Wholesale Catalog - Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc.

Wholesale Catalog - Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc.

Wholesale Catalog - Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc.


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From The President’s DeskThank you for allowing us to supplyyour past, present and future plantmaterial needs. As you can see, we havemade some changes to our catalog. Ourcurrent catalog has more pictures thanever before and we have added helpfulsymbols to the plant descriptions. Also,we decided not to include prices in thecatalog, (there is an inserted price list)so that you can share the pictures anddescriptions comfortably with yourcustomers.Spring rains have replenished ground and surface water supplies in ourgrowing areas. These rains ensure that our recently lined out materialhave the ideal growing conditions. This year we expanded our ProvenWinners line of woody ornamentals and have increased our selectionof native plant material. Our unprecedented availability of field andcontainer grown material enables you to offer a complete palette ofservices and plant material throughout all the seasons.Quality, value and service, the three core tenants of our businessphilosophy, are designed to attract and most importantly, retainsatisfied customers. If you are a first time buyer or just haven’t hadthe opportunity, please come visit and see what we are all about. Thesalesperson for your geographic area will happily arrange a tour of ourgrowing and shipping facilities.The 2013-2014 season promises to be optimistic for the greengoods industry. World events are encouraging consumers to stay closerto home and put more time, effort and money into their businesses/residences. Call us to take advantage of our positioning in container andfield grown material. Your success is important to us.Thanks again for your confidence in allowing us to be your supplier ofchoice. If any aspect of your purchasing experience can be improvedupon, do not hesitate to contact us.Table of ContentsHow to Use This <strong>Catalog</strong>..............2Hours of Operation.......................3Directions.....................................3Sales Team...................................4Staff..............................................5Terms and Conditions of Sale......6Discount Program & Color Tags......... 7Hardiness Zones..........................8Bio-Plex®.....................................9Supplies.......................................9History........................................10Woody Ornamentals..............11-91Perennials...........................92-102Ornamental Grasses.........103-106Ferns.................................107-108Ground Covers..................109-110Ball Sizes and Weights............. 111Index................................. 112-113William E. QuillenPresident1

Hours of OperationMonday - Friday7:00 AM - 4:30 PMPlease call and make an appointment before coming to visit so that we can beprepared to help you with your plant material needs.Closed Saturday and SundayPick-up OrdersShippingPlease call and schedule a pick-upappointment with our shipping coordinator.Scheduling your pick-up time helps us get yourplants loaded with a minimum of waiting.Loading HoursMonday - Friday7:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 12:30 PM - 3:30 PMPlease check in at the front office before loading.Please contact our shipping coordinator toschedule delivery and get a quote on freightcharges. We can provide delivery for youby our own trucks or obtain the services ofreliable private carriers to keep the costat a minimum for you.DirectionsFrom I-81- Take I-64 East to Exit 94- Turn left on Rt. 340- Go approx. ½ mile and turn left on Rt. 631- Go approx. 1 mile and turn right on Rt. 664- We are located ½ mile on the rightFrom Richmond- Take I-64 West to Exit 96- Turn left on Rt. 624- Go approx. 2½ miles and turn right on Rt. 664- We are located 1 mile on the leftPhysical Address:2597 Lyndhurst Rd.<strong>Waynesboro</strong> VA22980Mailing Address:PO Box 987<strong>Waynesboro</strong> VA229803

Discount ProgramThe discount program is for our customers that purchased and received over $15,000 in plant materialand pay their invoices within 30-day terms. Once approved, the discount to be received is based on thedollar volume of the plants purchased October 1st through September 30th of the preceding fiscal year.Our discount structure is as follows:Volume of Business Discount$15,000-24,999 Lowest rate in catalog$25,000-49,999 Lowest rate in catalog Less 5%$50,000-up Lowest rate in catalog Less 10%Once you are in the program you may obtain increasing discount levels by purchasing more during theyear. This discount will apply to future invoicing. Freight and tax charges will not be counted towardsyour volume of business.All specials and re-wholesaled plants will be sold at net pricing (no discounts), but will count toward yourannual volume discount level.Customer shall waive the right to participation in this program if payments are not made within terms.Prices may revert to the appropriate catalog prices on overdue accounts. A Credit Application must befilled out and approved if your company is going to be enrolled in this program.Color TagsWe can provide hang tags or pot tags depending on thetype of plant material you purchase.Let our plant tags sell the plant for you! Customers willbe able to see what the plant will look like in bloom, readabout mature size, and check sun, soil and zone requirements.Please ask about pricing.Ask your salesperson about having your plant material colortagged!7

8Hardiness Zones

Dig all Summer... Sell all Summer... Transplant all Summer!What is Bio-Plex®?Bio-Plex® Concentrate is a liquid biostimulant complex of plant vitamins, hormones, aminoacids, nutrient chelators, plant growth regulators, “root-specific” growth stimulators, and micronutrients,formulated with a “state-of-the-art” non-phytotoxic tissue and soil penetrant.This unique concentrated organic complex has multiple beneficial uses within the nurseryindustry. Applied according to label, Bio-Plex® Concentrate exhibits extreme plant STRESSREDUCTION properties, as well as numerous ROOT SPECIFIC properties influencing aggressiveroot development and plant root establishment.BIO-PLEX® CONCENTRATE1 Gallon6 Gallon Mini DrumBIO-PLEX® FERTILIZER PLANTING TABLETS20-10-5 21 gram tablets 2 year release case of 50012-8-8 Organic Fertilizer tablets 1 year release case of 750Mycorrhizae 5 gram tablets case of 2100BIO-PLEX® 5 in 1 PLANTING GRANULES7 lb box50 lb boxTREE RINGS(Used to irrigate or Bio-Plex® plant material )Capacity - 25 gallons Drip Time - 6-8 hoursMaximum Tree Diameter 8” & Height 10”Construction - HDPE/UV ResistantColor - Black Weight 7 lbsLife Expectancy 3-10 years(Minimum 300-500 uses)Nursery & Landscape SuppliesWe also carry a number of supplies for your convenience.<strong>Inc</strong>luding stakes, arbor tie, burlap, rope, etc.Please check our current price list for availability and prices.9

<strong>Waynesboro</strong> <strong>Nurseries</strong> History“Poor stock is costly at any price and an experienced planter will not buy it.” These are the wordsof our founder, E. M. Quillen.After purchasing Titus <strong>Nurseries</strong> around 1930, Mr. Quillen putthese words, and his hands, to some good use. Blessed with therich soils and moderate climates of Virginia’s beautiful ShenandoahValley, Mr. Quillen went to work. He changed the name to<strong>Waynesboro</strong> <strong>Nurseries</strong>, and then created a thriving, multi-facetedbusiness based on this solid principle. We have continued to growand change in his footsteps, right along with the demands of agrowing and changing marketplace. We have increased our productionfacilities from 15 acres of rented land in 1922, to havingover 1,200 acres devoted to raising nursery stock today. We haveexpanded our product mix to include over 500 varieties of ornamentals.E.M. Quillen, founder of<strong>Waynesboro</strong> <strong>Nurseries</strong>Digging Bareroot Nursery Stock - 1930’sWe have also been through anumber of different enterprises onour journey. As the scenic SkylineDrive and Blue Ridge Parkwaybecame a major tourist thoroughfare,<strong>Waynesboro</strong> <strong>Nurseries</strong> operatedtwo retail locations within minutesof these highways, and did so rightinto the 1960’s. Just after World WarII, when more Americans ownedhomes than ever before, <strong>Waynesboro</strong><strong>Nurseries</strong> added a catalog divisionand became one of the largestand most recognized mail orderhouses on the continent. The scopeof our undertaking is more focusedtoday. We grow, sell, and ship qualitynursery stock to landscape contractors,re-wholesalers, and gardencenters throughout the Mid-AtlanticStates. But as always, E. M. Quillenput it best: “It is not so much whatthe customer pays, as what he getsfor what he pays, that determineshis degree of satisfaction.”Busy afternoon at the new Boxwood Gardens on Afton MountainRetail Garden Center - 1950’s10

WoodyAcer buergerianum [25’ x 25’] Zone 5Trident MapleThis small tree has glossy, dark green leaves that turn various shades of red,yellow and orange in the Fall. A good selection for tight areas where a slow-growing,compact tree is needed.Acer campestre “Evelyn” [35’ x 30’] Zone 5Queen Elizabeth MapleA Schmidt introduction, selected for its outstanding vigor, its lush, dark greenleaves, and its neat growth habit.Trident MapleAcer campestre “Metro Gold®” [35’ x 20’] Zone 5“Metro Gold®” Hedge MapleThis upright, narrow oval cultivar has a tighter shape than Queen Elizabeth. Itproduces fewer seeds than typical and has an improved, bright yellow Fall color.An excellent street tree selection.Acer campestre “Stgrezam” [30’ x 30’] Zone 5St. Gregory® Hedge MapleVigorous, pyramidal grower with a strong central leader. New foliage is a reddishgreenthat turns to a rich dark green. An excellent drought-tolerant street tree.Queen Elizabeth MapleAcer ginnala “Betzam” [25’ x 15’] Zone 4Beethoven Amur MapleA tightly-branched and narrow, columnar form. Has bright red samaras thatcomplement the large, deep hunter-green foliage. Fall foliage is red and gold.Acer ginnala “Flame” [15’ x 15’] Zone 3“Flame” Amur MapleExceptional hardiness, fragrant, showy flowers, abundant magenta fruits, andwine-red Fall color make this Maple a spectacular ornamental. Use as a smallpatio tree, or for screening.Beethoven Amur Maple12 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Acer grandidentatum “Hipzam” [45’ x 20’] Zone 4“Highland Park®” Bigtooth MapleWoodyPyramidal shape with thick, glossy black-green foliage changing to orange andred in the Fall. Performs well in most soils and urban pollution.Acer griseum [25’ x 20’] Zone 4Paperbark MapleThis small, deciduous, oval to oval-rounded tree is noted for its peeling, cinnamonto reddish-brown bark. Trifoliate leaves are dark green, but turn red in the Fall.Acer griseum x nikoense “Molly Fordham” [20’ x 20’] Zone 4“Molly Fordham” MapleA small ornamental tree that combines the cinnamon exfoliating bark of Acergriseum with the faster growth and toughness of Acer nikoense. Bright red Fallcolor."Highland Park®" Bigtooth MapleAcer palmatum [20’ x 20’] Zone 5Greenleaf Jap. MapleGreen leafed species maple. Spring color is light green with flecks of red from theleaf buds maturing to a darker shade of green in Summer. Fall brings brightoranges and reds to the leaves.Acer palmatum “Bloodgood” [20’ x 20’] Zone 5“Bloodgood” Jap. MapleAcer Palmatum "Bloodgood"An excellent, red-leafed cultivar. Deserves use as a specimen, especially insmall-scale situations.Acer palmatum “Tamukeyama” [13’ x 13’] Zone 6“Tamukeyama” Jap. MapleDescribed as one of the best purple dissectum Japanese Maples. Its growthtends to be a low mounding form. Foliage is deep crimson-red and matures topurple-red.“Tamukeyama” Jap. Maple1-800-868-8676 13

WoodyAcer palmatum atropurpureum [20’ x 20’] Zone 5Redleaf Jap. MapleGraceful deciduous tree displaying star-like reddish-purple leaves. Brilliant redFall color.Acer platanoides “Crimson King” [45’ x 40’] Zone 4“Crimson King” Norway MapleNorway Maple variety that maintains a rich red, glossy foliage. Provides deepshade and maintains its red foliage all Summer long.Acer platanoides “Crimson Sentry” [25’ x 15’] Zone 4“Crimson Sentry” MapleA very compact, slow-growing, dense tree with deep purple foliage. Originated asa bud sport from “Crimson King.”"Armstrong" Red MapleAcer rubrum [60’ x 50’] Zone 4Scarlet MapleConspicuous red flowers in the Spring are followed by light green foliage whichcan turn to a spectacular scarlet in the Fall. Silver-gray bark provides good Winterinterest.Acer rubrum “Armstrong” [60’ x 15’] Zone 3“Armstrong” Red MapleStately fastigiate form of Red Maple. Good for streetscapes and as an accentplant.Acer rubrum “Autumn Flame®” [50’ x 50’] Zone 4“Autumn Flame®” Maple"Autumn Flame®" MapleThis cultivar produces purplish-red Fall foliage. Somewhat slower in growth habitthan some of the other Red Maples, it is first to color in the Fall.14 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Acer rubrum “Brandywine” [50’ x 35’] Zone 4“Brandywine” Red MapleWoodyA National Arboretum introduction with deep red Fall color produced 10 days laterthan most Red Maples. This seedless variety has a moderately columnar crown.Acer rubrum “Burgundy Belle” [45’ x 35’] Zone 4“Burgundy Belle” MapleThe compact oval crown on this tree is extremely uniform. The medium to darkgreen foliage will turn an intense red changing to burgundy in the Fall.Acer rubrum “Frank Jr.” [45’ x 30’] Zone 5Redpointe® Maple(P.P. 16769) A variety that combines the attributes of the best Red Maple cultivarswith the fast growth of the hybrid varieties. Naturally maintains a centralleader with strong branch angles. Leaves are dark green changing to dark red inthe Fall.Redpointe® MapleAcer rubrum “October Glory®” [50’ x 50’] Zone 4“October Glory®” MapleThe most popular Red Maple cultivar has foliage that turns a uniform crimson-redin the Fall. Has an evenly-rounded head and lustrous foliage that persists late.Acer rubrum “Red Sunset®” [50’ x 40’] Zone 3“Red Sunset®” MapleOne of the best Red Maple cultivars. Fall foliage is showy orange-red. This treehas a shapely, oval head with silver-gray Winter bark.Acer saccharum [60’ x 45’] Zone 4Sugar MapleA respected American shade tree, the Sugar Maple has a majestic, upright form,and brilliant orange-to-yellow Fall color."October Glory®" Maple1-800-868-8676 15

WoodyAcer saccharum “Bonfire” [50’ x 35’] Zone 4“Bonfire” Sugar MapleThis Sugar Maple was selected for its shiny green leaves which turn a dazzlingcarmine-red in the Fall. Vigorous growth and heat tolerance have also beenobserved.Acer saccharum “Commemoration” [50’ x 40’] Zone 4“Commemoration” Sugar MapleA reliable shade tree that grows quickly into a well-rounded, dense canopy ofglossy, dark green leaves. Early Fall color is orange, red and yellow.Acer saccharum “Endowment” [50’ x 20’] Zone 3“Endowment” Sugar Maple(P.P. 4654) A columnar Sugar with a compact cylindrical head, rapid growth, andscorch-free dark green Summer foliage changing to orange-red in the Fall."Bonfire" Sugar MapleAcer saccharum “Fall Fiesta®” [70’ x 50’] Zone 4“Fall Fiesta®” Sugar Maple(P.P. 11119) An upright rounded tree with rapid growth rate and a full, symmetricalbranching habit. Summer foliage is thick, leathery, glossy green; Fall colorsare yellow, orange and red. Resistant to sun scald and frost cracks. Resistant toleaf tatter and leaf hopper damage.Acer saccharum “Green Mountain®” [50’ x 40’] Zone 4“Green Mountain®” Sugar MapleUniform plant with upright oval crown. Dark green foliage which turns shades oforange and scarlet in the Fall. Due to its drought and heat tolerance, it is a goodSouthern selection.Acer truncatum x platanoides “Keithsform” [35’ x 25’] Zone 4Norwegian Sunset® MapleNorwegian Sunset® Maple(P.P. 7529) A fine variety which exhibits leathery, dark green foliage turning toshowy orange-red in the Fall. As this plant is heat and drought resistant, it shouldbe specified for urban use where a tough, small-scale shade tree is needed.16 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Acer x freemanii “Jeffersred” [50’ x 40’] Zone 4Autumn Blaze® MapleWoodyThis is a red-silver hybrid. Very rapid-growing tree with brilliant orange-red Fallcolor. It has strong branching and long-lasting color. Excellent drought resistance.Aesculus parviflora [8’ x 10’] Zone 4Bottlebrush BuckeyeShowy 12” long bottlebrush-like spikes of tiny white flowers cover this spreadingshrub in a spectacular mid-Summer display. Dark green palmate foliage turnsbright yellow in Fall. One of the best Summer-flowering shrubs available forshady areas.Amelanchier laevis [25’ x 15’] Zone 4Allegheny ServiceberryAutumn Blaze® MapleEmerging leaves are a purple-bronze changing to a medium dark green inSummer. Drooping clusters of white flowers in early Spring. The orange-red Fallcolor is quite impressive.Amelanchier x grandiflora “Autumn Brilliance®” [20’ x 15’] Zone 4“Autumn Brilliance®” ServiceberryA beautiful four-season ornamental flowering tree. Showy white flowers arefollowed by edible blue fruits attractive to birds. The real show starts in the Fallwhen the leaves turn spectacular shades of yellow, orange, and red.Aronia arbutifolia “Brilliantissima” [7’ x 4’] Zone 4“Brilliantissima” Chokeberry“Brilliantissima” shows four seasons of interest with its lustrous, deep greenleaves, clusters of large red berries, and brilliant scarlet Fall color."Brilliantissima" ChokeberryAronia melanocarpa “Morton” [3’ x 5’] Zone 3Iroquois Beauty ChokeberryDwarf form of Black Chokeberry. Copious white flowers in May ripen to largeblack fruits in Autumn. Purple and red Fall color. Establishes quickly and slowlymakes colonies by spreading via root suckers.Iroquois Beauty Chokeberry1-800-868-8676 17

WoodyAronia melanocarpa “Viking” [4½’ x 4½’] Zone 3“Viking” ChokeberryDeveloped in Europe as an orchard plant, this award-winning shrub offers notonly earlier fragrant Spring flowers, but also glossy Summer foliage, superb redFall color and large persistent black berries.Aronia melanocarpa var. elata [4’ x 4’] Zone 3Glossy Black ChokeberryA compact rounded shrub with white flowers in May. Black fruit persists well intoWinter. Superior to the straight species in its quality of foliage, flowers and fruit.Adapts to wet or dry sites.Glossy Black ChokeberryAzalea “Gumpo Pink” [2’ x 3’] Zone 5“Gumpo Pink” AzaleaLow-growing. Soft pink petals, compact plant, late bloomer.Azalea “Gumpo White” [2’ x 3’] Zone 5“Gumpo White” AzaleaLow-growing. Large white flowers, compact plant, late bloomer."Gumpo White" AzaleaAzalea “Joga” [2’ x 3’] Zone 5“Joga” AzaleaLow-growing. Light pink to light purple flowers, compact plant, late bloomer.Azalea Bloom-A-Thon® Red [3’ x 4’] Zone 6Bloom-A-Thon® Red Azalea(P.P. 21562) Large flowers appear in April, then rebloom in early July, continuingthrough Fall until hard frost. The evergreen foliage is disease resistant, andmaintains excellent color year-round."Joga" Azalea18 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Azalea Encore® Autumn Empress [4’ x 3’] Zone 6Autumn Empress Encore® AzaleaWoody(P.P. 12109) Dense evergreen foliage, medium pink semi-double flowers. Bloomsin early Spring and then again in mid-Summer.Azalea Encore® Autumn Sangria [4½’ x 4’] Zone 6Autumn Sangria Encore® Azalea(P.P. 15077) Dense evergreen, 3½” single dark pink blooms. Early Spring flowerswith re-blooming in mid-Summer.Azalea Encore® Autumn Twist [4½’ x 4’] Zone 6Autumn Twist Encore® Azalea"Autumn Sangria" Encore® Azalea(P.P. 12133) Fast-growing evergreen, white and purple striped blooms with anoccasional solid purple. Re-bloomer, flowering both in early Spring and in mid-Summer.Azalea satsuki “Chinzan” [2’ x 3’] Zone 5“Chinzan” AzaleaLow-growing. Warm pink flowers, very compact, late bloomer.Azalea x “Girard’s Crimson” [3’ x 4’] Zone 5“Girard’s Crimson” AzaleaAutumn Twist Encore® AzaleaEvergreen. Large crimson flowers, medium grower.Azalea x “Girard’s Rose” [3’ x 4’] Zone 5“Girard’s Rose” AzaleaEvergreen. Large rose to deep pink flowers, medium grower."Chinzan" Azalea1-800-868-8676 19

Azalea x “Tradition” [3’ x 4’] Zone 5“Tradition” AzaleaWoodyEvergreen. Clear light pink, early hose-in-hose flowers, compact grower.Berberis julianae [6’ x 6’] Zone 5Wintergreen BarberryAn evergreen plant with broad, dark green leaves which turn to bronze duringWinter. Yellow flowers in Spring, followed by purple berries in the Fall. Often usedfor pedestrian traffic control.Dwarf Golden BarberryBerberis thunbergii “Aurea Nana” [3’ x 3’] Zone 4Dwarf Golden BarberryGold foliage turns to a coppery color in the Fall. Small deciduous shrub, good foruse as specimen and foundation plantings.Berberis thunbergii “Helmond Pillar” [4½’ x 1½’] Zone 4“Helmond Pillar” BarberryDistinct erect and narrow form with reddish-purple leaves that turn brilliant red inAutumn. Deciduous.Berberis thunbergii “Maria” [3½’ x 1½’] Zone 4Sunjoy® Gold Pillar Barberry"Helmond Pillar" Barberry(P.P. 18082) Distinct erect and narrow form with a shape similar to “HelmondPillar” Barberry. Bright golden foliage and red new growth. Burn-resistant yellowfoliage turns bright orange-red in Fall. Deciduous.Berberis thunbergii “Marshall’s Upright” [4’ x 2½’] Zone 4“Marshall’s Upright” BarberryBrilliant burgundy foliage and bright red berries make an attractive shrub; its veryupright habit makes it an excellent compact thorny hedge.Sunjoy® Gold Pillar Barberry1-800-868-8676 21

WoodyBerberis thunbergii “Monlers” [12” x 18”] Zone 4Golden Nugget Barberry(P.P. 9577) A low, dense, deciduous shrub with golden foliage during Summer followedby orange in the Fall. Foliage does not appear to scorch in full sun.Berberis thunbergii “Talago” [12” x 18”] Zone 4Sunjoy® Gold Beret Barberry(P.P. 20602) Dwarf, low-mounding gold barberry with attractive new red growth.Red Fall color. Foliage is resistant to burn.Sunjoy® Gold Beret BarberryBerberis thunbergii Sunjoy® Tangelo [3’ x 3’] Zone 4Sunjoy® Tangelo Barberry(PPAF) Tangy orange foliage is often accentuated by a distinctive chartreusemargin. Stronger growing than other variegated cultivars, it is colorful in thelandscape from Spring to Fall. Certified Wheat-rust resistant.Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea “Bagatelle” [18” x 18”] Zone 4“Bagatelle” Dwarf Red BarberryMiniature cultivar that never needs pruning. Smaller leaves and slower growingthan “Crimson Pygmy.”Sunjoy® Tangelo BarberryBerberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea “Crimson Pygmy” [2’ x 5’] Zone 4“Crimson Pygmy” BarberryVastly popular, low-growing dwarf Barberry. Furnishes a purple-red foliage in lowborders and foundation plantings. Deciduous.Berberis verruculosa [4’ x 5’] Zone 6Warty BarberryLow-growing, compact, and finely textured. Glossy, evergreen leaves are silverunderneath. Yellow flowers with blue berries."Bagatelle" Dwarf Red Barberry22 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Berberis x gladwynensis “William Penn” [4’ x 4’] Zone 6“William Penn” BarberryWoodyPopular dwarf evergreen Barberry that is an excellent plant for low hedges. Sunor partial shade.Betula nigra “BNMTF” [60’ x 40’] Zone 3Dura Heat® River BirchPyramidal to oval tree with exfoliating bark which exposes the brown underlayer.Dark green foliage turns yellow in the Fall. More heat tolerant.Dura Heat® River BirchBetula nigra “Heritage” [50’ x 50’] Zone 4“Heritage” River BirchA selection which has proven to be more vigorous and more ornamental than thespecies. Exfoliating bark reveals a light mauve and white interior which darkensto a brownish-red with age. A superior Birch suited for Southern planting.Betula platyphylla “Whitespire” [30’ x 15’] Zone 4“Whitespire” Asian White BirchThe only borer-resistant Asian White Birch. Grows into a distinct spire-like form.Exceptional heat tolerance, deep green leaves, and powdery white, non-exfoliatingbark, all make this an exceptional choice for a specimen or grouping.Buddleia davidii “Adonis Blue” [5’ x 5’] Zone 5“Adonis Blue” Butterfly Bush"Heritage" River Birch(CPAF) This selection from the compact English Butterfly Series is extra bushyand loaded with 8 - 10” long, fragrant, deep blue flowers from Summer into Fall.Silvery green deciduous foliage.Buddleia davidii “Charming” [10’ x 5’] Zone 5“Charming” Butterfly BushThis flowering shrub features lilac-like pink flowers 4 - 10” long from July to frost.It can be very successful in mass plantings."Charming" Butterfly Bush1-800-868-8676 23

WoodyBuddleia davidii “Lochinch” [10’ x 5’] Zone 5“Lochinch” Butterfly BushThis flowering shrub features lilac-like lavender-blue flowers 4 - 10” long from Julyto frost. It can be very successful in mass plantings.Buddleia davidii “Nanho Purple” [10’ x 5’] Zone 5“Nanho Purple” Butterfly BushThis flowering shrub features lilac-like magenta-purple flowers 4 - 10” long fromJuly to frost. It can be very successful in mass plantings."Lochinch" Butterfly BushBuddleia davidii “Peakeep” [5’ x 5’] Zone 5Peacock Butterfly Bush(CBR #2637) Dwarf, extremely bushy and loaded with colorful, rich 10 - 12” pinkblooms. Use these plants from the English Butterfly Series in smaller gardensand mixed borders.Buddleia davidii “Pyrkeep” [5’ x 5’] Zone 5Purple Emperor® Butterfly Bush(CBR #2637) A compact Butterfly Bush with a bushy growth habit and purpleflowers Summer to Fall. Gray-green foliage and 4 - 10” flower spikes. Anothergreat choice from the English Butterfly Series.Purple Emperor® Butterfly BushBuddleia davidii “Royal Red” [10’ x 5’] Zone 5“Royal Red” Butterfly BushThis flowering shrub features lilac-like purple-red flowers 4 - 10” long from July tofrost. It can be very successful in mass plantings.Buddleia davidii “White Profusion” [10’ x 5’] Zone 5“White Profusion” Butterfly BushThis flowering shrub features lilac-like white flowers 4 - 10” long from July to frost.It can be very successful in mass plantings."Royal Red" Butterfly Bush24 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Buddleia x Lo & Behold® “Blue Chip” [3’ x 3’] Zone 5“Blue Chip” Lo & Behold® Butterfly BushWoodyMiniature Butterfly Bush that blooms early and continuously. Short spikes oflavender-blue flowers. Great for small spaces. Drought and heat tolerant. Deerresistant.Buddleia x Lo & Behold® “Ice Chip” [2’ x 3’] Zone 5“Ice Chip” Lo & Behold® Butterfly BushA dwarf, wide-spreading plant with pure white flowers against silvery foliage. It isseedless and continuous blooming. Its neat, low spreading habit makes it theperfect ground covering plant.Buddleia x Lo & Behold® “Purple Haze” [3’ x 5’] Zone 5“Purple Haze” Lo & Behold® Butterfly Bush"Ice Chip" Lo & Behold® Butterfly BushUniquely horizontal branches produce an abundance of dark purple-blue flowers.The flowers radiate outward and downward like a pinwheel, and are continuousfrom mid-Summer to frost. Non-invasive.Buxus microphylla “Wedding Ring” [2’ x 2’] Zone 5“Wedding Ring” Boxwood(PPAF) Foliage sports crisp lime-green margins that mature to gold as theSummer progresses. Forms a mounded dense shrub.Buxus microphylla japonica “Green Beauty” [3’ x 3’] Zone 5“Green Beauty” Boxwood"Wedding Ring" BoxwoodA fine plant for foundations, edging or low hedges; it exhibits the excellent compactform of the species, but with better color through the Winter and in the heatof Summer.Buxus sempervirens [15’ x 15’] Zone 5American BoxwoodOften referred to as Standard Boxwood because of its general use. It is a relativelyfast grower with slender, pointed, dark green evergreen leaves.American Boxwood1-800-868-8676 25

WoodyBuxus sempervirens “Dee Runk” [8’ x 2’] Zone 6“Dee Runk” BoxwoodAn excellent upright cultivar, grown for both its form and its ability to thrive in avariety of site conditions. Slightly narrower but very similar to “Fastigiata”.Buxus sempervirens “Elegantissima” [3’ x 3’] Zone 6“Elegantissima” Variegated BoxwoodA compact, dense, mounding, slow-growing shrub with cream-margined evergreenfoliage."Elegantissima" Variegated BoxwoodBuxus sempervirens “North Star” [2’ x 3’] Zone 5“North Star” Boxwood(P.P. 15988) A hardy, dense globe that requires little if any pruning to form a low,dense, thick hedge. Shiny dark leaves maintain good Winter color.Buxus sempervirens “Suffruticosa” [5’ x 6’] Zone 6Dwarf English BoxwoodA slow-growing, compact evergreen shrub, used extensively as a low edging informal gardens. Also planted as a specimen."North Star" BoxwoodBuxus sempervirens “Vardar Valley” [2½’ x 5’] Zone 5“Vardar Valley” BoxwoodA deer-resistant evergreen with a broad spreading habit that has dark bluishgreenfoliage. This very hardy variety maintains its leaf color very well throughoutthe Winter.Buxus x “Green Gem” [2’ x 2’] Zone 5“Green Gem” BoxwoodThis dwarf, slow-growing Boxwood is noted for its globular shape and good greenWinter color. Needs very little pruning."Green Gem" Boxwood26 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Buxus x “Green Mountain” [5’ x 3’] Zone 4“Green Mountain” BoxwoodWoodyThis evergreen has dark green leaves which retain their color through the Winter;creates a good hedge with its upright cone shape.Buxus x “Green Velvet” [3’ x 3’] Zone 4“Green Velvet” BoxwoodA result of a cross between Korean and American Boxwood, “Green Velvet”exhibits handsome, soft, rich new growth and excellent Winter color in a compactmounding form.Callicarpa bodinieri “Profusion” [8’ x 8’] Zone 6“Profusion” Beautyberry"Green Mountain" BoxwoodAbundant violet-colored fruits and unusual purplish-green leaves in the Fall makethis arching bush a fabulous addition to any landscape design.Calluna vulgaris “Blazeaway” [12” x 18”] Zone 4“Blazeaway” Scotch Heather ShrubGrown for its foliage. Brilliant gold-orange Summer foliage turns blazing red inWinter. Light mauve flowers cover the plant in late Summer. Dense, spreadinghabit.Calycanthus floridus [8’ x 8’] Zone 4Common Sweetshrub or Carolina Allspice"Profusion" BeautyberryA lush, deciduous, native flowering shrub that produces a fragrant, maroonspike-like blossom with a yellow center in May. It is trouble-free, transplants well,and makes an excellent addition to the shrub border.Calycanthus floridus “Aphrodite” [7’ x 6’] Zone 5“Aphrodite” SweetshrubA new, improved Calycanthus with large, bright red, super fragrant, magnolia-likeflowers. This re-bloomer has nice, glossy foliage."Aphrodite" Sweetshrub1-800-868-8676 27

WoodyCarpinus betulus “Fastigiata” [35’ x 25’] Zone 4Pyramidal European HornbeamOften used in Europe to line long corridors and driveways, this tree provides aformal, vertical look. Its tight branching pattern adds to Winter interest.Carpinus betulus “Frans Fontaine” [35’ x 18’] Zone 4“Frans Fontaine” European HornbeamA fastigiate form of European Hornbeam with dark green foliage turning yellow inthe Fall. It is disease and pest resistant, and tolerant of difficult conditions.Pyramidal European HornbeamCarpinus caroliniana [25’ x 25’] Zone 3American HornbeamInteresting native tree with a “muscled” appearance in the trunk and branching.Transplants best in Spring. Good for wet sites. Blue-green foliage, turning orange-scarletin Fall.Caryopteris x clandonensis “Longwood Blue” [3’ x 4’] Zone 5“Longwood Blue” Blue Mist ShrubPowder-blue flowers bloom in late Summer and Fall amid silvery-gray foliage.Treat as a perennial and cut back to the ground each Winter. Blooms on newgrowth. Attracts butterflies."Longwood Blue" Blue Mist ShrubCedrus atlantica “Glauca Pendula” [15’ x 15’] Zone 6Weeping Blue Atlas CedarBranches are gracefully pendulous with fantastic powder blue color. It looks greatwhen staked upright and then allowed to flow downward like a stream over awaterfall.Celtis occidentalis [50’ x 50’] Zone 3Common HackberryAdaptable to a wide variety of adverse conditions, wet or dry, acidic or alkaline.Good choice for urban conditions.American Hornbeam28 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Cephalanthus occidentalis “Sputnik” [10’ x 8’] Zone 5“Sputnik” ButtonbushWoodyA large-flowered, long-blooming selection of our native buttonbush. Attractive lightpinkish-white spherical flower heads in mid-Summer. It has a nice form andglossy foliage.Cephalotaxus harringtonia “Duke Gardens” [4’ x 5’] Zone 6“Duke Gardens” Japanese Plum YewAn attractive evergreen shrub with dark green needles. An extremely deerresistant alternative to the common Yew. Useful as a foundation plant or enmasse. Tolerant of all light conditions from shade to full sun.Cephalotaxus harringtonia “Fastigiata” [8’ x 5’] Zone 6“Fastigiata” Japanese Plum YewEastern RedbudAn evergreen, coniferous shrub with a vase-shaped form. Heat and shadetolerant and deer resistant. Long branches originate near the base, point straightup, and are held tightly together. The leaves are bent downward and arranged inspiral radiating whorls.Cercis canadensis [25’ x 25’] Zone 4Eastern RedbudThis popular, small native tree is useful in a natural setting, and as a specimen.Blooms rose-pink flowers in early Spring. Partial shade is helpful.Cercis canadensis “Ace of Hearts” [9’ x 12’] Zone 5“Ace of Hearts” Dwarf Redbud"Sputnik" Buttonbush(P.P. 17161) A dwarf, compact tree with light purple flowers, small, semi-glossy,heart-shaped leaves and a dense, dome-shaped canopy.Cercis canadensis “Covey” [10’ x 8’] Zone 5Lavender Twist Weeping RedbudThis weeping, deciduous, flowering tree is tolerant to most soil conditions. Itblooms from late Winter through early Spring with pink to rose-mauve colorflowers.Lavender Twist Weeping Redbud1-800-868-8676 29

WoodyCercis canadensis “Forest Pansy” [25’ x 20’] Zone 6“Forest Pansy” RedbudCurrently fashionable due to its striking purple foliage, “Forest Pansy” alsoblooms later and darker than the species. Beautiful as a specimen or a coloraccent.Cercis canadensis “Hearts of Gold” [20’ x 20’] Zone 6“Hearts of Gold” Redbud(PPAF) Rose-pink flowers in early Spring make way for the early foliage which isa bright golden-yellow gradually changing to a chartreuse."Hearts of Gold" RedbudCercis canadensis “JNJ” [12’ x 8’] Zone 5The Rising Sun Weeping Redbud(PPAF) A spectacular and hardy Spring bloomer, with very showy fuchsia flowers.Beautiful Summer foliage varies between gold, peach, red and light greentones. Great for small landscapes.Cercis canadensis “Little Woody” [10’ x 8’] Zone 5“Little Woody” Redbud(P.P. 15854) A very compact Redbud chosen for its leaf characteristics. Theleaves are uniquely crinkly, curled and arranged perfectly along each branch. Thenew growth is bronze-red in color and the flowers are the typical lavender-purple."Forest Pansy" RedbudCercis canadensis “Ruby Falls” [8’ x 8’] Zone 6“Ruby Falls” Weeping Redbud(PPAF) Selected for its attractive purple leaf color and weeping growth habit.“Ruby Falls” demonstrates excellent branching, and prolific and attractive reddish-purpleflowers.Chaenomeles Double Take “Orange Storm” [4’ x 4’] Zone 5“Orange Storm” Double Take QuinceRich, brilliantly orange camellia-like, double flowers bloom in early Spring;thornless; no fruit set."Orange Storm" Double Take Quince30 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Chaenomeles Double Take “Pink Storm” [4’ x 4’] Zone 5“Pink Storm” Double Take QuinceWoodyIntense pink Camellia-like, double flowers bloom in early Spring; thornless; nofruit set.Chaenomeles Double Take “Scarlet Storm” [4’ x 4’] Zone 5“Scarlet Storm” Double Take QuinceBig, dark red, Camellia-like, double flowers bloom in early Spring; thornless; nofruit set.Chaenomeles speciosa “O Yashima” [5’ x 8’] Zone 5“O Yashima” Flowering Quince"O Yashima" Flowering QuinceSpectacular pure white flowers are large, doubled and very showy. Forms hugefruit.Chaenomeles speciosa “Toyo-Nishiki” [6’ x 10’] Zone 5“Toyo-Nishiki” Flowering QuinceUpright grower with a combination of pink, white and red flowers on the samebranch. Proven one of the most cold hardy clones at the Morten Arboretum.Chamaecyparis obtusa “Crippsi” [8’ x 4’] Zone 4“Crippsi” False Cypress"Toyo-Nishiki" Flowering QuinceA broad pyramidal evergreen with golden feathery-textured foliage. This gracefulplant makes a good accent plant or specimen.Chamaecyparis obtusa “Gracilis Compacta” [8’ x 6’] Zone 5Compact Hinoki False CypressSemi-dwarf evergreen shrub has an attractive pyramidal form with dark green,fan-like foliage. Prefers cool, moist areas and grows in full sun to partial shade."Crippsi" False Cypress1-800-868-8676 31

WoodyChamaecyparis pisifera filifera “Golden Mop” [3’ x 3’] Zone 3“Golden Mop” False CypressGolden-yellow, threadlike, evergreen foliage tops this rather unusual dwarfconifer. This dense, yellow-foliaged mounding plant can be used as a specimenin a rock or water garden.Chionanthus retusus [20’ x 20’] Zone 5Chinese FringetreeA beautiful shrub or small tree that is outstanding in flower. Chinese Fringetree ismore effective in flower than Chionanthus virginicus and is heat and pollutiontolerant."Golden Mop" False CypressChionanthus virginicus [15’ x 15’] Zone 4White FringetreeThis native small tree or shrub is excellent as a specimen or in groups, borders,or near large buildings. It is outstanding in flower and rivals the Dogwood as ourfinest native flowering tree.Cladrastis kentukea (lutea) [45’ x 50’] Zone 4Kentucky YellowwoodA medium sized native tree with pendulous panicles of white flowers in May andbright green leaves changing to a golden-yellow in the Fall.White FringetreeClethra alnifolia [6’ x 5’] Zone 4Sweet PepperbushA native, upright, suckering shrub with fragrant, white terminal flower spikes inlate Summer. Blooms look like bottle brushes and attract butterflies and bees.Leaves turn yellow in Fall.Clethra alnifolia “Hummingbird” [4’ x 4’] Zone 4“Hummingbird” SummersweetFragrant, spicy, white spikes of Summer flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds.Lustrous, dark green leaves cover this diminutive sister to Summersweet.Sweet Pepperbush32 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Clethra alnifolia “Ruby Spice” [5’ x 5’] Zone 3“Ruby Spice” SummersweetWoodyAn outstanding fragrant garden selection which has rich rose-red flowers that willnot fade to white with lustrous, dark green foliage.Clethra alnifolia “September Beauty” [6’ x 5’] Zone 3“September Beauty” SummersweetThis late flowering, fragrant shrub blooms big white flowers after the species. Ithas lustrous, dark green foliage with yellow Fall color.Clethra alnifolia “Sixteen Candles” [4’ x 4’] Zone 4“Sixteen Candles” Summersweet"Ruby Spice" SummersweetA very compact and floriferous Summersweet. It differs from “Hummingbird” inthat its flower stalks are held stiffly upright. Fragrance is heavenly in mid-to-lateSummer, and Fall color is a good yellow.Clethra Sugartina® “Crystalina” [3’ x 3’] Zone 4Sugartina® “Crystalina” Summersweet(P.P. 21561) This dwarf Summersweet has fragrant, pure white flowers in lateSummer with dark glossy foliage that turns yellow in Fall. Holds its tight denseshape without pruning. An excellent native plant for the home landscape.Sugartina® "Crystalina" SummersweetCornus alba “Bailhalo” [6’ x 6’] Zone 3Ivory Halo® Red Twig Dogwood(P.P. 8722) A more compact, variegated red twig. Leaves are green with creamcolorededges. Brilliant red stems bring color to the landscape during Winter.Cornus alba “Bud’s Yellow” [8’ x 6’] Zone 3“Bud’s Yellow” Yellow Twig DogwoodBright yellow stems and improved disease resistance make this plant an excellentchoice for low maintenance mass or border plantings.Ivory Halo® Red Twig Dogwood1-800-868-8676 33

WoodyCornus florida “Cherokee Princess®” Dogwood [25’ x 20’] Zone 5“Cherokee Princess®” DogwoodLarge white bracts make this plant a great selection.Cornus florida rubra [20’ x 20’] Zone 5Pink-flowering DogwoodA small specimen tree featuring large yet dainty pink blooms in Spring andwide-spreading form; requires rich, well-drained acidic soil and adequate precipitation,best with some shelter.Celestial® White Flowering DogwoodCornus florida rubra “Comco #1” [20’ x 20’] Zone 5Cherokee Brave Dogwood(P.P. 10166) A mildew resistant variety that features burgundy-red new growth,changing to a deep green with time. Deep red flowers.Cornus kousa [25’ x 25’] Zone 5Kousa DogwoodPink-flowering DogwoodAsian relative of Cornus florida. Larger flowers appear after foliage and later inthe season. Raspberry-like fruits in late Summer followed by scarlet Fall foliage.(Available in single-stem or clump)Cornus kousa “Greensleeves” [25’ x 18’] Zone 5“Greensleeves” Oriental DogwoodAn upright, deciduous tree with large, wavy, glossy, dark green leaves. Juneflower bracts are white with a hint of green, red fruits in Fall.Cornus kousa “KN30-8” Venus [25’ x 25’] Zone 6“Venus” Kousa Dogwood(P.P. 16309) Huge white flowers in April-May with clean glossy leaves andshrubby habit similar to Cornus Kousa. Highly disease resistant Rutgers hybrid."Venus" Kousa Dogwood34 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Cornus mas “Golden Glory” [20’ x 15’] Zone 4“Golden Glory” Corneliancherry DogwoodWoodySmall tree or large shrub with yellow blooms very early in the Spring and cherryredfruit in July. Available in tree form or low-branched multi-stem.Cornus sanguinea “Cato” [4’ x 4’] Zone 4Arctic Sun DogwoodA compact Dogwood that displays beautiful yellow stems with tips of deep redcoloration in Winter and a great yellow-orange Fall color.Cornus sericea “Cardinal” [8’ x 10’] Zone 2“Cardinal” Red Twig DogwoodArctic Sun DogwoodThis red stem Dogwood has bright cherry-red stems with small white flowers.Always good to use for mass plantings or screening.Cornus sericea f. baileyi [8’ x 8’] Zone 2Bailey’s Red Twig DogwoodAn excellent red stem Dogwood that grows denser and more erect than Cornusalba “Siberica.” A fine plant for sustained Winter interest. A good choice for massplantings.Cornus stolonifera “Farrow” [4’ x 4’] Zone 3Arctic Fire Red Twig Dogwood"Cardinal" Red Twig Dogwood(P.P. 18523) A compact selection of the ever-popular red stem Dogwood. Darkred Winter stems, a non-suckering habit, and compact form make this a beautifuladdition to any garden.Cornus x “Rutdan” [20’ x 20’] Zone 5Celestial® White Flowering Dogwood(P.P. 7204) One of the Rutgers series, developed by crossing our Native FloweringDogwood with the Kousa Dogwood. The result is a plant that shows betterresistance to Anthracnose and Borers. The bloom period is later than Cornus florida.Bailey's Red Twig Dogwood1-800-868-8676 35

WoodyCornus x “Rutgan” [20’ x 20’] Zone 5Stellar Pink® Flowering Dogwood(P.P. 7207) Another Rutgers series Dogwood with great disease resistance. Thisvariety is a vigorous grower with pink blossoms.Cotinus coggygria “Young Lady” [9’ x 9’] Zone 4“Young Lady” SmokebushA free-flowering, mid-sized, deciduous shrub with rounded, green, shiny leavesthat become orange-tinted in Fall. From Summer to Fall, bears plumes of frothy,creamy-pink flowers."Young Lady" SmokebushCotinus x “Grace” [15’ x 15’] Zone 4Purple SmoketreeNew leaves emerge intense wine-red then mature to dusky reddish-blue. Summerbrings an explosion of large panicles covered in deep pink florets. Fallfollows with a show of bright orange-red foliage.Cotoneaster adpressus “Tom Thumb” [18” x 3’] Zone 4“Tom Thumb” CotoneasterA miniature deciduous groundcover with low-spreading, arching branches andtiny leaves. Low maintenance. Rarely produces flowers or fruits. Adaptable toseashore conditions."Tom Thumb" CotoneasterCotoneaster apiculata [3’ x 5’] Zone 4Cranberry CotoneasterA dense, mounded, deciduous shrub with shiny green foliage and fine texture;pink-white flowers in early Spring with bright red fruit throughout Winter; thisvariety is the hardiest and best fruiting of all.Cotoneaster dammeri “Coral Beauty” [2’ x 5’] Zone 5“Coral Beauty” CotoneasterGood flowering and fruiting form with prostrate branching; widely used for evergreengroundcover and mass planting, especially with rock walls and terraces."Coral Beauty" Cotoneaster36 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Cotoneaster salicifolius “Repandens” [1½’ x 6’] Zone 6Willowleaf CotoneasterWoodyNice, low-growing, evergreen shrub; dark, slender, glossy green leaves and smallwhite flowers followed by bright red fruits; excellent for mass plantings andgroundcover.Crataegus phaenopyrum [25’ x 20’] Zone 3Washington HawthornThe Hawthorn of choice for many years. Makes an excellent hedge or thornybarrier. White blossoms in Spring turn to bright red berries which persist throughmid-Winter. Scarlet Fall foliage.Crataegus viridis “Winter King” [25’ x 25’] Zone 4“Winter King” Hawthorn"Winter King" HawthornStout growth habit with very good rust resistance. Abundant flowers in Spring,followed by red fruits which persist throughout the Winter.Cryptomeria japonica “Radicans” [35’ x 10’] Zone 5“Radicans” CryptomeriaVery similar tall, pyramidal growth habit as “Yoshino,” but with a little more of abluish tone to the foliage. Also will not bronze up as much in the Winter.Cryptomeria japonica “Yoshino” [35’ x 15’] Zone 5“Yoshino” Cryptomeria"Yoshino" CryptomeriaPyramidal evergreen tree with graceful branching. Its blue-green Summer foliagebecomes slightly bronze-green in cold weather. This fast growing plant can beused effectively as a screen or a handsome specimen.Cupressocyparis leylandii [60’ x 12’] Zone 5Leyland CypressLarge, fast-growing, fine-textured evergreen which has gained tremendouspopularity. It can be used as a formal accent, en masse, or as a specimen.Leyland Cypress1-800-868-8676 37

WoodyCupressus sempervirens [40’ x 10’] Zone 7Italian CypressFamous in the Mediterranean landscape, Italian Cypress is best known for itspencil-like form which can be used as an accent specimen in the landscape.Deutzia gracilis [4’ x 4’] Zone 4Slender DeutziaSmall-scale border plant which blooms white in May."Nikko" Slender DeutziaDeutzia gracilis “Nikko” [2’ x 5’] Zone 5“Nikko” Slender DeutziaA U.S. National Arboretum introduction, “Nikko” is a small-scale, deciduous shrubwhich produces vivid white flower clusters in mid-Spring. Works well as a lowborder or as an accent in a rock garden.Euonymus alatus “Compactus” [9’ x 9’] Zone 4Compact Burning BushAn extremely popular compact strain. Corky winged stems not as defined asspecies but more uniform in size and Fall color.Compact Burning BushEuonymus alatus “Fire Ball®” [6’ x 4’] Zone 4“Fire Ball®” Burning BushAn improved selection of “Compacta” with tighter branching and superior stemhardiness. No Winter damage even after the coldest of Winters, while “Compacta”may die back. Outstanding Fall color!Euonymus alatus “Odum” Little Moses [3’ x 3’] Zone 4Little Moses Burning Bush(P.P. 13168) Slower growing and more compact than “Compacta.” It also holdsonto its foliage a few weeks longer extending its season of interest.Little Moses Burning Bush38 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Euonymus alatus “Rudy Haag” [4’ x 5’] Zone 4“Rudy Haag” Burning BushWoodyA very broad-rounded and more compact form that is slower growing than thespecies. It is dense and low-branched.Euonymus alatus “Unforgettable Fire” [5’ x 5’] Zone 4“Unforgettable Fire” Burning Bush(P.P. 21634) A compact form of burning bush with dense, fine branching andsmaller leaves. This is a very good choice for residential landscapes. OutstandingFall color.Euonymus fortunei “Gold Splash®” [18” x 18”] Zone 5“Gold Splash®” Wintercreeper"Unforgettable Fire" Burning BushThe large, rounded leaves have bright gold and green variegation that is verystable. The disease resistant foliage maintains its color all year long, and isaccented by showy, persistent yellow fruit and orange seeds in the Fall.Euonymus japonicus “Aureo-marginatus” [6’ x 3’] Zone 6Golden EuonymusEvergreen, compact, and well branched shrub. It has shiny green leaves withwide, irregular, and bright gold margins. Extremely showy for specimens or formalhedges.Euonymus kiautschovicus “Manhattan” [6’ x 6’] Zone 5“Manhattan” Euonymus"Gold Splash®" WintercreeperDark green, glossy, evergreen foliage with a predictable rounded form makes thisa reliable low-maintenance hedge.Exochorda Snow Day “Blizzard” [5’ x 5’] Zone 4“Blizzard” Pearl-Bush(PPAF) A blizzard of extra large, pure white flowers in Spring. It can be pruned tokeep small. Mounding habit."Blizzard" Pearl-Bush1-800-868-8676 39

WoodyFagus grandiflora [50’ x 40’] Zone 3American BeechNative to eastern North America, American beech is a large deciduous tree with adense, upright-oval to rounded-spreading crown. It is a low-branched tree. Trunkshave distinctive thin, smooth, gray bark.Fagus sylvatica “Purple Fountain” [25’ x 15’] Zone 4“Purple Fountain” BeechA unique accent tree with smooth gray bark and cascading branches; glossyburgundy leaves in Spring turn to green; leaves are coppery in Fall."Riversii" European BeechFagus sylvatica “Riversii” [60’ x 50’] Zone 4“Riversii” European BeechA purple-leaved selection of European Beech. Foliage emerges deep purple inSpring, fades to purple-green in Summer and finally turns copper in the Fall.Forsythia x intermedia “Gold Tide” [2½’ x 4’] Zone 5“Gold Tide” Forsythia(P.P. 9104) Low-growing, spreading Forsythia has attractive feathery light greenfoliage. Blooms in early Spring. Great for massing or for use as a groundcover."Lynwood" ForsythiaForsythia x intermedia “Lynwood” [8’ x 10’] Zone 5“Lynwood” ForsythiaThis Forsythia blooms a golden yellow in early Spring with upright branching. It isa branch sport of “Spectabilis.”Forsythia x intermedia “Show Off” [5’ x 5’] Zone 4“Show Off” Forsythia(P.P. 19321) Has large, abundant golden flowers and dark green foliage. Acompact rounded plant. Flowers open fully and are very heavily distributed alongthe stems in Spring before the foliage emerges."Show Off" Forsythia40 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Fothergilla gardenii [3’ x 5’] Zone 5Dwarf FothergillaWoodyLow, dense, deciduous shrub with dark green leaves, almost bluish-green inSummer, and white, fragrant flowers. The Fall colors are brilliant yellow, red, andorange. Good in mass plantings and in borders. Prefers partial sun.Fothergilla gardenii “Mt. Airy” [5’ x 5’] Zone 4“Mt. Airy” FothergillaWhite flowers in Spring borne in upright spikes with a sweet honey scent. Darkgreen foliage with blue tints turns a striking yellow and orange in the Fall.Fothergilla major “Blue Shadow” [6’ x 5’] Zone 4“Blue Shadow” FothergillaDwarf Fothergilla(P.P. 15490) Like all Fothergilla, honey-scented, bottlebrush flowers adorn it inearly Spring before it leafs out with colorful, dark silvery-blue leaves. Fall foliagetransforms to shades of rich red, orange and yellow.Franklinia alatamaha [15’ x 15’] Zone 5Franklin TreeA deciduous small tree or large shrub with elongated, dark green leaves that turnred, orange, or pink in the Fall. From late Summer until frost it has showy 2 - 3”snow-white flowers with clusters of golden yellow stamens in the centers."Blue Shadow" FothergillaFraxinus americana “Autumn Purple®” [45’ x 45’] Zone 4“Autumn Purple®” AshAn excellent selection of White Ash that is more restrained in habit and exhibitsbeautiful reddish-purple Fall color.Fraxinus pennsylvanica “Patmore” [60’ x 35’] Zone 3“Patmore” AshA fine introduction smaller in scale and more well-behaved than “Marshall’s.” Theplant is a male and therefore seedless. A very handsome and tough plant."Autumn Purple®" Ash1-800-868-8676 41

WoodyGardenia jasminoides “Kleim’s Hardy” [3’ x 3’] Zone 7“Kleim’s Hardy” GardeniaGlossy, dark green, evergreen foliage. Single, waxy, white, extremely fragrantflowers throughout Spring and Summer with orange fruit following. Dwarf variety.One of the hardiest of Gardenias but needs Winter protection.Gardenia jasminoides “Summer Snow” [5’ x 5’] Zone 6“Summer Snow” Gardenia(PPAF) The sweet fragrance of pure white, double flowers permeates the Summerair. Selected as the sturdiest, fastest growing and hardiest of all gardenias todate."Kleim's Hardy" GardeniaGenista lydia “Select” [2’ x 2’] Zone 6Bangle Spanish GorseA low mounding selection of Genista that produces waves of electric yellowflowers in early Spring. Improved branching and texture make this a wonderfulplant for mass planting or large containers.Ginkgo biloba “Princeton Sentry®” [40’ x 15’] Zone 4“Princeton Sentry®” GinkgoSlow-growing, narrow pyramidal tree with green fan-shaped foliage turning brightyellow in Fall. Grafted male.Bangle Spanish GorseGleditsia triacanthos “Shademaster®” [45’ x 35’] Zone 4“Shademaster®” LocustOur most popular Locust, and for good reason. It grows quickly, and is reliablyupright and symmetrical in form. “Shademaster®” also exhibits good disease anddrought resistance.Gleditsia triacanthos “Skyline®” [45’ x 35’] Zone 5“Skyline®” LocustStately tree with a distinctive, pyramidal form. Like most Locusts, it casts a filteredshade. Foliage is dark green with a heavy, leathery look."Princeton Sentry®" Ginkgo42 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Gymnocladus dioicus [70’ x 45’] Zone 3Kentucky CoffeetreeWoodyA large, slow-growing shade tree that looks similar to walnut but is more ornamental.Drought tolerant and grows well in urban conditions. Excellent deepbluish-green foliage in Summer contrasts with stark outline in Winter.Halesia carolina “Jersey Belle” [25’ x 20’] Zone 5“Jersey Belle” Carolina SilverbellNeat, upright habit makes this tree an excellent choice where space is tight.Masses of pure white, bell shaped flowers with yellow stamens in Spring. Trunk isdark gray with whitish vertical striping, becoming ringed and furrowed with age.Hamamelis vernalis [10’ x 10’] Zone 4Vernal Witchhazel"Jersey Belle" Carolina SilverbellThis rounded, deciduous shrub produces yellow to red flowers for a 3- to 4-weekperiod in mid-to-late Winter.Hamamelis vernalis “Amethyst” [12’ x 12’] Zone 5“Amethyst” Witchhazel“Amethyst” vernal Witchhazel has fragrant lavender-purple flowers appearing inlate Winter and early Spring, followed by coppery new growth. Good orange andyellow Fall color.Hamamelis virginiana [15’ x 15’] Zone 3Common WitchhazelCommon WitchhazelA small, native tree which blooms yellow in the Fall or the early Spring. Does wellin shade.Hamamelis x intermedia “Arnold’s Promise” [15’ x 15’] Zone 5“Arnold’s Promise” WitchhazelBright yellow, sweet-smelling, flowering witchhazel blooms profusely Januarythrough February. Foliage is dark green, turning brilliant yellow, orange and red inthe Fall.Common Witchhazel1-800-868-8676 43

WoodyHamamelis x intermedia “Jelena” [15’ x 10’] Zone 5Copper Beauty WitchhazelCoppery orange flowers on bare branches in the midst of Winter. Dark greenfoliage turns to showy red and orange in the Fall.Hibiscus syriacus “American Irene Scott” [12’ x 6’] Zone 5Sugar Tip® Rose of Sharon(P.P. 20579) An eye-catching new Rose of Sharon with brightly variegatedcreamy-white and blue-green foliage. Loads of clear pink, double flowers, and itdoes not produce seed.Sugar Tip® Rose of SharonHibiscus syriacus “Miss Jilene®” [10’ x 5’] Zone 5“Miss Jilene®” Rose of Sharon(P.P. 07877) Interesting variegation on this upright bushy shrub. White blossomswith carmine eyes bloom from mid-to-late Summer.Hibiscus syriacus “Notwoodone” [8’ x 6’] Zone 5Lavender Chiffon Rose of Sharon(P.P. 12619) Sizeable deciduous shrub with large, single lavender flowersadorned with a lacy center throughout the Summer.<strong>Inc</strong>rediball® Smooth HydrangeaHydrangea arborescens “Abetwo” [5’ x 5’] Zone 3<strong>Inc</strong>rediball® Smooth Hydrangea(P.P. 20571) An improved Annabelle Hydrangea with sturdy stems and stupendouslylarge, creamy-white blooms. Prolific flowering.Hydrangea arborescens “Invincibelle® Spirit” [4’ x 4’] Zone 3“Invincibelle® Spirit” Hydrangea(P.P. 20765) Rich pink 6” diameter flowers bloom from early Summer to frost.Dark pink buds open to hot pink flowers which then turn soft pink as they mature,finally changing to green at the end of their life cycle. Very hardy. Reliable bloomer.“Invincibelle® Spirit” Hydrangea44 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Hydrangea macrophylla “All Summer Beauty” [4’ x 5’] Zone 5“All Summer Beauty” HydrangeaWoodyThis rebloomer has large, blue mop-head flowers with large dark green leaves.Hydrangea macrophylla “Endless Summer®” [5’ x 5’] Zone 4“Endless Summer®” Hydrangea(P.P. 15298) Fantastic Hydrangea that flowers repeatedly. Blooms from June tofirst frost with flowers blue or pink depending on soil pH.Hydrangea macrophylla “Nikko Blue” [6’ x 6’] Zone 6“Nikko Blue” Hydrangea"Endless Summer®" HydrangeaLarge, blue globe-shaped flowers in July-August; color is best in acid soils, treatas an herbaceous perennial in the North.Hydrangea macrophylla “Paris Rapa” [2’ x 3’] Zone 5Cityline Paris Hydrangea(P.P. 10906) Compact, well-branched plant that will never need pruning; glossydark green foliage; large flowers that emerge green and red and mature to anintense red; strong grower with excellent mildew resistance!Hydrangea macrophylla “PIIHM-1” [4’ x 4’] Zone 5Endless Summer® Twist-n-Shout Hydrangea"Blushing Bride" Hydrangea(P.P. 20176) A reblooming lacecap with pink or blue flowers from June to frost.Dark green, powdery mildew resistant foliage. Produces blooms on new and oldwood.Hydrangea macrophylla Endless Summer® “Blushing Bride” [5’ x 5’] Zone 4Endless Summer® “Blushing Bride” Hydrangea(P.P. 17169) Large, pure white blooms mature to a pink blush. Same rebloomingqualities of “Endless Summer®.” Blooms on both old and new wood, lasting allSummer. Disease resistant foliage.Twist-n-Shout Hydrangea1-800-868-8676 45

WoodyHydrangea paniculata “Bobo” [2½’ x 3½’] Zone 3“Bobo” Hydrangea(PPAF) This dwarf hydrangea will turn heads! It is engulfed by large white flowersin Summer that can turn pinkish in Fall. The flowers are held upright on strongstems, and continue to grow and lengthen as they bloom.Hydrangea paniculata “Interhydia” [8’ x 8’] Zone 3Pink Diamond HydrangeaPink buds open white, then transform to a rich pink; flower heads are broad andconical; strong, stiff stems hold the panicles upright with no drooping."Bobo" HydrangeaHydrangea paniculata “Limelight” [8’ x 6’] Zone 4“Limelight” Hydrangea(P.P. 12874) A small tree with large, dense, lime-green flowers that change to arich deep pink in Fall. Very vigorous and floriferous.Hydrangea paniculata “Pinky Winky” [7’ x 7’] Zone 3“Pinky Winky” Hydrangea(P.P. 16166) A very unique hardy Hydrangea with massive two-toned, white andpink flowers on strong upright red stems. As the older flowers turn dark pink, thenew flowers continue to emerge white."Pinky Winky" HydrangeaHydrangea paniculata “Renhy” [7’ x 5’] Zone 4First Editions® Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea(P.P. 20670) The enormous flower panicles emerge creamy white in mid-Summer,change to pink and finally to strawberry-red. New blooms give the plant amulti-colored effect in late Summer and early Fall.Hydrangea quercifolia [6’ x 6’] Zone 5Oakleaf HydrangeaFlowers on this shrub are white in July turning to pink in August; borne on 4 - 12”long panicles; leaves are oak-like, 3 - 8” long; texture is coarse, but very graceful.Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea46 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Hydrangea quercifolia “Alice” [8’ x 8’] Zone 5“Alice” Oakleaf HydrangeaWoodyAn upright growth habit with oak-shaped leaves; creamy white 10 - 12” longinflorescences changing to pink-rose; burgundy-red Fall foliage; exfoliatingbranches highlighted in Winter.Hydrangea quercifolia “Pee Wee” [4’ x 4’] Zone 5“Pee Wee” Oakleaf HydrangeaCompact habit. Small, cone-shaped, white flowers in early to mid-Summer.Excellent wine-red Autumn foliage.Hydrangea quercifolia “Snowflake” [8’ x 8’] Zone 5“Snowflake” Oakleaf HydrangeaOakleaf Hydrangea(P.P. 3047) Coarse, oak-like foliage turns burgundy in the Fall. Individual doubleflowers continue to grow from the center, producing new bracts on top of the olderones which turn pink. The 15” panicles always have fresh flowers and a two-coloreffect as the older bracts age.Hydrangea serrata “Preziosa” [4’ x 4’] Zone 5“Preziosa” HydrangeaBlushed-pink snowball flowers; green leaves gradually become stained with huesof pink and red in the Fall."Preziosa" HydrangeaHypericum kalmianum “Gemo” [3’ x 3’] Zone 4“Gemo” St. JohnswortTightly branched shrub noted for its long bloom time from July to September. Richyellow flowers, small but numerous, set off by willow-like leaves.Ilex cornuta “Burfordii Nana” [6’ x 6’] Zone 6Dwarf Burford HollyA slow-growing, compact Chinese Holly with broad, dark green leaves. Large redberries will persist on the plant into the Fall."Gemo" St. Johnswort1-800-868-8676 47

WoodyIlex crenata “Compacta” [6’ x 8’] Zone 6“Compacta” Japanese HollyAn often-used, compact form of Japanese Holly that grows slowly and densely.“Compacta” grows broader than tall, and its branches are slightly ascending.Ilex crenata “Green Lustre” [4’ x 8’] Zone 5“Green Lustre” Japanese HollyDense, very popular Japanese Holly because of its cold tolerance and glossyfoliage. Similar to Ilex “Rotundifolia,” but more compact in habit."Green Lustre" Japanese HollyIlex crenata “Hoogendorn” [3’ x 6’] Zone 6“Hoogendorn” Japanese HollyLow-growing, compact evergreen with flattened dark green foliage. A goodreplacement for Boxwood. A good foundation or low hedge plant.Ilex crenata “Sky Pencil” [8’ x 2’] Zone 6“Sky Pencil” Japanese HollyA very narrow spread with a very tight, fastigiate growth habit makes this plantgood for formal plantings."Sky Pencil" Japanese HollyIlex crenata “Sky Pointer” [5’ x 2’] Zone 6“Sky Pointer” Japanese Holly(P.P. 20049) Narrow, conical seedling of “Sky Pencil” Holly. Shiny, dark evergreenleaves and tight upright branching make this an elegant formal evergreen forurban patios or for framing entryways.Ilex crenata “Soft Touch” [2’ x 3’] Zone 6“Soft Touch” Japanese HollySoft to the touch and on the eyes. Dense, compact, and low-growing. “SoftTouch” creates an unobtrusive mound of glossy green where you need it. Excellentreplacement for “Helleri.”"Sky Pointer" Japanese Holly48 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Ilex crenata “Steeds” [10’ x 3’] Zone 6“Steeds” Japanese HollyWoodyA lustrous, green column of leaves creates a perfect shear-free hedge or a goodchoice for tight areas.Ilex glabra “Nigra” [4’ x 4’] Zone 4“Nigra” InkberryA compact, trouble-free Inkberry that grows full to the ground. Dark green leavesare accentuated by long-lasting, black, berry-like fruits. Prefers moist soil and sunbut will tolerate some shade.Ilex glabra “Shamrock” [4’ x 4’] Zone 4“Shamrock” Inkberry"Nigra" InkberryMore compact than the species, “Shamrock’s” leaves are smaller, and they standup on the stem, giving the plant a finer, more positive texture.Ilex opaca “Grace” [30’ x 20’] Zone 5“Grace” American Holly(PPAF) Foliage is broadly elliptic, dull and spiny; normal color is olive green.Trees maintain a pyramid shape. Fruit is vivid red in large clusters. This hollydoes not do as well as others by the coast and grows best in full sun.Ilex opaca “Miss Helen” [30’ x 20’] Zone 5“Miss Helen” American Holly"Miss Helen" American HollyOld reliable variety, slower growing opaca with oblong cherry fruit. Good orchardingplant (for cut branches). Adapts well in both northern and southern climes.Ilex opaca “Portia Orton” [30’ x 20’] Zone 5“Portia Orton” American HollyAn introduction from Dr. Elwin Orton of Rutgers University glows with broadblack-green leaves with a shiny sheen. Large cherry-red fruits are borne inabundance."Portia Orton" American Holly1-800-868-8676 49

WoodyIlex verticillata “Apollo” [12’ x 8’] Zone 5“Apollo” Winterberry HollyA great male pollinator for “Sparkleberry.” This U. S. National Arboretum selectionhas reddish new growth maturing to green.Ilex verticillata “Jim Dandy” [4’ x 4’] Zone 3“Jim Dandy” Winterberry HollyExtremely hardy, male Holly with rich, deep green foliage on a dense, oval-roundedform. Plant as a pollenizer for other Winterberry varieties. Produces noberries. Deciduous."Red Sprite" Dwarf Winterberry HollyIlex verticillata “Red Sprite” [3’ x 3’] Zone 3“Red Sprite” Dwarf Winterberry HollyA large berried, slow-growing, dwarf deciduous shrub which produces an abundanceof red berries that persist from Fall to early Spring.Ilex verticillata “Winter Gold” [8’ x 8’] Zone 3“Winter Gold” Winterberry HollyA branch sport of “Winter Red®,” this plant features unusual pinkish or goldenorangefruit. Requires a late-blooming male as a pollinator such as “SouthernGentleman.” The leaf color is a lighter green than “Winter Red®.”"Winter Gold" Winterberry HollyIlex verticillata “Winter Red®” [9’ x 8’] Zone 3“Winter Red®” HollyA cultivar with dark green foliage, which turns bronze in the Fall. Red berries willpersist on the females throughout Winter.Ilex x “Emily Bruner” [20’ x 10’] Zone 7“Emily Bruner” HollyA broadleaf evergreen with large, multi-spined, dark green leaves. Large red fruitsencircle the stems."Winter Red®" Holly50 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Ilex x “Nellie R. Stevens” [25’ x 10’] Zone 6“Nellie R. Stevens” HollyWoodySaid to be a cross between Ilex aquifolium and Ilex cornuta. A broad, pyramidalplant with large, shiny green leaves that lends itself to specimen or accent use.Can be spectacular in fruit.Ilex x aquipernyi “Dragon Lady” [15’ x 4’] Zone 6“Dragon Lady” HollyPyramidal, dark, lustrous-leaved specimen or accent plant with contrasting redberries. Fine alternative to commonly used evergreens for hedges or screens.Ilex x meserveae “Blue Maid®” [12’ x 8’] Zone 4“Blue Maid®” Holly"Dragon Lady" HollyReportedly the most hardy of the Blue series, “Blue Maid®” features lush bluegreenfoliage with prominent spines, and bright red berries which persist throughthe Winter months.Ilex x meserveae “Blue Prince®” [12’ x 12’] Zone 4“Blue Prince®” HollyAnother male of the hardy Blue series. Counterpart to “Blue Princess®,” but willpollinate most female Blue Hollies.Ilex x meserveae “Blue Princess®” [12’ x 12’] Zone 4“Blue Princess®” Holly"Blue Prince®" HollyDeep blue-green foliage with heavy, bright red berry sets. Responds well toshearing.Ilex x meserveae “China Boy®” [10’ x 8’] Zone 4“China Boy®” HollyMale form, needed for pollination. Can be used as a foundation plant or forhedges."Blue Princess®" Holly1-800-868-8676 51

WoodyIlex x meserveae “China Girl®” [10’ x 10’] Zone 4“China Girl®” HollyThe China series is similar to the Blues in hardiness and form, but the foliageappears a much lighter green, and therefore the fruits stand out. Rounded,upright growth habit.Ilex x meserveae “Hechfee” [10’ x 3’] Zone 5Castle Spire Holly(P.P. 14310) A beautiful compact, pyramidal blue Holly with large, lustrous, darkgreen leaves, bright red berries and superior branching."China Girl®" HollyItea virginica “Henry’s Garnet” [4’ x 6’] Zone 5“Henry’s Garnet” SweetspireA native, deciduous shrub which grows in shade but becomes much fuller in sun.Blooms a fragrant white in early Summer. “Henry’s Garnet” was selected for itsintense red Fall color.Itea virginica “Sprich” [2’ x 3’] Zone 5“Little Henry®” Dwarf Sweetspire(P.P. 10988) Low mounding, compact, deciduous shrub with sweetly scented,pure white flowers which bloom in early Summer. Brilliant red Fall color."Henry's Garnet" SweetspireJasminum nudiflorum [4’ x 6’] Zone 5Winter JasmineSweeping branches with a profusion of yellow blossoms in very early Spring. Thisplant grows into a dense mat which holds banks well.Juniperus chinensis “Expansa” [2½’ x 8’] Zone 5Parson’s JuniperA prostrate Juniper used for covering banks and parking lot islands; a moundinggrowth habit with a gray-green color."Little Henry®" Dwarf Sweetspire52 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Juniperus chinensis “Gold Lace” [4’ x 6’] Zone 4“Gold Lace” JuniperWoody(P.P. 8202) This compact grower maintains a consistent golden color throughoutthe plant. With its tight growth habit and thorough coloring, this plant is a greatchoice.Juniperus chinensis “Hetzii Columnaris” [15’ x 5’] Zone 4Hetz Columnar JuniperUpright pyramidal form. Fast growing with bright green needles. Also known as“Fairview” Juniper. Excellent for screening.Juniperus chinensis “Nick’s Compact” [3’ x 4’] Zone 4“Nick’s Compact” Juniper"Gold Lace" JuniperThis compact shrub with blue-green needles has an upright mounding habit.Juniperus chinensis “Pfitzeriana Glauca” [5’ x 10’] Zone 4Blue Pfitzer JuniperSilver-blue foliage spreading from many branches; shorter than “Hetzii Glauca.”Juniperus chinensis “Sea Green” [5’ x 7’] Zone 4“Sea Green” Juniper"Nick's Compact" JuniperA more manageable, spreading Juniper; foliage is mint-green and always attractive;can be used in foundation plantings without becoming overgrown.Juniperus chinensis “Spartan” [20’ x 5’] Zone 4“Spartan” JuniperA fast-growing, dense plant with an upright pyramidal habit makes this plant idealfor screening.Blue Pfitzer Juniper1-800-868-8676 53

WoodyJuniperus chinensis “Torulosa” [20’ x 10’] Zone 6Hollywood JuniperAsymmetrical, bright green upright plant which sets a big, glaucous fruit. Superbas a specimen or vertical accent.Juniperus chinensis var. sargentii [1½’ x 6’] Zone 4Sargent JuniperPopular with designers, the Sargent Juniper is usually reserved for mass andground cover-type situations.Hollywood JuniperJuniperus communis “Hibernica” [15’ x 3’] Zone 5Irish JuniperA narrow, upright plant with all juvenile foliage yielding an extremely fine texture.Juniperus conferta “Blue Pacific” [1’ x 5’] Zone 5“Blue Pacific” JuniperA vigorous ground cover, but slightly slower-growing than the species. “BluePacific” shows off attractive blue-green needles."Blue Pacific" JuniperJuniperus horizontalis “Good Vibrations” [1½’ x 8’] Zone 4“Good Vibrations” Juniper(PPAF) Soft to the touch. Provides dynamic, seasonal color changes. In Spring itemerges chartreuse, changes to bright yellow and then takes on orange hues inFall. It has a horizontal growth habit and is drought tolerant.Juniperus horizontalis “Plumosa Compacta Youngstown” [1½’ x 5’] Zone 4Youngstown JuniperThe most popular Andorra; dense branching, bright green Spring and Summerfoliage, turning to bronze-purple in Winter."Good Vibrations" Juniper54 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Juniperus horizontalis “Wiltoni” [6” x 6’] Zone 4Blue Rug JuniperWoodyThe most popular Juniper for ground cover or bank plantings. Bright blue-greenfoliage, even in Winter.Juniperus procumbens “Nana” [2’ x 4’] Zone 5Dwarf Japanese Garden JuniperExcellent for use in the rock garden because of its slow growth and picturesquehabit.Juniperus squamata “Blue Star” [3’ x 4’] Zone 4“Blue Star” JuniperBlue Rug JuniperA low-growing cultivar of “Meyeri,” featuring spiky, silver-blue foliage and a dense,mounded form.Juniperus virginiana [40’ x 12’] Zone 3Eastern RedcedarWell-known native evergreen with an upright growth habit. Dark green Summerfoliage, with a purple tint during Winter months.Juniperus virginiana “Burkii” [20’ x 15’] Zone 3Burk Eastern Redcedar"Blue Star" JuniperUpright Juniper with a variable growth habit. Foliage is blue-green. Can be usedfor screening.Juniperus virginiana “Canaertii” [25’ x 8’] Zone 3Canaert Eastern RedcedarA narrow pyramidal selection with dark green scale-like and awl-like foliage. Goodlight blue fruit display. Use as a specimen or for screening.Burk Eastern Redcedar1-800-868-8676 55

WoodyJuniperus virginiana “Hillspire” [20’ x 6’] Zone 3“Hillspire” JuniperHas a pyramidal-conical growth habit. “Hillspire” maintains its bright green foliagein the Winter. Useful as a hedge, grouping, or screening plant, but also stands outas a specimen.Juniperus virginiana “Idyllwild” [20’ x 6’] Zone 3“Idyllwild” JuniperBroad-based, pyramidal, evergreen shrub with informal, rugged, upright branching.Excellent for use as a screen, background, or accent."Olympic Fire" Moutain LaurelKalmia latifolia “Olympic Fire” [5’ x 4’] Zone 5“Olympic Fire” Mountain LaurelShowy clusters of red buds open to gorgeous light pink flowers. Evergreen shrubthat can be used in borders, woodland gardens, and hedges. Spring flowering,sturdy plant.Koelreuteria paniculata [35’ x 35’] Zone 5Golden RaintreeA beautiful dense tree with a rounded form. 12 - 15” long panicles of yellowflowers in mid-to-late July make this tree a standout. Adaptable to a wide range ofsoils. Drought and pollution tolerant."Dream Catcher" Beauty BushKolkwitzia amabilis “Dream Catcher” [7’ x 7’] Zone 4“Dream Catcher” Beauty BushUnlike most Beauty Bush with their spectacular one season Spring flower show,“Dream Catcher” offers multi-season interest! Pink Spring flowers are followed bygolden yellow foliage which turns a striking orange-red in Fall.Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei “Tuscarora” [15’ x 15’] Zone 7“Tuscarora” CrapemyrtleA medium size grower, has deep coral-pink flowers, and foliage that turns orangish-redin Fall. Attractive, mottled, light brown bark."Tuscarora" Crapemyrtle56 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Lagerstroemia x “Natchez” [20’ x 20’] Zone 7“Natchez” CrapemyrtleWoodyA lovely shrub or small tree, “Natchez” is covered with a profusion of dazzlingwhite flowers in early Summer. Lustrous, dark green leaves change to orangethen red in Fall. Exfoliating bark completes the package of a perfect landscapeplant.Leucothoe axillaris [3’ x 4’] Zone 5Coast LeucothoeCompact evergreen with glossy, dark green leaves. White flowers in April andMay. Prefers acidic, moist, well-drained soil and shade.Leucothoe fontanesiana “Girard’s Rainbow” [3’ x 3’] Zone 5“Girard’s Rainbow” LeucothoeCoast LeucothoeA compact variety which produces bright, marbled foliage. Once established,“Girard’s Rainbow” can really bring some light into a dark corner.Leucothoe fontanesiana “Zeblid” [2’ x 4’] Zone 4Scarletta® Fetterbush(P.P. 5195) An attractive ground cover. The long slender leaves have a pinkishgreentinge to them which in Fall turn to a burnished red and burgundy."Girard's Rainbow" LeucothoeLigustrum amurense “North River” [12’ x 15’] Zone 4“North River” PrivetAttractive, hardy, deciduous shrub. Valuable as a hedge plant. Easily trimmed.Lindera benzoin [8’ x 8’] Zone 4SpicebushStrongly aromatic, native shrub. Pale yellow little flowers hug branches in earlySpring before the leaves emerge. In late Summer scarlet fruits add rich color.Scarletta® Fetterbush1-800-868-8676 57

WoodyLiquidambar styraciflua [60’ x 40’] Zone 5SweetgumA large, fast-growing native shade tree with a pyramidal, uniform growth habit.Beautiful gold and scarlet foliage in Fall.Liquidambar styraciflua “Happdell” [45’ x 25’] Zone 4Happidaze® SweetgumAn upright tree with a heavy, dense crown and well-spaced branching at an earlyage. Lustrous, deep green leaves turn a deep maroon in Fall. This tree is apparentlyseedless.Liquidambar styraciflua “Silver King” [40’ x 20’] Zone 5“Silver King” Sweetgum"Slender Silhouette" SweetgumA new variegated form with generous amounts of white and green leaves. Setsfew seeds. Flushes rose in late Summer and Fall.Liquidambar styraciflua “Slender Silhouette” [60’ x 7’] Zone 6“Slender Silhouette” SweetgumExtremely columnar form with yellowish to reddish-purple Fall colors. This tree isapparently seedless.SweetgumLiriodendron tulipifera [80’ x 45’] Zone 4Tulip TreeA large native shade tree which flowers yellow in May or June. The Tulip Tree is amember of the Magnolia family, with large, fleshy roots. Spring transplant ONLY.Liriodendron tulipifera “Arnold” [55’ x 15’] Zone 5“Arnold” Tulip TreeThis upright grower is well suited for narrow spaces, though its stately size is bestsuited for larger properties. Unusual yellow-green, tulip-like flowers appear in lateSpring through Summer. Foliage has pretty golden yellow color in Fall.Tulip Tree58 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Lonicera pericylmenum “Peaches & Cream” [5’ x 5’] Zone 4“Peaches & Cream” HoneysuckleWoody(P.P. 21839) Lonicera with huge, tropical-looking pink and white bicolor florets ona cold-hardy plant. Unique, fragrant, bicolor florets – butterflies and hummingbirdswill go mad! Terrific evergreen vine.Maackia amurensis “Select” [20’ x 20’] Zone 4Amur MaackiaA spreading deciduous tree that is slow-growing, but hardy. It has showy, darkgreen foliage and flowers at a young age. Good for use as a small street tree.Magnolia stellata “Centennial” [15’ x 15’] Zone 4“Centennial” Star Magnolia"Peaches & Cream" HoneysuckleDeveloped and named for Arnold Arboretum’s centennial, this fine Magnolia has 3- 4” flowers formed by 30+ star-shaped “petals” of white flushed with pink.Magnolia stellata “Royal Star” [15’ x 10’] Zone 4“Royal Star” MagnoliaSelection which blooms later than the parent. Also, the flowers are larger andretain a purple hue at the base.Magnolia virginiana [35’ x 35’] Zone 5Sweetbay Magnolia"Royal Star" MagnoliaA native semi-evergreen that deserves use in the small space garden because ofits fragrant white flowers, compact form, and attractive foliage which shows off itssilver underside in the breeze.Magnolia virginiana “Moonglow®” [30’ x 15’] Zone 4“Moonglow®” Magnolia(P.P. 12065) This upright, semi-evergreen tree has 2 - 3” diameter, fragrant,creamy white flowers emerging in May through June. Use as small patio orspecimen tree. Does well in wet soils and shade.Sweetbay Magnolia1-800-868-8676 59

WoodyMagnolia x “Ann” [10’ x 10’] Zone 5“Ann” MagnoliaDense, compact grower with pink flowers in early Spring; blooms two weeks laterthan Saucer Magnolia. Sporadically reblooms in Summer.Magnolia x “Betty” [10’ x 10’] Zone 5“Betty” MagnoliaPurple on the outside and white inside; the flower contains 12 to 15 petals, so itlooks quite full. Sporadically reblooms in Summer."Ann" MagnoliaMagnolia x “Galaxy” [25’ x 20’] Zone 5“Galaxy” MagnoliaThis Magnolia has the beautiful shape and dark green deciduous leaves of theSaucer Magnolia but blooms later, usually after frost danger. Flowers purplish-redto pink.Magnolia x “Jane” [10’ x 10’] Zone 5“Jane” MagnoliaBlooms are reddish-purple on the outside, with a white interior; the form is looselyrounded. Sporadically reblooms in Summer."Jane" MagnoliaMagnolia x loebneri “Leonard Messel” [20’ x 20’] Zone 4“Leonard Messel” MagnoliaAn attractive, large, deciduous shrub or multi-stemmed tree. The early Springflowers are 4 - 6” wide with 12 - 15 petals that are white on the inside, fuchsiapinkon the back. The deep green leaves appear after the flowers.Magnolia x loebneri “Merrill” [25’ x 25’] Zone 4“Dr. Merrill” MagnoliaThis rounded, low-branching tree has large, white, fragrant flowers in mid-to-lateApril. A very vigorous grower."Dr. Merrill" Magnolia60 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Malus “Donald Wyman” [20’ x 24’] Zone 4“Donald Wyman” Flowering CrabappleWoodyPink buds open white on this disease-resistant selection from the Arnold Arboretum;fruits are bright red and persistent.Malus “Golden Raindrops” [20’ x 15’] Zone 4“Golden Raindrops” Flowering CrabappleThis Crabapple has a delicate appearance due to its fine-textured, deeply cutfoliage. Horizontal branching with white flowers and tiny golden-yellow fruit.Excellent disease resistance.Malus “Indian Magic” [20’ x 20’] Zone 4“Indian Magic” Flowering Crabapple"Donald Wyman" Flowering CrabA deep pink flowering Crabapple with dark green foliage and interesting orangeredfruits which persist into the Winter.Malus “Indian Summer” [18’ x 24’] Zone 4“Indian Summer” Flowering CrabappleThis disease-resistant, spreading Crab produces rose-red flowers followed bybright red, persistent fruits against medium bronze-green foliage.Malus “Prairifire” [20’ x 20’] Zone 4“Prairifire” Flowering Crabapple"Indian Magic" Flowering CrabThis tree has an upright, rounded habit with red flowers and dark red fruit; thenew growth is reddish-maroon maturing to dark green.Malus “Profusion” [20’ x 20’] Zone 4“Profusion” Flowering CrabappleA popular disease-resistant variety with an upright spreading habit; the deeppinkish-red flowers are followed by maroon fruit; the foliage is purple fading tobronze."Profusion" Flowering Crab1-800-868-8676 61

WoodyMalus “Snowdrift” [20’ x 20’] Zone 4“Snowdrift” Flowering CrabappleA very popular variety with white flowers and pink buds, orange-red fruits, andgreen foliage; disease resistant.Malus “Spring Snow” [25’ x 20’] Zone 4“Spring Snow” Flowering CrabappleThis is a fruitless selection that blooms profusely with pure white flowers. It has adense oval habit with medium green foliage.Sargent Flowering CrabappleMalus “Sugar Tyme” [18’ x 15’] Zone 4“Sugar Tyme” Flowering CrabappleThis disease-resistant variety has pale pink buds that open to sugar-white,fragrant flowers. The ½” diameter red fruit are abundant and persist in the Fall.Malus sargentii [7’ x 12’] Zone 4Sargent Flowering CrabappleA low-growing, broad-headed species, the Sargent Crabapple makes an excellentspecimen where space is at a premium. Good for mass plantings. Pink budsopen to white flowers which produce bright, persistent, red fruit clusters."Dawn Redwood"Metasequoia glyptostroboides “Dawn Redwood” [70’ x 25’] Zone 4“Dawn Redwood”A fast-growing, conical, deciduous conifer with ascending branches and finetextured,needle-like foliage. Fall color is an attractive orange-brown. Handsomebark in Winter is reddish-brown, exfoliating into long narrow strips.Microbiota decussata [1’ x 10’] Zone 3Russian ArborvitaeA coniferous evergreen shrub that grows in a spreading mat or low mound. Thebright green new foliage turns dark green by Summer and then turns bronze toburgundy in the Winter. Needs good drainage and full sun to partial shade.Russian Arborvitae62 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Myrica pensylvanica [8’ x 8’] Zone 2Northern BayberryWoodySalt-tolerant, semi-evergreen shrub which lends itself to use in borders, foundationplantings, and en mass. Berries from this plant are still used in makingBayberry candles.Nandina domestica [7’ x 5’] Zone 6Heavenly BambooThe foliage emerges a fine-textured, light green, changing to a deeper green withwhite blossoms by June. It turns to shades of crimson and orange. The plant isthen covered with fat clusters of red berries that cling into Winter.Nandina domestica “Compacta” [5’ x 3’] Zone 6Compact NandinaNorthern BayberrySimilar characteristics of Nandina domestica with a more compact size.Nandina domestica “Fire Power” [2’ x 2’] Zone 6“Fire Power” NandinaA compact selection with lime-green leaves in Spring. The leaves will becomered-tinged in the Summer changing to bright red in the Fall. No flowers or fruit.Nandina domestica “Gulf Stream” [3’ x 3’] Zone 6“Gulf Steam” NandinaHeavenly Bamboo(P.P. 5656) Outstanding evergreen shrub displays attractive foliage in all seasons.New growth is scarlet maturing to blue-green in Summer and intense red Fallcolor. Dense foliage with ascending branches.Nyssa sylvatica [40’ x 25’] Zone 3Blackgum, Sour Gum, Black TupeloOne of our finest native shade trees, Blackgum forms a shapely, oval crown ofrich green leaves which turn magnificent hues of scarlet to deep maroon in earlyFall. Tolerant of many soils and exposures."Gulf Stream" Nandina1-800-868-8676 63

WoodyNyssa sylvatica “Wildfire” [40’ x 25’] Zone 5“Wildfire” Blackgum, Sour Gum, Black TupeloThis tupelo offers an extra season of brightly colored foliage. Spring brings asurprising flush of deep red new growth, which continues as long as new leavesemerge. Summer foliage is green, changing to autumn tints of orange-yellow topurplish red.Ostrya virginiana [35’ x 25’] Zone 3American HophornbeamSlender, spreading branches, with handsome beech-like foliage that turns clearyellow in the Fall. Exfoliating bark lends interest to this fine-textured specimentree.Oxydendrum arboreum [25’ x 20’] Zone 5SourwoodSourwoodFoliage emerges a rich green in Spring, giving way to yellow, purple, and brightred hues in Fall. Flowers, which appear in June and July, are white, droopingpanicles that literally cover the plant. The fruits take over in late Summer andpersist through Fall.Philadelphus “Snowbelle” [4’ x 4’] Zone 4“Snowbelle” MockorangeA compact mockorange that is noted for its abundant bloom of clusters of citrusscented,double white flowers in late Spring to early Summer. This is a multistemmed,deciduous shrub with an upright habit."Snowbelle" MockorangePhysocarpus opulifolius Coppertina [6’ x 6’] Zone 3Coppertina Ninebark(P.P. 16371) A hybrid between Dart’s Gold and Diabolo that flushes an attractivecopper in Spring and transforms to a rich red in Summer. Soft pink flowers linethe gently arching branches in early Summer.Physocarpus opulifolius “Monlo” [9’ x 9’] Zone 3Diabolo® Bronze Ninebark(P.P. 11211) A gorgeous deciduous shrub with striking purple foliage on upright,arching branches. White blushed-pink flower clusters appear in early Summer.Coppertina Ninebark64 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Picea abies [60’ x 30’] Zone 3Norway SpruceWoodyEventually a huge pyramidal evergreen, dense in youth, becoming more openwith age. Useful in windbreaks, as a screen plant, and as a specimen.Picea abies “Nidiformis” [3’ x 6’] Zone 3Bird’s Nest SpruceA low-spreading Spruce that grows in the shape of a bird’s nest. Useful as aspecimen or accent.Picea glauca [50’ x 20’] Zone 2White SpruceNorway SpruceAn adaptable evergreen tree, though it really thrives where the Winters are colderand the Summers are not so hot. Pyramidal in form.Picea glauca “Conica” [10’ x 4’] Zone 2Dwarf Alberta SpruceA very common, very popular, dwarf, pyramidal evergreen which never needsshearing. The needles are a brilliant green when they first emerge. Should bekept from harsher exposures.Picea omorika [55’ x 25’] Zone 4Serbian SpruceA tree with a slender trunk and short drooping branches forming a narrow,pyramidal head. The needles are dark green on the upper surface with distinctwhite bands on the lower surface. One of the most graceful and beautiful spruces.Hardy, slow grower.Dwarf Alberta SprucePicea pungens “Glauca Globosa” [3’ x 4’] Zone 2Globe Blue SpruceAll the brilliance of the Colorado Blue Spruce, available in a compact bird’s nestform.Globe Blue Spruce1-800-868-8676 65

WoodyPicea pungens var. glauca [70’ x 25’] Zone 3Colorado Blue SpruceWell-known specimen, pyramidal evergreen tree, prized for its silver-blue foliage.Ours are grown from seed, so they will vary from green to medium-blue.Pieris japonica “Dorothy Wycoff” [6’ x 4’] Zone 5“Dorothy Wycoff” Japanese AndromedaA strong-growing, compact variety with pendulous panicles of dark red flowerbuds opening to pale pink flowers in the Spring."Dorothy Wycoff" Jap. AndromedaPieris japonica “Mountain Fire” [6’ x 4’] Zone 5“Mountain Fire” Japanese AndromedaFiery-red new growth contrasts nicely with evergreen foliage on this strikingaccent plant. White flowers are borne on long, pendulous panicles in March-April.Prefers well drained soils, sun or partial shade.Pieris japonica “Scarlett O’Hara” [6’ x 4’] Zone 5“Scarlett O’Hara” Japanese AndromedaHardy cultivar with attractive new red growth. White flowers are borne on longpendulous panicles in March-April."Mountain Fire" Jap. AndromedaPinus flexilis “Vanderwolf’s Pyramid” [25’ x 15’] Zone 3“Vanderwolf’s Pyramid” Limber PineLong, soft, bluish-green to silver needles. Uniformly pyramidal form with ascendingbranches. This slow-growing compact pine is a good fit for many sites.Pinus mugo var. pumilio [4’ x 8’] Zone 2Mugo PineThis popular compact conifer is useful for foundations or mass plantings.Mugo Pine66 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Pinus nigra [50’ x 25’] Zone 4Austrian PineWoodyThis dark green, course-textured Pine has a handsome, pyramidal form. It is themost tolerant Pine of urban environments.Pinus Resinosa [75’ x 35’] Zone 2Red PineA common, large evergreen conifer with small cones and a broad, irregular orrounded crown of spreading branches, 1 row added a year. Red pine is a symmetricallyoval, canopy tree. The long, straight trunk is covered with reddishbrown,scaly bark.Pinus strobus [70’ x 35’] Zone 3White PineAustrian PineAmazingly popular as a screen or evergreen backdrop plant. White Pines oncecovered most of the eastern third of this continent. Soft, light green foliage, andrapid-growing. Semi-sheared.Pinus sylvestris [30’ x 30’] Zone 2Scotch PineExcellent blue-green needle color and picturesque form. The bark exfoliates andreddens with age.Pinus thunbergiana [30’ x 25’] Zone 5Japanese Black PineJapanese Black PineKnown for its irregular, asymmetrical growth habit. This plant is often used forcontrast or as an accent. Salt tolerance makes it useful along roadsides or at thebeach.Platanus x acerifolia “Bloodgood” [50’ x 40’] Zone 4London PlanetreeA coarse-textured tree useful in large-scale situations. Easily transplanted, seemsto hold up better than Sycamore against fungus problems. Exfoliating bark addsinterest.London Planetree1-800-868-8676 67

WoodyPlatanus x acerifolia “Columbia” [50’ x 40’] Zone 5“Columbia” PlanetreeIntroduction from The National Arboretum. Trees have gray-orange bark in youthwhile older trees’ bark peels to reveal yellow-green beneath. Fast grower.Platanus x acerifolia “Exclamation!” [60’ x 30’] Zone 4“Exclamation!” London PlanetreeMatures to an upright pyramidal form with a strong central leader. Has attractivebrown, green, tan, cream and white exfoliating bark. Adaptable to a wide range ofsoils, including poor and construction soils. Resistant to Anthracnose and frostcrack.Potentilla fruticosa “Gold Drop” [2’ x 3’] Zone 2“Gold Drop” Bush CinquefoilCompact habit and delicate foliage with lemon-yellow flowers all Summer."Exclamation!" London PlanetreePrunus cera “Krauter Vesuvius” [20’ x 15’] Zone 4“Krauter Vesuvius” PlumThis tree is very similar to Thundercloud but tends to be more upright and a littlemore compact. This heat tolerant tree has light pink flowers before the darkpurple foliage appears.Prunus cerasifera “Thundercloud” [20’ x 20’] Zone 5“Thundercloud” PlumUpright, dense, rounded, spreading habit with light pink flowers and deep purplefoliage throughout the growing season.Prunus incisa x Campanulata [25’ x 20’] Zone 5Okame Flowering CherryEarly, small, clear pink, semi-double flowers are long-lasting. Fine textured, darkgreen foliage turns yellow-orange to orange-red in Fall on this upright, ovalornamental."Thundercloud" Plum68 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Prunus laurocerasus “Otto Luyken” [4’ x 8’] Zone 6“Otto Luyken” LaurelWoodyVersatile, broadleaf, evergreen shrub which tolerates shade. Grows twice as wideas it is tall. Fragrant flowers add interest in early Spring.Prunus laurocerasus “Schipkaensis” [6’ x 8’] Zone 5Schip LaurelThe lustrous, dark green foliage makes this plant quite unique. This shade-tolerantplant is excellent for hedges and group plantings.Prunus padus Drietree Merlot® [25’ x 15’] Zone 3Merlot® Euopean Birdcherry"Otto Luyken" LaurelVery uniform, upright growth habit with leaves emerging green and turning deepburgundy in Summer until leaf-drop. Fragrant white flowers. Strong grower withvery consistent branching. Abundant deep merlot-red fruit in the Fall.Prunus sargentii [25’ x 25’] Zone 4Sargent Flowering CherryUpright, spreading branches with a rounded crown. Dark green foliage hasreddish tint on newly emerged leaves. Fall color reddish-orange. Flowers aresingle pink borne on clusters.Merlot® European BirdcherryPrunus serrulata “Beni Hoshi” [25’ x 25’] Zone 5Pink Star Flowering CherryLong lasting, vivid pink flowers that hang below the branches highlight this tree.The head has a rounded to horizontal shape with long, arching branches formingan umbrella shape. Also, coppery-red, glossy peeling bark.Prunus serrulata “Kwanzan” [35’ x 35’] Zone 5“Kwanzan” Flowering CherryHardiest of the double-flowering Cherries. Symmetrical, vase-shaped form needsroom to grow. “Kwanzan” has deep pink, double flowers."Kwanzan" Flowering Cherry1-800-868-8676 69

WoodyPrunus serrulata “Royal Burgundy” [20’ x 15’] Zone 5“Royal Burgundy” Flowering CherryA branch sport of “Kwanzan” with reddish-purple foliage and double, deep pinkflowers. This upright vase-shaped tree has reddish-orange foliage in the Fall.Prunus serrulata “Snowgoose” [20’ x 20’] Zone 5“Snowgoose” Flowering CherryUpright and oval-rounded when young. Shows white flowers sometimes beforethe green foliage appears. This plant seems more pest-resistant than the others."Snowgoose" Flowering CherryPrunus subhirtella var. “Autumnalis” [25’ x 20’] Zone 4Autumn Flowering Higan CherryThis unusual Cherry begins blooming in November. Its white flowers will opensporadically through Winter on warm days, and will open fully in Spring. Its formis similar to “Kwanzan.”Prunus subhirtella var. pendula [25’ x 25’] Zone 5Weeping Higan CherryThis graceful plant is most often used as a specimen. Single pink flowers comeout in March to April, before the foliage.Weeping Higan CherryPrunus x “Snowfozam” [12’ x 12’] Zone 5“Snow Fountains®” Weeping CherryA graceful, weeping Cherry with white flowers. This variety is much smaller inform than other weeping Cherries.Prunus x cistena [10’ x 6’] Zone 2Purpleleaf Sand CherryOne of the hardiest in the genus, this large shrub produces a profusion of delicatepink flowers along bare, purple stems in early Spring. Maroon foliage holds itscolor throughout the Summer.Purpleleaf Sand Cherry70 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Prunus x yedoensis [35’ x 35’] Zone 5Yoshino Flowering CherryWoodyFragrant, single flowers in Spring, changing from pink to white. Rounded, spreadinghabit of growth. This plant comprises the famous cherry planting along theTidal Basin in Washington, D. C.Prunus x yedoensis “Akebono” [25’ x 25’] Zone 5“Akebono” Yoshino CherryDark green, glossy leaves that yellow in Fall. The flowers on the “Akebono”Cherry are a delicate pink. The habit is typical Yoshino, upright and spreading.Pyracantha x “Lowboy” [3’ x 6’] Zone 5“Lowboy” Firethorn"Akebono" Yoshino CherryHardy, low-growing evergreen plant with masses of orange berries in the Fall.Pyracantha x “Mohave” [9’ x 12’] Zone 6“Mohave” FirethornLarge, vigorous, flowering evergreen shrub. Good as a barrier plant or displayedagainst walls or a trellis. Orange-red berries appear in late Summer.Pyracantha x “Rutgers” [3’ x 6’] Zone 5“Rutgers” Firethorn"Mohave" FirethornGlossy, dark green leaves with abundant orange-red berries. Very compact withgood disease resistance.Pyrus calleryana “Chanticleer” [35’ x 15’] Zone 5“Chanticleer” or Cleveland Select PearThis plant is best known for its upright form and bright purple Fall color. A goodflowering tree to use where space is at a premium, or where vertical accent isneeded. “Cleveland Select” and “Chanticleer” are said to be identical."Chanticleer" Pear1-800-868-8676 71

WoodyQuercus alba [75’ x 75’] Zone 4White OakSlow-growing, native tree with a round to wide-spreading irregular crown. Deepred Fall color, leaves do not persist. Prefers moist, well-drained soils.Quercus bicolor [55’ x 55’] Zone 4Swamp White OakAn attractive tree that is smaller in scale than White Oak. Exfoliating bark providesWinter interest. Fine for wet sites.Quercus coccinea [70’ x 40’] Zone 4Scarlet OakHabit is similar to Pin Oak, but becomes more rounded and open. Excellent,glossy, dark green foliage changing to scarlet in Fall.Scarlet OakQuercus macrocarpa [75’ x 75’] Zone 3Bur OakOne of our largest and longest-lived hardwood trees with a massive trunk, shortbranches and a large, round crown. Fruit is a large, nearly-round acorn enclosedhalf or more by a large fringed cup.Quercus palustris [70’ x 40’] Zone 4Pin OakThe most extensively planted Oak. Uniform, pyramidal grower. Large, glossy,green leaves turning red in Fall.Quercus palustris “Pringreen” [50’ x 12’] Zone 4Green Pillar® Pin Oak(P.P. 9093) Columnar form of Pin Oak. Dark green leaves turning maroon-red inthe Fall. A very narrow and uniformly-branched tree.Green Pillar® Pin Oak72 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Quercus phellos [60’ x 40’] Zone 5Willow OakWoodyA stately, pyramidal tree of fine texture, with willow-like leaves, good for filteredshade. Tolerant of wet areas. Spring transplanting recommended.Quercus robur “Heritage®” [50’ x 40’] Zone 5Clemons English OakMaintains central leader and develops a dense, broadly pyramidal crown. Darkgreen, leathery, tatter-resistant foliage. Highly resistant to mildew.Quercus rubra (borealis) [75’ x 75’] Zone 4Northern Red OakWillow OakA large, popular shade tree with dense foliage that turns red in Fall. One of thefastest growing Oaks. Spring transplanting recommended.Quercus shumardii [50’ x 40’] Zone 5Shumard OakUpright, spreading shade tree which forms an open, broadly-oval canopy. Foliageis lustrous dark green with a red Fall color. This tree will withstand diverseconditions, from drought to moist soils.Quercus x “Long” [50’ x 15’] Zone 4Regal Prince® OakStrong, upright, oval silhouette similar in shape to “Bowhall” Red Maple. Leavesare bold dark green with somewhat glossy upper surface. This hybrid between Q.robur “Fastigiata” and Q. bicolor is highly resistant to Powdery Mildew andBorers.Rhododendron “Lee’s Dark Purple” [6’ x 6’] Zone 5“Lee’s Dark Purple” RhododendronVery hardy, compact shrub valued for its very dark purple buds opening to largetrusses of violet-purple flowers in late May. Dark green leaves have textured,wavy edges.Regal Prince® Oak1-800-868-8676 73

WoodyRhododendron arborescens [10’ x 10’] Zone 4Sweet or Smooth AzaleaWhite to blush-pink flowers with red stamens. Highly fragrant. Blooms in lateSpring to early Summer. Usually found growing near streams and moist areas.Rhododendron calendulaceum [10’ x 8’] Zone 5Flame AzaleaFlowers can vary from yellow to blood red but are usually bright orange in May-June.Piedmont AzaleaRhododendron canescens [10’ x 8’] Zone 5Piedmont AzaleaFragrant pink flowers from March to mid-April. This native Azalea is found alongslopes and stream banks under high shade.Rhododendron catawbiense “Album” [6’ x 6’] Zone 4“Album” Hybrid RhododendronVery hardy, medium-sized plant with pure white flowers."Album" RhododendronRhododendron catawbiense “Boursault” [6’ x 6’] Zone 4“Boursault” Hybrid RhododendronModerate grower with rose-lilac flowers; partial sun.Rhododendron catawbiense “Cheer” [5’ x 5’] Zone 5“Cheer” Hybrid RhododendronPink buds burst open to display distinctive shell pink flowers with red blotch at thefirst sign of Spring. This early bloomer has a dense, mounded habit."Boursault" Rhodendron74 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Rhododendron catawbiense “Nova Zembla” [6’ x 6’] Zone 4“Nova Zembla” Hybrid RhododendronWoodyVery popular, heat-tolerant plant with dark red blossoms.Rhododendron catawbiense “Purpureum Elegans” [6’ x 6’] Zone 4“Purpureum Elegans” Hybrid RhododendronDark blue-purple blooms in mid-season on hardy, vigorous, upright shrub.Rhododendron catawbiense “Roseum Pink” [6’ x 6’] Zone 4“Roseum Pink” Hybrid Rhododendron"Nova Zembla" RhododendronVigorous, medium-sized plant with clear pink flowers.Rhododendron periclymenoides [5’ x 5’] Zone 4Pinxterbloom AzaleaThis deciduous native plant has fragrant, pink blossoms in April or early May.Adapts well to dry, sandy, rocky soils. It is stoloniferous and will grow in colonies.Rhododendron viscosum [5’ x 5’] Zone 3Swamp Azalea"Roseum Pink" RhododendronWhite flowers with clove-like scent from mid-May to June. This native Azalea likesthe wetlands but will grow in dryer locations.Rhododendron x “Kabarett” [4’ x 5’] Zone 4“Kabarett” Hybrid RhododendronCompact plant, purple-pink blossoms in mid-May; foliage is deep-green and shinywith reddish stems."Kabarett" Rhododendron1-800-868-8676 75

WoodyRhododendron x P.J.M. “Elite” [4’ x 5’] Zone 4P.J.M. “Elite” Hybrid RhododendronCompact, early lavender blooms, although later than other P.J.M.’s. MahoganyWinter foliage.Rhus aromatica [6’ x 6’] Zone 3Fragrant SumacIn Spring, fragrant flowers appear before the foliage, which turns Fall colors ofred, yellow and orange. The flower is a nectar source for adult butterflies. Colonizesto form thickets and looks best when planted en mass or in drift-like plantingsas it occurs in nature. It is fast growing, generally pest and disease-free, anddrought-tolerant."Gro-low" SumacRhus aromatica “Gro-low” [2’ x 6’] Zone 3“Gro-low” SumacTough ground cover for banks and areas of poor, dry soil. This deciduous shrubhas glossy, green leaves with an excellent red Fall color.Rosa “Meiboulka” [3’ x 5’] Zone 4Oso Easy® Cherry Pie Rose(P.P. 19258) Large, single, candy apple red flowers. Glossy, highly disease-resistantfoliage. A great low-maintenance plant for mass plantings.Sunny Knock Out® RoseRosa “Radsunny” [3’ x 4’] Zone 4Sunny Knock Out® Rose(P.P. 18562) Fragrant, bright yellow flowers mature to a cream color and areproduced continuously and profusely. Resistant to Rust, Mildew and Black Spot.Rosa “Radtko” [3’ x 4’] Zone 4Red Double Knock Out® Rose(P.P. 16202) Carefree and disease resistant. Double red blossoms produced continuouslythroughout the Summer.Red Double Knock Out Rose76 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Rosa “Radtkopink” [3’ x 4’] Zone 4Pink Double Knock Out® RoseWoody(P.P. 18507) Pink double blooms from late Spring until Fall. Extremely hardy anddrought tolerant. Same attributes as other Knock Out® Roses.Rosa “WEKcisbako” [4’ x 4’] Zone 4Home Run® Rose(P.P. 18552) The best true-red rose with continuous blooms and like its parent,Red Knock Out, top level disease resistance.Rosa “WEKstephitsu” [4’ x 3’] Zone 5Outta The Blue RoseHome Run® Rose(P.P. 13449) Fully double, old fashioned, fragrant, 3” blooms (petals 40+) arebluish purple. Produced on a continually blooming plant with rich green foliage.Rosa meigalpio “Red Drift®” [1½’ x 2½’] Zone 4“Red Drift®” Dwarf Shrub Rose(P.P. 17877) “Red Drift®” has the most petite flowers of all of the Drift® Roses. Itis perfect for use in front of border plantings or draping naturally over a rock wallor edge. Great flower power and disease resistance.Rosa meiggili “Peach Drift®” [1½’ x 2½’] Zone 4“Peach Drift®” Dwarf Shrub RoseOutta The Blue Rose(P.P. 18542) Soft peach blooms cover the plant from mid Spring to the first hardfreeze of late Fall. “Peach Drift®” pairs well with existing perennials in anylandscape. Exhibits strong disease resistance.Salix babylonica [40’ x 40’] Zone 5Babylon Weeping WillowA graceful tree, with long pendulous branches, that loves wet sites."Peach Drift®" Dwarf Shrub Rose1-800-868-8676 77

WoodySalix x “Prairie Cascade” [40’ x 40’] Zone 3“Prairie Cascade” WillowBeautiful golden branches and golden weeping stems are the highlights of thisgraceful tree.Sambucus nigra “Eva” [6’ x 8’] Zone 4Black Lace Elderberry(P.P. 15575) Purple-black foliage is finely-cut. Creamy pink flowers in Spring,followed by blackish-red Fall berries. Use for jam or will attract wildlife. Full sunfor best color.Black Lace ElderberrySambucus Sutherland Gold [6’ x 6’] Zone 3Golden ElderberryThis choice specimen has a graceful habit with finely divided golden foliage thatemerges as bronze. It is less susceptible to sun scorch than the other goldvarieties. It bears creamy white flowers that mature into red fruits.Spiraea betulifolia “Tor” [2’ x 3’] Zone 3Birchleaf SpireaThe neat mound of rich green foliage provides the ideal backdrop for tight clustersof brilliant white flowers in Spring. Foliage becomes gold, red and purple inFall. Fantastic en masse, lining a walkway or as a foundation plant.Golden ElderberrySpiraea japonica “Goldmound” [3’ x 4’] Zone 4“Goldmound” SpireaVibrant golden Spring foliage, accented by clusters of pink flowers. Cools to ayellowish-green in Summer then a rich, yellowish-orange in Fall.Spiraea japonica “Little Princess” [2’ x 3’] Zone 4“Little Princess” SpireaA dwarf, compact plant with neat, green foliage which turns red in Fall; “LittlePrincess” bears dainty pink flowers from mid-Summer to Fall; useful in hedges orborders."Goldmound" Spirea78 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Spiraea japonica “Neon Flash” [3’ x 4’] Zone 4“Neon Flash” SpireaWoodyPurple new growth changes to green, featuring vivid red flowers from Spring toFall; good for mass plantings or a shrub border; superior to “Anthony Waterer.”Spiraea japonica “Shirobana” [3’ x 4’] Zone 4“Shirobana” SpireaPink and white flowers on the same plant make this dwarf, dense, moundedshrub a winner; it will bloom throughout the Summer if spent flowers are removed.Spiraea nipponica “Snowmound” [3’ x 4’] Zone 3“Snowmound” Spirea"Neon Flash" SpireaA jaggedly-rounded, deciduous shrub with dark, blue-green foliage, which becomescovered with pure white flowers in Spring.Spiraea x “Vanhouttei” [7’ x 10’] Zone 3Vanhoutte SpireaPure white flowers; arching, fountain-like growth habit.Styrax japonica [25’ x 25’] Zone 5Japanese Snowbell"Snowmound" SpireaThis small tree is perfect for patio areas. In June, white pendulous bell-shapedflowers cover this tree, which has a broad rounded head.Symphoricarpos x doorenbosii “Amethyst” [5’ x 4’] Zone 3Coral BerryBluish-green foliage. Deep magenta-pink fruit in late Summer. Sun to partialshade. Good in woodland gardens or in containers. Attracts birds and is deerresistant.Coral Berry1-800-868-8676 79

WoodySyringa patula “Miss Kim” [5’ x 4’] Zone 3“Miss Kim” LilacA hardy, dwarf Lilac with lavender-blue flowers. Dark green foliage turns burgundy-redin Fall.Syringa reticulata “Ivory Silk” [20’ x 15’] Zone 3“Ivory Silk” LilacLovely, small ornamental tree with prolific, fragrant panicles of white flowersblooming in early June. Can be successfully used as a specimen, street tree, orin groups."Miss Kim" LilacSyringa vulgaris [12’ x 10’] Zone 3Common Purple LilacFragrant, purple flowers in Spring. Works well in a shrub border or a fragrancegarden.Taxodium distichum [70’ x 30’] Zone 4Bald CypressA large, pyramidal, deciduous conifer sporting fern-like foliage and rough, reddishbark. Has a soft Summer texture, which contrasts sharply with its stark Winterappearance. Ideal for spacious, wet areas."Ivory Silk" LilacTaxus baccata “Repandens” [3’ x 12’] Zone 5Spreading English YewVery low-growing, dense, spreading yew. Valuable in foundation plantings. Willthrive in shade.Taxus cuspidata “Capitata” [20’ x 10’] Zone 4Upright Japanese YewUpright, slow-growing, pyramidal form of Taxus cuspidata.Spreading English Yew80 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Taxus x media “Brownii” [9’ x 12’] Zone 4Brown’s YewWoodyTight, medium-sized spreading yew, which maintains its globular shape well.Rich, dark green foliage.Taxus x media “Densiformis” [4’ x 6’] Zone 4“Densiformis” YewNaturally dense in habit. This Yew is everybody’s favorite, next to Taxus baccata“Repandens.”Taxus x media “Everlow” [2’ x 5’] Zone 4“Everlow” Anglo-Japanese Yew"Densiformis" YewA distinctive and versatile evergreen shrub with striking dark green dense foliage;this is a low-growing spreader, resistant to wind burn; low maintenance and takespruning very well.Taxus x media “Hicksii” [15’ x 8’] Zone 4Hick’s YewThe standard Yew hedge plant; its form is upright and columnar. Hick’s andHatfield closely resemble one another; but Hick’s sets nice red berries in lateSummer, has longer, darker needles and is more cold-hardy.Taxus x media “Wardii” [6’ x 15’] Zone 4Ward’s YewHick's YewSlow-growing, compact type with short, planar, bright green needles. This varietyhas been popular for years.Thuja occidentalis “American Pillar” [20’ x 3’] Zone 3“American Pillar” ArborvitaeA vastly improved arborvitae with a dense well-branched habit. A fast growingvariety that has shown excellent resistance to deer browsing. The glossy, greenfoliage has a narrow, columnar habit and maintains excellent Winter color."American Pillar" Arborvitae1-800-868-8676 81

WoodyThuja occidentalis “Emerald” [12’ x 4’] Zone 3“Emerald” Green ArborvitaeA shorter, more compact, pyramidal Arborvitae which holds its rich green foliagecolor throughout the Winter.Thuja occidentalis “Holmstrup” [10’ x 3’] Zone 3“Holmstrup” ArborvitaeA compact, slow-growing, narrow pyramidal form with bright green, tight, bunchy,vertically arranged foliage which remains a rich deep green year round.Thuja occidentalis “Malonyana” [60’ x 15’] Zone 2“Malonyana” ArborvitaeA fast-growing, evergreen conifer with neat dense foliage and upright habit andconical form. Prefers moist, acidic soil.Thuja occidentalis “Nigra” [25’ x 5’] Zone 3Dark American Arborvitae"North Pole" AborvitaeFast-growing, fine-textured, upright evergreen; useful as a hedge, screeningmaterial, or a vertical accent in the landscape; broad at base, tapering to top.Thuja occidentalis “North Pole” [10’ x 5’] Zone 3“North Pole” Arborvitae(PPAF) Thuja “North Pole” has beautiful dark green foliage, is resistant toWinter burn, and is a very hardy shrub.Thuja occidentalis “Umbraculifera” [2’ x 4’] Zone 3“Umbraculifera” ArborvitaeA beautiful and very hardy dwarf cultivar of Arborvitae. Its low arching branchesbear lacy sprays of thread-like needles, similar to Chamaecyparis pisifera “Filifera.”Useful as a specimen or accent plant.Dark American Arborvitae82 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Thuja occidentalis “Woodwardii” [5’ x 6’] Zone 3Globe ArborvitaeWoodyDwarf, compact, globe-shaped plant. Popular with the home landscaper.Thuja ooccidentalis “Techny” [20’ x 6’] Zone 3“Techny” ArborvitaeBroader and slower-growing plant than the species with darker green foliage.Thuja plicata “Steeplechase” [35’ x 12’] Zone 5“Steeplechase” Arborvitae(P.P. 16094) A denser, fuller sport of Green Giant that is more feathery and finelycut. Heat and drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Part shade to full sun.Green Giant ArborvitaeThuja x “Giganteoides” [35’ x 12’] Zone 4Green Giant ArborvitaeExtremely fast-growing evergreen that is ideal for a quick screen. Lustrous, rich,medium-green foliage and a broad pyramidal habit. A great alternative to LeylandCypress.Tilia americana “Redmond” [70’ x 35’] Zone 3“Redmond” LindenA selection of the native American Basswood, selected for its uniform growthhabit. An excellent shade tree that is tolerant of wet locations.Tilia cordata “Greenspire®” [40’ x 30’] Zone 3“Greenspire®” LindenA dense, symmetrical shade tree of European descent, useful in large areas or instreet tree situations. Leathery foliage and fragrant, white flowers in Spring."Redmond" Linden1-800-868-8676 83

WoodyTilia tomentosa “Sterling” [45’ x 35’] Zone 5“Sterling” Silver Linden(P.P. 6511) A neat, large-growing tree with a dense crown and ascending branches.The foliage offers great interest, as the leaves emerge silvery and retain theirblue-silver undersides all season. Resists Japanese Beetle, Gypsy Moth andpollution.Tsuga canadensis [70’ x 35’] Zone 3Canadian HemlockGraceful, native, needled evergreen. Useful in most situations including formalhedges, screens, borders, grouping, and as a specimen. Very hardy, but notrecommended for tough city conditions.Canadian HemlockUlmus americana “Princeton” [60’ x 40’] Zone 3“Princeton” American ElmThis dense, symmetrical, upright Elm has dark green foliage which turns yellow inthe Fall. One of the best American Elms for resisting the attack of Dutch ElmDisease.Ulmus carpinifolia “Accolade” [70’ x 60’] Zone 4Morton Smoothleaf ElmThis cultivar is vase-shaped with arching limbs, very similar to the American Elm.The foliage is glossy dark green turning to a golden yellow in the Fall. Highlyresistant to Dutch Elm Disease and Elm Leaf Beetle.Morton Smoothleaf ElmUlmus carpinifolia “Morton Glossy” [55’ x 45’] Zone 5Triumph ElmThis Elm is a strong, upright grower with good disease and insect resistance.Remarkably dark green and glossy foliage.Ulmus carpinifolia “Patriot” [50’ x 40’] Zone 5“Patriot” ElmUpright, stiffly vase-shaped, may stay narrower than most Elm. Handsome darkgreen Summer foliage, changing to yellow in the Fall."Patriot" Elm84 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Ulmus parvifolia “Allee®” [60’ x 50’] Zone 4“Allee®” ElmWoodyVase-shaped head with lustrous, dark green leaves. The bark exfoliates in apuzzle-like pattern. This tree will tolerate extreme conditions, making it well-suitedfor the urban environment. Highly resistant to Dutch Elm Disease and the ElmLeaf Beatle.Ulmus parvifolia “UPMTF” [60’ x 50’] Zone 5“Bosque®” Elm(P.P. 11295) This fast-growing tree has a pyramidal form with a central, dominantleader. The lustrous, dark green leaves change to a yellow-orange in the Fall.Gray-orange exfoliating bark. Known to be drought tolerant.Vaccinium “Pink Lemonade” [4’ x 4’] Zone 4“Pink Lemonade” Blueberry"Allee®" ElmHardy, vigorous, upright plants are covered with fragrant, pink-white flowers inMay. Unique pink blueberries ripen in August. Orange-red Fall foliage.Vaccinium corymbosum “Patriot” [8’ x 9’] Zone 3“Patriot” Highbush BlueberryThis self-pollinating early season variety has large berries with strong flavor. Itmakes an excellent landscape shrub with arching red branches. Foliage is scarletand orange in Fall."Patriot" Highbush BlueberryViburnum carlesii [6’ x 6’] Zone 4Koreanspice ViburnumTight clusters of pink buds open to fragrant white flowers in April. Dense, roundedhabit of growth.Viburnum davidii [3’ x 4’] Zone 7David ViburnumShowy, mounding, evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green, deeply veinedleaves. Small white flowers are followed by metallic-blue berries. Use this plant inthe foundation, border, or as a low hedge. Likes full sun and acidic soil.Koreanspice Viburnum1-800-868-8676 85

WoodyViburnum dentatum “Blue Muffin®” [6’ x 4’] Zone 3“Blue Muffin®” Arrowwood ViburnumOutstanding rich blue berries follow the earlier white flowers on compact, durableshrubs perfectly suited to residential landscapes. Great as a low hedge or foundationplanting. Salt tolerant.Viburnum dentatum “Synnestvedt” [9’ x 8’] Zone 3Chicago Lustre® Arrowood ViburnumAn introduction which exhibits all the excellent ornamental qualities of the speciesbut is more compact and with glossier foliage. A beautiful addition to the shrubborder or for use as a specimen.Chicago Lustre® Arrowood ViburnumViburnum nudum “Brandywine” [6’ x 6’] Zone 5“Brandywine” Viburnum(PPAF) White Spring flowers produce breathtaking pink and blue Fall fruit. Setsfruit without another pollinator. Wine-red Fall foliage. Deer resistant. Native.Viburnum nudum “Winterthur” [6’ x 6’] Zone 5“Winterthur” ViburnumLustrous, deep green leaves change to a brilliant wine-red in the Fall. Creamywhite flower clusters in June mature into showy fruit that changes from white to apinkish-red and then to a bright blue.Compact European Cranberry BushViburnum opulus “Compactum” [5’ x 5’] Zone 3Compact European Cranberry BushA selected compact strain of Viburnum opulus. Single white flowers in April andMay followed by showy, scarlet fruit which hangs on until Spring. Excellent inmass plantings.Viburnum plicatum “Popcorn” [6’ x 6’] Zone 5“Popcorn” Snowball ViburnumSmall, round, popcorn balls of white flowers line every branch. Much morecompact than Japanese Snowball Viburnum."Brandywine" Viburnum86 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Viburnum plicatum “Triumph” [5’ x 6’] Zone 4“Triumph” ViburnumWoodyExhibits a dense, compact, rounded form with thick, quilted, dark green foliagethat turns burgundy in Fall. Blooms heavily with snowball-like flowers. Strong,vigorous growth habit.Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum “Mariesii” [8’ x 9’] Zone 5Maries Doublefile ViburnumA viburnum plicatum tomentosum variety, with larger flowers, foliage that appearsglossier, and perhaps a slightly more upright growth habit.Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum “Shasta” [6’ x 10’] Zone 5“Shasta” Doublefile Viburnum"Shasta" ViburnumA broad, horizontally-branched deciduous shrub with large lacecap flowers andlarge sterile marginal florets. Bright red fruit and reddish-purple foliage in Fall.Viburnum prunifolium [15’ x 12’] Zone 3Blackhaw ViburnumDark green foliage changing to dark purple-red in Fall. White flowers in May, 2 -4” flat-topped cymes. Adaptable to many soil types.Viburnum rhytidophyllum [12’ x 12’] Zone 5Leatherleaf ViburnumLeatherleaf ViburnumSemi-evergreen shrub which lends itself well to massing because of its coarse,leathery foliage. Tolerates full sun to partial shade, and really looks its best bymid-Summer.Viburnum setigerum [10’ x 7’] Zone 5Tea ViburnumThis shrub has outstanding bright red fruit, ½” long, from late September to lateFall. Soft blue-green foliage with white, flat-topped cymes in late May. Great forshrub borders.Tea Viburnum1-800-868-8676 87

WoodyViburnum sieboldii [20’ x 15’] Zone 4Siebold ViburnumRounded shrub with creamy-white flowers in May followed by berries on red fruitstalks. Lustrous, green foliage turns red in Fall. Birds love the berries.Viburnum utile “Conoy” [5’ x 7’] Zone 6“Conoy” ViburnumThis compact evergreen Viburnum can be quite useful in the landscape. Theglossy dark green leaves develop a dark maroon tinge in the Winter, with theunderside turning a pale blue. Dark pink buds open up to a creamy-white."Conoy" ViburnumViburnum x “Nantucket” [12’ x 7’] Zone 6“Nantucket” ViburnumA National Arboretum Introduction, “Nantucket” was selected for its many outstandingfeatures: large, mildly fragrant white inflorescences; dark semi-evergreennarrow leaves; and upright relatively compact growth habit.Viburnum x burkwoodii [8’ x 6’] Zone 4Burkwood ViburnumSemi-evergreen Viburnum which buds pink and flowers fragrant white in April.Open, irregular growth habit proves most interesting in Winter."Nantucket" ViburnumViburnum x carlcephalum [6’ x 6’] Zone 6Fragrant ViburnumA fragrant Viburnum with dark green, lustrous foliage changing to an attractivereddish-purple in Fall. Pink buds open to white flowers in late April and May.Viburnum x pragense [10’ x 9’] Zone 5Prague ViburnumAttractive evergreen shrub with 4” long, dark green, lustrous leaves. Flowers arepink in bud and open to creamy-white in May. Makes an excellent evergreenscreen.Burkwood Viburnum88 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Viburnum x rhytidophylloides “Alleghany” [12’ x 12’] Zone 5“Alleghany” ViburnumWoodyVery popular selection for its rapid growth and resistance to leaf spots. This selectionhas large, semi-evergreen foliage with creamy-white flowers in May and redfruit in late Summer.Weigela “Merlot Pink” [2’ x 3’] Zone 5“Merlot Pink” Weigela(P.P. 21763) Richly hued rose flowers on dark silver-bronze foliage. Very compactplant for a low-maintenance garden solution. Flowers all Summer long.Weigela “Merlot Rose” [2½’ x 3’] Zone 5“Merlot Rose” Weigela(P.P. 21725) Richly hued merlot rose flowers on dark bronze foliage. Verycompact plant for a low-maintenance garden solution. Flowers all Summer long."Alleghany" ViburnumWeigela “Wings of Fire” [3’ x 3’] Zone 4“Wings of Fire” Weigela(P.P. 21920) The wide leaves wing out in pairs, starting with a faint flush of pinkyred in Spring, gradually turning more red until, by late Summer, they are a fieryred. By Fall, they have turned a beautiful wine red. Cool pink flowers in earlySummer.Weigela florida “Brigela” [6’ x 4’] Zone 4French Lace Weigela(P.P. 12666) Striking lime-yellow leaf margins on green leaves provide a dramaticbackdrop for the deep crimson flowers. Foliage has orange and red overtones inFall. Available in tree form.Weigela florida “Dark Horse” [3’ x 3’] Zone 4“Dark Horse” WeigelaThis deciduous shrub has magenta-pink flowers contrasting against bronzeleaves with lime-green venation; compact plant good in small gardens; full sun.French Lace Weigela1-800-868-8676 89

WoodyWeigela florida “Minuet” [3’ x 3’] Zone 4“Minuet” WeigelaHardy, dwarf variety. Green tinged, purple leaves. Produces a profusion of slightlyfragrant flowers that are purplish-red with a yellow throat. Attracts bees, butterfliesand birds. Full sun to partial shade.Weigela florida “Plangen” [2’ x 3’] Zone 4Pink Poppet WeigelaA dwarf, rounded, deciduous shrub with dark green, serrated leaves. In Spring ithas light pink tubular flowers, usually repeating again in late Summer."Minuet" WeigelaWeigela florida “Tango” [2½’ x 3’] Zone 4“Tango” WeigelaCompact, bushy habit with standout purple foliage; red flowers with a yellowthroat contrast nicely with the foliage; full sun.Weigela florida “Wine and Roses®” [4’ x 5’] Zone 5“Wine and Roses®” WeigelaThis shrub is compact in size and has flowers that are hot pink with leaves ofburgundy-purple; very appealing container plant."Wine and Roses®" WeigelaXanthorhiza Simplicissima [2’ x 2’] Zone 3YellowrootA fairly common small sub-shrub that grows in suckering thickets along shadystreamsides. Purple blossoms are near the top of the unbranched stems. Shrubyellowroot gets its name from the yellow interior of the roots and stem.Zelkova serrata “Green Vase” [65’ x 45’] Zone 5“Green Vase” ZelkovaAn attractive, high-branched, tightly vase-shaped selection. Excellent as a citystreet tree because of this form. The fastest-growing Zelkova we offer.Yellowroot90 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Zelkova serrata “Musashino” [45’ x 15’] Zone 5“Musashino” Columnar ZelkovaWoodyIdeal for narrow street use, the Musashino Zelkova allows good vehicle andpedestrian clearance beneath its green canopy.Zelkova serrata “Village Green” [55’ x 45’] Zone 5“Village Green” ZelkovaThis Zelkova was selected for its straight trunk; broad, cascading head; andwine-red Fall color. Again, very popular with cities and municipalities."Musashino" Columnar Zelkova"Musashino" Columnar Zelkova1-800-868-8676 91

PerennialsAchillea millefolium “Summer Berries” [2’] Zone 3“Summer Berries” YarrowFinely textured, fern-like gray-green foliage makes an excellent foil for the tallheads of red, cerise and pink colored flowers. A proven performer in hot, drysituations with poor soil. Flowers can be dried.Aster divaricatus “Eastern Star” [18”] Zone 3“Eastern Star” AsterDeep dark shining mahogany stems provide a stunning contrast to its whitestar-like flowers in late summer. Drought resistant."Summer Berries" YarrowAster x dumosus “Alert” [18”] Zone 4“Alert” AsterCompact growth habit with reddish-purple flowers; profuse bloomer from lateSummer to mid-Fall.Astilbe chinensis “Visions” [12” - 14”] Zone 4“Visions” AstilbeSweet-scented, raspberry-red blooms with ground-hugging foliage blooming inearly to mid-Summer."Deutschland" AstilbeAstilbe japonica “Deutschland” [18” - 24”] Zone 4“Deutschland” AstilbeClump-forming, shady perennial. Feathery white blooms in mid-to-late Summer.Astilbe japonica “Peach Blossom” [20” - 24”] Zone 4“Peach Blossom” AstilbeAttractive all season. Airy plumes of salmon-pink move with the slightest breezeduring June and July."Peach Blossom" Astilbe92 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Astilbe x arendsii “Fanal” [24”] Zone 4“Fanal” AstilbePerennialsStriking, deep blood-red plumes are accented by deep green to bronze-greenfoliage, blooms late Spring through early Summer.Astilbe Younique “Lilac” [16”] Zone 4Younique “Lilac” Astilbe(P.P. 19847) A low mound of lacy green foliage, topped by large branching flowerheads in a beautiful lilac shade.Astilbe Younique “Silvery Pink” [16”] Zone 4Younique “Silvery Pink” Astilbe"Fanal" Astilbe(P.P. 20656) Compact foliage topped with airy but full, light pink flowers in earlyto mid-summer. Lightly fragrant.Astilbe Younique “White” [16”] Zone 4Younique “White” Astilbe(P.P. 19845) Compact habit with triangular plumes of fragrant white flowers inearly Summer.Coreopsis verticillata “Moonbeam” [24”] Zone 4“Moonbeam” TickseedYounique "Lilac" AstilbeSports creamy-yellow flowers atop a dense mound of lacy, finely-cut foliage; anexcellent plant for dry sites.Coreopsis verticillata “Zagreb” [24”] Zone 4“Zagreb” TickseedFlowers are a deeper yellow than “Moonbeam”; fern-like green foliage is compactand bushy."Moonbeam" Tickseed1-800-868-8676 93

PerennialsCoreopsis x “Full Moon” [24” - 30”] Zone 5“Full Moon” Tickseed(PPAF) Huge 3” yellow flowers from July to frost. A vigorous plant that takes onthe heat of Summer and the cold of early Fall.Dianthus “Double Starlette” [6” x 12”] Zone 5“Double Starlette” Border Pinks(P.P. 21438) This British selection, from the Double Star series, forms a low,grassy, cushion of gray-green leaves, bearing upright stems of double, deepraspberry-pink, frilled flowers that have a darker raspberry-pink eye and a spicyclove fragrance."Double Starlette" Border PinksDianthus “Raspberry Surprise” [10” x 10”] Zone 4“Raspberry Surprise” Garden Pinks(P.P. 16029) The mounding, blue-green, evergreen foliage on “Raspberry Surprise”makes a great groundcover in borders and edging. It is extremely floriferouswith dazzling double pink, scented blooms with a burgundy center in Spring.Echinacea “Pow Wow” Wild Berry [2’ x 1’] Zone 3“Pow Wow” Wild Berry Purple Coneflower"Raspberry Surprise" Garden PinksBreathtaking, fade-proof rosy-purple flowers from early summer right into fall,without deadheading! This award winning plant remains compact and tidy.Drought tolerant once established.Echinacea purpurea “Magnus” [24” - 36”] Zone 3“Magnus” ConeflowerRose-purple flower with a rust-colored center; blooms from mid-Summer to earlyFall.Echinacea purpurea “Ruby Star” [20” - 30”] Zone 3“Ruby Star” ConeflowerCarmine-red petals with orange-brown central cone; blooms from mid-Summer toearly Fall."Pow Wow" Coneflower94 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Echinacea purpurea “White Swan” [20” - 30”] Zone 3“White Swan” ConeflowerPerennialsWhite petals with brown central cones; blooms from mid-to-late Summer.Hemerocallis “Barbary Corsair” [18” - 20”] Zone 4“Barbary Corsair” DaylilyRich purple bloom has a yellow-green throat with a dark purple and magenta eyezone.Hemerocallis “Black-eyed Stella d’Oro” [14” x 16”] Zone 3“Black-eyed Stella d’Oro” Daylily"White Swan" Coneflower(P.P. 7909) This popular, heat-tolerant rebloomer has yellow flowers with a redeye and yellow throat.Hemerocallis “Flava” [24”] Zone 3“Flava” DaylilyA mid-season variety with large, pure yellow, trumpet-shaped, fragrant flowers."Flava" DaylilyHemerocallis “Happy Returns” [20”] Zone 3“Happy Returns” DaylilyA very popular fragrant Daylily with 3½”, clear, lemon-yellow flowers that bloomalmost continually from mid-Summer through Fall.Hemerocallis “Hyperion” [30” - 36”] Zone 3“Hyperion” DaylilyAn early to mid-season bloomer with very large lemon-yellow flowers; this selectionhas a sweet fragrance lost in modern hybrids."Happy Returns" Daylily1-800-868-8676 95

PerennialsHemerocallis “Pardon Me” [18” - 20”] Zone 3“Pardon Me” DaylilyThe flowers are a deep-red accented with a yellow throat; this variety is a repeatbloomer that blooms mid-to-late season.Hemerocallis “Purple Bicolor” [20” - 24”] Zone 3“Purple Bicolor” DaylilyA mid-season variety that has light purple flowers with dark purple centers."Purple Bicolor' DaylilyHemerocallis “Purple d’Oro” [18” x 18”] Zone 3“Purple d’Oro” DaylilyThis is a purple-flowered version of the popular yellow-flowered “Stella d’Oro.”Repeat blooms throughout the growing season, typically from May throughSummer.Hemerocallis “Red Volunteer” [30”] Zone 4“Red Volunteer” DaylilyLarge, 7”, velvety-red flowers and golden yellow throat. Repeat bloomer midseason."Pardon Me" DaylilyHemerocallis “Stella d’Oro” [10” - 12”] Zone 3“Stella d’Oro” DaylilyA tremendously popular dwarf, golden-flowered selection which features continuousblooming until frost.Hemerocallis “Strawberry Candy” [24”] Zone 3“Strawberry Candy” DaylilyLarge, strawberry-pink flowers with a deep rose eye and a yellow-green throat.Repeat bloomer."Strawberry Candy" Daylily96 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Heuchera micrantha “Palace Purple” [18” X 15”] Zone 4“Palace Purple” Coral BellsPerennialsA low mound of maple-shaped leaves, from bronzy-green to rich purple-red.Spikes of small creamy-white flowers appear in early Summer.Heuchera “Plum Pudding” [8” x 12”] Zone 4“Plum Pudding” Coral BellsStunning foliage in deep plum purple with even darker veins. Exceptional growthhabit. Dainty white flowers reach 26” in early Summer.Heuchera x “Silver Scrolls” [12” x 12”] Zone 4“Silver Scrolls” Coral Bells(P.P. 12066) Unique plum and silver foliage with deep purple veins, which matureto green. Sprays of white bell flowers in Spring."Plum Pudding" Coral BellsHosta fortunei “Francee” [18” x 36”] Zone 3“Francee” HostaElegant, heart-shaped leaves that feature narrow, clean white margins. Does wellin sun or partial shade. Lavender flowers in July-August.Hosta “Big Daddy” [2’ x 3’] Zone 3“Big Daddy” Hosta"Silver Scrolls" Coral BellsOne of the best big blue hostas. Heavily corrugated, rich chalky blue-greenleaves are rounded, cupped and puckered at maturity. Near white flowers.Hosta “Gypsy Rose” [15” x 20”] Zone 4“Gypsy Rose” HostaThe leaves have dark green margins, light green centers with a thin, white line inbetween. The leaf center will turn bright yellow by late Summer."Gypsy Rose" Hosta1-800-868-8676 97

PerennialsHosta “Fire and Ice” [12” x 15”] Zone 3“Fire and Ice” HostaPure white leaves with lush, green outer margins. This slow-growing dwarf haslavender flowers on white stems.Hosta “Gold Standard” [24” x 36”] Zone 4“Gold Standard” HostaOne of the most interesting variegated forms, the light green leaves are edged indark green, turning golden in Summer."Fire and Ice" HostaHosta “Krossa Regal” [30” x 36”] Zone 4“Krossa Regal” HostaOne of the finest of the blue-leaved forms, the lavender flowers are borne inmid-to-late Summer.Hosta “Love Pat” [14” x 18”] Zone 3“Love Pat” HostaThick, corrugated, blue-green leaves with lavender flowers. Blooms early-to-midSummer."Love Pat" HostaHosta “Royal Standard” [24” x 36”] Zone 4“Royal Standard” HostaLarge, glossy green leaves with fragrant white flowers. Very tough Hosta, even infull sun situations.Hosta fortunei “Aureo-marginata” [18” x 30”] Zone 3Gold Crown HostaThis plant has heart-shaped leaves with irregular creamy-yellow margins."Royal Standard" Hosta98 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Hosta fortunei “Patriot” [22” x 36”] Zone 3“Patriot” HostaPerennialsA new selection noted for wide, creamy-white leaf margins contrasted with darkgreen leaves.Hosta sieboldiana “Elegans” [30” x 36”] Zone 4“Elegans” HostaLarge, blue-gray, heavily textured, rounded leaves with white flowers. Impressiveand easy to grow.Iris sibirica “White Swirl” [30” x 24”] Zone 3“White Swirl” Siberian Iris"Elegans" HostaWhite with a touch of yellow, mid-season. Lovely beardless flowers with narrowgrassy upright foliage.Iris sibirica “Caesar’s Brother” [40” x 36”] Zone 4“Caesar’s Brother” Siberian IrisRich, deep cobalt blue, beardless flowers."Roanoke's Choice" Siberian IrisIris sibirica “Roanoke’s Choice” [32”] Zone 3“Roanoke’s Choice” Siberian IrisSilvery-violet falls with white standards. Blooms late Spring.Iris sibirica “Ruffled Velvet” [24”] Zone 3“Ruffled Velvet” Siberian IrisVelvety-violet with reddish-purple falls, blooms late Spring to early Summer."Ruffled Velvet" Siberian Iris1-800-868-8676 99

PerennialsIris sibirica “Snow Queen” [30” x 30”] Zone 3“Snow Queen” Siberian IrisElegant white flowers on long graceful stems in June.Iris sibirica “Sparkling Rose” [32”] Zone 3“Sparkling Rose” Siberian IrisLovely, rosy-pink blossoms with blue overtones and yellow base to each fall."Sparkling Rose" Siberian IrisLigularia dentata “Othello” [3’ x 3’] Zone 4Golden RayOrange-yellow daisy-like flowers in Summer above layers of long-stemmed,coarsely toothed, round foliage. Good for wetlands or shady moist borders.Monarda Didyma [2’] Zone 4Blue Stocking Bee BalmPurple-blue flowers appear in July over the fragrant foliage that is scented ofbergamot. Colonizes easily.Blue Stocking Bee BalmPapaver orientale “Patty’s Plum” [30”] Zone 3“Patty’s Plum” Oriental PoppyThis poppy’s unique blooms are plum purple with deep centers.Papaver orientale “Royal Wedding” [30”] Zone 3“Royal Wedding” Oriental PoppyThis is the white Poppy to top them all. Each enormous, pure white bloom isaccentuated by a deep black eye and framed by large, textured foliage."Royal Wedding" Oriental Poppy100 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Papaver orientale “Turkenlouis” [30”] Zone 3“Turkenlouis” Oriental PoppyPerennialsHuge, orange-red blooms, with their frilly, fingered petals, glow like hot coals,igniting the landscape as Spring turns to Summer.Perovskia atriplicifolia “Superba” [3’ - 4’] Zone 4“Superba” Russian SageFragrant, gray-green leaves and lavender-blue blooms on gray-white stems.Blooms August - October.Polygonatum odoratum “Variegatum” [24”] Zone 4Variegated Solomon’s Seal"Superba" Russian SageArching form. Mid-green leaves with creamy edges and pale green streaks.Tubular white flowers in Spring.Rudbeckia fulgida speciosa “Goldsturm” [36”] Zone 4“Goldsturm” Black Eyed SusanRudbeckia is drought tolerant and very showy in flower. The blossom is a beautifulgolden-yellow."Goldsturm" Black Eyed SusanSalvia nemorosa “East Friesland” [18”] Zone 4“East Friesland” Meadow SageShowy violet-blue flower spikes from early Summer. Gray-green foliage. Full sun.Salvia nemorosa “May Night” [18”] Zone 4“May Night” Meadow SageViolet-blue spikes with gray-green foliage blooming from late Spring to mid-Summer."May Night" Meadow Sage1-800-868-8676 101

PerennialsScabiosa columbaria “Butterfly Blue” [12” x 12”] Zone 3“Butterfly Blue” Pincushion FlowerBeautiful Dutch blue flowers resembling a pincushion on a wiry stem. Versatileplant valued for mass plantings, mixed perennial borders, rock gardens, andcontainer gardens. Blooms mid-summer through fall.Sedum “Autumn Joy” [18” x 24”] Zone 4Showy Stonecrop SedumTruly a four season plant, “Autumn Joy” can be used effectively as a facer plant,in masses, or as a part of a shrub border."Butterfly Blue" Pincushion FlowerVerbena x “Homestead” Purple [10”] Zone 7“Homestead” Purple VerbenaLarge clusters of purple flowers cover this low-growing, vigorous spreader allSummer.Veronica “Giles Van Hees” [6” x 10”] Zone 4“Giles Van Hees” SpeedwellBushy and compact in habit. Masses of bright pink flower spikes produced abovelow clumps of luxuriant, light green foliage. With a little pruning, it will be in flowerfrom early Summer through to the frosts in late Autumn."Homestead" Purple Verbena102 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Calamagrostis acutiflora “Karl Foerster” [24”] Zone 5Feather Reed GrassOrnamental GrassesA narrow, upright ornamental grass which lends good vertical interest in thelandscape; the tawny inflorescence has impact until late Winter.Carex albula “Frosty Curls” [18” - 24”] Zone 6“Frosty Curls” CarexSilvery-white, fine-textured foliage with a slight curl. Mass plantings will create avisual of flowing water. Grows well in shade.Carex morrowi “Ice Dance” [12” - 15”] Zone 5“Ice Dance” Carex"Ice Dance" CarexStiff leaves, dark green in the center with clean white borders. Does well in moistsoils and part to full sun.Festuca ovina “Elijah Blue” [8” - 10”] Zone 4“Elijah Blue” GrassSmall, blue, tufted grass useful in the garden as an accent."Elijah Blue" GrassHakonechloa macra “All Gold” [18”] Zone 6“All Gold” Japanese Forest GrassThis lovely cascading forest Grass has striking golden color when receiving somesunlight; performs best in partial shade.Hakonechloa macra “Beni-Kaze” [2½’] Zone 5“Beni-Kaze” Japanese Forest GrassGreen mound of foliage with striking red tones in the Fall; grows best in partialshade."All Gold" Jap. Forest Grass1-800-868-8676 103

Ornamental GrassesHakonechloa macra “Fubuki” [10” x 16”] Zone 5“Fubuki” Japanese Forest Grass(P.P. 21757) This white and green striped grass is strikingly different from all theother Hakonechloas on the market. Cool weather brings out luscious pink highlights.Dwarf, very compact and mounding. Spreads slowly.Imperata cylindrica “Red Baron” [18”] Zone 6“Red Baron” Japanese Blood GrassLong, green blades with brilliant red tips; especially effective in mass plantings oras a specimen."Fubuki" Jap. Forest GrassLeymus arenarius “Blue Dune” [2’ - 3’] Zone 4Blue Lyme GrassMetallic blue-gray foliage forms an arching clump that is tolerant of sand, sun anddrought; rhizomatous spreader, good for banks and erosion control.Miscanthus sinensis “Cosmopolitan” [5’ x 7’] Zone 5Variegated Reed GrassAn excellent variegated Miscanthus that has very broad, green leaves with whitemargins; grows best in full sun."Red Baron" Jap. Blood GrassMiscanthus sinensis “Gracillimus” [5’ - 8’] Zone 5Maiden GrassA fine-textured grass, valuable for its upright habit; a graceful and elegant ornamental.Miscanthus sinensis “Morning Light” [4’ - 5’] Zone 5“Morning Light” GrassGreen blades with creamy-white margins; silvery appearance; reddish-bronzeplumes in late Summer.Blue Lyme Grass104 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Miscanthus sinensis “Yaku-jima” [3’ - 4’] Zone 6Dwarf Maiden GrassOrnamental GrassesThis compact grass has narrow leaves and a vase-shaped growth habit; feathery,copper-red flowers appear early in Fall and remain attractive through Winter.Muhlenbergia capillaris [3’ x 3’] Zone 5Gulf MuhlygrassA North American native grass with airy inflorescence often colored pink topurplish-red; very drought tolerant.Panicum virgatum “Cloud Nine” [6’ x 7’] Zone 5“Cloud Nine” Switch GrassGulf MuhlygrassTall, light blue foliage topped with golden panicles in Summer; turns beige forWinter interest.Panicum virgatum “Heavy Metal” [3’ x 4’] Zone 5Blue Switch GrassNarrow, upright form with metallic-blue foliage and purple-green spikelets in earlyFall; this selection is drought tolerant and a great wildlife cover.Panicum virgatum “Shenandoah” [3’ x 4’] Zone 5“Shenandoah” Switch Grass"Shenandoah" Switch GrassRed-leafed ornamental grass that colors up by June; this compact slow-growerhas plum-red panicles.Pennisetum alopecuroides “Hameln” [18” x 24”] Zone 5Dwarf Fountain GrassRose-colored blooms turn to a coppery-tan and arch gracefully above foliage;they appear from late Summer through Fall; more compact than the species;drought tolerant."Hameln" Dwarf Fountain Grass1-800-868-8676 105

Ornamental GrassesSaccharum ravennae [14’ x 6’] Zone 5Ravenna GrassLarge scale specimen which requires full sun and well-drained soil; usually usedin substitution for Pampas Grass, though its plumes are not as broad.Sporobolus heterolepis [2’ x 2’] Zone 3Prairie DropseedPrairie DropseedThis clump-forming prairie grass features fine-textured, hair-like, medium greenleaves that grow in arching foliage mounds. Foliage turns copper-gold in Fall,gradually fading to light beige by winter. Late summer flowers bloom in airypanicles above the foliage and are noted for their coriander-like fragrance.106 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Adiantum pedatum [18”] Zone 3Northern Maidenhair or Five-fingered FernFernsDelicate fronds, with dark, shiny stems, spread their pinnae horizontally in anearly perfect circle. This graceful, fan-like pattern is unique among native ferns.Burgundy-red fiddleheads appear in early spring.Athyrium filix femina [12” x 12”] Zone 4Tatting FernNicknamed for the most distinctive round lobes along each stem. Said to resemblehandmade lace.Athyrium “Lady in Red” [18”] Zone 4“Lady in Red” FernFive-fingered FernLacy, light green foliage is held on vividly-contrasting red-violet stems.Cyrtomium falcatum [2’ x 2’] Zone 6Japanese Holly FernForms a rounded mound with spreading, glossy, dark green fronds reaching alength of 8 - 24”. This fern has holly-like pinnae and sori scattered over theunderside of the pinnae."Brilliance" Autumn FernDryopteris erythrosora “Brilliance” [12” x 24”] Zone 5“Brilliance” Autumn FernA more colorful form of the ever-popular Autumn Fern. Young fronds are lustrousand have an orange-coppery pink color. The fronds, at maturity, turn green andretain the glossy sheen.Dryopteris filix-mas [2’] Zone 4Male FernA robust deciduous fern forming a shuttlecock-like tuft of lance-shaped, bipinnatifidfronds.Male Fern1-800-868-8676 107

FernsDryopteris Tokyoensis [18” x 18”] Zone 5Tokyo Wood FernThis deciduous Dryopteris is a slender, vase-shaped plant with narrow fronds thatare held stiffly erect.Matteuccia struthiopteris “The King” [4’ x 4’] Zone 3“The King” Ostrich FernLarge fluffy shuttlecock-shaped crowns add a lush, verdant appearance towoodland borders. Spreads to form colonies.Polystichum acrostichoides [2’ x 2’] Zone 3Christmas FernExtremely hardy; new fronds unfurl in a beautiful silvery flush and mature to arich, dark green; classic fern shape; an evergreen fern formerly used for Christmasdecorations."The King" Ostrich FernPolystichum polyblepharum [18” x 24”] Zone 6Japanese Tassel FernThis evergreen has the shiniest foliage of all the ornamental ferns; as the frondsunfurl they flip backward appearing like a tassel; as they mature they rightthemselves to a more normal frond appearance.Christmas Fern108 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Ajuga reptans “Black Scallop” [3” x 12”] Zone 4“Black Scallop” BugleweedGround Covers(P.P. 15815) An exciting black Ajuga with beautiful glossy leaves; blue flowers inSpring.Arctostaphylos uva-ursi “Massachusetts” [6”] Zone 2“Massachusetts” BearberryThis northeast native has shiny evergreen foliage on woody stems forming broad,thick mats over time. Small pinkish-white flowers in Summer followed by scarletberries. Grows best in sandy or well-drained soils that are acidic. Prefers full sun.Gaultheria procumbens [6” x 2’] Zone 3Creeping Wintergreen"Black Scallop" BugleweedDense creeping groundcover spreading by underground stems. Evergreen,glossy oval leaves turn reddish at the onset of cold weather. Small flowers arefollowed by long-lasting scarlet berries.Hedera Helix [6” - 8”] Zone 4English IvyA coarse-textured, evergreen ground cover that prefers rich soils, good drainage,and at least partial shade. Lushly beautiful, given the proper conditions."Massachusetts" BearberryHypericum x “Hidcote” [3’ x 3’] Zone 5“Hidcote” St. JohnswortLush, deciduous ground cover with yellow flowers throughout Summer.Liriope muscari “Big Blue” [12”] Zone 5“Big Blue” LiriopeMore coarse and vigorous than the species, “Big Blue” was bred for its largeviolet-blue flowers and broad, dark green leaves."Hidcote" St. Johnswort1-800-868-8676 109

Ground CoversLiriope muscari “Variegata” [12”] Zone 5Variegated LiriopeLeaves are dark green with bold, variegated edges. More compact than thespecies in growth habit.Pachysandra terminalis [6” - 12”] Zone 4Japanese SpurgeFoliage is rich and succulent. When in flower, it reminds one of Pieris japonica. Itperforms well if given the shade and moist, acidic soil it wants.Japanese SpurgeSarcococca humilis “Sarsid 1” [18” x 3’] Zone 6Sweetbox(P.P. 19942) A spreading evergreen groundcover that sports clusters of smallwhite flowers that despite their size, pack a punch in fragrance late Winter to earlySpring.Vinca minor [3” - 6”] Zone 3PeriwinkleTrailing, evergreen ground cover. It is tolerant of some sunshine. Bright blueSpring flowers make this plant popular.Sweetbox110 www.waynesboronurseries.com

Ball Weights and Number Per LoadDiameter of BallTrailer LoadsNumber Per Load18” balls................................................................................................................ 225-275/load22” balls................................................................................................................ 120-130/load24” balls................................................................................................................ 100-110/load28” balls.....................................................................................................................80-95/load32” balls.....................................................................................................................50-60/load36” balls.....................................................................................................................35-40/load40” balls.....................................................................................................................28-35/load44” balls.....................................................................................................................22-26/load48” balls.....................................................................................................................20-25/load50” balls..................................................................................................................... 14-17/load60” balls....................................................................................................................... 8-10/load70” balls......................................................................................................................... 5-8/load80” balls......................................................................................................................... 2-3/load90” balls......................................................................................................................... 2-3/load(The figures above may vary with soil moisture content and size of tree head.)Ball WeightsDiameter of BallApproximate Weight10”.......................................................................................................................................30 lbs12”.......................................................................................................................................45 lbs14”.......................................................................................................................................70 lbs16”.................................................................................................................................... 100 lbs18”.................................................................................................................................... 150 lbs20”.................................................................................................................................... 200 lbs22”.................................................................................................................................... 250 lbs24”.................................................................................................................................... 300 lbs26”.................................................................................................................................... 450 lbs28”.................................................................................................................................... 600 lbs32”.................................................................................................................................... 750 lbs36”................................................................................................................................. 1,150 lbs40”.................................................................................................................................1,600 lbs42”.................................................................................................................................1,800 lbs50”.................................................................................................................................3,000 lbs60”......................................................................................................................4,500-5,500 lbs70”......................................................................................................................5,500-6,500 lbs80”......................................................................................................................7,000-9,000 lbs90”................................................................................................................... 8,000-10,000 lbs(The figures above may vary with soil moisture content.)111

IndexAAbelia ............................ 11Abies ............................ 11Acer ....................... 12 -17Achillea.......................... 92Adiantum..................... 107Aesculus......................... 17Ajuga .......................... 109Amelanchier.................. 17American Holly............ 49American Hornbeam... 28Amur Maple.................. 12Andromeda................... 66Arborvitae......... 62 , 81 -83Arctostaphylos............ 109Aronia....................... 17 -18Arrowwood Viburnum. 86Ash ............................ 41Aster ............................ 92Astilbe....................... 92 -93Athyrium..................... 107Austrian Pine................ 67Autumn Fern............... 107Azalea ..........18 -21 , 74- 75BBald Cypress.................. 80Ball Weights ............... 111Bamboo.......................... 63Barberry.................... 21-23Bayberry........................ 63Bearberry..................... 109Beautyberry................... 27Beauty Bush................... 56Bee Balm...................... 100Beech ............................ 40Berberis..................... 21 -23Betula ............................ 23Bigtooth Maple............. 13Birch ............................ 23Birdcherry..................... 69Bird’s Nest Spruce......... 65Black Eyed Susan........ 101Blackgum.................. 63 -64Blackhaw Viburnum.... 87Black Tupelo............. 63 -64Blueberry....................... 85Blue Lyme Grass......... 104Blue Mist Shrub............ 28Border Pinks................. 94Boxwood................... 25-27Buckeye.......................... 17Buddleia................... 23 - 25Bugleweed................... 109Burning Bush........... 38 -39Bur Oak.......................... 72Bush Cinquefoil............ 68Butterfly Bush......... 23- 25Buttonbush.................... 29Buxus ...................... 25- 27CCalamagrostis.............. 103Callicarpa....................... 27Calluna........................... 27Calycanthus................... 27Carex .......................... 103Carolina Allspice.......... 27Carolina Silverbell........ 43Carpinus........................ 28Caryopteris.................... 28Cedar ............................ 28Cedrus............................ 28Celtis ............................ 28Cephalanthus................ 29Cephalotaxus................. 29Cercis ....................... 29 -30Chaenomeles............ 30 -31Chamaecyparis........ 31 -32Cherry....................... 68 -71Chionanthus.................. 32Chokeberry............. 17- 18Christmas Fern........... 108Cinquefoil...................... 68Cladrastis....................... 32Clethra...................... 32 -33Coffeetree...................... 43Color Tags........................ 7Common Sweetshrub.. 27Coneflower.............. 94- 95Coral Bells..................... 97Coral Berry.................... 79Coreopsis.................. 93 -94Corneliancherry........... 35Cornus...................... 33 -36Cotinus........................... 36Cotoneaster.............. 36 -37Crabapple................. 61 -62Cranberry Bush............ 86Crapemyrtle............. 56 -57Crataegus....................... 37Creeping Wintergreen. 109Cryptomeria.................. 37Cupressocyparis............ 37Cypress. 31 ,32,37,38,80, 83Cyrtomium.................. 107DDawn Redwood............ 62Daylily....................... 95 -96Deutzia........................... 38Dianthus........................ 94Directions........................ 3Discount Program.......... 7Dogwood.................. 32 -36Doublefile Viburnum... 87Dropseed..................... 106Dryopteris............ 107 -108EEchinacea.................. 94 -95Elderberry...................... 78Elm ....................... 84 -85English Ivy................... 109English Oak................... 73Euonymus................. 38 -39Euopean Birdcherry..... 69European Beech............ 40Europ. Cranberry Bush. 86European Hornbeam... 28Exochorda...................... 39FFagus ............................ 40False Cypress............ 31 -32Fern .................. 107 -108Festuca......................... 103Fetterbush...................... 57Fir ............................ 11Firethorn........................ 71Five-fingered Fern...... 107Flowering Cherry.... 68 -71Forsythia........................ 40Fothergilla..................... 41Fountain Grass............ 105Franklin......................... 41Franklinia...................... 41Fraxinus......................... 41Fringetree...................... 32GGardenia........................ 42Garden Pinks................. 94Gaultheria.................... 109Genista........................... 42Ginkgo........................... 42Gleditsia......................... 42Golden Ray.................. 100Grass .................. 103 -106Gum ...................... 63- 64Gymnocladus................ 43HHackberry...................... 28Hakonechloa....... 103 -104Halesia............................ 43Hamamelis................ 43 -44Hardiness Zones.......... 1 8Hawthorn...................... 37Hedera.......................... 109Hedge Maple................. 12Hemerocallis............ 95 -96Hemlock........................ 84Heuchera....................... 97Hibiscus......................... 44Higan Cherry................ 70History........................... 10Holly ...................... 47 -52Honeysuckle.................. 59Hophornbeam............... 64Hornbeam..................... 28Hosta ...................... 97 -99Hours of Operation..... 1 3Hydrangea................ 44 -47Hypericum............ 47, 109Ilex ....................... 47 -52Inkberry......................... 49Iris .................... 99 -100Itea ............................ 52IJJap. Andromeda............ 66Jap. Black Pine............... 67Jap. Blood Grass.......... 104Jap. Forest Grass.. 103-104Jap. Holly.................. 48 -49Jap. Plum Yew................ 29Jap. Spurge................... 110Jap. Tassel Fern............ 108Jap. Maple...................... 13Juniper....................... 52-56Juniperus................... 52 -56KKalmia............................ 56Kentucky Coffeetree..... 43Koelreuteria................... 56Kolkwitzia...................... 56Kousa Dogwood...... 34-35LLagerstroemia.......... 56 -57Laurel ....................... 56 -69Leatherleaf Viburnum.. 87Leucothoe...................... 57112

Leymus......................... 104Ligularia....................... 100Ligustrum...................... 57Lilac ............................ 80Limber Pine................... 66Linden....................... 83 -84Lindera........................... 57Liquidambar.................. 58Liriodendron................. 58Liriope.................. 109 -110Locust ............................ 42Lonicera......................... 59MMaackia.......................... 59Magnolia................... 58 -60Maiden Grass...... 104 -105Maidenhair or............. 107Male Fern..................... 107Malus ...................... 61- 62Maple ...................... 12 -17Matteuccia................... 108Meadow Sage............... 101Metasequoia.................. 62Microbiota..................... 62Miscanthus.......... 104 -105Mockorange................... 64Monarda...................... 100Mountain Laurel........... 56Mugo Pine..................... 66Muhlenbergia.............. 105Muhlygrass.................. 105Myrica............................ 63NNandina......................... 63Ninebark........................ 64Northern Red Oak........ 73Norway Maple............... 14Norway Spruce.............. 65Nyssa ....................... 63 -64OOak ....................... 72 -73Oakleaf Hydrangea.. 46 -47Oriental Dogwood....... 34Oriental Poppy.... 100 -101Ostrich Fern................ 108Ostrya ............................ 64Oxydendrum................. 64PPachysandra................ 110Panicum....................... 105Papaver................. 100-101Paperbark Maple........... 13Pear ............................ 71Pearl-Bush..................... 39Pennisetum.................. 105Pepperbush.................... 32Periwinkle.................... 110Perovskia...................... 101Philadelphus.................. 64Physocarpus.................. 64Picea ....................... 65 -66Pieris ............................ 66Pine ....................... 66-67Pin Oak.......................... 72Pinus ....................... 66-67Planetree................... 67 68Platanus..................... 67 68Plum ............................ 68Polygonatum............... 101Polystichum................. 108Poppy .................. 100-101Potentilla........................ 68Prairie Dropseed......... 106Privet ............................ 57Prunus....................... 68 -71Pyracantha..................... 71Pyrus ............................ 71QQuercus..................... 72- 73Quince....................... 30 -31RRaintree.......................... 56Ravenna Grass............ 106Redbud...................... 29-30Redcedar........................ 55Redleaf Jap..................... 14Red Oak......................... 73Red Pine......................... 67Red Twig Dogwood. 33-35Reed Grass........... 103-104Rhododendron........ 73 -76Rhus ............................ 76River Birch..................... 23Rosa ....................... 76-77Rose ...................... 76 -77Rose of Sharon.............. 44Rudbeckia.................... 101Russian Arborvitae....... 62Russian Sage................ 101SSaccharum................... 106Sage .......................... 101Sales Team....................... 4Salix ....................... 77-78Salvia .......................... 101Sambucus....................... 78Sand Cherry.................. 70Sarcococca................... 110Scabiosa....................... 102Scarlet Maple................. 14Scarlet Oak.................... 72Scotch Heather Shrub.. 27Scotch Pine.................... 67Sedum .......................... 102Serviceberry.................. 17Shumard Oak................ 73Siberian Iris........... 99 -100Slender Deutzia............. 38Smokebush.................... 36Snowball Viburnum..... 86Snowbell........................ 79Sour Gum................. 63 -64Sourwood...................... 64Spanish Gorse............... 42Speedwell..................... 102Spicebush....................... 57Spiraea....................... 78 -79Spirea ....................... 78-79Sporobolus................... 106Spruce ....................... 65 -66Spurge .......................... 110Staff .............................. 5St. Johnswort......... 47 , 109Styrax ............................ 79Sugar Maple.............. 15-16Sumac ............................ 76Summersweet........... 32 -33Swamp White Oak........ 72Sweetbay Magnolia....... 59Sweetbox...................... 110Sweetgum...................... 58Sweetshrub.................... 27Sweetspire...................... 52Switch Grass................ 105Symphoricarpos............ 79Syringa........................... 80TTaxodium....................... 80Taxus ....................... 80 -81Tea Viburnum............... 87Terms and Conditions.... 6Thuja ....................... 81 -83Tickseed.................... 93 -94Tilia ....................... 83 -84Tsuga ............................ 84Tulip Tree....................... 58UUlmus ...................... 84-85VVaccinium...................... 85Verbena........................ 102Veronica....................... 102Viburnum................. 85 -89Vinca .......................... 110WWeeping Cherry............ 70Weeping Redbud..... 29 -30Weeping Willow........... 77Weigela...................... 89 -90White Birch................... 23White Oak..................... 72White Pine..................... 67White Spruce................. 65Willow................ 73 , 77 -78Willow Oak................... 73Winterberry Holly........ 50Wintercreeper............... 39Witchhazel................ 43 -44XXanthorhiza................... 90YYarrow............................ 92Yellowroot...................... 90Yellow Twig Dogwood. 33Yellowwood................... 32Yew ....................... 80 -81Yoshino Cherry............. 71ZZelkova...................... 90 -91113


Woody<strong>Waynesboro</strong> <strong>Nurseries</strong>, <strong>Inc</strong>. is a member of:The American Nursery and Landscape AssociationThe Landscape Contractors Association-- MD-DC-VAThe Maryland Nursery and Landscape AssociationThe North Carolina Landscape Contractors AssociationThe Pennsylvania Nursery and Landscape AssociationThe Shenandoah Valley Nurserymen’s AssociationThe Southern Nursery AssociationThe Virginia Nursery and Landscape AssociationThe <strong>Wholesale</strong> Nursery Growers of AmericaAmerican Society of Landscape Architects1-800-868-8676 115

WoodyP O Box 987<strong>Waynesboro</strong> VA 22980Phone: 540-946-3800 * 800-868-8676Fax: 540-946-3814www.waynesboronurseries.com1-800-868-8676 116

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