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May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org

May-June 2013 Annual Subscription `80/- - Baps.org


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<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Subscription</strong> ` 80/-1

SWAMISHRI PRESIDES OVER PUSHPADOLOTSAV CELEBRATIONS27 March <strong>2013</strong>, AhmedabadIn the mandir precincts, from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon, sadhus and devoteesjoyously participate in the Pushpadolotsav celebrations with Swamishri seated inside the Akshar Jharukho.Inset: Swamishri showers flowers inside the jharukho and then presses a switch to start a shower of flowerson the assembly of sadhus and devotees.GRAND PUSHPADOLOTSAV CELEBRATION27 March <strong>2013</strong>, SarangpurOn 26 March, the birthday of Bhagatji Maharaj was celebrated in Sarangpur with bhajans and speeches bysadhus on the glory of Bhagatji Maharaj.On 27 March, from 5.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m., over 70,000 devotees attended the Pushpadolotsav celebrationassembly in the presence of senior BAPS sadhus. They delivered speeches on the virtues of dharma, jnan,vairagya and bhakti in the life of Pramukh Swami Maharaj. Senior sadhus performed pujan and arti of ShriHarikrishna Maharaj and showered him with saffron-scented water. In consideration of the prevailing droughtin Gujarat , the devotees were showered with sanctified gulal powder.2

<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>Vol. 36 No. 3SWAMINARAYANAKSHARPITHAkshar Purushottam MaharajIn April 1978 Pramukh Swami Maharajinspired and inaugurated the first issueof Swaminarayan Bliss in Ahmedabad,Gujarat. The bi-monthly magazineserves to enlighten BAPS youths,seniors and well-wishers about theglory of Bhagwan Swaminarayan, theAkshar-Purushottam philosophy andthe Gunatit guru parampara. It alsoseeks to inspire the universal valuesand traditions of Hinduism to pursue ahappy and peaceful life by servingGod and humankind.Founder: HDH Pramukh Swami MaharajEditor: Sadhu SwayamprakashdasContributors: Sadhu Vivekjivandas,Sadhu AmrutvijaydasDesigner: Sadhu ShrijiswarupdasPublished & Printed by: SwaminarayanAksharpith, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad -380004. IndiaSUBSCRIPTION RATESOutside India (By Air Mail)IndiaRupees Pounds US Dollars Rupees1 Year 630 9 14 802 Years 1300 18 28 1503 Years 1900 27 42 220ContentsSPECIAL ISSUE5 Bhagavad Gita,Adhyãy 2, Brãhmi Sthiti Yoga,Part 158 Ahmedabad and ShahibaugSanctified by the Divine Presence ofBhagwan Swamianrayan18 Swaminarayan Mandir, Kalupur,Ahmedabad24 River Sabarmati28 Lakes and Ponds32 Devotees’ Homes38 Forts and Gates44 Mandirs And Other Holy Places50 Brahmaswarup Shastriji Maharaj inShahibaug, Ahmedabad54 Dental Health: Hygiene andComplications, Part 258 Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s Vicharan61 Living with Swamishri63 Pushpadolotsav Celebration withPramukh Swami Maharaj64 Grand Pushpadolotsav Celebration,Sarangpur64 Diksha Ceremony65 Shri Swaminarayan JayantiCelebration <strong>2013</strong>66 BAPS Global News5182850

FIRST WORDAhmedabad is an ancient city throughwhich the River Sabarmati flows.Previously known as Ashalav,Ashapalli, Karnavati, Rajnagar and Srinagar, itis now renowned as Ahmedabad.In the extensive annals of Ahmedabad’shistory, Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s name isetched in gold letters.Bhagwan Swaminarayan discourses on themandir grounds in Kalupur, AhmedabadEven today, a recollection of Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s visits to Ahmedabad 200 years ago fillone with emotion and delight. From the Sampradaya’s literature one learns that Bhagwan Swaminarayanvisited Ahmedabad 26 times, sanctified 62 homes and places and 119 devotees have beennoted. This bond between Ahmedabad and Bhagwan Swaminarayan has remained strong to thepresent day.The bond between Ahmedabad and Bhagwan Swaminarayan is not merely confined to the past,but over the past 200 years, the impetus for the BAPS Sanstha’s growth has been provided fromAhmedabad. After Bhagwan Swaminarayan, his spiritual successors – the Gunatit gurus – have alsosanctified the city.In 1856 ce, Acharya Ayodhyaprasadji Maharaj lovingly honoured Aksharbrahman GunatitanandSwami at the Swaminarayan Mandir in Kalupur. At that time there was an open ground in place ofthe existing artistic wooden haveli. Once, Gunatitanand Swami sat there and in the presence of themandir mahant, Anandanand Swami, proclaimed the supreme glory of Bhagwan Swaminarayan.In 1866 ce, Bhagatji Maharaj would sit outside the main gate and, pointing to GunatitanandSwami, declare, “The one who is walking is Akshar; he who is talking is Akshar; the one who is sittingis Akshar. Recognize him fully.”So, Ahmedabad is witness to the first proclamations of the glory of Akshar and Purushottam.To sustain the knowledge of Akshar and Purushottam in Ahmedabad, Shastriji Maharaj wished tobuild a mandir on the land sanctified by Bhagwan Swaminarayan in Shahibaug. And, in 1962, YogijiMaharaj performed the murti-pratishtha of the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Shahibaug.Over the past five decades, by the inspiration of Yogiji Maharaj and Pramukh Swami Maharaj,this mandir has provided spiritual happiness to countless devotees, transformed many lives, servedsociety through numerous welfare projects and relief works, and has continued to inspire men andwomen, young and old, with noble virtues.This special issue of Swaminarayan Bliss is a pilgrimage of the places sanctified by BhagwanSwaminarayan in Ahmedabad. The text is a translation of the details from the <strong>May</strong> 2012 issue ofSwaminarayan Prakash.u4 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

BHAGAVAD GITA: Gujarati: Sadhu Bhadreshdas (Shad Darshan Acharya, PhD, D.Litt.); Translation: Sadhu ParamvivekdasADHYÃY 2Brãhmi Sthiti Yoga:The Turtle Tendency of the SthitapragnaPart 15The sthitapragna state represents selfcontrol.Lack of self-control is theresult of an unsteady mind. The freemindedcannot accept self-control. They cannotturn away from indulging in pleasures. That iswhy there is a continuous battle between indulgenceand self-control, both within the self andwithout in the external world. What leads to supremehappiness? Is it indulging in sensual pleasuresor living a life of self-control? Such agitatingdoubts make one indecisive, or cause one tomake incorrect decisions. In such times, the Gitaclears our confusion. It warns us to keep awayfrom indulgence by explaining the true principlesof self-control of our senses and mind. Thefollowing shlokas highlight this.Withdrawing the SensesShri Krishna says,ØÎæ â¢ãUÚUÌð ¿æØ¢ ·ê¤×ôü¾÷U»æÙèß âßüàæÑÐ §ç‹¼ýØæ‡æè狼ýØæÍðü ØSÌSØÂýææ ÂýçÌçcÆUÌæБYadã samharate chãyam koormongãneevasarvashaha, indriyãneendriyãrthebhyastasyapragnã pratishthitã.’“When a person withdraws the senses fromtheir pleasures, like a turtle withdraws its limbsfrom all directions, that person is said to have astable intellect (Gita 2.58).”<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 5

The word ‘samharate’ is the key word inthis shloka. ‘Samharan’ means to withdraw and‘kurma’ means a turtle. To withdraw one’s limbsat will is a special trait of a turtle. It is able towithdraw six limbs – four feet, head and tail,all in a short time. Thereafter, it is as though ithas built a firm wall between it and the outsideworld. It has nothing to do with the ongoingsoutside. It can enjoy a protected life. We willcall this ability to withdraw its limbs the ‘turtletendency’. A sthitapragna person is constantlywed to such a ‘turtle tendency’; he withdrawsthe senses from worldly pleasures like a turtlewithdraws its limbs.It is common to indulge in what one desires.The entire world is carried away in this way oflife. We are controlled by our desires. We indulgein pleasures, and as we do so more andmore, the desires become more intense. Consequently,we cannot resist from indulging; webecome addicted, and as a result, there is no endto misery. This is the underlying problem.Self-control is the solution to this problem.Self-control means withdrawing the senses andrestraining them from indulging in mundanepleasures; to shun the pleasures, i.e. the ‘turtletendency’. With the example of a turtle, the Gitateaches us a lesson in self-control, withdrawaland repulsing.To become self-controlled, two things mustbe understood – the senses and pleasures. Eyes,ears, hands, feet, etc. are our outer senses; themind is an internal one. Whenever we do anyaction – like moving, walking, speaking, seeing,listening – we use our external senses. When wewant to think of something, we use our internalsense – the mind.There are five main types of sensual pleasures– sound, touch, beauty, taste and smell. Thesefive pleasures are experienced with the correspondingsense <strong>org</strong>an.Now, let us think of an everyday situation. Tolook at something is the subject of the eyes. Weall see beautiful things, but there are times whenwe cannot resist from looking at them – our eyesare drawn to them. Sometimes, we cannot resistfrom looking at things which would cause usharm – this results in periods of distress, turmoiland misery.Brahmaswarup Yogiji Maharaj often explainedthis with the following example:There was once a carpenter. He got a job tocutting wood at the house of a Portuguese officerin Div. Once, while the carpenter was workingin the house, the officer was sitting withhis wife on the upper floor. His wife was verybeautiful. The carpenter saw her once, and hiseyes were drawn to her beauty. He could not resistfrom looking at her. As he cut the wood, hewould keep taking a glance. He thought no onewas looking, but the officer noticed his behaviour.The officer warned him not to look, butthe carpenter’s focus had been drawn and thushe could not resist looking. He kept on glancing.He was warned three times yet he continued tolook a fourth time. The officer got angry andpoked his eyes out with the carpenter’s chisel.The carpenter was blinded for life.“What did he gain from looking?” YogijiMaharaj used to say sarcastically, inspiring us tothink of the consequences of indulgence.The same applies to the ears, tongue, skinand nose. The ears are drawn to hear whatshould not be heard and hear it. The tongue isdrawn to taste what should not be eaten and eatsit. The skin is drawn to touch what should notbe touched and touches it. The nose is drawnto smell what should not be smelt and smells it.That is why the word ‘sarvashaha’ – ‘from alldirections’ – has been used in the above shlokato give greater depth in meaning. It does not tellus to withdraw from our senses from just onepleasure, but from all pleasures in all manners.The Agitativeness of the SensesShri Krishna clarifies this matter further with6 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

the words, ‘ØÌÌô sïç ·¤õ‹ÌðØ ÂéL¤áSØ çßÂçpÌÑÐ §ç‹¼ýØæç‡æÂý×æÍèçÙ ãUÚUç‹Ì ÂýâÖ¢ ×ÙÑ – ‘Yatato hyapi Kaunteya purushasyavipashchitaha, indriyãni pramãtheeniharanti prasabham manaha.’ – ‘O Son of Kunti(Arjuna)! The senses, which have a tendency todisturb, forcefully capture the minds of even theintelligent who try to repel them (Gita 2.60).’The strength of the senses can be understoodfrom this. Let us take a more detailed look atthe words, ‘yatato hyapi’, ‘vipashchitaha’ and‘prasabham’. ‘Yatato hyapi’ means even of thosewho are trying. ‘Vipashchitaha’ means even theintelligent. ‘Prasabham’ means forcibly.How many people try to turn back from alife of indulgence? Of those, how many endeavourintelligently and sincerely with an understandingof the characteristics of the senses andpleasures? The world is filled with people whoignorantly remain engulfed in indulgences, butsuch ordinary people are not used as an examplehere. Here, the example is of those who tryto change their lives for the better, those whoare intelligent, those who know the characteristicsof the mind, senses and pleasures. Thesenses forcefully draw even such people who trywith a sincere knowledgeable effort. The sensesforcibly make them sin. They do not want todo anything wrong, but, subject to the senses,they end up doing wrong. This is the strengthof the senses.Now, if the senses are able to forcefully draweven a knowledgeable person putting in a sincereeffort towards indulgence, then what can be saidof those who have no intention of turning awayfrom pleasures at all? To believe that one canwin the battle by freely indulging in pleasures ischildish ignorance. It is suicidal self-confidence.In today’s intellectual era, seized by a life of indulgence,many thinkers say, “The principle ofself-control has peculiar effects on the mind. Bystarving the mind, it becomes more attached topleasures. Thus, instead of adopting self-controlone should indulge in pleasures and keep themind at rest. There is no need to refrain but toawake.” But this is false. Such thoughts will neverfall in accordance with shastras like the Gita.Such thoughts would amount to something likemounting a chariot that has strong young wildhorses joined to it, and letting go of the leashto welcome death head-on. Thus, such distortedthoughts are the by-product of an intellectwhich is wed to desires and the body. The Gitaforewarns us so that our intellect is not smearedwith such distortion.After describing the strength of the senses, itthen explains the strength of pleasures.Pleasures Depart but the Desires RemainShri Krishna says,çßáØæ çßçÙßÌü‹Ìð çÙÚUæãUæÚUSØ ÎðçãUÙÑÐ ÚUâßÁZ ÚUâôùŒØSØ ÂÚ¢UÎëcÅ÷Ußæ çÙßÌüÌðH‘Vishayã vinivartante nirãhãrasya dehinaha,rasavarjam raso’pyasya param drushtvã nivartate.’‘Those who do not partake in pleasures viathe senses are only relieved of those pleasures,but not of the desires for those pleasures. Oneis only relieved of the desires for pleasures whenone realizes Paramãtmã (Gita 2.59).’‘Nirãhãra’ means to not partake in food.Normally this word is associated with not eating,but Shri Krishna uses it here in a muchbroader sense. ‘Nirãhãra’ does not just mean torefrain from eating, but from the ‘food’ (objects)of all the senses – the eyes, ears, tongue and nosealso. In other words, to refrain from pleasures is‘nirãhãra’.‘Rasa’ means desire or affection. It is possibleto become ‘nirãhãra’, i.e. to physically refrainfrom pleasures, but still harbour the desire forthose pleasures.Let us take an example of a fast. On the dayof a fast, we refrain from taking food – we are‘nirãhãri’, but we all experience that we thinkof food more on such days. This is indeed the(Contd. on pg. 43)<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 7

AHMEDABAD ANDSHAHIBAUGSanctified by the Divine Presence of Bhagwan SwaminarayanOver time, Ahmedabad has been ruledby a variety of rulers, but who firstestablished this great city and whenstill remains a mystery to historians. However,archaeological excavations do confirm that therewere residents here at least 5,000 years ago. 1 So,who knows how many millennia the city hascelebrated? What is known with certainty is that1,000 years ago, on the banks of River Sabarmati,the flags of Ashapalli city fluttered proudly. It issaid that Asha Bhil, the king of 600,000 Bhils,had taken up residence here. 2 Whether the city’s1. Parikh, Rasiklal Chhotalal & Shastri, HariprasadGangashankar, (eds.). Gujarat Rajkiya ane SanskrutikItihas (G.R.S.I.), Vol. 5. Ahmedabad: ShethBholabhai Jesangbhai Adhyayan-Sanshodhan VidyaBhavan, 1996.2. Mehta, Kapilray M. Ahmedabad Sarvasangraha.Ahmedabad: Gujarat Publishers, 1948, p. 2.name of Ashapalli or Ashaval was derived fromthe founder king – Asha Bhil or Asha Raj – is amatter for research. One thing is certain, though,Ashapalli’s fame had spread throughout Gujaratand was on par with the splendour of Patan andKhambhat. Ashapalli was pervaded by spiritualsentiments and was well versed in business andmanufacturing. The bells of its many mandirscould be heard throughout the day. And it wasa centre of trade on the route from the port ofKhambhat-Bharuch to Delhi. 3In the latter half of the 11th century,Karnadev Solanki, ruler of Patan, conqueredKing Ashapall and the city also became known asKarnavati. After Karnadev’s victory, he built theKochharba (presently, Kochharab) Devi Mandir.3. Ibid.A painting of Ahmedabad by Dutch artist Philip Baldaeus during his vist to Ahmedabad in the 17th century8 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

At the spot where he haddefeated Asoraj, he had agrand mandir built whereinhe had the murti of JayantiDevi installed. 4 He alsobuilt Karneshwar MahadevMandir and the beautiful,large Karnasagar Sarovar (Lake). 5 Today, themandir no longer exists, but it is likely that theKarnasagar Sarovar is today’s popular Lake4. During excavations at the location of the currentBAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Paldi old sculptedstone and murti artefacts were found. Researchersbelieve that this mandir may have been built here.G.R.S.I., Vol. 4. p. 202.5. G.R.S.I., Vol. 4. p. 42, 165.Bhagwan Swaminarayan addressing the devotees and sadhus in themango grove of ShahibaugKankaria. 6During the rule of the DelhiSultanate, Karnavati was developinginto an important city.Over the years, the city passedfrom one ruler to the next.Allauddin Khilji (14thcentury) defeated the last6. Ibid. p. 47.BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir,Shahibaug, Ahmedabad<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 9

Solanki king of Gujarat, Karna Vaghela, and fora century, Karnavati passed through chaos andconfusion. 7At the end of the 14th century, the DelhiSultanate’s last subo, Muzaffar Shah, becameindependent and acquired the throne at Patan.His grandson, Ahmadshah, inherited the thronein 1410 and found the climate of Karnavati-Ashaval to his liking. So, he decided to take upresidence in the northwest of Ashaval-Karnavati.On 17 April 1411 ce (Vaishakh sud 7, VikramSamvat 1468), during the pushya nakshatra,the stone of the rajgadh (fort of the kingdom)of Ahmedabad was ceremoniously laid inaccordance with scripturally specified rituals. 8The new fort was called Bhadra, after the onein Anhilvad-Patan. With the setting of the firststone, Manek Buraj developed, which today islocated on the east side of the Vivekanand (Ellis)Bridge in the southern direction of Ahmedabad. 9This fort covered 43 acres, had 14 burajs(watchtowers), and over time new suburbs wereestablished around it. 10The Muhurt Pol in Manek Chowk wasthe first pol to be established in Ahmedabad.Thereafter, over time the amirs of the Sultanatebegan to reside in suburbs named afterthemselves. Slowly, Karnavati and Ahmedabadmerged into one.Within a hundred years, Ahmedabad’s famehad been established.The 15th century historian and author of thechronicle Tarikhe Ahmad-Shahi, Hulvi Shiraz,wrote that the city was resplendent like a uniqueand beautiful birthmark on the face of the earth. 11Author of Tarikhe Firishta, MohammedKashi, wrote, “Overall, in the whole of7. Ahmedabad Sarvasangraha. 1948, p. 2.8. Prabandh Chintamani. p. 55; G.R.S.I., Vol. 5. p. 59;Ahmedabad Sarvasangraha. 1948, p. 2.9. G.R.S.I., Vol. 5. 1977, p. 59.10. Ibid. p.61.11. Jot, Ratnamanirao Bhimrao. Gujaratnu PatnagarAhmedabad, 1929; G.R.S.I., Vol. 5. 1977, p. 62.Hindustan, Ahmedabad is the most beautifulcity. And maybe even in the whole world. Itsmain roads are so wide that ten carts can passat a time.” 12Ahmedabad was famous throughout the worldfor its trade. Kinkhab (high grade silk), mashru(soft cloth made from mixture of cotton and silk)and sutrao (cotton) cloths were exported abroadfrom Khambhat. They were in high demandfrom Cairo to Peking. On the African coast, thecloth was sold in place of gold and was valuedone hundred times more. Every ten days, 200carts of expensive merchandise were sent fromAhmedabad to the port in Khambhat. 13In 1588 a traveller named Caesar Frederichwrote, “If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, Iwould not have believed that Ahmedabad hadsuch a large trade.” In 1638, Mendelslow, aEuropean, noted, “There are only a few peoplesand goods from the whole of Asia that you donot see in Ahmedabad.” 14In 1695, Jemil Carreri noted, “Ahmedabadis a leading centre for trade. It is the biggestcity in Hind. And for its variety of birds andflowers it is in no way inferior to Venice.” 15Another historian recorded, “At one time, inAhmedabad there were a hundred crorepatis.There were moneylending cloth merchants ofAhmedahad in every big city of Asia and Europe.So, promissory notes from Ahmedabad could beencashed in any city.” 16Ahmedabad was renowned for its sutar(cotton), resham (silk) and kinkhab. Tevernier, aEuropean writer, who came to Ahmedabad duringthe reign of Aurangzeb, noted, “Ahmedabad isone of the biggest cities in Hindustan. There is12. Firishta, Mohammed Kasim, Tarikhe Firishta, Parts1-2. Pune, 1831-32; Gujarati trans., A.M. Diwanji,1917, Firishta Krut Gujaratana Mussalmani SamaynoItihas; G.R.S.I., Vol. 5. 1977, p. 68.13. Jot, Ratnamanirao Bhimrao, Gujaratnu PatnagarAhmedabad, 1929; G.R.S.I., Vol. 5, 1977, p. 68.14. Ibid.15. Ibid. p. 69.16. Ibid.10 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

was the best place to visit in Ahmedabad. Overtime, the beauty of Shahibaug declined dueto the actions of kings, princes, subas (localadministrative heads), Marathi officers, Britishofficers and businessmen. Still, up to the middleof the 20th century, the Shahibaug suburb wasregarded as one where the wealthy lived.The history and sacredness of Shahibaugwas enriched by the frequent visits of BhagwanSwaminarayan around 230 years ago.In 1804, when Bhagwan Swaminarayanfirst visited Ahmedabad, he also sanctifiedShahibaug. Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s excursionsthrough the Delhi Gate to the Sabarmati Riverin the north of the city are described in thesampradayic texts, “After bathing and dressing,Shri Hari, on invitation by the Suba 27 , went to hismansion (Shahibaug Mahel) on the banks of thenearby Sabarmati River. The Suba respectfullywelcomed Shri Hari, performed his pujan andarti and presented gifts. Seeing the beauty of thetrees, flowers and birds on the riverbank, ShriHari profusely praised the city and river. Afterseeing the heavenly structure and splendour ofShahi Mahel, Shri Hari mounted on elephant…and returned to his lodgings in Navavas.” 28Thus, on his first visit to Shahibaug, Bhagwan27. At that time, Suba Kakasaheb Raghunath ruledAhmedabad. He did not oppose Bhagwan Swaminarayan.Kakasaheb’s senior administrator was Mallaba.Mallaba’s nephew (brother’s son), Chimanraoji,was also a respected administrator of the city.Through Khushal Bhatt (later, Gopalanand Swami),Chimanraoji became a satsangi and developed faithin Bhagwan Swaminarayan. Due to his associationwith Chimanraoji, the Suba also respected BhagwanSwaminarayan. Chimanraoji has asked questions toBhagwan Swaminarayan in Vachanamruts Vartal 6and 7 (Ahmedabadma Bhagwan Swaminarayan, pp.28-29).28. Mahant Shastri Ghanshyamswarupdasji, AhmedabadmaBhagwan Swaminarayan. AhmedabadSwaminarayan Mandir, Kalupur, 1978, p. 36.Note: This book has been prepared from varioussources of the Sampradaya. But, since these originalsources have not been referenced in the book, onlythis book is referenced here.Swaminarayan was given a grand welcome.Thereafter, whenever he visited Ahmedabad hewould visit Shahibaug – whether going to theSabarmati to bathe or travelling to and fromNorth Gujarat (Dandhavya Pradesh). In thisway, he had constantly sanctified Shahibaug.Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s arrival inAhmedabad via Motera in Samvat 1862 isdescribed in the sampradayic texts, “After wakingup early and completing his morning routine,Shri Hari left for Ahmedabad. He came in frontof the Padshah Vadi (in the precincts of whichwas the Shahi Mahel) and crossed the river. For90 minutes, he bathed and played watersportswith the sadhus and devotees. While bathing,Shri Hari remained in the upstream waters andhis sadhus and parshads stayed downstream. Andhis devotees stayed even further downstreamsince they understood the glory of Shri Hari andthe sadhus.” 29After bathing, Bhagwan Swaminarayanproceeded towards Delhi Gate to enter thecity of Ahmedabad. When Shri Hari was nearthe city, the Subo came to welcome him. Thesampradayic texts note, “Everyone garlandedShri Hari, gifted coconuts and other items andoffered sashtang prostrations to him. Then,under the shade of an a tamarind tree, a seatwas prepared and an assembly was held. ShriHari sat there…. The Subo said, ‘It is my greatfortune that I have had darshan of you and thesadhus. This association is not possible withoutfate…. Those who have your darshan are freedfrom the cycles of birth and death.’ Shri Hariwas pleased to hear the Suba.“Then Shri Hari mounted an elephant andalso sat the Suba with him. With a goldenstick in hand, Motiram and Kubersinh loudlyproclaimed Shri Hari’s glory.“On both sides of the road, there were immensecrowds of city residents standing for Shri Hari’sdarshan… En route countless residents garlanded29. Ibid. p. 77.<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 13

A photo of Delhi Gate shortly after the time ofBhagwan Swaminarayan. He passed through thisGate countless times and devotees in largenumbers often gathered for his darshan.Bhagwan Swaminarayan often sat in the roomatop the gate and held assemblies there.Shri Hari. Gulal filled the atmosphere. The roadswere filled with colour and flowers. The beautyof the roads was enhanced by the gardens of treesand fruits and the singing of birds on both sides.In each garden was a bungalow. People stood fordarshan on the rooftops. In this way, Shri Hari’sprocession entered the city through the decoratedDelhi Gate.” 30The sampradayic texts and devoteesdescribe that Shri Hari sanctified a mangogrove on numerous occasions. He heldassemblies, delivered discourses and rested therecountless times.30. Ibid. pp. 78-80.By personally contacting and discoursingwith sadhus and devotees from BhagwanSwaminarayan’s time, Brahmaswarup ShastrijiMaharaj identified and authenticated thissanctified mango grove. He said, “The groveof mango trees in Shahibaug where BhagwanSwaminarayan sat and conducted assemblies, iswhere we want to build a mandir.”He acquired that land and in 1948 ce blessed,“A grand mandir will be built here.” He alsoinitiated the necessary arrangements. Today,the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir standsresplendently on that land. 31Many stories of Shri Hari’s divine exploitsin Shahibaug are recorded in the sampradayictexts. The following is a small selection.u In 1806 ce (V.S. 1862), when Shri Harivisited Ahmedabad, Raghunathdas, aformer disciple of Ramanand Swami, wascausing trouble. So, for five days Shri Haristayed amid the trees at Shahibaug. Here, atthe Shahi Mahel Ghat and Narayan Ghat,he would bathe in the River Sabarmati andoffer puja at the Mahadev Mandir on thebanks. 32u In 1806 ce (V.S. 1862), Shri Hari visitedAhmedabad twice, both times arrivingfrom North Gujarat. The second time healso visited Shahibaug. 33u After Uttarayan in 1809 ce (V.S. 1865), ShriHari visited Ahmedabad and then departedto Motera via Shahibaug. 34u In 1811 ce (V.S. 1867), when Shri Haricame to Ahmedabad from Motera, agrand procession was <strong>org</strong>anized in hishonour from the mango grove towardsDelhi Gate into the city. During this visit,31. It is worth noting that even in contemporary maps,the sanctified land identified by Shastriji Maharajwas depicted as a garden or mango grove. For details,see maps on p. 17.32. Ibid. 28, pp. 84-85.33. Ibid. p. 86. The road from North Gujarat to enterthe city passes through Shahibaug.34. Ibid. p. 89.14 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Shahibaug: 1856564321Shahibaug: 19064321Shahibaug: 19285136Bhagwan Swaminarayan visited and sanctified Shahibaug onnumerous occasions. The route Shri Hari took from Delhi Gate toShahibaug and from Shahibaug to Delhi Gate is shown in the mapsby the number 2. Sometimes, when he went to the Shahi Mahel heused route 4. Until 1906, both of these routes were full of densetrees. In particular, the orchard of tamarind and mango trees wherehe often rested and from where the welcome processions startedis the triangular area depicted by the number 3. The 1856 and1928 maps also show this area to be a garden. Maps from between1830 and 1928 show that from Narayan Ghat (number 5) and ShahiMahel (number 6) towards Delhi Gate, there is only one mangogrove. Brahmaswatup Shastriji Maharaj confirmed the sanctity ofthis place and decided to build a mandir on this land. Today, theBAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir stands on this land sanctified byBhagwan Swaminarayan.<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 15

the then Marathi Subo of Ahmedabad,Vitthal Rao, plotted to kill Shri Hari. But,the all-knowing Lord exposed the plot.Humiliated and angered, the Subo orderedShri Hari to leave the city. On that occasionShri Hari passed through the DariyapurGate and Padshah Vadi towards Motera. 35Then for 10 years, Shri Hari was not allowedto visit Ahmedabad. In 1818 ce, Maratha ruleended and the British East India Companyassumed power. Under the Collector of KhedaDistrict, John Andrew Dunlop, officer Mr.Heron was responsible for Ahmedabad. At therequest of the British officials, Shri Hari waswelcomed back to Ahmedabad and again gracedShahibaug.In 1819 ce (V.S. 1875), Bhagwan Swaminarayancame to Ahmedabad from Motera. Onthis occasion also a grand reception was held atthe mango grove. The event has been describedas follows, “The city’s devotees, and prominentresidents and businessmen led a grand entourageto welcome Shri Hari. Mr Heron also came togreet Shri Hari. He told Shri Hari, ‘We are allvery delighted by your darshan. You stay hereand build a mandir. I have received from yourdevotees your request for some land in Navavasand have forwarded a recommendation letter tothe Company’s directors abroad. We will give adeed for the land that will be valid forever.’“Then Shri Hari garlanded Mr Heron, whobowed at his feet and departed. Thereafter, theothers garlanded Shri Hari and had his darshan.The music of western and local instrumentsfilled the atmosphere. The procession departedfrom there and at sunset Shri Hari entered thecity from the Padshah Vadi and then through35. Ibid. pp. 115, 135. Note: This road is adjacent to theeast side of the present BAPS Swaminarayan Mandirin Shahibaug. Whenever Bhagwan Swaminarayanwent to the Sabarmati to bathe or to the PadshahVadi, he used one of two routes. He passed throughthe area of the present BAPS Mandir adjacent toboth routes. Thus, Shri Hari sanctified this land byboth routes. For details see maps on p. 15.Delhi Gate.” 36 So, in fact, the British official’spromise to grant land for the first mandir wasmade on the sanctified land of Shahibaug.During this visit, when Shri Hari celebratedthe Prabhodini Ekadashi festival he again bathedin the Sabarmati at Narayan Ghat and thedevotees honoured him. Again, the followingyear, Shri Hari was welcomed at Shahibaug.So, the mango grove in Shahibaug wassanctified many times by Shri Hari’s visits.At the request of Himabhai Hathisinh,a leading city resident, Shri Hari visited theHathisinh Temple near Shahibaug.In the month of February 1822 (Maha, V.S.1878), when Shri Hari visited Ahmedabad, theconstruction of the mandir at Kalupur Navavaswas nearing completion and preparations forthe murti-pratishtha had begun. Shri Haripersonally inspected the accommodationoptions for the sadhus and devotees expectedfrom outside Ahmedabad for the celebration.Shahibaug was one of the possible options. So,Shri Hari went there to assess its suitability. Thevisit has been described as follows, “Shri Hariwalked from Mandvi Pol and via Manek Chowkreached Delhi Gate to the north. From there,he went northwards towards the Padshah Vadi(in Shahibaug) on the banks of the Sabarmati.On the banks there is a grand mansion, wherethe city’s Collector Dunlop lived. Surroundingit were many tamarind and other types of trees.Also, saplings of trees from abroad had beenplanted. The entire area was a beautiful garden.Shri Hari liked the place and so requestedCollector Dunlop for permission to use it foraccommodation. Mr Dunlop happily agreed,without worrying about the possible damagethat could result from so many people usingit. Shri Hari inspected the area in detail andwas happy that the nearby river would provideample water and the trees enough shade. Then,despite its convenience, Shri Hari thought that36. Ibid. pp. 167-168.16 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

the throng of devotees may damage the treesand hence it would not be appropriate to useit for accommodation. He felt it would not beright if even slight damage occurred to the place.Shri Hari inspected the Andhari Garden nextto the mansion. Here, there were many sitafaltrees and since they may also be damaged, ShriHari decided not to use it. Then Kubersinh ledShri Hari to all the places around the mansionwhich Mr Dunlop had permitted for use.” 37 So,as a result, Shri Hari walked around extensivelyand sanctified Shahibaug once more.During Shri Hari’s stay in Ahmedabad duringFebruary-March 1825 ce Maha and Fagan ofV.S. 1881, the account of the Fuldol celebrationis well-known throughout the Sampradaya.After the celebration, Shri Hari came via theDelhi Gate to Shahibaug to bathe, “Shri Hari37. Ibid. pp. 217-218.walked towards the Padshah Vadi and exitedthe city through the Delhi Gate. The group ofaccompanying devotees stretched for one gau.All felt that Shri Hari was walking with them.On the way, Shri Hari was eating a pomegranate.“The procession proceeded from the DelhiGate, past the Hathisinh Temple towards theDariyakhan Ghummat. To the left, a little ahead,was a banyan tree where everyone noticed a mandressed as a fakir. He prayed to Shri Hari, whogave him half the pomegranate and blessed him.Shri Hari said to Muktanand Swami, ‘That wasDariyakhan. When you stayed at the DariyakhanGhummat, by your association he developedfaith in me. So I have granted him liberation.’ 38(Contd. on pg. 43)38. Ibid. pp. 326-327. Note: The descriptions suggestthat this area later housed the Advance Mill. At presentthis area is part of the Shahibaug Mandir complex.BY WHICH ROUTE DID SHRI HARI ENTER AHMEDABAD?Despite the changing rulers and thefluctuation between honour and insult,Bhagwan Swaminarayan visited Ahmedabadabout 26 times over a span of 19 years. But, bywhich route did Bhagwan Swaminarayan enterand exit Ahmedabad?Ahmedabad can be entered through 21 gates.However, Bhagwan Swaminarayan mainly usedthe following three: Delhi Gate, Raipur Gateand Jamalpur Gate.The usual route for his entry and exitwas as follows: Dandhavya (North Gujarat)– Ahmedabad – Dashkroi (Aslali, Jetalpur,Vahelal, etc.). As an exception, on two occasions,Bhagwan Swaminarayan arrived from Anandvia Sarkhej – that is from the southeast.Whenever he came from or went towardsNorth Gujarat, he always passed Shahibaug.Whenever he came from or went towards Aslalior Vahelal, he mostly came through the RaipurGate or another gate in the east of the city.Only on two occasions did he come toAhmedabad from Saurashtra, passing Sanandand Sarkhej. At that time, there were no bridgesor roads from the gates in the west leading intothe city. So, from Sarkhej, he crossed the riverat Shahbari and entered the city through theJamalpur Gate. An analysis of the maps androutes indicates that Bhagwan Swaminarayanvery frequently used the Shahibaug-Delhi Gateroute and so sanctified it.<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 17

SWAMINARAYAN MANDIRConsecrated by Bhagwan Swaminarayan in 1822, AhmedabadMandirs are a hallmark of theworldwide Swaminarayan Sampradaya.Every mandir is vibrantwith the traditions of upasana (worship), bhakti(devotion), satsang (spiritual association) andseva (service). The first Swaminarayan Mandirwas consecrated with Vedic rituals in 1822 ce byBhagwan Swaminarayan (Shriji Maharaj or ShriHari) in Kalupur, Ahmedabad. The decision tobuild the shikharbaddh mandir in Ahmedabadwas made by Bhagwan Swaminarayan in1818. The land was acquired in the sameyear from the Collector of Ahmedabad,Mr Andrew Dunlop, and Mr Heron(former Collector). Thereafter, in onlyfour years a three-shikhar (spire) mandirwas built at the behest of Shriji Maharaj.His wish was actualized through the effortsof Brahmanand Swami, Anandanand Swami andtwo sthapatis (traditional architects), Shri Ambaramand Kuber, working in compliance withthe ancient Indian shilpa shastras.The murtis of Nar-Narayan Dev were consecratedin the mandir by Bhagwan Swaminarayanon 24 February 1822 ce (Fagan sud 3, Samvat1878). A grand procession of the murtis wascarried out on the main streets of Ahmedabad,a mahayagna was performed by 108 Brahmins,108 canon salute was given by the instructionsof the British Collector anda chorashi (mass feast forBrahmins) was <strong>org</strong>anizedto celebrate the occasion.On consecrating the dualSwaminarayan Mandir, Kalupur, Ahmedabad18 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

murtis of Nar-NarayanShriji Maharaj alludedto the principle ofBhakta-Bhagwan (i.e.Akshar and Purushottam).Then he stoodon the threshold of thesanctum sanctorum andrevealed his glory as the supreme God.The entire precincts of themandir in Kalupur, Ahmedabad,was sanctified by Bhagwan Swaminarayan.Even today the variousparts of the mandir testifyto that sanctity and bygoneperiod: the mandir chowk,haveli and assembly hall– where AksharbrahmanBhagwan Swaminarayan discourses to his disciples on the precincts ofSwaminarayan Mandir, KalupurGunatitanand Swami discoursed about the supremeglory of Shriji Maharaj. BrahmaswarupPragji Bhakta sat outside the giant mandir gateproclaiming the glory of Gunatitanand Swami asAksharbrahman. The mandir is thus alsoa witness to the glory of the Akshar-Purushottamprinciple. Let us explore andknow about the different parts of themandir sanctified by Bhagwan Swaminarayan.<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 19

Murtis, Sinhasan, Umbro (Threshold) and GarudjiPrior to the consecration of the murtis in the three shrines of the mandir, Shriji Maharaj called afew of his sadhus and devotees and said, “I shall sit in each of the sinhasans (thrones) and I wouldlike you to see whether any changes in the height and width of the sinhasans are required.” ShrijiMaharaj sat in all the three sinhasans and thussanctified them before the murtis were installed.At present the upper part of the sinhasans havebeen changed, and the three seats or platforms(bethaks or otlas) on which the murtis were installedare the same. The murtis of Garudji (left)in all three seats (bethaks) are original, i.e. thesame as when they were first installed. The umbro(threshold: see bottom photo) of the garbhagruh(sanctum sanctorum) is the same and sacredbecause Bhagwan Swaminarayan sat on it afterperforming the murti-pratishtha rituals of Nar-Narayan Dev. From here he accepted jewelleryand clothes donated by devotees while they filedpast for darshan. Maharaj then passed on the giftsto the brahmachari pujaris standing inside thegarbhagruh. On that same umbro Shriji Maharajstood and looked at the murtis of Nar-Narayan,infusing in them his divine light. On many otheroccasions he had sat on the umbro and tooklunch. This sacred umbro still exists today.20 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Sabha Mandap and BethakSabha Mandap: A residential quarter (dharmashala) for sadhus was built withShriji Maharaj’s instruction and completed prior to the mandir construction. Today,in its place lies the sabha mandap (assembly hall: above), which is located opposite themandir. Shriji Maharaj used to sometimes stay at the dharmashala or often go to meetthe sadhus. Here, he also served food to the sadhus and sat on a chair to give darshan.Bethak: Shriji Maharaj often sat on a stone seat by a pillar in the western part ofthe sabha mandap. Presently, a shrine (above) with Maharaj’s charnarvind (marblefootprints) marks the sacred spot where the stone seat was located. The stone seat ispresently kept for darshan on the right side after the flight of steps to the Rang Mahol.Sacred Sthambh and ShrineIn the middle of the open grounds of the mandir lies a memorial shrine (left). Theshrine marks the very place from where Shriji Maharaj sprayed coloured water onhis devotees and sadhus.One of the pillars (right) beneath the mandir dome is of special relevance.During the construction work of the mandir, devotees transported stones in theirbullock carts from Himmatnagar (70 km from Ahmedabad). Once, a caravan offifty bullock carts loaded with stones was on its way to Ahmedabad. A poordevotee’s ox broke its leg. So the devotee hired two bullock carts from anearby village; placing his injured bullock in one cart and transferring allthe stones in the other. On reaching the construction site in Ahmedabad,Shriji Maharaj hurriedly got the injured ox treated and bandaged. Thenhe acknowledged the service of the poor devotee by embracing him anddedicating in his name a pillar carved from one of the stones he had brought.<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 21

Grand HaveliThere was an open ground in place of the existing Haveli in the mandir precincts. Shriji Maharajused to sit there on a wooden platform to discourse to an assembly of devotees. Once, a troupe ofacrobats performed before him and thereafter he discoursed about the importance of concentrationand daily practice to his devotees. He also told them to meditate on God’s divine murti. On the sameopen ground Maharaj used to arrange dinner forthe devotees. On this sacred place Acharya AyodhyaprasadjiMaharaj built the Haveli (top) in1846 (Samvat 1902). The Haveli and its ornatecarvings are renowned for its heritage and architecture.Main Gate of Mandir and ShrineBefore the existing main gate of the mandir(middle) there used to be a gate with a hall ontop. Maharaj used to often stay and sleep thereand give darshan to devotees from its terrace.There was a neem tree near the main gate,where Shriji Maharaj delivered the Vachanamruts.After the neem tree fell a memorial shrinewas built on that spot (left).22 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Rang Mahol and Sacred WellDuring the construction of the mandir thesadhus and devotees built the living quartersof Shriji Maharaj. It is called the Rang Mahol(above). In the Rang Mahol, the chokdi (bathingarea: far right) and the window on the first floor(near right), where he used to sit, are the sameeven today.Adjacent to the Rang Mahol was a well (seetop right), where Shriji Maharaj used to bathe.A shrine (top right) has been built to denote thesacred well. The well water was used for drinkingand other domestic purposes. The well waslater sealed and a marble platform with Maharaj’scharnarvind is open for darshan today.Sukh ShaiyyaMaharaj used the sukh shaiyya (right), nowdisplayed in the Rang Mahol, to sleep on orto stand on when he sprinkled coloured powderon devotees during the Fuldol festival inAhmedabad. On the uppermost floor of theRang Mahol a palanquin (meno) used by BhagwanSwaminarayan is displayed for darshan. u<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 23

RIVER SABARMATIBlessed by Bhagwan SwaminarayanThe pauranik (ancient) name of RiverSabarmati is Sabhramati. The PadmaPurana (Uttarkhand, Ch. 231) lavishlypraises the river, “The pilgrim places of Prayag,Naimisharanya, Brahmasarovar, Dashaashwamedh,Ganga Dwar and others are present inthe waters of Sabarmati. All the holy rivers andall the Brahma-tirthas reside in the Sabarmati.”The Puranas describe that King Bhagirathperformed austerities and brought the watersof Ganga to earth, similarly, Kashyap Rishi performedausterities and brought the River Sabarmatito earth. So, it is also known as KashyapiGanga.In the Swaminarayan Sampradaya the highestglory of the River Sabarmati lies in the factthat it was sanctified by Bhagwan Swaminarayanhimself. In the history of the Swaminarayan Sampradaya,after the River Ghela in Gadhada, thesecond most frequently used river in which ShrijiMaharaj bathed and performed lilas was the Sabarmati.Whenever Maharaj visited Ahmedabadhe used to bathe on the various banks of the Sabarmati.However, the most times he had bathedand performed lilas were from the river bank atShahibaug. Today, the same place commands anundiminishing attraction as a pilgrim place forthe faithful.River Sabarmati, Ahmedabad24 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Bhagwan Swaminarayan praised the Sabarmation par with the River Ghela. Hesaid, “Just as the Ghela river is dear to meso is equally the Sabarmati. When anyonebathes in the Sabarmati with the knowledgeof my glory, that person will attain mokshaand all his wishes will be fulfilled. Whenanyone immerses the asthi (bones and ashes)of a deceased with the knowledge of my glory,the person’s soul will be liberated even if he hasbeen condemned to Yampuri (hell).”So, in spite of the River Sabarmati getting afacelift with the riverfront project and the watersShriji Maharaj and his sadhus bathe in the River Sabarmatiof River Narmada flowing in it, the sanctity bestowedby Shriji Maharaj will forever remain so.Let us see some of the places that Shri Harisanctified on the banks of the Sabarmati.<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 25

Narayan GhatBy the banks of River Sabarmati, near Subhash Bridge, lies a beautiful ghat called NarayanGhat (above). It was sanctified by Bhagwan Swaminarayan, where he bathed a number of timesand performed many lilas. Whenever Maharaj visited Ahmedabad he invariably came to NarayanGhat to have a bath and celebrate with his sadhus and devotees. There are memorial shrinesdedicated to senior paramhansas and AcharyaAyodhyaprasadji of the Ahmedabad diocese.Saptarshi GhatThe Saptarshi Ghat (left) lies near SardarBridge, built over the River Sabarmati. ShrijiMaharaj had visited this point and the oppositebank to bathe and rejoice with his devotees.26 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>Bhimnath GhatBhimnath Mahadev Mandir and its ghatare well known in Ahmedabad. The mandirlies in a garden called Padshah Vadi near ShahiPalace in Shahibaug. Bhagwan Swaminarayanhad visited the mandir and the adjoining ghaton many occasions for darshan and to take adip in the River Sabarmati. The place is sacredbecause of the mandir and the visit by BhagwanSwaminarayan.

Dudheshwar GhatThis Ghat (above) lies to the northwest of thecity. Also known as Dadhichi tirth, it is wherethe great Rishi Dadhichi performed austeritiesand sacrificed himself so that the devas couldwin the war against the demons. Shriji Maharajhad visited this ghat and taken a bath there.Sacred Shrine in MoteraMotera village is located in the northern partof Ahmedabad, near the banks of River Sabarmati.The entire village was populated with Swaminarayansatsangis. Shriji Maharaj had visited thevillage on many occasions to address the devoteesand sanctify their homes. He had also bathed inthe waters of the Sabarmati many times.Ganesh Window GhatThis Ghat (left and below) lies near EllisBridge (also called Lakadiya). It seems that thisplace was once a part of Bhadra Fort. ShrijiMaharaj visited the Ghat with his sadhus to takea bath. At present the place is derelict. u<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 27

LAKES AND PONDSSanctified by Bhagwan SwaminarayanFor over 600 years Ahmedabad hashad a beautiful landmark called LakeKarnasagar or Lake Kankariya. TheRiver Sabarmati flows around the north, westand south sides of Ahmedabad. In the easternpart of Ahmedabad lies Lake Kankariya, whichhas a perfect circumference. The lake has beenassociated with the history of Ahmedabad andhas always been an attraction for visitors and itslocal people.Bhagwan Swaminarayan had on many occasionsrested and stayed many nights by the lake.He had bathed in its waters and discoursed byits bank. The paramhansas, Devanand Swami andBhumanand Swami, wrote bhajans about Maharaj’slilas in Ahmedabad and at Lake Kankariya.In 1822 ce Shriji Maharaj performed themurti-pratishtha of the first SwaminarayanMandir in Kalupur, Ahmedabad. At that timeMaharaj, his sadhus and devotees had stayedby the lake in tents pitched beneath the lushmango and tamarind trees. Today, Kankariya hasbecome a spot for entertainment and celebrationsfor thousands. However, people who visit theplace are not aware of its sacredness bestowedby Bhagwan Swaminarayan. Shriji Maharaj hadsanctified, besides Lake Kankariya, many wells,ponds and Lake Chandola in Ahmedabad.Sadguru Bhumanand Swami had versified thedivine lila of Bhagwan Swaminarayan during hisLake Kankariya, Ahmedabad28 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

visits to Lake Kankariya.“Kãnkarie krupãlu padhãriya...”“The compassionate one (Maharaj) hadcome to Kankariya…All the citizens came to see the beautifulLord. The king of the city came too and bowedto him… 1All eight siddhis (powers) and nine nidhis(treasures) came in human forms;For the purpose of holding a yagna and to givegifts and donations… 2The Lord circumambulates on horsebackalong with many;While countless Brahmins feast in the middle,Shriji Maharaj discourses to his paramhansasby Lake Kankariyahailing the Lord’s name… 3O wonderful the lila was, the devas camein heavenly vehicles to see Bhumanand’s Lordinstantly… 4<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 29

Kankariya Lake, Drains and Nagina VadiThe Kankariya Lake (left) in Ahmedabad had been sanctified many times by BhagwanSwaminarayan. He used to bathe and frolic with his devotees in its cool waters. Before and afterthe consecration of the murtis of Nar-Narayan in the mandir in Kalupur, Maharaj stayed withhundreds of devotees beneath the tamarind trees by the banks of the lake. Here, he also helda feast (chorashi) for many Brahmins. The lakeholds great significance in the Sampradayabecause of the sacredness bestowed byBhagwan Swaminarayan.Drain Pipes on East Side of Lake: After bathingin the lake, Shriji Maharaj used to often siton the platform on top of the drain pipes (above)and discourse to his devotees.Nagina Vadi: At the centre of the lake liesthe Nagina Vadi (left), which still has a bungalowand a garden (below). Maharaj meditatedin the garden and thereafter discoursed to hiscongregation. In addition, by the resting placeon the south side of the lake Maharaj used to siton the parapet to meditate and thereafter talk tothe devotees.30 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Chandola LakeChandola Lake (above) lies in the southern part of Ahmedabad city, near the national highway.Bhagwan Swaminarayan sanctified the lake by resting beneath nearby trees while going fromAhmedabad to Jetalpur or vice versa. On a number of occasions he and his devotees bathed in itswaters. He also discoursed to his sadhus and devotees on its banks. Many references of his respitesby the lake are found in the Satsang literature.Hanumanji Mandir (Pagla Mandir)On the way to Pushpakunj from KankariyaLake in Maninagar lies the Pagla Mandir (left),also known as Swaminarayan Bethak (Seat).The spot commemorates the very place whereMaharaj stayed in a decorative tent afterperforming the pratishtha of Nar-Narayan Dev.It was on this very place where Maharaj stoodon a platform to supervise the feast (chorashi)for Brahmins. He also used to sit here anddeliver discourses to his devotees. Shriji Maharajconsecrated a small murti of Hanumanji (left:image with a golden arch) on the same place.In memory of Maharaj’s divine lila AcharyaAyodhyaprasadji Maharaj installed a shrine witha pair of marble charnarvinds (left) in front ofHanumanji’s small murti.u<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 31

DEVOTEES’ HOMESSanctified by Bhagwan SwaminarayanThe hallmark of old Ahmedabad city is its narrowstreets and narrow pols (narrow streets). Today, manycenturies later, some parts of the old city appear asthey were, frozen in time. People of all walks have spent theirlives in these pols: tradesmen, noblemen, rich, poor and robust.They lived, died and were f<strong>org</strong>otten.But one name still survives till today – Bhagwan Swaminarayan.He first came to Ahmedabad in 1804 (V.S. 1860) and thereafterfor a total of 25 times till 1829. During each visit he stayedin the homes of devotees located in pols or narrow streets. Heblessed them, discoursed to them and performed many divine lilasfor their spiritual uplift. In the Sampradaya’s literature onefinds the names of 119 devotees of Ahmedabad during thetime of Bhagwan Swaminarayan.What was Shriji Maharaj’s daily routine inAhmedabad? The Sampradaya’s literaturenotes that after his morning rituals of bath,worship and breakfast he visited thehomes of devotees and well-wishersat their requests. He took lunch attheir homes, rested there in theafternoon and discoursed to themin the evening. He sanctified theopulent homes and havelis ofHimabhai Hathisinh Sheth, ShethBecharbhai Mankivala, and ShethLallubhai Badarbhai and alsothe ordinary homes of devoteesin the narrow streets and polsof Ahmedabad. During his homevisits Shriji Maharaj also sanctifiedpractically all the streets and pols32 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

of Ahmedabad. Whenever his processionswere carried out on the streets and pols theyresounded with the holy chantings and kirtansof his sadhus and devotees. Today, after 200years, the homes and streets sanctified by himexude divinity and evoke memories of hislove and compassion for his devotees. Today,in spite of some external changes, we can stillsee most of the homes and pols sanctified byShriji Maharaj as they were.<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 33

Hirachand Choksi’s HomeOn several occasions, Shriji Maharaj visitedthe home of Hirachand, a leading devotee. Healso took lunch there. The house is located inHaja Patel’s Pol. Presently, the descendants ofHirachand have bought the neighbouring homeof Nathu Bhatt, which was also sanctified byMaharaj, and combined it into one house.Damodardas Patel’s HomeDamodardas Patel was one of Maharaj’sprominent devotees in Ahmedabad. He servedMaharaj and the Nar-Narayan Dev murtis byproclaiming their names aloud (as a chhadidar).Maharaj visited his home in Nani Salepari inDariyapur many times for lunch. His descendantsstill have some sacred memorabilia of Maharaj.Laldas Gora’s HomeLaldas Gora was a leading devotee of Maharaj.He gave money to Maharaj for the chorashi(feast for Brahmins) held in Ahmedabad,and was thus blessed by Maharaj for obeying hiswish. Shriji Maharaj visited his home in Jhapada’sPol many times.Sheth Bechar Manki’s HomeBecharbhai Manki, a leading businessman ofAhmedabad, lived in Gundini Pol. He becamea satsangi and developed firm faith in ShrijiMaharaj through Muktanand Swami. He invitedMaharaj and his senior sadhus to his home severaltimes and offered respects by performing puja.34 34 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Mohanlal Sheth’s HomeMohanbhai was a Vaishnav and a businessman.His home is in Panchbhai’s Pol in Gheekanta.He came into Satsang after experiencingShri Hari’s divine glory. Maharaj came to hishome to bless his son during his marriage ceremony.Kubersinh Chhadidar’s HomeKubersinh was a leading devotee of ShrijiMaharaj. Kubersinh and his brother, Motiram,played an important role in acquiring the landfor the mandir in Kalupur. Many times Kubersinhhad invited Maharaj to his home in Dariyapur,performed his puja and offered lunch.Bapalal Pandit’s HomeBapalal Pandit was a famous Sanskrit panditin the time of Shriji Maharaj. During the yagnain Ahmedabad he invited Maharaj to sanctifyhis home. Maharaj visited his home and blessedhim. Bapalal’s home is located in Sankadi Sheri(street) in Bapa Shastri’s Pol.Amrutlal Sheth’s HaveliAmrutlal Sheth’s haveli lies inside the old cityprecincts opposite Hatkeshwar Mahadev Mandirin Amrutlal’s Pol. Shri Hari visited his haveliand praised his devotion.<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 35 35

Manek Chowk (Sankadi Sheri)Manek Chowk (above) has been the business hub of Ahmedabad for many decades. It got itsname from Maneknath Bawa, a leading businessman. Whenever Shri Hari came to Ahmedabad healways came to this chowk (open space). He was welcomed here with a grand procession that proceededto Sankadi Sheri. The upper class citizens and loving devotees of Sankadi Sheri showeredflowers made of silver and gold upon Maharaj. Shriji Maharaj also visited the homes of devoteesliving in Sankadi Sheri and the neighbouring pols.Purushottam Patel’s HomeShriji Maharaj and his sadhus used to stay atPurushottam Patel’s house (left). His house is locatedin Nava Vas, next to the Kalupur mandirgate. There was a large neem tree and an opencompound in front of his house. Maharaj used tosit beneath the neem tree and graced many withsamadhi and his discourses. Once, when he blesseda Bhat’s son, who was illiterate and lackedintelligence, the boy started chanting Vedic mantrasand explaining their meanings. A shrine (left)with Maharaj’s charnarvind commemorates theplace where the sanctified neem tree stood.36 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>Ambaram Vaidya’s HomeAmbaram Vaidya of Ahmedabad was a wellknowndevotee of Maharaj. Born to a Kadva Patelfamily his real name was Amichanddas. Heinvited Maharaj to his home on many occasionsand performed his puja, and offered donationsand gifts. His home (left) still exists at Dariyapurin Rupapari, which lies inside Kadiyavala Street.

Ambaba’s HomeAmbaba was a female Nagar (Brahmin), who became a satsangi in the time of Ramanand Swami.Shriji Maharaj stayed many times in her home. Ramanand Swami had also stayed at her home. Once,the Lolangar bawas made an attempt to attack Maharaj when he was at Ambaba’s home. Shriji Maharajfoiled their attempt.Many times Maharaj had discoursed here. The house lies in Haveli Pol near Mandvini Pol. Insidethe home is a mandir in the haveli style (above).Nathuram Bhatt’s HomeWhenever Shriji Maharaj came to Khokhravillage on the outskirts of Ahmedabad, he stayedat Nathu Bhatt’s home. Once, while Maharaj washaving lunch at Nathu’s home the Lolangar bawasattacked Maharaj’s sadhus. At that time theKshatriya parshads fought against them and demonstratedtheir bravery and paksha (allegiance).A shrine has been dedicated to mark thehome of Nathuram Bhatt (right).Khokhra VillageA historic shrine (right) is situated in the westpart of Khokhra village. The day the Lolangarbawas came to attack the Swaminarayan sadhusShri Hari was seated here on a platform discoursingto his devotees. Then Maharaj told MuktanandSwami to sit in his place and talk to the audience.During that time Maharaj went to NathuBhatt’s home to take lunch. The shrine built onthe spot marks the skirmish between Maharaj’sparshads and the Lolangar bawas.u<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 37

FORTS AND GATESSanctified by Bhagwan SwaminarayanAhmedabad was initiallyknown as Ashapalli. Thenit became known as Karnavati.The city has a history thatgoes back to over 600 years. Theonce walled-city was punctuatedwith imposing stoneentrance gates. Theystill exist today aswitnesses of a bygone era. The ancient city wascircled by a fort embellished with 21 giant gates.Today, the walls have almost gone and only 12gates remain, dotting the periphery of the oldcity. These giant gates, the fort of Bhadra locatedin the city centre, along with the palace ofAzam Khan give an inkling to the opulence ofthe city’s past. These gates and forts are symbolsof the glory and power of Mughal emperors like38 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Akbar, Jehangir, Shah Jahan and others. Theyhave heard the sound of bugles and thunderousmarches of the Subas and British whoruled the city. And above all, the giant gatesand the Bhadra Fort were not only spectatorsto, but also the recipients of the holy touchand presence of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. Itwas through these grand gates that BhagwanSwaminarayan passed in processions, with hissadhus and devotees chanting Maharaj’s nameand glory. The Bhadra Fort and Azam Khan’spalace are of historical and spiritual value becauseof their association with Bhagwan Swaminarayan.During the Maratha rule the Suba(Vitthalrao Balaji) invited Shriji Maharaj to theBhadra Fort with a conspiracy to kill him.Shriji Maharaj exposed his evil plan andBhagwan Swaminarayan and his sadhus singingbhajans while leaving Ahmedabadleft the Fort. Several years later, when the Britishcame in power, one of its ruling officers arrangeda function to honour him at the sameplace. The Bhadra Fort witnessed the equanimityof Bhagwan Swaminarayan in both situations.Let us briefly remember those gates and theBhadra Fort that have been sanctified by BhagwanSwaminarayan.Bhadra Fort<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 39

Bhadra FortThe Bhadra Fort lies in the centre of Ahmedabad. It was built by Ahmed Shah more than 600years ago, and spread over 43 acres. With the passage of time renovations and additions were made.Today, however, the fort is reduced to its main palace building only, which is utilized as governmentoffices.Bhagwan Swaminarayan first visited Ahmedabad in 1804. At that time a leading citizen and satsangi,Chimanraoji, took Maharaj to the palace in Bhadra Fort and honoured him.In 1809, the then Suba (Maratha chief), VitthalraoBalaji, invited Maharaj to his Bhadra palace.During his second visit the Suba had conspiredto kill Maharaj by arranging a cauldronof boiling oil beneath his seat. The all-knowingShriji Maharaj exposed his evil plot.The Maratha rule in Ahmedabad was overtakenby the British in 1818. Thereafter, the Britishhonoured Shriji Maharaj many times at theBhadra Fort and palace. Mr Heron, on behalfof the first collector of Ahmedabad, Mr AndrewDunlop, welcomed and honoured Maharaj in theBhadra Fort. At that time Mr Heron proposed toMaharaj to build a mandir in Ahmedabad. Later,the acting collector Mr Edward Leighton Jenkingsinvited Maharaj to the Bhadra Fort and honouredhim. Bhagwan Swaminarayan had thussanctified the Bhadra Fort several times.40 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Delhi Darwaja (Gate)To exit the old walled city and head towards the north one has to pass through Delhi Darwaja(above). Bhagwan Swaminarayan passed through this gate whenever he was heading towards NorthGujarat or returning to the city. He was welcomed on many occasions by the leading lights of the cityat this gate. Maharaj used to pass through Delhi Darwaja while going towards Narayan Ghat, to theriver bank near Dudheshwar or to any other partof Shahibaug. The gate, which still exists today,is a memorial to the history of Ahmedabad.Raipur DarwajaThis gate (right) is located on the east side ofthe former walled city. Whenever Shriji Maharajtravelled to Kankariya Lake he always exitedfrom here and on his return entered from here.Many times he had climbed up to the top ofRaipur Gate and given darshan to well-wishersand devotees. He had also delivered discoursesfrom the top. The gate still reminds one of thedivine memories of Shriji Maharaj.Astodia DarwajaBhagwan Swaminarayan used the AstodiaGate (right) whenever he travelled to Jetalpur orAshlali or when he returned from there. Sometimeshe used to sit on the platform of the gateto give darshan and blessings to all. The sanctifiedgate is still standing today.<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 41

Three Darwaja‘Teen Darwaja’ or Three Gates lies about halfa kilometre from Bhadra Fort. The stone gatehas ornate carvings. Maharaj used this gate to goto the Bhadra Fort. There are records of Maharajand his sadhus and devotees having climbedto the room on top of the gate. He stood thereto give darshan and blessings to all standing below.Jamalpur DarwajaShriji Maharaj entered Ahmedabad citythrough Jamalpur Darwaja to quell the crisesraised by Raghunathdas, a disciple of RamanandSwami. He had also entered and exited throughthis gate on many occasions.Khanpur DarwajaThe gate lies to the west of the former walledcity and it is also quite near to the banks of RiverSabarmati. Bhagwan Swaminarayan passedthrough this gate whenever he went to bathe inthe river. Today, every year, a procession of Thakorjiand the murti of Ganapati passes throughthis gate to celebrate the Jal Jhilani celebrationin the River Sabarmati.Kalupur DarwajaShriji Maharaj passed through Kalupur Darwajawhenever he came from or went to the villagesof Vahelal, Kathvada, Kanbha and othersof the Daskroi region around Ahmedabad. Healso used the gate while going to the villages ofSaraspur, Khokhra and Gomtipur, which arenow a part of greater Ahmedabad city. The gatestill stands today.u42 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

(Contd. from pg. 7)very speciality of pleasures. When we physicallyrefrain from partaking pleasures, they stay afar,but they leave behind desires for them. Thepleasures go, but they do not take the desiresfor them with them. Therefore, even after havingphysically forsaken them, there still remainsa mental desire to indulge in pleasures.This can be seen in birds and animals too. Ifa dog or crow comes to eat some cooked food,we deter it with a stick or stone. It is not able toeat the food, but it cannot stop thinking aboutit. That is why it comes back a short while later.The thing that makes one think about pleasuresis called desire. If a bullock is tied up all day andnot given any food, it does not eat any forage,(Contd. from pg. 17)“Then, Shri Hari bathed in the Sabarmati atNarayan Ghat. The clothes of the sadhus anddevotees had so much colour that the river waterchanged colour. Thereafter, Shri Hari donnednew clothes and after a padhramani in Motera,returned to the city via Shahibaug.In V.S. 1882, Shri Hari again celebrated theRangotsav in Ahmedabad. Also on this occasion,he bathed in the Sabarmati near the PadshahVadi in Shahibaug. In addition, he presided overan assembly amid the dense ambli trees in theShahibaug. 39 A poet-devotee, Badrinathdas, 40described this,“Em kahina Puranchand, Pãdshãh Vadi gayã Govind;Temã ãmblo ek bhãri, tyã sabhã kare Girdhãri…Chãlyã Nãrãyanne Ghãt, nãva nirmã re…”Meaning,“After discoursing, Puranchand/Govind(Shri Hari) went to Padshah Vadi. There, amidthe many ambli trees Girdhari (Shri Hari) heldan assembly…Then went to Narayan Ghat to bathe…”The divine occasions of Shri Hari bathing,39. Ibid. 339-40.40. Ibid. p. 441.but it still continues to think of it. A bullock canbe separated from forage physically, but it cannotbe separated from the desire for it. BhagwanSwaminarayan calls this ‘dhoralãnghana’, i.e.merely fasting physically (Vachanmrut, GadhadaII 8). With regards to desires for sensual pleasures,man is no better than animals. This is theessence of the word ‘rasavarjam’.Thus, Shri Krishna gestures to us to make refrainmentmore stable by detachment, i.e. makerefraining from pleasures more stable by sheddingdesires.The above precepts inform us of the characteristicsof the senses and mundane sensual pleasures.ucelebrating the Rangotsav and sanctifyingShahibaug have been captured in the nine versesof the famous bhajan ‘Ek samay Amdãvãdmã,ãvyã Shyãm sujãn…’ composed by GopaldasSwami, a contemporary of Shri Hari. Theseverses are still widely sung throughout theSampradaya even today.In this way, Shri Hari sanctified Shahibaugon numerous occasions. The above is just asummary of the documented visits. The divinityof the area is palpable even today.In V.S. 1878, Shri Hari decided not tostay in Shahibaug out of concern that thegardens may be damaged by the large flow ofdevotees. Now, on this sanctified land whereonce the ambli and mango trees stood Shri Hariresides permanently with his ideal devotee,Aksharbrahman Gunatitanand Swami, in thecentral sanctum of the BAPS Shri SwaminarayanMandir consecrated by Yogiji Maharaj in 1961.Daily hundreds of devotees come for theirdarshan and to receive the blessings of theirdivine gaze.u<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 43

MANDIRS AND OTHERHOLY PLACESVisited by Bhagwan SwaminarayanBhagwan Swaminarayan respected allthe deities and devas of the Hindupantheon. During his seven-year sojournof India he visited many pilgrim placesand offered his respects to the deities. He talkedof their glory and consolidated spiritual faith incountless lives.Ahmedabad in his times was dotted withshrines and mandirs of different deities. BhagwanSwaminarayan had visited most of them.At some he either stayed the night, gave discoursesor worshipped the deities with chandanand kumkum. He had also ritually installed themurtis of devas in some mandirs. He went forHathisinh Temple, Shahibaug44 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

darshan at these mandirs to bless the aspirantswho had built the mandirs and to give fillip totheir devotion.After 200 years, the places sanctified byBhagwan Swaminarayan still exist today. Theinformation gleaned from these holy placesand the Sampradaya’s literature has beenpresented here in brief.<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 45

Mahadev MandirThe mandir is located to the east of NarayanGhat by the banks of River Sabarmati and tuckedbesides a railway bridge. Since the mandir issmall it is difficult to notice its presence. WhenShriji Maharaj stayed secretly in Ahmedabad forthree to four days he resided and meditated atthe Mahadev Mandir, Andhari Vadi and NarayanGhat. The Andhari Vadi is extinct today,whereas the Mahadev Mandir is still as it is bythe River Sabarmati.Hatkeshwar Mahadev of Visnagar’sNagarsThe Hatkeshwar Mahadev or Shiv Mandirstill stands in Amrutlal’s Pol in Khadia,Ahmedabad. It belongs to the Nagars of Visnagar.Shriji Maharaj often visited devotee AmrutlalSheth’s home opposite the Hatkeshwar Mahadev.Each time he came there he also visitedthe Mahadev Mandir for darshan. The murti ofMahadev is believed to be ancient, and the outerpart of the mandir has been renovated.Nrusinhji’s MandirThe Nrusinhji Mandir is located in the easternpart of Ahmedabad near Sarangpur Gate.Bhagwan Swaminarayan had visited the mandirseveral times and discoursed to an assembly.Koteshwar Mahadev MandirThe mandir lies in the northern part ofAhmedabad, near Motera village, and by theRiver Sabarmati. A ghat (steps) was built nearthe mandir so that aspirants can bathe in theriver. Whenever Maharaj travelled from NorthGujarat (Dandhavya) towards Ahmedabad, healways passed through Motera. At that time hevisited the Mahadev Mandir and bathed by theghat. Because of his visits the mandir and ghathave gained respect and prominence.46 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Nilkanth Mahadev MandirAsarva village was once outside the formerwalled city of Ahmedabad. Here, one finds amandir of Nilkanth Mahadev. The mandir wasbuilt at the behest of Bhagwan Swaminarayanby the wealthy Vaishnav businessman, Sheth BecharbhaiMankivala. Shriji Maharaj visited themandir while it was under construction and alsothereafter. The mandir hosts many sadhus andsannyasis. Presently, the Asarva area is part ofAhmedabad city.Mahadev Mandir at Kalupur RailwayYardThe Shivalaya or Mahadev Mandir is accessedby turning to the right of Asarva bridge.It is located in the precincts of a railway yard.Since the mandir is below ground level it is alsoknown as Gupteshwar Mahadev. Two hundredyears ago there was no railway station here.Shriji Maharaj had visited this mandir.Ramji Mandir (Haja Patel’s Pol)The Ramji Mandir lies in Haja Patel’s Pol inKhadia, Ahmedabad. Shriji Maharaj visited themandir several times and he respectfully touchedthe murti of Bhagwan Ram. The entire mandirwas sanctified by Maharaj’s visits. RamanandSwami had also visited the mandir many timesfor darshan.Ambaba’s Ramji MandirThe mandir is located in Akash Sheth Kuva’sPol and it has the murtis of Bhagwan Ram. Theywere sanctified by Ramanand Swami and BhagwanSwaminarayan. The mandir was donated toRamanand Swami by a Nagar (Brahmin) devoteenamed Ambaba. Whenever Ramanand Swamicame to Ahmedabad he used to stay at thismandir. Maharaj, too, had stayed in this mandir.<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 47

Sheth Hathisinh’s DeraThe Jain derasar (place of worship) was builtby Sheth Himabhai Hathisinh, a leading businessmanof Ahmedabad. Himabhai had honouredBhagwan Swaminarayan on several occasions.When the ornate derasar (temple) wasbeing built Shriji Maharaj came there at the invitationof Himabhai Sheth and sanctified theentire ground. The derasar is a popular touristspot, located near the BAPS SwaminarayanMandir in Shahibaug.Radha-Krishna MandirThe mandir is located in Raipur, opposite PakhaliPol. It was the property of Ambaba, whodonated it to Ramanand Swami. Thus, the lattervisited the mandir quite often. After RamanandSwami passed away, Raghunathdas, who was laterexcommunicated from the Sampradaya, tookover the mandir. Shriji Maharaj had visited themandir only once.Shvet Krishna MandirThe mandir is located by the banks of GaneshBari in the Maholla of Dakshinis. Shriji Maharajhad visited this mandir at least three times andblessed the blind pujari, Shri Pushkardasji, withsight. Whenever Maharaj stayed in Ahmedabad,the pujari would come for his darshan twice aday. After the Swaminarayan Mandir was builtin Kalupur, Pushkardasji went there for darshantwice a day.Chhabila Hanumanji and PanchmukhiHanumanjiNear the entrance to Pakhali Pol in Raipurlies the Hanumanji Mandir (far left). It is popularlyknown as Chhabila Hanuman. Shriji Maharajhad visited this mandir several times.Panchmukhi Hanumanji: The mandir is locatedoutside Panditji’s Pol. The murti of Hanumanjihas five faces (left). Shriji Maharaj hadvisited the mandir.48 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Mahalakshmi MandirThe mandir lies in Mahalakshmi Pol inRaipur, Ahmedabad. Mahalakshmi is the patrongoddess of goldsmiths. Many devotees whowere goldsmiths and sang ochhaviyas (bhajans intraditional tunes) stayed in the Pol. Shriji Maharajvisited the mandir, sanctified their homes andtook lunch there.Shankaracharya’s HaveliThe Haveli lies near Bhaishankar’s Haveli inRaipur Chakla. Shriji Maharaj had sanctified theHaveli when two sannyasis called Madhvanandand Devanand had invited him for a scripturaldebate.Gaurishankar Mahadev MandirThe shrine is located outside and to thenorth of Pankor Naka in Gola’s (Ghanchi’s)Vadi. The mandir houses the five-faced murtiof Mahadev and so it is also called PanchmukhiMahadev Mandir. Shriji Maharaj had sanctifiedthe mandir.Mahadev Mandir of Vadnagar’s NagarsThe Shivalaya lies outside Haveli’s Pol inRaipur. It is known as Hatkeshwar Mahadevand belongs to the Nagars of Vadnagar. BhagwanSwaminarayan had visited the mandir manytimes.u<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 49 49

Shahibaug wasa unique areaof Ahmedabad.God hadblessed this landwith nature’s abundance. But, of a more lastingmatter is its bond with Bhagwan Swaminarayan.This bond was further strengthened by BrahmaswarupShastriji Maharaj. For it was he who identifiedthe sanctified land where Shri Hari hadrested many times, where he had given spiritualguidance to sadhus and devotees, where the sadhushad sung and played musical instruments toplease Shri Hari and from where on numerousoccasions Shri Hari was honoured in grand processionsand welcomed to the city. Shastriji Maharajpersonally met sadhus and devotees whohad witnessed Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s divinelilas at Shahibaug and learnt from them its locationsand the divine occasions described in thesampradayic texts.So, when Shastriji Maharaj decided to builda mandir in Ahmedabad he chose Shahibaugas its site, even though bigger and better plotswere available in other areas of the city. For thedevotees at the time these other plots were moreconvenient and preferable, since Shahibaugwas regarded as distant from the main city areaand had few residents. But Shastriji Maharajhad firmly decided to build the mandir on thissanctified land. The devotees even requestedShastriji Maharaj, “For us to come here fromthe city is quite a distance.” Shastriji Maharajreplied, “This place will become the centre ofthe city.” Today, these words have proved true.Shastriji Maharaj’s fondness for the sanctifiedland of Shahibaug is evident from the articlespublished in Swaminarayan Prakash at the time.Brahmaswarup Shastriji Maharajin Shahibaug, AhmedabadOn 24 February 1945, Shastriji Maharajsuffered a severe heart attack in Ahmedabad.Dr Makad and Dr Chhotubhai Nayak, whowere treating Swamishri, strictly advised himto take absolute rest. On 25 February, whenYogiji Maharaj, Nirgundas Swami and the youngShastri Narayanswarupadasji heard the newsthey, together with Maganbhai, Harmanbhaiand others who had come from Africa, rushedto Ahmedabad from Nenpur. A report from theSwaminarayan Prakash notes, “Everyone’s lifeforcehad assumed ill health and was resting.So everyone was downcast. When ShastriNarayanswarupdas and guru Shastriji Maharajmet the former burst into tears. Even ShastrijiMaharaj’s eyes became moist. The intense loveof his disciples brought tears to Swamishri’seyes. Many devotees also became tearful. Thenmuktaraj Ashabhai emotionally prayed toSwamishri to control his illness and bless all.“Hearing this, Swamishri sat up in bed and,as usual, leaned on a pillow, his face glowing andeyes showering affection.“In this delicate condition, Shastriji Maharajspoke to all about building a mandir in Shahibaug,Ahmedabad, ‘To stay or go is Maharaj’s wish.Mul Aksharmurti also departed at the age of82. Similarly, I will also leave. So, be diligentin observing agna. There was no reason for amandir in Ahmedabad, but Mistry placed a murtiof Mul Aksharmurti Gunatitanand Swami in theassembly hall of the old mandir [at Kalupur].Acharyashri himself accepted the gift. A donationwas made to Lalji Maharaj as well. Then after afew days, ‘Aksharmurti’ [and the rest of the line]was deleted. So, I wish to build a mandir here ofMaharaj and Sadguru Gunatitanand Swami. So,it will be done” (Swaminarayan Prakash, March50 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

1948, pp. 140-141).The report stated that on hearing this fromShastriji Maharaj, the devotees were delighted.Even though he had suffered a severe heartattack, Shastriji Maharaj showed his enthusiasmto build a mandir in Shahibaug.On the morning of 10 February 1948, ShastrijiMaharaj sat in Revashankar Trivedi and Sheth’scar to visit the land in Shahibaug. At the time,even the registered deed for the land had not beenmade. But, Shastriji Maharaj enthusiasticallyvisited the land with the devotees from Africa– Maganbhai, Harmanbhai, Tribhovandas,Ambalal, Chunibhai and other devotees. Heshowed them the land and declared his plansfor the future mandir (Swaminarayan Prakash,March 1948, p. 138).There was a bungalow on this sanctified landin Shahibaug. Shastriji Maharaj’s fervent wishto purchase it was fulfilled on 8 March 1948 –marking the first step in the mandir project.The news was noted in SwaminarayanPrakash, “The deed of the bungalow purchasedto build a mandir in Ahmedabad has beenregistered. To celebrate, muktaraj Ashabhaiand Harmanbhai distributed pendas. Seniordevotees of Ahmedabad – Champaklal Shethand Bhogilal Chokshi – performed pujan ofSwamishri. Chimanbhai Dalal, Maganbhai,Kothari Babubhai and others presented garlandsto him. Everyone appreciated the services of ShriHirabhai and Shri Mathurbhai in preparing thedeed. Everyone was overjoyed” (SwaminarayanPrakash, March 1948, p. 142).Shri Bhogibhai Chokshi’s role in acquiring theland was pivotal and the enthusiastic support ofSheth Champakbhai Banker, Babubhai Kothariand others was outstanding.Shastriji Maharaj was delighted at havingacquired this sanctified land and sent devoteeswho came to meet him for darshan there.For example, on 5 <strong>May</strong> 1948, ShastrijiMaharaj travelled by train in the third classcompartment from Rajpur to Ahmedabad. Thatday, Kuberbhai of Bhavnagar had also come toAhmedabad. On seeing him, Shastriji Maharajinstructed him to go for darshan of the sanctifiedland in Shahibaug (Swaminarayan Prakash, <strong>May</strong>1948, p. 186).Shastriji Maharaj often said, “This placeis sanctified by Bhagwan Swaminarayan. TheHarililamrut describes that when BhagwanSwaminarayan went with the sadhus to bathein the Sabarmati at Narayan Ghat, there was agarden on the way where he rested. This is thatgarden sanctified by Maharaj.”The bungalow on the sanctified landbecame known as ‘Akshar Bungalow’. From 5to 17 August 1948, during the holy month ofShravan, Shastriji Maharaj held a parayan there.The learned Shastri Purushottamcharan Swamigave discourses on the Satsangijivan (ThirdCanto) and Shrimad Bhagvat. Shastriji Maharajattended every assembly, granting darshan toall and addressing the gatherings also. YogijiMaharaj and Nirgundas Swami also discoursedto the assembly. The report in the SwaminarayanPrakash states, “Daily, the assembly was packed.Diwan Bahadur Lakhia and other respectedguests came for darshan. Sheth NandubhaiManchharam and other devotees also frequentlyattended. Nirgundas Swami pleased all byhis discourses and the reading of his inspiringletters to the devotees of Africa. On the eveningof Ekadashi, Swamishri went to Narayan Ghatwith the sadhus and bathed in the Sabarmati.Swamishri was seated in a Victoria buggy. Thesadhus and devotees were singing kirtans andjoyously walking along with him. It was 15August [a public holiday] and so thousands ofpeople had Swamishri’s darshan. At 6.00 p.m. onMonday 16, a public assembly was held. Manyof the city’s leading mahatmas and dignitarieshad been invited. Shastri Vishwanathbhai,Shastri Narmadashankar, Shastri ChimanlalYagnik, Professor Bambhaniya Maneklalbhai,<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 51

Vinubhai Saheb and other leading scholarswere present. They addressed the assembly andpleased Swamishri” (Swaminarayan Prakash,August 1948, pp. 252-257, p. 264).On this occasion, the distinguished ShrimadBhagvat scholar, Vishwanath Shastri, said,“What Swamishri speaks always become true.That is my experience. And that is why I firmlybelieve that a grand marble mandir will be builthere in a short time.”Shankarlalbhai opined, “In accordance withSwamishri’s principle, if we want to become aksharswarup[brahmarup] then we must have anideal aksharmurti before us. For this, Swamishritolerates many hardships and gives us the trueknowledge of the form of Mul Aksharmurti GunatitanandSwami. Also, so that this upasana issustained forever, he has built grand mandirs.And now it is Ahmedabad’s great fortune thathe has acquired this site to build a mandir. I havecomplete faith that an incomparable grand marblemandir will be built here in no time” (SwaminarayanPrakash, August 1948, pp. 255-256).In short, due to Shastriji Maharaj’sinspiration, everyone was motivated to build amandir on this sanctified land.From 24 September to 1 October 1948, ShastrijiMaharaj was in Ahmedabad. During this time,he stayed at the Akshar Bungalow in Shahibaugfor three days. There, thousands of aspirantscame to witness Shastriji Maharaj granting samadhito many and to listen to his discourses. Likethey had done in the other suburbs of Ahmedabad,Champaklal Sheth and Vasantray Pandyaarranged a samadhi assembly in Shahibaug.Swaminarayan Prakash reports, “Thousandsof aspirants from throughout Ahmedabad weredelighted to witness the samadhis. Devoteesof different faiths had darshan of their chosendeity” (Swaminarayan Prakash, October 1948,p. 22).On 12 November 1948, when ShastrijiMaharaj again visited Ahmedabad, a satsangassembly was held at the Akshar Bungalow inShahibaug. Swaminarayan Prakash reports,“Over a thousand devotees crammed into thebungalow’s main hall. Swamishri observedeveryone with an eagle eye… Yogiji Maharajspoke in the assembly and the atmospherewas filled with joy” (Swaminarayan Prakash,November 1948, p. 47).On 14 January 1950, Shastriji Maharajcelebrated the Uttarayan-Jholi festival inAhmedabad. At 5.30 p.m. on 15 January, he heldan assembly at Akshar Bungalow and blessedeveryone” (Swaminarayan Prakash, February1950, p. 30).On 2 February 1950, Shastriji Maharaj againvisited the Akshar Bungalow in Shahibaug andblessed everyone (Swaminarayan Prakash,March 1950, p. 134).In <strong>May</strong> 1950, Shastriji Maharaj againsuffered from a heart problem in Ahmedabad.On 10 <strong>May</strong> 1950, when his health wasabnormal, he stayed at the Akshar Bungalowin Shahibaug. On 18 <strong>May</strong> 1950, GulzarilalNanda came from Delhi for Shastriji Maharaj’sdarshan and even requested Shastriji Maharajto come to Delhi. However, Shastriji Maharajsaid, “Now take Yogiji Maharaj. My health isnot good. Then Swamishri narrated to Nandajithe stories of Sadguru Bhai Ramdas Swami,Bhai Atmanand Swami, SwayamprakashanandSwami, Nishkulanand Swami, AdbhutanandSwami, Vignananand and other paramhansas.Finally, he said, “‘I have decided to appointShastri Narayanswarupdasji in my place asthe president of the Sanstha.’ The assemblycontinued until 1.00 a.m. and Swamishri said,‘Nandaji has come here from Delhi so we shouldwelcome him. So, these talks I have given are hiswelcome’” (Swaminarayan Prakash, July 1950,p. 276, Title 4).In 1950, Shastriji Maharaj also arrangedfor the Sanstha’s newly appointed president,Pramukh Swami Maharaj, to deliver a parayan52 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

at Akshar Bungalow in Shahibaug. This parayan,based on the 2nd and 3rd chapters of theSatsangijivan, took place during the secondfortnight of the additional Purushottam monthof Ashadh. Yogiji Maharaj was also present onthis occasion (Swaminarayan Prakash, August1950, p. 376).The many divine memories granted byShastriji Maharaj, Yogiji Maharaj and PramukhSwami Maharaj have become one with thesanctified land. When Shastriji Maharaj was atAkshar Bungalow in the evenings he would havea cot placed outside his room and have watersprinkled around it. He would sit on the cot andconduct spiritual discourses. The spot he used tosit on is under the shrine where, at present, themurti of Shastriji Maharaj has been consecrated.While Shastriji Maharaj was here, he gaveguidance on how the mandir should be built. Itwas his intense wish to build a mandir and consecratethe murtis of Parabrahman Bhagwan Swaminarayanand Aksharbrahman Gunatitanand Swami.He expressed this on many occasions.Once, standing by the verandah near thegoldsmith’s shop outside Ambli Vali Pol, with hisright hand raised, Shastriji Maharaj said, “I wantto build a mandir in Srinagar and consecrate (themurtis of) Maharaj and Swami in it together.”Once, at Ambli Vali Pol, devotees weresinging bhajans before Shastriji Maharaj. Theysang a prayer requesting him to build a mandir inAhmedabad. So Babubhai Kothari sarcasticallysaid to the devotees, “Swami does not want tobuild a mandir here.”Hearing this, Shastriji Maharaj smiled andsaid, “Why will I not build a mandir here? Icertainly will. Just see, whether it happens ornot! Within six months Shastriji Maharaj boughtthe bungalow in Shahibaug, where the mandirnow stands.Even before commencing the marble mandirin Gadhada, Shastriji Maharaj had written aletter to Kothari Harijivandas Swami in whichhe wrote, “I want to lay the foundations for abig mandir in Ahmedabad.Once, Bhagatji Maharaj gave darshan toAshabhai of Radhu and said, “I want to buildthe sixth shikharbaddh mandir in Ahmedabad.”Shastriji Maharaj made Ashabhai narrate this onmany occasions.When the sanctified mango grove inShahibaug was purchased there were twolarge bungalows on it. One bungalow and itssurrounding land had been acquired, but therewas a delay in acquiring the second plot. ShastrijiMaharaj wished to build a mandir in the middleof the two plots. He instructed Liladhar Mistryto prepare a plan that would preserve the AksharBungalow, with a grand shikharbaddh mandirat the front. Unfortunately, that land was notacquired in Shastriji Maharaj’s presence.However, on Friday, 16 January 1959 (Poshsud 7, V.S. 2015), Yogiji Maharaj performed theshilanyas ceremony in the presence of thousandsof devotees. Yogiji Maharaj descended into the40-ft. deep foundations to lay the first stone.The mandir construction proceeded at a fastpace, and on 10 <strong>May</strong> 1962, Yogiji Maharaj consecratedthe murtis of Parabrahman BhagwanSwaminarayan and Aksharbrahman GunatitanandSwami in the central shrine. The devoteeswho had contributed significantly to the buildingof this mandir included: Babubhai Kothari,Champakbhai Sheth, Bhogibhai Choksi, KhengarjibhaiChauhan, Rasikbhai Patel, SomeshwarPithwa, Gordhanbhai Brahmabhatt, ManibhaiBrahmabhatt, Purushottamdas Gajjar, RameshbhaiDalal, Prabhashankar Pandya, Ambalal Bhagatand others. Yogiji Maharaj blessed, “Maharajwill come to collect whoever recalls this celebration.This is an assembly in Akshardham. Today,Shastriji Maharaj will be rejoicing.”Just as Ahmedabad is the foremost city ofGujarat, similarly the mandir in Shahibaug is thehub of the BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha, fromwhere countless derive spiritual inspiration. u<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 53

HEALTH: Dr Nalin R. Dhamecha, BDS MFGDP, UKDental HealthDental Diseases and TreatmentPart 2Dental disease is disease of the teethand gums. Tooth decay (dental caries)and gum disease (periodontal disease)can exist independently or in combination.Dental diseases can also affect other areasof the mouth and the severity can range from asimple mouth ulcer or a small cavity in a toothto the more serious mouth cancer.Dentists and other dental health professionals,such as dental hygienists, provide treatmentand advice to help prevent dental disease. Specialistdentists provide specific types of dentaltreatment on teeth and gums. For example, endodontistscarry out root canal treatments andperiodontists carry out gum treatments.Although other dental diseases exist, cariesand periodontal disease are by far the most commondental diseases. The most common causesof tooth loss are tooth decay and gum disease.Tooth StructureA tooth is composed of a hard outer layercalled enamel, and a softer inner layer calleddentine. In the centre of the tooth is the pulp.The pulp contains the nerves and blood vessels.Enamel is the hardest substance in the humanbody (of similar hardness to diamond). Itis brittle and can fracture when the underlyingdentine is weakened by decay (caries).Dentine constitutes the bulk of the tooth. Itis softer than enamel and is darker than enamel.The dentine is sensitive to hot, cold and sweetsubstances. Cementum covers the root surfaceof the tooth. It is of similar hardness to bone.The cementum has fibres (the periodontal ligament)running from it to the bone and this helpsattach the tooth to the jaw bone.The pulp is a soft tissue within the tooth. It isfound in the centre of the tooth and in the rootcanals of the teeth.Dental CariesDental caries, also known as tooth decay, ora cavity, is the breakdown of the dental hardtissues. It is a bacterial infection. Specific typesof bacteria produce acid in the presence of fermentablesugars, such as, sucrose, fructose andglucose. The acid attacks the mineral content ofthe enamel causing demineralization and subsequentdestruction of the hard surface of thetooth. This can eventually lead to a hole or cavityin the tooth. The extent of caries can varydepending on the type of tooth and where thedecay develops. Early caries can be undetectedas it may not cause any pain. If the caries becomesextensive, then it may cause toothache.Other signs of caries include change in toothcolour, tooth crumbling or breaking away andfoul breath.Regular dental check ups can detect earlysigns of caries and provide preventive advice.Diet, in particular sugar consumption in variousforms, is associated with the development ofcaries. The frequency of sugar consumption is54 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

far more significant in the development of cariesthan the amount consumed at any one time.The longer the sugar stays in contact with thetooth surface, the greater the acidic attack onthe surface and hence risk of decay. Saliva acts toneutralize the acid and reverse the effect of theacid in the mouth, but this can take between 30minutes to 1 hour.During an acid attack, the enamel starts todissolve and this is the demineralization process.As the acid attack reduces, the enamel undergoesa phase of remineralization to repair itself.When episodes of demineralization exceed episodesof remineralization, caries develop.Stages of CariesThe stages of caries development are as follows:n Small pit – an initial break in the enamelsurface that can be probed with a fine dentalinstrument by a dentist.n Blue/white lesion – caries destroys dentineunder the enamel more rapidly since thedentine is softer than the enamel.n Open cavity – more enamel collapses andthere is an obvious ‘hole’ in the tooth.n Pulpitis – when the nerve is reached, thepulp becomes inflamed and pain occurs.n Apical abscess formation – infectionspreads and the tooth becomes dead. Pusforms and swelling may occur.Treatment for CariesNot all tooth decay will cause pain. Smallcarious lesions on a tooth surface may not benoticed until it is carefully examined by a dentist.Simple fissure caries can occur in the complexgrooves on the biting surface of molarteeth. Once tooth decay is diagnosed it usuallyrequires treatment.Simple FillingsSimple carious cavities are cleaned and filledwith a filling material. This usually involves havinga local anaesthetic to make the tooth numb.The caries is then removed using a dental drill.The cavity is made clean and filled with the chosenfilling material.The filling seals the cavity and allows thetooth to function as normal. The filling in thetooth will also take away toothache that mayhave been there previously.Children may have special preventive sealantsplaced into the complex fissures of molarteeth to prevent caries developing if the dentistfeels this would benefit the child.Complex Fillings and CrownsMore extensive cavities and decay would requirelarger fillings that would cover more ofthe tooth surface. If the filling covers a lot ofthe tooth surface then there may not be enoughsupport for the tooth and the risk of the toothbreaking is high. In this case, the tooth may requirea crown.A crown, or cap, is a covering placed overteeth to restore their function. Crowns can bemade of metal, e.g., gold, precious alloys or porcelain(white crowns).For a tooth to receive a crown, the toothis first filed and shaped into a stump shape.Moulds or impressions are then taken of thetooth. A dental technician then constructs thecrown. This is then fixed onto the tooth with aspecial bonding material by a dentist.Crowns can be made so that they either coverthe whole tooth surface (full crowns) or theycover it partially (inlays or onlays). The type ofcrown or restoration that is the most beneficialfor the tooth is assessed by the dentist.Root Canal Treatment (EndodonticTreatment)When tooth decay is very extensive and invadesthe pulp (or nerve) of the tooth then theroot canal treatment may be performed. The<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 55

pulp is removed together with the nerve andblood supply. This is a time-consuming procedurecarried out by the dentist or sometimesan endodontist, who specializes in carrying outroot canal treatments.Teeth can have a single root, such as the frontincisor teeth, or they can have multiple (twoor three) roots, such as the back molar teeth.Each root has a root canal that carries the nerveand blood supply to the teeth. During root canaltreatment, the root canals are thoroughlycleaned with special files. The root canals aredisinfected and dried and then sealed with a specialroot filling material called gutta percha. Theremainder of the tooth is then usually restoredwith a crown or a large filling.Root canal treatment is a very common dentalprocedure. The thought of having a root canaltreatment is traditionally associated with pain!But success rates of root canal treatments remainhigh and with the advances in techniques, resultsare more predictable. The alternative, on theother hand, is the tooth being removed!A crown is usually required after the rootcanal treatment to protect the remainder ofthe tooth. This also decreases the risk of thetooth breaking.If a root canal infection is left untreated thena dental abscess may gradually develop. This cancause severe pain on touching the affected toothand on biting and chewing. It may also causeloosening of the affected tooth and cause a red,tender swelling on the gum next to the toothwith pus draining into the mouth. If the infectionspreads then it can lead to a swollen face.TOOTH EXTRACTIONIn many cases it may not be possible to saveor restore a tooth. In such cases there is no alternativebut to remove, or extract, the tooth.Tooth extraction is also a treatment of choicewhere the tooth holds a poor long-term prognosis,or if it is a non-functional tooth. A nonfunctionaltooth can be a lone standing tooththat has no opposing tooth to contact.Tooth extraction may also be favoured bypatients who cannot tolerate complex and timeconsumingtreatment. Once the tooth is extractedthe space can be left as it is or restored witha bridge or a dental implant. Not all extractedteeth necessarily need to be replaced.DISEASES OF THE GUMSInadequate cleaning leads to a build up ofplaque on the surfaces of the teeth. If this is notremoved efficiently, it causes the gums to becomeinflamed. The gums may become red andthey bleed when touched with a toothbrush. Inmore serious cases, the teeth loosen and comeout as a result of gum recession and severe boneloss around the tooth roots.GingivitisGingivitis is a reversible gum condition thatis usually caused by poor oral hygiene. The pinkhealthy gums change to a more red-purple appearanceand they will bleed easily when theteeth are brushed. Medications, for example,by using certain drugs to control blood pressureand epilepsy, can make gingivitis worse. Pregnantwomen are also more susceptible to gingivitisbecause of dramatic changes in the hormonelevels during pregnancy.If not treated, gingivitis can progress to causemore changes around the tooth and gum. Thegums may start to recede and the teeth startto loosen.Treatment for GingivitisHome oral hygiene and plaque control hasto be improved through thorough instruction.The plaque and calculus (tartar) may have to beprofessionally cleaned from teeth (simple scalingand polishing) by a dentist or dental hygienist.If the gingivitis is medication related, thenyour dentist may communicate with your doc-56 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

tor to review your medication and try an alternativethat does not have a side effect on thegums. Pregnancy gingivitis usually resolves afterthe pregnancy.PeriodontitisPeriodontitis is a progression from gingivitis.Periodontitis affects the supporting structuresof the teeth rather than just the gums. The gumpulls away from the tooth and a ‘pocket’ developsbetween the gum and the tooth. Plaque accumulatesin this pocket. This area is difficult tokeep clean. The deeper the pocket, the greaterthe severity of the disease. It can lead to boneloss around the tooth roots in varying degrees ofseverity and hence can eventually lead to toothloss. Unlike gingivitis, periodontitis is not a reversiblecondition. Once there is bone loss andgingival recession, it cannot be reversed. But therate of progression of the disease can be controlledwith the oral hygiene regime.The most common form of periodontitis ischronic adult periodontitis. Poor oral hygiene isa risk factor. Another major risk factor is cigarettesmoking. It is well documented that smokersare highly susceptible to periodontal disease.Periodontal disease is diagnosed with a clinicalexamination with radiographs to assess the leveland severity.Early symptoms of periodontal disease maybe similar to gingivitis: red, inflamed gums withbleeding. Late stages of periodontal disease maypresent as toothache, loosening of teeth, gumswellings and possible dental abscess formation.Certain illnesses such as diabetes also havean effect on the gums. Individuals with diabetesare at increased risk of infections, including gumdisease. Other diseases such as cancer and AIDSand their treatments can also have a negative effecton the gums. Also, in some people there isa genetic susceptibility to periodontitis. This iswhy regular dental examinations are very beneficial.Treatment for Periodontal DiseaseBetter oral hygiene and giving up smokingwill help the gums from receding further andprevent complications developing. The gumtreatment is usually more intensive and involvesdeep cleaning and debriding in the pockets thathave developed between the teeth and gums(root planing). This is where the root surfaceof the tooth beneath the gum is cleaned andscraped by the dentist or dental hygienist or aperiodontist, who specializes in gum diseasesand treatments. If deep scaling and root planingare not effective, surgical gum treatmentmay be advised. In this, the gums are cut and theteeth and bone are exposed. The affected area iscleaned and the gums are stitched back togetherto reduce the size of the pocket so that it is easierto clean.After intensive gum treatment there is a riskof further gum recession. This occurs as thegums ‘heal’ with the inflammation reducing andthe gums becoming firmer and healthier. As aconsequence some teeth may become more sensitiveto hot and cold substances.Treatment for severe periodontitis may alsorequire a course of antibiotics. Once treated,the teeth and gums will require meticulous careand attention to maintain as healthy as possible.Regular deep scaling and root planing sessionsare helpful.SummaryThe two most common dental diseases aredental caries and gum disease. Both can be preventedwith good personal oral hygiene togetherwith a healthy balanced diet.One should visit the dentist for routine dentalexaminations even in the absence of any toothache.Early diagnosis and prevention is alwaysbetter than cure.u<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 57

Pramukh Swami Maharaj’sJanuary-February <strong>2013</strong>, AhmedabadSwamishri performs the pratishtha arti of the murtis forthe shikharbaddh BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir, SelvasSwamishri engaged in darshan of Shri Harikrishna Maharajon Gunatit Diksha DaySwamishri’s daily routine consists of Thakorji’sdarshan in the morning in the mandir, darshanto devotees from the Akshar Jharuko (glasscabin) during early afternoon and again in theevening. The remainder of the day Swamishrispends in listening to spiritual discourses, exerciseand short walks, besides attending to lettersand meetings in his room.Devotees from India and abroad come forSwamishri’s darshan. During his darshan inAkshar Jharuko the youths and children on theground perform traditional dances and give specialpresentations to please Swamishri.In Dhanur Mas (January) decorations andspecial displays were arranged before Thakorjiin the mandir sanctum.JANUARY: AHMEDABAD4, Friday; BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir SuvarnaMahotsavThe grand finale of the Golden AnniversaryCelebration of BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir,Ahmedabad, was held in the evening at theSardar Patel Stadium. The four-and-a-half hourlong enthralling cultural programme includeddialogues, skits, traditional dances and speechesby senior sadhus. (For details see SwaminarayanBliss, March-April <strong>2013</strong>.)6, Sunday; BAPS Youth Activities 60 th AnniversaryCelebrationThe culmination of the Youth Activities60 th Anniversary Celebration was held in theevening at Sardar Patel Stadium. More than60,000 youths had assembled from all cornersof India and abroad. The celebration was heldin the presence of senior sadhus. (For details seeSwaminarayan Bliss, March-April <strong>2013</strong>.)Due to Swamishri’s ill health he was unableto attend the celebration, but he gave darshanand blessings to youths from the Akshar Jharukoin the afternoon.The event was broadcast live on Aastha Channeland webcast from the Sanstha’s website.58 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

12, Saturday; Swamishri’s 73 rd Bhagvati DikshaCelebrationThe day marked Swamishri’s 73 rd dikshaanniversary. Shastriji Maharaj had given himthe bhagvati (saffron) diksha in Akshar Deri,Gondal.Swamishri came for Thakorji’s darshan wearinga pagh on his head. On the pillow resting onhis lap were symbols of the bhagvati diksha – asaffron pagh, an upper cloth, a kanthi, mala anda janoi.Swamishri blessed the devotees assembled onthe mandir grounds. Then Pujya IshwarcharanSwami and Pujya Viveksagar Swami honouredSwamishri on behalf of all with a beautiful garland.14, Monday; Uttarayan and Jholi CelebrationThe Uttarayan celebration assembly was heldin the morning in the presence of Pujya Dr Swami,Ishwarcharan Swami and Viveksagar Swami.When Swamishri came for Thakorji’s darshanhe talked to some of the leading devotees, pulledthe strings tied to a kite and recited the traditionaljholi call, “Narayan Hare SachchidanandPrabho…” (For details see Swaminarayan Bliss,March-April <strong>2013</strong>, p. 61.)18, FridaySwamishri performed the murti-pratishtharituals of pujan and arti of the murtis for BAPShari mandirs at Katargam (Surat) and Madharkui(Sankari region).26, Saturday; Republic Day CelebrationOn India’s 64 th Republic Day Celebrationa large gathering of devotees on the mandirgrounds waved the Indian flag duringSwamishri’s arrival. Swamishri, too, waved thenational flag and blessed all.27, Sunday; Gunatit Diksha Day CelebrationThe ambience of a yagnashala was created inthe mandir sanctum to celebrate GunatitanandSwami’s diksha day. Swamishri was pleased withthe special darshan of Thakorji.In the evening, Swamishri read aloud thepledge that he had read out during the 200 thdiksha day celebration of Gunatitanand Swamiin Dabhan on 31 December 2009.29, TuesdaySwamishri performed the murti-pratishtharituals of arti and pushpanjali of the murtisfor eight BAPS hari mandirs: Vadavi (Kadi region),Anjar (Kutch), Ghayaj (Goriyad region),Devgadh Bariya (Panch Mahal), Torna (Kathlalregion), Nanikhadi (Donja region), Sadarvel(Donja region) and Anklav (Anklav region).FEBRUARY: AHMEDABAD7, ThursdaySwamishri performed the murti-pratishtharituals of arti and mantra pushpanjali of themurtis of Shri Akshar-Purushottam Maharaj,Shri Ghanshyam Maharaj, Shri HarikrishnaMaharaj, Shri Radha-Krishna Dev, Shri Sita-Ram, Shri Shiv-Parvatiji, Shri Guru Parampara,Shri Nilkanth Varni (abhishek murti), ShriHanumanji and Ganapatiji and Sukh Shaiyya forthe shikharbaddh BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir,Selvas. Swamishri invoked the deities in themurtis with the ritual touching of a gold-tippedstick. Swamishri also performed the abhishek ofNilkanth Varni with saffron water and blessedthat the murti will fulfill the wishes of devotees.Swamishri also performed the pratishtha ritualsof the murtis of Shri Akshar-PurushottamMaharaj for the BAPS hari mandir in Mogri(Gana region).Swamishri blessed 2,200 devotees, who hadcome for the pratishtha rituals, from the Selvasregion. Then the senior sadhus honouredSwamishri with a unique garland made ofsmall orange paghs prepared by the Selvas satsangmandal.<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 59

11, MondayDuring Swamishri’s evening Jharukho darshan,an interesting game was played betweenSwamishri and the devotees gathered beforehim in the mandir compound. For each questionasked, the devotees had to answer by raisinga corresponding coloured card of the threeoptions given.Then Swamishri was asked to show his answerto each question by raising a coloured card.The questions, options and Swamishri’s answersare as follows:1. Question: Which is the principal means tobecome free of base instincts (doshas)?Options: Self introspection, austerity orhaving nirdosh buddhi for the Satpurush(i.e. to believe the Satpurush to be pureand divine.)Swamishri’s answer: Nirdosh buddhi inthe Satpurush.2. Question: What spiritual thought shouldwe engage in every day?Options: To contemplate on one’s atma,engage in sankhya vichar (that everythingmaterial is temporary and full of miseryand pain) or think about how to pleaseGod and his Sadhu.Swamishri: To please God and his Sadhu.3. Question: Which festival do you likethe most?Options: Pushpadolotsav, Vasant Panchmior Diwali.Swamishri: Vasant Panchmi, because it isguru Shastriji Maharaj’s birthday.4. Question: If you were to give an agna(command) to someone, which one wouldyou give from the following three.Options: Daily darshan of mandir, dailyghar sabha or fast on ekadashi.Swamishri: Swamishri raised all the threecards saying that all three were importantto follow.5. Question: Swamishri, when you showeryour joy upon us which one thing wouldwe be blessed with?Options: Inexhaustible wealth, all types ofhappiness in samsara (world) or Akshardham.Swamishri: Akshardham.Finally, the presenter of the game prayed toSwamishri on behalf of all that they all be able tofollow his wishes and thus be blessed with spiritualhappiness.12, TuesdaySwamishri performed the pratishtha ritualsof the murtis (painted images) for the BAPS Sanskardhamin Ashadeep Society, Varachha, Surat.13, WednesdaySwamishri performed the murti-pratishtharituals of arti and mantra. pushpanjali of themurtis for BAPS hari mandirs in Cincinatti(Ohio, USA), Vadodara (Panigate suburb), RajPipla (Narmada district), Louisville (Kentucky,USA) and Ronak (Virginia, USA). Swamishrialso invoked the deities in the murtis by rituallytouching a gold-tipped stick to each of them.15, Friday; Vasant Panchmi CelebrationSwamishri celebrated the birthday celebrationof Shastriji Maharaj (Vasant Panchmi) onthe mandir grounds. (For details see SwaminarayanBliss, March-April <strong>2013</strong>). Swamishri alsoinaugurated two English print Publications bySwaminarayan Aksharpith: ‘Yogi and the MagicalSage’ and ‘Values for Children’.u(Compiled and translated from the Gujarati text.)60 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Living with SwamishriJanuary-February <strong>2013</strong>, AhmedabadTRUE COLOUR OF SATSANG12 JanuaryA few satsangi youths from abroad weresinging the bhajan, “Yogi ãvo te rang mane shidlagãdyo…” while Swamishri came before them.Then they asked, “What should we do so thatwe do not get stained by the ‘colours’ of thisworld?”Swamishri replied, “Since you are doing bhajanthe colour (of spirituality) will become a partof your lives. Due to Maharaj, Shastriji Maharajand Yogiji Maharaj you have got the right direction,so that (spiritual) colour will penetratewithin. <strong>May</strong> you remember Maharaj and beblessed with the true colour of satsang.”DOERSHIP OF GOD AND GURUS17 JanuaryOnce, Swamishri was attending to some lettersfrom devotees. He signed a few letters bywriting his name in brief, “Sha. Na.” – meaningShastri Narayanswarupdas. Thereafter, ViveksagarSwami praised Swamishri, “You are thePresident of BAPS, and the Sanstha functions onyour signature.”Immediately Swamishri replied, “The San s-tha is run by the wish of Shriji Maharaj, GunatitanandSwami, Bhagatji Maharaj, Shastriji Maharajand Yogiji Maharaj and not on my wish.”Even at 91 years, when Swamishri hasdone and achieved so much, he believes in theabsolute doership of Bhagwan Swaminarayan andhis gurus.HOW TO BECOME EKANTIK22 JanuaryA few youths from America performed ahumorous skit before Swamishri on how tobecome ekantik (God-realized). The skit wasbased on their own views about becoming ekantikin different ways. In conclusion, they askedSwamishri for the right way to become ekantik.Swamishri replied, “Do bhajan and followthe commands of the guru – therein lies the wayto attain the ekantik state.”“DO NOT FORGET GOD”27 JanuarySome youths started singing “Bhulisha hu jagatnimãyã….” (“I’ll f<strong>org</strong>et the world’s maya…”)while Swamishri was giving darshan to them onthe mandir grounds. Then one of them askedthe rest, “You are all singing the bhajan, butwhat is it that you have to f<strong>org</strong>et?”One of the youths proclaimed, “I’ll f<strong>org</strong>etto eat.”The second one said, “I’ll f<strong>org</strong>et to drink water.”The third youth claimed, “I’ll f<strong>org</strong>et to study.”The fourth boy stated, “I’ll f<strong>org</strong>et to get married.”Finally, they all asked Swamishri, “Bapa, tellus what we should really f<strong>org</strong>et?”Swamishri simply explained what they shouldnot f<strong>org</strong>et, “See that you do not f<strong>org</strong>et God.”GUNATIT GURU IS EVER-PRESENT27 JanuaryA few devotees inquired of Swamishri,“Gunatitanand Swami has said in his discoursesrelated to us that our body will perish in ten totwenty years time whereas he is eternal. Swami,you are the same Gunatit guru so does that meanyou are eternal?”Swamishri acknowledged by saying, “Yes.”<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 61

GOD’S WISH27 JanuaryOn many occasions sadhus and devotees haveexpressed their love and wish to Swamishri thatthey would like to celebrate his birth centenaryin his presence. Today, a few attendant sadhuspressed home this point again before Swamishri.In response Swamishri replied, “God’s wishprevails. Whatever Maharaj wills happens.Nothing happens according to our wishes. Ourlife should be in accordance to God’s wish. Mylife has been so in accordance with my gurus’wish. So, I do not have a wish for a longer life.Our lifespan is because of God’s wish and so isour life. There is no question of having our ownwish. It is all God’s wish and the wish of ShastrijiMaharaj and Yogiji Maharaj is right for us.”SWAMISHRI MOTIVATES, LIBERATES ANDGUIDES28 JanuaryA youth was waiting with his father forSwamishri’s darshan. He had become less activein satsang because he rarely came to the mandirand had totally stopped attending the Sundaysatsang assembly. When Swamishri was informedabout this the youth tried to save his face, “But Iobey all the other niyams.”Someone asked Swamishri, “If he startscoming to Sunday satsang assembly will you bepleased?”Swamishri said, “Yes.”Instantly, the youth promised that he woulddo so.* * *A child entreated Swamishri, “I have comeby plane all the way from America for yourdarshan. Similarly, I ask you that when the timecomes take me in a plane to Akshardham.”Swamishri promised, “We’ll take you.”* * *A youth from Chicago spoke to Swamishri,“I’m going back to Chicago today. So whatshould I take back with me?”Swamishri responded, “God and his Sant.”SWAMISHRI BELONGS TO GOD7 FebruaryHundreds of devotees were engaged inSwamishri’s darshan while he was passing byin his wheelchair. At that time some devoteesfrom London said aloud, “Swamishri belongs toLondon, because he has visited and stayed theremany times.”Then someone added, “Swami is fromAkshardham.”A third devotee exclaimed, “Swamishri doesnot belong to London alone, but to America aswell.”The devotees from Africa claimed, “Swamibelongs to Africa.”A devotee interrupted and asked, “Bapa, whodo you belong to?”Swamishri replied instantly, “We belong toGod.”GOD RESIDES WITH THOSE WHOFOLLOW NIYAMS24 FebruaryA few satsangi youths of the Akshar-Purushottam Chhatralaya in Vidyanagarperformed a skit before Swamishri about havingfirm faith in God and observing morality. Thenthey all prayed to Swamishri to bless them withstrong faith and morality in their lives alongwith a request that he be with them always.Swamishri replied, “I will be with you.”A sadhu asked Swamishri, “With whom willyou be with: one who follows the moral rules orone who eats in a hotel?”Swamishri explained, “Bhagwan stays withone who observes moral principles.”u(Translated from the Gujarati text.)62 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

BAPS NewsPushpadolotsav Celebration withPramukh Swami Maharaj27 March <strong>2013</strong>, Ahmedabad, IndiaOver 25,000 devotees from throughout India,USA, UK, Canada, East Africa and otherparts of the world enjoyed the colourful annualHindu festivals of Holi and Pushpadolotsav inthe presence of His Holiness Pramukh SwamiMaharaj in Ahmedabad.The morning celebration assembly on 27March <strong>2013</strong> featured speeches by senior sadhusin which they explained the spiritual significanceof these traditional Hindu festivals. Sadhusalso sang bhajans commemorating the festiveoccasions.Swamishri graced the assembly from thebalcony (jharukho), which was decorated asa royal hansa flying in the sky surrounded bydevas sprinkling colourful flowers. Swamishriwas welcomed by the stirring beats and lyricsof the bhajan ‘Vadtãl gãm fulvadie re, hindoloãmbãni dãl…’. Thereafter, he inaugurated anew publication by Swaminarayan Aksharpith:‘Akshar-Purushottam Mahatmyam’ – a5-volume text of 19,000 Sanskrit verseswith Gujarati translations written by SadhuShrutiprakashdas. The publication describesthe glory of Bhagwan Purushottam and Akshar,the traditions of the Swaminarayan Sampradayaand the glory of the BAPS guru parampara.Then, Swamishri sprayed saffron-scentedwater upon the small murti of Shri HarikrishnaMaharaj and, in turn, Swamishri was lightlysprinkled with saffron-scented water througha spray in the hands of Thakorji. Thereafter,Swamishri pressed a switch to shower everyonewith rose petals. Devotees danced with delightwhile they enjoyed Swamishri’s darshan in theAkshar Jharukho.u<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 63

Grand Pushpadolotsav Celebration27 March <strong>2013</strong>, BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir, SarangpurIn the evening, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.,over 70,000 devotees gathered at the BAPSShri Swaminarayan Mandir in Sarangpur inthe presence of the senior BAPS sadhus – PujyaMahant Swami, Pujya Doctor Swami, PujyaBhaktipriya (Kothari) Swami, Pujya TyagvallabhSwami and Pujya Viveksagar Swami – tocelebrate this annual festival.Speeches by the senior and other sadhus andvideo shows described how Pramukh SwamiMaharaj’s life has been coloured with the virtuesof dharma, jnan, vairagya and bhakti.Following the inauguration of new publicationsby Swaminarayan Aksharpith, the seniorsadhus performed pujan of Shri HarikrishnaMaharaj and sprayed him with saffron-scentedwater. Thereafter, arti was performed.At the conclusion of the celebration, aspecially compiled video of the past Fuldolcelebrations held in Sarangpur in the presenceof Swamishri was shown. Finally, volunteerssprinkled scented gulal powder, previouslysanctified by Swamishri, on all the devotees.This year, due to the drought in Gujarat,gulal powder, flowers and flower petals wereused for the celebrations at both Ahmedabadand Sarangpur instead of the traditional use ofwater.uIn a grand diksha mahotsav, guruhariPramukh Swami Maharaj initiated 28 youths asparshads and 45 as sadhus. Among the youthswere doctors, engineers, pharmacists, MBAs andgraduates of other faculties. Of the 73 youths,16 were from abroad.The youths, and their parents and relativesperformed the Vedic mahapuja rituals. Later, theparents wholeheartedly offered their belovedsons for becoming sadhus at the holy feet of guruPramukh Swami Maharaj. The devotees presentDiksha Ceremony11 April <strong>2013</strong>, Ahmedabad, Indiain the assembly hailed the newly initiated youthsand their parents in reverence.Senior sadhus of BAPS – Pujya Mahant Swami,Pujya Doctor Swami, Pujya Kothari Swami, PujyaTyagvallabh Swami, Pujya Ishwarcharan Swamiand Pujya Viveksagar Swami – were present inthe initiation ceremony. They expounded on thespiritual significance of receiving initiation froman enlightened guru.At the end of the ceremony Pramukh SwamiMaharaj personally gave the guru mantra to64 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

each of the 73 youths. Blessing them he said,“These youths will go to the villages and citiesin India and abroad to inspire others to live anaddiction-free life and instill morality and faithin countless people.” Pramukh Swami Maharajappreciated the sacrifice of parents who hadoffered their sons to become sadhus for theservice of society and God.uShri Swaminarayan Jayanti Celebration20 April <strong>2013</strong>, Ahmedabad, IndiaWith the Akshar Jharukho symbolicallytransformed into the historic Moksha Pipalo ofChhapaiya, thousands of devotees attended theevening celebration of Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s232nd birth anniversary in the presence of HisHoliness Pramukh Swami Maharaj.The assembly featured bhajans and speechesby the senior sadhus. Pujya Viveksagar Swamispoke about the six reasons for BhagwanSwaminarayan’s manifestation on earth. Then,Pujya Ishwarcharan Swami elaborated on howthe Guru Parampara – Gunatitanand Swami,Bhagatji Maharaj, Shastriji Maharaj, YogijiMaharaj and, presently, Pramukh Swami Maharaj– the manifest forms of Bhagwan Swaminarayanon earth, have continued to fulfil the objectivesof Bhagwan Swaminarayan by guiding countlessdevotees towards attaining the divine brahmicstate and worshipping God. Pujya MahantSwami addressed the assembly and emphasized<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 65

that all actions of God and his God-realizedSadhu are divine and for the liberation of all.After Swamishri’s arrival in the Akshar Jharukho,balaks briefly enacted the incident in Chhapaiyaof Ghanshyam’s friends searching for him andfinding him atop the pipal tree looking westwards.When questioned, Ghanshyam revealed that heyearned to meet the countless devotees awaitinghim everywhere and grant them liberation. Today,that Ghanshyam in the form of Pramukh SwamiMaharaj continues to fulfil that wish.Devotees then narrated how Swamishrihad inspired the ideals taught by BhagwanSwaminarayan in their lives.Then, tributes were paid to BhagwanSwaminarayan by offering the five elements: tosymbolize ‘earth’, flowers were showered; for‘water’, abhishek was offered to the murti of ShriNilkanth Varni; for ‘wind’, conch shells wereblown; and to symbolize ‘space’, a selectionof the names of Bhagwan Swaminarayan wererecited.The fifth element – ‘light’ – was offeredthrough the arti ceremony. Swamishri performedarti of the murti of Thakorji, senior sadhus performedarti in the mandir sanctums, and sadhusand devotees seated in the compound also performedarti. At the conclusion of the celebrationassembly, everyone had darshan in the main mandirand were given panchajiri as prasad. uUK & EuropeBAPS Participates in Earth Hour Celebration23 March <strong>2013</strong>, North America, UK, India“collective impact, beyond the hour” in thepursuit of a cleaner and safer planet.The Swaminarayan School Receives NewNational Award for Able Children28 February <strong>2013</strong>, London, UKJoining iconic landmarks like the EmpireState Building, the Eiffel Tower, the GreatPyramids of Giza, the Sydney Opera House andothers in 7,000 cities, towns and municipalitiesacross more than 150 countries and territoriesaround the world, BAPS Shri SwaminarayanMandirs across North America, UK and Indiacommemorated Earth Hour <strong>2013</strong> by switchingoff lights at 8:30 p.m. local time.Earth Hour is a worldwide attempt to raiseawareness about climate change and make aThe Swaminarayan Preparatory School hasbeen recognized by the National Associationfor Able Children in Education (NACE) withits special Challenge Award for “helping pupilsachieve their best”.The NACE Challenge Award is recognized byexternal bodies as a mark of “quality provision”which honours schools that produce high qualitywork and encourage pupils to achieve theirbest. It is regarded as “one of the most purpose-66 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

ful, rigorous yet supportive awards that schoolscan achieve”. The NACE inspector shared somecomments in a report following the evaluationprocess: “The Swaminarayan Prep School isa school with many outstanding features. Theprovision for their spiritual, moral, social andcultural development is exceptional and theirleadership skills are deployed to very good effect.The pupils are also lively and engaged andvery articulate.”‘Become Adarsh’ – National Yuvak-Yuvati Mandal Shibir, UK & Europe17 & 23 February <strong>2013</strong>, BAPS Shri SwaminarayanMandirs, London & Leicesterperforming daily rituals, benefits of seva andothers.Pujya Kothari Swami concluded the shibir byencouraging everyone to draw inspiration fromSwamishri as the ideal example and, throughoutthe year, to continually introspect on one’s spiritualprogress.USASpecial Honour for BAPS YouthJanuary <strong>2013</strong>, USAA National Yuvak-Yuvati Shibir was held inLondon on 17 February and in Leicester on 23February in the presence of Pujya BhaktipriyaSwami (Kothari Swami). The shibirs marked thebeginning of a year-long spiritual developmentprogramme for youths in the UK. They wereattended by almost 700 participants.The shibirs featured speeches by Pujya KothariSwami and other sadhus on topics including:the concept of ‘adarsh’, meaning ‘ideal’,through the examples of devotees who havefollowed the guidance of Bhagwan Swaminarayanand Pramukh Swami Maharaj, maintainingspirituality in one’s home and place ofwork, prioritizing one’s life based on the adviceof Swamishri, stability and the importance ofspiritual wisdom to help overcome setbacks inlife, importance of upholding traditions andNeil Patel, grandson of Dr K.N. Patel ofMumbai and a regular member of the BAPSYuvak Mandal in Charlotte, NC, USA, andhis team solved a problem based on WilliamShakespeare’s play To Be or Not to Be in eightminutes on the spot and beat 60 teams to win aninternational competition.The team was honoured by the CongressionalYouth Leadership Council (CYLC) to attendthe 5-day Presidential Inaugural Conference inWashington DC, and witness the 57th PresidentialInauguration Ceremony of President BarackObama.AfricaBAPS Volunteers Help at BuildingCollapse Site29 March <strong>2013</strong>, Dar-es-Salaam, TanzaniaFollowing the collapse of a 16-storeybuilding near the Ithnaashri Mosque in Dar-essalaam,BAPS volunteers rushed with emergencysupplies for the survivors. The volunteers also<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 67

escued survivors trapped in the rubble, andcarried survivors and the deceased to the waitingambulances. BAPS volunteers continued to helpat the site for two days.On 1 April <strong>2013</strong>, BAPS was honoured forits efforts by the Home Minister of Tanzania ina small ceremony <strong>org</strong>anized by the Ithnaashricommunity.Indiapeace and harmony by offering abhishek on thesacred murti of Sri Neelkanth Varni.Captivated by the Akshardham Mandir, theGovernor of Delaware expressed, “This is a remarkableplace with great dedication and faith.”He also wrote, “I am overwhelmed byAkshardham. The philosophy that we areresponsible for our own destiny – that we are thesculptor of our future – comes through clearly. Iam moved by the entire experience.”Inauguration of BAPS Shastriji MaharajHospital15 February <strong>2013</strong>, Atladra (Vadodara), IndiaGovernor Jack Markell VisitsSwaminarayan Akshardham9 February <strong>2013</strong>, New DelhiGovernor of the State of Delaware, USA, JackMarkell, visited Swaminarayan Akshardham inNew Delhi with a 10-member delegation.Senior sadhus welcomed and honouredGovernor Markell in traditional fashion. Headmired the <strong>May</strong>ur Dwar (Peacock Gate) andthe Gajendra Pithika (Elephant Plinth).The delegation experienced the SanskrutiVihar boatride exhibition and the NeelkanthDarshan giant screen film, and prayed for worldThe inaugural function of BAPS ShastrijiMaharaj Hospital in Vadodara was attendedby around 14,000 people, including invitedguests, doctors and paramedics. The 100-bed Multispeciality Hospital was dedicatedto the people of Vadodara and Gujarat on the148th birth anniversary of BrahmaswarupShastriji Maharaj, founder guru of the BAPSSwaminarayan Sanstha, on Friday, 15 February(Vasant Panchami) <strong>2013</strong>.The Hospital was inaugurated by PujyaMahant Swami, Pujya Doctor Swami, ShriNitinbhai Patel, Minister of Finance, Health& Transport, Gujarat Government, andShri Saurabhbhai Patel, Minister of Energy,Petrochemicals, Mines and Minerals, GujaratGovernment. Also blessing the occasion werePujya Tyagvallabh Swami, Pujya IshwarcharanSwami and Pujya Viveksagar Swami.68 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

National Seminar on Shri SahajanandSwami and the SwaminarayanSampradaya: Historical, Social andCultural Perspectives1-3 March <strong>2013</strong>, New Delhi, IndiaAround 80 scholars from Gujarat, South Indiaand New Delhi attended the ‘National Seminaron Shri Sahajanand Swami and the SwaminarayanSampradaya: Historical, Social andCultural Perspectives’ from 1 to 3 March <strong>2013</strong>.The seminar was <strong>org</strong>anized at SwaminarayanAkshardham, New Delhi, by the Gujarat ItihasParishad in collaboration with the B.J. Studyand Research Institute, Ahmedabad, and theBAPS Swaminarayan Research Institute in Akshardham.It was inaugurated by Pujya IshwarcharanSwami and Pujya Viveksagar Swami. Theseminar enabled scholars to analyze the life andwork of Sahajanand Swami from a broad varietyof historical, social and cultural perspectives.The topics included: Historical and culturalinfluences in Gujarat and India at the time ofSahajanand Swami; Sahajanand Swami’s travelsthroughout India as a child and teenager, and hisstay in Gujarat; Sahajanand Swami and contemporaryGujarat, and its demography and geography;Sahajanand Swami’s philosophy and values,Sahajanand Swami’s magnetic personality as aleader of the masses: his inspiring nature, lifestyle,manners, speeches, discussions, languageand interaction with people and others.Among the distinguished scholars who presentedpapers at the seminar were: Dr MakarandMehta, Professor Emeritus, History, GujaratUniversity; Subhash Brahmabhatt, Principal,H.K. Arts College, Ahmedabad; Dr R.T. Savalia,Director, B.J. Study and Research Institute;Dr Rizvan Kadri, Associate Professor, SwaminarayanArts College, Ahmedabad; Dr ThomasParmar, Trustee, Gujarat Historical Society; DrJagdish Chaudhary, President, Gujarat ItihasParishad; Dr Hasmukh Patel, Secretary, GujaratItihas Parishad; Dr Jyotindra M. Dave, Director,BAPS Swaminarayan Research Institute, NewDelhi; Dr D.K. Hari, President, Bharat Gyan ResearchInstitute, Chennai; Dr S. Suresh, Convener,Indian National Trust for Art and CulturalHeritage, Tamil Nadu Chapter, Chennai; andothers. Papers were also presented by sadhus ofthe BAPS.Other distinguished speakers at the Seminarincluded Padmashri Dr Vijay Bhatkar, renownedcomputer scientist and pioneer of PARAMsupercomputers; Dr Radhakrishna Bhatt,Head, Sanskrit Dept., Mysore University; DrRaghuvir Chaudhary, renowned author andpoet, Shri Madhav Ramanuj, famous poet;Shri Chandrakant Sheth, scholar and poet andDr G.C. Tripathi, Director, B L Institute ofIndology, New Delhi.The Seminar consisted of Inaugural and ClosingSessions, a separate session for the presentationsby BAPS sadhus and five other sessions.The delegates also had an opportunity to enjoythe art, architecture, exhibitions and serene surroundingsof Swaminarayan Akshardham.Satsang Activities Karyakar Shibir13-14 April <strong>2013</strong>, HaridwarBAPS Satsang activity karyakars from Punjab,Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal,Hariyana, Delhi and Rajasthan convened at thePatanjali Yogapith in Haridwar for a two-dayshibir. Based on the theme ‘Let Us Fill the Skywith the Praise of Swaminarayan’, AtmaswarupSwami and other sadhus presented speeches and<strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong> u Swaminarayan Bliss 69

audio-visual shows, and conducted discussions,interviews, message-oriented games and otheractivities to enlighten and encourage thevolunteers.Yogacharya Pujya Ramdev Baba also visitedthe shibir and in his address praised the life andwork of Pramukh Swami Maharaj.The shibir provided the karyakars withguidance, motivation and renewed resolve tofulfil their duties.uSadguru Pujya Balmukund Swami (26-4-1917 to 4-3-<strong>2013</strong>)The passing away toAkshardham of 96-yearoldPujya BalmukundSwami is a great lossfor the Sanstha. Hecame into contact withSatsang tour to Africa. But, at the last moment,he instantly complied with Yogiji Maharaj’swish and stayed behind to serve the ailingAksharpurushottam Swami.By his saintliness and expert execution of duties,he earned the immense grace of Yogiji Maharaj.Shastriji Maharaj inHe served as kothari of Akshar Mandir,1950 and then servedat the Atladara Mandir,even while continuing his job.Gondal, until 1981. Thereafter, he toured the villages,serving and delivering spiritual discourses.For decades, his insightful and stirringOn Janmashtami 1952, Yogiji Maharaj discourses enlightened and energized theinitiated him into the sadhu-fold and named Sanstha’s sadhus and countless devoteeshim Balmukund Swami. He served diligentlyaccording to Yogiji Maharaj’s instructions andearned his blessings. In 1955, he was selected toworldwide. His humble and saintly personalityendeared him to all.We offer our humblest pranams to such aaccompany Yogiji Maharaj on his first overseas respected senior sadhu.uShri Swaminarayan Charitra: Part 2Ghanshyam and the Miracles of LifeInspirer: H.H. Pramukh Swami MaharajBAPS Swaminarayan Aksharpith Presents...A New Animation Video on the Inspiring Stories from theLife of Bhagwan Swaminarayanl First-ever life-like animation video series in the SwaminarayanSampradayal Children, youths and all can delight in the fascinating lifestoriesof Bhagwan Swaminarayanl Dialogues in English and HindiAvailable at all BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir bookstores.70 Swaminarayan Bliss u <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

1 2341. Newly initiated sadhus with Swamishri (10April <strong>2013</strong>, Ahmedabad).2. Parshads participate in the janoi (sacred thread)ceremony as part of the sadhu diksha mahapujarituals (10 April <strong>2013</strong>, Ahmedabad).3. Senior sadhus, invited guests and delegateson the dais during the inaugural session of theNational Seminar on Shri Sahajanand Swamiand the Swaminarayan Sampradaya. It washeld at Swaminarayan Akshardham in NewDelhi from 1-3 March <strong>2013</strong>.4. The newly opened BAPS Shastriji MaharajHospital, Atladara (15 February <strong>2013</strong>).71

“Swaminarayan Bliss”, <strong>May</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>2013</strong>. Published on 5/3/13 Posted at Ahmedabad, P.S.O.5 th on Bi-Monthly, RNI-33411/79BHAGWAN SWAMINARAYAN’S BIRTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION20 April <strong>2013</strong>, Ahmedabad3Swamishri presided over the colourful and devotional celebration ofBhagwan Swaminarayan’s 232 nd birth anniversary. Senior sadhus presentedspeeches on the glory of Bhagwan Swaminarayan to commemorate the occasion.Over 200 years ago, Ghanshyam had climbed the pipal tree and lookedwest, casting his divine, graceful gaze on all spiritual aspirants.Swamishri appeared in the Akshar Jharukho which had been transformedinto the moksha pipalo of Chhapaiya as part of the stage decorations.Shri Hari’s birth was celebrated with devotional offerings representing thefive elements – earth, water, air, space and light.The birth celebration climaxed with the performance of arti by all.72Printed and Published by Sadhu Swayamprakashdas on behalf of Swaminarayan Aksharpith and Printed at Swaminarayan Mudran Mandir, Shahibaug Road,Ahmedabad - 380 004 and Published from Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Shahibaug Road, Ahmedabad - 380 004. Editor: Sadhu Swayamprakashdas.

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