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1GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESHCABINET SECRETARIATCabinet DivisionThe National An<strong>the</strong>m Rules, <strong>1978</strong>(Amended up to July, 2005)NOTIFICATIONDhaka, <strong>the</strong> 25 th October, <strong>1978</strong>No. 6/1/78-Rules.–– In exercise of <strong>the</strong> powers conferred by Article 5 of<strong>the</strong> Bangladesh National An<strong>the</strong>m, Flag and Emblem Order, 1972 (P.O.No. 130of 1972), <strong>the</strong> Government is pleased to make <strong>the</strong> following <strong>rules</strong>, namely :––1. Short title and commencement.–– (1) These <strong>rules</strong> may be called<strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>m Rules, <strong>1978</strong>.(2) They shall come into force at once.2. Playing of <strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>m.–– So much of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m of Bangladesh as is specified in column (2) of Schedule I shall beplayed on <strong>the</strong> occasions specified in column (1) <strong>the</strong>reof.2A. Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 2, <strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>mshall also be played on such occasions, to such extent and at such places as maybe determined by <strong>the</strong> Government from time to time.3. National An<strong>the</strong>m to be played in certain public meetings.–– Incase a foreign mission in Bangladesh wishes to play its National An<strong>the</strong>m at apublic function in Bangladesh, prior permission of <strong>the</strong> Ministry of ForeignAffairs shall be necessary. If permission is accorded, <strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>m ofBangladesh shall also be played in that function before <strong>the</strong> foreign NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m is played.4. Respect to be shown to <strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>m.–– When <strong>the</strong>National An<strong>the</strong>m is being played on <strong>the</strong> arrival of a dignitary or on <strong>the</strong>ceremonial hoisting of <strong>the</strong> Bangladesh Flag, all ranks in uniform, not beingunder <strong>the</strong> orders of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Office</strong>r Commanding a parade, shall stand to attention;and all <strong>Office</strong>rs, including spectator officers in uniform, Junior Commissioned<strong>Office</strong>rs, Warrant officers and Non-Commissioned <strong>Office</strong>rs shall stand toattention saluting at <strong>the</strong> first note of <strong>the</strong> An<strong>the</strong>m and shall keep in that positionuntil <strong>the</strong> last note of <strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>m has been played. When <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m is played and <strong>the</strong> National flag is displayed, all present shall face <strong>the</strong>flag; when <strong>the</strong> flag is not displayed, all present shall face <strong>the</strong> musicians/ band;civilians in Western head dress shall uncover <strong>the</strong>ir heads and civilians inany o<strong>the</strong>r head dress shall stand to attention.

25. Singing of National An<strong>the</strong>m by civilians.–– (1) The NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m may be sung on an occasion which, though not strictlyceremonial is significant because of <strong>the</strong> presence of any Minister.(2) In all schools, <strong>the</strong> day’s work shall begin with <strong>the</strong> singing of<strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>m.(3) Whenever <strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>m is sung, <strong>the</strong> whole of it shallbe sung.6. Procedure to be followed by Defence Services.–– (1) All unitin possession of an authorised band shall provide <strong>the</strong>mselves with copiesof <strong>the</strong> scores of National An<strong>the</strong>ms of all nations and all <strong>the</strong> regimentalmarches of <strong>the</strong> Bangladesh Defence Services.7. The National An<strong>the</strong>m Shall be played only in accordance with<strong>the</strong> approved notation of <strong>the</strong> song.8. The National An<strong>the</strong>m, its English translation and rendition inRoman script are shown in Annexure “A”, “B” and “C” of Schedule III.

3SCHUDULE I[see rule 2]OccasionsExtent to which to be played1 21. Shaheed Dibash (The 21 st dayof February every year).2. Independence Day (The 26 th dayof March every year).3. National Revolution Day (The7 th day of November everyyear).4. Victory Day (The 16 th Day ofDecember every year).5. When <strong>the</strong> President enters <strong>the</strong>Sangsad Chamber to address<strong>the</strong> Parliament and on <strong>the</strong>conclusion of his address.6. Oath-taking ceremony of <strong>the</strong>President and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Prime</strong>Minister.7. When <strong>the</strong> President receives<strong>the</strong> President’s salute at anyceremonial parade.8. At a function where <strong>the</strong>President is present as <strong>the</strong>Chief Guest.(a) Full National An<strong>the</strong>m to beplayed at <strong>the</strong> beginning andimmediately on conclusionof <strong>the</strong> function.(b) In <strong>the</strong> case of parade, firsttwo lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m to be played at <strong>the</strong>beginning.Ditto.Ditto.Ditto.Full National An<strong>the</strong>m to beplayed on both <strong>the</strong> occasions.First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m to be played on arrivaland departure of <strong>the</strong> President and<strong>the</strong> <strong>Prime</strong> Minister.First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m to be played on <strong>the</strong>“President’s command Salute“President’s: Present Arms”.First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m to be played on arrivaland departure of <strong>the</strong> President.

9. At a function where <strong>the</strong> toastto <strong>the</strong> President is proposedand <strong>the</strong> President himself ispresent.10. At a function where <strong>the</strong> toastto <strong>the</strong> President is proposedand <strong>the</strong> President is notpresent.4First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m to be played preceded by<strong>the</strong> drum roll before <strong>the</strong> toast isdrunk.First two lines on <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m to be played preceded by<strong>the</strong> drum roll before <strong>the</strong> toast isdrunk.11. * * * * * *12. At <strong>the</strong> time of presenting aGuard of Honour to <strong>the</strong> Headof State or Head ofGovernment o f a foreigncountry on official or statevisit to Bangladesh.13. At a function held by <strong>the</strong>President or by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Prime</strong>Minister in honour of a head ofa foreign state.14. At an official function held byforeign missions inBangladesh.15. At a function held in honour of<strong>the</strong> head of a foreign state byhis own representative inBangladesh or by a publicbody.First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m to be played. (TheNational An<strong>the</strong>m of <strong>the</strong> countryof <strong>the</strong> visitor is to be played first.)First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m preceded by drum roll tobe played at <strong>the</strong> time of <strong>the</strong>guest’s arrival and departure.(The National An<strong>the</strong>m of <strong>the</strong>foreign state concerned to beplayed first followed by <strong>the</strong>National An<strong>the</strong>m of Bangladesh.)First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m preceded by drum roll tobe played immediately on <strong>the</strong>termination of function. (TheNational An<strong>the</strong>m of Bangladeshto be played first followed by <strong>the</strong>National An<strong>the</strong>m of <strong>the</strong> foreignstate concerned.)First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m preceded by drum roll tobe played at <strong>the</strong> time of <strong>the</strong>guest’s arrival and departure.(The National An<strong>the</strong>m ofBangladesh shall be played after<strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>m of <strong>the</strong>foreign state concerned.)

516. At a function held by <strong>the</strong>President or by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Prime</strong>Minister in honour of a foreign<strong>Prime</strong> Minister.17. At a function held in honour ofa foreign <strong>Prime</strong> Minister by hisown representative inBangladesh or by a publicbody.18. When a new Ambassador orHigh Commissioner of adiplomatic mission inspects <strong>the</strong>Guard of Honour at <strong>the</strong>President’s House on <strong>the</strong>occasion of <strong>the</strong> ceremony ofpresentation of credential.19. When an Ambassador or HighCommissioner of Bangladeshpresents his credential to <strong>the</strong>foreign Head of State.20. When <strong>the</strong> Presidentinaugurates an officialfunction.21. When <strong>the</strong> President broadcaststo <strong>the</strong> Nation.First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m preceded by drum roll tobe played on arrival and departureof <strong>the</strong> foreign <strong>Prime</strong> Minister.(The National An<strong>the</strong>m of <strong>the</strong>foreign country concerned to beplayed first followed by <strong>the</strong>National An<strong>the</strong>m of Bangladesh.)First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m preceded by drum roll tobe played at <strong>the</strong> time of <strong>the</strong>guest’s arrival and departure.(The National An<strong>the</strong>m ofBangladesh shall be played after<strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>m of <strong>the</strong>foreign state concerned.)First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m preceded by drum rollon <strong>the</strong> command “President’ssalute: Present Arms.”Where playing of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m is in accordance with <strong>the</strong>practice of <strong>the</strong> foreign stateconcerned first two lines of <strong>the</strong>National An<strong>the</strong>m to be played.First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m to be played on arrivaland departure of <strong>the</strong> President.First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m at <strong>the</strong> beginning and on<strong>the</strong> termination of <strong>the</strong> broadcast.22. On State funeral. First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m to be played preceded bydrum roll immediately afterburial.23. At <strong>the</strong> beginning of <strong>the</strong> cinemashows.First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m to be played preceded bydrum roll.

624. At <strong>the</strong> conclusion of <strong>the</strong> day’sTV and radio programme.25. When President’s salute isgiven to a foreign Head ofState or Member of foreignReigning Imperial and RoyalFamily, Foreign AmbassadorHigh Commissioner andforeign representatives ofequal status.26. When <strong>the</strong> toast to Bangladeshis proposed.27. When <strong>the</strong> <strong>Prime</strong> Minister ispresent as <strong>the</strong> chief guest at <strong>the</strong>‘Independence Award’distribution ceremony.First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m to be played.First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m to be played on <strong>the</strong>command “President’s Salute:Present Arms” (National An<strong>the</strong>mof <strong>the</strong> foreign country concernedto be played first followed by <strong>the</strong>Bangladesh National An<strong>the</strong>m).First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m to be played preceded bydrum roll.First two lines of <strong>the</strong> NationalAn<strong>the</strong>m to be played on arrivaland departure of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Prime</strong>Minister.Notes––(a) First two lines of <strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>m are as under––ÒAvgvi †mvbvi evsjv, Avwg †Zvgvq fvjevwm|wPiw`b †Zvgvi AvKvk, †Zvgvi evZvm, Avgvi cÖv‡Y evRvq euvwkÓ(b) Whenever <strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>m is played as part of a Salute, allranks in Military uniforms both under <strong>the</strong> orders of an <strong>Office</strong>rCommanding and not under <strong>the</strong> orders of an officer Commanding aparade shall stand to attention and salute.(c) Foreign National An<strong>the</strong>m shall be played in full unless arecognised abbreviation is known to exist.(d) The National An<strong>the</strong>m shall not be played for anybody o<strong>the</strong>r than<strong>the</strong> President on board a Naval Ship.[Schedule II was Omitted by Notification No. SRO/ 94/Law/89dt.29-3-89]SCHUDULE III[See rule 8](1) The National An<strong>the</strong>m .. .. .. Annexure ‘A’(2) English Translation of <strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>m .. Annexure ‘B’(3) Rendition in Roman Script of <strong>the</strong> National An<strong>the</strong>m .. Annexure ‘C’

8ANNEXURE ‘C’NATIONAL ANTHEM OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESHRendition in Roman ScriptBy order of <strong>the</strong> PresidentM. KERAMAT ALICabinet Secretary

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