeff) Sieben Volunteer Committee 30020,487Simon, Bev DFL 34A2nd Congressional District DFL 150Carver County DFL 400IBEW Local 292 Political Education Fun 250Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 150Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn PEOPLE Committee 3001,450Simpson, Dean RPM 10BOtterTail County RPM 500Wadena County RPM 1,000Arvig, Allan R 250Arvig, Carmen L 250Arvig, David R 250Berube, Allan L 250Berube, Jana D 250Buerkle, Ed 500Buerkle, Pat 500Cavanagh, Charles 250Cavanagh, John J 250Cavanagh, Robert 250Cavanagh, William J 250Davis, Gary 500Happel, Dennis 500Happel, Joan 500Harrison, Cheryl 250Harrison, Harry c 250Harrison, Jeff 250Harrison, Kathy 250Harrison, Ric J 250Harrison, Rosemary 250149

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesHepola, Diane 125Hepola, Terry 125Legried, Howard 250Lehr, James 500McIntire, Dennis 125McIntire, Peggy 125Nelson, Kenneth 200Osterfeldt, Diana 250Osterfeldt, Jim 250Parta, Janet 250Parta, Mike A 250Seip, Nathan 250Seip, Susan R 250Staebler, Betty 250Staebler, Jon R 250Stallman, Terry 250Swenson, Don 500Swenson, Sue 500Thompson, Bonnie 125Thompson, Mischelle 125Thompson, Robert E 125Thompson, Robin 125Ward, Marvin S 200Daggett, Roxann House Dist. 11A* Co 2,00015,150Skoe, Rod DFL 2Becker County DFL 300Beltrami County DFL 1,000Hubbard County DFL 1,000Gesell, Gary 500Gesell, Karen 500Mollin, Richard 500Bemidji Central Labor Body AFL-CIO 250Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Education Minn PAC 400Hospitality Political Action Committee 250Jobs Political Fund 200Local 59 Political Fund 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 150MSCA-PAC 200NCRCC-MN-PAC 500Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 300SITCO PAC 200TRIAL-PAC 250Volunteers for Hapka (Sandra) 3759,125Skoe, Rod DFL 2BFond du Lac Committee of Political 500500Skoglund, Wes DFL 62Anglim, Richard 150Bourks, Phillip 350Reidesel, Paul 200Wicker, Tim 200Committee of Nine PAC 200Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 500Education Minn PAC 250IFAPAC Minn 200Local 59 Political Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 200Minn DRIVE 300Minn Licensed Beverage Assoc PAC 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Municipal Retirement Asso 500Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 200Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 250Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 300TRIAL-PAC 500UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Political 200(Wes) Skoglund Volunteer Committee 8,88716,837Skoglund, Wes DFL 62B*Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500500Skraba, Roger IPM 6ABergantz, Donald 250Bergantz, Louise A 250Kellerman, Judi 125Kellerman, Scott C 150Pistner (Bernard) Volunteer Committee 4651,240Slavik, Michael DFL 14B14th Senate District DFL 500Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn PEOPLE Committee 5001,200Slawik, Nora DFL 55B55th Senate District DFL 1,000Hargis, William 125Oloughlin, Gregory 200Peterson, Rick 125Rao, S. Prabha Kara 225Slawik, Delores M 125Slawik, Jerome 125Uttley, Scott 200Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Education Minn PAC 400IBEW 110 PAC 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Eye PAC 500Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA-P 200Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5005,975Smith, Bonnie GPM 58BDelgado, Julie <strong>2002</strong>00Smith, Brett DFL 53B53rd Senate District DFL 3,017Adrian, Jane 150Bolton, Mario 250Bolton, Steven 500Carlson, Joel 250Christenson, Michael 250Dahlen, Peter 250Faricy, Carole 250Gilbertson, Paul 200McLeod, Mary 150Mondale, Ted 250Parker, Andrew 250Parker, Leslie 250Smith, Louis 250Smith, Nadia N 250Smith, Phillip H 150Wagner, Phyllis L 500Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Clean Water Action Voter Education 397Education Minn PAC 400Iron Workers Local 512 200150

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMAPE-PAC 500Minn AFL-CIO 500Minn DRIVE 300SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 121St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 500TRIAL-PAC 500(John) Pyka Volunteer Committee 1,233<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 250Orfield (Myron) Volunteer Committee 50013,068Smith, Steve RPM 33A33rd Senate District RPM 1,000Fadel, Mary 250Fadel, Mitchell 250Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 200Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 300Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500TRIAL-PAC 5004,200Soderstrom, Judith RPM 8B8th Congressional District RPM 500House RPM Campaign Committee 3,000Pine County RPM 1,000Soderstrom, Cindy 200Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 500Dorsey Political Fund 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 250SITCO PAC 5006,150Sohl, David RPM 9BBecker County RPM 250Clay County RPM 1,000Traverse County RPM 300Wilkin County RPM 900Darrigrand, Andre 250Darrigrand, Judy 250Eischens, Lisa 213Eischens, Rodney 213McWethy, Dawn 250McWethy, Mary K 500McWethy, Michael J 250Reardon, Bob 170Swenson, Don 150Swenson, Sue 150Bob Westfall for Minn House 500Daggett, Roxann House Dist. 11A* Co 4,0009,345Solberg, Loren DFL 3B3B House District DFL 3,0003rd Senate District DFL 200Fedje-Johnston, John 150Ives, Mary 250Ives, Michael 250Keliher, Judith 200MacNeil, James H 250MacNeil, Janet 250MacNeil, Kelly 250Matonich, Edward J 200Sackett, Eunice 175Sampson, Curtis A 125Sampson, Marian 125Serratore, Anthony 250Undem, Linda 250Will, Ann 125Dorsey Political Fund 200Education Minn PAC 400Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 125Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200NCRCC-MN-PAC 5008,425Solon, Yvonne DFL 7Goldfine, Steven 250Levin, Ilene 250Oliver, Kent 200Van Etta, John 500Van Etta, Linda 500Hofstede, Albert 250Huber, Mark 250Duluth Central Labor Body COPE Fund 500Education Minn PAC 400IFAPAC Minn 200Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 400Iron Range Legislative Fund 500Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 200MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Messerli & Kramer Political Action 300Minn AFL-CIO 400Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 200Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 200Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500NCRCC-MN-PAC 500Political Action Fund of Duluth Firefight 125Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 250TRIAL-PAC 250(Sam) Solon Volunteer Committee 1,0008,875Sommer, Jay N/A 9-4Baltich, Joe 247Sommer, Jay 8,7659,012Sparks, Daniel DFL 27Freeborn County DFL 920Mower County DFL 200Senate Majority Caucus 2,458Brown, Joseph 125Brown, Robin 125Gilbert, Pam 400Habberstad, Stephen 500Kirby, Michael 200Madson, Deborah 150Metzen, Jim 200Niemiec, Richard 250Nyman, Mark G 250Piper, Pat 500Micheletti, Thomas 250Spano, Wyman 200ARC PAC of Minn 150Committee of Nine PAC 200Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Education Minn PAC 250Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500IFAPAC Minn 200Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 250Local 59 Political Fund 500MAPE-PAC 500Minn AFL-CIO 250Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 200Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 250Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 250151

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesNorthwest Petroleum NPPAC 200Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 250SITCO PAC 200United Food & Commerical Workers, C 50013,178Spence, Darryl DFL 65ALogan, Robert 250Morgan, Derrick 250Reimer, Mary 5001,000Sperling, Susan DFL 34BCarver County DFL 400Forrester, Heather L 300Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 300Education Minn PAC 400Friends of DFL Women 200Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joi 300Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 150Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn <strong>State</strong> MNPL 250Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5003,500Spigner, Saundra IPM 433rd Congressional District IPM 200Anderson, Edward 250Goldman, Daniel 175Goldman, Diane 125Schwarz, Audri 375Whitbeck, Elizabeth C 1251,250Sprague, James IPM 8BSprague, Harriet 147Sprague, James 147294Stanek, Richard RPM 32B32nd Senate District RPM 500Reynolds, Jim 225Apitz, John 200Poul, Thomas J 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Messerli & Kramer Political Action 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 300Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 5003,175Stang, Douglas RPM 14BBlease, Jeffrey 125Blease, Rochelle 125Corporaal, George 200Frobenius, John 250Fugling, Bob 250Fugling, Linda D 250Grindal, Michelle 125Johannes, Mark 135Johannes, Mary 135Kelly, Michael F 250Kramer, Mary 200Lockridge, Mary Louise 125Lockridge, Richard 125Nauen, Charles 250Speese, Carolyn 250Speese, Mark 250Genia, James 150Grindal, H. Theodore 125Dorsey Political Fund 200IFAPAC Minn 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 250Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 500Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 450Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 2506,070Staricha, Lance GPM 38BStaricha, Lance 1,8771,877Steiner, Jan RPM 55AHouse RPM Campaign Committee 250Republican Party of Minn 200McGovern, John 550Sandberg, Bill 200Twin Cities Republican Assn 150Makidon, Charlie House Dist. 55B Com 166Jan Steiner For County Commissioner 1811,697Stellpflug, Luke N/A 10-14Stellpflug, Luke <strong>2002</strong>00Stiles, Don RPM 40B3rd Congressional District RPM 50040th Senate District RPM 2,48541st Senate District RPM 950Ankeny, Teresa M 125Ankeny, William C 125Block, David J 250Block, Judith A 250Charlson, Lynn L 500Have, Lisa M 250Have, Ronald A 250Herzog, Donald J 500Herzog, Gloria 500Lund, Jed 125Lund, Jody L 125McElrath, Douglas 250McElrath, Karen H 250Nelson, Paul L 200Nieder, Werner H 250Schuler, Charles 150Schuler, Susan M 150Stiles, Jennifer K 250Stiles, Paul G 250Teschler, Kim 500Prentnieks, Mary 475Twin Cities Republican Assn 150Citizens for Bob Ness 20010,010Stockstead, Michael RPM 42Fire Fighters Interested in Registraion & 500500Stoneburner, Terri Jean N/ADayton, Bruce B. 500Kelly, Timothy 500Matonich, Edward J 250Meshbesher, Ronald I 250O'Gorman, Patricia A 250Simonson, James S. 201Stoneburner, Michelle A. 1,000Dorsey Political Fund 2,500Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 750Lindquist & Vennum Political Fund 250RKM&C Fund 5,00011,451Storm, Julie RPM 231st Congressional District RPM 1,150Blue Earth County RPM 2,000Nicollet County RPM 200152

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesSenate Victory Fund 900Sibley County RPM Party Exec Commit 250Hoehn, T.R. 145Javens, Duane 500Javens, J 500Storm, Charles L 786MABC PAC 500Julie Storm Volunteer Committee 2,914Truwe (Jack) Volunteer Committee 3,343Volunteers for Jerry Groebner 50013,689Strachan, Steven RPM 36B37th Senate District RPM 500Boyum, MaryAnn 125Boyum, Paul 125Nelson, Janet 500Nelson, Steven 500Pogatchnik, Barry 250Ryan, Tom 500Stelzel, Gerald 200Strachan, Douglas 500Strachan, Patricia 500Kramer, Ross 200Poul, Thomas J 200CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Committee for <strong>State</strong> Pro-life Candidates 366Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn League of Conservation Voters 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500SITCO PAC 2507,766Stringer, Thomas N/A 7-17Erickson, John 200Erickson, Kim 200McFarlane, Eunice 200Senyk, Nancy 300Spies, Gary 200Spies, Sharon 200Thom, Bruce 200Thom, Sylvia 200Vaa, Sharon 2001,900Stumpf, LeRoy DFL 1Nelson, Sheila 200Osawski, Ronald 125Osawski, Virginia 125Shaffer, Mrs. Roger 250Shaffer, Roger 250Amundson, Kristen 200Dorsey Political Fund 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Local 59 Political Fund 300Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 200NCRCC-MN-PAC 500People in Construction Political Action 200Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 500Rural Electric Political Action Comm 150Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 500Volunteers for Hapka (Sandra) 3755,075Sullivan, Brian RPMAho, Brad 499Alton, Howard 240Ames, Richard 500Ashley, Steven 250Baker, Bill 250Bakersville, H M 250Barlow, Stephen 2,000Bentdahl, Craig 2,000Bentdahl, Stephanie 500Brawner, Paul 250Brehem, Edward 2,000Brehem, Kristin 1,999Brehm, Stephen 500Breitbarth, Niel 250Briggs, Stephen 1,000Brittain, Donald 2,000Brodin, Dale 1,000Broom, Phillip 250Brown, Niel 2,000Clark, William 2,000Cobb, Elliott 1,000Commerford, Thomas 250Cornelissen, Thomas 250Cousins, John 1,000Cremers, Gordon 500Crudden, Kevin 500Crudele, John 250Culp, Kim 2,000Cusick, Thomas 2,000D Aquilla, James 499Devos, Peter 2,000Dietrich, William 500Doherty, Patrick 2,000Dolphin, Dorthy 2,000Dolphin, Gregory 2,000Dolphin, Kathleen 2,000Doyle, Timothy 250Driessen, Vincent 500Ellis-Gardner, Wendy 250Erickson, Mary 250Esmay, John 500Farley, Patrick 250Fiorillo, Anthony 250Frauenshuh, David 500Fullerton, Marna 2,000Gaecke, Robert 500Gauger, George 900Gerard, Thomas 250Goldgeier, James 300Grant, Peter 250Greesser, Micheal 500Grojean, Maureen 500Hallett, David 500Hardesty, James 250Hartman, Todd G. 250Hawks, William 1,000Helms, Jack 499Hembree, Dick 2,000Hinderaker, John 250Hoeft, Anastasia 2,000Hoeft, William 2,000Hooley, John 250Houston, John R 500Jabbour, Gabriel 2,000Javens, Duane 1,000Johnson, Dan 1,000Jordahl, Laura 250Jundt, Marcus 499Kahler, John 900Kane, Thomas 250Karpinske, Carla 1,000Kellar-Sarmiento, Andreas 2,000Kelly, Michael F 500Kierlin, Robert 2,000Kim, Joon 249Kip, Kootz 250Kline, Rick 250Koltes, Clifford 500153

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesKopchik, John 2,000Kopp, Terrence 1,000Kordonowy, Janet 1,600Larson, Ernest 250Lindahl, B. John Jr. 1,000Linsmayer, Nicholas 250Ludwick, William 1,000Luse, David K 500Lux, Robert 250MacCabe, Gale 250MacDonald, Reid 1,000Madison, Eric 2,000Madison, Meg 2,000Malevich, Mary 400Marvin, Frank 1,000McCaffery, Gene 2,000McConnel, Micheal 250McMillian, Douglas 1,000Miller, Clayton 1,000Miller, Clinton 250Miller, Gerard 2,000Mithun, Mary A. 2,000Mithun, Raymond 2,000Morrison, Norm 250Nelson, Curtis 500Nigon, Richard 250Nolan, John 2,000Olseth, Dale 2,000Olseth, Nancy 2,000Palmer, Ron 500Peterson, Kenneth 2,000Pohlad, Rebecca 2,000Pohlad, Robert 2,000Pomije, David 2,000Pomije, Jo Ann 2,000Ratelle, John 500Reichel, Bryan 1,000Remick, John 1,000Robinson, Ronald 1,000Rosenberg, Johan 250Rotenberg, Daniel D. 2,000Saari, Catherine 400Schreier, Thomas 250Schutz, Ronald 1,000Schwalbach, Gerald 2,000Schwingler, Jon 500Searles, Mary 500Senn, Mark 1,000Simon, John 250Smith, Brian 1,000Smith, Mark 500Smith, William 500Statton, Judy 2,000Stebbins, Marianne 500Steele, Brian 250Strasser, Richard 500Sullivan, Brian 1,204,426Sundquist, Amy 2,000Sweasy, William 500Sweeney, Mike 2,000Thorpe, Marie 500Tollefson, Jeffrey 2,000Trautz, John 1,000Trefethen, John 750Troup, John 499Varley, Leo 2,000Vazquez-Keller, Maria 2,000Viere, Gordon A 2,000Walden, Margaret 500Walker, Stanley 500Weisman, William 1,000Welch, John 499Wessner, David 1,000Wigley, Barbara 2,000Wigley, Michael 2,000Winslow, Barry 2,000Winslow, Clark 300Winslow, Sandra 2,000Wirth, Jeffrey 1,000Wojtowicz, Leonard 250Yasmineh, David 500Zona, Rene 2,000Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 2,000Taxpayers League MN Victory Fund 1,000Winthrop & Weinstine, PA Political 5001,366,708Sullivan, Marc RPM 63B3rd Congressional District RPM 5005th Congressional District RPM 37563rd Senate District RPM 1,500Mortenson, Philip A 1402,515Sumner, Steven RPM 595th Congressional District RPM 500Meyer, Kristin Senate Dist. 59 Committ 250750Sundae, Lax DFL 37BSundae, Lax 300300Sundberg, Patricia DFL 17A17th Senate District DFL 150Isanti County DFL 800Bremer, Carl 200Kosta, Nicholas 175Education Minn PAC 250Friends of DFL Women 300Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joi 150Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Pipe Fitters Local 539 250St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 1303,505Sutherland, William RPM 42ABudde, Edward C. 125Budde, Regina M. 125Feerick, Richard M 150Anderson, Gene House Dist. 57B Com 500900Sviggum, Steven RPM 28BWabasha County RPM 250Winona County RPM 250Bailey, John 200Barsness, Fred 200Ellingson, Roger E 200Hanson, Brian 200Johnson, Marjory 200Knott, Darwin 200Page, Gregory 250Pohlad, Carl 250Pohlad, James 250Pohlad, Robert 250Pohlad, William 250Proehl, Douglas 150Rasmussen, Belva 250Russell, Richard 500Staly, Warren 500Tollefson, Lynn 1504,500Swapinski, Dale IPM 7BFredrickson, Darrell 200154

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMinn Realtors Political Action Comm 500(Dale) Swapinski for Senate 5281,228Swenson, Howard RPM 23A1st Congressional District RPM 300Ames, Richard 250Caristrom, Jeffrey 200Davis, Mark 200Isaacs, John 250Wigley, Barbara 125Wigley, Michael 125Ames Construction PAC 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 300Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 150People in Construction Political Action 200Tim Finseth for <strong>State</strong> Rep 500Tom Workman Volunteer Committee 2,0006,600Swenson, James N/A 4-58Barr, Candace 500Bryant, Elizabeth 250Christy, Allen 500Eidsness, Alan 200Faust, Nan 200McGrath, Kevin 500Mullin, Chouhel 150Mullin, William 150Schmidt, Steven 150Terzich, Jodi 125Turner, Joanne 250Wade, Terry 500Meller, Robert 200Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 500Lommen Nelson Political Action Comm 200RKM&C Fund 5,0009,375Sykora, Barbara RPM 33BForbord, Terry 500Koch, Barbara 500Kordonowy, Thomas 200Ruehl, JN 200Winter, Ione 150CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Multi Housing Political Action Comm 3002,800Temke, Mark IPM 47Senate Victory Fund 3,0003,000Tenney, Geoffrey DFL 19ARiley, Melanie 125Riley, Michael 125Smith, Jim 200Tenney, Harold 125Tenney, Lori 125Timm, Kathryn 200Walters, Merle 125Walters, Verna 125Education Minn PAC 2501,400Terwilliger, Roy W RPM 42*Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 5001,000Teske, Paul DFL 56*Local 28 Political Fund 500500Thao, Cy DFL 65AMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 2,000Kaplan, Samuel 150McDonough, Bigid 250McLean, Reid 250Rosenthal, Mary 200Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Common Sense PAC 150Education Minn PAC 400Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 200Local 28 Political Fund 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 400Minn DRIVE 150Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Political 1507,300Theisen, Mary NA 1-31Beatty, Brad 250Flaherty, Dennis J 200Goldser, Ronald 250LaVerdiere, Richard 200Lukas, Annamarie 200McDonough, Mark 250Montpetit, Joel 150Neil, Marcy 500Nystrom, Roy 500Pohlad, Carl 1,000Polk, Michael 200Rogosheske, Paul 350Shields, Mark 200Sieben, Michael 200Stratton, Ron 2,000Theisen, Mary 274Wolf, Miriam 500Yelland, Elizabeth 5,385Zshokke, Stephanie 11112,720Thissen, Paul DFL 63ADuncan, Richard 150Gerstein, Daniel G 200Gordon, Auron 150Harris, David 250Harris, Emily 250MacEachern, Katherine A 250Madison, Carrie P 150Madison, Michael T 150Madison, Thomas F 150McDonough, Brigid 250Polsky, Bernadette 250Polsky, James 250Simon, Charles 250Wilson-Crocker, Mary 200Committee of Nine PAC 250Education Minn PAC 400Local 59 Political Fund 500Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minneapolis Central Labor Union Counc 250Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250MSA-PAC 250Progressive Minn 200SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500TRIAL-PAC 250Thissen, Paul C 6427,192Thompson, Mark DFL 45A155

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign Committees45th Senate District DFL 3,250Bobgan, Sharon 150Helgen, Michele 200Johnson, Kimberly AS 125Johnson, Tad T 125Jerich, Ronald 120Committee of Nine PAC 200Local 59 Political Fund 200Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 250<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 250Ness (Lance) Volunteer Committee 1,4828,102Tiffany, Robert N/A 9-4Ohannesian, J T 500Tiffany, Douglas G 500Tiffany, Robert 3001,300Tilley, Margaret DFL 38A38th Senate District DFL 2,500Ducharme, Margaret 250Hoffinger, Paul 157Jensen, Robert C 250Khan, Sam 250Opperman, Vance 150CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 300Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Education Minn PAC 400Friends of DFL Women 500Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 300Minn AFL-CIO 400Minn Democrats 150Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500TRIAL-PAC 250Brisbois, Leo I House Dist. 38B* Commi 500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 250Moore, Gary House Dist. 38B* Committ 250Tilley, Margaret J 4,01312,871Tingelstad, Kathy RPM 49B3rd Congressional District RPM 50049th Senate District RPM, Anoka Count 1,000Donaldson, Charles 125Donaldson, Julie 125Kretsch, Patricia 200Matt, Debra M. 125Matt, Jeff 125Committee for <strong>State</strong> Pro-life Candidates 303Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 500Messerli & Kramer Political Action 200Minn League of Conservation Voters 500Rural Electric Political Action Comm 200SITCO PAC 250H Todd VanDellen for <strong>State</strong> Representa 250Tingelstad Vol. Comm. for Senate 7,49612,649Tingelstad, Kathy RPM 50*Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500500Tomassoni, David DFL 5Anderson, Charles 250Anderson, Joel 250Champa, John 150Davidson, Gerald 250Diaz, Richard 250Eaton, David 250Eaton, Diane 250Haslow, Justine 250Haslow, Robert 250Kosiak, John 250Nelson, Kathy 200Ruud, Patricia 150Waters, Mary Jean 125Jorgensen, Julie 250Seck, Gerald 200Williams, Charles 250Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Dorsey Political Fund 400Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500IFAPAC Minn 500Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500NCRCC-MN-PAC 500Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 589 P 500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 5008,425Tourville, Matthew DFL 56B56th Senate District DFL 538Cumpston, Lawrence W 250Cumpston, Lisa E 250Flaherty, Mary S 200Gossman, George W 250Gossman, Kathleen F 250Sieben, Michael 250Singley, Don 200Tourville, Susan L 250Bois Forte Political Education Fund 250Education Minn PAC 400MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn DRIVE 300St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 5004,438Trainor, Kevin RPM 61A61st Senate District RPM 195Dahlberg (Christopher) for Duluth 125320Trojack, John RPM 3939A House District RPM 500Conant, Ingrid 250Farley, Patrick 250Glewwe, Norman 450Lundquist, Stella 255Perron, Nancy 106Plum, David 250St Martin, John 150Stassen, J Robert 300Trojack, Eleanor 500Weisbecker, Richard 300Weyerhaeuser, F.T. 200(John) Trojack Election Committee 1,334Engdahl (Mark) Volunteer Committee 1,5006,345Tuma, John RPM 25A*Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Messerli & Kramer Political Action 250Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 500Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500TRIAL-PAC 2502,200156

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesTupper, Michael DFL 29Minn PEOPLE Committee 500500Ueland, Lowell DFL 18AMcLeod County DFL 250Meeker County DFL 500Hatlestad, Marion 350Hatlestad, Robert 350Ueland, Dennis S 250Ueland, Lowell V 500Education Minn PAC 400Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500People for Krueger (Jeffrey) 8005,000Urdahl, Dean RPM 18B41st Senate District RPM 450Meeker County RPM 2,063Wright County RPM 200Hicks, Lyle 250Hubbard, Stanley 500Olson, Carolyn Healy 500Olson, Earl 500Ridgeway, Rosalind 250Rutledge, Dennis F 200Sparboe, Robert 250Stearns, Roger 250Girard, James 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Committee for <strong>State</strong> Pro-life Candidates 368Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 192Education Minn PAC 400Hospitality Political Action Committee 500M H H A PAC 300Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 150SITCO PAC 250Citizens for Bob Ness 500Citizens to Elect Ken Wolf 50010,072Vadnais, Kathleen GPM 52BHooley, Thomas 300300Van Blarcom, Therese DFL 32A3rd Congressional District DFL 15032nd Senate District DFL 315Montgomery, Mark H. 200Garst, Samuel D 250Lamb, Kathleen 250Redmond, Lawrence 200Schreiber, William H 200Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 100 200Education Minn PAC 400Friends of DFL Women 200Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 500Minn AFL-CIO 250Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 300Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 2504,715Van De Ven, Martha DFL 33AAnderson, Donald 500Anderson, Margaret 500Ankeny, Teresa M 250Ankeny, William 250Melrose, Julie 500Melrose, Kenneth 500Nielsen, D James 250Piper, Cynthia S 200Turnquist, Elizabeth 150Veach, Jack 250Friends of DFL Women 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5004,350Vandeveer, Raymond RPM 52ABarrett, W. E. 150Czech, David 200Larson, Kathleen M. 500Larson, Vern 500Ottomeyer, Leann 150Reynolds, R. David 476Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 500Bike PAC 200Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 350IFAPAC Minn 200Multi Housing Political Action Comm 300SITCO PAC 2504,026VanEngen, Thomas RPM 13BKandiyohi County RPM 500Lac qui Parle County RPM 500Olson, Earl 250Peterson, Gary 125Peterson, Joan 125Hospitality Political Action Committee 250MABC PAC 2502,000Vekich, Michael RPMCook, William 500Haglind, Kenneth 500Lieske, Evelyn 250Martin, Sandra 500Monahan, William 2,000Rubino, Daniel 500Tummel, Kenneth 2504,500Ventura, Jesse IPMAnderson, Sheldon 900Haken, Bernard 224Johnson, Sandy 209Lien Bierbaum, Deborah 257Lybeck, Todd 294Magnuson, Scott 297Marshall, Clara 212Moorman, John 288Ray, Jason 303Sargent, Debra 206Seys, Donna 2243,413Vickerman, James DFL 22Cottonwood County DFL 300Pipestone County DFL 300Keith, A 250Ames Construction PAC 250Committee of Nine PAC 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 500Dorsey Political Fund 200Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150Minn Architects Political Action Co 200Minn Farm Credit Services PAC 250Minn Soybean 500Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 200Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500157

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesMinneapolis Police Relief Assoc 300Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200Multi Housing Political Action Comm 200Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 5006,250Volz, Jane NA 1-1Volz, Jane 12,044Volz, Jerry 5,39017,433Voss, Steven DFL 48A48th Senate District DFL 725Sherburne County DFL 150Gumphrey, Jerome 200Voss, Barbara 300Voss, Joyce 250Voss, Robert 300Voss, Ronald 250Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Education Minn PAC 250Iron Workers Local 512 300Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 250Local 851 Political Action Committee 300Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Pipe Fitters Local 539 500Transportation Political Education 250TRIAL-PAC 250(Kathleen) Sekhon Campaign Comm 5756,050Wagenius, Jean DFL 62BDe Cosse, Cyrille E. 500De Cosse, Paula W 500Harrison, Supenn 2921,292Walker, Neva DFL 61BDiaz, M.D., Richard F 200Fishbein, Michael 250Flynn, Thomas 250Haselow, Robert 500Herman, Jeffrey 200Musel, Matthew M 500Spears, Wayne 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Minn Eye PAC 250Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA-P 230MSA-PAC 250Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 150TRIAL-PAC 2504,780Walsh, Bret RPM 55BWalsh, Christine 500Walsh, Frank 500Brinkman for <strong>State</strong> Rep 500Volunteers for Jim Seifert 5002,000Walz, Dale RPM 12A41st Senate District RPM 250Green, Betty 250Green, Thomas 250Hilgart, Jeffery 135Hilgart, Sue 135Klabunde, Karen 150Mills, Sandra 250Mills, Stewart 250Wigley, Barbara 125Wigley, Michael 125CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500Insurance Federation Political Acti 500Jobs Political Fund 500Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500MinnBank <strong>State</strong> PAC 500SOF - PAC 500Citizens for Bob Ness 5006,421Ward, Andrew IPM 37A2nd Congressional District IPM 150150Ward, Julie RPM 54A4th Congressional District RPM 20066B House District RPM 750Eide, David 220Nygren, Albert G 500Scroggins, Merlyn 200Shamp, Earl J 135Shearen, Charles 200Tedlund, Donna M 200Vomhof, Donald M 200Wolverton, M W 200Twin Cities Republican Assn 1502,955Wardlow, Lynn RPM 38B2nd Congressional District RPM 25038th Senate District RPM 1,050Asleson, Curtis 125Asleson, Sonia 125Charpentier, Mary 175Eggen, Paul S 487Murr, Thomas E. 110Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 500Dorsey Political Fund 200Food PAC of Minn 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 250MABC PAC 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Minn Optometric Political Action Comm 350SITCO PAC 500Citizens to Elect Ken Wolf 500Harry Mares Volunteer Committee 2506,072Wasiluk, Scott DFL 55AWeinshel, Eric 250Seck, Gerald 250Vento, Susan 250CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 200Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Local 59 Political Fund 200Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 250TRIAL-PAC 250Orfield (Myron) Volunteer Committee 5002,650Wedel, J Mark RPM 38th Congressional District RPM 1,000Aitkin County RPM 1,000Itasca County RPM 500Senate Victory Fund 2,500Lewis, Douglas J 300Lewis, Patricia 300Paulbeck, Onida 125Paulbeck, Philp 1255,850Weis, William DFL 4BCrow Wing County DFL 950158

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesHubbard County DFL 1,850Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn DRIVE 300NCRCC-MN-PAC 500TRIAL-PAC 200(Anthony) Kinkel for Senate 500(Harold) Finn For Senate 5005,000Welty, Harry RPM 7ABoone, Robert J. 200Burns, Richard 200Johnson, Donald F. 200Moline, Donald 150Moline, Nancy 150Nelson, Joyce 250Nelson, Rolland 250Welty, Georganne R 500Welty, Harry 750Welty, Rebecca 500(Harry) Welty Volunteer Committee 204Dahlberg (Christopher) for Duluth 1963,550Wergin, Betsy RPM 168th Congressional District RPM 1,00017B House District RPM 350Morrison County RPM 200Allen, Burton 150Allen, Thora 150Cook, David P 200Erickson, Cindy K 125Erickson, Daniel D 125Hubbard, Stanley 200Metcalf, Karen 125Rachel, Donald J 500Veit, Vaugh 500Watercott, Judyann 150Watercott, Michael 150Food PAC of Minn 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 500Jobs Political Fund 500Minn Health PAC 250NFIB/MN SAFE Trust 111SITCO PAC 300Volunteers for Betsy Wergin 6,20011,986Wersal, Greg RPM 46Baker, Geraldine 500Wersal, Andrew 125Wersal, Joette 125750Wertz, John DFL 15ACrooks, Stanley 250250Werven, Gerry RPM 29Werven, Beth 164Volunteers for Gerry Werven 578742Westerberg, Andrew RPM 51A41st Senate District RPM 300Courneya, Mark 180Donohue, Stephen V 300Hartman, Anna L 250Hartman, Melvin F 250Knowlan, Bruce 200Matt, Jeff 250Moore, Pamela A 125Moore, Ronald C 125Teeson, Jerry 132Ubl, David 200Walter, George 150CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 500CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 250Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500SOF - PAC 500Pettersen (Gregory) Volunteer Committ 5006,662Westrom, Torrey RPM 11AKleven, Bruce 150Schoenfeld, Gerald 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Soybean 450Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Minn Wheat Political Action Committee 1501,950Wexler, Thomas NA 4-53Caplan, Allan 250Fingerhut, Ronald 200Goff, Richard 200Gordon, Aaron 200Hunegs, Richard 150Thiewes, James T 200Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 500Lommen Nelson Political Action Comm 2001,900Whitehead, Jori N/A 1-1Strandemo, Neut 250Whitehead, Jori 12,75013,000Wiener, Deanna DFL 38Senate Majority Caucus 1,115Banks, Mark 200Bruckner, Joseph 250Ciresi, Michael 200Corporal, George 200Coyne, Joy 250Dorfman, Janet 250Endean, Pamela 250Flygare, Susan 200Flynn, Thomas 200Forster, Barbara 250Grindal, Michelle 250Gunville, Gloria 175Kramer, Mary 200MacLeod, Angela 200McCarthy, Kathleen 250Niemiec, Richard 200Paster, Edward 200Platt, Laura 150Smith, Arch 250Smith, Tina 250Tetzloff, Robert 230Thompson, Mary 200Tuttle, Emily Ann 250Wilkinson, Frances 125Wilkinson, Frank 125Wilson, Thomas 200Wurtele, Margaret 250Dorfman, Glenn 500ARC PAC of Minn 250Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 250Dorsey Political Fund 200Education Minn PAC 400Friends of the Minn Zoo 250IFAPAC Minn 200159

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesIndependent Community Bankers of Mi 500Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 500Local 59 Political Fund 300Messerli & Kramer Political Action 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn NARAL Action Fund 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 589 P 200Brisbois, Leo I House Dist. 38B* Commi 500Orfield (Myron) Volunteer Committee 50013,420Wiger, Charles DFL 55Bowers, Barbara 250Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 250Oiaz, Jean 250Oiaz, Richard 250Olson, Douglas J 250Spears, Wayne 200Spano, Wyman 200Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 10 500Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 200Education Minn PAC 400IBEW 110 PAC 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 500Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn Eye PAC 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500MSA-PAC 250Multi Housing Political Action Comm 300Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500Sprinkler Fitters Local Union No 417 2508,050Wiger, Mark DFL 21B21st Senate District DFL 250Brown County DFL 1,300Anderson, Paula J 250Christensen, Mary Ann 375Christensen, Robert A 375Wachter, Steven D 250Education Minn PAC 4003,200Wiggins, Scott RPM 56BScott Wiggins for <strong>State</strong> Rep 533533Wilcox, Vernon RPM 633rd Congressional District RPM 5005th Congressional District RPM 85041st Senate District RPM 75063rd Senate District RPM 1,500Senate Victory Fund 500Cremers, Jay K 250Griffith, Christine P 150Griffith, William C 150Hoffman, Robert L 200Marien, Donna L 125Marien, Ron E 125Mortenson, Philip A 115Muir, Robert C 500Nieder, Werner H 250Walser, Rebecca 500Winstead, Debbie 150Winstead, Gene 150Walser, Paul 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailer 300Twin Cities Republican Assn 1507,715Wilkin, Tim RPM 38ABanks, Mark 200Boyle, Philip F. 125Drake, Carl 250Flynn, Patrick 250Heslep, Grant 225Johnson, David W 200Johnson, Marvin 200Mayers, Alice 250Mayers, Aloysius 250McKenna, Denise 200Neuner, Richard 200Olson, Carolyn 250Oren, Beverly 250Oren, Donald 250Repya, Joseph 250Seng, John 250Wilkin, Robert 200Zuraitis, James 150Zuraitis, Marita 150Dorsey Political Fund 200IFAPAC Minn 200Insurance Federation Political Acti 200Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 300Minn Health PAC 250Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 500Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Multi Housing Political Action Comm 3006,550Wilkinson, Uriah RPM 8APine County RPM 1,000Klatte, Chris 220Wilkinson, Uriah 2,0003,220Winter, Ted DFL 22ACottonwood County DFL 250Pipestone County DFL 900Malters, Jim 250Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 200Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 2502,800Wolf, Kenneth RPM 41B*Hays, Don 141Mihajlov, Peter 141Roberts, Phil 141Elmer, Corey 250Knickerbocker, Gerald 250MAFMIC Political Action Committee 150Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250MN Utility Investors Pol Action Fun 2001,523Wollschlager, Sandra Gaye DFL 28A3rd Senate District DFL 80028th Senate District DFL 400DFL House Caucus 500Albano, Claudia 300Ankeny, Nancy D 210Chesley, Jean M 350Daniel, Christine 150Daniele, Candida 250Delaney, William J 125Gilbert, Rita 200Hochberg, Fred 200Lundby Delaney, Virginai A 125Murphy, Michael T 250Murphy, Nancy L 250160

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesOpperman, Vance 150White-Mclellan, William J 250Workman, Shirley 120Education Minn PAC 400Friends of DFL Women 500Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 250Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joi 150Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn Democrats 150Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 500Transportation Political Education 2508,430Workman, Tom RPM 43A*Becker, Thor 250Engelsma, Bruce 200Isaacs, John 500Girard, James 250Ames Construction PAC 200Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 200Messerli & Kramer Political Action 250Minn Power PAC 200MN Utility Investors Pol Action Fun 200Road PAC of Minn 2502,500Wright, Richard DFL 30Olmsted County DFL 200Chi, Tom 500Devlin, John 125Devlin, Kimberly 125Farquhar, Carey 500Lonergan, Edmund E 250Lonergan, Lei Seu 250Lonergan, Matt 500Opperman, Vance 150Sue, Rick 250Taylor, Melanie 250Wright, Richard T 607Zilz, Hien 250Zilz, Nathan 250Committee of Nine PAC 200Minn AFL-CIO 200Minn Democrats 150Minneapolis Fire Department Pension 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 200Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 1505,857Wright, Wilhelmina NAWright, Wilhelmina 300300Wuorenma, Janet DFL 57AWuorenma, Janet 736736Zaffke, Lynn RPM 301st Congressional District RPM 6503rd Congressional District RPM 500Dodge County RPM 150Fillmore County RPM 250Goodhue County RPM 500Olmsted County RPM 1,630Wabasha County RPM 1,000Araoz, Monica R 250Araoz, Philip A 250Cummins, Joan 500Cummins, Robert 500Michelson, Joel C 125Michelson, Susan E 125Moechnig, Wesley 200Olson, Noel 125Olson, Virgil 125Poirier, Anthony 500Poirier, Marie 500Sullivan, Brian 250Sullivan, Mia 250Taubel, Janet L 150Taubel, Jerome P 150Watson, Nan M 200Wigley, Barbara 500Wigley, Michael 500Zaffke, Bette 225Zaffke, Cora L 390Zaffke, Debra 500Zaffke, Lynn 500Zaffke, Warren 225Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Marianne Beck for Senate 40012,620Zasadny, Mark RPM 544th Congressional District RPM 200Becker, Gene 150Becker, Ilene 150Johnson, Pamela 500Johnson,Dan 500Schoolcraft, Anne 250Schoolcraft, Keith 249Strechert, Sandra 325Strechert, Thomas 325Williams, Dan 250Zasadny, Julie 200Zasadny, Pete 200Independent Community Bankers of Mi 200Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 300Zasadny, Mark 1,9505,749Zellers, Kurt RPM 32B32nd Senate District RPM 50033rd Senate Dist RPM 620Alexander, Patrick 500Bird, Jeffery 250Bowell, David 200Brehm, Ward 250Evenstad, Kenneth 250Frauenshuh, David 250Haapoja, Matt 125Holmquist, Dennis 150Knoke, Les 250McCaffery, Gene 250Nelson, Curtis 250Nelson, Marjorie 250Olson, Clifford 200Pfeffer, Charles 250Regan, Barbara 250Regan, Scott 250Riesen, Barbara 250Riesen, Dean 250Ryan, Joseph 500Rydell, Catherine 250Sagsveen, Murray 150Thompson, Heath 250Traynor, Carol 150Traynor, Mack 150Traynor, Patrick 250Whitney, Benson 250Whitney, Mary 250Wigley, Barbara 500Wigley, Michael 500Garvis, Nathan Keller 150Girard, James 200161

Major Donors to PrincipalCampaign CommitteesOlson, David 200Poul, Thomas J 150Wiese, Sandra 200MABC PAC 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief As 500Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 500Police Officers Alliance of MN Pol 500Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 50012,395Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand Pol 500Oppenheimer <strong>State</strong> Political Fund 1,500RKM&C Fund 2,00017,500Total FromMajor Donors 8,431,146Zerwas, Nicholas RPM 48Schuldt, Charles 200Zerwas, Nicholas 700900Zettler, Todd N/A 1-1Carver, David 200Jones, Nelda 150Sharbo, Pam 500Sharbo, Paul W 500Zettler, Todd P 3,9135,263Zimmerman, Lloyd N/A 4-60Bell, Virginia 150Bland, J. Richard 500Caplan, Allan 250Haugen, Gary J 200Herr, David 150Kelly, Timothy 250Knoblauch, Mary 200Lenfestey, Susan 150Mansfield, Seymour 250Mayeron, Janie S 200Miller, Nancy 200Mullin, William 250Obrien, Bill 500Pentelovitch, William 150Polasky, Catherine 200Ryan, James 250Snyder, Stephen 200Soule, George 250Sprenger, Paul 500Sternal, Karen 500Tinkham, Thomas 250Zimmerman, Anne 250Zimmerman, Lloyd 7,000Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 500Lommen Nelson Political Action Comm 200162

Dean, Matthew RPM 52B52nd Senate District RPM 500Beix, Bob 125Beix, Jaci 125Boosalis, Peter 250Boosalis, Susan 250Calvin, Cynthia 125Calvin, Steven 125Davis, Catherine 125Davis, Donald 125Dean, James 300Dennison, Bruce 125Dennison, Danielle 125Elliott, Jodi 125Elliott, Kip 125Galicich, Stefanie 250Galicich, Walter 250Hartman, Todd 250Holmquist, James 125Holmquist, Lisa 125Losasso, Jane 125Losasso, Tom 125Nicholson, Ford 250Nicholson, Martha 250Nicholson, Todd 250Olsen, Marie 250Olsen, Richard 250Petrungaro, Gina 200Poulos, Sara A 500Poulos, William 500Richard Jr, Kenneth 200Strohbohn, Barbara 125Strohbohn, Mark 125Widerski, Janet 500Widerski, Robert 750Wojtowicz, Lyn 250Wojtowicz, Mark 250Yasmineh, David 250Apitz, John 200ARC PAC of Minn 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fu 250Jobs Political Fund 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Acti 500Messerli & Kramer Political Action 250Saint Paul Area Chamber of Comme 250SITCO PAC 25011,400Frolik, Anthony IPM 52BFrolik, Anthony <strong>2002</strong>00Ganley, Michael DFL 32B3rd Congressional District DFL 70032nd Senate District DFL 1,400Berg, Eve 250Berg, Gary 250Special ElectionMajor DonorsCasserly, Benard 150Dayton, Mark 250Goodson, Michael 150Goodson, Molly Casserly 150Townsend, C. Edward 500Townsend, Susan 500Anderson, Wendell 250AFSCME Local 2938 400ARC PAC of Minn 150Education Minn PAC 400Firefighters Assoc of Mpls Politica 200Iron Workers Local 512 300Local 59 Political Fund 400Local 851 Political Action Committe 500Minn IBEW <strong>State</strong> Council 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 482TRIAL-PAC 5008,382Haas, Charles RPM 52BDinkel, William 200Hughes, Jeff 250Hughes, Mary Sue 250Skelton, Patrick 200900Jordan, John RPM 47A5th Congressional District RPM 25042nd Senate District RPM 20044th Senate District RPM 50047th Senate District RPM 1,000Republican Party of Minn 1,000Soderberg, James 300Jepsen, Cynthia 500Hospitality Political Action Commit 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 150TwinWest Chamber of Commerce P 4004,800Miron, Francis RPM 52BWaller, John 500Miron, Francis 5001,000Nelson, Michael DFL 47A46th New Senate District DFL 1,000DFL House Caucus 3,900Cardinal, Dennis 125Cardinal, Gloria 125Rice, Brian 200Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 500Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 500Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 500Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & 500Local 851 Political Action Committe 500MAPE-PAC 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500Minn <strong>State</strong> MNPL 200Pipe Fitters Local 539 250TRIAL-PAC 5009,800Nolde, John RPM 52BBoschwitz, Rudy 500Jennings, Cindy 500Jennings, David M 500Jennings, Lisa 500Jennings, Paul 500Jones, Norm 250Jones, Sandy 250Lafayette, Robert 250Luukkonen, Carol 248Luukkonen, Thomas 248Nehm, Rick 200Nolde, Donald 245Nolde, Elizabeth 250Nolde, Maggi 500Nolde, Marianne 245Nolde, Tim 500Winthrop & Weinstine, PA Political 5006,184Otto, Rebecca DFL 52B52nd Senate District DFL 20056th Senate District DFL 250DFL House Caucus 500Bunn, Julie 200Christopher, Katherine 150Dayton, Mark 250Dietz, Diane J 150Eggers, William 200Entenza, Matthew 250Forciea, Cathy 250Forciea, Patrick 250Gunderson, Marlon 200Lourey, Becky 200McNellis, Mary 200Otto, Rebecca 500Quam, Lois 250Schweiger McNellis, Mary 200Tollefsrud, Carol 200Wade, Terry 250Waller, John 250Wollschlager, Sandra 125ARC PAC of Minn 150Education Minn PAC 375Friends of DFL Women 500IBEW 110 PAC 500Minn AFL-CIO 400Minn IBEW <strong>State</strong> Council 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund Stat 500RKM&C Fund 500St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 500St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 301TRIAL-PAC 500163

Special ElectionMajor Donors9,751Powell, Duke RPM 40A40th Senate District RPM 1,000Republican Party of Minn 2,200Slipka, Kenneth 250Burnsville Chamber PAC 250Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fu 250Jobs Political Fund 500Messerli & Kramer Political Action 250Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 200Minn Dental Public Affairs Committe 300Minn Manufactured Home PAC 150Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 250Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500Ramsey County Republicans 125SITCO PAC 2506,975Rosenfield, Joseph DFL 40A2nd Congressional Dist DFL 15036th Senate District DFL 500DFL House Caucus 2,000Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fu 250Education Minn PAC 400Local 59 Political Fund 400Minn AFL-CIO 300Minn DRIVE 200Minneapolis Central Labor Union Co 200So Dakota Cty Labor Council COPE 5004,900Riesen, Dean 250Ryan, Joseph 500Rydell, Catherine 250Sagsveen, Murray 150Thompson, Heath 250Traynor, Carol 150Traynor, Mack 150Traynor, Patrick 250Whitney, Benson 250Whitney, Mary 250Wigley, Barbara 500Wigley, Michael 500Garvis, Nathan Keller 150Girard, James 200Olson, David 200Poul, Thomas J 150Wiese, Sandra 200MABC PAC 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief As 500Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Po 500Police Officers Alliance of MN Pol 500Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500Grand Total12,39576,987Vadnais, Kathleen GPM 52BHooley, Thomas 300300Zellers, Kurt RPM 32B32nd Senate District RPM 50033rd Senate Dist RPM 620Alexander, Patrick 500Bird, Jeffery 250Bowell, David 200Brehm, Ward 250Evenstad, Kenneth 250Frauenshuh, David 250Haapoja, Matt 125Holmquist, Dennis 150Knoke, Les 250McCaffery, Gene 250Nelson, Curtis 250Nelson, Marjorie 250Olson, Clifford 200Pfeffer, Charles 250Regan, Barbara 250Regan, Scott 250Riesen, Barbara 250164

COMPARISON OF REPORTS FILED BY POLITICAL COMMITTEES ANDPOLITICAL FUNDS (PCF) AND POLITICAL PARTY UNITSElection years <strong>2002</strong>, 2000, 1998Cash Contributions # of Total Total CashBalance From Major Major* Contributions Contributions BalanceCategory Jan. 1 Donors Donors Received Made Dec. 31Political Committees & Political Funds<strong>2002</strong> (382) 21,176,282 12,291,186 2,871 16,365,626 11,508,572 4,948,2332000 (322) 8,370,958 11,453,978 2,372 22,184,516 5,304,014 14,394,5591998 (346) 3,865,085 5,320,247 2,339 9,181,620 4,345,922 4,611,803DFL<strong>2002</strong> (183) 939,377 16,750,290 1,353 17,406,596 2,369,308 246,7152000 (170) 720,033 7,128,090 1,156 7,794,784 1,166,117 721,1701998 (170) 510,521 4,365,292 986 4,998,961 1,119,795 492,656RPM<strong>2002</strong> (166) 742,959 11,740,812 1,033 12,916,670 1,203,940 218,0692000 (143) 758,934 3,024,475 1,487 9,683,078 472,240 312,1611998 (143) 616,116 3,851,567 1,094 7,023,546 703,204 417,685IPM<strong>2002</strong> (10) 2,072 18,582 36 78,613 3,906 27,7512000 (3) 8,123 12,933 17 31,163 1,515 5,0231998 (2) 5,806 1,357 2 8,686 4,280 6,743GPM<strong>2002</strong> (23) 19,951 44,978 64 84,703 1,617 10,9302000 (18) 20,504 69,452 79 172,216 6,221 36,1561998 (8) 10,287 27,616 45 102,611 2,219 7,004TOTALS<strong>2002</strong> $22,880,641 $40,845,848 5,357 $46,852,209 $15,087,343 $5,451,6982000 $9,878,552 $21,688,928 5,111 $39,865,757 $6,950,107 $15,469,0691998 $5,007,815 $13,566,079 4,466 $21,315,424 $6,175,420 $5,535,891* Major Donors-individual, political committees and political funds contributing in aggregate more than $200165

Political Committees and Political FundsReceiving Contributions in Excess of $50,000Committee or FundContributionsReceivedDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 2,802,935Democratic Congressional Campaign 2,698,550Education Minn PAC 1,393,022IBPAT - PAT Legislative and Educational Comm 1,012,827Minn Victory Committee 729,729AFSCME 656,132Minn PEOPLE Committee 502,806United Steelworkers of America District #11 218,030Minn DRIVE 211,568Laborers' DistrictCouncil of Minn & ND Pol Fund 188,374RKM&C Fund 182,500Committee for <strong>State</strong> Pro-life Candidates 170,680Minn Realtors Political Action Committee 169,174Intl Brotherhood of Elec Wkrs - Comm on Educ 165,821Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 165,000Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 146,500Tenth Ward & Rural Ramsey DFL Donut Booth 146,100Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joiners 128,791UNITE <strong>State</strong> & Local Election & Pol. Ed. Fund 116,000Dorsey Political Fund 113,509Coalition of MN Businesses PAC 110,650Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> PAC 110,510SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 108,990Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 100,000Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partnership 98,000Working Families Coalition 92,700TRIAL-PAC 89,624Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadership Fund 89,102Minn League of Conservation Voters Political Fund 85,984AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 79,567Taxpayers League MN Victory Fund 78,691NRA Political Victory Fund 77,687<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Lower Taxes 75,167Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 65,000MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action Com 61,256Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action Fund 60,178Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. <strong>State</strong> Pol Fund 60,000Fond du Lac Committee of Political Ed 58,100Jobs Political Fund 58,000Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 57,00521st Century Democrats 57,000CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailers 56,975MAPE-PAC 54,039Hospitality Political Action Committee 52,655Multi Housing Political Action Committee 52,159Local 59 Political Fund 51,450Road PAC of Minn 51,430Total$ 13,909,965166

Political Committees and Political FundsMaking Contributions in Excess of $30,000Committee or FundContributionsMadeDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 2,802,935Democratic Congressional Campaign 1,602,136Minn Victory Committee 729,729AFSCME 656,132Education Minn PAC 450,300Minn PEOPLE Committee 386,300Service Employees Intl Union 277,000Laborers' DistrictCouncil of Minn & ND Pol Fund 188,700RKM&C Fund 181,800Intl Brotherhood of Elec Wkrs - Comm on Educ 179,555Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 142,800Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 141,250Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 140,550Minn AFL-CIO 117,438TRIAL-PAC 114,544SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 99,271Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partnership 97,025Minn Realtors Political Action Committee 91,250Fond du Lac Committee of Political Ed 85,000CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailers 82,825Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joiners 82,600Dorsey Political Fund 81,875Jobs Political Fund 80,700Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 73,050MAPE-PAC 72,970Local 59 Political Fund 72,900Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 64,500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc Leg Fund 63,950Tenth Ward & Rural Ramsey DFL Donut Booth 60,000Road PAC of Minn 58,750MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action Com 57,15021st Century Democrats 56,250United Food & Commerical Workers, Council 6 53,900Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. <strong>State</strong> Pol Fund 53,677Minn Chiropractic Political Action Comm 52,050Multi Housing Political Action Committee 51,650Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadership Fund 49,150Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 44,450Minneapolis Municipal Retirement Assoc 43,000Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn Pol Fd 41,600DRIVE- Democrat Republican Ind. Voter Edu. 40,786Independent Community Bankers of Minn PAC 39,750SITCO PAC 39,186Police Officers Fed of Mpls Contingency Fund 38,850Friends of DFL Women 35,600Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 35,300AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 35,072Minn DRIVE 33,030Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> PAC 32,000Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 31,950Total$ 10,142,236167

Political Party UnitsParty UnitCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02Democratic Farmer Labor Party1st Congressional District DFL 2,775 4,440 4,550 04,2821st Senate District DFL 935 2,639 500 05612nd Congressional DistrictDFL 2,204 4,259 3,600 01,6912nd Senate District DFL 570 3,425 4,200 01163B House District DFL 1,844 7,820 3,450 03,0613rd Congressional District DFL 10,836 3,585 7,533 014,8393rd Senate District DFL 2,133 1,968 2,700 09114th Congressional District DFL 2,011 1,579 500 03,8395th Congressional District DFL 306 1,759 0 01,4345th Senate District DFL 12,000 9,640 3,200 01,1446B House District DFL 218 0 0 01826th Congressional District DFL 2,431 8,085 2,394 08406th Senate District DFL 780 2,635 218 02,1827th Congressional District DFL 3,085 13,391 0 04,9707th Senate District DFL 2,020 1,855 0 01768th Congressional District DFL 3,603 15,819 2,350 07,6298th Senate District DFL 12 40 52 0 T8th Senate District DFL (Old St Louis) 400 0 0 04028th Senate DistrictDFL 0 803 0 02669th Senate District DFL 494 540 0 071611th Senate District DFL 1,411 10,802 0 8,87059612th Senate District DFL 101 209 0 023313th Senate District DFL 237 0 237 0 0 T14th Senate District DFL 5,334 1,794 2,000 098415th Senate District DFL 606 2,499 2,320 059817th Senate District DFL 248 0 248 0 0 T17th Senate District DFL 461 862 400 059319th Senate District DFL 360 972 0 01,33220th Senate District DFL 26 0 0 0 2 T20th Senate District DFL 0 1,133 400 089421st Senate District DFL 2,617 0 2,600 0 0 T21st Senate District DFL 0 946 500 5027122nd Senate District DFL 1,243 4,270 3,250 1,05397723rd Senate District DFL 119 0 119 0 0 T168

Political Party UnitsParty UnitCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/0223rd Senate District DFL 3,926 10,152 1,642 5341,66025th Senate District DFL 509 1,265 1,200 037026th Senate District DFL 0 114 0 04927th Senate District DFL 56 331 0 043828th Senate District DFL 122 6,271 2,900 01,80028th Senate District DFL 85 0 85 0 0 T30th Senate District DFL 0 75 0 05331st Senate District DFL 54 0 54 0 0 T31st Senate District DFL 20 0 0 06232nd Senate District DFL 828 1,608 926 01,14134th New Senate District DFL 2,323 1,597 1,520 01,21434th Senate District DFL 818 537 0 055435th Senate District DFL 100 965 0 095036B House District DFL 1,687 0 0 0 0 T36th Senate District DFL 713 1,347 1,000 059837th Senate District DFL 642 1,806 0 02,01838th Senate District DFL 1,864 10,195 7,885 01,99839th Senate District DFL 843 7,480 500 2,0761,12640th Senate District DFL 2,463 6,314 4,110 091941st District County Unit DFL 22 463 346 0 8 T41st Senate District DFL 0 1,927 800 032941st Senate District DFL 322 0 59 0 11 T42nd Senate District DFL 2,175 1,272 2,051 0 60 T42nd Senate DistrictDFL 0 1,016 490 040543rd Senate District DFL 0 1,521 0 096843rd Senate District DFL 733 0 530 0 0 T44th Senate District DFL 3,566 10,539 4,500 2,6373,17645th Senate District DFL 3,722 8,760 6,250 03,37545th Senate District DFL 1,196 1,948 1,806 0 0 T46th Senate District DFL 7,738 10,869 13,350 03,05247th Senate District DFL 0 12,504 7,025 051248th Senate District DFL 3,093 679 2,638 0 0 T48th Senate District DFL 0 3,647 1,950 083749th Senate District DFL 1,491 772 793 023750th Senate District DFL 133 353 114 0 0 T169

Political Party UnitsParty UnitCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/0250th Senate District DFL 0 21,355 15,000 03,40551st Senate District DFL 0 11,284 8,800 1,2001,72551st Senate District DFL 2,022 167 1,876 0 0 T52nd Senate District DFL 0 5,144 1,300 01,29252nd Senate District DFL 12,527 366 11,305 0 0 T53rd Senate District DFL 14,385 100 14,247 0 14,385 T53rd Senate District DFL 0 21,193 12,717 05,40554th Senate District DFL 12,478 20,796 12,525 029,59255th Senate District DFL 15,381 1,123 13,351 04,66656th Senate District DFL 2,850 6,126 1,310 01,24057th Senate District DFL 876 6,986 1,010 03,13558th Senate District DFL 3,535 1,804 3,000 01,27859th Senate District DFL 138 4,903 0 01,66460th Senate District DFL 940 5,443 0 01,38961st Senate District DFL 790 2,071 0 01,23862nd Senate District DFL 5,341 4,054 4,000 01,80963rd Senate District DFL 2,041 6,632 1,004 03,39964th Senate District DFL 1,757 5,830 1,555 06,08165th Senate District DFL 1,090 5,677 0 03,29966A House District DFL 1,695 911 2,036 047666B House District DFL 25,306 15,952 21,400 08,70766th Senate District DFL 2,569 2,274 0 01,91467th Senate District DFL 10,833 927 2,500 08,043Aitkin County DFL Committee 5,261 4,404 5,100 02,652Becker County DFL 2,477 3,462 2,400 02,870Beltrami County DFL 7,809 6,250 5,796 439724Benton County DFL 1,747 2,625 2,250 01,147Big Stone County DFL 211 400 80 0380Bloomington DFL Club 635 339 0 0916Blue Earth County DFL 752 751 840 0184Brooklyn Center DFL 333 45 0 0206Brown County DFL 814 2,724 1,500 300293Carlton County DFL 749 112 1,100 1981,256Cass County DFL 891 6,499 0 02,276Chippewa County DFL 354 317 0 0491170

Political Party UnitsParty UnitCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02Chisago County DFL 1,574 2,630 314 01,757Clay County DFL 1,753 3,093 220 01,478Clearwater County DFL 430 395 120 0618Cook County DFL 223 208 0 0211Cottonwood County DFL 5,035 1,712 1,174 04,384Crow Wing County DFL 488 9,660 6,250 01,659Dakota County DFL Unit 29 500 140 0 0 0 TDFL House Caucus 121,342 1,890,604 478,097 991,394 16,711 ADodge County DFL 34 654 0 0273Douglas County DFL 2,477 3,108 1,346 01,736Duluth DFL 2,841 500 1,000 0462Faribault County DFL 3,543 3,150 2,500 0606Fillmore County DFL 1,394 2,445 2,950 0147Freeborn County DFL 3,358 6,155 4,840 0629Goodhue County DFL 405 1,432 0 0840Grant County DFL 6,435 3,989 2,500 02,238Hennepin County DFL 1,642 2,218 0 02,154Houston County DFL 125 100 0 0225Hubbard County DFL 4,734 11,630 7,795 814693Isanti County DFL 2,226 1,964 1,300 01,127Itasca County DFL 606 2,803 1,067 01,004Jackson County DFL 3,466 1,701 1,630 01,095Kanabec County DFL 339 1,581 200 01,622Kandiyohi County DFL 3,235 10,425 0 02,308Kittson County DFL 2,285 0 0 01,805Koochiching County DFL 50 600 0 0504Lac qui Parle County DFL 1,469 4,893 600 02,156Lake County DFL 1,902 580 650 01,485Lake of the Woods County DFL 124 320 0 0182LeSueur County DFL 1,491 1,838 1,000 01,000Lincoln County DFL 0 0 0 00Lyon County DFL 1,715 580 630 0503Mahnomen County DFL 812 100 0 0609Marshall County DFL 43 457 0 085Martin County DFL 345 600 1,040 046171

Political Party UnitsParty UnitCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02McLeod County DFL 1,045 1,885 250 0996Meeker County DFL 1,677 1,599 1,500 0637Mille Lacs County DFL 561 5,730 2,500 01,116Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 121,049 13,707,789 996,820 1,117,48812,955Minneapolis DFL Committee 3,853 12,122 0 03,833Morrison County DFL 393 1,809 1,550 0176Mower County DFL 1,220 3,884 0 0434Murray County DFL 259 2,174 859 0486Nicollet County DFL 507 741 500 100322Nobles County DFL 1,396 1,905 1,199 01,143Norman County DFL 425 506 810 021Olmsted County DFL 2,524 6,674 800 03,527Otter Tail County DFL 1,243 1,774 1,840 0293Pennington County DFL 1,135 459 30 01,533Pine County DFL 438 3,675 2,400 0935Pipestone County DFL 1,982 2,005 1,666 0758Polk County DFL 1,692 2,572 2,340 06Pope County DFL 777 625 325 0402Red Lake County DFL 4 239 0 012Redwood County DFL 156 1,401 160 0597Renville County DFL 173 895 80 0385Rice County DFL 1,986 752 330 0180Richfield Democratic Farmer Labor Party 964 95 0 0187Rock County DFL 2,305 3,992 2,440 0714Roseau County DFL 370 416 295 0171Scott County DFL 1,476 1,221 160 01,153Senate Majority Caucus 335,912 1,238,431 565,232 583,7702,291Sherburne County DFL 998 2,183 2,180 0232Sibley County DFL 536 585 0 50241St Louis County DFL 491 700 0 0906St Paul DFL 23,575 18,432 0 03,710Steele County DFL 897 1,085 400 0280Stevens County DFL 1,042 0 1,200 0391Swift County DFL 79 2,590 1,100 0811Todd County DFL 358 100 0 0596172

Political Party UnitsParty UnitCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02Traverse County DFL 669 150 0 0363Wabasha County DFL 221 394 0 0325Wadena County DFL 475 3,354 150 02,318Waseca County DFL 873 150 0 01,159Watonwan County DFL 512 200 0 0222Wilkin County DFL 16 0 0 016Winona County DFL 827 2,896 0 01,304Wright County DFL 411 1,430 0 0441Yellow Medicine County DFL 2,189 1,575 3,120 0101Subtotal939,377 17,406,596 2,369,308 2,710,973 246,715Republican Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong>1st Congressional District RPM 6,618 11,711 16,616 09462B House District RPM 617 0 257 0 2 T2nd Congressional District RPM 3,145 38,824 21,037 01,6373rd Congressional District RPM 8,382 7,555 13,500 04,3704th Congressional District RPM 7,654 18,956 2,100 03,0245th Congressional District RPM 5,332 12,880 7,399 07,3705th Senate District RPM 8,435 2,897 2,700 05,0996A House District RPM 471 575 0 07166B House District RPM 0 300 0 01886th Congressional District RPM 3,619 0 3,312 0 0 T6th Congressional DistrictRPM 0 15,163 6,079 03,0007A House District RPM 4,198 5,450 3,850 06097th Congressional District RPM 4,587 15,828 7,000 5,0001937th Senate District RPM 1,127 1,040 750 03128th Congressional District RPM 7,992 17,941 14,900 02,1459A House District RPM 2,276 150 1,879 0 0 T9B House District RPM 3,123 2,945 6,186 0 0 T10A House District RPM 2,212 0 1,963 0 0 T11A House District RPM 1,255 1,495 1,734 0 0 T14th Senate District RPM 346 3,349 2,000 01,34915th Senate District RPM 378 3,325 0 036917B House District RPM 1,657 1,111 1,850 023919th Senate District RPM 288 2,218 422 0 0 T173

Political Party UnitsParty UnitCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/0229A House District RPM 1,531 2,225 2,623 0 0 T32nd Senate District RPM 3,655 6,832 2,000 097033rd Senate DistrictRPM 0 9,957 0 01,26434th Senate District RPM 3,438 0 0 0 0 T35th Senate District RPM 3,822 1,414 3,967 0 0 T35th Senate District RPM 0 6,917 900 02,45336th Senate District RPM 2,166 3,306 2,558 02,72636th Senate District RPM 2,538 274 485 0 0 T37th Senate District RPM 0 4,204 2,000 037438th Senate District RPM 472 3,164 2,050 018439A House District RPM 2,440 250 1,000 035139B House District RPM 612 100 0 022340th Senate District RPM 2,128 0 1,119 0 2,128 T40th Senate District RPM 0 5,647 3,386 043841st Senate District RPM 0 38,378 9,000 05,38441st Senate DistrictRPM 7,705 215 6,620 0 0 T42nd Senate District RPM 15,881 6,899 8,506 0 0 T42nd Senate District RPM 0 6,456 5,500 074743rd Senate District RPM 4,274 4,410 6,595 0043rd Senate District RPM 1,034 4,460 852 02,49444th Senate District RPM 7,648 5,917 7,480 01,51745th Senate District RPM 3,039 4,555 4,000 04,62346th Senate District RPM 3,838 4,112 5,000 02,29447th Senate District RPM 0 9,565 5,390 01,38948th Senate District RPM 0 2,465 1,200 032248th Senate District RPM 486 0 390 0 82 T49th Senate District RPM 2,849 7,320 5,300 02,92150A House District RPM 0 1,007 600 032550B House DistrictRPM 0 3,755 0 02,71750th Senate District RPM 1,087 847 570 0 0 T51st Senate District RPM 302 201 276 0 1 T51st Senate District RPM 0 3,895 1,900 075952A House District RPM 533 214 339 0 0 T52B House District RPM 2,983 280 2,413 0 0 T52nd Senate District RPM 0 4,822 375 01,302174

Political Party UnitsParty UnitCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/0253A House District RPM 2,019 3,888 2,300 093853B House District RPM 376 2,519 1,000 01,30553B House District RPM 2,897 2,180 0 0 2 T54A House District RPM 6,966 4,967 10,377 057154B House District RPM 0 5,407 4,850 051054B House District RPM 410 570 980 0 0 T55A House District RPM 0 350 400 019555B House District RPM 231 2,371 800 031356th Senate District RPM 1,458 10,278 3,080 02,17357th Senate District RPM 1,296 1,774 632 076458th Senate District RPM 5,147 280 0 03,94759th Senate District RPM 46 742 0 017360th Senate District RPM 553 1,982 50 01,41261st Senate District RPM 500 290 195 021062nd Senate District RPM 164 3,002 0 017163rd Senate District RPM 0 8,928 4,600 01,04863rd Senate District RPM/Minneapolis 1,368 5,089 5,761 0 0 T63rd Senate District RPM/Richfield 367 200 248 0 20 T64A House District RPM 323 720 0 034464B House District RPM 507 1,383 500 051065A House District RPM 375 0 375 0 0 T65B House District RPM 123 0 0 012366A House District RPM 754 0 0 070966B House District RPM 1,450 4,946 1,275 03,65167A House District RPM 815 325 725 025667B House District RPM 2,260 1,900 2,200 0359Aitkin County RPM 2,918 4,026 2,263 03,343Becker County New RPM 0 7,701 1,100 0230Beltrami County RPM 50 3,000 2,000 0750Big Stone County RPM 1,351 1,040 600 0375Blue Earth County RPM 5,633 7,270 6,566 2,088421Brown County RPM 3,629 2,525 4,150 1134,751Carlton County RPM 520 1,185 361 01,047Carver County RPM 0 5,868 2,000 0649Cass County RPM 428 1,470 1,130 0555175

Political Party UnitsParty UnitCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02Chippewa County RPM 1,168 397 750 0178Chisago County RPM 232 2,761 1,932 0288Clay County RPM 0 13,057 3,600 01,398Cook County RPM 176 0 0 0176Cottonwood County RPM 543 393 0 0474Crow Wing County RPM 1,110 1,715 0 01,359Dodge County RPM 1,612 3,071 1,650 0622Douglas County RPM 1,996 8,004 3,000 0291Faribault County RPM 809 1,756 0 0196Fillmore County RPM 2,132 6,711 2,250 0154Freeborn County RPM 676 21,997 4,491 3,672337Goodhue County RPM 1,083 1,040 1,250 0908Grant County RPM 8,275 9,685 4,500 1,2561,923House RPM Campaign Committee 289,840 1,506,952 24,600 893,10171,738Houston County RPM 1,507 810 0 0679Hubbard County RPM 2,692 4,770 3,800 956283Isanti County RPM 994 845 800 0723Itasca County RPM 919 4,767 0 01,532Jackson County RPM 885 2,848 1,215 02,518Kanabec County RPM 225 476 0 040Kandiyohi County RPM 2,208 8,127 1,286 01,006Kittson County RPM 766 885 600 0341Koochiching County RPM 321 350 0 0297Lac qui Parle County RPM 3,459 6,032 5,032 1,475378Lake County RPM 1,348 225 0 01,443Lake of the Woods RPM 327 75 0 0334LeSueur County RPM 1,698 6,320 2,700 01,551Lincoln County RPM 104 3,421 1,650 038Lyon County RPM 513 3,400 600 0562Mahnomen County RPM 321 350 0 039Marshall County RPM 1,695 436 0 0140Martin County RPM 1,740 6,342 3,332 01,618McLeod County RPM 6,671 6,445 3,850 04,036Meeker County RPM 2,842 8,528 2,100 01,459Mille Lacs County RPM 13 468 0 0154176

Political Party UnitsParty UnitCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02Morrison County RPM 1,034 4,730 4,040 0400Mower County Republicans 3,153 6,035 3,550 0565Murray County RPM 441 3,695 3,200 01,165Nicollet County RPM 392 125 400 0418Nobles County RPM 727 582 450 0277Norman County RPM 1,975 1,335 1,950 0392Olmsted County RPM 12,456 22,409 7,130 0689OtterTail County RPM 0 4,471 1,700 0728Pennington County RPM 1,176 3,054 1,200 0909Pine County RPM 2,077 4,826 3,250 2,024215Pipestone County RPM 5,055 3,790 2,300 01,919Polk County RPM 1,710 2,610 2,400 0687Polk County RPM's 1B 571 0 571 0 0 TPope County RPM 4,107 2,771 4,000 0811Red Lake County RPM 568 0 0 0390Redwood County RPM 3,235 5,005 3,750 01,920Renville County RPM 1,589 3,470 1,500 0737Republican Party of Minn 80,172 10,163,083 705,865 611,3343,073Rice County RPM 1,000 1,603 400 01,038Rock County RPM 2,819 2,908 3,500 0491Roseau County RPM 961 725 500 0120Senate Victory Fund 60,003 572,333 75,450 141,63414,416Sherburne County RPM 0 1,671 336 0 223 TSibley County RPM 38 3,774 1,000 00St Paul RPM 643 75 0 082Steele County RPM 1,979 4,795 2,900 0764Stevens County RPM 761 1,975 300 0510Swift County RPM 2,444 1,299 1,550 0441Todd County RPM 1,496 390 902 026Traverse County RPM 1,698 1,905 1,050 01,041Wabasha County RPM 1,575 2,485 3,288 0329Wadena County RPM 2,539 2,850 2,750 0504Waseca County RPM 1,339 3,863 2,650 0635Watonwan County RPM 1,268 894 0 01,191Wilkin County RPM 0 6,466 1,800 0660177

Political Party UnitsParty UnitCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02Winona County RPM 5,872 10,752 9,350 06,961Wright County RPM 1,197 2,738 2,321 0319Yellow Medicine County RPM 889 1,768 1,200 064Subtotal742,959 12,916,670 1,203,940 1,662,654 218,069Green Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong>3rd Congressional District GPM 0 320 0 0275th Congressional District GPM 243 3,793 39 01,5257th Congressional District GPM 1,210 2,885 0 14648611th Senate District GPM 67 100 0 016724th Senate District GPM 512 1,893 725 0451Anoka County GPM 163 801 0 0225Brainerd GPM 0 686 0 0381Clay County GPM 1,167 50 400 0486Cook County GPM 0 0 0 0 0 TDakota County GPM 50 671 0 050Duluth GPM 359 6,626 0 0792Green Party of Minn 8,735 59,811 203 011,546Itasca County GPM 0 0 0 00Northfield GPM 770 362 0 0492Olmsted County GPM 139 1,048 0 0484Ottertail County GPM 208 0 0 0208Saint Cloud GPM 295 342 0 0210St Paul GPM 539 858 0 0525St. Louis Park GPM 77 310 0 0340Stevens County GPM 0 0 0 00Wabasha/Goodhue Counties GPM 0 763 0 0464Washington County GPM 255 635 250 010Winona County GPM 1,162 2,749 0 0796Subtotal15,951 84,703 1,617 146 10,930Independence Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong>1st Congressional District IPM 0 1,930 0 08042nd Congressional District IPM 0 825 450 01783rd Congressional District IPM 0 1,229 1,000 0674th Congressional District IPM 473 483 175 0137178

Political Party UnitsParty UnitCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/025th Congressional District IPM 93 973 442 03116th Congressional District IPM 0 956 0 08496th Congressional DistrictComm Ind Party of 464 1,034 1,251 0 0 T8th Congressional District IPM 0 0 0 00Independence Party of Minn 1,042 67,185 589 022,540Independence Senate Caucus 0 4,000 0 04,000Subtotal2,072 78,613 3,906 0 27,751Total 1,700,358 30,486,583 3,578,771 4,373,772 503,465179

Political Committees and Political FundsCommittee or FundCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02Political Committees and Political Funds2nd Congressional Dist Constitution Party 34 238 0 0 0 T4th Congressionl Dist Republican Labor Fe 0 0 0 06th District Constitution Party 265 580 130 04128th Congressional District COPE AFL-CIO 11,069 16,873 500 09,81613th Senate District RPM 101 0 0 0 0 T21st Century Democrats 14 57,000 56,250 0879ADA Minn Chapter Political Fund 560 1,830 800 01,590AFL-CIO Southeast Central Labor Council 145 0 0 071AFSCME 0 656,132 656,132 00AFSCME Council 14 Local 1076 114 0 0 0114AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 10,252 79,567 35,072 020,666AFSCME Local 2508 Political 86 200 0 2067AFSCME Local 2938 1,201 0 0 0251AFSCME Local 306 1,200 4,200 300 1,5003,000AFSCME Local 34 PEOPLE 5,432 9,300 3,800 08,539AFSCME Local 8 People Fund 2,491 1,950 0 04,060Aitkin County DFL Club 1,770 2,639 1,300 01,986Alarm PAC 1,867 554 0 01,263Alliance for Quality Healthcare 0 9,800 0 9,7661,234Alliance of American Insurers PAC 42,416 15,646 300 0 27,359 TAmalgamated Transit Union, Local 1005 700 33,590 20,875 1,60011,815Ames Construction PAC 2,569 7,350 8,150 01,019Anoka County Constitution Party 247 65 0 0122ARC PAC of Minn 2,840 4,996 4,150 01,263ARM - Political Action Comm 7,007 0 1,000 05,797Automotive Service Political Action Committ 1,351 1,830 800 02,381Bakers Local #22 Political Fund 689 0 0 039BAM-PAC 8,122 22,036 19,150 06,332BCA Agents Political Fund 4,529 0 250 03,875Beer PAC-Minn Beer Wholesalers Assoc 562 8,700 7,500 01,762Bemidji Central Labor Body AFL-CIO Pol F 1,186 0 1,100 0569Best & Flanagan Political Fund 346 0 0 0346Bike PAC 19,988 6,452 950 2,22623,263BMC Industries Political Action Committee 331 0 0 0131Bois Forte Political Education Fund 4,212 3,500 7,250 0486Bowling Political Action Committee 1,389 0 200 01,189Branch 28, NALC Political Action Fund 656 4,711 0 02,830Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers 7,105 3,106 3,500 03,710Building Trades C1-PAC Fund 178 2,000 2,000 0178C C R N - PAC 0 958 0 0626CAR, Committee of Automotive Retailers 58,777 56,975 82,825 0 23,147 ACARE / PAC 27,323 29,957 23,400 019,037180

Political Committees and Political FundsCommittee or FundCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 5,156 7,505 7,050 02,150Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 40,171 30,107 31,950 012,885Central Minn AFL-CIO Trades & Labor Asse 707 202 125 0784Champlin DFLers 200 0 0 0200Choice Voter 18 100 0 088Citizens for Effective Leadership 0 4,250 0 0526Citizens for Judicial Accounatbility 17 25 0 042Citizens for the Sensible Center 0 4,100 0 3,800300Citizens for Truth in Campaigning 0 224 0 017City of Duluth Supervisory Assoc PAC 995 0 0 0995Clean Water Action Voter Education Project 10,234 2,635 5,155 2931,250Coalition for Democratic Values 0 75 0 032Committee for <strong>State</strong> Pro-life Candidates 75,032 170,680 3,458 173,8563,257Committee of Nine PAC 1,225 28,500 24,950 04,635Committee of Thirteen Legislative Fund 15,850 27,150 35,300 07,700Committee to Draft Jason Lewis 0 0 0 0 TCommittee to Preserve Rural Values 0 20,500 0 018Committee to Retain the Appeals Court Jud 3,046 0 0 03,046Common Sense PAC 3,039 1,189 865 01,810Communication Workers of America Local 6,706 7,000 13,000 0706Conservative Council 0 8,860 0 0167Conservative Pro-Life Alliance 0 500 0 0 0 TConstitution Party of Minn 2,289 6,545 0 0836Council 65 Political Action Committee 921 0 0 0921CUVOL 20,904 16,364 29,483 07,057CWA District 7 Political Education Committ 0 625 625 00CWA Local 7250 Political Fund 0 795 0 0730CWA <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>State</strong> Council 0 7,900 6,200 01,700D&T Better Government Committee 3,625 0 0 03,626Dakota County Constitution Party 74 99 0 057Dedicated Americans for the Senate and th 629,900 12,500 11,000 0 0 TDeer Hunters of Minn PAC 77 0 0 0 17 TDemocratic Congressional Campaign 16,453,847 2,698,550 1,602,136 0 0 TDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Committe 2,806 2,802,935 2,802,935 0 500 ADental Awareness 0 0 0 0 0 TDFL Feminist Caucus - Candidates' Fund 3,943 0 0 03,943DFL Green Caucus 538 0 0 0 538 TDistrict 66 Choice Coalition 353 0 350 0 6 TDorsey Political Fund 3,567 113,509 81,875 035,071DRIVE- Democrat Republican Ind. Voter Ed 25,357 39,239 40,786 023,811Duininck Bros Inc Employee Political Action 0 2,080 0 02,025Dul Bldg Trades Vol Party Fund 1,112 999 850 0576Duluth Central Labor Body COPE Fund 3,816 5,511 4,785 03,243181

Political Committees and Political FundsCommittee or FundCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02Duluth Federation of Teachers Political Fun 0 0 0 00Duluth Women's Republican Club 1,300 0 0 0600Edmund Burke PAC 813 0 200 0 63 TEducation Minn - Osseo PAC 635 10,372 1,200 02,580Education Minn PAC 129,390 1,393,022 450,300 1,083,767 142,620Electricians Local 242 IBEW PAC 1,121 951 600 0322Electricians Local 343 IBEW Education Fun 913 20,000 0 0918Elementary Principals' Action Committee 1,911 5,460 2,750 03,537Emily's List- Minn 930 6,000 4,000 0820Engineers - Local 70, PEC 1,892 0 1,892 0 0 TFaegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partnership 3,004 98,000 97,025 05,379Families for Property Tax Reform 1,902 0 0 01,526Family Advocates PAC 60 7,002 0 038Firefighters Assoc of Mpls Political Fund 17,670 5,359 700 021,529FIREPAC 0 10,750 10,500 0 0 TFirst Judicial DistrictRepublican Committee 0 330 0 04Fond du Lac Committee of Political Ed 28,400 58,100 85,000 01,500Food PAC of Minn 12,390 12,540 21,250 03,459Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 44,406 49,250 10,000 78,50848,886Friends of DFL Women 10,361 33,270 35,600 2,5001,736Friends of the Minn Zoo 1,904 3,450 3,300 01,977Fryberger, Buchanan, Smith & Frederick PA 1,712 3,350 3,850 02,755Game and Fish Coalition 2,207 8,986 250 01,954GEM PAC 410 0 0 0414GOP FC PAC 26,043 3,010 500 8,25920,088Grassroots Party 12 0 0 00Gray Plant Mooty Mooty & Bennett Indepen 3,219 6,802 7,800 0971GREAT (Great River Energy Action Team-S 3,857 785 1,950 02,692Great Plains Leadership Fund 250 0 250 0 0 TAGreater Minn Conference Pol Action Comm 0 6,100 3,800 1,610857Greater <strong>Minnesota</strong> Victory Fund 0 11,409 10,879 0140Hammel Green & Abrahamson Inc PAC 1,954 4,450 200 02,908Health Partners Civic Affairs Council 791 2,403 2,700 0298Hennepin County Republican Women's Clu 2,806 0 0 02,714Hennepin Cty Probation & Parole Officers U 1,832 768 1,700 050HINSJ PAC 0 5 0 05Hospitality Political Action Committee 14,992 52,655 29,100 021,831IAFF Local #3939 PAC 360 1,450 0 01,650IAFF-Local #1935 PAC 3,171 891 0 03,304IBEW 110 PAC 8,723 15,950 14,175 016,510IBEW Local #31 Volunteer COPE Fund 6,768 7,751 10,900 044IBEW Local 292 Political Education Fund 24,917 21,751 23,400 016,368IBPAT - PAT Legislative and Educational C 0 1,012,827 0 0 56,510 A182

Political Committees and Political FundsCommittee or FundCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02IFAPAC Minn 10,340 23,262 13,750 05,552Impact Minn 5,858 0 0 04,358Independent Community Bankers of Minn P 14,007 29,918 39,750 03,595Independent Teachers of Forest Lake 0 362 0 362 0 TInter Faculty Organization Lobby Fund 2,593 27,900 30,300 0167International Union of Operating Engineers 6,127 5,098 5,100 03,625Intl Assn of Fire Fighters FIREPAC-ED 0 0 0 0 TIntl Brotherhood of Elec Wkrs - Comm on E 643,170 165,821 179,555 0 614,435Iron Range Bldg Trades-PAF 1,405 955 1,700 0506Iron Range Gun Owners PAC 37 68 0 046Iron Range Legislative Fund 1,061 1,854 200 02,414Iron Workers Local 512 300 9,700 9,000 0100IUE Committee on Political Educ AFL-CIO 32,278 0 0 0 TK&G/JWB PAC 50 1,228 1,150 0 0 TKandiyohi Co Business Leadership Fund 0 900 0 0885Laborers' DistrictCouncil of Minn & ND Pol 22,766 188,374 188,700 02,303Lawyers Public Affairs Commission 11,230 0 6,700 05,330Leech Lake PAC 0 5,000 1,000 02,000Leonard, Street and Deinard PAC 3,336 17,798 13,510 05,393Let Freedom Ring 1,112 0 0 0811Let <strong>Minnesota</strong> Vote 0 0 0 0 0 TLibertarian Party of Minn 11,482 27,180 0 08,606Lindquist & Vennum Political Fund 5,582 9,550 2,200 09,597Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & Joiner 21,965 128,791 82,600 034,386Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 245 7,044 6,450 0289Local 28 Political Fund 1,423 27,000 18,380 06,748Local 59 Political Fund 7,234 51,450 72,900 035,265Local 7201 CWA Political Fund 754 247 0 0939Local 851 Political Action Committee 3,108 6,298 550 0865Local Action Political Action Committee 788 9,500 0 8,746615Local S-6 IAFF Political Fund 1,846 0 250 01,596Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. <strong>State</strong> Pol 86 60,000 53,677 01,704Lommen Nelson Political Action Committee 0 2,250 2,100 025Lower Sioux Political Education Fund 769 65,000 64,500 0869MAC-PAC 1,407 1,669 1,100 01,376MAFMIC Political Action Committee 5,767 7,985 11,055 02,365Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 84,849 100,000 142,800 11,007 116,160MAIDA (Minn Asian-Indian Democratic Ass 1,653 3 0 01,656Management Concerned for Public Educati 7,174 50 2,025 05,172MAPE-PAC 33,385 54,039 72,970 01,724Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand Pol Actio 7,268 0 1,250 05,768MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action Co 34,590 61,256 57,150 4,2918,009Messerli & Kramer Political Action Comm 3,366 24,900 23,475 02,081183

Political Committees and Political FundsCommittee or FundCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02Metropolitan Good Government Coalition 108 0 0 099MFDA PAC 13,157 500 0 013,231MFT - Greenway Local 1330 COPE Fund 725 0 0 0725MFT Political Fund (COPE) 0 0 0 0 TMiddle Management Assoc PAC 587 1,186 850 0908Midwest Food Processors Political Action F 822 0 500 0 0 TMinn AFL-CIO 7,868 1,892 117,438 0816Minn AGPAC 1,517 1,500 1,250 01,153Minn Architects Political Action Comm 12,422 250 1,450 09,939Minn Assn of Automotive Brokers 60 170 0 0170Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 15,397 20,511 24,019 08,128Minn Black Political Action Committee 0 100 0 0100Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 10,209 4,500 9,900 04,798Minn CAP -PAC 3,167 55 0 01,222Minn Chiropractic Political Action Comm 15,705 48,955 52,050 0 12,271 AMinn Community Financial Serv Ctrs 1,086 1,800 0 02,850Minn Cons Off Leg Act Committee 734 2,500 2,050 0872Minn Democrats 850 5,500 4,650 0828Minn Dental Public Affairs Committee 43,740 31,680 44,450 032,540Minn DRIVE 75,428 211,568 33,030 057,725Minn Education League Fund for Better Sch 0 0 0 00Minn Electrical Assn PAC 1,410 2,140 950 01,018Minn Farm Credit Services PAC 1,117 4,645 4,200 01,409Minn Farmers Union PAC 1,576 4,507 1,500 04,454Minn Health PAC 9,394 24,223 21,900 011,140Minn IBEW <strong>State</strong> Council 1,794 28,700 28,550 01,915Minn Independent Insurance Agents PAC 4,052 4,650 2,800 05,887Minn Just PAC 24 0 0 0 0 TMinn Licensed Beverage Assoc PAC 114 6,225 6,050 029Minn Life Committee 4,745 1,000 0 0 930 TMinn Manufactured Home PAC 10,429 15,802 12,350 013,341Minn Milk PAC 1,436 3,890 4,750 0455Minn NARAL Action Fund 864 16,135 1,053 4992,537Minn Natural Health Coalition Action Netwo 116 0 0 0 0 TMinn New Democrat Political Action Comm 1,055 0 0 01,055Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA-PC) 16,960 43,680 28,865 13,1211,970Minn Operators of Music and Amusement P 369 1,900 750 01,528Minn Optometric Political Action Comm 7,851 0 1,200 06,551Minn Organization for Vocational Educ 4,248 6,000 0 02,067Minn PEOPLE Committee 119,089 502,806 386,300 021,322Minn Physical Therapy PAC 3,257 6,609 3,300 04,435Minn Podiatry PAC 2,315 1 250 02,056Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc Leg Fu 197,618 0 63,950 0 176,634184

Political Committees and Political FundsCommittee or FundCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02Minn Power PAC 3,755 3,425 5,300 01,726Minn Professional Fire Fighters PAC 25,787 31,556 11,050 03,254Minn Progressive Vtrs Alliance(PRO-VOTE) 2,888 0 0 01,088Minn Public Defender PAC 716 0 0 0 666 TMinn Republicans for Choice Political Actio 1,240 36,260 0 7,8891,022Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 4,849 15,005 11,700 06,987Minn Service Station Assoc 1,214 1,866 700 02,272Minn <strong>State</strong> Council of H.E.R.E. Unions 739 0 5,750 0530Minn <strong>State</strong> MNPL 9,425 20,013 7,350 02,408Minn <strong>State</strong> Patrol Troopers Assoc 14,754 11,727 13,150 013,331Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 13,003 25,073 16,000 021,533Minn Utility Labor Council PAC 587 5,200 700 0287Minn Victory Committee 0 729,729 729,729 0 0 TMinn Wheat Political Action Committee 17,474 4,375 4,800 013,742Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> PAC 4,095 110,510 32,000 10,3968,597Minn Women's Political Caucus/PAC 3,544 3,700 0 04,132Minneapolis Bldg & Construct Trades Coun 629 7,591 5,750 0332Minneapolis Central Labor Union Council 3,791 26,100 5,300 013,129Minneapolis Fire Department Pensioners' P 3,590 11,595 12,450 04,250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn Pol Fd 15,942 30,740 41,600 04,404Minneapolis Municipal Retirement Assoc 24,203 20,240 43,000 01,443Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 27,646 24,939 22,300 029,435Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc Political F 2,520 36,033 16,000 03,235<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for a Democratic Majority 255 350 0 031<strong>Minnesota</strong>n's for a Republican Majority 0 11,250 6,400 0 48 T<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for a Responsible Majority 1,046 0 0 01,046<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for a Single House <strong>Legislature</strong> 4,387 21,000 0 042<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Better Government 1,774 0 0 01,774<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Lower Taxes 0 75,167 0 71,6993,405Moderate Democrats 13 100 0 03Motel Operators Political Action Committee 1,257 0 750 0507MRA PAC 0 1,526 1,350 0 0 TMSCA-PAC 1,996 1,900 1,500 02,371MSP PAC 54 0 0 0 54 TMulti Housing Political Action Committee 45,761 52,159 51,650 093,834NAIOP Economic Growth Fund 6,779 5,220 8,950 0688NCRCC-MN-PAC 9,430 12,479 15,312 016,026New Democrat Network 147,300 0 0 0 147,300 TNortheastern <strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Jobs 0 7,875 0 0443Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 14,429 15,957 16,300 014,005NRA Political Victory Fund 2,549 77,687 150 62,3923,881OCAWIU-COPE/Oil, Chem & Atom Wkrs Int 0 0 0 0 TOppenheimer <strong>State</strong> Political Fund 900 0 0 0900185

Political Committees and Political FundsCommittee or FundCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02Ottertail Power PAC 0 1,375 1,050 0300PACE International Union 11,233 28,301 0 02,006Padilla Speer Beardsley Political Action Co 553 0 0 0529Painters Union Local No 61 Political Action 12,781 5,408 10,000 06,789PAL 9 Natl Assoc of Letter Carriers 7,059 9,133 2,470 04,472Paper Allied-Ind Chem & Energy Workers I 2,727 793 0 03,520Parents / Teachers United for Academic Ex 0 0 0 0 0 TPelican PAC 0 1,500 0 01,500People in Construction Political Action Com 9,993 10,475 10,050 08,638People Power 2000 1,278 99 0 0219PharmPAC 14,533 12,580 9,950 013,019Pine Bend PAC 7,986 7,750 10,600 04,510Pipe Fitters Local 539 13,769 13,838 23,250 02,187Planned Parenthood of Minn Action Fund 0 0 0 0 0 TPlumbers & Pipefitters Local #589 Pol Actio 7,586 1,706 0 09,292Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 11 PAC Fun 0 4,884 1,000 03,884Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 589 PAC 7,051 0 6,708 0 0 TPlumbers Local Union #15 COPE Account 598 14,700 14,000 0657Police Officers Alliance of MN Pol Action Fu 0 0 0 00Police Officers Fed of Mpls Contingency Fu 30,204 29,122 38,850 012,315Political Action Fund of Duluth Firefighters 477 2,258 1,475 381,023Political Education Fund of Local 21 16,337 9,892 3,200 021,029Power P A C 0 12,400 10,100 02,221Prairie Island Indian Community PAC 3,366 165,000 140,550 029,908Principals' Action League 3,097 795 0 03,885Progressive Conservative Political Action C 654 1 0 0511Progressive Minn 945 48,825 455 0 5,082 TPublic Emp Pension Serv Assn (PEPSA) Po 7,536 7,978 8,425 03,662Ramsey County Republicans 0 500 100 0400Reading Railroad 0 0 0 00Reform Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong> 389 48 0 0364Republican Pro-Life Caucus 100 477 500 077Republican Victory Club 1,359 1,676 0 015Retired Peoples Political Action Fund 26,454 7,165 16,000 016,434Richfield Republicans 2,444 0 0 02,270RKM&C Fund 8,496 182,500 181,800 02,404RMJ Political Fund 1,698 10,000 8,050 0292Road PAC of Minn 21,353 51,430 58,750 011,757Robbinsdale Federation of Teachers COPE 4,005 0 750 03,175Rod Grams <strong>Minnesota</strong> Victory Club 1,371 23,659 0 01,856Rural Electric Political Action Comm 14,952 11,630 19,275 05,641Rural Minn Preservation 0 18,045 0 0998Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce PA 9,244 40,950 9,975 10,02414,339186

Political Committees and Political FundsCommittee or FundCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02Saint Paulites Against Borrow and Spend 0 0 0 0 TSavings Assns for Voter Educ & Responsibi 3,519 3,695 4,050 03,164School Lunch Bunch 139 708 352 0495Schwan's Political Action Committee 17,336 39,507 200 028,779SEIU Local 113 511 7,500 6,700 01,511SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 3,455 108,990 99,271 5,40082Service Employees Intl Union 189,415 7,189 277,000 0 2,009,942Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 3,054 146,500 141,250 08,244Sierra Club Political Committee 307 35,280 0 12,7593,224SITCO PAC 34,399 19,725 39,186 014,221So Dakota Cty Labor Council COPE Fund 2,331 0 4,000 01,272SOF - PAC 8,118 10,200 17,600 0538Southeast Metro Business PAC 21 1,608 0 00Southern Minn Sugar Cooperative PAC 530 3,000 3,000 0530Sprinkler Fitters Local Union No 417 9,983 4,750 4,025 09,483St Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce PAC 846 3,900 0 0842St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 6,874 6,587 8,818 3992,447St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 14,307 26,044 24,444 07,737St Paul Supervisor's Organization Pol Fund 1,401 0 0 01,417St Paul Trades & Labor Assembly PAC 757 24,369 0 12,8443,082St Paul Ward 4 DFL 1,205 0 0 01,205St Paul Ward 6 DFL 911 0 0 0 911 TStewartville IR Women 143 25 0 0143Stonewall DFL (The) 2,151 22,618 0 1,309303Suburban School Emp Local 284 Pol Act Fu 566 16,006 6,000 04,314TAC PAC 2705 485 622 700 0407Taxpayers League MN Victory Fund 189 78,691 1,900 32,768870Tenth Ward & Rural Ramsey DFL Donut Bo 20,079 146,100 60,000 052,708Together for Term Limits 6 0 0 0146Transportation Political Education League- 502 4,602 12,250 03,606TRIAL-PAC 38,592 89,624 114,544 06,047Twin Cities Republican Assn 3,115 22,841 3,650 02,470U A Plumbers Local #34 Political Fund 3,596 7,440 5,550 03,005U of M Faculty Candidate Support Committ 6,581 0 5,600 0967UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Political Fd 8,430 11,724 13,750 05,504Union Friends Fund-Direct Aid (UFF-DA) 146 0 0 0147United Food & Commerical Workers, Counc 13,906 44,316 53,900 04,322United Northwest Sales Representatives As 840 0 0 0 840 TUnited Steelworkers of America District #11 10,267 218,030 17,450 028,492USWA Local 4108 PAC 0 0 0 0 0 TUSWA LU 1938 PAC 400 268 200 0468USWA LU 7263 PAC Fund 176 2,475 1,061 01,340UtiliCorp United--<strong>State</strong> PAC Minn Employee 175 1,373 350 01,061187

Political Committees and Political FundsCommittee or FundCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02Volunteer Fire Fighter Political Committee 718 500 600 0569VOTE - 66 7,139 6,000 2,850 08,280Vote <strong>Minnesota</strong>! 0 0 0 0105Washington County Constitution Party 112 145 0 049Waste Management PAC of Minn 3,479 5,800 4,800 03,974Winthrop & Weinstine, PA Political Fund 1,450 4,364 4,850 0964Womens Political Caucus - Ramsey County 1,955 3,015 950 0 0 TWorking Families Coalition 391 92,700 0 02,591Zelle Hofmann Voelbel Gette LLP 0 0 0 0 0 TBurnsville Chamber PAC 0 1,650 0 0465Coalition of MN Businesses PAC 35,560 110,650 0 139,4414,846COLL PAC 0 1,380 0 01,930Duluth First 959 4,100 300 01,878Insurance Federation Political Action Comm 3,623 9,072 12,550 095Jobs Political Fund 75,653 58,000 80,700 36,21591,540M H H A PAC 491 13,506 12,650 0925MABC PAC 12,542 3,701 13,200 014,100Maple River Education Coalition PAC 6,834 6,331 0 0340MCEA Political Action Committee 3,258 1,346 2,950 06,032Medical Alley Political Action Committee 1,304 0 0 01,074Minn ACORN Political Action Committee 948 4,709 0 2,0933,334Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadership Fu 34,751 89,102 49,150 38,97239,138Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 35,847 57,005 73,050 054,735Minn Eye PAC 16,419 3,760 21,250 017,572Minn League of Conservation Voters Politic 22,820 85,984 11,300 36,20331,242Minn NOW PAC 2,134 1,199 1,890 0877Minn PACE 3,957 3,206 1,600 03,515Minn Realtors Political Action Committee 225,517 169,174 91,250 17,169 202,120Minn Soybean 5,994 4,392 8,150 0179Minneapolis Downtown Council PAC 2,474 9,210 5,550 02,988MN Corn 23,126 19,669 3,800 029,635MN Utility Investors Pol Action Fund 1,732 3,577 2,850 02,419MSA-PAC 13,481 13,435 20,450 06,566MUCA PAC (Minn Utility Contractors Assn) 4,907 3,550 3,200 04,879MWL Voter Outreach Political Fund 4,798 5,909 0 02,886Nat'l ProFamily Alliance 0 0 0 0 TNeighbors for Life PAC 921 535 0 703518NFIB/MN SAFE Trust 2,218 3,400 2,939 9364,164Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action Fun 0 60,178 0 33,70916,111Progressive Minn PAC 0 0 7,881 0205Red Wing Area Business Leadership Coun 0 1,425 0 0480Rochester Area Chamber of Comm Govt Ac 0 5,025 0 4,908117TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PAC 16,231 10,000 14,705 2,8686,149188

Political Committees and Political FundsCommittee or FundCash on Hand1/1/02ContributionsReceivedContributionsMadeIndependentExpendituresCash on Hand12/31/02UNITE <strong>State</strong> & Local Election & Pol. Ed. Fu 19,829 116,000 0 0 0 TVET-PAC of Minn 10,123 14,162 9,500 011,104Subtotal21,176,898 16,365,626 11,508,572 1,946,863 4,954,151Total 21,176,898 16,365,626 11,508,572 1,946,863 4,954,151189

Independent ExpendituresPolitical Committees and Political FundsCommittee or FundTotalEducation Minn PAC $1,083,767Committee for <strong>State</strong> Pro-life Candidates $173,856Coalition of MN Businesses PAC $139,441Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC $78,508<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Lower Taxes $71,699NRA Political Victory Fund $62,392Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadership Fund $38,972Jobs Political Fund $36,215Minn League of Conservation Voters Political Fund $36,203Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action Fund $33,709Taxpayers League MN Victory Fund $32,768Minn Realtors Political Action Committee $17,169Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA-PC) $13,121St Paul Trades & Labor Assembly PAC $12,844Sierra Club Political Committee $12,759Mah Mah Wi No Min - I $11,007Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> PAC $10,396Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce PAC $10,024Alliance for Quality Healthcare $9,766Local Action Political Action Committee $8,746GOP FC PAC $8,259Minn Republicans for Choice Political Action Com $7,889SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 $5,400Rochester Area Chamber of Comm Govt Action C $4,908MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action Com $4,291Citizens for the Sensible Center $3,800TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PAC $2,868Friends of DFL Women $2,500Bike PAC $2,226Minn ACORN Political Action Committee $2,093Greater Minn Conference Pol Action Comm $1,610Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1005 $1,600190

Committee or FundTotalAFSCME Local 306 $1,500Stonewall DFL (The) $1,309NFIB/MN SAFE Trust $936Neighbors for Life PAC $703Minn NARAL Action Fund $499St Croix Valley Central Labor Union $399Independent Teachers of Forest Lake $362Clean Water Action Voter Education Project $293Political Action Fund of Duluth Firefighters $38AFSCME Local 2508 Political $20Total$1,946,863191

Independent Expenditures by Political Committees and Party Units$4,500,000$4,373,771$4,000,000$3,500,000$3,000,000$2,500,000$2,000,000$1,500,000$1,000,000$500,000$0192$2,907,814$1,946,863$1,396,747$1,021,625$916,586$428,336$457,752$8,224$3081994 1996 1998 2000 <strong>2002</strong>Party Units Political Committees

PUBLIC SUBSIDY AND DISBURSEMENTSPOLITICAL PARTIESDFL RPM GPM IPMPublic Subsidy fromprevious year$39,574 $15,823 $5,402 $ 5,631Public Subsidyreceived in <strong>2002</strong>AmendmentPending$34,093 AmendmentPending$ 9,533Total AvailableAmendmentPending$49,916 AmendmentPending$15,164Expenditures during <strong>2002</strong>*Party advertisements $ 0 $ 7,115Sample ballots $ 0 $ 7,050Telephoneconversations$ 0 $ 0Party fundraising $ 0 $ 0Staff members $ 0 $ 58Total Expenditures $ 0 $ 14,223Total Public Subsidyon hand 12/31/02$49,916 $ 955*See Minn. Stat. §10A.275193

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsDemocratic Farm Labor Party1st Congressional District DFL2nd Congressional District DFL 320Blue Earth County DFL 240Freeborn County DFL 320Mower County DFL 2201,1001st Senate District DFLBernard Lieder Volunteer Comm 330Senator (LeRoy) Stumpf Reelection 6901,0202nd Congressional DistrictDFL1st Congressional District DFL 5503rd Congressional District DFL 1,2836th Congressional District DFL 60834th Senate District DFL 270Moravec, Sue 320Weber, Eileen 2203,2512nd Senate District DFLBeltrami County DFL 300Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 1,000Rod Skoe for <strong>State</strong> Rep 1,0002,3003B House District DFLMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,000Fond du Lac Committee of Political 500Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 500Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 500Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 589 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 500TRIAL-PAC 250(Tom) Saxhaug for <strong>State</strong> Senate Co 250Citizen Vol Comm for Irv Anderson 2504,7503rd Congressional District DFL6th Congressional District DFL 2,5042,5043rd Senate District DFLMicheletti, Thomas 250Citizen Vol Comm for Irv Anderson 5007505th Congressional District DFL6th Congressional District DFL 2722725th Senate District DFLMicheletti, Thomas 250CAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 300Fryberger, Buchanan, Smith & Fred 248TAC PAC 2705 1,000TRIAL-PAC 250United Steelworkers of America Dist 1,900USWA LU 1938 PAC 1,000(David) Tomassoni for <strong>State</strong> Senate 704Citizens for (Anthony) Sertich 700Tom Rukavina Campaign Committe 7007,0526th Congressional District DFL7th Congressional District DFL 813Rapliner, John 390IBEW Local 292 Political Education 3001,5036th Senate District DFL7th Senate District DFL 287Lake County DFL 450Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & 5001,2377th Congressional District DFL2nd Congressional District DFL 1,97515th Senate District DFL 220Beltrami County DFL 360Clay County DFL 220Douglas County DFL 280Kittson County DFL 415Norman County DFL 310Otter Tail County DFL 2404,0207th Senate District DFL6th Senate District DFL 218Duluth DFL 1,0001,2188th Congressional District DFL7th Congressional District DFL 5005009th Senate District DFLMinn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 25025011th Senate District DFLCAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 500Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Acti 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 1,000Minn Dental Public Affairs Committe 1,500Minn Health PAC 500Minn PEOPLE Committee 1,000Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 500PharmPAC 250SITCO PAC 4007,15014th Senate District DFLOpperman, Vance 500Vote (Michael) Sharp! 24974915th Senate District DFLOpperman, Vance 500Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 250Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & 1,0001,75017th Senate District DFLNeighbors for Matt Entenza 25025019th Senate District DFLIBEW Local 292 Political Education 500Neighbors for Matt Entenza 25075020th Senate District DFL21st Senate District DFL 520Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 5001,02021st Senate District DFLLyon County DFL 56856822nd Senate District DFLNobles County DFL 262Pipestone County DFL 516Rock County DFL 490Bois Forte Political Education Fund 250Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 250Lower Sioux Political Education Fun 500Prairie Island Indian Community PA 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 2503,01823rd Senate District DFLBrown County DFL 300Burton, Verona 400Huffman, Joan 232Hofstede, Albert 300Strusinski, William 250Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 450Local 59 Political Fund 700Minn IBEW <strong>State</strong> Council 250194

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsMinn PEOPLE Committee 400Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 300Citizens for Andy Evenson 800Neighbors for Matt Entenza 1,5005,88225th Senate District DFL23rd Senate District DFL 550Neighbors for Matt Entenza 25080028th Senate District DFLHicks, Dan 612Grindal, H Theodore 250Dorsey Political Fund 250Independent Community Bankers of 500Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 400Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 500Minn Health PAC 500Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 4003,91232nd Senate District DFLIBEW Local 292 Political Education 50050034th New Senate District DFLCarver County DFL 817Eland 2000 (Marcia) 5971,41435th Senate District DFLLks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 25075036th Senate District DFLLynette Mulvihill for Senate 88788737th Senate District DFLRhonda Arkley for Senate 1,200Volunteers for Mitchell (Dean) 4001,60038th Senate District DFLFadel, Mitchell 250Vento, Susan 250Ames Construction PAC 500Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 500Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & 1,000Local 59 Political Fund 600Lower Sioux Political Education Fun 500MAPE-PAC 500Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Savings Assns for Voter Educ & Res 250Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 400U of M Faculty Candidate Support C 250(David) Tomassoni for <strong>State</strong> Senate 250Moore (Gary) for Representative 750People for (David) Johnson 1,0007,25039th Senate District DFLGrindal, H Theodore 250Seck, Gerald 250Insurance Federation Political Action 350Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 500Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 250Minn PEOPLE Committee 500MUCA PAC (Minn Utility Contractors 300SITCO PAC 500TRIAL-PAC 2503,15040th Senate District DFLMinneapolis Municipal Retirement A 500Neighbors for Matt Entenza 25075041st Senate District DFL42nd Senate District DFL 1,5091,50942nd Senate DistrictDFL42nd Senate District DFL 66544th Senate District DFL 25091543rd Senate District DFL45th Senate District DFL 1,4131,41344th Senate District DFL45th Senate District DFL 314Mondale, Ted 250Opperman, Vance 1,000AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 500Communication Workers of America 500Food PAC of Minn 250Local 59 Political Fund 800Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 250Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 250Minn Health PAC 250Minn Licensed Beverage Assoc PA 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 500Prairie Island Indian Community PA 500RKM&C Fund 500TRIAL-PAC 500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 250Neighbors for Matt Entenza 2507,36445th Senate District DFL45th Senate District DFL 240Committee of Thirteen Legislative F 250Local 59 Political Fund 600Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Minneapolis Municipal Retirement A 500Prairie Island Indian Community PA 700Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 500Ness (Lance) Volunteer Comm 1,5005,04046th Senate District DFLAmalgamated Transit Union, Local 500Education Minn - Osseo PAC 500Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 300IBEW Local 292 Political Education 250Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 400Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & 1,000Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 600MFT Political Fund (COPE) 1,000Minn <strong>State</strong> Patrol Troopers Assoc 250Minneapolis Municipal Retirement A 1,500Pipe Fitters Local 539 1,000Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 300TRIAL-PAC 250Neighbors for Matt Entenza 2508,10047th Senate District DFL48th Senate District DFL 1,08149th Senate District DFL 472DFL House Caucus 1,000Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 400Carpenter's Local 1644 PAC 300Education Minn - Osseo PAC 500Local 59 Political Fund 700Minn DRIVE 300Minn PEOPLE Committee 1,000Minneapolis Central Labor Union Co 500Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc P 500Pipe Fitters Local 539 500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500TRIAL-PAC 500Volunteers for Boynton (Mary) Com 3,04411,29648th Senate District DFL49th Senate District DFL 322IBEW Local 292 Political Education 500Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & 500Local 851 Political Action Committe 300Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 500(Kathleen) Sekhon Campaign Com 838Campaign for Vince Stevens 5003,460195

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political Funds50th Senate District DFL48th Senate District DFL 20652nd Senate District DFL 9,42653rd Senate District DFL 2,45954th Senate District DFL 476Tenth Ward & Rural Ramsey DFL D 8,34020,90751st Senate District DFL48th Senate District DFL 94151st Senate District DFL 80852nd Senate District DFL 1,879Opperman, Vance 1,000Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 300IBEW Local 292 Political Education 250Minneapolis Central Labor Union Co 500Minneapolis Municipal Retirement A 500Pipe Fitters Local 539 1,000Tenth Ward & Rural Ramsey DFL D 3,36010,53752nd Senate District DFL51st Senate District DFL 75456th Senate District DFL 800Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & 500Local 59 Political Fund 300Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500U of M Faculty Candidate Support C 300People for David Johnson 1,000Rebecca Otto for School Board Com 2634,41753rd Senate District DFL51st Senate District DFL 31453rd Senate District DFL 6,13855th Senate District DFL 2,500Tenth Ward & Rural Ramsey DFL D 11,640Neighbors for Matt Entenza 25020,84254th Senate District DFL53rd Senate District DFL 5,261Tenth Ward & Rural Ramsey DFL D 15,000Neighbors for Matt Entenza 25020,51155th Senate District DFL53rd Senate District DFL 38854th Senate District DFL 1,78556th Senate District DFL 40057th Senate District DFL 210Tenth Ward & Rural Ramsey DFL D 6,6009,38356th Senate District DFLAFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 500Local 59 Political Fund 400Minn DRIVE 300Minneapolis Municipal Retirement A 250Prairie Island Indian Community PA 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 500St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 261TRIAL-PAC 500Neighbors for Matt Entenza 2503,46157th Senate District DFLMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 2,000Erickson, James 500McGill, John 250Skoog, John 250AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 500Local 59 Political Fund 400Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Prairie Island Indian Community PA 400St Croix Valley Central Labor Union 261UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Politi 300<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 250Neighbors for Matt Entenza 250Dakota County Unit 29 3596,22058th Senate District DFLMinneapolis Municipal Retirement A 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 30080059th Senate District DFLCommittee of Thirteen Legislative F 500Volunteers for Phyllis Kahn 2,3002,80060th Senate District DFL63rd Senate District DFL 429(Catherine) Shreves Volunteer Com 565(Frank) Hornstein Volunteer Commit 250Kelliher (Margaret) Volunteer Comm 313Volunteers for Scott Dibble 5812,13861st Senate District DFLWegeman, Linda 342Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 30064262nd Senate District DFL63rd Senate District DFL 57657663rd Senate District DFL40th Senate District DFL 2,3332,33364th Senate District DFL66B House District DFL 2,540Strusinski, William 250Road PAC of Minn 3003,09065th Senate District DFL66th Senate District DFL 1,160McDonough, Brigid 250Prairie Island Indian Community PA 500Sandra Pappas for Senate 7502,66066A House District DFLRettman, Janice 411Minn Chiropractic Political Action 50091166B House District DFL54th Senate District DFL 952Tenth Ward & Rural Ramsey DFL D 15,00015,95266th Senate District DFL66A House District DFL 1,0001,000Beltrami County DFLMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 850Cecil, Lorraine 461Anthony Kinkel for <strong>State</strong> Senate 6942,005Clay County DFL(Rick) Stotts for Minn <strong>State</strong> House 470Dudley Wells Volunteer Commitee 1,002Volunteers for (John) Young 5001,972Crow Wing County DFLDFL House Caucus 950Bisignani, Mark 500Dickson, D Ross 250Haselow, Justine 750Haselow, Robert 1,050Herman, Jeffrey 500Kosiak, John 500Nisi, Kurt 250Spears, Wayne 500Seck, Gerald 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 2,500Wellstone for Senate 2508,500DFL House Caucus58th Senate District DFL 1,250196

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 462,447Anfang, Dick 550Armenio, Peter 250Baker, Douglas 55,549Barenscheer, Brian 500Bellairs, Ellen 500Benson, Scott 500Berman, Michael 250Bisignani, Mark 500Blakeslee, Beverly 2,000Bryant, Michael 250Burns, Harry 500Butler, Sandra 500Carey, James 250Carey, John 250Chezick, Steven 250Christensen, Robert 250Coborn, Daniel 500Cohen, Burt 350Cohen, Rusty 350Conley, Nancy 400Conlin, Thomas 250Cowles Jr, John 10,000Cruzen, Patrick 250Czajkowski, Andrew 250Dale, Roger 250Davis, Frances 500Davnie, Jim 750Dayton, Bruce 5,000Dayton, Julia 500Dayton, Kenneth 15,000Dayton, Mark 10,000Dickson, D Ross 500Ducker, Thomas 250Duddingston, Joan 300Dulles, Frederic 210Dusich, Bernard 250Eisberg, John 250Fine, Bianca Maria 500Fitzmaurice, Matthew 250Flannery, George 400Flom, Katherine 250Fluegel, Wilbur 250Flynn, Patrick 250Forster, Barbara 300Goetz, John 250Guisan-Dickinson, Catherine 230Hale, Roger 250Haselow, Robert 1,000Hawn, Van 250Herman, Jeffrey 500Hornstein, Frank 350Hornstein, Stephen 500Huber, Mark 800Huss, Alvin John 1,000Isaacs, John 250Johnson, James 250Johnson, Kevin 250Johnson, Sheldon 500Jorstad, W H Jorstad 250Kimball, June 250Kluge, John 400Kosiak, John 500Levitt, Mrs. Richard 250Lillehaug, Duane 500McDonough, Brigid 250Mcgill, John 250Mendoza, Mia 250Mendoza, Salvador 250Mitau, Lee 250Mondale, Ted 500Mulvahill, Amy 1,000Myers, Jerome 250Noran, Steven 250O Fallon, Daniel 250Ogara, Deborah 250Ogara, Richard 300Opperman, Vance 15,000Peterson, Kathleen 250Pohlad, James 10,000Pohlad, William 10,000Riley, Peter 250Roen, Craig 250Sampson, Curtis 763Sampson, Marian 763Sands, Robert 250Sarafolean, Steven 300Savik, Sandra 250Schenian, Dale 500Schmidt, Steven 250Schwebel, James 500Schweiger, Paul 250Sieben, Harry 5,250Sieben, Michael 2,750Sieben, William 2,000Siekmeirer, John 500Soucie, Lynn 250Spears, Wayne 500Stinski, R. 500Streed, Mark 250Strusinski, Donna 250Stultz, Suzanne 250Suk, Charles 250Thorfinnson, Ross 250Trooien, Gerald 5,000Underwood, Cecil 700Van Dyck, Sharon 500Vento, Susan 250Wade, Terry 250Weinshel, Eric 250Witebsky, Judy 210Zelle, Charles 250Zoldan, Bruce 250Amundson, Kristen 2,850Anderson, Wendell 750Apitz, John 250Asunma, Randy 250Bohn, Ray 250Carlson, Joel 450Carnival, Douglas 250Chapdelaine, Don 250Cook, Judy 500Corbid, John 250Domke, John 250Doyle, O'Brien 500Erickson, James 500Flaherty, Timothy 600Ginsberg, Richard 250Girard, James 500Griffin, Phillip 500Grindal, H Theodore 3,500Huber, Mark 300Jerich, Ronald 250Johnson, G. Robert 250Johnson, Kevin 250Johnson, Todd 500Keliher, Thomas 250Kneeland, Christine 250Kwilas, Anthony 250Larson, Daniel 300Laugtug, Loren 300McGrann, William 1,000Micheletti, Thomas 2,500Morris, Randolph 250Nelson, Richard 250Redmond, Lawrence 2,750Rice, Brian 1,000Robertson, Michael 350Samargia, Joe 250Sampson, Randall 750Schoenfeld, Gerald 250Schreiber, William 250Seck, Gerald 2,750Sieben, James 500Strusinski, William 900Tangen, Angela 250Thomas, Richard 500Tilley, Barry 850Tufenk, Steven 250Vanasek, Robert 350Wilson, Kingsley 500Wright, Michael 500AFSCME Local 34 PEOPLE 250Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 5,250BAM-PAC 1,000Beer PAC-Minn Beer Wholesalers A 1,750Bois Forte Political Education Fund 10,000Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineer 1,000CAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 6,000CARE / PAC 2,000Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 6,000197

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsCommittee of Nine PAC 1,500Committee of Thirteen Legislative F 1,750Communication Workers of America 3,500CUVOL 3,500CWA <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>State</strong> Council 1,000Democratic Legislative Campaign C 17,000Dorsey Political Fund 6,000Education Minn PAC 75,000Elementary Principals' Action Comm 750Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 18,200Fond du Lac Committee of Political 22,000Food PAC of Minn 4,450Friends of DFL Women 10,000Friends of the Minn Zoo 500Fryberger, Buchanan, Smith & Fred 450Gray Plant Mooty Mooty & Bennett I 1,000Great-<strong>State</strong> (Great River Energy Act 500Health Partners Civic Affairs Counc 500IBEW 110 PAC 250IBEW Local 292 Political Education 500Independent Community Bankers of 4,000Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 2,700International Union of Operating En 500Intl Brotherhood of Elec Wkrs - Com 500Iron Range Bldg Trades-PAF 500Iron Workers Local 512 1,000Jobs Political Fund 1,000K&G/JWB PAC 250Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 35,000Lawyers Public Affairs Commission 1,300Leonard, Street and Deinard PAC 1,000Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & 53,500Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 1,000Local 28 Political Fund 2,000Local 59 Political Fund 11,100Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 2,000Lower Sioux Political Education Fun 17,000MAFMIC Political Action Committee 250Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 20,900MAPE-PAC 25,750MCEA Political Action Committee 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Acti 5,000Messerli & Kramer Political Action 1,950Minn AFL-CIO 19,750Minn AGPAC 250Minn Assn of Collectors 250Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 800Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 1,400Minn Chamber of Commerce Leader 250Minn Chiropractic Political Action 2,000Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committe 13,500Minn Democrats 1,500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committe 1,000Minn DRIVE 800Minn Electrical Assn PAC 250Minn Eye PAC 1,250Minn Farmers Union PAC 250Minn Health PAC 2,000Minn IBEW <strong>State</strong> Council 5,000Minn Licensed Beverage Assoc PA 1,250Minn Manufactured Home PAC 1,500Minn Milk PAC 1,550Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA 1,750Minn Operators of Music and Amuse 250Minn PEOPLE Committee 65,500Minn Physical Therapy PAC 500Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 10,000Minn Power PAC 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 10,000Minn Soybean 1,500Minn <strong>State</strong> Council of H.E.R.E. Unio 750Minn <strong>State</strong> Patrol Troopers Assoc 2,000Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Minn Utility Labor Council PAC 1,000Minneapolis Bldg & Construct Trade 250Minneapolis Central Labor Union Co 250Minneapolis Fire Department Pensio 1,500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 1,000Minneapolis Municipal Retirement A 5,000Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 750Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc P 900MN Corn 250MN Utility Investors Pol Action Fund 250Motel Operators Political Action Co 250MSA-PAC 1,000Multi Housing Political Action Comm 5,700North <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250PAL 9 Natl Assoc of Letter Carriers 1,000People in Construction Political Acti 250PharmPAC 1,000Pine Bend PAC 1,000Pipe Fitters Local 539 1,250Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 589 354Plumbers Local Union #15 COPE Ac 6,000Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 7,000Political Action Committee 500Political Education Fund of Local 2 1,000POWER PAC 1,360Prairie Island Indian Community PA 33,500Public Emp Pension Serv Assn (PE 1,500Retired Peoples Political Action Fun 4,000RKM&C Fund 25,000RMJ Political Fund 500Road PAC of Minn 14,000Rural Electric Political Action Com 750SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 35,000Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 47,500SITCO PAC 1,900SOF - PAC 250Sprinkler Fitters Local Union No 417 500St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 4,000Transportation Political Education 3,500TRIAL-PAC 37,035U A Plumbers Local #34 Political Fu 500UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Politi 1,500VET-PAC of Minn 500Waste Management PAC of Minn 750Winthrop & Weinstine, PA Political 250(David) Tomassoni for <strong>State</strong> Senate 500(Joseph) Opatz Volunteer Committe 4,000(Loren) Solberg Volunteer Committe 900Alice Hausman Volunteer Committe 12,000Ann Rest for Senate 3,000Citizen Vol Comm for Irv Anderson 5,500Citizens for (Anthony) Sertich 3,000Citizens for Sharon Marko 400Connie Bernardy Vol Committee 1,000Cy Thao Campaign Committee 1,000Doug Peterson Volunteer Committe 1,000Friends of Gary Kubly for <strong>State</strong> Sen 500Henry Kalis Volunteer Committee 1,100Joe Atkins for <strong>State</strong> Rep 7,000John Dorn Campaign Committee 2,000Kelliher (Margaret) Volunteer Comm 2,000Len Biernat Volunteer Committee 400Loren Jennings for <strong>State</strong> Rep 5,000Lyndon Carlson Campaign Committ 400Mary Murphy Volunteer Comm 1,000Michael Paymar Volunteer Committe 1,000Mindy Greiling Volunteer Committee 5,000<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 25,000Neighbors for Carlos Mariani 1,000Neighbors for Jim Davnie 500Neighbors for Matt Entenza 2,500Ness (Lance) Volunteer Comm 1,500Orfield (Myron) Volunteer Committe 1,000People for (David) Johnson 2,000Thomas Pugh Volunteer Committee 6,500Tim Mahoney for House 3,000Tom Huntley Volunteer Comm 900Tom Rukavina Campaign Committe 1,750Volunteers for Bernhard Eken 1,000Volunteers for Phyllis Kahn 3,500Friends for Lisa Goodman 2,0001,579,619Douglas County DFLArlan Kakac Campaign Committee 750750Duluth DFLMinn Health PAC 250Political Action Fund of Duluth Fir 250500Faribault County DFLHenry Kalis Volunteer Committee 2,000Freeborn County DFL2,000198

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political Funds(Pat) Piper Volunteer Committee 500Committee to Elect Paul Moore 410910Hubbard County DFLCorbid, Patricia 500Anthony Kinkel for <strong>State</strong> Senate 694Frank (Floyd) for Representative 1,9353,129Kanabec County DFLNorthwest Petroleum NPPAC 500500Kandiyohi County DFLMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 3,600MAPE-PAC 350Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 4004,350Koochiching County DFLTRIAL-PAC 500500Lac qui Parle County DFLGreater Minn Conference Pol Action 500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 250750Lyon County DFL21st Senate District DFL 468468Martin County DFLChuck Fowler for Senate Volunteer 300300Meeker County DFLCitizens for (Dale) Smolnisky 926926Mille Lacs County DFLMah Mah Wi No Min - I 5,000Prairie Island Indian Community PA 5005,500Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee1st Congressional District DFL 4,0002nd Congressional District DFL 2,3502nd Senate District DFL 3,2003rd Congressional District DFL 1,7504th Congressional District DFL 5005th Senate District DFL 5,0007th Congressional District DFL 40039th Senate District DFL 1,00044th Senate District DFL 4,23647th Senate District DFL 5,52551st Senate District DFL 8,80055th Senate District DFL 50057th Senate District DFL 30062nd Senate District DFL 4,00066B House District DFL 7,700Becker County DFL 800DFL House Caucus 230,809Hubbard County DFL 400Pine County DFL 400Rock County DFL 950Senate Majority Caucus 546,082Abraham, Daniel 10,000Anderson, Nancy 10,000Andreas, Dwayne 10,000Angelos, Peter 15,000Bartley, Anne 5,000Berman, Michael 2,500Bertram, Carp 5,000Bing, Stephen 25,000Bjork, David 1,000Blitz, Charles 15,000Bohnett, David 10,000Bonderud, Kevin 1,000Borders, John Jr. 500Borlin, Marilyn 500Bowman, Sharon 2,000Buttenweiser, Peter 25,000Chambers, Merle 1,000Collins, Priscilla 1,000Colombel, Eric 25,000Colowick, Maryda 1,000Conover, Catherine 3,500Copham, David 25,000Cowles Jr, John 170,000Danbury, Thomas 1,000Dayton, Bruce 15,000Dayton, Eric 10,000Dayton, Julia 20,000Dayton, Kenneth 20,000Dayton, Mark 120,000Deal, James 4,000Deikel, Ted 17,000Demarest, Merry 1,000Dimon, James 10,000Dyson, Robert 20,000Easton, Jennifer 3,000Eychaner, Fred 50,000Faricy Jr, John 5,000Ferry, Sandra 25,000Flannery, George 1,000Forster, Barbara 5,000Gabbert, John 500Glaefke, Brook 2,000Gossman, George 5,000Greenfield, Constance 2,000Gund, Louise 25,000Hawkins, Blanche 1,000Henley, Donald 5,000Himovitz, Roger 10,000Hindery, Leo 50,000Honigfort, Linda 6,000Hormel, James 1,000Hull, Blair 1,000Hunting, John 7,500Jackson, Christopher 4,000Jankowsky, Joel 2,500Jobin-Leeds, Greg 10,000Joslin, Mary 1,000Joslin, William 1,000Kaplan, Woody 1,000Kayser, Thomas 5,000Kerns, Gale 500Kimball, Allen 2,500Klein, Robert 12,500Kramer, Orin 9,000Krumme, Edwyn 1,000LaRose, Mark 250Leeds, Lilo 5,000Leibach, Dale 1,000Lewis, Bruce 1,000Lewis, James 1,000Lewis, Sharon 500Lord, Henry 3,000McFerrin, Debra 1,000Messinger, Alida 60,000Montgomery, Harle 4,000Morgan, John 10,000Muller, Robert 60,000Niles, Don 500Opperman, Vance 123,000Oswald, Charles 10,000Owens, Robert 25,000Perry, Lisa 5,000Petters, Thomas 45,000Pohlad, Carl 17,500Pohlad, James 15,000Pohlad, William 7,500Raitt, Bonnie 1,000Redmond, Lawrence 5,500Robert, Janet 50,000Robert, Judith 16,000Robert, Thomas 8,000Robert, Tim 18,000Rodin, Bonni 5,000Romans, Lawrence 500Rosbrow, Patricia 5,000Rose, Gayle 1,000Rosenfield, John 500Ryan, Robert 5,000Sandler, Herbert 5,000Schlosstein, Ralph 5,000Segall, Miriam 500Simon, Bren 25,000199

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsSmirnoff, Sergei Jr. 1,000Smith, Tina 5,000Soros-Colombel, Andrea 25,000Stanley, Joe 1,000Steiner, David 6,000Stern, David 15,000Stupak, Robert 1,000Sullivan, Judith 1,000Swift, Michael 400Thomas, Robert 8,000Tobias, Andrew 5,000Trooien, Gerald 7,500Tuttle, Emily 7,000Valenti, Jack 4,000Varis, Agnes 35,000Wade, Terry 1,000Walser, RJ 15,000Wark, Mary 7,500Watson, Mary 1,000Williams, Terrence 350Wishnick, Harriet 1,000Wofford, Harris 1,000Yackel, John 17,000Elwood, Ron 50021st Century Democrats 46,750AFSCME 2,583AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 255,000AFSCME Local 306 300Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 575Beer PAC-Minn Beer Wholesalers A 250Bois Forte Political Education Fund 1,000Branch 28, NALC Political Action 1,250CAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 4,000Committee of Nine PAC 500Committee of Thirteen Legislative F 1,000Common Sense PAC 250Communication Workers of America 1,000CWA District 7 Political Education 625CWA <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>State</strong> Council 2,500Democratic Congressional Campaig 1,602,136Democratic Senatorial Campaign Co 6,151,793DFL Feminist Caucus - Candidates' 500Dorsey Political Fund 6,000DRIVE- Democrat Republican Ind. V 10,000Duluth Central Labor Body COPE Fu 3,260Education Minn PAC 171,750Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 1,500Fond du Lac Committee of Political 13,000Great Plains Leadership Fund 250IBEW Local #31 Volunteer COPE F 600IBEW Local 292 Political Education 66,555Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 250International Union of Operating En 1,000Intl Brotherhood of Elec Wkrs - Com 105,000Iron Workers Local 512 300Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 86,000Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & 6,000Local 28 Political Fund 3,000Local 59 Political Fund 13,600Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 1,800Lower Sioux Political Education Fun 10,000Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 42,250MAPE-PAC 22,500Minn AFL-CIO 52,500Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 2,000Minn DRIVE 68,200Minn Farmers Union PAC 1,000Minn IBEW <strong>State</strong> Council 11,250Minn League of Conservation Voters 2,000Minn PEOPLE Committee 211,250Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 10,000Minn Professional Fire Fighters PAC 10,000Minn <strong>State</strong> Council of H.E.R.E. Unio 3,100Minn <strong>State</strong> MNPL 5,000Minn Utility Labor Council PAC 2,200Minneapolis Central Labor Union Co 1,350Minneapolis Municipal Retirement A 20,500Painters Union Local No 61 Political 1,950PAL 9 Natl Assoc of Letter Carriers 1,250Pipe Fitters Local 539 1,000Prairie Island Indian Community PA 4,250RKM&C Fund 63,500Road PAC of Minn 1,000SEIU Local 113 2,000SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 36,050Service Employees Intl Union 252,000Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 45,800Sprinkler Fitters Local Union No 417 300St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 3,000Stonewall DFL (The) 1,000Transportation Political Education 6,250TRIAL-PAC 8,250UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Politi 124,500United Food & Commerical Workers 100,000United Steelworkers of America Dist 60,000(David) Tomassoni for <strong>State</strong> Senate 2,125(Yvonne) Prettner Solon Vol Comm 1,000Anderson (Todd) for <strong>State</strong> Rep 2,000Anthony Kinkel for <strong>State</strong> Senate 500Beck Lourey for Governor Comm 1,490Citizen Vol Comm for Irv Anderson 1,600Citizens for (Anthony) Sertich 2,550Citizens to Elect Al Juhnke 700Doug Peterson Volunteer Committe 6,200Ellen Anderson for Senate Vol Com 700Friends of Tom Bakk 1,050George McMahon Volunteer Comm 700Greg Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 1,000Gregory Gray Volunteer Committee 300Harold Finn for Senate 17,535Henry Kalis Volunteer Committee 1,520Joe Opatz Volunteer Committee 550John Hottinger Reelection Comm 250Kelliher (Margaret) Volunteer Comm 650Larry Pogemiller for Senate Vol Co 2,500Linda Higgins Volunteer Committee 1,725<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Matt) Entenza 2,150Neighbors for Carlos Mariani 250Neighbors for Matt Entenza 2,500Ness (Lance) Volunteer Comm 500Orfield (Myron) Volunteer Committe 375People for Dan Larson 2,000People for David Johnson 5,700Richard Cohen Volunteer Comm 500Ring (Twyla) for Senate 500Roger Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 6,300Ron Latz Volunteer Committee 260Rubenstein (Doris) in Minn House 2,365Tom Rukavina Campaign Committe 1,600Victoria Reinhardt for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 640Volunteers for Scott Dibble 1,311American Federation of Teachers C 25,000Cherryhomes Vol Comm 3,000Committee for Democratic Future 2,500CWA COPE PCC 125,000Democratic Governors Association 399,000DNC Non FederL 632,186Goodman,Lisa 600Human Rights Campaign 5,000Klobuchar,Volunteer 4,950MTS Systems PAC 500National Leadership PAC 20,000RI Political 20,000Silkensen, John 1,000South Dakota Democratic Party 212,000UAW V CAP 10,000VINEPAC 1,00013,683,110Minneapolis DFL CommitteeMelendez, Brian 542Local 59 Political Fund 250Garnett Library Bd Comm 990Joan Campbell Committee 432Joe Biernat Committee 1,500Neighbors for Abbott 986Patrick Peterson Committee 865Rochelle Grave Committee 990Scott A Benson Committee 500Tracy Nordstrom Committee 540Walt Dziedzic Committee 7158,310Morrison County DFLCUVOL 250Local 59 Political Fund 300Minn Health PAC 500Mower County DFL1,050200

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsFrederickson, Florence 500United Food & Commerical Workers 700Pat Piper Volunteer Committee 525Rob Leighton for <strong>State</strong> Rep 3002,025Murray County DFLMinn PEOPLE Committee 500500Olmsted County DFLMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,100Lanzy, Garrett 250Nelson, Diana 300Blanchard (Dave) Volunteer Commit 4702,120Pine County DFLStrusinski, William 250CAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 500Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 1,7002,450Pipestone County DFL21st Senate District DFL 416416Polk County DFLEdgar Olson Volunteer Committee 1,7971,797Pope County DFLBennett, Glenn 500500Rice County DFLMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 410410Rock County DFL21st Senate District DFL 390390Scott County DFLShakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 250250Senate Majority Caucus58th Senate District DFL 1,250Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 158,000Senate Majority Caucus 13,177Ahlers, Linda 500Ames, Richard 500Andeen, Birger 2,500Anderson, John 500Anderson, Richard 1,000Arney, Joel 250Bachman, Karen 500Bachman, Ruth 500Balakrishna, Sudhindar 1,000Barenscheer, Brian 500Barrett, Thomas 250Bellairs, Ellen 250Berg, Thomas 250Binger, Virginia 500Bishop, Jonathon 250Bishop, Lois 250Bisignani, Mark 500Blanch, Jane Robertson 250Boarman, Jack 250Bowman, Sharon 300Breyer, Karl 1,000Christensen, Robert 250Ciresi, Michael 1,000Cochran, Charles 275Cohen, Audrey 1,000Conner, Joel 500Constance, Otis 300Cowles Jr, John 12,500Crossman, Scott 250Cruzen, Patrick 250Daniels Jr, John 250Daniels, Lisa 250Davies, Pat 300Davis, Frances 500Dayton, Julia 5,000Dayton, Kenneth 10,000Dayton, Mark 5,000Dayton, Mary Lee 250Desimone, Livio 1,000Diaz, M.D., Richard 500Dickerson, Jon 1,000Dicklich, Ronald 300Dickson, D Ross 1,000Doom, Tony 250Doot, Guy 250Doot, Jennifr 500Engelsma, Bruce 250Etzwiler, Marion 500Flint, Tina 2,500Fraser, Donald 250Freeman, Jane 250French, John 350Goldenberg, J.R. 250Goldner, Michael 500Guttormson, Ronald 300Haddeland, William 250Hall, Lynda 300Hallberg, Mark 250Hannaford, Elizabeth 500Hanson, David 250Hanson, Mildred 300Harper, William 250Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 8,000Hedstrom, Mary Jane 500Hendry, Bruce 500Herman, Jeffrey 1,250Hillstrom, Bradley 500Humphrey III, Hubert 350Hutcheson, Susanne 250Jain, Ashok 1,000Johnson, Eric 1,250Jorgenson, Julie 500Jorstad, David 250Jundt, Mary Joann 500Junek, John 500Kaplan, Samuel 750Keffeler, Jean 1,000Keith, A. 750Kelly, William 500Kiedrowski, Jay 250Kingrey, John 250Kitchak, Peter 500Kitto, Mary 250Kosiak, John 1,500Krikava, Steven 250Kukielka, Thomas 800Lang, A Scheffer 250Larson, Nancy 225Lentestey, Susan 500Lifson, Arnold 250Lillehaug, Duane 250Lynch, Leland 5,000Martin, Jennifer 250Maziar, Christine 250McCannel, Malcolm 250McNamara, Richard 5,000Mendoza, Mia 500Mendoza, Salvador 500Meshbesher, Ronald 250Messinger, Alida 5,000Minkkinen, David 500Moar, James 500Mondale, Ted 500Myers, Jerome 250Nisi, Kurt 1,250Novak, Steven 250O Connor, Patrick 1,000Ogren, Sandra 250Olson, Alec 250Olson, Deborah 1,000Olson, Douglas 500Opperman, Vance 12,000Otis, Constance 300Otten, Louise 500Page, David 400Pederson, Deborah 1,000Perlman, Lawrence 1,000Peterson, Cory 250201

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsPeterson, DL 250Peterson, Donna 250Peterson, Robin 250Peterson,, Paul 250Petters, Thomas 2,000Pfutzenreuter, Richard 250Plunkett III, Hugh 500Pohlad, Carl 1,000Pohlad, James 11,000Pohlad, Robert 1,000Pohlad, William 11,000Riley, Peter 250Robert, Janet 1,000Robertson, Blanch Jane 250Romanstein, Stanley 250Rondeau, Eugene 250Rosenbaum, Robert 500Rothchild, Kennon 500Rubin, Kathryn 250Sampson, Curtis 1,500Sandberg, Bert 500Schenian, Dale 500Schwebel, James 250Shea, Andrew 250Sheehy, Lee 250Sieben, William 1,250Siekmeirer, John 500Singh, Chadha Harpreet 900Spears, Wayne 1,800Speer, Nancy 500Sperduto, Paul 500Steiner, Paul 500Thatcher, Paul Rexford, Sr. 250Turner, Beverly 450Tuttle, Anne 600Van Dyck, Sharon 250Vaughn, Mary 500Von Blon, Philip 500Voss, Gordon 250Weiser, Marjorie 1,000Wellman, James 300Wilensky, Scott 750Wright, Michael 500Zelle, Charles 1,000Zoldan, Bruce 250Amundson, Kristen 250Anderson, Wendell 500Benner, Robert 750Bohn, Ray 250Borden, Winston 250Breitinger, Jennifer 250Brown, Charles 500Carlson, Keith 250Cerkvenik, Gary 500Choi, John 500Cohen, Philip 250Cook, Judy 750Corbid, John 500DeMay, James 500Diehl, John 500Dioury, Susan 250Dorfman, Glenn 3,000Doyle, O'Brien 250Erickson, James 500Flaherty, Timothy 2,750Franke, Roger 300Ginsberg, Richard 250Goff, Robert 250Griffin, Phillip 250Heller, Tom 250Hood, Christopher 1,000Isaacs, John 250James, Karen 275Jerich, Valerie 250Kaul, John 250Kleven, Bruce 250Knapp, John 550Kneeland, Christine 250Kozak, Andrew 600Maccabee, Paula 250Micheletti, Thomas 2,500Naumann, Joyce 250Nelson, Richard 250Poul, Thomas 350Prahl, Paula 250Rapp, Todd 300Redmond, Lawrence 600Rice, Brian 500Robertson, Michael 500Rockne, Sue 250Samargia, Joe 250Sampson, Randall 500Seck, Gerald 500Sieben, James 250Skubic, Mark 400Spano, Wyman 1,250Sparby, David 250Strusinski, William 750Tennessen, Robert 500Tilley, Barry 500Vanasek, Robert 350Vento, Susan 250Wilson, Kingsley 500Young, Randall 500AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 2,800Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 500Ames Construction PAC 1,000Automotive Service Political Action 350BAM-PAC 2,000Bike PAC 250Bois Forte Political Education Fund 750Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineer 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 9,800CARE / PAC 7,000Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 10,250COLL PAC 250Committee of Nine PAC 1,500Committee of Thirteen Legislative F 2,000Communication Workers of America 3,500CUVOL 6,000CWA <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>State</strong> Council 1,000Dorsey Political Fund 9,500Education Minn PAC 75,000Elementary Principals' Action Comm 750Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 16,100Fond du Lac Committee of Political 10,500Food PAC of Minn 5,250Friends of DFL Women 7,000Friends of the Minn Zoo 250Fryberger, Buchanan, Smith & Fred 450Gray Plant Mooty Mooty & Bennett I 1,750Greater Minn Conference Pol Action 267Great-<strong>State</strong> (Great River Energy Act 850Health Partners Civic Affairs Counc 500IBEW Local 292 Political Education 500Independent Community Bankers of 5,000Insurance Federation Political Action 500Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 5,250International Union of Operating En 250Iron Range Bldg Trades-PAF 500Iron Workers Local 512 500Jobs Political Fund 1,000K&G/JWB PAC 250Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 15,250Lawyers Public Affairs Commission 1,300Leonard, Street and Deinard PAC 1,500Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & 54,500Local 1833 Political Fund IAMAW 1,000Local 28 Political Fund 1,750Local 59 Political Fund 15,700Local 851 Political Action Committe 250Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 8,600Lower Sioux Political Education Fun 13,000M H H A PAC 5,000MAFMIC Political Action Committee 700Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 11,500Management Concerned for Public 500MAPE-PAC 10,000MCEA Political Action Committee 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Acti 6,000Messerli & Kramer Political Action 2,700Middle Management Assoc PAC 250Minn ACORN Political Action Commi 500Minn AFL-CIO 14,500Minn AGPAC 500Minn Architects Political Action Co 350Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 2,700Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 2,000Minn Chamber of Commerce Leader 500Minn Chiropractic Political Action 3,500Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committe 14,000202

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsMinn Dental Public Affairs Committe 500Minn DRIVE 3,100Minn Eye PAC 3,500Minn Farmers Union PAC 250Minn Health PAC 2,000Minn IBEW <strong>State</strong> Council 5,000Minn Licensed Beverage Assoc PA 1,250Minn Manufactured Home PAC 3,250Minn Milk PAC 1,500Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA 7,750Minn Operators of Music and Amuse 250Minn PEOPLE Committee 35,250Minn Physical Therapy PAC 250Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 5,000Minn Professional Fire Fighters PAC 5,000Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 10,000Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 750Minn Soybean 500Minn <strong>State</strong> Council of H.E.R.E. Unio 1,000Minn <strong>State</strong> Patrol Troopers Assoc 1,000Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,000Minn Utility Labor Council PAC 1,000Minneapolis Bldg & Construct Trade 250Minneapolis Central Labor Union Co 500Minneapolis Downtown Council PAC 2,500Minneapolis Fire Department Pensio 1,000Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 3,500Minneapolis Municipal Retirement A 5,000Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 750Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc P 500MN Utility Investors Pol Action Fund 500Motel Operators Political Action Co 250MSA-PAC 3,000MUCA PAC (Minn Utility Contractors 500Multi Housing Political Action Comm 8,250NAIOP Economic Growth Fund 1,000NCRCC-MN-PAC 812Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Painters Union Local No 61 Political 250People in Construction Political Acti 2,000PharmPAC 1,000Pine Bend PAC 2,000Pipe Fitters Local 539 1,000Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 589 354Plumbers Local Union #15 COPE Ac 6,000Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 4,750Political Action Committee 500Political Education Fund of Local 2 1,000Power P A C 2,750Prairie Island Indian Community PA 50,500Public Emp Pension Serv Assn (PE 1,250Retired Peoples Political Action Fun 4,000RKM&C Fund 21,000Road PAC of Minn 14,750Rural Electric Political Action Com 750Savings Assns for Voter Educ & Res 1,000SEIU Local 113 750SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 55,750Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 27,300SITCO PAC 1,000Sprinkler Fitters Local Union No 417 500St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 5,000Transportation Political Education 2,750TRIAL-PAC 20,525TwinWest Chamber of Commerce P 500U A Plumbers Local #34 Political Fu 250U of M Faculty Candidate Support C 700UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Politi 500United Food & Commerical Workers 5,000VET-PAC of Minn 500Waste Management PAC of Minn 750(Dallas) Sams Volunteer Committee 12,000(David) Tomassoni for <strong>State</strong> Senate 2,750(Yvonne) Prettner Solon Vol Comm 2,500Ann Rest for Senate 1,000Anthony Kinkel for <strong>State</strong> Senate 4,500Don Betzold for Senate Comm 1,500Ellen Anderson for Senate Vol Com 5,000John Hottinger Reelection Comm 7,000Larry Pogemiller for Senate Vol Co 1,000Linda Higgins Volunteer Committee 6,000Moore (Gary) for Representative 467Orfield (Myron) Volunteer Committe 1,000Pat Piper Volunteer Committee 3,620People for David Johnson 7,500Richard Cohen Volunteer Comm 2,100Sandra Pappas for Senate 1,000Senator James Metzen Reelection C 2,500Thomas Bakk for Senate 2,500Volunteers for Bob Anderson 250USS <strong>Minnesota</strong> 4001,173,296Sherburne County DFLLocal 59 Political Fund 500500Sibley County DFLCitizens for Andy Evenson 250250St Paul DFLMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 16,800Voerding, Fran 25017,050Winona County DFLGilow (Judy) for Senate Committee 1,7001,700Democratic Farm Labor PartyTotal16,750,960Green Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong>7th Congressional District GPMChernegal, Richard 1,850Eddy, Perry 4402,290Duluth GPMZeppa, Alan 1,0001,000Green Party of MinnAnderson, Alan 300Anderson, Helen 300Becker, Margery 350Beegle, Margaret 240Belgum, Bonita 275Crocker, Joseph 300Durrant, Paul 500Eddy, Perry 250Eisenmenger, Stephen 641Gilman, Rhoda 600Hooley, Thomas 300Howard, Jane 275Hurd, Patricia 240Kane, Kathleen 270Kirchner, Christine 250Kirchner, Raymond 250Knudsen, Dag 312Koepp, Carol 320Lara, Sara 250LeMay, Sharon 270Leskela, Susan 300Lumphrey, O 275Neyers, Monica 600Ormsby, Gabe 352Smith, Kristine 1,500Strand, David 375Valgemae, Allan 250Vetter, Nicholas 593Vetter, Tracey 655Andres Koebrick for Sec of <strong>State</strong> 350Ken Pentel for Governor 3,00014,742Olmsted County GPMMikkelson, Greg 300300Saint Cloud GPMGreen Party of Minn 250Green Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong>Total25018,582203

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsIndependence Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong>1st Congressional District IPMIndependence Party of Minn 1,3301,3302nd Congressional District IPM6th Congressional District IPM 6256253rd Congressional District IPMIndependence Party of Minn 1,1491,1495th Congressional District IPMIndependence Party of Minn 798Tharaldson, Peter 1,9702,767Independence Party of MinnAnderson, Harlan 250Berman, Toby 250Buscher, Bradley 250Connelly, John 250Erhart, Dan 250Erhart, William 250Erickson, Joy 250Field, Wayne 250Glasgow, Dick 250Goldman, Dan 550Grant, Timothy 250Greene, Timothy 250Haake, Barbara 250Hales, Charles 250Hindermann, Mark 500Hornig, Sandra 250Isaacs, Fred 1,250Jabbour, Gabriel 500Jacob, Paul 250Jauich, Julie 250Kietzer, Jonathan 250Kiscaden, Sheila 7,000Landy, Michael 500Lidstrom, Tim 250Linden, Jeffrey 250Luskey, Leo 250Mackay, Harvey 500Marshall, Robert 250McNamara, Richard 250Mellen, Mary 250Meyerle, Kathleen 250Minn, Steven 250Nedegaard, Bruce 250Nelson, James 500Padden, Michael 250Padzieski, Robert 250Palmer, Arnold 250Palmer, Brett 250Peiffer, Warren 500Pitzer, Kevin 500Robinson, William 250Sampson, Curtis 500Skindelien, Arnold 250Steffen, Natalie 250Studders, Karen 250Tackaberry, John 250Talen, James 250Tinklenberg, Elwyn 250Treb, M. 250Whitbeck, Elizabeth 250White, Dewey 250Wozniak, D. 250Yanish, Ronald 500Foley, Tom 250Clyde Miller for House Committee 313Clyde Miller Volunteer Committee 2,114Jesse Ventura Volunteer. Committe 5,379Padden & Associates 3,50035,106Independence Senate CaucusSheila Kiscaden Senate Committee 4,0004,000Independence Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong>Total44,978Republican Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong>1st Congressional District RPM2nd Congressional District RPM 2,871Republican Party of Minn 7,500SITCO PAC 50010,8712nd Congressional District RPM1st Congressional District RPM 1,2166th NEW Congressional Dist RPM 1,155Republican Party of Minn 8,500Redmond, Tom 1,000Wiens, Claudia 2,000Wigley, Barbara 50014,3713rd Congressional District RPMRepublican Party of Minn 7,5007,5004th Congressional District RPMRepublican Party of Minn 7,5005th Congressional District RPM7,500Republican Party of Minn 2,500Niesen, Cindy 2202,7206A House District RPM7A House District RPM 5205206th Congressional DistrictRPM2nd Congressional District RPM 1,1786th Congressional District RPM 9,35810,5367A House District RPMRepublican Party of Minn 5005007th Congressional District RPM2nd Congressional District RPM 3,638Grant County RPM 500Kittson County RPM 250Lac qui Parle County RPM 400McLeod County RPM 250Pope County RPM 1,300Redwood County RPM 1,000Republican Party of Minn 6,500Swift County RPM 250(Daniel) Stevens For Senate 1,00015,0888th Congressional District RPMRepublican Party of Minn 7,500Britton, Ronald 3,68311,18314th Senate District RPMLynch, Patrick 350Minn Health PAC 250TRIAL-PAC 250Friends of Phil Krinkie 5001,35015th Senate District RPM6th NEW Congressional Dist RPM 2,000Hedberg, Benjamin 500Friends of Phil Krinkie 5003,00017B House District RPMFriends of Phil Krinkie 68668632nd Senate District RPMKraemer, Mark 300300204

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political Funds33rd Senate DistrictRPM34th Senate District RPM 1,45843rd Senate District RPM 1,691Cummins, Robert 250Kordonowy, Thomas 500Mowry, Judd 250Owens, Rosita 500Sullivan, Brian 250Whitney, Wheelock 250(Edward) Oliver for Senate Committ 3,0008,14935th Senate District RPM35th Senate District RPM 94536th Senate District RPM 35841st Senate District RPM 494Reichel, Bryan 5002,29737th Senate District RPM36th Senate District RPM 1,1691,16938th Senate District RPMFriends of Phil Krinkie 50050040th Senate District RPM40th Senate District RPM 50041st Senate District RPM 1,6892,18941st Senate District RPM41st Senate District RPM 1,11242nd Senate District RPM 7,184Senate Victory Fund 1,000Nyron, Donald 300Seaton, Douglas 450Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 300(Alice) Seagren Volunteer Committe 250Citizens for (Roy) Terwilliger 396Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 2,000Ron Erhardt Volunteer Committee 4,06617,05942nd Senate District RPM41st Senate District RPM 82442nd Senate District RPM 3,72343rd Senate District RPM 1,077Davies, Richard 350Dorsey Political Fund 300Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 500Minn Eye PAC 250Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 500SITCO PAC 2507,77443rd Senate District RPM34th Senate District RPM 85585544th Senate District RPM45th Senate District RPM 204Ferguson, Kenneth 250Massie, J. 400Committee of Thirteen Legislative F 250Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 500SITCO PAC 250People for Mike Vekich 2752,12945th Senate District RPMVi Underdahl Volunteer Committee 30030046th Senate District RPM45th Senate District RPM 23123147th Senate District RPM48th Senate District RPM 21149th Senate District RPM 350Rowen, Robyn 250CAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 750Committee of Thirteen Legislative F 250Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 300IFAPAC Minn 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 450MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Acti 250Minn Dental Public Affairs Committe 250Minn Eye PAC 250Minn Health PAC 250Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500SITCO PAC 250Friends of Phil Krinkie 5005,31148th Senate District RPM49th Senate District RPM, Anoka Co 35050th Senate District RPM 57092049th Senate District RPMLyall Delaney Volunteer Committee 2,0002,00050A House District RPM50B House District RPM 23752A House District RPM 33954A House District RPM 33150B House DistrictRPM90752B House District RPM 1,68353A House District RPM 8392,52251st Senate District RPM51st Senate District RPM 37652B House District RPM 910Pettersen (Gregory) Volunteer Com 1,2052,49252nd Senate District RPMMinn Eye PAC 250MSA-PAC 25050053A House District RPMLockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 25025053B House District RPM53B House District RPM 1,374Friends of Phil Krinkie 5001,87454A House District RPM54B House District RPM 72772754B House District RPM53B House District RPM 2,566Wigley, Barbara 250Wigley, Michael 250Johnson, Todd 250Minn Eye PAC 500Minn Health PAC 500Friends of Phil Krinkie 5004,81655A House District RPMAxedahl, Lester 25025055B House District RPM57th Senate District RPM 31631656th Senate District RPMCAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 500IFAPAC Minn 500Minn Health PAC 500Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Friends of Phil Krinkie 5002,25062nd Senate District RPMFriends for (Karen) Mathias 900205

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political Funds90063rd Senate District RPM63rd Senate District RPM/Minneapol 5,76163rd Senate District RPM/Richfield 2486,00963rd Senate District RPM/MinneapolisLemieux (Michael) for House 3,7003,70066B House District RPM(Mark) Wiens Volunteer Committee 694694Aitkin County RPMJanssen (Dennis) for Senate 1,3061,306Becker County New RPM7th Congressional District RPM 2,0009B House District RPM 33611A House District RPM 617Stevens for Congress 5903,543Beltrami County RPMHospitality Political Action Committe 500Elect Kevin Goodno Committee 2,5003,000Blue Earth County RPMCAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 500Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 350850Brown County RPMPeople for James Clark 250250Carlton County RPM8th Congressional District RPM 361361Carver County RPM43rd Senate District RPM 1,064Wright County RPM 6711,735Cass County RPMHospitality Political Action Committe 500500Chisago County RPMFriends of Phil Krinkie 500Russ Goudge for <strong>State</strong> Rep 8321,332Clay County RPM9A House District RPM 1,8799B House District RPM 1,569Republican Party of Minn 3,605Elect Kevin Goodno Committee 2,500Lanning for Mayor 87210,425Douglas County RPMGrant County RPM 350Bob Westfall for MN House 9B Com 500850Fillmore County RPMCAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 300Food PAC of Minn 250Independent Community Bankers of 500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committe 300Michelle Rifenberg for House Comm 5001,850Freeborn County RPMOvergaard, Paul 250Dick Day Volunteer Committee 2,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 240Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 240Volunteers for (Dan) Dorman 2,1254,855Goodhue County RPMSenate Victory Fund 400400Grant County RPMBob Westfall for MN House 9B Com 1,0001,000House RPM Campaign CommitteeAasland, Chris 300Albrecht, Becky 350Albrecht, Marilyn 1,200Ames, Raymond 7,500Ames, Richard 5,000Amis, Robert 300Anderson, Clifford 300Anderson, John 500Anderson, Kim 500Arneson, Ruth 300Augustine, Scott 2,000Bachman, Lawrence 350Baker, William 250Bakken, Bradley 500Barenscheer, Brian 600Beddow, Thomas 1,000Beito, David 500Bellairs, Ellen 250Bemis, Judson 1,000Benjamin, Kurian 500Berkness, Tim 250Berman, Lyle 2,000Berman, Toby 500Bernick, Richard 500Binder, Steven 500Binger, James 500Birdsong, Donald 250Bisignani, Mark 500Boehnen, David 250Boelter, Philip 250Bridgman, George 300Bross, Richard 400Brown, Sherri Mortensen 250Brucato, Cynthia 500Brunnette, Daniel 350Bryant, Lynnette 500Burgeson, Brian 250Burgeson, John 250Burke, Paul 250Burwell, Rodney 5,000Bussler, Verona 250Cafferty, Lee 550Cameron, Edward 5,000Campbell, Jon 250Campe, John 350Carlsen, David 500Carpenter, Elsa 250Carpenter, Josephine 250Carpenter, Scott 300Chapman, Leslie 250Coborn, Daniel 1,000Cooley, Douglas 250Coughlan, Jule 1,000Cowles Jr, John 5,000Crosby Jr, Thomas 250Cummins, Carl 350Cunningham, Charles 500D Agostino, Michael 300Dahl, Marilyn 250Davis, Frances 250DeAngelo, Thomas 300Debuhr, Mike 250Demeritt, Stephen 1,000Desimone, Livio 2,500Donlin, Gerald 350Dowling, Joe 250Dryden, Forrest 250Duininck, Harris 3,850Duininck, LeRoy 3,850Dunkley, Chad 500Eich, Calvin 250Ellingson, Marjorie 500Emison, James 2,500Engelsma, Bruce 500206

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsEngelsma, Daniel 500Erickson, Steve 225Farrish, James 250Feuling, Linda 250Fischer, Peter 1,000Fritts, Lori 250Fry, James 500Geisler, Charles 550Gerhardt, Alan 250Glueckstein, Geoffrey 250Gray, Jerry 250Greenwaldt, Dean 250Grieve, Scott 250Grimstad, John 600Guerrero-Anderson, Esperanza 250Guthrie, Lula 250Hagen, Russ 500Haglund, James 2,500Halbasch, Bruce 250Hall, Anne 250Hall, Norman 931Halpern, Jeffrey 250Hamilton, Harold 6,000Harrington, Norbert 250Haselow, Justine 250Haselow, Robert 15,500Hawkins, Shirlee 250Hawkins, William 5,000Head, Martha 1,000Heath, Vernon 5,000Heithoff, Kenneth 2,750Helms, Terry 3,550Hendry, Bruce 17,500Herman, Jeffrey 250Himle, John 600Hoeft, Leonard 250Hook, Gary 250Horn, William 300Howard, James 500Hubbard, Stanley 25,000Hunstad, Robert 250Hunting, James 250Huss, Alvin 500Hyduke, John 288Jacobson Sr, D. Wayne 500Jaffray, Benjamin 1,000Jaffray, John 400Jandric, Frank 250Jerome, Jerome 250Johnson, Dorothy 250Johnson, Jeffrey 1,175Johnson, Joel 1,000Johnson, Lynn 650Johnson, Marjory 350Johnson, Michael 500Johnson, Orville 500Johnson, Scott 500Johnson, Todd 500Jones, Douglas 250Jones, R Scott 2,000Jundt, James 25,000Kaemmer, Arthur 250Kalm, Kurt 250Kellogg, Martin 500Kelly, Michael 2,500Kierlin, Robert 1,000King, Timothy 250Klas, Robert 2,500Kluempke, George 350Knight, Charles 560Koch, David 50,000Koehler, Frederick 225Konsti, Rose 1,100Kosiak, John 250Kraemer, David 3,000Krech, Mary 500Krohn, John 500Krueger, Darrell 250Kurilla, Garrett 250LaBounty, Roy 2,500Lambrecht, Bruce 500Lamendola, Robert 1,000Lange, Stephens 300Lano, Lloyd 250Lehman, Larry 250Liengswangwong, Vichaivood 250Lindell, James 250Lohmann, Sheila 500Lonnes, Bruce 250Ludwick, William 1,000Mackinnon, Leonard 225Madison, Thomas 250Maglich, Terrance 10,750Marvin, Frank 1,100Marvin, John 1,500Marvin, Susan 500Marvin, William 1,000Mathiowetz, Mary Lou 350Matthys, Carol 250Mayers, Aloysius 300McCarthy, Edwin 2,000McCoy, Mike 500McCune, John 250McFarland, Richard 2,500McNamara, Richard 15,000Mervin, David 250Messerli, William 250Micek, Ernest 500Mihajlov, Peter 950Miller, Dennis 1,000Miller, Joseph 600Miller, Michael 500Minkkinen, David 250Mooty, Charles 500Morrison, Clinton 250Moryn, Joel 1,000Mulrooney, LeVonne 220Nelson, Chad 225Nelson, Glen 15,000Nelson, Richard 250Newman, Larry 250Nisi, Kurt 250Norback, David 1,000Offerman, Carin 500Olson, Carolyn 250Olson, Earl 2,000Orgas, Janice 300Otten, Louise 500Otteson, Paul 325Palen, Gregory 1,000Palmer, Floyd 1,000Papenfuss, Jerry 2,750Perra, Rose 300Peterson, Jeffery 250Peterson, Robin 250Peterson, Roger 225Pillsbury, George 5,000Pinto, Louise Turkula 1,000Pogin, Richard 500Pohlad, Carl 10,000Pohlad, Robert 10,000Powell, David 1,500Prager, Julianne 225Pulles, Greg 1,000Quarnstrom, Alan 300Raedeke, Sanna 500Rafferty, Dean 250Rahr, Guido 250Ray, Gary 1,000Rebers, Sidney 250Reedy, Darwin 300Reichel, Bryan 500Remes, David 250Remick, John 2,500Rice, Daniel 2,000Richardson, Sherlyn 250Richter, Scott 250Riesen, Dean 300Robson, James 1,000Roe, Donna 225Ruth, Douglas 350Sampson, Curtis 1,700Sanger, Stephen 5,000Sauber, Arnold 250Sawyer, James 300Schenian, Dale 500Scherer, Roger 1,000Schilling Jr, Hugh 2,500Schilling, Hugh 10,000Schletty, John 250Schroeder, Robert 250207

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsSchwab, Marilyn 500Searles, Robert 250Seaton, Douglas 1,500Senkler, Robert 5,175Shank, Stephen 250Shannon, William 300Sherman, George 2,500Siewert, Neal 250Sit, Eugene 5,000Smaby, John 250Snyder, Julie 300Sorenson, Larry 250Spears, Wayne 500Stangeland, Scott 250Stenson, Gerald 250Stone, Steve 500Strandell, John 300Sweet, Jeffrey 250Talbert Jr, Monty 250Taylor, Glen 10,000Tennyson, Joseph 250Tetzloff, Robert 225Thiss, Scott 250Tiller Jr, Thomas 2,500Tollefson, Jon 400Torrey, George 250Tortelli, Ronald 250Tostrud, Eric 250Traudt, Tim 250Tremere, Blair 500Trojan, Robert 300Twomey, Chris 2,000Vance, James 250VanSickle, Richard 250Vennes Jr, Frank 10,750Voltin, Darwin 450Watson, Stephen 250Weis, Joseph 500Weyerhaeuser, F.T. 1,300White, Robert 250Whitney, J Kimball 500Whitney, Wheelock 10,000Williams, Steven 250Wolfgramm, Richard 250Worke, Gary 250Yancey Jr, Robert 250Yngve, John 250Zelle, Charles 250Zoldan, Bruce 250Zuraitis, Marita 500Anderson, Lee 250Asunma, Randy 250Bearson, Darrell 250Benner, Robert 500Bohn, Ray 250Botzek, Gary 250Brandt, Wayne 350Breitinger, Jennifer 500Brown, Charles 250Carlson, Keith 250Chelseth, Archie 250Cohen, Philip 250Cook, Judy 1,250Coyle, Peter 700Dennis, Moses 250Diehl, John 250Dioury, Susan 500Dooley, William 400Dorfman, Glenn 3,000Doyle, O'Brien 250Elmer, Corey 650Erickson, James 1,250Ewald, David 629Franzen, Douglas 450Fujii, Stacey 250Ginsberg, Richard 250Girard, James 2,250Griffin, Phillip 250Hartle, Allyson 250Hill, Todd 1,344Hofstede, Albert 1,250Hood, Christopher 500Iossi, Franklin 250Isaacs, John 7,500Janecek, Sarah 250Jerich, Ronald 1,000Johnson, G. Robert 500Johnson, Todd 5,250Kaul, John 500Keliher, Thomas 750Kneeland, Christine 250Kozak, Andrew 1,500Laugtug, Loren 300Martyn, Patrick 5,250McInnis, Ellen 225Micheletti, Thomas 2,250Morris, Kevin 250Morris, Randolph 350Morrison, Andrew 250Nyhus, Steven 250Ongaro, Frank 520Rageth, Jeff 250Redmond, Lawrence 5,000Rice, Brian 500Sampson, Randall 750Schneider, Mahlon 2,000Schoenfeld, Gerald 1,000Schreiber, William 250Strusinski, William 3,000Thomas, Richard 500Tilley, Barry 600Vanasek, Robert 350Weaver, Thomas 550Westin, Charles 250Wiese, Sandra 300Williams, Charles 500Wilson, Kingsley 500American Family Political Action Co 360Ames Construction PAC 1,750ARM - Political Action Comm 1,000BAM-PAC 3,000Beer PAC-Minn Beer Wholesalers A 4,200Bois Forte Political Education Fund 1,000CAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 17,500CARE / PAC 9,500COLL PAC 500Committee of Nine PAC 2,500Committee of Thirteen Legislative F 1,750CUVOL 3,500Dorsey Political Fund 16,600Education Minn PAC 23,250Elementary Principals' Action Comm 750Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 24,200Food PAC of Minn 5,200Fryberger, Buchanan, Smith & Fred 550Gray, Plant, Mooty, Mooty, & Bennet 1,000Health Partners Civic Affairs Counc 500Hospitality Political Action Committe 5,000Independent Community Bankers of 7,500Insurance Federation Political Action 500Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 3,250Jobs Political Fund 1,000Lawyers Public Affairs Commission 1,300Leonard, Street and Deinard PAC 1,750Lindquist & Vennum Political Fund 350Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 9,250M H H A PAC 4,550MABC PAC 250MAFMIC Political Action Committee 650Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 4,150Management Concerned for Public 650MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Acti 6,000Messerli & Kramer Political Action 2,375Midwest Food Processors Political A 250Minn AGPAC 250Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 5,500Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 1,750Minn Chamber of Commerce Leader 3,300Minn Chiropractic Political Action 2,500Minn Cons Off Leg Act Committee 250Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committe 17,000Minn Dental Public Affairs Committe 4,000Minn Electrical Assn PAC 250Minn Eye PAC 2,750Minn Health PAC 3,250Minn Licensed Beverage Assoc PA 1,750Minn Manufactured Home PAC 4,250Minn Milk PAC 750Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA 1,250Minn Operators of Music and Amuse 250Minn Optometric Political Action Co 500208

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsMinn Physical Therapy PAC 350Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 5,000Minn Power PAC 1,900Minn Professional Fire Fighters PAC 250Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 11,650Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 1,650Minn Soybean 1,000Minn <strong>State</strong> Patrol Troopers Assoc 2,150Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 2,500Minneapolis Downtown Council PAC 500Minneapolis Fire Department Pensio 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 4,000Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 1,250Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc P 1,350MN Corn 250MN Utility Investors Pol Action Fun 750MSA-PAC 2,750MUCA PAC (Minn Utility Contractors 500Multi Housing Political Action Comm 17,500NAIOP Economic Growth Fund 2,500NFIB/MN SAFE Trust 250Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 1,000People in Construction Political Acti 1,000PharmPAC 2,000Pine Bend PAC 2,250Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 7,750Political Action Committee 1,400Power P A C 5,500Prairie Island Indian Community PA 10,500Public Emp Pension Serv Assn (PE 1,500Republican National <strong>State</strong> Elections 50,000Retired Peoples Political Action Fun 4,000RKM&C Fund 1,500Road PAC of Minn 19,000Rural Electric Political Action Com 850Saint Paul Area Chamber of Comme 500Savings Assns for Voter Educ & Res 500Schwan's Political Action Committee 5,000SITCO PAC 750SOF - PAC 2,000TRIAL-PAC 6,500U of M Faculty Candidate Support C 500VET-PAC of Minn 250Waste Management PAC of Minn 750Winthrop & Weinstine, PA Political 500(Alice) Seagren Volunteer Committe 500(Charles) Weaver for Attorney Gene 2,200(Dean) Simpson Volunteer Comm 2,000(Francis) Bradley for <strong>Legislature</strong> 11,000(H Todd) VanDellen for <strong>State</strong> Repre 1,500(Jim) Knoblach Volunteer Committe 10,000(John) Tuma for <strong>State</strong> Representativ 650(Ray) Vandeveer Volunteer Committ 800(Richard) Stanek Vol Committee 5,000(Steven) Sviggum Volunteer Commit 7,910(Torrey) Westrom for <strong>State</strong> Represe 7,000Chris Gerlach for <strong>State</strong> Rep 1,025Citizens for Bob Ness 2,000Citizens for Rory Koch 500Committee to Elect Bill Kuisle 10,000Committee To Reelect Doug Stang 3,370Dennis Ozment Volunteer Comm 2,000Elect Kevin Goodno Committee 10,650Elect Mary Holberg Committee 1,500Erik Paulsen Volunteer Committee 3,190Friends of Barb Sykora 10,000Friends of Bruce Anderson 250Gene Hugoson Volunteer Team 4,618Harry Mares Volunteer Committee 4,000Marty Seifert for <strong>State</strong> Representativ 500People for (Gregory) Davids Commit 1,350People for James Clark 500People for Mike Vekich 750Richard Mulder for <strong>State</strong> Rep 1,000Roxann Daggett Volunteer Comm 1,525Ruth (Connie) Volunteer Committee 500Tim Finseth for <strong>State</strong> Rep 1,000Volunteers for (Dan) Dorman 4,250Volunteers for (Robert) Gunther 500Volunteers to Elect Dan McElroy 6,0001,050,665Houston County RPMKierlin (Robert) Volunteer Committ 500500Kandiyohi County RPM7th Congressional District RPM 1,000Goetzman, Dan 2,3843,384Lac qui Parle County RPMRichard Mulder for <strong>State</strong> Rep 1,0001,000LeSueur County RPM(James) Losinski for <strong>State</strong> Rep Vol 2,8272,827Lincoln County RPM7th Congressional District RPM 1,000Richard Mulder for <strong>State</strong> Rep 1,0002,000Lyon County RPM7th Congressional District RPM 1,000CAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 300Committee of Thirteen Legislative F 250Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 500MAFMIC Political Action Committee 250SITCO PAC 300Martin County RPM2,600Schoenfeld, Gerald 250CAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 300Independent Community Bankers of 500Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250SITCO PAC 400Julie Rosen for <strong>State</strong> Senate 816Volunteers for Robert Gunther 3,0005,516McLeod County RPMCitizens for Bob Ness 1,0001,000Meeker County RPMCitizens for Bob Ness 2,0002,000Morrison County RPMJohnson, Dorothy 500500Mower County RepublicansHodap, Don 350McCoy, Mike 250600Olmsted County RPMBlum, Christopher 500500OtterTail County RPM9B House District RPM 95210A House District RPM 1,963Becker County New RPM 1,1284,044Pennington County RPMStordahl, Ronald 1,0001,000Pine County RPMJanssen (Dennis) for Senate 640Nelson (Bruce) Volunteer Comm 500Roger Nelson for 8B 2661,406Pipestone County RPMArlene Lesewski for Senate 700700Polk County RPMPolk County RPM's 1B 571571Republican Party of Minn2nd Congressional District RPM 5,000209

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political Funds6th NEW Congressional Dist RPM 6,07933rd Senate District RPM 50040th Senate District RPM 416Blue Earth County RPM 500Freeborn County RPM 500Martin County RPM 500Pipestone County RPM 1,000Polk County RPM 300Renville County RPM 500Austin, William 1,000Baer, Elam 27,000Bentdahl, Craig 250Birdseye, Arthur 5,000Burwell, Rodney 25,000Buscher, Brad 5,000Buxton, Winslow 10,000Cleveland, Charles 15,000Cummins, Robert 65,000Goodman, John 1,000Gruss, Mark 1,500Hamm, Edward 54,000Heath, Vernon 15,000Holmquist, James 30,000Hubbard, Stanley 10,000Jacobson, Richard 23,000Kelly, Timothy 5,000Koch, David 50,000Larson, Jeff 5,000LeJeune, Laurence 15,000Lowe, Thomas 52,000Matthews, Mrs. J. 3,000McCaffery, Gene 25,000Morrison, Clinton 3,000Owens, Rosita 3,500Owens, Timothy 40,000Pulles, Greg 3,500Schilling, Hugh 30,000Schneider, William 10,000Templeton, John 250Weyerhaeuser, F.T. 2,000Whitney, Wheelock 5,000Wren, John 12,000Ames Construction PAC 1,000CAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 2,300Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 1,400Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 2,000Minn Professional Fire Fighters PAC 5,000Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,500<strong>Minnesota</strong>n's for a Republican Major 5,000Prairie Island Indian Community PA 25,000Republican National <strong>State</strong> Elections 9,170,644(Charles) Weaver for Attorney Gene 5,000(H Todd) VanDellen for <strong>State</strong> Repre 501Bob Westfall for MN House 9B Com 500Elect Kevin Goodno Committee 2,000Kelly (Tom) for Atty General 10,000Patricia Awada for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 15,000Russ Goudge for <strong>State</strong> Rep 1,000Vi Underdahl Volunteer Committee 225Coleman Leadership Committee 274,420CURT Pac 2,500Knight for County Commissioner 500Rally for Leadership 70,00010,162,785Rice County RPMTRIAL-PAC 250250Senate Victory FundAnderson, Clifford 340Anderson, Daniel 220Anderson, George 2,000Bachman, Lawrence 500Baker, Edna 235Bakkela, Barbara 205Barry Jr, Walter 2,000Berman, Frank 500Blaisdell, Linda 1,000Brewster, Priscilla 250Brooks, Larry 250Carlsen, David 250Carothers, Gibson 500Carpenter, Walter 250Chute, Fred 275Cruzen, Patrick 500Dobbs, Kay 300Duehollm, James 400Ehlers, Robert 240Emison, James 1,000Engelsma, Bruce 250Garin, Michael 300Gonyea, Dennis 250Guthrie, Lula 275Hanson, David 350Haselow, Robert 350Head, Martha 2,000Heath, Vernon 1,200Hendry, Bruce 3,500Hermanek, Jim 250Hiniker, Dixie 250Johnson, Edwin 220Jones, Douglas 500Juenemann, Patrick 325Kahler, John III 350Kamp, Thomas 500Kellogg, Esther 500Kierlin, Robert 10,000Kiscaden, Sheila 1,500Klas, Robert 1,100Koch, David 5,000Kohler, Terry 250Kroening, Carl 250Lamendola, Robert 300Larson, Vern 250Lewis, Edgar 300Lindholm, Paul 350Lowe, Thomas 250Ludwick, Harriet 1,100Lundberg, Paul 225Maertens, Irene 250Mars, Robert 350Massie, J. 250McMahon, Robert 300Micek, Ernest 500Millner, Roger 250Morrison, Clinton 500Mulrooney, LeVonne 325Nemeth, Marianne 300Newman, Larry 250Oech, Gerald 275Offerman, Carin 500Ottesog, Paul 975Page, Gregory 500Papenfuss, Jerry 750Pillsbury, George 5,700Pohlad, Carl 10,000Pohlad, Robert 10,000Prina, Isaac 250Remick, John 10,000Robinson, Jeanne 250Rodmyre, Floyd 225Sampson, Curtis 2,200Sather, Helen 250Schenian, Dale 1,100Scherer, Roger 700Schnobrich, Roger 300Schwab, Marilyn 1,000Seaton, Douglas 1,500Segner, Frances 250Sholes, Marqueritte 285Smith, Douglas 205Stassen, . Robert 250Straub, Robert 300Taylor, Glen 2,500Templeton, John 250Torrey, George 500Tortelli, Ronald 250Ueland, Arnulf Jr. 250Varland, Grace Ann 225Walser, Paul 5,000Weis, Joseph 250Westling, John 550Weyerhaeuser, F.T. 1,000Whitney, J Kimball 400Whitney, Wheelock 5,000Wright, Michael 500Young, Randall 275Basil, Carole 500Carnival, Douglas 250Coyle, Peter 250210

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsDiehl, John 450Dorfman, Glenn 1,000Doyle, O'Brien 500Einess, Ward 1,000Erickson, James 500Flaherty, Timothy 250Hill, Todd 250Jerich, Ronald 1,600Kneeland, Christine 350Micheletti, Thomas 1,500Redmond, Lawrence 250Sampson, Randall 1,200Schneider, Mahlon 1,000Schreiber, William 250Seck, Gerald 500Sieben, James 250Strusinski, William 250Tilley, Barry 250Vanasek, Robert 250Wiese, Sandra 250Wilson, Kingsley 450Young, Randall 275BAM-PAC 2,000CAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 3,500CARE / PAC 2,000Committee of Thirteen Legislative F 500CUVOL 1,000Dorsey Political Fund 5,050Elementary Principals' Action Comm 450Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 7,500Food PAC of Minn 250Gray Plant Mooty Mooty & Bennett I 1,400Health Partners Civic Affairs Counc 500Independent Community Bankers of 4,000Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 300Jobs Political Fund 1,000Lawyers Public Affairs Commission 1,300Leonard, Street and Deinard PAC 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 5,450MAFMIC Political Action Committee 450MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Acti 4,000Messerli & Kramer Political Action 2,250Minn AGPAC 250Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 1,000Minn Chamber of Commerce Leader 750Minn Chiropractic Political Action 500Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committe 11,000Minn Eye PAC 1,000Minn Health PAC 1,000Minn Licensed Beverage Assoc PA 500Minn Manufactured Home PAC 1,750Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA 500Minn Power PAC 500Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 11,000Minn Soybean 1,000Minn <strong>State</strong> Patrol Troopers Assoc 400Minneapolis Fire Department Pensio 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 1,250Minneapolis Municipal Retirement A 250Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 750Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc P 700MN Corn 500MN Utility Investors Pol Action Fund 250Motel Operators Political Action Co 250MSA-PAC 1,250Multi Housing Political Action Comm 4,250NFIB/MN SAFE Trust 250Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250People in Construction Political Acti 500PharmPAC 1,000Pine Bend PAC 750Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 2,250Prairie Island Indian Community PA 2,000Public Emp Pension Serv Assn (PE 450Retired Peoples Political Action Fun 4,000Road PAC of Minn 1,000Rural Electric Political Action Com 500SITCO PAC 750TRIAL-PAC 2,000TwinWest Chamber of Commerce P 750VET-PAC of Minn 250Waste Management PAC of Minn 750Winthrop & Weinstine, PA Political 250(Daniel) Stevens for <strong>State</strong> Rep 1,000Arlene Lesewski for Senate 5,000Cal Larson Volunteer Committee 10,000Citizens for Claire Robling 4,000Dave Knutson Volunteer Comm 5,000Dick Day Volunteer Committee 7,500Ed Oliver for Senate 5,000Gen Olson Volunteer Committee 5,000Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 5,000Nelson (Marvin) Volunteer Comm 6,084Patricia Pariseau for Senate 2,000People for Mike Vekich 750Steve Dille for <strong>State</strong> Senate 1,000284,559Sherburne County RPM17B House District RPM 550SITCO PAC 5001,050Sibley County RPM7th Congressional District RPM 1,000Depoy, Curtis 750Depoy, Wilma 7002,450Traverse County RPMBob Westfall for MN House 9B Com 500500Wadena County RPM(Dean) Simpson Volunteer Comm 1,000Cal Larson Volunteer Committee 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Volunteers for Marlene Clark 2502,750Waseca County RPMBrown, Wayne 500500Watonwan County RPMVolunteers for Robert Gunther 754754Wilkin County RPM9B House District RPM 3,329Bob Westfall for MN House 9B Com 1,0004,329Winona County RPMDouble, Norma 250Kierlin, Robert 500Papenfuss, Jerry 6501,400Wright County RPM19th Senate District RPM 31334th Senate District RPM 437750Yellow Medicine County RPM7th Congressional District RPM 1,0001,000Republican Party of <strong>Minnesota</strong>Total11,741,362Political Committees and Political Fu8th Congressional District COPE AFL-CIOFrederickson, Walt 600Pearson, James 450AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 1,050Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 350Communication Workers of America 350Minn AFL-CIO 2,250Pipe Fitters Local 539 350Suburban School Emp Local 284 Po 450VOTE - 66 250AFSCME Local 517 250HERE Local 21 250HERE Local 99 250Railroad Brotherhood Leg. Board 500UFCW Local 1116 250UFCW Local 789 300211

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political Funds7,90021st Century DemocratsSenate Majority Caucus 31,500Bauman, Patricia 10,000Buttenweiser, Peter 14,500Rosapepe, James 1,00057,000Alliance for Quality HealthcareLockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. St 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Acti 3,500Minn Dental Public Affairs Committe 3,500Minn Eye PAC 500Minn Health PAC 500MSA-PAC 5009,000Alliance of American Insurers PACGuth, Michael 500Harder, Ronald 5001,000Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1005Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 18,29018,290Ames Construction PACAmes, Raymond 4,000Ames, Richard 3,3507,350ARC PAC of MinnBishop, Lois 450Leslie, Janet 250700Automotive Service Political Action CommittFeste, Dale 300Pearson, Robert 250550BAM-PACBenike, Aaron 295Bjerstedt, Todd 250Buss, Steven 271Emmerich, Anthony 250Fefercorn, Ross 250Gohman, Michael 250Groteboer, Daniel 623Haehn, Heather 206Hanson, Jacqueline 400Hanson, Richard 400Holst, James 300Hunt, Daniel 1,000Jefferson, Kent 250Keenan, William 300Labeau, Collen 1,000Mathern, John 250McDonald, Robert 400McGuine, John 295Ohly, Paul 325Rotter, Cindy 365Schwieters, John 1,000Waldron, John 500Williams, Jack 2509,430Beer PAC-Minn Beer Wholesalers AssocArneson, Al 300Bernick, Richard 300Carlson, Arland 300Dahlheimer, Greg 300Hohenstein, Karl 300Kuether, William 300Kuether, William J. 300Morrissey, Paul 1,000Norri, Robert 300Perryman, Bernadette 300Reis, Jack 600Rohlfing, Robert 300Ryan, Kevin 1,000Sawyer, James 500Setter, Don 300Sheets, Charlie 300Tiburzi, Dan 300Warmington, Don 300Weatherhead, Tim 3007,600Bois Forte Political Education FundBois Forte Political Education Fund 3,5003,500Building Trades C1-PAC FundSheet Metal Workers #10 Legislative 2,0002,000Burnsville Chamber PACMarchessault, James 300Slipka, Ken 250Voltin, Darwin 5001,050C C R N - PACOlson, Joseph 258258CAR, Committee of Automotive RetailersAdamich, John 300Allison, Kyle 300Amdahl, Tim 300Anderson, Mark 300Arnold, Dick 300Bacon, Dave 300Barnett, Bruce 500Bedenbender, Perry 300Belzer, Jeff 400Bennett, Steve 400Benson, Duane 500Biebighauser, Ron 300Bilgrien, Craig 300Bloomer, William 900Brimhall, Steve 250Brimhall, Tom 250Brown, Mike 300Butler, Lanse 500Cady, Skip 300Carter, Timothy 500Clusiau, Thomas 300Dahlstrom, Richard 300Davidson, Donald 300Desjardins, Linda 300Diettrich, Alex 500Dokmo, Clancy 300Domaille, Bruce 300Dorfman, Glenn 1,000Dworsky, David 300Feldmann, Julie 500Fish, Steve 300Frothingham, Ben 500Gregory, Steve 500Guilford, Pam 300Hawkins, Tom 300Hilligoss, Don 350Hirsch, John 300Houston, Richard 300Hursh, Dale 300Jacobson, Sue 500Jedlicki, Lycia 300Jensen, Mike 300Johnson, George 300Johnson, Robert 1,000Kline, Rick 500Knutson, Brad 300Lager, Franklin 500Lee, Randy 500LeJeune, Laurence 1,400Lenzen, John 500Lonson, Lance 300Lowth, Robert 300Lupient, Rick 300Lutz, Vern 300Mahowald, Mark 300McDaniels, Steve 500Michaelis, John 300Nelson, Gary 250Nielsen, Robert 300Nuss, Robert 500Olson, David 1,000Palme, Tom 300212

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsPeterson, Dave 300Peterson, Gary 300Peterson, Gerald 300Powell, Scott 500Raduenz, Daniel 500Reid, Larry 600Retrum, Ken 300Rosenthal, Mark 300Rstom, Michael 250Rudolphi, Scott 300Ryan, Robert 300Saliterman, Mark 500Sandvig, Arlo 300Saxon, Mike 1,100Schmelz, John 500Schultz, Michael 300Spaeth, Scott 300Spaulding, Willis 300Swelland, Mark 300Syverson, Dave 500Terhaar, Patrick 300Thomas, James 500Towlerton, Lee 300Vizenor, Bob 300Wagener, Morrie 2,600Wagnild, Bernie 500Walser, Paul 3,800Ward, Bill 300Waschke, Ken 300Weaver, Pam Perri 1,000Weelborg, G. Brett 300Wiitanen, Bruce 300Willson, Pat 300Wolff, Ron 300Wrzos, Frank 30044,950CARE / PACBeardsley, Douglas 250Birchem, Jim 250Brown, Greg 250Carlson, Gary 250Carlson-Schell, Lynn 250Carter, Rick 800Cullen, Patricia 400Good, Gary 250Groff, Howard 250Hagemeyer, Randy 250Hart, Steve 250Kaplan, Samuel 250Lemieux, Pearl 600Lundberg, Jonathan 250Meillier, David 250Sansby, Jerry 250Sheridan, Gail 250Strangis, Ralph 250Thro, Christopher 500Toulouse, Molly 250Wemer, Richard 3006,600Citizens for Effective LeadershipSieben, Harry 250Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 1,000Minn AFL-CIO 3,0004,250Citizens for the Sensible CenterHaddad, Grace 1,000Houle, Helene 250Nasseff, G. M. (Geraldine) 1,000Nasseff, John 2502,500Clean Water Action Voter Education ProjectBlodgett, Jeff 400Doerr, Lisa 250650Coalition of MN Businesses PACBAM-PAC 1,000CAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 3,000Insurance Federation Political Action 4,500Jobs Political Fund 40,150MABC PAC 2,000Minn Chamber of Commerce Leader 35,000Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 2,000NAIOP Economic Growth Fund 5,000Saint Paul Area Chamber of Comme 5,000SOF - PAC 8,000TwinWest Chamber of Commerce P 5,000110,650Committee for <strong>State</strong> Pro-life CandidatesSenate Victory Fund 25,850Balk, Robert 2,500Balk, Sharon 2,500Dolan, Clara 2,500Dolan, John 2,500Gamble, Rebecca 500Hoffman, B.D. Kion 250Wiechman, Beverly 250Wiechman, Mark 25037,100Committee of Nine PACPogemiller, Lawrence 500500Committee to Preserve Rural ValuesGrant County RPM 500Senate Victory Fund 20,00020,500Common Sense PACHaugland, Steve 220220Communication Workers of America Local 7Communication Workers of America 7,0007,000Conservative CouncilCooper, William 8,8008,800Constitution Party of MinnFitzsimmore, David 342Heinze, Leo 973Heinze, Loren 250Houle, Tammy 270Ives, Howard 1,135Jestur, Thomas 303Satnik, Ernest 3253,598CWA <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>State</strong> CouncilCWA Local 7250 500CWA <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>State</strong> Council 7,4007,900Dedicated Americans for the Senate and theBoyle, Leo 1,000Hindery, Leo 1,500Hogan, Wayne 1,000Johnson, David 1,500Krone, David 2,500Porter, Barry 2,500Rappaport, Andrew 2,50012,500Democratic Congressional CampaignAbernathy, Robert 20,000Abraham, S Daniel 50,000Angelos, Peter 100,000Berenzweig, Stanley 1,000Bergreen, Bernard 25,000Bohnett, David 25,000Branson, Debbie 2,500Broad, Eli 5,000Buttenweiser, Peter 25,000Chambers, Anne 25,000Champlin, Steven 2,500Charles, Leslie 5,000Charles, Zora 5,000Collins, Timothy 20,000Cotchett, Joseph 25,000Crane, James 5,000Dimon, James 10,000Draper, Stephen 25,000213

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsDrexler, Millard 5,000Effron, Blair 5,000Engelberg, Alfred 25,000Fernandez, Jose 10,000Fisher, Donald 5,000Francis, Paul 10,000Fredericks, J 10,000Friedman, Cynthia 1,500Geschke, Charles 12,500Geschke, Nancy 12,500Goldman, John 25,000Gund III, George 5,000Haas, John 25,000Halberg, David 500Hellman, F Warren 10,000Henry, John 100,000Hogan, Wayne 20,000Hormel, James 10,000Hubbard, Stanley 10,000Hunt, Swanee 25,000Jacobs, Joan 50,000Johnson, C 10,000Kaplan, Randall 5,000Katzenberg, Jeffrey 10,000Kirsch, Steven 500,000Lennon, Karen 25,000McEvoy, Nan 10,000Messinger, Alida 100,000Mills, David 50,000Muller, Robert 7,500O Brien, Laurence 5,000Pellegrino, Michael 500Rattner, Steven 10,000Reiner, Robert 10,000Robert, Mary 200,000Rosenwald Jr, E John 10,000Schwartz, Bernard 150,000Sillerman, Robert 250,000Simon, Melvin 50,000Smith, Robert 100,000Snyder, Harold 25,000Sokolove, James 500Sperling, John 25,000Steans, Heather 10,000Sussman, Donald 300,000Varis, Agnes 7,000Williams, Agnes 5,000Wyatt Jr, O S 50,000Yang, Jerry 10,000Zirkin, Nancy 10,0002,698,500Democratic Senatorial Campaign CommitteeAbraham, Daniel 97,500Allen, William 156,503Allison, Douglas 17,195Amsten, Peter 5,000Angelos, Peter 50,000Bagley, Smith 2,359Barnes, Ben 10,000Baron, Frederick 50,000Bendheim, Jack 10,000Benton, Robert 5,000Bickwit, Leonard 10,000Black, Barbara 5,000Blum, Richard 28,661Bowers, Ruth McLean 1,000Broad, Eli 593Brown, Teion 22,000Budd, Russell 18,000Burkle, Ronald 7,944Buttenweiser, Peter 142,170Calhoun, Julia 10,000Cantor, Daniel 20,000Chambers, Constance 25,000Champlin, Steven 2,500Cohn, Gary 10,000Collins, Timothy 5,000Cornell, Henry 20,000Corzine, Jon 2,521Crane, Steven 62,500Cullman, Lewis 1,000De Vos, Lloyd 5,000Dolan, James 37,000Duffy, James 20,500Dunkerley, Michele 10,000Dyson, Robert 75,000Ergen, Cantey 50,000Eychaner, Fred 439,072Flom, Jason 25,000Flowers, Christopher 21,000Francis, Paul 65,000Funger, Morton 12,500Funger, Norma 12,500Gabel, E Marianne 10,000Goldberg, Paul 20,000Gordon, Michael 5,000Gordy, Berry 54,993Gund, Agnes 36,091Gund, Louise 150,000Hall, Craig 30,000Hall, George 62,500Harrel-Horn, Cindy 25,000Harris, Roberta 300Harris, William 300Hart, Jane 2,500Harte, Christopher 5,000Henry, John 100,000Herbert, Allen 2,500Hess, John 20,000Hindery, Leo 78,600Hirst, Thomson 3,000Horn, Alan 500Horowitz, Mark 5,000Hull, Blair 72,000Hurst, Fern 7,500Hyatt, Joel 25,000Kamen, Harry 2,500Katz, Robert 5,000King, Michael 50,000Kirsch, Steven 668,776Kohl, Sidney 1,000Koza, John 6,424Kushner, Charles 50,000Lee, Barbara 20,000Lee, Thomas 5,000Levangie, Georgianne 2,500Little, William 5,000Loeb, Michael 2,500Loria, Jeffrey 30,000Manning, John 30,000Menschel, Robert 20,000Messinger, Alida 47,439Meyer, Ronald 5,000Mills, David 5,199Morino, Mario 4,417Mueller, Robert 50,000Muller, Robert 10,000Nathanson, Marc 50,000Neidich, Dan 19,054Neidich, Daniel 55,000Neustein, Robin 20,000O Brien, Laurence 30,000Olson, Lyndon 5,000Opperman, Vance 20,000Parrish, Chuck 5,000Parrish, Nancy 5,000Patricof, Susan 1,000Perry, Lisa 49,155Pincus, Lionel 47,085Pinkus, Scott 5,000Price, Sol 10,000Quinn, John 50,000Raiser, Mary 10,000Rapoport, Bernard 40,000Reaud, Wayne 95,288Recanti, Michael 24,200Reiner, Robert 15,000Roberts, Cliff 10,000Robertson, Sanford 25,000Rogers, Wayne 25,000Rosenthal, Jane 10,000Roth, Steven 20,000Saban, Haim 30,000Sadin, Arthur 26,000Sall, John 25,000Sall, Virginia 50,000Schwartz, Benjamin 5,000Schwartz, Bernard 124,569Shaw, David 80,023Shaw, Dionne 5,000214

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsShaw, Gregory 5,000Shorenstein, Walter 26,182Simon, Bren 484,638Simon, Melvin 50,000Snyder, Harold 12,500Solomon, David 10,000Sonnenfeldt, Michael 20,000Soros, George 72,472Soros, Jonathan 25,000Spitzer, Charlotte 2,500Stanford, R. Allen 250,000Stern, David 100,000Stout, Thomas 5,000Tieger, David 5,000Tisch, Jonathan 25,000Tishman, John 16,576Tobias, Andrew 5,000Tompkins-Buell, Susie 25,000Valenti, Jack 9,000Varis, Agnes 35,000Vrandenburg, Patricia 5,000Wait, Joan 25,000Wait, Ted 12,500Weinstein, Harvey 20,000Williams, John Eddie 153,087Williams, Michael 5,000Winkelman, Mark 15,748Wohl, Howard 7,500Wyatt, Oscar 40,000Yanowitch, Richard 10,000Zirkin, Nancy 24,0005,799,634Dorsey Political FundAaron, Stewart 516Abram, Jonathan 355Abramson, Paul 244Ahern, Michael 430Akerman, Nathaniel 312Albert, Richard 296Alt, James 572Ananian, Micheal 207Anderson, Kimberley 271Anderson, Leslie 334Anderson, Rodney 277Ayotte, Amy 257Baker-Shenk, Philip 394Baron, Alan 538Barry, Christopher 625Basombrio, Juan 369Bell, Stephen 443Bellinger, George 450Benson, Jeffrey 291Bercaw, C 273Berens, William 572Bergen, James 441Bieging, David 234Boelter, Philip 213Bos, Pierre 375Boylan, Virginia 344Branson, Timothy 361Brown, B. Andrew 371Brown, Michael 547Brown, Ronald 634Buckingham, Elizabeth 263Bulchis, Edward 781Burke, Forrest 413Burns, Robert 413Cadwell Jr, Theodore 236Carlson, Don 609Carlson, Steven 509Carter, Peter 295Carter, Zachary 650Cattanach, Robert 619Champlin, Steven 453Christensen, Douglas 299Clinton, Richard 550Collins, Kevin 834Comstock, Becky 519Constantine, Katherine 340Cook, Jay 566Currie, Craig 491Cutler, Kenneth 634Deese, Pamela 404Deinard, Lile 244Detton, David 328Diaz-Cruz, Mario 628Diviney, Craig 615Dong, Nelson 563Dossett, William 218Droke, Michael 319Duran, George 374Durocher, Vernle 355Duvall, Gary 244Dwyer, Robert 697Eastwood, J 231Eberhard, Eric 359Eck, George 581Edelman, Sandra 440Ellingson, Mae 413Endorf, Verlane 391Eng, Holly 221Ewing, Bruce 319Feeley, Patrick 461Franklin, Robert 656Fredericks Jr, Wesley 759Frei, Frederick 379Fronek, David 516Gaffney, Joseph 572Gallup, Nancy 469Genereux, L 478Gilligan, Jerome 391Ginsburg, Roy 531Glazer, Barry 531Goodnight, David 358Gottschalk, Stephen 578Grahame, Heather 447Griffin, Michael 759Hagerty, George 351Hamel, Mark 525Hammell, Joseph 374Hearn, Timothy 453Heiberg, Robert 469Heimbecher, Reed 300Helde, Richard 391Hemphill, Stuart 481Hendrixson, Peter 678Hensley, Robert 347Herman, Jonathan 541Herman, Sarah 433Hermsen, James 419Hibbs, William 547Hillier Jr, Frederic 359Hinck, Elizabeth 234Hineline, Curt 358Hippee Jr, William 641Hobbins, Robert 578Holland Jr, Bryce 547Hollinrake, John 469Jackson, J 578Jarboe, Mark 581Johnson, Gary 634Johnston, Scot 316Jonason, William 431Jones, Randal 556Josten, Robert 525Kals, Stephen 706Kaplan, Robert 603Kaster, Mark 394Keitel, Karin 231Klaas, Alexandra 240Klaas, Paul 641Knopf, Matthew 253Kohls, Peter 625Kramer, John 500Kremer, James 274Kuhns, Robert 255Kukuljan, Robert 240Lancaster, Peter 534Langdon II, James 406Lantz, W 391Laurenzo, Brian 320Lauth, David 425Levitt, Kenneth 300Lindsay, Michael 424Logstrom, Bridget 344Lucke, Stephen 434Lynch, James 407MacKenzie, Bruce 406Magarian, Edward 315Magid, Creighton 390215

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsMagnuson, Roger 703Malfeld, Diane 425Manning, John 481Marks, Ramon 769Martinez, Lawrence 313Marx, Owen 750McDavid, J Gary 575McDonell, Neil 481McDonnell, Michael 459McLaughlin, Patrick 516McNeil, Bruce 381Meiklejohn, Paul 713Melloh, David 363Merker, Steven 493Mondale, Walter 353Moore, Cornell 328Musyl, Marc 309Nelson, Steven 610Noto, Aldo 559Nyquist, Steven 244Obrien, Christopher 366Osman, Lee 309Padmanabhan, Devan 300Page, Adele 218Palmer, Brian 503Payne, William 578Pearson, Nancy 293Pedersen, James 609Peterson, Jeffrey 409Peterson, Neal 225Pluimer, Edward 244Polumbus, Gary 440Powers Jr, Richard 538Prince, William 369Pringle, Lawrence 356Prudhomme, Kathleen 419Radmer, Michael 594Raphan, Melissa 328Rau, Julia 306Reeslund, Michael 516Reeves, James 406Rein, Stanley 500Reinhart, Robert 578Rice, Leonard 400Rosenbaum, Robert 638Rosston, Richard 344Sawyer, Charles 525Schwab, Evan 608Schwartzbauer, Robert 550Sedo, Sandra 231Shaheen, Christopher 274Shnider, Bruce 547Short, Marianne 569Sikkema, Jeffrey 384Silberberg, Richard 797Silva, Robin 233Simon, Alan 285Singer, David 459Sipkins, Peter 578Smith, Delbert 594Smith, Thomas 469Sneed, Spencer 425Solum, Richard 634Stark, David 431Steichen, Randall 493Stender, Neal 319Stoeri, William 488Streitz, Mary 356Strinden, Jon 296Strong, Keith 397Struyk, Robert 313Sugiyama, George 469Sullivan, Mark 461Swanson, David 353Swanson, Jay 588Swire, James 797Symchych, Janice 634Taylor Jr, Ralph 509Taylor, Nolan 494Tinkham, Thomas 750Tipton, Sheila 313Toone, Dean 391Topp, Claire 244Trautman, Tucker 613Trucano, Michael 579Truwit, Seth 306Tuttle, Jon 609Tygesson, Gary 581Vaaler, Bryn 322Van Dyk, Suzanne 469Van Dyke, Raymond 375Vander Molen, Thomas 390Vietzke, Lance 293Vingoe, D 609Vitt, J 340Wadzinski, Kevin 256Wahoske, Michael 319Wells, Lyndee 266Wells, Steven 434Wernz, William 328Wert, W 375Wessely, Robert 750Wilson III, Perry 391Wong, Dennis 406Zakin, Richard 204Zhang, Zhao 572Zimmerman, Todd 245107,908DRIVE- Democrat Republican Ind. Voter EduKeegel, Thomas 1,008Malinsky, Dotty 600Schwartz, John 280Yoswa, Larry 2602,148Duluth Central Labor Body COPE FundLaborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 1,0001,000Duluth FirstBurns, Richard 500Mars, Robert 250750Education Minn PACEducation Minn PAC 505,750505,750Emily's List- MinnBower, Ruth 500Postl, James 3,000Rockefeller, Richard 2,5006,000Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability PartnershipAbram, Peggy 451Ackerman, Bruce 451Ahmann, Bridget 451Amen, Daniel 451Anderegg, Scott 451Anderson, Steven 451Arkell, David 451Barsch, Karen 451Benson, Kara 451Berrie, Peter 451Beukema, John 451Bogart, Matthew 451Borger, John 451Boschee, Catharine 451Bowlus, James 451Boyd, Felicia 451Bruner, Phillip 451Busch, William 451Busse, Paul 451Bynum, Michael 451Callison, William 451Campbell, William 451Carlson, Laura 451Carpenter, Mark 451Carron, Reid 451Christiansen, Jay 451Christy, Angela 451Clark, David 451Cohen, Neal 451Combs, Terri 451Connelly, John 451Connolly, Daniel 451Crosby Jr, Thomas 451Daley, Darrell 451Daniel, Horst 451216

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsDavies, Diane 451de Roos, Dirk 451Deihl, Colin 451Dierssen-Morice, Rikke 451Drosdeck, Thomas 451Dueholm, James 451Duffy Jr, Walter 451Duncan, Richard 451Eckland, Jeff 451Ehrich, Delmar 451Engler, Bruce 451Ferrell, Charles 451Fields, Leslie 451Fischer, Mark 451Fisco, Michael 451Fleming, Bonnie 451Forcier, Hubert 451Forschler, Richard 451Frans, Myron 451French, John 451Fribley, Jack 451Galey, Stefanie 451Gandrud, Gary 451Garcia, Christin 451Garon, Phillip 451Gegelman, Randy 451Gerhan, Daniel 451Giudicessi, Michael 451Glasscock, Laurie 280Goldstein, David 451Gordon, John 451Graves, J. Hazen 451Gross, David 451Haleen, Phillip 451Halls, Peter 451Hanlon, Natalie 451Harper Jr, Michael 451Hartnett, James 451Haurykiewicz, John 451Hazlitt, Christopher 451Hedlund, Jeffrey 451Heffernan, Douglas 451Heiring, Paul 451Herman, John 451Hinderaker, John 451Hogen, Vanya 451Hopf, Thomas 451Hummel, Ralph 451Humphrey, Andrew 451Jacobson, Susan 451James, Scott 451Jones, Bruce 451Jorstad, Eric 451Joyce, William 451Kahnke, Randall 451Kelley, Thomas 451Kelly, Deborah 451Kennedy, Steven 451Kimer, Thomas 451King, Cynthia 451Knapp, Charles 451Knox, Julianne 451Koch, Detlef 451Kuosman, David 451Larsen Hooley, Anne 451Lee, Ronald 451Lemon, Catherine 451Leonard, James 451Liebman, Kenneth 451Linder, Walter 451Litsey, Calvin 451Lockwood, Blair 451Long, Douglas 451Macaluso, Michael 451MacDonald, D Charles 451MacDonald, Elizabeth 451Maly, Maureen 451Mandler, John 451Marcil, John 451Martin, George 451Matthews, Robert 451Mayerle, Thomas 451McCarthy, Michael 451McCormick, Michael 451McCullough, Ann 451McNamara, Adrienne 451Melendez, Brian 451Mellum, Gale 451Mertz, Stephen 451Mewaldt, Jennifer 451Miller, David 451Miranowski, Jerome 451Moe, Paul 451Morgan, Thomas 451Morrissey, Diana 451Murphy, Michael 451Nelson, Richard 451Neumann, Peter 451Nicholson, James 451Niederman, Gerald 451Noecker, Kathryn 451Nolting, Gerard 451O Brien, Fern 451O Brien, Timothy 451O Connor Jr, Patrick 451O'Neal, James 451O'Neill, Brian 451Parks Jr, Charles 451Pfau, James 451Piccone, Marsha 451Pickardt, Walter 451Polley, John 451Ponto, Michael 451Price, Joseph 451Rabogliatti, Mark 451Richey, Kent 451Riggs, Marshall 451Ritten, Andrew 451Roberts, William 451Rockenstein II, Walter 451Rockwell, Winthrop 451Rockwood, Linda 451Rom, Rebecca 451Rosenstein, Samuel 451Rosholt, Stephen 451Rutherford, Douglas 451Ryan, Dennis 451Sako, Richard 451Sattler, Bruce 451Savin, Mark 451Schmiesing, Elizabeth 451Schmoker, Richard 451Schnell Jr, Robert 451Schroeder, Thomas 451Schwappach, Karl 451Setter, Michael 451Severson, Steven 451Shannon, David 451Sharpe, W. Smith Jr. 451Shepard, Donald 451Sherman, Jeffrey 451Shewchuk, Sonia 451Shively, John 451Sides, Mark 451Skeffington, Keyna 451Snider, Jerry 451Spanstra, James 451Sperber, John 451Steffen, James 451Steffen, John 451Steinkamp, John 451Stephenson, James 451Stewart, Michael 451Stewart, Russell 451Stumo, Mary 451Svitak, Linda 451Thompson, Matthew 451van der Leeuw, P Graham 451Vander Haar, David 451Vollbrecht, Thomas 451Volling, James 451Wagner, Lori Ann 451Wahl, Edward 451Walker, Kimberly 451Ward, Lyle 451Webber, Charles 451Weimer, William 451Weinstein, Gary 451Wessig, Marcel 451Wheaton, John 451Wilczek, Daniel 451217

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsWildung, Wendy 451Williams Jr, George James 451Wilson, Karen 451Withoff, Peter 451Wright, Douglas 451Wright, Scott 451Yeager, Mary 451Yost, Peter 451Young, James 451Zansberg, Steven 451Hentges, Robert 45197,750Family Advocates PACCummins, Robert 750Fandrey, Chris 952Wigley, Michael 5,0006,702FIREPACInternational Assoc. of Fire Fighters 10,75010,750Food PAC of MinnAarthun, Marie 500Braun, Jody 250Christensen, Nancy 250Coborn, Chris 500Coborn, Mark 500Farrington, Gordy 500Flemmen, Perry 500Gue, George 500Gust, Glen 500Hokanson, Jim 500Kowalski, Mary Ann 500Kurr, Greg 500Mackenthun, Kim 500Miller, Mike 250Miner, Michael 500Moore, Tom 500Quisberg, Steve 500Radermacher, Marilyn 250Riley, Dale 500Simpson, Dean 540Thorvig, Chris 500Wetter, Don 2509,790Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PACAbens, Arnie 500Alexander, John 500Alexander, Patrick 1,500Anderson, George 1,500Bentdahl, Craig 500Bissonett, James 2,000Brantman, Frank 900Cady, Al 900Conant, Roger 900Cummins, Robert 6,500Doyle, Megan 1,250Eibensteiner, Ron 500Evenstad, Kenneth 1,500Frederick, Dan 500Gruss, Mark 1,500Gulseth, Matthew 900Hamilton, Harold 500Hegland, James 500Heithoff, Kenneth 500Hillstrom, Bradley 500Hinderaker, John 500Jeddeloh, Larry 500Kellogg, Martin 1,000Kelly, Timothy 900Kinkead, John 500Kinney, Peter 500Kopp, Terry 500Kordonowy, Thomas 500Lambrecht, Bruce 900Lanners, Jack 500Larson, John 500Lurton, William 900Magnuson, Roger 500Minar, Cush 1,000Morgan, Richard 500Naegele, Robert 1,000Olson, Clifford 2,500Palen, Gregory 900Pogin, Richard 1,000Pulles, Greg 500Sanborn, Bruce 900Schutz, Ronald 500Stephenson, Robert 500Stonebrink, Loydee 500Sullivan, Brian 500Sullivan, Frank 500Sundquist, Dean 1,500Trautz, John 900Walsh, Dennis 500Wenmark, William 500Wigley, Michael 3,00049,250Friends of DFL WomenJackson, Gail Kulick 500Amundson, Kristen 250Basil, Carole 400Choi, John 250Dorfman, Glenn 250Grindal, H Theodore 500Holten, Cort 250Iverson, Todd 250Kozak, Andrew 250Kramer, Ross 250Orenstein, Howard 250Redmond, Lawrence 250Rice, Brian 500Seck, Gerald 250Spano, Wyman 250Strusinski, William 250Vanasek, Robert 250AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 500Building Trades C1-PAC Fund 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 250Committee of Thirteen Legislative F 250CUVOL 250Dorsey Political Fund 250Education Minn PAC 500Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 250Fond du Lac Committee of Political 3,000Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 250Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 500Leonard, Street and Deinard PAC 250Local 59 Political Fund 250Lower Sioux Political Education Fun 1,000Mah Mah Wi No Min - I 5,000Messerli & Kramer Political Action 250Minn AFL-CIO 250Minn DRIVE 250Minn Federation of Teachers Politic 250Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA 250Minn Realtors Political Action Comm 1,000Minn <strong>State</strong> MNPL 250Minn <strong>State</strong> Patrol Troopers Assoc 500Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 250Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 250Minneapolis Retired Police Assoc P 250Multi Housing Political Action Comm 250Pipe Fitters Local 539 500Police Officers Fed of Mpls Conting 500Public Emp Pension Serv Assn (PE 250RKM&C Fund 500Savings Assns for Voter Educ & Res 250SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 500Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux 250SITCO PAC 250St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 500Transportation Political Education 250TRIAL-PAC 250UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Politi 250United Steelworkers of America Dist 250Winthrop & Weinstine, PA Political 250Volunteers for Merrilee Fryer 1,000Friends of Lisa Goodman 250IBEW Local #160 250St Paul Fed of Teachers 250United Transportation Union 25028,900Friends of the Minn ZooDayton, Edward 700Maritz, Peter 350218

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsMcCarten, Laura 500Meyers, Peter 3001,850Fryberger, Buchanan, Smith & Frederick PADonovan, Michael 250Dunlevy, Shawn 250Hessen, Neal 250Larsen, Dexter 250Mihalek, Joseph 250Stewart, James 250Toftey, Robert 250Walli, Kevin 2502,000Game and Fish CoalitionBergquist, Carl 500Roberts, Steven 2,000Sorensen, Kirk 5003,000GOP FC PACFaegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 300300Greater Minn Conference Pol Action Comm8th Congressional District DFL 1,200Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 4,8006,000Greater <strong>Minnesota</strong> Victory FundBrown County RPM 500Grant County RPM 300Lyon County RPM 600Pipestone County RPM 300Steele County RPM 600Waseca County RPM 500Abbott, Randy 250Bronson, Ryan 500Makens, Leonard 250Nicholson, Ford 500Prouty, Nathan 1,300Woodley, Gerald 500Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 400Schwan's Political Action Committee 2,000Arlene Lesewski for Senate 500Wiger (Lynne) Volunteer Committee 5009,500Hammel Green & Abrahamson Inc PACBarnett, Anita 250Capellin, Charles 300Fiskum, Stephen 300Shagalov, Yanak 250Widstrom, Dana 2501,350Health Partners Civic Affairs CouncilDarnay, Anne 250Walsh, Andrea 500Zimmerman, Danna 3001,050Hospitality Political Action CommitteeBedzyk, Peter 1,750Bennett, Joseph 315Bienias, John 1,075Blahnik, John 1,075Breault, Blaine 490Buntz, Robert 500Campion, Tom 900Casper, Rick 300Chapman, Richard 1,075Cragun, Dutch 260Cross, Rob 225Damlo, Greg 492Davidson, Steve 1,250DeSutter, David 525Devins, Tim 510Dougherty, Charles 511Droen, Dianne 262Dubbs, Steve 500Erickson, Randal 2,125Erickson, Tim 225Falk, Allan 300Fitch, Dan 1,855Foussard, William 600Foxx, Roger 1,741Fuller, Evan 900Gianpetro, Greg 1,200Goon, Donald 225Hafdal, Rich 500Heise, Sue 360Hewes, Arnold 385Hewes, Judy 265Hickle, Randall 500Holetz, Richard 310Howell, Robert 225Jensen, Doron 400Johnson, Rollie 900Johnson, Thomas 525Kaldahl, Dan 300Kaplan, Gerry 225Kavanaugh, John 554Kiesler, Steve 480Kristal, Henry 2,300Kruse, Tracey 225LaMont, Larry 615Lampi, Steve 325Larrea, Luis 900Larson, Jeff 1,230Ludlow, Mark 300McCabe, Mickey 225McDowell, Robert 225Mihajlov, Peter 4,825Miles, Darren 425Moberg, Roger 675Moline, Tony 500Moore, Thomas 450Morrissey, William 908Moscatelli, Lizette 1,022Naegele, William 1,425Nelson, Curtis 500Nordick, Gary 1,075Oaks, Doug 360Odash, Terri 225O'Neill, Robin 850Pace, Roberts 525Paton, Charles 400Payne, Kirby 850Peterson, Mitchell 500Polta, Patrice 315Prine, George 225Raasch, Ernest 235Ronnei, Mark 300Rowland, James 225Rutstein, Harold 450Ryan, Mike 635Sanders, Franklynn 450Schelper, Kenneth 790Schroeder, Robert 675Schumacher, John 500Schumacher, Kathleen 1,301Schwieters, Kathy 450Scott, Russell 1,165Sienko, Donovan 225Stefanescu, Dory 225Stevens, Thomas 300Stutrud, Mark 1,625Vennewitz, James 225Waldvogel, Jim 550Wencl, Greg 225Wengler, William 1,075Wright, Daniel 250Young, Mary 318Zelm, Linda 225Kwilas, Anthony 21062,144IBPAT - PAT Legislative and Educational CoAnderson, William 760Arens, Ronald 255Beaty, James 305Candelori, Jr William 9,496Cardwell, Bobby Joe 510Caster, Steven Lee 340Conroy, Terrance 5,256Contreras, Jamie 340Courtien, William 425Dobernecki, Jeff 430Edney, Timothy 255219

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsFleischhacker, Dan 425Foland, CL 210Galis, George 595Hackney, Richard 525Harris, Charles 425Kincaid, James Robert 425Kinney, Lynn 3,429Knowles, Terry 250LaBarera, Richard 425Lane, Patrick 260Lins, W Terry 510Martinez, Jr Canuto 1,130McClintock, Edward 370McDevitt, William 425McGarvey, Sean 595Meyers, Edward Patrick 254Meyers, Gary 760Monroe, Alfred 420Monroe, Gary 455Monroe, Jr Alfred 315Monroe, Michael 530Newt Sayers, Jr Hewa 365Ottesen, David 510Perkins, Kathleen 225Price, Raymond 595Reid, James 510Rigmaiden, Kenneth 455Root, Rick 425Sesma, Raymond 680Town, David 340Trallo, Ralph 425Trujillo, Estevan 2,423Vaughn, Jeffrey 630Williams, James 1,020Williams, Richard 255Zelaya, Guillerno 255Zell, Harry 34040,558IFAPAC MinnAnderson, Daniel 500Blaeser, Gregory 210Blanchard, Brian 300Cassada, Daniel 1,008Chaffee, Richard 1,000Cleveland-Ames, Ann 500Cooper, Michael 204Crowley, Leo 204Dean, John 500Delamater, James 204Dennison, Bruce 204Dzik, Thomas 300Edgren, Milton 1,000Esselman, Thomas 204Fahning, Gerald 210Flanary, William 300Flynn, Robert 255Foster, Timothy 500Gellman, Andrew 204Holte, Douglas 204Johannsen, Curtis 204Johnson, Buford 204Johnson, Mark 500Kitts, Lawrence 244Klima, George 204Larson, David 204Lovelle, James 244Lynch, Thomas 204McClure, Mary 379McGovern, Michael 204Mischke, Herbert 504Neutzling, Sandra 204O Fallon, Robert 204Paulson, John 240Peshek, Dee 250Pierret, Robert 240Pratt, Bradley 600Salscheider, Michael 204Sandbo, Robert 204Schimers, Douglas 204Schneeman, Christopher 240Schwingler, Jon 204Sundell, John 300Wells, Barbara 220Wheeler, James 204Whelan, John 204Winer, Norman 1,00015,828Independent Community Bankers of Minn PAanenson, Robert 300Baer, John 300Bauman, Douglas 250Bauman, Robert 675Boyce, Roger 300Byrne, Michael 400Carlson, Peter 530Dickson, J.R. 500Espeland, James 400Finley, Michael 550Gunther, Robert 300Haddeland, Peter 300Hager, Robert 550Hutton, Scott 300Klohn, E Milton 825Knopick, David 560Loonan, Patricia 960Meyerson, Robert 325Miller, Eugene 300Neumann, Curt 240Nicklason, Brian 825Payne, Gerald 1,425Pogatchnik, Lowell 575Prescher, Richard 300Raleigh, Donald 800Rosacker, Pamela 705Schaefer, James 500Schulz, Henry 300Seimbeck, Ronald 330Skaalen, Christopher 820Sorenson, Larry 400Stadnik, Leo 500Swanson, Linda 63016,975Insurance Federation Political Action CommEno, Woodrow 250Gelder, Kathleen 500Henderson, Stuart 250Heyman, William 2,000Matzdorff, Gabrielle 250Nicholson, Bruce 1,000Parsons, Alvin 350Senkler, Robert 1,000Wiese, Sandra Ulsaker 250Zesbaugh, Mark 5006,350Iron Workers Local 512Iron Workers Local 512 9,7009,700Jobs Political FundAlexander, Patrick 1,500Anderson, Richard 1,500Annexstad, Albert 1,000Benson, Duane 1,000Buhrmaster, Robert 1,000Campbell, Jon 1,000Chronister, Mark 1,500Collins, Arthur 1,500Costley, Gary 1,500Dancik, Jo Marie 1,500Dolan, Janet 1,500Dunlap, William 2,000Eisele, Jonathan 1,500Fiterman, Michael 1,500Gherty, John 250Granger, James 1,500Grundhofer, John 1,500Harmel, Paul 1,500Helgeson, Michael 750Hubbard, Stanley 2,500Huffer, Russell 1,000Jahnke, David 1,000Johnson, Joel 1,500Lumpkins, Robert 500Marvin, John 1,500Mosner, Lawrence 1,500Nelson, Marilyn 1,000Newman, Larry 1,000220

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsNicholson, Bruce 1,500Noddle, Jeff 1,000Page, David 500Rauenhorst, Mark 1,500Roe, John 1,500Rompala, Richard 1,000Rosen, Tom 1,500Sanger, Stephen 2,000Senkler, Robert 1,500Sweasy, William 1,500Tiller, Thomas 1,500Turner, Ronald 500Ulrich, Bob 1,500Van Dyke, William 1,500Weiser, Irving 1,500Wessner, David 1,50058,000K&G/JWB PACBreitinger, Jennifer 500Choi, John 6751,175Kandiyohi Co Business Leadership FundDols, Robert 250250Leonard, Street and Deinard PACBertrand, James 218Bohmann, Angela 233Breviu, John 256Cairns, Jeff 300Davidson, Steve 403DeMay, Robert 307DeRuyter, Steven 386Dorsey, James 273Erickson, Scott 273Field, Lawrence 284Getsinger, John 227Gillan, Brad 267Gotlieb, William 206Greenswag, Douglas 284Haynes, David 250Hinstroth, Paul 256Huber, Robert 273Jacobson, Mark 307Kelley, David 273Lindemann, Steve 206Litman, Stephen 511Maynard, Hugh 256McElhatton, Shaun 218McInerney Jr, Daniel 415Morris, Fred 369Noteboom, Lowell 494Pabst, Tim 352Paulsrud, Eric 231Pepin, Richard 415Peterson, Douglas 239Pflaum, Stephen 415Podkopacz, Jerry 206Portwood, Barbara 284Regan, John 415Saeks, Allen 369Sampson, Ellen 273Sanders, Thomas 364Sheran, John 273Sherman, Morris 540Simpson, Marc 218Stortz, Lowell 295Taylor, Michael 324Thavis, Robert 250Torgerson, Robert 218Weitz, Mark 426Welch, Timothy 295Wiltgen, Nancy 218Woodward, Albert 329Starns, Byron 39815,092Libertarian Party of MinnLibertarian National Party 5,441Baille, Bryan 300Furbish, Jeremy 345Garrison, Mark 225Gibson, Robert 245Helwig, Ron 1,295Kerkow, Greg 230Kloster, Andrew 300Kurk, Dennis 230Long, Jeff 240McCarty, Michael 2,645Odden, Robert 495Rongstad, James 275Schield, Milo 780Souba, Arnold 250Test, Charles 4,695Bob Odden for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 40018,391Local 851 Political Action CommitteeLocal 851 Political Action Committe 4,0254,025Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. <strong>State</strong> PolBloodgood, Patricia 12,000Bruckner, W. Joseph 12,900Lockridge, Richard 12,000Nauen, Charles 19,700Grindal, H Theodore 12,00068,600Lommen Nelson Political Action CommitteeO'Neil, Barry 250250MABC PACChapin, Conni 250Chapin, Justin 250Chapin, Susan 250Javens, Duane 250Seaton, Douglas 300Weber, Gary 384Zoerb, Dale 5002,184MAPE-PACAnderson, Bruce 520Carlson, Jan 520Coombs, Robert 220Cornelia, Ralph 320Gibson, Judith 260Jonas, Melissa 260Kilberg, Eric 520Kincaid, Gary 520Leithauser, Deborah 260Litchy, Patricia 260Mau, Chris 508Schadegg, Deb 520Souther, Larry 264Thompson, Sandra 210Willson, Timothy 2685,430Maple River Education Coalition PACCummins, Robert 1,000Olson, Cliff 1,500Thompson, David 759Wigley, Michael 1,000Tim Olson 2000 5004,759MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action ComAbrahamson, April 250Aby, Robert 300Ainslie, Michael 300Amadio, Peter 500Bessinger, Blanton 400Bhavsar, Abdhish 400Bjorgen, John 250Blake, David 250Boyle, Philip 250Branch, Charles 250Carlson, Douglas 250Daly, Peter John 300Day, Daniel 300Dehen Jr, James 250Elhagaly, Hatem 300Foss, J Frank 400Fraley, Michael 300Graber, John 250221

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsGurin, Teresa 250Hanson, Ronald Duane 300Helleloid, Charles 300Hendel, Jerry 300Hodgson, John 260Jaspers, Anthony 500Johnson, Donald 300Lampe II, E 400Lembcke, Daniel 300Leppik, Ilo 250Lindholm, Patricia 450Lindstrom, Richard 250Maddox, Daniel 300Matson, Paul 300McCormick, Paul 300Meiches, Robert 300Nace, Laurence 300Nagel, Theodore 250Nelson, Audrey 250Pearson, Jack 300Petersen, Jerald 250Peyla, Thomas 250Ring, Bruce 300Rogers, Jerry 300Scheuerell, Robert 300Schmidt, Richard 300Soliman, Adam 300Strathy, Janette 250Stringer, Gene 250Tanaka, Taro 250Treacy, Kevin 300Trump, Michael 300Van Etta, John 500Van Etta, Linda 50016,010Messerli & Kramer Political Action CommApitz, John 11,500Kramer, Ross 6,500Poul, Thomas 6,90024,900MFDA PACBirk, Richard 250250Minn ACORN Political Action CommitteeSandler, Herbert 2,000Wore, Anthony 2402,240Minn AFL-CIOEngineers - Local 70, PEC 1,8921,892Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PACBakken, Bradley 220Bense, Rodger 270Bentdahl, Craig 250Bentdahl, Ray 250Bringgold, Paul 250Buerkle, Edward 250Campbell, James 1,000Campbell, Jon 500Dahl, Marilyn 250Domeier, Mary Ellen 270Harrington, Norbert 250Lindholm, Paul 300Stenson, Gerald 2504,310Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PACEngel, Beth 500Erickson, James 1,000Gibbs, John 1,000Hammerstrom, Mark 500Hartman, Todd 500Sjoberg, Richard 1,0004,500Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadership FuAhlers, Linda 500Alexander, Patrick 500Ames, Richard 300Anderson, Dean 500Anderson, James 1,204Anderson, Richard 500Anderson, Robert 300Bauman, Deb 205Bear, Peter 5,250Bell, Mike 225Bernick, Richard 1,000Bobich, Fred 3,605Borowski, Michael 202Buckley, Elizabeth 1,925Bursch, Frederic 500Butzer, Bart 576Caesar, James 400Cairns, Jeff 690Carlsen, David 2,500Casey, Lynn 710Cavanaugh, James 300Chisholm, Alex 3,250Chronister, Mark 5,850Closs, Diane 205Cook, James 650Dols, Robert 302Domaille, Nancy 450Ebert, Tom 300Forsythe, John 202Frank, Mike 410Garske, Steve 300Gershman, Karen 453Goggin, Joseph 300Goodwin, Dave 300Guelich, Bob 671Hagen, Russ 10,595Helgeson, Michael 1,350Hibbs, William 750Hildre, Doug 250Himle, John 300Hopp, Deborah 3,683Hoyt, Mike 205Hsiao, Hoyt 1,020Hubbard, Stanley 5,000Kettner, Kate 410Kristal, Henry 1,125Lifson, Ron 225Marsden, Gary 500McMahon, Robert 885McManimon, Tim 500Murphy, Mark 205Nitschke, Dale 918O Rourke, Bob 225Olson, Earl 5,000Olson, Greg 300Opheim, Douglas 202Pavek, Donald 502Phillips, Mark 202Pitzer, Kevin 4,000Rausch, Joan 300Reis, John 250Reynolds, Debbie 211Rosen, Tom 1,960Sandrock, Eric 500Sanger, Stephen 500Sawyer, James 1,800Schumacher, Donald 2,750Siddy, Christa 205Slipka, Ken 202Snyder, Bob 575Strack, Robert 550Tamasi, Douglas 502Thiss, Scott 1,380Thuringer, Brian 2,500Tortelli, Ronald 500Travis, Bill 202Tuttle, Gedney 500Vetter, Galen 502Voltin, Darwin 4,555White, Robert 500Bridge, Tracy 500Chelseth, Archie 350Clemens, Lisa 300Garvis, Nathan Keller 625Halverson Pace, Valerie 300Hesse, Thomas 352Knapp, John 300Kwilas, Anthony 300Michel, Geoffrey 1,200Morris, Kevin 1,500222

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsMorrison, Andrew 300Weaver, Thomas 210Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 300Jobs Political Fund 1,000102,367Minn Chiropractic Political Action CommAllenburg, Thomas 500Anderson, Laurie 275Andrews, Tracy 300Atkinson, David 600Balfanz, Michael 700Barrett, William 600Baudoin, Elaine 300Bednar, Robert 500Beeler, Robert 300Bicanich, Barry 600Brost, Barbara 800Dennis, Dale 700Dolezal, Barbara 550Edwards, Douglas 400Erickson, Grant 250Fidler, Howard 1,000Floro, Olinda 300Franks, Terry 300Gallagher, Pat 600Gettel, Anthony 500Ginkle, Todd 1,000Greenberg, Jay 300Hartman, Craig 500Hynan, Gregory 250Jacklitch, Randal 500Kroll, Brian 500Lawrence, John 250Magelssen, Lowell 300Mandel, Donald 300Martin, Dana 300Martin, Robert 500Martini, Stephen 300McDonald, Robert 400McKiernan, Joseph 3,500Murphy, Terrance 500Neubauer, Dan 500O Keefe, Shannon 500Patten, Roger 300Peterson, Chad 300Peterson, Gregory 300Rawlings, Charles 400Requet, Edward 250Roerick, Mark 300Schwartz, John 250Skon, William 750Sweere, Edward 700Thompson, Paul 300Virga, Joseph 300Von Iderstine, Martin 325Vora, Greeta 250Winegar, Wallace 30025,500Minn Community Financial Serv CtrsGeller, Cary 500Gunderson, Alice Louise 500Rieland, Gary 300Tapper, Stuart 5001,800Minn CPA's Public Affairs CommitteeAhern, Philip 1,000Amundson, Jack 236Basil, Nicholas 300Bateman, Steven 250Beaver, Bernie 400Berens, Richard 350Berg, John 250Biaggio, Robert 275Birkeland, Kullen 250Bjustrom, Jeffrey 275Broz, Stephen 218Burrock, Richard 400Busch, Paul 250Callahan, Patrick 300Chronister, Mark 275Copeland, James 214Cotton, Jeffrey 250DeNucci, Mark 300Desmond, John 275Ehrich, Rick 250Eisele, Jonathan 500Enger, Terrell 264Franske, Robert 400Fritz, Bradley 300Griebel, James 275Gupta, Ajay 1,000Hanson, Jeffrey 250Hare, James 275Hargett, Richard 350Harren, Lee 214Heimer, Nancy 250Hornung, Mark 1,000House, Dana 250Hyde, Robert 500Johnson, Steven 250Kunkel, Julie 1,000Mallaro, Brian 250Marzec, Robert 275Mayer, Thomas 300Maynard, Paul 250McConnell, Michael 213McCreary, Garry 214Nibbe, Jay 1,000O Donnell, James 275Ogren, Steven 250Olson, David 300Peterson, Dennis 214Polacek, Steven 300Powers, Patrick 250Prunty, Patrick 300Racek, John 218Radunz, Jeffery 400Salwei, Jennifer 250Sarracco, Stephen 250Schneibel, Mark 214Schroeder, David 275Seelig, Michael 275Sheehan, Eric 250Starr, Robert 275Tautges, Robert 1,500Tetzloff, Robert 1,500Thalhuber, Gary 275Thompson, Mark 500Verhage, Thomas 300Viere, Gordon 337Vohs, Kenneth 250Walters, Thomas 250Ward, Terrence 275Weber, Donald 214Weichert, James 250Wise, Kenneth 275Farm, Thomas 25026,370Minn DemocratsPetters, Thomas 5,000TRIAL-PAC 5005,500Minn DRIVESlawson, Brad 208DRIVE- Democrat Republican Ind. V 20,786Teamsters Local 1145 10,915Teamsters Local 120 26,157Teamsters Local 160 3,458Teamsters Local 2000 8,964Teamsters Local 221 11,029Teamsters Local 289 8,354Teamsters Local 320 34,934Teamsters Local 346 12,345Teamsters Local 4 3,405Teamsters Local 471 6,354Teamsters Local 503 3,623Teamsters Local 638 18,333Teamsters Local 792 5,439Teamsters Local 970 11,835Teamsters Local 974 10,511196,648Minn Electrical Assn PACBischoff, Douglas 500500223

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsMinn Eye PACKennedy, Nora 250Reed, JoAnn 350Roust, Gerald 300Ryan, Edwin 300Terry, Joseph 5001,700Minn Farmers Union PACFrederickson, Dave 378378Minn Health PACBalik, Barbara 500Breviu, John 250Dehne, Marvin 250Egan, Jill 500Frobenius, John 500Grundei, Alan 250Halm, Barry 500Hanko, James 495Haselow, Robert 1,000Huber, Mark 250Johnson, Todd 250Krinkie, Mary 250Lehman, Tom 250McInerney Jr, Daniel 250Olson, Douglas 1,000Page, David 250Person, Peter 250Pladson, Terence 250Porter, Joshua 250Redmond, Lawrence 1,000Rueben, Bruce 501Schulz, Larry 250Torgerson, Paul 250Tostrud, Eric 250Vandeventer, David 250Wessner, David 500Grindal, H Theodore 50010,995Minn Independent Insurance Agents PACAhman, Rick 500500Minn League of Conservation Voters PoliticBrooker, Charlotte 250Doerr, Caroline 2,000Hartwell, David 2,500Ladner, Julia 1,000Ladner, Margaret 1,000Messinger, Alida 50,000Bachman, Peter 5,000Dayton, Charles 1,000<strong>State</strong> Conservation Voters Action Fu 20,00082,750Minn Licensed Beverage Assoc PACEastlick, Kristen 5,000Minehart, Colin 1,2256,225Minn Life CommitteeCommers, Tim 1,0001,000Minn Manufactured Home PACAplikowski, Beverly 500Block, William 500Czecli, Dave 1,000Durand, Sandra 500Fine, Richard 500Graczyk, Janice 500Guidry, James 500Hay, Barry 600Ives, Mike 500Keefer, William 2,000Lambert, Mark 210Larson, Robert 2,225McGee, Hugh 750Nelson, Gary 500Schrader, Al 600Swanson, Rey 300Van Ness, Betty 75012,435Minn Milk PACJanecek, Sarah 1,695Spano, Wyman 2,1953,890Minn NARAL Action FundDayton, Julia 500Goodman, Lisa 250Hutcheson, Susanne 1,000Smith, Tina 500AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 5,000Dorfman for County Commisioner 1,000Goodman, Lisa 250Naral Pac 1,0009,500Minn NOW PACKasper, Patti Ann 1,0001,000Minn Operators of Music and Amusement PHawkins, Mike 300Kmack, Daniel 300O Hara, Dan 250O Hara, Terry 250Winstead, Gene 2501,350Minn PEOPLE CommitteeAFSCME 400,000AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 9,972409,972Minn Physical Therapy PACBell, Linda 250Cowell, Craig 250500Minn Power PACHoughtaling, Tom 300McMillan, Dave 1,000Mullen, Pat 2501,550Minn Realtors Political Action CommitteeAllen, Christopher 280Allen, Mark 620Anderson, John 1,030Argo, Nancy 305Beaudry, Mel 299Bedker, Paul 250Bland, Faye 329Buryska, Shawn 1,030Coyne, Joseph 1,000Davis, Fran 1,500Dorfman, Glenn 1,000Gerst, William 500Gillespie, Barry 1,000Knudson, David 380Leegard, Lynn 1,000Mellander, Thomas 1,030Nelson, Ben 299Nolan, Marjorie 900Olson, Michele 250Patterson, Sandy 275Reis, Joseph 1,000Sarvela, Leonard 250Sigurdson, Paul 2,000Smaby, Joanne 280Stanton, James 5,188Tschohl, William 1,900Von Mosch, Pat 1,000Wiener, June 30525,200Minn Republicans for Choice Political ActioAnson, Peter 1,250Anson, Sally 1,250Brooksbank, Robin Wilcox 250Carlson, Philip 400Davidson, Keith 250Duff, Carol 600Head, Douglas 500224

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsHead, Martha 500Jackson, Suzanne 1,000Linday, Mary 250Lindberg, Larey 250Lindsay, Hugh 250Linsmayer, Christine 250Ludwick, Harriet 500Ludwick, William 500Mairs, George 1,000McCreary, Miriam 300McCrossan, Charles 500Pillsbury, Katherine 500Saunders, Walter 250Whitney, J Kimball 40010,950Minn Retail Political Advocacy FundAhlers, Linda 500Bachman, Lee 520Bauman, Deb 205Bell, Mike 450Butzer, Bart 576Christa, Siddy 205Closs, Diane 205Dillon, Bill 300Gershman, Karen 905Guelich, Bob 671Hoyt, Mike 205Kimbrough, Betty 245MacGregor, Todd 210Maguire, Rick 410Mazanec, Tom 240McMahon, Robert 885Murphy, Mark 205Nitschke, Dale 918Quigley, Dave 481Reynolds, Debbie 211Thompson, Bob 390Windmeier, Jane 410Wobig, Larry 410Anderson, Bruce (Buzz) 50010,256Minn SoybeanSinglestad, Scott 240Southern Minn Sugar Cooperative P 1,500Lyon County Soybean Growers 291Renville County Corn Growers 1,7733,804Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PACBaker, Glenn 1,115Daggett, Dave 370Daggett, Delta 450Dally, Dean 450Foltz, Frank 270Goodrich, Bruce 1,360Greenstein, Joe 520Hartwig, Ronald 205Hatch, Mitch 220Klick, Dick 795Koch, James 300Koenig, Al 1,360Langford, Greg 570LeFebvre, Paul 270Monson, Mike 250Monson, Robert 400Morrell, Jay 525Olson, Donovan 450Oren, Donald 1,090Peterson, Greg 570Shawn, Jack 494Sheaffer, Russell 675Smith, Herb 424Torgeson, Oscar 230Turcotte, Timothy 290Tyson, Larry 930Weeres, Sylvia 720Wills, Jim 1,200Woolsey, Billy 250Wren, John 4,940Yaggy, Steve 670Hardman, James 25022,613Minn Wheat Political Action CommitteeJossund, John 400400Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> PACAllen, Marty 300Atwater, Martha 1,000Berman, Theresa 250Bigham, Karla 250Bishop, Lois 625Blanch, Jane Robertson 250Boren, Susan 250Bracken, Margaret 1,000Bryant, Marilyn 700Butts-Williams, Barbara 600Carey, Colleen 350Cohen, Rusty 1,350Confer, Jane 250Davis, Sandra 250Dayton, Judy 7,500Dayton, Mark 250Dayton, Mary Lee 2,550Dayton, Wendy 2,000Doar, Patricia 975Duckor, Anita 300Duddingston, Joan 550Ekdahl, Karla 350Engel, Susan 2,850Erickson, Karen 250Erickson, Kristine 250Flaherty, Chris 1,275Forster, Barbara 500France, Phyllis 575Frisch, Patti 520Gabbert, Martha 500George, Penny 250Gesell, Teddy 500Greenleaf, Suzanne 250Grose, Polly 500Growe, Joan 1,100Hahn, Lucy 975Hall, Rosalie 250Haney, Beth 225Hawkins, Blanche 500Hayden, H.B. 250Hill Smith, Mary 425Hines, Cecily 600Hollstadt, Rachel 475Hols, Marge 400Hopp, Deborah 700Houle, Coral 600Hunt, Penny 750Hutcheson, Susanne 5,250Johnson, Carol 300Kelly, Rosemarie 500Kenney, Sally 500Keyworth, Robin 250Kunin, Anita 250Ludwick, Harriet 500Lundsten, M 300Mallett, Lydia 500Maurer, Naomi 225McBurney, Barbara 1,000McNellis, Mary 300McNulty, Priscilla 1,300Moore, Thomas 250Morrison, Chris 650Murphy, Katherine 250Nelson, Marilyn 500Niemiec, Joan 300O Brien, Kathleen 650Ober, Gayle 1,500Opperman, Darin 1,250Opperman, Vance 5,000Owens, Mary Ellen 550Pillsbury, Katherine 1,001Pillsbury, Sally 500Platt, Laura 250Portwood, Barbara 700Ratner, Barbara 250Reyelts, Mary Pearce 1,000Ridder, Kathleen 500Riley, Patsy 250Robertson, Martha 250Saario, Terry 500Sands, Susan 250225

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsSchell, Lynn 500Spas, April 250Speer, Nancy 250Spencer, Harriet 500Stuhler, Barbara 550Sturgis, Elly 2,500Tamborino, Mary 450Telfer, Margaret 400Thompson, Missy 250Truesdell, Carol 650Tunheim, Kathryn 5,000Turner, Leslie 275Tuttle, Anne 225Usem, Ruth 500Van Evera, Mary 225Wolff, Vivki 1,155Zelle, Julie 55079,126Minn Women's Political Caucus/PACWomens Political Caucus - Ramsey 3,200Ember Junge for Attorney General 5003,700Minneapolis Central Labor Union CouncilLocal 59 Political Fund 2,0002,000Minneapolis Downtown Council PACAnselmo, Dario 250Barr, Collin 250Brandt, Harold 300Chronister, Mark 660Colianni, Albert Jr. 250Collins, Richard 250Eisele, Jonathan 500Hamel, Mark 250Hopp, Deborah 500Krohn, Fred 250Nelson, Russell 660Newman, Larry 500O Connor, Timothy 500Ryan, James 250Ryan, Patrick 250Sanders, David 500Shea III, David 250Sternberg, David 250Tuzcu, Ertugrul 420Dorsey Political Fund 250Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partn 3007,590<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for a Democratic MajorityMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 300<strong>Minnesota</strong>n's for a Republican Majority300Holmquist, James 4,000Lien, Kim 250Oinstad, Leon 1,000Trimble, Tony 1,000White, Scott 5,00011,250<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for a Single House <strong>Legislature</strong>Pillsbury, George 21,00021,000<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Lower TaxesAkkadi, Bahram 2,000Baer, Elam 24,500Goodman, John 24,334Kazeminy, Nasser 24,33375,167MN CornAmdorfer, Steven 1,000Hamm, Bruce 800Johnson, Nathan 260Kropp, Steve 1,100Paumen, Bradley 950Peiteg, Brad 1,000Reiner, Maureen 1,240Reiner, Willard 1,240Tumbleson, Gerald 213Tumbleson, Joanne 213Southern Minn Sugar Cooperative P 1,0009,015MRA PACNoah, Matt 1,5261,526MSA-PACAnderson, Paul 300Heil, Teri 250Johnson, Craig 300Kassebaum, Mark 250Peterson, Suzanne 250Reisinger, John 250Rubin, Ilya 300Yasmineh, David 3002,200MUCA PAC (Minn Utility Contractors Assn)Letourneau, John 500McShane, John 500Penz, Daniel 500Rachel, Donald 500Stordahl, Thomas 5002,500Multi Housing Political Action CommitteeBackstrom, Tom 1,641Bader, Sidney 3,184Bailey, Bruce 250Baratz, Stan 558Bigos, Ted 5,000Bisanz, John 437Bisanz, Joseph 250Carey, Colleen 500Carlson,, Gary 2,000Cashill, Mike 1,500Chazin, Thomas 1,619Devit, Sherman 426Dunbar, Frank 1,000Fine, Jeffrey 968Gertgen, Larry 530Gonyea, Amy 573Horing, Dave 2,127Jones, Mark 3,428Jossart, Mark 837Julen, Bob 900Klingen, Tom 728Klodt, Paul 1,350Lang, Frank 4,274Levine, Bob 1,407Mailand, Greg 850Minea, Patrick 1,000Nolan, Stuart 3,751Pakonen, Richard 1,000Pinck, Sheldon 483Rappaport, Jon 359Riley, James 1,200Schachtman, Steven 1,778Smith, Tom 560Soderberg, Jeffrey 300Steinberg, Ben 539Strandess, Doug 1,300Susee, Jan 1,000Wirt, Sheldon 479Wiss, Art 216Wiss, Harriet 21650,514MWL Voter Outreach Political FundOakes, Judith 258Peterson, Kathleen 250508NAIOP Economic Growth FundCook, Arne 250Kane, Jean 250Larson, Lori 250Linvill, Maggie 250McMahon, Stacy 250Molt, Dan 250Schwanke, Steve 250Sellergren, Dave 250Timmers, Kim 2502,250226

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsNCRCC-MN-PACNCRCC-MN-PAC 12,47912,479Neighbors for Life PACSenate Victory Fund 300Tarsney, James 235535NFIB/MN SAFE TrustDavies, Richard 350Hamilton, Harold 1,200Kellogg, Martin 4502,000Northeastern <strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for JobsBassort, Terese 500Dawson, EJay 500Hernesman, Gail 500Jordan, John 3,000Klapmeir, Julie 2,000Smith, Thomas 250Wartman, Cindy 4007,150Ottertail Power PACErickson, John 1,0001,000Pelican PACMRA PAC 1,3501,350People in Construction Political Action ComAmes, Raymond 1,000Ames, Richard 500Bailey, John 1,000Heymann, John 500Jessen, George 500Jochims, Stephanie 500Mattson, George 500Peterson, Kent 500Rachel, Donald 500Sill, Michael 5006,000PharmPACBoerboom, Dorothy 300Jackson, Thomas 565Jonsrud, Kathryn 250Raines, Gary 250St. Peter, John 250St. Peter, Wendy 250Witt, Tom 2502,115Pine Bend PACAllaben, Joseph 300Craig, Todd 300Gable, Wayne 500Hansel, Michael 800Hotland, John 800Lindemann, Scott 500McGovern, Debra 1,000Reinhardt, Jay 1,000Roos, Brian 500Shepardson, Frances 500Simon, James 300Vickery, Brook 1,0007,500Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action FunAnson, Sally 250Church, Thomas 250Collins, Anne 250Corty, Julianne 250Cowles Jr, John 500Cowles, Marguerite 2,500Cowles, Russell 2,500Cowles, Sage Fuller 500Cox, Vicki 500Dayton, Kenneth 250Dayton, Mary Lee 500Dayton, Ms. Kenneth 250Etzwiler, Marion 250Gruidl, Mary 250Hackett, Maureen 1,000Hutcheson, Susanne 2,000Hutcheson, Zenas 2,000Jackson, Suzanne 500Johnson, Rachel 1,500Kayser, Marlene 250Kayser, Thomas 250Levin, Millicent 250Levin, Phillip 250Meyer, Amy 250Olson, Deborah 250Opperman, Darin 12,500Opperman, Vance 12,500Possis, Ann 2,344Roesler, Deborah 500Rothchild, Kennon 250Rothchild, Nina 250Smith, Tina 4,000Stoesz, Sara 1,000Tuttle, Emily 1,000Usem, Ruth 50052,344Power P A CAllen, Tim 250Anderson, Roy 1,200Connelly, Michael 750Hudson, Gary 500Larson, Kent 250Lawless, Kevin 500Lesher, Cynthia 500McCarten, Laura 500McIntyre, Jim 2,400McKiernan, Grania 500Pender, Paul 500Wadley, Mike 1,700Wilensky, Scott 1,000Willis, Elizabeth 1,00011,550Progressive MinnChilman, Paul 255Cloyd, James 373Dorfman, Gail 400Erickson, Todd 300Gates, Fred 250Goff, Martin 220Johnson, Sheldon 510Lee, Shoua 252Ludemann, Don 300Magnuson, Roy 8,850McEvoy, Mary 373Peschek, Joseph 255Ritt, Charles 1,000Rodriguez, Dan 400Sachs, Andrea 310Sarafolean, Dick 325Schmitz, Stuart 240Wellman, James 560Local 28 Political Fund 825Progressive Minn PAC 4,107United Food & Commerical Workers 800(Frank) Hornstein Volunteer Commit 300Neighbors for Jim Davnie 300Roger Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 300Volunteers for (D Scott) Dibble 475Brodrick for School Board 30622,585Ramsey County RepublicansCommittee to Elect Andy Carlson 500500Red Wing Area Business Leadership CounciSweasy, William 500500RKM&C FundAllyn, Richard 2,760Anderson, James 2,760Archer, Steven 986Auchter, Robert 986Beehler, David 2,464Bland, David 2,169227

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsBocan, David 2,464Brand, Steve 1,577Ciresi, Michael 3,549Conlin, Jan 2,464Conn, Bernice 986Conneely, Kevin 986Costello, Stacy 986Crudden, Kevin 1,971Cummings Giles, Sharon 986Daley, Annamarie 2,169DeMeules, Rita Coyle 986Eisberg, John 3,549Engdahl, Brad 2,169Erickson, William 986Evans, Jan 986Evinger, David 2,169Falb, Robert 2,760Fauver, Cole 1,577Feeney, Leo 3,549Finzen, Bruce 2,760Fisher, Robert 1,577Froio, Anthony 1,577Gallo, Thomas 1,577Gibbs, John 1,971Gilbertson, Robert 1,577Hamlin, Thomas 2,760Hartman, Todd 986Hatch, Thomas 2,169Heller, Lisa 986Horstman, Andrew 2,464Houston, John 2,169Hunnicutt, Charles 1,577Jackson, Eric 986Johnson, Scott 1,971Joy, Terrence 2,464Kaplan, Brent 1,577Kayser, Thomas 3,154Keegan, Thomas 1,577Kugler, Robert 1,577LaConte, Mark 986Laitinen, Sari 986LeMire, William 986Lentz, Charles 986Love, John 2,464Lueck, Martin 2,760Madel, Christopher 986Madson, Eric 1,577Manning, William 2,760Marron, Kathleen 2,169Martinez, Richard 1,577McDonald, John 2,169McMahon, Emmett 1,577Messerly, Chris 1,577Miller, Alan 3,154Miller, Thomas 1,971Mintzer, Joel 986Mitchell, David 986Moccio, Vincent 986Montague, Robert 1,577Nettler, Richard 2,169O Fallon, Daniel 1,577Orloff, Steven 986Peterson, Kathleen 2,760Poulos, Sara 1,577Ragland, Daniel 986Reed, William E, III 986Reichert, Brent 1,971Rosenberg, Anne 986Safley, James 2,760Schmit, Peter 986Schumeister, Steven 2,760Schutz, Ronald 2,760Shipstead, Patrick 3,154Silberfeld, Roman 2,760Snyder, Kevin 1,971Stanhope, William 2,760Strand, Scott 986Styles, Keith 1,577Sullivan, Christopher 2,169Sutton, Tara 1,577Thomas, Dirk 2,169Tietjen, Randall 986Undlin, Thomas 1,577Veis, David 1,971Wachter Needle, Barbara 986Wade, Terry 2,760Webster, William 986Wildfang, K.Craig 2,169Wilson, Gary 1,971Wilson, Rhys 1,971Withers, Dennis 1,971Wivell, Martha 986Woods, Matthew 1,577181,957RMJ Political FundJohnson, David 1,750Michels, James 2,180Walther, Ann 1,160Morris, William 710Rice, Brian 4,20010,000Road PAC of MinnAmes, Raymond 2,500Bailey, John 1,100Bauerly, Allen 600Bauerly, Brian 600Bauerly, David 600Bauerly, Gerald 600Bauerly, Mark 600Bauerly, Michael 600Bury, Blair 2,250Carlstrom, Jeff 500Duininck, Harris 2,500Ghylin, Gaylen 500Jessen, George 1,500Johnson, Blaine 2,250Johnson, Kenneth 500Kissner, Kevin 300Kraemer, David 1,000Kraemer, Terrence 250Martinson, John 2,000Mathiowetz, Brian 450McGray, Michael 2,500Minnerath, Allan 950Minnerath, Brian 950Minnerath, Jim 700Minnerath, John 950Minnerath, Joseph 700Minnerath, Kevin 700Minnerath, Steve 700Moores, Michael 500Munson, Dennis 500Nelson, Don 2,500Norrgard, Diane 500Ofstad, Orlin 500Pederson, Jon 500Sauer, Chad 250Sauer, Gary 3,500Sauer, Steven 250Schroeder, Kathy 250Sill, Michael 2,500Storms, Jerry 50041,600Rochester Area Chamber of Comm Govt ActBarlow, Stephen 1,000DeWitz, Robert 500Grinde, Paul 275Henderson, Hal 225Johnson, Leigh 250Molloy, Kevin 275Pitzer, Kevin 525Powers, Joseph 6003,650Rural Minn PreservationDayton, Mark 5,000Kozak, Andrew 250Micheletti, Thomas 1,000Rice, Brian 250Schoenfeld, Gerald 500Inter Faculty Organization Lobby Fu 250Intl Brotherhood of Elec Wkrs - Com 500Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 2,500Minn AFL-CIO 1,000Minn DRIVE 250Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 1,200Northwest Petroleum NPPAC 250Road PAC of Minn 2,500228

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political Funds15,450Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce PACBelbach, Deborah 250Bradshaw, James 1,000Brennan, Gerald 250Burnett, Ralph 1,000Carson, Dennis 250Dowell, Larry 350Fawcett, Song 250Foussard, Roger 500Galvin, Mike 750Garske, Steve 500Gelbach, Deborah 250Georgacas, Chris 250Goff, Robert 2,200Green, Roger 250Guthman, Howard 500Hagen, Russ 500Hartman Bollom, Colleen 300Harvin, Phyllis 600Hendry, Bruce 5,000Howard, Paula 1,000Hubbard, Stanley 1,000Humphreys, Lisa 500Hundt, Fred 300Kastner, Richard 250Kristal, Henry 250Kuhrmeyer, Carl 500Lee, Annette 250Lesher, Cynthia 1,000LeVander Jr, Harold 250Maietta, Don 500Manderscheid, Marc 250Marx, Timothy 250McKasy, Bert 250Moeller, Mark 500Monfried, David 250Naegele, Robert 1,000Nelson, Glen 2,500Ostlund, Duane 250Peterson, Jeffery 250Poppler, Charles 350Pottebaum, Dennis 250Radel, Dwayne 250Rooney, John 250Scanlon, Timothy 350Schmidt, Stephen 300Schmitz, Mary 300Senkler, Robert 1,000Stolpstad, James 250Theobald, Jon 250Triplett, Thomas 250CAR, Committee of Automotive Ret 250Saint Paul Area Chamber of Comme 2,625Tom Osthoff Volunteer Committee 3,00035,925Schwan's Political Action CommitteeAllen, Joanne 400Basma, Mohamed 300Beadle, John 2,000Beary, Sue 600Beck, Robert 250Brink, Calvin 220Bunnell, David 1,000Collins, Ted 500Erxleben, S. James 840Fauth, James 231Flack, Gregory 809Fritz-Jung, Kati 750Grace, Richard 287Graven, Dwight 328Jackson, Ryan 388Koran, Joseph 420Lautt, Larry 1,000Lea, Terry 336Linstrom, Steve 782Ludwill, William 418Maack, Jon 336Marshall, John 1,000McCormack, William 1,500McGillvrey, Allen 240McMillan, Jerry 620Mehaffie, Jerry 260Neitzke, Thomas 654Nobert, Lorraine 340Olsem, Doug 1,500Paskach, Dave 1,800Pippin, Lenny 5,000Ruhr, Roger 500Sargent, John 510Sauro, Carole 500Schwan, Alfred 5,000Strebe, Arnie 1,000Tilford, Rachel 210Ziebell, Michael 99033,819SEIU Local 113SEIU Local 113 7,5007,500SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7SEIU Local 113 5,259Service Employees Intl Union 57,581SEIU local 26 2,770SEIU local 284 3,129SEIU Minn <strong>State</strong> Council #7 40,000108,740Service Employees Intl UnionMinn CAP -PAC 520SEIU Local 113 6,6677,187Sierra Club Political CommitteeBishop, Jonathon 350Ciresi, Michael 1,000Egeland, Paul 500Foote, Connie 250Garst, Samuel 2,000Gullickson, Ralph 300Hanson, Clyde 2,582Hollinshead, Mathews 350Lockridge, Richard 5,000Nelson, Darby 500Schoop, Mickael 4,000Smith, Brett 400Yingling, Ginny 275Zenker, Paul 25017,757SITCO PACBartley, Wilford 580Beyer, Kevin 305Bickett, Dave 290Bishop, John 500Campbell, Tom 260Christensen, Everette 500Clay, Walter 550Eckles, Neil 500Eddy, Bob 545Eddy, Donna 500Ehmke, Mary 260Farm, Tom 500Hansen, Paul 210Hoff, Paul 530Johnson, Rick 500Kohlbry, Thomas 495Mohs, Dean 500Nowick, Michael 530Rose, John 305Sjogren, Steve 540South, Gene 515Tellefson, Beth 260Tollefson, Jon 500Vitse, Paul 535Wallin, George 300Wikstrom, George 64511,655SOF - PACBernick, Richard 4,650Faber, Michael 250Faber, Rose Ann 500Gillette, Norman 1,450Grantman, Jim 650Kuhlmann, Clinton 650Wilson, Charles 5008,650229

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsSoutheast Metro Business PACHencier, Jody 300300Stonewall DFL (The)Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 2,000Benson, Scott 500Campbell, Jonathan 500Cowles Jr, John 1,000Glaefke, Brook 1,000Redmond, Lawrence 250Sandberg, Leslie 230Sullivan, John 250Westby, Rahn 250AFSCME Council 14 PEOPLE Fund 2,500Volunteers for Scott Dibble 1,000Dorfman, Gail 1,000Goodman, Lisa 600Klobuchar, Amy 30011,380Taxpayers League MN Victory FundCragun, M. K. "Dutch" 250Cummins, Robert 25,000Hamilton, Harold 500Johnson, Scott 1,000Kellogg, Martin 250Nelson, Dwayne 250Pulles, Greg 250Shipley, Steven 250Sime, Michael 2,500Smith, Mark 250Wigley, Michael 28,000Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 14,800Twin Cities Republican Assn 25073,550TRIAL-PACAmundson, Luther 413Bailey, John 300Baldwin, Richard 250Barczak, Ronald 250Bongard, William 300Borkon, Edward 250Bossart, David 500Brabbit, Lisa 300Bradshaw, John 600Bryant, Michael 338Buchman, John 900Burke, John 250Carey, James 900Carey, John 225Carlson, Joel 338Christensen, Robert 500Clelland, William 300Clifford, John 270Cody, David 250Crandall, William 216Crumley, T. Joseph Kane 300Cuzzo, Michael 413Dale, Candace 450Dunn, Daniel 244Dusich, Bernard 450Elfelt, Anthony 250Erhart, William 250Falsani, Robert 450Fargione, Michael 250Faris, Priscilla 225Flom, Katherine 750Fluegel, Wilbur 225Fobbe, Daniel 250Foreman, Logan 750Frentz, Nick 450Germscheid, Thomas 270Godlewski, Paul 450Hacker, Max 450Hanley, William 250Harper, William 900Hawn, Steven 600Hazelton, Gary 270Hertogs, Scott 450Holden, Susan 585Hunegs, Steve 450Jepsen, William 900Johnson, Thomas 450Jones, Harvey 900Jones, Jeffrey 500Jorstad, David W.H. 900Justesen, Kimball 1,000Kaster, James 500King, Robert 500Kingsley, Karen 236Kosieradzki, Mark 270Laughlin, Laughlin 250Laverdiere, Richard 900Lazear, Robert 450LeNcave, Randal 250Leoni, Joseph 413Lillehaug, Duane 675Malters, James 500Mansur, Edward 500Martin, Richard 413McCarten, Paul 225McEwen, Gregory 500Meshbesher, Ronald 1,200Meyer, Helen 450Miller, Keith 675Mottaz, Thomas 350Opperman, Vance 1,000Otten, Paul 338Palmer, Ralph 250Perry, Shawn 500Peterson, James 270Peterson, Paul 450Polk, Michael 900Redlinger, Lance 500Riley, Peter 900Rufer, Stephen 300Ryan, James 225Sawicki, Walter 300Schermer, Judith 450Schmidt, Douglas 300Schneider, David 375Schwebel, James 900Schweiger, Paul 420Sherburne, James 450Sieben, Harry 900Sieben, Michael 750Sieben, William 1,100Slane, Charles David 800Smith, Joel 270Soucie, Fred 900Stefanson, Randolph 250Streed, Mark 765Strom, Michael 225Suk, Charles 900Terry, Steven 765Vail, David 540Van Dyek, Sharon 450Vander Linden, James 360Vatland, Jack 250Weinmeyer, James 450Wojtalewicz, Brian 450RKM&C Fund 25,00075,889TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PACAnderson, Eleanor 300Arends, Mike 500Brauch, Larry 300Courey, Sam 500Edson, John 500Fiterdean, Michael 500Freeman, Daniel 300Keayon, Joseph 500Klostliman, Bob 500Kordonowy, Thomas 300Kroulage, Phillip 500Lenzen, David 500Poppler, Chuck 500Rasmussen, Peggy 300Schadow, Mark 300Scherer, Peter 300Schranck, Idelle 300Schwanke, Steve 300Starbird, Jeff 300Sticle, Ed 500Troup, Ian 300Minn Chamber of Commerce Leader 5008,800230

Major Donors To Party Units, PoliticalCommittees and Political FundsUtiliCorp United--<strong>State</strong> PAC Minn EmployeeKult, Dave 260Perron, Dave 260VET-PAC of Minn520Murphy, Michael 500Waste Management PAC of Minn500Bell, Bret 250Damico, Robert 500Dunn, Sheila 450Dunn, Steve 450Harrell, Julie 250Harrell, Kent 250Moening, Frances 250Moening, Ronald 250Rauber, Kevin 250Rauber, Lori 250St Paul Pipefitters Local 455 PAC 2,000Transportation Political Education 10,000U A Plumbers Local #34 Political Fu 500UAW Minn <strong>State</strong> CAP Council Politi 1,000Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Lo 2,000MN Cement Masons #633 2,000United Democratic Fund <strong>State</strong> 10,000132,400Political Committees and Political FundsTotal12,293,056Grand Total :40,848,937Winthrop & Weinstine, PA Political Fund3,150Ansel, Jeffrey 291Barnett, Timothy 357Brown, Donald 357Hart, Thomas 416Kuller, Hart 311Markwardt, Paul 239Tourek, Steven 508Weinstine, Robert 750Winthrop, Sherman 250Grooms, Lloyd 252Working Families Coalition3,731Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 10,000Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 10,000Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineer 1,000Building Trades C1-PAC Fund 2,000Carpenters Union Local #87 PAF 10,000Communication Workers of America 500IBEW Local 292 Political Education 10,000International Union of Operating En 500Intl Brotherhood of Elec Wkrs - Com 2,500Laborers' Dist Council of Minn & ND 30,000Lks & Plains Reg Cncl Carpenters & 5,000Minn Nurses Assn Pol Comm (MNA 3,000Minn Police & Peace Officers Assoc 5,000Minn Utility Labor Council PAC 700Minneapolis Bldg & Construct Trade 2,700Minneapolis Firefighter's Relief Assn 1,000Minneapolis Police Relief Assoc 500Painters Union Local No 61 Political 5,000Pipe Fitters Local 539 5,000Plumbers #34 Legal Fund 500231

Large GiversAbernathy, RobertDemocratic Congressional Campaign 20,00020,000Abraham, DanielDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 97,500Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 10,000107,500Abraham, S DanielDemocratic Congressional Campaign 50,00050,000Adolphson, PeterPeter Adolphson for <strong>State</strong> Representati 1,5001,500Ahern, Michael(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 25028th Senate District DFL 150Dorsey Political Fund 430Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 400Nancy Logering for Judge Campaign C 2001,430Ahlers, LindaMinn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 500Senate Majority Caucus 5001,500Akkadi, Bahram<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Lower Taxes 2,0002,000Akradi, BahramPatricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,200Albrecht, ArlinGary Iocco for Senate 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Volunteers for Jerry Dempsey 3751,575Albrecht, MarilynGary Iocco for Senate 200House RPM Campaign Committee 1,200Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Tim Penny for Governor 250Volunteers for Jerry Dempsey 3753,275Alexander, JohnFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 8501,600Alexander, MaryPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Alexander, PatrickFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,500Jobs Political Fund 1,500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 200Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 5006,700Allen, JohnPatricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 8981,148Allen, RebeccaPatricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 8981,148Allen, WilliamDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 156,503156,503Allex, GeorgePawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Allex, GordonPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Allison, DouglasDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 17,19517,195Allyn, RichardMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000RKM&C Fund 2,7603,760Ames, Karen(Dean) Johnson Volunteer Committee 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,5003,250Ames, Raymond(Dean) Johnson Volunteer Committee 250Ames Construction PAC 4,000House RPM Campaign Committee 7,500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,500People in Construction Political Action 1,000Road PAC of Minn 2,500Shasky for Senate 20018,450Ames, Richard(Mark) Ourada Volunteer Committee 350Ames Construction PAC 3,350Dave Knutson Volunteer Committee 250House RPM Campaign Committee 5,000Howard Swenson Volunteer Committee 250Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 300Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 250People in Construction Political Action 500Senate Majority Caucus 500Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 50013,750Ames, RonaldMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,5341,534Amiot, DarrelPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Amiot, VirginiaPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Amsten, PeterDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Amundson Gritters, BruceFriends for Humphrey 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,200Amundson, Kristen(Dean) Johnson Volunteer Committee 20038th Senate District DFL 20045th Senate District DFL 200DFL House Caucus 2,850Friends of DFL Women 250Kandiyohi County DFL 200<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Entenza 300Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,200Senate Majority Caucus 250Senator (LeRoy) Stumpf Reelection Co 2006,850Amundson, LutherMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Senate Majority Caucus 150TRIAL-PAC 4131,063Andeen, BirgerSenate Majority Caucus 2,5002,500Andersen, Elmer(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 1,250Becky Lourey for Governor 1,000Eastsiders for Mee (Moua) 250Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,400232

Large GiversRetain Judge (Terri) Stoneburner 200Ring (Twyla) for Senate Volunteers 2504,550Anderson, AlanGreen Party of Minn 300Ken Pentel for Governor 1,0501,350Anderson, BarbaraCommittee to Elect Judy Lindsay 500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0003,000Anderson, Bruce(Monica) Abress Volunteer Committee 250Darren Knight for House of Representat 300MAPE-PAC 5201,070Anderson, Charles(Mark) Holsten Volunteer Committee 250(Tom) Hackbarth Volunteer Committee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 300Pawlenty for Governor Committee 300Tomassoni for <strong>State</strong> Senate 2501,300Anderson, CliffordHouse RPM Campaign Committee 300Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Senate Victory Fund 3401,390Anderson, David(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PAC 2001,400Anderson, DeanDan Severson for Representative 200House RPM Campaign Committee 200Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Tim Penny for Governor 5001,400Anderson, DennisPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,1502,150Anderson, DouglasTim Penny for Governor 1,5961,596Anderson, GeorgeCommittee to Elect Judy Lindsay 500Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Senate Victory Fund 2,0007,000Anderson, JamesMinn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 1,204RKM&C Fund 2,7603,964Anderson, Joel(Mark) Holsten Volunteer Committee 250DFL House Caucus 200House RPM Campaign Committee 200Senate Majority Caucus 200Tomassoni for <strong>State</strong> Senate 2501,100Anderson, JohnHouse RPM Campaign Committee 500Minn Realtors Political Action Committe 1,030Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Senate Majority Caucus 5002,280Anderson, Mark SMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,900Tim Penny for Governor 2,0004,900Anderson, NancyMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 10,000Otto (Rebecca) for House 17510,175Anderson, RichardJobs Political Fund 1,500Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Senate Majority Caucus 1,0004,500Anderson, RoyPower P A C 1,2001,200Anderson, TerryDFL House Caucus 200House RPM Campaign Committee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 600Senate Majority Caucus 200Senate Victory Fund 2001,900Anderson, Wendell(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 250DFL House Caucus 750Elect Mick Ganley 250Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 5004,000Anderson, WilliamIBPAT - PAT Legislative and Education 760Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 5001,260Andreas, D IFriends for Humphrey 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,500Andreas, DwayneMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 10,00010,000Andreas, Dwayne OFriends for Humphrey 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,500Andreas, G.A.Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Andreas, ToniMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Angelos, PeterDemocratic Congressional Campaign 100,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 50,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 15,000165,000Annexstad, AlbertInsurance Federation Political Action C 200Jobs Political Fund 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1251,325Anson, PeterMinn Republicans for Choice Political A 1,2501,250Anson, Sally(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 200(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 200(Paul) Bakken Volunteer Committee 250(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 250Alger for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 200Citizens for Sherry Butcher for <strong>State</strong> Se 250Committee To Elect Joe Duffy 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 500Minn Republicans for Choice Political A 1,250Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 250Tim Penny for Governor 7154,315Apitz, John(Richard) Stanek Volunteer Committee 200Citizens for Claire Robling 150233

Large GiversDave Knutson Volunteer Committee 250DFL House Caucus 250Friends of (Michelle) Fischbach 250Friends of Matt Dean 200Messerli & Kramer Political Action Com 11,500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 800Tim Penny for Governor 60014,450Aplikowski, Beverly(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 200House RPM Campaign Committee 150Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Larissa (Presho) for <strong>State</strong> Representati 200Minn Manufactured Home PAC 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Senate Victory Fund 1502,200Appleby, GeorgeJohnson (Carol) Committee 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,150Arambula, AmeliaTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Arney, Joel(Thomas) Pugh Volunteer Committee 150MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 150MSA-PAC 150Pawlenty for Governor Committee 400Senate Majority Caucus 2501,100Arnold, Jeff(David) Harrington for Judge 1,1801,180Ashton, MariePawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Atwater, H. Bruce(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 125Tim Penny for Governor 1,0001,125Atwater, Martha(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 125Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Tim Penny for Governor 1,0002,625Augustine, ScottHouse RPM Campaign Committee 2,0002,000Azzone, TomPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2001,200Bachman, PeterMinn League of Conservation Voters P 5,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2505,250Backstrom, TomMulti Housing Political Action Committe 1,6411,641Bader, SidneyMulti Housing Political Action Committe 3,1843,184Baer, Elam<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Lower Taxes 24,500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Republican Party of Minn 27,00052,000Bagley, SmithDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 2,3592,359Bailey, John(Dean) Johnson Volunteer Committee 125(Steven) Sviggum Volunteer Committe 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 850Pawlenty for Governor Committee 125People in Construction Political Action 1,000Road PAC of Minn 1,100Tim Penny for Governor 250TRIAL-PAC 3003,950Baker, DouglasDFL House Caucus 55,54955,549Baker, GlennMinn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,1151,115Baker-Kent, LurlineMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,2501,250Bakken, Bradley(Daniel) Freeman for Senate 500House RPM Campaign Committee 500Jim Rhodes Volunteer Committee 250Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 2201,470Bakken, Paul(David) Gaither for Senate Committee 200(Paul) Bakken Volunteer Committee 4,1004,300Balk, RobertCommittee for <strong>State</strong> Pro-life Candidate 2,5002,500Balk, SharonCommittee for <strong>State</strong> Pro-life Candidate 2,5002,500Banks, Mark(John) Hottinger Reelection Committee 250(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 1,000(Tim) Wilkin for <strong>State</strong> Rep. Vol. Comm. 200Friends for (Deanna) Wiener 200House RPM Campaign Committee 200Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 500Minn Republicans for Choice Political A 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Tim Penny for Governor 1,000Volunteers to Elect [Daniel] McElroy 2004,750Barenscheer, BrianDFL House Caucus 500House RPM Campaign Committee 600Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 200Senate Majority Caucus 5001,800Barlow, Stephen(Carla) Nelson Volunteer Committee 250(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Rochester Area Chamber of Comm Go 1,000Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0004,750Barnes, BenDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 10,00010,000Baron, FrederickDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 50,00050,000Barr, CandaceCommittee to Keep Judge (James) Sw 500Tim Penny for Governor 1,000Volunteer Committee to Re-elect Judge 1251,625Barrow, Sara(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 200Citizens for Steve Kelley 125Friends for Humphrey 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2001,025Barrows Wark, Mary AnnMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Barry Jr, WalterSenate Victory Fund 2,0002,000234

Large GiversBarry, B JohnPatricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,250Barry, Peter(Doug) Meslow Volunteer Committee 200(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 1,0001,200Bartley, AnneMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,0005,000Barton, RaymondPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Bauerly, Gerald(Leslie) Schumacher Volunteer Commit 150DFL House Caucus 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Road PAC of Minn 6002,950Baukol, GayKiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 125Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,125Bauman, Patricia21st Century Democrats 10,00010,000Beadle, JohnSchwan's Political Action Committee 2,0002,000Beals, Nancy(Betsy) O'Berry Campaign Committee 250(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 6001,050Bear, PeterMinn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 5,2505,250Beard, Mark(Ted Lundrigan) Judicial Election <strong>2002</strong> 1,2001,200Bedzyk, PeterHospitality Political Action Committee 1,7501,750Beehler, DavidRKM&C Fund 2,4642,464Bell, FordCitizens for Steve Kelley 150Friends for Humphrey 500Judi Dutcher for Governor 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0002,150Bendheim, JackDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 10,00010,000Benner, Robert(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500House RPM Campaign Committee 500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Entenza 200Senate Majority Caucus 7501,950Benson, Dennis(Nancy) Haas for House 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 7751,025Benson, DuaneCAR, Committee of Automotive Retaile 500House RPM Campaign Committee 200Jobs Political Fund 1,0001,700Benson, ScottDFL House Caucus 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Stonewall DFL (The) 5001,500Bentdahl, CraigFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Republican Party of Minn 250Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0003,250Benton, RobertDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Benzie-Lourey, MarlanaBecky Lourey for Governor 1,150Bill Hansen Campaign Committee 5001,650Berg, Colin D(Colin) Berg Volunteer Committee 2,0592,059Berg, ThomasMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 2501,250Bergquist, CarlGame and Fish Coalition 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,500Bergreen, BernardDemocratic Congressional Campaign 25,00025,000Berman, Frank(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 200(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 125Jim Rhodes Volunteer Committee 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 125Senate Victory Fund 5001,200Berman, LyleHouse RPM Campaign Committee 2,0002,000Berman, MichaelDFL House Caucus 250Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 2,5002,750Berman, Michael SKatie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,250Berman, Toby(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 125House RPM Campaign Committee 500Independence Party of Minn 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 6751,550Bernick, RichardBeer PAC-Minn Beer Wholesalers Ass 300Friends of (Michelle) Fischbach 150House RPM Campaign Committee 500Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 1,000SOF - PAC 4,6506,600Bertram, CarpMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,0005,000Bickwit, LeonardDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 10,00010,000Bienias, JohnHospitality Political Action Committee 1,0751,075Bierle, DonaldPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Bierle, VerneePawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Bigos, TedMulti Housing Political Action Committe 5,0005,000Bing, StephenMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 25,00025,000Binger, James(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 500House RPM Campaign Committee 500235

Large GiversKelly (Tom) for Attorney General 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 750Tim Penny for Governor 5003,000Binger, VirginiaPawlenty for Governor Committee 750Senate Majority Caucus 5001,250Birchem, James BTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Birdseye, ArthurRepublican Party of Minn 5,0005,000Birk, Peggy J<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Entenza 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Bishop, LoisARC PAC of Minn 450Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 625Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 125Senate Majority Caucus 2502,450Bisignani, Mark(Dallas) Sams For Senate 200(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 400Crow Wing County DFL 500DFL House Caucus 500Elect Kevin Goodno Committee 200Friends of (Michelle) Fischbach 200House RPM Campaign Committee 500Mary Ellen Otremba Volunteer Committ 250Senate Majority Caucus 5003,250Bissonett, JamesFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 2,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0003,500Bjork, DavidMEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 150Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Sierra Club Political Committee 2001,850Black, BarbaraDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Blacklock, CraigBecky Lourey for Governor 1,1001,100Blahnik, JohnHospitality Political Action Committee 1,0751,075Blaisdell, Linda(Thomas) Neuville for Senate Volunteer 200Senate Victory Fund 1,0001,200Blakeslee, BeverlyDFL House Caucus 2,0002,000Bland, DavidRKM&C Fund 2,1692,169Blitz, CharlesMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 15,00015,000Bloodgood, Patricia(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 200(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 250Ann Rest for Senate Committee 250Ellen Anderson for Senate Volunteer C 200Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. <strong>State</strong> 12,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Neighbors for Matt Entenza 200Tom Huntley Volunteer Committee 25014,350Bloom, StevenKen Pentel for Governor 150Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,150Blum, RichardDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 28,66128,661Bobich, FredMinn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 3,6053,605Bocan, DavidRKM&C Fund 2,4642,464Bohn, RayDFL House Caucus 250Friends for Humphrey 150House RPM Campaign Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 350Senate Majority Caucus 2501,250Bohnett, DavidDemocratic Congressional Campaign 25,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 10,00035,000Bolander, Dorothy(Joe) Atkins for <strong>State</strong> Representative 200(Steven) Murphy for Senate 200Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 200Tim Penny for Governor 1,0001,600Bonderud, KevinMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0002,000Bonestroo, Otto(Joe) Atkins for <strong>State</strong> Representative 249(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 125(Sharon) Marko for Senate 225Lipman (Eric) for <strong>State</strong> Representative 300Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 300Senate Victory Fund 2001,399Boosalis, PeterFriends of Matt Dean 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Boosalis, SusanFriends of Matt Dean 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Borman, Thomas HMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Born, RichardPawlenty for Governor Committee 3,0003,000Bosacker, StevenJesse Ventura Volunteer Committee 138Tim Penny for Governor 1,2501,388Boschwitz, Rudy(John) Nolde Volunteer Committee 500Citizens for (Martha) Robertson 250Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 300Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 2501,550Bowman, SharonMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 2,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Senate Majority Caucus 3002,550Boysen, BrianMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,2001,200Brainerd, Mary236

Large Givers(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250Minn Health PAC 125Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 300Tim Penny for Governor 5001,175Brand, SteveRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Brandt, Wayne(Mark) Holsten Volunteer Committee 200(Thomas) Bakk for Senate 400House RPM Campaign Committee 350Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2001,150Branson, DebbieDemocratic Congressional Campaign 2,5002,500Breen, KariMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 950Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2501,200Brehem, EdwardSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Brehem, KristinSullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,9991,999Breitinger, Jennifer(Stephanie) Olsen Volunteer Committe 20039th Senate District DFL 15047th Senate District RPM 150House RPM Campaign Committee 500K&G/JWB PAC 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Senate Majority Caucus 2502,000Breyer, Karl J(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 200Tim Penny for Governor 1,0001,200Brittain, DonaldSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Britton, Ronald8th Congressional District RPM 3,6833,683Broad, EliDemocratic Congressional Campaign 5,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5935,593Brodin, Dale(Dale) Brodin for <strong>State</strong> Rep Volunteer C 500Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,0001,500Brooker, CharlotteMinn League of Conservation Voters P 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,250Brown, NielSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Brown, TeionDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 22,00022,000Bruckner, W. JosephLockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. <strong>State</strong> 12,90012,900Bryant, Michael(Michael) Redmond 4 House 150DFL House Caucus 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500TRIAL-PAC 3381,238Bryant, StevenPatricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,500Buchman, JohnMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 200TRIAL-PAC 9001,100Buckley, ElizabethMinn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 1,925Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2502,175Budd, RussellDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 18,00018,000Bundshuh, AnthonyBecky Lourey for Governor 2,0002,000Burdick, Allan LTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Burdick, Lou BrumTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Burkle, RonaldDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 7,9447,944Burns, HarryDFL House Caucus 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,500Burns, Richard(Harry) Welty Volunteer Committee 200(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 150Duluth First 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,850Burt, Sharon E.Ken Pentel for Governor 1,5001,500Burwell, Barbara(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,500Burwell, RodneyHouse RPM Campaign Committee 5,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Republican Party of Minn 25,00031,000Bury, BlairRoad PAC of Minn 2,2502,250Buryska, ShawnMinn Realtors Political Action Committe 1,0301,030Buscher, BradPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Republican Party of Minn 5,000Tim Penny for Governor 2,0008,000Buttenweiser, Peter21st Century Democrats 14,500Democratic Congressional Campaign 25,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 142,170Judi Dutcher for Governor 2,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 25,000208,670Butzer, BartMinn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 576Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 5761,152Buxton, Norma(Dick) Day Volunteer Committee 250Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Ruth (Connie) Volunteer Committee 2502,000Buxton, WinslowPawlenty for Governor Committee 250Republican Party of Minn 10,00010,250Bye, HeidiJudi Dutcher for Governor 1,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 1251,125Bye, James237

Large GiversFriends for Humphrey 250Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 125Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,375Cady, AlBachmann (Michele) R-election Commi 250Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 9001,150Cady, AlfredPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,1001,100Cady, ToniBachmann (Michele) R-election Commi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,1001,350Calhoun, JuliaDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 10,00010,000Cameron, EdwardHouse RPM Campaign Committee 5,0005,000Campbell, JamesCitizens for Steve Kelley 250Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,000Tim Penny for Governor 2001,450Campbell, JonHouse RPM Campaign Committee 250Jobs Political Fund 1,000Minn Bank <strong>State</strong> PAC 5001,750Candelori, Jr WilliamIBPAT - PAT Legislative and Education 9,4969,496Cantor, DanielDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 20,00020,000Caplan, AllanCitizens for Judge Lloyd Zimmerman 250Citizens to Re-Elect Judge Harry Crum 300Committee To Re-elect Judge Thomas 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 250Keep Judge (Stephen) Aldrich Voluntee 2501,300Carey, Colleen(George) McMahon Volunteer Committ 200Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 350Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 450Multi Housing Political Action Committe 5001,500Carey, James(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 250DFL House Caucus 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500TRIAL-PAC 9001,900Carey, John(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 250DFL House Caucus 250Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500TRIAL-PAC 2251,475Carlsen, DavidHouse RPM Campaign Committee 500Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 2,500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 750Senate Victory Fund 2504,000Carlson, Joel(Leslie) Schumacher Volunteer Commit 200(Thomas) Neuville for Senate Volunteer 200Brett Smith Supporters 250DFL House Caucus 450Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 150TRIAL-PAC 3381,588Carlson, Steven(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 400Dorsey Political Fund 509Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,909Carlson, WillMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Carlson,, GaryMulti Housing Political Action Committe 2,0002,000Carpenter, Walter(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 250NFIB/MN SAFE Trust 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 350Senate Victory Fund 2501,050Carter, GeraldBooker T (Hodges) for Governor Camp 5,5005,500Carter, RickCARE / PAC 800Tim Penny for Governor 1,5602,360Case, David RBecky Lourey for Governor 2,0002,000Cashill, MikeMulti Housing Political Action Committe 1,5001,500Cassada, DanielIFAPAC Minn 1,0081,008Cecil, Lorraine(David) Harrington for Judge 1,000(Monte) Hammitt Campaign Committee 500Beltrami County DFL 461Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Stan Nagorski for Senate 5004,461Cerkvenik, Gary(Thomas) Bakk for Senate 200Friends for Humphrey 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 200Senate Majority Caucus 5001,100Chambers, AnneDemocratic Congressional Campaign 25,00025,000Chambers, ConstanceDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 25,00025,000Champlin, StevenDemocratic Congressional Campaign 2,500Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 2,500Dorsey Political Fund 4535,453Chapman, RichardHospitality Political Action Committee 1,0751,075Charles, LeslieDemocratic Congressional Campaign 5,0005,000Charles, ZoraDemocratic Congressional Campaign 5,0005,000Chazin, ThomasMulti Housing Political Action Committe 1,6191,619Chernegal, Richard7th Congressional District GPM 1,8501,850Chin, Chuck(Nancy) Haas for House 249Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,249Chisholm, AlexMinn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 3,250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2003,450Chlebeck, Bernadette238

Large GiversVolunteers for (Bernadette) Chlebeck 1,5501,550Choi, John(Ronald) Latz Volunteer Committee 150Eastsiders for Mee (Moua) 150Friends for Humphrey 500Friends of DFL Women 250K&G/JWB PAC 675Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 700Reinhardt for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 150Senate Majority Caucus 5003,075Christensen, AmyPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Christensen, JudithPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Christensen, McCordPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Christensen, Robert(Mark) Wiger for <strong>State</strong> Representative 375DFL House Caucus 250Julie Rosen for <strong>State</strong> Senate 500MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Senate Majority Caucus 250TRIAL-PAC 5002,275Christenson, MichaelBrett Smith Supporters 250Friends for Humphrey 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 7001,100Christenson, PearlMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0861,086Christy, Allen(David) Gaither for Senate Committee 250Citizens for Steve Kelley 250Committee to Keep Judge (James) Sw 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 7501,750Christy, Junelle(David) Gaither for Senate Committee 250Keep Judge (Stephen) Aldrich Voluntee 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 7501,250Chronister, MarkJobs Political Fund 1,500Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 5,850Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 275Minneapolis Downtown Council PAC 6608,285Ciresi, AnnCitizens for Steve Kelley 250Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Shasky for Senate <strong>2002</strong>,700Ciresi, Michael(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 1,000Citizens for Steve Kelley 250Committee to Elect (Mike) Baxter 250Friends for (Deanna) Wiener 200Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Keep Judge (Stephen) Aldrich Voluntee 200Larson Volunteer Committee (for David 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000RKM&C Fund 3,549Senate Majority Caucus 1,000Shasky for Senate 200Sierra Club Political Committee 1,00010,149Clapp, SharonFriends of (Jane) Krentz 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,250Clark, JillCommittee to Elect Jill Clark as Henne 3,3953,395Clark, WilliamSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Cleland, Thomas S.Ken Pentel for Governor 200Tom Cleland for <strong>State</strong> Senate 1,7061,906Cleveland, CharlesLarissa (Presho) for <strong>State</strong> Representati 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Republican Party of Minn 15,00017,500Cobb, ElliottPawlenty for Governor Committee 500Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,0001,500Coborn, Daniel(Dave) Kleis Campaign Committee 300Dan Severson for Representative 150DFL House Caucus 500House RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0002,950Cohen, AudreyMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Senate Majority Caucus 1,0001,500Cohen, Burt(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 250DFL House Caucus 350Friends for Humphrey 200Judi Dutcher for Governor 750Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 6002,150Cohen, RustyDFL House Caucus 350Judi Dutcher for Governor 250Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 1,3501,950Cohn, GaryDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 10,00010,000Collins, ArthurJobs Political Fund 1,5001,500Collins, TimothyDemocratic Congressional Campaign 20,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,00025,000Colombel, EricMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 25,00025,000Conlin, JanMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000RKM&C Fund 2,4643,464Conn, BerniceMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250RKM&C Fund 9861,236Conover, CatherineMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 3,5003,500Conroy, TerranceIBPAT - PAT Legislative and Education 5,2565,256Cook, Judy(Carla) Nelson Volunteer Committee 500DFL House Caucus 500House RPM Campaign Committee 1,250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 625Pete Nelson for <strong>State</strong> Representative 250Senate Majority Caucus 7503,875Cooper, William239

Large GiversConservative Council 8,800Julie Rosen for <strong>State</strong> Senate 250Kaardal for <strong>State</strong> Senate 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 2009,750Copeland, Katherine MBecky Lourey for Governor 2,0002,000Copeland, Lotte BBecky Lourey for Governor 2,0002,000Copeland, WilliamBecky Lourey for Governor 2,0002,000Copham, DavidMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 25,00025,000Corbid, John14th Senate District RPM 20038th Senate District DFL 200DFL House Caucus 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Senate Majority Caucus 500Volunteers for (Bernhard) Eken 4002,050Corbid, PatriciaElect (Mark) Edevold 200Hubbard County DFL 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Neighbors for Matt Entenza <strong>2002</strong>,900Cornell, HenryDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 20,00020,000Corporaal, George(Dallas) Sams For Senate 200(Douglas) Johnson Volunteer Committe 200(John) Hottinger Reelection Committee 200(Larry) Howes Volunteer Comittee 200(Linda) Scheid for Senate Committee 200(Tom) Rukavina Campaign Committee 200Citizens to Elect Ken Wolf 20Committee to Re Elect Doug Stang (Ho 200Friends for (Deanna) Wiener 200Friends of Phil Krinkie Committee 200People for (Gregory) Davids Committee 200Sandra Pappas for Senate 200Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C <strong>2002</strong>,420Corzine, JonDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 2,5212,521Costley, GaryJobs Political Fund 1,5001,500Cotchett, JosephDemocratic Congressional Campaign 25,00025,000Coughlan, JuleHouse RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0002,000Cowles III, JohnJudi Dutcher for Governor 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0002,000Cowles Jr, JohnDFL House Caucus 10,000House RPM Campaign Committee 5,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 170,000Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 500Senate Majority Caucus 12,500Stonewall DFL (The) 1,000199,000Cowles, John(Frank) Hornstein Volunteer Committee 250(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 500(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 300(Monica) Abress Volunteer Committee 200(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 200(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 125Citizens for (Martha) Robertson 250Citizens for Sherry Butcher for <strong>State</strong> Se 250Citizens for Steve Kelley 300Friends for Humphrey 250Johnson (Carol) Committee 250Kelliher (Margaret A) Vol Comm 350Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Otto (Rebecca) for House 150Tim Penny for Governor 1,000Volunteers for (D Scott) Dibble 2506,625Cowles, MargueritePlanned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 2,5002,500Cowles, RussellPlanned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 2,5002,500Cowles, Sage(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 300(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 125Becky Lourey for Governor 1,000Friends for Humphrey 250Johnson (Carol) Committee 250Ken Pentel for Governor 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0004,425Cox, DavidBecky Lourey for Governor 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,500Coyle, Peter(Dean) Johnson Volunteer Committee 200DFL House Caucus 200House RPM Campaign Committee 700Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 200Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 175Senate Majority Caucus 200Senate Victory Fund 250Tim Penny for Governor <strong>2002</strong>,575Crane, JamesDemocratic Congressional Campaign 5,0005,000Crane, StevenDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 62,50062,500Crosby Jr, ThomasFaegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partners 451House RPM Campaign Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 150Pawlenty for Governor Committee 400Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2001,451Crudden, KevinRKM&C Fund 1,971Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 5002,471Cruzen, PatrickDFL House Caucus 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 125Senate Majority Caucus 250Senate Victory Fund 5001,125Culp, KimSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Cummins, Joan(Brian) LeClair for <strong>State</strong> Senate Cmte 500(David) Gaither for Senate Committee 500(Jan) Schneider for MN <strong>State</strong> Senate 500(Lynn) Zaffke for Senate 500Committee to Elect Judy Lindsay 500240

Large GiversDan Severson for Representative 250David Hann for <strong>State</strong> Senate 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Mike McGinn for <strong>State</strong> Senate 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Peter Adolphson for <strong>State</strong> Representati 5007,500Cummins, Robert(Brian) LeClair for <strong>State</strong> Senate Cmte 500(David) Gaither for Senate Committee 500(Jan) Schneider for MN <strong>State</strong> Senate 500(Lynn) Zaffke for Senate 50033rd Senate DistrictRPM 250Committee to Elect Judy Lindsay 500Dan Severson for Representative 250David Hann for <strong>State</strong> Senate 500Family Advocates PAC 750Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 6,500Maple River Education Coalition PAC 1,000Mike McGinn for <strong>State</strong> Senate 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Peter Adolphson for <strong>State</strong> Representati 500Republican Party of Minn 65,000Taxpayers League MN Victory Fund 25,000105,000Cusick, ThomasPawlenty for Governor Committee 500Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,500Dady, J. Michael(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 150DFL House Caucus 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,350Dahlin, JillPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Daley, Annamarie(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 250MWL Voter Outreach Political Fund 200RKM&C Fund 2,1692,619Dancik, Jo Marie(John) Hottinger Reelection Committee 250Jobs Political Fund 1,5001,750Darwin Chester Volunteer CommitteeDarwin Chester Volunteer Committee 3,0003,000Davidson, SteveHospitality Political Action Committee 1,250Leonard, Street and Deinard PAC 4031,653Davies, JackMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,1001,100Davies, PatMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 3001,300Davis, FranMinn Realtors Political Action Committe 1,500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 1251,625Davis, Frances(Catherine) Shreves Volunteer Committ 250(Linda) Scheid for Senate Committee 200DFL House Caucus 500Friends for Humphrey 250House RPM Campaign Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,950Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Senate Majority Caucus 500Tim Penny for Governor 1,0005,400Davis, Mark(Laura) Brod for Representative Volunt 350Howard Swenson Volunteer Committee 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,550Dawson, KennethPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Dayton, Bruce(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 1,250(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 200DFL House Caucus 5,000Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 15,000Retain Judge (Terri) Stoneburner 500Shasky for Senate 250Tim Penny for Governor 2,00025,200Dayton, Douglas(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 600(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 250Tim Penny for Governor 1,0001,850Dayton, EdwardCitizens for (Martha) Robertson 250Friends of the Minn Zoo 700Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,950Dayton, EricMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 10,00010,000Dayton, JudyMinn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 7,5007,500Dayton, JuliaDFL House Caucus 500Kelliher (Margaret A) Vol Comm 500Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 20,000Minn NARAL Action Fund 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 5,00028,500Dayton, KennethBecky Lourey for Governor 1,000DFL House Caucus 15,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 20,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 250Senate Majority Caucus 10,00048,250Dayton, Mark(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 250(Ronald) Latz Volunteer Committee 250(Rosie) Isaacson Volunteer Committee 250DFL House Caucus 10,000Elect Mick Ganley 250Friends for Humphrey 500Friends of (Jane) Krentz 250Julie Ingleman for Senate 250Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Melissa Hortman Campaign Committee 250Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 120,000Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Otto (Rebecca) for House 250Rural Minn Preservation 5,000Senate Majority Caucus 5,000Team (Lavonne) Bowman 250Volunteers for Betty Folliard 250145,500Dayton, Mary LeeFriends for Humphrey 250Julie Ingleman for Senate 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 2,550Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 500Senate Majority Caucus 250241

Large Givers4,050Dayton, Wendy(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 250Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 2,0002,250De Cosse, Cyrille(Noah) Rouen Volunteer Committee 500Jane Ranum Volunteer Committee 250Jean Wagenius Volunteer Committee 500Volunteers for (D Scott) Dibble 5001,750De Cosse, Paula WJane Ranum Volunteer Committee 250Jean Wagenius Volunteer Committee 500Volunteers for (D Scott) Dibble 5001,250De Vos, LloydDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Deal, JamesMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 4,0004,000Deikel, TedMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 17,00017,000Denny Jr, CharlesPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Tim Penny for Governor 1,0003,000Desimone, LivioHouse RPM Campaign Committee 2,500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 1,0005,500Desnick, AhuvaMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Desnick, JamesMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Devegter, JeanBecky Lourey for Governor 2,0002,000Devos, PeterSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000DeYoung, GaryAmericans for Gary DeYoung Committ 1,1491,149Diaz, Richard(Dave) Kleis Campaign Committee 250(Leo) Foley for Senate Volunteer Com 250Becky Lourey for Governor 500Elect Kevin Goodno Committee 200Friends of Neva Walker 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Tom Huntley Volunteer Committee 400Tomassoni for <strong>State</strong> Senate 2502,300Dickerson, JonMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 1,0002,000Dickson, D RossCrow Wing County DFL 250DFL House Caucus 500Senate Majority Caucus 1,0001,750Diehl, JohnHouse RPM Campaign Committee 250Senate Majority Caucus 500Senate Victory Fund 4501,200Dietrich, William(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 200Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 5001,200Dietzen, Chris(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 350Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 400Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2001,200Dimon, JamesDemocratic Congressional Campaign 10,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 10,00020,000Dobbs, KayPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Senate Victory Fund 3001,300Doerr, CarolineMinn League of Conservation Voters P 2,0002,000Doerr, LisaClean Water Action Voter Education Pr 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 600Ring (Twyla) for Senate Volunteers 2001,050Doherty, PatrickSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Doherty, TimothyPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Ron Erhardt Volunteer Committee 5002,500Doherty, ValeriePawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Dolan, ClaraCommittee for <strong>State</strong> Pro-life Candidate 2,5002,500Dolan, JamesDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 37,00037,000Dolan, JanetJobs Political Fund 1,5001,500Dolan, JohnCommittee for <strong>State</strong> Pro-life Candidate 2,500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 200Senate Victory Fund 1502,850Dolphin, DorothyKiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0003,000Dolphin, GregoryKiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,500Dolphin, KathleenKiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0003,000Donaldson, LindaJudi Dutcher for Governor 1,250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1251,375Donnelly III, StanPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Donnelly, MaryPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Doot, GuyMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 2501,250Dorfman, GailProgressive Minn 400Stonewall DFL (The) 1,0001,400Dorfman, Glenn242

Large Givers(Christopher) DeLaForest Volunteer Co 250(Dick) Day Volunteer Committee 500(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 250(Joe) Atkins for <strong>State</strong> Representative 250(Linda) Scheid for Senate Committee 250(Thomas) Bakk for Senate 500Ann Rest for Senate Committee 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Retaile 1,000Friends for (Deanna) Wiener 500Friends of DFL Women 250House RPM Campaign Committee 3,000Minn Realtors Political Action Committe 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 200Senate Majority Caucus 3,000Senate Victory Fund 1,000Tim Penny for Governor 50013,200Dorn, GailPatricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,500Dotson, Dennis(John) Hottinger Reelection Committee 500Tim Penny for Governor 1,0001,500Dowling, Joe(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 250Friends of (Jane) Krentz 250House RPM Campaign Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 250Tim Penny for Governor 5002,000Doyle, Dennis(Michael) Beard Volunteer Committee 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 400Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0003,900Doyle, Megan(Michael) Beard Volunteer Committee 500Bachmann (Michele) R-election Commi 250Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,250Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 200Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0004,700Doyle, O'Brien(Dallas) Sams For Senate 200(Linda) Berglin Volunteer Committee 20011th Senate District DFL 200DFL House Caucus 500Duke Powell Volunteer Committee 200House RPM Campaign Committee 250Jane Ranum Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 300Pawlenty for Governor Committee 250Senate Majority Caucus 250Senate Victory Fund 5003,100Doyscher, DeanJudi Dutcher for Governor 500Tim Penny for Governor 1,0001,500Draper, StephenDemocratic Congressional Campaign 25,00025,000Drexler, MillardDemocratic Congressional Campaign 5,0005,000Driscoll, Edward JMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,2501,250Dubois, Pat(Bud) Heidgerken for House 13A 500(Dean) Johnson Volunteer Committee 125Cal Larson Volunteer Committee 250Independent Community Bankers of Mi 1501,025Duckstad, Jon(Bob) Lessard Re-election Committee 500(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 500Mike McGinn for <strong>State</strong> Senate 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 6501,850Duff, Carol(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 250Citizens for Sherry Butcher for <strong>State</strong> Se 200Minn Republicans for Choice Political A 600Tim Penny for Governor 1,0002,050Duffy, JamesDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 20,50020,500Duffy, LoisCommittee To Elect Joe Duffy 425Pawlenty for Governor Committee 200Tim Penny for Governor 4001,025Duininck, ConnieMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,500Duininck, HarrisHouse RPM Campaign Committee 3,850Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Road PAC of Minn 2,5007,350Duininck, LeRoyHouse RPM Campaign Committee 3,8503,850Dunbar, Frank(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Multi Housing Political Action Committe 1,0002,000Dunham, TerryTerry Dunham Election Committee 1,4731,473Dunkerley, MicheleDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 10,00010,000Dunkley, ChadHouse RPM Campaign Committee 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,500Dunlap, WilliamJobs Political Fund 2,000Schwab (Grace) for Senate Volunteers 2502,250Dyson, RobertDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 75,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 20,00095,000Eastlick, KristenMinn Licensed Beverage Assoc PAC 5,0005,000Easton, JenniferMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 3,0003,000Eaton, David(Mark) Ourada Volunteer Committee 250(Thomas) Bakk for Senate 250(Tom) Rukavina Campaign Committee 125Tomassoni for <strong>State</strong> Senate 250Volunteers for (Robert) Gunther 250Volunteers to Elect [Daniel] McElroy 2501,375Eaton, Diane(Mark) Ourada Volunteer Committee 250(Thomas) Bakk for Senate 250(Tom) Rukavina Campaign Committee 125Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500243

Large GiversTomassoni for <strong>State</strong> Senate 250Volunteers to Elect [Daniel] McElroy 2501,625Eckles, Cally(Dave) Kleis Campaign Committee 448Julie Rosen for <strong>State</strong> Senate 125Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5501,123Eddy, Perry7th Congressional District GPM 440Green Party of Minn 250Ken Pentel for Governor 1,5002,190Eddy, RobertFriends of Bruce Anderson 200Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 150Nancy Logering for Judge Campaign C 2501,100Edevold, MarkElect (Mark) Edevold 2,4202,420Effron, BlairDemocratic Congressional Campaign 5,0005,000Eibensteiner, KeithPatricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,250Eibensteiner, MarcelKelly (Tom) for Attorney General 200Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,450Eisberg, JohnDFL House Caucus 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000RKM&C Fund 3,5495,799Eisele, JonathanJobs Political Fund 1,500Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 500Minneapolis Downtown Council PAC 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0003,500Eisenmenger, StephenGreen Party of Minn 641Ken Pentel for Governor 6701,311Ekdahl, Karla CTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Ellingson, Edward(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,1001,350Elwood, Ron(Tarryl) Clark for Senate 150Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,1001,750Emison, JamesHouse RPM Campaign Committee 2,500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Senate Victory Fund 1,0004,750Engdahl, BradRKM&C Fund 2,1692,169Engel, SusanMinn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 2,8502,850Engelberg, AlfredDemocratic Congressional Campaign 25,00025,000Engelsma, Bruce(Mark) Holsten Volunteer Committee 200House RPM Campaign Committee 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Senate Majority Caucus 250Senate Victory Fund 250Tom Workman Volunteer Committee 2003,150Entenza, MatNeighbors for Matt Entenza 2,8472,847Ergen, CanteyDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 50,00050,000Erickson, BillJulie Ingleman for Senate 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,150Erickson, James(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 60057th Senate District DFL 500Cal Larson Volunteer Committee 300DFL House Caucus 500House RPM Campaign Committee 1,250Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 500Senate Victory Fund 5007,150Erickson, JohnCitizens to Re-Elect Judge Stringer 200Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 200Ottertail Power PAC 1,000Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0002,600Erickson, JoyIndependence Party of Minn 250Jim Rhodes Volunteer Committee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,5001,950Erickson, KarenJulie Ingleman for Senate 150Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,900Erickson, KristineMinn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Erickson, RandalHospitality Political Action Committee 2,1252,125Etzwiler, MarionJudi Dutcher for Governor 1,000Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 250Senate Majority Caucus 5002,950Evenstad, GracePawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Evenstad, KennethCommittee to Elect Judy Lindsay 250Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 2504,200Evinger, DavidRKM&C Fund 2,1692,169Eychaner, FredDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 439,072Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 50,000489,072Fairbanks, Quentin244

Large Givers(Quentin) Fairbanks for <strong>State</strong> Rep 4,5004,500Falb, RobertRKM&C Fund 2,7602,760Falsani, Robert(Bruce) Lotti for Senate 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,500TRIAL-PAC 4502,150Faricy Jr, JohnMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,0005,000Faricy, CaroleBrett Smith Supporters 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,250Faris, Wayne(Connie) Bernardy Volunteer Committe 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,250Fauver, ColeRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Fayfield, RobertCommittee to Elect Judy Lindsay 250Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0004,000Feeney, LeoRKM&C Fund 3,5493,549Fenton, Eleanor(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 3001,050Fernandez, JoseDemocratic Congressional Campaign 10,00010,000Ferry, SandraMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 25,00025,000Feuling, Linda(Dave) Kleis Campaign Committee 250Friends of (Michelle) Fischbach 250House RPM Campaign Committee 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 6001,350Fine, JeffreyJim Rhodes Volunteer Committee 250Multi Housing Political Action Committe 9681,218Finley, LindaPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Finley, TimothyPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Finzen, BruceMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000RKM&C Fund 2,7603,760Fischer, PeterHouse RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1251,125Fishbein, Michael(John) Hottinger Reelection Committee 250Citizens for Steve Kelley 250Friends of (Michelle) Fischbach 200Friends of Neva Walker 250Tom Huntley Volunteer Committee 2501,200Fisher, DonaldDemocratic Congressional Campaign 5,0005,000Fisher, RobertRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Fitch, DanHospitality Political Action Committee 1,8551,855Fiterman, DollyCommittee To Elect Joe Duffy 500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 8001,500Fiterman, Michael(Ronald) Abrams Volunteer Committee 200Jobs Political Fund 1,5001,700Flaherty, ChrisMinn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 1,2751,275Flaherty, Mary(Wayne) Gilbert Volunteer Committee 200Matt Tourville Volunteer Committee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000People For (Len) Price Senate Committ 2501,650Flaherty, Timothy(John) Hottinger Reelection Committee 250(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 50028th Senate District DFL 100DFL House Caucus 600Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 800People for (Mari) Pokornowski 200Senate Majority Caucus 2,750Senate Victory Fund 2505,450Flannery, GeorgeDFL House Caucus 400Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 2001,600Flint, TinaSenate Majority Caucus 2,5002,500Flom, JasonDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 25,00025,000Flom, KatherineDFL House Caucus 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 350TRIAL-PAC 7501,350Flowers, ChristopherDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 21,00021,000Flynn, Thomas P(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 125(William) Haas (Jr) Volunteer Committe 125Citizens for Steve Kelley 250Friends for (Deanna) Wiener 200Friends of Neva Walker 250Jacobson (Carl) for <strong>State</strong> Representativ 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 250Ring (Twyla) for Senate Volunteers 200Tom Huntley Volunteer Committee 250Volunteers for Betty Folliard 1502,050Foley, Tom(Dave) Engstrom for Senate 250(Douglas) Johnson Volunteer Committe 250(Kevin) Quigley for Judge Committee 300Independence Party of Minn 250Tim Penny for Governor 8001,850Forster, BarbaraDFL House Caucus 300Friends for (Deanna) Wiener 250Julie Ingleman for Senate 500Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,000Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500245

Large GiversMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,5008,050Foster, Timothy DTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Fotsch, HaroldHouse RPM Campaign Committee 200Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 200Senate Victory Fund 1501,050Foxx, RogerHospitality Political Action Committee 1,7411,741Francis, PaulDemocratic Congressional Campaign 10,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 65,00075,000Fraser, ArvonneBecky Lourey for Governor 300Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 7251,025Fraser, DonaldMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 2501,250Frauenshuh, DavidPawlenty for Governor Committee 750Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 500Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 2501,500Fredericks, JDemocratic Congressional Campaign 10,00010,000Freeman, Jane(Betsy) O'Berry Campaign Committee 250(Nancy) Haas for House 200Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 2502,900French, John(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 550Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partners 451Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 3503,351Frenzel, WilliamCitizens for Sherry Butcher for <strong>State</strong> Se 250House RPM Campaign Committee 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,450Frey, JamesPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Frey, JohnPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Frey, MaryPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Frick, AlexAlex Frick for MN Senate 1,9311,931Friedman, CynthiaDemocratic Congressional Campaign 1,5001,500Frobenius, John(Dave) Kleis Campaign Committee 250Committee to Re Elect Doug Stang (Ho 250DFL House Caucus 200Minn Health PAC 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2501,450Froehlke, TeresaJudi Dutcher for Governor 1,2501,250Froio, AnthonyRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Frothingham, BenCAR, Committee of Automotive Retaile 500Citizens for (Martha) Robertson 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 300Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2501,550Fullerton, MarnaSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Funger, MortonDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 12,50012,500Funger, NormaDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 12,50012,500Gabel, E MarianneDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 10,00010,000Gallo, ThomasRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Gandrud, Gary(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 125Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partners 451Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 7501,326Garst, ChristineJudi Dutcher for Governor 1,1001,100Garst, SamuelSierra Club Political Committee 2,0002,000Garst, Samuel D(Therese) Van Blarcom Volunteer Com 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,6501,900Garvis, Nathan KellerEastsiders for Mee (Moua) 125Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 625Tim Penny for Governor 150Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 1501,050Georgacas, Chris(Alice) Seagren Volunteer Committee 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerc 2501,500George, William WTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Gergen, MarkPatricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Gershman, Karen(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 150Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 453Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 905Tim Penny for Governor 5002,007Geschke, CharlesDemocratic Congressional Campaign 12,50012,500Geschke, NancyDemocratic Congressional Campaign 12,50012,500Gianpetro, GregHospitality Political Action Committee 1,2001,200Gibbs, JohnDuke Powell Volunteer Committee 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 500Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000RKM&C Fund 1,9715,971Gibbs, TheresaPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000246

Large GiversGilbertson, RobertRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Gillette, NormanSOF - PAC 1,4501,450Ginsberg, Richard(Nancy) Haas for House 150DFL House Caucus 250House RPM Campaign Committee 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 250Senate Majority Caucus 2501,150Girard, James(Brad) Finstad for <strong>State</strong> Representative 200(Dean) Urdahl Volunteer Committee 500Dan Severson for Representative 500DFL House Caucus 500House RPM Campaign Committee 2,250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Ray Cox for <strong>State</strong> Representative 200Senate Victory Fund 200Tom Workman Volunteer Committee 250Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 2005,800Glaefke, BrookLiz Pierce For Judge 2,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 2,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Stonewall DFL (The) 1,000Volunteers for (D Scott) Dibble 2505,750Goetz, JohnDFL House Caucus 250Friends for Humphrey 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 7501,500Goetzman, DanKandiyohi County RPM 2,3842,384Goff, Robert(Keith) Langseth Volunteer Committee 200(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerc 2,200Senate Majority Caucus 2505,150Goldberg, PaulDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 20,00020,000Goldman, JohnDemocratic Congressional Campaign 25,00025,000Goodman, John(Julianne) Ortman for Senate Committe 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Lower Taxes 24,334Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Republican Party of Minn 1,00027,834Goodman, LisaMinn NARAL Action Fund 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 150Stonewall DFL (The) 6001,250Goodrich, BruceMinn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,3601,360Gordon, Cory(Carol) Hooten for Judge 350(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 1,000Friends for Humphrey 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 5002,100Gordon, MichaelDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Gordy, BerryDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 54,99354,993Gossman, George(Brian) LeClair for <strong>State</strong> Senate Cmte 200(Sharon) Marko for Senate 200Matt Tourville Volunteer Committee 250Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,0005,650Granger, JamesJobs Political Fund 1,5001,500Greenfield, ConstanceMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 2,0002,000Greiner, JeffreyKiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Griffin, PhillipDFL House Caucus 500House RPM Campaign Committee 250Senate Majority Caucus 250Senate Victory Fund 2001,200Grindal, H Theodore(Erik) Paulsen Volunteer Committee 250(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 200(Leslie) Schumacher Volunteer Commit 250(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 1,000(Warren) Limmer for Senate Committe 12528th Senate District DFL 25039th Senate District DFL 250Chuck Davis for Representative 125Citizens for Sherry Butcher for <strong>State</strong> Se 125Committee to Re Elect Doug Stang (Ho 125DFL House Caucus 3,500Friends of DFL Women 500Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. <strong>State</strong> 12,000Lynne Osterman 250Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 125Minn Health PAC 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 250Tim Penny for Governor 1,00022,825Grindal, Michele(Dallas) Sams For Senate 250(Don) Samuelson for Senate Volunteer 125(Linda) Scheid for Senate Committee 250(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 250(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250(Thomas) Neuville for Senate Volunteer 200(Warren) Limmer for Senate Committe 125(William) Haas (Jr) Volunteer Committe 125Ann Rest for Senate Committee 250Chuck Davis for Representative 125Citizens for Sherry Butcher for <strong>State</strong> Se 375Committee to Re Elect Doug Stang (Ho 125Friends for (Deanna) Wiener 250Friends for Humphrey 200Friends of Phil Krinkie Committee 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 500Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Entenza 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250People for (David) Johnson 125People for (Gregory) Davids Committee 200Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 250Tom Huntley Volunteer Committee 250Volunteers to Elect [Daniel] McElroy 5005,975Grodahl, BarbaraPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Grodahl, RobertPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000247

Large Givers2,000Growe, JoanFriends for Humphrey 350Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 1,100Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 700Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action <strong>2002</strong>,350Grundhofer, JohnJobs Political Fund 1,5001,500Grundhofer, KathleenPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Gruss, MarkFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Republican Party of Minn 1,5005,000Guelich, BobMinn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 671Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 6711,343Gund III, GeorgeDemocratic Congressional Campaign 5,0005,000Gund, AgnesDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 36,09136,091Gund, LouiseDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 150,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 25,000175,000Gunkel, Thomas FTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Gustafson, Jill(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500Judi Dutcher for Governor 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0002,000Haas, JohnDemocratic Congressional Campaign 25,00025,000Haase, HannibalTim Penny for Governor 1,2301,230Haddad, GraceCitizens for the Sensible Center 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0002,000Haddeland, WillFriends for Humphrey 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,500Shasky for Senate 2001,950Hagen, LuainaKiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Lynne Osterman 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,750Hagen, RussHouse RPM Campaign Committee 500Jim Rhodes Volunteer Committee 250Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 10,595Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerc 500Tim Penny for Governor 20012,545Haglund, James(Stephanie) Olsen Volunteer Committe 250House RPM Campaign Committee 2,500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0005,250Haglund, Kathleen(Stephanie) Olsen Volunteer Committe 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,250Hahn, Lucille ECitizens for Sherry Butcher for <strong>State</strong> Se 250Julie Ingleman for Senate 250Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Tim Penny for Governor 1,0001,750Halberg, CharlesCampaign Committee to Elect Chuck H 2,3282,328Hale, Roger(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 150DFL House Caucus 250Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 125Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 2001,725Hall, CraigDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 30,00030,000Hall, GeorgeDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 62,50062,500Hallberg, Arlene(Thomas) Bakk for Senate 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,250Halleland, KeithFriends of DFL Women 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 200Tim Penny for Governor 1,0002,350Halpenny, Pauline(Pauline) Halpenny for Judge Committe 2,0822,082Halvorson, GeorgeCal Larson Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,250Hamilton, Eleanor(Stephanie) Olsen Volunteer Committe 250Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,500Hamilton, Harold(Ray) Egan for Senate 500(Stephanie) Olsen Volunteer Committe 250Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500House RPM Campaign Committee 6,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250NFIB/MN SAFE Trust 1,200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Taxpayers League MN Victory Fund 50011,200Hamilton, James TJudi Dutcher for Governor 500Tim Penny for Governor 1,0001,500Hamlin, ThomasMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000RKM&C Fund 2,7604,760Hamm, EdwardPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Republican Party of Minn 54,00056,000Hammerly, HarryPatricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,9002,150Hansen, William F.Bill Hansen Campaign Committee 1,1401,140Hanson, ClydeSierra Club Political Committee 2,5822,582Hanson, David248

Large GiversARC PAC of Minn 200Minn Republicans for Choice Political A 200Senate Majority Caucus 250Senate Victory Fund 350Tim Penny for Governor 2001,200Hanson, RobertPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Tim Penny for Governor 1,0002,000Harmel, PaulJobs Political Fund 1,5001,500Harper, Erick(Erick) Harper for Senate 4,9314,931Harper, William(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,450Senate Majority Caucus 250TRIAL-PAC 9002,750Harrel-Horn, CindyDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 25,00025,000Harrington, David(David) Harrington for Judge 46,02046,020Hart, JaneDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 2,5002,500Harte, ChristopherDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Hartman, ToddFriends of Matt Dean 250Minn Cable Comm Assoc - PAC 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 125RKM&C Fund 986Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2502,111Hartwell, David(Dave) Engstrom for Senate 500Minn League of Conservation Voters P 2,500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2003,200Harvin, P.Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,3001,300Hasbargen, Vernae(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 500Citizens for (Martha) Robertson 250Citizens for Steve Kelley 200DFL House Caucus 200House RPM Campaign Committee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 550Senate Majority Caucus 200Tim Penny for Governor 7502,850Haselow, Justine(Charles) Wiger for Senate Volunteer C 250(Dave) Kleis Campaign Committee 250(Laura) Brod for Representative Volunt 250(Leo) Foley for Senate Volunteer Com 250(Luanne) Koskinen Campaign Committ 200(Michael) Beard Volunteer Committee 250Ann Rest for Senate Committee 250Crow Wing County DFL 750Friends of (Michelle) Fischbach 250House RPM Campaign Committee 250Jane Ranum Volunteer Committee 250Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250People for (David) Johnson 250Senate Majority Caucus 250Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 250Tim Penny for Governor 250Volunteers for Betty Folliard 2505,200Haselow, Robert(Carla) Nelson Volunteer Committee 250(Charles) Wiger for Senate Volunteer C 250(Dallas) Sams For Senate 500(Dave) Kleis Campaign Committee 250(Laura) Brod for Representative Volunt 250(Leo) Foley for Senate Volunteer Com 500(Linda) Berglin Volunteer Committee 250(Luanne) Koskinen Campaign Committ 200(Michael) Beard Volunteer Committee 250(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 200Ann Rest for Senate Committee 250Becky Lourey for Governor 500Crow Wing County DFL 1,050DFL House Caucus 1,000Elect Kevin Goodno Committee 200Friends of (Michelle) Fischbach 200Friends of Gary Kubly 200Friends of Neva Walker 500House RPM Campaign Committee 15,500Jane Ranum Volunteer Committee 250Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Minn Health PAC 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000People for (David) Johnson 250Ring (Twyla) for Senate Volunteers 400Senate Majority Caucus 8,000Senate Victory Fund 350Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 200Tim Penny for Governor 500Tom Huntley Volunteer Committee 200Volunteers for Betty Folliard 25036,200Hatch, ThomasRKM&C Fund 2,1692,169Hatling, John(John) Hatling for Judge 15,69915,699Haugen, Gary(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 700(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 500Citizens for Judge Lloyd Zimmerman 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,5002,900Hausfeld, Michael(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 1,000Judi Dutcher for Governor 1,0002,000Hawkins, BlancheMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,000Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Tim Penny for Governor 2,0003,500Hawkins, ThaneMike Barnett for <strong>State</strong> Representative 200Tim Penny for Governor 2,0002,200Hawkins, WilliamHouse RPM Campaign Committee 5,0005,000Hay, ThomasPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Hayenga, Betty MTim Penny for Governor 1,0501,050Head, Douglas(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 125(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 200Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500249

Large GiversMichel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Minn Republicans for Choice Political A 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Tim Penny for Governor 1503,225Head, Martha(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 400(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 1,250House RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Minn Republicans for Choice Political A 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Senate Victory Fund 2,000Tim Penny for Governor 1507,550Heath, VernonHouse RPM Campaign Committee 5,000Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Republican Party of Minn 15,000Senate Victory Fund 1,<strong>2002</strong>2,400Heegaard, JeffreyTim Penny for Governor 1,5001,500Heino, John(Tom) Saxhaug for <strong>State</strong> Senate Com 200Tim Penny for Governor 1,0081,208Heins, Sam(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 1,000Friends for Humphrey 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0002,250Heithoff, Kenneth(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500Committee to Elect Judy Lindsay 250Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500House RPM Campaign Committee 2,750Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0006,500Helgen, MicheleMark Thompson Campaign Committee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,5001,700Helgeson, MichaelJobs Political Fund 750Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 1,3502,100Hellman, F WarrenDemocratic Congressional Campaign 10,00010,000Helms, TerryHouse RPM Campaign Committee 3,5503,550Helwig, RonLibertarian Party of Minn 1,2951,295Hembree, DickSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Hendrixson, PeterDorsey Political Fund 678Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2501,178Hendry, BruceHouse RPM Campaign Committee 17,500Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerc 5,000Senate Majority Caucus 500Senate Victory Fund 3,50026,500Henley, DonaldMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,0005,000Henry, JohnDemocratic Congressional Campaign 100,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 100,000200,000Hentges, JudithMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,500Hentges, RobertFaegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partners 451Friends of (Jane) Krentz 200Tim Penny for Governor 5001,151Herbert, AllenDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 2,5002,500Herman, Jeffrey(Luanne) Koskinen Campaign Committ 250(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 300Crow Wing County DFL 500DFL House Caucus 500Elect Kevin Goodno Committee 400Friends of (Michelle) Fischbach 450House RPM Campaign Committee 250Ring (Twyla) for Senate Volunteers 200Senate Majority Caucus 1,2504,100Herman, JohnFaegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partners 451Friends of (Jane) Krentz 150Judi Dutcher for Governor 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Tim Penny for Governor 2501,851Herman, KathleenMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Tim Penny for Governor 1,0003,000Herman, LamontMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Tim Penny for Governor 1,0003,000Herr, David(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 500Citizens for Judge Lloyd Zimmerman 150Pawlenty for Governor Committee 250Retain Judge (Terri) Stoneburner 2001,100Hess, JohnDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 20,00020,000Heyman, WilliamInsurance Federation Political Action C 2,0002,000Hibbs, WilliamDorsey Political Fund 547Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 7501,297Hill, Jeannette(Gregory) Lund for Representative 500(Laura) Brod for Representative Volunt 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 8001,550Hill, Todd(Gregory) Lund for Representative 250House RPM Campaign Committee 1,344Pawlenty for Governor Committee 550Ray Cox for <strong>State</strong> Representative 250Senate Victory Fund 2502,644Himle, John(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 200(Ronald) Abrams Volunteer Committee 200House RPM Campaign Committee 600Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 300250

Large GiversTim Penny for Governor 1251,425Himovitz, RogerMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 10,00010,000Hinderaker, JohnFaegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partners 451Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 400Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2501,601Hindery, LeoDedicated Americans for the Senate an 1,500Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 78,600Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 50,000130,100Hines, L. CecilyJudi Dutcher for Governor 1,250Tim Penny for Governor 2501,500Hirst, ThomsonDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 3,0003,000Hoeft, AnastasiaSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Hoeft, WilliamRoad PAC of Minn 200Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,200Hoffman, RobertCitizens for (Martha) Robertson 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 400Tim Penny for Governor 1,430Vern Wilcox for <strong>State</strong> Senate <strong>2002</strong>,230Hofstede, Albert(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 30023rd Senate District DFL 300House RPM Campaign Committee 1,250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Prettner Solon Volunteer Committee 2502,600Hogan, WayneDedicated Americans for the Senate an 1,000Democratic Congressional Campaign 20,00021,000Holmen Hubbard, KarenPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Holmquist, JamesBachmann (Michele) R-election Commi 250Friends of Matt Dean 125<strong>Minnesota</strong>n's for a Republican Majority 4,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Republican Party of Minn 30,00036,375Holmquist, LisaBachmann (Michele) R-election Commi 250Friends of Matt Dean 125Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,625Holten, Cort(Larry) Howes Volunteer Comittee 250Friends of DFL Women 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 5501,050Honigfort, LindaMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 6,0006,000Hood, Christopher(John) Hottinger Reelection Committee 200House RPM Campaign Committee 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 200Senate Majority Caucus 1,0001,900Hopp, DeborahCitizens for (Martha) Robertson 200House RPM Campaign Committee 200Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 3,683Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 700Minneapolis Downtown Council PAC 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 350Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5006,133Hopper, Robert(Catherine) Shreves Volunteer Committ 250(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,250Horing, DaveMulti Housing Political Action Committe 2,1272,127Hormel, JamesDemocratic Congressional Campaign 10,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,00011,000Horowitz, MarkDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Horstman, AndrewRKM&C Fund 2,4642,464Hottinger, JohnMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Houle, HeleneCitizens for the Sensible Center 250Committee To Elect Joe Duffy 500Committee to Re-Elect Judge John T. F 2,000Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 2503,000Houston, JohnRKM&C Fund 2,1692,169Howard, JamesHouse RPM Campaign Committee 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 7501,250Howard, PaulaMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerc 1,0003,000Hsiao, HoytMichel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 1,020Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2501,520Hubbard, Karen(Carla) Nelson Volunteer Committee 250(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 250Julie Rosen for <strong>State</strong> Senate 250Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 5002,250Hubbard, RobertLipman (Eric) for <strong>State</strong> Representative 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Hubbard, Stanley(Brian) McClung Volunteer Committee 250(Carla) Nelson Volunteer Committee 250(Dean) Urdahl Volunteer Committee 500(Laura) Brod for Representative Volunt 500(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 250(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 250(Stephanie) Olsen Volunteer Committe 500Betsy Wergin for Senate Volunteer Co 200Committee to Elect Judy Lindsay 250Dan Severson for Representative 500Democratic Congressional Campaign 10,000Friends for Humphrey 750House RPM Campaign Committee 25,000Jobs Political Fund 2,500251

Large GiversJulie Rosen for <strong>State</strong> Senate 500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 750Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 5,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 3,000Republican Party of Minn 10,000Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerc 1,000Senator Debbie Johnson Volunteer Co 25065,450Huber, MarkDFL House Caucus 1,100Minn Health PAC 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Prettner Solon Volunteer Committee 2502,600Hull, BlairDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 72,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,00073,000Humphrey III, Hubert H(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 250Friends for Humphrey 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,500Shasky for Senate 1502,150Hunegs, Steven(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 150(Ronald) Latz Volunteer Committee 150(Thomas) Pugh Volunteer Committee 200Citizens for Steve Kelley 250Friends for Humphrey 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 5001,500Hunnicutt, CharlesRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Hunt, DanielBAM-PAC 1,000House RPM Campaign Committee 2001,200Hunt, SwaneeDemocratic Congressional Campaign 25,00025,000Hunter, ShawnPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,1001,100Hunting, JohnMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 7,5007,500Huntley, ThomasJudi Dutcher for Governor 2,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2252,225Hurst, FernDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 7,5007,500Huss, Alvin John(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 250DFL House Caucus 1,0001,250Hutcheson, SusanneMinn NARAL Action Fund 1,000Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5,250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 2509,000Hutcheson, ZenasPlanned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 2,0002,000Hutchinson, PeterTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Huynh, Nghi MTim Penny for Governor 1,2501,250Hyatt, JoelDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 25,00025,000Ingleman, JulieCitizens for Sherry Butcher for <strong>State</strong> Se 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 1,000Julie Ingleman for Senate 1,324Melissa Hortman Campaign Committee 200Tim Penny for Governor <strong>2002</strong>,974Iocco, Gary J.Gary Iocco for Senate 1,3961,396Irish, Donald P.Ken Pentel for Governor 1,5001,500Isaacs, Fred(Steven) Murphy for Senate 250Independence Party of Minn 1,2501,500Isaacs, John(Steven) Murphy for Senate 250DFL House Caucus 250House RPM Campaign Committee 7,500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Senate Majority Caucus 250Senate Victory Fund 200Tom Workman Volunteer Committee 5009,450Ives, HowardConstitution Party of Minn 1,1351,135Jabbour, Gabriel(Julianne) Ortman for Senate Committe 200(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 200Gen Olson Volunteer Committee 200Independence Party of Minn 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0004,300Jackman, MichaelMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,500Jackson, ChristopherMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 4,0004,000Jackson, SuzanneMinn Republicans for Choice Political A 1,000Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 5001,500Jacobs, JoanDemocratic Congressional Campaign 50,00050,000Jacobson, D.W.Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,7003,700Jacobson, RichardRepublican Party of Minn 23,00023,000Jaehne, DavidDavid A Jaehne Election Committee 1,5001,500Jahnke, DavidJobs Political Fund 1,000Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 2001,200James, John(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 150Lommen Nelson Political Action Commi 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,1001,450Janecek, SarahHouse RPM Campaign Committee 250Minn Milk PAC 1,6951,945Jankowsky, JoelMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 2,500252

Large Givers2,500Javens, DuaneJulie Storm Volunteer Committee 500MABC PAC 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,0002,750Jennings, Loren(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Entenza 400Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 5001,400Jepsen, WilliamDFL House Caucus 200TRIAL-PAC 9001,100Jerich, MichaelMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Jerich, Ronald47th Senate District DFL 100DFL House Caucus 250House RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Mark Thompson Campaign Committee 120Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 910Senate Victory Fund 1,6003,980Jessen, GeorgePeople in Construction Political Action 500Road PAC of Minn 1,5002,000Jobin-Leeds, GregMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 10,00010,000Johnson, BlaineMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Road PAC of Minn 2,2502,500Johnson, Bradley(Julianne) Ortman for Senate Committe 175Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,175Johnson, Brian N(Carol) Hooten for Judge 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 300Tim Penny for Governor 5001,050Johnson, CDemocratic Congressional Campaign 10,00010,000Johnson, Curtis W.Tim Penny for Governor 1,2251,225Johnson, DavidDedicated Americans for the Senate an 1,500Minn Eye PAC 150Pawlenty for Governor Committee 175RMJ Political Fund 1,750Senate Victory Fund 1203,695Johnson, Elaine SMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Johnson, ElizabethMarley Danner Campaign Committtee 125Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,125Johnson, Eric(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 250<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Entenza 300Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 1,2503,800Johnson, GaryDorsey Political Fund 634Independence Party of Minn 150Judi Dutcher for Governor 225Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2501,259Johnson, GloriaMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Johnson, James PMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Johnson, JeffreyCommittee to Elect Jeffrey Johnson 500House RPM Campaign Committee 1,1751,675Johnson, Jerome DTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Johnson, Jill DMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Johnson, JoelHouse RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Jobs Political Fund 1,5002,500Johnson, LynnHouse RPM Campaign Committee 650Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,650Johnson, Michael HMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Johnson, RachelPlanned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 1,5001,500Johnson, Robert(Dave) Kleis Campaign Committee 250CAR, Committee of Automotive Retaile 1,000Senate Victory Fund 1501,400Johnson, ScottBachmann (Michele) R-election Commi 250House RPM Campaign Committee 500Lipman (Eric) for <strong>State</strong> Representative 250RKM&C Fund 1,971Taxpayers League MN Victory Fund 1,0003,971Johnson, SheldonDFL House Caucus 500Progressive Minn 5101,010Johnson, StevenLindquist & Vennum Political Fund 150Lipman (Eric) for <strong>State</strong> Representative 250Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2001,350Johnson, ThomasHospitality Political Action Committee 525Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 200TRIAL-PAC 4501,175Johnson, Todd(Larry) Howes Volunteer Comittee 250(Mark) Holsten Volunteer Committee 300(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 25054B House District RPM 250DFL House Caucus 500Duke Powell Volunteer Committee 500House RPM Campaign Committee 5,750Minn Health PAC 2508,050Johnson, Todd WMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Jones, Anne LTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Jones, Douglas(Dick) Day Volunteer Committee 200(Laura) Brod for Representative Volunt 200House RPM Campaign Committee 250Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 150253

Large GiversPatricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 300Ray Cox for <strong>State</strong> Representative 250Senate Victory Fund 5001,850Jones, HarveyKatie Sieben Volunteer Committee 200TRIAL-PAC 9001,100Jones, MarkMulti Housing Political Action Committe 3,4283,428Jones, MaryKiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 150Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Ray Cox for <strong>State</strong> Representative 2502,400Jones, NikaBooker T (Hodges) for Governor Camp 10,00010,000Jones, R ScottHouse RPM Campaign Committee 2,0002,000Jones, R. ScottTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Jordan, JohnHouse RPM Campaign Committee 150Northeastern <strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Jobs 3,0003,150Jossart, MarkMulti Housing Political Action Committe 837Pawlenty for Governor Committee 250Senate Victory Fund 1251,212Joy, TerrenceRKM&C Fund 2,4642,464Jundt, JamesHouse RPM Campaign Committee 25,00025,000Kaemmer, MarthaMinn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 138Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Tim Penny for Governor 2001,338Kahler, JohnIndependence Party of Minn 150Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 9001,050Kamen, HarryDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 2,5002,500Kaplan, BrentRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Kaplan, ElliotMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000RKM&C Fund 1972,197Kaplan, RandallDemocratic Congressional Campaign 5,0005,000Kaplan, Samuel(Catherine) Shreves Volunteer Committ 150(Frank) Hornstein Volunteer Committee 125(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 250(Joe) Atkins for <strong>State</strong> Representative 200(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 300(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 250(Ronald) Latz Volunteer Committee 150(Tarryl) Clark for Senate 150CARE / PAC 250Citizens for Steve Kelley 250Cy Thao Campaign Committee 150Friends for Humphrey 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 7505,475Kaplan, Sylvia(Frank) Hornstein Volunteer Committee 125(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 300Eastsiders for Mee (Moua) 125Friends for Humphrey 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0003,050Katz, RobertDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Katzenberg, JeffreyDemocratic Congressional Campaign 10,00010,000Kaul, JohnAlliance for Quality Healthcare 200House RPM Campaign Committee 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250People For (Len) Price Senate Committ 150Senate Majority Caucus 2501,350Kayser, Marlene CMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Kayser, ThomasMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,000Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 250RKM&C Fund 3,1548,404Kayser, Thomas C(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 200(Michael) Paymar Volunteer Committee 400(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 1,000Committee To Re-Elect Judge (Tanya) 200Committee to Re-Elect Judge John T. F 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0004,000Kazeminy, JibilPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Kazeminy, NaderPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Kazeminy, NasserKelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Lower Taxes 24,333Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 25027,583Kazeminy, YvonneMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 2502,250Keefe, Elaine M<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Entenza 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,100Tim Penny for Governor 2001,500Keefer, WilliamMinn Manufactured Home PAC 2,0002,000Keegan, ThomasRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Keegel, ThomasDRIVE- Democrat Republican Ind. Vote 1,0081,008Keeler, James(James) Keeler for Judge Volunteer Co 8,374Judi Dutcher for Governor 2508,624Keeler, Jim(James) Keeler for Judge Volunteer Co 2,0262,026Keffeler, Jean BTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Keillor, GarrisonBecky Lourey for Governor 1,5001,500Keillor, Steve254

Large Givers(Steven) Keillor for <strong>State</strong> Senate Comm 3,4503,450Keith, A(Carla) Nelson Volunteer Committee 200(David) Senjem for Senate 125(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 150(Jim) Vickerman Volunteers 250(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 150(Tina) Liebling for <strong>State</strong> House 200Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Tim Penny for Governor 1,0004,225Keith, Marion(David) Senjem for Senate 125(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,275Keliher, Judith(Loren) Solberg Volunteer Committee 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 9001,100Keliher, ThomasDFL House Caucus 250House RPM Campaign Committee 750Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 350Tim Penny for Governor 2001,550Kellar-Sarmiento, AndreasSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Kellogg, MartinFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,000House RPM Campaign Committee 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 450Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250NFIB/MN SAFE Trust 450Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 200Taxpayers League MN Victory Fund 2503,100Kelly, MichaelCommittee to Re Elect Doug Stang (Ho 250House RPM Campaign Committee 2,500Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 500Tim Penny for Governor 5004,000Kelly, PatriciaMinn Republicans for Choice Political A 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,2312,381Kelly, Timothy(Brian) LeClair for <strong>State</strong> Senate Cmte 250(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 250Citizens for Judge Lloyd Zimmerman 250Committee To Re-Elect Judge (Tanya) 250Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 900Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Republican Party of Minn 5,000Retain Judge (Terri) Stoneburner 500Volunteer Committee to Re-elect Judge 2508,150Kelly, William N.Friends for Humphrey 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,2502,500Kenner, LyleKenner (Lyle) for <strong>State</strong> Senate 4,0624,062Kess, PaulFriends of Paul Kess 1,9911,991Kessler, HelgaMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,6001,600Kessler, IrvinPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Kiedrowski, JayMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 2502,250Kieffer, John YTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Kierlin, Robert(Justin) Costello Volunteer Committee 500Anderson (Jeffrey) Volunteer Committe 250House RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Senate Victory Fund 10,000Senator Debbie Johnson Volunteer Co 200Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,000Winona County RPM 50016,200Kimball, AllenMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 2,5002,500King, LawrenceMichel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 750Tim Penny for Governor 6001,800King, MichaelDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 50,000House RPM Campaign Committee 12550,125Kingman, Nancy MTim Penny for Governor 1,5671,567Kinkead, John(Brian) McClung Volunteer Committee 250Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 250NFIB/MN SAFE Trust 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 4001,600Kinney, E RobertPawlenty for Governor Committee 500Tim Penny for Governor 1,0001,500Kinney, LynnIBPAT - PAT Legislative and Education 3,4293,429Kinney, PeterDan Severson for Representative 150Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,150Kirsch, StevenDemocratic Congressional Campaign 500,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 668,7761,168,776Kiscaden, SheilaIndependence Party of Minn 7,000Senate Victory Fund 1,5008,500Kitchak, PeterMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 500Tim Penny for Governor 5004,000Klapmeir, JulieNortheastern <strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Jobs 2,0002,000Klas, AlexandraPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Klas, Robert(Thomas) Pugh Volunteer Committee 150House RPM Campaign Committee 2,500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500255

Large GiversPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Senate Victory Fund 1,1006,500Klein, JohnJudi Dutcher for Governor 400Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 350Tim Penny for Governor 2001,150Klein, RobertMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 12,50012,500Klobuchar, Amy(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 200(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 200DFL House Caucus 200Friends for Humphrey 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Stonewall DFL (The) 3001,550Klodt, PaulMulti Housing Political Action Committe 1,350Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0002,350Knaak, Fritz(Doug) Meslow Volunteer Committee 249Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 300Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Senate Victory Fund 2001,249Knapp, John AMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Kneeland, ChristineDFL House Caucus 250House RPM Campaign Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 300Senate Majority Caucus 250Senate Victory Fund 3501,400Knoff, TyroneJudi Dutcher for Governor 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2001,200Knoke, CarlaKiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,500Knoke, LesKiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 2501,750Knoll, VerneMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Koch, Barbara(Dave) Kleis Campaign Committee 250Friends of Barb Sykora 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 5002,750Koch, David(Dave) Kleis Campaign Committee 250House RPM Campaign Committee 50,000Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Peter Adolphson for <strong>State</strong> Representati 500Republican Party of Minn 50,000Senate Victory Fund 5,000107,750Koehler, Thomas GMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,1001,100Koenig, AlMinn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,3601,360Koenigs, Ruth ATim Penny for Governor 1,0301,030Kolbo, KirkKelly (Tom) for Attorney General 250Lipman (Eric) for <strong>State</strong> Representative 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 8001,300Kong, DeeKen Pentel for Governor 1,5001,500Konsti, RoseHouse RPM Campaign Committee 1,100Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 2501,350Kopchik, JohnSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Kopp, TerrencePawlenty for Governor Committee 250Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,0001,250Kordonowy, JanetKiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,6001,850Kordonowy, Thomas33rd Senate DistrictRPM 500Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Friends of Barb Sykora 200Gen Olson Volunteer Committee 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000TwinWest Chamber of Commerce PAC 3004,500Kosiak, John(Dallas) Sams For Senate 200(Laura) Brod for Representative Volunt 250(Lynda) Boudreau Volunteer Committe 200(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 200Crow Wing County DFL 500DFL House Caucus 500Elect Kevin Goodno Committee 400Friends of (Michelle) Fischbach 450House RPM Campaign Committee 250Mary Ellen Otremba Volunteer Committ 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000People for (David) Johnson 200Senate Majority Caucus 1,500Tim Penny for Governor 250Tomassoni for <strong>State</strong> Senate 2506,400Kottke, FredericMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,3001,300Koza, JohnDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 6,4246,424Kozak, Andrew3rd Senate District DFL 200(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 300(Keith) Langseth Volunteer Committee 200(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 200(Warren) Limmer for Senate Committe <strong>2002</strong>3rd Senate District DFL 200Friends of DFL Women 250House RPM Campaign Committee 1,500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 900Pawlenty for Governor Committee 150People for (David) Johnson 400Rural Minn Preservation 250Senate Majority Caucus 6005,350Kraemer, DavidHouse RPM Campaign Committee 3,000Road PAC of Minn 1,0004,000256

Large GiversKramer, JoelBecky Lourey for Governor 20,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,00021,000Kramer, LaurieBecky Lourey for Governor 2,0002,000Kramer, Mary(John) Hottinger Reelection Committee 200(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 250Chuck Fowler for Senate Vol Committe 200Citizens for Steve Kelley 200Committee to Re Elect Doug Stang (Ho 200Friends for (Deanna) Wiener 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Schwab (Grace) for Senate Volunteers 200Volunteers for (Robert) Gunther 200Volunteers to Elect [Daniel] McElroy <strong>2002</strong>,350Kramer, MattBecky Lourey for Governor 1,3221,322Kramer, OrinMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 9,0009,000Kramer, Ross(Henry) Kalis Volunteer Committee 150(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 150(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 150(Steven) Strachan Volunteer Committe 200(Warren) Limmer for Senate Committe 150Friends of DFL Women 250Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 150Kelliher (Margaret A) Vol Comm 150Messerli & Kramer Political Action Com 6,500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Schwab (Grace) for Senate Volunteers 150Tim Penny for Governor 500Volunteers for (Robert) Gunther 15010,150Kristal, HenryHospitality Political Action Committee 2,300Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 1,125Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 200Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerc 2504,075Krogstad, Dianna MMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,5001,500Krone, DavidDedicated Americans for the Senate an 2,5002,500Kropp, SteveMN Corn 1,1001,100Krueger, DianeMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,9001,900Krueger, RichardMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,100Senate Majority Caucus 200Shasky for Senate <strong>2002</strong>,500Kucera, MaureenFriends for Humphrey 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Reinhardt for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 125Shasky for Senate 3001,175Kugler, RobertRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Kukielka, ThomasMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Senate Majority Caucus 8001,300Kushner, CharlesDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 50,00050,000Kwilas, Anthony28th Senate District DFL 150DFL House Caucus 250Hospitality Political Action Committee 210Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 300Senate Majority Caucus 1501,060LaBounty, RoyHouse RPM Campaign Committee 2,5002,500Lamb, Kathleen(Therese) Van Blarcom Volunteer Com 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,250Lambrecht, BruceFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 900House RPM Campaign Committee 500Jim Rhodes Volunteer Committee 250Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 150Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,2503,300Lamendola, RobertHouse RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Senate Victory Fund 3001,300Landy, Michael WTim Penny for Governor 1,0301,030Lang, A SchefferDFL House Caucus 200Minn Republicans for Choice Political A 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Senate Majority Caucus 250Tim Penny for Governor 1,0002,150Lang, FrankMulti Housing Political Action Committe 4,2744,274Lang, LoisCommittee to Re-elect Judge Lois J La 19,79719,797Larson, JeffHospitality Political Action Committee 1,230Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Republican Party of Minn 5,0006,480Larson, Kathleen M.(Ray) Vandeveer Volunteer Committee 500Juni (Howard) for Senate 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,250Larson, NancyFriends for Humphrey 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 450People for (Mari) Pokornowski 445Rural Minn Preservation 150Senate Majority Caucus 2251,420Larson, RobertFriends for Humphrey 350Gray Plant Mooty Mooty & Bennett Inde 109Minn Manufactured Home PAC 2,225Senate Victory Fund 1252,809Larson, Vern(Ray) Vandeveer Volunteer Committee 500Bachmann (Michele) R-election Commi 250Juni (Howard) for Senate 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Senate Victory Fund 2501,750Latimer, George(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000257

Large Givers1,250Laurent, John L.Friends for Humphrey 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 2,0002,250LaVerdiere, Richard(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Judge Mary Theisen Volunteer Committ 200Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250TRIAL-PAC 9001,850Lavorato, Cindy(Joe) Mullery Volunteer Committee 125(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 250(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250Amy L Bodnar Campaign Committee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Volunteers for Phyllis Kahn 1501,975Lee, BarbaraDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 20,00020,000Lee, TammyGleason (Mark) for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,200Lee, ThomasDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Leeds, LiloMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,0005,000LeJeune, LaurenceCAR, Committee of Automotive Retaile 1,400Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Republican Party of Minn 15,00017,400Lennon, KarenDemocratic Congressional Campaign 25,00025,000Lesher, CynthiaPower P A C 500Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerc 1,0001,500Levangie, GeorgianneDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 2,5002,500Levine, BobMulti Housing Political Action Committe 1,4071,407Lewis, JamesMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 7851,785Lillehaug, DuaneDFL House Caucus 500Senate Majority Caucus 250TRIAL-PAC 6751,425Lilly, PerrinBecky Lourey for Governor 600Eastsiders for Mee (Moua) 425Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,5002,525Lindahl, B. John Jr.Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,0001,250Lindstrom, JamesMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Little, WilliamDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Lockridge, Mary Louise(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250Committee to Re Elect Doug Stang (Ho 125Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 1251,750Lockridge, Richard(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 200(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500(Thomas) Pugh Volunteer Committee 250Committee to Re Elect Doug Stang (Ho 125Friends of Phil Krinkie Committee 250Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. <strong>State</strong> 12,000Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 125Sierra Club Political Committee 5,000Volunteers to Elect [Daniel] McElroy 25018,950Loeb, MichaelDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 2,5002,500Longley, ChrisPatricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 7861,036Lord, HenryMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 3,0003,000Loria, JeffreyDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 30,00030,000Lourey, TonyBecky Lourey for Governor 2,0002,000Love, JohnRKM&C Fund 2,4642,464Lowe, MariPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Lowe, ThomasPatricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Republican Party of Minn 52,000Senate Victory Fund 25052,500Ludwick, HarrietLarissa (Presho) for <strong>State</strong> Representati 250Minn Republicans for Choice Political A 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Senate Victory Fund 1,1003,600Ludwick, WilliamHouse RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Minn Republicans for Choice Political A 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,0005,000Lueck, MartinPawlenty for Governor Committee 500RKM&C Fund 2,760Tim Penny for Governor 2503,510Lundigan, Ted(Ted Lundrigan) Judicial Election <strong>2002</strong> 72,45072,450Lurton, WilliamFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 900Gen Olson Volunteer Committee 250Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 400Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 125Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5002,175Lynch, LelandJudi Dutcher for Governor 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000258

Large GiversSenate Majority Caucus 5,0007,500MacDonald, ReidSullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,000Tim Penny for Governor 5001,500Mackay, Harvey B(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Tim Penny for Governor 2,0003,250MacMillan, WhitneyKiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0002,000Madel Jr., R P(Dick) Day Volunteer Committee 200(Linda) Berglin Volunteer Committee 200Ruth (Connie) Volunteer Committee 200Tim Penny for Governor 2,0002,600Madison, EricSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Madison, MegSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Madsen, DianeJesse Ventura Volunteer Committee 2,2822,282Madson, EricRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Maglich, MichaelMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 550Tim Penny for Governor 5001,550Maglich, TerranceHouse RPM Campaign Committee 10,75010,750Magnuson, RogerDorsey Political Fund 703Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 5001,203Magnuson, RoyProgressive Minn 8,8508,850Makens, LeonardGreater <strong>Minnesota</strong> Victory Fund 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,2502,700Maki, Brian(Thomas) Bakk for Senate 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,4502,700Maloney, Timothy LCitizens for (Martha) Robertson 250Tim Penny for Governor 1,0001,250Manning, JohnDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 30,000Dorsey Political Fund 48130,481Manning, Monica M.Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Manning, William(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000RKM&C Fund 2,7603,960Marek, TerryJudi Dutcher for Governor 2,0002,000Maritz, Kristine MJudi Dutcher for Governor 2,000Tim Penny for Governor 2,0004,000Markoe, PeterPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,5001,500Marquart, PaulMarquart (Paul) Volunteer Committee 1,9821,982Marron, KathleenRKM&C Fund 2,1692,169Mars, RobertDuluth First 250Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 250Senate Victory Fund 350Volunteers for (Marcia) Hales 2001,050Martinez, Jr CanutoIBPAT - PAT Legislative and Education 1,1301,130Martinez, RichardRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Martinson, JohnRoad PAC of Minn 2,0002,000Martyn, PatrickHouse RPM Campaign Committee 5,250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,5006,750Marvin, FrankHouse RPM Campaign Committee 1,100Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,0002,100Marvin, JohnHouse RPM Campaign Committee 1,500Jobs Political Fund 1,500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5003,500Marvin, SusanHouse RPM Campaign Committee 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,2001,700Marvin, WilliamHouse RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 7501,750Mathiowetz, BrianPawlenty for Governor Committee 750Road PAC of Minn 450Tim Penny for Governor 5001,700Mathiowetz, RondaPawlenty for Governor Committee 750Tim Penny for Governor 5001,250Matonich, Edward J(Loren) Solberg Volunteer Committee 200(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 250Citizens for (David) Kuduk 1,000Retain Judge (Terri) Stoneburner 2501,700Matthews, Mrs. J.Republican Party of Minn 3,0003,000Matzke, SusanMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,5001,500Mayers, Aloysius(Tim) Wilkin for <strong>State</strong> Rep. Vol. Comm. 250House RPM Campaign Committee 300Pawlenty for Governor Committee 6251,175McCaffery, GeneKelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Republican Party of Minn 25,000Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,000Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 25030,250McCarten, Laura259

Large GiversFriends of the Minn Zoo 500Power P A C 500Tim Penny for Governor 2001,200McCarthy, EdwinHouse RPM Campaign Committee 2,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0004,000McCarty, MichaelLibertarian Party of Minn 2,6452,645McClintock, GeorgePawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Taxpayers League MN Victory Fund 1501,150McCormack, WilliamPawlenty for Governor Committee 500Schwan's Political Action Committee 1,5002,000McCoy, MikeHouse RPM Campaign Committee 500Mower County Republicans 250Schwab (Grace) for Senate Volunteers 5001,250McCrossan, CharlesKiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 200Minn Republicans for Choice Political A 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,200McDonald, JohnPawlenty for Governor Committee 250RKM&C Fund 2,1692,419McDonald, Lisa M.Tim Penny for Governor 1,9651,965McDonough, Brigid(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 500(Paul) Thissen Volunteer Committee 25065th Senate District DFL 250DFL House Caucus 250Friends for Humphrey 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 1,250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Progressive Minn 1253,375McEvoy, MaryFriends for Humphrey 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 800Progressive Minn 3731,423McEvoy, NanDemocratic Congressional Campaign 10,00010,000McFarland, RichardHouse RPM Campaign Committee 2,500Judi Dutcher for Governor 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Tim Penny for Governor 1,0006,500McGrann, WilliamDFL House Caucus 1,000House RPM Campaign Committee 150Johnson (Carol) Committee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0002,350McGrath, LeePawlenty for Governor Committee 750Tim Penny for Governor 1,0001,750McGray, MichaelRoad PAC of Minn 2,5002,500McInnis, KennethKen McInnis Volunteer Committee 1,6751,675McIntyre, JimPower P A C 2,4002,400McKiernan, JosephMinn Chiropractic Political Action Com 3,5003,500McMahon, EmmettRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577McMahon, RobertGreater <strong>Minnesota</strong> Victory Fund 200Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 885Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 885Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Senate Victory Fund 3003,769McMahon, Teresa(Brian) McClung Volunteer Committee 125Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,625McMillan, DouglasPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000McNamara, RichardCitizens for Steve Kelley 250House RPM Campaign Committee 15,000Independence Party of Minn 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 2,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 5,000Tim Penny for Governor 1,00026,000McNellis, MaryMinn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 300Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Otto (Rebecca) for House 2001,500McNulty, PriscillaMinn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 1,300Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 300Progressive Minn 2001,800Mech, Robert(David) Senjem for Senate 250House RPM Campaign Committee 150Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 4001,300Melendez, Brian59th Senate District DFL 101Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partners 451Minneapolis DFL Committee 5421,095Melissa HortmanMelissa Hortman Campaign Committee 4,6134,613Mellander, ThomasMinn Realtors Political Action Committe 1,0301,030Mendoza, Mia(Don) Samuelson for Senate Volunteer 250(Leo) Foley for Senate Volunteer Com 250DFL House Caucus 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 500Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 2502,500Mendoza, Salvador(Don) Samuelson for Senate Volunteer 250Ann Rest for Senate Committee 250DFL House Caucus 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 500Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 2502,500Menschel, Robert260

Large GiversDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 20,00020,000Meshbesher, Ronald(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 200(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 250Citizens to Re-Elect Judge Harry Crum 250Committee to Re-Elect Judge John T. F 500Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 200Keep Judge (Stephen) Aldrich Voluntee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 750Retain Judge (Terri) Stoneburner 250Senate Majority Caucus 250TRIAL-PAC 1,2004,050Messerly, ChrisRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Messinger, AlidaDemocratic Congressional Campaign 100,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 47,439Judi Dutcher for Governor 1,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 60,000Minn League of Conservation Voters P 50,000Senate Majority Caucus 5,000263,439Meyer, JeanneMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Meyer, JosephMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Meyer, RonaldDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Michel, GeoffreyMinn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 1,2001,200Micheletti, Thomas3rd Senate District DFL 2505th Senate District DFL 250(Thomas) Bakk for Senate 250Citizens for (Dan) Sparks 250DFL House Caucus 2,500House RPM Campaign Committee 2,250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Rural Minn Preservation 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 2,500Senate Victory Fund 1,50011,000Michels, JamesRMJ Political Fund 2,1802,180Midness, Robert BTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Mihajlov, Peter(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 200Citizens to Elect Ken Wolf 141Hospitality Political Action Committee 4,825House RPM Campaign Committee 9506,116Miles, Laura(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 1251,275Miller, AlanRKM&C Fund 3,1543,154Miller, Benjamin ATim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Miller, GerardSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Miller, KeithMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500TRIAL-PAC 6751,175Miller, Thomas(Don) Samuelson for Senate Volunteer 250(Linda) Berglin Volunteer Committee 250Friends for Humphrey 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 450RKM&C Fund 1,971Tim Penny for Governor 3003,721Mills Jr, Stewart(Dave) Racer for Senate 500(Don) Samuelson for Senate Volunteer 250Dale Walz Volunteer Committee 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Tim Penny for Governor 5002,500Mills, DavidDemocratic Congressional Campaign 50,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,19955,199Mills, Sandra(Dave) Racer for Senate 250(Don) Samuelson for Senate Volunteer 250Dale Walz Volunteer Committee 250Tim Penny for Governor 5001,250Mills, Stacey(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 1,000Judi Dutcher for Governor 2,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0004,000Milstein, Herbert(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 1,000Judi Dutcher for Governor 1,0002,000Minar, Cush(Dave) Racer for Senate 150Adam Davis for <strong>State</strong> Representative 500Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Steve Minar Volunteer Committee 5002,650Minehart, ColinMinn Licensed Beverage Assoc PAC 1,2251,225Minkkinen, David(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 200Citizens for Steve Kelley 200DFL House Caucus 200House RPM Campaign Committee 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 250<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Entenza 300Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Senate Majority Caucus 500Tim Penny for Governor 2502,400Mintzer, JoelMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 180RKM&C Fund 9861,166Mithun, Mary A.Ken Pentel for Governor 1,000Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0003,000Mithun, RaymondSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Moccio, VincentMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,100RKM&C Fund 9862,086Moe, AldenMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,3001,300Moe, Donald MMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Moe, Paul261

Large GiversFaegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partners 451Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,7502,201Moe, RichardMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,1501,150Monahan, WilliamPeople for Vekich 2,0002,000Mondale, Ted(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 250(Steven) Murphy for Senate 250(Wayne) Gilbert Volunteer Committee 25044th Senate District DFL 250Brett Smith Supporters 250Citizens for Steve Kelley 250DFL House Caucus 500Friends for Humphrey 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 500Volunteers for Betty Folliard 2504,000Mondale, WalterDorsey Political Fund 353Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,353Monson, Bradley(Bradley) Monson for Senate 1,2501,250Montague, RobertMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 250RKM&C Fund 1,5772,827Montgomery, HarleMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 4,0004,000Moore, MichaelFriends to Elect (Michael) Moore 2,0002,000Moore, VictorMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,1002,100Mooty, John(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 250Gray Plant Mooty Mooty & Bennett Inde 123Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 4501,073Morgan, John(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 1,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 10,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Senate Victory Fund 20013,200Morgan, SheilaMinn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 125Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,125Morino, MarioDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 4,4174,417Morris, Cheril41st Senate District RPM 165Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,165Morris, Kevin41st Senate District RPM 165House RPM Campaign Committee 250Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 1,500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0003,165Morris, RandolphDFL House Caucus 250House RPM Campaign Committee 350Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2501,050Morrison, ClintonHouse RPM Campaign Committee 250Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Republican Party of Minn 3,000Senate Victory Fund 5004,450Morrissey, PaulBeer PAC-Minn Beer Wholesalers Ass 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 300Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1501,450Morrissey, WilliamHospitality Political Action Committee 908House RPM Campaign Committee 2001,108Moryn, JoelHouse RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0003,000Moscatelli, LizetteHospitality Political Action Committee 1,0221,022Mosner, LawrenceJobs Political Fund 1,5001,500Moss, Thomas V.Tim Penny for Governor 1,1301,130Mottaz, Thomas(James) Abeler Volunteer Committee 125Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000TRIAL-PAC 3501,475Mueller, RobertDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 50,00050,000Muller, RobertDemocratic Congressional Campaign 7,500Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 10,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 60,00077,500Mullin, William(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 150Citizens for Judge Lloyd Zimmerman 250Committee to Keep Judge (James) Sw 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,550Mullins, MalloryMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5002,500Mulvahill, AmyDFL House Caucus 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2001,200Murphy, CorrinePawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Murphy, HerbertPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Murphy, KathleenJudi Dutcher for Governor 2,0002,000Murphy, MichaelFaegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partners 451MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 150VET-PAC of Minn 5001,101Murphy, Patrick(Julianne) Ortman for Senate Committe 250Citizens for Denny McNamara 500Friends for Humphrey 250Marley Danner Campaign Committtee 5001,500Musich, RonaldPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000262

Large Givers2,000Naegele III, RobertKelly (Tom) for Attorney General 300Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,050Naegele, RobertFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,000Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerc 1,0002,000Naegele, WilliamHospitality Political Action Committee 1,425Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0002,425Nagorske, LynnKelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,500Nagorski, Stan MStan Nagorski for Senate 3,6383,638Nathanson, MarcDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 50,00050,000Nauen, Charles(Linda) Scheid for Senate Committee 250(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 750(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250(Thomas) Pugh Volunteer Committee 250Committee to Re Elect Doug Stang (Ho 250Friends for Humphrey 150Friends of Phil Krinkie Committee 150Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. <strong>State</strong> 19,700Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 250Volunteers to Elect [Daniel] McElroy 25023,250Neidich, DanDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 19,05419,054Neidich, DanielDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 55,00055,000Nelson, CurtisHospitality Political Action Committee 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 500Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 2501,750Nelson, DarbyMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 800Sierra Club Political Committee 5001,300Nelson, DonRoad PAC of Minn 2,5002,500Nelson, GlenHouse RPM Campaign Committee 15,000Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerc 2,50019,500Nelson, Greg ATim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Nelson, MarilynJobs Political Fund 1,000Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5002,500Nelson, Richard(Keith) Langseth Volunteer Committee 200DFL House Caucus 250Faegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partners 451House RPM Campaign Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 200Senate Majority Caucus 2501,601Nelson, RussellMinneapolis Downtown Council PAC 660Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Tim Penny for Governor 2501,160Nelson, Steven(Steven) Strachan Volunteer Committe 500Dorsey Political Fund 6101,110Nessly Jr, EugeneLarissa (Presho) for <strong>State</strong> Representati 150Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,7501,900Nettler, RichardRKM&C Fund 2,1692,169Neustein, RobinDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 20,00020,000Newman, Kathleen(Michael) Redmond 4 House 150Don Betzold for Senate Committee 200Keep Judge (Stephen) Aldrich Voluntee 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,050Newman, LarryHouse RPM Campaign Committee 250Jobs Political Fund 1,000Minneapolis Downtown Council PAC 500Senate Victory Fund 2502,000Nicholson, BruceInsurance Federation Political Action C 1,000Jobs Political Fund 1,500Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 125Tim Penny for Governor 4423,317Nicholson, CatherinePawlenty for Governor Committee 1,7501,750Nicholson, FordFriends of Matt Dean 250Greater <strong>Minnesota</strong> Victory Fund 500Mike McGinn for <strong>State</strong> Senate 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,950Nicholson, MarthaFriends of Matt Dean 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,5001,750Nicholson, ToddFriends of Matt Dean 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,5002,750Niemiec, Joan(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 900ARC PAC of Minn 150Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 300Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0003,350Niemiec, Richard(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 600Citizens for (Dan) Sparks 250Dave Knutson Volunteer Committee 200Friends for (Deanna) Wiener 200House RPM Campaign Committee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 150People for (Gregory) Davids Committee 175Senate Majority Caucus 150Tim Penny for Governor 1,0004,925Nisi, KurtCrow Wing County DFL 250DFL House Caucus 125Elect Kevin Goodno Committee 200Friends of Gary Kubly for <strong>State</strong> Senate 250263

Large GiversHouse RPM Campaign Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 125Ring (Twyla) for Senate Volunteers 200Senate Majority Caucus 1,250Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 225Tim Penny for Governor 2504,125Nitschke, DaleMinn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 918Minn Retail Political Advocacy Fund 9181,835Noah, MattMRA PAC 1,5261,526Nolan, JohnSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Nolan, StuartMulti Housing Political Action Committe 3,7513,751Nordick, GaryHospitality Political Action Committee 1,0751,075Noren, JayMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Norton, JohnGary Iocco for Senate 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250O Brien, LaurenceDemocratic Congressional Campaign 5,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 30,00035,000O Fallon, DanielDFL House Caucus 250RKM&C Fund 1,5771,827Ober, GayleJudi Dutcher for Governor 250Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 1,5001,750OBerry, Betsy(Betsy) O'Berry Campaign Committee 565Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 5001,065OBrien, J DennisKelly (Tom) for Attorney General 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,200OBrien, KathleenFriends for Humphrey 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,1001,250OConnor, PatrickFriends for Humphrey 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,500Odell, RobertMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Offerman, CarinHouse RPM Campaign Committee 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 200Senate Victory Fund 5001,200OGara, Richard(Joe) Atkins for <strong>State</strong> Representative 250DFL House Caucus 300Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 200Tim Penny for Governor 9001,650Olsem, DougSchwan's Political Action Committee 1,5001,500Olseth, DaleSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Olseth, NancySullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Olson, Carolyn(Dean) Urdahl Volunteer Committee 500(Gregory) Lund for Representative 250(Tim) Wilkin for <strong>State</strong> Rep. Vol. Comm. 250House RPM Campaign Committee 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,750Olson, CliffMaple River Education Coalition PAC 1,5001,500Olson, CliffordFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 2,500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 500Mike McGinn for <strong>State</strong> Senate 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 2005,450Olson, David(Doug) Meslow Volunteer Committee 500CAR, Committee of Automotive Retaile 1,000Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 300Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers <strong>2002</strong>,000Olson, DeborahFriends for Humphrey 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 250Reinhardt for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 250Senate Majority Caucus 1,000Shasky for Senate 5004,250Olson, DouglasMinn Health PAC 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 5001,500Olson, Douglas J(Charles) Wiger for Senate Volunteer C 250(Leo) Foley for Senate Volunteer Com 250(Luanne) Koskinen Campaign Committ 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 450Ring (Twyla) for Senate Volunteers 200Volunteers for Betty Folliard 2001,600Olson, Earl(Dean) Johnson Volunteer Committee 200(Dean) Urdahl Volunteer Committee 500(Joe) Gimse for Senate 500(Tom) VanEngen Volunteer Committee 250House RPM Campaign Committee 2,000Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 5,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0009,450Olson, LyndonDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Olson, MarkMinn Chiropractic Political Action Com 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,200ONeil, JulieJulie (O'Neil) for Judge Campaign Com 10,79810,798Opperman, DarinMinn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 1,250Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 12,50013,750Opperman, Darin B(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 250(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250Bill Hansen Campaign Committee 150Friends for Humphrey 250Friends of (Jane) Krentz 150Julie Ingleman for Senate 200Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000264

Large GiversShasky for Senate 2003,700Opperman, Vance(Allan) Halvorsen for House 150(Jeanne) POPPE for the People Comm 150(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 250(Lynn) Schurman for <strong>State</strong> Senate 150(Patti) Fritz Volunteer Committee 150(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 2,500(Ronald) Latz Volunteer Committee 150(Sandy) Lorenz Campaign Committee 150(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 500(Tarryl) Clark for Senate 150(Tom) Saxhaug for <strong>State</strong> Senate Com 150(Wayne) Gilbert Volunteer Committee 15014th Senate District DFL 50015th Senate District DFL 50044th Senate District DFL 1,00051st Senate District DFL 1,000Bev Scalze Volunteer Committee 150Citizens for (Don) Sauter 150Citizens for Steve Kelley 250Committee to Elect Wollschlager 150Committee to Re-Elect Judge John T. F 2,500Dave Reines Volunter Committee 150Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 20,000DFL House Caucus 15,000Friends for Humphrey 250Friends of Chad Hobot 150Friends of Lucy Nesheim 150Jim Mladek Volunteer Committee 150Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Meg Tilley for <strong>State</strong> House of Represen 150Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 123,000Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000People for (Paul) Auger 150People for Peterson: (Aaron) Peterson f 150Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 12,500Senate Majority Caucus 12,000Team (Lavonne) Bowman 150TRIAL-PAC 1,000Vote (Richard) Wright 150203,150Orbovich, Cynthia BNeighbors for Matt Entenza 200Tim Penny for Governor 1,5001,700Orbovich, Samuel DTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Ordway Jr, John G.Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Oren, Beverly(Mark) Holsten Volunteer Committee 250(Tim) Wilkin for <strong>State</strong> Rep. Vol. Comm. 250Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0002,000Oren, Donald(Mark) Holsten Volunteer Committee 250(Tim) Wilkin for <strong>State</strong> Rep. Vol. Comm. 250Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,090Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0003,090Orenstein, Howard(Nancy) Haas for House 250Friends for Humphrey 500Friends of DFL Women 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0002,000Orloff, StevenMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250RKM&C Fund 9861,236Oswald, CharlesMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 10,00010,000Oswald, Charles WPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Tim Penny for Governor 2,0004,000Otis, Constance(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 300(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 300Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 750Senate Majority Caucus 3001,650Otis, ToddDFL House Caucus 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 8501,050Otten, LouiseCitizens for Denny McNamara 250Gen Olson Volunteer Committee 500House RPM Campaign Committee 500Senate Majority Caucus 5001,750Owens, AliPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Owens, RobertMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 25,00025,000Owens, Rosita33rd Senate DistrictRPM 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Republican Party of Minn 3,5006,000Owens, SamPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Owens, TimPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Owens, TimothyRepublican Party of Minn 40,00040,000Page, DavidJobs Political Fund 500Minn Health PAC 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 300Senate Majority Caucus 4001,450Page, Gregory(Colin) Berg Volunteer Committee 250(Steven) Sviggum Volunteer Committe 250Olson (Mark) Volunteer Committee 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Senate Victory Fund 5002,250Palen, GregoryFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 900House RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0004,150Palmby, Thomas MTim Penny for Governor 1,5001,500Palmer, Floyd(Anthony) Cornish for <strong>State</strong> Representa 300House RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Tim Penny for Governor 2502,550Papenfuss, JerryHouse RPM Campaign Committee 2,750Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,250Senate Victory Fund 750Winona County RPM 6505,400Papenfuss, Pat265

Large GiversPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,2501,250Parenteau, JanetPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Parenteau, JohnPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Parker, Andrew DBrett Smith Supporters 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,1381,388Parker, CharlesPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Parker, LorettaPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Parrish, ChuckDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Parrish, NancyDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Parsons, Alvin LMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 550Pawlenty for Governor Committee 250Tim Penny for Governor 2501,050Paskach, DaveSchwan's Political Action Committee 1,8001,800Paulucci, JenoMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Paulucci, LoisMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Payne, GeraldIndependent Community Bankers of Mi 1,4251,425Payne, Judith(Judi) Payne for Judge Committee 1,5151,515Pekula, WilliamPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Perino, JohnMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,1231,123Perlman, Lawrence(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 200Citizens for Steve Kelley 200DFL House Caucus 200Friends for Humphrey 500Judi Dutcher for Governor 750Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 1,000Tim Penny for Governor 2505,100Perlman, LindaMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Perovich, Elliott(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 650Senate Majority Caucus 2001,050Perpich, GeorgeBill Hansen Campaign Committee 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 800Senate Majority Caucus 1501,100Perry, LisaDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 49,155Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,00054,155Perryman, Margaret(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 150(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 250Minn Health PAC 125Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 1501,675Peterson, GreggPatricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 400Pawlenty for Governor Committee 7501,150Peterson, Kathleen(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 250DFL House Caucus 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,500MWL Voter Outreach Political Fund 250RKM&C Fund 2,7605,010Peterson, Kenneth(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 275Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 400Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,675Peterson, RodneyFriends for (Rodney) Peterson 1,3851,385Petters, JenniferPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Petters, JohnPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Petters, Thomas(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500Judi Dutcher for Governor 500Minn Democrats 5,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 45,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,500Senate Majority Caucus 2,000Tim Penny for Governor 20056,450Phillips, EdwardPatricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Piazza, AlisaPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Pillsbury, George(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 250House RPM Campaign Committee 5,000Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for a Single House Legisla 21,000Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Senate Victory Fund 5,70033,700Pillsbury, Katherine(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 125Minn Republicans for Choice Political A 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 1,0011,626Pillsbury, Sally(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 250(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 250(Ronald) Abrams Volunteer Committee 200(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 250Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Tim Penny for Governor 2,0003,700Pincus, LionelDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 47,08547,085Pinkus, ScottDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Pippin, LennySchwan's Political Action Committee 5,000266

Large Givers5,000Pitzer, KevinIndependence Party of Minn 500Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 4,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 325Rochester Area Chamber of Comm Go 5255,350Piumbroeck, Larry(Larry) Piumbroeck for <strong>State</strong> Senate 2,7582,758Plunkett, RickMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,7001,700Poepl, John F(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 500Citizens for Denny McNamara 250Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Kip Knippel for <strong>State</strong> Senate 2501,250Pofahl, Pati Jo(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 750Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,750Pogin, RichardFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,000House RPM Campaign Committee 500Jim Rhodes Volunteer Committee 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0002,750Pohlad, Carl(Dean) Johnson Volunteer Committee 250(Linda) Scheid for Senate Committee 250(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 250(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250(Steven) Sviggum Volunteer Committe 250Ann Rest for Senate Committee 250Citizen Vol Comm for Irv Anderson 250Citizens for Steve Kelley 250Friends for Humphrey 250House RPM Campaign Committee 10,000Judge Mary Theisen Volunteer Committ 1,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 17,500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 1,000Senate Victory Fund 10,000Tim Penny for Governor 2,000Volunteers to Elect [Daniel] McElroy 25046,000Pohlad, Eloise(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 250(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,500Pohlad, James(Dean) Johnson Volunteer Committee 250(Linda) Scheid for Senate Committee 250(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 250(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 1,000(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250(Steven) Sviggum Volunteer Committe 250Ann Rest for Senate Committee 250Citizen Vol Comm for Irv Anderson 250Citizens for Steve Kelley 250DFL House Caucus 10,000Friends for Humphrey 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 2,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 15,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 11,000Tim Penny for Governor 2,000Volunteers to Elect [Daniel] McElroy 25045,500Pohlad, Michelle(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 2,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0004,250Pohlad, Rebecca(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,250Pohlad, Robert(Dean) Johnson Volunteer Committee 250(Linda) Scheid for Senate Committee 250(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250(Steven) Sviggum Volunteer Committe 250Ann Rest for Senate Committee 250Citizen Vol Comm for Irv Anderson 250Citizens for Steve Kelley 250Friends for Humphrey 250House RPM Campaign Committee 10,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 1,000Senate Victory Fund 10,000Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,000Volunteers to Elect [Daniel] McElroy 25027,250Pohlad, William(Dean) Johnson Volunteer Committee 250(Linda) Scheid for Senate Committee 250(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 250(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250(Steven) Sviggum Volunteer Committe 250Ann Rest for Senate Committee 250Citizen Vol Comm for Irv Anderson 250Citizens for Steve Kelley 250DFL House Caucus 10,000Friends for Humphrey 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 2,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 7,500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 11,000Volunteers to Elect [Daniel] McElroy 25035,000Polk, MichaelDFL House Caucus 200Judge Mary Theisen Volunteer Committ 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 300TRIAL-PAC 9001,600Pomije, DavidSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Pomije, Jo AnnSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Porter, BarryDedicated Americans for the Senate an 2,5002,500Portwood, BarbaraJudi Dutcher for Governor 250Leonard, Street and Deinard PAC 284Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 700Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2001,434Possis, AnnPlanned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 2,3442,344Postl, JamesEmily's List- Minn 3,0003,000Poul, ThomasMesserli & Kramer Political Action Com 6,900Senate Majority Caucus 3507,250Poul, Thomas J(Erik) Paulsen Volunteer Committee 250(Karen) Klinzing Volunteer Committee 200(Richard) Stanek Volunteer Committee 250(Steven) Strachan Volunteer Committe 200Citizens for Steve Kelley 200Dave Knutson Volunteer Committee 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>2002</strong>67

Large GiversPatricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 300Pawlenty for Governor Committee 200Tim Penny for Governor 250Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 1502,350Poulos, SaraRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Poulos, WilliamFriends of Matt Dean 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,500Powell, DavidHouse RPM Campaign Committee 1,500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 3751,875Powers, Robert(James) Keeler for Judge Volunteer Co 2,0002,000Price, SolDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 10,00010,000Prouty, NathanGreater <strong>Minnesota</strong> Victory Fund 1,3001,300Pudas, CraigMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Pulles, GregFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500House RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Republican Party of Minn 3,500Taxpayers League MN Victory Fund 2505,750Pulles, Gregory(Jan) Schneider for MN <strong>State</strong> Senate 250(Linda) Scheid for Senate Committee 250Bachmann (Michele) R-election Commi 200Dan Severson for Representative 125Lipman (Eric) for <strong>State</strong> Representative 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000People for (Gregory) Davids Committee 200Peter Adolphson for <strong>State</strong> Representati <strong>2002</strong>,475Pulles, MichelleDan Severson for Representative 125Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000People for (Gregory) Davids Committee <strong>2002</strong>,825Quam, LoisMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,250Otto (Rebecca) for House 250Volunteers for Betty Folliard 1251,625Quinn, JamesMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Tim Penny for Governor 2,0002,250Quinn, JohnDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 50,00050,000Raiser, MaryDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 10,00010,000Rapoport, BernardDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 40,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 20040,200Rapp, ToddDFL House Caucus 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 3001,500Rappaport Jr., Jerome L.Tim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Rappaport, AndrewDedicated Americans for the Senate an 2,5002,500Rappaport, ElizabethTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Rappaport, Jerome LyleTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Rappaport, Lori PlattTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Rappaport, Phyllis ETim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Rasmussen, RuthPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Rasmussen, VirgilPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Ratliff, LisaPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Ratliff, StephenPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Rattner, StevenDemocratic Congressional Campaign 10,00010,000Rauenhorst, MarkJobs Political Fund 1,5001,500Reaud, WayneDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 95,28895,288Recanti, MichaelDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 24,<strong>2002</strong>4,200Rechelbacher, HorstKen Pentel for Governor 1,5001,500Redmond, Lawrence(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500(Therese) Van Blarcom Volunteer Com 200Citizens for Steve Kelley 400DFL House Caucus 2,750Friends for Humphrey 250Friends of DFL Women 250House RPM Campaign Committee 5,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,500Minn Health PAC 1,000<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Entenza 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,350Pawlenty for Governor Committee 300People for Peterson: (Aaron) Peterson f 200Senate Majority Caucus 600Senate Victory Fund 250Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 200Stonewall DFL (The) 250Tim Penny for Governor 1,00020,250Reedy, GeraldinePawlenty for Governor Committee 1,1251,125Regan, BarbaraPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 2501,250Regan, ScottPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 2501,250Reichel, Bryan35th Senate District RPM 500House RPM Campaign Committee 500Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,0002,000Reichert, Brent268

Large GiversMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500RKM&C Fund 1,9712,471Reiner, MaureenMN Corn 1,2401,240Reiner, RobertDemocratic Congressional Campaign 10,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 15,00025,000Reiner, WillardMN Corn 1,2401,240Reines, DavidDave Reines Volunteer Committee 500Dave Reines Volunter Committee 8201,320Remick, JohnHouse RPM Campaign Committee 2,500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 200Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 283Pawlenty for Governor Committee 625Senate Victory Fund 10,000Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,00014,608Remick, Mary Ann(Carla) Nelson Volunteer Committee 250Kierlin (Robert) Volunteer Committee 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 6251,625Repya, Joseph(Tim) Wilkin for <strong>State</strong> Rep. Vol. Comm. 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Reynolds, David(Ray) Vandeveer Volunteer Committee 476Pawlenty for Governor Committee 7001,176Rice, Brian(Doug) Meslow Volunteer Committee 200(Gregory) Gray for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 250(Mark) Ourada Volunteer Committee 200Citizens for Steve Kelley 450Citizens to Re-Elect Judge Harry Crum 200DFL House Caucus 1,000Friends of (Jane) Krentz 200Friends of DFL Women 500House RPM Campaign Committee 500Mike Nelson Volunteer Committee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000RMJ Political Fund 4,200Rural Minn Preservation 250Senate Majority Caucus 500Volunteers for Phyllis Kahn 15010,800Rice, DanielHouse RPM Campaign Committee 2,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0003,000Richards, PaulineLiz Pierce For Judge 1,7001,700Richardson, P J House Dist. 17B CommitteCommittee to Elect PJ Richardson 1,5701,570Rickerman, NormanJudi Dutcher for Governor 2,0002,000Ridgeway, Rosalind(Dean) Urdahl Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,250Riesen, BarbaraPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 2501,250Riesen, DeanHouse RPM Campaign Committee 300Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 2501,800Riley, JamesMulti Housing Political Action Committe 1,2001,200Riley, PeterDFL House Caucus 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 350Senate Majority Caucus 250TRIAL-PAC 9001,750Robert, Janet(Betsy) O'Berry Campaign Committee 200Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 50,000Senate Majority Caucus 1,00051,200Robert, JudithMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 16,00016,000Robert, MaryDemocratic Congressional Campaign 200,000200,000Robert, ThomasMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 8,0008,000Robert, TimMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 18,00018,000Roberts, CliffDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 10,00010,000Roberts, StevenGame and Fish Coalition 2,0002,000Robertson, MichaelDFL House Caucus 350House RPM Campaign Committee 200People For (Len) Price Senate Committ 200Senate Majority Caucus 5001,250Robertson, SanfordDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 25,00025,000Robson, JamesHouse RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2501,250Roche, KevinPawlenty for Governor Committee 500Tim Penny for Governor 2,0002,500Roche, RichardCitizens for (Richard) Roche 45,54645,546Rockefeller, RichardEmily's List- Minn 2,5002,500Rockwell, Winthrop ATim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Rodde, FritzPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Rodin, BonniMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,0005,000Roe, JohnJobs Political Fund 1,5001,500Roelofs, MaryPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Roelofs, ThomasPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Roethle, StevenPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000269

Large GiversRogers, WayneDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 25,00025,000Rogosheske, Paul(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 250(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 250(Thomas) Pugh Volunteer Committee 200Committee to Re-Elect Judge John T. F 250David A Jaehne Election Committee 250Judge Karen Asphaug Volunteer Com 250Judge Mary Theisen Volunteer Committ 350Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 4502,500Roitenberg, Harold(Ronald) Latz Volunteer Committee 150Friends for Humphrey 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,650Roitenberg, RuthMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Ronning, JoelPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Rood, OmarMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Rosas, Janeen ETim Penny for Governor 1,1301,130Rosbrow, PatriciaMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,0005,000Rosen, JulieJulie Rosen for <strong>State</strong> Senate 5,000Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 2006,200Rosen, TomJobs Political Fund 1,500Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 1,960Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,1004,560Rosenbaum, RobertDorsey Political Fund 638Senate Majority Caucus 5001,138Rosenthal, AlanMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,5001,500Rosenthal, JaneDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 10,00010,000Rosenwald Jr, E JohnDemocratic Congressional Campaign 10,00010,000Rosha, DarrinTim Penny for Governor 1,0651,065Ross, LoisPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Ross, RayPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Rotenberg, Daniel D.Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Roth, JeffCommittee to Elect Jill Clark as Henne 4,2354,235Roth, StevenDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 20,00020,000Rothchild, KennonFriends of (Jane) Krentz 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 250Senate Majority Caucus 5002,000Rothchild, NinaBecky Lourey for Governor 250Friends of (Jane) Krentz 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 750Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 2501,500Rothman, Alexander JBecky Lourey for Governor 1,3001,300Rufer, Stephen(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 250(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 450TRIAL-PAC 3001,150Ryan, AnnPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Ryan, JamesCitizens for Judge Lloyd Zimmerman 250Minneapolis Downtown Council PAC 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500TRIAL-PAC 2251,225Ryan, JosephPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 5001,500Ryan, KevinBeer PAC-Minn Beer Wholesalers Ass 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2001,200Ryan, PatrickMinneapolis Downtown Council PAC 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,250Ryan, RobertCAR, Committee of Automotive Retaile 300Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,0005,300Saario, TerryJudi Dutcher for Governor 250Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,1002,850Saban, HaimDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 30,00030,000Sadin, ArthurDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 26,00026,000Safley, DianneMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1501,400Safley, JamesRKM&C Fund 2,7602,760Sall, JohnDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 25,00025,000Sall, VirginiaDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 50,00050,000Samargia, JaneMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,2001,200Samargia, JoeDFL House Caucus 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 600Senate Majority Caucus 2501,100Sampson, Curtis(Colin) Berg Volunteer Committee 200(Keith) Langseth Volunteer Committee 200(Loren) Solberg Volunteer Committee 250(Michael) Beard Volunteer Committee 250(Thomas) Pugh Volunteer Committee 250270

Large GiversCitizens for Claire Robling 250Dave Knutson Volunteer Committee 125DFL House Caucus 763Friends of (Michelle) Fischbach 250House RPM Campaign Committee 1,700Independence Party of Minn 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 300Senate Majority Caucus 1,500Senate Victory Fund 2,200Tim Penny for Governor 1,0009,738Sampson, Marian(Loren) Solberg Volunteer Committee 125(Mark) Holsten Volunteer Committee 125Committee for (Sondra) Erickson 125Dave Knutson Volunteer Committee 125DFL House Caucus 763Jim Rhodes Volunteer Committee 2501,513Sampson, Randall(Mark) Holsten Volunteer Committee 200(Michael) Beard Volunteer Committee 200Citizens for Claire Robling 200Dave Knutson Volunteer Committee 200DFL House Caucus 750Friends of (Michelle) Fischbach 200House RPM Campaign Committee 750Jim Rhodes Volunteer Committee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Senate Majority Caucus 500Senate Victory Fund 1,200Shasky for Senate 250Tim Penny for Governor 1,0005,900Sanborn, BruceFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 900Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0002,150Sanborn, TheaKiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Sand, ThomasMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 1501,150Sandborgh, AnitaAnita (Sandborgh) For You 1,8351,835Sandler, HerbertMinn ACORN Political Action Committe 2,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,0007,000Sanger, StephenHouse RPM Campaign Committee 5,000Jobs Political Fund 2,000Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 5007,500Sarles, MaryKelly (Tom) for Attorney General 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500People for (Gregory) Davids Committee 250Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2001,450Sather, GailMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,2501,250Satnan, Gary M.Tim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Sauer, GaryMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Road PAC of Minn 3,5004,500Sawicki, Walter(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 200Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500TRIAL-PAC 3001,200Sawyer, James(Thomas) Neuville for Senate Volunteer 200Beer PAC-Minn Beer Wholesalers Ass 500House RPM Campaign Committee 300Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 200Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 1,800Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Ray Cox for <strong>State</strong> Representative 5004,500Saxon, Mike(Joe) Atkins for <strong>State</strong> Representative 249CAR, Committee of Automotive Retaile 1,1001,349Schachtman, StevenMulti Housing Political Action Committe 1,7781,778Scheel, Steve(Morrie) Lanning for <strong>State</strong> Representati 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Schenian, Dale(Joe) Atkins for <strong>State</strong> Representative 200(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 200Citizens for Claire Robling 200Dave Knutson Volunteer Committee 200DFL House Caucus 500Friends of (Michelle) Fischbach 200House RPM Campaign Committee 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 300Senate Majority Caucus 500Senate Victory Fund 1,100Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 250Tim Penny for Governor 2,0006,150Scherer, RogerHouse RPM Campaign Committee 1,000Senate Victory Fund 7001,700Schilling Jr, HughHouse RPM Campaign Committee 2,5002,500Schilling, HughHouse RPM Campaign Committee 10,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Republican Party of Minn 30,00040,750Schlosstein, RalphMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,0005,000Schmit, PeterMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 150RKM&C Fund 9861,136Schneider, Janet(Jan) Schneider for MN <strong>State</strong> Senate 1,4291,429Schneider, Mahlon(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 500Anderson (Jeffrey) Volunteer Committe 200House RPM Campaign Committee 2,000Julie Rosen for <strong>State</strong> Senate 125Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 150Schwab (Grace) for Senate Volunteers 250Senate Victory Fund 1,0004,225Schneider, WilliamRepublican Party of Minn 10,00010,000Schoenfeld, Gerald(Torrey) Westrom for <strong>State</strong> Representa 250Citizens to Elect Al Juhnke 200DFL House Caucus 250House RPM Campaign Committee 1,000271

Large GiversMartin County RPM 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 250Rural Minn Preservation 500Steve Dille for <strong>State</strong> Senate 250Volunteers for (Dan) Dorman 2503,200Schoenfelder, GailMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,1001,100Schoop, MickaelSierra Club Political Committee 4,0004,000Schroeder, Robert(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 250Cal Larson Volunteer Committee 250Committee for (Sondra) Erickson 200Friends of Phil Krinkie Committee 200Hospitality Political Action Committee 675House RPM Campaign Committee 250Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 5002,825Schumacher, DonaldMinn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 2,750Senate Victory Fund 1502,900Schumacher, JohnHospitality Political Action Committee 500Tim Penny for Governor 1,2001,700Schumacher, KathleenHospitality Political Action Committee 1,3011,301Schumeister, StevenMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000RKM&C Fund 2,7603,760Schutt, Pamela J.Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,9001,900Schutz, Ronald(David) Gaither for Senate Committee 500Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500RKM&C Fund 2,760Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,0004,760Schwab, MarilynHouse RPM Campaign Committee 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 250Senate Victory Fund 1,000Winona County RPM 1501,900Schwalbach, GeraldCommittee to Elect Judy Lindsay 250Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0004,500Schwan, AlfredMarty Seifert for <strong>State</strong> Representative 500Schwan's Political Action Committee 5,0005,500Schwartz, BenjaminDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Schwartz, BernardDemocratic Congressional Campaign 150,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 124,569274,569Schwarz, Audri(John) Hutcheson for <strong>State</strong> Auditor 200Citizens to Elect Tom Child 200Tim Penny for Governor 299Volunteers for (Saundra) Spigner 3751,074Schwebel, James(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 200(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 450(Ronald) Latz Volunteer Committee 200Citizens to Re-Elect Judge Harry Crum 300DFL House Caucus 500Friends for Humphrey 200Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 200Keep Judge (Stephen) Aldrich Voluntee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 700Senate Majority Caucus 250Tim Penny for Governor 250TRIAL-PAC 9004,350Schweiger, Paul(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 250DFL House Caucus 250Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500TRIAL-PAC 4201,670Schwieters, JohnBAM-PAC 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0003,000Schwieters, LynneaPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Scott, JeffResidents for Jeff Scott for Senate 1,6471,647Scott, RussellHospitality Political Action Committee 1,1651,165Seaton, Douglas41st Senate District RPM 450House RPM Campaign Committee 1,500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 300Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 125MABC PAC 300Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 350Ron Erhardt Volunteer Committee 200Senate Victory Fund 1,5004,975Seck, Gerald(Dennis) Ozment Volunteer Comm 250(George) McMahon Volunteer Committ 200(Lawrence) Pogemiller for Senate Vol C 200(Leo) Foley for Senate Volunteer Com 350(Linda) Berglin Volunteer Committee 350(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 500(Tom) Osthoff Volunteer Committee 75039th Senate District DFL 250Chaudhary (Satveer) for Senate 400Citizens for (Martha) Robertson 200Crow Wing County DFL 500DFL House Caucus 2,750Eastsiders for Mee (Moua) 125Friends of (Michelle) Fischbach 450Friends of DFL Women 250Linda Higgins Volunteer Committee 400Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000People For (Len) Price Senate Committ 200Senate Majority Caucus 500Senate Victory Fund 500Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 400Steve Dille for <strong>State</strong> Senate 200Tomassoni for <strong>State</strong> Senate 200Wasiluk (Scott) Volunteer 25012,175Senjem, David H(David) Senjem for Senate 2,9462,946Senkler, PamelaMichel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Senkler, Robert272

Large GiversHouse RPM Campaign Committee 5,175Insurance Federation Political Action C 1,000Jobs Political Fund 1,500Neighbors for Matt Entenza 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerc 1,0009,875Senn, Fredrick Martin GTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Senn, Mark(Julianne) Ortman for Senate Committe 150Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,0001,150Seppelt, Miles(Erick) Harper for Senate 500(Miles) Seppelt Volunter Committee 7121,212Shaver, MaureenMichel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Shaw, DavidDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 80,02380,023Shaw, DionneDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Shaw, GregoryDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Shea, PatPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Shea, RosannePawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Sheehy, JohnCitizens to Re-Elect Judge Harry Crum 500Committee to Re-Elect Judge John T. F 500Judi Dutcher for Governor 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0004,000Sherman, GeorgeHouse RPM Campaign Committee 2,5002,500Shipstead, PatrickRKM&C Fund 3,1543,154Shorenstein, WalterDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 26,18226,182Sieben, HarryCitizens for Effective Leadership 250Citizens to Re-Elect Judge Harry Crum 200DFL House Caucus 5,250Friends for Humphrey 200Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,450TRIAL-PAC 9008,500Sieben, James(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500DFL House Caucus 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Senate Majority Caucus 250Senate Victory Fund 2501,750Sieben, Michael(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 250(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 300(Thomas) Pugh Volunteer Committee 200DFL House Caucus 2,750Friends for Humphrey 500Judge Mary Theisen Volunteer Committ 200Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Matt Tourville Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,250TRIAL-PAC 7506,700Sieben, William(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 250(Steven) Murphy for Senate 500DFL House Caucus 2,000Friends for Humphrey 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 1,250TRIAL-PAC 1,1006,600Sigurdson, PaulMinn Realtors Political Action Committe 2,0002,000Sikorski, Gerald(Jeffrey) Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Chuck Davis for Representative 200Dave Reines Volunter Committee 250Friends for Humphrey 250Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 5001,700Silberfeld, RomanMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000RKM&C Fund 2,7603,760Silker, BarbaraPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Silker, GlenPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Silker, GregPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Silker, SuePawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Sill, MichaelMarley Danner Campaign Committtee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 200People in Construction Political Action 500Road PAC of Minn 2,5003,650Sillerman, RobertDemocratic Congressional Campaign 250,000250,000Sime, MichaelKelly (Tom) for Attorney General 500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Taxpayers League MN Victory Fund 2,5003,750Simmonds, JaniceMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Simon, BrenDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 484,638Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 25,000509,638Simon, MelvinDemocratic Congressional Campaign 50,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 50,000100,000Sit, EugeneHouse RPM Campaign Committee 5,000Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Tim Penny for Governor 2,0007,250Smedsrud, JeffreyMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 700Tim Penny for Governor 1,0001,700Smith, ArchFriends for (Deanna) Wiener 250Friends for Humphrey 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,750273

Large GiversSmith, KristineGreen Party of Minn 1,5001,500Smith, LouisBrett Smith Supporters 250Friends for Humphrey 500Judi Dutcher for Governor 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2001,650Smith, RobertDemocratic Congressional Campaign 100,000100,000Smith, Tina(Catherine) Shreves Volunteer Committ 500Friends for (Deanna) Wiener 250Friends for Humphrey 500Julie Ingleman for Senate 125Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,000Minn NARAL Action Fund 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 4,000Volunteers for (D Scott) Dibble 25013,125Snider, Eric FTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Snyder, HaroldDemocratic Congressional Campaign 25,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 12,50037,500Snyder, KevinRKM&C Fund 1,9711,971Solomon, DavidDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 10,00010,000Sommer, JayCommittee to Elect Jay Sommer for Ju 8,7658,765Sonnenfeldt, MichaelDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 20,00020,000Soros, GeorgeDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 72,47272,472Soros, JonathanDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 25,00025,000Soros-Colombel, AndreaMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 25,00025,000Soucie, Fred(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 125TRIAL-PAC 9001,025Soule, George(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 1,215(Paul) Kohls Volunteer Committee 250Citizens for Judge Lloyd Zimmerman 250Tim Penny for Governor 2,0003,715Spannaus, Warren(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 150Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 9501,100Spano, Wyman(Charles) Wiger for Senate Volunteer C 200(Dallas) Sams For Senate 200(Dick) Day Volunteer Committee 200(Keith) Langseth Volunteer Committee 250(Lawrence) Pogemiller for Senate Vol C 150(Sandy) Lorenz Campaign Committee 200(Steven) Murphy for Senate 20039th Senate District DFL 20064th Senate District DFL 200Citizens for (Dan) Sparks 200Friends of (Jane) Krentz 150Friends of DFL Women 250Minn Milk PAC 2,195Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 257Pawlenty for Governor Committee 150Senate Majority Caucus 1,2506,252Sparboe, Robert(David) Detert Legislative Election Com 400(Dean) Urdahl Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 400Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,550Spears, Wayne(Carla) Nelson Volunteer Committee 250(Charles) Wiger for Senate Volunteer C 200(Laura) Brod for Representative Volunt 250(Leo) Foley for Senate Volunteer Com 200(Lynda) Boudreau Volunteer Committe 200Ann Rest for Senate Committee 250Becky Lourey for Governor 200Crow Wing County DFL 500DFL House Caucus 500Elect Kevin Goodno Committee 200Friends of (Michelle) Fischbach 450Friends of Neva Walker 200House RPM Campaign Committee 500Jane Ranum Volunteer Committee 250Mary Ellen Otremba Volunteer Committ 200People for (David) Johnson 200Ring (Twyla) for Senate Volunteers 200Senate Majority Caucus 1,800Tim Penny for Governor 250Tom Huntley Volunteer Committee 200Volunteers for Betty Folliard 2007,200Speer, NancyFriends of (Jane) Krentz 250Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 600Senate Majority Caucus 5001,600Speese, Carolyn(John) Hottinger Reelection Committee 250(Thomas) Pugh Volunteer Committee 250Committee to Re Elect Doug Stang (Ho 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500People for (Gregory) Davids Committee 2501,500Speese, Mark(John) Hottinger Reelection Committee 250(Thomas) Pugh Volunteer Committee 250Committee to Re Elect Doug Stang (Ho 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500People for (Gregory) Davids Committee 2501,500Spencer, Edson WTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Sperduto, Jody LaursenTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Sperduto, Paul W.Tim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Sperling, JackMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0002,000Sperling, JohnDemocratic Congressional Campaign 25,00025,000Spillane, JohnMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,500Spitzer, CharlotteDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 2,500274

Large Givers2,500Staley, Warren(Anthony) Cornish for <strong>State</strong> Representa 250(Colin) Berg Volunteer Committee 250(Jeff) Moen for Representative Committ 250(Randy) Demmer Volunteer Committee 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Volunteers for Maxine Penas 1251,375Stanford, R. AllenDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 250,000250,000Stanhope, WilliamRKM&C Fund 2,7602,760Stanton, James(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500Minn Realtors Political Action Committe 5,1885,688Staricha, LanceCommittee to Elect Lance Staricha 1,8771,877Stassen, J Robert(Brian) McClung Volunteer Committee 200(Jack) Trojack for Senate Volunteer Co 300House RPM Campaign Committee 125Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5131,138Statton, JudySullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Stauber, KarenKelly (Tom) for Attorney General 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Stauber, ThomasKelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0002,000Steans, HeatherDemocratic Congressional Campaign 10,00010,000Steiner, DavidMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 6,0006,000Steiner, Paul(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 600Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 400Senate Majority Caucus 5001,500Steinhafel, GreggJim Rhodes Volunteer Committee 250Larissa (Presho) for <strong>State</strong> Representati 400Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,650Stelter, FredPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Stelter, LyndaPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Stephenson, JamesFaegre & Benson Ltd Liability Partners 451Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Tim Penny for Governor 2501,401Stern, DavidDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 100,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 15,000115,000Stillman, MichaelMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Stoebner, CarolCitizens for Sherry Butcher for <strong>State</strong> Se 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Stoesz, SaraMinn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 125Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 1,0001,125Stordahl, Ronald(Steven) Booth for Senate 250Kenner (Lyle) for <strong>State</strong> Senate 500Pennington County RPM 1,0001,750Stordalen, Linda K.(Dave) Engstrom for Senate 500Ken Pentel for Governor 1,5002,000Stout, ThomasDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Strand, ScottMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 200RKM&C Fund 9861,186Strandess, DougMulti Housing Political Action Committe 1,3001,300Stratton, RonJudge Mary Theisen Volunteer Committ 2,0002,000Streed, Mark(Thomas) Pugh Volunteer Committee 125DFL House Caucus 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 125TRIAL-PAC 7652,265Strusinski, DonnaDFL House Caucus 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,250Strusinski, William3B House District DFL 200(Dallas) Sams For Senate 200(Dennis) Ozment Volunteer Comm 200(Keith) Langseth Volunteer Committee 200(Mark) Holsten Volunteer Committee 200(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee <strong>2002</strong>3rd Senate District DFL 25064th Senate District DFL 250DFL House Caucus 900Friends of DFL Women 250House RPM Campaign Committee 3,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 655People for (Gregory) Davids Committee 200People For (Len) Price Senate Committ 150Pine County DFL 250Senate Majority Caucus 750Senate Victory Fund 250Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 2008,305Sturgis, EllyMinn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 2,5002,500Stutrud, MarkHospitality Political Action Committee 1,625Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 1501,775Styles, KeithRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Suk, CharlesDFL House Caucus 250TRIAL-PAC 9001,150Sullivan, Brian(Brian) LeClair for <strong>State</strong> Senate Cmte 500(Carla) Nelson Volunteer Committee 250(Dale) Brodin for <strong>State</strong> Rep Volunteer C 250(Dave) Racer for Senate 250(David) Gaither for Senate Committee 500(Jan) Schneider for MN <strong>State</strong> Senate 250(Joe) Gimse for Senate 250275

Large Givers(Julianne) Ortman for Senate Committe 500(Lynn) Zaffke for Senate 25033rd Senate DistrictRPM 250Bachmann (Michele) R-election Commi 500Carrie Ruud for Senate Volunteer Com 250Committee to Elect Judy Lindsay 250Dan Severson for Representative 250Duke Powell Volunteer Committee 500Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for (Justin) Krych 250Nienow (Sean) Volunteer Committee 250Olson (Mark) Volunteer Committee 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Paul Koering for Senate Volunteer Com 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Peter Adolphson for <strong>State</strong> Representati 250Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,204,4261,213,676Sullivan, ChristopherRKM&C Fund 2,1692,169Sullivan, JudithMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2001,200Sullivan, Mia(Carla) Nelson Volunteer Committee 250(Lynn) Zaffke for Senate 250Committee to Elect Judy Lindsay 250Dan Severson for Representative 250Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0002,750Sundquist, AmyKiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0004,000Sundquist, DeanFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0004,500Sussman, DonaldDemocratic Congressional Campaign 300,000300,000Sutton, GeorgeHouse RPM Campaign Committee 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,200Sutton, TaraMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000RKM&C Fund 1,5772,577Svitak, DavidPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Svitak, JodyPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Swanson, Peter(David) Gaither for Senate Committee 250Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 4501,200Sweasy, CarolCitizens for Denny McNamara 125Tim Penny for Governor 1,0001,125Sweasy, WilliamJobs Political Fund 1,500Red Wing Area Business Leadership C 500Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 500Tim Penny for Governor 1,0003,500Sweeney, MikeMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,250Tambornino, Mary(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 200Citizens for Sherry Butcher for <strong>State</strong> Se 200Julie Ingleman for Senate 355Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 200Tim Penny for Governor 2001,155Taunton, PaulPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Tautges, RobertMinn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 1,5001,500Taylor, GlenHouse RPM Campaign Committee 10,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Senate Victory Fund 2,50015,000Taylor, GlendaKiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,250Tennessen, Robert(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Senate Majority Caucus 5003,000Test, CharlesLibertarian Party of Minn 4,6954,695Tetzloff, Robert(Betsy) O'Berry Campaign Committee 210(Daniel) Freeman for Senate 235(Lawrence) Pogemiller for Senate Vol C 200(Linda) Scheid for Senate Committee 200(Ronald) Abrams Volunteer Committee 200Friends for (Deanna) Wiener 230House RPM Campaign Committee 225Jim Rhodes Volunteer Committee 200Minn CPA's Public Affairs Committee 1,500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 475Roger Moe Volunteer Committee 200Senate Victory Fund 125Senator (James) Metzen Re-election C 2004,200Tharaldson, Peter5th Congressional District IPM 1,970(Edwina) Garcia for Senate Volunteer C 1502,120Thatcher, Paul RexfordMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Thell, Charles(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,250Thiss, Scott(Alice) Seagren Volunteer Committee 250Citizens for Sherry Butcher for <strong>State</strong> Se 250House RPM Campaign Committee 250Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 1,380Pawlenty for Governor Committee 7252,855Thomas, DirkRKM&C Fund 2,1692,169Thomas, Richard276

Large Givers(Keith) Langseth Volunteer Committee 200DFL House Caucus 500House RPM Campaign Committee 500Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2251,925Thomas, RobertMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 8,0008,000Thompson, VanJudi Dutcher for Governor 600Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 6331,233Thornton, T R(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 600(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 450Committee to Re-Elect Judge John T. F 200Judi Dutcher for Governor 300Retain Judge (Terri) Stoneburner 2001,750Thorson, BrianMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,2151,215Thuringer, BrianJudi Dutcher for Governor 2,000Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 2,500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5005,000Tieger, DavidDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Tietjen, RandallMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500RKM&C Fund 9861,486Tiller Jr, ThomasHouse RPM Campaign Committee 2,5002,500Tiller, ThomasJobs Political Fund 1,5001,500Tilley, BarryDFL House Caucus 850House RPM Campaign Committee 600Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Senate Majority Caucus 500Senate Victory Fund 2502,700Tilley, Margaret JMeg Tilley for <strong>State</strong> House of Represen 4,0134,013Tim Hage for <strong>State</strong> SenateTim Hage for <strong>State</strong> Senate 1,6101,610Tisch, JonathanDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 25,00025,000Tishman, JohnDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 16,57616,576Tobias, AndrewDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 5,00010,000Toll, Steven(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 1,000Judi Dutcher for Governor 1,0002,000Tollefson, JeffreySullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Tompkins-Buell, SusieDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 25,00025,000Tortelli, RonaldHouse RPM Campaign Committee 250Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 250Senate Victory Fund 2501,250Trautz, JillBachmann (Michele) R-election Commi 125Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,875Trautz, JohnBachmann (Michele) R-election Commi 125Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 900Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,0003,275Tremere, Blair5th Congressional District RPM 130(Daniel) Freeman for Senate 175House RPM Campaign Committee 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 6001,405Trimble, Tony<strong>Minnesota</strong>n's for a Republican Majority 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0003,000Trooien, GeraldDFL House Caucus 5,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 7,50012,500Truen, GeraldMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Trujillo, EstevanIBPAT - PAT Legislative and Education 2,4232,423Tschohl, WilliamHouse RPM Campaign Committee 150Minn Realtors Political Action Committe 1,900Pawlenty for Governor Committee 4002,450Tunheim, KathrynMinn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 5,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 6005,600Turner, BeverlyEastsiders for Mee (Moua) 125Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,500Senate Majority Caucus 450Senate Victory Fund 2003,275Turner, JohnPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,500Tim Penny for Governor 2,0003,500Tuttle, EmilyMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 7,000Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 1,0008,000Tuttle, Emily AnnFriends for (Deanna) Wiener 250Friends for Humphrey 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 500Julie Ingleman for Senate 4831,483Tuttle, GedneyFriends for Humphrey 250Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 500Tim Penny for Governor 1,2001,950Twomey, ChrisHouse RPM Campaign Committee 2,0002,000Ulrich, Bob(Anthony) Cornish for <strong>State</strong> Representa 250(Carla) Nelson Volunteer Committee 125(Dennis) Ozment Volunteer Comm 250(Jim) Knoblach Volunteer Committee 250(Sheila) Kiscaden Senate Committee 250277

Large Givers(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250Citizens to Elect Doug Fuller 250Jim Rhodes Volunteer Committee 250Jobs Political Fund 1,500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 500Lynne Osterman 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250People for (Gregory) Davids Committee 250Volunteers to Elect [Daniel] McElroy 2504,875Undlin, ThomasRKM&C Fund 1,5771,577Ursu, John(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 175Tim Penny for Governor 5001,175Usem, RonaldJulie Ingleman for Senate 527Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 5001,027Usem, Ruth(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500Minn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Planned Parenthood of Minn Pol Action 500Reinhardt for <strong>State</strong> Auditor <strong>2002</strong>,700Valenti, JackDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 9,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 4,00013,000Van Dyck, Sharon(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 125(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 350DFL House Caucus 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Senate Majority Caucus 2501,475Van Dyke, DouglasPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Van Dyke, JudithPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Van Dyke, WilliamJobs Political Fund 1,500Julie Rosen for <strong>State</strong> Senate 2501,750Van Etta, JohnMEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Prettner Solon Volunteer Committee 500Tim Penny for Governor 2,000Volunteers for (Marcia) Hales 2003,200Van Etta, LindaMEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 500Prettner Solon Volunteer Committee 500Tim Penny for Governor 1,0002,000Vanasek, RobertDFL House Caucus 350Friends of DFL Women 250House RPM Campaign Committee 350Senate Majority Caucus 350Senate Victory Fund 2501,550Varis, AgnesDemocratic Congressional Campaign 7,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 35,000Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 35,00077,000Varley, LeoSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Vaughan, Mary(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 250Judi Dutcher for Governor 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 7501,500Vazquez-Keller, MariaSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Veis, DavidMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500RKM&C Fund 1,9712,471Velde, DavidDFL House Caucus 200Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,200Vennes Jr, FrankHouse RPM Campaign Committee 10,75010,750Vennes, ColbyPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Vennes, DenleyPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Vennes, GregoryPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Vennes, KimberlyPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Vennes, StephaniePawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Vento, Susan38th Senate District DFL 250DFL House Caucus 250Katie Sieben Volunteer Committee 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000People For (Len) Price Senate Committ 500Senate Majority Caucus 250Wasiluk (Scott) Volunteer 2504,000Viere, Gordon ASullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Voltin, DarwinBurnsville Chamber PAC 500House RPM Campaign Committee 450Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 4,555Pawlenty for Governor Committee 6006,105Volz, Jane(Jane) Volz for Judge Committee 12,04412,044Volz, Jerry(Jane) Volz for Judge Committee 5,390Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 2505,640Voss, Gordon(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250Friends for Humphrey 250Friends of Chad Hobot 197Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 750Senate Majority Caucus 2501,697Vrandenburg, PatriciaDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Vukobratovich, George(Ted Lundrigan) Judicial Election <strong>2002</strong> 1,4501,450Wade, Terry(Michael) Redmond 4 House 200Committee to Keep Judge (James) Sw 500DFL House Caucus 250Jane Ranum Volunteer Committee 200Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000Otto (Rebecca) for House 250People for (Paul) Auger 250278

Large GiversRKM&C Fund 2,7606,410Wadley, MikePower P A C 1,7001,700Wagener, MorrieCAR, Committee of Automotive Retaile 2,600Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 2502,850Wait, JoanDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 25,00025,000Wait, TedDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 12,50012,500Wallin, Winston R.Tim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Walser, PaulCAR, Committee of Automotive Retaile 3,800Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 200Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Senate Victory Fund 5,000Vern Wilcox for <strong>State</strong> Senate 50010,500Walser, RebeccaPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Vern Wilcox for <strong>State</strong> Senate 5001,500Walser, RJMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 15,00015,000Walsh, Andrea(Alice) Seagren Volunteer Committee 113Health Partners Civic Affairs Council 500Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 125Pawlenty for Governor Committee 9251,663Walsh, Harry(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,5001,750Walters, Joe(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 500Friends for Humphrey 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2501,250Walters-Kieffer, Mary JoTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Walther, AnnRMJ Political Fund 1,1601,160Wark, DavidMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Wark, MaryMinn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 7,500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0009,500Watson, Mary(Andy) Otness for MN Senate 110Friends for Humphrey 250Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,0001,360Wayne, MichelleMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Weaver, Thomas(Mark) Ourada Volunteer Committee 200House RPM Campaign Committee 550Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadershi 210Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,460Weber, CherylKelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,500Weber, VinDuke Powell Volunteer Committee 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5002,000Weinstein, HarveyDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 20,00020,000Weis, Joseph(Carla) Nelson Volunteer Committee 250House RPM Campaign Committee 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 200Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 450Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerc 200Senate Victory Fund 2501,850Weiser, IrvingCitizens for Steve Kelley 250Jobs Political Fund 1,500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2502,000Weiser, MarjorieCitizens for Steve Kelley 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Senate Majority Caucus 1,0001,500Wellman, JamesMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 500Progressive Minn 560Senate Majority Caucus 3001,360Wenger, Jerry ATim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Wengler, WilliamHospitality Political Action Committee 1,0751,075Wenmark, MonicaPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,2501,250Wenmark, WilliamFreedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 200Olson (Mark) Volunteer Committee 350Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,2502,300Wenzel, Stephen(Greg) Blaine Campaign 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,1001,600Wessner, DavidJobs Political Fund 1,500Minn Health PAC 500Senate Majority Caucus 200Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 1,0003,200Westin, Charles WMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Weyerhaeuser, DavidMichel (Geoffrey) for Senate 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,500Weyerhaeuser, ElizabethMichel (Geoffrey) for Senate 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,500Weyerhaeuser, F.T.(Jack) Trojack for Senate Volunteer Co 200House RPM Campaign Committee 1,300Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 200Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Michel (Geoffrey) for Senate 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 2,000Republican Party of Minn 2,000Senate Victory Fund 1,0007,450Weyerhaeuser, Nancy279

Large GiversPawlenty for Governor Committee 1,2501,250Wheelock, Pamela ATim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000White, Scott<strong>Minnesota</strong>n's for a Republican Majority 5,0005,000Whitehead, JoriJori Whitehead for Judge Committee 12,75012,750Whitney, J Kimball(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 500House RPM Campaign Committee 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 300Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 250Minn Republicans for Choice Political A 400Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 400Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Senate Victory Fund 4003,750Whitney, Wheelock(Paul) Anderson for Re-election 50033rd Senate DistrictRPM 250House RPM Campaign Committee 10,000Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 500Republican Party of Minn 5,000Senate Victory Fund 5,00022,250Wiens, Claudia2nd Congressional District RPM 2,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0003,000Wigley, Barbara2nd Congressional District RPM 500(Arlon) Lindner for <strong>State</strong> Rep Committe 250(Brian) LeClair for <strong>State</strong> Senate Cmte 500(Daniel) Freeman for Senate 125(Dave) Kleis Campaign Committee 250(David) Gaither for Senate Committee 250(Jan) Schneider for MN <strong>State</strong> Senate 500(Lynn) Zaffke for Senate 500(Patricia) Pariseau for Senate 250(Ray) Vandeveer Volunteer Committee 250(Warren) Limmer for Senate Committe 250(William) Haas (Jr) Volunteer Committe 25054B House District RPM 250Chris Gerlach for <strong>State</strong> Representive 250Committee for (Sondra) Erickson 250Committee to Elect Judy Lindsay 500Dale Walz Volunteer Committee 125Darren Knight for House of Representat 500Elect (Mary) Holberg Committee 250Friends of Bruce Anderson 250Friends of Phil Krinkie Committee 250Gen Olson Volunteer Committee 250Howard Swenson Volunteer Committee 125Jacobson (Carl) for <strong>State</strong> Representativ 250Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Lynne Osterman 250Mady Reiter for Senate 250Nelson (Bruce) Volunteer Committee 125Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,500Peter Adolphson for <strong>State</strong> Representati 250Steve Minar Volunteer Committee 125Steve Smith Volunteer Committee 250Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,000Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 500Volunteers for (Tony) Kielkucki 250Volunteers for Mark Buesgens 25014,125Wigley, Michael(Arlon) Lindner for <strong>State</strong> Rep Committe 250(Brian) LeClair for <strong>State</strong> Senate Cmte 500(Daniel) Freeman for Senate 125(Dave) Kleis Campaign Committee 250(Dave) Racer for Senate 250(David) Gaither for Senate Committee 250(Erik) Paulsen Volunteer Committee 250(Jan) Schneider for MN <strong>State</strong> Senate 500(Lynn) Zaffke for Senate 500(Patricia) Pariseau for Senate 250(Ray) Vandeveer Volunteer Committee 500(Stephanie) Olsen Volunteer Committe 250(Warren) Limmer for Senate Committe 250(William) Haas (Jr) Volunteer Committe 25054B House District RPM 250Bachmann (Michele) R-election Commi 250Cassell Campaign Committee 250Chris Gerlach for <strong>State</strong> Representive 250Committee for (Sondra) Erickson 250Committee to Elect Judy Lindsay 500Dale Walz Volunteer Committee 125Darren Knight for House of Representat 500Duke Powell Volunteer Committee 500Family Advocates PAC 5,000Freedom Club <strong>State</strong> PAC 3,000Friends of Bruce Anderson 250Friends of Phil Krinkie Committee 250Gen Olson Volunteer Committee 250Howard Swenson Volunteer Committee 125Jacobson (Carl) for <strong>State</strong> Representativ 250Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 500Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Lynne Osterman 250Mady Reiter for Senate 250Maple River Education Coalition PAC 1,000Marty Seifert for <strong>State</strong> Representative 250Mike McGinn for <strong>State</strong> Senate 250Nelson (Bruce) Volunteer Committee 125Nienow (Sean) Volunteer Committee 250Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,500Peter Adolphson for <strong>State</strong> Representati 250Steve Minar Volunteer Committee 125Steve Smith Volunteer Committee 250Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,000Taxpayers League MN Victory Fund 28,000Volunteers for (Kurt) Zellers 500Volunteers for (Tony) Kielkucki 250Volunteers for Mark Buesgens 25053,125Wildfang, K.CraigJudi Dutcher for Governor 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000RKM&C Fund 2,1694,669Wilensky, Scott(Michael) Hatch for Attorney General 300<strong>Minnesota</strong>ns for Entenza 250Power P A C 1,000Senate Majority Caucus 750Senate Victory Fund 1502,450Wilkinson, UriahUriah Wilkinson for Representative Ca 2,0002,000Williams, AgnesDemocratic Congressional Campaign 5,0005,000Williams, Charles(Thomas) Bakk for Senate 250House RPM Campaign Committee 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 175Tim Penny for Governor 150Tomassoni for <strong>State</strong> Senate 2501,325Williams, James280

Large GiversIBPAT - PAT Legislative and Education 1,0201,020Williams, John EddieDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 153,087153,087Williams, MichaelDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 5,0005,000Williamson, JaneMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Williamson, KurtMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Wills, JimMinn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 1,2001,200Wilson, DavidMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,0002,000Wilson, GaryMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,000RKM&C Fund 1,9712,971Wilson, KingsleyDFL House Caucus 500House RPM Campaign Committee 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 300Senate Majority Caucus 500Senate Victory Fund 4502,250Wilson, RhysRKM&C Fund 1,9711,971Winkelman, MarkDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 15,74815,748Winslow, BarrySullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Winslow, SandraSullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0002,000Wipf, ElainePawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Wipf, RonaldPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Wishnick, HarrietJudi Dutcher for Governor 500Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 1,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 200Stonewall DFL (The) 2001,900Witherington, DalePawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Witherington, SusanPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Withers, DennisRKM&C Fund 1,9711,971Witort, JanetFriends of Phil Krinkie Committee 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 8751,125Witort, StephenFriends of Phil Krinkie Committee 250Pawlenty for Governor Committee 8751,125Wivell, Martha K.Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,2501,250Wohl, HowardDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 7,5007,500Wolbert, CindyPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Wolbert, MarkPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Wolbert, MarlynPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Wolbert, MarlysPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Wolbert, RichPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Wolbert, SarahPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Wolff, VivkiMinn Women's Campaign Fund <strong>State</strong> P 1,1551,155Woods, MatthewMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 200RKM&C Fund 1,5771,777Wren, John(Mark) Holsten Volunteer Committee 500Bachmann (Michele) R-election Commi 500Committee to Elect Judy Lindsay 500Kelly (Tom) for Attorney General 1,000Kiffmeyer (Mary) for Secretary of <strong>State</strong> 500Lipman (Eric) for <strong>State</strong> Representative 250Minn Trucking Assn <strong>State</strong> PAC 4,940Patricia Anderson Awada for <strong>State</strong> Audi 250Republican Party of Minn 12,00020,440Wright, MichaelDFL House Caucus 500Senate Majority Caucus 500Senate Victory Fund 5001,500Wurtele, Angus(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,0001,250Wurtele, Margaret(Lisa) Peilen Volunteer Committee 250Citizens for (Martha) Robertson 250Friends for (Deanna) Wiener 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 1,5002,250Wyatt Jr, O SDemocratic Congressional Campaign 50,00050,000Wyatt, OscarDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 40,00040,000Yackel, JohnJudi Dutcher for Governor 250Minn DFL <strong>State</strong> Central Committee 17,000Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 20017,450Yang, JerryDemocratic Congressional Campaign 10,00010,000Yanowitch, RichardDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Com 10,00010,000Yasmineh, DavidFriends of Matt Dean 250MEDPAC Minn Medical Political Action 150MSA-PAC 300Pawlenty for Governor Committee 500Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 5001,700Yelland, ElizabethJudge Mary Theisen Volunteer Committ 5,3855,385Yost, WilliamHouse RPM Campaign Committee 125Pawlenty for Governor Committee 1,0001,125Young, Jack281

Large GiversPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Young, MynaPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Young, RandallMoe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 250Senate Majority Caucus 500Senate Victory Fund 550Tim Penny for Governor 2501,550Young, W StevenPawlenty for Governor Committee 2,0002,000Zander, John FTim Penny for Governor 2,0002,000Zaragoza, Anthony23rd Senate District DFL 1257,000Zirkin, NancyDemocratic Congressional Campaign 10,000Democratic Senatorial Campaign Com 24,00034,000Zona, RenePawlenty for Governor Committee 1,000Sullivan (Brian) for Governor 2,0003,000Zuraitis, Marita(Tim) Wilkin for <strong>State</strong> Rep. Vol. Comm. 150House RPM Campaign Committee 500Pawlenty for Governor Committee 5001,150Total 16,378,824Becky Lourey for Governor 900Ruth Johnson Campaign Committee 1501,175Zasadny, MarkCitizens for Liberty (Mark Zasadny) 1,9501,950Zelle, Charles(Richard) Cohen Volunteer Committee 250DFL House Caucus 250House RPM Campaign Committee 250Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2,000Pawlenty for Governor Committee 250Senate Majority Caucus 1,000Tim Penny for Governor 5004,500Zeppa, AlanDuluth GPM 1,000Ken Pentel for Governor 1,0002,000Zettler, Todd P(Todd) Zettler for Judge Election Comm 3,9133,913Ziebell, MichaelPawlenty for Governor Committee 625Schwan's Political Action Committee 9901,615Zikmund, Nyle(Steven) Novak for Senate Volunteer C 250Jane Ranum Volunteer Committee 200Judi Dutcher for Governor 500Moe for <strong>Minnesota</strong> 2001,150Zimmerman, LloydCitizens for Judge Lloyd Zimmerman 7,000282