Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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II -: II ;I lINSTITUTURDDE PARIS<strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>d'information</strong>I N° 134-135Mai-Juin 1996I

. Ce bull<strong>et</strong>in paraît en français. allemand, anglais,kur<strong>de</strong>, espagnol <strong>et</strong> turc.Prix au numéro: France: 30 FF - Etranger: 35 FFAbonnement annuel (12 numéros) France: 300 FF - Etranger: 350 FF-"'1DirecteurPériodique mensuel<strong>de</strong> la publication : Mohamad HASSANr .Numéro <strong>de</strong> la Commission Paritaire: 659 15 A.S.ISSN 0761 1285INSTITUT KURDE, 106, rue La Fay<strong>et</strong>te -75010 PARISTél. : (1) 48246464 - Fax: 47709904

Sommaire:,• POUR ECHAPPER AUX POURSUITES JUDICIAIRESMME. ÇILLER PROVOQUE LA CHUTE DU CABINET TURC• ANKARA: ARRESTATION D'UNE QUARANTAINE DEDIRIGEANTS DU PARTI PRO-KURDE HADEP• TENSION A LA FRONTIÈRE TURCO-SYRIENNE• STRASBOURG: LE PARLEMENT EUROPÉEN EXIGE ÀNOUVEAU UN RÈGLEMENT POLITIQUE ET PACIFIQUEDE LA QUESTIONKURDE EN TURQUIE• LE COMITÉ EUROPÉEN POUR LA PRÉVENTION DELA TORTURE INSPECTE LES PRISONS TURQUES• MOSCOU: LES RUSSES TENTÉS PAR LA CARTE KURDE?• ISTANBUL: LA CONFÉRENCE HABITAT Il DE L'ONU• AINSI QUE, ..• EN BREF, LA REVUE DE PRESSEPOUR ÉCHAPPER AUX POURSUITES JUDICIAIRESMIl~ÇILLER PROVOQUELA CHUTE DU CABINET TURCN voulant régler trop vite ses <strong>de</strong>ux affaires <strong>de</strong> corruption danscomptesavec sa rivaleTansu l'attribution <strong>de</strong> marchés publics <strong>et</strong> unÇiller,le Premierministr<strong>et</strong>urc scandale <strong>de</strong> détournements <strong>de</strong> fondsMesut Yilmaz a provoqué la secr<strong>et</strong>s du gouvernement, Tansu Çillerchute prématurée <strong>de</strong> sa craignantd'être déférée<strong>de</strong>vant la Hautecoalition gouvernementale. Cour <strong>de</strong> justice a décidé, le 3 juin, <strong>de</strong>Aux abois après sa mise en causedans r<strong>et</strong>irerle soutien<strong>de</strong> son parti <strong>de</strong> la JusteVoie (DYP) à la coalitiongouvernementale en accusant sonpartenaire M. Yilmaz <strong>de</strong> «vilenie» <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>«déloyauté». Le 8 juin, lors du vote <strong>de</strong> lamotion<strong>de</strong> censuredéposée par le Refah(parti <strong>de</strong> prospérité) islamiste, le DYP ajoint ses voix à celles <strong>de</strong> l'oppositionentraînant ainsi la chute <strong>de</strong> l'éphémèrecabin<strong>et</strong> Yilmaz <strong>et</strong> en plongeant le paysdans une nouvelle crise gouvernementale.Laveille <strong>de</strong> ce scrutin, ne sefaisant guère d'illusions, Mesut Yilmazavaitprésentésa démission.

.4. <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>d'information</strong> n° 134-135. Mai - Juin 1996STRASBOURG:lE PARLEMENT EUROPÉEN EXIGE À NOUVEAUUN RÈGLEMENTPOLITIQUE ET PACIFIQUEDE lA QUESTION KURDE EN TURQUIEANS une résolution votée, lejeudi 19 juin, le Parlementeuropéen, qui rappelle à laTurquie ses engageme~ts visà vis <strong>de</strong> la Déclaration <strong>de</strong>Barcelone <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> laConvention européenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong>l'homme, dont la Turquie est un <strong>de</strong>ssignataires,.exige la libération <strong>de</strong> Mme.lana, Prix Sakharov <strong>de</strong> la liberté <strong>de</strong>l'esprit <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> ses trois autres collèguesparlementaires. Par ailleurs, leslégislateurs européens se disent«préoccupés» par' la poursuite <strong>de</strong>sopérations militaires turques dans lesrégions kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> le refus <strong>de</strong> la Turquie<strong>de</strong> rechercher <strong>de</strong>s voies d'un règlementpacifique <strong>de</strong> la question kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong> «invitele gouvernement turc à m<strong>et</strong>tre fin à sesopérations mi/flaires dans le Sud-Est dupays <strong>et</strong> à entamer <strong>de</strong>s négociations avecl'ensemble <strong>de</strong>s organisations kur<strong>de</strong>s envue <strong>de</strong> débloquer la situatiom>.Les eurodéputésdans c<strong>et</strong>te résolution font unexamen critique global <strong>de</strong> la situation<strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme alarmante danslaquelle se trouve aujourd'hui la Turquie.Ils se disent vivement préoccupés par lacondamnation du Dr. Seyf<strong>et</strong>tin Kizilkan,prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> l'ordre <strong>de</strong>s mé<strong>de</strong>cins <strong>de</strong>Diyarbakir,par la Cour <strong>de</strong> sûr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong> l'Étatà plus <strong>de</strong> trois ans <strong>de</strong> prison ainsi que lespersécutions à l'encontre <strong>de</strong> l'écrivainYachar Kemal, du sociologue IsmailBesikci, <strong>et</strong> le traitement réservé auxprisonniers politiques, qui sont en grève<strong>de</strong> la faim contre les mesures Iibertici<strong>de</strong>srécemmentadoptéespar le ministre<strong>de</strong> lajustice, ancien chef <strong>de</strong> la sécuritéd'Istanbul <strong>et</strong> surnommé «le super-.tortionnaire». Le PE<strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>, en outre,aux autorités turques <strong>de</strong> reconnaître lesdroits <strong>de</strong> tous les Kur<strong>de</strong>s vivant dans lepays <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> faciliter le rapatriement <strong>de</strong>tous les Kur<strong>de</strong>s déplacés<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> perm<strong>et</strong>treà la Croix-Rougeinternationale<strong>de</strong> visiterles prisons <strong>et</strong> les prisonnierspolitiques.Ilpresse /e Conseil<strong>de</strong>s ministreseuropéen«à inscrire la question kur<strong>de</strong> à l'ordre dujour <strong>de</strong> l'OSCE <strong>et</strong> à rechercher tous lesmoyens qui perm<strong>et</strong>tront d'encourager lesinitiatives visant à régler les questions<strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s enTurquie».Depuis 1994, les résolutions <strong>de</strong>sinstitutionseuropéennesse suivent <strong>et</strong> seressemblentsans impact notable sur lesdirigeants turcs. Rappelons, à titred'exemple récent, la résolution adoptéele jeudi 25 avril, à Strasbourg, où lesparlementaires<strong>de</strong>s 39 pays que comptele Conseil <strong>de</strong> l'Europe, affirmentnotammentqu'«à la suite <strong>de</strong> la décision<strong>de</strong> la Coursuprême turque du 26 octobre. 1995, <strong>de</strong>ux <strong>de</strong>s six parlementaires duDER qui ont été condamnésà une peine<strong>de</strong> 15 ans <strong>de</strong> prison en 1994, ont étélibérés. Cependant, le maintien endétention<strong>de</strong>s quatre autres <strong>de</strong>meure unegrave violation <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme, <strong>et</strong>constitue la négation même <strong>de</strong> ladémocratie parlementaire. Une grâceprési<strong>de</strong>ntielle ou une nouvelle loid'amnistie confirmerait l'engagement <strong>de</strong>la Turquie vis-à-vis <strong>de</strong> la démocratie».L'Assembléeparlementairedu Conseil<strong>de</strong>l'Europe, dont la Turquie fait partie,attend en outre «<strong>de</strong>s autorités turquesqu'elles déclarent la recherche d'unesolution pacifique au problème kur<strong>de</strong>comme l'une <strong>de</strong> leurs plus gran<strong>de</strong>spriorités polffiques ». Tout en se félicitant<strong>de</strong>s quelques réformes adoptées par laTurquie, l'Assemblée parlement~ireestime«cependant,l'article 8 révisé <strong>de</strong> laloi <strong>de</strong> 1991 'contre le terrorisme continue<strong>de</strong> poser <strong>de</strong> graves questions sousl'angle <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme. Enconséquence, l'Assemblée <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> ànouveau la suppression <strong>de</strong> l'article 8ainsi que <strong>de</strong> dispositions analoguesfigurantdans d'autres textes <strong>de</strong> loi».

n° 13-1-135. Mm - JUIn 1996 <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>d'information</strong>. 5 •LE COMITÉ EUROPÉENPOUR LA PRÉVENTIONINSPECTENE mission <strong>de</strong> 5 membres <strong>de</strong>c<strong>et</strong> organismeDE LA TORTURELES PRISONS TURQUESdu Conseil <strong>de</strong>l'Europe chargé <strong>de</strong> fairerespecter la Conventioneuropéennepar la prévention<strong>de</strong> la torture, dont la Turquieest signataire, a effectué a à partir du 6mai une visite d'inspection <strong>de</strong> 3 jours enTurquie. C<strong>et</strong>te mission dirigée par M.Clau<strong>de</strong> Nicoloy a enquêté sur lesconditions <strong>de</strong> gar<strong>de</strong>-à-vue dans lescommissariats turcs, sur les métho<strong>de</strong>sd'interrogatoire<strong>de</strong> la police turque ainsique sur les conditions <strong>de</strong> détentionpénitentiaire. La mission a également eu<strong>de</strong>s entr<strong>et</strong>iensavec le Premier ministre,avec les ministres <strong>de</strong> l'intérieur <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> laJustice ainsi qu'avec le Directeur général<strong>de</strong> la Sûr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>et</strong> le commandant<strong>de</strong> la gendarmerie.en chefAu cours <strong>de</strong> son entrevue du 7 mai avecla mission, le Premier ministre turc anotamment affirmé: «malgré tous nossoins, en raison <strong>de</strong>s conditions crééespar la lutte contre le terrorisme <strong>de</strong>s cas<strong>de</strong> torture peuvent malheureusementavoir lieu. Cependant, avec la levée <strong>de</strong>l'état d'urgence dans la région les cas <strong>de</strong>torture vont diminuer». M. Yilmaz aégalement ajouté que le nouveau cabin<strong>et</strong>n'avait pas <strong>de</strong> poste <strong>de</strong> ministre chargé<strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme car «chaqueministre est désormais en charge <strong>de</strong>sdrafts<strong>de</strong> l'homme».Le rapport élaboré au terme <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>tevis~e reste en principe confi<strong>de</strong>ntiel, maisen 1992, le Comité européen, consternépar l'ampleur <strong>et</strong> le caractère<strong>de</strong> routine<strong>de</strong> l'usage <strong>de</strong> la torture en Turquie avaitdécidé <strong>de</strong> rompre c<strong>et</strong>te règle <strong>de</strong>confi<strong>de</strong>ntialité <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> rendre public sonrapport. Le Comité européen est unorganisme officiel formé <strong>de</strong> représentantsnommés par les États cosignataires <strong>de</strong> laConvention.Quelques jours après c<strong>et</strong>te visite, le 22mai, la branche anglaise d'AmnestyIntemational a lancé une campagne pourdénoncer la pratique <strong>de</strong> la torture dans lemon<strong>de</strong> par la publication d'un rapportintitulé «Un clin d'oeil sur l'enfen). Lerapport dénonce la torture dans 40 pays<strong>et</strong> se focalise sur 5 pays, dont la Turquie,présentés comme «<strong>de</strong>scas d'exemple».Alors que les diplomates occi<strong>de</strong>ntauxdéclarentque la situation <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong>l'homme est en améliorationcroissante<strong>de</strong>puis les années 80, les organisation <strong>de</strong>défense <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme turquessont d'un avis différent. Akin Birdal,prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> l'Association turque <strong>de</strong>sdroits <strong>de</strong> l'homme «ne voit pas <strong>de</strong>lumière au bout du tunnel». Et ajoute «IIn'y a rien qui porte à croire que leschoses ont changé. En réalité, cela<strong>de</strong>vient pire. Des gens qui doivent êtrepunis pour <strong>de</strong>s crimes atroces, ils<strong>de</strong>viennent parlementaires <strong>et</strong> mêmeministres). Par ailleurs, les Centres <strong>de</strong>Soins mis en place par la Fondationturque <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'hommepour veniren ai<strong>de</strong> aux victimes <strong>de</strong> la torture sontdéclarés illégaux par les autorités <strong>et</strong> leursresponsables sont poursuivis par lajustice turque.Parallèlement à la torture, qui est doncune pratique routinière en Turquie, lesexécutions sommaires <strong>et</strong> les disparitionscontinuent également <strong>de</strong> sévir. Quelquesexemples signalés par la presse au cours<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>mières semaines:Un jeune Kur<strong>de</strong> âgé <strong>de</strong> 19 ans, Mehm<strong>et</strong>Senyigit, arrêté le 21 avril par 4 policiersen civil, alors que, rentrant <strong>de</strong> son travail,il se rendait <strong>de</strong> à son domicile situé dansun faubourg <strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir a été trouvémort le len<strong>de</strong>main dans la morgue <strong>de</strong>l'Hôpital d'État <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te ville. Selon laversion officielle, il aurait été abattu lorsd'un raid du PKK contre un poste <strong>de</strong>police. Les témoins oculaires <strong>de</strong> sonarrestation <strong>et</strong> la famille <strong>de</strong> la victimecontestent avec véhémence c<strong>et</strong>te versionofficielle. Son père affirme que son filsn'a jamais touché une arme dans sa vie,qu'il avait un travail régulier dans unemanufacture <strong>de</strong> la ville <strong>et</strong> qu'il rej<strong>et</strong>ait laviolence. «Comment en l'espace d'unenuit a-t-il pu, sans entraînement niformation militaire <strong>de</strong>venir un guérillerodu PKK <strong>et</strong> attaquer en plein centre-villeun poste <strong>de</strong> police ?» <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>-t-il auparqu<strong>et</strong>, en soulignant que «<strong>de</strong>nombreux témoins avaient vu sonarrestationpar <strong>de</strong>s policiers en civil, le 21avril, au soir». Il a <strong>de</strong>mandé àl'Association turque <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong>

• 6' <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>d'information</strong> n° 134-135' Mai - JUIn 1996l'homme <strong>de</strong> porter c<strong>et</strong>te affaire <strong>de</strong>vant laCommission européenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong>l'homme.Quelques jours plus tard, une jeune fillekur<strong>de</strong>, Hazal Sevim, âgée <strong>de</strong> 17 ans, aété exécutée par les forces <strong>de</strong> sécuritédans le village <strong>de</strong> Sirya, dans la province<strong>de</strong> Siirt. Présentée comme une militantedu PKK alors qu'elle n'est qu'une simplebergère noma<strong>de</strong> qui venait <strong>de</strong> gar<strong>de</strong>r sontroupeau <strong>et</strong> rentrait dans son village, ellea été surprise par une patrouille <strong>de</strong>commandos qui a tiré 'sur elle à boutportant.De même, un homme âgé <strong>de</strong> 45 ans,Nazim Balik, marié <strong>et</strong> père <strong>de</strong> 10 enfants,a été abattù dans la soirée du 17 maivers 21h dans le quartier Xaçort <strong>de</strong> Vanpar <strong>de</strong>s policiers. Son cadavre criblé <strong>de</strong>balles a été r<strong>et</strong>rouvé le len<strong>de</strong>main dansle sous-sol <strong>de</strong> son immeuble. Selon lequotidien Özgür Politika du 21 mai quicite les témoignages <strong>de</strong>s voisins, N. Balikrentrait d'une visite chez l'une <strong>de</strong> sesfilles <strong>et</strong> pour se protéger <strong>de</strong>s tirs d'unepatrouille <strong>de</strong> police il s'est réfugié dans lesous-sol <strong>de</strong> l'immeuble. Les policiers l'ontpoursuivi <strong>et</strong> abattu sur place. La victimen'avait pas <strong>de</strong> casier judiciaire ni activitépolitique. Pour sa défense, la police <strong>de</strong>Van a affirmé qu'il n'avait pas réponduaux sommations <strong>de</strong> la patrouille <strong>et</strong> quecelle-ci avait trouvé son comportement«suspect».Le 14 mai un lycéen, Irian Agdas, 17 ans,ven<strong>de</strong>ur <strong>de</strong> l'hebdomadaire Kurtulus aété abattu à bout portant par <strong>de</strong>s policiersen civil dans la banlieue Alibeyköyd'Istanbul. D'après les témoins cités parle quotidien Politika du 16 mai, vers 20h quartier sont <strong>de</strong>scendusdans la rue aux<strong>de</strong>ux policiers en civil munis d'armes cris <strong>de</strong> "police assassine! " Mais lesautomatiques ont d'abord pourchassé le panzers <strong>de</strong> la police ont encerclé tout lejeune ven<strong>de</strong>ur <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te publicationturque secteur<strong>et</strong> imposéle couvre-feu.légale sur environ 150 m, puis ils lui onttiré dans le dos. Alors que <strong>de</strong>s passants Le 5 juill<strong>et</strong>, rentrant à son village <strong>de</strong>tentaient <strong>de</strong> venir en ai<strong>de</strong> à ce jeune Besevler dans la province <strong>de</strong> Dersimgisant dans son sang au milieu <strong>de</strong> ses (Tunceli), Hüseyin Saltik, 60' ans, a étéjoumaux éparpillés, les policiers les ont passépar les armes par une patrpuille<strong>de</strong>disperséssous la menace<strong>de</strong> leurs armes soldats, vers 21h30, qui ont apparempuisj<strong>et</strong>é le blessé dans leur véhicule ment tiré à vue sans se donner la peinepour le conduire à l'hôpital. I. Agdas n'a d'arrêter <strong>et</strong> d'interroger ce «suspect»pas survécu à ses blessures. Après ce surpris sur une route <strong>de</strong> campagne. Lesmeurtre perpétré <strong>de</strong>vant tant <strong>de</strong> gens autorités locales n'ont donné aucuneplusieurs centaines d'habitants du explicationpour ce meurtre.MOSCOU:LES RUSSES TENTÉS PAR LA CARTE KURDE?U cours d'une table ron<strong>de</strong> raison <strong>de</strong> la forte oppression <strong>de</strong> ceorganisée, le 21 mai, par le peuple par le régime turc. /I doitComité <strong>de</strong>s questions également en être <strong>de</strong> même maintenant.géopolitiques <strong>de</strong> la Douma Le Kurdistan tel qu'on en voit lesrusse, plusieurs intervenants frontières naturel/es sur les cartes doitofficiels ont plaidé en faveur <strong>de</strong>venir un État indépendant.Les Kur<strong>de</strong>sd'un soutien russe à la cause kur<strong>de</strong>. L'un ne disposent pas actuel/ement d'armesd'eux, Alexandre Nevzorov,du ministère efficaces mais ils ont en abondance <strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>s Affaires étrangères,a déclaré:«Nous forces humaines. Bien qu'ils mènent une<strong>de</strong>vons, dans nos relations avec la guerre <strong>de</strong> guéril/a, ils doivent égalementTurquie, être capables <strong>de</strong> bien nous recevoir <strong>de</strong>s armeslour<strong>de</strong>s. Nous <strong>de</strong>vonsservir <strong>de</strong> la cause kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong> empêcher, régler la dispute opposant' l'Arménie àgrâce à c<strong>et</strong>te carte, toute ingérence l'Azerbaïdjan <strong>et</strong> tirer à nos côtés cesturque dans nos affaires intérieures». Le <strong>de</strong>ux États. Nous pourrons alors fournirgénéral russe Yuri Efrémof a été plus aux Kur<strong>de</strong>s une ai<strong>de</strong> en armes viaprécis: «Quand à l'état-major <strong>de</strong> l'URSS l'Arménie. Caf ai<strong>de</strong>r les Kur<strong>de</strong>s c'estnous travaillions sur les plans d'un conflit nous ai<strong>de</strong>r nous-mêmes. Les États-Uniséventuel avec la Turquie, membre <strong>de</strong> nous font signer le traité <strong>de</strong> START-1Lal'OTAN, nous considérions déjà les Turquie peut, dans le cadre <strong>de</strong> l'OTAN,Kur<strong>de</strong>s comme un allié possible en contrôler le Caucase avec un porte-

l' 13--+-135• M,il - JUIn 1996 Bull<strong>et</strong>lfl <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> d'Iflformatlon • 7 •avions naviguant en Mer Noire. Nouspouvons l'en empêcher grâce auxKur<strong>de</strong>s».Au cours <strong>de</strong> ce débat <strong>de</strong> 3 heures ontégalement pris la parole le généralAndreï Malakov, <strong>de</strong> l'état-major duministère russe <strong>de</strong> la Défense, VladimirPavlovitch, du ministère <strong>de</strong>s relationséconomiquesextérieures<strong>et</strong> le professeurM. Lazarev <strong>de</strong> l'<strong>Institut</strong> d'orientalisme.Aucun<strong>de</strong> ces officielsn'a voulu répondreà la question directe d'un député: «LesTurcs, dans le cadre <strong>de</strong> plans secr<strong>et</strong>s <strong>de</strong>l'OTAN, sont en train <strong>de</strong> franchir leCaucase <strong>et</strong> parvenir à nos frontières. Etvoilà que nous vendons, nous aussi, <strong>de</strong>shélicoptères au gouvernement turc pourbombar<strong>de</strong>r les Kur<strong>de</strong>s. Notregouvernement envisage-t-il <strong>de</strong> fournir auxKur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>s armes efficaces ?»L'organisateur du débat, le députéISTANBUL:lA CONFÉRENCE HABITAT /I DE l'ONUA conférence onusienne surles établissements humainss'est achevée vendredi 14juin, après près <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>uxsemaines <strong>de</strong> discussionsayant pour thème principal«l'homme dans la ville du XXlèmesiècle». La nouveauté <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>teconférence sur l'Habitat était laparticipation aux discussions officielles<strong>de</strong>s collectivités locales <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>sorganisations non-gouvemementales<strong>de</strong>la société civile. Le somm<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> chefsMitrofanov, prési<strong>de</strong>nt du Comitégéopolitiquedu Parlement. a finalementpris sur lui d'y répondrepar ce mot: «Lemarché aux armes ne reste pas vi<strong>de</strong>. Sice n'est nous qui vendons, d'autres vontle faire. Si les Kur<strong>de</strong>s en veulent nouspouvons leur vendre également <strong>de</strong>sarmes!».C'est la première fois <strong>de</strong>puis la fin <strong>de</strong>l'URSS que dans une réunion tenue auParlement même avec la participation<strong>de</strong>s officiels l'éventualité d'un soutienrusse aux Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Turquie estpubliquement évoqué. En faisantl'impassesur les légitimesrevendicationsd'i<strong>de</strong>nmé<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> culture <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> enaccordant un soutien inconsidéré à leurallié turc les Occi<strong>de</strong>ntaux finiront peutêtrepar j<strong>et</strong>er une fraction <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>sdans les bras <strong>de</strong> la Syrie, <strong>de</strong> l'Iran <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>la Russie.d'États <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> gouvernements n'a pasatteint les espoirs <strong>de</strong>s organisateurs.Celui-ci a été boudé par les principauxchefs d'État développés peu enclins àfréquenter ostensiblementles dirigeantsturcs <strong>et</strong> n'a pu réunirqu'une quinzaine<strong>de</strong>participants <strong>de</strong> rang mo<strong>de</strong>ste. Fi<strong>de</strong>lCastro, qui a fait le déplacementd'Istanbul, a finalement été la principaleve<strong>de</strong>tte<strong>de</strong> ce «somm<strong>et</strong>».Le choixdu lieu <strong>de</strong> la conférencea dès ledépart suscité une polémique; il a étécontesté par plusieurs États <strong>et</strong> par laplupart <strong>de</strong>s ONG. Deux choix s'offraientaux candidats au départ pour Istanbul:Boycotter une conférence axée sur lesétablissements humains alors que lepays hôte, la Turquie, mène unecampagne massive d'évacuation <strong>et</strong><strong>de</strong>struction <strong>de</strong> villes <strong>et</strong> villages kur<strong>de</strong>sdans sa guerre au Kurdistan, ouparticiper à la conférence <strong>et</strong> montrer sadésapprobation en dénonçant sur placela politique turque envers le peuplekur<strong>de</strong>. Ou encore, comme le firent un<strong>et</strong>rentaine d'ONG locales, tenir «uneconférence alternative» en marge <strong>de</strong> laconférenceofficielle,qui a été disperséerapi<strong>de</strong>ment <strong>et</strong> violemment par la polic<strong>et</strong>urque.Du début à la fin la ConférenceHabitat Ils'est tenue dans une atmosphère trèstendue. Déjà, lors du discours inauguraldu Secrétaire général <strong>de</strong> l'ONU, M.Boutros Boutros-Ghali, les médias turcsont réagi violemment<strong>et</strong> crié au scandale,parce que M. Ghali qui, par <strong>de</strong>ux fois,dans son discours officiel d'ouverture a. 0désigné le pays hôte par «La Républiquefédérale <strong>de</strong> Turquie». Lapsus révélateur?ou une méconnaissance<strong>de</strong> M. Ghali <strong>de</strong>la structure étatique <strong>de</strong> la Turquie? Cequi reste évi<strong>de</strong>nt c'est que tout au long<strong>de</strong> la conférencel'accent a été mis sur ladécentralisation<strong>et</strong> le rôle à jouer par lescollectivités locales dans la gestion d'unenvironnement perm<strong>et</strong>tant à «lapersonne humaine» <strong>de</strong> s'épanouir.Est~eque le Secrétairegénéral a tenu, par ce«dérapage linguistique», à communiquersa pensée intime sur la Turquie <strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>main? Hypothèse d'autant plusplausible que son discours a dû être

• 8' <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>d'information</strong> n° 134-135' Mai - Juin1996rédigé, lu <strong>et</strong> relu par plusieurs conseillers<strong>de</strong> M. Ghali. Les politiciens turcs ont entout cas crié au scandale <strong>et</strong> attribué à M.Ghali «l'intention <strong>de</strong> diviser la Turquie»,car c'est un «anti-musulman». Lesmédias turcs qui avaient mené. <strong>de</strong>scampagnes outrancières contre Mme.Mitterrand, Nelson Man<strong>de</strong>la <strong>et</strong> EdwardKennedy pour leur défense <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>sse sont c<strong>et</strong>te fois-ci déchaînés.contre leSecrétaire général <strong>de</strong> l'ONU.Voici quelques faits majeurs relevés parl'envoyé <strong>de</strong> l'<strong>Institut</strong> à c<strong>et</strong>te Conférenceintemationale:1 • Lancement du livre «la liberté <strong>de</strong>vivre en Turquie», Toute la matinée duvendredi 7 juin a été dominée par laprésentation <strong>et</strong> le lancement du livre «Laliberté <strong>de</strong> vivre en Turquie». Livre dédié àla conférence <strong>de</strong> l'ONU Habitat Il <strong>et</strong> coéditépar une centaine <strong>de</strong> parlementaires,d'avocats <strong>et</strong> d'organisations nongouvernementalesdont l'<strong>Institut</strong> kur<strong>de</strong>.L'idée d'origine était d'un collectif d'ONGnorvégiennes visant à «défier la censur<strong>et</strong>urque»: en publiant <strong>de</strong>s articles déjàsaisis en Turquie <strong>et</strong> y mentionnant dansson introduction un aperçu sur lapolitique systématique <strong>et</strong> massive <strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>struction <strong>et</strong> d'évacuation <strong>de</strong> villageskur<strong>de</strong>s par l'armée turque dans sa guerreau Kurdistan. Dans son introduction onpeut lire: «Dans les quatre <strong>de</strong>rnièresannées, la Turquie a détruit <strong>et</strong>/ou évacuéenviron 3000 villages kur<strong>de</strong>s. Trèssouvent avec la <strong>de</strong>struction <strong>de</strong> villages,les champs, les forêts <strong>et</strong> les biens sontaussi brûlés. Les villageois ne sont pasdédommagés <strong>et</strong> la plupart d'entre euxvivent aujourd'hui dans les bidonvillesautour d'Istanbul, Izmir, Adana, Mersin <strong>et</strong>Diyarbakir. En plus <strong>de</strong> l'article 8 <strong>de</strong> la loidfte anti-teffeur, les articles 311 <strong>et</strong> 312 duCo<strong>de</strong> pénal turc sont les plus utiliséspour limiter la liberté d'expression enTurquie». Lors <strong>de</strong> la conférence <strong>de</strong>presse <strong>de</strong> présentation <strong>de</strong> ce livre, M.Erik Sauar,au nom <strong>de</strong> tous les éditeurs atenu à souligner que «nous croyons queles Turcs <strong>et</strong> les Kur<strong>de</strong>s seront à mieux <strong>de</strong>pouvoir diriger leur pays <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> choisirleurs lea<strong>de</strong>rs s'ifs sont informés par cequi se passe dans leur pays que s'ifs nel'étaient pas». C<strong>et</strong>te conférence <strong>de</strong>presse a donné lieu à un débat houleux;plusieurs ONG fabriquées <strong>de</strong> toutespièces par les autorités turques àl'occasion <strong>de</strong> la conférence ont essayépar tous les moyensd'empêcherla tenue<strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te conférence en voulantmonopoliser le débat <strong>et</strong> en insultant lesorganisateurs.2 • Un rapport <strong>de</strong> l'union <strong>de</strong>s chambres<strong>de</strong>s ingénieurs <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s architectes<strong>de</strong> Turquie (uctea) sur Diyarbakir. Unatelier, organisé par UCTEA au Forum<strong>de</strong>s ONG d'Habitat Ille vendredi 7 juin, aété consacré à l'émigration forcée <strong>et</strong> audéplacement <strong>de</strong> la population kur<strong>de</strong>. Ac<strong>et</strong>te occasion un rapport intitulé «unerecherche sur les questions socialesissues <strong>de</strong> l'émigration inter-régionale àl'échelle <strong>de</strong> la ville <strong>de</strong> Diyarbakif» a étérendu public. Pour analyser la situationdémographique <strong>et</strong> les r<strong>et</strong>ombéessociales sur la population émigrée/déplacéedansla ville <strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir,le rapport se base sur les donnéesstatistiques du recensement <strong>de</strong> 1990 <strong>et</strong><strong>de</strong> celui <strong>de</strong> 1996. Selon le rapport,la ville<strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir compte aujourd'hui 822837 habitants dont 327 957 personnesdéplacées, arrivées <strong>de</strong>puis 1990. En 6ans, si les données <strong>de</strong>s recensementstures sont fiables, la population<strong>de</strong> la villea accru<strong>de</strong> 116%.Quelques chiffres analytiques:- Le taux <strong>de</strong> chômage au sein <strong>de</strong> lapopulationactiveest <strong>de</strong> 70,91%- Le taux d'analphabétisme est <strong>de</strong> 35,85%- 64,3% <strong>de</strong>s habitants n'ont pas <strong>de</strong>sécuritésociale- 43,63% parmi les nouveaux arrivés àDiyarbakir ont indiqué qu'ils ontémigréà cause <strong>de</strong> la situationgénérale<strong>de</strong> la région tandis que 58% ont«émigré» à la suite <strong>de</strong> «la <strong>de</strong>struction<strong>et</strong> l'évacuation <strong>de</strong> leurs villages»- 99% ont indiqué qu'ils ne pouvaientr<strong>et</strong>ourner dans leurs villages en raison«d'absence <strong>de</strong> sécurité pour leursbiens<strong>et</strong> leursvies».Évolution <strong>de</strong> la situation sanitaire en chiffres:Maladies 1990Diarrhée chez 15000 enfants/anles enfants (<strong>de</strong> 04 ans)Typhoï<strong>de</strong> 1000persianMalaria1732persianDysenterie 1000persianHépatite180persianTuberculose 200persl anCholéra2 persian1994-9520 OOO/an5000pers/an27498persian3000persIan320persian495persian14persianTaux <strong>de</strong> croissance.33%400%2500%200% .20%149%200%

11° 13-4-135' Mal - JIIIII 1996 <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>d'information</strong>' 9 •3 • Un rapport <strong>de</strong> Human RightsWate/He/sinki tient la Turquieresponsable <strong>de</strong> la <strong>de</strong>struction <strong>de</strong>svillages kur<strong>de</strong>s. Un autre rapportintitulé«La politique erronée <strong>de</strong> la Turquiedansson ai<strong>de</strong> aux déplacés forcés du Sud-Est», a été rendu public le 11 juin à laConférenced'Habitat Il, par l'organisationhumanitaire américaine basée à NewYork Human Rights Watch sur la<strong>de</strong>struction <strong>de</strong>s villages kur<strong>de</strong>s parl'armé<strong>et</strong>urque. Ce rapportest plus centrésur les conséquences<strong>de</strong>s déplacementsforcés <strong>et</strong> les aspectsjuridiques que celacomporte du point <strong>de</strong> vue du droitinternational <strong>et</strong> du droit internationalhumanitaire. Tous les soi-disant plansgouvernementauxd'ai<strong>de</strong> à la populationkur<strong>de</strong> déplacée sont arrivés soit «troptard» soit ils sont «complètementinsuffisants» au regard <strong>de</strong>s besoins. Enoutre, le rapportcritique la politique<strong>de</strong> laTurquie qui consiste d'empêcher lesorganisations internationales d'ai<strong>de</strong>humanitaire, comme l'UNHCR ou leCICR,<strong>de</strong> venir en ai<strong>de</strong> aux déplacés,Parailleurs, le rapport contient quelquesrecommandationsà l'armée turque danssa guerre au Kurdistan: «I. Legouvemement turc doit respecter le droitinternational dans ses opérationsmilitaires, limitant ses décisionsd'évacuation forcée <strong>de</strong> civils à <strong>de</strong>snécessités militaires explicites; b.dédommagement adéquat dans lerétablissement <strong>de</strong>s déplacés dans le leurstatut quo ante; e. La mise en placed'une commission d'investigationindépendante pour enquêter surl'évacuation <strong>de</strong>s villages <strong>et</strong> bourga<strong>de</strong>s; d.In<strong>de</strong>mniser financièrement tous lesdéplacés; e. Poursuite judiciaire <strong>et</strong>condamnation<strong>de</strong>s militaires <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s forces<strong>de</strong> police qui en connaissance <strong>de</strong> causeont violé les dispositions gouvernementales•.4 • Arrestation <strong>de</strong> plus <strong>de</strong> 1500manifestants à Istanbul. La polic<strong>et</strong>urque a procédé à l'arrestation <strong>de</strong> plus1500 manifestants y compris <strong>de</strong>sparticipants à la conférence d'Habitat Il,le samedi 8 juin. Les manifestants ontvoulu marquer leur solidarité avec lesmères <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s «disparus»dans leurrassemblement hebdomadaire tous lessamedissur la place<strong>de</strong> Taksimau centred'Istanbul. C<strong>et</strong>te manifestation a étéviolemment réprimée par la police endépit <strong>de</strong> la présence <strong>de</strong> plusieursdizaines<strong>de</strong>journalistes<strong>et</strong> d'observateursétrangers,Parmi les manifestantsarrêtésse trouvait un membre <strong>de</strong> la délégationofficielle <strong>de</strong> Norvège à la Conférenced'Habitat, Mme. Nita Kapoor, qui a étér<strong>et</strong>enuedurant plusieursheures dans uncommissariat <strong>de</strong> police. Le len<strong>de</strong>main,dimanche 9 juin, une manifestationspontanéepour la liberté d'expression<strong>et</strong>le droit <strong>de</strong> manifester a rassemblé prèsd'un millier <strong>de</strong> personnesdans l'enceintedu Forum <strong>de</strong>s ONG. Au cours d'uneconférence<strong>de</strong> presse,Mme. Nita Kapoor,a témoignéqu'en accord avec son travail«qui consiste à s'occuper <strong>de</strong>s femmesvictimes <strong>de</strong>s guerres <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s conflits, elleavait souhaité s'informer sur la situation<strong>de</strong> ces femmes qui se rassemblaientchaque samedi pour que l'on n'oublie pasleurs enfants» Le rassemblement étaitparfaitement pacifique» a-t-elle précisé.((j'était parmi elles, tranquillementassise<strong>de</strong>puis seulement 1 ou 2 minutes lorsqueles forces <strong>de</strong> police ont chargé avec uneviolence inouïe».Déjà vendredi 7 juin, une cinquantaine <strong>de</strong>militants <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>syndicalistes avaient été arrêtés manumilitarià la poste d'Istanbul alors qu'ilss'apprêtaient à envoyer au prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong>la République turque une l<strong>et</strong>tre attirantson attention sur la grève <strong>de</strong> la faimentamée par environ 10 000 détenuspolitiquesà majorité kur<strong>de</strong>.AINSI QUE "'• lA TURQUIE RECONNAÎTl'ÉVACUATION ET LA DESTRUCTIONDE 2785 VillAGES ET HAMEAUXKURDES. C<strong>et</strong>te statistique est donnéepar le «super-préf<strong>et</strong>» <strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir citépar le quotidien turc Mi/liy<strong>et</strong> du 27 mai.Selon ce haut responsable turc, d'aprèsles données dont disposent ses services,«918 villages <strong>et</strong> 1767 hameaux ont étéévacués par les forces <strong>de</strong> sécurité pour<strong>de</strong>s raisons d'ordre mi/itaire». Certains <strong>de</strong>ces villages sont totalement détruitsd'autres le sont en gran<strong>de</strong> partie oupartiellement. Les ONG locales citentgénéralement le chiffre <strong>de</strong> plus <strong>de</strong> 3000villages évacués <strong>et</strong> détruits.• lES ISLAMISTES GRANDSVAINQUEURS DES ÉLECTIONSMUNICIPALES PARTIEllES. Lesélections municipales partielles tenues le2 juin dans 4110calités traduisent un n<strong>et</strong>progrès <strong>de</strong>s Islamistes. Dans les villes

.10. <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> d'Information n° 134-135. Mai - Juin1996ayant le statut <strong>de</strong> préfectures, le Refahobtient 34,3% <strong>de</strong>s suffrages contre17,9% à l'ANAP <strong>de</strong> Mesut Yilmaz <strong>et</strong>seulement 6,5% au DYP <strong>de</strong> Mme. Çiller.Avec 8,6% <strong>de</strong>s voix le DSP <strong>de</strong> BulentEcevit <strong>et</strong> le CHP <strong>de</strong> Deniz Baykal (5,6%)voient également leur audiences'effondrer. Dans les sous-préfectures, leRefah obtient 36,9% contre 23,3% pourl'ANAP; le DYP obtient 13,2%, le DSP9,3% <strong>et</strong> le CHP 6,5 %.Ce n'est que dans<strong>de</strong>s toutes p<strong>et</strong>ites communes dépendantlour<strong>de</strong>ment <strong>de</strong>s subsi<strong>de</strong>sgouvernementaux pour leur .survie queles <strong>de</strong>ux partis <strong>de</strong> la coalitiongouvernementale font <strong>de</strong>s scoreshonorables avec 28,6% <strong>de</strong>s voix pour leDYP <strong>et</strong> 22,6% pour l'ANAP du Premierministre.• 1088 INTELLECTUELS TURCS ETKURDES DEVANT LA COUR DESÛRETÉ DE L'ÉTAT D'ISTANBUL. Ungroupe <strong>de</strong> 98 intellectuelstures <strong>et</strong> kur<strong>de</strong>squi s'étaient volontairement associés,comme coéditeurs, à la publication dulivre «Liberté <strong>de</strong> pensée <strong>et</strong> d'expression»a comparu, le mercredi 22 mai, <strong>de</strong>vant laCour W 3 <strong>de</strong> Sûr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong> l'État d'Istanbul.Déjà, au mois d'avril, un groupe <strong>de</strong> 99 <strong>de</strong>ces intellectuels,parmi lesquels figuraientles romanciers Yachar Kemal <strong>et</strong> OrhanPamuk, le syndicaliste Munir Ceylan <strong>et</strong> lechanteur Zülfü Livaneli <strong>et</strong> d'autres nomsconnus du mon<strong>de</strong> littéraire <strong>et</strong> artistique,avaient comparu <strong>de</strong>vant la Cour <strong>de</strong>Sûr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong> l'État. Leur cas a été examinéle vendredi 31 mai. Ce procès a été .reporté au 22 juill<strong>et</strong>. Un message <strong>de</strong>soutien <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> solidarité du PEN-Clubsigné par, entre .autres noms littérairesconnus, les dramaturges Edward Albee<strong>et</strong> Arthur Miller <strong>et</strong> les romanciersNormanMailer <strong>et</strong> Susan Sontag <strong>et</strong> le philosopheSir Isaiah Berlin leur a été envoyé. Onpeut lire dans ce message: «/I ne peut yavoir <strong>de</strong> liberté d'expression dans unpays ou <strong>de</strong>s écrivains <strong>de</strong> l'envergure<strong>de</strong>Yachar Kemal sont poursuivis. /I n'y aurapas non plus <strong>de</strong> liberté <strong>de</strong> presse lorsque<strong>de</strong>s journalistes qui veulent faire <strong>de</strong>sarticles sur certains suj<strong>et</strong>s tabous, tel quel'oppression <strong>de</strong> la minorité kur<strong>de</strong>, sontmenacés <strong>de</strong> prison <strong>et</strong> même <strong>de</strong> mort.»Lors <strong>de</strong> l'audience du 22 mai, <strong>de</strong>nombreux intellectuels ont mis l'accentsur la liberté <strong>de</strong> pensée <strong>et</strong> d'expressionen Turquie <strong>et</strong> affirment que leur action,volontaire,visait à élargir les frontières<strong>de</strong>la liberté d'expression. Les juges turcsn'entendaient pas les choses <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>teoreille. Pour eux, c<strong>et</strong>te action porteatteinte à l'intégrité territoriale <strong>et</strong> tombe<strong>de</strong> ce fait sous le coup <strong>de</strong> l'article 312 duCo<strong>de</strong> pénal turc qui sanctionne «touteincitation à la haine raciale» <strong>et</strong> l<strong>et</strong>ristement célèbre article 8 <strong>de</strong> la loi diteanti-terreur. Lors <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te audience,protégés par les caméras, certainsintellectuels ont tenu à s'exprimer entoute liberté <strong>de</strong>vant leurs juges. Extraits<strong>de</strong>s ces déclarations: «Je prendrai part àtoute initiative <strong>de</strong> défense <strong>de</strong> la liberté <strong>de</strong>pensée. Une <strong>de</strong>s qualités <strong>de</strong> l'êtrehumain est justement sa capacité <strong>de</strong>penser». Tandis qu'un syndicaliste disait«Je me considère comme un rouagedans une usine à pensées, je ne peuxme séparer <strong>de</strong> la chaîne en arrêtant <strong>de</strong>penser sous prétexte que mes idées nesont pas du goût d'un juge». Alors qu'unedame disait: «moi, j'ai du mal à expliquerà mon enfant <strong>de</strong> 8 ans comment le fait <strong>de</strong>penser peut être en soi un crime.»• ARRESTATION DU DR. KIZILKAN,PRÉSIDENT DE LA CHAMBRE DESMÉDECINS DE 5 PROVINCESKURDES.La polic<strong>et</strong>urque a effectuéle 5mai à 23 h une <strong>de</strong>scente au domicile àDiyarbakir du Dr. Seyf<strong>et</strong>tin Kizilkan,mé<strong>de</strong>cin en chef <strong>de</strong> l'Hôpital <strong>de</strong> laSécurité sociale <strong>et</strong> prési<strong>de</strong>nt, <strong>de</strong>puis1994, <strong>de</strong> la Chambre<strong>de</strong>s mé<strong>de</strong>cins <strong>de</strong>sprovinces kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir, Mardin,Siirt, Batman <strong>et</strong> Sirnak, <strong>et</strong> l'a placé engar<strong>de</strong>-à-vue sous l'accusation <strong>de</strong>«possession if/égale d'armes à feu <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>grena<strong>de</strong>s». Ce mé<strong>de</strong>cin connu <strong>et</strong>apprécié par son humanisme <strong>et</strong> sonpacifisme a été écroué le 7 mai par laCour <strong>de</strong> Sûr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong> l'État <strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir.Détenu au secr<strong>et</strong> «pour <strong>de</strong>s raisons <strong>de</strong>confi<strong>de</strong>ntialité <strong>de</strong> l'enquête préliminaire»ce mé<strong>de</strong>cin<strong>de</strong> 43 ans, père <strong>de</strong> 3 enfants,a été présentépar les médiasproches<strong>de</strong>la police <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'armée comme «unsuppôt du terrorisme». M. Kizilkan estconnu pour ses dénonciations <strong>de</strong> latorture <strong>et</strong> ses critiques <strong>de</strong>s conditions <strong>de</strong>santé publique <strong>et</strong> d'hygiène déplorables<strong>de</strong>s centaines <strong>de</strong> milliers <strong>de</strong> paysanskur<strong>de</strong>s déplacés peuplant les faubourgs<strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir.Il était l'un <strong>de</strong>s principauxinterlocuteurs<strong>de</strong>s observateursétrangersen visite dans la région. De ce fait sonarrestation a soulevé une vagued'indignation <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> protestation au sein<strong>de</strong>s ONG <strong>de</strong> Turquieainsi que parmi lesmé<strong>de</strong>cins allemands car la Chambre<strong>de</strong>Diyarbakir est parrainée par sonhomologue <strong>de</strong> Berlin. Dans un

flO 13-'+-135. Mnl - JUIn 1996 <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>d'information</strong>. 11 •communiqué rendu public le 7 mai, leconseil d'administration <strong>de</strong> la Chambre<strong>de</strong>s mé<strong>de</strong>cins <strong>de</strong>s 5 provinces kur<strong>de</strong>sréaffirme sa confiance totale à sonprési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>et</strong> dénonce «la grossièremanipulation policière visant à faire taireun éminent représentant <strong>de</strong> la sociétécMle». Le même jour, les représentants<strong>de</strong>s syndicats, <strong>de</strong>s associations <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>sorganisations professionnelles <strong>de</strong>Diyarbakir ont publié un communiquécommun affirmant leur soutien au Dr.Kizilkan «respecté pour ses états <strong>de</strong>services en tant que mé<strong>de</strong>cin, par sapersonnalfté humaniste <strong>et</strong> démocrate <strong>et</strong>par ses opinions universel/es».Dénonçant le complot policier, ils<strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>nt que «leurs domiciles soientperquisftionnésen présence du procureur<strong>de</strong> la République <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s avocats» afind'éviter <strong>de</strong> grossiersmontages policiersvisant à arrêter les personnes jugéesindésirables. La police turque a unelongue tradition <strong>de</strong> placer, lors <strong>de</strong>sperquisitions, <strong>de</strong>s «documentscomprom<strong>et</strong>tants», <strong>de</strong>s armes ou <strong>de</strong>sstupéfiants dans les appartements <strong>de</strong>sopposants<strong>et</strong> criminaliser.Le 17 juin le docteurpolitiques qu'elle veut arrêterSeyf<strong>et</strong>tin Kizilkanaété condamné à 3 ans 9 mois <strong>de</strong> prisonpar la Cour <strong>de</strong> Sûr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong> l'État <strong>de</strong>Diyarbakir pour «ai<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong> soutien auPKK». Il a rej<strong>et</strong>é les accusationspolicières à son encontre <strong>et</strong> dénoncé laparodie d'une justice qui le condamnesans avoir apporté aucun élément <strong>de</strong>preuve. Ce mé<strong>de</strong>cin, qui exerce <strong>de</strong>puis23 ans dans <strong>de</strong>s hôpitaux d'État, se voiten outre condamné à 3 ans d'interdiction<strong>de</strong> tout emploi public. En attendant laconfirmation <strong>de</strong> sa peine par la Courd'appel turque, le docteur Kizilkan a étéremis en liberté par les juges en servicecommandéqui par ce procès ont vouluintimi<strong>de</strong>r les <strong>de</strong>rniers <strong>et</strong> courageuxreprésentants <strong>de</strong> la société civile kur<strong>de</strong>.• «TURQUIE; ENNEMIE DE LA PRESSE!J. Pour célébrer la joumée <strong>de</strong> la liberté<strong>de</strong> la presse, le 3 mai, le Comité pour laProtection <strong>de</strong>s Journalistes (CPJ) arendu publique une liste <strong>de</strong> 10 dirigeantsdéclarés comme «ennemis <strong>de</strong> lapresse». «Chacune<strong>de</strong> ces personnes estactivement impliquée dans l'éradication<strong>de</strong> toute presse indépendante»a déclaréM. William Orme Jr, directeur du «CPJ».Le nom <strong>de</strong> Mesut Yilmaz, actuel premierministre turc, figure sur c<strong>et</strong>te listed'ennemis<strong>de</strong> la presse à côté <strong>de</strong> celuid'Abu Abdul Rahman, dirigeant duGroupe islamique armé en Algérie, <strong>et</strong> duprési<strong>de</strong>nt du Nigeria le général SaniAbacha. Selon les statistiques du CPJ,51 journalistes <strong>de</strong> nationalité turque s<strong>et</strong>rouvaient dans les prisons turques à lafin <strong>de</strong> l'année <strong>de</strong>mière «tout simplementparce qu'ils exercent leurs fonctions».Cechiffre a valu à la Turquie d'être en têted'une autre liste du CPJ, rendue publiqueen janvier <strong>de</strong>rnier, comme «le pays leplus répressif envers les journalistes»qui, dans l'exercice <strong>de</strong> leur métier,écrivent <strong>de</strong>s articles relatifs à la guerredu Kurdistan.• UNE STATISTIQUE AllEMANDE«l'AUDIENCESURDES ORGANISATIONSEXTRÉMISTES», M. Manfred Kanther,ministre allemand <strong>de</strong> l'Intérieur, aprésenté le 24 mai à Bonn le rapportannuel du Bureau fédéral <strong>de</strong> la protection<strong>de</strong> la Constitution (service <strong>de</strong>renseignements). Selon ce rapport «lePKK avec 8900 membres est le groupe<strong>de</strong> terreur étranger le plus dangereux enAI/emagne», Malgré son interdiction,c<strong>et</strong>te organisation aurait élargi sonaudience en recrutant en un an près <strong>de</strong>2000 membres nouveaux <strong>et</strong> mis sur pied<strong>de</strong> nouvelles associations pour menerses activités. Le rapport évoque aussil'existence <strong>de</strong> «18 autres organisationsextrémistes kur<strong>de</strong>s ayant environ 650membres», Le document évalue àenviron 40 mille le nombre <strong>de</strong> Turcsd'Allemagne affiliés à <strong>de</strong>s «organisationsextrémistes» dont l'audience se répartitcomme suit: extrême gauche: 3720;extrême droite: 6000; mouvementintégriste musulman: 29400. La plusimportante organisation intégriste est MilliGörüs (vision nationale) qui compte26200 membres <strong>et</strong> dispose d'un réseau<strong>de</strong> 500 associations légales. Le PKK estla seule «organisation extrémiste»interdite en Allemagne.toutes ces «organisationsLes membres <strong>de</strong>extrémistes»réunies représentent environ 2,7 % <strong>de</strong>communauté turque <strong>et</strong> kur<strong>de</strong>d'Allemagne.• lA TURQUIE VIOLE lE DROIT DERECOURS DEVANT LA COMMISSIONEUROPÉENNE DES DROITS DEl'HOMMElaDE SES CITOYENS. Dans unrapport détaillant les violations <strong>de</strong> laTurquie <strong>de</strong> ses engagementsvis à vis <strong>de</strong> la Commissioncontractéseuropéenne<strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme, l'organisation nongouvernementale américaine, Human

• 12' <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> d'mformatlon n° 134-135' Mai - Juin 1996Rights Watch/Helsinki (HRW), examine Ienon-respect par la Turquie <strong>de</strong> sa proprelégislation <strong>et</strong> celle <strong>de</strong> la Conventioneuropéenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme, dontla Turquie est membre signataire <strong>de</strong>puis1954. La Turquie s'est donc <strong>de</strong>puis c<strong>et</strong>tedate engagée à se conformer à l'article25 <strong>de</strong> la susdite Convention qui stipule:«La Commission peut être saisie d'unerequête par toute personne physique,toute organisation non gouvernementaleou tout groupe <strong>de</strong> particuliers, qui seprétend victime d'une violation <strong>de</strong>s droftsreconnus dans la présenteConvention ... Les Hautes partiescontractantes ayant souscrit une telledéclaration s'engagent à n'entraver paraucune mesure l'exercice efficace <strong>de</strong> cedroit». Depuis '1991, au moins 778citoyens <strong>de</strong> nationalité turque ont faitrecours à la Commission, très souventpour <strong>de</strong>s violations liées à la guerre duKurdistan.Toutefois, les citoyens qui ont portéplainte, surtout ceux qui habitent lesrégions kur<strong>de</strong>s sous état d'urgence,après avoir épuisé les moyens <strong>de</strong>recours internes, déclarent être la cible<strong>de</strong> persécutions, d'intimidations <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>mauvais traitements da la part <strong>de</strong>sautorités turques, pour avoir exercé leurdroit <strong>de</strong> recours en vertu <strong>de</strong> l'article 25 <strong>de</strong>la' Convention européenne, Les requêtesportent souvent sur la détention par lesforces <strong>de</strong> sécurité, perquisition <strong>de</strong>smaisons, menaces' <strong>de</strong> morttéléphoniques anonymes <strong>et</strong> directes, <strong>de</strong>s«conversations amicales» avec lesofficiers <strong>et</strong> la torture. Lors d'unerencontre entre les responsables <strong>de</strong>HRW <strong>et</strong> les membres Secrétariat <strong>de</strong> laCommission, ceux-ci ont déclaré que laplupart <strong>de</strong>s violations <strong>de</strong> l'article 25 par laTurquie concernent une seule région enparticulier: les requêtes émanant du Sud-Est du pays. Quant à la version turque <strong>de</strong>ces faits; dans une interview accordéepar le représentantdu gouvernementturcà la Commission au magazine Naida, du1.7 janvier 1995, il dit «Nous voulonsfaire partie' <strong>de</strong> l'Europe. Nousreconnaissons le droit <strong>de</strong> recoursindividuels <strong>de</strong>vant la Commissioneuropéenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme. Nousreconnaissons l'autorité <strong>de</strong> la Coureuropéenne, à Strasbourg....On se voitcomme <strong>de</strong>s Européens...Pour nous, i/ n'ya pas <strong>de</strong> différence entre (l'autorité <strong>de</strong>) laCour <strong>de</strong> Strasbourg<strong>et</strong> celle <strong>de</strong> la Cour <strong>de</strong>Kadikoy à Istanbul. Il n'est pas possible<strong>de</strong> dire je mange <strong>de</strong>s hamburgers, jem'habille en jeans, je bois du Nescafé,. maisje n'accepte pas tous les articles <strong>de</strong>la Convention européenne <strong>de</strong>s drofts <strong>de</strong>l'homme».• LA MAFIA TURQUE DISPOSERAITDE 23.000 TUEURS À GAGES. La mafiaturque est un véritable Etat dans l'État enTurquie affirme le quotidien Mi/liy<strong>et</strong> du 10mai qui établit la liste <strong>de</strong> 40 domainesd'activité où elle sévit. Selon le quotidien,la Pieuvre a un budg<strong>et</strong> annuel <strong>de</strong> 200trillions <strong>de</strong> livres (environ 15 milliards <strong>de</strong>FF.) <strong>et</strong> elle emploie dans l'ensemble dupays 23,000 tueurs à gages. Le journalpublie également les tarifs en vigueur en1994: blesser quelqu'un à la jambe ou leblesser avec un couteau est facturé 2000FF; le passage à tabac avec brisure d'unbras ou <strong>de</strong> doigts: 1000 FF; simplemenace verbale: 400 FF. Quant aumeurtre, il coûte environ 200.000 FF. Lamafia turque tire la majeure partie <strong>de</strong> sesressources du trafic <strong>de</strong> stupéfiants <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>l'obtention, par menace ou corruption, <strong>de</strong>marchés <strong>de</strong> construction ainsi que durecouvrement <strong>de</strong>s chèques <strong>et</strong> créancesnon honorés <strong>de</strong>s entreprises ou <strong>de</strong>sparticuliers. Pour obtenir son dû,' il estcourant en Turquie <strong>de</strong> s'adresser à laMafia qui, en échange <strong>de</strong> ses services,r<strong>et</strong>ient 50% <strong>de</strong> la somme recouvrée. Lamafia entr<strong>et</strong>ient également <strong>de</strong>s relationssuivies avec la classe politique à tous lesnivaux ainsi qu'avec la police, la justice <strong>et</strong>la haute hiérarchie militaire. Ces relationsne sont pas toujours occultes. Inei Baba,l'un <strong>de</strong>s parrains illustres <strong>de</strong> la Mafiaturque, a accompagné à plusieursreprises M. Demirel dans ses voyages àl'étranger <strong>et</strong> à sa mort le prési<strong>de</strong>nt turc aun moment songé à publier un décr<strong>et</strong>gouvernemental pour autoriser sa familleà ériger un mausolée à la mémoire <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>AI Capone local qui avait portéassistance financière <strong>et</strong> «protégé» M.Demirel après le coup d'Etat militaire <strong>de</strong>1980. (cf. aussi pp. 45-47 du <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong>,Turkey: The Mafia Republic).

n' 13~-135 • Mal - Jilin 1996 <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> (je <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> (j'Information. 13.EN BREF, LA REVUE DE PRESSEET SI DANS UN APRÈS-MIDI DE DIMANCHEUN SOLDAT S'ÉGARE DANS UNEMANIFESTATION EN FAVEUR DE LA PAIX.(Turkish Daily News, 10 mai 1996), p. 20.LEYLA ZANA, ÉCRITS DE PRISON, Éditions<strong>de</strong>s femmes, <strong>Paris</strong> 1995. (Europa <strong>de</strong> lesnacions, printemps 1996), p.1.NE LES OUBLIONS PAS: LE SILENCE TUE.Portratt d'une femme militante : Leyla lana. Unprocès d'un autre âge au sein même <strong>de</strong>l'Europe. (Le Travail, mars - avril 1996), p. 2-3.TURQUIE: METIRE FIN AUX TRAFICS DEDROGUE AVEC L'AIDE DES ÉTATS-UNIS.(The Christian Science Monitor, 1 er mai 1996),p.4-5.UN ÉCRIVAIN TURC CONDAMNÉ À UNEPEINE D'EMPRISONNEMENT. (The ChrisffanScience Monitor, 1 er mai 1996), p. 5.UNE VOIX (Mehdi lana) : PAR DELÀ DESBARREAUX. (The Middle East, mai 1996), p.&-7.LES ÉTATS-UNIS: LA SYRIE A PRIS DESMESURES «CONSIDÉRÉES» COMMEREFRÉNANT LE TERRORISME EN 1995.(Turkish Daily News, 2 mai 1996), p, 8-9.ÖCALAN MENACE DE NOUVAUX ACTESTERRORISTES. (Expressen, 5 mai 1996), p. 9.LE VOTE SUR LA CORRUPTION PEUTMETIRE FIN À LA COALITION. (Turkish DailyNews,4 mai 1996), p.10.ÖCALAN MET EN GARDE LES TOURISTESCONTRE DES ATIAQUES EN TURQUIE.(Turkish Daily News, 6 mai 1996), p. 11.ONU-IRAK: REPRISE DES POURPARLERSENTRE L'ONU ET L'IRAK. Les négociationsentre l'ONU <strong>et</strong> l'Irak pour un allégement <strong>de</strong>l'embargo intemational contre Bagdad <strong>et</strong> la miseau point <strong>de</strong> la formule «pétrole contrenourriture» reprennent au siège <strong>de</strong>s Nationsunies à New York avec l'espoir à rONU que toutsoit réglé avant le 15 mai. (AFP, 6 mai 1996),p,12,LES ÉTATS-UNIS SOUTIENNENT LE POINTDE VUE TURC SUR L'EUROPE ET LASYRIEiPKK. (Turkish D;ily News, 8 mai 1996),p.13.TURQUIE-KURDES: 29 MORTS LORS D'UNEOPÉRATION DE L'ARMÉE TURQUE CONTRELE PKK DANS LE NORD DE L'IRAK. C<strong>et</strong>teopération a fat 29 morts dont 28 dans les rangsdu PKK <strong>et</strong> un dans ceux <strong>de</strong> l'armée, sek>n <strong>de</strong>sbilans non officiels. (AFP, 9 ma 1996), p. 14.LA SALE GUERRE AU KURDISTANCONTINUE. Au début du mois d'avril, commechaque année, l'armée avec le soutien <strong>de</strong>60 (XX) auxiliaires d'origine kur<strong>de</strong>, annés par lesautorités, a commencé une opération militaired'envergure contre l'organisation nationalistekur<strong>de</strong> PKK. (Lutte ouvrière, 10 mai 1996), p.14.LA TURQUIE A HORREUR DU VIDE AUNORD DE L'IRAK. L'Iran renforce son influencedans le Kurdistan «autonome». Depuis laguerre du Golfe, le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak n'est pluscontrôlé par Bagdad, <strong>et</strong> les <strong>de</strong>ux principalesorganisations kur<strong>de</strong>s s'y affrontent. LesAméricains essaient <strong>de</strong> ramener la paix, l'Iranse pose en arbttre <strong>et</strong> en financier, la Syrie jo~eles parrains. Quant à la Turquie, elle s'inquiète.(Courrier International, 9-15 mai 1996), p. 15-16.MEHMET AGAR ACCUSE SESACCUSATEURS D'ÊTRE DES LOBBIESANTI-TURCS. - Le joumal Evrensel interdtt <strong>de</strong>parution pendant 20 jours. (Turkish Daily News,11 mai 1996), p. 16.L'AGENDA DES DROITS DE L'HOMME.(Tuikish Probe, 10 ma 1996), p. 17.LE RAPPORT AMÉRICAIN SUR LATERREUR TIMIDE POUR LA SYRIE ETFRANC POUR LA GRÈCE. (Turkish Probe, 10mai 1996), p. 18-19.LES TROUPES TURQUES LANCENT UNEOPÉRATION AU NORD DE I.:IRAK. (TuikishDaily News, 10 mai 1996), p. 21.UNE SECONDE ENQUÊTE SUR LACORRUPTION ÉBRÉCHE LA COALITIONTURQUE. (International Herald Tribune, 10 mai1996), p. 22.DIVISION DU GOUVERNEMENT DECOALITION TURC. Secon<strong>de</strong> enquête sur lesenrichissements <strong>de</strong> Çiller. (Neue ZürcherZeitUf'fJ, 10 mai 1996), p. 23.MEHDI ZANA: LE CONSEIL DE L'EUROPE VATRÈS LENTEMENT. (Svenska Dagbla<strong>de</strong>t, 11mai 1996), p. 24.LA REQUETE D'UN SYNDICALISTE TURCDÉCLARÉE RECEVABLE À STRASBOURG.La requête <strong>de</strong> Munir Ceylan, prési<strong>de</strong>nt dusyndicat <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs du pétrole, condamnépour avoir critiqué dans un article <strong>de</strong> presse lapolitique du gouvernement vis-à-vis <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s,a été déclarée recevable par la Commissioneuropéenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme, a-t-onappris à Strasbourg auprès du Conseil <strong>de</strong>l'Europe. (AFP, 13 mai 1996), p. 24.LES VENTES DU BRUT IRAKIEN ATIIRENTL'INTÉRÊT DES MARCHANDS DU PÉTROLE.(Turkish Daily News, 12 mai 1996), p. 25.EUROCOPTER SIGNERA UN CONTRAT DE500 MILLIONS DE DOLLARS BIENTÔT.(Turkish Daily News, 12 mai 1996), p. 26.IRAKlPÉTROLE : LES NÉGOCIATIONS AVECL'ONU SE DÉROULENT BIEN. Cespourparlers entre l'Irak <strong>et</strong> l'ONU sur rapplicationd'une résolution du Conseil <strong>de</strong> sécurité <strong>de</strong>l'ONU prévoyant un allégement <strong>de</strong> l'embargoimposé à l'Irak se déroulent bien, a affirmé unquotidien officiel irakien. (AFP, 13 mai 1996),p.32.UNE NOUVELLE ENQUÊTE À ANKARA

• 14. Bull<strong>et</strong>tn <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>d'information</strong> n° 134-135. Mai - Juin 1996AJOUTE UNE ENTORSE AUX PROBLÈMESDE ÇILLER. (Turl

na 13..J-135 • M,il - JUif) 1996 <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> d'Informatlon • 15 •ACCUEILLI EN TURQUIE, MALGRÉ LESOUCI D'UN « KURDE» (Turkish Daft News,22 mai 1996), p. 63.POINT SUR LA SITUATION EN TURQUIE: -Vis~e du Comité européen pour la prévention<strong>de</strong> la torture ... - La Fondation turque <strong>de</strong>sDroits <strong>de</strong> rHomrœ poursuivie pa' les Cours <strong>de</strong>Sûr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong> l'état... - Une nouvelle incursionturque au Kurdistan d'Irak ... (Gamk, 22 mai1996), p. 64-65.LA LIBERTÉ DE LA PRESSE, ENCORE UNEFOIS EN PROCÈS. (Turkish Daily News, 23mai 1996), p. 65.UN DRAME EN MARGE DE HABITAT Il, UNEPERSONNE TUÉE. (Turkish Daily News, 23mai 1996), p. 65.LA TURQUIE PROTESTE CONTRE LESPRO-KURDES TENUS LORS D'UNERÉUNION DU PARLEMENT RUSSE. (TurkishDaily News, 23 mai 1996), p. 66.ANKARA NIE SON MÉCONTENTEMENTCONCERNANT L'ACCORD AVEC ISRAËL.(Turkish Daily News, 23 mai 1996), p. 66.MURAT POUR LE KURDISTAN. Curiositéscén~ue annoncée <strong>de</strong> la semaine prochaine :un concert militant <strong>de</strong> Murat. CONCERT: UNENUIT POUR LE KURDISTAN. MURAT SORTDE SON SILENCE POUR LE KURDISTAN.Tous ceux qui espéraient découvrir, en avantpremière,quelques titres du prochain album <strong>de</strong>Jean-Luis Murat, n'auront finalement dû se((contenter» à la Maison du Peuple <strong>de</strong>Clermont-Ferrand, que d'anciennes chansons <strong>et</strong><strong>de</strong> reprises. Les bénéfices du cooœrt - auquelparticipaient également André Agier <strong>et</strong> Jack <strong>et</strong>les Eventreurs - perm<strong>et</strong>tront, eux, <strong>de</strong> financerl'envoi d'un convoi humanitaire au Kurdistan.(Ubération, 22 mai; La Montagne, 28 mai; 29mai 1996), p. 66, as, 86.'PAS DE LUMIÈRE AU BOUT DU TUNNEL'.(The In<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt, 23 mai 1996), p. 67.LA GUERRE DU GOLFE N'EST PAS FINIE.L'accord, conclu à New York entre l'ONU <strong>et</strong>l'Irak, sur la résolution «pétrole contrenourriture» n'entame en rien la volonté <strong>de</strong>Washington d'caccélérer la chute <strong>de</strong> l'actuelrégime irakien». LES IRAKIENS DEVRONTENCORE ATTENDRE UNE AMÉLIORATIONDE LEUR SORT. Les eff<strong>et</strong>s <strong>de</strong> l'accord «pétrolecontre nourriture» sur la ~uation human~airene se feront pas sentir avant <strong>de</strong>ux mois. (LaCroix, 23 mai, 24 mai 1996), p. 68, 76.L'OPPOSITION IRAKIENNE CRAINT QUEL'ACCORD AVEC L'ONU NE RENFORCE LEPOUVOIR DE SADDAM HUSSEIN.Washington voudra~ empêcher Bagdad <strong>de</strong> tirer<strong>de</strong>s bénéfices «à <strong>de</strong>s fins illégitimes». LeCorTité <strong>de</strong>s sanctions <strong>de</strong> l'ONU contre rlrak, ou«Com~é 661», s'est réuni, à New York, pourexaminer l'accord «pétrole contre nourriture»,dont il <strong>de</strong>vra superviser la mise en oeuvre. Deleur côté, les États-Unis ont affirmé qu'ils«empêcheraient» le prési<strong>de</strong>nt irakien, SaddamHussein, d'utiliser les bénéfices <strong>de</strong> la vente dupétrole «à <strong>de</strong>s fins illégitimes». (Le Mon<strong>de</strong>, 23mai 1996), p. 69.YILMAZ ET ÖCALAN SE LIVRENT À UNEGUERRE SANS MERCI DANS LES MÉDIA.(Turkish Probe, 24 mai 1996), p. 70.L'AGENDA DES DROITS DE L'HOMME.(Turkish Probe, 24 mai 1996), p. 70.EN TURQUIE, LE CHEMIN DE L'HISTOIRERELÈGUE AU PASSÉ LA PENSÉED'ATATÜRK. (International Herald Tribune, 20mai 1996), p. 71-72.LA TURQUIE POURRAIT ACHETER DESHÉLICOPTÈRESD'ATTAQUED'EUROCOPTER APRÈS LA RÉTICENCEDES AMÉRICAINS SUR LES COBRAS.(Turkish Dait! News, 22 mai 1996), p. 72.L'AGRESSEUR DE DEMIREL, MÉCONTENTDE L'ACCORD TURCO-ISRAÉLlEN.(lntemationéi Herald Tribune, 20 mai 1996), p.73.LE PRÉSIDENT TURC SULEYMAN DEMIRELÉCHAPPE À UN ATIENTAT. Son agresseur, unpharmacien islamste <strong>de</strong> 48 ans, père <strong>de</strong> quatreenfants, apparemment mentalement instable,semble avoir agi seul pour protester contrel'accord <strong>de</strong> coopération militaire conclu enfévrier entre la Tlrquie <strong>et</strong> Israël. (Le Mon<strong>de</strong>, 21mai 1996), p. 73.LIRAK ACCEPTE LACCORD DES NATIONS-UNIES SUR LA VENTE LIMITÉE DE SONPÉTROLE. (International Herald Tribune, 21mai 1996), p. 7~75.SADDAM EN LAISSE. (International HeraldTribune, 23 mai 1996), p. 75.L'ACCORD SUR LE PÉTROLE : UNEAUBAINE POUR L'ARMÉE DE SADDAM.(International Herald Tribune, 25-26 mai 1996),p.77.LES ISLAMISTES SE PRÉPARENT ÀDÉPOSER LE LEADER TURC. (InternationalHerald Tribune, 27 mai 1996), p. 77.IRAK: DÉMANTELEMENT DE RÉSEAUX DETRAFIC D'ANTIQUITÉS. Les cinq membres<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux réseaux ont fait <strong>de</strong>s aveux à latélévision irakienne qui a montré égalerœnt <strong>de</strong>sstatu<strong>et</strong>tes en pierre <strong>et</strong> en bronze d'anciensdieux <strong>et</strong> rois <strong>de</strong> l'époque assyrienne, ainsi que<strong>de</strong>s vases <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s sceaux qu'ils tentaient <strong>de</strong> fairepasser en Jordanie. (A.FP, 26 mai 1996), p.78.UNE SANTÉ RAVAGÉE AU SUD-EST. (TurkishDait! News, 27 mai 1996), p. 79.TANSU ÇILLER PORTE LE COUP DE GRACEÀ LA COALITION GOUVERNEMENTALE ENTURQUIE. La fin <strong>de</strong> l'alliance entre les <strong>de</strong>uxpartis conservateurs fa~ le jeu <strong>de</strong>s islamistes.Onze semaines seulement aprés la poignée <strong>de</strong>main scellant l'union forcée entre le Parti <strong>de</strong> lamère patrie (ANAP) du premier ministre MesutYilmaz <strong>et</strong> celui <strong>de</strong> la Juste Voie (DYP) <strong>de</strong> MrœÇiller, la méfiance, les accusations réciproques<strong>de</strong> corruption <strong>et</strong> les échanges d'insultes ontfinalement eu raison <strong>de</strong> la fragile coalitionformée par les <strong>de</strong>ux partis conservateurs rivauxpour empêcher l'arrivée aux pouvoir <strong>de</strong>sislamistes. LA COALITION D'ANKARA ESTSAPÉE PAR LA BROUILLE ENTRECONSERVATEURS. (Le Mon<strong>de</strong>, 26-27 mai;Agence économique <strong>et</strong> Financière, 28 mai1996), p. 80.

• 16 • <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>d'information</strong> n° 134-135 • Mai - Jum1996DEUX AUTRES REQUÊTES À LACOMMISSION EUROPÉENNE DES DROITSDE LHOMME CONTRE LA TURQUIE. (TurkishDaily News, 28 mai 1996),p. 81.HELSINKI COMMISSION-US RENOUVELLESES EFFORTS POUR RÉSOUDRE LAQUESTION KURDE. (Turkish Daily News, 27mai 1996),p. 82.L'ATTITUDE NÉGATIVE AMÉRICAINE NUITAUX RELATIONS AVEC LA TURQUIE.(Turkish Daily News, 29 mai 1996), p. 83.43 REBELLES KURDES TUÉS DANS LESUD-EST ANATOLIEN EN UNE SEMAINE.(AFP, 28 mai 1996),p. 84.DEMIREL AJOUTE UNE SEPTIÈME BOUCLEAU PROJET GAP. (Turkish Daily News, 30 mai1996),p. 87-89.COOPÉRATION ANKARA-JÉRUSALEM: LAGENESE D'UNE ALLIANCE. Entre la Turquie<strong>et</strong> Israël, la complémentarité est totale. Resteune inconnue : la montée <strong>de</strong> l'islamisme àAnkara. Le prési<strong>de</strong>nt turc Suleyman Demirel aévoqué publiquement la possibilité d'un«changement <strong>de</strong> frontière))avec l'Irak. (ValeursActuelles,29 juin 1996),p. 90-91.LE PREMIER MINISTRE TURC NIE UNDÉPART PROCHAIN. (International HeraldTribune, 29 mai 1996),p. 92.SUNGURLU EST PATIENT SUR LACCORDDE VENTE DE COBRA. (Turkish Daily News,30 mai 1996),p. 92.L'IRAK DIT QUE LES GROS CONTRATSSONT RÉSERVÉS SEULEMENT AUX«AMIS». (Turkish Daily News, 30 mai 1996), p.93.LES GROUPES KURDES IRAKIENS SONTD'ACCORD POUR LA PROLONGATION DUMANDAT DE LEUR PARLEMENT. (TurkishDaily NeWS,30 mai 1996),p. 93.LA FRANCE VOIT L'IMMINENCE DE LASIGNATURE DU CONTRAT EUROCOPTER..(Turkish Daily News, 31 mßi1996), p. 94.YACHAR KEMAL REÇOIT LE PRIX trois autres députés du DEP. (Le Point <strong>de</strong> laHELLMANIHAMMETT.(Human Rights Watch, session,juin 111996),p.101.31 mai 1996),p. 95.YACHAR KEMAL REÇOIT LE PRIXLES PRISONS SONT EN ÉTAT HELLMAN/HAMMETT POUR SOND'ÉBULLITION.(TUrkishProbe, 31 mai 1996), COURAGE FACE À LA RÉPRESSION.- Lap.96-97.police interdnla Conférence Alternative HaMat(TurkishDaily News, 1 er juin 1996),p. 102.KURDES: LE SECRÉTAIREAMÉRICAINÀ LADÉFENSE WILLIAM PERRY A EU UN LES PRINCIPALES FORMATIONS KURDESENTRETIENAVECSON HOMOLOGUETURC IRAKIENNES QUI SE DISPUTENT LEOLTAN SUNGURlU SUR L'AVENIR DE CONTROLE DU NORD DE L'IRAK SONTL'OPÉRATION ALLIÉE « PROVIDE CONVENUES DE PROROGER DE QUATRECOMFORT))DE PROTECTIONDES KURDES MOIS LE MANDANT DU «PARLEMENT»D'IRAK, A ANNONCÉ LE PENTAGONE. KURDE, ÉLU EN MAI 1992, ONT INDIQUÉ(AFP, 30 mai 1996),p. 97.DES RESPONSABLES.(AFP, 2 juin 1996),p.103.SIX PRISONNIERS S'IMMOLENT DANS LAPRISON DE DIYARBAKIR. (Turkish Daily LA TURQUIE DÉCLARE QU'IL POURRAIT YNews,31 mai 1996),p. 98.AVOIR DES ÉMISSION DE TV EN KURDE.(TurkishDaily News, 2 juin 1996),p. 104.LE FONDS D'ASSISTANCE ÉTRANGÈREAMÉRICAIN VA ACCORDER 3 MILLIONS DEDOLLARSÀ BARZANIET TALABANI.(TurkishDaily News, 31 mai 1996),p. 98-99.HADEP ET HABITATII. (TurkishDaily News, 31mai 1996),p. 99.SUNGURLU REVIENT SUR SES COMMEN-TAIRES CONCERNENT PROVIDECOMFORT. (Turkish Daily News, 31 mai1996),p. 99.LES ACTIVITÉS DE LA CONFÉRENCEALTERNATIVE D'HABITAT: UNE AUTREMANIÈRE DE VOIR LES CHOSES. (TurkishDaily News, 31 mai 1996),p. 100.IMMIGRATION-MÄNIF : PRES DE 2 000MANIFESTANTS À MARSEILLE CONTRELES LOIS PASQUA.(AFP, 1 er juin 1996), p.97.DROITS DE L'HOMME - TURQUIE :RÉSOLUTIONCOMMUNESUR LES DROITSDE L'HOMME ET LA SITUATION ENTURQUIE. Le Parlement européen <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>au nouveau gouvernement <strong>de</strong> décréter uneamnistie générale <strong>et</strong> renouvelle plusparticulièrement sa <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> libérerimmédiatementMme Leyla Zana ainsi que lesKIRKOUK PERMETTRA À L'IRAK DERETROUVER SA PLACE SUR LE MARCHÉPÉTROLIER.(Turkish Daily News, 3 juin 1996),p.105.L'ORGANISATION DES DROITS DEL'HOMME MET LE SUD-EST À LORDRE DUJOUR D'HABITAT (Turkish Daily News, 3 juin1996), p. 106.LAVENIR DU PARLEMENT KURDE RESTEINCERTAIN.(Turkish Daily News, 3 juin 1996),p.107.DANS UN ISTANBUL ÉTOUFFANT, L'ONUMÉDITE SUR L'AMÉNAGEMENT DE LAVILLE. (International Herald Tribune, 4 juin1996),p. 108.USA-SYRIE-TURQUIE : LES ÉTATS-UNISONT EXPRIMÉ LEUR «INQUIÉTUDE FACEAU TERRORISME DIRIGÉ CONTRE LATURQUIE, VENANT DE SYRIE» ETRENOUVELÉ LEUR SOUTIEN À ANKARATOUT EN APPELANT À L'AMÉLIORATIONDES RELATIONS ENTRE LES DEUX PAYS,SELON LE PORTE-PAROLE DUDÉPARTEMENTD'ÉTAT.(AFP, 5 juin 1996),p.109.

n' 13--1-135' M,JI - JlIIn 1996 <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>d'information</strong>' 17'TURQUIE-BELGIQUE-KURDES : VISITE DEMESUT YllMAZ. le Premier ministre turc,Mesut Yilmaz, a assuré que la Belgique allaitprendre <strong>de</strong>s mesures visant à empêcher lesactivités <strong>de</strong>s nilitants du parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs duKurdistan sur son territoire. (AFP, 4 juin 1996),p.109.LA TURQUIE; UN DES PAYS QUI PRATIQUELE PLUS LA TORTURE DANS lE MONDE.Alors que les diplomates occi<strong>de</strong>ntaux déclarentque la situation <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme est enamélioration croissante <strong>de</strong>puis les années 80,les organisations <strong>de</strong> défense <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong>l'hoome turques sont d'un avis différent. (Gamk,5 juin 1996), p. 110.QUARANTE ET UNIÈMES JOURS DE GREVEDE LA FAIM. Un mouvement <strong>de</strong> grève <strong>de</strong> lafaim tournante entamé par <strong>de</strong>s centaines <strong>de</strong>prisonniers kur<strong>de</strong>s pour protester contre unproj<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> nouveau règlement <strong>de</strong>s prisons.Bahattin Guner, vice-prési<strong>de</strong>nt du Partidémocratique populaire, a déclaré, à rAFP: lesprisonniers «protestent contre les nouvellesrègles que prépare le ministre <strong>de</strong> la Justice,Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agar, qui conduiraient à unedétérioration <strong>de</strong>s conditions <strong>de</strong> vie dans lesprison». (A.FA, 6 juin 1996), p. 110.LE RETOUR DE L'IRAK SUR LE MARCHÉPÉTROLIER CRÉE DE NOUVEAUXPROBLÈMES À L'OPEC. (International HeraldTribune, 6 juin 1996), p. 111.LE CHEF DE l'ONU NE PENSE QUE DU«BIEN» DE LA TURQUIE. (Turl

• 18 • <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>d'information</strong>n° 134-135 • Mai - JUll11996a déclaré que la reprise <strong>de</strong>s actions militairescontre le régime ture décidée par le PKK nes'appliquait qu'au «long terme» <strong>et</strong> que lecessez-le-feu «se poursuivaitl>. (AFR, 10, 11juin 1996),p. 144, 153.L'IRAK S'OPPOSE À UN PROVIDECOMFORT NE COMPRENANT QUE LATURQUIE ET LES ÉTATS-UNIS.(Turkish DailyNews, 10juin 1996),p. 145.TALABANIDÉCLARE QUE LA TURQUIE FAITDU CHANTAGE AVEC L'OPÉRATIONPROVIDE COMFORT (Turkish Daily News, 10juin 1996),p. 145-148.DES MARGINAUX: LES ALEVIS TURCS.Émancipation <strong>et</strong> exclusion d'une. minoritéreligieuse. (Neue Zürcher Zeffung, 10 juin1996),p. 149-151.UN LONG BANC DES ACCUSÉS. Un procès<strong>de</strong> masse contre <strong>de</strong>s artistes <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>sintellectuels. (Neue Zürcher Zeffung, 10 juin1996),p. 152,LE DOSSIER DU MAGAZINE ECONOMISTEEST PESSIMISTE SUR L'AVENIR DE LATURQUIE. (Turkish Daily News, 11 juin 1996),p.154.LES RÉACTIONS SUR LES INCIDENTS DUDIMANCHE CONTINUENT. (Turkish DailyNews, 11juin 1996),p. 154.ANKARA PRÉPARE UN RAPPORT SOCIO-ÉCONOMIQUE SUR LE NORD DE L'IRAK,(TurkishDaily News, 11juin 1996),p. 156.NOUVEAU DÉFI D'ANKARA POUR LE PKK.Les tensions augmentent entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> laSyrie. (Neue Zürcher Zeffung, 12 juin 1996), p.157.LE PARTI DE ÇILLER SE DIT PRÊT ÀJOINDRE LES ISLAMISTES. (InternationalHerald Tribune, 12juin 1996),p. 158.DE PEUR D'ESPIONNAGE, L'IRAK INTERDITLA PRÉSENCE DES INSPECTEURS DEL'ONU. (International Herald Tribune, 13 juin1996),p. 158.L'ARMÉE TURQUE A MULTIPLIÉ SESOPÉRATIONS CONTRE LE PKK DEPUISAVRIL. Soixante douze rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> sixsoldats turcs ont été tués lors d'opérationsmilitaires <strong>de</strong> l'armée dans l'Est <strong>et</strong> le Sud-Estanatoliens,a rapporté l'agenceAnatolie, qui neprécise pas la date <strong>de</strong> ces opérations.CINQUANTE REBELLES KURDES TUÉS ENANATOLIE. Ils ont été tués par l'armée turquelors d'opérations militaires dans la région <strong>de</strong>Çukurca, en temtoir<strong>et</strong>urc le long <strong>de</strong> la frontièreavec l'Irak. SOIXANTE DIX- SEPT REBELLESKURDES TUÉS LORS D'OPÉRATIONS DEL'ARMÉE TURQUE. Le bilan porte à 199 lenombre total <strong>de</strong>s rebelleskur<strong>de</strong>s tués <strong>de</strong>puis le. 12 juin, dont 146 dans la seule région <strong>de</strong>Çukurca, le long <strong>de</strong> la frontière turco-irakienne,où les troupes turques effectuent <strong>de</strong>puisplusieursjours une opération ponctuellecontrele PKK, a rapporté l'agenceAnatolie,citant <strong>de</strong>ssourcesofficielles.(AFR, 12, 14, 15juin 1996),p. 159, 173. .TURQUIE: PROLOS, JEUNES ET KURDESJOUENT LEUR VIE AU FOOT. Pour lapremièrefois, la Turquiedispute la phasefinaledu Championnatd'Europe <strong>de</strong> football. Un sportqui susc~eun engouementexceptionnel.Opiumdu peuple ou seul exutoire - trop souventviolent - à toutes les frustrations ? (CourrierInternational, 13/19juin 1996),p. 160-161.L'IRAK INTERDIT AUX INSPECTEURS DEL'ONU LES CITES SENSIBLES.(Turkish DailyNews, 13juin 1996),p. 161-162.TURQUIE: UN NOUVEAU DÉSARROIPOLITIQUE.(International Herald Tribune, 15-16juin 1996),p. 162.LA CRISE POLITIQUE AJOUTE PLUSD'AMBIGUïTÉ POUR PROVIDE COMFORT(Turkish Probe, 14juin 1996),p. 163.QU'EST-CE-QUE LA TURQUIE DOIT AUXARABES? (Turkish Probe, 14 juin 1996), p.164.DE L'EXTÉRIEUR DES PRISONS, ILSREGARDENT VERS L'INTÉRIEUR. (TurkishProbe, 14juin 1996),p. 165-166.ALLEMAGNE-KURDES: MANIFESTATIONDEKURDES. Plusieurs dizaines <strong>de</strong> milliers <strong>de</strong>Kur<strong>de</strong>s, 40 000 selon la police, ont manifestésans inci<strong>de</strong>ntà Hambourg pour la paix dans lesud-est <strong>de</strong> la TurqUie.(AFR, 15 juin 1996), p.166.UNE AUTRE HISTOIRE DE «DISPARITION».(TurkishProbe, 14juin 1996),p. 167.MESSAGE À ERBAKAN: L'ARMÉE N'ESTPAS CONTRE LA FORMATION D'UNGOUVERNEMENTPAR REFAH. (Turkish DailyNews, 14juin 1996),p. 168.HUMAN RIGHTS WATCHIHELSINKlTIENT LATURQUIE RESPONSABLE DESÉVACUATIONS FORCÉES. (Turkish DailyNews, 14juin 1996),p. 169.SOUS L'ARBITRAGE DE L'ISLAM. Le Refahau pouvoir à Ankara ? Erbakan est chargé ànouveau<strong>de</strong> former le gouvernement.C<strong>et</strong>tefois,il a ses chances. Erbakan pourrait mieuxs'entendre avec Tansu Çiller. En re<strong>de</strong>venantpremier ministre, celle-ci pourrait espéreréchapper à ses tracas judiciaires ou au moinsles différer.(Valeurs Actuelles, 15 juin 1996), p.170-171.SYRIE-TURQUIE : DES RENFORTSSYRIENS DANS LES ZONESFRONTALlERES. La Syrie a massé près <strong>de</strong>40 000 soldats le long <strong>de</strong> sa frontière avec laTurquieà la suite <strong>d'information</strong>ssur l'implicationd'Ankara dims une série d'explosionsen Syrieces <strong>de</strong>rnièressemaines,a rapportéle quotidiensaoudienal-Hayat. (AFR, 15, 16 juin 1996),p.172,177-178.TURQUIE-KURDES: OPÉRATIONS DEL'ARMÉETURQUE.Tl rebellesKur<strong>de</strong>sont ététués par l'armée turque lors d'opérationsmilitaires menées dans la région du sud-estanatolien, a rapporté l'agence Anatolie, citant<strong>de</strong>s sources officielles. 28 REBELLESKURDESTUÉS DANS DES OPÉRATIONSDEL'ARMÉE TURQUE. TURQUIE: BAIN DESANG AU KURDISTAN. (AFR, 15 juin, 16juin; La Marseillaise,17 juin 1996),p. 173, 174,182.

Il' 134-135. Mal - JIIIIl 1996 <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>d'information</strong>. 19.SYRIE- TURQUIE-ARABES : LA LIGUEARABE MET EN GARDE LA TURQUIECONTRE UNE ÉVENTUELLE OPÉRATIONMILITAIRE TURQUE EN SYRIE. Le secrétairegénéral adjoint <strong>de</strong> la Ligue arabe, le SyrienMouaffak al-AIIaf, a mis en gar<strong>de</strong> contre uneincursion militaire turque en Syrie mais a affirméne pas croire au déclenchement d'un confl~armé entre les <strong>de</strong>ux pays. LA LIGUE ARABEMET EN GARDE LA TURQUIE. (AFP, 16juin; Coorrier Picard, 17 juin 1996), p. 175, 182.LA GRÈCE ABANOONNE SON OPPOSITIONÀ UNE AIDE DE L'UNION EUROPÉENNE ÀLA TURQUIE. (Intemationéi Herald Tribune, 16juin 1996), p. 176.CINQUANTE SEPT REBELLES KURDESTUÉS DANS LA ZONE FRONTALIERETURCO-IRAKIENNE. (AFP., 15 juin 1996), p.176.IRAK-TURQUIE- KURDES : BAGDADCRITIQUE UNE NOUVELLE INCURSIONTURQUE DANS LE NORD DE L'IRAK. L'Irak aprotesté contre une opération militaire turquedans le Kurdistan irakien <strong>et</strong> a <strong>de</strong>mandé àAnkara <strong>de</strong> m<strong>et</strong>tre fin au ~us tôt à c<strong>et</strong>te nouvelle(

.20. <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> d'Information n° 134-135. Mai - Jum1996LE GROUPE SOCIALISTE DU PARLEMENTEUROPÉEN DEMANDE UNE AMNISTIE ENTURQUIE. (Turkish Daily News, 20 juin 1996),p.194.LA TENSION MONTE À LA FRONTIÈRETURCO-SYRIENNE. (The Guardian, 20 juin1996),p. 195.KURDISTAN TURC: LES MILICIENS ANTI-PKK SONT DEVENUS INCONTROLABLES.Créés «provisoirement» il y a bientôt dix anspour «protéger» les villageois tures <strong>et</strong> kur<strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong>s attaques <strong>de</strong> la guérilla autonomistedu PKK,les «gar<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> village» sont aujourd'hui50 000.Armés par l'État, ils n'en font pourtant qu'à leurtête, terrorisant à leur tour les habitants.(Courrier International, 10/26juin 1996), p. 196-197.LES ÉTATS-UNIS MISENT SUR LESGÉNÉRAUX TURCS. Washington s'appuie surl'armée turque pour avancer sur <strong>de</strong>ux dossiersclés: la Bosnie <strong>et</strong> la mise en place d'un «nouvelordre» au Moyen-Orient. L'ARMÉE VEILLEDISCRETEMENT SUR LA VIE POLITIQUETURQUE. Alors que le lea<strong>de</strong>r islamisteNecm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan effectue un <strong>de</strong>mier tour <strong>de</strong>piste pour tenter <strong>de</strong> former un gouvemement,les militaires jouent les arbitres. (La Croix, 20juin 1996),p. 198, 199.DES OFFICIERS DE L'ONU DÉTRUISENTDES DÉPÔTS D'ARMES IRAKIENS.(International Herald Tribune, 21 juin 1996), p.198.SELON AL.HAYAT, L'IRAN PROPOSE UNEALLIANCE MILITAIRE AVEC LA SYRIE.(Turkish Daily News, 21 juin 1996),p. 200.EN TURQUIE, SELON M. DEMIREL. Ce<strong>de</strong>rnier, interrogé sur les préoccupationsocci<strong>de</strong>ntales face à la montée <strong>de</strong>s forcesislamistes en Turquie, a. déclaré: «Lefondarnentalisrne c'est vouloir établir un régim<strong>et</strong>héocratique, ce qui n'a jamais eu <strong>de</strong> succès enTurquie rnême pas sous l'ernpire offornam>...(AFP., 21 juin 1996),p. 202. "SOLIDARITÉ AVEC LES PRISONNIERSPOLITIQUES DE TURQUIE ET DUKURDISTAN.(Luffe Ouvrière, 21 juin 1996), p.203.L'ONU DÉCLARE QUE TOUT VA BIENENTRE LA TURQUIE ET LA SYRIE. (TurkishDaily News, 22 juin 1996),p. 204.LES ÉTATS-UNIS ONT PRIS UN RISQUELORS DE LATIAQUE CONTRE LES DÉPÔTSD'ARMES CHIMIQUES EN IRAK EN 1991.(International Herald Tribune, 22/23 juin 1996),p.205.EN RAISON DE LA QUESTION KURDE, UNAUTRE PARTI (EP, EMEK PARTISI) PEUTÊTRE BANNI. (Turkish Daily News, 22 juin1996),p. 205.LA TURQUIE, SES VOISINS ET ISRAEL.Auxyeux <strong>de</strong>s Tures,l'essor<strong>de</strong>s relationsavec Israëlpourrait être plus rentable que les relationsambiguës qu'ils ont toujours entr<strong>et</strong>enues avecles Arabes. La maîtrise <strong>de</strong>s eaux <strong>de</strong> l'Euphrate<strong>et</strong> l'ai<strong>de</strong>apportéeaux séparatisteskur<strong>de</strong>s: c'estsur ce double registre que se joue <strong>de</strong>puis <strong>de</strong>sannées le conflit entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> la Syrie,dont le <strong>de</strong>mier rebondissementrappelle que ledanger persiste. (Le Mon<strong>de</strong>, 23/24 juin 1996),p.207.CONGRÈS DE HADEP. (Turkish Daily News,24 juin 1996),p. 210.LES IRAKIENS SOUTENUS PAR LA C.IACHERCHENT UNE NOUVELLE FOIS ÀRENVERSER SADDAM. (International HeraldTribune, 24juin 1996),p. 211.LA POLICE ARRÊTE LES DIRIGEANTS DEHADEP POUR L'AFFAIRE DU DRAPEAU.(Turkish Daily News, 25 juin 1996),p. 212-213.L'INSPECTION SUR LE DÉSARMEMENTCONTINUE ET L'IRAK CONSENT.(International Herald Tribune, 25 juin 1996), p.212.... ET LE PKK DEVIENT UN DANGER POURLE HADEP.(Turkish Daily News, 25 juin 1996),p.213.TURQUIE: RÉSOLUTIONSUR LES DROITSDE L'HOMME ET LA SITUATION ENTURQUIE. (Journal officiel <strong>de</strong>s Cornmunautéseuropéennes, juin 1996),p. 214-217.TURQUIE-KURDES: ARRESTATIONS DEHUIT MILITANTSDU PKK EN POSSESSIOND'EXPLOSIFSÀ ISTANBUL.Huit membres duParti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleursdu Kurdistan, dont <strong>de</strong>uxfemmes, ont été arrêtés à Istanbul enpossessiond'un important arsenal. (AFP., 25juin 1996),p. 219.L'AXE ANKARA-JÉRUSALEM CONTREDAMAS ET TÉHÉRAN. A l'heure où lesdirigeants arabes affichent leur unité, Israëldispose d'un atout <strong>de</strong> poids : l'accordstratégiqueavec la Turquie.(Ubération, 25 juin1996),p. 220.LE CONFLIT INTER-KURDE PEUT SEGÉNÉRALISERAU NORD DE LIRAK. (TurkishDaily News, 21 juin 1996),p. 200.L'OBJECTIF EST L'EXTIRPATION DEL'ARSENAL DE SADDAM HUSSEIN.(International Herald Tribune, 21 juin 1996), p.201.TURQUIE-POLITIQUE: LE FONDAMENTA-LISME ISLAMIQUE N'A «AUCUNE CHANCE»LIBERTÉ POUR LES PRISONNIERSPOLITIQUES EN TURQUIE.A l'initiative,entreautres, du groupe <strong>de</strong> la Gauche unitaireeuropéenne, le Parlement <strong>de</strong> Strasbourg aadopté une résolutionsur les droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme<strong>et</strong> la situation en Turquie.(L'Humanfté, 22 juin1996),p. 208.HABITAT POUR L'INHUMANITÉ.(The Nation,24 juin 1996),p. 208-209.LES DROITS DE LHOMME DOMINENT LESRELATIONS TURCO-EUROPÉENNES.(Turkish Daily News, 26juin 1996),p. 221.LES ENQUÊTES POLICIÈRES D'ANKARAFOURNISSENT AUX EUROPÉENS DESINFORMATIONS CONCERNANT LESORGANISATIONS SATELLITES DU PKK.(Turkish Daily News, 26 juin 1996),p. 222-223.DES SCÈNES INSOUTENABLE LORS DU L'IRAK POURRAIT ACHETER DES

JO 134-135. Mal- JUIn 1996 <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>d'information</strong>. 21 •PRODUITS ALIMENTAIRES À LA TURQUIE.(Turkish Daily News, 26 juin 1996),p. 223.EST-CE QUE HADEP SERA SATISFAIT SINOTRE DÉMOCRATIE ÉCHOUAIT. (TurkishDaily News, 26 juin 1996),p. 224.L'ASPIRATION DE HADEP À DEVENIR UNPARTI DE MASSE SE HEURTE À DESPROBLÈMES ÉNORMES. (Turkish DailyNews, 26 juin 1996),p. 225-226.TURQUIE-KURDES-EUROPE : ANKARAS'ADRESSE AUX DÉPUTÉS EUROPÉENS.La Turquie a appelé les députés européens àréviser leur jugement sur le PKK. en rébellionarmée contre Ankara, après un attentat,revendiqué par ce mouvement séparatiste, quia fait huit morts à Diyarbakir. (AF.P., 26 juin1996),p. 227.TURQUIE-KURDES-IRAK : NOUVELLEINTERVENTION MILITAIRE MENÉE PARL'ARMÉE TURQUE DANS LE NORD DEL'IRAK. Des troupes turques ont lancé unenouvelle opération dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak contrele PKK. FIN DE L'INTERVENTION MILITAIREDANS LE NORD DE L'IRAK. L'opérationlancéepar l'armée turque contre le PKK dans le nord<strong>de</strong> l'Irak a pris fin, faisant 45 tués chez lesrebelleskur<strong>de</strong>s. (AF.P., 27 juin 1996),p. 228.TURQUIE-EGYPTE-SYRIE : l'Égypte prête àjouer un rôle entre la Turquie<strong>et</strong> la Syrie, selon leministre égyptien <strong>de</strong>s Affaires étrangères, AmrMoussa. (AFP., 27 juin 1996),p. 229.SYRIENS, PRENEZ GARDE! Alors queDamas, inqui<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'accord militaire turcoisraélien,masserait <strong>de</strong>s troupes à sa frontièrenord, Ankara cherche un accord qui régleraittous les contentieux entre les <strong>de</strong>ux États. Acondition qu'Assad cesse <strong>de</strong> soutenir lesautonomistes kur<strong>de</strong>s du PKK. (CourrierIntemaliooal, 27 juin/3 juill<strong>et</strong> 1996),p. 230-231.HADEP ACCUSE LES MÉDIA DEPROVOQUERLA HAINE. (Turkish Daily News,27 juin 1996),p. 231.TURQUIE-IRAN: TIRS D'HÉLlCOPTERESTURCS EN IRAN.ARMÉE TURQUE DÉMENTCE RAID. L'état-major <strong>de</strong>s armées turques àAnkara a démenti les informations faisant étatd'une attaque d'hélicoptères turcs qui, selonl'agence officielle iranienne, IRNA, a fait sixmorts <strong>et</strong> seize blessés dans un village kur<strong>de</strong> dunord-ouest <strong>de</strong> l'Iran. (AF.P., 28 juin 1996), p.232-233.L'INSPECTEUR DE L'ONU SUR LEDÉSARMEMENT DE L'IRAK MET EN GARDELA TURQUIE. (Turkish Daily News, 29 juin1996),p. 237.LE PARTI ISLAMISTE FORME UNGOUVERNEMENT EN TURQUIE.(Internailonal Herald Tribune, 29-30 juin 1996),p.238.CONDAMNATION DE L'ATIAQUE CONTRELE CONSULAT GÉNÉRAL DE TURQUIE ÀURMIYE (Iran). (Turkish Daily News, 29 juin1996),p. 238.IRAK: L'ONU SE HATE LENTEMENT. Lediplomate irakien qui avait signé le 20 mai àl'ONU l'accord «pétrole contre nourriture» estrevenu en fin <strong>de</strong> semaine à New York pourprésenter formellement un plan <strong>de</strong> distribution<strong>de</strong> vivres élaboré par Bagdad, considérécomme essentiel dans la mise en oeuvre <strong>de</strong>l'arrangement qui tar<strong>de</strong> à se concrétiser. (LeQuotidien <strong>de</strong> <strong>Paris</strong>, 29130 juin 1996), p. 239.WASHINGTON ET BONN EN DÉSACCORDSUR LA MANIÈRE DE TRAITER AVECL'IRAN. (International Herald Tribune, 28 juin1996),p. 234.TURQUIE-KURDES. M. Erbakan prom<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>lever l'état d'urgence dans le sud-€st. (AF.P., 29APRÈS AVOIR ÉTÉ ARRÊTÉ, SAKIK TIENT juin 1996), p. 239.LES MÉDIA RESPONSABLE. (Turkish DailyNews, 29 juin 1996),p. 235.TURQUIE-KURDES. Au total1128 rebelles duPKK, en rébellioncontre Ankara, ont été tués enLE SÉNAT AMÉRICAIN DEMANDE UN six mois par l'armée turque lors d'opérationsNOUVEAU RAPPORT SUR LES «ATIAQUES militaires <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> combats. (AF.P., 30 juin 1996),CONTRE LES VILLAGES KURDES». (Turkishp.240.Daily News, 29 juin 1996),p. 236.

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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iRESSENlYESE U R 0 P A D E LES N A C ONSLEYLA ZANAEcrits <strong>de</strong> prisonfI~=IZANA, L.1995 Écrits <strong>de</strong> prison. <strong>Paris</strong>: DesFemmes, 123 pàgs. ISBN 2-7210-0460-3.A Turquia, un EstotoRdalment laic,on, perô, l'islamisme continua ben presenti aquests ultims anys ha reprèsforça, és dificil que una dona arribi adolt <strong>de</strong> tot <strong>de</strong>l po<strong>de</strong>r politic.Tanmateix,no és un f<strong>et</strong> insàlit. Allô compl<strong>et</strong>amentexcepcional és que una dona kurdahagi pogut ser elegida 'diputada perun Parlament que, si en alguna coso es<strong>de</strong>mostra unit, és en la seva animadversieenvers el poble kurd. LeylaZonaés una dona kurda i, a la vegada, diputodaal Parlament d'Ankara. Dos titols,perô, que han estat interpr<strong>et</strong>atsper les autoritats turques ~om a gairebé<strong>de</strong>lictius. De f<strong>et</strong>, LeylaZona es trobea la prese per les seves c1ares preses<strong>de</strong> posi<strong>de</strong> a favor <strong>de</strong>ls dr<strong>et</strong>s humans,en especial a fovor <strong>de</strong>ls dr<strong>et</strong>s <strong>de</strong>l seupoble. Clares i, a més, publiques, expresso<strong>de</strong>sen el marc <strong>de</strong> la seva condi<strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong> parlamentària, i, per aquestmotiu, encara majorment castiga<strong>de</strong>s.La seva ultima con<strong>de</strong>mna és <strong>de</strong> quinzeanys <strong>de</strong> prese.És amb aquest rerafons que cal lIegirel recull d'" escrits <strong>de</strong> la prese"; escritsque, com recorda l'eurodiputadaClaudia Roth en la introduccie, senrI'una dona que estima la vida perôtont com la vida, la justida. Eillibre ésun seguit <strong>de</strong> proves d'aquestes affirmacions.Sovint, Leyla Zona s'hi pregunta:per quin motiu hem <strong>de</strong> sofrirtant? Senzi!lament perquè "som"kurds i perquè en donem testimonioDonem "testimoni <strong>de</strong> la immensatragèdia <strong>de</strong>l poble kurd a Turquia. Unpoble l'existènda <strong>de</strong>i quai és negada iles seves !lengua, i<strong>de</strong>ntitat i culturaban<strong>de</strong> ja<strong>de</strong>s. Un poble victima d'u'ngenocidi cultural sistemàtic que so-Freix,<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> fo molts anys, una politico<strong>de</strong>liberada <strong>de</strong> déspoblament <strong>de</strong> lesseves campanyes, <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>struccie <strong>de</strong> lesseves dutats, <strong>de</strong>ls seus boscos, <strong>de</strong> laseva manera <strong>de</strong> vida tradidonal (...).Elegida el 1991 pel poble kurd a fi <strong>de</strong>representor-Io i <strong>de</strong>fensor eis seus interessosi les seves aspiracions, podriamantenir el silenci davant d'aquestatragèdia? Evi<strong>de</strong>ntment, no. El nostre<strong>de</strong>ure <strong>de</strong> parlamentoris i <strong>de</strong> dutodansés <strong>de</strong> parlor, <strong>de</strong> donor testimoni, d'explorartotes les pistes a fi que s'acabiuna terrible guerra que <strong>de</strong>strueix elnostre pais i per trobar una soluciepacifica a les legitimes reivindicacions<strong>de</strong>ls quinze milions <strong>de</strong> kurds <strong>de</strong> Turquia(...). les tJutoritats turques, presoneresd'un nacionalisme exc1usisud'un altre temps, afecto<strong>de</strong>s d:una veritableparanoia <strong>de</strong>l separatisme kurd"volen aparentrnent cQnvertireh elegits<strong>de</strong>i poble- kurd que som nosaltres enbucs emissaris cômo<strong>de</strong>s davant la mésgreu crisi econômica, politico, social imoral <strong>de</strong> la histôria <strong>de</strong> Turquia (... ).Als trenta-tres anys, jo he conegut jacatorze anys <strong>de</strong> persecucie, una experiènciaatroç <strong>de</strong> la tortura i el dolorin<strong>de</strong>scriptible <strong>de</strong> l'assassinat <strong>de</strong> molts<strong>de</strong>ls meus amics (... ) que només <strong>de</strong>manaven<strong>de</strong> viure en pau i en <strong>de</strong>mocràcia(... ). Estimo la vida, m'hisento molt lIigada. Perô la passie d~la justicia per al meu poble martjritzat,per a la seva dignitat i la seva lIibertatés, sens dubte, més gran encara.Perquè què val una vida en l'eselavitud,la humilia<strong>de</strong> i el menyspreu <strong>de</strong>ique teniu com a més intim: la vostraid~ntitat!" (p. 37-40).Un breu exemple, les paraulestranscrites" <strong>de</strong>i que constitueixen codauna <strong>de</strong> les pàgines d'aquest lIibre quemonté sempre un estil propi d'unapersona fermament compromeso i serenaa la vegada, que se' serveix d'unestil directe i profund alhora, que <strong>de</strong>mostracom està plena d'uns convencimentsi d'un coratge exemplars,d'una c1arividència fora <strong>de</strong>l normal,només explicable, cam reconeix la citodaeurodiputoda Claudia Roth, perquèleyla Zona ha assumit el <strong>de</strong>ured'encoratjar homes i dones a continuarla lIuito "per una vida justo, en lapau i la !libertat" (p. 13).;::)WQ.oa:;::)w!:::::ioe(zo~ZI-ZW~~ ~..IWWa:alo en~~a:Io~BI....IIIa..".-.:-=-~rw.r-..•••Aureli Argemi1

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iNE LES OUBLIONSPORTRAIT D'UNE FEMME MILITANTE: LEYLA ZANAUn procès d'un autre âge au sein même <strong>de</strong> l'EuropeM~ Kendal NElAN, Prési<strong>de</strong>nt<strong>de</strong> l'<strong>Institut</strong> kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Paris</strong><strong>et</strong> ami personnel d.e LeylalANA, a accepté <strong>de</strong> répondreà nos questions.Nous l'en remercions trèsvivement.Année <strong>de</strong> naissance: 1961Situation <strong>de</strong> famille : mariéeà MEDHI lANA (ancien Maire<strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir. Torturé <strong>et</strong>emprisonné par le régime militaire." vient d'être libéré aprèsquatre ans passés dans lesgeôles turques pour témoignage<strong>de</strong>vant une commission duParlement européen en 1992sur les violations <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong>l'Homme en Turquie).Deux enfants <strong>de</strong> 15 <strong>et</strong> 18 ans:Ruken <strong>et</strong> Ronay, actuellementen exil en France <strong>et</strong> auxÉtats-Unis.Si~nes particuliers:militante .pour " une réconciliationentre Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> Turcsdans le cadre <strong>de</strong> la démocratie<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s frontières existantes ".Arrêtée <strong>et</strong> torturée entre 1980<strong>et</strong> 1991 par le régime militaire.Première femme kur<strong>de</strong> éluedéputée en 1991, elle est <strong>de</strong>nouveau arrêtée, déchue <strong>de</strong>son mandat <strong>et</strong> purge actuellementune peine <strong>de</strong> 15 ans <strong>de</strong>détention. Motif: avoir prononcéquelques mots enkur<strong>de</strong> lors <strong>de</strong> son serment<strong>de</strong>vant le Parlement.Distinctionshonorifiques:- 1994 : prix norvégien RAF-TOS <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong>l'Homme.septembre 1995 : priXInternational <strong>de</strong> la Paixd'Aix-Ia-Chapelle.- 9 novembre 1995 : prixSAKHAROV pour la liberté<strong>de</strong> l'esprit.Son nom ést évoqué pour leprix Nobel <strong>de</strong> la Paix.Le Travail: En 1993, 8 députés kur<strong>de</strong>s dontLeyla ZANA, dont vous êtes un ami, ont étéarrêtés <strong>et</strong> condamnés arbitrairement à <strong>de</strong>lour<strong>de</strong>s peines <strong>de</strong> prison pour leur appartenanceà la communauté kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Turqllle.Pouvez-vous nous faire un rapi<strong>de</strong> historique <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong>rnières péripéties <strong>de</strong> ce proâs {Kendal Nezan : Ces 8 députés ont (,té .mêtésle 2 mars 1YY3 à l'issue d'lIIll' réunion l'xtr;lOrdinairedu Parlement turc convoqu(>e à la <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong> l'armée. Accusés <strong>de</strong> trahison <strong>et</strong> dl' sép.lfatisme,ces députés, qui n'avaient iait qu'exprimerpaciiiquement les revendications cuhurelles<strong>de</strong> leurs électeurs <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s 15 millions dl' Kur<strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> Turquie, onl d'abord été tenus au secr<strong>et</strong> pendant15 jours dans les locaux <strong>de</strong> 1.1 police, puisincarcérés <strong>et</strong> traduits <strong>de</strong>vant une Cour <strong>de</strong> Slirl'tP<strong>de</strong> l'État. Celle-ci, au terme d'un procès sommaire<strong>et</strong> expéditif <strong>de</strong> 5 audiences, a condamll(;4 <strong>de</strong> ces députés, dont leyla Zana, .i 15 .lns dl'prison pour délit d'opinion. les 4 .wtres ontété condamnés à <strong>de</strong>s peines all.lIlt <strong>de</strong> .I .i 7 ans<strong>de</strong> prison. la Cour <strong>de</strong> cassation lurque a coniirméen octobre 1Y95 le verdict COIKl'rnant leylaZana <strong>et</strong> 3 <strong>de</strong> ses collègues condamnés à 15 ans <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>mandé que les autres députés soient rl>misen liberté <strong>et</strong> rejugés.Le Travail: Quelles sont aujourd'hui les voies <strong>de</strong> recours possibles?Kendal Nezan : Toutes les voies <strong>de</strong> recours juridiques ont été épuisées en Turquie. le procès aété du début à la iin purement politique. les cours turques avaient pour mission dl' trouver unhabillage juridique à une décision politique prise au niveau du Chef d'état major <strong>de</strong>s .lfméesturques, véritable homme iort du pays. l'armée reproche à ces courageurs députés leurs témoignagesdans les médias <strong>et</strong> à la tribune du Parlement sur la terrible guerre du Kurdistan, sur la<strong>de</strong>struction <strong>de</strong> plus <strong>de</strong> 3000 villages kur<strong>de</strong>s par les troupes turques, sur J'assassinat <strong>de</strong> plusieursmilliers d'intellectuels kur<strong>de</strong>s par les escadrons <strong>de</strong> la mort <strong>de</strong> la police turque. l'objectii <strong>de</strong>sautorités turques était <strong>de</strong> iaire taire tous les témoins du drame kur<strong>de</strong> en Turquie en sanctionn.lIltlour<strong>de</strong>ment les députés kur<strong>de</strong>s théoriquement protégés par leur immunité parlementaire. Sur cepoint au moins, Ankara a échoué car l'arrestation <strong>de</strong> leyla Zana <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> ses amis a iait Iwaucoupdl' bruit il 1'('tr.1I1gl'r griil'l' notamnll'nt ,'1 1';Ktion tl'nal'l~ dl' pl'rsonn.llitc>~ ('01111111' I >.\llil'lIl'Millerrand <strong>et</strong> Ségolène Koyal. l.e prési<strong>de</strong>nt Mitterrand est personnellement inll'rvenu à [llusieursreprises <strong>et</strong> a incité <strong>de</strong>s cheis d'Etat <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> gouvernement européens à intervenir auprès d'Ankar.l.C'est sans doute grâce à ces interventions nombreuses que leyla Zana <strong>et</strong> ses amis n'ont pas étéenvoyés à la potence. C<strong>et</strong>te solidarité se poursuit notamment par le recours introduit p.lr lesavocats <strong>de</strong> Leyla Zana <strong>de</strong>vant la Cour européenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme <strong>de</strong> Strasbourg quipeut casser le verdict <strong>de</strong>s tribunaux turcs <strong>et</strong> par l'action permanente d'iniormation <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> mobilisationdu Comité international pour la libération <strong>de</strong>s députés kur<strong>de</strong>'S emprisonnés en Turquie(CllDEKT) présidé par M'" Mitterrand.BIBLIOGRAPHIE• " LEYLA ZANA Écrits <strong>de</strong> prison"Collection" <strong>de</strong>s femmes" d'Antoin<strong>et</strong>te FOUQUE• " KURDES. Les chants brûlés" REZACollection FotoFolie ED BenteliLivre <strong>de</strong> photographies avec <strong>de</strong>s textes <strong>de</strong> Danielle Mitterrand• " LA QUESTION KURDE" sous la directiond'Élisab<strong>et</strong>h PICARD ESPACE INTERNATIONALÉditions COMPLEXELE TRAVAIL - MARS-AVRIL 1996 - N° 11052

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iPAS :LE SILENCE TUEPropos recueillis par FlormC(' GAUTIERLe Travail: Que penser du revirement du Parlement europ~en qui, malgr~ les r~serves <strong>de</strong>s associations <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme, a ratifie>tin1995 le Traité d'Union douanière avec la Turquie alors que pourtant la libération <strong>de</strong>s députés kur<strong>de</strong>s faisait partie <strong>de</strong>s conditions" eICigét.s "par ce même Parlement pour la ratification .,Kendal Nezan : Soumis à <strong>de</strong> fortes pressions émanant <strong>de</strong>s gouvernements européens, <strong>de</strong>s milieux d'affaires <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> Washingion, Il' l',Hll'nll'llteuropéen a hélas décidé <strong>de</strong> m<strong>et</strong>tre son drapeau dans sa poche el <strong>de</strong> ratifier" la mort dans l'âme" l'union dou,lOii>re avcc WU' Turquie ~I Pl'Udémocratique. Tous ceux qui espéraient voir le Parlement euro!)éen jouer le rôle <strong>de</strong> conscience morJle <strong>de</strong>s peuples <strong>de</strong> l'Ulli(~1l1'uropl'I'IlIWont été vivement déçus par c<strong>et</strong>te décision <strong>de</strong> Realpolitik. le Par ement a raté une helle occasion d'affirmer, teile Congrès aux Flah-UIl", ~onindépendance <strong>de</strong> jugement, son attachement aux grands principes <strong>de</strong> démocratie <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme, sa vocation cie dOlllll'r Ull ,upplémentd'âme à une Europe perçue par <strong>de</strong> larges secteurs <strong>de</strong> l'opinion comme une simple zone <strong>de</strong> lihre échange. le~ turcs n'olll P,l> m.Hlqué<strong>de</strong> railler H ces Européens qui lorsqu'ils onl ,/ ch()i~ir e/llre leur parle feuille l'lieurs principes choisissent loujours le porlt' feuille ". I }.tmc<strong>et</strong>te affaire, le Parlement européen à perdu beaucoup <strong>de</strong> s.acrédibilité morale auprès <strong>de</strong> l'opinion <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> ce fait ces résolutioll~ sur le~droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme ne sont guère prises au sérieux ni par les Etals ni par l'opinion <strong>et</strong> c'est vraimellt bien dommage!Le Travail: Et l'altitu<strong>de</strong> du gouvernement français qui a encore récemment vendu <strong>de</strong>s armes à la Turquie .,Kendal Nezan : les <strong>de</strong>ux principaux fournisseurs d'armes <strong>de</strong> la Turquie sont les États-Unis (80 0/.,) <strong>et</strong> l'Allemagne; A la suile dl' réadion~ cil'l'opinion publique, <strong>de</strong>s ONG, <strong>de</strong>s parlementaires sur l'usage <strong>de</strong>s ces armes occi<strong>de</strong>ntales, notamment <strong>de</strong>s chars <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s hélicoptl'res, (Olltr!'<strong>de</strong>s populations civiles kur<strong>de</strong>s, en particulier lors <strong>de</strong> la clestruction <strong>de</strong>s villages kurcles, Washington <strong>et</strong> Bonn ont été amellés il cll'cicler dl's Il'''trictions sur la livraison <strong>de</strong> certaines armes à Ankara. Ainsi il y a quelques jours le Congrès américain a interdit la vente d'hl.lin)-ptères américains à la Turquie, l'organisation humanitaire Human Rights Watch ayant, dans un rapport rél l'nt, ,lpporté la PH'UV!' dl'l'usage <strong>de</strong> ces hélicoptères dans le massacre <strong>de</strong> civils kur<strong>de</strong>s. l'Allemagne m<strong>et</strong> également <strong>de</strong>s conditions à l'utilisation d!'~ ,Hml'~ qu'l,Ill'vend ou qu'elle fournit sous forme <strong>de</strong> dons gracieux il l'armée turque. Cest d,IIlS ce contexte que la fralKe l'ss,lie dl' SI' pl,Ker sur Il' 1l1,lf(h('<strong>de</strong>s ventes d'armes à la Turquie en affirmant qu'elle ne posera aucune condition à l'utilis.ltion <strong>de</strong> ses Mmes. Jusqu'ici, une vingt.lilll'd'hélicoptères français ont été vendus. Un nouveau contrat portant sur la vente <strong>de</strong> ]0 hélicoptères est en discu~sion <strong>et</strong> pour l'ohl!'nirle gouvernement français ne s'embarrasse guère <strong>de</strong> considérations relatives au sort <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s ou à la situation <strong>de</strong>s droits dl' 1'1 tonlllll'.Après avoir été pendant 15 ans le principal fournisseur cI'armes <strong>et</strong> allié occi<strong>de</strong>ntal <strong>de</strong> la dictalure <strong>de</strong> Saddam Hussein la France 1'~ll'n IMSSI'<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>venir une partenaire <strong>de</strong> choix du déplorable régime duloritaire turc. Quelle triste image pour la partie <strong>de</strong>s droits dl' l'Homme!Le Travail: Le 24 décembre <strong>de</strong>rnier, les élections législatives ont eu lieu en Turquie. Le Parti islamiste (parti <strong>de</strong> la prospérité) est .lrrrivé C'" têtt'<strong>de</strong>vançant les <strong>de</strong>ux formations <strong>de</strong> droite, le Parti <strong>de</strong> la mère patrie (ANAP) <strong>de</strong> Mesut Yilmaz <strong>et</strong> le partie <strong>de</strong> la juste voie (DYP) <strong>de</strong> Tansu Ciller.Ap,rès plusieurs semaines <strong>de</strong> discussions, c'est finalement une coalition gouvernementale formée <strong>de</strong> l'ANAP <strong>et</strong> du DYP <strong>et</strong> menée p.lr MesutY,lmaz qui est " sortie du chapeau ".Celui-ci a très récemment déclaré qu'ils'engageait à adopter " une nouvelleapproche, plus humaine Il du problèmekur<strong>de</strong> incluant notamment une levée <strong>de</strong>l'interdiction <strong>de</strong> l'enseignement <strong>de</strong> lalangue kur<strong>de</strong>.Quel crédit pensez-vous que l'on puissedonner à ces déclarations ?Kendal Nezan : Pour l'instant aucunemesure concrète n'est venue étayer cesdéclarations <strong>de</strong>stinées plutôt à l'opinionpublique occi<strong>de</strong>ntale. Après tout, cesdéclarations n'émanent que du nouveauPremier ministre qui tient le <strong>de</strong>vant <strong>de</strong>la scène dans un pays où l'essentiel dupouvoir est toujours détenu par l'.lrmée.Or celle-ci a l.ln("é, dès le ') ,lVril, sanouvelle offensive du printl'Illps d,1I1~ leKurdistan ignorant ostensiblement <strong>et</strong> lesdéclarations du nouveau gouvernement<strong>et</strong> le cessez-le-feu unilatéral cléclaré le15 décembre par la guérilla du PKK (parti<strong>de</strong>s travailleurs du Kurdistan). Toutporte à croire que l'année 1996 vaAhm!'1 TUW,K(<strong>de</strong>/JOuI), Leyl.l ZANA, Orh,lIl /JOUAN, M,)hmul ALINAK, Nollip DICLE, .'Ù'lilll SAI MI\,Sirri SAKIK, Sed.ll YUW,TIJAS,,) l'arriere pl.l/l 5é~ol{>n(' W,OYAL.encore être une année <strong>de</strong> sang <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> larmes, <strong>de</strong> guerre, <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>slructions, cie déplacement <strong>de</strong>s POPUI,llions civiles kur<strong>de</strong>s dans l'indifiérl'IKC'<strong>de</strong>s gouvernements occi<strong>de</strong>ntaux. Il reste encore un long <strong>et</strong> douloureux chemin il parcourir avant <strong>de</strong> faire <strong>de</strong> 1.1 Turquie un p.ly~ démo( r,).tique, où Turcs <strong>et</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>s pourront vivre en paix dans le respect <strong>de</strong> l'i<strong>de</strong>ntité <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> la culture <strong>de</strong> chacun.BON ANNIVERSAIREFRANCE-LIBERTÉS,la Fondation présidée par Danielle MITTERRAND vient <strong>de</strong> fêler sesdix ans.Aux quatre coins du mon<strong>de</strong> mais aussi <strong>de</strong>s régions <strong>de</strong> France, Danielle MITTERRAND <strong>et</strong> son équipe ont mené <strong>de</strong> difficiles 1'1 p.lriois pé>rillpuxcombats pour défendre les droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme, pour apporter un peu d'éducation aux enfants el aux adulte~ (conslruclions cI'('( Oil'S, cnvoi> dl'livres el <strong>de</strong> crayons ... ), pour lutter contre la progression <strong>de</strong>~ épidémies <strong>et</strong> du SIDA (prinCil)alement par l'informatioll <strong>de</strong>s populalions).A l'occasion <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong> anniver~aire, Danielle MITTERRAND a étrit un livre inlitulé " En toutes libertés". Elle y raconte nombres ci'anecdoll's, cil'peines, <strong>de</strong> joies vécues au cours <strong>de</strong> celle helle aventure avec France-libertés. Elle parle aussi d'elle, <strong>de</strong> ses peurs <strong>de</strong> jeune fille d,IIlS 1.1Résistance à Cluny, <strong>de</strong> sa vie d'épouse avec Françoi> MITTEKRAND pendant quarantl' ans. C'pst une vie <strong>de</strong> militantisme que Ips Il'( IC'ur~découvrent au fil <strong>de</strong>s 350 pages <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong> ouvrage, el une belle vie.Bon anniversaire <strong>et</strong> longue vie il Fr,lOce-Libt'rtl's.3

, "Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i.1D!mI!J- ~~-.:~~'~- .i~ __..L.;.=.:_.~,,~._~.........;..Turkey- WithHelp From US-Chokes OffDrug TraffickingBy Scott P<strong>et</strong>ersonSpecial to The Christian Science Monitor, ' ANKARA,. TURKE'I ,THE drugs pass through 'IW'key,in all manner of disguise, pre-:,senting an 'àlrnost impo$Sib.le.'job for narcotics ,agents: Raw l:1~roin'is hid<strong>de</strong>n'in walnut shells and muSic,cass<strong>et</strong>tes; cannabisis turned torèsinand ' pressed'into ,'e3sy-to-conce~brickS; cocaine is packeq into.rawhi<strong>de</strong> dog bones;''Nevertheless, Thrkey seiz~d 3.4tons of heroin last yéar, morèthanany other nation and accounting formore than one-fifth of the global haul;according to Western and Turkishnarcotics officials., Turkey serves as the "bridge" for70 to 80 percent of the drugs con- .sumed in Europe, connecting usersthere to suppliers in the Gol<strong>de</strong>n Crescentof Iran, Mghanistan, and P.akistan- a fertile area known for itspoppy production.Now after years of tryingto stamP.out the trafficking - with the assi&,tance of the United States Drug En~forcement ,Agençy (DEA)-,Turkey's efforts are bearingfruit."Turkey is the first line of<strong>de</strong>fense in the war on drugs,"says one Western narcoticssource who asked not to bei<strong>de</strong>ntified. "But Turkey'sproblem is that' it has somevery creative criminals."Long regar<strong>de</strong>d as the _country that links East with ,West, Turkey sits astri<strong>de</strong> major dn,1g:trafficking routes. The raw materials:necessary for heroin production~!such as mo~hine base ma<strong>de</strong> from"poppies and the chemical ac<strong>et</strong>ic arihydri<strong>de</strong>- a che~cal used to makeheroin - usually enter Turkey through,difficult-to-police mo.untainous bor<strong>de</strong>rsin the east.The materials are mixed,' by"heroin doctoci" in primitive labora~"tories that, resemble kitchenS. These 'processing labs make the hef(~inforexport to Europe, but are so simpleand easily hid<strong>de</strong>n - they can!>e ~~,mantled in minutes - that they are dir~'ficult to trace' in the vast, sparsely:populated area.US helps outAlong \'tith the DEA assistance to 'Turkey,the US State Department pro- ,vi<strong>de</strong>s $400,000 annually to improve,the ability of the Thrkish police force 'and customs officials to cope with theproblem. Major police stations nowhave narcotics units, and six Thrkish<strong>liaison</strong> officers are based in European ,capitals.American clients account for only5percent of the drugs that transitTurkey. One reason, Western sourcessay, is thIl:U~asternThr:k~y.-J~.~()Aso-'hitedtllat'few AmericanS are awar<strong>et</strong>hat heroin worth $150,000 on the,stré<strong>et</strong>s of New York can be bought, here för as little as $5,000. ', Another reason may be Thrkey's,hai-sh punishm~nts fo~ foreigners in-volvedin drug tt;afficking,such as thefate, of a foreign drugs offen<strong>de</strong>r thatwas. 'portrayed in the American film"Midnight'Express."Still;' the scale of the drugs flowhas surprised even the most ja<strong>de</strong>d of- .. ficials. Inthe first quarter of this year,agents seized nearly one ton of 'heroin. The busts' corne in smalleramounts of 450 pounds or less arid,are due to effective police work.Drug n<strong>et</strong> bas bolesDespite the successes, drugs still 'escape the law-enJorce,ment n<strong>et</strong>."They think th~y are g<strong>et</strong>ting mostof',it," says a Western narcotics source."But even the best police force anywherecan only g<strong>et</strong> 10 percent."A rough indication of the flow is to,calculate <strong>de</strong>mand in Europe, and to:fi~lr~

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iBut arresting the big bosses hasproved difficult, and often prison sentencesare short. "The wild card hereis çorruption," says a Western source."Everyone on that list has a friend inthe government. The Turkish sYstemis like a revolving door."Turkish agents are adamant thatthe outlawed Kurdistan Worker'sParty (PKK), which has waged a violentinsurgency in southeast Turkeyfor more than a <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>, controlsmost of the tra<strong>de</strong> through extortionand funds their "terrorist" activitieswith the profits ..Western sources confirmPKK involvement inmany cases, but cannot establisha direct link in every ease.In line with Turkey's waragainst the PKK, IsmailCaliskan, the chief of Turkey' sdrugs team, says that the PKK .insurgents are <strong>de</strong>eply intodrugs trafficking."They either have recordswith the terror division beforewe arrest them, or in theirstatements they admit to movingdrugs for the PKK," he says. "DIicitdrugs and terrorism are both illegalthings and go hand in hand." .Karel W1II'g8DIS baYOlveclWestern narcotics sources confirmthat the PKK is involved, but say thatthe extent is impossible to quantify.'M the police in Europe say the PKKis involved in the drugs tra<strong>de</strong>," saysone official. "But European governmentsare not going to point it out.The~ ." 'If we pOlntule finger at thëPKK, we will have these guys bombingand shooting in the stre<strong>et</strong>s.' "Still, Mr. Caliskan says that the politicalinfluence of Turkey's drugsmugglers does not matter, and thatthey will be arrested if the police canfind evi<strong>de</strong>nce against them.Hanging from his office wall are15 citations of good work from nart~oticsagencies. In a glass cabin<strong>et</strong> hekeeps samples of heroin, bricks ofhashish, morphine base, and cocain<strong>et</strong>hat were seized en route from theGol<strong>de</strong>n Crescent to Europe."Most important to Turkey lli' thatthis. smuggling is a crime and inhuman,"Caliskan says, "It kills people,it poisons people - it's why in Turkeywe are committed to stopping it."Turkish Writer Sentenced to PrisonISTANBUL,TURKEYWHEN novelist Yasar Kemal wasa boy, he listened to his fathersing Kurdish songs on a hilltopoverlooking their village in the southernprovince of Adana. The songs told sagasof Kurdish heroism, of wars, lost sons,and migrations in past centuries.But Kemal, Turkey's best-known authorand nominee for the Nobel Prize inLiterature, never promoted his Kurdishbackground. When asked about his <strong>et</strong>hnicity,Kemal says: "I'm a Turkish writer- oUwrdish origiri." . .ßltihe has been forced to pick si<strong>de</strong>sas 'fighting b<strong>et</strong>weenTùrldsh forces andKUrdish rebels has worsened. With eachreport of rights abuses against Kurds,'Kemal felt pushed to'act.."1 had pangs of conscience," KeIlUllsaid during a recent interview. "'You area writer. You have to speak up,' I kepttelling myself.". In Turkey, speaking out som<strong>et</strong>imescarries a price. The 72-year-old writerwas convicted in March for an article <strong>de</strong>nouncingracism against minorities in.;-'~kew.~~ialJyKurds. He was sen-'t;enced to' 20 months in prison for "incitinghatred and promoting racism."The sentence was suspen<strong>de</strong>d on the conditionhe doesn't repeat the "crime" inthe next five years."That's censorship!" Kemal cried duringthe interview. "Asking a writer not towrite for five years is torture!"Although Kemal is not the first writersentenced for writings on the Kurdishissue, his fame has ma<strong>de</strong> him a sYmbolof government repression of alternativeviews about its treatment of Kurds duringthe II-year guerrilla war in southeastTurkey. Nobellaureate Arthur Millerrecently sent a l<strong>et</strong>ter of support to Kemaland called his sentence "a painful absurdity."Born in a small Turkish village to Kurdishparents, Kemal grew up hearingKurdish at home and Turkish outsi<strong>de</strong>. "In .my village therè was no Turkish-Kurdishsplit," Kemal eXplained. "I never sawTurks looking do~ upon Kurds. But inthe last Il to 12 years, strong winds of,j'anti-Kurdish propaganda are blowing.",IDON'T want a separate Kurdishstate, nobody does," he ad<strong>de</strong>d. "Allthat the Kurds want is their universalhuman rights - the right to. preserv<strong>et</strong>heir 4mguage, culture, i<strong>de</strong>ntity."Kemal has appealed the court's ruling,asking that the suspension be canceled'so he can serve his sentence immediately.He was jailed twice for shortperiods before being acquitted for making"communist propaganda" in his writingsduriitg the cold war.Kemal wrote his best-known novel,"MeI¥d, My Hawk," in 1955, a story offeudil ties in southern Turkey. The book,like most of his 35 others, has beentranslated into more than 40 languages.He has also won numerous awards, includingthe prestigious Legion d'Honneurfrom the French government.- Aasocdalecl Pn••5

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iliiIiBmIA voicefrombehind the barsChris Kutschera talks to Mehdi Zana, a Kurd who believes his 15 years in prir,on ma<strong>de</strong> him J. wrill'r"Ead been in prison for 18 monthsbefore I was taken to court.While Iwas waiting to be called into thecourtroom I asked to go to thelavatOlY because I wanted to see my facein the mirror. I stood staring into theglass, amazed by the change. It is me,y<strong>et</strong> it is not me. My face is emaciatedand four te<strong>et</strong>h have been broken by myguards. My skin is pockmarked byvermin. I look like a wild man. Ami thenthere are all the changes that I don't seebut which I feel. a tightness in my lungs.pain in my spine and. worse thapeverything else. the absences ofmemory."Bom in 1940 in Silvan. a small townnear Diyarbekir. the "capital" ofTurkishKurdistan. Mehdi Zana has spent mor<strong>et</strong>han 15 years of his life in prison: oneyearin 1967; threefrom 1971 .. 1974;Il from 1980 .. 1991 and almost a yearand a half during 1994/1995. Quiteenough time behind bars to change anyman.Mehdi Zana has been a man of actionfor most of his life. Despite havingalmost no formal education. Zanabecame a member of the lea<strong>de</strong>rship ofthe Turkish Workers Party (TIP).then ofOzgurluk Yolu (Kurdistan SocialistParty). He was elected mayor ofDiyarbekir in 1977.Like many victims of politicalrepression Zana can say that Turkishprisons were where the greatest part ofhis education was conducted. In<strong>de</strong>ed.by his own account. his experiencesbehind bars ma<strong>de</strong> him a writer. Sincebeing freed from his last sentence in1991. he has published five books.From September 1980. the day hewas jailed for the first time. Mehdi Zanawent through hell along with thousands.of other imprisoned Turks and Kurds.It. is this journey through anextraordinary hell that Zana recaunLo;at length. Although many of the mar("40 The Middle East May 1996us could hear him ;,creaminl':."Mchdj 7..ana 1.P1Ishm,' as rmll1~ ;1'" 411ddainees were s(lrJ\l.'limt'.s pole-keel in/i' .,single celJ nleasuring less tllanl\l'o ITlt'lre"by Iwo 1llf'1 n's. where t1ll"YW(\I lid be (;Jl'ccdtn spend tile entin' nighl S41.1CC7.cel lipagainst eacll ollH.'r like li\'ing sardilll''''', Atan.lI IIId 2

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i./'l, i ,'rgent. scaldings with hot tea poureddO,' r sensitive parts of the body,"

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>ius: Syria took steps that are 'classified'for restraining terrorism in1995By Ugur Akmcl/ Tllrkish Dai/y News .WASHINGTON- The U:S. State Department's"Patterns of Global Terrorism, 1995" re(lOrt said that.Syria - still on the list of state sponsors of terrorism -"hastaken ~me steps to re~train ~ internati~nal activities"of a Wi<strong>de</strong> van<strong>et</strong>y of mternatlonal terronst groups.Y<strong>et</strong> neither Counterterrorism Coordinator AmbassadorPhilip Wilcox, nor spokesman Nicholas Burns would ..spell out exactly what those "steps" were. This is the15th year that the annual "Global Terrorism" report hasbeen published. . .,Commenting on U.S. counterterronsm l'ohey,Ambassador Wilcox mentioned two main principles:"We don't make <strong>de</strong>als" with the terrorists, Wilcox said."We treat them as criminals. And we work to con<strong>de</strong>mnand isolate state sponsors of terrorism." There has beenno change in that list this year, which still inclu<strong>de</strong>s NorthKorea, Libya, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, and Cuba.Classified?The section on Syria is almost a verbatim coP,y of :hesame section in the 1994 "Terrorism report. ' In lastyear's report Syria was also said to have "taken somesteps to restrain th.e internati~nal activities of these [terrorJgroups." Dunng the dally State Department pressbriefmg, Burns told the TDN that "you may be looking .for a <strong>de</strong>tailof information thal we cannot give out in thiskind of forum."The TDN asked if information about these "steps".that Syria has allegedly taken was classified. "Some ofthe information, of course, that we have pertaining to terrorismis classified and we don't give classified informationout publicly," Burns said.Syria: Is it or isn't it?The State Department's report on Syria on the onehand admitted that Damascus was providing trainin~('.amps and giving privileges to "radical terrorist groups ,such as Ahmad Ji6ril' s Popular Front for the liberationof Palestine - General Command (PFLP-GC);HAMAS; the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PU); and theJapanese Red Army (IRA). Y<strong>et</strong> on the other hand, thesame report claimed that "there is no evi<strong>de</strong>nce thatSyrian officials have been directly involved in planningor executing terrorist attacks since 1986."Moreover, the State Department noted that"Damascus continues to negotiate seriously to achieve a~ accord with Israel," and "Syria continues to use itsmfluence to mo<strong>de</strong>rate Hizbollah and Palestine rejectionistgrour." Y<strong>et</strong>, at the same breath, we also learn thatSyria allowed Iran to resupply Hizbollah viaDamascus" - just as in the 1994 report.The State Department confirmed that the PKK trainedin the Syrian-controlled Bekaa Valley of Leba,lIon. Italso admitted that the PKK "lea<strong>de</strong>r, Abdullah Ocalan,resi<strong>de</strong>s at least part-time in Syria," - as was reported inthe 1994 report.Burns had this to say on Syrian support for the PKK:"Syria remains on the terrorism list for a very good reason,because of Syrian su!>port for terronst groups,including the PKK. The PKK, as you know very well,has offices in Damascus. And we regularly reffilnd theSyrian government of its obligation to stop its activitiesof support, indirect or otherwise, of the PKK."ThePKKThe State Department's newly-released 1995 reportagain lists the PKK among the top international terroristorganizations with "approximately 10,000 to 15,000full-time guerrillas, 5,000 to 6,000 of whom are inTurkey." The PKK is also said to have "60,000 to75,000 part-time guerrillas; and hundreds of thousandsof sympathizers in Turkey and Europe." These are thesame figures mentioned in the 1994 report.As in the previous report, this year s report also mentionsthat the PKK "receivesfrom Syria, Iraq, and Iran."safe haven and mo<strong>de</strong>st aidGreece.One section of the report that is quile different to lastyear' s is the seclion on Greece. This year the StateDepartment officially acknowledged that Greece gaverefuge to two TurkishandDHKP~.terror organizations.- the PKK"Greek authorities continued in 1995 to <strong>de</strong>ny publicTurkish charges that the anti-Turkish KurdistanWorkers' Party (PKK) conducts operational terroristtraining and receives assistance in Greece." lhe StateDe'partment' s report said.. As is the case in certain European countries, howev-.er, Greece permits the PKK to operate a known front9rganization in Athens," the report continued. TheNational Front for the Liberation of Kurdistan (ERNK)has rep

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iIranIran received the brunt of State Department criticismsin 'this. year's"Patterns of Global terrorism" report."Iran remains the premier state sponsor of internationalterroriSm and is <strong>de</strong>eply involved in the planning and executionof terrorist acts both by its own agents aitd by s~rogategroups," it said. '1'his year Tehran escalated Itsassassination campaigJ! against dissi<strong>de</strong>nts living abroad;there were seven confmited Iranian mur<strong>de</strong>rs of dissi<strong>de</strong>ntsin 1995, compared with four in 1994."Besi<strong>de</strong>s its above-mentioned suppor! for the PKK,"Tehran also provi<strong>de</strong>d some support to Turkish Islamicgroups that have been blamed for attacks against Turkishsecular and Jewish figures," the report remm<strong>de</strong>d.After recalling that the <strong>de</strong>ath fatwa on writer SalmanRushdie was stiD valid, the report said "<strong>de</strong>spite increasingIranian support for extremist groups aItd involvementin terrorist operations, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Rafsanjani continuedto project publicly a 'mo<strong>de</strong>rate' image of Iran toWestern European countries and Japan to facilitate theexpansion of its relations with them. This quest forrespectability probably explains why Iran red~ itsattacks j'n. Europe last year; Tehran wants to ensureaccess to W~em capilal and mark<strong>et</strong>s."Noting that Hizbollah is still "Iran's closest client,"the report conclu<strong>de</strong>d: "Because of Tehran's andHizbonah's <strong>de</strong>ep antipathy toward the United States,U.S. missions aDd personnel abroad continue to be atrisk."TurkeyThe PKK, the OHKP/C, the Islamic MovementOrganization and moAIC were the organizations mentiOOedthat carried'1'urkey continuedout terror activities in Turkey in 1995.its vigorous pursuit of several violentleftist and IslamicKurdistan Workers'extremist groups, especially theParty (PKK), responsible for terrorismin Turkey," the report said. "The PKK launchedhundreds of attacks in 1995 in Turkey, including indiscriminatebombings in areas frequented by TurkIsh andforeign civilians, as part of its campaign to establish abreakaway state in southeastern Turkey ... The PKKcontinued - albeit with less success - its three-yearoldattempt to drive foreign tourists away from Turkeyby attacking tourist sites," the report said.The State Department noted that Islan'lic groups "mayhave been responsible for the attempted assassination inJune [1995] of a prominent Jewish community lea<strong>de</strong>r inAnkara"12 EXPJŒSSENSÖNDAG 5 MAJ 1996Err HOrAr rURIsrPARADIS. PKK-ledaren Abdullah Ocalan, lilla bil<strong>de</strong>n, sa i gär i tysk TVaU hans trupper redan var pä väg mot turistmälen i sydvästra Turki<strong>et</strong>.Han hotar mednya terrordAdAv P M NILSSON TV-stationen sa PKK-lOOaren D<strong>et</strong>ta för att störa turistin- - Vi manar alltid till forsik-Abdullah Öcalan att <strong>de</strong>t dustrin i lan<strong>de</strong>t. Oftast hän- tigh<strong>et</strong> när <strong>de</strong>t gäller <strong>de</strong> härlurlstmal I lurkl<strong>et</strong> hotas främsta mâl<strong>et</strong> for attackerna <strong>de</strong>r ing<strong>et</strong>, men ibland utfor <strong>de</strong>larna av Turki<strong>et</strong>. Vi avrâaterav terrorlstattacker. är att skada "Turki<strong>et</strong>s ekono- gerillan attacker. <strong>de</strong>r ingen frân att âka, menPa lördagskvällen med<strong>de</strong>- roi". Personalen pâ Vingresors <strong>de</strong>t kan vara olämpligt attla<strong>de</strong> PKK:s ledare I tysk - Vi tänker inte ta ansvar kontor i Turki<strong>et</strong> visste i natt âka till <strong>de</strong> östra <strong>de</strong>larna avTV att hans trupper re- för om turister skadas, sa han ingenting oni <strong>de</strong> nya hoten. lan<strong>de</strong>t, säger Caroline Fle<strong>et</strong>danhar g<strong>et</strong>t sig I väg ocksâ. - AUt är lugnt. Vi v<strong>et</strong> ing<strong>et</strong> wood pâ UD.mot turlstomrä<strong>de</strong>n I syd- Öcalan uttala<strong>de</strong> liknan<strong>de</strong> om nâgra hot, hälsar Vingre- . Enligt nyh<strong>et</strong>sbyrân AP exvästra<strong>de</strong>len av lan<strong>de</strong>t. hot i mars i âr. D<strong>et</strong> är oklart sor. plo<strong>de</strong>ra<strong>de</strong> en bomb i centralaom lördagens utspel syftar pâ Istanbul sent i gâr kväll.Nigra tlmmar <strong>et</strong>ter att <strong>de</strong>t hot<strong>et</strong> kvarstâr, eller Bomb Iistanbui Bomben explo<strong>de</strong>ra<strong>de</strong> i ensändnlngen explo<strong>de</strong>ra<strong>de</strong> om PKK inl<strong>et</strong>t en ny opera- Pâ utrikes<strong>de</strong>partement<strong>et</strong> stads<strong>de</strong>l med myck<strong>et</strong> barer,en bomb I centrala Istan- tion. ha<strong>de</strong> man heller inte fâtt in- kaféer och biografer. Tre perbul.PKK hotar turistmâl i Tur- formation om PKK-ledarens soner skada<strong>de</strong>s. Hittills harI intervjun moo <strong>de</strong>n tyska ki<strong>et</strong> med jämna mellanrum. uttalan<strong>de</strong>n. ingen tagit ansvar för dâ<strong>de</strong>t ..9

'Corruption vote might lead to coalition collaps~~.~ '"'"SATURDAY, MAY 4,1996 .Turkish Dairy News~I::~'"~ ;pMistrustb<strong>et</strong>ween coalition partners lingers in the wake of ANAPsupport for the anti-Çiller RP motion for aparliamentary investigation of TEDA~.Next week the pärliament will vote on another motion of this kind,this time involving alleged irregularities in the TOFA~sale. ANAPis expected to turn its back on itscoalitionpartner on that issue too, The TOFA~vote will <strong>de</strong>termine the fate of the DYP-ANAPcoalition governmèntBy Kemal BalelTDN Parliament BureauANKARA- The True Path Party (DYP)-Motherland Party (ANAP) coalition governmenthas heen plagued by a confi<strong>de</strong>nce crisis sinceApril 24 when some ANAP <strong>de</strong>~uties voted infavor of a Welfare Party (RP) motJon calling for aparliamentary inquiry into alleged irregularitiescommitted in the awardin] of electricity contractsun<strong>de</strong>r DYP lea<strong>de</strong>r Tansu member of the DYP, tried to attend the me<strong>et</strong>ing as vote in any direction according to their own con- ~the Treasury representative. On the agenda was a sciences." ~.discussion of the bank accounts orthe period dur- Ylimaz has also <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to stage a press confer- ~:ing which Törüner himself had been the Central ence next Monday to explain to the general public ~Bank governor. When Prime Minister Yllmaz got his government's performance in the past two V)wind of Törüner's attempt, he sent written or<strong>de</strong>rs months. He has already announced that the li:twhich said that State Minister Rü~dü Saraçoglu of ANAP-DYP partnership was continuing in line ~the ANAP, another ex-Central Bank governor, with the coalition protocol, and that ANAP would !::l.was authorized to represent the Treasury at the not be the si<strong>de</strong> which ends the coalition govern- 6me<strong>et</strong>ing. Following the inci<strong>de</strong>nts which prevented ment, unless faced "with an act contrary to the '"the convening of the Central Bank General coalition protocol." ;:::!Assembly, Törüner had a quarrel with Prime Meanwhile, <strong>de</strong>sperate not to be seen as the per- ~Minister Ylimaz, reportedly telling hi,m, "I will son who en<strong>de</strong>d the coalition because of a motion DYP lea<strong>de</strong>r Tansu Çiller . ~not take or<strong>de</strong>rs from rou." introduced against her, Tansu Çiller <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d not to' '"In the face of the' obstruCtionist" attitu<strong>de</strong> of his pull the DYP from the coalition at least until May ing anymore. Wh<strong>et</strong>her it will be brought to an end ~coalition partner, Prime Minister Mesut Ylimaz 9 when another motion on alleged irregularities legally too will <strong>de</strong>pend on the DYP clrcles'capac- ~<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to adopt new tactics. After the R~ motion will be d~bated and put to a ~o.te. . ity to endure the anti-Çiller motions being intro- ~on TEDA~ was adopted by the Parhament, She will make a final <strong>de</strong>CISion on May 9 If she duced one after another. . ~Ylimaz did not even phone Çiller. And he did not fails to g<strong>et</strong> from her coalition partner the support Meanwhile, there are rep-0rts indicating that ~invite State Minister Yaman Törüner to a recent she expects. That motion involves alleged irregu- ANAP officials are having' secr<strong>et</strong>" talks With the tö"summit me<strong>et</strong>ing" where key economic <strong>de</strong>cisions larities in the sale of the state-owned shares in Welfare Party with a view to reviving the coalition ~were ma<strong>de</strong>. Angered by that <strong>de</strong>velopment, TPFA~ car company. Though it continues to exist talks b<strong>et</strong>ween the two parties if the current DYP- ~.Töruner boycotted the government me<strong>et</strong>ing which legally, the DYP-ANAP coalition is not function-ANAP coalition collapses. 0:~.....'" I~ ~.....~I::.....

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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-R~vista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - AgenteFrontePre\\e-A. F.P. - AgenteFrontePrene-A.F.P. - AgenteFrontePrelle-A.F.P. - AgenteFrontePre\\e-A.F.P. - AgenteFrontePrelle-A.F.P. - AgenteFrontePrelleA.F.P.FRS0013 4 IFONU-IrakRepriseA.F.P.0435 ONU /AFP-OJ31lundi <strong>de</strong>s négociations entre l'ONU <strong>et</strong> l'IrakNEW YORK (Nations unies), 6 mai (AFP) - Les négociations entre l'ONU <strong>et</strong>l'Irak pour un allègement <strong>de</strong> l'embargo international contre Bagdad <strong>et</strong> lamise au point <strong>de</strong> la formule "pétrole contre nourriture" reprennent lundi ausiège <strong>de</strong>s Nations unies à New York avec l'espoir à l'ONU que tout soitréglé avant le le 15 mai.Un porte-parole <strong>de</strong> l'ONU a précisé dimanche à l'AFP que les discussionsne reprendront que lundi soir après l'arrivée dans la journée à New York <strong>de</strong>la délégation irakienne dirigée par M. Ab<strong>de</strong>l Amir AI-Anbari. Des sourcesirakiennes 'avaient auparavant annoncé l'arrivée à New York <strong>de</strong> M. Anbaridimanche, ce qui aùrait permis une reprise plus rapi<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>s pourparlers.Le principal négociateur <strong>de</strong>s Nations unies Hans Corell a, <strong>de</strong> son côté,exprimé l'espoir que les <strong>de</strong>ux délégatiops parviennerit à la conclusion d'unaccord avant le départ du secrétaire général <strong>de</strong> l'organisation BoutrosBoutros-Ghali pour Moscou le 15 mai.Ce sera la quatrième ron<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> discussions sur ia mise en application <strong>de</strong>la résolution 986, adoptée en avril l'année <strong>de</strong>rnière afin d'alléger lessouffrances <strong>de</strong> la population irakienne, qui perm<strong>et</strong>trait à l'Irak d'exporterdu pétrole pendant une pério<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> 6 mois renouvelable pour une valeur <strong>de</strong> 2milliards <strong>de</strong> dollars afin d'ach<strong>et</strong>er <strong>de</strong> la nourriture <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s médicaments.La <strong>de</strong>rnière ron<strong>de</strong> s'était achevée le 24 avril <strong>de</strong>rnier avec les Irakiensaccusant la Gran<strong>de</strong>-Br<strong>et</strong>agne <strong>et</strong> les Etats-Unis <strong>de</strong> vouloir introduire <strong>de</strong>nouveaux amen<strong>de</strong>ments à un proj<strong>et</strong> d'accord pratiquement conclu, selon eux."Si les Etats-Unis <strong>et</strong> la Gran<strong>de</strong>-Br<strong>et</strong>agne continent à interférer dans lesnégociations, ils assumeront l'entière responsabilité <strong>de</strong> l'échec <strong>de</strong>spourparlers", car l'Irak pour sa part "a fait preuve <strong>de</strong> sérieux <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>souplesse", a déclaré dimanche à Bagdad le vice-Premier ministre irakienTarik Aziz, en confirmant la reprise lundi <strong>de</strong>s pourparlers.Le processus <strong>de</strong> l'échange "pétrole contre nourriture" doit se déroulersous une stricte supervision internationale <strong>et</strong> une partie <strong>de</strong> la nourriture<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s médicaments doit être distribuée aux populations k~r<strong>de</strong>s du nord dupays qui échappent actuellement au contrôle du gouvernement <strong>de</strong> Bagdad.Il s'agit là d'un <strong>de</strong>s points faisant encore obstacle à la conclusiond'un accord qui serait le premier allègement <strong>de</strong>s sanctions internationalesimposées <strong>de</strong>puis août 1990 à L'Irak, qui ne seront levées que lorsque Bagdadaura satisfait aux exigences <strong>de</strong> l'ONU en ce qui concerne le démantèlemenr<strong>de</strong> ses armes <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>struction massive.ap/mt/abtp.tmfAFP /AA1234/060212 MAI 96A.F.P. - AgenteFrontePrelle-A.F.P. - AgenteFrontePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enteFrancePrelle-A.F.P. - A~enteFrantePre\\e":'A.F.P. - AgenceFrontePrene-A.F.P. - A~enteFrancePre\\e-12

<strong>et</strong> .,2S:en::TCCI)zCDen ==I3:CI-< _co..0..0...........~US endorses Turkish views on Europe and Syria/PKKTurkish Daily NewsWASHINGTON- The U.S. StateDepartment has endorsed the views of twotop Turkish officials regarding Turkish-European and Turkish-Synan relations. AndUn<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary of State Lynn Davis has told acongressional committee: "It would be hard tooverstate the importance of Turkey as a U.S.ally."Asked at the <strong>de</strong>partment's daily press briefingMonday about Prime Minister MesutYllmaz's call that morning for Syria to ceaseits support of the Kurdistan Workers' Party(PKK), spokesman Nicholas Burns reiteratedU.S. support of 'lurkey's wish that countriesbeyond Turkey give up their support of thePKK, specifically Syria. Therefore whatPrime Minister Yllmaz said this morningmakes sense to us ... as part of our own policy."Said Bums flatly: "Syria ou2ht to cease and<strong>de</strong>sist from support for the pKR."Burns also was asked about ForeignMinister Emre Gönensay's statement thatTurkey should become a full member of theWestern European Union. "We have sUl>portedalmost across the board Turkey's wIsh ...to become more closely linked to Euro~aninstitutions," the spokesman replied, citingthe EU customs union as an example.However, he had nothing specific to offer onTurkey' s possible membership of the WesternEuropean Union.Another Turkey-related question at thepress briefing involved the possibility ofmcluding Turkey in a regional strategic cooperationagreement built around the U.S.-Israelrelationship.The question arose in the context of theplanned me<strong>et</strong>ing Wednesday b<strong>et</strong>weenSecr<strong>et</strong>ary of State Warren Christopher andIsraeli Foreign Minister Ehud Barak.W.hile Bums acknowledged recent efforts"to strengthen the U.S.-Isra~l relationship ...State Department spokesman is 'not aware' of plans toinclu<strong>de</strong> Turkey in regional strategic cooperation scheme1t would be hard to overstate the importance ofTurkey as a United States ally, ' official tells Congresson a bilaleral basis," he said he was "nolaware of any efforts 10 creale a multilaleraleffort ... Ihat would inclu<strong>de</strong> Turkey or anyoneelse." However, he expressed conti<strong>de</strong>nce Ihat"we'll talk about those issues wilh ForeignMinister Barak and many olhers, as wei!."Testifying last week in supporl of theClinton admmistralion' s foreign aid requeslfor next fiscal year, Davis noled Ihat"America's vital securily and economic interestsare inextricably lied 10 Europe ... Thepotentially volatile siluation in Europe'ssoutheastern comer requires particular care.'The U.S. is commilled to advancing thenegotiating process on Cyprus, reducing andultimately eliminaling tensions b<strong>et</strong>weenTurke~ and Greece, and strengtheningTurkey s place in the Western economic andsecurity system," Davis said before Ihe HouseApproprIations Subcommillee on ForeignOperallons."Failure here could unravel all our olherEuropean security efforts. As a result, theUnited States gives high priority not only tobilateral relations with these counlries, butalso to promotin~ ties b<strong>et</strong>ween Ihis region andWestern Europe.'Regarding proposals for assistance toGreece and Turkey, Davis said the UnitedStates plans "to continue our support for Iwokey NATO allies in recognition of theirimportance in maintaining stability in a regionIhal i~nilicalto U.S. inlerests. Our FY (fiscalyear) )997 requesl of $32 million for Ihe subsidycosIoI' a lolal of $297 million in FMF(Foreign Mililary Financing) loans for Greeceand ,Turkey will supporl suslainmenl of U.S.-ongm eqUIpment."We are also requesling $60 million in ESF{Economic Supporl Funds)," Davis Slated, "10help Turkey address lon~-lerm slrucluralreforms necessary 10 suslaln growlh, 10 easeIhe Iransilion resulting from Turkish membershipin the EU customs union, and 10 help offselthe economic eosls associated withenforcemenl of U.N. sanelions againsllraq."(Comparalive figures for FY 1996 are$33.5 million in ESF and $320 million inFMF.)In juslifying the aid 10 Turkey, Davis pointedto Ihe difficulty of overslaling '"the importanceof Turkey as a U.S. ally. It is al thecrossroads of almost every issue of importanc<strong>et</strong>o Ihe United Slates on the Eurasiancontinent, including NATO, the Balkans,Cyprus, Iraq sanctions, Russia's relationswllh the NlS (New In<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nl Slales formedout of Ihe former Soviel Union), Middle Eastpeace, narcolics lrafticking, and transil roulesfor Central Asian oil and gas."But Davis also noted thatthe Clintonadministration "continues to slress to Turkishofficials the necessity of improving its humanrights record and strengthenmg ils <strong>de</strong>mocracy.Nicholas Burns: 'Syria ought to cease lind<strong>de</strong>sisl from support for the PKK'We are working with our European Allies atewry opportumty to urge Turkey to continueIhe reforms it began last summer and falt"Conlinued Davis: "Turkey's new PrimeMinisler, Mesut Ylimaz, has indicatedTurkey's willingness to: I) engage in discussions10 begin Ihe process of a peaceful s<strong>et</strong>tlementwith Greece; 2) start working to solveIhc Kurdish situation by a peaceful, ratherthan mililary, means; and 3) open a bor<strong>de</strong>rgale wilh Armenia if Turkey sees clear signsof progress toward a peace s<strong>et</strong>tlementbelween Armenia and Azerbaijan in theirfive-year war over Ihe Nagorno-Karabakhenclave. We are pleased by the new govern-.ment's commilment to resolving these problemsand we will work closely with them toimplement these policies, especially the newapproach to Ihe Southeast."~ ~~~~"'" ~,~"'"~~.~,~~,~ ~.~.~~ ~~ ~ ,\::t~~~~~;::l~,~....;::l'a:~ ~.

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. Agen[eFrontePrelSe-A.F.P. - Agme FrontePresse-A.F.P. - Agen[eFron[ePrme-A.F.P. - Agme FrontePrelSe-A.F.P. - AgeMeFrontePrelSe-A.F.P. - AgenteFron[ePrelSe-A.F.P.A.F.P.FRS0206 4 I 0258 TUR /AFP-LT94Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s29 morts lors d'une opération <strong>de</strong>l"armée turque contre le PKK dans lenord <strong>de</strong> l'IrakANKARA, 9 mai (AFP) - Une opération <strong>de</strong> l'armée turque<strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du K~~distan (PKK, séparatiste) dans lefrontalier a fait 29 ~o~ts dont 28 dans les rangs du PKKl'armée, selon <strong>de</strong>s bilans non officiels.contre .le Partinord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak<strong>et</strong> un dans ceux <strong>de</strong>C<strong>et</strong>te opération qui a pris fin jeudi matin <strong>et</strong> les troupes turques ontregagné la Turquie, a rapporté l'agence Anatolie. Elle avait été déclenchéedans la nuit <strong>de</strong> dimanche à lundi pour poursuivre en territoire irakien <strong>de</strong>s.Irebelles PKK du qui avaient échappé aux troupes turques sur le sol turc.Près <strong>de</strong> 1.200 hommes ont participé à c<strong>et</strong>te opération, selon Anatolie.,Elle n'avait pas été officiellement annoncée par les 'autorités militaires<strong>et</strong> civiles.Elle visait également à détruire <strong>de</strong>s abris <strong>et</strong> èamps du PKK situés d~ns:les zones proches <strong>de</strong>Les soldats turcsla frontière avec la Turquie.avaierit parfois pénétré jusqu'à cinq à six kilomètres<strong>de</strong> profon<strong>de</strong>ur en territoire irakien, en face <strong>de</strong> la localité turque <strong>de</strong>Semdinli, à l'extrêmeLe nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak,sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie.région montagneuse, est utilisé par le PKK comme basearrière <strong>et</strong> les unités turques pénètrent en Irak "lorsqu'elles le jugentnécessaire" à la recherche <strong>de</strong> mïi.itants armés du PKK-.Depuis début avril, l'armée a multiplié les opérations contre le PKK enterritoire turc <strong>et</strong> le long <strong>de</strong> la frontière avec l'Irak pour prévenir touteinfiltration <strong>de</strong> rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s en Turquie.CE/hc/dfg/tmAFP /AA1234/091020 MAI 96LUTTE OUVRIERE - 10 mai 1996La sale guerreau Kurdistan continueAu début du mois'd'avril,comme chaque année, l'arméeavec le soutien <strong>de</strong> 60 000 auxiliairesd'origine kur<strong>de</strong>, armés parles autorités, a commencé uneopération militaire d'envergurecontre l'organisation nationalistekur<strong>de</strong> PKK., malgré le cessezle-feuunilatéral proclamé par,c<strong>et</strong>te <strong>de</strong>rnière. Plusieurs cen-,taines <strong>de</strong> combattants du PKK. <strong>et</strong>:<strong>de</strong> soldats ont déjà été tués.Comme toujours, les générauxdisent que c<strong>et</strong>te fois ils vont,èn finir «avec les bandits duPKK» ! Mais ce sont justementles exactions <strong>de</strong> l'armée <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>sautorités gouvernementales,jointes à la misère, qui renforcentle PKK. Malgré la saleguerrè qui continue <strong>de</strong>puisl984,malgré les milliers <strong>de</strong> morts <strong>et</strong>les 10 000 prisonniers politiqueskur<strong>de</strong>s dans les prisons turques,le peuple kur<strong>de</strong> continue à sebattre pour ses droits les plusélémentaires.Actuellement le gouvernementturc dépense annuellementpresque 9 milliards <strong>de</strong> dollarspour c<strong>et</strong>te guerre. C'est un énormepoids pour la Turquie: c<strong>et</strong>tedépense absorbe à elle seulepresque la moitié <strong>de</strong>s revenus<strong>de</strong>s exportations, qui sont <strong>de</strong>l'ordre <strong>de</strong> 20 milliarqsql;: .001-lars. À tel point que maintenant<strong>de</strong>s voix commencent à se levercontre la «solution militaire»même parmi le grand patronat. 'Une partie <strong>de</strong> la bourgeoisi<strong>et</strong>urque comprend évi<strong>de</strong>mment,qu'il n'y a pas <strong>de</strong> solution militaireà la question kur<strong>de</strong>. Maiselle est quand même prisonnière<strong>de</strong> ,la'volonté <strong>de</strong> ses générauxsur lesquels elle s'appuie poorfaire régner sa dictature contrela classe ouvrière <strong>et</strong> la populationpauvre, kur<strong>de</strong> en particulier.Et jusqu'à présent, elle s'avèrebien incapable d'infléchir lapolitique <strong>de</strong> ses propres générau.X.., .14

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iIRAKCOURRIER INTERNATIONAL - 9-15 MAI 1996Depuis la guerre du Golfe, le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak n'est plus contrôlé par Bagdad, <strong>et</strong> les <strong>de</strong>uxprincipales organisations kur<strong>de</strong>s s'y affrontent. Les Américains essaient <strong>de</strong> ramener la paix, l'Iranse pose en arbitre <strong>et</strong> en financier, la Syrie joue les parrains. Quant à la Turquie, elle s'inquiète.La Turquie a horreurdu vi<strong>de</strong> au nord <strong>de</strong> l'IrakL'Iran renforce son influence dans le Kurdistan "autonome'MILLlYET'STANBUL(extraits)ors d'une récente visiteaux Etats-Unis, SüleymanDemirel [le prési<strong>de</strong>nt turc)a expliqué dans un discoursau Washington <strong>Institut</strong>epourquoi son paysdéfend l'intégrité territoriale<strong>de</strong> l'Irak. "Si nous ne lefaisionspas, a-t-il dit, l'Irak serait divisé entrois. Le Sud Ichüte} passerait sousir~/luence iranienne, le centre resteraitsous le contrôle <strong>de</strong> Bagdad;quant au Nord là majorité kur<strong>de</strong>!,le désordre .r régnerait. "La gran<strong>de</strong> inquiétu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> la 1\lrquieest bien sûr que ce désordre, par lebiais du problème kur<strong>de</strong>, ne viennemenacer sa propre sécurité <strong>et</strong> sa stabililé[les lerritoires où vivenl les"ur<strong>de</strong>s sont it cheval sur les fron-W'res <strong>de</strong> la Turquip, <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, <strong>de</strong>l'Iran <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> la Syrie]. C'est d'aill('ursfloul' die It' plus grand danger engendrépar la guerre du Golfe. Aujourd'hui,la situation <strong>de</strong> fait qui e"isle aunord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak ne favorise pas Sl'Ult'IIIenlles conflits intérieurs, ellecrée aussi un terrain propice auxinterventions directes ou indirectes<strong>de</strong> forces extérieures. [Bagdad necontrôle plus c<strong>et</strong>te région où les <strong>de</strong>uxprincipales fonnations kur<strong>de</strong>s rivales,le Parti démocratique du Kurdistan(PDK) <strong>et</strong> l'Union patriotique du Kurdistan(UPK), s'affrontent.]. La lutte qui oppose les organisationskur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Massoud Barzani(PDK) <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> Jalal Talabani (UPK)n'en finit pas <strong>et</strong> Washington essaie<strong>de</strong> les réconcilier afin d'établir unnouvel ordre sous sa surveillance. Ilest question que le représentant <strong>de</strong>la Maison Blanche, Rubert Deutsch,visite la région en vue <strong>de</strong> donnerune nouvelle impulsion au "processus<strong>de</strong> Dublin" [ville où les Etats-Unis ont organisé <strong>de</strong>ux rpncontres,l'an <strong>de</strong>rnier, entre les représentants<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux lea<strong>de</strong>rs kur<strong>de</strong>s d'Irak).Or, <strong>de</strong>puis quelque temps, c'estl'Iran qui profite du vi<strong>de</strong> qui règneIdans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak], en accroissantnotablemenl son influenct'auprès <strong>de</strong>s groupes kur<strong>de</strong>s rivaux,que Téhéran essaie <strong>de</strong> réunir sousson parapluie en présentant celuicicomme W1e alternative à Ja tutelleaméricaine. Les informations <strong>de</strong>diverses sources non partisanes fonlétal d'une évolulion silencieusedans t'<strong>et</strong>le région. Téhéran offre sonsoutien inconditionnel à l'administrationkur<strong>de</strong> Io

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>ià, renverser le régime <strong>de</strong> SaddamBussein. Mais les anciennes rivalités<strong>et</strong> les divergences ont empêché lesgroupes présents <strong>de</strong> trouver un terraind'entente. Les islamistes ontvoulu exclure les communistes; lesnationalistes ont refusé l'idée d'unefuture fédération irakienne avec les,Kur<strong>de</strong>s. Finalement, les participantsont décidé <strong>de</strong> se réunir à.nouveau, àune date non précisée ... Pour résumerla chose clairement, selon l'expressiond'un jownaliste étranger 'quia suivi les discussions, "le seul résultat<strong>de</strong> la rencontre a été un show politiqueau bénifice <strong>de</strong> la Syrie".Selon lui, D~mas a surtout vouiuapparaître comme le protecteur <strong>de</strong>l'opposition irakienne, renforcer son'p,oids dans les négociations moyen-,orientales <strong>et</strong> se m<strong>et</strong>tre en meilleureposition darts son conflit avec la 'IUrquieconcern~t l'eau <strong>de</strong> l'Euphrate<strong>et</strong> la question du terrorisme. Le véri-,table but <strong>de</strong> Damas n'était pas tant lerenversement <strong>de</strong> Saddam Husseinque d'apparaître comme un acteur.essentiel <strong>de</strong> la politique irakienne.D'autre part, le fait que la Syrie seplace dans le même camp que l'Iran~sur ~~ttéquestion affecte consirléra-'blement les équilibres dims la région.En bref, l'intégrité territoriale <strong>et</strong> Ja.souverain<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong>'l'Irak continUeltL:d'exister sur le papier, mais le nord'du pays est en train <strong>de</strong> basculer dansle chaos, comme l'avait prévu Demirel.Sicela se conflTIIle, on peut pen-,ser que les inquiétu<strong>de</strong>s concernantl'influence iranienne dans le sud <strong>de</strong>l'Irak [à population chüte) commen-'cent à peser également a.,unord. Cequi risque <strong>de</strong> créer une situation nouvelle<strong>et</strong> grave pour la Turl1uie. •SamiKohenTurkish Daily News - May 11,1996Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agaraccuses accuser ofbeing tool of anti.Turkish lobbiesTurkish Daily NewsANKARA- Justice Minister Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agar hasreacted angrily to remarks ma<strong>de</strong> at a subcommitteehearing in the U.S. Con~ress to the effect that hewas a the "super torturer in Turkey because of hisformer position as chief of the police.Pointmg out that "it is a known fact what kindof anti-Turkish lobbies operated in the U.S.Congress," Mar was quoted by the Anatolia newsagency on Ffiday as saying that he "stronglyrejected" the allegations against him.He said that the allegation that he was a super,torturer was purely the personal view of the personwho put this allegation forward and had no basis atall."I see that person as a spokesman of those (anti-Turkish) lobbies. Throughout my long years as acivil servant I have had a very good dIalogue withU.S. officials. That this person spoke in that mannerhas no effect on me," Agar said. Dr. IngeGenefke, a Danish expert on torture and medicaltreatment and the medical director of theInternational Rehabilitation Council for TortureVictims (IRTC), ma<strong>de</strong> the allegation against Agarwhile testifying before ,the U.S. HouseSubcommittee on Human Rights.Evrenselnewspaperclosed for 20 daysTurkish Daily News1ST ANS UL- The State Security Court has<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to close Evrensel newspaper for 20 daysbecause of an article published in December, theAnatolia news agency reported.The newspaper had been charged with "openlyinciting the local people through re~ional andracial discrimination" in the artIcle "TheConfessions of a Junior Officer" in accordancewith Article 312 of the Turkish Criminal Co<strong>de</strong>The court sentenced Editor in Chief Ali Eml totwo years in prison and fined him TL 600,000.16

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Probe May 10, 1996Focus on Human RightsCHP Deputy Secr<strong>et</strong>ary-General AcquittedThe State Security Court (DGM) acquittedSinan Yerlikaya, <strong>de</strong>puty secr<strong>et</strong>ary-general of theRepublican People's Party (CHP), who wasaccused of "helping and assisting the illegal orga-. nization T1KKO," the Anatolia news agencyreported. Yerlikaya said in the trial that he hadno relations with the Turkish Workers' andPeasants' Liberation Army (T1KKO) and that hewas not guilty of the charges. He indicated thathe didn't know Selim Gül, who gave testimonyagainst Yerlikaya. "The claims of my having himtreated are untrue. As a matter of fact, this personwas acquitted and during his trial he saidthat he gave such testimony because he was torturedat the police station."DGM Chairman Turgut Okyay said thatYerlikaya was acquitted due to insufficient evi<strong>de</strong>nce.Kalemli Defends Turkeyon Human Rights IssuesParliament Speaker Mustafa Kalemli onTuesday received a <strong>de</strong>legation of the Turco-American Associations' Assembly, and duringtheir me<strong>et</strong>ing complained about the West's "doublestandards.""Western countries have been misinformed onthe subject ofhuman rights violations in Turkey,"Kalemli said. "There is no lesson Turkey canlearn from other countries on the human rightsissue. On the contrary, there are lessons we canteach them. It is not right for them to try to judgeTurkey on the basis of lies or incorrect reports.Human rights violations take place in the UnitedStates and Germany too. And I feel very sorryabout those violations." Committee membersfrom certain countries were coming to Turkey toinvestigate human rights violations with the airof judges or prosecutors, he said, stressing thatthey received all kinds of assistance from theTurkish authorities <strong>de</strong>spite that.Human Rights Watch Respondsto Turkish CriticismHuman Rights Watch (HRW) ExecùtiveDirector Kenn<strong>et</strong>h Roth has re~pon<strong>de</strong>d in writingto comments ma<strong>de</strong> by Türel Ozkarol criticizingHRW's November 1995 report, "WeaponsTransfers and Violations of the Laws of War inTurkey." Özkarol is the <strong>de</strong>puty director general ofthe Department of the Council of Europe andHuman Rights in the Ministry of Foreign Affairsin Ankara. In a l<strong>et</strong>ter which has just been ma<strong>de</strong>public through Inter Press Service (IPS),' Rothpointed out that his organization and the governmentof Turkey had "wi<strong>de</strong>ly divergent positionson the key issues" but the readiness to maintaina dialogue over human rights was appreciated.Among the issues un<strong>de</strong>r contention were theapplicability of internationallaw, the m<strong>et</strong>hodologyused in arriving at the report's findings andthe substance of the findings. Roth rejected thei<strong>de</strong>a that the report's referring to "the Turkish-Kurdish conflict was a way of characterizing theconflict as a civil war. He insisted that the report"characterized the violence as an internal armedconflict (as opposed to an international armedconflict) un<strong>de</strong>r international humanitarian law."Therefore, Common Article 3 of the 1949 GenevaConvention to which Turkey is fully bound wasapplicable; that is, armed hostilities over timeand at least one of the protagonists being a relativelyorganized group. The Washington-basedHRW' executive director also rejected an assertionby Ozkarol that it was "<strong>de</strong>liberately" invokinghumanitarian law in or<strong>de</strong>r to put the KurdistanWorkers' Party (PKK) on an equal basis with theTurkish state and thus bestowing a measure oflegitimacy on the organization.f.:ce...,i~~I.....f.MahmutAhnakTrial of Mahmut Ahnak BeginsThe trial began of former <strong>de</strong>puty MahmutAhnak who is charged with "<strong>de</strong>meaning" thearmed forces during a speech he <strong>de</strong>livered in$lrnak in 1993.The Ankara state prosecutor is seeking a sentenceof one year and six months for Ahnak.Ahnak was previously tried and sentenced toprison by the State Security Court un<strong>de</strong>r the controversialArticle Eight of the Anti-TerrorismLaw for promoting Kurdish separatism. Ahnaktold the court on Wednesday that remarks fromhis address in 1993, following a rock<strong>et</strong> attack onthe town, had been taken out of context and<strong>de</strong>nied that he had any intention of insulting themilitary. He said that his criticisms had beenaddressed to the prime minister and the relevantminister at the time."But treatment is m<strong>et</strong>ed out in this countryaccording to the person in question. Had theseremarks been ma<strong>de</strong> by some other politician fromanother party they would have gone unnoticed.But when I say them then this is consi<strong>de</strong>red acrime and a case is opened against me," saidAhnak, a well-known proponent of Kurdishrights.317

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i22Turkish Probe May 10, 1996US Terror Report Careful toShield Syria, Frank on GreeceIt is that time of the year when the U.S. StateDepartment's "Patterns of GlobalTerrorism"report is released, the fifteenth year such a reporthas been issued. This year's report is distinctive intwo aspects: 1) For the way it tries to shield Syriafrom a harsh judgment; and 2) the way it puts Greeceofficially on the spot for the aid and comfort it gives tosuch anti-Turkish terror groups as the KurdistanWorkers' Party (PKK) and the leftist DHKP/C.The section on Syria can go into the textbooks as amaster recipe of how to make lemona<strong>de</strong> when lifegives you nothing but lemons. Un<strong>de</strong>rlying all the <strong>de</strong>licatefootwork is Washington's obsession not to tarnishSyria's "credibility" as an important player in the socalled"Middle East Peace Process.". The report on the one hand admits that Damascuswas providing training cam"ps and basing privileges to"radical terrorist groups such as Ahmad Jibril'sPopularGeneralFront for the Liberation of Palestine -Command (PFLP-Ge); Ramas; the PalestineIslamic Jihad (PIJ); and the Japanese Red Army(JRA). Y<strong>et</strong> on the other hand, we were almost relievedto learn that "there is no evi<strong>de</strong>nce that Syrian officialshave been directly involved in planning or executingterrorist attacks since 1986."State Department of course notes that "Damascus .continues to negotiate seriously to achieve a peaceaccord with Israel," and "Syria continues to use itsinfluence to mo<strong>de</strong>rate Hizballah and Palestine rejectionistgroups."Y<strong>et</strong>, at the same breath, we unfortunately alsolearn that Syria "allowed Iran to resupply Hizballahvia Damascus" - just as we read in the 1994 report.Some "serious negotiator" for "peace" in<strong>de</strong>ed who alsoarranges the <strong>de</strong>livery of Katyusha rock<strong>et</strong>s to be firedupon its "peace partner."Commenting on the American counterterrorismpolicy, Ambassador Wilcox, State Dept. coordinatorfor counterterrorism, said: "We treat [terrorists] ascriminals. And we work to con<strong>de</strong>mn and isolate statesponsors of terrorism. "Syria is still nominallyon the list of state-sponsorsof terrorism tog<strong>et</strong>her with North Korea, Libya,Iran, Iraq, Sudan, and Cuba. Despite that, the sectionon Syria certainly did not read as if Wilcox was "con<strong>de</strong>mning"much that happens in Damascus thesedays. And when Secr<strong>et</strong>ary Christopher visitsDamasctis 20 times, it doesn't sound like S\na is "isolated"either.•'Classified Steps'In the reports. for 1993, 1994 and 1995, we readthat Syria "has taken some steps to restrain the internationalactivities of these [terror] groups." But whatthose mysterious "steps" exactly were, neither Wilcox,:1or Nicholas Burns, State Department spokesman,would say.During a daily State Department press briefing,Burns told Probe that "you may be looking for a <strong>de</strong>tailof information that we cannot give out in this kind offorum."Probe asked if the information about these "steps"that Syria has allegedly taken were classified. "Someof the information, of course, that we have pertainingto terrorism is classified and we don't give classifiedinformation out publicly," Burns said.ThePKKThe State Department's 1995 report again listsPKK amon~ the toy international terrorist organizationswith apprmamately 10,000 to 15,000 full-timeguerrillas, 5,000 to 6,000 ofwhom are in Turkey." ThePKK is also said tohave "60,000 to 75,000 part-timeguerrillas; and hundreds of thousands of sympathizersin Turkey and Europe." These are the same figuresgiven in the 1994 report.As in the previous report, this year's report also.mentions that the PKK "receives safehaven and mo<strong>de</strong>staid fr.om Syria, Iraq, and Iran." The StateDepartment confirms that the PKK trained in theSyrian-controlled Bekaa Valley of Lebanon ..It alsoadmits that the PKK "lea<strong>de</strong>r, Abdullah Ocalan,resi<strong>de</strong>s at least part-time in Syria," - just as wasreported in the 1994 report. Nick Burns had this tosay on Syrian support for the PKK: "Syria remains onthe terrorism list for a very good reason, because ofSvrian support for terrorist groups, including thepkK The PKK, as you know very well, has offices inDamascus. And we regularly remind the S)nan governmentof its obligation to stop its activities of support,indirect or otherwise, of the PKK."Iran was highlighted as another country givingrefuge to the PKK. "Tehran continues to offer [thePKKJ safehaven in Iran," the report reads.PKK attacks on Turkish businesses in Germanywere also noted. "Although Germany banned the PKKand several associated Kurdish organizations in 1993,new PKK front organizations appear frequently inGermany, thus presenting a contmlling problem forthe government," the report said. Actually suchattacks were blamed for mcreasing the number ofinternational terror acts from 322 to 440 in 1995.GreeceOne section of the report that is quite differentfrom last year's is the section on Greece. This year theState Department officially acknowledges that Greecega\"e refuge to two Turkish terror organizations - thePKK and DHKP/C. "Greek authorities continued in1995 to <strong>de</strong>ny public Turkish charges that the anti-Turkish KurdIstan Workers' Party (PKK) conductsoperational terrorist training and receives assistancein Greece," the State Department's report says."As is the case in certain European countries, however,Greece permits the PKK to operate a knownfront organization in Athens," the report continued.The National Front for the Liberation of Kurdistan orERNK has reportedly opened such an office inAthens. "In May [1995] it also allowed the successorgroup to Dev Sol, another anti-Turkish and anti-U.S.terrorist group, to open an office in Athens un<strong>de</strong>r itsnew name, the Revolutionary People's LiberationParty/Front (DRKP/C)."Greek Foreign Minister Theodoros Pangalos, duringhis recent visit to Washington, said that thereported PKK militants in Athens were nothing butlegal "Kurdish refugees," exercising their fundamentalrights of freedom-of-speech to <strong>de</strong>monstrate in publicagainst Turkish policies.When Ambassador Philip Wilcox was asked whathe thought of a NATO country, i.e. Greece, givingrefuge to the terrorist organizations that were fightingagainst another NATO ally neighbor, i.e. Turkey,18

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Probe !\1ay ]0, ]996 23Dimitri Vunatsos (L), parliamentary d.~putyand member of the Central Committee 01 the ruling Pan-Hellenic Socialist Party'(PASOK). with PKK lea<strong>de</strong>r Abdullah Ocalan in front of a map ollikely routes lor transporting Caspian oil over eastern Turkey.PASOK and the PKK, at the time of the me<strong>et</strong>ing, reportedly vowed to use all means to prevent such an economic ass<strong>et</strong> goingto Turkey.Wilcox again diplomatically dodged the question andsaid that "counterterrorism is high on our agenda\\ith both countries."The Greek press is reportedly rankled by thereport, coming as it does on the heels of a U.S.Helsinki Commission hearing on Capitol Hill on thediscrimination against the Turkish minority inWestern Thrace. A number of Greek observers werereportedly ups<strong>et</strong> that the positive em"ironment createdin Washington by Prime Minister Costas Simitis'\isit was muddled by these negative references to theGreek record on terrorism and human rights.AmbivalenceThe report's section on Greece is a refreshin~ andoverdue <strong>de</strong>parture from State Department's tradItionalinsistence not to ruffle any feathers in Athens. Butthe ambivalent U.S. approach to Syria is far fromallaying the worst fears of Turkey that when the dustis s<strong>et</strong>tled down after the "Peace Process," Turkey willend up with the short end of the stick and still face aPKK operating out of Syrian-controlled territory.Secr<strong>et</strong>aI). ofState Warren Christopher's recent TVinterview on PBS with Jim Lehrer was enough to justifysuch Turkish fears. In the April 30 interview,Christopher admitted that Syria provi<strong>de</strong>s "haven forthe terrorist organizations ... a home for some of theresistance movements." But Christopher said h<strong>et</strong>hinks that Svrian dictator Hafez al-Assad "feels thata peace agreement is the only basis on which they willend that kind of acti\ity of providing a safe haven forthe resistance groups." Christopher apparentlybought the Assad argument that as long as Israeloccupies Golan Heights and part of SouthernLebanon, "then the ..... re justified in providing a homefor these resistanèe movements." One has to be agreater optimist than Pollvanna to believe thatAssad's protection of PKK will end the minute Israelpulls out of the Golan heights and south Lebanon.When a journalist asked Ambassador Wilcox howcome the United States contacted Hizbollah, a terrororganization by State Department's own admission, tosecure a cease-fire b<strong>et</strong>ween Lebanon and Israel, hesaid the United States had not directly contactedHizbollah, but did it through Syria. When Probeasked a senior State Department official if the UnitedStates was also "indirectly" in touch with the PKK,the answer was "no." And there is no apparent reasony<strong>et</strong> to doubt that answer.But the State Department, just to continue the"Peace Process" b<strong>et</strong>ween Syria and Israel, has createdan environment in which some terror organizationshave come to be referred to as "resistance movements"by the U.S. Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of State; the senior counterterrorismofficial admits to an "indirect" dialogue withthe very terror organization con<strong>de</strong>mned by the<strong>de</strong>partment's very own terror report; and the originallist of seven state-sponsors of terrorism is now effectively,pareddown to the new sub-cateß'ory of "roguestates - Libya, Iran and Iraq. At the tIme ofwriting,for example, North Korean officials are inWashington, reportedly trying to cut a <strong>de</strong>al to g<strong>et</strong> offthe list.Until the PKK's name is clearly spelled out next tothat of Hizbollah and Hamas during U.S.-Svrian-Israeli talks, Turkey will have a very hard timebelieving that its vital national interests are sharedby its allies in the region. That's why when it's time torenew Operation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort, there'll be more inTurkey who'll remember the slight slaj>-on-the-wristthat the Terror Report has <strong>de</strong>liveredcourageous rap on Greece.Syria than theU~ AkmCl19

l\,)~If on a Sunday afternoon a soldier strays.into a peace rally...Marulcu was unaware that he was probably the firstsoldier in T~rkish history to take part in a peace rallyBy Zafer F. YörükTurkish .Daily News1ST ANBUL- Two soldiers holding two differentflags. Neither of the two fla&s is unfamiliar; one isthe symbol of the People s Democracy Party(HADEP), known for it~ strong Kurdish constituencyboth in t~e southeast and in the cities. This picture ofprivate Orner MaruIeu was taken at HADEP's peacerally on 21 Apri11996.The other one is the symbol of the NationalistMovement Party (MHP), known for its ultra- ri$htisti<strong>de</strong>ological convictions. This picture was taken In themiddle of the troubled southeast region.MHP is also known for its <strong>de</strong>termination for a"military solution", that is, the continuation of militaryoperations in or<strong>de</strong>r to "solve" the Kurdish problem.Which one of these soldiers is in prison now? Notdifficult to guess, perhaps because the terms "soldierand peace" constitute a logical contradiction by thenature of the terms."The Picture of B<strong>et</strong>rayal"The daily Ak~am reported on its 23 April editionthat the most interesting scene of the HADEP rallywas the participation of a soldier, which Ak~am called"a traitor in umform", .The news article claimed that the soft approach ofthe police towards the "<strong>de</strong>monstrations of illegalorganizations" is not an indication of the "reason" butof "incapacity" of the state and the fact that a soldiercan dare to take part in such a <strong>de</strong>monstration is aresult of this impotency.Cenk Koray: "A piece ofexcrement ID uniform"TV celebrity Cenk Koray, who also is a columnistin the daily Aksam, was "horrified" when he saw thesoldier's pIcture at the front page of the Aksam news-paper. Koray sees the HADEP flag in the soldier'shand as the PKK flag and somehow manages te readfrom the picture that the soldier was chanting "Biji(Long live) Apo, Biji PKK!" in Kurdish."The ficture of this idiot is a document of horrorfor all 0 us" Koray writes, and continues "this traitorto the nation ... this piece of excrement in a uniformshould be immediately arrested and punished." ,Some w9,rried, sorne "satisfied"Private Orner MamIeu, a conscript of Kurdish originfrom ihe southeast province of Mardin, was doingthe first three months of his 18- month military servicein Istanbul. Orner was out in Kadlköy for theweekend leave when he m<strong>et</strong> the peace <strong>de</strong>monstratorsin a HADEP rally.He joined in the <strong>de</strong>monstration and allowed thejournalists to take his picture, not bein~ aware that hewas probably the first soldier in TurkIsh history takingpart in a peace rally... Upon the extensive coverage in Ak~am, privateOrner Maruleu was immediately arrested on 24 April1996 and put in the Kartal Military Prison.His father Ibrahim Mamleu, after intensive queriesto Ömer's superiors, found out about his son's fate on27 April.Speaking to the TON the el<strong>de</strong>r Mamleu expressedconcern about his son's fate. He said the miljtaryauthorities have not pressed any charges

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.~ .' ., . . , [' ~.~ ~.. .2d Corruption Inquiry.Rocks Turkish Coalition, T~0:::~'" ~;p~'"'" ;pI~'-i~0:::....'"~I~~'"0:::

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i2 Freitag, la. Mai 1996 . Nr. 108!fltut JiirdJtr ,3ritU11ßINTERNATIONALE AUSGABEAbbröckeln <strong>de</strong>r türkischen KoalitionsregierungZweite Untersuchung gegen Ciller wegen BereicherungDas türkische Parlament hat eine zweite Untersuchung gegen Tansu Ciller wegen angeblicherB<strong>et</strong>eiligung an Korruptionsaffiiten in die Wege geleit<strong>et</strong>. Die hartnäckigen Vorwürfegegen die frühere Ministerpräsi<strong>de</strong>ntin erschüttern die konservative Koalitionsregierung aufsneue und verstärken die politische Krise <strong>de</strong>r Türkei.it. Istanbul .. 9. MaiNach einer turbulenten Sitzung"hat das türkischeParlament am Donnerstag mit einer überraschen<strong>de</strong>nMehrheit von 376 Ja-Stimmen eineUntersuchung wegen angeblicher B<strong>et</strong>eiligung aneinem Korruptionsskandal gegen die frühereRegierungschefmCiller in die Wege geleit<strong>et</strong>. DieTatsache, dass lediglich 141 Abgeordn<strong>et</strong>e gegendie entehren<strong>de</strong>- Untersuchung gestimmt haben,dürfte für die ehemalige «eiserne Lady <strong>de</strong>r Türkei»recht bitter sein. Ciller wird beschuldigt, bei<strong>de</strong>r Privatisierung <strong>de</strong>s staatlichen AutomobilkonzerosTofas ihre Macht missbraucht und die Anteile<strong>de</strong>s Staates auf «irregulärem Weg» vermarkt<strong>et</strong>zu haben. Eine ähnliche Untersuchung gegensie in einem an<strong>de</strong>rn Fall hatte das Parlament bereitsvor zwei Wochen gebilligt.Sün<strong>de</strong>nbock im KorruptionssumpCCiller weist die Vorwürfevehement zurück. Sieversteht sich hauptsächlich als Opfer von undurchsichtigenAnkaraner Intrigen. Ihre Rivalenwünschten mit diesen Abstimmungen ihren «politischenTod» herbeizufiihren, sagte sie nach <strong>de</strong>rParlamentssitzung vom.Donnerstag. Tatsache ist,dass die in <strong>de</strong>n USA ausgebil<strong>de</strong>te Wirtschaftsprofessorin,welche zu Beginn <strong>de</strong>r neunziger Jahre in<strong>de</strong>r türkischen Führungselite als vielversprechendgalt und von <strong>de</strong>n türkischen Medien als «blon<strong>de</strong>and beautiful» gefeiert wur<strong>de</strong>, einen schwerenSchlag erlitten hat. Sollten die Untersuchungengar zu einem Prozess gegen Ciller fiihren, wirdihre politische Karriere unausweichlich zu einemabrupten En<strong>de</strong> gelangen. Tatsache ist aber auch,dass Frau Ciller das erste Regierungsoberhaupt in<strong>de</strong>r Geschichte <strong>de</strong>r Republik Türkei ist, das sichwegen Korruptionsskandalen verantworten muss.In <strong>de</strong>n l<strong>et</strong>zten Wochen wur<strong>de</strong> sie von <strong>de</strong>r Presseund ibren Rivalen zum Exempel filr die weit ver- .~: KQIT\lptionin Ankara hochstilisiert, zueÛ1~r'~ .VOJl.~nalem Sün<strong>de</strong>nbock.Bei<strong>de</strong> Abstimmungen im Parlament fan<strong>de</strong>n aufAntrag <strong>de</strong>r i~lamistischen Wohlfahrtspartei(Refah) statt. Dass viele Parlamentarier <strong>de</strong>r konservativenMutterlandspartei (Anap) auch fUreineUntersuchung gegen Ciller eingelegt haben, hatdiese als einen «Dolchstoss in <strong>de</strong>n Rücken» undals «Verrat» ihrer Partner in <strong>de</strong>r Koalitionsregierungbezeichn<strong>et</strong>. Die Koalition ist in ihren Fundamentenerschüttert und bröckelt regelrecht ab.Die Regierung ist seit <strong>de</strong>r ersten Abstimmungvor zwei Wochen lahmgelegt; es konnte keine einzigeKabin<strong>et</strong>tssitzung mehr abgehalten wer<strong>de</strong>n.Während die Anap unter <strong>de</strong>r Führung von MesutYilmaz das WIrtschaftspak<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Regierung vorbereit<strong>et</strong>e,ohne die Koalitionspartner überhauptzu konsultieren, verfluchte IndustrieministerYalim Etez, ein enger Freund von Tansu Ciller,die Anap als ein «Produkt <strong>de</strong>s 12.Septembers»,als Werk also <strong>de</strong>s l<strong>et</strong>zten Militärputsches. DiePresse ist sich einig, dass die Koalition von Anapund DYP nach einem kurzen, gera<strong>de</strong> 50 Tage langenLeben bereits am En<strong>de</strong> ist.Neue ChanceCür die IslamistenDie konseivative Koalitionsregierung konnteerst nach <strong>de</strong>r eindringlichen Intervention vonArmeeflihrung und Wirtschaftsspitzen überhauptentstehen. Diese begrün<strong>de</strong>ten damals ihr Eingreifendamit, dass die Islamisten <strong>de</strong>r Refah aus <strong>de</strong>rRegierung fernzuhalten seien. Yilmaz und Cillerkonnten allerdings ihre persönliche Feindschaftkaurn überwin<strong>de</strong>n. Dass bei<strong>de</strong> urn die Kontrolle<strong>de</strong>s konservativen Lagers <strong>de</strong>r Türkei kämpfen,verstärkte bloss ihre Feindschaft; diese wur<strong>de</strong>zum UeblingsstofT<strong>de</strong>r Karikaturisten. Sollte FrauCiller ihre Drohung wahr machen und ihre Parteiaus <strong>de</strong>r Koalition zurückziehen, könnte trotz allenbisherigen Bemühungen <strong>de</strong>r Armeefilhrung eineB<strong>et</strong>eiligung <strong>de</strong>r Islamisten in <strong>de</strong>r Regierung unausweichlichwer<strong>de</strong>n.23

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iI .0.. ..:.' ..... ".p.,--I "Europarâ<strong>de</strong>t för langsamt"• 16 Ar har Mehdi Zana tillbringati turkiska fängelser. Un<strong>de</strong>rfängelseAren, dA han adop~tera<strong>de</strong>s som samv<strong>et</strong>sfAnge avSvenska Amnes!y International,nAd<strong>de</strong> 12 000 brev och vykortfram till honom frAn olika medlemmar.PA fredagen kun<strong>de</strong> MehdiZana, <strong>de</strong>n förre borgmästaren iDiyarbakir i sydöstra Turki<strong>et</strong>,möta fiera av <strong>de</strong> svenska brevskrivarnaoch tacka för <strong>de</strong>rasmoraliska stöd. Mehdi Zana ären avhe<strong>de</strong>rsgästerna pASvenskaAmnestys Arsmöte i Göteborg.Den före <strong>de</strong>tta borgmästarenhar <strong>et</strong>t symbolvär<strong>de</strong> för kur<strong>de</strong>rnai Turki<strong>et</strong>. Han har dömts tillsammanlagt 24 Ars fängelse för.sina uttalan<strong>de</strong>n oc;h artiklar -bland annat efter att ha vittnatom förhâllan<strong>de</strong>nai Turki<strong>et</strong>inför Europaparlament<strong>et</strong>iStrasbourg.Han är mak<strong>et</strong>ill Ar<strong>et</strong>s Sacharovprista-gare, <strong>de</strong>nfängsla<strong>de</strong> Mehdikuidiska par- ZanalamentarikernLeyla Zana, som nu avtjänar<strong>et</strong>t Is-Arigt fängelsestraff.Mehdi Zana själv släpptes ivintras till följd av revi<strong>de</strong>ringenav turkiska lagar.- Men nya ätal väntar när jagAtervän<strong>de</strong>r till Turki<strong>et</strong>.I dag gäller hans omsorgerbland annat hustrun. Hans brevtillhenne frAnfängels<strong>et</strong> har kommitut i bokform, Kära Leyla(Sevgili Leyla), men är förbjudnai Turki<strong>et</strong>.Domen mot henne är anmäldtill Europakommissionen förmänskliga rättigh<strong>et</strong>er. MehdiZana anser att kommissionensutredning är alltför segdragen.- D<strong>et</strong> har antytts att kommissionenkommer aU ta ställningtill fall<strong>et</strong> först islut<strong>et</strong> avAr<strong>et</strong>eller i början av nasta Ar,sägerMehdiZana.En lAngrad turkiskà ären<strong>de</strong>nutreds för närvaran<strong>de</strong> av kom- .missionen. Hittills har tvA gAttvidare till Europadomstolen {örmänskIiga rättigh<strong>et</strong>er i Strasbqurg.D<strong>et</strong> ena gäller en förstördby isydöstra Turki<strong>et</strong>. D<strong>et</strong> andratortyr.BIITE HAMMARGRENA. EP. - A~enteFron(ePresse-A.F.P. - A~en(eFrontePresse-A.F.P. - A~enteFron(ePresse-A.F. P. - A~enteFrontePresse-A.F.P. - A~en(eFrontePreSle-A.F.P. - A~enteFrontePresse-FRS0767 4 I 0249 EXT /AFP-NU01Europe-Turquie-droitsLa requête d'un syndicaliste turc déclarée recevable à StrasbourgSTRASBOURG, 13 mai (AFP) - La requête d'un syndicaliste turc condamnépour avoir critiqué dans un article <strong>de</strong> presse la politique du gouvernementvis-à-vis <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s a été déclarée recevable par la Commission européenne<strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme, a-t-on appris lundi à Strasbourg auprès du Conseil<strong>de</strong> l'Europe.. .M. Munir Ceylan, prési<strong>de</strong>nt du syndicat <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs du pétrole, aété condamné en mai 1993 à huit mois <strong>de</strong> pr~son <strong>et</strong> à 100.000 livres turquesd'amen<strong>de</strong> pour incitation à la haine au sein <strong>de</strong> la population. .Le syndicaliste, dans l'hebdomadaire Yeni Ulke (Nouveau Pays) en 1991,avait notamment estimé que les travailleurs <strong>et</strong> leurs organisations<strong>de</strong>vraient s'unir aux Kur<strong>de</strong>s dans l'opposition aux lois anti-terroristes <strong>et</strong>à la politique du gouvernement turc dans le sud-est anatolien, où fait ragele conflit entre les forces armées <strong>et</strong> les séparatistes kur<strong>de</strong>s.M. Ceylan invoque à Strasbourg les articles 9, 10 <strong>et</strong> 14'<strong>de</strong> la Conventioneuropéenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme qui garantissent le droit à la liberté <strong>de</strong>pensée <strong>et</strong> d'expression <strong>et</strong> répriment les discriminations fondées notammentsur l'appartenance à une minorité nationale.Si aucun règlement à l'amiable n'est conclu, la Commission européenne<strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme --chargée <strong>de</strong> filtrer <strong>et</strong> instruire ~es requêtes--transm<strong>et</strong>tra le dossier à la Cour <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme ~.~ranœhera en<strong>de</strong>rnier ressort <strong>et</strong> sans appel.dro/eg/jsAFP24/AA1234/13185.2.MAI 96

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Daily News - May 12,1996Iraqi cru<strong>de</strong> oil sales attract huge tra<strong>de</strong>r interestReutersLONDON- A list of compl!lÙeswanting to obtain a share of th<strong>et</strong>irst significant cru<strong>de</strong> oil exportsfrom fraq since sanctions wereimposed In 1990 provi<strong>de</strong>s a rareglimpse into the world of strangeoil alliances.In some cases, it seems finnswere hoping that, by mark<strong>et</strong>ingIraq's flfSt cru<strong>de</strong> sales, they wouldadvance their chances of securinga share of that country's hugecru<strong>de</strong> oil reserves when the U.N.embargo is fully lifted.In others, small private concernsare vying with the world oilgiants for a suce of the potentialprofits from buying Iraqi cru<strong>de</strong>Just to sell it on again.Still un<strong>de</strong>r sanctions imposedafter its 1990 invasion of Kuwait,iraq on Monday signed a memorandumof un<strong>de</strong>rstailding with theUniled Nations to sell about7()(),fK)()barrel per day of cru<strong>de</strong> oilto pay for badly-nee<strong>de</strong>d humanitananaid.In February the U.N. said companiesno longer nee<strong>de</strong>d to regis-1er with them their interest in buyingIraqi cru<strong>de</strong>, but the list, puttog<strong>et</strong>her from 1991 to 1995,makes fascinating reading. Fiance,which has supported Iraq's effortsto sell cru<strong>de</strong> again, figured prominentlywith Elf Aquitaine andTotal SA leading the pack. Totaland Elf recently reopened officesin Baghdad, both having signedprelinunary agreements to drill foroil there when sanctions are lifted.The Unitèd States, by far Iraq'sbiggest single customer before theGulf War, has not y<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>dwh<strong>et</strong>her to allow its companies totra<strong>de</strong> in Iraqi exports.U.S. government sources saidon Monday that the issue had beenUnited Nations Secr<strong>et</strong>ary General Boutros Boutros-Ghall (R) watchesas Ambassador Abdul-Amlr AI-Anbari of Iraq signs the oil sale accord.Iraq mark<strong>et</strong>er approachespotential buyers in EuropeRell/el'\'LONDoN-Iraq's State Oil Mark<strong>et</strong>ing Organization (SOMO)has already approached potential buyers of the country's cru<strong>de</strong> oilin Europe immediately afler Baghdad signed an oil-for-foodagreement with the Umted Nations, European refiners said. Sentby SOMO's Executive Director General Saddam Z. Hassan inBaghdad on the same day the <strong>de</strong>al was agreed, Ihe leller sai<strong>de</strong>xport facilities at Ceyhan, Turkey were ready to start exports ofKirkuk cru<strong>de</strong> and possibly Basrah Li~ht, and the AI Bakr terminalin the Mi<strong>de</strong>ast Gulf was ready to begm shipping Basrah Light andpossibly Fao Blend. The speed at which SOMO established contactwilh its old customers after six years of isolai ion surprisedmany. But Iraq has long been known for its oil mark<strong>et</strong>ing savvyand good conlract with Western oil companies, tra<strong>de</strong>s said.discussed informally, but indicatedthat officials were still <strong>de</strong>batingwh<strong>et</strong>her to keep Iraqi oil out of theUnited States to ensure that policXtoward Iraq and Iran remainedconsistent. The United Statesimposed a unilateral tra<strong>de</strong> embargoon Iran last year.A s!>okesman for U.S. majorMobil Corp., which used to importIraqi oil before sanctions, said: "Ifthe tenns are fully m<strong>et</strong>, and theU.S. and U.N. agree to allow iraqto sell oil, the\1'our view would b<strong>et</strong>hat U.S. companies should hav<strong>et</strong>he same opportunities as foreigncompanies to buy Iraqi cru<strong>de</strong>."British-registered companies wer<strong>et</strong>he most numerous on the U.N.list, but many were trading subsidiariesof U.S. firms and somehave vanished from officialrecords in Companies House sinc<strong>et</strong>hey were registered.British companies inclu<strong>de</strong>dtrading arms of major oil firmslike British P<strong>et</strong>roleuJll Co Pic,U.S. Coastal Corp. and RoyalDutch IShell; financial institutionssuch as Salomon Brothers'Phibro; ~nd many small privatecompanies such as TaurusP<strong>et</strong>roleum Services Ltd, currentlyactive in trading Russian cru<strong>de</strong> oil.Amongst the biggest corporateentities in the world are littleknownmiddlemen ho!>ing to g<strong>et</strong> ashare of the Iraqi pie. Sorne of thesmaller British companies namedon the list, such as InternationalBunkeroil Brokers LId, are nolonger registered companies inBritain and one, DelaneyP<strong>et</strong>roleum (UK) Ltd, was in liqUidation,an official al Britain'sCompanies House said.Well-known international energytra<strong>de</strong>rs based in Switzerlandwere well represented, with namessuch as Marc Rich Co (nowGlencore), Hermitage ResourcesAG, Addax BV and TempoIra<strong>de</strong>SA all there.Whichever companies sign contractsfor the oil, much of it isexpected' to end up in theMediterranean, in countries suchas Spain and Italy.Spain's CEPSA said onTuesday it may use Iraqi oil butthe other big Spanish refiner,Repsol, said it was unlikely 10. Aspokesman for Italy's ENI said ittoo could be among potential buyers.25

, ".,~It-....lC\Eurocopter sees $500million Turkish contract soonBy Burak BekdilT,lrkish Daily NewsMARIGNANE, France- The world's second largesthelicopter manufacturer Eurocopter SA is expecling 10conclu<strong>de</strong> year-long discussions with Turkish authontiesfor the co-producl1on of 30 SARICSAR utility Cougarhelicopters, the company's officials said in its mainmanufacturing unit in southern France.The said talks with Turkey's Defense Industry. Un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ariat (SSM), the procurement agency, werei progressing well and an agreement was in sight for the, nearly $500 million protect. 'The discussions have been.. tense, I should say. However, 1 am confi<strong>de</strong>nt that a <strong>de</strong>alwill be reached in the weeks to come," said LucBarriere, Eurocopter' s vice presi<strong>de</strong>nt for EuroJ?l:.Eurocopter, which has been negotiating With Turkeyfor a batch of 30 Cougars since June 1995, <strong>de</strong>liveredtoday the last pair of 20 Cougars as part of an earlier<strong>de</strong>al signed on Oct. 8, 1993.The program, which was direct purchase, cost Turkey$253 millIon. A Turkish <strong>de</strong>legation, chaired by theSSM's acting un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary, Veysel Yayan, was inMarignane on Monday for the <strong>de</strong>livery ceremony.Eurocopter officials are confi<strong>de</strong>nt of winning the secondcontracl <strong>de</strong>spite controversy. There were reports thatthe talks b<strong>et</strong>ween the SSM and Eurocopter were close tofailure because of heavy political pressure during thepremiership ofTansu Çiller, who allegedly gave inslruclionsto the Turkish bureaucrats for the direct purchaseof the 30.Talks reportedly r<strong>et</strong>urned to normal after Eurocopter, agreed on co-production after the Dec. 24 election inTurkey.Turkey and Eurocopter have not y<strong>et</strong> agreed on theshare of Turkish participation in the proposed co-productionprogram. "We are continuing talks to finaliz<strong>et</strong>he <strong>de</strong>tails, such as <strong>de</strong>livery schedule <strong>et</strong>c. We have notFranco-German company <strong>de</strong>livers lastpair of Cougar helicopters to Turkeyy<strong>et</strong> come to a conclusion as to the share of local content,"explains Didier Renaux, <strong>de</strong>puty director for industrialprojects and off~<strong>et</strong> programs.There were reports thaI EurocopIer had already agreedon nearly 20 percent Turkish participation but the SSMwas pressing for larger local conlent."In fact whal mailers is not the quantity of the localcontent only, but also its quality. And our offer containsa high-quahty profile of Turkish participation in ternlS oftechnology transfer and other elements," said Renaux.Eurocopters's proposal for the co-production sees theAnkara-based Aerospace Industries Inc. (TAI), whichmanufactures F-16 lighter planes, as prime-sub-contractorfor the airframe from <strong>de</strong>velopment phase to <strong>de</strong>livery.Engine parts manufacture assembly and test will becarried out by the TEl, the engine producer. OtherTurkish companies including the military electronicsproducer Aselsan and privately-owned companies Hemaand communications equipment manufacturer N<strong>et</strong>as willbe involved in main eqUIpment manufaclUre, assemblyand tests.The proposal offer offs<strong>et</strong> commitments of 50 percentof the imp()rted part, mainly based on Ihe industrializationand produclion of future allack helicopter Tiger.,Direct economic bene/its for the Turkish <strong>de</strong>fense industryare estimated at 5,500 men/years according toEurocopter ollicials,The helicopter manufacturer is pledging to establishthe Turkish helicopter industry through local productiOl.of additional Cougars; maintenance and upgra<strong>de</strong> ofTurkey'sCougar fle<strong>et</strong>; and participation in production ofnew Eurocopter products sUch as Tiger.Would Eurocopter withdraw from negotiations ifTurkey insists on larger local content'!No, replied Jean-Pierre Dubreuil, director of theboard's execulive cabin<strong>et</strong>. "We shall not give up. Webelieve that we have to g<strong>et</strong> as close as possible toTurkish industry. I am sure there is going to be an agree:ment at some stage," he said.Defense industry experts say Turkey has become a .lucr.Jtive mark<strong>et</strong> for the world's helicopter manufaclUrers,who are suffering from a contraction in mark<strong>et</strong>.World <strong>de</strong>mand for helicopters, civilian and military, is .hovering around 600 to 700 at the moment and is <strong>de</strong>clin- .in~. '1'his is why we are fighting to win new contracts,"sUldDubreuil.Eurocopter, a partnership b<strong>et</strong>ween France's state-runAerospatIale and Gemlan DASA, did not report anyprofits last year, Its consolidated turnover was around$1.76 billion, half of which came from exports.Eurocopter has so far sold 10,825 helicopters to customersm 127 countries.Turkey has 50 Eurocopter platforms in its lle<strong>et</strong>.~ ~~~~~~~~t:~~.....~~2 ~ en ~';j' I::lC ~D)~'"BZ ~>,~ ~.....en ~.........~~ ~-

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çtlpê-Rivista Stanzpa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iDEUTSCHLAND•BLANKER TERRORKurdische Demonstrantenschlagen brutal auf einenwehrlos am Bo<strong>de</strong>n liegen<strong>de</strong>nPolizisten ein..PKKEiskalt abgedriickt?Bei Krawallen im März soll ein Kur<strong>de</strong> versuchthaben, einen BGS-Beamten zu erschießenHermann Anhuth war zur richtigenZeit am richtigen Ort. Gegen 12.30Uhr <strong>de</strong>s 16. März kann <strong>de</strong>r Kameramannaus Essen aufnehmen, was MillionenZuschauer am Abend schockiertam Bildschirm verfolgen: Mit Kanthölzern,Eisenstangen und Schlagringenprügeln besessene Anhänger <strong>de</strong>r terroristischenKurdischen ArbeiterparteiPKK auf einen Polizisten ein.Kommissar Rolf Fege' hat keineChance, sich zu wehren. Er liegt amBo<strong>de</strong>n. Seine Peiniger haben ihm dieWaffe abgenommen. Führen<strong>de</strong> Polizeibeamtesind heute davon überzeugt,daß die Angreifer in "blanker Totungsabsicht"han<strong>de</strong>lten.Vier Stun<strong>de</strong>n nach <strong>de</strong>r brutalen Attackeauf <strong>de</strong>n Polizisten sind nur einhalbes Dutzend Beamte <strong>de</strong>s Bun<strong>de</strong>sgrenzschutzes(BGS) Augenzeugen,als es "Soldaten"von PKK-Führer AbdullahÖcalan gelingt, drei<strong>de</strong>utschen Sicherheitskräftenihre Schußwaffenabzunehmen.MIT SCHUTZSCHILDUND HELMBun<strong>de</strong>sgrenzschützer unterstützenPolizisten gegen Kur<strong>de</strong>ngewaltEiner <strong>de</strong>r fanatischen Rä<strong>de</strong>lsführer -das sollen mehrere Beamte beobacht<strong>et</strong>haben - richt<strong>et</strong> eine <strong>de</strong>r erbeut<strong>et</strong>enDienstpistolen "in Bauchhöhe" gegeneinen BGS-Mann und drückt ab. BernhardWollek' hat Glück: Er überlebt,weil die Waffe "vorschriftswidrig nichtdurchgela<strong>de</strong>n und entspannt" war, alsokeine Patrone im Lauf <strong>de</strong>r Pistole saß.Adolf Wun<strong>de</strong>r, Sprecher im Krefel<strong>de</strong>rPolizeipräsidium, erklärte auf FOCUS-Anfrage, daß in dieser Sache nichtermittelt wer<strong>de</strong>. Die Staatsschutzabteilungarbeit<strong>et</strong> die Ausschreitungenan <strong>de</strong>r Autobahn A 3 nahe <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>utschnie<strong>de</strong>rländischenGrenzübergangs EItenauf.Hohe Beamte <strong>de</strong>s Bun<strong>de</strong>sgrenzschutzpräsidiumsin Bann bestätigen"Na~von <strong>de</strong>r Red.kUon gean<strong>de</strong>rtgegenüber FOCUS <strong>de</strong>n versuchten Anschlagauf ihren Kollegen in Elten.Dennoch scheuen sie sich, konkr<strong>et</strong>eAussagen zu machen.Was im Sprachjargon <strong>de</strong>r Ermittlungenunpräzise als "Eskalation" bezeichn<strong>et</strong>wird, könnte für <strong>de</strong>n Beamten,<strong>de</strong>m die Waffe gehört, disziplinarischeKonsequenzen haben. Abgesehen vomVerstoß gegen Dienstvorschriften für"die einsatztechnische Vorbereitung",muß <strong>de</strong>r Besitzer <strong>de</strong>r Waffe damit rechnen,daß sich "Kräfte seiner Einheitkünftig weigern, mit ihm zu arbeiten,weil er womöglich vorsätzlich <strong>de</strong>n Einsatz<strong>de</strong>r Schußwaffe ,persönlich reglementiert''',heißt es bei <strong>de</strong>n Grenzschützern."Viel schwerer könnte ins Gewichtfallen ", vermut<strong>et</strong> Klaus Steffenhagen,stellvertr<strong>et</strong>en<strong>de</strong>r Vorsitzen<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>r Gewerkschaft<strong>de</strong>r Polizei (GdP). daß <strong>de</strong>rBeamte Wollek <strong>de</strong>n Staatsschützem"noch keinen Hinweis auf das brutaleVorgehen <strong>de</strong>r Kur<strong>de</strong>n geliefert" habe.Damit könnte er sich unter Umstän<strong>de</strong>n,so Steffenhagen, "<strong>de</strong>m Vorwurt <strong>de</strong>sVerschleierns von Straftatbestän<strong>de</strong>nauss<strong>et</strong>zen ". ~"Der Kollegevom BGSliefert bislangkeinen Hinweisauf das brutaleVorgehen<strong>de</strong>r Kur<strong>de</strong>n"GOP,VIZEKLAUSSTEFFENHAGEN24Fotos: dpa (3), B O~rm.nnlfocU5.Mag4zlnFocUS 20/199627

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Ç{lpê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iDEUTSCHLANDPERISKOPGEWALTBEREITEDEMONSTRANTENBei <strong>de</strong>n Ausschreitungen zum kurdischen Neujahrsfest im Märzwur<strong>de</strong>n 22 Polizisten und Bun<strong>de</strong>sgrenzschützer verl<strong>et</strong>ztATTENTATPKK-Boß im Visier'KURDISCHERAUFWIEGLERPKK-ChefAbdullah Öcalanlenkt die Extremistenaus <strong>de</strong>msyrischen ExilGrenzschutzinterner Corpsgeist undpolizeioffizielle Lesart verhin<strong>de</strong>rn anscheinendbislang, daß die extr~meGewaltbereitschaft <strong>de</strong>r Anhänger Ocalansstrafrechtlich angemessen verfolgtwird. So ermittelt <strong>de</strong>r Klever OberstaatsanwaltReinhard Vogel gegen diemarodieren<strong>de</strong>n Kur<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong>r März-Krawalle nur wegen <strong>de</strong>s Verdachts <strong>de</strong>sschweren Landfrie<strong>de</strong>nsbruchs und <strong>de</strong>rschweren Körperverl<strong>et</strong>zung. Vogelräumt ein: "Es liegt nahe, die Ermittlungenauf versuchten Totschlag auszu<strong>de</strong>hnen."In <strong>de</strong>r Tat. Der geschun<strong>de</strong>ne KommissarFeger lei<strong>de</strong>t noch heute an <strong>de</strong>nFolgen <strong>de</strong>r Kur<strong>de</strong>nattacke: "Ich hatteTo<strong>de</strong>sangst und mit <strong>de</strong>m Leben schonabgeschlossen." Im Fall Feger, das ergabenFOCUS-Recherchen, geht inzwischenauch <strong>de</strong>r mit <strong>de</strong>n Ermittlungenb<strong>et</strong>raute Staatsschutz Krefeld von "versuchtemTotschlag" a.~s.PKK-Chef Abdullah Ocalan spielte vorWochen in einem Interview die Vorgängeherunter: "Man muß doch gerechtsein: Zwei Polizisten wur<strong>de</strong>n dieNasen blutig geschlagen." Zynismuspur. Feger kann sich bis heute nur miteiner Gehhilfe fortbewegen.Acht Wochen nach <strong>de</strong>n Ausschreitungenan <strong>de</strong>r A 3 wird <strong>de</strong>r Unmutinnerhalb <strong>de</strong>r nordrhein-westfälischenPolizei über die unzureichendé Vorbereitungauf <strong>de</strong>n Einsatz beim kurdischenNewroz-Fest immer lauter.Zwischen <strong>de</strong>n InnenministerienBonn und Düsseldorf klafften vermutlicherhebliche Kommunikationslücken.Nur so sei es zu erklären, daßRolf Feger, seine 23jährige KolleginP<strong>et</strong>ra S. und 16 weitere Kollegen <strong>de</strong>rAutobahnpolizei in Ellen ,,1500 gewaltbereitenKur<strong>de</strong>n ausgeliefert waren",wie ein einges<strong>et</strong>zter Polizeibeamterformuliert.Zwei Tage nach Elten schil<strong>de</strong>rte einPolizist auf <strong>de</strong>r Jahreshauptversammlung<strong>de</strong>s GdP-Kreisverbands in Viersenseinen Kollegen die Pannen <strong>de</strong>s Einsatzes:"Stun<strong>de</strong>nlang stan<strong>de</strong>n Verstärkungskräfteführungslos herum. DerFunkverkehr untereinan<strong>de</strong>r wur<strong>de</strong>durch kurdische Störsen<strong>de</strong>r massivbeeinträchtigt."Danach seien Bun<strong>de</strong>sgrenzschutzund Son<strong>de</strong>reinsatzkommandos erstherangeführt, dann aber wie<strong>de</strong>r abgezogenwor<strong>de</strong>n, um die Kur<strong>de</strong>n nicht zuprovozieren. ,Die aus <strong>de</strong>n Nie<strong>de</strong>rlan<strong>de</strong>n angereistenÖcalan-Anhänger waren besservorbereit<strong>et</strong>: "Die Kur<strong>de</strong>n griffen gezieltan und versuchten, in Dreiergruppenmit äußerster Brutalität einzelne Beamtezu überwältigen und möglichst <strong>de</strong>renDienstwaffe an sich zu bringen ",bericht<strong>et</strong>e <strong>de</strong>r Polizeibeamte.Erste Konsequenz <strong>de</strong>r Erfq.hrungenvon Elten: Grenzschutz-Führungskreiseprüfen <strong>de</strong>rzeit, ob die Beamtenkünftig - aus Sicherheitsgrün<strong>de</strong>n - ihreWaffen statt am Gürtel vor <strong>de</strong>r Brusttragen sollen.•THOMAS VAN ZÜPTIiEN/MICHAELJACHDer Vorsitzen<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>r extremistischen 'ArbeiterparteiKurdistans (PKK), AbdullahÖCalan, ist am vergangenen Dienstag inDamaskus nur knapp einem Mordanschlagentgangen. Bei <strong>de</strong>r Explosion einer Bombe,die Unbekannte in Öcalans Wohnung versteckthatten, wur<strong>de</strong> niemand verl<strong>et</strong>zt. Dieserfuhr FOCUS aus <strong>de</strong>utschen Sicherheitskreisen.Laut westlicher Nachrichtendienste ging<strong>de</strong>r Sprengsatz in einem Apartment hoch,das <strong>de</strong>r Guerilla-Boß für Treffen mit hohenPKK-Funktionären genutzt hatte. Ein Vertrauter<strong>de</strong>s PKK-Chefs erklärte gegenüberFOCUS,daß Öcalan sich zum Zeitpunkt <strong>de</strong>rExplosion nicht in <strong>de</strong>r Wohnung aufgehaltenhabe. Er sei rechtzeitig von seinemSicherheitsdienst über einen drohen<strong>de</strong>nAnschlag informiert wor<strong>de</strong>n. ÖCalan seiwohlauf und fest entschlossen, seine Anhängerkünftig von Gewaltaktionen inDeutschland abzuhalten.WBombe überlebt: PKK-Chef Öcalan und KämpferÜber die Bombenleger gibt es <strong>de</strong>rzeitkeine sicheren Erkenntnisse. Der türkischeGeheimdienst MIT, <strong>de</strong>r Öcalan seit Jahrenim Visier hat, schreckte bislang vor spektakulärenOperationen auf syrischem Gebi<strong>et</strong>zurück. In Europa gingen AnkarasAgenten in<strong>de</strong>s hart gegen PKK-Ka<strong>de</strong>r vor.Nach bislang unbestätigten Meldungensoll die israelische Luftwaffe kürzlich beiihren Einsätzen gegen die Hisbollah imLibanon auch Ausbildungslager <strong>de</strong>r PKKbombardiert haben. Westliche Nachrichtendiensteschließen nicht aus, daß diesauf Wunsch <strong>de</strong>r türkischen Regierung'geschah.Fotos: dPiI, Kruse/~us.Magazin FOCUS 20/1996 '28

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i'.l'''~.'.:.ISPIEGEL-Gespräch"Der Kanzler ist mein Vorbild"Der türkische Ministerpräsi<strong>de</strong>nt Mesut Yilmaz über Regierungskrise. Kur<strong>de</strong>n und das Verhältnis zu DeutschlandSPIEGEL: Herr Ministerpräsi<strong>de</strong>nt. Siesind <strong>de</strong>r erste türkische Regierungschef.<strong>de</strong>r mit <strong>de</strong>m SPIEGEL ein Gespräch aufDeutsch führt. Sie haben vor über 20 Jahrenin Köln studiert und besuchen j<strong>et</strong>ztdie Bun<strong>de</strong>srepublik erstmals als Premier.Glauben Sie noch an die vielbeschworene<strong>de</strong>utsch-türkische Freundschaft?Yllmaz: Diese Freundschaft bleibt sehrwichtig. beson<strong>de</strong>rs für uns Türken. Siewar ja immer eher eine türkisch-<strong>de</strong>utscheals eine <strong>de</strong>utsch-türkische Freundschaft.SPIEGEL: Eine unerwi<strong>de</strong>rte Liebe?Yllmaz: Nicht ganz. Aberwir müssen unsere Beziehungenrealistisch beurteilen.Und da muß dieTürkei einsehen. daß siefür aufg<strong>et</strong>r<strong>et</strong>ene Mißver-.ständnisse und Irritationeneine weitaus größereVerantwortung trägt. alswir bisher eingeräumthaben.SPIEGEL: Was haben Siefalsch gemacht?Yilmaz: Wir waren zulange nicht bereit.Schwächen unserer Demokratieoffen zu diskutieren.Ob es um Menschenrechte.Meinungsfreiheito<strong>de</strong>r Gewerkschaftengeht - in manchenBereichen habenwir einfach eine Mengenachzuholen.SPIEGEL: Und über dasSün<strong>de</strong>nregister <strong>de</strong>r Bun<strong>de</strong>srepubliksehen Siegroßzügig hinweg? HabenAuslän<strong>de</strong>rhaß undrechtsradikale ÜbergriffeIhr Bild von Deutschlandnicht g<strong>et</strong>rübt?Yllmaz: Hinter diesenVorfällen steckt nur einekleine Min<strong>de</strong>rheit. DieBun<strong>de</strong>sregierung undauch die <strong>de</strong>utsche Öffentlichkeithaben solcheTaten scharf verurteilt.die Behör<strong>de</strong>n haben entsprechen<strong>de</strong>Maßnahmenergriffen. Deshalb: Stel-• Mit Redakteuren Di<strong>et</strong>er Bednarzund Romain Leick In Istanbul.len wir Türken uns lieber unserer eigenenVerantwortung. statt immer nur mit<strong>de</strong>m Finger auf die an<strong>de</strong>re Seite zu zeigen.SPIEGEL: Für viele Anschläge auf türkischeEinrichtungen sind radikale Kur<strong>de</strong>nverantwortlich. Daß die Bun<strong>de</strong>srepublikzum Schauplatz innertürkischer Konfliktegewor<strong>de</strong>n ist. kost<strong>et</strong> Ihr Land vielSympathie.Yllmaz: Wir müssen zwei Dinge unterschei<strong>de</strong>n:Zum einen haben wir es mit separatistischemTerrorismus zu tun. Zuman<strong>de</strong>ren wird behaupt<strong>et</strong>. daß türki~cheBürger kurdischer Ahstammung diskriminierto<strong>de</strong>r gar mißhan<strong>de</strong>lt wenkn.SPIEGEL: Das eine ist die Folge <strong>de</strong>s an<strong>de</strong>ren.Die Kur<strong>de</strong>n rebellieren. \\eil .,ieunterdrückt wer<strong>de</strong>n.Yilmaz: Terror darf auf keinen Fall gerechtfertigto<strong>de</strong>r gedul<strong>de</strong>t wer<strong>de</strong>n. Woer auftritt. muß er mit Gewalt hckiimpftwer<strong>de</strong>n. Das tut je<strong>de</strong>r Staat auf <strong>de</strong>rWelt. Terror verursacht Repression. genaudarauf legen es die l'nrullL"tiftcr j;1auch an.Yilmaz (r.) beim SPIEGEL-Gespräch*: ..Die Türkei darf nicht aus Europa ausgegrenztDer Machtkampfin <strong>de</strong>r Türkei hat die Regierungskoalition vonMinisterpräsi<strong>de</strong>nt Mesut Yilmaz und seiner VorgängerjnTansu Çiller nach nur zwei Monatenan <strong>de</strong>n Rand <strong>de</strong>s Bruchs gebracht. Das Zweckbündniswar am 12. März vor allem auf Drängen<strong>de</strong>r Militärs entstan<strong>de</strong>n. die so eine Regierungsb<strong>et</strong>eiligung<strong>de</strong>r islamistischen Wohlfahrtsparteiverhin<strong>de</strong>rn wollten. Die bei<strong>de</strong>n Erz-Iwer<strong>de</strong>n"rivalen vereinbarten für ihre Koalitionszeit einRotationsprinzip: Bis En<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>s Jahres will Yilmazdie Regierung führen. danach soll Çillerfür zwei Jahre das Amt übernehmen, um es1999 wie<strong>de</strong>r an Yilmaz zurückzugeben. DochKorruptionsvorwürfe gegen Çiller stellten En<strong>de</strong>voriger Woche das Abkommen in Frage. Yilmaz.48. studierte in Köln Wi~schafts- und Sozialwissenschaftenund war vor seinem Eintritt indie Politik als Unternehmer tätig.166 DER SPIEGEL 20/199629

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iSPIEGEL: Haben Sie <strong>de</strong>nnVerständnis dafür, daß dieDeutschen es leid sind, fürFehler und Versäumnisse <strong>de</strong>rtürkischen Kur<strong>de</strong>npolitik zuhüßen? .Yilmaz: Wir hahen die Bun<strong>de</strong>sregierunglange genug gewarnt.daß diese Auswüchseauch auf Deutschland übergreifenwür<strong>de</strong>n. Damit habenwir recht behalten.SPIEGEL: Der Schlüssel zurBeendigung <strong>de</strong>r Gewalt liegtaber doch in Ankara.Yilmaz: Natürlich darf uns dieTerrorbekämpfung nicht davonabhalten, Mißstän<strong>de</strong> abzustellen.Das haben wir lei<strong>de</strong>rallzu lange nicht g<strong>et</strong>an.Für die türkischen Regierungen<strong>de</strong>r l<strong>et</strong>zten Jahre reduziertesich die sogenannteKur<strong>de</strong>nfrage auf eine militärischeAufgabe.SPIEGEL: Daran hat sich doch nichts geän<strong>de</strong>rt.Die Militärs greifen mit ihrertraditionellen Frühjahrsoffensive erneuthart durch und verkün<strong>de</strong>n auch diesmalwie<strong>de</strong>r die endgültige Vernichtung <strong>de</strong>rradikalen . Arbeiterpartei Kurdistans(PKK).Yilmaz: Ja, solche Operationen sind ihrePflicht. und die Streitkräfte haben zweifellosbeachtliche Erfolge erlielt . Fastdie Hälfte unserer Armee steht in Südostanatolien...SPIEGEL: weit über100000 Soldaten, ein regelrechterBürgerkrieg.Yilmaz: Zur Zeit hat die Armeedie absolute Kontrolle. DerChef dieser TerrorgruppePKK, Ahdullah Öcalan, droht •mit Selbstmordattentaten it;<strong>de</strong>n Städten, aber seit zwei Monatenhahen seine Killerkommandoskeine einzige Aktionmehr gewagt.SPIEGEL: Freuen Sie sich nicht.zu früh.Yilmaz: Ich meine, die PKK istdazu nicht mehr in <strong>de</strong>r Lage.Auch die ländlichen Gebi<strong>et</strong>ebefin<strong>de</strong>n sich unter Kontrolleunserer Sicherheitskräfte.SPIEGEL: Die Wirklichkeitsieht doch so aus, daß die linksradikalePKK politisch immer stärkerwird. Sie macht sich weltweit zumSymbol für <strong>de</strong>n Freiheitswillen <strong>de</strong>skurdischen Volkes.Yilmaz: Ja. unsere militärischen Fortschrittehaben uns politisch wenig genutzt,im Gegenteil. Wir müssen nunfeststellen, daß die Frage dadurch erstn::cht hochgespielt und internationalisiertwor<strong>de</strong>n ist.SPIEGEL: Sie selbst haben zum kurdischenNeujahrsfest Newroz eine Wt:n-Protest gegen Menschenrechtsverl<strong>et</strong>zungen in Istanbul: "Eine Menge Fehler gemacht"<strong>de</strong> angekündigt. Zu wt:lchen Kompromissensind Sit: bereit?Yilmaz: .Zuerst einmal: Wir wissennicht genau. wie vi<strong>de</strong> türkischt' Bürgerkurdischer Abstammung es gibt. vidleichtR Milliont'n. vielleicht auch ISMillionen. Aber fest steht. daß ungefährzwei Drittel in an<strong>de</strong>ren Gt'hit'len<strong>de</strong>r Türkei als Südostanawlien .lehen.und die sind völlig assimiliert. Deshalhsprechen wir nicht von einem Kurdt:n-.son<strong>de</strong>rn von einem Südostproblem.Yilmaz-Rivalen Erbakan, Çiller: ..Historische Verantwortung"Das geht üher die <strong>et</strong>hnische Definitionweit hinaus.SPIEGEL: Wit: immer Si~' <strong>de</strong>n Konfliktnennen - wie wollt:n Sit' ihn lilsen?Yilmaz: Wir wt:r<strong>de</strong>n dit: lokalt'n Verwaltungt:nim Südosten stärkt'n und ihnenmt:hr Selbstverantworlung einräumen.Durch <strong>de</strong>n Flaschenhals Ankara läßtsich nicht mehr alks presst'n. Und wirwer<strong>de</strong>n auch die kulturelkn Reformen\'orantreihen. mit <strong>de</strong>nen wir En<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>rachtziger Jahre: angefangen hatten.I.SPIEGEL: Solche Versprechungen hahenwir von Ihren Vorgiingern auch schon gehört-. doch t's ist hei Lippenhekenntnis.st'n gehlichen.Yilmaz: Wir hahen heispielswei~e Veröffentlichungenauf Kurdisch erlaubt.Doch diest' Fn:iheiten. die wir durch Ce.s<strong>et</strong>zesän<strong>de</strong>rungen c.ewiihrt hahen. wur.<strong>de</strong>n in <strong>de</strong>r Praxis \'O~l <strong>de</strong>n Sicherheitskräftennicht voll umgt's<strong>et</strong>zt. Fernsehen o<strong>de</strong>rSchulunterricht in kurdischer Sprachesind nllCh immer \-erhoten. Fin in <strong>de</strong>nachtziger Jahren geslarl<strong>et</strong>es.riesigt's regionales Fntwiàlungsprojekt.das seit fünf Jahrenvi\lIig stilbteht. haben wirj<strong>et</strong>zt wie<strong>de</strong>r in Gang gebracht.Das wird das Schicksal <strong>de</strong>r Regionwen<strong>de</strong>n. Im Jahre 2010könnte <strong>de</strong>r Südosten durch diesesEntwicklungsprogrammmit seinel) uher 20 Staudammenzu. einem <strong>de</strong>r reichstenGebi<strong>et</strong>e <strong>de</strong>r Türkei wer<strong>de</strong>n.Wenn das klappt. erledigt sich<strong>de</strong>r Konflikt von seihst.SPIEGEL: Und wenn die Rdormenauch diesmal wie<strong>de</strong>r' scheitern, weil Ihrer Regierungam En<strong>de</strong> die Durchs<strong>et</strong>zungskraft~.fehlt?Yilmaz: Wenn es uns nicht gelingt,die Kur<strong>de</strong>nfrage .in .absehbarerZeit endgültig zu lösen. wirddie Türkei nach <strong>de</strong>r Jahrtausendwcndckein mächtiges Land. keine regillOaleGroßmacht mehr sein.SPIEGEL: Wann wollen Sie lIue Truppenaus Südost ahziehen?Yilmaz: Schon En<strong>de</strong> Juni wer<strong>de</strong>n wir<strong>de</strong>n Ausnahmezustand in Südostanalolien\'.:lllil!

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i'\maßnahmen sollen dann von zivilen Behör<strong>de</strong>nübernommen wer<strong>de</strong>n. von speziellausgebil<strong>de</strong>ten Kräften. wie sie Spanien<strong>et</strong>wa gegen die separatistische TerrororganisationEta eins<strong>et</strong>zt. Das Militärsoll künftig nur noch für die Lan<strong>de</strong>sverteidigungsorgen.SPIEGEL: So wie Jerusalem l<strong>et</strong>ztlich mitPLO-Führer Jassir Arafat verhan<strong>de</strong>lnmußte. wird auch Ankara schwerlich umGespräche mit PKK-Chef Öcalan herumkommen,wenn die Region wirklichbefrie<strong>de</strong>t wer<strong>de</strong>n soll.Yllmaz: 0 nein. ich glaube nicht, daß irgen<strong>de</strong>in<strong>et</strong>ürkische Regierung so <strong>et</strong>wasjemals machen kann. Die Kur<strong>de</strong>n brauchenÖcalan nicht, um ihre Rechte einzufor<strong>de</strong>rn.Im Gegenteil: Er ist <strong>de</strong>rjenige,<strong>de</strong>r schnelle Fortschritte verhin<strong>de</strong>rt.SPIEGEL: Und wenn Öcalan <strong>de</strong>m Terrorabschwört, so wie Arafat das auch g<strong>et</strong>anhat?Yllmaz: Öcalan ist verantwortlich für<strong>de</strong>n Tod von 20000 Menschen. Er istein Massenmör<strong>de</strong>r. Keine Schwüre könnendas wie<strong>de</strong>rgutmachen.SPIEGEL: Der Kur<strong>de</strong>nkonflikt vergift<strong>et</strong>bisher auch die Beziehungen zur EuropäischenUnion. Wer<strong>de</strong>n Sie in B~nndarauf drängen, daß Kanzler Kohl Sichfür einen zügigen Beitritt <strong>de</strong>r Türkei zurEU stark macht?Yllmaz: Unser EU-Beitritt ist in <strong>de</strong>r Türkeiimmer ein aktuelles Thema. Aberich sehe das ganz realistisch: Wir sindzur Zeit einfach noch nicht reif für dieVollmitgliedschaft, vor allem wirtschaftlichnicht. Nur müssen wir zumin<strong>de</strong>st einePerspektive haben, <strong>et</strong>wa daß wir baldnach <strong>de</strong>r Jahrtausendwen<strong>de</strong> vollwertig"Fast alles spieltzur Zeit <strong>de</strong>nIslamisten in die Hän<strong>de</strong>"in die EU integriert wer<strong>de</strong>n. Die Zollunion,die Anfang dieses Jahr~s inKraft trat, ist nur eine Zwischen<strong>et</strong>appe,keine Endstation. Dochlei<strong>de</strong>r hören wir immer wie<strong>de</strong>r, daß gera<strong>de</strong>Deutschland - mehr noch alsGriechenland - Wi<strong>de</strong>rstand gegen unsereVollmitgliedschaft leist<strong>et</strong>.SPIEGEL: Aus Angst vor einer großenEinwan<strong>de</strong>rungswelle, wenn die Freizügigkeitinnerhalb <strong>de</strong>r EU auch für dieTürkei gilt ...Yllmaz: .. , ich weigere mich aber zuglauben. daß Deutschland die Türkeiaus Europa ausgrenzt. Die Bun<strong>de</strong>sregierungdarf diese Frage nicht aus nationaleregoistischer Sicht beurteilen,<strong>de</strong>nn sie ist auch für Europa von strategischerBe<strong>de</strong>utung.SPIEGEL: Was, glauben Sie, ist <strong>de</strong>nn<strong>de</strong>r wahre Grund für das Zögern <strong>de</strong>rEuropäer? Ihr früherer Mentor, <strong>de</strong>rverstorbene Staatspräsi<strong>de</strong>nt Turgut.Özal, vermut<strong>et</strong>e, daß das christlicheAbendland einfach keinen Moslemstaataufnehmen wolle.Yllmaz: Vor 50 Jahren existierten auf<strong>de</strong>r Welt eigentlich nur zwei be<strong>de</strong>uten<strong>de</strong>unabhängige islamische Staaten: dieTürkei und Iran. J<strong>et</strong>zt gibt es über 50,aber wie<strong>de</strong>r sind es nur zwei, Türkei und'Iran, die Wegweiser für die Entwicklungin <strong>de</strong>r islamischen Welt sind.SPIEGEL: Die bei<strong>de</strong>n Län<strong>de</strong>r repräsentierendiam<strong>et</strong>ral entgegenges<strong>et</strong>zte Mo<strong>de</strong>lle:Teheran <strong>de</strong>n fundamentalistischenGottesstaat. Ankara die laizistischeRepublik.Yllmaz: Genau. Aber ob wir diesen Wegweitergehen können. hängt entschei<strong>de</strong>ndvon <strong>de</strong>r Haltung <strong>de</strong>r EU und damitauch Deutschlands ab. Wir sind das einzigeLand in <strong>de</strong>r isla~~sc~en ~elt. das<strong>de</strong>mokratisch und laIZIstisch 1St. Aberohne westliche Unterstützung könnenwir diese Werte in <strong>de</strong>r islamischen Weltwomöglich nicht mehr lan~e v~rte~digen.Wir brauchen die Integration ID die EU,um auf unserem Weg weitergehen zukönnen. Wenn sich Europa als Christengemeinschaftversteht, dann besorgt ~sdas Geschäft <strong>de</strong>r Islamisten in <strong>de</strong>rTürkeI.SPIEGEL: Die Gefahr, daß die Islamistendie Macht übernehmen, scheint größer<strong>de</strong>nn je. Bei <strong>de</strong>n l<strong>et</strong>zten Parlamentswahlenist die Wohlfahrtspartei stärkste Kraftgewor<strong>de</strong>n. Wie lange können sie nochvon <strong>de</strong>r Regierung ferngehalten wer<strong>de</strong>n?Yllmaz: Fast alles spielt zur Zeit <strong>de</strong>n Islamistenin die Hän<strong>de</strong>: die wirtschaftlichenSchwierigkeiten. unsere Ausgrenzung.aus Europa, die Anstrengungen einiger.islamischer Län<strong>de</strong>r, das türkische Ge.genmo<strong>de</strong>ll zu vernichten. Auch. dielange Untätigkeit <strong>de</strong>s Westen,s in Bosnien.die Gleichgültigkeit gegenüberTsch<strong>et</strong>schenien, die Parteinahme fürArmenien gegen Aserbaidschan schürenRessentiments. von <strong>de</strong>nen die Isla-.misten bei uns profitieren.SPIEGEL: Aber ist das Erstarken <strong>de</strong>rFundamentalisten in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei nichtvor allem eine Folge <strong>de</strong>r Schwäche undZerstrittenheit <strong>de</strong>r bürgerlichen Parteien?Ihre Regierung steht nach nur zwei.Monaten praktisch vor <strong>de</strong>m En<strong>de</strong> - vorallem, weil Sie mit Ihrer KoalitionspartnerinTansu Çiller so heil~os ver~r~chtsind daß sie womöglich Ihre MIß1steraus <strong>de</strong>m Kabin<strong>et</strong>t zurückzieht. .VIImaz: Unsere Parteien und auch w~rbei<strong>de</strong> persönlich sind Erzrivalen. WIrhaben uns jahrelang bekämpft, das kannman nicht in zwei Monaten vergessen.SPIEGEL: Viele Abgeordn<strong>et</strong>e Ihrer Pa~teihaben mit <strong>de</strong>r Opposition für dieEins<strong>et</strong>zung von zwei parlamentarischenUntersuchungsausschüssen gestimmt,die Korruptionsvorwürfe gegen FrauÇiller prüfen sollen. Das kann das To<strong>de</strong>surteilfür die Koalition be<strong>de</strong>uten.Yllmaz: Ich habe meiner Fraktion keinenZwang auferlegt, es han<strong>de</strong>lt sich umeine Gewissensfrage. Ein Teil hat fü~die Untersuchung gestimmt, und FrauÇiller sieht das als Komplott. Ich selbsthabe im ersten Fall dagegen, im zweitendafür votiert, weil ich glaube, daß FrauÇiller da wirklich <strong>et</strong>was auf <strong>de</strong>m Kerbholzhat. Wir haben in unserer Koalitionsvereinbarungdie Bekämpfung von----------_._-~-- ."Ich bewun<strong>de</strong>reHelmut Kohl fürseine Gelassenheit"Korruption ausdrücklich festgeschrieben,da muß sich je<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>r Verantwortungstellen.SPIEGEL: Und Sie glauhen <strong>de</strong>nnoch. daßTansu Çiller Sie im nächsten Jahr wie,vorgesehen an <strong>de</strong>r Spitze <strong>de</strong>r Regierung.ablösen kann?Yllmaz: Ich wer<strong>de</strong> meine Verpflichtungerfüllen und alles tun, damit es dazukommt. Ich bin zuversichtlich, daß dieKoalition hält. Frau Çiller hat doch garkeine Alternative.SPIEGEL: Vielleicht kommen die Islamistenschon bald allein an die Macht.Yllmaz: Wir sind uns <strong>de</strong>r historischenVerantwortung bewußt. Aher auchDeutschland und Europa sollten ihreMitverantwortung nicht vergessen. WeimarerVerhältnisse fürchte ich <strong>de</strong>nnochnicht. Wir hatten in <strong>de</strong>r Vergangenheitviel schlimmere Fälle, und je<strong>de</strong>smal hahenwir unsere Krisen mit Vernunft undAugenmaß hewältigt.SPIEGEL: O<strong>de</strong>r mit <strong>de</strong>m Militär. Und1999 sehen Sie sich dann wie<strong>de</strong>r als Ministerpräsi<strong>de</strong>nt?Yllmaz: Wenn alles wie ahgesprochenverläuft. ja, aber ich gehe zu: Es kannsehr wohl sein. daß wir vorher Neuwahlenabhalten müssen.SPIEGEL: Helmut Kohl ist nun schonfast 14 Jahre an <strong>de</strong>r Macht. Vielleichtlassen Sie sich von ihm mal erklären.wie man mit Konkurrenten fertigwird.Yllmaz: Der Kanzler ist mein Vorbild.Ich schätze Helmut Kohl sehr und bewun<strong>de</strong>reihn für die Gelassenheit, mitProblemen umzugehen. Er ist einMann, <strong>de</strong>r sich durch Widrigkeiten nichtbeirren läßt. Manchmal vergleicht manmich in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei mit ihm, weil auchich sehr geduldig bin und mich nicht darumschere, was die Presse so über michveröffentlicht. Ich wer<strong>de</strong> wie Kohl meinenWeg weitergehen.SPIEGEL: Herr Ministerpräsi<strong>de</strong>nt. WiTdanken Ihnen für dieses Gespräch.31

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F. P. - Agente Fronte Prelle - A. F. P. - Agence Fronte Presle- A.F. P. - Agente Fronte Presse-A. F. P. - Agente Fronte Prelle - A. F. P. - Agen(e Fronte Presle - A. F. P. - Agente Fronte Presse-A.F.P.A.F.P.ECF0136 3 F 0362 IRK /AFP-JU90Eco.-Energie.-int.Irak/pétrole: les négociations avec l'ONU se déroulent bien (presse)BAGDAD, 13 mai (AFP) - Les négociations entre l'Irak <strong>et</strong> l'ONU surllapplication d'une résolution du Conseil <strong>de</strong> sécurité <strong>de</strong> IIONU prévoyant unallègement <strong>de</strong> l'embargo imposé à l'Irak se déroulent bien, a affirmé lundiun quotidien officiel irakien."Jusqu'à présent, les choses vont bien", a affirmé le journalal-Joumhouriya, qui a cependant averti que les négociations pourraient ànouveau trébucher si les Etats-Unis <strong>et</strong> la Gran<strong>de</strong>-Br<strong>et</strong>agne sien mêlaient."Le Conseil <strong>de</strong> sécurité <strong>de</strong>vrait prendre une position stricte pourempêcher <strong>de</strong>ux <strong>de</strong> ses membres <strong>de</strong> slingérer (dans les négociations) à <strong>de</strong>sfins politiques", a ajouté le journal dans une allusion à Washington <strong>et</strong>Londres."Le rôle du secrétariat général <strong>de</strong> l'ONU doit se borner à annoncer auConseil <strong>de</strong> sécurité qu'un accord a été conclu", a ajouté le journal,insistant sur la nécessité <strong>de</strong> tenir les Etats-Unis <strong>et</strong> la Gran<strong>de</strong> Br<strong>et</strong>agne àl'écart.Samedi, le négociateur irakien Ab<strong>de</strong>l Amir al-Anbari a déclaré que lespourparlers avec l'ONU allaient "un peu mieux", au len<strong>de</strong>main dlurierencontre avec le secrétaire général <strong>de</strong> l'ONU Boutros Boutros-Ghali.Les discussions entre l'Irak <strong>et</strong> l'ONU ont repris le 6 mai surl'application <strong>de</strong> la résolution 986, qui autorise la reprise sous contrôle<strong>de</strong> l'ONU dlexportations <strong>de</strong> pétrole irakiennes pour 2 milliards <strong>de</strong> dollarspar semestre renouvelable afin d'ach<strong>et</strong>er <strong>de</strong>s produits alimentaires <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>smédicaments.Washington <strong>et</strong> Londres avaient <strong>de</strong>mandé en avril <strong>de</strong>s amen<strong>de</strong>ments à unmémorandum négocié <strong>de</strong>puis février entre l'Irak <strong>et</strong> IIONU <strong>et</strong> indiqué vouloirslassurer que Bagdad respecterait strictement les conditions fixées parIIONU, notamment sur la distribution <strong>de</strong>s vivres.Le principal point <strong>de</strong> blocage porte sur la distribution <strong>de</strong> la nourriture<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s médicaments aux Kur<strong>de</strong>s du nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, qui échappe au contrôle <strong>de</strong>Bagdad <strong>de</strong>puis 1991. Lllrak <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> à jouer un rôle dans la distributiondans ce secteur, ce que refuse Washington, soutenu par Londres, craignantque Bagdad puisse reprendre un quelconque contrôle politique dans le nord.fch-mch/tm/barAFP /AA1234/131045 MAI 96A. F. P. - Agen(e Fronte Prelle- A. F.P. - .Agen(eFron(e Presle- A.F. P. - Agente Fronte Prelle- A.F. P. - Agente Fronte Prelle-A. F.P. - Agente Fron(e Prelle- A. F.P. - Agen(e Fronte Presse-32

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Daily News - WEDNESDAY, May 15, 1996,Newlnquiryln AnkaraAdds Twist toCiller's WoesComplied by Our Staff Fmm DispatchesANKARA - Prosecutors opened aninvestigation Tuesday into a man whoboasted that he had duped then-PrimeMinister Tansu Ciller into giving himmoney from a government fund.The inci<strong>de</strong>nt surfaced Monday eveningwhen a television station ran an .interview with a man they i<strong>de</strong>ntified asSelcuk Parsadan.Mr. Parsadan said he received$71,000 after calling Mrs. Ciller on behalfof a r<strong>et</strong>ired army chief and promisingto encourage 30,000 resi<strong>de</strong>nts qfan Istanbul district to support her TruePath party.Mr. Parsadan already is being tried anembezzlement charges in two separatecases, the prosecutor's office said. Hefaces up to 27 years in prison if convictedon all charges. In addition, the policeissued an arrest warrant for him for eludinga subpoena to testify in the trials. .Mrs. Ciller's executive secr<strong>et</strong>ary,Akih IstanbulIu, acknowledged that Mr.Parsadan was given the money. but conten<strong>de</strong>dthat he was supposed to use it toform an association to promote thei<strong>de</strong>als of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, thefoun<strong>de</strong>r of mo<strong>de</strong>m Turkey. .Mrs. Ciller faces two corruption inquiriesin Parliament. They were instigatedby the Welfare Party, whichwon the December elections but wàsunable to form a government, andbacked by lawmakers in the MotherlandParty of Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz.The investigations threaten to endMrs. CiIler's political future, and theyput the future of the rightist coalitionb<strong>et</strong>ween True Path and Motherland indoubt.(AP. AFP)• Court Rules on Confi<strong>de</strong>nce VoteThe constitutional court ruled Tuesdaythat a confi<strong>de</strong>nce vote won in March byTurkey' s new government was invalid,but that the shaky coalition should remainin place, Reuters reported from Ankara."We have <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d nine votes againsttwo to annul the Parliament <strong>de</strong>cisionabout the vote of confi<strong>de</strong>nce," said thecourt's chairman, Yekta Gungor Oz<strong>de</strong>n.He said the Il members of the courtvoted unanimously to reject a proposalby Welfare to invalidate the governmentitself. He ma<strong>de</strong> no further comment.Amnesty International:Even the children ar<strong>et</strong>ortured in TurkeyTurkish Daily NewsANKARA- Amnesty International,which is currentlytouring the country introducingits actIvities to the Turkish publie,held their second me<strong>et</strong>ing,in Ankara on Monday evening.The me<strong>et</strong>ing, similar to theone held in Istanbul lastSaturday, introduced to aTurkish audience speakers fromthe United States, China andMorocco, who spoke on humanrights abuses in their own countrIes.Carsten Jurgensen. anAmnesty researcher and experton Turkey, told the Anatolianews agency that there existedsystematic and extensive torturein Turkey, and that even childrenwere tortured."The remand period inTurkey is very long and thismakes it easier for inci<strong>de</strong>nts oft-orture to take place. this isbecause the long time periodallows the marks of torture disappear,"Jurgensen toldAnatolia.Referring to the inci<strong>de</strong>nts inManisa, where high school stu<strong>de</strong>ntswere tortured by police.Jurgensen said that torture wassom<strong>et</strong>hine that people talkedabout wIthout even beingshocked."Even the <strong>de</strong>puties openlyadmit that children were torturedin Manisa," he stressed."I kno~' that there are a numberof uprieht prosecutors whotry to re\"eaTinCI<strong>de</strong>nts of torture.However. doctors are afraid togive reports on torture,"Jurgensen said.Jurgensen. who also acknowledgedthat Amnesty faced manyobstacles in their research inTurkey. said at the me<strong>et</strong>ing inIstanbul that Amnesty's formerresearcher for Turkey was<strong>de</strong>ported and that it's currentresearcherentering.was barred fromThe Amnesty <strong>de</strong>le,gation willtravel to Mersin todav. wher<strong>et</strong>he\' will hold their lasi me<strong>et</strong>ineat the ChamberAuditorium.of CommerceEuropean Human RightsCommission takes upcase of Münir CeylanTurkish Daily NewsANKARA- The individual application ma<strong>de</strong> byMünir Ceylan, the former chief of the P<strong>et</strong>rol-l~ laborunion, has been accepted by the European Commissionon Human Rights.Ceylan was sentenced to eight months in jail and afine of TL 100,000 in 1993 for a column he wrote inYeni Ülke, a newspaper which was closed down subsequently.Ceylan applied to the commission, saying Turkey hadviolated the articles of European Declaration of HumanRights on freedom of expression.The commission announced that the case would b<strong>et</strong>aken up, the Anatolia news agency reported fromStrasbourg.33

. .Court rejects KIZllkan's <strong>de</strong>mand for releasestop his dismissal. During the farewell party forHatipoglu his wife was given lavish giftS.It IS claimed that Ku.ilkan' s arrest is linked tothis farewell party. During his speech at theparty, KlzIlkan is claimed to have said thatHatipbglu's performance was appreciated by thepeople and that his dismissal would be a wrongstep. KIzllkan also reportedly urged initiativesfor a {lfaceful solution to the Kurdish question. Itis c1é1.1medthat such statements were receivedcoldly by the emergency rule region <strong>de</strong>puty governorand other bureaucrats at tlie party.According to the allegations, the first link in thechain of events leading to K1ZIlkan' s arrest hasforged at KIZllkan's speech to the farewell party.KlZllkan' s <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>rs say that charges thatK1z1lkan had a bomb in a house only 30 m<strong>et</strong>ersfrom the regionaloffice of the NationalIntelligence Organization (MlT) do not soundreasonable. PeoI'le close to KIZIlkan claim thathis arrest is merely a police s<strong>et</strong> up., .~ ~~\}~'-> ~I~'->~~....~~I~~~"0"'S~>>.:l....~~.~~$:i~~ItJ~~ c::s~~;p"l~~I~ '->....~a:~ ~.I.JJ~Turkish Daily News - WEDNESDAY, May 15, 1996Human RightsBy Sinan YllmazTurkish Daily Ne"llsANKARA- A state security court inDiyarbaku has rejected an appeal by Dr.Seyf<strong>et</strong>tin KlZllkan, who is charged with having abomb and weapons at his house, for his releasefrom prison. Attorney Sezgin Tannkulu said thatthe office of the prosecutor had prepared anindictment against KlZllkan, the chél.1rmanof theDoctors' Association and the chief doctor of theSocial Insurance Hospital in Diyarbakir.Tannkulu said that the case would be heard atState Security Court No.4. The date of the com.mencement of the trial has not y<strong>et</strong> been s<strong>et</strong>. Ithas been claimed that the police operation whichled to the arrest of K.1ZIlKanwas a simple plot.KlZllkan's wife, his attorney and his colleaguesclaim that charges of the existence of bomb andweapons at KlZllkan' s house are the result of apolice s<strong>et</strong> up.Police officers earlier said that they had actedon à tip and discovered a primed bomb and twopistols in KlZllkan's house. KlZllkan's supportershave ma<strong>de</strong> various counterclaims. Policemenwent to KlZllkan's house on May 5, 1996 tosearch the house. Nuray KlZllkan, KlZllkan' swife, claims that policemen searched the hous<strong>et</strong>wice.She says that they asked her to accompanythem on the second search during which theywent to the balcony where they found a plasticbag containing a bomb, weapons and variousorganizational documents.She also says that although some of the offi.cers had run away when the policemen makingthe search warned that the bomb was ready to gooff, others took the plastic bag calmly and left iton the table in the hall before summoning abomb disposal expert. KlZllkan says that it wasstrange mat the bomb expert policemen enteredthe hall after only one our two minutes. It isclaimed that the two pistols - one belonging toSeyf<strong>et</strong>tin KlZllkan and the other to his brotherRemzi KIZIlkan - are licensed. Remzi KIZlIkanis claimed to have been out of the house and tohave told police where his weapon was and thathe had a license to carry it. Remzi KlZllkanclaims that the police have lost his license.Dr. KIZIlkan was arrested by the state securitycourt on May 7 after he was taken into custodyand sent to Diyarbaku prison.: Following hisarrest, State Minister Ali Talip Oz<strong>de</strong>mir issued astatement saying that there had been complaintsagainst KlZIlkan and that Governor D04anHatipo~lu, who was later removed from his post,wante{ to dismiss him. This statement was later<strong>de</strong>nied. Hati~glu is also claimed to have visitedthe Doctors Association before he was sackedand to have written a thank-you l<strong>et</strong>ter toKIZlIkan.Hatipoglu's removal from hispost shockedDiyarbaklf. Organizations and people withdiverse political views launched a campaign to...

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iLE MONDE / JEUDI16 MAI 1996/3L'investituredu gouvernement turca été invalidéeLa tension s'accroît au sei.n <strong>de</strong> la coalitionISTANBUL<strong>de</strong> notre correspondanteDéjà secouée par les accusations<strong>de</strong> corruption portées contreMmeTansu Ciller,la coalition gouvernementaleen Thrquie a encaisséun nouveau coup dur mardi14mai. LaCour constitutionnelle aen eff<strong>et</strong> annoncé que le vote <strong>de</strong>confiance accordé, en mars, augouvernement par l'assemblée nationalen'est pas vali<strong>de</strong>. Selon laConstitution, la coalition du Parti<strong>de</strong> la Mère patrie (ANAP) <strong>et</strong> duParti <strong>de</strong> la juste voie (DYP)auraitdO obtenir la majorité <strong>de</strong>s votes<strong>de</strong>s députés présents au Parlement.Ce chiffre n'avait pas été atteint,en raison <strong>de</strong> l'abstention <strong>de</strong>80 députés du Parti démocratique<strong>de</strong> gauche (DSP), présents dans lasalle mais qui n'avaient pas voulus'exprimer.C<strong>et</strong>te décision, qui a semé laconfusion à Ankara, s'ajoute à plusieurssuccès remportés récemmentpar les islamistes du Refah.Arrivésen tête <strong>de</strong>s élections <strong>de</strong> décembre1995,mais écartés du pouvoirpar le mariage forcé <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>uxpartis <strong>de</strong> centre droit que sontl'ANAP<strong>et</strong> le DYp,les islamistes savourentleur vengeance. En forçantl'ouverture <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux enquêtescontre l'ancien premier ministreTansu Ciller,ils ont déclenché unecrise <strong>de</strong> confiance au sein du gouvernement,au point que le dialogueentre les <strong>de</strong>ux partenairessemble être limité à un échanged'insultes <strong>et</strong> d'accusations par l'intermédiaire<strong>de</strong> la presse.Deux nouvelles affaires sont venuess'ajouter aux accusationsportées contre MmeCiller: selon lapresse turque, elle aurait r<strong>et</strong>iré6,5 millions <strong>de</strong> dollars d'un fondssecr<strong>et</strong> à la disposition du premierministre quelques jours seulementavant <strong>de</strong> quitter le gouvernement.Elle aurait également versé71000 dollars à un personnage peurecommandable qui s'était faitpasser pour un général à la têted'une fondation kémaliste. Le parti<strong>de</strong> MmeCiller prépare unecontre-attaque contre les islamistes,à propos <strong>de</strong> l'affaire SuleymanMercumek, condamné pouravoir détourné <strong>de</strong>s fonds, récoltésau nom du Refah pour la Bosnie.Des spéculations sur l'origine <strong>de</strong> lafortune considérable du dirigeantislamiste Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>sa famille ont également fait la« une » <strong>de</strong>s grands quotidiens.La coalition, qui semblecondamnée à moyen terme, a étéjusqu'à présent maintenue en vieartificiellement. Ses <strong>de</strong>ux dirigeants- le premier ministre MesutYilmaz <strong>et</strong> Tansu Ciller- espèrentaugmenter ainsi leurs chances <strong>de</strong>réélection lors <strong>de</strong>s congrès <strong>de</strong>leurs partis respectifs <strong>et</strong> limiterl'érosion <strong>de</strong>s voix lors <strong>de</strong>s électionsmunicipales partielles du2 juin.La décision <strong>de</strong> la Cour constitutionnellevient pourtant <strong>de</strong> rem<strong>et</strong>treen cause c<strong>et</strong> inconfortablestatu quo. Elle<strong>de</strong>vrait entraîner unnouveau vote <strong>de</strong> confiance au Parlement.Mais vu les relations tenduesentre les partenaires, il pourraitse révéler difficile,à moins queles <strong>de</strong>ux partis ne parviennent à unnouvel accord.Nicole Pope35

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Oz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Daily News - WEDNESDAY, May 15,1996. . . . . ...•.••.....exten<strong>de</strong>d with 'some modificationS' •.....US expects Provi<strong>de</strong>Côîïlforf> ...... . . .'.', '. .' '. ".::~.;',:;,{ ..t....'. >"., , By Ugur AkInCI Won't listen to Saddam '\ ; , , .", Turkish Daily News The TDN asked the seni~~ '9fficial whatbis resp'onS~ \V~ .c,< ",WASHINGTON- A senior U.S. State Department official, ,tl.> B~ghdad's stronj oppsll!pnt~l;herecent :rurlôsh ~-: :"toId'the TDN ~at he expects O~rati~n Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfo~ to " sion mto norther:n.Iraq m hotpursult of Kurdîstan 'Yor!c~' 'be extell<strong>de</strong>d with ,"some modIfications.". The operatlon, Party (PKK) IIl1htants, ':1'hat'sto~' h.~the officlalsatd.~' >,, which is up for extension by the Turkish Parliament in June, ..Saddam Hussein has given Up,bis ri t toobject during the ",' ,, . is expectea to be an agenda item during the talks Turkish' ,Gulf War,.by bis trealn!ent oI the dsin spr4i~ of 1991,:,......':,. Forçlgn!~m;i~i¥.}.i~~!iJ!~~;~Minister Emre Gönensay and Defense Minister..Do~;z';~!li~~fi},when ~e tne~ to exte~~~rp~, Ile .~.C9mplam..YI,~'~

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Oz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - &gelKe FralKe Presse-A.F.P. - &ge1KeFIDIKePresse-A. F.P. -. Filii Presse-A.F.P. -1g<strong>et</strong>Ke Frallle Presse-A.F.P. -lg<strong>et</strong>Ke FIDIKePresse-A.F.P. - AgeIKe F. Presse-A.F.P.A.F.P.ECF0148 4 F 0610 TUR /AFP-II02Eco.Turquie : L'opposition islamiste paralyse le gouvernementpar Hervé COUTURIERANKARA, 16 mai (AFP) - L'opposition islamiste est parvenue à paralysertotalement la fragile coalition <strong>de</strong> droite au pouvoir en Turquie <strong>et</strong> vientpeut-être <strong>de</strong> lui porter un coup fatal, <strong>de</strong>ux mois seulement après saformation.C'est sur un recours du parti islamiste <strong>de</strong> la Prospérité (Refah),premier parti d'opposition, que la' Cour constitutionnelle a annulé mardi levote <strong>de</strong> confiance obtenu en mars par le gouvernement <strong>de</strong> Mesut Yilmaz, leplongeant dans l'incertitu<strong>de</strong> quant à sa survie.Les plus hautes autorités <strong>de</strong> l'Etat, le prési<strong>de</strong>nt SuleYman Demirel, leprési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> l'Assemblée Mustafa Kalemli <strong>et</strong> M. Yilmaz, ont estimé qu'il,n'était pas juridiquement nécessaire pour le gouvernement <strong>de</strong> solliciter <strong>de</strong>nouveau la confiancerétroactive.du Parlement, la décision <strong>de</strong> la Cour n'étant pasTout le mon<strong>de</strong> n'est pas <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong> avis <strong>et</strong> la majorité <strong>de</strong>s observateursestiment que d'un point <strong>de</strong> vue moral <strong>et</strong> politique, le gouvernement nepourra éviter <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>r à nouveau la confiance."La morale dit: vote <strong>de</strong> confiance", titrait ainsi le quotidien YeniYuzyil jeudi, un avis que partageaient la plupart <strong>de</strong>s éditorialistes.L'éventualité d'un nouveau vote <strong>de</strong> confiance pose directement laquestion <strong>de</strong> la poursuite <strong>de</strong> la coalition. Celle-ci, formée entre le parti<strong>de</strong> la Mère Patrie (ANAP) <strong>de</strong> M. Yilmaz <strong>et</strong> celui <strong>de</strong> la Juste Voie (DYP) <strong>de</strong>l'ancien Premier ministre Tansu Ciller, rivaux traditionnels <strong>et</strong> qui sedétestent,être tentéestd'yen proie auxm<strong>et</strong>tre fin.dissensions <strong>et</strong> l'un <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux partenaires peutAucune décision ne sera probablement prise avant la publication auJournal Officiel <strong>de</strong>s attendus <strong>de</strong> la Cour constitutionnelle, qui peutprendre <strong>de</strong>ux semaines, voire un mois.Pendant ce temps, on ne peut attendre du gouvernement aucun travaild'importance, ce qui ne fera que perpétuer une situation déjà constatée par<strong>de</strong> nombreux observateurs.Depuis sa mise en place le 6 mars, le cabin<strong>et</strong> Yilmaz n'a pas réaliségrand chose, à l'exception <strong>de</strong> l'adoption d'un budg<strong>et</strong> pour le reste <strong>de</strong>l'année.Le programme <strong>de</strong>s privatisations que M. Yilmaz voulait relancer n'a pasavancé d'un pouce. Une délégation du Fonds Monétaire Internationalactuellement à Ankara pour discuter d'un nouveau crédit stand-by à la,Turquie <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> la<strong>de</strong>s bureaucratessituation économique générale en està défaut d'interlocuteurs politiques.réduite à rencontrerLa cause principale <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong> immobilisme est l'obstruction systématique duRefah, qui "domine totalement le calendrier politique" du pays <strong>de</strong>puisplusieurs semaines, comme le constate jeudi un éditorialiste du quotidienCumhuriy<strong>et</strong>.Le parti islamiste occupe en eff<strong>et</strong> l'emploi du temps du parlement endéposant motion sur motion contre Mme Ciller, qu'il accuse <strong>de</strong> corruption <strong>et</strong>veut faire compa+a~tre en haute cour. Il a réussi à faire adopter <strong>de</strong>ux <strong>de</strong>A.F.P. -lgeIKe FralKe Presse-A.F.P. - AgeIKe FralKe Presse-A.F.P. -lgelKe FralKe Presse-A.F.P. - Agenœ Frallle Presse-A.F.P. -lgeIKe FralKe Presse-A.F.P. - &ge1Ke FralKe Presse-37

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - A~enteFrontePresse-A.F.P. - AgeoceFroocePrasse-A.F.P. - AgeoceFroocePresse-A.F.P. - AgenteFrontePresse-A.F.P. - ~elKe FrolKePresse-A.F.P. - A~enteFron[ePressecesmotions, semant la zizanie au sein <strong>de</strong> la coalition, <strong>et</strong> affirme avoirencore sept à huit dossiers contre Mme Ciller.Mécontent d'avoir été écarté du pouvoir malgré sa victoire auxlégislatives <strong>de</strong> décembre <strong>de</strong>rnier au 'profit d'une coalition laïque, il adéposé <strong>de</strong>s recours <strong>de</strong>vant la Cour constitutionnelle contre la façon donts'est déroulé le vote <strong>de</strong> confiance <strong>et</strong> a gagné. Il a ainsi infligé uncamoufl<strong>et</strong> au reste <strong>de</strong> la classe politique, en lui donnant une leçon <strong>de</strong>Constitutio~. . ..Le Refah a aussi obtenu l'annulation, sur les mêmes basesconstitutionnelles, du vote qui avait reconduit l'autorisation <strong>de</strong> séjour enTurquie <strong>de</strong> la force multinationale "Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort" <strong>de</strong> protection <strong>de</strong>sKur<strong>de</strong>s d'Irak, à laquelle il est farouchement:.opposé ..HC/jagAFP /AA1~34/161158 MAI 96A.F.P.A.F.P.FRS0365 41 014? IRK /AFP-PG07Irak-Kur<strong>de</strong>sArrestation <strong>de</strong> 700 Kur<strong>de</strong>s à Kirkouk (nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak), selonl'oppositionNICOSIE, 17 mai (AFP) - L'oppostion kur<strong>de</strong> en Irak a affirmé que lapolice irakienne avait arrêté le 13 mai 700 civils kur<strong>de</strong>s dans la ville <strong>de</strong>Kirkouk (nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak), à la limite <strong>de</strong> la zone contrôlée par Bagdad.Dans un communiqué reçu vendredi par l'AFP à Nicosie, l'Unionpatriotique du Kurdistan (UPK <strong>de</strong> Jalal Talabani), une <strong>de</strong>s principalesformations <strong>de</strong> l'opposition kur<strong>de</strong> irakienne, précise qu'''un nombre trèslimité <strong>de</strong>s 700 civils arrêtés ont <strong>de</strong>puis été relâchés <strong>et</strong> que les autres,soupçonnés d'entr<strong>et</strong>enir <strong>de</strong>s liens avec<strong>de</strong>s interrogatoires, sous la torture".l'opposition kur<strong>de</strong>, sont soumis àSelon le communiqué, "ces arrestations font partie <strong>de</strong>s mesures <strong>de</strong>harcèlement <strong>et</strong> d'intimidationkur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Kirkouk".nab/elf/jsdécidées par Bagdad contre les habitantsAFP /AA1234/171421 MAI ~rA.F.P. - A~en[eFrontePrelle-A.F.P. - A~en(8FrontePr&lle-A.F.P..-:. A~enteFron[ePresse-A.F.P. - A~en(8FrontePresse-A.F.P. - A~en[eFrontePmse-A.F.P. - A~en(8FrontePrelSe-38

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iAmerican scientists <strong>de</strong>fendhuman rights group in TurkeyBy Ulur AkInCITurkish Daily NewsWASHINGTON-The human rightscommittee of the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement ofScience (AAAS) kicked off a campaignto protest the Turkish gavernment'scase against the Turkish HumanRights Foundation (TIHV)'s centersfor treatment of torture vi_.ln an action alert, dated May 14,1996, sent to. its members, AAAS mentianed.the indictment brought by theAdana chief prosecutor' s office againstDr;Tufan Köse and lawyer MustafaKlllnç, who both work for TIHV'sAdana center.Köse and Kihnç were tharged on'May 10 un<strong>de</strong>r Articles 526 and 530 ofthe Turkish Penal Co<strong>de</strong> with "0p,eratingan unlicensed health center' and"negligence in <strong>de</strong>nouncing a crime" -Quarrel b<strong>et</strong>ween TllIV andForeign Ministry spreadsTurkish Daily NewsANKARA- The tension b<strong>et</strong>ween theTurkish Human Rights Foundation (TIHV)and the Foreign Ministry worsened after theministry filed suit, claiming that the rrnv'streatment centers for torture victims were illegal.The rrnv issued a harsh response to thestatement by Foreign Ministry DeputySpokesman Nur<strong>et</strong>tin Nurkan which said:"Rehabilitation and treatment centers are illegalas !J,O formal application was ma<strong>de</strong>."Yavuz Onen, chairman of rrnv, respon<strong>de</strong>dthat the foundation was not un<strong>de</strong>r the controlof the Foreign Ministry but of the GeneralDirectorate of Foundations.At a press conference, Foreign Ministryspokesman Nurkan stated: "As there was noformal application, the rehabilitation andtreatment centers are nat legal. In civilizedcountries these centers are un<strong>de</strong>r the strictcontrol and management of the governmentOfficials will do wlla! is necessary."rrnv Chairman Onen respon<strong>de</strong>d to theseclaims in a written statement yesterday. Heindicated that the foundation had been treatingtorture victims at four centers and badhelped more than 2500 torture victims since1990. '1bere are three social service specialists,eight doctors, three psychiatrists ai1d two.medical secr<strong>et</strong>aries worXing at the four centersand about 300 volunteer specialists whoare contributing. In civilized countries, govcrimescarrying a sentence of up to. sixmanths in prison and stiff fines.The prasecutor also asked afficialsof TIHV' s Adana center to turn avertheir patients' records to the court.Indictments similar to. these "arereportedly being prepared against theFaundation' s torture treatment centersin Ankara and Istanbul," AAASclaimed.AAAS recommen<strong>de</strong>d that its membersto. send faxes and l<strong>et</strong>ters to theTurkish government requesting the fallowing:"Drop all re9.uests for theFoundation' s medical files an thegrounds that they fall un<strong>de</strong>r the protectionaf doctor-patient canfi<strong>de</strong>ntialityestablished un<strong>de</strong>r the GenevaConvention;" and "Drop all chargesagainst the Faundation, a legal arganizationin Turkey which is duly registeredwith the autharities."emments are not autharized to maintain strict .controls but they un<strong>de</strong>rtake legal functionswithin the framework: af <strong>de</strong>mocratic c~~~tian in social duties," said Onen. The TUNchairman ad<strong>de</strong>d: "It is' known that such centerscarry an their activities withaut beingpressured. We want to recall ance more thàtTUN is un<strong>de</strong>r the administrative and financialcantral of the General Directarate ofFoundatians, nat the Fareign Ministry. Ourfaundatian has been controlled re2UIarlr since1995 by this ~anization. TUN 00esri t bavea respansibillty to. infarm the FareignMinistry af the names af people who apply toaur centers. The ministry to whom we Ilavebeen sending our publicatians far six yearsdid.not make such a request"Önen claimed that ~ur<strong>et</strong>tin Nurkan hasbeen vialating the law by making accusationsand threatening statements in a field in whichhe is not authOrized. 'This is an effort to put~ure on the courts while the CB is ,gamgan. We want him to. explain by which aimand duty he called the information and securityunits to a me<strong>et</strong>ing whose sole subject wasthe rrnv, and what kind af measures ~u.s were <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d an at the me<strong>et</strong>ing: saidÖnen. "If he consi<strong>de</strong>rs himself authorized andresP.Onsible, we call an him to. reveal whatkin

-- ~Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iThrkish Daily, News - THURSDAY, May 16,1996Pro.PKK activist tobe released from jailDissenting Judge: Xulam ~has <strong>de</strong>monstrated abilityto obtain false travel.and other documentsTurkish Daily News~ ~ ~SHINGTON-, The ~ro-PKKactivist known as Kam Xulam ISexpect~ed to be released from jail in Los Angeles.on Wednesday following the revoking ofhis <strong>de</strong>tention or<strong>de</strong>r by the U.S. Court ofAppeals in the District of Columbia.Xulam's trial for passport fraud will proceedas usual at a Los Angeles court.Xulam, who is arrested on April 12 for~btai?ing a passport by adopting theI<strong>de</strong>ntity of an 18-month old baby, hasbeen referred to as "a PKK friend" byKurdistan )Vorkers' Party (PKK) lea<strong>de</strong>rAbdullah Ocalan.As an officer of the American KurdishInformation N<strong>et</strong>work (AKIN), Xulamwas a familiar figure around Washington,frequently showmg up to CongressIOnaltestimonies and think-tank conferences tocon<strong>de</strong>mn the Turkish government's anti-PKK policie.s. During Pres!~e~tSüleyman Demlrel's Washmgton VISitmMarch 1996, Xulam was seen leading agroup of Kurdish protesters and carrymgthe PKK flag.In the <strong>de</strong>cision to revoke the pr<strong>et</strong>rial<strong>de</strong>tention or<strong>de</strong>r, two appeal court judges(Wald, and Tatei) voted for it whileJudge Ginsburg voted against.In his dissent statement, JudgeGinsberg said, "Why my colleagues takeit upon themselves to become advocates'for the <strong>de</strong>fendant - who is zealouslyrepresented by counsel of his own - is amystery to me.". .In <strong>de</strong>scribing the reason to releaseXulam, judges Wald and Tatel <strong>de</strong>scribedXulam as "an international human rightsworker resi<strong>de</strong>nt in the District ofColumbia for over three years and a wellknownand admired member of thenational human rights community."Maximum six monthsIf convicted, Xulam is likely to face amaximum sentence of six months un<strong>de</strong>rfe<strong>de</strong>ral sentencing gui<strong>de</strong>lines, and not tenyears as suggested earlier by U.S. StateDep,artment <strong>de</strong>puty spokesman. '.~.In' every category mentioned.in::~é. statue; this appellant was a primt'eändkdate for release," 'lhe judges said andmentioned that he was charged with anonviolent crime, had no prior criminalrecord, he was employed and "had a wi<strong>de</strong>circle C?frespected acquai.ntances an.dclosé fnends m the commußJty who testIfiedas to his 'spiritual' and 'mtellectual'integrity." Judges Wald and Tatelthought that the government did not satisfy"ItS bur<strong>de</strong>n of showing a risk of.fIi ht." . .. ~iven the fact thai Xulam is committed"to advocating his Kurdish cause inthe United States," he would not flee"since the only way he can pursue that,cause is ~ublicly, Withinthe human rights,commumty, and disappearing or fleeingwould ren<strong>de</strong>r him permanently impotent'in' that respect," the judges argued,They also repeated the assurancesSister Patricia Krommer and Mrs.. Kathryn Cameron Porter (wife of Rep.John Porter) gave at the D.C. DistrictCourt to make sure that Xulam wouldin<strong>de</strong>ed appear at the court after his'release. Mrs. Porter even offered to give. Xulam a room at her home. .Immense harm"In view of the immense harm to theirreputation that Sister Krommer and Ms.Porter would suffer if the appellant were'to flee and the appellant's offer that hewould comply with any coaditions ofrelease imposed upon him, the governmentfailed to provi<strong>de</strong> by a prepon<strong>de</strong>r- .ance of the evi<strong>de</strong>nce that 'no condition or, combination of cO'nditions' would 'reasonablyassure' the appellant's appearancein court," the judges argued. Notingthat "there is !l0 outstanding <strong>de</strong>portationor<strong>de</strong>r again.s~' Xulàm, ,tbe judges neyer-theless noted that even If Immigrationand Naturalization Service (INS) wantedto <strong>de</strong>tain Xulam it cannot keep him incustody for more than 48 hours. "The. fact that a <strong>de</strong>tainer has been lodged does., not mean that appellant necessarily willbe taken into custody by the INS if,. released by this court."Ginsburg's dissentIn his dissent, Judge Ginsburg arguedthat the INS' inclinatIon to ~ursue Xulam,is "entirely irrelevant" to 'our respbnsibilityto assure that the <strong>de</strong>fendant doesnot flee in contemplation of his possible<strong>de</strong>portation. "After summarizing the way Xulam: changed his name three times since 1986,he remin<strong>de</strong>d "because the <strong>de</strong>fendant isapparently subject to <strong>de</strong>portation as anillegal alien - the INS has instituted aninvestigation and lodged a <strong>de</strong>taineragainst him - and has a <strong>de</strong>monstratedability to obtain false travel and otherdocuments, the government suggested'that the risk he would flee is sufficiently,high that he should be <strong>de</strong>tained pending,trial." .Leap of faithGinsburg remin<strong>de</strong>d that the witnesses'familiarity with Xulam was superficial."They did not know his name, othernames he has used, where he is from and .where his family is... Nor did they knowhis immigration status ... Nothingin the'witnesses' testimony suggests that the<strong>de</strong>fendant would be amenable to sU'p'ervisionby any of them," Ginsberg said andasked: "Do my colleagues know some- 'thing that the District Court does not?"Referring to the "immense harm" thatXulam's failure to appear at court wouldcause to the reputation of SisterKrommer and Mrs. Porter, Judge. Ginsburg said "this is nothingmore thana leap of faith on the part of my colleagues."By revoking the <strong>de</strong>tention or<strong>de</strong>r"unconditionally," the judges were givingXulam more than what he wantedsince "the <strong>de</strong>fendant at least proposedthat he be released into the custody ofon.e of his two acquaintances," Ginsbergsaid.f40

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iThrkish Daily News - FRYDAY, May 17, 1996HADEP: Turkishinstitutions are notbased on <strong>de</strong>mocratic principles'The general political<strong>de</strong>adlock in the countrycan only be solved bystopping the current war'Turkish Dailv Ne....sANKARA. The pro-Kurdfsh People's DemocracyParty (HADEP) whose party assemble convened onTuesday to discuss the latest political <strong>de</strong>velopments inth~ country has issued a press release ,tegarding its evaluatIOns.Referring to the recent ruling of the ConstitutionalCourt, that the vote of confi<strong>de</strong>nce received by the centerrightgovernment was invalid, HADEP said that the currentminority government no longer had a legal basis."This government, which was formed after early generalelectionsto ensure that the country overcomes thecrisis that it is in, failed to do any good like the previousones. Apparently, the general pohtical <strong>de</strong>adlOCKin thecountry can only be solved by stopping the current war,"the release said.ln reference to the current Parliament, HADEP saidthat it was negatively affected by a constitution which isthe product of a GOUp d'<strong>et</strong>at, the National SecurityCouncil (MGK) and otller powers.HADEP also stressed that Parliament had been formedby an electoral system which would never be used in a<strong>de</strong>mocratic country.ln its evaluation of the May Day inci<strong>de</strong>nts, HADEPsaid that it was not the riots of "shanty youngsters" who"s<strong>et</strong> cars on fire," "break windows" and "tread on tulips"as p'resented by the media and the supporters of,war.The media, by drawins attention to these inci<strong>de</strong>nts,aimed to prevent the Ilubhc from hearing the voices ofhundreds of people crying for peace and <strong>de</strong>mocracy. In away they have achieved their goal.However,this will not last forever. Sooner or later thepublic will know that the masses got angry once thepolice started shooting at them and three young peoplelost their lives," the release said.HADEP went on to say thai the masses had reachedthe breaking point becauSe of the military Courts, .lea<strong>de</strong>rslike mafia fathers, inflation, torture, the lack of freedomof thought, unemployment, the unjust legal system in thecountry and inequality. "However, nobody wants to lakeall these into consi<strong>de</strong>ration when evaluating the May Dayinci<strong>de</strong>nts," the release ad<strong>de</strong>d.Referring to the war b,<strong>et</strong>ween the state and theKurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), HADEP said that certainpeople were exploiting this war for their financialgains and were trying to increase the tensions."Turkey should have to admit that it cannot achieveanything through bloodshed, and it has to adopt a <strong>de</strong>mocraticapproach to 'safeguard its citizens from beingharmecf by this war. It is a known fact that provocationwas used to try to bring an end the unilatenil cease-rrre<strong>de</strong>clared by the PKK," HADEP conten<strong>de</strong>d. Noting thatthe oppression against their party was continuing, ther:~lease said that HADEP Deputy Chairman OsmanOzçelik and Bingöl Provincial Chairman Niyazi Azakha~ bee.n taken into custody by police without any reasonbelOg gIven.In reference to HADEP's performances in the last generalel~ons, the release said that the party's potential~as <strong>de</strong>fimtely far more than what it achieved in the electIons.41

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Probe May 17. 1996Focus on Human RightsMehm<strong>et</strong>AQar\ (\ \ ., IDanish Doctor at US Congress:'Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agar is Super Torturer'Turkish Minister of Justice and formerDirector General of Police Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agar wasaccused at the US Congress of being a "supertorturer."Dr. Inge Geri<strong>et</strong>ke, a Danish expert on tortureand medical director of the InternationalRehabilitation Council for Torture VictimsORCT), testifying before the U.S. HouseSubcommittee on International Operations andHuman Rights, said that in Turkey torture wascarried out by the police. As the former chief ofTurkish police, she referred .to Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agar asthe "super torturer of Turkey."The hearing was conducted to call attentionto the trial in Adana of Turkish Human Rights'Foundation (TIHV) members on May 10. "TheIRCT was behind the foundation of [the TIHV]centers [in Turkey] and has a close collaborationwith our colleagues in Turkey concerningrehabilitation of torture victims," Genefke said.Turkish Police Chargedwith Killing JournalistForty-eight policemen have been charged inconnection with the <strong>de</strong>ath in police custody of a\ ;leftist journalist in a case that has stirred wi<strong>de</strong>spreadconcern at home and abroad.But human rights monitors are not hopefulthe court case will help reduce inci<strong>de</strong>nts ofpolice torture against journalists and others."A criminal case was opened yesterdayagainst the police," Yavuz Abbasoglu, chiefjudge at an Istanbul criminal court <strong>de</strong>aling withthe case, told. Reuters. "A date for the rusthearing will be s<strong>et</strong> and a court assigned in thecoming days."Istanbul government officials ruled thepolice - protected from court cases un<strong>de</strong>r anantiquated law - could be tried. They namedseveral charges faced by the suspects, whichlawyers say carry jail sentences of up to 15years ..Even Children AreTortured in TurkeyCarsten Jurgensen, an Amnesty researcherand expert on Turkey, told the Anatolia newsagency that systematic and extensive tortureexisted in Turkey, and that even' children wer<strong>et</strong>ortured."The remand period in Turkey is very longand this makes it easier for inci<strong>de</strong>nts of tortur<strong>et</strong>o take place. This is because the long timeperiod allows the marks of torture disappear,"Jurgensen told Anatolia.Referring to the inci<strong>de</strong>nts in Manisa, wherehigh school stu<strong>de</strong>nts were tortured by police,Jurgensen said that torture was som<strong>et</strong>hing thatpeople talked about without even beingshocked. "Even the <strong>de</strong>puties openly admit thatchildren were tortured in Manisa," he stressed."I know that there are a number of uprightprosecutors who try to reveal inci<strong>de</strong>nts of torture.However, doctors are afraid to give reportson torture," Jurgensen said.Police Continue to'Shoot to Kill'Anti-terrorism police officers shot <strong>de</strong>ad a 17-year-old in Alibeyköy.A group of youths including 17-year oldlrfan Agda9 were distributing the leftist weeklymagazine Kurtulu~" when the officers, in anunmarked car, sought to arrest them. Thegroup resisted arrest and tried to escape whenthe officers,.in civilian clothes, opened frre.. Agda~.was hit by two bull<strong>et</strong>s from behindand was taken to Eyup Hospital, where hedied.Later in the evening, police arrested threeof those distributing the magazine.Kurtulu~ <strong>de</strong>nounced the police behavior as atypical "summary execution," emphasizing thatin the first place their attempt to arrest the distributorsof a legal publication was unlawful.The Human Rights Association (IHD)protested the inci<strong>de</strong>nt calling it a violation ofthe essential "right to live." The lHD statementsaid "we <strong>de</strong>mand that the mur<strong>de</strong>rers of IrfanAgda~ be brought to justic~ immediately."342

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i..10 Turkish Probe May 17, 1996Wars Without Rules on Secr<strong>et</strong> FundThe accusations against former PrimeMinister Tansu Ciller have been pilinf: up inrecent weeks. Beginning with a legedTOF~ and TEDAS wrongdoings, the accusationsagainst the lea<strong>de</strong>r of the True Path Party(DYP) currently slated to assume the PrimeMinistry on Jan. 1 now involve claims that Cillerhad misappropriated funds from secr<strong>et</strong> funds.There IS a power struggle among factions vyingfor power which is being played out in the corruptioncharges. But this game does not have any rules,such as not hitting below the belt by publishing verysecr<strong>et</strong> documents of the Turkish Republic in thedaily papers. Such ploys humiliate the targ<strong>et</strong>, andopen the way to further humiliation by prompting<strong>de</strong>nials of facts which will be subsequently proven.This m<strong>et</strong>hod is seen in all great secr<strong>et</strong> fund scandals,which accumulate to precipitate a state crisisby targ<strong>et</strong>ing figures of opposing factions and parties.This kind of operation playsfor keeps, seeking to finish offthe victim's politicallife.The public watches a newpart of this game with surprise:that is a <strong>de</strong>bate on thesecr<strong>et</strong> fund spending whichtarg<strong>et</strong>s the former prime minister.This <strong>de</strong>bate remindsobservers of a similar event inrecent history, in which thestarring role was taken by formerIstanbul Governor HayriKozak£.lo~'lu in the place ofTansu viller.The date was September of1993. The daily mass circulationnewspaper Milliy<strong>et</strong>, whichwas featuring scandaloussecr<strong>et</strong> accounts of IstanbulGovernor KoZakÇlOg-Iu, said onSept. 8 that "behind this conflict,there is secr<strong>et</strong> fightingb<strong>et</strong>ween Presi<strong>de</strong>nt SüleymanDemirel and PM Tansu Cilleras well as conflict b<strong>et</strong>ween twoopposing cadres - those ofIstanbul Governor .HayriKozakpoglu and IstanbulPolice Chief Nec<strong>de</strong>t Menzir onHayriKozakçloOluthe one si<strong>de</strong> and, GeneralHead of Security Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agar~nd super-governor of the emergency rule regionUnal Erkan on the other."Milliy<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>scribed the event as a "civil war withinthe state." At the time in question, fonner supergovernor Hayri KozakÇlo~luwas Istanbul governor,after which he turned the office over to ünal Erkan.According to the claim, which was also supported byKozakçloglu himself, Kozakpog-Iu and the front ofhis powerful friend Nec<strong>de</strong>t Menzir were supportedby Presi<strong>de</strong>ntD~mirel, and the opposite front of Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agarand Unal Erkan was supported by Prime MinisterCiller.That being so, new super-governor Erkanexposed his bitter political enemy KozakÇloglu'ssecr<strong>et</strong> mis<strong>de</strong>alings, leaking to the press thatKozakçlO~luhad transferred TL 2 billion to Istanbulbefore leaving from emergency rule region. Themoney was sent to governor of emergency ruleregion by the United Nations to be spent for the careof KUrdish refugees.Kozakpo~lu cl'aimed that he had already spentTL 2 bilbon for Kurdish refugees from differentfunds before the United Nations sent the money, sothat when the U.N. money arrived that money \\!asput back to the fu~ds. According to him, the claimwas suggested by Unal Erkan, who had wanted tobecome Istanbul governor in his place.But in the following days journalists discoveredother bank accounts of KOZakÇlOg-Iu's amounting toTL 7 billion, and the <strong>de</strong>bate led to crisis of state. Asquestion followed question, an investigation wasmounted to <strong>de</strong>termine if there had been any corruptionor not. But at that point Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Demirelstepped in, explaining that the TL 7 billion in questionwas sent to KozakçlO~lu by him while he wasprime minister from a secr<strong>et</strong> fund for securityspending.Had Demirel himself notintervened on the beleagueredpolitician's behalf, according tomost informed observers Cillerwould have replacedKozakçlOg-lu and police chiefMenzir with Erkan and Agar.As a result, Presi<strong>de</strong>ntDemirel's intervention preventedKozakÇlog-lufrom beingfinished off, and all the opposingparties of this little contr<strong>et</strong>emps- KozakçlO~lu andMenzir on the one siae and,Agar and Erkan on the other- r<strong>et</strong>reated to fight anotherday.History repeats itselfThere are striking similaritiesb<strong>et</strong>ween this secr<strong>et</strong> fundscandal of the past 'and thepresent one. First of all, bothK/)zakpo~lu and Ciller werehit unawares with publicizedallegations of unauthorizedspending from secr<strong>et</strong> slushfunds, and pronounced themselvesshocked, shocked to findthemselves so charged. Thenature of the secr<strong>et</strong> fundallows it to not be recor<strong>de</strong>d or accounted for, accordingto the Article 77 of the General AccountancyLaw which says that "The secr<strong>et</strong> fund spending forsecr<strong>et</strong> intelligence <strong>de</strong>fines security and benefits ofthe state and aims of governmeJ,lts. It is left to thePrime Minister's discr<strong>et</strong>ion to record the spendingand accounts of the fund, and hand over to the nextprime minister." .But this law also inclu<strong>de</strong>s prohibition of spendingsecr<strong>et</strong> funds for such purposes as "the PM andhis family's personal needs and for political party'sadministrative and election needs." The secr<strong>et</strong> fundbudg<strong>et</strong> increàsed dramatically b<strong>et</strong>ween 1987 and1996, from TL 536 million to TL 6.1 trillion. Ciller isthe record spen<strong>de</strong>r, disbursing TL 234 biflion in1994 and TL 610 billion in 1995. This spending isalso the highest in dollar tenns.M.AkifBeki43

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i12Turkey: TheTurkish Probe May 17, 1996Mafia RepublicAlaattinÇaklcl,currentlywanted inconnectionwith themur<strong>de</strong>r of hisformer wife,UQur Killç.The mafia, which justifies its crimes by claiIIiing>'~. to <strong>de</strong>fend the weak and]loor pe~le of Turkey,\; has many branches in Turkey. The reality is,,:,:' that some of those branches have diverged'l,.,f from the stre<strong>et</strong>s and, like a cancer or virus,.t have entered into the organs of the state.itself, thus giving the mafia far greater.opportunities to garner wealth'1' .Ue mafia: The name appears behind the <strong>de</strong>bt-collectioncrimes, the cases of impropri<strong>et</strong>y and scandals thathave been gaining greater prominence in the media.and in the courts over the last few last years.Turkey, accustomed to living un<strong>de</strong>r the threat of coups d'<strong>et</strong>at,living with governmental failings and bureaucratic weaknesses,has begun to un<strong>de</strong>rstand the severity of a new problem in soci<strong>et</strong>y-the mafia.Claims about senior state representatives and their staffbeinginvolved in irregularities have been dominating the headlines.Does the mafia, whose name is repeatedly mentioned in rumors,work with the representatives of the state? Or are 'the representativesthemselves a part of the mafia? For many Turkish people themafia, and the un<strong>de</strong>nnining of soci<strong>et</strong>y that it represents, is one of the.greatest problems facing the country today.What is the mafia? Who are its members? What kind of power isbehind it? How far has its reach exten<strong>de</strong>d? What do mafia memberseat, drink, wear? How do they earn their money? What are the differencesb<strong>et</strong>ween the Turkish mafia and its counterparts in the rest of theworld?Today, Turkey accepts the reality of the existence of the mafia in all itsforms and acknowledges the trillions of lira that it sucks out of the economy.The mafia itselfhas become part of the living tissue of the country.The Stre<strong>et</strong> MafiaThe stre<strong>et</strong> mafia, ma<strong>de</strong> up of people calling themselves külhanbeyler(roughnecks) who started to appear in numbers in Istanbul in the 1930s, isknown today as the "gang." The stre<strong>et</strong> mafia, which once was thought to earnits money through courage and power, now attacks houses and work placesand even commits mass crimes in groups of up to 100 people.So how does Qne become a member of the stre<strong>et</strong> mafia? The major requirementis to be ruthless enough to kill a man without hesitation. The gang will notaccept a new member unless he is close to one of its members who will vouch forhim. First of all, the new member is given routine duties such as making tea,cleaning the gang's headquarters, driving the car. If he is able to adapt himselfto the gang, he will be assigned a real mission. The first thing that he will becalled upon to do is to kill someone. Since the gang would not risk the possibilityof one of its experienced men going to prison, the new young membersare used in these cases, taking the risk of imprisonment if arrested. Amember of the stre<strong>et</strong> mafia has to spend some time in prison, otherwise hedoesn't earn the respect of his criminal peers.The tesbihIer or worry beads of the gang members are their most characteristicaccessories. The quality of the tesbihIer, consisting of 33 beads, alsoshowthe worth of its owners. The most precious tesbihIer are those ma<strong>de</strong> of obsidianfrom Erzurum and embed<strong>de</strong>d with gold or diamonds. His tesbih is the onlyl"44

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Probe May 17. 1996 13Engin Bayata, the gunman who killed Tevfik A~ansoy, who 't,orked as a mafioso for Alaattln Çakici until they had a parting ofthe ways.thing that a mafia member cannot neglect, Even in<strong>de</strong>ath it plays a part, being placed on the coffin,The second thing in the life of a mafioso. one thatis as important as the tesbih. is drugs, yIembers ofthe Turkish mafia usually smoke hashish. A nel,"member has to know how to make a hashish cigar<strong>et</strong>tè'called a "couple" or "trio," The hashish cigar<strong>et</strong>tes thatare prepared by the new members are smoked by themore senior gang members during discussions. Thelong-established members of the criminal organizationsare especially recognized by their eyes. Theireyes are red and exhausted looking due to the hashishthat they so freely use, The ol<strong>de</strong>r members, who hawbecome weakened by the continuous use of drugs.don't un<strong>de</strong>rtake "business" that necessitates greatphysical exertion.This is to say the stre<strong>et</strong> mafia members are generallyr<strong>et</strong>ired after they reach 30 years of age, Thesepeople have a very active life b<strong>et</strong>ween 18-30, but agebefore their time and seem to be in their 50s whenthey are only 30.Their clothing is another distinguishing featureand is common to most gang members. In summerthey prefer to dress in clothes ma<strong>de</strong> of thin. brilliantlycolored materials, especially silken shirts <strong>de</strong>coratedwith flower pattens. Many have a taste for shoeswhich are sharply pointed with raised heels. Thissomewhat extravagant style of dress is complementedby the characteristic attitu<strong>de</strong>s and behavior pattens ofmafia members, who like to play the part of the largerthan life "filnùand mobster."A preferred form of entertainment for gang membersis to send flowers to the singers at casinos and tomingle with the elite of the social and entertainmentworlds. Apart from their excessive drug use many lik<strong>et</strong>o indulge in drinking whisky. And there is a greatdanger from wild gun shots once both the drugs andalcohol, so freely used, start to take their toll on temperand judgment.Mafia members prefer to marry when very youngand to ha,'e sons who l\ill follow in their criminal footsteps,Those "'ho become wealthy like to send theirchildren to pri,'ate colleges and even abroad to provi<strong>de</strong>them with a good education. Despite being married, itis the accepted thing for mafio;;o to take a lover orlo,'ers. Thel' are not afraid to attend social events withtheir 101'ers. It is part of this male-dominated world~hat their "i,'es haw no right to object to this behav-IOr.What Do They Do?The mafia. which justifies its crimes by claiming to<strong>de</strong>fend the weak and poor people of Turkey and not tomake money. has many branches in Turkey. The realitvis that some of those branches have moved fromthe stre<strong>et</strong>s and. like a cancer or \;rus, have enteredinto the organs of the state itself. thus giving themafia far greater opportunities to garner wealth.The stre<strong>et</strong> mafia earns moneyin the following ways:• Debt CollectionMembers of the mafia who are engaged in <strong>de</strong>bt collectionintervene when there are problems in collectingmoney in the tra<strong>de</strong> sector and are known for theirruthless m<strong>et</strong>hods. The un<strong>de</strong>rworld takes 50 percent ofthe amount that has to be collected as well as a paymentfrom the creditor to cover the gang's "expenses."So, for the collection of a <strong>de</strong>bt, gang members g<strong>et</strong> up totwo-thirds of the total sum of the money owed.The mafia members use the name of some powerfuland famous mafia lea<strong>de</strong>r with whom they are associatedto threaten their targ<strong>et</strong> in or<strong>de</strong>r to extractmonev. Should this threat be insufficient to motivat<strong>et</strong>he <strong>de</strong>btor to pay. the mafia resorts to violence andguns. They are in action every day and their activitiesare often featured in the newspapers, making themthe most well known branch of the mafia in the country.45

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i14, Turkey today accepts the reality of the existenceof the mafia in all its forms and acknowledges th<strong>et</strong>rillions oflira that it sucks out of the economy."The mafia itself has become part of the livingtissue of the country• Gambling ,The mafia was involved in gambling inTurkey long before the opening of the bigcasinos, which gave new life to an old profession.In the gambling world, wherehuge amounts of money circulate, mafiamembers are known by their ,wealth andtheir luxurious life styles., Members have invested their earningsin Switzerland and in the UnitedStates and are renowned for their dislikeof news of their activities appéaring in, the media. A mafia member who hearsthat his activities will be featured in thepapers or on radio or television is neverloath to use the threat of mafia intenoentionto kill the story. There is also a rumor that hugeamounts of money playa role when the threat ofmafia interventi,on is not effective enough.• Sale ofState-Owned LandThe mafia has branches 'W;thin the state agenciesin cities like Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa andAdana. It sells state-owned land to encourage the<strong>de</strong>velopment of shanty towns and manages its businesswithout using guns. Members are known to beclose to the municipal representatives of their regionand are known for giving bribes.• Parking Lot OperationsA new mafia activity, stemming from the sale ofTurkish Probe May 17, 1996UQurKlllç,the l;laulilhterofDündar Klhçwho ISoftenconsi<strong>de</strong>réd one ofTurkey's most imporIant mafia godfathers.She was allegedto have beenmur<strong>de</strong>red byAbdurrahman Keskinatthe instigationof'herformer, husbandAlaattiriÇaklcl,Dündar Klhç'sright-handman.state-owned land, which is most prevalent in the bigcities and run by migrants to the major centersinvolves parking lots. The occupation of the stre<strong>et</strong>sby these people, their e~tortion of money from carowners, and their expanSlOn to nearly all the stre<strong>et</strong>sof the big cities lead to ques.tions of wh<strong>et</strong>he~ themunicipal officials and the pohce are also assocIated\\;th this branch of the mafia. Members of the parkinglot mafia don't hesitate to damage the cars ofthose who fail to give money. Car owners who lodgecomplaints with the authorities are ignored,strengthening the belief that the municipality and,police may be involved with organized crime .• Running ofTea Gar<strong>de</strong>ns and Mark<strong>et</strong> PlacesTea gar<strong>de</strong>ns and mark<strong>et</strong> places are dominated bythe famous names of the world of crime and are bigmoney earners. The mafia transforms e~ery emptylocation on the shores of the Bosphorus m Istanbulinto tea gar<strong>de</strong>ns or mark<strong>et</strong> plac~s without any le~allease. This branch of the mafia IS well known for ItSclose relations to officials at every level of government.These gang members are able to maintaintheir illegal way of life due to their friends in thegovernment and they <strong>de</strong>termine the p~ices of theproducts in their mark<strong>et</strong>places on theIr own. Forexample, the price of a cup of coffee in a tea gar<strong>de</strong>n\ùth a beautiful view can amount to TL 250,000. Thenonintervention of the municipal authorities againbrings to mind the same question. Are they partnersin crime?Abdurrahman Keskin, the gunman who killed U~ur Kilrç:hereportedly carried out the shooting at the behest of AlaattinÇaklcl, her former' husband who is on the run outsi<strong>de</strong> thecountry.• Insi<strong>de</strong> InformationSome mafia members make their living byinforming people of state property that is to be puton sale or when bids are to be invited for a contractbefore it is officially announced. These people areusually elegantly dressed and fre9uently appear inofficial circles, caIT)ing on the busmess of theIr bosseswho do not appear in public. .They hold me<strong>et</strong>ings wit~ members o~Parliament,ministers and bureaucrats m the luxUrIous hotels ofAnkara and especially like to take part in the constructionof highways and plaza buildi~gs as well .asof the parking lots and gar<strong>de</strong>ns belongmg to the CItymunicipalities.'046

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Probe May 17, 1996 15Ahm<strong>et</strong> Ozal. who has been implicatedin connectionwith the Engin Civan scandal in which Ul)urKIIrÇ,Dündar KIIrÇand Alaattin Çaklcl werereportedly involved.Engin Civan, who is believed to have escaped abroad although prohibitedfrom leavingthe country,after he compl<strong>et</strong>eda prison sentence. He was convictedof takinga bribe whilegeneral manager of Emlakbank.Hiscrimecam<strong>et</strong>o lightwhen he was shot, supposedlyat the instigationof DündarKlhç.• Insi<strong>de</strong> the Judicial SystemThere is a rumor that various branches of organizedcrime are also interfering with Turkey's judicialsystem. Their influence on some lawyers andjudges concerning serious cases of corruption orcases concerning famous families and their interestshave been receiving muchattention in the media of late.ing to its ranks many young people who are attractedto the potentials of a life of crime due to the lack ofopportunities in the work place and the ina<strong>de</strong>quateeducational system that offers little hope of gainfulemployment for many. The mafia's activities appearattractive to the young and enrich those who becomeinvolved in them.In a soci<strong>et</strong>y where the acquisitionof wealth is becoming• Obtaining Visas more of a central focus forActive in the stre<strong>et</strong>s where many, especially the young, theforeign embassies and con- mafia is a heaven-sent fastsulates are located, these track to the goals to which theymafiosi help obtain visas for aspire. In a country where theTurkish citizens to allow them population has the impropritoenter countries that <strong>de</strong>mand <strong>et</strong>ies of the rich and powerfulvisas. These members approach para<strong>de</strong>d before it daily in thepeople who want to g<strong>et</strong> a visa, media, where corruption is seenask them to follow the proce- as an acceptable way of life,dures they outline, and give where crime and injustice areguarantees to them that they seen to go unpunished andwill receive the required docu- in<strong>de</strong>ed rewar<strong>de</strong>d, is it any wonmenta.<strong>de</strong>r that the ranks of the mafiaThe charge varies according are being swollen by eagerto the country; they can ask recruits?DM 2000 for Germany and Members of organized crime$3000 for the United States. A are known for their blindperson who enters into an courage and willingness to takeagreement with the mafia payshalf of the sum in advance and.. .Dundar Klhç,.whose name cropped ~p In theany risk. They do not fear beingkilled and do not quit their jobthe rest after he or she g<strong>et</strong>s the Emlakba!,kbnbery scandal and who IS!eport- until the end of their lives. Thevisa. :~t~t::~nvOIVed Inany number of mafia-type mafia is a way of life ratherThey are frequently robbed than a way of making money,by the mafia member who can easily disappear after and it is a way of life that is being adopted by mor<strong>et</strong>aking the money. and more people in Turkey. We will see in the com-The mafia is expanding its activities throughout ing days how successful Prime Minister Mesutsoci<strong>et</strong>y in or<strong>de</strong>r to strengthen its hold on the econo- Yllmaz will be in keeping his promise to eliminatemy and on power and has become a reality that has the mafia.to faced. The mafia is <strong>de</strong>veloping daily and is draw-HakanAslaneli47

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iSaturday; May 18,1996Turkish Dally NewsYllmaz discusses EUand Kurds in BonnTurkish Daily News .BONN- Prime Minister Mesut Yllmaz m<strong>et</strong> with GermanPresi<strong>de</strong>nt Roman Herzog and Chancellor Helmut Kohl on Fridayto express Turkish concerns about bottlenecks in Turco-EuropeanUnion ties and Ankara's concerns about the outlawed KurdistanWorkers' Party (PKK).Leaving behind a political crisis in Turkev, Yllmaz lan<strong>de</strong>d atCologne's airport. an aiTJ?OItspoke.smaD..$l!Ïd. His official programstarted Frida}'~. when he m<strong>et</strong>Chancellor Kohl, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt RomanHerzog and other lea<strong>de</strong>rs.As YIlmaz went in for talks withKohl, two groups of <strong>de</strong>monstratorsheld .separate <strong>de</strong>monstrations, shout-. ingPKK slogans. Surroun<strong>de</strong>d bytight security measures, they waitedfor one-and-a-half hours on the routewhich YIlmaz was supposed to take,but the prime minister arrivedatKohl~s office by another route.Talking to the press after his contactsin Bonn, Yllmaz said he hadheld useful talks.Indicating that they had touchedon all issues with Chancellor Kohl inan open and frank manner, Yllmazsaid that while Turkish-German rela-. .tions .appeared fragile on the surface. '. they' were based on very solid foundations..-Characterizing Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Herzog'. as a statesman who has contributedg'reatly to the efforts to integrateTurks living in Germany intoGerman soci<strong>et</strong>y, Yllmaz said he had.conveyed an invitation to visit.Turkey to Herzog from Presi<strong>de</strong>ntSuleyman Demirel. Referring to histalks with Chancellor Kohl, Yllmazsaid he had explained the securityconcerns of the two million Turksliving in Germany.- Yllmaz said that the majority ofTurks living in Germany legallywere there to stay and ad<strong>de</strong>d thatthere wasa need for concr<strong>et</strong>e steps tome<strong>et</strong> the educational, economic and ..social needs of these people.yIlmaz went on to indicate that-Turkish-EU relations were the mostimportant item on the agenda of histalks with Kohl. He said he had -thanked the .Chancellor forGermany's continuing sUPl?ort for. Turkey's bid to forge closer tIes withthe E.U. "Now the unportant thing isReuters for the customs union b<strong>et</strong>ween. TURKISH PM IN GERMANY- Turkish Prime Minister Mesut T k d th EUY,lmaz (L) and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl listen to national ur ey an e.. to be successful.anthems during a welcome ceremony. Turkey has fulfilled her obligations ..in this regard. The fact, however, thatthe customs union has not been putin force in all its fac<strong>et</strong>s because ofthe obstructions by Greece is unacceptable.I was pleased to observe..that Chancellor Kohl is of the same .opinion as us on this maner," Yllmazsaid. EU member Greece blocked a375 million ECU ($490 million) aidpackage to Turkey in March after th<strong>et</strong>wo countries nearly came to blowsin a dispute over <strong>de</strong>serted Aegean'isl<strong>et</strong>s. . .In an interview this week with aGerman newspaper, Yllmaz said hewould try to win support from areluctant Germany for Turkey's goalof joining the EU.He tofd the weekJy Die Zeit thatGerman opposition was the biggestbarrier to Turkey's plans for fun EUmembership, not objections thrownup by archrival Greece."Our goal is Turkey's full membershipID the. EU. We hear everywher<strong>et</strong>hat Germany's attitu<strong>de</strong> is thebiggest obstacle, not that of Greece,"Yllmaz said.Yllmaz explained at his press conferencein Bonn after his talks withHerzog and Kohl that he had ma<strong>de</strong> acall for peace with Greece on March24 and ad<strong>de</strong>d that Turkey wants tonormalize its ties with Athens.Yllmaz said he had provi<strong>de</strong>dChancellor Kohl <strong>de</strong>tailed iriformationabout his call for unconditional talkson March 24. He pointed out that thequestion of separatist terrorism bythe PKK and Turkey's Southeastproblem had become a <strong>de</strong>terminingfactor in Turkish-German relationsfrom time to time. Before beginninghis first visit to Bonn as Turkey'sprime minister, Yllmaz told reportershe would convey his concern aboutthe outlawed PKK's activity inGermany."} will communicate to Germanofficials Turkey's unease about th<strong>et</strong>error organization PKK continuingits activities, <strong>de</strong>spite being outlawedin that country (Germany):' he said.Around half a million Turkish Kurdslive in Germany out of a totalTurkish population of some 2.2 million.Yllmaz said at his press conferenceafter his contacts ID Bonn thathe had told Chancellor Kohl that a<strong>de</strong>finite distinction must be ma<strong>de</strong>b<strong>et</strong>ween the PKK and Turkish citizensof Kurdish origin."The majority of citizens ofKurdish origin hving in Germanywant to live ID peace. But the PKK isusing a smalland militant element tocreate disturbances and disrupt publicor<strong>de</strong>r in Germany" Yilmaz SaId.He went on to argue that the solutionto the Southeast question wasbased on r<strong>et</strong>ainin~ Turkey's unitary.nature and territonal integrity."Apart from anything else, this is aquestion of <strong>de</strong>veloping the individual's<strong>de</strong>mocratic nghts in Turkey,"Yllmaz said. Yllmaz went on to<strong>de</strong>clare that there was a broad parityof views b<strong>et</strong>ween the si<strong>de</strong>s on theinternational and regional issues hehad taken up with Chancellor Kohl.Yilmaz flies back to Ankara today,where his minority government hasbeen rocked by a constitutional courtruling that its March vote of confi<strong>de</strong>ncewas illegal.48

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iFreedom House .survey:Turkish bureaucracy ispowerful and corruptLimited freedom: 'Wor~ers in the p<strong>et</strong>roleum,security, and sanitation industries as well asteachers are prohibited from strîking'By U~ur Akme.turk:iiTa Daily NewsWASHINGTON-Freedom House, a 'nonpartisan,nonprofit organization <strong>de</strong>voted to thestrengthening of free soci<strong>et</strong>ies,' in its annualsurvey of economic freedoms in 82 nationsaround the world, has confmned what manyTurks already know: "Corrupt practices withinthe (Turkish) bureaucracy are pervasive.", TheParlIament is currently looking into two corruptioncases brought against former primeminister Tansu Çiller. "The Turkish bureaucracyremains powerful and stale influence ispervasive," the survey also ad<strong>de</strong>d.Turkey, with Greece, is classified as havinga "partly free" economy in Western Europe.Israel and Jordan are the "partly free"economies of the Middle East.There are no totally free economies inMiddle East. Three of Turkey's neighbors,(ran, Iraq and Syria, are classified as "notfree" economies by Freedom House. TheAzerbaijani economy also got a "not free"score in the same survey.Iraq, Syria and Azerbaijan also wereaccor<strong>de</strong>d the dubious distinction of being onthe list of "the worst of the worst" for having;'total or near total absence of economic freedom."Burma, Iraq and North Korea ar<strong>et</strong>ermed "absolute worst of the worstthis year,"by Richard Messick, coordinator of theFreedom House survey.'A <strong>de</strong>tailed analysis of Turkish economy' iscarried out in following categories. 'turing private property." Copyright piracy isstill a problem, comprising 20 percent of allrecor<strong>de</strong>d music sales. The $150 fine for eachfraction and $2 fine for each impoun<strong>de</strong>d copyISnot enough according to Freedom House.• Freedom to earn a living.Score: 2 out of 3."Turkish éitizens 'are free to entehvhateveroccupation they' àrê' qualified fOI" âJ\d "wageSare s<strong>et</strong> by mark<strong>et</strong> conditions." Turkish workersare free to form unions and bargain collectively.Unions are in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt from the stateand political parties. But "workers in thep<strong>et</strong>roleum, security, and sanitation industriesas well as teachers are prohibited from striking."• Freedom to 0rrate a business.Score: 2 i)ut of •All sectors of the Turkish economy areope,n to private business and establishmg abuslßess IS not difficult for either domestic orforeign entities. Prices are not controlled bythe government. "Occasionally, bid<strong>de</strong>rs arefac~d with ten<strong>de</strong>rs being opened, closed,revised. and opened again over a period ofyears without a selection being ma<strong>de</strong>, causing'many complaints of bid-rigging."• Freedom to invest one's earnings.Score: 2 out of 3.":rur~ey is rapidly e~tablishing itself as amajor mternatlOnal fmance center in theMiddle East, although recent financial crises• Freedom to hold property.Score: ~ o~t of 3. . have somewhat tempered enthusiasm." Y<strong>et</strong> 60Ex~eptlß . the pro~mc~s where the gove!'"- percent inflation, fueled by high public-sector~~nt ISfighting Kurdish Insurgents ... Turkish , âebts, continues to be a problem.cltlzens.ar~ abre to 0'Ynproperty 3!ldthere are Turkish citizens are able to invest freelyno reslncl10ns on sellIng, transfemng or struc- abroad and hold foreign currency and secun-SAl1JRDAY, MAY 18,1996Turkish DaUy Newsties. As a malter of fact, "Turkish citizens's~vings acc~un~s are currently higher in foreign<strong>de</strong>nommatlons than in hra, the nationalcurrency,"• Freedom to tra<strong>de</strong> internationally.Score: 2 out of 2.' ,"T~ere. are no export taxes or quotas ...Foreign mvestment laws are liberal andinvestors receive national treatment.Ho,,:ever,~all inco~inB foreign investmentsrequire pnor authonzation and licensing" - aprocess which is "routine and nondiscriminato.",?iurkey has f~w ca~ital controls and foreignexchange IS easily obtained. Travelabroad is unrestricted,"• Freedom from unreasonable governmentalint~rfere~ce in the economy.. TUFkeyIS m~~mg towards "full participalionID the EU. But the privatization dnvehas slo~e~ do,:,n. "Thirty-one enterpriseswere pnvatized m 1992 and only 17 in 1993.Currently, there are 41 major Slate EconomicEnte.rprises involved in everything from shoemakingand tea to mining and airlInes."'The Turkish bureaucracy remains powerfuland slate influence is pervasive. Slate sub.sidies to .agriculture and industry persist."Monopohes and cartels are not prohibited"though the new Companies Law makes sucharrangements illegal."• Freedom to participate in themark<strong>et</strong> economy. Score: lout df 2."In genef~l;' f.!I~ré;~e '~o 'legàl' barriers towo~en,or ~~ö1?tles, enterlng any occu~ation,ru~,mnga busmess, or owning property..Although Kurds who assirrulate and do not~glta!e for a separate cultural or linguisticId~ntlty gene~ally face lillie discrimination,the 1991 Anti-Terror Law has provi<strong>de</strong>d thegovernment with the means to jail harass orshut down businesses owned by ~yone ~hosupports the Kurdish separatist movement"the survey said.'"The legal system is functioning and contractualagreements are secure. Howeverobtai~ing and enforcing court or<strong>de</strong>rs in com~m.erclal mallers can take a long time. TheÇJller government has been rocked with severalcorruption scandals, and corrupt practiceswithin the bureaucracy are pervasive," theFreedom House survey conclu<strong>de</strong>d.49

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iBun<strong>de</strong>skanzler Kohl und Ministerpräsi<strong>de</strong>nt Yilmaz schreiten die Ehrengar<strong>de</strong> ab. (Bild Reuter)Besuch <strong>de</strong>s türkischen Regierungschefs in BonnDer Wunsch nach einer Aufnahme in die EU im MittelpunktDer türkische Ministerpräsi<strong>de</strong>nt Yilmaz hat am Freitag <strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>utschen Regierung einenArbeitsbesuch abgestatt<strong>et</strong> und bei seiner ersten Auslandsreise überhaupt Gespräche mit Bun-,<strong>de</strong>spräsi<strong>de</strong>nt Herzog, Bun<strong>de</strong>skanzler Kohl und Aussenminister Kinkel geführt. Im Dialog:mit <strong>de</strong>n Bonner Verantwortlichen wie auch vor <strong>de</strong>r Presse unterstrich er <strong>de</strong>n Wunsch seines'Lan<strong>de</strong>s auf Vollmitgliedschaft in <strong>de</strong>r Europäischen Union. Beson<strong>de</strong>rs gegenüber Kohl erläuterteer seine Pläne zur Lösung <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>nproblems im eigenen Land.ZurückhaltungKo. Bonn, 17. MaiDer türkische Regienmgschef Yilmaz hat am:Freitag <strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>utschen Regierung einen Besuch in,Bann abgestatt<strong>et</strong>. Dabei war ihm nicht anzumer-,ken, dass sich in Ankara die Probleme innerhalb<strong>de</strong>r Koalition zwischen Mutterlandspartei und <strong>de</strong>r,Partei <strong>de</strong>s rechten Weges häufen. Yilmaz wur<strong>de</strong>von seinem Gastgeber, Bun<strong>de</strong>skanzler Kohl, mit~.en üblichen militärischen Ehren empfangen.\fuer zwei Stun<strong>de</strong>n konferierten die Regierungs-'chefs miteinan<strong>de</strong>r. Vorher schon hatte YilmazBun<strong>de</strong>spräsi<strong>de</strong>nt Herzog, dIm er bei dieser Gelegenheitim Auftrag <strong>de</strong>s türkischen Präsi<strong>de</strong>ntenDemirel ZU einem Staatsbesuchin die Türkei einlud,eine Höflichkeitsvisite abgestatt<strong>et</strong>. Ein Ge-~präch mit Aussenminister Kinkel run<strong>de</strong>te <strong>de</strong>nTerminkalen<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>s Gastes ab.aut <strong>de</strong>utschèr SeiteSo sehr sich Yilmaz auch bemühte, für die Aufnahme<strong>de</strong>r Türkei als Vollmitglied in die EU zu'werben, so zurückhaltend blieben doch seine'Banner Gesprächspartner. Bun<strong>de</strong>skanzler Kohl~'s<strong>et</strong>zte sich im Gespräch mit <strong>de</strong>m Gast aus Ankara'zwar ausdrücklièh für die volle Ums'<strong>et</strong>zung <strong>de</strong>rZollunion <strong>de</strong>r Türkei mit <strong>de</strong>r Europäischen Unionein, weil sie <strong>de</strong>n Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischenDeutschland und <strong>de</strong>r Türkei einen weiterenAufschwUng verleihen könne. Kohl sprach aber.'darüber hinaus nur von seinem Interesse aneinem .weiteren Ausbau <strong>de</strong>r Beziehung~n zwi-!sëheri <strong>de</strong>r Türkei und <strong>de</strong>r EU, «aufbauend auf <strong>de</strong>rbestehen<strong>de</strong>n Assoziierung und <strong>de</strong>r Mittelmeer-.'politik <strong>de</strong>r Europäischen Union»., Er vermiedje<strong>de</strong>nfalls je<strong>de</strong> Zusage im Blick auf die Vollmit-:gliedschaft. Yilmaz hatte <strong>de</strong>mgegenüber immerwie<strong>de</strong>r darauf hingewiesen, dass die Zollunion.nicht Selbstzweck sein dürfe, son<strong>de</strong>rn von ihm''nur als Vorstufe zur späteren Vollmitgliedschaftb<strong>et</strong>racht<strong>et</strong> wer<strong>de</strong>. Die Türkei brauche schliesslich;eine Perspektive für alle ,die Opfer, die sie im Zu-;.sammenhang mit <strong>de</strong>r Zollunion bringe'. Die Volhmitgliedschaft dürfe nicht ausgeschlossen bleiben.;, Äusserst scharfe Töne schlug Yilmaz vor <strong>de</strong>rPresse gegenüber Griechenland an und berief sichdabei auch auf das Verständnis <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>utschen13un<strong>de</strong>skanzlers. Er erneuerte in diesem Zusam-'fuenhang sein Verhandlungsangebot an Athen,'ünterstrich jedoch mehrfach, 'wie hoch <strong>de</strong>r Scha<strong>de</strong>nsei, <strong>de</strong>r durch die griechische Behin<strong>de</strong>rung'<strong>de</strong>r Zollunion entstehe. Die Türkei sei auch bereit'-sich einem Urteil <strong>de</strong>s Internationalen Gerichtshofszu unterwerfen. Gleichermassen <strong>de</strong>utlich:ausserte sich Yilmaz zu <strong>de</strong>n Beziehungen seinesLan<strong>de</strong>s mit Syrien. Feindselige Haltungen, wie siein Syrien mit <strong>de</strong>r Unterstützung <strong>de</strong>r PKK zumAusdruck kämen, könne die Türkei nicht mehrlange tolerieren.Yilmaz' Gastgeber Herzog und Kohl hatten,ihrerseits die Kur<strong>de</strong>nfrage vorbehaltlos angesprochen.Kohl be~~)llte, keineswegs stelle Deutsch-50

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iland' das Keqht <strong>de</strong>r Türkeq~ Frage, <strong>de</strong>n Tèrrorismllsùn rechtsstaatlichen Rähmen zu bekämpfen.Er b<strong>et</strong>onte jedoch laut Angaben .<strong>de</strong>s BonnerPresseamtes die Be<strong>de</strong>utung <strong>de</strong>r stnkten Beachtung<strong>de</strong>r Menschenrechte in allen T~ilen <strong>de</strong>r .Tür:kei. Dies sei wichtig auch fUr das BIld <strong>de</strong>r Türkeiin <strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>utschen Öffentlichkeit.Heikle Kur<strong>de</strong>nfrageYilmaz seinerseits versprach, die türkischeDemokratie weiter zu entwickeln und dabei je~licheDiskriminierung wie Privilegierung <strong>et</strong>hn.lscherGruppen auszuschliessen. Bei Herzg'Ylebei Kohl sah er, in <strong>de</strong>r Kur<strong>de</strong>nfrage vordnnghchjedoch ein ökonomisches und soziales Proble~,das er j<strong>et</strong>zt mit Beschäfti~\mgs~assnahmen mSüdostanatolien angehen Will. Semen <strong>de</strong>utschenGastgebern empfahl Yilmaz wie<strong>de</strong>rholt, str~ngzwischen <strong>de</strong>r terroristischen PKK und <strong>de</strong>r breitenMehrheit friedlicher Kur<strong>de</strong>n zu unterschei<strong>de</strong>n. Erermahnte die <strong>de</strong>utschen Spitzenpolitiker, die Integrationvon Türken in Deutschland z~ erleic~te~.Zugleich beklagte er die fehlen<strong>de</strong> SI~herhelt furseine Landsleute in <strong>de</strong>r Bun<strong>de</strong>srepubhk. Aus <strong>de</strong>m~aï1fréramt .nahm er dar~ufltin die Versicherung!jüt,dass die Bun<strong>de</strong>sregIerung alles ~n wer<strong>de</strong>,Ibn die in Deutschland leben~en Turke~. un~<strong>de</strong>ren Einrichtungen vor Übergnffen zu schutze~,cine Än<strong>de</strong>rung <strong>de</strong>r Politik gegenüber <strong>de</strong>r I?~utschland seit drei Jahren verbotenen terronstischenPKK sei nicht geplant. Yilmaz nanntedas <strong>de</strong>utsch-türkische Verhältnis zwar empfindlich,es stehe aber auf einer stabilen Grundlage.Der Ministerpräsi<strong>de</strong>nt. <strong>de</strong>r in Köln studierte undfliessend <strong>de</strong>utsch spricht, verabschie<strong>de</strong>te sich mit{ler türkischen Re<strong>de</strong>wendung, wer einen wahrenFreund habe, brauche sich vor nichts mehr zufürchten. Seine Gespräche mit Kohl seien llusserst,plltzlich g~wesen.LE MERIDIONAL - 18 mai 1996700L'oppostion ~<strong>de</strong> en Irak a affirmé que la police irakienneavait arrêté le 13mai 7oo civils kur<strong>de</strong>s dans la'ville<strong>de</strong> Kirkouk (nord <strong>de</strong> l1rak), à la limite <strong>de</strong> la zone contrôléepar Bagdad. Dans uri communiqué reçu hier par l'AFP àNicosie, l'Union patriotique du Kurdistan (UPK <strong>de</strong> JalalTalabaniJ, une <strong>de</strong>s principales formations <strong>de</strong> l'oppositionkurd~ irakienne, précise qu"'un nombre très limité <strong>de</strong>s 7oocivils arrêtés ont <strong>de</strong>puis été relâchés <strong>et</strong> que les autres,soupçonnés d'entr<strong>et</strong>enir <strong>de</strong>s liens avec l'opposition kur<strong>de</strong>,sont-soumis:à <strong>de</strong>s interrogatoires, sous la torture". Selon lecommuniqué, "ces arrestations font partie <strong>de</strong>s mesures <strong>de</strong>harcèlement <strong>et</strong> d'intimidation décidées par Bagdad contreles habitants j{l).r<strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> Kirkouk".A.F.P. - A~enreFronrePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enreFranrePrme-A.F.P. - A~enreFrom Pre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enreFramePrel\e-A.F.P. - A~enreFronrePrme-A.F.P. - A~enreFranrePrme-FRS0496 4 l 0250 RFA /AFP-H'1'l4Allemagne-Kur<strong>de</strong>sLe chef du PKK fait son autocritiqueBONN, 19 mai (AFP) - Le chef du Parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs du Kurdistan(PKK), Abdallah Ocalan, se livre à une autocritique en règle <strong>et</strong> reconnaîtavoir commis <strong>de</strong>s "erreurs" en menaçant l'Allemagne d" at tentats suici<strong>de</strong>s,dans un entr<strong>et</strong>ien au quotidien Die Welt à paraître lundi."Plusieurs <strong>de</strong> nos attitu<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> certains <strong>de</strong> mes propos étaient <strong>de</strong>serreurs", reconnaît-il. "Nous nous sommes conduits comme si l'Allemagneétait comparable à la Turquie. C'était une erreur", a-t-il renchéri,offrant un "dialogue à tous les niveaux" avec l'Allemagne.Il s'engage "à ce que ce genre <strong>de</strong> choses ne se reproduise plus enAllemagne", faisant allusion aux violents affrontements entre policiers <strong>et</strong>manifestants du PKK qui avaient fait plusieurs blessés en mars.Ocalan dément toutefois avoir "déclaré la guerre à l'Allemagne",affirmant qu'il n'a "jamais considéré ce pays comme un ennemi". Il critiqueau passage "l'étroitesse <strong>de</strong>s relations entre Ankara <strong>et</strong> Bonn".Le gouvernement allemand avait estimé "parfaitement insupportables" lesmenaces d'Ocalan <strong>et</strong> a durci en mars sa législation sur les étrangers pour~ pouvoir expulser plus rapi<strong>de</strong>ment les fauteurs <strong>de</strong> trouble. Le PKK, considéréComme une organisation terroriste, est interdit en Allemagne.Le Premier ministre turc, Mesut Yilmaz, a achevé samedi une visite <strong>de</strong>trois jours en Allemagne, au cours <strong>de</strong> laquelle il ,a notamment dénoncé laSyrie pour son soutien présumé au PKK.fb/sg/bfoÂFP /AA1234/192009 MAI 96A.F.P. - A~eß(!FrancePresse-A.F.P. - AgenceFrancePresse-A.F.P. - AgeMefroncePresse-A.F.P. - AgenceFruncePresse-A.F.P. - AgenceFrancePresse-A.F.P. - AgenceFrancePresse-51

".j; .,.ëi~ ~C'1:>~~~....C'1:>I~~....~~....C'1:>~ ~I~en ~::r ~C C'1:>~c;:)m~Z "0CD'"SC'1:>"en == I:::tJI ....~CI)....l:i~~~~ ~l»'- ,'~i '~Foreign ~iriister Emre GönensayHelsinki Commission to ChristopherUS Helsinki Commission, theConaressiona1 arm of OSCE (Organizationfor gecurity and Cooperation in Europe), 'sent a l<strong>et</strong>ter on May 17 to Secr<strong>et</strong>ary:Christopher urging him to protest during his me<strong>et</strong>-:ing with Gönensay "the campaign against the•Human Rights Foundations of Turkey and medicalprofessionals who treat victims of humanrights abuses." . '.The l<strong>et</strong>ter signed by Chairman ChristopherSmith (R • NJ); Ranking Minority CommisSIOnerSteny H. Hoyer (D - MD); and Commissioner'Benjamin L. Cardin (0 - MD), claimed that.'rather than seeking to eliminate tortÎlre and topunish those responsible, the Government ofTurkey instead attacks those who expose torture.and torturers ... In fact, the United Nations andCouncil of Europe have documented torture in rbe. Ankara police station comman<strong>de</strong>d by Turkey's! newly appointed Justice Minister, Mehm<strong>et</strong> A~ar.".' OSCE l<strong>et</strong>ter related the cases of Dr. TufanKoseand Mustafa Cinkule, who both work with Adana:center of HRF and were prosecuted "for refusingto comply with Government <strong>de</strong>mands to revéal~thenames of patients and the health care professionalstreating them."Official Turkish viewA Turkish officialtold TON that the reasonwhy such names were <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d was not to pun-,ish the victim but actually to prosecut<strong>et</strong>he torturer 'who victimized the patient in question. '."Turkish Penal Co<strong>de</strong> 530 prohibits givinginformation on any patient when such notificationwilllead to legal proceeding," the official said."Patients are fully protected un<strong>de</strong>r the Turkishlaw." ,Similar suits filed against Ankara and tzmirHRF centers were canceled "since prosecutioninvestigation showed that no such 'torture treatmentcenters' existed," the ()fficialtold TON.. "When such centers do not exist, then there can'tbe any crime committed in such non-existentlocationseither," the official said. .. According to the Turkish penal co<strong>de</strong>, not to'. report a crime is a crime in itself as well -repo,rtedlycarrying a "penalty" of only 30 (thirty)Turkish Liras. (Seventy five thousand Turkish. Liras are equal to one US Dollar.) The officialad<strong>de</strong>d that the existence of the alleged tortur<strong>et</strong>reatment center in Adana could also not be establishedby Turkish prosecutors. .A TON source said that the above officialviews were again conveyed by the Turkish governmentin a l<strong>et</strong>ter sent last week to Senator BobGraham (D) of Florida, a member of the Helsinki. Commission.KIzdkanHelsinki Commission also asked Christopher tl')raise with Gönensay the case of Dr. Seyf<strong>et</strong>tinKlZIlkan,head of medical services at a state hos~ 'pital in Diyarbaku and the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of theMedical Council for five southeastern provinces,who on May 5 was arrested and reportedly heldincommunicado."Known for his humanitarian efforts and supportfor non-violence, Dr. KJZllkanhas <strong>de</strong>nounced.. torture and the conditions facing tens of thousandsof Kurdish peasants in Diyarbaku who fledTurkish military operations,' Smith, Hoyer andCardin told the US Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of State.''Turkey's position as a strategic and economically make it ail the more important that our governmentencourage the Turkish Government toeliminate the use of torture and other practiceswhich un<strong>de</strong>rmine its <strong>de</strong>mocratic institutions;" theCongress members conclu<strong>de</strong>d their l<strong>et</strong>ter.TwentyNGOsTON learned that twenty non-governmental(NGO) human rights organizations are currentlydrafting a l<strong>et</strong>ter on Turkey's alleged mistreatmentof Human Rights Foundation and the doctors whotreat the victims of human rights abuses. The l<strong>et</strong>teris expected to be <strong>de</strong>livered both to Gönensay~d Christopher on Monday.Among those who will sign the l<strong>et</strong>ter are thefollowing human rights organizations: AmnestyInternational; Human Rights Watch; Physicians~for Human Rights; American PsychologicalAssociation; American Associations for theAd~ancement of Science; New York Aca<strong>de</strong>my ofSciences; Amigos <strong>de</strong> Los Sobrevivientes Inc.;Lawyers Committee for Human rights; HeartlandAlliance for Human Needs and Human Rights;Program for Victims of Torture; and MargeryCo vier Center for Treatment of Survivors ofTorture.These groups can be joined by Committee ofConcerned Scientists (CCS) as well who on:March 7, 1996 and again on May 2, 1996 wrot<strong>et</strong>wo l<strong>et</strong>ters to Presi<strong>de</strong>nt S~.leyman Demirel concernitlgthe trial of Yavuz Onen and Fevzi Argün,both executive board members of HRFT.Co-chairmen of CCS told Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Demirelthat they were "disappointed that we havereceived no reply from you" to their l<strong>et</strong>ters..andappeals to have the criminal charges against Onenand Argün be dismissed.

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i4/ LE MONDE / SAMEDI1"' JUIN 1996INTERNATIONALLa Turquie va doubler ses échanges commerciaux avec la FranceIST~UL<strong>de</strong> notre envoyé spécialProfitant <strong>de</strong> l'entrée en vigueur <strong>de</strong> l'uniondouanière entre la 1\J.rquie <strong>et</strong> l'Union européenneà partir du 1" janvier 1996, la Frances'est lancée dans une opération <strong>de</strong> séduction àl'égard du mon<strong>de</strong> économique turc, qui n'attendaitque cela. Plusieurs milliers <strong>de</strong> visiteurs professionnelsse sont rendus à Istanbul, dù 24 au28 mai, à l'exposition française Fransa 96 regroupant200 entreprises <strong>de</strong> l'Hexagone <strong>et</strong>inaugwée'péU" SulçYJIlan Demifel. prési<strong>de</strong>nUle,la République, <strong>et</strong> Yves Galland, ministre françaisdélégué aux finances <strong>et</strong> au commerce' extérieur..'Au fil <strong>de</strong>s nombreux séminaires organisés parle patronat turc du DEIK <strong>et</strong> par le CNPF français,l'impatience turque a dominé. QuandM. Galland a souhaité, le 24 mai, dans son discoursinaugural, que les échanges franco-turcsdoublent en dix ans, M. Demirel lui a réponduque ce résultat était souhaitable en cinq ans.Car la 1\J.rquie est pressée. Elle doit faire face,sans grands moyens financiers, à un exo<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>plusieurs centaines <strong>de</strong> milliers <strong>de</strong> ruraux vers lesgran<strong>de</strong>s cités chaque année. Elle souffre d'unecongestion <strong>de</strong> ses infrastructures routières <strong>et</strong>'aéroportuaires. La panne énergétique gu<strong>et</strong>te.Sa balance commerciale avec l'étranger est déficitaire<strong>de</strong> 13 milliards <strong>de</strong> dollars (67 milliards <strong>de</strong>francs) par an. Les responsables économiques<strong>et</strong> politiques sont persuadés que seule l'uniondouanière avec l'Europe <strong>de</strong>s quinze <strong>et</strong> la croissancequi en résultera éviteront au Parti <strong>de</strong> laprospérité (islariliste) d'améliorer le score <strong>de</strong>21,32 % <strong>de</strong>s voix qui en a fait le premier partiturc aux élections législatives <strong>de</strong> décembre 1995.La 1\J.rquie joue la carte française pour <strong>de</strong>uxraisons. La première est que la France <strong>de</strong>Jacques Chirac a pesé <strong>de</strong> tout son poids, en 1995,, pour vaincre les réticences grecques à l'égard <strong>de</strong>l'union douanière avec la 1\J.rquie. C<strong>et</strong> appui estplus que jamais nécessaire, Athènes bloquantl'ai<strong>de</strong> financière <strong>de</strong> 800 millions d'écus sur cinqans promis à Ankara. La <strong>de</strong>uxième raison estque la France est le premier investisseur du payspar le biais <strong>de</strong> ses 180 entreprises installées en1\J.rquie.Sur les rives du Bosphore, on aimerait persua<strong>de</strong>rles capitaux français que la République seraitun «porte-avions idéal» pour atteindre lemon<strong>de</strong> arabe proche <strong>et</strong> l'Asie centrale turcophone.«Les Français ne sont pas assez rapi<strong>de</strong>s,critique Ugur Yüce, patron <strong>de</strong> six entreprisesd'électronique <strong>et</strong> coprési<strong>de</strong>nt du Conseil franco-turc<strong>de</strong>s hommes d'affaires. L'importance du~rt(JJr.PII.Qli& chez vou,s a engendré un manqued'audace, l'élévation <strong>de</strong> votre niveau <strong>de</strong> vie vous arendus conservateurs. Nous sommes parvenus àconvaincre les Américains <strong>et</strong> les Japonais <strong>de</strong> visiter,en notre compagnie, l'Ouzbékistan. <strong>et</strong> leKazakhstan où nous sommes bien implantés. Nousn'y arrivons toujours pas avec les Français ... »La France est le premierinvestisseur du payspar le biais <strong>de</strong> 180 entreprisesCe n'est pas que ceux-ci n'y croient pas. Bienau contraire. Les attentats <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s du PKKou ceux <strong>de</strong> groupuscules gauchistes les effraientà peine. Les querelles <strong>de</strong> sérail interminablesentre les frères <strong>de</strong> droite ennemis du Parti <strong>de</strong> laMère patrie <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> celui <strong>de</strong> la Juste voie leslaissent <strong>de</strong> marbre. Ils oublient sans peine les78,9 % d'inflation <strong>de</strong> l'an <strong>de</strong>rnier quand ilsconstatent la réactivité d'une économie chutant<strong>de</strong> 5,5 % en 1994 pour rebondir <strong>de</strong> 7,3 % en 1995.Il n'est d'onc pas étonnant qu'au palmarès <strong>de</strong>spays émergents, la confiance forte <strong>et</strong> constantequ'inspire la 1\J.rquie lui vale une place éminente.C<strong>et</strong>te confiance s'est traduite par uneai<strong>de</strong> publique française qui se classe au<strong>de</strong>uxième rang <strong>de</strong>s ai<strong>de</strong>s bilatérales à la 1\J.rquie,<strong>de</strong>rrière celle <strong>de</strong> l'Allemagne. Yves Galland a détailléles quelque 4 milliards <strong>de</strong> francs d'ai<strong>de</strong>versés en dix ans: 1,7 milliard sont allés au secteurénergétique, 730 millions à l'environnement<strong>et</strong> 480 millions au médical.Les entrepreneurs venus <strong>de</strong> France froissentsouvent leurs alter ego, qui ont conservé <strong>de</strong>l'époque ottomane une gran<strong>de</strong> susceptibilité. Ilss'énervent <strong>de</strong>s copiages <strong>de</strong>s modèles <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>stechnologies <strong>de</strong> leurs partenaires locaux. Ils oublientque, dans ce pays très commerçant, ilvaut mieux contractualiser les <strong>de</strong>voirs <strong>et</strong> lesdroits <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux parties.MGI-Coutier, équipementier auto dans l'Ain,a surmonté ces obstaclés. Avec la bénédiction d'Oyitk-Renault, il a pris un tiers du capital d'unesociété créée avec l'entreprise turque DORT-ELpour produire les réservoirs <strong>de</strong>s essuie-glaces<strong>de</strong>s Renault 9 fabriqués localement. Son investissements'est élevé à 3,5 millions <strong>de</strong> francs.Quant à Bernard Lacoste, le patron du groupeLacoste, il se félicite sans réserve <strong>de</strong> la bonnesanté <strong>de</strong>s 17 boutiques turques qui ven<strong>de</strong>nt200 000 vêtements par an à la griffe du crocodile(+ 30 % prévu en 1996). Les lois sur les contrefaçonsadoptées par le Parlement d'Ankara luidonnent entière satisfaction. «Si j'avais danstous les pays du mon<strong>de</strong> un partenaire <strong>de</strong> la qualité<strong>de</strong> mon licencié turc, je n'aurais pas <strong>de</strong> cheveuxblancs I»Reste l'inconnue politique. L'instabilité gouvernemental<strong>et</strong>urque ralentit les indispensablesréformes dans les domaines <strong>de</strong> la fiscalité <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>sprivatisations. Elle fait le jeu <strong>de</strong>s islamistes quiprofitent <strong>de</strong> la crise i<strong>de</strong>ntitaire <strong>de</strong>s plus démunis<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'immobilisme <strong>de</strong>s structures kémalistes.Mais les politiques <strong>et</strong> les entrepreneurs françaisn'y accor<strong>de</strong>nt pas une importance démesurée.Les plus pessimistes d'entre eux pensent quel'armée préviendra les dérapages <strong>de</strong>s islamistes.Les plus optimistes jugent que, même parvenusau pouvoir, ceux-ci seront contraints <strong>de</strong> respecterune démocratie laïque tant l'élan vers l'Europe<strong>et</strong> la mo<strong>de</strong>rnité est entr<strong>et</strong>enu par uneéconomie d'une étonnante vigueur.Alain FauJas;53

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iSVENSKA DAGBLADET • Mândagen <strong>de</strong>n 20 maj 1996UNDER STRECKET ~ _.Är kulturell autonomi lösningen, bét framförS'frân olika hAll tre för-. slag tilllösning av kurdfrâgan iTurki<strong>et</strong>: att kur<strong>de</strong>rna bryter sig ut,att <strong>de</strong> ingâr i en fe<strong>de</strong>ration och att<strong>de</strong> erhâller kulturell autonomL O<strong>et</strong>. sista förslag<strong>et</strong> för~faller vara <strong>de</strong>tmest realistiska.Av KAJ FALKMANStormen i Sverige kring utvisningen av<strong>de</strong> kur-.diska famiIjema Sincari och stormen i Tysklandkring <strong>de</strong>n vänta<strong>de</strong> utvisningen av hundratalskur<strong>de</strong>r som nyligen <strong>de</strong>ltagit i väldsamma <strong>de</strong>monstrationerhar änyo aktualiserat kurdfrAgani Turki<strong>et</strong>, men i<strong>de</strong>n svenska pressbevakningenhar jag inte s<strong>et</strong>t nAgonbeskrivning av frAgansinnebörd,än mindre nAgon diskussion om utsikternatill en lösning. Av <strong>de</strong>nna anledning är <strong>de</strong>t.angeläg<strong>et</strong> att redogöra för nAgra av <strong>de</strong> lösnings-:förslag som framförts frAnolika häll. Dessa personligaanteckningar bygger pA samtal nyligenmed statsv<strong>et</strong>are och joumalister i Istanbul ochhar ingen som heIst officiell anknytning. .D<strong>et</strong> första och mest radikala förslag<strong>et</strong> är utbrytnlng.PKK (Parti Kerkari Kurdistan, Kur- ,distans arb<strong>et</strong>arparti) anger i sitt politiska pro- .gram frän 1983som mAlatt upprätta en kurdisk :stat i sydöstra Turki<strong>et</strong> som <strong>et</strong>t led i bildan<strong>de</strong>t av<strong>et</strong>t enat Storkurdistan, omfattan<strong>de</strong> ocksA kurdbefolka<strong>de</strong>omrA<strong>de</strong>n i grannstatema.D<strong>et</strong> kurdbefolka<strong>de</strong> omrä<strong>de</strong>t i sydöstra Turki<strong>et</strong>omfattar ca 230ooq kvadratkilom<strong>et</strong>er, nära ,1/4avlan<strong>de</strong>ts territorium. Här boruppemothälftenav Turki<strong>et</strong>s kurdiska befolkning, dvs cirka 6,miljoner av totalt cirka 12,5miljoner kurdër. OmomrA<strong>de</strong>t i sydöst skall avsöndras frän Turki<strong>et</strong>,och bilda <strong>et</strong>t självständigt Kurdistan, flyttarkanske kur<strong>de</strong>r frän andra omrA<strong>de</strong>n dit, men för- .visso inte alla, i synnerh<strong>et</strong> inte <strong>de</strong> som är väl in- 'tegrera<strong>de</strong> i <strong>de</strong>t turkiska samhäll<strong>et</strong>, tex flertal<strong>et</strong> ,av <strong>de</strong> 2,5 miljoner kur<strong>de</strong>r som bor i Istanbul.Problem<strong>et</strong> med utbrytning kompliceras av att<strong>de</strong>t kurdbefolka<strong>de</strong> omrA<strong>de</strong>t i sydöst är <strong>de</strong>t fattigastei lan<strong>de</strong>t och saknar goda försörjningsmöj-,ligh<strong>et</strong>er. Migration frAn omrA<strong>de</strong>t börja<strong>de</strong> redanpA 195o-tal<strong>et</strong>, dA kur<strong>de</strong>r sökte sig till industristä<strong>de</strong>mai västra Turki<strong>et</strong>. Med <strong>de</strong>n ekonomiskaboomen i början av 80-tal<strong>et</strong> öka<strong>de</strong> migrationen,, som sedan pAskyndats av stridigh<strong>et</strong>erna mellanPKK och säkerh<strong>et</strong>sstyrkoma un<strong>de</strong>r 90-tal<strong>et</strong>.I <strong>de</strong> sydöstra och södra grannstatema bortotalt lika mAnga kur<strong>de</strong>r som i Turki<strong>et</strong>: i Iran 7miljoner, Irak 4,5 miljoner och Syrien 1 miljon.DA statsledningama i <strong>de</strong>ssa stater är lika ovilligasom, statsledningen' i Turki<strong>et</strong> att avstAterritoriumtill en självständig kùrdisk statsbildning,synes utvägen att samla alla kur<strong>de</strong>r i en statvara oframlroInli~ un<strong>de</strong>r ~verskä~lig tid. Dess-pa kurdfragan?utom har <strong>de</strong> kurcliska politiska partiema i Irak,KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party), l<strong>et</strong>t avBarzani,och PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan),l<strong>et</strong>t av Talabani, inte anslutit sig till PKK:s mAlatt bilda <strong>et</strong>t Storkurdistan utan <strong>de</strong>klarerat att <strong>de</strong>vill bilda en fe<strong>de</strong>ration inom <strong>et</strong>t <strong>de</strong>mokratiskt,parlamentariskt Irak.Även om Turki<strong>et</strong> stö<strong>de</strong>r Operation Provi<strong>de</strong>, Comfort, som <strong>et</strong>ter Gulfkrig<strong>et</strong> upprätta<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong>t,skyddsomrä<strong>de</strong> för kur<strong>de</strong>ma i norra Irak, sAatt-<strong>de</strong> inte Ater behöver söka skydd i Turki<strong>et</strong> (tvA,miljoner flyktingar över gränsen 1991),fruktarAnkara att skyddsomrA<strong>de</strong>t kan utgöra embryottill en självständig kurdisk stat. I omrä<strong>de</strong>t har, uppstAtt <strong>et</strong>t militärt vakuum som PKK utnyttjatför att upprätta baser och därifrAn angripa.Turki<strong>et</strong>. Den turkiska militärinterventionenmed 35000 man i norra Irak i mars-april 1995.'syfta<strong>de</strong> till att förstöra <strong>de</strong>ssa bas6J:,1utbyte mot'gränshan<strong>de</strong>l och ekonomiskt bistmd söker nuTurki<strong>et</strong> fAKDP och PUK att förhindra PKK:s~närvarö i omrA<strong>de</strong>t.:DET ANDRA FÖRSLAGET avser bildan<strong>de</strong>t~avenfe<strong>de</strong>ration. PKK-Iedaren Aop Öcalan har~förklarat sig beredd att diskutera en fe<strong>de</strong>rallös-:ning med <strong>de</strong>n turkiska regeringen. FAturkar troremellertid att PKK tagit till vapen 1984och off-,rat mänga tusen anhängares livför att förmAAn-,kara att acceptera en fe<strong>de</strong>ration i Turki<strong>et</strong> med .längtgAen<strong>de</strong> autonomi för en kurdisk provins.Hur skulle Ankara kunna acceptera en marxistiskprovins inom Turki<strong>et</strong>s territorium? Hurlänge skulle <strong>de</strong>t dröja innan provinsen förklara<strong>de</strong>ssom befriad zon och utropa<strong>de</strong>s som självständig?Skulle en kurdisk provinsledningkunna överlämna ansvar<strong>et</strong> för försvar och utrikespolitiktill centraimakten i Ankara och intefrestas till en självständig politik i förhâllan<strong>de</strong> 'till kurdbefolka<strong>de</strong> omrA<strong>de</strong>n i grannstatema?Spänningar skulle uppstA i omrA<strong>de</strong>t och sanno-,likt äventyra säkerh<strong>et</strong>en i heIa regionen.: Ingen turkisk politiker, inte ens <strong>de</strong> mest libe-,rala och prokurdiska, har uttalat sig för en fe<strong>de</strong>rationsbildning,även om mAnga anser att idén.bör fAdiskuteras. Till och med förra premiärministemTansu Ciller har sagt att Baskien kan.vara <strong>et</strong>t exempel värt att diskutera för Turki<strong>et</strong>.Men sedan <strong>de</strong> konservativa inom hennes partiupprest sigmot tankenmed argument<strong>et</strong> att ETA,fortsätter med terrorism trots aU baskema fAUbA<strong>de</strong> skolun<strong>de</strong>rvisnmg och TV-sändningar pA.baskiska och längtgAen<strong>de</strong> politiskt självstyre,ochsedan en framstäen<strong>de</strong> affärsman hotats med.Atal för att han aktualiserat <strong>de</strong>n baskiska mo-:<strong>de</strong>llen, förefaller <strong>de</strong>n tills vidare avförd frän <strong>de</strong>n'politiska <strong>de</strong>batten. Den misslycka<strong>de</strong> fe<strong>de</strong>ra-:. tions,,",ildningen pl Cypem har inte främjat,"54

ningarRevue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i-.fe<strong>de</strong>rationstanken,ßb lit<strong>et</strong> som misslyckan<strong>de</strong>ti före <strong>de</strong>ita Iugoslavien.DET TREDJE alternativ<strong>et</strong> är kulturell autonoml.Om territoriell autonomi framstàr som <strong>et</strong>torealistiskt alternativ, ter sig kulturell autonomisom en mer realistisk möjligh<strong>et</strong>. Denna innefatta,rfpunför aUt un<strong>de</strong>rvisning pA kurdiska i smlœ1I&ocb radio- ocb TV-sändningar pA kurdista.ne.sa rllttlgb<strong>et</strong>er skulle tillförsäkra kur<strong>de</strong>rnaen "kurdisk i<strong>de</strong>ntit<strong>et</strong>", <strong>et</strong>t begrepp som tompreSi<strong>de</strong>nt Demirel diskuterat, men med tlUIgg<strong>et</strong>att sAd8na rättigb<strong>et</strong>er först tan övervAgas nllrtefIQrlSmen besegrats .. KWtUrellautonomi tillerkänns redan kur<strong>de</strong>rnanJr <strong>de</strong>t gllller sAnger ocb publikationer pAkunHSka sprâlœt ocb i bög grad ocksA nir <strong>de</strong>tgllller àtt fira <strong>de</strong>t kurdiska nyâr<strong>et</strong>, Newroz, ävenomturkarna nu försöker assimilera Newroz somen uigammaI turkisk tradition. Kurdiska sAngareIr'myck<strong>et</strong> popu1ära i Turti<strong>et</strong> ocb i alla muosikaf$rer i Istanbul kan man köpa kurdiska kass<strong>et</strong>ter:När <strong>de</strong>t gäller radio- ocb TV-sändningarpAkumiska bar tekniken redan triumferat över 'Iagarna: FrAn London sänds dagligen kurdiskaprogram via satellit till TV-mottagare i Turki<strong>et</strong>(tom intervjuer med PKK-ledaren Öca1an) ..Liberala kritiker menar att statsledningen skul- .le vinna pA en mera fIexibel hAllning:Varför tarinte Ankarainitiativ tillradio- ocb TV-sändning-.ar pAkurdiska, sam man själv kan styra i enigb<strong>et</strong>enssyfte? Social<strong>de</strong>mokratiska parti<strong>et</strong> (SHP)förorda<strong>de</strong> vid partikongressen 1993 sâvä1 skalun<strong>de</strong>rvisningsom radio- ocb TV-sändningar pAkurdiska, men i koalition med Demirels ocb fruCillers Rätta vägens parti lycka<strong>de</strong>s social<strong>de</strong>mokratemainte genomföra nâgot av <strong>de</strong>tta. OcksA<strong>de</strong>n nuvaran<strong>de</strong> konservative premillrministemYilmaz bar som oppositionsledare ventlleratdylika lösningar vid framträdan<strong>de</strong> i USA, ocbpAdriven av~ nllringsliv<strong>et</strong>, som villfislutpA<strong>de</strong>t kostbara krig<strong>et</strong> i öster, kammer regeringensannolikt att inom en inte aUtför avlllgsenframtid tillerkänna kur<strong>de</strong>rna en Mg grad avkulturellautonomi.AIT DEFINIERA DEN "kurdiska i<strong>de</strong>ntit<strong>et</strong>en"fOrsvâras av att mânga kur<strong>de</strong>r Ar uppblanda<strong>de</strong>med turkar, armenier, turkmener, greker<strong>et</strong>c. Forskarna talar om "multiple i<strong>de</strong>ntity" ocbmultikultureUa indivi<strong>de</strong>r. Eftersom indivi<strong>de</strong>r avblandat ursprung finns OverbeIa Turti<strong>et</strong> - forskamarllknar med 49 <strong>et</strong>niska grupper - yore <strong>de</strong>tnaturligt att <strong>et</strong>t multikulturellt sambälle utvecklas,där olika <strong>et</strong>niska kulturer fir blomma ochsamexistera. D<strong>et</strong> skulle främja framväxten aven"kurdisk i<strong>de</strong>ntit<strong>et</strong>", menar forskarna.Käman ikurdproblem<strong>et</strong> lir att Turti<strong>et</strong> inte erkänner<strong>et</strong>niska minorit<strong>et</strong>er. Varje turkisk medborgareAr turk oberoen<strong>de</strong> av <strong>et</strong>niskt ursprung.Kur<strong>de</strong>r kaUasdlirför bergsturkar. Turki<strong>et</strong> erkännerendast religiösa minorit<strong>et</strong>er, vars rättigb<strong>et</strong>ergaranteras i Lausannefördrag<strong>et</strong> Ar1923.Eftersom kur<strong>de</strong>rna' Ar muslimer, tan inte <strong>de</strong>ssagarantier âberopas. D<strong>et</strong> segran<strong>de</strong> parti<strong>et</strong> i<strong>de</strong>cemberval<strong>et</strong>1995, islamiska Välfärdsparti<strong>et</strong>(Refab), söker överbrygga klyftan genom att drivatesen att turkar ach kur<strong>de</strong>r Ar förena<strong>de</strong> i eUislamiskt brödraskap. Refab villliksom social<strong>de</strong>mokraternauppbäva undantagstillstAn<strong>de</strong>t iöstprovinserna ocb avskaffa byvaktssystem<strong>et</strong>."Turkarna bar inte <strong>et</strong>t kurdiskt problem utan<strong>et</strong>t turkiskt problem, därtör att turkarna inte villAterge kur<strong>de</strong>rna <strong>de</strong> rättigb<strong>et</strong>er vi tog ifrân <strong>de</strong>mför 70 Arsedan" ,bävdar ledaren för liberala NewDemocracy Movement. affärsmannen Cem kur<strong>de</strong>rnas nomadiska livsstil ocb upp<strong>de</strong>lning iBoyner. Etter Osmanska m<strong>et</strong>s faU 1922rösta- klaner. Redan för över tusen Arsedan lev<strong>de</strong> kur<strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>t nybilda<strong>de</strong> parlament<strong>et</strong> i Ankara med stor diska nomadstammar i <strong>de</strong> omrâ<strong>de</strong>n kur<strong>de</strong>mamajorit<strong>et</strong> för "upprAttan<strong>de</strong>t aven autonom ad- befoikar i dag. KIämda mellan mäktiga grannarministration fOr kurdiska landsmän i Overens- bar kur<strong>de</strong>rnas ftib<strong>et</strong> ofta varit relativ, även omstämme1se med nationella se<strong>de</strong>r". Lagen upp- flytandè gränser i svârtillgängliga bergsomrAblv<strong>de</strong>stvl Arsenare strax efter republikens in- <strong>de</strong>n gynnat <strong>de</strong>ras sjäJvständigb<strong>et</strong>. Ftib<strong>et</strong>en införan<strong>de</strong>och ~U1tidigt förbjöds kurdiskt skrift- skränktes sedan första vlirldskrig<strong>et</strong>ssegrarmaksprâkocb kurdiska skalar. Ett kurdiskt uppror ter dragit upp grlinser sam för<strong>de</strong>la<strong>de</strong> kur<strong>de</strong>rnanedsIogs med fast band av Atatürk, som llit av- mellan Syrien, Irak, Turki<strong>et</strong> ocb Iran. Om kurrätta40 upprorsledare. Rädsla att anklagas för <strong>de</strong>rna dA ba<strong>de</strong> varit eniga, ba<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong>t Kurdistanatt svika AtatOrts principer tycks fortfaran<strong>de</strong> kunnat bildas, trar fiera. Men Atskilda av högalâsa <strong>de</strong>n poUtiska <strong>de</strong>batten. . berg ocb auktoritira feodalherrar har kur<strong>de</strong>rnaaldrig kunnat bilda en enad front.MED VEM SKALL statsledningen diskutera MAnga förordar en bögre grad av lokalt sjlilvkurdproblem<strong>et</strong>?Med ingen, svar!I Ankara,' styre i Turti<strong>et</strong> genom <strong>de</strong>centralisering. Sedaneftersom ing<strong>et</strong> kurdproblem finns. Aven <strong>de</strong> som Atatürks dagar är ~tför myck<strong>et</strong> makt ko~cenmenaratt <strong>et</strong>t kurdproblem finns, bäller mesta- trerad till Ankara, vilk<strong>et</strong> bromsar utvecklmgen<strong>de</strong>ls före att Ankara inte skaU diskutera <strong>de</strong>t med av <strong>de</strong>mokratin, bävdar man ocb tillAgger,att <strong>de</strong>nAgonkurdisk organisation eller förbandlings- centralisering skulle användas som <strong>et</strong>t led i enpart utan inom statsapparaten, dvs i parlamen- process för att ge kur<strong>de</strong>ma större autonomi.t<strong>et</strong>. Men bur skaU <strong>de</strong>t kunna ske nlir kurdiskaparlamentsledamöter frAntas parlamentarisk EFTERSOM INGEN invandrare är registrerad .immunit<strong>et</strong> ocb sätts i fängelse? D<strong>et</strong> bin<strong>de</strong> med som kurd utan som invandrare frân Turti<strong>et</strong>, IrakLeyla Zana ach sex andra DEP-parlamentari- eller Iran, är <strong>de</strong>t svArt att faststliUa antal<strong>et</strong> kurkeri mars 1994, sam anklaga<strong>de</strong>s för att ba bru- <strong>de</strong>r i Västeuropa. AvTysklands tvâ Iniljoner turtitmot lan<strong>de</strong>ts lagar genom aU uppmuntra till kiska invandrare beräknas 450000 vara kur<strong>de</strong>r.separatism, dvs en krllnkning av Thrti<strong>et</strong>s terri- Mot sin vilja indras mottagarstaterna i kurdkontoriellaintegrit<strong>et</strong>. Ing<strong>et</strong> förbju<strong>de</strong>r prokurdiska flikten. vilk<strong>et</strong> gör <strong>de</strong>t angeläg<strong>et</strong> för <strong>de</strong>m attpartier, menAnkarabAnvisartill att kur<strong>de</strong>rfinns söka bidra till en lösning. Men varje framstöttillinom alla politiska partier ocb aU ing<strong>et</strong> särskilt turkiska regeringen tillbakavisas som inblandpartihör upprlittas för att exklusivt driva en frâ- Ding i Thrti<strong>et</strong>s inre angelllgenh<strong>et</strong>er ocb Thrki<strong>et</strong>ga. D<strong>et</strong> kan noteras aU parti<strong>et</strong> Ha<strong>de</strong>p, DEP:s vägrar att <strong>de</strong>lta i intemationella möten som exprokurdiskaefterföljare, fick bara fyra pro cent klusivt diskuterar kurdfrâgan, tex Oslokonfeavnationens röster i <strong>de</strong>cemberval<strong>et</strong> trots böga rensen i september 1995. Vligen gArdirför viaprocentsiffror i nAgra östprovinser. D<strong>et</strong>ta visar mänskliga rättigb<strong>et</strong>sfrâgor, som turkarna tanatt <strong>de</strong>n stora befolkningsan<strong>de</strong>len kur<strong>de</strong>r i väst- ställas till svars för som medlemmar i EuroparaTurti<strong>et</strong> inte vill i<strong>de</strong>ntifiera sig kurdiskt i par- rA<strong>de</strong>t, OSSE, tullunionen med EU <strong>et</strong>c.tipolitiskt hänseen<strong>de</strong>.I <strong>de</strong> förslag som framlliggs i intemationellaMânga frAgarsig varför kurdiska och prokur- fora är eld-upphör aUtid första punkten. Elddiskaparlamentsledamöter inte bättre utnyttjat uppbör, eventuellt un<strong>de</strong>r internationell övervaksinstlillning för att vinna gebör för kurdfrAgan. ning, sammankopplas ofta med rlitten till för-I ställ<strong>et</strong> för att provocera parlament<strong>et</strong> genom att enings- och yttran<strong>de</strong>frib<strong>et</strong> i Turki<strong>et</strong>, inklusivevligra svlira e<strong>de</strong>n ach bälla anföran<strong>de</strong>n pA kur~ för PKK., sAaU en politisk lösning kan frlimjas.diska kun<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> ju sökt vinna kollegomas för- ESK-rapporten i november 1994 rekommen<strong>de</strong>troen<strong>de</strong>genom att inleda en mjuk dialog. För- raratt alla politiska icke-vAldspartierskall fA<strong>de</strong>lklaringentill <strong>de</strong> kurdiska ledamötemas ageran- ta i Turki<strong>et</strong>s politiska liv. Avskaffan<strong>de</strong>t av by<strong>de</strong>uppges vara, att <strong>de</strong> ome<strong>de</strong>lbart ville visa vaktssvstem<strong>et</strong> och bävan<strong>de</strong>t av undantagstillnationenvad <strong>de</strong> stad för, sAaU kurdfrAgan upp- stAndét ingAriförslagen, inklusive kulturell aumärksamma<strong>de</strong>socb sAaU <strong>de</strong>ras väljare fick be- tonomi för kur<strong>de</strong>rna. Flera av <strong>de</strong>ssa förslag barkräftelse pAatt <strong>de</strong> inte svek <strong>de</strong>m. ocksA framförts av Kurdistan Socialist Party,Undantagstillstând inför<strong>de</strong>s 1987 i 10 provin- som tar avstând frAn PKK:s vAldsm<strong>et</strong>o<strong>de</strong>r ocbser (av lan<strong>de</strong>ts 76) ocb fömyas var fjär<strong>de</strong> mAnad bar avstAU frAn att <strong>de</strong>lta i kurdiska exilparia -av parlament<strong>et</strong>. D<strong>et</strong> innebär att godtagna ment<strong>et</strong> med motivering aU <strong>de</strong>t styrs av PKK.mlinskliga rättigb<strong>et</strong>sprinciper kan sättas At Turkar och kur<strong>de</strong>r som <strong>de</strong>ltar i internationelsidan,vilk<strong>et</strong> turkiska mänskliga rättigb<strong>et</strong>sorga- la möten om kurdfrAgan brutar framhâlla, aUnisationer hävdar att statsmakten inte har rätt Turki<strong>et</strong> inte kan anklaga utlan<strong>de</strong>t för inbIandattgöra. "Rätten tillliv är <strong>de</strong>n frlimsta av alla ning i Turki<strong>et</strong>s inre angelägenh<strong>et</strong>er, för am <strong>de</strong>smänskligarättigb<strong>et</strong>sprinciper", frambAller re- sa angelägenh<strong>et</strong>er ba<strong>de</strong> diskuteras fritt iTurki<strong>et</strong>,geringen, "ach <strong>de</strong>nna princip respekteras inte av ba<strong>de</strong> ingen anledning funnits för inblandning.terroristorganisationen PKK." Dirför mAste Forskarna menar, att ti<strong>de</strong>n verm för en lösstatenanvlinda vâld fOr att skydda civilbefolk - ning, kanske inom tvA- tre Ar.Utlan<strong>de</strong>ts pAtryckningensliv. Byvaktssystem<strong>et</strong> innebär att rege- 0 anses viktiga, men kan samtidigt fram".ringenfOrsersärskiltutseddapersoner,oftakur- kalla nationalistiska motreaktioner. Dessa bediskaklanledare, med pengar ocb vapen för att döms dock bli temporära mot bakgrund av <strong>de</strong>nförsvara byn mot PKK.-angrepp. Antal<strong>et</strong> byvak - lAngsiktiga avsikten bas fIertal<strong>et</strong> turm att nArteruppskattastill60000.MângavapenOverllim-. mare integreras med Europa.nas till PKK un<strong>de</strong>r tvâng eller frivilligt. Âtskilligabyvakter med familjer bar fAttsätta liv<strong>et</strong> till. \Premiirminister Yilmaz bar nyligen lovat att se ~ - 7 ~ ~~ ftI ""- - ~ '" _över byvaktssystem<strong>et</strong> ocb rätta till misstag samtatt gradvis blva undantagstillstAn<strong>de</strong>t.KaJ F.lkm.n Ir .mb .... d6r oeh var gene-FORSKARE ~RLEDER kurdproblem<strong>et</strong> till ralkonsul I Istanbul 1tto-tS.55

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iSVENSKA DAGBLADET • Mändagen <strong>de</strong>n 20 maj 199bFörintelse hotar fördrivna kur<strong>de</strong>rEU slar dövörat till medan sjukdomar härjar i flyktinglägren, skriver Elisab<strong>et</strong>h Zila-Olin.P.ä högslätteniai Kufdistan . Ivriga att berätta~atEufrat ocb Tigris rinner upp Efter fyra dagars intensiv och.,~:~tt uräldrigt landskap, blom- päträngan<strong>de</strong> polisövervakning:~ just nu en vackervit iris som fann vi oss plötsligt utan eskort::p'K. kurdiska h<strong>et</strong>er pirpizik. j vär minibuss och tog dä chan-WSlmman kallas nevruz pä tur- 'sen att sticka av frän huvud-~ka, och newroz h<strong>et</strong>er ocksä Jvägenmot <strong>de</strong> förbjudna bergen.:~p stora kurdiska värfesten . Längs en lerig väg tog vi oss~.?,!ninfaller vid värdagjämning- fram mellan <strong>de</strong> gröna fälten där.~I!'Denna högtid har sitt ur- 'värblommoma, smä viol<strong>et</strong>ta ranunkleroch gula miniatyrka-~pnmg i sagan om folk<strong>et</strong>s be- ,litelse frän tyrannen Dehak pä ' moIniller, just stuckit upp ur <strong>de</strong>n6oo-tal<strong>et</strong> fKr och sin starka röda jor<strong>de</strong>n, till en by där mänpolitiskaladdning i parallellite- ,niskoma koin oss till mötes,~nmed<strong>de</strong>nojäInnastri<strong>de</strong>nmell~n<strong>de</strong>n turkiska regimen och berätta. Vita hus med risknip-.först ängsliga, sedan ivriga att'Jtur<strong>de</strong>ma i Turki<strong>et</strong>.' por pä tak<strong>et</strong>, cirkelruIida bak-.ugnar vid knuten, en liten moskéhögst upp pä torg<strong>et</strong> som sak-_ndlgt bevaka<strong>de</strong>Yn<strong>de</strong>r Newrozveckan har jag . na<strong>de</strong> stensättntng och där manfOr PEN:s räkningrestrunti syd- h3lka<strong>de</strong> i leran och äsneskiten ..~stra Turki<strong>et</strong> i sällskap med <strong>et</strong>t Byn rymmer ungefär 500 personeroch har hittills 1indgâttJfussintal andra nordiska obser-:~atörer för att stu<strong>de</strong>ra <strong>de</strong>n rä- förstörelsen.!(Jan<strong>de</strong> politiska verkligh<strong>et</strong>en i..<strong>et</strong>tland som just blivit medlem'av EU:s tullunion.Kelimmattomas tunga ull-~oft i basaremas dunkel, kvin-'~omas blickar un<strong>de</strong>r slöjoma,.gatustän<strong>de</strong>n med honungs-;kringlor, färska mandlar och,sesambröd, färaher<strong>de</strong>n och.hans hjord i bibliska tavlor - ochsamtidigt <strong>de</strong> civilklädda polismännensuttryckslösa blickar.<strong>de</strong>n elektroniska sängen fr~<strong>de</strong>ras walkie-talkies, <strong>de</strong>t ständi- .'ga dallr<strong>et</strong> av fara i luften. lote<strong>et</strong>t steg utan bevakning tog vi,inte <strong>et</strong>t samtal för<strong>de</strong>s utan riskför avlyssning, inte en resa utan•~ontroll av minsta papperslapp1 bagag<strong>et</strong>.Ambassa<strong>de</strong>n i Ankara avrä<strong>de</strong>rsvenskamedborgarefrän aUäka hit, ocb <strong>de</strong>n turkiske superg-:uvemören över regionen, därbelägringstillständ rä<strong>de</strong>r. hind-'rar med alla me<strong>de</strong>l utlän~ing~.frän att besöka <strong>de</strong> byar sont:hundratusentals människor fIyi.i[rän. Och visst är <strong>de</strong>t farlig(.Aven <strong>de</strong>n mest försiktige besökarekan räka ut för PKK hiz~'.bollah, byvakter. Dagen 'eiter' ..'rär '\:lVreS3': niisshandla<strong>de</strong>s . en"tysk <strong>de</strong>legation svärt av islamis-'ter frän Refabparti<strong>et</strong>. För <strong>de</strong>n:turkiska regimen, som vill vida~'re in i EU, är <strong>de</strong>t docK frainförallt utländska besökare som.'upplevs soOl farliga. .Via và'r tolk tala<strong>de</strong> vi med.Remziye, en liyllgâttabamsmQI'och hennes IDslidsystrar.De \;'1-säkta<strong>de</strong> #rf

-'..Gönensay ofTto Washington to discussanns, the Aegean and Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort~ ~~~~~....~I~ ~ ....~ ....~~I~Turkish Daily News - MONDAY, May 20, 1996Turldsh Daily N~sANKARA- Foreign Minister Emre Gönensayflew to Washington Sunday to discuss <strong>de</strong>lays inU.S. arms <strong>de</strong>liveries to Turkey, the future ofOperation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort (OPC) as well as ten.sions b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and Greece.Gonensay said he would be discussing theextension of the mandate of Operation Provi<strong>de</strong>Comfon, a U.S.-dominated multinational forcewhich was s<strong>et</strong> up by the United Nations to pr0-tect northern Iraqi Kurds from attacks by SaddamHussein.Parties represented in the Turkish Parliamenthave voiced their op{>?sitionto the extension ofthe mandate of ProvI<strong>de</strong> Comfort un<strong>de</strong>r the currentconditions and <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d at least moreTurkish control over the force.Parliament is due to vote in late June for a newmandate for the force which is stationed at theIncirlik airbase near the southern provincial capitalof Adana.Gönensay told reporters the government wasworking on a new s<strong>et</strong> of rules for Provi<strong>de</strong>Comfort which are similar to a plan proposed byDemocratic Left Party (DSP) lea<strong>de</strong>r BülentEcevit who wants Turkev to have more swayover the command and' control of Provi<strong>de</strong>Comfort. Ecevit's proposals also inclu<strong>de</strong> the creationof a buffer zone in northern Iraq onTurkey's bor<strong>de</strong>r as well as creatine a new <strong>de</strong>mocraticenvironment in Iraq where ~urds can onceagain enter the Iraqi ParliamentThe DSP, whose support is vital for the minoritygovernment of Mesut Yllmaz, says it isagainst the extension of Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort in itscurrent form and wants substantial changes. '1expect some positive results from mx contacts inWashington on Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfon, , Gonensaysaid.The Turkish foreign minister also said hewould discuss the <strong>de</strong>lay in U.S. arms shipmentsto Turkey. He said the long-awaited shipment ofATACAM missiles would start soon after theU.s. administration signed the <strong>de</strong>livery or<strong>de</strong>r onFriday.He said he expects the United States to clarifythe status of the shipment of three frigates whichit will supply to Turkey. ''Once that is sorted outwe will discuss the purchase of Cobra helicopterswith the U.S.," Gönensay stressed.The United States has said it will send thefrigates to Turkey soon but congressional sourcessay the Greek lobby has been active in blockingthe <strong>de</strong>livery claiming the addition of thesefrigates to the Turkish Navy would ups<strong>et</strong> the balanceof power in the Aegean Sea ID Turkey'sfavor.The sale of the Cobra helicopters has alsofaced tough resistance in Congress because thereare concerns that Turkey' may use the 'copters inagainst Kurdish ciVIlians in southeasternForeign Minister Emre GönensayAnatolia on the pr<strong>et</strong>ext of the fight against terror-ISm.Gönensay said he would brief his Americancounterparts on Turkey's efforts to solve the disputeswith Greece. He also said he would raise!he issue of CasJ>ian oil and its <strong>de</strong>livery to theWest through Turkey. In recent weeks there havebeen suggestions that the United States has beenturning a blind eye to <strong>de</strong>velopments that areaimed at bYfassing Turkey for the <strong>de</strong>livery ofCaspian oi to the West by using Russianpipelines. Gönensay said Turkey and the UnitedStates have agreed to enhance their partnershiprelations and serve regional and global peace. "Iam happy to say the political will to maintainrelations at the very highest level b<strong>et</strong>weenTurkey and the U.S. exists in Washington:' heconclu<strong>de</strong>d.~~"0"'6 ~~I~~.~.~~ ~~~Ib ~~~~~~'"~~I~ ....~a:~ ::to'v\"'-l

.....Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i. . . :.....~ ... . ." .'Ole Kur<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong>s NordIraks warten auf Olexpo~eHoffnungen auf einen wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung _- -Die Gespräche zwis~hen <strong>de</strong>r ~no und <strong>de</strong>m Irak über begren~te irakische ~lexporfé:-)f,er-_<strong>de</strong>n von <strong>de</strong>n Kurq~n 1m Nordrrak aufmerksam verfolgt. KurdIsche Politiker glauben;, Q~r.Export irakischen Ols durch eine von ihnen zum Teil kontr.0llierte Pipelin:e stärke ihre--~llunggegenüber Bagdad. Die kurdischen Bürger hofTen. Olexporte wür<strong>de</strong>n ihrer seit füj:JfJahren iS0lierten Region einen wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung bescheren .. it. Dohuk, Anfang MaiDer Generaldirektor<strong>de</strong>s Zollamts am türkisch-irakischenGrenzübergang,AbdullahAhmed Abdurrahim,läuft stolz durch dievor kurzem renovierten,mit Spannteppichenbelegten Büroräume.Zeitrauben<strong>de</strong> Zollformalitätenwür<strong>de</strong>n<strong>de</strong>n Besuchern <strong>de</strong>s'Nordiraks künftig erspart,sagt er und zeigtauf drei noch nicht ausgepackteComputer. Künftig wer<strong>de</strong> alles erêlÇ~:tronischerledigt, die handgeschriebenen Fonnu~lare gehörten <strong>de</strong>r Vergangenheit an. Die Renova-.tionsarbeiten seie.J? notwendig gewesen; wenn.nämlich einmal Ol durch die Pipeline fliesse,wer<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Grenzverkehr um ein Vielfaches zuneh:men, meint <strong>de</strong>r Generaldirektor.Illegaler GrenzverkehrAbdullah Ahmed Abdurrahim ist einer <strong>de</strong>rmächtigsten Männer <strong>de</strong>r Region. Die von seinem.Amt erhoben€;n ,zölle bil<strong>de</strong>n die wichtigste Ein'~nahmequelle <strong>de</strong>r von <strong>de</strong>n Kur<strong>de</strong>n kontrollierten.Regionen <strong>de</strong>s Nordiraks und stammen hauptsäch::;lich von türkischen Lastwagenfahrern. Rund 1000türkische Lastwagen passieren täglich die türkisch-irakischeGrenze. Von <strong>de</strong>r Türkei bringensie Nahrungsmittel mit, die sie im Irak gegen billigenTreibstoff tauschen. Dieser Grenzverkehr istauf Grund <strong>de</strong>r Uno-Sanktionen gegen <strong>de</strong>n Irakillegal. Er wird aber von allen Seiten gedul<strong>de</strong>t, daer in <strong>de</strong>n l<strong>et</strong>zten Jahren die Versorgung <strong>de</strong>r Kur<strong>de</strong>nmit Nahrungsmitteln sichergestellt und di<strong>et</strong>ürkischen Südostprovinzen vor <strong>de</strong>m wirtschaftlichenNie<strong>de</strong>rgang bewahrt hat.Die Frage, ob ~agdad die Auflagen <strong>de</strong>r Unofür beschränkte Olexporte billigen wer<strong>de</strong>, beschäftigtzurzeit die Kur<strong>de</strong>n im Nordirak. DieUno-Resolution 986 vom April 1995 erlaubt Bagdad..innerhalb von sechs Monat<strong>et</strong>i Ö~ im Wertvon zwei Milliar<strong>de</strong>n Dollar zu verkaufen. VomEdös mü~ Reparationszahlungen an Kuwaitgeleist<strong>et</strong> und Importe für die, darQenge Bevölkerungfinanziert wer<strong>de</strong>n. Rund 300 Millionen 001-'lar, müssen Uno-Hilfsorganisationen für Einsätze'in <strong>de</strong>n kurdischen Regionen zur Verfügung gestelltwer<strong>de</strong>n ..•Die Nahrungsmittelversorgung im.Nordirak ist allerdings nicht mehr problematisch.:Die Landwirtschaft hat siCh sichtlich erholt. Zadi'Pire, ein Funktionär <strong>de</strong>r Patriotischen Union Kurdistans,erklärt, bereits 50 Prozent <strong>de</strong>r bebaubarenFläche wür<strong>de</strong>n kultiviert und Fleisch könne man:im Nordirak billiger erstehen als in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei:o<strong>de</strong>r in Iran. Den für die kurdischen .Regionenvorgesehenen Anteil an <strong>de</strong>n irakischen Öleinnahmenmöchte die kurdische Administrationfür dieLin<strong>de</strong>rung <strong>de</strong>r Medikamentenknappheit und fürdie Verbe~serung <strong>de</strong>r _~nfrastruk1l:'reins<strong>et</strong>zen..RUSSLAND•.•.•.•.•.•GrosnyGEORGIEN •Tbilissi.TÜRKEI Erzurum Eriwa~:).:::Die Gespräche zwischen <strong>de</strong>r irakischen Delegationund <strong>de</strong>r Uno sind bisher ergebnislos ver ..laufen. An <strong>de</strong>r Frage, wie und von wem die Hilfeim kurdischen Nordirak verteilt wer<strong>de</strong>n soll'schei<strong>de</strong>n sich die Geister. Bagdad besteht darauf.dass die kurdischen Gebi<strong>et</strong>e zum irakischen Territoriumgehören und dass <strong>de</strong>shalb die irakischeRegierung die Verteilung <strong>de</strong>r Hilfe' im ganzen.Land kontrollieren muss. Um die Kur<strong>de</strong>n freund- 'licher zu stimmen, hat Bagdad das vor fünf jahrengegen <strong>de</strong>n aufmüpfigen NOr<strong>de</strong>n verhängte;Embargo teilweise aufgehoben. So' wird die Stadt.Dohuk wie<strong>de</strong>r regelmässig mit Elektrizität aus<strong>de</strong>m Sü<strong>de</strong>n versorgt. Es wer<strong>de</strong>n j<strong>et</strong>zt auch wie<strong>de</strong>rSchulbücher in <strong>de</strong>n Nor<strong>de</strong>n gesandt. 'Pipeline am Län<strong>de</strong>rdreieckDie Bemühungen Bagdads sind vorerst ohneWi<strong>de</strong>rhall geblieben. Die kurdische Verwaltungbesteht darauf, dass Bagdad erst dann Öl expor- .tieren darf, wenn es sich genau an <strong>de</strong>n Wortlaut<strong>de</strong>r Resolution 986 hält. Diese Resolution sei <strong>de</strong>shalbwichtig, weil sie die Kur<strong>de</strong>n als separate Einheitbehandle, erläutert Zadi Pire. Die Kur<strong>de</strong>n be- .fürcht<strong>et</strong>en, das irakische Regime könnte die Nahrungsmittelvergiften, wenn es die alleinige Kontrolleüber die Verteilung <strong>de</strong>r Hilfe erhalte.Gemäss Resolution 986 muss ein grosser Teil<strong>de</strong>s exportierten irakischen Öls durch die irakisch-.türkische Pipeline fliessen. Es han<strong>de</strong>lt sich urneine doppelte, 986 Kilom<strong>et</strong>er lange Pipeline, die\von Amerikanern und Italienern in <strong>de</strong>n siebziger.und achtziger Jahren gebaut wur<strong>de</strong> und eineKapazität von 1,2 MillAonen Fass pro Tag hat. Sie,verbin<strong>de</strong>t die reiChen Olfel<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>s irakischen Kir.kuk mit <strong>de</strong>r türkischen Mittelmeerküste. Noch in.<strong>de</strong>nachtziger Jahren hatte das irakische Regime'geglaubt, die Pipeline gebe ihm ein Mittel zur Eroberung<strong>de</strong>r europäischen Märkte in die Hand.Nun macht sie es zur Geisel. Ein rund zehn Kilo-.m<strong>et</strong>er langer Teil <strong>de</strong>r Pipeline verläuft nämlichdurch das von <strong>de</strong>n Kur<strong>de</strong>n kontrollierte Gebi<strong>et</strong>:Sie könnten <strong>de</strong>n Hahn je<strong>de</strong>rzeit zudrehen.Die Pipeline erreicht das kurdische Gebi<strong>et</strong> bei.<strong>de</strong>r Ortschaft Bagditmeri. Der Fluss Habur bil<strong>de</strong>thier eine natürliche Grenze zwischen <strong>de</strong>r Türkei,Syrien und <strong>de</strong>m Irak (beziehungsweise <strong>de</strong>m kur-.•.•..40 .... ", .J...,:RMËNI~~.-\~.Ä~EIt'EI Baku•.•~:fSC.~~N •Ceyhan. : Midiyat(l{Q;~~;;~;' \: ; ,. . . ZYPERN .,' , ,: -.. • ,•..; I) •.., .. 0S'-'l'./ .> Mos~1\. IRANMITTELMEER~ .' ". SYRIEN~' \_o km" 4

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>idischen Nordirak). Hinfer <strong>de</strong>n Hügeln stehen sichdie Soldaten dieser Nachbarn gegenüber. Vorzwei Monaten konnte <strong>de</strong>r irakische Energieminister;Amir Mohammed Rascheed, erstmals seitlangem wie<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>n kurdischen Abschnitt <strong>de</strong>r'Pipeline besichtigen. Rascheed reiste weiter zu.einem otliziellen Besuch nach Ankara. Dass er(lurchs Kur<strong>de</strong>ngebi<strong>et</strong> reisen durfte, fiihrt die kurdischeFührung auf eine Anfrage Ankaras zurück.Das Interesse AnkarasAnkara bemüht sich idton s~ längerem dar-",m, die Pipeline wie<strong>de</strong>r in B<strong>et</strong>neb zu nehmen.Pie Tüçjei hat seit .e~ iillfkrieg ElIr1ahmenaqsiällein <strong>de</strong>r Höhe von rund 20 Milliar<strong>de</strong>n Dollarbinnehmen müssen. Darüber hinaus suchen die.inomentan populärsten türkischen Politiker, <strong>de</strong>r,pationalistische Ecevit und <strong>de</strong>r Islamist Erbakan,tlUS i<strong>de</strong>ologischen Grün<strong>de</strong>n und aus Furcht vor~en Kur<strong>de</strong>n die Annäherung an Bagdad.Der irakische Energieminister brachte bei seiflj:rDurchreise ein Technikerteam mit, das Repa-.raturarbeiten bei <strong>de</strong>r Pumpstation «Nergesia»ausfiihrte. Diese Station war während <strong>de</strong>s Golf-,ktiegs von <strong>de</strong>n Amerikanern bombardiert wor<strong>de</strong>n.lftwas weiter nördlich hatte die KurdischeArbeiterpartei einen Teil <strong>de</strong>r Pipeline gesprengt.Oie ReparaturaJbeiten ,se~n. mit.t1~~e~~Q.eeRdatsagt <strong>de</strong>r Chef <strong>de</strong>s irakischen Teams. Nun hoffe er,bald die Pipeline in B<strong>et</strong>rieb nehmen zu können.In Erwartung eines Aurschwun~Der Markt von Dohuk wirkt erstaunlich lebentiigund hat im Vergleich zu <strong>de</strong>n l<strong>et</strong>zten Jahren ein,teiches Angebot an Waren. Fri6ches Gemüse liegtfarbig abgestimmt auf grossen Gestellen. Es gibtCin grosses Angebot an'Haushaltgeräten, die ent-.,e<strong>de</strong>r aus <strong>de</strong>r Türkei o<strong>de</strong>r aus Iran stammen. Zun<strong>de</strong>n sind auch chinesische Fernsehantennen,~ , rnsehgeräte aus Korea und Nähmaschinen ausfier ehemaligen Sowj<strong>et</strong>union.Wegen <strong>de</strong>r Uno-Sanktionen wür<strong>de</strong>n seineWaren auf illegalem Weg aus <strong>de</strong>r Türkei, Irano<strong>de</strong>r Syrien importiert, sagt ein Händler. Seit<strong>de</strong>m~e Gespräche in New York über die beschränkiènÖlexporte begonnen hätten, sei die Nachfragé<strong>de</strong>utlich zurückgegangen. Händler und Konsu-~enten wart<strong>et</strong>en auf eine Entscheidung, <strong>de</strong>nnJe<strong>de</strong> Nachricht aus New York verursache grosseWährungsschwankungen beim irakischen Dinar'¥egenüber <strong>de</strong>m Dollar. Die Händler von Dohuk'hQtTen, dass Bagdad die Resolution 986 akzep.~e.it und dass die Ölexporte ihr isoliertes Gebi<strong>et</strong>endlich aus <strong>de</strong>r wirtschaftlichen Sackgasse heraus:führen.A.F.P. - IgellCe FrallCePresse-A.F.P. - AgellCeFrollCePresse-A.F.P. - l,lICe Fraie Presse-A.F.P. - Agence France Presse-A.F.P. - Agence France Presse A.F.P. 1ge1Ke Fraie PresseA.F~P.A.F.P.FRS0825 4 IF 0228 ONU /AFP-IL23ONU-Irak-pétroleL'accord ONU-Irak: un <strong>de</strong>mi dollar par jour pour chaque Irakien ...NEW YORK (Nations Unies), 20 mai (AFP) - L'accord entre l'Irak <strong>et</strong> ONUsur la formule "pétrole contre nourriture" ne :r:eprésente, au mieux, pourchaque Irakiencinquante) parque la modique somme d'un <strong>de</strong>mi dollar (<strong>de</strong>ux francsjour, a indiqué lundi un responsable <strong>de</strong> l'ONU.Selon l'accord, l'Irak est autorisé à exporter, chaque trimestre, dupétrole pour un milliard <strong>de</strong> dollars afin d'ach<strong>et</strong>er <strong>de</strong> la nourriture <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>smédicaments à sa population exsangue après cinq ans <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>mi d'embargo.Mais, sur c<strong>et</strong>te somme, 300 millions sont <strong>de</strong>stinés à une commission <strong>de</strong>compensation <strong>de</strong>s Nations Uniesdu Koweit par l'Irak en, 1990.chargée <strong>de</strong>s dédommagements après l',invasionEnviron 130 à 150 millions <strong>de</strong> dollars <strong>de</strong>s 700 millions restants sont<strong>de</strong>stinés auxutilisé pourKur<strong>de</strong>sréglerdu nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak. Le reste (environles salaires <strong>de</strong> divers fonctionnaires550<strong>de</strong>millions)l'ONUest~appartenantl'Irak <strong>de</strong>sà la commissionrésolutions <strong>de</strong>sspéciale chargéeNations Unies sur<strong>de</strong> vérifier le respectson désarmement.parAinsi, selon les calculs <strong>de</strong> l'ONU, les trois millions <strong>de</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>s au nord<strong>de</strong> l'Irak, vont recevoir l'équivalent d'un <strong>de</strong>mi dollar par jour <strong>et</strong> parpersonne tandisl'Irak recevrontque32chacuncents.<strong>de</strong> quelque 17 millions qui habitent le reste <strong>de</strong>ap/dkb/aje~FP /AA1234/201954 MAI 9659

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Daily News - Wednesday, May 22,1996Aktan tells ShattuckTIHV treatment centers don'texistCongressmen claim turkey is'obliged' to provi<strong>de</strong> such centersBy Ugur Akme.Turkish Daily NewsWASHINGTON- While Foreign MinisterEmre Gönensay was busy discussing a wi<strong>de</strong>spectrum of bilateral and multilateral issueswith his U.S. counterparts, AmbassadorGündüz Aktan, <strong>de</strong>puty un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary at theTurkish Foreign Mimstry, had an hour-andthreequarter-Iongme<strong>et</strong>ing with John Shattuck,U.S. assistant secr<strong>et</strong>ary of state for human.rights, <strong>de</strong>mocracy and labor - verifying earlierspeculation that the United States wouldbring up the human rights issues duringGönensay's visit. While Shattuck did not askanything from the Turkish <strong>de</strong>legation, he listenedWith interest' to Aktan's presentation, aTDN source said.Concerning the recent negative publicity th<strong>et</strong>reatment centers of the Turkish Human RightsFoundation (TIHV) received in the U.S.Congress, Aktan said there was a lot of "misinfonnation"going around in Washington on theissue. The centers simply did not exist, he said."There is a lot of disinformation in theUnited States concerning the Turkish HumanRights Foundation. They claim that Turkey hasshut down the foundation's rehabilitation centers[for torture victims] or that Turkey appliespressure on such centers. We explained toShattuck that the TIHV does not have any suchrehabilitation centers," Aktan said. ."The cases that went to the court have beenturned down by the judges because there are nosuch centers physically. The thing they call a'center' is the local branch of the foundationitself. That's what they call a 'center.' Theauditors of the Ministry of Health cannot find aclinic when they visit these 'centers.' There areno personnel in such 'rehabilitation centers.' .Allthey have is a list of doctors that they referpeople to," Aktan continued."They again insist that we are interposingourselves in b<strong>et</strong>ween doctors and their patients.There is no such thing. But if there IS reallytorture in Turkey, and the TIHV is working toeliminate that, then when somebody applies tothe foundation saying that he has been tortured,then naturally the foundation has to g<strong>et</strong> intouch with the [state] prosecutor, saying: 'Herewe have somebody who says he has been tortured.'They are obligated to report torture tothe prosecutor, like anywhere else in the world.Again, as elsewhere in the world, an entity thatoperates as a clinic has to g<strong>et</strong> pennission and alicense from the Ministry of Health. It has tooperateun<strong>de</strong>r the supervision of the Ministryof Health. We are not even sure if the personwho claims to be a 'doçtor' in these 'centers'knows what he is doing or not. You don'tknow that either," he said."There is som<strong>et</strong>hing else: All such centersaround the world treat victims of human rightsviolations from other countries, not their owncitizens. The reason is, it is against the law todo so," Aktan ad<strong>de</strong>d.He also said he had discussed with Shattuckthe inconsistencies they had observed in theState Department's reports concerning theKurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). For example,reports said there were "anned clashes" withthe PKK. If Turkey is in a "war" with thePKK, as the State Department claimed, thenTurkey could Ilot be asked to release thosearrested within a month, since no.human rightslaw would apply to a war situation. TheTurkish &overnment does not accept that thereis a "war' with the PKK."Again, if he uses the human rights law as aframework, then one has to critIcize PKK'sactions as much as one criticizes Turkey'sbehavior," Aktan said. "It has to give <strong>de</strong>tails ofhow the PKK operates. The PKK fights wit"civilians. That's totally illegal. On the onehand the U.S. State Department sars that thePKK emfloys '~art-time guerrillas [Patternsof G10ba Terronsm, 1995, p. 52], then it doesnot say anything to con<strong>de</strong>mn the practice. It isagainst the law to conduct a 'war' with 'parttimeguerrillas. '""Then one must choose which legal frameworkone should employ in writing thesereports. If you employ both legal systems, as isdone now by'the U.S. State Department, then itis tantamount to supporting the PKK. It lookslike choosing those aspects of both juris~ru<strong>de</strong>ncesystems that support the PKK," he saId."In these reports it is also alleged that theSuper Cobra helicopters are used against civilians.I told Mr. Shattuck that that has neverbeen the case," he conçlu<strong>de</strong>d.Congress to GönensayFour members of the U.S. Congress, on theother hand, circulated a l<strong>et</strong>ter among their colleagueson May 17. The l<strong>et</strong>ter, addressed toGönensay, protests the treatment of TIHVrehabilitation centers - whichgovernment says don't even exist.the TurkishAfter noting that according to the Turkishgovernment such centers are not legal, the fourcongressmen said: "Un<strong>de</strong>r both the Europeanand the United Nations conventions againsttorture, states are obliged to ~rovi<strong>de</strong> treatmentservices for victims of torture. " ,,~Reps. Frank Wolf (Republican, Virginia);Christopher Smith (Republican, New Jersey);John Edward Porter (Republican, Illinois); andSteny Hoyer (Democrat, Maryland) called ontheir colleagues to co-sponsor the l<strong>et</strong>ter toGönensay and oppose the practice of torture inTurkey."Because Turker is an American ally and alarge recipient 0 foreign assistance, theseactIons should not be allowed to occur withoutstrong con<strong>de</strong>mnation by the United States," thefour congressmen said.19 NGOs to GönensayAnother l<strong>et</strong>ter on the topic of torture inTurkey, dated May 20, 1996, was sent toGönensay and was signed by 19 human rightsNGOs ranging from Amnesty International toAmigos <strong>de</strong> los Sobrevivientes, Inc. Mentioningthe continuing case of two workers related tothe Adana branch of the TIHV, who arecharged with "operating an unlicensed healthcenter" and "negligence in <strong>de</strong>nouncing acrime," the NGOs told Gönensay: "We areshocked by such charges against members of a.well-established, <strong>de</strong>eply-respected humanrights organization, who carry out humanitarianand <strong>et</strong>hical work in accordance with internationallyrecognized standards of internationallaw and medical <strong>et</strong>hics." .The NGOs urged Gönensay to have allcharges against the TlHV dropped. "We askyou, in the spirit of the highest principles ofmedical <strong>et</strong>hics and fundamentallaw, to ensur<strong>et</strong>hat all requests for the foundation's medicalfiles and confi<strong>de</strong>ntial patient information berescin<strong>de</strong>d immediately.'A copy of the l<strong>et</strong>ter was also sent to PrimeMinister Mesut Ylimaz.60

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iIraqi-UN cru<strong>de</strong> oil<strong>de</strong>al may lead to newopenings for TurkeyIt is no secr<strong>et</strong> that the United Nations'sanctions imposed on Iraq after the GulfWar have had a disastrous affect onTurkey which has emerged as one of then<strong>et</strong> losers in this or<strong>de</strong>al. So the <strong>de</strong>al b<strong>et</strong>weenIraq and the U.N. which allows the Baghdadadministration to sell some of its oil and spendthis on purchases of food and medicine is quitewelcome in Turkey. U.N. Security CouncilResolution 980 says most of the Iraqi cru<strong>de</strong>will be shipped through the Iraqi-Turkishpipeline, which means transit fees for Turkeyto the tune of around $120 million for sixmonths. Besi<strong>de</strong>s this Turkey will be able toextract 3.8 million barrels of oil which it. haspaid for and which are currently in thepipeline.But that is not all. It is clear that theIraqis will also purchase their food and medicinesfrom Turkey, which will bring furtherrevenues to the tune of about $500 million. Wehave heard that the Syrians are also trying tocourt Saddam Hussein and thus sell some oftheir own foodstuffs to Iraq, bypassingTurkey ...There are alsorumors that theIraqi-Syrian pipelinewhich has remained editorialdormant for ages willbe operational againand the Iraqis willship their oil throughthis route instead ofthrough Turkey. Oftourse all this iswishful thinking.Syria is playing adouble game. It isspreading rumorsthat Saddam andHafez al-Assad aremaking amends. By llnurThis seems to be amessage from ÇevikDam!lscus toTurkish Daily NewsWednesday, May 22, 1996Washington that "ifyou push us too far, we will go and befriendIraq which is your arch enemy ..."The U.N. resolution specifies clearly where.and how the Iraqi cru<strong>de</strong> will be shipped. Thebulk will be exported through Turkey and therest through Iraq's ports in the Gulf.Turkey has played silent diplomacy in arather successful manner over the past year. Ithas tried to coax the Iraqis into accepting theU.N. resolution for the partial sale of oil whileit has also been telling the Americans to bemore un<strong>de</strong>rstanding toward Baghdad.However, now Turkey has to show its realdiplomatic ..talentlt.lt is's fact that Turkey'srelàtions with the Iraqi Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rs' are'far from satisfactory. Turkey has to use itsdiplomatic skills to win back the trust of theIraqi lea<strong>de</strong>rs like Jalal Talabani and MassoudBarzani. If the current government crisis preventsus from doing this then the presi<strong>de</strong>ntshould intervene. Because there is always alimit to what the Turkish Foreign Ministrycan do in the absence of real political power inAnkara ...lf we fail to do this the oil <strong>de</strong>al may backfire.If Iraq has been suffering from sanctionsthe Iraqi Kurds have been suffering evenmore. The <strong>de</strong>al allows the Kurds benefitstotalling about $200-300 million in the form offood and medicine. Thus the Kurds may nowfeel much more secure in their safe haven. Thefact that the U.N. agencies will be <strong>de</strong>livering,~~this aid weakens Baghdad's grip on northernIraq. Thus if Turkey <strong>de</strong>serts the Iraqi Kurdsthey may well start acting more in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntlyand once again the dream of a Kurdish in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntstate may push them to make mistakes...Besi<strong>de</strong>s all this, Turkey's separatist PKK, group, which has bases in northern Iraq, mayask for a cut of the aid from the Iraqi Kurds ...All this <strong>de</strong>pends on how Turkey can projectits policies on northern Iraq ...61

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iSyrien hotar Turki<strong>et</strong>"Israel har infiltrerat <strong>de</strong>n turkiska statsapparaten"AvNATHANSHACHARJERUSALEM.De statskontrollera<strong>de</strong>syriska nyh<strong>et</strong>smediernafortsatte pâ tisdagen sinahäftiga attacker mot <strong>de</strong>tstrategiska samarb<strong>et</strong><strong>et</strong>mellan Turki<strong>et</strong> och Israel.Den syriska radian inled<strong>de</strong>pA mândagen <strong>et</strong>t formligtbombar<strong>de</strong>mang av hotelserach beskyllningar mot Turkiel.Den yttre orsaken var<strong>de</strong>n turkiske flottchefens besökvid <strong>de</strong>n israeliska flottanshuvudbas i Haifa. PAtisdagenfick <strong>de</strong>n turkiska regeringensl(äppan full ocksA av partiorgan<strong>et</strong>Ba'ath ach regeringsorgan<strong>et</strong>Thawra, som blandannat hävda<strong>de</strong> att Israelsspionorganisation Massad"infiltrerat <strong>de</strong>n turkiskastatsapparaten" .Innehâll<strong>et</strong> i Israels avtalmed Turki<strong>et</strong> är inte närmarekänt, men i takt med att alltfler <strong>de</strong>taljer sipprar ut ökarSyriens ara för att bli föremAlför en diplomatisk kniptângsmanöver.Damaskus, ach stara<strong>de</strong>lar av arabvärl<strong>de</strong>n, reagera<strong>de</strong>med chock i april, dAen fôrsvarstalesman i Ankaramed<strong>de</strong>la<strong>de</strong> att Turki<strong>et</strong> givit<strong>de</strong>t israeliska flygvapn<strong>et</strong>landnings- ach träningsrättigh<strong>et</strong>er.Israelach Turki<strong>et</strong>har regionens bägge starkasteflygvapen, ach <strong>de</strong>t är fôrstAeligtatt <strong>et</strong>t närgAng<strong>et</strong> samarb<strong>et</strong>emellan <strong>de</strong>ssa Syriensbägge grannlän<strong>de</strong>r väckerstart obehag i Damaskus, därflygvapn<strong>et</strong>s mo<strong>de</strong>rniseringsprogramgenom Sovj<strong>et</strong>unionenskollaps hamnat flera ârefter schemat.FörsvarspaktHar Israelach Turki<strong>et</strong> endastkommit överens am en seri<strong>et</strong>jänster ach gentjänster - un<strong>de</strong>rrättelsesamarb<strong>et</strong>e,mo<strong>de</strong>rniseringav turkiska stridsflygplani Israel, med mera -eller är <strong>de</strong>t en regelrätt försvarspaktsom hAIler pAatt taform? Är <strong>de</strong>t pA<strong>de</strong>t vis<strong>et</strong> stAr<strong>de</strong>t klart att <strong>de</strong> strategiskastyrkeförhâllan<strong>de</strong>na i omrA<strong>de</strong>tstuvats om or<strong>de</strong>ntligt.Ett IAngtgAen<strong>de</strong> turkisk-israelisktmilitärsamarb<strong>et</strong>emaste oroa inte bara Syrien,Egypten ach Irak, utan blirocksa en kontroversieIlstridsfrAga inom Turki<strong>et</strong>, där<strong>de</strong>n islamiska rörelsen segla<strong>de</strong>upp som största parti vid<strong>de</strong>t senaste parlamentsvalen.Sâ sent som i söndags grepsen pistolman bara nâgra m<strong>et</strong>erinpA presi<strong>de</strong>nt SüleymanDemirel. Un<strong>de</strong>r fÖrhören uppgaymannen att han avs<strong>et</strong>t attmörda DemireJ för samar b<strong>et</strong><strong>et</strong>med Israels skull.Samtal med IrakLigger <strong>de</strong>t nAgot i <strong>de</strong> senasteveckornas envisa rykten om<strong>et</strong>t sammanträffan<strong>de</strong> mellan<strong>de</strong> mAngâriga fien<strong>de</strong>rna SaddamHussein av Irak ach HafezAssad av Syrien sA tor<strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>tta ha att göra med <strong>de</strong>nnautveckling. I utsikt aven allttätare strategisk samverkan::mellan Israelach Turki<strong>et</strong> hat.Assad inte längre l'Admed <strong>et</strong>tspänt ach misstänksamt förhâllan<strong>de</strong>till grannen i öster, i .synnerh<strong>et</strong> som ocksâ Syriensgranne i sö<strong>de</strong>r, Jordanien, pasenare al' inl<strong>et</strong>t olika formerav samarb<strong>et</strong>e med Israel.Saddam Hussein är ju självirriterad ach kränkt över <strong>de</strong>frih<strong>et</strong>er Turki<strong>et</strong> tar sig i dpt<strong>de</strong>militarisera<strong>de</strong> irakiskaK-'Kurdistan, sam inva<strong>de</strong>rats avturkiska styrkor flera gâng~rpâ sènare âr.Relationerna mellan Turki<strong>et</strong>ach Syrienhar varit ansträngdai flera al'. De turkiskadammbyggena vid fla<strong>de</strong>n'Eufrats övre lopp har rättSyrien att oroa sig för sinvattenförsörjning. Samtidigtanser Turki<strong>et</strong> att Syrien be'.kostar ach tränar <strong>de</strong>n kurdis~ka PKK-rörelsens kämpar,nâgot sam Damaskus förne.kat. 062Syria warnsTurkey on tieswith IsraelDamascus says it reserves right.to take necessary measures "tocounter Turkish-Israeli alliance". ReutersDAl\ilASCUS- Syria on Tuesday blasted.Turkey for boosting its military ties withIsrael and said such a step would provok<strong>et</strong>he Turkish Muslim people and dragAnkara into conflicts. Syrian informationofficials also accused Turkish PrimeMinister Mesut Yllmaz of adopting hostilepolicies against neighbourin~ Syria andsaid Damascus r<strong>et</strong>ained the nght to confrontany military alliance that threatenedits security. "The Turkish-Is'raeli military<strong>de</strong>al is in fact an uncordial action by theTurkish government towards Arabs,"Mohammed Khair al-Wadi, director-generalof the government dailY.Tishr~en, said.Turkish Daily News - Wednesday, May 22,1996The <strong>de</strong>al "puts Turkey in confrontationwith the whole Arab nation and createsmore problems for it with Arab states",Wadi ad<strong>de</strong>d in a front-page commentary:"The government of YIlmaz has escalatedits hostile language against Syria and Arabsand increased the uncordial statementswhich escalate tension and push ties tomore <strong>de</strong>terioration.". Wadi' s remarks carne a day after thehead of Turkey's navy began a visit to. Israel to further boost military ties afterboth states signed a military cooperation<strong>de</strong>al in February. Turkish Presi<strong>de</strong>ntSüleyman Demirel escaped an assassinationattempt on Saturday by a lone gunmanwho said he was protesting the military agree-.ment, whose artIcles were kept secr<strong>et</strong>. Thewould-be assassin was overpowered byDemirel's bodyguards. First word of Turkey's'February milItary <strong>de</strong>al with Israel, whichleakedtouchedto Turkish newspapers last month,off sharp criticism from Muslim states,charging Ankara with a b<strong>et</strong>rayal of solidarity.against the Jewish state."The Turkish authorities have brought theZionist.monster, whose te<strong>et</strong>h and nails arestained with the blood of the innocent ~ople in. Lebanon and Palestine into the Turkish soci<strong>et</strong>y,"Wadi said."Such a step constitutes a clear provocationof the feelingsTurkey ...It dragsof theTurkeyIslamic people ofinto confficts that ithas nothing to do with," he ad<strong>de</strong>d.The Anatolian News Agency said NavyAdmiral Güven Erkaya arrived in Israel onMonday to visit a naval base at Haifa and amunition production centre as guest of hisIsraeli counlerpart, Major-General Alex Tal.. The media said Turkey and Israel wouldhold joint naval exercises but there was no officialcontirmation of the report. Another officialdaily, ai-Baath, said Damascus would notallow its territory to be used to attack Turkeybut at the same time would not remain idl<strong>et</strong>owards any alliance that endangers its security,"Syria, which repeatedly affirmed its rejectionof the launching of any aggressive actionagainst Turkey from its lands, reiterates commitmentto its legitimate right to confront anymilitary alliance that threatens its security," It.said. But the same officials said Damascus waskeen to have good ties with Turkey and urgedAnkara to reconsi<strong>de</strong>r its policies and to opendialogue with Syria to solve all problems..'. Re.lations are. tense over ~ater-sharing and.Turkish accusatIOns that Syna backs separatistKurds in southeast Turkey .Syria'<strong>de</strong>nies it supports the KurdistanWorkers Party (PKK), fighting for Kurdishhomeland in southeast Turkey and says Ankara~ants to use the issue to <strong>de</strong>prive Damascus ofits share of the River Euphrates waters.Wadi said Syria would not give u~ its rightto a fair share of the Euphrates, which flowsfrom Turkey to Syria and Iraq.---------------------.-- .----.--. ----------------------

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Reactions Turkish Daily News - Wednesday, May 22, 1996Oil accord is welcomed in Ankara<strong>de</strong>spite 'Kurdish state' concern-.Technicians happy over prospect ofearning revenues while politicians worrythat accord may be prelu<strong>de</strong> to s<strong>et</strong>ting upan in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt Kurdish entity in N. IraqTIIT1cishDaily NewsANKARA- Reactions in Ankara to the news of the oil accordb<strong>et</strong>ween Iraq and the U.N. ranged from pleasure at the prospect ofbaving the dormant Kirkuk-Yumurtahk pipeline running again toconcern that the provisions of the accord relating to northern Iraqrepresented a prelu<strong>de</strong> to the establishment of a Kurdish state in theregIon.Among the first to react to the news were Mustafa Murathan, thegeneral director of the Turkish Oil Pipeline Company (BOTA~),and Utur Dogan, the un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary at the Ministry for Energy andNaturàl Resources, both of whom were contacted by the Anatolianews agency immediately after the news broke. Murathan said thatthis <strong>de</strong>velo'pment would <strong>de</strong>finitely affect Turkey positively, addingthat the pipeline running b<strong>et</strong>ween Kirkuk in northern Iraq andYumurtahk on Turkey' s Mediterranean coast would be reopenedafter five years, and this would mean the earning of valuable revenue.Poin~ng out that there was no problem as far as the Turkish endof the Kirkuk-Yumurtahk pipeliIie was concerned, Murathan saidthat as far as the Iraqi end was concerned there was some minordamage at a pumping station near the bor<strong>de</strong>r.He ad<strong>de</strong>d however that this would not affect the transportation ofoil through this pipeline.Ugur Dogan, the un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary at the Ministry for Energy andNatural Resources, characterized this <strong>de</strong>velopment as "very posi.tive" and "very pleasina."He pointed out that 8espite hopes waning from time to time, thiswas actually the result that had tleen expected in the end. "We hadan impression that this agreement would be signed in September orOctober. But this is a true newsflash. It is a very positive agI:eementand we are very pleased," Dogan said. Asked by the Turkish DailyNews to comment on the Iraqi-U.N. accord, the former head ofBOTA~, Hayr<strong>et</strong>tin Uzun, maintained that the accord would put thesubject of a "Kurdish state" in northern Iraq back on the agenda.Uzun, who is currently a <strong>de</strong>puty from Kocaeli for the MotherlandParty (ANAP), cautioned against the establishment of such"statel<strong>et</strong>s" in northern Iraq."Turkey must be aware that the establishment of a Kurdishstatel<strong>et</strong>, regardless of what they call it, is in the making," Uzunargued.He also conjectured that the accord-b<strong>et</strong>ween Iraq and the U.N.would increase the cooperation of the northern Iraqi Patriotic Unionof Kurdistan (PUK), led by lalal Talabani, anii the KurdistanWorkers' Party (PKK), which is waging a separatist war in theSoutheast of Turkey and which has bases ln northern Iraq. "Despiteall this, though, I find the U.N. <strong>de</strong>cision to be a positive <strong>de</strong>velopment.But it also means that Turkey has to be ready for new <strong>de</strong>velopments."Touching on the positive si<strong>de</strong> of this <strong>de</strong>velopment, Uzun ad<strong>de</strong>dthat the Turkish si<strong>de</strong> of the Kirkuk -Yumurtalik pi~line had beenma<strong>de</strong> operational in 1994, and continned Murathan s comments bysaying that Turkey was ready to transport the oil that would comeas a result of the Iraqi-U.N. accord.Pointin¥. out that the bi~gest advantage of this accord for Turkeywould be 'psychological,' Uzun said:"Even the partial operation of the pipeline will bring positiveadvantages With it. For one thing, these positive effects will be feltby people in the region. Turkey sI?Cnt$2.5 billion on this pipeline.Willi the pipeline operational a~am, this investment will not havegone to waste. Because if the oil in pipelines is not transported itbecomes heavy and dama~es the pipeline through corrosion. Theflow of oil prevents this. ' Uzun said that the pipeline had thecapacity to carry 70 million tons of oil per annum, and that sinc<strong>et</strong>he U.N. embargo was impl?sed on Iraq five years ago Turkey hadsuffered losses to the tune of $200 million a year in transit fees.He emphasized that the cooperation of the northern Iraqi Kurdswould be necessary for the transportation of this oil, adding thatthis assistance would be most felt in providing for the secunty ofthe p'ipeline and the distribution of aid to be secured from the saleof oil. .Uzun pointed out that the bulk of the aid would be purchased inTurkey, which would mean extra revenues being earned throughthis channel also. .Contacted by the Turkish Daily News, the <strong>de</strong>puty chairman ofthe main opposition Welfare Party, Abdullah Gül, said that theembaiao imposed against Iraq had to be lifted in full. He ad<strong>de</strong>dnevenheless that the permission given to Iraq for limited oil saleswas a step in this direction.Gül s!lld ~at the !Doney earned. from the oil sho~ld be used bythe iraqi regime as It saw fit, addmg that the U.N. lnsistence thatthis be used for humanitarian reasons meant that there could beulterior motives in the overall arrangement.He said than many nongovernmental organizations came with theostensible aim of engaging in humanitarian activities but were laterfound to be operating ln line with the interests of the country fromwhich they onginated.Repeating the concern voiced by Hayr<strong>et</strong>tin Uzun, Gül pointed tothe existence of a danger concerning the establishment of a Kurdishstate un<strong>de</strong>r the guise of humanitarian aid.He said the Turkish government should take the initiative withrespect to <strong>de</strong>velopments in northern Iraq. Recalling that Turkey hadshoul<strong>de</strong>red the 6ur<strong>de</strong>n of aid to hundreds of thousands of Iraqirefugees after the Gulf War, Gül said that this qualified Turkey tocoordinate U.N. aid to northern Iraq.Asked by the Turkish Daily News to comment on the Iraq-U.N.oil accord, Republican People's Party (CHP) <strong>de</strong>puo/ Ali Oinçersai~ ~at the reopening of the KirkulC-Yumurta.hf pipeline was apos!Uve <strong>de</strong>velopment.He said the Iraqi Kurds, Iraq itself and Turkey would all comeout of this with advantages.Taking a different line to Uzun and Gül, Dinçer said humanitarianaid would help northern Iraq's re-integration with Iraq proper,and thus the preservation of Iraq s territorial integrity.63

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i• VISITE DU COMITÉEUROPÉEN PO,URlAPR~VENTIONDE lA TORTUREUne mission <strong>de</strong> 5 membres <strong>de</strong>èèt organisme du Conseil <strong>de</strong> l'Europechar:gé<strong>de</strong> faire respecter la Convention• lA FONDATION TURQUE DESDROITS DE l'HOMMEPOURSUIVIE PAR lES COURSDE SÛRETÉ DE l'ÉTATDepuis sa création en 1990, leseuropéenne par la prévention <strong>de</strong> la responsables <strong>de</strong> la Fondation turqu<strong>et</strong>or(ure, dont la Turquie est signataire,., <strong>de</strong>s Droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme (IHF) ont, à 'efJectue <strong>de</strong>puis le 6 mai une visite maintes reprises, comparu <strong>de</strong>"ant lesd'j/Ïspection <strong>de</strong> 3 jours en Turquie. , Cours <strong>de</strong> Sûr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong> l'État pour leurs 'C<strong>et</strong>te mission dirigée par M. Clau<strong>de</strong>, activités «gênantes» <strong>et</strong> «la mauvaiseNicoloy va enquêter sur les condl- image» qu'ils donnent <strong>de</strong> la Turquie.tjçx1S <strong>de</strong> gar<strong>de</strong>-à-vue dans les com- Be jeudi 9 mai, 9 responsables <strong>de</strong>mjssariats turcs, sur les métho<strong>de</strong>s (1.HF)doivent comparaître <strong>de</strong>vant la'd'interrogatoire <strong>de</strong> la police turque Cour <strong>de</strong> Sûr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong> l'État d'Ankara'ainsi, que sur les conditions <strong>de</strong> déten- pour un article paru dans une <strong>de</strong>stion pénitentiaire. La mission aura publications <strong>de</strong> «IHF» <strong>et</strong> jugé par les'ég'alement <strong>de</strong>s entr<strong>et</strong>iens avec le autorités comme «insultant les lois <strong>de</strong>Premier ministre, avec les ministres, la République turque <strong>et</strong> les décisions<strong>de</strong> l'intérieur <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> la Justice ainsi , <strong>de</strong> la Gran<strong>de</strong> Assemblée». En vertuqu'avec le Directeur général <strong>de</strong> la <strong>de</strong> l'article 159/3 du Co<strong>de</strong> pénal turc,Sûr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>et</strong> le commandant en chef <strong>de</strong> chacun <strong>de</strong> ces responsables est pasla'gendarmerie.sible <strong>de</strong> plus <strong>de</strong> 6 mois <strong>de</strong> prison. PatAu cours <strong>de</strong> son entrevue du 7'roai avec la mission, le Premierministre turc a notamment affirmé:

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i<strong>et</strong> créances non honorés <strong>de</strong>s entreprisesou <strong>de</strong>s particuliers. Pour obtenirson dû, il est courant en Turquie<strong>de</strong> s'adresser à la Mafia qui, en.échange <strong>de</strong> ses services, r<strong>et</strong>ient 50%<strong>de</strong> la somme recouvrée. La mafiaentr<strong>et</strong>ient également <strong>de</strong>s relationssuivies avec la classe politique à tousles nivaux ainsi qu'avec la police, lajustice <strong>et</strong> la haute hiérarchie militaire.Les relations ne sont pas toujoursoccultes. Inci Baba, l'un d~s parrainsillustres <strong>de</strong> la Mafia turque, a accompagnéà plusieurs reprises M.Demirel dans ses voyages à l'étranger<strong>et</strong> à sa mort le prési<strong>de</strong>nt turc a unmoment songé à publier un décr<strong>et</strong>gouvernemental pour autoriser safamille à ériger un mausolée à lamémoire <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong> AI Capone local quiavait porté ai<strong>de</strong> financière <strong>et</strong> «protégé»M. Demirel après le coup d'Étatmilitaire <strong>de</strong> 1980.Turkish Daily News - Thursday, May 23,1996Freedom of thought on trial againBy Erdinç ErgençTurk.ish Daily NewsISTANBUL- A second group ofintellectuals who published the book"Freedom of Thought and Expression"were tried Wednesday at the 3rd StateSecurity Court of Istanbul.1,088 intellectuals who had put theirnames as publishers of the book arechar~ed with Article 312 of theTurkish Penal Co<strong>de</strong> and the infamousArticle 8 of Anti Terror Law are the<strong>de</strong>fendants. The articles are punishing"spreading hatred among peopl<strong>et</strong>hrough publication on the basis ofracial, religious and linguistic differences,"but the lawyers stated that only186 of the signees were to be tried.During the yesterday's trial only 10of the 86 publishers were heard. Mostof the intellectuals said that they willinglybecame the publisher of the bookand are ready to face any penalty toexpand the bor<strong>de</strong>rs of freedom ofthought and expression. The prosecutorobjected that the basis of the<strong>de</strong>fense was freedom of expression,saying that the <strong>de</strong>fendants werecharged with threatening the integrityof the state.But the lawyers remarked that theirclients are aware of the charges andthat they would carryon with the<strong>de</strong>fense. Anegül Devecioglu saidwhile giving eVI<strong>de</strong>nce that everybodywas aware of what the crime meantand emphasized that there were noneed for other people to make forbiddingrules.Muhsin KlZIlkaya stated that hewould continue to take part in everyattempt to <strong>de</strong>fend freedom of thought,while Ali Yllmaz emphasized that themain quality of mankind were the abilityto think. Necmenin Çobano~lu thechairman of Sine-Sen Tra<strong>de</strong> Union<strong>de</strong>scribed himself as a cog in the factoryof thought and he cannot separatehimself from this chain by stoppingthinking only because a prosecutordoes not like his i<strong>de</strong>as.Muzaffer HiçYllmaz, a lecturer,stated that he always taught his stu<strong>de</strong>ntsto think without takin~ care forracial, language and belief differences.Nazmiye Güçlüoglu told the judge thatshe had problems in explaining her 8year old child, how thinking could be acrime.The trial has been postponed by thecourt to 22 July. The case of the frrstgroup of 99 intellectuals was heard lastmonth, which attracted media attentionand witnessed to humorous scenes.Mahir Gün~Jray read passages fromFranz Kafka at the courtroom. In thefrrst group of 99 people Y~ar Kemal,Orhan Pamuk, Mümr Ceylan, ZülfüLivaneli and many other famous artistsand intellectuals are inclu<strong>de</strong>d. Thesecond hearing of this first trial will beheld in 31 May.Disaster at Habitat plateau kills oneTurkishDaily NewsISTANBUL- The collapse of IwObuildings yesterday in Taksim, at thecenter of Istanbul and part of Habitatplateau, has left one person <strong>de</strong>ad.At 11.00 a.m. in Hocaza<strong>de</strong> stre<strong>et</strong>,one of those stre<strong>et</strong>s being prepared andcleaned for Habitat, a building collapsed,leaving an adjoining buildingseriously damaged.It was reported that one building, No15, a historical structure collapsed du<strong>et</strong>o inept renovation work and the<strong>de</strong>molishment of the neighboringbuilding. The collapse of this buildingalso damaged the fronling buildingthat was inhabited by squatters.Of the six people were pulled fromthe <strong>de</strong>bris, one was <strong>de</strong>ad, two injuredand three miraculously received noinjuries. The people, in their 20s, livingin the old building were savedfrom the collapsed building afterhours.The 25-year old young man whowas <strong>de</strong>ad un<strong>de</strong>r the collapsed buildingwas reportedly named Mustafa.The injured ones were MuharremPehlivan. born in Trabzon in 1969 andYa~ai' AsIan, born in Adiyaman in1973. The injured were taken toTaksim Hospital. The three people,~)rat Karabulut. Ismail Akçam, HaclOkke~ who were saved without anyinjuries, said they could not believe'what had happened and started to cryonce they were taken out to the daylight.Istanbul once again revealed its twofaces: The tarted-up faca<strong>de</strong> for Habitatcovering over tIie neglected and<strong>de</strong>molishing buildings.65

-- ------------Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-~ress Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Daily News - Thursday, May 23, 1996Turkey protests pro. Kurdish remarksin Russian parliament's me<strong>et</strong>ingTurkish Daily NewsANKARA- Turkey protested statements by someRussian government officIals that appeared to be supportingthe outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) during ame<strong>et</strong>ing in the Russian Parliament. Turkey, pointing outthat the PKK propaganda in Russia has increased, askedRussia wh<strong>et</strong>her its policy regarding the PKK had chanaed,the semi~official Anatolia news agency reported. heprotest was ma<strong>de</strong> by a representative ôf the TurkishEmbassy in Moscow, followmg a me<strong>et</strong>ing organized by theDuma's Geopolitical Affairs Committee. PartIcipants in thisme<strong>et</strong>ing were members of the Russian government, some ofwhom ma<strong>de</strong> statements thilt supported the PKK. Alexan<strong>de</strong>rNevzorov, a director for the Fe<strong>de</strong>ral Security Service, saidthat the PKK was not a terrorist organization and thatRussia should make use of the Kurdish'problem in Turkey.Ankara <strong>de</strong>nies itis unhappy withIsraeli accordTurkish Daily newsANKARA~ Turkey on Wednesday <strong>de</strong>nied reported'remarks by Prime Minister Mesut YIlrnaz that a recentlyconclu<strong>de</strong>d military accord with Israel could be reviewedand said there were no problems concerning thisaccord.The Foreign Ministry ma<strong>de</strong> this announcement in a statementfollowing reports in Wednesday's press that saidYIlrnaz had told his parliamentary group the day before thatthe accord had "brought more harm than good." .The accord has been strongly criticized by traditionallyanti-Israeli Islarnist groups in Turkey and by a host of Arabcountries.The militaryestablishment, which negotiated the accord, .however, is reported to be firmly behind the arrangementwith Israel.. High ranking military officials are said to be assessing •the success of the accord by the disturbance it has createdin countries such as Syria which Ankara says use un<strong>de</strong>rhandm<strong>et</strong>hods against Turkey such as supporting separatistKurdish terrorism.The Foreign Ministry statements said that the prime ministerhad not uttered the words :~ttributed to him in thepress. , ,;'>. '.i .Contacted by the Anatolia ne\\'s agency, Israel's ambassadorto Ankara. lvi Elpeleg, also said that the accord wasworking well and indicated that they had not received anysi~s from Ankara to date to suggest that it was unhappyWIththis arrangement..Indicating that Turkey "is a mature enough country toknow where its interest lie," Elpeleg also said that Ankarawas sovereign enough to conduct its own business withoutinterference from the outsi<strong>de</strong>.Libération - 22 mai 1996~Murat'pôur'le''KurdistanCuriosité scénique annon-.cée <strong>de</strong> la semaine prochaine:un concert militant<strong>de</strong> Murat. Entre <strong>de</strong>uxséances d'enregistrement".<strong>de</strong> son prochain album,attendu pour l'automne <strong>et</strong>dont on ne divulguera pasle probable titre espagnol,le créateur du Manteau djpluie du Singe chantera k28, à la Maison du Peuple<strong>de</strong> Clermont-Ferrand;au profit <strong>de</strong> l'associationfranco-kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong> du'.Secours Populaire. Les'fonds réunis (85 francs la'place) <strong>de</strong>vraient financer;.un convoi humanitaire ~:•<strong>de</strong>stination du Kurdistan:'On ose espérer <strong>de</strong> l'iné-,dit (Mieux, Presque rien,:.Vania du Mont d'Or ...?)mêlé aux réminiscences <strong>de</strong>.la <strong>de</strong>rnière tournée, <strong>et</strong> onpeut ~e rappeler que le"chanteur bougnat, sur l'un,<strong>de</strong> ses duos en Ba <strong>de</strong>.Ma<strong>de</strong>moiselle Personne,.. avec Elodie Bouchez, par-.:laitdéià<strong>de</strong>s Kurd~:_,-66

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTHE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY 23 MAY 1996'No lightat endoftttnnel'Istanbul - Western diplomatsbelieve the number of people beingtortured and "disappearing"in Thrkey has been <strong>de</strong>creasingand that affairs have improvedsince the early 1980s.But Akin Birdal, head of theHuman Rights Association, refusedto see light at the end of th<strong>et</strong>unnel. "There is no sign thingsareg<strong>et</strong>ting b<strong>et</strong>ter. Infact, they areg<strong>et</strong>ting worse. People in chargeof atrocities are being rewar<strong>de</strong>dby seats in parliament and evenministries," said Mr Birdal, whois also a left -wing politician.Earlier this year the governmentinitiated action againstbranches of the Human RightsFoundation after they offeredcounselli~ to torture victims.Amnesty campaigns in thepast <strong>de</strong>pressed Turkey's tra<strong>de</strong> andtourism. L<strong>et</strong>ter -writing seems tohave more impact on those doingthe torturing, however, anddiplomats <strong>de</strong>fend the principle oftraining police forces. "They alreadyknow how to torture,"said one. "The point is to teachthem forensic m<strong>et</strong>hods that willallow them to dispense with theneed for a confession in the firstplace."Hugh Pope'They tortured me,invited me to tea'A Thrkish torture victim, Ali EkberKaya, did not know he wasabout to feature in the latestcampaign by Amnesty International,writes Hugh Pope.From eastern Thrkey, he saidit was lilœly to be a mixed blessing."Once the police said to me:'If we knew you had this manyforeign friends, we'd have simplygot rid of you.' So I'm naturallya bit worried .•. But on<strong>et</strong>hing is for sure. If it hadn'tbeen for Amnesty International••• I would not be living now."Mr Kaya lives in Thnceli,which means "Bronze Hand",a name bestowed on the townof Dersim by the Thrkish authoritiesafter a Kurdish uprisingwas crushed there in1938. The town is still plaguedwith <strong>et</strong>hnic-religious strife andkillings."I'm both Kurdish and anAlevi, so I'm for the chop onboth counts," Mr Kaya said.Alevis are h<strong>et</strong>erodox Shia Muslims,often in conDict with theSunni majority. He was first arrestedin 1994 and tortured onsuspicion of belonging to theseparatist Kurdistan Workers'Party before being acquitted. Hewas rearrested in March 1995and tortured for a confessionthat he was in the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party:Amnesty said he was hoseddown, had two ribs broken,was not allowed to sleep andwas hung from the ceiling to begiven electric shocks throughhis fingers and genitals. "Thepolice think they are protectingtheir country, that they areprotecting Islam. When themuezzin starts, they even stopfor prayers," said Mr Kay&,whocould stilliaugh at the absurdityof some of his experiences.The group of 17 suspects wasbrought to court, where all buttwo were acquitted. A womanprosecutor had pity on them,shocked at their state but thepolice rearrested him and imprisonedhim for two moremonths, although he was notharmed any more.But release fromjail did notfree him from bis torturers, whovisited him at work in the municipality,once even askinghim to call for tea. Mr Kaya,who has since brought a caseagainst the police, said he believedtheir goal was to close thelocal branch of the HumanRights Association in the town."They have succee<strong>de</strong>d. Theyhave confiscated everything,"Mr Kaya said. "They evenasked me what I though of thefact that they had tortured me.I said: 'What would you thinkif I had done that to you?' Thatkept them qui<strong>et</strong> for awhile."-.67

t ."~I LA CROIX - 23 mai 1996 il ~~.Irak'Laguerre du Golfe n'est pas finie'"~~~.....:L'accord, conclu lundi à New York entre l'ONU <strong>et</strong> l'Irak, Sur la résolution « pétrole contre nourriture» n'entame en rien la volonté <strong>de</strong>Washington d'« accélérer la chute <strong>de</strong> l'actuel régime irakien», La guerre du Golfe n'est, pas finie. Cinq ans <strong>et</strong> dixmois après l'invasion, du Koweït par l'Irak, lesEtats-Unis, puissance tutélaireau Moyen-Orient, nesont toujours pas parVenus àleurs fIns :installer un régime« ami l) à Bagdad. L'accord intervenu,lundi à New York,sur la résolution 986 dite «pé-:trole contre nourriture l) (rws:éditions du 21 mai) s'inscrit'dès lors toujours dans un:co'ntexte <strong>de</strong> confrontation~entreWashington <strong>et</strong> SaddamHussein.Pour Washington, la résolution986 poursuit un objectifstrictemen~ humanitaire que'lechef <strong>de</strong> l'Etat irakien ne doiten aucun cas être en mesured'exploiter politiquement.L'objectif a, ultimè <strong>de</strong>s résolu- , W':) .. ~~~,},,, ;..........' .'- ::~',.; . ~'... ',::"'i~~';"

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iLE MONDE - 23 mai 1996L'opposition irakienne craint que l'accordavec l'ONU ne renforce le pouvoir <strong>de</strong> Saddam HusseinWashington voudrait empêcher Bagdad <strong>de</strong> tirer <strong>de</strong>s bénéfices « à <strong>de</strong>s fins illégitimes»Le Comité <strong>de</strong>s sanctions <strong>de</strong> l'ONU contre J'Irak,.ou Il Comité 661Il, s'est réuni, mardi 21 mai àNew York, pour examiner l'accord Il pétrolecontre nourriture », dont il <strong>de</strong>vra superviser lamise en œuvre. De leur côté, les Etats-Unis ontaffirmé qu'ils If empêcheraient» le prési<strong>de</strong>ntirakien, Saddam Hussein, d'utiliser les bénéfices<strong>de</strong> la vente du pétrole If à <strong>de</strong>s finsillégitimes JI.DIRE QUE LES OPPOSANTSirakiens <strong>de</strong> tous bords se réjouissent<strong>de</strong> l'acceptation, par lerégime <strong>de</strong> Bagdad, <strong>de</strong> la résolution986 du Conseil <strong>de</strong> sécurité <strong>de</strong>l'ONU serait enfoncer une porteouverte, n'étaient les craintes queles intéréssés nourrissent quantaux bénéfices que pourrait en tirerSaddam Hussein.Malgré une étrange sélection,qui, en vertu <strong>de</strong> la résolution,veut que le statut spécifique, accordéaux trois provinces du Kurdistanéchappant au contrôle <strong>de</strong>Bagdad, ne soit pas appliqué auxpopulations chiites du sud <strong>de</strong>l'Irak - qui subissent <strong>de</strong> la part durégime un ostracisme quasi similaireà celui dont sont victimes lesKur<strong>de</strong>s -, ce qui compte aux yeux<strong>de</strong>s opposants, c'est que soient allégéesles souffrances <strong>de</strong> la population.Dans <strong>de</strong>s communiquésséparés, le Congrès national irakien,qui groupe plusieurs formations<strong>de</strong> l'opposition, l'Union patriotiquedu Kurdistan (UPK) <strong>de</strong>]alal Talabani <strong>et</strong> l'Assemblée supérieure<strong>de</strong> la révolution islamiqueen Irak, se sont félicités <strong>de</strong>la signature, lundi 20 mai, d'unmémorandum d'accord entrel'Irak <strong>et</strong> l'ONU.Farouchement attachés à l'unitéterritoriale <strong>et</strong> à la souverain<strong>et</strong>édu pays, les opposants balaientl'argument <strong>de</strong> souverain<strong>et</strong>é invoqué,pendant <strong>de</strong>s mois, par legouvernement, dans un premiertemps pour refuser purement <strong>et</strong>simplement la résolution 986,puis pour en contester les dispositionsrelatives à la distribution <strong>de</strong>l'ai<strong>de</strong> au Kurdistan. Leur argumenttient en ceci: la souverain<strong>et</strong>é<strong>de</strong> l'Irak a été bafouée par la résolution687, qui, en imposant unembargo pluriel au pays, l'a pratiquementplacé sous tutelle. SaddamHussein peut donc difficilement,selon eux, invoquer lasouverain<strong>et</strong>é, lorsque, dans leseul but <strong>de</strong> se maintenir au pouvoir,il l'a déjà bafouée en acceptantla résolution 687.INTERROGATIONSLe traitement spécifique appliquéau Kurdistan, indique, poursa part, le représentant à <strong>Paris</strong> <strong>de</strong>l'UPK, Mohamad Ismail, tient aufait que c<strong>et</strong>te partie <strong>de</strong> l'Irak estsoumise à un double embargo:les sanctions <strong>de</strong> l'ONU, mais aussiles privations imposées par Bagdadau gré <strong>de</strong>s humeurs <strong>de</strong>s autorités.De ce fait, les besoins <strong>de</strong>strois provinces du Kurdistan quibénéficient d'un parapluie aérienmultinational ne sont pas exactementles mêmes que ceux du restedu pays. Il faut aussi, ajoute M. Ismail,empêcher Saddarn Hussein<strong>de</strong> continuer d'user <strong>de</strong>s besoins<strong>de</strong> la population kur<strong>de</strong> commed'un moyen <strong>de</strong> pression sur sesdirigeants pour les amener à résipiscence.Qu'on ne s'y trompe pas, expliqueun économiste. Les venteslimitées <strong>de</strong> pétrole apporterontun léger mieux à la population,mais elles ne rétabliront pas lecycle économique normal, pas davantageau Kurdistan que dans lereste du pays. Alors, s'il faut parler<strong>de</strong> privilège à propos <strong>de</strong>s troisprovinces du nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, c'estd'une faveur limitée à la seule distribution<strong>de</strong>s produits qu'il s'agit.Tous font une lecture nuancée<strong>de</strong>s conséquences politiques possibles<strong>de</strong> l'accord conclu entre lesNations unies <strong>et</strong> l'Irak. Ilscraignent que ce <strong>de</strong>sserrement, silimité soit-il, <strong>de</strong> l'étau internationalne soit mis à profit par le régimepour renforcer son emprise.Ils redoutent aussi que la levéeprovisoire <strong>et</strong> partielle <strong>de</strong> l'embargopétrolier soit le prélu<strong>de</strong> à uneréhabilitation du régime aux yeux<strong>de</strong> nombreux pays, qu'elle encourageles sociétés étrangères, dontles représentants se bousculentdéjà à Bagdad dans la perspective<strong>de</strong> l'après-embargo, à relancer lestransactions avec le pouvoir.A leurs yeux, il faut donc toutfaire pour que Saddam Husseinsoit maintenu au ban <strong>de</strong>s nations,qu'il soit tenu comptable <strong>de</strong>s multiplesviolations <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong>l'homme dont il s'est rendu coupable.Le prési<strong>de</strong>nt irakien a sansdoute été acculé, plus d'un anaprès l'adoption <strong>de</strong> la résolution986, à l'accepter sous la pressioninternationale <strong>et</strong> intérieure,<strong>et</strong> parce qu'il a, lui-même, suscité<strong>de</strong>s espoirs tels au sein <strong>de</strong> la populationqu'il lui aurait été difficile<strong>de</strong> faire marche arrière. Pourautant, soulignent-ils, il faudrasurveiller <strong>de</strong> près l'application <strong>de</strong>c<strong>et</strong>te résolution.Les opposants s'interrogentaussi sur l'avenir: comment réa-'gira la population à la constantevalse-hésitation du pouvoir, quicommence toujours par refuseren bloc les contraintes <strong>et</strong> résolutions<strong>de</strong> l'ONU pour finir par lesaccepter?, se <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>nt-ils. Assistera-t~onà un sursaut populaire<strong>et</strong> l'allégement <strong>de</strong>s souffrances<strong>de</strong> la populationcréera-t-il une nouvelle dynamique? Ou M. Hussein saura-t-il,au contraire, récupérer à son profitce léger mieux ?MounaNaïm69

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTURKISH PROBE MAY 24.1996••Yllmaz and OcalanWage Media WarsOn the eve of PrimeMinister Mesut Yllmaz'svisit to Germany, twointerviews' appeared inDie Welt - one with Yilmaz himselfand the other one withAbdullah Öcalan, the lea<strong>de</strong>r of theoutlawed Kurdistan Workers'Party (PK.K).Ocalan said in his interview thatthe PKK did not want a separatestate, but wanted to live withinTurkey in a fe<strong>de</strong>rative and <strong>de</strong>mocratièsystem.. ."We want to have a Germanstylefe<strong>de</strong>ral state system," he said,adding, on a softer note, that heregr<strong>et</strong>ted the PKK attacks againstGermany, which banned the organization.ip.1993.Npt surprisingly, the Kurd!shquestion wa.s one of the majoritems on the agenda. b<strong>et</strong>weenMesut Yllmaz and GermanChancellor Helmut Kohl. Evenbefore starting his visit,announced that he wouldYllmazconveyhis concern about the activities ofthe PKK. ,"I will communicate to Germanofficials Turkey's unease about th<strong>et</strong>error organization PKK continuingits activities, <strong>de</strong>spite being outlawedin that country (Germany),"Yllmaz said. TI1,1<strong>et</strong>o his word, hewarned Germany to think twicebefore granting asylum to Kurdsfrom Turkey, most of whom hesaid were working un<strong>de</strong>rcover for.the PK.K.As he carfied outllis taIks withGerman officials, protests werema<strong>de</strong> by Kurdish anô some humanrights groups over Ankara's treatmentof <strong>et</strong>hilic Kurds."I told (German) Chancellor(Helmut) Kohl that he must differentiateclearly b<strong>et</strong>ween the separatistPKK and (Turkish) citizensof Kurdish origin seeking asylum,"Yllmaz told a newsafter me<strong>et</strong>ing Kohl.conference"The overwhelming majority of.citizens of Kurdish origin living.here want peace. But the PKK isusing a small, but militant group todisrupt public or<strong>de</strong>r in Germany,"he said.On the other important item,Turkey's ties with the EuropeanUnion, Yllmaz urged Kohl to helpthe country' s efforts to join theEuropean Union. That <strong>de</strong>finitely. soun<strong>de</strong>d softer than earlier state-. ments, attributed to the prime min- .ister, that Germany was obstructingTurkey's membership of theUnion _,Foc~onHumanR~hß------~Turkish rights group saysministry pressures courtTurkey's Human Rights Foundation~ccused the Foreign Ministry of trying tomfluence the outcome of court investigationsinto its torture rehabilitation centers by<strong>de</strong>nouncing them as illegal.. Foreign Ministry spokesman Nur<strong>et</strong>tinNurkan said the centers were illegal becaus<strong>et</strong>he foundation had not applied officially toestablish them. He said the matter was being~assed to the public prosecutor for investigatIon."Nurkan ... is putting himself in the place ofthe judge and making judgements on us in aneffort to exert influence and pressure on thecourts when an investigation is .I;ln<strong>de</strong>rway," thefoundation' s chairman, Yavuz Onen. said in a .statement.Turkish police break uphuman rights protestTurkish police arrested dozens of people,incIudin~ a senior French tra<strong>de</strong> uniomst, takin~part m a candlelit vigil in Istanbul forffilssing people, human rights activists said.The Anatolia news agency said 20 people hadbeen arrested at the protest on Friday. but aFrench human rights group put the number atabout40.The left-wing Movement Against Racismand for Friendship B<strong>et</strong>ween Peoples (MRAP)said in <strong>Paris</strong> that police "brutally attacked" aceremony organized by mothers and spousesof people who had disappeared.It said those arrested inclu<strong>de</strong>d FrenchmanVincent Raynal, a senior official of theCommunist-linked CGT union, and an uni<strong>de</strong>ntifiedBritish woman teacher. Raynal and otherswere injured by police, it ad<strong>de</strong>d.Freedom of thoughton trial againA second group of intellectuals who publishedthe book "Freedom of Thought andExpression" were tried Wednesday at theThird State Security Court of Istanbul.A total of 1,088 intellectuals who hadgiven their names as publishers of the bookaie being charged un<strong>de</strong>r Article 312 of theTurkish Penal Co<strong>de</strong> and the infamous Article8 of the Anti-Terror Law. These articles punish"spreading hatred among the peopl<strong>et</strong>hrough publication on the basis of racial, religiusandlinguistic differences," but lawyerssaId only 186 of the signatories would be tried.During yesterday's trial only 10 of the 86publishers were heard. Most of the intellectualssaid that they had willingly become publishersof the book and were ready to face anypenalty to expand the bor<strong>de</strong>rs of freedom ofthought and expression.70

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iIn Turkey, the Tug of History Is Looseningthe Glue of A taturkBy Celestine BohlenNe....York Times ServiceANKARA - Few countries honor their godsthe way Turkey reveres Mustafa Kemal Ataturk ..whose military skills and authoritarian hand reassembledparts of the crumbling Ottoman Empireand fashioned them into a mo<strong>de</strong>m Turkish state.Fifty-eight years after his <strong>de</strong>ath, Mr. Ataturk'scool blue eyes stare down from the walls of every.public building in Turkey, and statues of him,dominate thousands of central squares.Here in Ankara, the capital, his mausoleum,which is visited by thousands of Turks each year,displays a sublime arrogance that even Lenin, thefoun<strong>de</strong>r of the Sovi<strong>et</strong> state, never achieved. It isstill a crime in Turkey to allu<strong>de</strong> to Mr. Ataturk'spersonal weaknesses, like his heavy drinking. Hisphilosophy of statehood, Kemalism, is requiredreading for all stu<strong>de</strong>nts.For all the public reverence, Turkey long agoslipped out of the mold that Mr. Ataturk created. Tobe sure Turkey, NATO's strategic anchor in theeastern Mediterranean, is still the West's loyalpartner. And as a Muslim country in a region full of.Islamic dictators, it is still committed to secularismànd <strong>de</strong>mocracy.But Mr. Ataturk's plans for creating a newTurkish man - a Westernized creature with a newi<strong>de</strong>ntity, new clothes, a new alphab<strong>et</strong> and a languagepurged of alien elements - did not succeed.any more than the Homo sovi<strong>et</strong>icus of Lenin'simagination did.o Paradoxically, as the tug ofWesternization g<strong>et</strong>sstronger, ol<strong>de</strong>r and <strong>de</strong>eper currents have risen tome surface, revealing a nation with not one i<strong>de</strong>ntity,but many.The breakup of the Sovi<strong>et</strong> Union, the Gulf Warand the war in the Balkans have only ad<strong>de</strong>d newpieces to the mosaic, as <strong>et</strong>hnic groups in Turkeykom Kurds to Abkhazians reach across bor<strong>de</strong>rs torenew old bonds, and Turkish Muslims find them-5elves drawn to the si<strong>de</strong> of their warring br<strong>et</strong>hren in~osnia and Chechnya. It had been Mr. Ataturk's'hope that a new Turkishness would replace Islam:and the bonds of the old Ottoman Empire as the:glue binding the 14 million people who lived inTurkey in 1923, when the republic was foun<strong>de</strong>d., Now, with a population that has grown to more.than 60 million, Turkey is more h<strong>et</strong>erogeneousthan ever.But Islam is also more in evi<strong>de</strong>nce than evermoremosques, more religious schools, more womenwearing scarves on their heads. In the lastelections, a record number of people voted for theanti-secular Welfare Party, which is promoting acloser alliance with Turkey's Muslim neighbors.In the back stre<strong>et</strong>s of Istanbul, men like Zekariya-,p,.esi<strong>de</strong>nt Suleyman Demirel being led away by bodyguardsafter the attempt against his life in Izmit, Turkey.71

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>ischools for imams, Islamic religious is in many ways discovering itseif, peerlea<strong>de</strong>rs,have seen the number of their ing back into its history, at its mo<strong>de</strong>mYilmaz, 27, a currency tra<strong>de</strong>r whose graduatés increaSe founeenfold, com- soci<strong>et</strong>y and at its culture with newgrandparents came south from the Rus- pared with a tripling of graduates from eyes. .sian-ruled Caucasusa century ago to secular state schools. "The bridge b<strong>et</strong>ween past and presentfmd a haven for their Muslim faith, have Perhaps thémost prevalent explan- was broken with Mr. Ataturk, and Turbegunto won<strong>de</strong>r wh<strong>et</strong>her Mr. Ataturk's ation for the Welfare Party's success has key had to do everything from scratch,"efforts to turn Turkey westward were to do with the failure of Turkey's tra- saidLatifErdogan; spokesman and bioworththe sacrifices. ditional parties to <strong>de</strong>alwith the social grapher of Fatullah Hoja, a spiritual"Mr. Ataturk did a lot of ridiculous and moral problems of a soci<strong>et</strong>y that is lea<strong>de</strong>r who preaches a message of tolthings," Mr. Yilmaz said, noting the law bursting at the seams. erance and humanism, with none of th<strong>et</strong>hat forced men to stop wearing the Population growth continues to con- . harsh anti-Western language of the Weltraditionalfez, and another that dropped found planners: by one estimate, 60 ~r- fare Party. "Now we feel the need tothe Arabic alphab<strong>et</strong> for the Latin one. . cent of the population is un<strong>de</strong>r 20. Cities focus on the gaps in Turkish soci<strong>et</strong>y. ' ,"Secularism in Turkey, for instance, big and smaIl are exploding in size, Other changes have chipped away at. is som<strong>et</strong>hing that is hard to un<strong>de</strong>rStand. I breeding a new un<strong>de</strong>remployed, un<strong>de</strong>r- the controls that once bound the nation to, feel myself to be a Muslimand today is housed urban class that has become the Mr. Ataturk's dream. Half a dozen. Friday, when I should go to pray, but IWelfare Party's biggest source of sup- privately owned satellite. television~can't; I have to work. There should be port. channels, which burst on the scene inmore freedom of religion. "In 1950, 30 percent of Turks lived in 1992, now beam comp<strong>et</strong>ing versions ofSome explain the rise of the Welfare cities; by 2000, it will be 70 percent. the news to citizens who in the past had. Party, which won 21.6 percent of the Istanbul's population, estimated at 10 onlyone.vote in the last election, to the pent-up million, is growing 4.5 percent a year. Commercialization has replaced proindignationat the restrictions placed on "The Kemalists have failed to pro- paganda on the airwaves. In a spoof ofreligion by Mr. Ataturk's brand of sec- duce a secularist moral co<strong>de</strong>," said Mur- the military coups that have periodicallyularism. at Belge, a Turkish historian. "Nothing interrupted Turkey's <strong>de</strong>mocracy, oneOthers see it as the conSequencè of .has been done in 70 years to replace the satiric show recently showed a Turkishconciliatory policies, enacted after the old Muslim co<strong>de</strong>. And through Islam; general going on the air to announce a. 1980 military coup, that allowed reli- many people are reaching for a larger military takeover, only to have the angiousinstruction back into the public- community." nouncement interrupted so frequentlyschool curriculum, 8nd gave the green As the old Kemalist taboos and re- for commercials that in the end he walkslight to r~ligious scbools fpr imams, 1'I!e stri~tions continue.lQ, f,"l ~way, Turkey off ~tage ~ disgust.Turkish Daily News - Wednesday, May 22, 1996Turkey may buy attack helicopters from....Eurocopter after US reluctance on Cobras~!(ib .,tion, un<strong>de</strong>r strong pressure from anti-Turkishlobby ~roups, ma<strong>de</strong> the <strong>de</strong>cision in or<strong>de</strong>r tomaxinuze its chances at the 1996 polls.''During talks on a co-production ~rogram (ofutility Cougar helicopters), the Turkish officialssaid they were interested in Tigers. We thenarranged a presentation for them," said ArnauldHibon, Eurocopter's communications director."When a customer èomes to your shop, youdo not refuse." he ad<strong>de</strong>d.The Tiger program is being <strong>de</strong>veloped jointlyby Eurocopter' s French and German partners,Tigerstate-rI1I!Aerospatiale andDASA. The partnerSeach have a 50-percent stake in the program.Overall, France' s Aerospatiale bas a 70-perœntstake iD Eurocopter, to the German partner's 30. percent .Would there be any political obstacles to an(official) licence to supply Tigers to Turkey, theIDN asked. "For such a <strong>de</strong>al we shall need towin approval from. a goveriunental commission.Although thereare no guarantees, I wouldbelieve there should not be any licence problemswith Tigers," said Eurocopter's Dubreuil.72

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iDemirel Attacker AngryAt Turkish -Israeli DealCompIl.d by Ow Stoff From D,spa/,.""ANKARA - A would-be assassill'who shot at Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Suleyman Demir<strong>et</strong>has admitted that he acted to protest a<strong>de</strong>fense agreement b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey andIsrael, the police said Sunday.Ibrahim Gumrukcuoglu, a 48-yearoldpharmacist and father of four, ma<strong>de</strong>his confession late Saturday, said theregional police chief, Memduh Oguz.The militaryagreement, signed inFebruary, allows for Turkish and Israeliair force pilots to train in each Qther'sairspace, for cooperation b<strong>et</strong>ween <strong>de</strong>fenseindustries and for an exchange ofinformation and personnel.It was con<strong>de</strong>mned by Islamic militantsin Turkey and the pro-IslamicWelfare Party. It was also criticized byIran, Iraq and Syria.Mr. Demirel, 71, escaped unhurt inthe inci<strong>de</strong>nt in the western city of Izmit,50 kilom<strong>et</strong>ers (30 miles) east ofIstanbul,where he inaugurated a shopping mall.The presi<strong>de</strong>nt had just finished aspeech when Mr. Gurnrukcuoglu fired asrngle shot with a handgun, injUring ajournalist. A police officer was alsohurt..Mr. ~umrukcuoglu, who local journalIStssatdwas well known in Izmit as anIslamic fundamentalist, was <strong>de</strong>tained byanti-terrorist police.Mr. Oguz said Sunday that Mr. Gumrukcuogluhad previously un<strong>de</strong>rgon<strong>et</strong>reatment for psychiatric problems andhad a criminal record.Press reports here said Mr. Gumrukc~o.gluspent. ~ years in prison forkilhng a cousm 10 1971. He was freed in1974 in a general amnesty and arrestedagain in 1978 for injuring two stu<strong>de</strong>nts.. Mr. Gumrukcuoglu .was twice questionedover the possessIOn of illegal firearmsbefore obtaining a license in 1993.Mr. Oguz said it was not necessary topresent a full medical report in or<strong>de</strong>r to be'granted a gun license in Turkey.~. Oguz said Mr. Gumrukcuoglu'saction Saturday was not premeditatedand that he was attracted by the crowdINTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, MONDAY,MAY 20,1996gathé'rilig ro see Mr. Demirel.Mr. Gumrukcuo~lu's wàs northe fustattack on Mr. Demtrel, whose nose wasbroken by an assailan! in ~l!Xa.in May1975 when he was prune mrnlsterMr. De~l, surroun<strong>de</strong>d ,by~~yguards,~ Just spoken at the ,opening'of~e shopptng mall and had left the 'p0-dium wh~n .an un<strong>de</strong>rcover guard spotteda man pornting a gun at the presi<strong>de</strong>nt thesemiofficial Anatolia news agency' reported.Guards overwhelmed the assailant,and one shot was fired in the scuffl<strong>et</strong>he agency said.'.Televi~ion footage showed Mr. Demirelberng rushed from the chaoticscene ~ a MiIliy<strong>et</strong> newspaper reporter,Ihsan Ytlmaz, layon the ground with agunshot wound above the knee.¥!. Demirel has been on the Turkishpohtlcal scene for more than 30 years. He~boun<strong>de</strong>d .after being ousted from pol-ItiCSfollow1Ogmilitary takeovers in .1970'and 1980, and served a record sevenlterms as prime minister before becomingTlD'key's ninth nresi<strong>de</strong>nt in 1993., Mr. Demirel is the second Turkishlea<strong>de</strong>r. to survive an assassination at-!empt 1ß the past <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>. The late pres-I<strong>de</strong>~t Turgut Ozal was shot in the handdurmg.an ass~~ination attempt when hewas pnme m10lster in 1988.(AFP, WP)-.Le prési<strong>de</strong>nt turc Suleyman Demireléchappe à un attentatISTANBUL<strong>de</strong> notre correspondanteDéjà paralysée par le conflit àusein <strong>de</strong> la coalition gouvernementale,la 1\rrquie a évité <strong>de</strong> justesseun désastre supplémentaire, samedi18mai, lorsque le prési<strong>de</strong>nt SuleymanDemirel a échappé à un<strong>et</strong>entative d'assassinat dans la provinced'Izmit, à une centaine <strong>de</strong> kilomètresd'Istanbul.Son assaillant, un pharmacien islamiste<strong>de</strong> 48 ans, père <strong>de</strong> quatreenfants, apparemment mentalementinstable, semble avoir agiseul pour protester contre l'accord<strong>de</strong> coopération militaire conclu enfévrier entre la 1\rrquie <strong>et</strong> Israël.Ibràhim Gumrukcuoglu, attiré parla foule, avait écouté le discours duprési<strong>de</strong>nt, qui célébrait la prospérité<strong>de</strong> la province avec un programmechargé d'inaugurations <strong>et</strong><strong>de</strong> visites d'usines, avant <strong>de</strong> sortirson arme pour la pointer contre lechef <strong>de</strong> l'État. Une balle, tirée alorsque l'homme était plaql,lé au solpar ~, çamionneur <strong>et</strong> un gar<strong>de</strong> ducorps, a traversé la main du chef <strong>de</strong>la sécurité prési<strong>de</strong>ntielle avant <strong>de</strong>se loger dans la jambe d'un journaliste.Les dossiers <strong>de</strong> police révèlentque Gumrukcuoglu était en possessiond'un pennis <strong>de</strong> port d'armelégal, malgr~ un lourd passé. Lemeurtre <strong>de</strong> son cousin lui avait valuune condamnation, ily a vingt-cinqans. Au cours <strong>de</strong>s turbulentes an-'nées 70, lorsque la gauche <strong>et</strong> l'extrême-droites'entre-tuaient, ilavait à <strong>de</strong>ux reprises blessé <strong>de</strong>s étudiants<strong>de</strong> gauche. Plus récemment,il avait été interpellé pour avoirproduit son arme dans <strong>de</strong>s lieuxpublics.Le rôle du prési<strong>de</strong>nt SuleymanDemirel, vétéran <strong>de</strong> la scène politique,âgé <strong>de</strong> 71ans, est particulièrementimportant en c<strong>et</strong>te pério<strong>de</strong>d'instabilité politique. Bien que lespouvoirs qui lui sont conférés parla Constitution soient limités, saposition quelque peu en r<strong>et</strong>rait <strong>de</strong>s'disputes quotidiennes -' même sises détracteurs l'accusent parfois<strong>de</strong> prendre parti - en fait un arbitrecrucial. Si la fragile coalition aupouvoir prenait tin, il <strong>de</strong>vrait désigrierun nouveau premier ministre.Pour l'instant, le gouvernementreste en place, bien que la Courconstitutionnelle ait invalidé, le,14 mai, le vote <strong>de</strong> confiance <strong>de</strong> l'Assembléenationale. L'actuel premierministre Mesut Yilmaz,soulignantque la décision n'est pasrétroactive, nie la nécessité d'un,nouveau vote, mais les islamistesdu Parti <strong>de</strong> la prospérité (RP),principalparti d'opposition <strong>et</strong> premiergroupe parlementaire, affirmentque le gouvernement actuel n'estpas légal <strong>et</strong> menacent <strong>de</strong> boycotterle Parlement s'il ne se soum<strong>et</strong> pas ànouveau au vote <strong>de</strong> \'Assemblée.SECRET D'nATLessemaines à venir seront donctendues, d'autant plus que les relationsentre les <strong>de</strong>ux partenaires <strong>de</strong>la coalition s'enveniment <strong>de</strong> jouren jour. Le r<strong>et</strong>rait, par Tansu Ciller,<strong>de</strong> 6,5 millions <strong>de</strong> dollars d'unfonds secr<strong>et</strong> à la disposition dupremier ministre, généralement'utilisé pour <strong>de</strong>s opérations spéciales,estau cœur <strong>de</strong> la dispute quil'oppose <strong>de</strong>pujs plusieurs jours auI LE MONDE i MARDI 21 MAI 1996premier ministre. Mesut Yilmazexige qu'elle révèle où l'argent aété versé. De son côté, la dirigeantedu DYP,dans une situation <strong>de</strong> plusen plus précaire, s'est r<strong>et</strong>ranchée<strong>de</strong>rrière le secr<strong>et</strong> d'État.Déjà confrontée à <strong>de</strong>ux enquêtesparlementaires sur <strong>de</strong>s irrégularitésqu'elle aurait commises, Tansu Cillerne baisse pas les bras. Son partia contre-attaqué en déposant unemotion, approuvée par l'Assemblée,pour l'ouverture d'une enquêtesur les liens entre le RP <strong>et</strong>Suleyman Mercumek, un ancienmembre du parti, condanrné pouravoir détourné <strong>de</strong>s fonds récoltéspour la Bosnie.Le gouvernement est au pointmort, mais ni Mme Ciller ni MesutYilmaz ne souhaitent m<strong>et</strong>tre unterme à la coalition dans l'immé-'diat Le 2 juin auront lieu <strong>de</strong>s électionsmunicipales partielles quiperm<strong>et</strong>tront d'évaluer l'impact <strong>de</strong>la dispute au somm<strong>et</strong> sur l'électorat,avant les congrès du DVP<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>l'ANAp, au cours <strong>de</strong>squels TansuCiller <strong>et</strong> Mesut Yilmaz espèrentêtre réélus à la tête <strong>de</strong> leurs partisrespectifs.Nicole Pope73

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i. .' .Iraq.Accepts.UN Accord:Allowing, ,Limited Oil SalesBy Barbara Cross<strong>et</strong>teNew York Times Service, UNITED NATIONS, New York -, Iraq and the United Nations signed anagreement Monday that allows Bagh-:dad to sell oil for the first time since its1990 invasion of Kuwait. The sales willbe used to pay for the urgent needs of acivilian population suffering from sixyears of tight international sanctions.Oil is not expected to begin flowingfor a number of weeks, perhaps months,,because some operational <strong>de</strong>tails remaintL, be ma<strong>de</strong> final. But diplomatsand UN officials believe that the Iraqismean business this time.A similar plan collapsed four yearsago. Since the!), hundreds of thousandsof Iraqis have become malnourished orill, with many dying from lack of medication,UN agencies estimate.Oil prices plunged initially but recoveredquickly.Brent North Sea cru<strong>de</strong> oil fell to$17.20 a barrel in London, 33 centsbelow the opening price of $17.53 abarrel and 35 cents below the closingprice on Friday of $17.55. But pricesquickly stabilized in New York, withlight swe<strong>et</strong> cru<strong>de</strong> for <strong>de</strong>livery in Junerising $1.81, to $22.48."This resolution is based on one ofthe most important objectives of theUnited Nations, which is to alleviate theproblem of poverty - and the poorestof the poor were suffering in Iraq,"Secr<strong>et</strong>ary-General Boutros BoutrosGhali said after announcing the agreementto the Security Council, whichadopted the plan in Resolution 986 inAprilI995.The White House called the <strong>de</strong>al b<strong>et</strong>weenan "important victory" for UNefforts to persua<strong>de</strong> Iraq to me<strong>et</strong> thehumanitarian needs of its people.The White House spokesman, MichaelMcCurry, said Iraq' s agreement tofollow the termsof .the post-Gulf WarSecurity Council resolution was "longoverdue."Ma<strong>de</strong>leine K. Albright, the U.S. rep~resentative to the United Nations, hasaccused Presi<strong>de</strong>ritSaddam Hussein repeatedlyof using what money he hadavailable to build pal.i.:"s Jnd indulge inother luxuries, while holding out for alifting of sanctions, which the tightlywritten accord does not do."The whole point here is that SaddamHussein has, been using his people,as pawns in or<strong>de</strong>r to try to g<strong>et</strong> a changeD<strong>et</strong>ails of the Oil-for-Food DealAgence France.PresseFollowing are the main provisionsof the oil-forlood agreement r~achedb<strong>et</strong>ween the United Nations and Iraqas s<strong>et</strong> by Resolution 986, adopted bythe Security Council in April1995:- Iraq is allowed to export up to $2billion dollars' worth of oil for aninitial six-month period to buy foodand medicine, which must be equitablydistributed among the Iraqi people.-International control of the oilsales is ensured by the' opening of anescrow account. Of the $1 billiondoIlars per quarter from the oil sales,$300 million must go to the United, Nations compensation commissions<strong>et</strong> up to handle claims for "damage,<strong>de</strong>pl<strong>et</strong>ion of natural resources or injuryto foreign governments, nationalsor corporations" arising from Iraq'sinvasion of Kuwait in 1990.- The United Nations sanctionscommittee must approve <strong>de</strong>tails ofeach purchase ofIraqi oil. including theprice, the export route and other financialissues.Iraq's Oil Sector and the Route for ExportsReutersFollowing are a few <strong>de</strong>tails of Iraq's oil sector, provi<strong>de</strong>d by the IraqiOil Ministry and other industrysources:Oil Reserves: Iraq's proven reservesofficially stand at more than112 billion barrels, sorne Il percentof the world's total reserves.Oil Fields: Iraqi oil official!> sayin the sanctions regime." This resolutionwill "remove that blackmail,"she said. "The sanctions will stay inplace until he abi<strong>de</strong>s by all the resolutions.',If the agreement goes into effect reasonablyquickly and oil prices go down,the agreement could provi<strong>de</strong> som<strong>et</strong>hingof a windfall for the Clinton administration,which is un<strong>de</strong>r politicaI pressur<strong>et</strong>o keep gasoline prices low.Un<strong>de</strong>r the plan, accepted by Mr. Saddamafter several months of off-and-onnegotiations, Iraq may sell up to $2billion in oil over a six~month period,renewable if Baghdad me<strong>et</strong>s all the conditionsof the agreement, which will bemonitored by the United Nations. Compliancewith the accord will be checkedby the Security Council every 90 days.Its Iraqi sanctions committee will beinvolved in all phases of the operation." The agreement wQuld add about700,000 barrels a day of Iraqi oil toworld supplies at current prices. Befor<strong>et</strong>he 1990 embargo, Iraq supplied about 3miIlion barrels daily, or about 4 percentof world supplies: .the country's fields could produce 2.5million barrels a day if UN sanctionswere lifted. Iraq now produces around550,000 barrels a day ..Export Routes: Un<strong>de</strong>r the plan, exportswill be moved from the Turkishport of Ceyhan on the Mediterraneanthrough a pipeline from Iraq' s northernfields. Iraqi oil wiIl also reach themark<strong>et</strong> from its own ports in the Gulf.,The agreement does not change thebroad sanctions still in place againstIraq. To have those lifted, and be free toseIl oil in unrestricted quantities forpurposes of its own choosing, Iraq willhave to prove that its weapons of mass<strong>de</strong>struction have been <strong>de</strong>stroyed. It willalso have to r<strong>et</strong>urn stolen Kuwaiti propertyand account for 600 Kuwaitis stillmissing after the invasion and the 1991war in the Gulf.The accord, in the form of a memorandumof un<strong>de</strong>rstanding signed by Iraq'snegotiator, Abdul Amir Anbari, and theUnited Nations' légal coun1iel, Un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary-GeneralHans CorreIl of Swe<strong>de</strong>n,leaves a few procedures still 10 be finalized,including how food, medicinesand other goods will be distributed.Over the last two weeks, prod<strong>de</strong>d byobjections from the United States andBritain, negotiators turned down an Ir- 'aqi request for greater authority overhow those supplies are <strong>de</strong>livered to rebeIliousKurds in the north of Iraq.Iraq also löst a bid to choose the bank74

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iJoIm .. 1 \d ..rlllldhi \~t'll1t. tr.tt.lI •.-l'n'roll.'Iraqis selling watches and jewelry Monday in Amman, Jordan, where they had gone to escape the poverty of home.to be used for an escrow account to behandled by the United Nations. The bankwill now be chosen by officials here, whowill als,")check to ~ee.that Iraq cannOtdiven P :oney or obtain credit for otherpurpose s beyond humanitarian relief."'Tht; Unit~d States intends to hold Iraq.sfe<strong>et</strong> to the fIT(' to assure that thisagreem.ent is not violated," an Americandiplomat said. He ad<strong>de</strong>d that in the fmalrounds of negotiations Iraq had tried toreduc~ the scope of monitoring by UNobservers who will <strong>de</strong>teimirie if food andother goods are reaching the right people.Emilio J. Car<strong>de</strong>nas, Argentina's envoyand a Security Council member whoworked with the United States to draftthe initial version of Resolution 986,said in an interview that Mr. Saddamaccepted the plan only after realizingthat he would not be able to win a liftingof sanctions in the near future.Although some countries, notablyRussia and France, had argued for somerelaxation more than a year ago, revelationslast summer of the extent towhich the Iraqis had been lying abouttheir weapons programs lost them virtuallyall support here.But there was always a sense thatsom<strong>et</strong>hing had to be done to relieve thesuffering of the Iraqis, Mr. Car<strong>de</strong>nas said."The general feeling by last year wasthat this was pr<strong>et</strong>ty much overdue." hesaid. "The reports we were operatingwith indicated that there wao; a lot ofsuffering in Baghdad and a number ofother Iraqi cities. There was a prevailingmood all last year and this year thatsom<strong>et</strong>hing had to be done."..Saddam on a Leash INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE,A second Gulf war, after the firstthat pried Iraq out of Kuwait, has beenfought at the United Nations. It is theeffort to compel Iraq by broad economicsanctions to yield specialweapons, r<strong>et</strong>urn looted Kuwaiti propertyand account for Kuwaitis missingin action. Saddam Hussein, by me<strong>et</strong>ingthese terms, could have eased Iraq'spunishing isolation. Instead he stonewalledand attempted an end run - byexhibiting his people 's great and growingdistress, he sought removal of all 'sanctions. The United Nations respon<strong>de</strong>dby offering him a loopholepermitting closely monitored exportsof oil and imports of food and medicine.This is the offer he now grasps.It is first a boon to the Iraqi people,who, unlike the elite, have had to pay inmalnutrition, sickness and <strong>de</strong>ath for apolicy they had no part in approving. Itis also a humili.ation to Saddam Hussein.He could have had this <strong>de</strong>al yearsago and now stands revealed as a lea<strong>de</strong>rwho inflicted great and needlesssuffering upon his people. There isfurther humiliation in accepting termsthat, as he complains, violate Iraqi sovereignty.The terms l<strong>et</strong> foreigners intru<strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>eply in disposition of oil revenues,distribution of relief and directaccess to the northern Kurdish region.In effect, a <strong>de</strong>gree of international intrusivenessthat centered on Iraq 's militarysector is now exten<strong>de</strong>d to its civiliansector.Granted, Saddam Hussein is an i<strong>de</strong>alvillain; a year ago, when he had got upsome momentum to break the sanctions,he lost it all in new revelations ofcheating on his disarmament obligations.Still, the United States canfairly take satisfaction in organizingand keeping tog<strong>et</strong>fter a broad intèrnationalcoalition to check a certified<strong>de</strong>spoiler of the law.The sanctions posture that theUnited Nations is now in, moreover, isone it has a good chance of sustaining.Saddam Hussein g<strong>et</strong>s to sell a quarteras much oil as Iraq used to, but hecannot exploit his people' s hardship inthe old way, and he can use the newrevenues only for purposes internationallyapproved. The United Nations- a bulldog in hunting for Iraq's nuclear,chemical and biological arms -must show the same tenacity in monitoringthe new accord.Senator Bob Dole's first reactionwas that the accord throws a •'lifeline"to Saddam Hussein. A second lookmay convince him that it ti~htens aleash and is consistent with a bipartisanpolicy of encouraging a predator's <strong>de</strong>parturefrom power.- THE WASHINGTON POST.75

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Pres"SReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i- ---. LA CROIX - 24 mai 1996---------- -- --- ---- -Proche-orient'Les Irakiens <strong>de</strong>vront encore attendreune amélioration <strong>de</strong> leur sortLes eff<strong>et</strong>s <strong>de</strong> l'accord« pétrole contre nourriture»ne se feront pas sentir avant <strong>de</strong>ux moisLajoie <strong>de</strong>s habitants <strong>de</strong>Bagdad aura été <strong>de</strong>. courte durée. Dès mercredi,le prix <strong>de</strong>s produitsalimentaires <strong>et</strong> le taux:<strong>de</strong> change du dinar irakien sesont mis à remonter. Aprèsl'accord conclu lundi avecl'ONU sur la formule « pétrolecontre nourriture",une gran<strong>de</strong> partie <strong>de</strong> la population,à bout <strong>de</strong> patienceaprès six ans d'embargo,avait ctu à une améliorationimmédiate <strong>de</strong> ses conditions<strong>de</strong> Vie.Les Irakiens risquent <strong>de</strong>déchanter assez vite : nonseulement l'accord signé parl'Irak ne couvre qu'une par- ~tie <strong>de</strong>s besoins mais ses eff<strong>et</strong>s.ne se feront pas sentir avantun ou <strong>de</strong>ux mois.Dans un rapport publiéJ'hiver <strong>de</strong>rnier, laFAO, l'Organisation<strong>de</strong>s NationsUnies pour l'alimentation <strong>et</strong>l'agriculture, soulignaitqu'« à Bagdad, une société.urbaine très avancée, la £ré-.quence <strong>de</strong>s enfants d'unpoids insuffIsant (29 %) s'estaccrue jusqu'à un niveaucomparable à celui du Ghana(27 %). De son côté, le ministreirakien <strong>de</strong> la santéévalue à près <strong>de</strong> 110 000 paran le nombre <strong>de</strong>s décès imputablesà l'embargo.Toutes les antennes <strong>de</strong>l'ONU présentes en Irak, <strong>de</strong>l'Unicef à la FAa en passantpar le PAM (Programme alim~ntairemondial), s'accor<strong>de</strong>~tpour souligner l'ampleur<strong>de</strong>s besoins dans unesérie <strong>de</strong> secteurs clés: nutrition,~té, eau potable, édu-,cation. A la fin <strong>de</strong> 1994, enraison notamment <strong>de</strong> récoltesmédiocres, le gouver-La population irakienne s'attendait à une baisse rapi<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>s prix aorès l'accord signé avec l'ONUmais elle a dû rapi<strong>de</strong>ment déchanter.D'après les estimations <strong>de</strong>l'ONU, les Irakiens ne recevronten définitive quel'équivalent. <strong>de</strong> 32 cents(1,60 F environ) par tête <strong>et</strong>parjoùr en aliments, médicanementirakien avait réduitles quantités <strong>de</strong>s rations alimentairesdistribuées à lapopulation à <strong>de</strong>s prix subventionnéspoUr les produits<strong>de</strong> première nécessité comprenantla farine, le riz,l'huile, le sucre <strong>et</strong> le thé.L'ai<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'ONU.reste mo<strong>de</strong>steÀ terme, l'impact <strong>de</strong> l'accord« pétrole contre nourriture»<strong>de</strong>vrait se réfléterdans une amélioration dutaux <strong>de</strong> change du dinar local<strong>et</strong>, par conséquent, sur lepouvoir d'achat <strong>de</strong> la population.Le dinar avait atteintun record <strong>de</strong> dépréciation enjanvier <strong>de</strong>rnier, s'échangeantà3000 IQD (dinar ira- .kien) pour le bill<strong>et</strong> vert, maisl'annonce par Bagdad <strong>de</strong> l'ouverture<strong>de</strong>s négociationsavec l'ONU, en janvier, avaitramené le dollar au-<strong>de</strong>ssoussur la situation humanitaire<strong>de</strong> la barre <strong>de</strong>s 1 000 IQD <strong>de</strong>puisfévrier. Le salairemoyen qui tourne autour <strong>de</strong>3 500 IQD, a sextuplé en valeur,passant <strong>de</strong> 1dollar (5 F)début janvier, à 6 dollars(30 F) actuellement.L'accord autorise <strong>de</strong>s exportationspétrolières irakiennespour 1 milliard <strong>de</strong>dollars (environ 5 milliards<strong>de</strong> francs) par trimestre,mais 300 millions <strong>de</strong> dollars(1,5 milliard <strong>de</strong> francs) doiventen être déduits pour alimenterle fonds <strong>de</strong> compensationcréé pour les victimes<strong>de</strong> l'invasion du Koweït, <strong>et</strong>une autre partie pour couvrirles frais <strong>de</strong>s opérations<strong>de</strong> l'ONU en Irak.ments <strong>et</strong> autres produits <strong>de</strong>première necessité s'ils viventdans les régions contrôléespar Bagdad, <strong>et</strong> 50 cents(2,50 F) dans les régionskur<strong>de</strong>s du nord, souscontrôle <strong>de</strong>s formations hos- .tiles à Saddam Hussein.Avant l'invasion du Koweït,les revenus pétroliers<strong>de</strong> l'Irak, qui exportait plus<strong>de</strong> 3 millions <strong>de</strong> barils <strong>de</strong> brutpar jour, étaient estimés à13 milliards <strong>de</strong> dollars(65 milliard <strong>de</strong> francs) paran. Par rapport à c<strong>et</strong>temanne, le milliard <strong>de</strong> dollarsdébloqué chaque trimestrepar l'ONU .ne représentequ'un mo<strong>de</strong>ste acompte, unballon d'oxygène. pour une,société déSarticulée par cinq':années d'embargo, une'guerre du Golfe <strong>et</strong> huit an-.nées <strong>de</strong> guerre contre l'Iran ..F.A.76

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iINTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, SATURDAY-SUNDAY, MAY 25-26, 1996In Oil Dealt! a Windfall forSaddam's Army-,By Robin WrightLos Angeles Times ServiceWASHINGTON - Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam Husseinof Iraq had planned to resist the Unit.ed Natil;ms<strong>de</strong>al to resume Iraqi oil sales to feed hIS suffenngpopulation and had even drawn up plans to m~ehuge cuts in his military to free resources, semorAmerican officials say.Mr. Saddam reluctantly relented only when itappeared he would soon have to begin c~ing outcutbacks in the military machine that ISthe mostpowerful in the Gulf region - and is the prop thathas,~ept him in power. .> dThe military was for the first hme. real~yfeeling the pinch," a senior Pentagon OffiCIaiSaidthis past week .•• Saddam had to disband a divisionof Republican Guards last year and now he was~ooking at cutbacks of up to 50 percent of the Iraqiimilitary across the board."But by agreeing to the oil-for-food <strong>de</strong>alMonday, Mr. Saddam not only can. maintai~ hisinilitary at current levels, but also WIlleffectively,be-able to free mQney now being used to pay forfood and medicine. And the funds will be in hardIoreign currency, not fluctuating Iraqi din~s.Now that the long-<strong>de</strong>layed agreement IS compl<strong>et</strong>e,the broad implications of the oil sales - the,first of Iraqi oil since the 1991 Gulf War - are thesubject of intense analysis in Washington andthroughout the region.Some close U.S. allies are likely to face prob-.lems because of the <strong>de</strong>al. In particular. Jordan,which only last year turned on Baghdad aftersupporting Mr. Saddam during the war, now facesmaj~r economic and political challenges.The oil-for-food <strong>de</strong>al allows Iraq to sell $2bilii'on worth of oil in the next six months. Iraq is tospend $1.4 billion of that sum on humanitarian aidand the other $600 million on war reparations,assistance for the Kurdish minority. some UnitedNations costs and its own oil export expenses.After the <strong>de</strong>al was signed. U.S. officials claimedthat Iraq effectively was becoming a UN trusteeship,because its economy will come un<strong>de</strong>r UNcontrol, much as Iraq's military has been heavilysupervised by UN monitors since the war.Y<strong>et</strong> Clinton administration officials and MiddleEast experts now conce<strong>de</strong> that the <strong>de</strong>alliberates awindfall of funds for Mr. Saddam.James A. Placke, director of Cambridge EnergyResearch Associates in Washington and a formerU.S. diplomat in Iraq, said, "To the extent that thenew oil revenues are able to provi<strong>de</strong> basic necessitiesfor Iraqis, other resources will effectivelybe freed up, which Saddam Hussein will be able touse in ways of his own choosing - and which theUnited States and the United Nations may not beable to monitor."King Hussein of Jordan has been appealing tothe Clinton administration for months not to l<strong>et</strong> the<strong>de</strong>al go through, U.S. officials said. The kingdomcould lose the 60,000 barrels per day of Iraqi oilatreduced rates - that it has been able to buy fortransportation and industrial uses. Since Jordanrecently has become headquarters of the Iraqiopposition, Iraq has little incentive to continueselling oil to the kingdom."Jordan will be the most exposed," an administrationofficial said. "Iraq has several options.It could cut off the oil spi~ot compl<strong>et</strong>ely, cutit back or make it more expensIve."Saudi Arabia might be willing to make up the oilto Jordan but probably not at reduced prices, U.S.officials said.Islamists Prepare BidTo Oust Turkish Lea<strong>de</strong>rComplied h) Ow Staff h(H" Oj!JptJl/ hessharing plan to give Mrs.ANKARA -- Prime MinisterMesut Yilmaz insisted post next year.Ciller the prime minister'sSunday that he would not Mrs. Ciller's party appearedsupportive of the Is-resign <strong>de</strong>spite his coalitionpartner's <strong>de</strong>cision to abandon lamists' initiative.the government.The process of the no-confi<strong>de</strong>ncevote would take oneFormer Prime MinisterTallsu Ciller's True Path Party to three weeks. The votes ofwithdrew from the centerrightcoalition late Friday after Welfare Party would be suf-True Path and the IslamicMr. Yilmaz's Motherland ficient to topple Mr. Yilmaz.Party stepped up corruption Some political analysts suggestedthat Mr. Yilmaz's res;charges against Mrs. Ciller.The <strong>de</strong>velopment increasedthe Islamist Welfare to his expectation that Mn;-:istance to resigning was linke'lParty' s chances to g<strong>et</strong> to Ciller would face an uprisin~power. It planned to seek a in her own party and would b:eno-confi<strong>de</strong>nce vote in Parliamentthat could topple the "We will continue to beforced to step down.government. formed in the government" until aMarch to block the Islamists, "new goveITlffient formulawho led the December electionsbut were not strong news agency quöted Mr. Yil-becomes clear," Anatolianenough to rule alone. maz as saying.But Mr. Yilmaz said the "I am not goifJ~to resign, .coalition protocol signed b<strong>et</strong>weenTrue Path and Moto-ministers resign, or l<strong>et</strong> themhe told the agency. "L<strong>et</strong>-all the;erland was no longer valid. table a Censure motion."The pact inclu<strong>de</strong>d a power-(AP. Reuters)77

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.EP. - A~enteFrontePresse-A.F.P. - A~enœFronœPrem-A.F.P. - A~enœFrontePresle-A.F.P. - A~enœFronœPrme-A.F.P. - A~enteFronœPrelle-A.F.P. - A~enœFronœPrme-A.F.P.A.F.P.ECF0038 3F 0395 IRK /AFP-VM09Eco.Irak: démantèlement <strong>de</strong> réseaux <strong>de</strong> trafic d'antiquitésBAGDAD, 26 mai (AFP) - Les autorités irakiennes ont annoncé avoirdémantelé <strong>de</strong>ux réseaux <strong>de</strong> trafic d'antiquités, qui faisaient passer àl'étranger <strong>de</strong>s pièces archéologiques vieilles parfois <strong>de</strong> 4000 ans.Les cinq membres <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux réseaux ont fait <strong>de</strong>s aveux samedi soir à latélévision irakienne qui a montré également <strong>de</strong>s statu<strong>et</strong>tes en pierre <strong>et</strong> enbronze d'anciens dieux <strong>et</strong> rois <strong>de</strong> l'époque assyrienne, ainsi que <strong>de</strong>s vases<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s sceaux qu'ils tentaient <strong>de</strong> faire passer en Jordanie.Les membres du premier réseau, formé d'un chauffeur <strong>de</strong> taxi <strong>de</strong> 53 ans,d'un ven<strong>de</strong>ur d'antiquités <strong>de</strong> 36 ans <strong>et</strong> d'une femme sans emploi mariée à unJordanien, ont indiqué que d'autres personnes leurs apportaient les piècesarchéologiques <strong>de</strong> sites sur l'ensemble du territoire irakien.Les <strong>de</strong>ux .autres trafiquants, un ouvrier <strong>de</strong> 29 ans <strong>et</strong> le directeur d'unbureau commercial à Amman, Jabar Sayad, ont affirmé que leurs complicesfaisaient sortir les pièces archéologiques notamment à travers le nord <strong>de</strong>l'Irak, sous contrôle <strong>de</strong>s formations kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> frontalier <strong>de</strong> la Turquie <strong>et</strong>l'Iran. .Sayad a précisé avoir été arrêté au poste-frontière avec la Jordanielorsque les douaniers ont découvert en sa possession "un morceau <strong>de</strong> cuirportant <strong>de</strong>s inscriptions en hébreu" qu'un Jordanien lui avait <strong>de</strong>mandé <strong>de</strong>faire passer, sans préciser s'il s'agissait <strong>de</strong> fragments <strong>de</strong> textesreligieux juifs.C'est la première fois que la télévision montre <strong>de</strong>s personnes accusées<strong>de</strong> contreban<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> pièces archéologiques. Depuis la fin <strong>de</strong> la guerre duGolfe en 1991, les autorités irakiennes déploient <strong>de</strong>s efforts pour m<strong>et</strong>treun terme au trafic d'antiquités <strong>et</strong> ont <strong>de</strong>mandé le concours <strong>de</strong>sorganisations internationales pour récupérer les pièces volées.Elles ont en outre <strong>de</strong>mandé aux Irakiens <strong>de</strong> rem<strong>et</strong>tre au gouvernementtoute pièce archéologique qui se trouverait en leur possession, en échanged'une récompense.Le gouvernement irakien avait accusé après la guerre du Golfe <strong>de</strong>ssoldats américains qui avaient pénétré en territoire irakien, d'avoir volé<strong>de</strong>s pièces archéologiques du site d'Ur (375 km au sud <strong>de</strong> Bagdad), quiabrite <strong>de</strong>s ruines datant <strong>de</strong> l'époque ~umérienne (2500 av J.C) <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>mandél'ai<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'UNESCO (Organisation <strong>de</strong>s Nations unies pour la science <strong>et</strong> laculture) pour obtenir leur restitution.fch/at/sb/Kar/mlmAFP /AA1234/261354 MAI 96..AlP. - A~en(eFronœPmse-A.F.P. - A~en(eFron,ePresse-A.EP. - A~en'eFron,ePrme-A.F.P. - A~en(eFron(ePresse-A.F.P. - A~enteFrontePrme-A.F.P. - A~enœFrontePresle-78

Damning health report from the Southeast~

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iLE MONDE - 26-27 mai 1996Tansu Ciller porte le coup <strong>de</strong> grâceà la coalition gouvernementaleen TurquieLa fin <strong>de</strong> l'alliance entre les <strong>de</strong>ux partis conservateurs fait le jeu <strong>de</strong>s islamistes,Onze semaines seulement après la poignée <strong>de</strong>main scellant l'union forcée entre le Parti <strong>de</strong> lamère patrie (ANAP) du premier ministre MesutVilmaz <strong>et</strong> celui <strong>de</strong> la Juste Voie (DVP) <strong>de</strong> MmeCiller,la méfiance, les accusations réciproques <strong>de</strong>corruption <strong>et</strong> les échanges d'insultes ont finalementeu raison <strong>de</strong> la fragile coalition formée parles <strong>de</strong>ux partis conservateurs rivaux pour empêcherl'arrivée aux pouvoir <strong>de</strong>s islamistes.ISTANBUL<strong>de</strong> notre correspondanteA l'issue d'une longue réunion<strong>de</strong> l'exécutif <strong>de</strong> son Dyp, TansuCiller a porté le coup <strong>de</strong> grâce à lacoali~on, du moins dans sa formeactuelle. «L'exécutif du parti a décidé<strong>de</strong> r<strong>et</strong>irer son soutien au gouvernement,qui est <strong>de</strong>' toute manièrelin gouvernement minoritaire, incapable<strong>de</strong> légiférer <strong>et</strong> d'offrir au pays, <strong>et</strong> à la population les services qu'ilsatten<strong>de</strong>nt », a déclaré Mm.Ciller,samedi 25 mai, ajoutant que sonparti se m<strong>et</strong>trait au travail immédiatementpour obtenir la formationd'un gouvernement majoritaire.'Le premier ministre Yilmazn'ayant pas démissionné, la coalitionest cependant officiellementen place. Mm.Ciller a confirméque ses collègues poursuivraientleurs tâches gouvernementalesjusqu'à ce que le divorce soit pro-AGENCE ECONOMIQUE ET FINANCIÈRE - 28 mai 1996la coalition d'Ankaraest sapée par la brouilleentre conservateursLe Parlement turc pourrait avoir à seprononcer dès le 3 juin sur une motion<strong>de</strong> censure déposée par le partiRefah (islamiste) <strong>et</strong> vraisemblablementappuyée par celui <strong>de</strong> la JusteVoie (DYP), pourtant associé augouvernement dirigé par Mesut Yilmaz(Mère Patrie ou Anap). Le'DYP<strong>de</strong> Tansu Cillernoncé; Une réunion du cabin<strong>et</strong>,composé <strong>de</strong> ministres <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>uxpartis, <strong>de</strong>vrait avoir lieu dimancheà Diyarbakir, la capitale <strong>de</strong> la régionà majorité kur<strong>de</strong>., La coalition entre l'ANAP <strong>et</strong> leDYP avait été formée le 6 marssous la pression <strong>de</strong> la «Thrquieinstitutionnelle », un terme discr<strong>et</strong>qui désigne l'armée, les institutionsétatiques <strong>et</strong> le secteur privé,qui tous voulaient éviter l'arrivéeau pouvoir <strong>de</strong>s islamistes du Parti<strong>de</strong> la prospérité (RF, Refah), vainqueurs<strong>de</strong>s élections <strong>de</strong> décembre199,1. Les <strong>de</strong>ux partenaires, qui sedéclaraient «condamnés à réus-

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i-,Turk~hDaily News -Tuesday--.-Ma-y-28-, 1-99-6----------Two more cases againstTurkey referred to ECHRBy Orya Sultan Halis<strong>de</strong>mirTurkish Daily NewsLONDON- The EuropeanCommission of Human Rights hasaccepted two more cases against Turkeyas "admissible" and referred them to theEuropean Court of Human Rights{ECHR), the Turkish Daily News haslearned.Sources who asked not to be namedsaid that two cases were referred to thecourt by,the commission on April17, buthad not been revealed to the public. TheEuropean Court of Human Rights isexpected to schedule hearings on the twocases. "It might be within a month ortwo," the same sources indicated, Thecommission' s reports on the two cases,obtained by the Turkish Daily News,revealed the following facts:The first case, "Azlz Ment~ and othersys. Turkey," involves allegations onthe part of four women that Turkish soldiersburned their homes on June 25,1993. The report said that according tothe ap~licants, Turkish security forceshad amved the day after an attack on thevillage of Sagoze in Bingoi province bythe outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party(PKK) on June 23. "Again according tothe applicants, the security forees burnedtheir homes the followmg day on thebasis that the villagers had helped thePKK separatists.""Theburning of the applicants' homesis consistent with a practice of burninghouses as part of the policy by the securityforces to combat the PKK, especially,,:h~~~th~ authorities view villages asgIVIngsupport to the PKK," the commission'sreport un<strong>de</strong>rlined un<strong>de</strong>r the "factsas presented by the applicants" sectionMeanwhile the TurKish government's"presentation of facts" read as follows:"Since 1993 the PKK has sought to us<strong>et</strong>he applicanl&'village ~ a place of shelterand a supply base': The villagersun<strong>de</strong>r the, incursions of the terroristsw~ forced to leave the village. The terronstsused the houses from tIme to timeand when the security forces took actionagainst them, the terrorists fled, s<strong>et</strong>tingthe houses on fire,"The government also <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>d itselfon the grounds that there had been nooperation by the security forces in thatarea on June 25, 1993. "In fact, the applicantshad been absent from the villagefor .6-7 y~ars by that point. They areclose relatJvesof the six narned individualswho are suspected of being membersof the mountain branch of thePKK," theTurkish government testified in thereport.'The commission has <strong>de</strong>clared admissibl<strong>et</strong>he ayplicants' complaints that onJune 25, 993, state security forcesburned their homes, <strong>de</strong>stroymg theirproperty and forcing them to evacuat<strong>et</strong>heIr village and causing, in the case ofSuriye Uvat who was pregnant at th<strong>et</strong>ime, the premature <strong>de</strong>liverx of twins,.who died shortly afterwards, the report<strong>de</strong>clare,din the section hea<strong>de</strong>d "opinionof the commission," The commissionfound Turkey in violation of Article 8 ofthe European Convention of HumanRights, which assures the right to respectfor family life.The report also cites Turkey as beingin violation of AtVcle 3, which protectsfrom torture and inhuman or <strong>de</strong>gradingtreatment. According to the report,Turkey is also in breach of law in regardto Articles 6.1 and 13, which call foreffective domestic remedies. "Turkey's<strong>de</strong>cision not to pursue the cases of thesewomen in the domestic le~al system isfundamentally flawed,' the report~g!led.The second apelication that wasaccepted as "admissIble" by the commissionis Sukran Aydin's complaint thatshe was raped while in custody."In the early hours of June 29, 1993,the applicant, her father Seydo Aydinand lier sister-in-law Ferahdiba Aydinwere taken from their village Tasit, inDerik district, by the village guards andgen~arme officers. They were taken toDenk gendarme head~uarters. Duringher <strong>de</strong>tention, the applIcant was blindfol<strong>de</strong>d.She was taken to a 'torture room'where she was beaten, strip~d nakedplaced in a tyre and hosed Withpressur~lzed water. In another separate room shewas stripped and raped by a mem~r ofthe security forces. She and the othermembers of her family were releasedafter three days on or about July 2,1993," the report said, quoting the applicants'alleged complaints.The report quoted the Turkish government's reply to the complaint: "Theysub~itted that the custody record for theDenk gendarme headquarters indicatedthat the applicant and other members ofher family were not held in <strong>de</strong>tention asalleged, ~d that intelligence reports andother eVldçnce revealed that the appli-~ant ha? been engaged in intimate relatIonsWIthtwo members of the PKK.". According to the report, the commissIonhas found Turkey in violation ofArticle 3, consi<strong>de</strong>ring Aydin's treatmentwhile in custody to be so severe as toamount to torture. It further stated thatthe right to a fair hearing by the judicialsystem (as <strong>de</strong>fined in Article 6.1) was 'also violated. .The reports on both cases also saidthat the statements taken both by theTurkish Human Rights Association, forth~ p'urpose of applications to the com-!"Isslon, and by the public prosecutors,I~ the context of domestic investigations,did not appear to record strictly the in<strong>de</strong>-~n<strong>de</strong>nt recollections of the applicants orwltnes.sesconcerned, but often appearedto recIte stereotyped and preconceivedassumpti0!1s to s~it the purpose of thedocument ID queshon.The <strong>de</strong>cision of the court regarding th<strong>et</strong>wo previous applications againstTurkey, which the court heard at the endof April, is still not clear and is expectedto be revealed in the coming weeks. thesame sources indicated.'81

I •~f}.~~'"~I~'"~~ ....~~I~~l':l~"Q"S ~~~.1.:::'~~ ~~ ~~ ;:s"'1-~f}.~~"";:s~I~ '->~.0:~ ~.~MONDAY.~Y27.1996Turkish. DailyNewsUS Helsinki Commission renews effort for Kurdish. .resolution.~.Measure aims to stop 'Kurdish conflict'By UAur Alane.Turkish Daily NewsWASHINGTON- The U.S. Helsinki Commission,•the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperationin Europe) representative on Capitol Hill, has circulat-~ed a "Dear Colleague" l<strong>et</strong>ter dated May 22, 1996 in.Congress to garner new support for H. Con.:Resolution 136 which "advocates .apeaceful end to theconflict b<strong>et</strong>ween the Government of Turkey and. Kurdish militants."The l<strong>et</strong>ter signed by Steriy H..Hoyer (D-MD) andChristopher H. Smith (R-NJ), the chairman of the. OSCE commission, said "for more than a <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>,Turkey's citizens, especially those residing in theSoutheast, have suffered the horrors of terrorism andthe excesses of a government committed to eradicatingterrorism at any cost."After giving a long lisl of human rights violationsby Turkish troops, and noting that "the PKK guerrillasfueled the cycle of violence by killing civilians, mininglocals roads and $<strong>et</strong>ting off bombs," the.OSCEcommissioners said: "This ongoing conflict un<strong>de</strong>rminesthe very foundalions of bOlh the Turkish stateand our bilateral relations and its persistence challengesthe <strong>de</strong>sires of both governments to establish asecure, long-term relationship. We believe that resolutionof the conflict will strengthen Turkish <strong>de</strong>mocracy,help eliminate the scourge of terrorism, resuscitatea shaky economy and promote regional slability." .The Helsinki Commission has circulated atleasl onesimilar "Dear èolleague" l<strong>et</strong>ter sirice Jan. 25, 1996when the Resolution 136 was first introduced in theU.S. House of Representatives. Since then only 25House members (out of a total of 435) It,ve signed upas co-sponsors of the measure which, among otherthings, asks the Turkish government to <strong>de</strong>clare acease-fire, allow Kur4ish-language schools, radio andTV, and repeal the state of emergency in the.Soulheast.Among the cosponsors are Toricelli; Frazer; Porter;Berman; Slaughter (representing Rochester, NY, a.Turkish-Americanstronghold); Torres; Wolf; Roybal-Allard; Hoke; Pel~ Fun<strong>de</strong>rburk; Lipinski; Bryant;Cardin; Calvert; Romero-Barcelo; and Lowey. In theU.S. COngress, 218 votes are nee<strong>de</strong>d to bring a resolutionto the House floor for <strong>de</strong>bate and voting..., ,

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i-,Negative Americanattitu<strong>de</strong> hurtingties with TurkeyChilly winds are blowing from Washingtonthese days <strong>de</strong>spite the advent of spring ...It is no secr<strong>et</strong> that the Clinton administrationis going out of its way to court theGreek-American votes. The red carp<strong>et</strong> treatmentaccor<strong>de</strong>d to the Greek presi<strong>de</strong>nt recentlyat the White House and the statements ma<strong>de</strong>during and after his visit were just some ofmany indicators of how the Americans willuse their preferences when they have to <strong>de</strong>alwith Turkey and Greece ... We do not want tocompare Demirel's low-key working visit tothe White House and the way Clinton wentout of his way to welcome the Greek presi<strong>de</strong>nt... We are aware the nature of the two visitswere different and it will take several moreyears before the Ameri-cans will host aTurkish presi<strong>de</strong>nt officially at the WhiteHouse ...But all these are rather superficial.Actions speak lou<strong>de</strong>r than words and unfortunatelyAmerican actions against Turkey andits vital interests are really very noticeabl<strong>et</strong>hese days ... The .American administrationmay try towin as many Greek editorialvotes as they canbut this should notbe at the cost ofhurting Turkish-American relationsand the vital interestsof Turkey. i '. .' . ','Turkey wants to'build up its navyand thus it has purchasedthreefrigates from theUnited States.Despite repeatedpromises byPresi<strong>de</strong>nt Clinton,the <strong>de</strong>livery of thevessels has been, I(, J Il,~~By tlnurÇevikTurk~hDairy NewsWednesday. May 29. 1996held up because of objections voiced by somepro-Greek congressmen. 'fhey claim thefrigates may spoil the balance of power in theAegean. The same antagonistic attitu<strong>de</strong> isalso displayed in the sale of American helicoptergunships to Turkey. Here, too, congressmenfeel Turkey will use these 'coptersagainst people of Kurdish origin instead ofseparatist terrorists ... So Turkey is <strong>de</strong>niedAmerican arms these days ...As if this was not enough, the Americanshave also altered their policy on Cyprus dramaticallyand ßay that Greek Cyprus canbecome a full member of the European Unioneven if the Cyprus issue remains unsolved.Before they were saying the Greeks shouldsort out their differences with the Turks onCyprus before they can become a member ofthe EU ... This is a blow to the Turks and willonly increase Greek Cypriot intransigence ...What the Americans seem to forg<strong>et</strong> is thefact that they could not force Turkey to submitto their <strong>de</strong>mands even during the periodin the 1970s when Congress imposed an armsembargo on Turkey and stopped all aid to us.That only increased anti-American sentimentin Turkey.Today the actions of the United Statesonly serve to strengthen the hands of the anti-American and anti-Western camp in Turkey.These people will now say "this is what youg<strong>et</strong> from being a loyal friend of the U.S."Turkish-American relations should not besacrificed for a few votes. Y<strong>et</strong> it seems there ismore to this than mere votes. The UnitedStates is also aiming to put pressure onTurkey to convince it to extend the mandateof Operation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort ... This kind ofblackmail will never work on Turkey. On thecontrary, this will push the Turks to becomemore inward looking and will strengthen theposition of those who preach anti-U.S. sentiments...83

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - AgenœFronœPres\e-A.F.P. - AgenœFronœPresse-A.F.P. - AgemeFronœPre\\e-A.F.P. - AgenœFronœPre\se-A.F.P. - AgenœFronœPrme-A.EP. - AgenœFronœPre\se-A.F.P.A.F.P.FRS0319 4 I 0273 TUR /AFP-GP36Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s43 rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s tués dans le sud-est anatolien en une semaineANKARA, 28 mai (AFP) - Quarante-trois rebelles du Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleursdu Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste) ont été tués lors d'opérations militairesmenées <strong>de</strong>puis tine semaine dans le sud-est anatolien, a-t-on annoncé mardi<strong>de</strong> source officielle.Vingt-sept rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s ont été tués lors d'opérations <strong>et</strong> combats lelong <strong>de</strong> la frontière avec l'Irak, au sud <strong>de</strong>s zones <strong>de</strong> Semdinli <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>Cukurca, en territoire turc, indique un communiqué <strong>de</strong> la super-préfecture<strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir, chargée <strong>de</strong> la coordination <strong>de</strong> la lutte contre le PKK <strong>de</strong>puis1987.L'Irak du nord est utilisé par le PKK comme base arrière pour sesattaques contre les intérêts en territoire turc.Seize autres maquisards kur<strong>de</strong>s ont trouvé la mort dans d'autres régionsdu sud-est anatolien à majorité kur<strong>de</strong>, selon le document cité par l'agenceAnatolie.Sept a'lJ,.tres "terroristes" (ndIr: rebelles du PKK) ont été arrêtés <strong>et</strong>cinq autres se sont rendus aux forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordre turques, ajoute lecommuniqué. Celui-ci ne fait pas état d'éventuelles victimes chez l'armé<strong>et</strong>urque qui poursuivait ses opérations dans la région.Le PKK mène une rébellion armée <strong>de</strong>puis 1984 contre Ankara. C<strong>et</strong>terébellion, pour la création d '.unEtat indépendant kur<strong>de</strong> dans le sud-estanatolien, situé à la frontière avec la Syrie, l'Irak <strong>et</strong> l'Iran, <strong>et</strong> lesopérations <strong>de</strong> représailles <strong>de</strong> l'armée ont fait plus <strong>de</strong> 21.000 morts en 12ans.. Depuis début d'avril, l'armée multiplié ses opérations contre le PKK,tuant plus <strong>de</strong> 500 maquisards kur<strong>de</strong>s, selon les bil~ns annoncés par lesautorités.CE /dfg eafAFP /AA1234/281212 MAI 96A.F.P. - Agen(eFron(ePresse-A.EP. - Agen,eFronœPresse-A.EP. - Agen,eFron,ePresse-A.F.P. - Agen,eFron,ePrme-A.F.P. - Agen,eFron,ePrme-A.F.P. - Agen,eFron,ePrme-84

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>ilA MONTAGNE - 2;'; II/ai 1996CONCERTUne nuit pour le KurdistanCoincés entre cinq pays qui leur sont hostiles, persécutés <strong>de</strong>puis <strong>de</strong>s décennies, lesKur<strong>de</strong>s fuient leurs terres. Un p<strong>et</strong>it nombre a trouvé refuge en Auvergne. Mais ilsn'en oublient par pour autant leurs frères restés dans leur région, qui, souvent,vivent dans le plus grand dénuement. Pour collecter <strong>de</strong>s fonds afin <strong>de</strong> leur venir enai<strong>de</strong>, l'Association franco-kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong> le Secours populaire français organisent, àClermont-Ferrand, un grand concert, ce soir, à la Maison du Peuple, avecnotamment Jean-louis Murat.-.ISPERS?S sur cinqD pays, IIrak, la Turquie,l'Iran, la Syrie <strong>et</strong> l'Arménie,les Kur<strong>de</strong>s sont unpeuple sans terre, sans pays.Depuis <strong>de</strong>s décennies, ilssont persécutés, comme toutesles minorités, par lespays souverains où ils essaient<strong>de</strong> vivre. On se souvient<strong>de</strong> 1988, lorsque lesannées <strong>de</strong> Saddam Husseinavaient procédé à <strong>de</strong>s bombar<strong>de</strong>mentschimiques méthodiques,dans le nord dupays. Personne ne peut oublierles images <strong>de</strong> ces centaines<strong>de</strong> civils kur<strong>de</strong>s exterminésdélibérément par ledictateur irakien.C'est à c<strong>et</strong>te époque qu'uncertain nombre <strong>de</strong> réfugiés,fuyant les combats, ont étéaccueillis en Auvergne, àBourg-Lastic puis à Vic-le-Comte, Lemp<strong>de</strong>s, Auzon <strong>et</strong>Sainte- Florine.Naissance <strong>de</strong> l'AFKEn 1990, les Kur<strong>de</strong>s installésà Vic-le-Comte ontcréé l'Association francokur<strong>de</strong>,PAFK. Son objectifest <strong>de</strong> favoriser les relationsamicales entre les populationskur<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong> française.L'autre but <strong>de</strong> l'associationest d'ai<strong>de</strong>r ceux qui sontrestéscourir«au pays -. Pour se-le Kurdistan, l'AFKa, dans un premier temps,aidé financièrement Pharmacienssans Frontièrespour ses missions sur l<strong>et</strong>errain. Aujourd'hui, l'associationorganise ses propresactions en s'alliant au Secourspopulaire français <strong>et</strong>en se rendant sur place.Ensemble, ils concentrentleurs efforts sur l'ai<strong>de</strong> àl'ei1fan,ce <strong>et</strong> en particulier8uZ"kotiérll\ " "Une première missions'est déroulée dans la région<strong>de</strong> Douhok, du 31 aoßt au15 septembre 1995. Arrivésavec les fonds collectés enFrance, les <strong>de</strong>ux membres <strong>de</strong>la mission se sont employésà ach<strong>et</strong>er sur place le matérielscolaire nécessaire à4.000 enfants pour un an <strong>de</strong>scolarité.Fortes <strong>de</strong> leur succèscommun, les <strong>de</strong>ux associationspréparent pout l'automneun nouveau convoi,constitué <strong>de</strong> matériel introuvableau Kurdistan. Ces produitscollectés en France :couvertures, produits d'hygiène,jou<strong>et</strong>s, gros matérielscolaire, vêtements... serontacheminés jusqu'à Duhokpar une société <strong>de</strong> transit.Pour financer ce convoi,l'AFK <strong>et</strong> le SPF multiplientles initiatives: bons <strong>de</strong> soutien,appel aux dons, repaskur<strong>de</strong>s ...Un spectacle uniqueLe grand moment sur lequelles <strong>de</strong>ux associationscomptent beaucoup est l'organisationd'un concert unique: «Une nuit pour leKurdistan _, avec Jean-Louis Murat, Jack <strong>et</strong> les~ventteurs <strong>et</strong> ~dré Agier.Le concert aura lieu ce soir,à la Maison du Peuple <strong>de</strong>Clermont-Ferrand. Tous lesartistes se produisent généreusementau profit du"co~voi. Les places sont àr<strong>et</strong>irer aux Secours populairefrançais, 4, rue Maréchal-Joffre;à la FNAC,chez Sainte-Cécile, chezSpliff <strong>et</strong> à l'Espace infojeune, à Clermont-Ferrand.A tous ceux qui se dépla-J .. n-Loul. MUnit .era à l'amcM du concertexceptionnel don" ce ~/r, à ,. Ma/~ duPeuple <strong>de</strong> Clermont-Ferrand, au profit <strong>de</strong>.enfan'" kur<strong>de</strong>s.ceront, l'AFK <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d'apporter un produit d'hygiène(savon, shampooing,<strong>de</strong>ntifrice) ou <strong>de</strong>s fournituresscolaires (cahiers,crayons).C'est l'occasion pour lesfans <strong>de</strong> Jean-Louis Murat <strong>et</strong>les autres artistes <strong>de</strong> venirécouter leurs chanteurs préférés<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> participer à unebonne action.85

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i86ENGAGÉJean-Louis Murat, pour le Kurdistan.Murat sort <strong>de</strong>son silencepour le KurdistanTous ceux qui espéraient découvrir"" en avant-première,quelques titres du prochain album <strong>de</strong>, Jean-L,.ouis' Murat,n'auront finalement dû se «contenter », hier soir, à laMaison du Peuple <strong>de</strong> Clermont-Ferrand, que d'anciennes'chansons <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> reprises. Les bénéfices du concert ~ auquelparticipaient égalem~nt André Agier <strong>et</strong> Jack <strong>et</strong> les Eventreurs~ perm<strong>et</strong>tront, eux, <strong>de</strong> financer l'envoi d'un convoihumanitaire au KurdU:;tan.'ES Kur<strong>de</strong>s, Ce BOnt l~,« L Apaches du XX, siè->cie! D. Fonnule choc du chanteurAndré Agier en ouverturedu concert • Une nuit pour le'Kurdistan., hier BOir,à la Mai-BOndu Peuple <strong>de</strong> Clennont-Ferrand.Le constat est effectivementalarmant : éClaté sur cinqétats (Turquie, Iran, Irak, Syrie,Annénie), c'est le <strong>de</strong>rnier grandpeuple au mon<strong>de</strong> à ne pas avoirun pays indépendant!Si l'idée d'organiser une,gran<strong>de</strong> BOirée au profit <strong>de</strong> cepeuple déraciné était donc noble,le public n'aura ~eureu-Bement pas été à la hauteur <strong>de</strong>s 'espérances <strong>de</strong>s organisateurs.,Quelque trois cents personnes",seulement, ont répondu à l'in-'Mtation lancée par l'Associationfranco-kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong> le Secours po.pulaire. ,Les fonds recueillis lors <strong>de</strong>,c<strong>et</strong>te BOirée, ainsi que <strong>de</strong>s dons,en nature, penn<strong>et</strong>tront tout <strong>de</strong>,même <strong>de</strong>, financer l'envoi d'un"convoi humanitaire (1) jusque(dans la ville <strong>de</strong> Duhok (Kurdis-,.tan iranien, situé au nord du'pays), d'où BOnt originaires <strong>de</strong>,n.ombreux réfugiés <strong>de</strong> l'Associationfranco-russe créée à Vic-le-Comte, ily a six ans.Tout comme Bernard Agier,le groupe Jack <strong>et</strong> les Eventreursa dédié l'un <strong>de</strong> ses nouveaux'morceaux - en langue anglaise ,,<strong>et</strong> que l'on <strong>de</strong>vrait r<strong>et</strong>rouver stJ '~ CD, d'ici septembre-octobre- aux trente millions <strong>de</strong> Kur- '<strong>de</strong>s réunis par une même langue<strong>et</strong> une même culture: • Nous neBOmmespas tout seuls •.Le Kurdistan BOUffre pourtanttoujow's d'un double embargo: celui <strong>de</strong>s Nations uniescontre l'Irak, <strong>de</strong>pUis la guerre:du Golfe (ce qui fait, par' exem-,pie, qu~il est impoBBible d'yenvoyer <strong>de</strong>s ordinateurs, quirelè~ent <strong>de</strong> la technologie), <strong>et</strong>'celm <strong>de</strong> Saddam HUBBein qui'tente <strong>de</strong> nuire à ce pays <strong>de</strong>toutes les façons possibles"tuant <strong>et</strong> terrorisant journalisteS,'ou 888OCiationshumanitaires... :" Membre <strong>de</strong> l'Association,franco-kur<strong>de</strong> pratiquement <strong>de</strong>puissa création, c'est tout na-'-turellement que Jean-Louis Muerat a donc accepté <strong>de</strong> chanter,:pour c<strong>et</strong>te. Nuit. contre l'ou-,bli. Long cheveux défaits, tout<strong>de</strong> blanc vêtu <strong>et</strong> look. messie»il a enchaîné près d'une ving~taine <strong>de</strong>titres,BOrtantainsi dusilence dans lequel il s'était,emenné <strong>de</strong>puis <strong>de</strong> longs mois., Pour autant, pas d'avant-première<strong>de</strong> BOnprochain album làparaître à l'automne), mais <strong>de</strong>svaleurs sQres (c Si je <strong>de</strong>vais. ouc'~urs dire .), <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s reprisesonginales, comme c<strong>et</strong>te c Marie-,Jeanne. d'un certain Jo D8.88ÏnCha1e~UBement:l!i!public.accueillie p~Sa présence sur l'affichen'aura cependant pas suffit'pour 1'IIBBembierle plus grandnombre autour d'une gran<strong>de</strong>Çlluse. Mais c'est bien connu, nuln'est prophète ...,(1) ABBociation franco-kur<strong>de</strong>,63270 Vic,le-Comte; té!. :" " '.'

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iearrtn•( ;rr...:,., , .J J".Yi.ng or Dalll8: By inaugurating thefoundation of the Karkaml~ Dam 30years after doing the same for theKeban Dam in 1966, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Demirelhas ensured that his uncontestedtitle of 'King of Dams' continues. By Kemal BalelTurlcish Daily Nt!Ws / ANKARAat happens when one of the'world's gran<strong>de</strong>st progress projectsis realized In one of theworld's poorest regions? Thereare many answers to this questionand many choices to everyanswer. But perhaps the most important fact based onthis question is that to force such an advance ofprogress into 30 years, represents a long period oftime for a person but very short for a country.Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Demirel, being aware of this, hassaid that the most important thing is to compl<strong>et</strong>e thepro-h~ last link in the chain of the SoutheasternAnatolia Project (GAP) has been compl<strong>et</strong>ed. The seventhearring of the "Bri<strong>de</strong> with sevên earrin2s" asPresi<strong>de</strong>nt SüleYJ?an Demirel says, has been put 'On theEuphrates, which Demirel <strong>de</strong>ems a bri<strong>de</strong>. The foundationof Karkanu~ Dam, which is 4.5 kilom<strong>et</strong>ers fromth~ Syria bor<strong>de</strong>r, has been laid. The wild EuphratesWIll have a last rest at KarkalDl~ before starting its'~oumey through the <strong>de</strong>sert"ci....The' Euphrates and the Tigris ~ ~. seven timesin Anatolia..At every stop they will give lig,ht and ~ertilityto the Anatolian people. The GAP project, w~chSüleyman Demirel started on Nov. 12, 1966 'WIthKeb~ Dam, has reached .its last big turn. ~e. con.structlon of the dam lake In the Karkanu~ district ofGaziantep has started. The ~ started with Keb~Dam in 1966, went on WIth the Karakaya ,Dam. In1978 and continued with the Atatürk Dam In 1981The ~fforts to restJa!.n the Eup~s, that .came close tothe Syria bor<strong>de</strong>r WIth the Brrecik Dam m May 1993,bave come to an end with the laying of the foundationof Karkarm~ Dam. The conslJUction of the 'D~s ~dKralkIZl Dams, 'WIDchwill be used both for rrngatlonand for electricity production, on the Tigris has started.Süleyman Demiref is proud of the proj~ to which hehas given 30 fears; y<strong>et</strong> he emphaSIZes tha.t theEuphrates and igris nvers are behind the achievedsuccess. When he was laying the foundation ofKarkaml~ Dam he thanked the Euphrates. Heexpressed how grateful we were to the light, energyand fertility giving river. . .Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman DelDlrel showed ~ow llDportantthe project was to him at every opporturnry he had duringthe GAP trip he un<strong>de</strong>rtook. The presI<strong>de</strong>nt traveledWIth five planes, two full of journalists andguests, two87

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iof niinisters and officials and one of Writers. He firstcarne to Gaziantep Airport then passed' to Karkarn1~. district . . .At the foundation-laying cere~ony at Kar~ann~ .Darn, Demirel ma<strong>de</strong> a speech calling. everyone !Il the.region to g<strong>et</strong> tog<strong>et</strong>her. He emphasIZed the aIm. ofwogress beyond contemporary T.urkey by' sa~'m~'Democratic and secular Turkey WIll reach Its atm.He recalled for the benefit of those who lay claim tothe waters of the Euphrates that the river nses in the .Turkish provincesof Agn and Mu~."We Will not dry the gar<strong>de</strong>ns ~d ?,elds o,f Syria Butour rights should also be recogmzed, he saldo ."No one should place a stone before us," Demirelad<strong>de</strong>d, indicating that Turkey still. supports a peacefuls<strong>et</strong>tlement to this problem. .Then there were frreworks. Colored smoke driftedtoward the skies of Syria Balloons follow~ as did aTurkish flag which drifted in the sky. This was followedby the planting of the ~t pic~ in ~e ground as. television broadcast the event live nauonWl<strong>de</strong> and tele-. phones beamed news reports to the four comers of theearth.Description of the projectKarkaml~ Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant(HEPP) is WIthin the scope of bor<strong>de</strong>r Euphra~s ~tectcomprising a part of the Southeastern Anatolia ProjectKarkaIIl1~ Darn is situated on the EUQhr~tes RIverforming the provincial bor<strong>de</strong>r b<strong>et</strong>ween Gaziantep ~d~an1Jurfa and is 4.5 kilom<strong>et</strong>ers upstream of the Synan. bor<strong>de</strong>r. .The purpose of ~ Dam is pow.er gen~rauon.Since no regulation of Karkarn1~ Darn IS consl<strong>de</strong>~d.Karkanu~ HEPP will operate simultaneously. ~.!thBirecik HEPP. The dam consist of the energy faciliues(housing the power intake and the powerhouse) and thespillwav at the right abutment, and the embankmentb<strong>et</strong>ween the concr<strong>et</strong>e structures and the abutments. Thecentral clay-cored-fill type darn is 29 m<strong>et</strong>ers high fromfoundation with a crest length of 1647 m<strong>et</strong>ers and atotal filling volume of 2.1 million m<strong>et</strong>ersl includingthe cofferdams. The spillway has sixteen openings<strong>de</strong>signed for a maximum discharge capacity of 17411. m3/s. The power plant having a total installed capacityof 189 MW comprising six units is foreseen ~ be c

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i'.tricity each year with its eight turbines of 300 MWcapacity each.The dams' waters will also be àble to irrigate882,000 hectares of land Already, 29 billion Kwh ofenergy have been obtained from the turbines of theAtaturk Dam .Among the unigue feature of the GAP region, or the"Rivers Region" as Demirel calls it. are the Ur.aTunnels. The waters beinl! brou\!ht to Urfa bv borinl}through, mountains are à blessing which cannot ~un<strong>de</strong>restunated as far as the parched lands of this partof the countrv are concerned,Demirel. referring to the overall GAP un<strong>de</strong>rtaking,stressed hiS own background as an engineer and<strong>de</strong>monstrates in his grasp of the the data that he is in.!Otal command of the specific~ of ~s enormous projectThe facts and figures With which he colors hisremar~s. statements and addresses proved to bemstruCtlve to the most hardy of professionals involvedin the project In addition to the engineering aspects.Demirel also higblig!1ted the importance of the areas ofeducation, health, iiIfrastructure. urbanization, environmentand cultural <strong>de</strong>velopment within the context ofthe GAP projectHe referred to an international ~ in Urfa, theextension of the railway n<strong>et</strong>work to Diyarbalar and tothe Harran University and said that these we~ evenmore v~uable than the GAP project itself,Dunng the two-day GAP visit, Demirel' s wifeNazmiye accompanied him at every stage. TheDemirel family, running around regardless of theextreme heat of the Southeast thus become the symbolsof Torlœy's race to <strong>de</strong>velopment Unable to restrainhimself back at the electronic nerve center of theAtaturk High Dam, Demirel said gleefully, "gre<strong>et</strong>ingsto S~'!"was because in or<strong>de</strong>r for the eight turbines tooperate simultaneously. 1.400 cubic m<strong>et</strong>ers per secondof water was being sent in Syria's direction. This wasin stark contrast to the 500 cubic m<strong>et</strong>ers per secondthat Turkey has committed itself to giving the downstreamcountry,The amount Turkey is sending now also allowsSyria to compensate for the reduced amounts of waterduring the high summer months caused by the droughtconditions that prevail in this comer of the world,Water scenariosDuring the whole of the visit Demirel avoi<strong>de</strong>d referringto the water dispute Turkey has with Arab countries,In fact he tried to reduce tensioB by continually'referring to peace: and regional <strong>de</strong>velopment Asked ifthe appeal that GAP brings with it mav lead to newthreats to the region. Demirel merely referred to thefact that there were many plans to this end and ad<strong>de</strong>dthat all be was concerned about at this stage was thecompl<strong>et</strong>ion of the overall projectAs it is, the project is far from being finished. At thesame time only a few of the regions that can potentiallybe irrigated by the waterS of the Euphrates are beingwatereâ as y<strong>et</strong> One of the Urfa tunnels is not v<strong>et</strong> finishedThe only tunnel that is working now due to atemporary "Bypass line" that was built is not y<strong>et</strong> integratedinto the overall project due to a lack of fundsThe mark<strong>et</strong>ing of .th~ a~cul~ goods that will beproduced onc~ the lIl!gatIon begms in full is also apro~lem that IS loommg. There are insufficient pr~cessmg pl3;Dts.for the cotton that will be grown hereand that willl'!val the cotton grown in CuIrurova. Infact, the truth ~s that there are 604 new factories butwhen the massive amount of production that will followfrom. the GAP project is consi<strong>de</strong>red, these are seenas mmor mvestments.Other problems waiting at the door are diseases that~ome wi~ the arrival of water, the lack of knowledgeID ~e regton about mo<strong>de</strong>m irrigation farming, the pollutIOnofJood water ~ue to misuse of fertilizers andl~d erosIOn. But De~\'s argument her is that "GAPwill also be the solutIon to the problems it creates."The ln;1th ~f the matter is that when the giganticGAP prOject IS [mally fInished, it will solve many adomestic P.I'?blem. It will, however, bring new problemsrequmng even ~reater solutions with it. The<strong>de</strong>velopmentallevels or countries bor<strong>de</strong>ring the regionare very low., This will inevitably lead to Turkeybec~rnmg ,not lust ~ regional powe~ but also a magn<strong>et</strong>for ille~allßlIß1gratlon by the poor fi other countries inthe regIOn seeking b<strong>et</strong>ter lives.We ~y saw the adverse results of such a flow ofhumanIty toward Turkey during and after the GulfWar, although it was for another reason at the time. In'.sh,ort. ,Turkey h~s .to p'repare itself for the wave ofnugratIon that will. ~evllaOly follow the compl<strong>et</strong>ion ofGAP. ~d when I,t IS [mally' compl<strong>et</strong>ed, Syria is nodoubt gomg to claIm some nghts for itself even if itdoes not hive any fertile land It can be ariued that ithas already started to do so but the level of its claimscan be expected t~ ,in~ due to a combination offactors. Sl!ch,as political jealousy, and the disadvantageof ~lVlng 'used salinated" water.It IS not for nothing that a chaiacteristic of the argu-~ent about the future of the region has been and contInuesto be the pros~t of a "war over water."The ~ealth that ~ accompany GAP will also make,Turkey .s <strong>de</strong>mocratIc ,and secular re~e an attractiveand <strong>de</strong>sirable alternatIve for people ID the region. It isnot cl~ now how the lea<strong>de</strong>rships of the countries inthe regto~ th~t are far from being <strong>de</strong>mocratic will handl<strong>et</strong>his,sltuatIOn. B~ what can l?e expected is that actsof ennuty toward this country ID or<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>stroy itsroie as an example will mount.1?ere are also countries which will see the GAPproj~ct as a weapon because if the waters of theAtatürk Dam are ~Ieased in one go - provi<strong>de</strong>d youare prepared to. gIVe up the Birecik and Karkaffil~Dams - then It could mean that Syria would bem<strong>et</strong>~phorica1ly speaking, swept all the way to th~Pel'Slan Gulf,Or if the canals carrying water from the damsb<strong>et</strong>we~n H~an an~ Ceylanpinar are opened at thesame urne It IS poSSible to turn the whole region intoswamp.land and prevent the possibility of a land war inthe regton.89

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Siampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iCoopérationAnkara-JérusalemLa genèsed'une allianceEntre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> Israël,la complémentarité est totale.Reste une inconnue: la montée<strong>de</strong> l'islamisme à Ankara.Le prési<strong>de</strong>nt turcSuleymanDemirela évoquépubliquementla possibilitéd'un {( changement<strong>de</strong> frontière »avec l'Irak.90par Steve Rodan/'est en 1993, avec la visite à conjoints au mois <strong>de</strong> juill<strong>et</strong>. Et il y aC . Ankara du directeur général . lieu <strong>de</strong> penser que <strong>de</strong>s accords plusdu ministère israélien <strong>de</strong> la Défense, anciens <strong>de</strong> coopération entre les servicesDavid Ivry, qu'Israël <strong>et</strong> la Turquiesecr<strong>et</strong>s <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux pays ont été re-ont commencé à parler officiellementd'une coopération stratégique. En février1996, les <strong>de</strong>ux pays ont finalementconclu un accord-cadre qui ressemblepris <strong>et</strong> amplifiés.Seyfi Tashan, doyen <strong>de</strong> la faculté<strong>de</strong> sciences politiques d'Ankara <strong>et</strong> directeur<strong>de</strong> l'<strong>Institut</strong> turc <strong>de</strong> politiquebien à une alliancé, sous le étrangère, estime que ce type <strong>de</strong> copriscontrôle <strong>et</strong> avec l'approbationopération est « ahsotecteur<strong>de</strong> leur prolumentnormal» :commun, les- Israël est unEtats-Unis. Des accords.pays avancé en matièrebilatéraux <strong>de</strong>technologique. Il peutdéfense existent en eff<strong>et</strong>nous apporter rai<strong>de</strong>entre Washingtondont nous avons be-<strong>et</strong> Ankara d'une part,soin. Un accord <strong>de</strong>Washington <strong>et</strong> Jérusalemlibre-échange a déjà étéd'autre part; <strong>et</strong> lasigné entre les <strong>de</strong>uxTurquie est membrepays. Pourquoi ne pas y<strong>de</strong> l'Otan.ajouter <strong>de</strong>s contrats <strong>et</strong>L'accord <strong>de</strong> février<strong>de</strong>s accords militaires.1996 porte no-du moment qu'ils n<strong>et</strong>amment sur la coopérationsont pas dirigés contreentre les <strong>de</strong>ux<strong>de</strong>s pays tiers?armées <strong>de</strong> l'air. On sait ainsi que les Mais précisément, peut-on croireIsraéliens ont effectué <strong>de</strong>s exercices que l'accord-cadre israélo-turc n'estaériens dans l'espace turc au mois dirigé contre personne? Des Etats ned'avril, puis participé au mois <strong>de</strong> mai prennent pas l'un envers l'autre <strong>de</strong>à <strong>de</strong>s vols <strong>de</strong> reconnaissance turcs le tels engagements sans <strong>de</strong> sérieuseslong <strong>de</strong> la frontière syrienne. On a motivations. Si l'accord ne portait véritablementappris également que douze appareilsque sur <strong>de</strong>s questionsturcs ont participé début juin à techniques, le prési<strong>de</strong>nt tUfc Suleymanun exercice aérien en Israël. Et qu'IsraelDemirel n'aurait pas jugé né-Aircraft Industries va m<strong>et</strong>tre à cessaire <strong>de</strong> dire au prési<strong>de</strong>nt israélien.niveau cinquante-quatre chasseursbombardiersEzer Weizmann, lors <strong>de</strong> la visite qu<strong>et</strong>urcs FA Phantom, une celui-ci a effectuée début juin à An-opération évaluée à 650 millions <strong>de</strong> kara : « Nous sommes un pays souveraindollars, qu'Ankara est incapable <strong>de</strong><strong>et</strong> indépendant. Vous êtes unfinancer directement.pays souverain <strong>et</strong> indépendant. PersonneMais l'accord - dont le te.l{teintégraln'est autorisé à se mêler <strong>de</strong> nosn'a pas été rendu public - affaires. »porte apparemment sur l'ensemble L'intérêt à long terme d'Israël<strong>de</strong>s questions <strong>de</strong> défense. Les marinesdans c<strong>et</strong>te alliance est évi<strong>de</strong>nt: laisraélienne <strong>et</strong> turque vont ef-Turquie. par son poids démogra-fectuer. elles aussi, <strong>de</strong>s exercices phique, sa profon<strong>de</strong>ur stratégique <strong>et</strong>sa proximité géographique. contrebalancelargement le mon<strong>de</strong> arabe <strong>et</strong>l'Iran. Accessoirement. une allianceentre l'Etat juif <strong>et</strong> une Turquie certesdotée d'un régime politique laïquemais musulmane constitue un précé<strong>de</strong>ntque pourraient suivre peu à peucertains pays arabes.Pour la Turquie. Israël est à longterme un partenaire régional idéal.capable <strong>de</strong> contribuer à sa mo<strong>de</strong>rnisationsans menacer son indépendance.Certains pays arabes ou islamiquespourraient en .revanche<strong>de</strong>venir <strong>de</strong>s concurrents dangereux,soit par eux-mêmes, soit en s'alliantà nouveau avec la Russie.A court ou à moyen terme,d'autres intérêts. plus précis, jouentégalement:1. Les <strong>de</strong>ux pays sont en conflit avecla Syrie. Le conflit israélo-syrien, onle sait, remonte à 1948 <strong>et</strong> n'a toujourspas reçu, en dépit d'une médiationaméricaine <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> quelques pourpalersdirects' I'hiver <strong>de</strong>rnier, lemoindre début <strong>de</strong> solution. Un autreconflit, non moins ancien, existeentre Ankara <strong>et</strong> Damas. La Syrie ne

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i4. Les <strong>de</strong>ux pays redoutent une nouvelle« Gran<strong>de</strong> Russie n. Pour Israëlcomme pour la Turquie, la chute <strong>de</strong>l'URSS a été un événement extraordinairementbénéfique. A la disparitiond'un danger militaire majeurs'est ajoutée en eff<strong>et</strong> l'ouverture économiqueou culturelle vers <strong>de</strong>s paysculturellement proches mais jusquelàinterdits. Ankara <strong>et</strong> Jérusalem redoutentà la fois la n:constitutionlrune « Gran<strong>de</strong> Russie» <strong>et</strong> une percée<strong>de</strong>s Iraniens dans le c.,ul.:ase llUen Asie centrak.L'armée turque.........................................a plus d'a.utorité..........................................................que le gouvernement'-pardonne pas à la Turquie <strong>de</strong> s'êtreemparée en 1939 du sandjakd'Alexandr<strong>et</strong>te, <strong>de</strong>venu la provincedu Hatay. Elle veut participer à l'administration<strong>de</strong> l'ensemble <strong>de</strong>s eaux<strong>de</strong> l'Euphrate, fleuve qui naît en Turquiepuis transite par son territoireavant <strong>de</strong> couler en Irak, alors qu'Ankararevendique le contrôle exclusif<strong>de</strong>s sources <strong>et</strong> du cours supérieur.Elle soutient le mouvement séparatistekur<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Turquie, le PKK, notammenten lui fournissant l'infrastructurenécessaire à ses opérationsterroristes.Consensus................................................................pour soutenir................................................................les Kur<strong>de</strong>s d'Irak2. Les <strong>de</strong>ux pays se méfient <strong>de</strong> l'Irak.Israël regar<strong>de</strong> l'Irak <strong>de</strong> Saddam Husseincomme l'un <strong>de</strong> ses ennemis lesplus dangereux, notamment s'il parvientà se doter à nouveau d'un potentielnucléaire ou chimique. LesTurcs, pour leur part, n'ont jamais renoncé- même sous Atatürk - aunord <strong>de</strong> l'lrak : le prési<strong>de</strong>nt turcSuleyman Demirel a é\oqué publIquementen 19!}) un éventuel changement<strong>de</strong> frontière. Autre convergence :Israël a toujours soutenu les Kur<strong>de</strong>sd'Irak; <strong>et</strong> les Turcs, tout en combattantle séparatisme kur<strong>de</strong> sur leurpropre territoire, ont plutôt tendanceà l'encourager chez leurs voisins.3. Les <strong>de</strong>ux pays redoutent l'Iran.Alors que le chah entr<strong>et</strong>enait <strong>de</strong>s relationsétroites avec Israël, la Républiqueislamique d'Iran fondée parKhomeiny est un ennemi <strong>de</strong> l'Etathébreu encore plus implacable quel'Irak. Une situation analogue existe,à un moindre <strong>de</strong>gré, entre l'Iran <strong>et</strong> laTurquie: aux relations <strong>de</strong> bon voisinagequi existaient jusqu'en 1979 sesubstitue peu à peu une rivalité à lafois idéologique <strong>et</strong> <strong>et</strong>hnique, islami!\me<strong>de</strong> Téhéran contre laïcitéd'Ankara, nationalisme iranophonecontre nationalisme turcophone. LesTurcs sont donc d'accord avec les Israélienspour empêcher l'Iran <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>venir,au cours <strong>de</strong> la prochaine décennie,une gran<strong>de</strong> puissancemilitaire.lll1l: innmnue plan_' cepenJant...ur l'alliance israclo-turquc : la monleedu sentiment islamiste en Turyuiemême. Le parti Rdah, qui a ohtenuI:'iXsiègl's ,ur 5:'i0 au ParlemenlJ'Ank.ara au mnl~ Je uel'cmbre <strong>de</strong>rnier <strong>et</strong> dont Il- c11l'1. Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Frhakan. vient u'l:lre d1.lrgè à nouveau<strong>de</strong> conslit uer Il- gl 'u \ CI nement, esttotalement oppose ,I raccord <strong>de</strong> février.Et ks parti~ bique ...pourraientl':tre tentés dl' lUI donner partielll--ment satisfaction ...ur cc point, afin<strong>de</strong> former ,I\l'l' lui line coalition"ta hie.Fin mai, k premier mlOlslreconservateur Mesut Yilmaz <strong>de</strong>mandaitainsi puhliquement si l'accord.( dait aussi profitahk pour la Turquieque pOlir Israël ". Son ministre<strong>de</strong> la. Défense. Oltan Sungurlu, allaitencore plus loin, en affirmant queraccord ., pouvait parfaitement êtreannllk "Dan ... l'immédiat. celte hypo-Ih0sL' nL' semhk pas très série lise.I :accord israélo-turc a été voulu parl'armée lurque, <strong>et</strong> celle-ci. seize ansaprès le coup d'Etal du généralEvren, conserve beaucoup plusJ'autorité dans le pays que le pouvoircivil. Il est significatif que Yilmaz.par exemple, ait été contraintà la démission après avoir critiquéraccord <strong>de</strong> février, <strong>et</strong> plus encorequ'une publicité accrue ait été donnée,<strong>de</strong>puis un mois, aux manœuvresconjointes.Mais si l'armée elle-même évoluait?Les généraux appartiennentencore à une génération totalementacquise àux idéaux d'Atatürk <strong>et</strong> àl'alliance avec l'Occi<strong>de</strong>nt. Les autresofficiers ont grandi dans un climatdifférent, plus ouvert à l'islam traditionnel.Dans dix ans au plus tard, ce sonteux qui seront les maîtres. •91

" , .• .r 0 •Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iINTERNATIONAL HERALD TRffiUNE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1996Turk Lays Down Terms Jor QuittingReutersANKARA - Turkey's prime minister,Mesut Yilmaz, said Tuesday thathe would resign. only if the Islamistopposition and his coalition partnersagreed to form a government to replacehis moribund minority administration., But he said the way was still open forcooperation with his coalition partner,Tansu Ciller, and her True Path Party.Mr. Yilmaz told a news conferenc<strong>et</strong>hatif the TruePath Party "<strong>de</strong>clares tothe public that it will form a coalitionwith the Welfare Party, I will hand in myresignation." The Welfare Party is Islamist.• "I am not thinking of resigning untilan alternative is created or the governmentis toppled by a vote of noconfi<strong>de</strong>nce,"said Mr. Yilmaz, who isun<strong>de</strong>r increasing pressure to resign sinc<strong>et</strong>he constitutional court annulled aMarch vote of confi<strong>de</strong>nce in his shakycoalition with. .Mr. Yilmaz, who has refused to budgeso far,. said the way was still open forcoopenrnon with his bitter rival, Mrs.Ciller, if she backtracked on her refusalto disclose what she did with $6.5 millionshe withdrew from a governmentslush fundjust before she left office asprime minister in March.The speaker of Parliament, MustafaKalemli, a former Yilmaz lieutenantfrom his Motherland Party, has y<strong>et</strong> to<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> on wh<strong>et</strong>her to give in to an IslamistWelfare Party <strong>de</strong>mand for anemergency session of Parliament onThursday over a censure motion againstthe prime niinister.Mr. Yilmaz has rejected the motion asillegal. ,. "The censure motion is illegal," MT..Yilmaz told the press conference. "It is.against the principle of separations ofpowers.".Islamists saw power within theirgrasp as Parliament weighed wh<strong>et</strong>her to<strong>de</strong>bate the Welfare Party's censUre motion."The Welfàre Party is now a party ofgovernment, " the v<strong>et</strong>eran party lea<strong>de</strong>rNecm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan told a me<strong>et</strong>ing inIstanbul. "It is now not possible for agovernment to be formed in Turkeywithout Welfare. ' ,A censure motion differs from a noconfi<strong>de</strong>ncevote by targ<strong>et</strong>ing individualministers rather than the government.But if it passes. the effect is the same: thegov~mment falls.Welfare does not have the numerical'strength to pose a no-confi<strong>de</strong>nce v.ote;soit had to targ<strong>et</strong> Mr. Yilmaz with thecensure motion and hope to pick upsupport from the True Path Party.THURSDAY,MAY 30,1996. Turkisb Daily NewsSungurlu is patient on.Super Cobra saleBy Ui:!ur Akmelturkiih Daily NewsW ASHINGTON- Turkish Defense MinisterOltan SUn!rurlu,who arrived in Washington fora visit witll U.S. Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of Defense WilliamPerry and other American officials, displayed apatient attitu<strong>de</strong> concemin$ the stalled sale often Super Cobra attack helicopters."We prefer to wait awhile longer. We arenot consI<strong>de</strong>ring another supplier y<strong>et</strong>," he said.Sungurlu is accompanied Dy a Turkish <strong>de</strong>legationof nine which inclu<strong>de</strong>s the un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>aryof <strong>de</strong>fense; Lt Gen. Tuncer KIilÇ, andAmbassador Gün Gür of the Foreign Ministry.He said that they would also discuss the.issues of Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort. extension and thefrigate "accessory package" which was not<strong>de</strong>livered to TurKey as well. German NewsAgency DPA last week reported that the packagewas stalled at the White House by GeorgeStephanopoulos, senior advisor to Presi<strong>de</strong>ntClinton. .Gen. Bir.. "Replying'to a question.by Twsh journalists. as to why Gèn.Cèvik Bir, <strong>de</strong>pu~:chief of Staffof the 1'ùrkish Armed Forces, did not show upin Washington with him as planned earlier,Sungurlu said he did not have a clear i<strong>de</strong>a whyTurkish Defense Minister Oltan Sungurluthe general had not come. "Upon my insistencehe said he would be a part of the visit program.But afterwards, for some reason, he changedhis mind," Sungurlu said ".. '. Gert. Bir reportedly toldSungurlu that hecould discuss the relevant issues with theAmericans in Ankara as well. 'The Americansalso wanted to see Gen. Bir with me here,"Sungurlu said. .The Welfare PartyAlso answering questions on domestic politics,Sungurlu.said the Welfare Parly did nÇ>tpose a danger for the secular regime SInc<strong>et</strong>hereare strong pro-secular and anti-Shariah articles'in the Constitution. "Erbakan Roca can chang<strong>et</strong>hings only if he can change the Constitution,"he said. "Erbakan Hoca did not change himself.Previously, he 'had been in power (as <strong>de</strong>putyprime minister). Our presi<strong>de</strong>nt asked Erbakan ifhe would <strong>de</strong>liver the (pro-Shariah) thjngs thathe promised to the voters during the (Dec. 24.1995) electoral campaign. Erbakan said hema<strong>de</strong> those promisesin or<strong>de</strong>r to win votes;"Sungurlu said he supported a coalition thatinclu<strong>de</strong>d Welfare before the current minoritygovernment was formed. "Today, bothANAP's and DYP's chances of forming acoalition with Welfare is ma<strong>de</strong> har<strong>de</strong>r. But Ican't say that it is impossible either," Sun~lusaid. Concerning the recent domestic ~litical<strong>de</strong>velopments in Turkey, "it is.not poSSIbl<strong>et</strong>hatthese are positive <strong>de</strong>velopments," he commented.''The message of the 1995 elections is thatthe citizens do not trust any single ~arty inTurkey. That's my personal interpr<strong>et</strong>ation," head<strong>de</strong>d. Sungurlu willleave Washington onThursday.'92

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Dally News Thursday, May 30. 1996Iraq says big tra<strong>de</strong> contract only for 'friends'ReutersBAGHDAD- Iraq will grant major tra<strong>de</strong> contractsonly to companies and countries which stoodby Baghdad against U.N. tra<strong>de</strong> sanctions imposedin 1990,the government newspaper al-Jurnhouriyasaid on Tuesday. "Iraqi people, including their currentand future governments, <strong>de</strong>al with countriesand companies on the basis of their stands towardsthe embargo," Jurnhouria said. "Major and importantcontracts would be granted to friends." Iraqhopes an agreement on partial oil sales it signedwith the United Nations last week willlead to thelifting of the crippling sanctions imposed after itinva<strong>de</strong>d Kuwait in 1990. The <strong>de</strong>al allows Iraq toseO$2 billion worth of oil over six months to payfor food and medicine un<strong>de</strong>r U.N. monitoring.Jurnhouriyasaid companies of big countries such asthe United States and Japan "would be mistaken ifthey thought the 9uality of their products and theirlow prices would mduœ Iraqis to <strong>de</strong>al with them". Smiles at friends"-Iraqi Kurd groups agreeparliament term extensionReutersANKARA- Rival Iraqi Kurdishgroups have acted to preserve theirpower-sharing assembly by seeking toextend its mandate for a further year,the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan(PUK) said in a statement on Tuesday.The assembly's term was initiallys<strong>et</strong> for three years, but was exten<strong>de</strong>dfor a year in 1995 because of fightingb<strong>et</strong>ween the two parties.The P~ said it a~ on Mon~ywith the nval Kurdistan DemocratIeParty (KDP) "that the Parliament.should work to resolve the PUK-KDPdispute and prepare for new parliamentaryelectlOns."A KDP spokesman said the parliament,s<strong>et</strong> up in 1992, must me<strong>et</strong> befor<strong>et</strong>he expiry of its term on June 4 if it isto maintain its legal status.The PUK and KDP hold 50 seatseach and Christian Assyrians have fiverepresentatives in the assembly, whichin the past m<strong>et</strong> in a mosque in the neutralnorthern Iraqi village of Daraban.The feud b<strong>et</strong>ween the KDP and thePUK has cost abc:l! 3,000 lives andsplit northern Iraq into rival zones. Butthere have been no serious clashes forover a year.The two parties failed to reach apeace agreement last month after theym<strong>et</strong> separately with a U.S. <strong>de</strong>legation.The PUK said Monday's talks,which took place at KDP headquartersin Salahuddin as a gesture of reconciliation,are seen as a prelu<strong>de</strong> for furthertalks "tei resolve the internaI Kurdishdispute and restore unity and peace toIraqi Kurdistan".Senior <strong>de</strong>legations from the twoparties agreed to look at ways ofexpanding the parliament to inclu<strong>de</strong>both in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong>legates and thosefrom other political groupings."This is <strong>de</strong>emed necessary to overcom<strong>et</strong>he grid-lock that has bes<strong>et</strong> thefunctioning of the Parliament in thepast," the PUK said.The Kurdish groups began fightingin 1994 over control of the city ofArbil and the distribution of revenuesfrom a makeshift oil tra<strong>de</strong> at theTurkish bor<strong>de</strong>r.Northern Iraq has been protectedfrom Baghdad by a Western powersair force based ID southern Turkeysince shortly after the Gulf War in1991.93

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i;French See Second Copter!.IlIDoi Deal with Turkey ImminentBuRAK BEKDll.94Itwas 1992 when Prime MinisterSüleyman OeI11irel m<strong>et</strong> with FrenchPresi<strong>de</strong>nt Francois Mitterrand. Oneminor topic during the me<strong>et</strong>ing, amongseveral hot issues, was the possible saleof Franco-German helicopters to theTurkish army. Yes, said the Turkishlea<strong>de</strong>r.It took several months before thecontract was signed on Oct. 8, 1993, at ajoyous ceremony which ma<strong>de</strong> both the.French company and some Turkish.bureaucrats much happier than the previousday. Eurocopter, a joint ventureb<strong>et</strong>ween France' s state-run Aerospatialeand German OASA, would sell Turkey20 utility helicopters, Cougars to bemore specific, at a cost of $253 million.Good business, the world' s secondlargest helicopter manufacturer thought,why not try another one? Yes, it hasbeen doing so for the whole of the past12 months.After several ups and downs,Eurocopter believes it is very close to itssecond contract in Turkey. The companyis expecting to conclu<strong>de</strong> soon yearlongdiscussions with Turkish authoritiesfor the co-production of 30SARICSAR utility Cougar helicopters.Its officials say talks with Turkey' sDefense Industry Un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ariat(SSM), the procurement agency, areprogressing well and an agreement wasin sight for the nearly $500 million project.'The discussions have been tense, Ishould say. However, I am confi<strong>de</strong>ntthat a <strong>de</strong>al will be reached in the weeksto come," said Luc Barriere,Eurocopter's vice presi<strong>de</strong>nt for Europe.Eurocopter officials are confi<strong>de</strong>nt ofwinning the second contract <strong>de</strong>spitesome controversy. There were reportsthat the talks b<strong>et</strong>ween the SSM andEurocopter were close to failure becauseof heavy political pressure during thepremiership of Tansu Çiller, whoallegedly gave instructions to theTurkish bureaucrats for the direct purchaseof the 30 copters. Talks reportedlyr<strong>et</strong>urned to normal when Eurocopteragreed on co-production after the Dec.24 election in Turkey. Turkey andEurocopter have not y<strong>et</strong> agreed on theshare of Turkish participation in the pro-'".,"'"posed co-production program. "We arecontinuing talks to finalize the <strong>de</strong>tails,such as <strong>de</strong>livery schedule <strong>et</strong>c. We havenot y<strong>et</strong> come to a conclusion as to theshare of local content," explains DidierRenaux, <strong>de</strong>puty director for industrialprojects and offs<strong>et</strong> programs. Defenseindustry sources say Eurocopter hasalready agreed on nearly 20 percentTurkish participation, but the SSM ispressing for larger local involvement."In fact what matters is not just thequantity of the local content, but also itsquality. And our offer contains a highqualityprofile of Turkish participationin terms of technology transfer andother elements," said Renaux.Eurocopter's proposal for the co-pro-. duction sees the Ankara-basedAerospace Industries Inc. (TAl), whichmanufactures F-16 fighter planes, asprime subcontractor for the airframefrom <strong>de</strong>velopment phase to <strong>de</strong>livery.Engine parts manufacture, assemblyand testing will be carried out by theTEl, the engine producer. Other Turkishcompanies including the military electronicsproducer Aselsan and privatelyownedcompanies Hema and communicationsequipment manufacturer N<strong>et</strong>aswill be involved in main equipmentmanufacture, assembly and tests. Theproposal offers offs<strong>et</strong> commitments of50 percent of the imported parts, mainlybased on the industrialization and productionof the future Tiger attack helicopter.Direct economic benefits for theTIger, theêombat.- moc:lêiTurkish <strong>de</strong>fense industry are estimatedat 5,500 man-years, according toEurocopter officials. The helicoptermanufacturer is pledging to establish theTurkish helicopter industry throughlocal production of additional Cougars;maintenance and upgra<strong>de</strong> of Turkey' sCougar fle<strong>et</strong>; and participation in productionof new Eurocopter productssuch as Tiger.Would Eurocopter withdraw fromnegotiations if Turkey insists on a largerlocal content?No, replied Jean-Pierre Dubreuil,directbr of the board's executive cabin<strong>et</strong>."We shall not give up. We believ<strong>et</strong>hat we have to g<strong>et</strong> as close as possible. to Turkish industry. l am sure there isgoing to be an agreement at somestage," he said. Defense industry expertssay Turkey has become a lucrative mark<strong>et</strong>for the world's helicopter manufacturers,who are suffering from a contractionin the mark<strong>et</strong>. WorId <strong>de</strong>mand forhelicopters, civilian and rnilitary, is hoveringaround 600 to 700 at the moment,and is <strong>de</strong>clining. 'This is why we arefighting to win new contracts," saidDubreuil.Eurocopter reported a loss of nearly$800 million last year. although its officialsonly said the company did notreport any profits. Its consolidatedturnover was around $1.76 billion, halfof which came from exports. Eurocopterhas so far sold 10,825 helicopters tocustomers in 127 countries _

-.HUMAN~fG'tKS"~l,esse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Pren~~~~~~i~Öz<strong>et</strong>i485 Fifth Avenue ....Facsimile: 212-972-0905I~~m~~~~i~~-» ..xo:o....>>:.):o;o)xo:-);.»E-mail: . hrwn.ye&>hrw.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE . .~~;~~~~'.'::lm ~~~~~~~=;:~ .f~~im;;~~~j=:=:r...~JCynthia Brown For more information, contact .~ .....'..,'.!'H9'Marcia Allina 212/972-8400, x295 . '';:~~~::,:.>;~:.?'::::::.~:.: 'Advocr.ICY Dift'Ctor Christopher Panko 2021371-6592, x134 '

___R_e_v_ue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i...:Fonner Police Chief and present Minister for Justice Mehm<strong>et</strong> A!)arPrisons Are Boiling OverFamilysupport:The familiesare supportingcontinuingwhichthehungerstrike in the prisonsare conductingtheirown hunger strikes inthe districtandregionalofficesPeoples'Party (HADEP)of theDemocracyJANPAÇALThe protest began last year inDecember with the occupationby inmates of Urnraniye Prisonand then spread to other prisons andreached a bloody end wit!1 the interventionof security forces. Now theprisons, which for a while have beenquite silent, are once more beginningto boilover.Former Police Chief Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agarbecame the Minister of Justice only tobe m<strong>et</strong> with the prisoners once againbeginning to take over the jails. Thenew wave of protests started with ahunger strike in the DiyarbakIr E Typeprison and has spread to other prisonsjust as happened last year.Yavuzeli Prison, Antep and BursaPrisons, Tokat Zile Prison and theMardin Closed Prison followed suitafter Sakarya with hunger strikes from23 May onwards. The people beingheld in these prisons have announcedthat they will continue their hungerstrike if their <strong>de</strong>mands are not m<strong>et</strong>.It has further been announced thatthe condition of Il of the prisonerswho are on an exten<strong>de</strong>d hunger strike.is not good. Attention has been drawnto the fact that the prisoners are continuallybleeding internally, have bloodcirculation problems and are sufferingfrom fainting spells to the point thatthey might die at any moment.According to a press release theprisoners have said that they feel thatthe prime minister and other officialsincluding the presi<strong>de</strong>nt are playing"blind and <strong>de</strong>af' where their rightful<strong>de</strong>mands are concerned and they have<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to compl<strong>et</strong>ely boycott the statecourts.The families which are supporting96

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Daily Neu~ FRIDAY,MAY 31, 1996Six prisoners burn themselves at DiyarbakIr prisonJan PacalTurkish Daily NewsISTANBUL-Events taking place atDiyarbakir prison are horrific. Like theevents that took place at Erzurum prison,20 prisoners burned themselves atDiyarbakir prison to protest against theattacks and the pressures to which theyhave been submitted. According to the.report of The Human Rights AssociationDiyarbakir branch, six of them are <strong>de</strong>adand 19of them have been injured.Protests expan<strong>de</strong>d to 36 prisonsThe number of prisons participating inthe protest are continually increasing onthe 34th day of the hunger strike, whichstarted at Diyarbakir E Type Prison to ameliorateprison conditions, stop confessionpolicies and any kind of provocation. After23 May hunger strikes were started atYavuzeli, Bursa, Antep, Tokat Zile andSakarya prisons. The ~risoners say theywill continue the stnkes unless their<strong>de</strong>mands are accepted. It is also reported. . .US committee to give.$3million to Barzani and Talabanithat the prisoner~ are not in good healthand <strong>de</strong>aths can be expected all the time.With the reactions of the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of theRepublic, Prime Minister and other authoritiesto this <strong>de</strong>claration, the prisoners havesaid theywill play 'blind and <strong>de</strong>af and thatthey have <strong>de</strong>cI<strong>de</strong>d to protest at all the statesecurity courts.It was reported that Justice MinisterMehm<strong>et</strong> Agar gave a <strong>de</strong>claration the threatenslife in the prisons. In the report theIHD has claimed that the events takingpl~c,ein,the Jai,ls were encouraged by thermmster s poliCies."According 10 the agreement signed byTurkey, no state has the right to damageeither the body or the mind of a prisoner orcriminal, whatever his crime is. The ministrywhich started to transfer prisoners toother prisons with the last procedures is themessenger of bloody future events..."Besi<strong>de</strong>s this <strong>de</strong>claration, the IHD alsogave a report concerning the events takingplace at Eski~ehir Prison. It was reportedthat 60 execution officers entered L BlocTurkish Daily News . . Turkey '.' .WASHINGTON- The U.S.. In contrast;the'committee"also. House Appropriations Foreign àpproved only $25 lpilly>n as .Operations Committee approved a, Economic Support Fund (ESF) for. foreign assistance appropriations Turkey in fiscal year '97.. re~orl that proposes to give "up' Originally, the Clinton admilÛslrato$3 million in fiscal year '97 to tion asked for $60 milli9ß.in ESFMassoud Barzani' s Kurdistan . but Republican Rep. John Edward. Democra~icparty ,(KpP) an.dJalal P~rt~r of Illinois srash~d.itby $35 .. Talabam's Patnotlc Union o{ million at the appropna~ons sub-.Kurdistan (PUK) in northern Iraq committee. The pro-T~sh memo.. "to support implementation of the. . bers of the subcommIttee agreedagreement b<strong>et</strong>ween" them. Th~ to the cut on the condition that noKDP and PUK signed a peace anti-Turkish language be inclu<strong>de</strong>dagreement in the autumn of last in Ihe bill.year after a year of bloody fight- To put the $25 million ESF inmg. '.' perspecrive, l<strong>et</strong>'s mentionlhatThe KDP and PUK are also Turkey in 1995 eXp'0rted $700. expected to g<strong>et</strong> a consi<strong>de</strong>rable million worth of textiles from one'. portion of the additional $260 mil- city alone; i.e., Denizli.lion to $300 million to be s<strong>et</strong> asi<strong>de</strong>by the United Nations during. the Greek Cyprus .180-days following the beginning The U.S. committee also <strong>de</strong>cid.. of Iraq's oil sale in accordance ed to give$15 million to Greek-.. with U.N. Resolution 986. Cyprus in ESF "for scholarshipsThe U.S. State Department said and bicommunal projects 1ßthis money would be s<strong>et</strong> asi<strong>de</strong> for '. Cyprus." Since the United Statesthe three Northern Governorates does not recognize the Turkishof Ira'l. for implementing the Republic of Northern Cyprus, all"humamtarian program." . of the $15 million will be <strong>de</strong>liv-98ered to the Greek Cypriot administrationin the South. 'The committeestrongly urges the administrationto carry through on itspledge t~ ma~e resolutio~~f t~eCyprus sItuatIon a top.pnonty m1997." .7.to-l ratioThe committee preserved the 7- .to-l ratio offered by Porter inhumanitarian assistance dollars tobe sent to Azerbaijan andNagorno-Karabakh, res\>ectively,<strong>de</strong>spite the fact that Nagorno-Karabakh is not an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntstate. Y<strong>et</strong> Annenians are alreadytreatin~ the Azeri district as.though it were an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntstate. TDN learned, for example, ..thatArmenian-Americans haveraised over $5 million in LosAngeles through a tel<strong>et</strong>hon cam-~aign to cons~ruct a highway tolink Armema to Nagorno-Karabakh.Commenting on the 7-to-lratio, Democrat Rep. CharlesWilson of Texas. a proven friendof Turks and the Azeris, said hedid not believe that Porter's ratiQwas correct. "But I hope that if theprocess continues, the Stateon May, 23 1996 at 10.30 p.m. andattacked the prisoners. Some of the prisonerswere injured and some of them wer<strong>et</strong>aken to prison because of heart attacks.Agar talked severely .Diyarbakir attorney general IbrahimAkba~, stating that the attacks started afterthe hunger strike, said <strong>de</strong>aths were causeddue to tile reàctive protests of the prisoners.Justice Minister Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agar rejected theclaims that the ministry was responsibl<strong>et</strong>or.the events, and said: "There is or<strong>de</strong>r inprisons. .The terrorist organizations can do nothing.Some powers aim to abuse our goodintentions, but we won't permit this. Weaim that the prisoners r<strong>et</strong>urn back to soci-.<strong>et</strong>y as nonnal citizens. But everyone takeshis slice from the cake. Those who areimprisol)ed because of mo<strong>de</strong>st crimes arealso being involved and even forced to takepart in these terrorist events. I won't giveup my struggle as long as my political lifepernuts".Department can come up with. more scie~tifi~allyarrlved;tt numbers.Perhapsat Conference(Committee) we can correct that,"Wilson said. .The bill preserves two provisionsfrom last year's bill; i.e., the"humanitarian corridor act" and a.'. limited waiver of Section 907 ofthe so-called "Freedom Support'Act" of 1992 which allows NGOs.(non-government organizations)and PVOs (private volun~ organizations)to use the faCilities,hospitals and vehicles of the governmèntof Azerbaijan only for.the purpose of providing humani- .tarian assistance to I millionrefugees. .Wilson said such a waiver wasnécessary because during his visitto the regionhe observed thatsmallpox vaccinations could not. ,be ma<strong>de</strong> since only .state hospitals:. had the refrigerators necessary tokeep the shots and blood plasmafresh. .. He gave other examples which. supported his argument that unlessthe PVOs and NGOs had access to.government facilities they couldnot effectively <strong>de</strong>liver humanitarianassistance to refugees inAzerbaijan ,and Nagorno-Karabakh. .In r<strong>et</strong>urn, Wilson agreed not toinclu<strong>de</strong> in the bill any languag<strong>et</strong>hat_comments on the ."politica~ .

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>istatus". and sovereignty ofNagorno-Karabakh."I think we should callNagorno-Karabakh a re~ion ofAzerbaijan," Wilson said, butad<strong>de</strong>d that for the sake of a compromisehe was willing to postpon<strong>et</strong>he issue to the ConferenceCommittee. Direct governmentto-sovemmentassistance from theUruted States to Azerbaijan is stillbanned un<strong>de</strong>r Section 907.A senior member of the committe<strong>et</strong>old TON that he expectedthe fiscal year '97 ForeignAssistance Appropriations bill tobe referred to the ConferenceCommittee in mid-August.A bill is sent to "Conference"for ironing out the differenceswhen the Senate and House versionsof the bill do not matcheach other.HADEP's case for Habitat TITurkishDaily NewsISTANBUL- The Peopie's Democracy Parry(HADEP) has <strong>de</strong>clared that Habitat II is bein!!held in a country that is rocked by economic anapolitical problems. and where an un<strong>de</strong>clared -<strong>de</strong>facto- war is being conducted <strong>de</strong>spite the factthat one si<strong>de</strong> in that war - The KurdistanWorkers Party(PKK) has<strong>de</strong>clared a unilateralceasefrre.Defining the UN'schoice of Turkey ashost country as in~propriate.HADEPstated that abuses ofproper s<strong>et</strong>tlementand housing havebecome an officialpolicy of the Turkishstate:HADEP said thatin a country wberehuman rights abusesand mass migréltionwere continuing, .Habitat should investigate these problems in<strong>de</strong>pth and discuss them without excluding the\'ictims of these problems.HADEP remarked that they were not againstHabitat • but against the choice of Turkey as ahost countrv. HADEP emphasized that Kurdswere forced to eracuate their villages andmigrate, and that tbese villa~es were thenburned in or<strong>de</strong>r to prerent people from comingback.Habitat would only be useful if alternatives tothe official i<strong>de</strong>ology, shaped by the taboos ofthe 70 year-oldstate, were produced.Regarding theRio Environmentand Developmentsummit, which willform the basis ofHabitat II, HADEPstated that in thecenterof"SustainableDevelopment" layhuman bein!!s, andasked for an~explanationfor force<strong>de</strong>vacuations andmil!Tation inTurkey.HADEP also called for attention to be ma<strong>de</strong>to peace efforts. migration. pr~per housing. s<strong>et</strong>tlementproblems and human nghts abuses, sayingthat they were not ag~inst a Habitatwould also consi<strong>de</strong>r these Issues.whicbSungurlu backtracks onProvi<strong>de</strong> Comfort comments-.By U~urAkme)Turkish Daily NewsWASHINGTON- During the frrst day of his officialvisit to Washington, Turkish Defense Ministeraltan Sungurlu seemed to backtrack on some of hisearlier comments concerning the <strong>de</strong>sired changes inOperation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort (OPC).During an earlier press conference in Ankara,.Sungurlu was recor<strong>de</strong>d as saying that Turkish j<strong>et</strong>salone may very well carry out the mission of theOPC - even without the U.S., French and Britishparticipation that currently makes up the force protectin~northern Iraqis from persecution by SaddamHussem. When questioned in Washington, however,Sungurlu said it was perha~s a misun<strong>de</strong>rstallding.During a photo-op sessIOn held at the Penta~onon Wednesday, Sungurlu said the press was "saymgpart of the thmgs I've said at the press conferencelin Ankara]." ."At the press conference I had said that, if weagree with our allies, we're in a position to take careof this on our own," Sungurlu said. "But of course,we are in an alliance, so we have to g<strong>et</strong> an agreementfrom our allies."PerryU.S. Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of Defense William Perry, by hisfrequent use of the word "joint," emphaSIZed thatth~~ecann~t be any.unilateral changes to Ope.qperatI?n P~oYl<strong>de</strong>Comfort is a joint operationand il provI<strong>de</strong>s Jomt benefits to Turkey the UnitedSt~tes and t~ ~ther allies," Perry said. ''The <strong>de</strong>.cI~lonsthat are ma<strong>de</strong> on its operation willbe ma<strong>de</strong> Jomtly; and yes, we will dIscuss thos<strong>et</strong>oday.. I wo~ld not forecast for you all the <strong>de</strong>tails of thatdlscu~~lOn. hut we will have a Ji~cu~~ion on thattoday.I'm confi<strong>de</strong>nt tha.t~e will arrive at an agreementon how to proceed Jomtlyon that operation."After a.l~nch at the Pentagon with Perry,Sun.gurluvIsited the U.S. Congress and m<strong>et</strong> with thechatrman and some members of the House NationalSecurity Committee.Following that, Sungurlu also got tog<strong>et</strong>her with(R<strong>et</strong>) Gen. AI~xan<strong>de</strong>r ~~ig as a part of his programto me<strong>et</strong> Amencan "opmlOn makers." The TurkishDefense Minister will leave Washington onThursday afternoon. .99

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iFRIDAY. MAY 31.1996Turkish Daily News'Alternative Habitat activities tt.. The other si<strong>de</strong> of the coinBy Erdinç ErgençTurkish Daily N~s ,iSTANBUL- Alternative Habitat activities, orga. 'rii~ by non government org~tio.n (NGOs) that, '.have ,<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d boycott the officIal Habitat"j started on ,29 of May. Thirty five NGOs, h~~ ~y.theHuman ~Rights Association (tHO), bave orgàmZmg alternativeactivities that wi~ question the stat.e record ~f,,human rights and the nght to s<strong>et</strong>tlement m ~propnateconditions which is consi<strong>de</strong>red as a basiC human 'ii~e Human Rights As,sçqation s~ted tp~ holdm$ ,Habitat in Turkey.was n~ m k~g Wl.th.thephi-, 10sophy of the Umt~ ~atlons; The as~~abon gave,a-press conference m ystan.b~l e~pl~g the rea.,Osonswhy they are Dot Partlclpabng m ilie confer.'ence. ."The reason why we opposed to this conferencebeing held in Turkey is (iliat it is) incompatible with ,the i<strong>de</strong>als of the UN. A conference on humart se~e.ments being held in a country where the reiUlabous "and practices are diam<strong>et</strong>rically opposed to the UN'si<strong>de</strong>als contradicts 'the i<strong>de</strong>als of UN," said the chair.man of urn, Akm Birdal.. . 'BirdaI' said that the Kurdish population in Turkeyhadbeen forcibly displaced, n~turaI and cul~ her.!ta"gehad been ~e.stroyed and m.these c~nditlons theIHD was orgamzmg an alternabve Habitat ~o revealthe truths ana niake them known to the public.' , ,Birdal emphasized that the UN's policy with,, reßard to states concerning the affective implemen- ,tabon of the principles formulated in the UN Charterand other international instruments was clear.Referring to the UN' s tWo fundamental. worldWi~ehuman rights conferences, one held ln 1968 lnTehran and other in 1993 in Vienna, BirdaI said thatthese conference <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d the grave <strong>de</strong>nial of hum3!l,'ri$hts caused by discrimination based on race, reli.glOn, belief and expression of i<strong>de</strong>a~ woul~ cause,harm to the human conscience and JeopardIZe thefoundation stones of freedom, justice and peace inthe world.', The tHo chairman poin!ed out that th~ .reas~n, why the Association has <strong>de</strong>cl<strong>de</strong>d not to partiCipate m ,, the official conference but to organize alternative, me<strong>et</strong>ings laY in these ~<strong>et</strong>enn!~ations. Bird!Ù ad<strong>de</strong>dthatthey had ma<strong>de</strong> therr <strong>de</strong>CISion.along ~Ith those, NGO's which would not take part m Habitat ne~t to,the state. " '. : al, The urn ~roposed to Turkey and the mternaboncommunity It'S program'of <strong>de</strong>mocracy ~d hu~an,rights as oppos~~ t~ the report of the offiCial Turki~hNational Commumty. The first part of the tHD s<strong>de</strong>mocracy and human rights program conceo:Ied '• eveiybOdvlivirigin Tudœy.11ieseconddéalt with, the'so ca1l~dKurdish quesbon. " ., ."(Jivinganswers and suggested courses of ac.bontothe question "What should be done for the nght tos<strong>et</strong>tlement based on equality, nondiscrimination and, freedom" tIm proposes a program of human rightsand <strong>de</strong>mocracy. lHD <strong>de</strong>mands changes to theTurkish constitution, which it classifies as militaristicand monopolistic. ' . .'The constitution in which everybody is treatedwith full equali~ should have as"its ~ources internationalhuman nghts documents, sald the report of, urn. The association has 11 proposals for the establishmentof a <strong>de</strong>mocratic constitution which respectshuman rights. . "Demanding an end to the un<strong>de</strong>clared war m the, South East of Turk~i'. thé tHO calls for the remoyalof institutions specittc to the areas where Kurds live, in large numbers such as the State ~f Emergency,Village Guards, sec~ty fo~es S~al reams andfood embargoes. Brrdal sald that Kurdish peopleshould have full freedom of expression and a generalamnesty should be proclaimeâ. ' ', BirdaI also outlined the suggestions of the lHp ,over the forced evictions of yillagers from theirhomes and lands. ,, Alternative Habitat activities inclu<strong>de</strong> forums on',minorities, the environment, war and forced migrationhealth and education, s<strong>et</strong>tlement, culture and,valu~s child and labor issues. In addition a series of 'exhibitions and cinevision shows will be staged. The 'activities started yesterday and will end on 8 Junewith the Solidarity Day after a two day forum on 6and 7 June.', Criticizing the preparations for official Habitat ,the urn said that the state and the municipality haverestored the long ruined stre<strong>et</strong>s, prepared gloriousconference halls and organized celebrations with,thousands of personnel. "They have <strong>de</strong>stroye<strong>de</strong>ve~g distUrbing them. They have put the stre<strong>et</strong>urchins outsi<strong>de</strong> the city, poisoned or removed thestre<strong>et</strong> animals. They have ornamented the avenuesand str,e<strong>et</strong>s with newly planted trees, flowers andtulips," said urn officials. ' ,Making a call to particip.ate in the Habitat IIAlternative Activities the tHO emphasized that, oppressed minorities; these discrimmated againstbecause of their sex or race; workers whose rightsare violated; the handicapped who are exclui:tedfrom soci<strong>et</strong>y; children and the poor, unemployed,'hungry and homeless were those the Alternati~eHabitat was seeking to reach and un<strong>de</strong>r those condi- 'tions the lHD said that the Turkish state could neverbe a legitimate host. tHo officials said that their. alternative slogan for ~abitat wa~ ':,L<strong>et</strong>' s make., everybody see the other Si<strong>de</strong>of the,com ..-100

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - A~enteframe Pre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enteframe Pre\\e-A.F.P. - A~en(eframe Prme-A.F.P. - A~en[efronŒPre\\e-A.F.P. - A~en[eframe Pre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enŒfronŒPre\\e-A.F.P.A.F.P.FRS0400 4 G .0227 FRA /AFP-NM54Immigration-manifPrès <strong>de</strong> 2:000 manifestants à Marseille contre les lois Pasqua (PHOTO)MARSEILLE, 1er juin (AFP) - Près <strong>de</strong> 2.000 personnes -1.600 selon lapolice- ont défilé samedi après-midi à Marseille à l'appel <strong>de</strong> SOS Racisme<strong>et</strong> d'une cinqu~ntaine d'autres associations, pour <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>r l'abrogation <strong>de</strong>slois Pasqua <strong>et</strong> l'abandon .du proj<strong>et</strong> Debré sur l'immigration.En tête du cortège parti vers 15H00 du Vieux-Port, une ban<strong>de</strong>role "Non àla chasse à l'étranger - Leurs droits sont nos droits" était suivie par <strong>de</strong>senfants tenant à bout <strong>de</strong> bras <strong>de</strong>s pancartes "Je suis Français, mes parentssont en souffrance, visiteurs dans mon pays" ou "Je veux que mon père reßteavecnous".Il Pasqua, Debré, vos lois on n'en veut pas" ou "Nous sommes tous <strong>de</strong>senfants d'immigrés, 1ère, 2ème, 3ème génération" ont été les slogans lesplus repris. Derrière SOS Racisme, le MRAP, la Ligue communisterévolutionnnaire (LCR), la Ligue <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme, les syndicatsenseignants FSU <strong>et</strong> SNU/IPP étaient représentés, ainsi qu'Act-Up Marseille,Ras L'Front, les travailleurs kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> plusieurs autres associations.i'locales... En fin <strong>de</strong> cortège, un autobus <strong>de</strong> Droit au logement (DAL) était suivi .d'un orchestre sur un camion portant une ban<strong>de</strong>role "Poètes, vos papiers".Les manifestants se sont dispersés dans le calme, vers 17H00, <strong>de</strong>vant lapréfecture.DLO/cd/mcAFP/AA1234/011722JUN 96--~ ..(Résolution commune)Turquie20.06 - En adoptant une résolution commune <strong>de</strong>sgroupes PSE, PPE, ELDR, GUE/NOL, Verts <strong>et</strong>ARE, ainsi que <strong>de</strong> Mme Katerina DASKALAKl(UPE, GR) <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> M. Nildtas KAKLAMANIS(UPE, GR) sur les droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme <strong>et</strong> la situationen Turquie, le Parlement européen <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>au nouveau gouvernement <strong>de</strong> décréter une amnistiegénérale <strong>et</strong> renouvelle plus particulièrement sa<strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> libérer immédiatement Mme LeylaZANA ainsi que les trois autres députés au DEP.n invite également le prochain gouvernement àentreprendre <strong>de</strong> nouvelles réformes législativesafm <strong>de</strong> prévenir toute atteinte aux droits <strong>de</strong>l'homme... ~Demandant aux autorités turques c;Iereconnaîtr<strong>et</strong>es droits <strong>de</strong> tous les Kur<strong>de</strong>s vivant dans le pays<strong>et</strong> à faciliter le rapatriement <strong>de</strong> tous les Kur<strong>de</strong>sdéplacés, il insiste pour que soit mis fm auxopérations militaires dans le Sud-Est du pays <strong>et</strong>que débutent <strong>de</strong>s négociations visant à un règlementpolitique <strong>et</strong> pacifique du conflit.Pressant le Conseil <strong>de</strong> rechercher tous les moyensqui pèim<strong>et</strong>tront d'encourager les initiatives visantà régler les questions <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme <strong>et</strong><strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s en Turquie, le Parlement européenestime qu'un tel mépris à l'égard <strong>de</strong>s obligationsinhérentes au droit international <strong>et</strong> aux textesfondamentaux sur. les droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme estgravement incompatible avec l'esprit dans lequela été conclus l'accord sur l'Union douanière entrel'Union européenne <strong>et</strong> la Turquie.101

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iy~ar Kemal receives Hellman/Hamm<strong>et</strong>t Awardfor courage in response to repressionTurkish DailY NewsANKARA-Human Rights Watch, whichwas established to monitor and promote the.observance of internationally recognizedhuman rights worldwi<strong>de</strong>, announced theaward of a Hellman/Hamm<strong>et</strong>t grant toY/lF Kemal, the world-renowned Turkish. writer.The Hellman/Hamm<strong>et</strong>t grants were createdby Anierican writers Lillian Hellmanand Dashiel Hamm<strong>et</strong>t, who were bothinterrogated about their political associa-. tions and beliefs by U.S. congressionalcommittees during the McCarthy scares ofthe 1950s. Memories of their difficultiesprompted Hellman to <strong>de</strong>signate funds from~er estate and that of Hamm<strong>et</strong>t, her longbmecompanion, to ensure that courageouswriters would not have to stand aloneagainst political persecution. In 1989,Hellman and Hamm<strong>et</strong>t's executors askedHuman Rights Watch to <strong>de</strong>vise a programto implement the writers' wishes.y~ar Kemal was tried and convicted inMarch 1996 on charges of "inciting racialhatred by way of regional and racIal discrimination."He was given a 20-month suspen<strong>de</strong>dsentence and warned that if he repeats hiscrime in the next five years, the sentencewill become active. .The charges against Kemal were basedon articles he wrote that were published inthe collection, "Freedom of Thought in.Turkey." In a trial opening in Istanbultoday, 98 intellectuals who claim responsibilityfor publication of the book have beensimJ!arly charged with inciting racialhatred. They, like Ya~ar Kemal, have said:"We have no choice but to commit a crimein or<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>fend our freedom."In recognizing Kemal,' Human RightsWatch noted the courage he has shown in<strong>de</strong>fending freedom of expression for himselfand the others currentlx on trial.Human Rights Watch ad<strong>de</strong>d: 'It is ironicthat Turkey, which pri<strong>de</strong>s itself on Kemal'splace on the short list of candidates for theNobel Prize, is at the same time harassinghim and his colleagues for expressingthoughtful concern." .Since the Hellman/Hamm<strong>et</strong>t awardsbegan, more than 200 writers have receivedgrants totalling well over $1 million.SATURDAY,JUNE 1,1996Turkish Daily NewsPolice ban the Alternative Habitat. . .By Erdinç ErgençTurkish Daily NewsISTANBUL- Turkish police havebanned the Alternative HABITAT activitiesorganized by 35 non governmentorganizations (NGOs) that are b6ycottingthe Habitat II conference. The 35NGOs, hea<strong>de</strong>d by the Human RightsAssociation (lHD) were organizingalternative activities aiming to highlightproblems not addressed by the officialevent.The authorities gave as the excuse for. banning the Alternative Habitat that theNGOs had not got permission from thegovernor office to convene their counterconference. The activities of theAlternative Habita! started on 29 May in~i~li and were continuing in two me<strong>et</strong>inghalls outsi<strong>de</strong> of the Habitat Valley,the venue in central Istanbul for the officialsummit.There was no indication of anythingabnormal till the intervention of Turkishpolice at I o'cloèk yesterday. The chair- .man of the Istanbul Human RightsAssociation, Ercan Kanar, said that thestate was frightened of the realities andits crimes that were to be attacked at theAlternative Habitat.Kanar stated that the state was caughtred han<strong>de</strong>d by this act. . .Accusing the state of being a handicapto the process of <strong>de</strong>mocratization andthe <strong>de</strong>velopment of a civil soci<strong>et</strong>y,Kanar pointed out that the state hadshown Its real face once again. ErcanKanar emphasized that no one. couldprevent them from revealing the truthsabout Turkey and ma<strong>de</strong> a call to NGOsparticipating the official Habitat to mak<strong>et</strong>heir stands clear after the attack.The Alternative Habitat was beingconducted insi<strong>de</strong> a circle of police.Yesterday Anti- terror Police Teamsentered the Alternative Habitat venueand <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d the evacuation of thebuilding where exhibitions, sli<strong>de</strong> shows.anddlscu.ssions were being held.According to a member of !HD therewas no .need to ge.t permission for t~eirevent smce actiVIties were not bemgheld outdoors.Although the police knew this participantswere threatened with being takento the State Security Court by the Antiterrorteams.102

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - A~emeFramePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enreFranrePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~en(eFran(ePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~en(eFramePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~en(eFran(€Pre\\e-A.F.P. - A~en(€Frame Pre\\e-A.F.P.FRS0564 4 IIrak-Kur<strong>de</strong>sLe mandatA.F.P.0317 IRK /AFP-SN82du "parlement" kur<strong>de</strong> sera prorogé <strong>de</strong> quatre moisERBIL (Irak), 2 juin (AFP) - Les principales formations kur<strong>de</strong>sirakiennes qui se disputent le contrôle du nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak sont convenues <strong>de</strong>proroger <strong>de</strong> quatre mois le mandat du "parlement" kur<strong>de</strong>, élu en mai 1992,ont indiqué dimanche <strong>de</strong>s responsables.Le "parlement" doit se réunir lundi en session extraordinaire dans unezone neutre du Kurdistan, entre la ville d'Erbil, contrôlée par l'Unionpatriotique du Kurdistan (UPK <strong>de</strong> Jalal Talabani), <strong>et</strong> Salaheddine, tenue parle Parti démocratique du Kurdistan (PDK <strong>de</strong> Massoud Barzani), ont-ilsprécisé. --"Nous allons tenir c<strong>et</strong>te session pour proroger le mandat du parlement",a déclaré son prési<strong>de</strong>nt, Jawhar Namiq, à l'AFP.Le PDK <strong>et</strong> l'UPK, qui contrôlent le "parlement" <strong>de</strong> 100 sièges, avaientaffirmé la semaine <strong>de</strong>rnière qu'ils avaient décidé <strong>de</strong> proroger d'un an, àpartir du 3 juin, le mandat du "parlement" du fait <strong>de</strong> l'impossibilitéd'organiser <strong>de</strong>s élections.La prorogation a été limitée à quatre mois à la suite <strong>de</strong> négociationsavec d'autres partis kur<strong>de</strong>s, selon le chef <strong>de</strong> la commission <strong>de</strong> médiationAziz Mohammed.Le mandat du "parlement" kur<strong>de</strong>, non reconnu par la communautéinternationale, avait déjà été prorogé une première fois en mai 1995 pourun an, en raison <strong>de</strong>s combats entre le PDK <strong>et</strong> l'UPK pour le contrôle <strong>de</strong> larégion qui échappe au contrôle du pouvoir central à Bagdad <strong>de</strong>puis 1991.Ces combats, qui ont éclaté en 1994, ont fait plus <strong>de</strong> 2.000 morts.Plusieurs médiations, notamment américaines, ont été menées pour m<strong>et</strong>tre unterme aux affrontements.Le conflit persiste, mais <strong>de</strong>s mesures <strong>de</strong> confiance ont été adoptées parles <strong>de</strong>ux factions à la suite d'un accord <strong>de</strong> principe signé l'année <strong>de</strong>rnièreà Dublin.Les "législatives" <strong>de</strong> mai 1992 étaient les premières élections dansl'histoire du peuple kur<strong>de</strong>.st-hc/tp/sohAFP /AA1234/022202 JUN 96tfA.F.P. - 1ge1KeFrolKePresse-A.F.P. - AgelKeFrance Presse-A.F.P. - 1ge1K! FralK! Presse-A.F.P. - AgelKeFroneePresse-A.F.P. ~ 1geIKe FralKe Presse-A.F.P. - 1geMe France Presle-103

~.a:~ ~.......~Turkish Dairy News.SUNDAY,JUNE2,I996~'"~~~'-i'"I~ '-iTurkey said to be consi<strong>de</strong>ring allowing Kurdish broadcastsReüters quotes politicians saying the subject is "<strong>de</strong>finitely being discussed" d~~~~~~~Pili~a;~~~[~~~~~~~::Turkish Daily NewsANKARA- Turkey's conservative governmentis seeking to cut through a yearsoldtaboo and inttoouce Kurdish broadcastingReuters has quoted Turkish politicianssaying."It is being discussed - I myself prepareda report on this issue. And otherreports are also being looked at," NaimGeylani, a <strong>de</strong>puty from Prime MinisterMesut YDmaz's Motherland Party from thesoutheastern region of Hakkari, t~ldR~ters.. .Cabin<strong>et</strong> members said they had taken upthe issue at a me<strong>et</strong>ing in the main southeastern.city of DiyarbakIr on Sunday.Ahm<strong>et</strong> Özer, head of a grouping of mayorsfrom the southeast, said they had prepareda report on Kurdish television ahead of thecabm<strong>et</strong> me<strong>et</strong>ing at the bidding of the minist~rresponsible for the media, Ali Tali'pÖz<strong>de</strong>mrr, also from Motherland. 'There ISa <strong>de</strong>finite need for Kurdish television andthe government has accepted this," Gurelisaid."In the region about 90 percent of peoplewatch MED TV, which broadcasts distortionsand lies," he said, speaking by telephonefrom a remote district of Hakkari,which.bor<strong>de</strong>rs Iran and Iraq.The Kurdish-language MED TV,beamed since last May via satellite fromBritain is backed by the outlawedKurdistan Workers Party (PKK), whose 12.yelll'-old separatist campaign cost mor<strong>et</strong>han 19,000 lives.People in the reg,ion say MED TV iswatched even by villag,e guards, a statepaid,mainly Kurdish mIlitia armed to fightthePKK.Kurds fleeing the fight with the PKK tos<strong>et</strong>tle in shanties in western towns invest insatellite dishes to see it. Rights activistsclaim that giving greater cultural rights to. televIsions, morntored but not censored by .Kurds would go a long way towards ending the state, that broadcast objectively andthe PKK's fight. Kurdish broadcasting is allow the Kurdish people to <strong>de</strong>velop andbanne(i in Turke,-, and <strong>de</strong>bate of the enjoy their culture, language and music,"Kurdish issue is sufled by Turk<strong>et</strong>s many said Motherland Diyarbakir MPlaws that punish "separatist" and •regional- . Seb~<strong>et</strong>ullah Seydaoglu Yllmaz hinted at theist" statements, Scores of writers and intel- . begmning of his tenure he would changelectuals are injail for writings and speeches successivegovernments' aimy-only policycalling for greater rights for Turkey's in the southeast. He promised Kurdish edu-. Kurds. cation and broadcasting and his govern-The latest stirririgs in Motherland sug- ment has pledged to lift emergency rule ingest it may be trying to revive mo<strong>de</strong>rate the region.. .I<strong>de</strong>as whichthe late Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Turgut ÖzaI But no progress has been ma<strong>de</strong> inhad worked on when he led the party as addressing restn<strong>et</strong>ions on Turkey's Kurdishpremier in the 1980s. But the left-wing, minority as the government of Motherlandpro-Kurdish Demokrasi newspaper poured and the True Path Party of former premierscorn on the moves as aimed at hitting Tansu Çiller is near- to collapse amidMED TV with nationalist Turkish propa- infighting and corruption allegations.ganda: "Contra-TV is coming!" the daily Yllmaz faces a cen~ure motion next weekplastered on its front page on Friday, refer- that could kill the government. But Geylaniring to what activists say is a shady "con- said the fact that the issue was being dis,tra-guerrilla" group close to the state. MPs cussed was an improvement on before. "lnfrom the soutlieast say no one would watch the end, it will be achieved."~~.....'"~~~'"~~"0"S~>~.....~1:::'~~ ~~ ~Ie:,;::!'" ......~~~;p;::!""~I!".

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTufk!sh Dally News Monday, June 3, 1996"0Kirkuk lyncbpin in Iraq'sr<strong>et</strong>urn to world oil mark<strong>et</strong>ReWlersKIRKUK, Iraq- This oil city which stillbears the scars of war is now a l~cbpin inIraq's efforts to regain its position as amyor player in the wOrld's energy mark<strong>et</strong>s.JfcIq is expected to P'l.ßlP most of the oilun<strong>de</strong>r its Ma~J9 4eal with the UnitedNations from Kirkuk. where oil was firstdiscovered in IraQ ~j' seven <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s ago.Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam Hussein's governmentsees the accord, allov.jng it limited oil salesin or<strong>de</strong>r to ~hase fooâ and humanitariansupplies, as the first step in breaking the~o imposed on it for its ill-fated 1990invasion of Kuwait It is also another step inKirkuk's own efforts to rebuild from the<strong>de</strong>vastation of war.The city was often targ<strong>et</strong>ted b~ Iranianwarplanes during the 19SO:88 han-Iraq war.The Iragi authorities built a 25 m<strong>et</strong>re~ghartificial mountain to place anti-aircraft gunson and to pr:otect the City. .Neither the mountain nor the guns couldguard the oilfields against laser-gui<strong>de</strong>dbombs which allied w~lanes dropped onthe city during the 1991 Gulf War overKuwait -"Damage was massive," said TalaiAshour ICanaan, director general of theNol1hem Oil Company. ."Non<strong>et</strong>heless we were able to restore lif<strong>et</strong>o this company and could pum,p cru<strong>de</strong> toIraqi refineries in a short time. Kirkuk' schief geologist, Fahid Abduljabbar, ad<strong>de</strong>d:"We tiave repaired whatever we can. Wenever believed we could do it so ~cklJ."Before the war with Iran. Kirlciik, 255 km(160 miles) north of B~ produced upto 1.7 million barrels ~ day (bpd),aboUttwo thirds of Iraq's OPEC quota of 3.14millibpd.~ said it.would be difficult for hiscompany to regain previous production levelsbut post-Gulf War repairs and maintenancewould enable it to me<strong>et</strong> all of Iraq' spartial oil expC?rts, estimated b<strong>et</strong>ween700,000 to 800,00) ~ ;"My company is fully ready to do theiob," lie said. "Aggress,ion had direct effects.But God willing we sha1lr<strong>et</strong>ain pre-~$!CSsion~ity in a short period anime. '.~last week pumpe

.Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivi$ta Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa.-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iHuman fights group putsSoutheastonHabitat agendaReco~endations: Report call,son Turkis~ governmentto cease forcible, indisçriminate village evacuations andto apply international hûmanitariarllaw standards "By Orya Sultan Halis<strong>de</strong>mirTurkish Daily NewsLONDON- The Frankfurt-based MedicaInternatianal and Landan-based Kurdish HumanRights Praject (KHRP) are abaut to. publish "arepart, to. be, <strong>de</strong>livered at Habitat JI, to. highlight.the alleged <strong>de</strong>structian af villages and the farce<strong>de</strong>victian af villagers fram the Sautheast .'The report aims to.be the basis ofdiscussians anthe steps that are nee<strong>de</strong>d to. address the pra~!emscaused by the clashes b<strong>et</strong>ween the autlaw.edKurdistan Warker' s Party (PKK) and Turkish. security farces, in the Southeast, the TDN haslearnt. . " ,The repart was canfirmed bythe head af theKHRP, Kerirn YddIz, who. said t1iatthe repart wasprepared with the aim af asking the Habitat II canferencenat to. ignare the problems faced inSautheast Turkey. "The prob.lemhas tabeaddressed taday, if It is ignared it will create proble~nat ~~st far Turkey but far the whale ;United ,.NatIOns, YIldiZ tald theTDN. He saId thatHabitat had to.assist the Turkish gavenui:1entto.s<strong>et</strong>up a humanitarian relief pragram to.cease the painaf th~ peaple caused by the clashes b<strong>et</strong>ween th<strong>et</strong>wo.sures.He said that the repart gives evi<strong>de</strong>nce af the .hazards caused to. ardinary civilians.by bath PKKt~rra~st activities and the security farce's aperatIansID the area. . .When asked the <strong>de</strong>tails af the repart, Y1!dIZsaid.that Medica Internatianal had financed the repartand that the KHRP had carried aut the researchand that it was written by.the writer David,McDawall, the authar af "A Mo<strong>de</strong>m Histary ofthe lÇurds"{1996). . . .. The ~aft report abtained by the TON co.ncerns .Itself WI~ many areas ~f the Sauth~ast ~ro.blem, .such as VIllage evacuatlOn, ecanamIc ,mIgratio.n,the PKK insurgency, ecanamic and sacial casts,the state af emergency legislatial1 and effectiveremedies and the need far internatianal assistance.The repart said that there were araund 3,OOOvil-.'lages that had been evacuated unti11996, resultingin the displacement af araund 3 millian peaple."The vast majarity af the evacuatians have beencarried aut by the state security farces in the nameaf caunter-insurgency measures against the PKK.Since 1987, the Sautheast has been un<strong>de</strong>r'State afEmergency Law," the repart said~"Tlîe village evacuatians are carried aut -in abarbaraus and cruel manner aften mativated bypunishment and revenge, withaut respect farhu~an life and .pr~perty and in vialatian af internatianalhumamtarlan law and human rights law,"the repart read..'It alsp put an emphasIze an the ecanamic castsand ~assesbarn by the state. "The quantity af thelqss IS difficult to. measure but it indicates a substantial.and permanent lass to.Turkey's agriculturalecanamy, quite ~part framthe milit~ cast, thelöss af infrastructure and the <strong>de</strong>stàbilizmg effectsafmass invaluntary rriigratian," It said..Un<strong>de</strong>r the sectian,"Recammendatian to.Turkishgavernment," the repart called far an immediatecessati~n af the farc!ble. indiscri~nate villageevacuatlOns and applIcatIan af the mternatianalhumanitarian law standards, in cases where villageevacuatian was aperatianally necessary."Restricting th~ aperatian af the emergencypawers {lf the.reglanal gavernar by establIshings¥,eguards t~ ensure accaun~b~lity and a mechamsm!apr~vld~, far the functlOmng af an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntJUdiCIary, was anather recammendatian to.th~.Tur.kish gavernment. ' .InvIte fnendly gavernments and multilateralfunding agencie~ to assist iq dra~ing up and fund-I~g a p'lan af relief and rehabilitatio.n in ca-aperatIonWIth U.N.lnter-Agency Task Farce an mler-'Jlally ctisplacedpersans."".'Un<strong>de</strong>r the sectian named. "Recammendatians to'Inter-gavernment;ll, gavernmental and nan-gavernmentalbadies," tile repart called far pressurean Turkey ta respect fundamental human nghts.~'Remind Turkey' that althaugh <strong>de</strong>feat af the.PKK may be amllitary im~erative, it will natresolve the Kùidish prablem If steps are nat takento.seek a palitical salutio.n inc1udmg the rehabilitatianaf the naw disaffected papulatian, and thatthese need to. take place immediately in the interestsaf recanciliatian," the report said.In the intraductian to. the repart, MedicaInternatianal was intraduced as providing immedi.ate inedical assistance to. refugees and thase suff~ring,framthe effects af war ar ather emergencySItuations."The. KHRP is an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt,Lando.n based charity I faun<strong>de</strong>dreport said. .non~~alitical,in 1992," the>00-0,..;UJ.....~,.:«Clz0:;:"106

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iMONDA Y.JUNE 3.1996Turkish Daily News--Kurdish Parliament remains in limboThe future of the Kurdish Parliament, whose working periodwill finish on June 4, <strong>de</strong>pends on the consensus b<strong>et</strong>weenthe KDP, led DYBarzani, and the PUK, led by Jalal TalabaniBy Ay~eKarabatTurlcish Daily NewsSALAHADDIN/ARBIL. northern Iraq- Theextension of the Kurdish Parliament, whosemandate will expire on June 4, <strong>de</strong>pends on theconsensus b<strong>et</strong>ween the Kurdistan DemocraticParty (KDP), led by Massoud Barzani, and thePatnotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), hea<strong>de</strong>d byJalal Talabani.Discussions to extend the mandate of theParliament and mediation efforts are still continuing.but until now there has been no solution. Ifthere is no consensus, the existing governmentwill continue in power and announce new electionswithin 15 days, according to the secondresolution of the Kurdish Parliament. The PrimeMinistry now belongs to the PUK. All the parties,however, agree that the atmosphere is notsuitable for new elections. AccordIng to localpoliticians, if the two parties cannot agree on theextension, the KDP-PUK dialogue will finishand the existing situation, in which there are twodifferent administrations will be further consoli.dated.They say PUl(, which controls 63 percent' ofthe regionand two big cities, Suleymaniah andArbil, will gain the upper hand. SamiAbdurrahman, a member of the central committeeof the KDP, said: 'The Parliament is the only<strong>de</strong>mocratic body of the region. It is true that Itdoesn't work. But for the future of IraqiKurdistan and the Kurdish people, theParliament must go on. Otherwise there will be astrong dictatorship." The lea<strong>de</strong>r of the PUK,Jalal Talabani, told the Turkish Daily News theywanted a real Parliament, a working Parliament."We insisted that all the resolutions passed byParliament must be implemented and respected.In principle. for the extension of the mandate ofthe Parliament, we need new elections becausefour years have passed. There are some partieswhich are not represented in the Parliament W<strong>et</strong>hink we have to ask the people their opinion,"Talabani said.According to Kurdish Parliament resolutions,the Parliament must gather in Arbil. The PUKinsists on this; but, according to the KDP, Arbilis un<strong>de</strong>r occupation and full of weapons, and forthese reasons they do not want to go Arbil forthe parliamentary sessions.The two parties held a me<strong>et</strong>ing in Salahaddinon May 27 in or<strong>de</strong>r to discuss the extension ofthe mandate of the Parliament, but there was nosolution. According to local politicians, the onlypositive thing to emerge from this me<strong>et</strong>ing wasthat the PUK agreed to go to Salahaddin, whichis un<strong>de</strong>r the control of the KDP. In this me<strong>et</strong>ingthe mediator b<strong>et</strong>ween two parties, former general-secr<strong>et</strong>aryof the Communist Party AzizMehm<strong>et</strong>, said that the atmosphere of the me<strong>et</strong>ingwas positive and two parties had agreed onanother me<strong>et</strong>ing. but the time and place was noty<strong>et</strong> known.The National Assembly of iraqi Kurdistan wasestablished in 1992. There are 105 seats in theParliament, 50 of which belon~ to the KDP and50 to the PUK. There are five seats for theAssyrians. Last year the mandate of theParliament was exten<strong>de</strong>d for one further year onthe last day of the Parliament. The Parliamentstopped me<strong>et</strong>ing after clashes b<strong>et</strong>ween the KDPand the PUK. However, <strong>de</strong>spite the fact thatthere is a cease-fire b<strong>et</strong>ween the two parties, theParliament remains idle.107

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iIn a Collapsing. Istanbul,UNMuses on HousingBy John Pomfr<strong>et</strong>Washington Post ServiceISTANBUL - The walls of HaticeGoktas's cramped, one-room apartmentare scarred with a giant crack,snaking from ceiling to floor. Lastweek it got bigger, swelling ominouslyto the width of a boa constrictor.That's because the building nextdoor collapsed, killing a 25-year-oldman and seriously injuring six others.The disintegration of the five-storybuilding at 15 Hocaza<strong>de</strong> Stre~twouldn 't normally mean much In.Istanbul, home to 6.6 million people byofficÏ

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - A~enŒfronŒPre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enŒframe Prem-A.F.P. - A~emeframe Pre\\e-A.F.P. - A~emeframe Prem-A.F.P. - A~enŒframe Pre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enŒfronŒPre\\e-FRS1072 4 l 0281 USA /~FP-QP38USA-Syrie-TurquieWashington réaffirme son soutien à la TurquieWASHINGTON, 5 juin (AFP) - Les Etats-Unis ont exprimé mercredi leur"inquiétu<strong>de</strong> face au terrorisme dirigé contre la Turquie, venant <strong>de</strong> Syrie"<strong>et</strong> renouvelé leur soutien à Ankara tout en appelant à l'amélioration <strong>de</strong>srelations entre les <strong>de</strong>ux pays, selon le porte-parole du département d'Etat.Interrogé sur les tensions qui prévalent actuellement entre les <strong>de</strong>uxpays, le porte-parol~ Nicholas Burns a indiqué que les Etats-Uniss'inquiétaient "du terrorisme dirigé contre la Turquie, venant <strong>de</strong> Syrie.Nous avons fait part au gouvernement syrien <strong>de</strong> nos préoccupations à cesuj<strong>et</strong>", a-t-il ajouté."Il est utile <strong>de</strong> rappeler que la Turquie est un allié <strong>de</strong>s Etats-Unis <strong>et</strong>que nous avons <strong>de</strong>s relations excellentes avec (elle). Et nous soutiendronsla Turquie", a encore dit le porte-parole.Nicholas Burns a indiqué que les Etats-Unis étaient disposés à ai<strong>de</strong>r aurèglement <strong>de</strong>s contentieux survenus ces <strong>de</strong>rniers mois entre Ankara <strong>et</strong> Damas.Washington souhaite <strong>de</strong>s relations normales entre les <strong>de</strong>ux pays, a-t-il dit.La Turquie accuse la Syrie d'avoir mis <strong>de</strong>s terrains d'entraînement à ladisposition du ,Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatisteskur<strong>de</strong>s), en lutte contre les autorités d'AnKara, <strong>et</strong> qu'elle héberge sonchef Abdallah Oçalan, ce que Damas a toujours démenti.Damas reproche à Ankara l'accord militaire conclu récemment entre laTurquie <strong>et</strong> Israël.Les relations entre la Syrie <strong>et</strong> la Turquie sont également envenimées parles disputes sur les eaux <strong>de</strong> l'Euphrate. La Syrie critique en particulierun gigantesque proj<strong>et</strong> turc <strong>de</strong> barrages dans le sud-est <strong>de</strong> l'Anatolie.pg/lb/mr t.fAFP /AA1234/0s~3s3 JON 96FRS0435 4 l 0208 BEL /AFP-MP02Turquie-Belgique-Kur<strong>de</strong>sLa Belgique va prendre <strong>de</strong>s mesures contre le PKK, selon Mesut Yilmaz",BRUXELLES, 4 juin (AFP) - Le Premier ministre turc Mesut Yilmaz a~~ssurémercredi que la Belgique allait prendre <strong>de</strong>s mesures visant à empêcher lesactivités <strong>de</strong> militants du Parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK,séparatiste en Turquie) sur son territoire."M. Dehaene m'a dit que le gouvernement belge allait prendre <strong>de</strong>s mesurescontre ces personnes", a déclaré M. Yilmaz lors d'une conférence <strong>de</strong> presseà Bruxelles, après un entr<strong>et</strong>ien avec le Premier ministre belge Jean-LucDehaene.Selon le chef du gouvernement turc, "la Belgique est <strong>de</strong>venue le centre<strong>de</strong>s activités du PKK" <strong>de</strong>puis l'interdiction <strong>de</strong> ce parti en Allemagne, oürési<strong>de</strong>nt quelque 500.000 Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> oü le PKK avait établi ses bases."La Turquie fait face à une menace terroriste continuelle. Nouscontinuerons à la combattre dans le respect <strong>de</strong>s normes démocratiques", aaffirmé M. Yilmaz."Je ne crois pas que les moyens militaires soient suffisants pourcombattre la situation qui prévaut dans le sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie", a-t-ilpoursuivi. "Le combat contre le terrorisme <strong>et</strong> la conduite <strong>de</strong> réformesdoivent aller <strong>de</strong> pair", a conclu le Premier ministre turc.bpi/phv efAFP /AA1234/0s14s7 JUN 96A.F.P. - Agen

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iICDCDCD.,...z::» ..., .It)-cwa:0a:w:lEPour dénoncer la pratique <strong>de</strong> latorture dans le mon<strong>de</strong>, labranche anglaise d'AmnestyInternational a lancé une campagne,mardi 22 mai, par la publication d'unrapport intitulé "Un clin d'oeil sur. l'enfer". Le rapport dénonce la torturedans 40 pays <strong>et</strong> se focalise sur 5pays, dont la Turquie, présentéscomme "<strong>de</strong>s cas d'exemple".Alors que les diplomates occi<strong>de</strong>ntauxdéclarent que la situation <strong>de</strong>s droits.<strong>de</strong> l'homme est en amélioration croissari-:te <strong>de</strong>puis les années 80, les organisation. <strong>de</strong> défense d~s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme turquessont d'un avis différent. Akin Birdal, prési<strong>de</strong>nt<strong>de</strong> l'Association turque <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong>l'homme "ne voit pas <strong>de</strong> lumière au boutdu tunnel". Et ajoute "IIn'y a rien qui porteà croire que les choses ont changé. Enréalité, cela <strong>de</strong>vient pire. Des gens quidoivent être punis pour <strong>de</strong>s crimesatroces, ils <strong>de</strong>viennent parlementaires <strong>et</strong>même ministres". Par ailleurs, les Centres<strong>de</strong> Soins mis en place par la Fondation'turque <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme pour veniren ai<strong>de</strong> aux victimes <strong>de</strong> la torture sontdéclarés illégaux par les autorités <strong>et</strong> leursresponsables sont poursuivis par la justic<strong>et</strong>urque.Amnesty Internationaldans la partie<strong>de</strong> son rapport consacrée à la Turquiecite le cas d'un Kur<strong>de</strong>, Ali Ekber Kaya, <strong>de</strong>Dersim, dans les termes suivants :"Unefois la police m'a dit "si on savait que tuavais autant d'amis à l'étranger, on seserait débarrassé <strong>de</strong> toi il y a longtemps".C'est pourquoi j'ai un peu peur ...Si jen'avais pas été adopté par Amnesty,je neserais pas en vie maintenant. Ils m'ontune fois <strong>de</strong>mandé ce que je pensais dufait que qu'ils me torturent,j'ai répondu ceque vous penseriez si vous étiez à maplace. Alors ils ont gardé le silence".AlP. - A~en(eFranceP.resse-AlP. - A~enceFroncePresse:....A.F.P. - A~enceFron(ePresse-A.F.P. - A~enceFrancePrme-AlP. - A~enceFroncePresse-AlP. - A~en(eFrancePrme-FRS0333 4 I 0215 FRA /AFP-TF82Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>sDe nombreux prisonniers kur<strong>de</strong>s en grève <strong>de</strong> la faimANKARA, 6 juin (AFP) - Un mouvement <strong>de</strong> grève <strong>de</strong> la faim tournante entamépar <strong>de</strong>s centaines <strong>de</strong> prisonniers kur<strong>de</strong>s pour protester contre un proj<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>nouveau règlement <strong>de</strong>s prisons en était jeudi à son 41ème jour, a indiqué unparti pro-Kur<strong>de</strong>."Actuellement il y a jusqu'à 1.000 prisonniers dont on pense.qu1ilsparticipent à ce mouvement <strong>de</strong> grève <strong>de</strong> la faim dans plusieurs prisons" adéclaré à l'AFP Bahattin Guner, vice-prési<strong>de</strong>nt du Parti démocratiquepopulaire. ."Ils protestent contre les nouvelles règles que prépare le ministre <strong>de</strong>la Justice Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agar qui conduiraient à une détérioration <strong>de</strong>s conditions<strong>de</strong> vie dans les prisons", selon M. Guner.C<strong>et</strong>te grève <strong>de</strong> la faim <strong>de</strong>s prisonniers kur<strong>de</strong>s se poursuit dans au moins.7 prisons, a précisé mercredi le quotidien pro-Kur<strong>de</strong> Demokrasi. rM. Agar avait indiqué la semaine <strong>de</strong>rnière qU'un nouveau règlement était:nécessaire.pour les prisons, estimant qU'elles étaient "<strong>de</strong>venues dans les.conditions actuelles, <strong>de</strong>s camps d'entraînement pour terroristes".La majorité <strong>de</strong>s grévistes <strong>de</strong> la fa.im sont membres ou symphatisants duParti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK), qui est interdit <strong>et</strong> mène uneguerre spéaratiste dans le sud-est anatolien.ue/hc/dfg tAFP /AA1234/061219 'JUN 96110

----~ ~'"~;;p~ ....'" I~ ~ ....~~.....'"~I~'"~'" ~

.Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro dé la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iUN chief has'nothing but'positive feelings for TurkeyTurkishDaily N,ewsISTANBUL- U.N. Secr<strong>et</strong>ary General.Boutros Boutros-Ghali' s "feelingstoward Turkeyare nothing but the mostfriendly, warm, cordial and respectful,"his spokesman said Wednesday.Ahmad Fawzi ma<strong>de</strong> the comment inresponding to reports in the Turkish-Ian~guage press quoting various Turkishpolitical figures as attacking Boutrosphalifor referring to the "Fe<strong>de</strong>ralRepublic of Turkey" at Monday's openingsession of the Habitat ITconference.The. issue isparticularly sensitivebecause some have suggested granting"autonomy" to the restive Kurdishminority in s.outheast Turkey. Thisautonomy conceivably could take theU.N. Secr<strong>et</strong>ary-General Boutrosform of <strong>de</strong>centralization, or even fe<strong>de</strong>ralizationin what has been since itsBoutros-Ghalifounding a unitary republic., ."once again" apologized on behalf ofFawzI himself fell "not anser, really the secr<strong>et</strong>ariat for miling the error anddisappointment" at the quotatIons from on behalf of the secr<strong>et</strong>ary general forthe Turkish si<strong>de</strong> because the secr<strong>et</strong>ary "not having caught the mistake the fIrStgeneral "has not missed the opportunity time." (TDN's reporter heard "fe<strong>de</strong>ral"... to sin$ Turkey's praises," he said. used twice.)Fawll had apologized on MondaX forThe misuse of "fe<strong>de</strong>ral" did not, however,'justify the barrage of attacks (onthe "inadvertent" use of the word 'fe<strong>de</strong>ral,"but some Turkish ,politiciansBoutros-Gnali) that appeared in thenon<strong>et</strong>heless jumped on it. Some TurksTurkish press," Fawzi SaId.regard the U.N. Secr<strong>et</strong>ary General withHe cited the U.N. lea<strong>de</strong>r's previousjaundiced eyes, anyway, aIleging he hasstatements of apyreciation for the"anti-Musliin" attitu<strong>de</strong>s - as evi<strong>de</strong>ncedTurkish contributIOn to U.N. efforts.in the U.N.'s asserted failure,to protectThese inclu<strong>de</strong> providing peacekeepersor observers in five U.N. operatIonsthe Bosnian Muslims.from Bosnia to Georgia, and its secondingof Turkish officials to head U.N.In again raising the matter without aquestion being asked at Wednesday's activities such as the peacekeeping forcedaily U.N. press briefing at the HabItat in Somalia.ITconference, Fawzi said he was "quite Fawzi pointed to the mutual expressionsof regard and support expresseddisturbed" at the Turkish-language pressreports. "during Boutros-Ghali' s official VIsitlastHe said the reference to Turkey as a week to Ankara, where he m<strong>et</strong> with"fe<strong>de</strong>ral republic" was inclu<strong>de</strong>d in notes Demirel, Prime Minister Mesut YIlmazprepared by the conference secr<strong>et</strong>ariat and Parliamentary ,Speaker Mustafaand "put in front of the secr<strong>et</strong>ary general Kalemli.seconds before" he was to introduce Askedby a Turkish reporter wh<strong>et</strong>herTurkish Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Demirel on the responsible person in the secr<strong>et</strong>ariatMonday. 'woulcf be i<strong>de</strong>ntified and punished,The notes contained this mistake four Conference Spokesman Ayman El-Amirtimes, Fawzi said, but Boutros-Ghali said a "group of people" had beencaught it on the second reference. Fawzi involved.:112

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iParliamentpasses Çillerprobe, l<strong>et</strong>sErbakan offTDN Parli~nJBureauMI/KARA- Parliament passed amotion on Wednesday which calls fora parliamentary inquiry against theTrue Path Party (DYP) chairwomanand former premier, Tansu Çi1ler, forthe third time.However, Parliament rejected a similarmotion calling for an inquiry intoRP lea<strong>de</strong>r Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erôakan'swealth. While the DYP, theRepublican People's PaIty (ClIP), theGrand Unity Party (BBP) and around30 ANAP <strong>de</strong>puties voted for themotion, the RP and the DemocraticLeft Party (DSP) voted against it. DSPDeputy Hikm<strong>et</strong> Sami Türk noting thatErbakan had served as minister m thegovernment in 1978, and in or<strong>de</strong>r tolauncb an inquiry against him,Erbakan must have misuSed his officein the government.He said that the motion had showedErbakan acquired his wealth after hisduty in the government en<strong>de</strong>d. He said.un<strong>de</strong>r the Turkish law, the statute oflimitations had ela~. RP parliamentarygroup Deputy Chairman ~e\'k<strong>et</strong>Kazan saId Erbakan' s wealth camefro~ inheritance and his subsequentsavmgs.With the exception of the DYP, allthe parliamentary ~arties backed themain opposition \\ elfare Part\' IRP)motion calling for a' probe into Çiller'sass<strong>et</strong>s.Çiller is a~le~~d to have acquired herwealth by ID1susmgher office during the~rm she served as minister and prime min-Ister as of 1991: By ~ot attending the plenarysessIOn,Ciller dId not use her right to<strong>de</strong>fend herself in the face of the charges. ma<strong>de</strong> against her.T~~ fact that the ruling Motherpath~oalltJon has reached the point of dissolutIonand the fact that a possible partnershipb<strong>et</strong>ween the DYP and the.RP is on theagenda dominated Wednesday's <strong>de</strong>batesThe RP <strong>de</strong>puties who took the rostrum t~speak on behalf of their party took care notto.use harsh language in theIr criticisms ofÇdler. RP lea<strong>de</strong>r Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan whohad atten<strong>de</strong>d the earlier <strong>de</strong>bates ov;r themo~ions ag~inst Çil1e~and cast yes votes~or them, dId not attend the <strong>de</strong>6ates thislIme.In line with the RP's earlier motionsP~li~nt agreed to open inquiries againsiÇllier ID regard to the alleged irregularitiesat the electricity distributing companyTEDA~ and automobile concern TOFAS.Lüûü Esengün, who spoke on behalt ofthe. RP, .said he and his colleagues werene.lt~erJudges nor prosecutors. EsengünS81dIf

~I:::~'"~~ .....'"I~~~I::: .......'"~I~~I:::~~'0'i:;"',I~.......I:::1::::'~~ ~~ ~Itï'"~"'i-~~~~"I:i~.....~I~ .......~0:~ ~.............~..Les islamistes arbitres <strong>de</strong> la crise turque:LePremier ministre Mesut Yilinaz a démissionné. Lacoalition <strong>de</strong> droite éclate .'Trois mois à peine après son labo- Maiselleinvestitaussilesinstitutions<strong>et</strong>le'• rieux accouchement, le gouverne- modèle <strong>de</strong> République jacobine, laïque,ment <strong>de</strong> coalition <strong>de</strong> droite <strong>de</strong> Me- une <strong>et</strong> indiVisible,créée par Mustafa KcsutYilmaz, constitué sur pression <strong>de</strong>s mal ily a 70ans. L'occi<strong>de</strong>ntalisation accémilitaires<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s milieux financiers pour lérée imposée à une société souvent rétibarrerla route du pouvoir aux islamistes cente a été un succès, mais laïcité <strong>et</strong>du Refah (parti <strong>de</strong> la prospérité) a j<strong>et</strong>é démocratie n'ont pas été <strong>de</strong> pair. «C'est lel'éponge. Une démission annoncée hier à péché originel <strong>de</strong> notre République», soulil'avant-veilled'unvote<strong>de</strong>censurequiau~gnent les intellectuels libéraux. Aujourraitimmanquablement marqué sa fin. Le d'hui, cesinstitutions fortement centralilea<strong>de</strong>rcharismatique du Refah, Necm<strong>et</strong> - sées,trèsrigi<strong>de</strong>s,nepeuvent plusrépondr<strong>et</strong>in Erbakan, septuagénaire aux allures auxdéfisd'unesociétécomplexe<strong>et</strong>d'une,, faussement débonnaires <strong>de</strong> pachâ-otto- ,économie mo<strong>de</strong>rne associéedésormais àman que ses partisans surnomment res- l'Europe par un traité d'union douanière.:pectueusement «Hodja», le sage ou le C<strong>et</strong>te démocratie réelle mais imparfaite,i maître, exulte <strong>et</strong> déclare,provocateur: «La où l'armée continue <strong>de</strong> jouer un rôle <strong>de</strong>, page est tournée, le mandat <strong>de</strong> former un premierplan,semontreaussiimpuissante, nouveau gouvernement doit m'être confié, ~ àtrouver une solution politiqueau problè<strong>de</strong>préférence dans une <strong>de</strong>mi-heure.» A ~ me kur<strong>de</strong> (Il millions <strong>de</strong> personnes). ,nouveau il exigeque le chef <strong>de</strong> l'Etat, Su- Mesut Yilmaz, le 24 décembre, jour <strong>de</strong>s législatives remportées par leRefah. C'est la principale urgence, alors que <strong>de</strong>leimanDemirel, applique laConstitution puis douze ans dure dans lesud-est anato<strong>et</strong>le désigne pour diriger le prochain cabin<strong>et</strong>. L'accord <strong>de</strong> gouvernement, qui prévoyait une alternance lien la «saleguerre» (10.000 morts) contre lesrebellessé-,Premier parti, le Refah manque d'alliés. Le Refah, entre les<strong>de</strong>ux dirigeants au poste <strong>de</strong> Premier ministre, a paratistesduPKK(parti<strong>de</strong>stravailleursduKurdis~)'.'avec 158siègessur 550,estle premier parti <strong>de</strong> l'Assemblée rapi<strong>de</strong>ment voléen éclat. Les islamistes <strong>de</strong>viennent incontournables. L'envol~<strong>et</strong>avaitremportélesélectionslégislativesdu14décembre Habilement, le' Refah a concentré ses attaques sur le électorale du Refah, qui déjà en mars 1994avait conquis,avecll,S%,<strong>de</strong>vançantd'unecourt<strong>et</strong>êteI'ANAP(Parti<strong>de</strong> maillon le plus faible, Tansu Ciller, dont l'ampleur <strong>de</strong> lesmairies<strong>de</strong> 17<strong>de</strong>sgran<strong>de</strong>s villesdu pays-dont Istanbu}laMère patrie, droite, 19,6%<strong>de</strong>svoix) <strong>de</strong>Mesut Yilmaz<strong>et</strong> l'enrichissement personnel faisaitscandale.Les islamistes <strong>et</strong> Ankara - ,estle symptôme <strong>de</strong> ce malaise <strong>de</strong> fond. A~leDYP(Parti<strong>de</strong>laJuste.voie,19,3%,droite)<strong>de</strong>TansuCil- ont ainsi obtenu <strong>de</strong> l'Assemblée - avec le soutien <strong>de</strong> déshérités<strong>de</strong>sbanlieues,ilprom<strong>et</strong>un«ordrejusfe»fondé'1er.Jusqu'ici, néanmoins, Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan, qui avait sur la tradition <strong>et</strong> l'islam. Ilcristalliseaussi lesespoirs <strong>de</strong>sdéjà été chargé <strong>de</strong> formerIegouvernementen février,n'a , Â III Â LYS E classesmoyennes qui yvoientun moyen <strong>de</strong>promotion <strong>et</strong>pasréussiàtrouver <strong>de</strong>salliésmalgré <strong>de</strong>longUestractations , d'intégration sociale.Laparalysie<strong>de</strong>sinstitution~!ÙÏffienavecl'ANAP<strong>de</strong> Mesut Yilmaz. l'ANAP - l'ouverture <strong>de</strong> trois enquêtes parlementaires telessuccèsdu Refah,comme en térnoignesa progression,Sur le fond, rien ne sépare les <strong>de</strong>ux grands pàrtis <strong>de</strong> la pour <strong>de</strong>s irrégularités <strong>de</strong> l'ancien Premier ministre dans <strong>de</strong>plus<strong>de</strong>3pointsauxmunicipalespartiellesdu2juin.Cedroite libérale, sinon la haineuse rivalité entre ses <strong>de</strong>ux <strong>de</strong>s privatisations. Ellerisquait la Haute Cour. Criant à la parti agit<strong>de</strong>puis toujours dans un champ politique pluralea<strong>de</strong>rs.Tansu Ciller, 50 ans, l'économiste qui fut la pre- trahison, Tansu Cillerquittait lacoalition.Au même mo- liste<strong>et</strong>celalerend profondémentdifféientduFIS~gérien,:mière femme chef<strong>de</strong> gouvernement <strong>de</strong> l'histoire turque, ment, la Cour Constitutionnelle saisiepar le Refah inva- bien qu'il reste viscéralement hostile à l'Europe. Mais il<strong>et</strong> Mesut Yilmaz,48 ans, technocrate libéral réputé pour lidait pour <strong>de</strong>s motifs techniques levote <strong>de</strong> confiance re- s'affirm<strong>et</strong>oujours pluscommeunacteurpolitiqueincon-'sonintégrité,incamentl'un<strong>et</strong>l'autreunenouvellegéné-, çu par le cabin<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> Mesut Yilmaz au moment <strong>de</strong> sa tournable.Pourbeaucoup<strong>de</strong>libéraux,sonentréedansunration <strong>de</strong> politiciens partisans convaincus <strong>de</strong> l'économie ,formation. C'est donc le r<strong>et</strong>our à la casedépart, sans que gouvernement <strong>de</strong>coalition serait un moindre mal, en fai<strong>de</strong>marché comme <strong>de</strong> l'Europe. Ces profilssimilaires en le gouvernement ait eu le temps <strong>de</strong> faire autre chose sant éclatertoutes sescontradictions. La sociologueNilufont<strong>de</strong>s ennemis acharnés pour le lea<strong>de</strong>rship <strong>de</strong> la gran- qu'approuver lebudg<strong>et</strong>. ferGoleaffirmeainsi «moins craindre leRefah que lesréac-:<strong>de</strong> alliance <strong>de</strong> centre droit souhaitée par les milieux éco- La République en crise. La crise qui s'ouvre est celle tions excessives<strong>de</strong>s militaires» •nomiques comme par la haute bureaucratie <strong>et</strong> l'armée. d'une classepolitique archaïque; uséepar lesscandales. MAR C SE M,9l,

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iFRIDAY.JtJ?o.'E7.l996Turkisb Daily News--Rep. Hoyer: Humanrights suppressed atHabitat II conference1£"secular parties lose, military may step inTurkish Dai/y NewsWASHINGTON- Democratic Rep. Steny Hoyer of,Maryland, in a speech he <strong>de</strong>livered on Tuesday in the U.S.'House of Representatives, criticized the way Turkish authoritiesare running the Habitat-II conference. Hoyer, who isalso the co-chairman of the U.S. Helsinki Commission, wasespecially disappointed by the way Turkish police bannedthe so-called' Alternative Habitat," i.e., the gathering ofthose non-governmental organizations (NGOs) opposed toTurkey's Kurdish policy.Hoyer claimed that the closure of a building used by 35NGOs who were boycotting the conference to protest the*overnment's human righls and Kurdish policies" was an'immediate attempt to silence (human rights) criticism" duringHabitat-II.He said the conference created hopes that it would "catalyzeefforls to advance civil soci<strong>et</strong>y, ôemocracy, and humanrighls in Turkey." But "the Turkish government's persecutionof the (Human Rights) Foundation and other NGOsreflect a larger effort to criminalize and silence groups andindividuals critical of government human righls practices,military abuses of the Kurdish population, Turkey's foun<strong>de</strong>rAtatürk, or state institutions," Hoyer said.Military coup?Mentioning the political difficulties and threats Turkey isfaced with, Hoyer commented on the un<strong>de</strong>sirable results ofthe collapse of the coalition government."As confi<strong>de</strong>nce in the government ebbs, support forMuslim fundamentalist and nationalist partIes hasincreased," Hoyer said. "Should mo<strong>de</strong>rate, secular partieslose power, Turkey could turn away from the West, un<strong>de</strong>rgoa military coup or face <strong>de</strong>epening instability and politicalviolence. All these scenarios s<strong>et</strong> back <strong>de</strong>mocracy andcivil'soci<strong>et</strong>y, threaten regional stability,' and pose obstaclesto Turkey's' moving closer to Europè and the UnitedStates."No hotel cancellationsAlso commenting on Habitat-II, a State Department official<strong>de</strong>nied that the U.S. <strong>de</strong>legation sent to Istanbul was<strong>de</strong>creased in size arid as a result $60,000 worth 'of hotelreservations were canceled, as reported in a U.S. daily.'1bere is no truth to that," Glyn Davies, <strong>de</strong>puty spokesmanof the <strong>de</strong>partment told TON. .'The way that question was originally phrased was 'didthe U.S. pay all kinds of penalties for canceling hotel reservations?And the answer that I got back was 'no, wedido' t,'" he said.Housing as 'human right'Housing as a "human right" was one of the central themesof Habitat-II. The secr<strong>et</strong>ary of housing and urban <strong>de</strong>velopment,Henry Cisneros, previously told press that he did notsupport the conce~t. When TDN asked if the StateDepartment has a posItion on the issue, Davies ma<strong>de</strong> it clearthai the State Department was not too enthusiastic to add onemore right lo;tbe.existing p'<strong>et</strong>bor'a of human rights on th<strong>et</strong>lié.'muv~ 'pecla(atiPQ of HumanbookMwnpressed'bY~dà~l~. . .~"TheU.S. and 1ÎIaily'öth<strong>et</strong> ~triéSlbelievè that bousinis an important component of existing human ridtts, speciff.cally, of 'the right 10 an a<strong>de</strong>quate standard ofuving.' It isfirst mentioned in the Universal Declaration of HumanRicl1lsof 1948.'.'the U.S. believes that housing, a1on~with food and clothin~,cQmprise the basic elemenls of a<strong>de</strong>quate standard ofIivmg' to be realized progressively; based on the availabilityof resources. So what we are dolDg in Istanbul. is workinghard with the other <strong>de</strong>legations to g<strong>et</strong> through that issue -which is a contentious issue," Davies told TON."At this stage we are not prepared to support the 'right toa<strong>de</strong>quate housing' as a separate free-standing right to beenshrined as a resull of (this) Conference. Because we thinkthat the righl to 'a<strong>de</strong>quate housing' is taken care of in basichuman righls thal have been recognized since 1948," he continued."Do you eventually expect it to be enshrined as a separatehuman ricl1lscategory?" TON asked."We tfiink thal is a bit much given what is already outthere," Davies said.115

Yllmazresigns, crisis looms"'"~S: -~~ç;- ~;;:::s- ~~g~ _-J~~0; ~~I::~ ~~~~~~t:~I::....~~.I~~I::

Revue <strong>de</strong>.Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i-0wlUl hIs

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iwhich have not seen their party iri power. for years and long to enter an early election: with the advantage of being in po~~r. He•would also like to soften the opposItIon tohis party which is being distanced fromgovernment for its Islamic views.The DYP has 135 seats in Parliament andis in difficult position because its lea<strong>de</strong>r is.being discredited s.teadily. The DYP. -locked in combat With ANAP - has httlechoice. Thinking fast, Çiller seems to ~e.pre{>aringfor a car<strong>et</strong>aker government Withthe RP, a party which she has always seenas dangerous and vowed never to cooperatewith. Even if she feels that such a <strong>de</strong>cisionwould lead to <strong>de</strong>fections from her party,Çiller is preparing to say 'yes' to alliancewith the RP as a tool to rid herself of her.party opposition in the next election. Sinceshe does not look wanilly on a third person.becoming prime minister, Çiller is m~ng.calculations for the formation of a coalitIonamong her DYP, ANAP and theRepublican Peaple's Party (CHP). ANAPChairman Ylimaz is fueling the formationof the RP-DYP coalition in or<strong>de</strong>r to put IheDYP lea<strong>de</strong>r into difficult position. Heexpects resignations from the DYP. If thenumber of <strong>de</strong>fections from ANAP reach 30,.he aims to cooperate with the rightist partythey would found and use it as an intermediaryin the establishment of a cenler-rightparty.Ey~p A~lk said that the new party couldbe called the Justice Party (AP) and couldhouse all DYP members except those whoare close ta Çiller and Yahm Erez. Hepointed out that he and his colleagues couldrun in the elections with this new unificationin the right. .ANAP is preparing to <strong>de</strong>lay the formationof the new government as much as itcan. The party feels that early electionsshould be held instantly at a time whenÇiller is weak in or<strong>de</strong>r to secure solidaritywithin ANAP or un<strong>de</strong>r an election alliance.with what may be called the AP.The Democratic Left Party (DSP), realizingthat the support it has given to theMotherpath has led to lass of popular support,is preparing not to take part in anygovernment until elections and thus followthe strategy of growing while in opposition.The other parliamentary leftist party, theCHP, is ready to pa~icip~te in any c~alitionto stop the erosion of ItS populanty andgain some strength for elections. Thus, theCHP is banking on running in the elections.• while in power to win more votes and sur-. pass the nationwi<strong>de</strong> election hurdle. Thesmallest rightist party, the Grand UnityParty (BBP), is ready to back the RP shouldit s<strong>et</strong> up a coalition un<strong>de</strong>r Erbakan's pre-~ershjp.In a statement after presenting his government'sresignation, Yllmaz said he hadnot allowed the government to be toppledby the RP censure motion in a bid to leav<strong>et</strong>lie possibility for a new rapprochementb<strong>et</strong>ween his ANAP and the DYP. It hasbeen .observed that Ytlmaz has not compl<strong>et</strong>elyclosed the doors on the DYP for theformation of a Çiller-free government.Humanrightsactivists takeninto custodyI .stanbul- Ercan Kanar,the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt .ofthe Istanbul Office .of the Human RightsOrganizatiDn, Zeynep Baran, the secr<strong>et</strong>ary.of the .office, Suna Aras, member .of theExeèutive BDard, Mustafa Uc<strong>de</strong>re, the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt.of the Istanbul Office .of MD<strong>de</strong>rn LawyersOrganization were taken inta custDdywhile sending a telegram to the Prime Ministry.Theiraim was tD protest the proceduresin prisDns.PeDple visiting their imprisDned relativesin the Bayrarnpalja PrisDn and the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt.ofthe Hava-Is UniDn, Atday Ayçin, were alSDtaken tD the Security Headquarters. MDreDver,25 members Dfthe WDmen WDrkers Uni-.on hDlding a press cDnference in 1àksim werealsD taken intD custDdy.Hunger strikes ta protest a circular issuedby the Minister .ofJustice, Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agar, havebeen g.oing .on fDr 40 days. The circilar isaimed at tightening procedures in prisDnsSDme community DrganizatiDns and relatives. .of prisDn inmates have <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d tD gD tD theCDurt .ofAppeals tD have the circular canceled.They pr.otested the transportatiDn .of inmates.Stnct security precautiDns were takenwhile the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt .ofthe Human Rights Organizati.on,Akm Birdal, presi<strong>de</strong>nts .of SDm<strong>et</strong>ra<strong>de</strong> uniDns, representatives .of SDme CDmmunityDrganizatiDns and relatives .of inmateswere handing in their p<strong>et</strong>itiDn. (yy)>- -a -l- 00.;; "-lz=>:118

Acting Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the EU Delegation, Coppini, ciriticizes policeresponse to yesterday's <strong>de</strong>monstration for the right to <strong>de</strong>cent housingEU reaction to Turkishsecurity forces, "Cool it".~Z l~ l''":r}...... i;PL.~J ,~I~,""I;p~'Cj ~~==trj ~~ ""~ ~::S~I ... ~"""td l~I~ 1

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Islamist Lea<strong>de</strong>r G<strong>et</strong>s 2dChance to Form GovernmentBy Celestine BohlenNew York Times Sen'iceROME - Turkey's Islamic party, which is stilltreated as a pariah by much of the mainstreampolitical establishment, was offered another,chance to form a government Friday as Presi<strong>de</strong>nt .Suleyman Demirel looked for an exit from Lhecountry's continuing political <strong>de</strong>adlock.After me<strong>et</strong>ing with five LOppolitical lea<strong>de</strong>rsFriday, Mr. Demirel for the second time this yeargave the mandate to Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan, 69, lea<strong>de</strong>rof the Islamic Welfare Party. which emerged as the.narrow winner in last December's parliamentaryelections.Mr. Demirel, who accepted the resignation ofPrime Minister Mesut Yilmaz on Thursday, hadsaid he would give the mandate to ilny lea<strong>de</strong>r will,:)proved capable of coming up with a solid majorit)i.coalition in the fractured 550-seat Parliament. \,But when none of the lea<strong>de</strong>rs w'ere able to:produce a winning coalition formula, Mr. Demirelsummoned Mr. Erbakan to the presi<strong>de</strong>ntial palacèon Friday ar.r\ asked him ag

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTURKEY'.The elusive gol<strong>de</strong>n appleSEEN from Istanbul, Turkey looks like a nationon fast-forward: young, urban, dynamic andgrowing at a bewil<strong>de</strong>ring rate. New roads ripthrough old Istanbul, new factories and housingblocks leapfrog each other out of the city and intothe surrounding hills. Planning lagsbehind change,as it often does in Turkey, and change brings the<strong>de</strong>struction of much of the country's rich historicalheritage. The spirit of Attila and Genghis-still commonnames in mo<strong>de</strong>rn Turkey-lives on. But thehistory that created this city is no longer its master.Istanbul's population has grown from 5.5m a<strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong> ago to more than 12m today, with over half amillion people still pouring in every year. Mostcome from farms and villages in eastern Turkey.The country's 63m people are turning from smallfarmers to city-dwellers at astonishing speed. In1945 only 18%of the population lived in towns;now the figure is over 75%.Istanbul is much the biggest,but new industrial cities such as Denizli andBursa are growingjust as fast.Mo<strong>de</strong>rn Turkey is not only overwhelmingly urban,but also predominantlyyoung: more than halfits people are un<strong>de</strong>r 25.Although the growth rate isslowing down, the numbers coming on to the jobmark<strong>et</strong> will go on rising until 200}. The army andthe civil service, which once attracted Turkey'sbright young men, have lost out to business. Themultilingual, multicultural young people of Istanbuland Turkey's western cities want to be economists,managers, lawyers and accountants. Theylive in the world ofTake That, not Ataturk, and imbib<strong>et</strong>heir cuhure from global television. Sixteen nationallVchannels and hundreds oflocal ones carrya huge vari<strong>et</strong>y of programmes, ranging from poli-tics to pornography. The past and its bor<strong>de</strong>rs appearto be <strong>de</strong>ad.But travel east in Turkey, and the picturechanges. The people are poorer, the roads <strong>de</strong>generate,and the newly built-up areas look more likerefugee-camps-which, often enough, is what theyare, filled with people fleeing war or poverty, waitingfor the chance of ajob further west and a life inpeace. When, eventually, you g<strong>et</strong> to the eastern bor<strong>de</strong>rlands,youfind emergency law, militaryoccupationand civil war.Across the bor<strong>de</strong>rs lie Syria, Iraq,Iran, Armenia and, across the Black Sea, Russianeighbourswho would make anyone nervous. IfTurkey's head and shoul<strong>de</strong>rs are thrusting into thebrave new world of global mark<strong>et</strong>s and universalculture, its legs are firmly stuck in history, geography,war and poverty.At first sight, Turkey seems well-equipped tocope with such strains. It has a strong state, with aneffective bureaucracy and the second largest armyin NATO. But whereas the state is strong, most recentTurkish governments have been weak. At presentan ill-matched minoritycoalition has disintegratedafter only three months in power. Meanwhile fundamentalchoices about Turkey's future lie neglectedon the government's in-tray. Depending onthese choices, Turkeywill be either an open, diversesoci<strong>et</strong>y or a closed, <strong>de</strong>terminedly Turkish, perhapseven militantly Islamist one.Since the end of the 18th century, Turkey and itsOttoman precursor have seen Europe as the gol<strong>de</strong>napple that lieswhere the sun goesdown. For the toilingmasses pouring into the western cities, thegol<strong>de</strong>n apple means jobs, homes and a b<strong>et</strong>ter life. Ifthey find them, they will be assimilated into the in-Turhey 's west iseagerLy reachingoutfor thegLittering prizesofamo<strong>de</strong>mindustriaLsoci<strong>et</strong>y, but itseastern part ishoLding it bach,argues RichardDow<strong>de</strong>nTHE ECONOMIST,JUNE 8TH 1996121

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i4 SURVEY TURKEY,~.4V,di"rr""'tlJIIternational culture of mo<strong>de</strong>rn secular Turkey. Forwestern Turkey's elite in Istanbul, the gol<strong>de</strong>n applemeans membership of the European Union. But ifTurkey and its peQple find that,like the s<strong>et</strong>ting sun,the good life of Europe remains elusive no matterhow hard they run, many say, they wiIl become disenchanted,and the western, <strong>de</strong>mocratic and secl.!-lar vision may disappear over the horizon.Pro-western cosmopolitan Turks, full of enthusiasmabout EU membership, see the customs.union which Turkeyj6ined at the beginning ofthisyear as a stepping stone to full integration, and feel<strong>de</strong>eply insulted by any suggestion that they mightnot be properly "European"; you might as well bequestioning wh<strong>et</strong>her Turks are fully human. Andin<strong>de</strong>ed, Istanbul feels as cosmopolitan as Milan,and the stereotype of the small, dark, moustachioedTurk in a fez seems far-f<strong>et</strong>ched. As Constantinople,Istanbul was for nearly 1,000years a capital ofwhatremained of the Roman Empire. Even before that,Turkey's history was an integral part of Europeanhistory and mythology. King Midas and the Gordianknot can be pinpointed to a village 50 milesfrom Ankara. Mo<strong>de</strong>rn Turkey contains as manyofthe roots of the western world as 1110<strong>de</strong>rnGreece.But then you disq)ver that stereotypes are notjust the preserve of outsi<strong>de</strong>rs. "Of course you hadthat image of Turkey," said one businessman,"that's because most Turks who went to Europe towork were poor country-people from the east.Theyhave given Turks this bad image."Another took outa map ofTurkey and drew a finger down the riverEuphrates, cutting off the south-eastern quarter. "Asfar as I am concerned that can be another country,"he said, blithely ignoring a Turkish law un<strong>de</strong>rwhich talk about dividing the country is pUnishableby imprisonment.Welfare state?However European western Turkey may look,membership of the EU seems a very long wayoff, onboth economic and human-rights grounds. But assumingfor a moment that those issues could be resolved,might Turkey stiIl be disqualified on religiousgrounds? Some 99%of Turks are <strong>de</strong>scribed asMuslim; y<strong>et</strong> for most of them religion is a personalmatter. They may go to the mosque on Fridays andfast during Ramadan, but they also enjoy a beer orraki, the local spirit. Turkey is a secular state. ButwiIl it always be? The Refah(Welfare)party appearsto offer an alternative way. Its Islamist messagefeeds on disiIlusionment with the pursuit of westemways and western materialism. It som<strong>et</strong>imesportrays these values as alien to Turkey. Refah, nownine years bid, is the largest party in parliament. Itis wary and critical of Europe, claiming that Turkey. is being fobbed off with an EU customs unionwhich does not serve the country's best interests.Its voice wiIl become lou<strong>de</strong>r unless the countrycan <strong>de</strong>al with the big issues: stopping the war, improvinghuman rights and reducing the budg<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>ficitwhich over the past 20 years has helped driveaverage annual inflation to about 60%.On the economicfront, most Turks' standard of living has remainedstatic in recent years and may even havefallen. Subsidies for state enterprises, the cost of thewar in the south-east, a huge black economy andineffective tax collection have opened up a largegap b<strong>et</strong>ween the government's revenue and expenditure.To finance it, successive governments haveborrowed at huge interest rates. This year, <strong>de</strong>bt serviceis expected to eat up 37%of Turkey's budg<strong>et</strong>,leaving little for roads, schools and hospitals.Eliminating problemsTurkey's human-rights record is reminiscent ofArgentina's or Chile's in the mid-1970s. The Kurdishrebellion in the south-east has ma<strong>de</strong> mattersworse, but even away from the war zone police routinelybeat up people for minor offences and are. rarely disciplined for it. According to Amnesty International,there were some 130 political mur<strong>de</strong>rsin Turkey last year, including 15 <strong>de</strong>aths in prisonlikely to have been caused by torture. Turkey dismissedthese findings, banned the visit of an Amnestyresearcher and <strong>de</strong>tained a local representativeof the organisation.'The Kurdish rebellion presents Turkey withmore than a military problem. Nobody even knowshow many Kurds the country has: estimates runfrom 10m to 20m, but nobody is allowed to count,Europe starts hereTHE ECONOMIST JUNE 8TH 1996122

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iand there is plenty of intermarriage. The mostwi<strong>de</strong>lyaccepted figure is about um, or 17%ofTurkey'spopulation. Most of them live in the mountainousregion where Turkey me<strong>et</strong>s Iran and Iraq.They are <strong>et</strong>hnically and linguistically differentfrom.Turks,but some of those living outsi<strong>de</strong> the traditionalareas see no contradiction about beingKurdish by <strong>et</strong>hnic origin but Turkish by nationality.Until1991 they were not allowed to use their ownlanguage. They are still prohibited from formingthemselves into groups of any kind, be it a singingclub or a political party. Turkey's south-east iswracked by a 12-year-old war b<strong>et</strong>ween a viciousrebel movement that lives off the land and a Turkisharmy <strong>de</strong>termined to <strong>de</strong>prive the fighters oflocalassistance. Civilians g<strong>et</strong> caught in the middle andare often forced to flee.The emergence of a distinct Kurdish i<strong>de</strong>ntitythreatens the Turks' own sense of themselves. Turkeyinherited from the Ottoman empire a mishmashof i<strong>de</strong>ntities-religious, regional, linguisticand <strong>et</strong>hnic-which it has tried to fashion into a nationwi<strong>de</strong>sense ofTurkishness. Most Turks will tellyou that there is no discrimination against Ksrds oranyother non-Turkish group, butwith the firm prervisa that all of them must unreservedly acceptTurkishness. The rebellion in the Kurdish area ispure terrorism, inspired and backed by Syria, it isargued. It must be stamped out by military force. Inthis the government has the support of the majorityof the urban elite, including much of the press. AlthoughTurkey's business people are pushing for apeaceful solution, and a growing minority in thecountry as a whole believes that the Kurds shouldbe allowed their own language, the majority ofTurks fear that such linguistic concessions mightprovi<strong>de</strong> Kurds with a platform for political autonomywhichwilllead to in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce and eventuallyto the break-up ofTurkey.Fear of that chain reaction leads them to puttheir faith in the army. The army battles on as if ithad never heard ofhearts and minds. Its very brutalityiscreating the separatist nationalism it wantsto <strong>de</strong>stroy. If it goes on, the country's religious, <strong>et</strong>hnicand political cracks may wi<strong>de</strong>n beyond spanning,and the Turkish state may simply.become abrief pause in the long disintegration of the Ottomanworld..TURKEY SURVEY 5A fundamentalshift?TURKEY's present parliament consists of twocentre-right parties, two centre-left parties andthe lslamists. Parties that do not receiveat least 10%of the vote g<strong>et</strong> no seats. Until her government collapsedin September last year, Tansu Ciller led anerratic coalition ofher centre-right True Path Party,the populist-left Republican People's Party and theextreme right National Action Party.Fresh electionsin December gave the Islamist Refah(Welfare)Partythe biggest single share of the vote (21%)and themost seats in parliament (158out of 550).The twocentre-right parties won 39% of the vote and 267seats,and the two centre-left parties got 25%and 125seats. The National Action Party dropped out ofparliament.Refah was the one party which would havenee<strong>de</strong>d only one coalition partner to form a government.Its lea<strong>de</strong>r, Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan, at 70 <strong>de</strong>speratefor office, had all but signed a coalitionagreement with Mesut Yilmaz,the lea<strong>de</strong>r of the centre-rightMortherland Party.But a lot ofMrYilmaz'sbackbenchers were unhappy about co-operatingwith Islamists, and Mrs Ciller, still acting primeminister, momentarily s<strong>et</strong> asi<strong>de</strong> the mutual antipathyb<strong>et</strong>ween herself and Mr Yilmaz. If he woulddance with her, she whispered, she would share th<strong>et</strong>op job with him. Refah's chances of forming a governmentwere wrecked.A messy divorceIn early March the two centre-right parties agreed toform a coalition known as the MotherPath. Theywere still short of an absolute majority, so persua<strong>de</strong>dBulent Ecevit'sDemocratic LeftParty to supportthem by abstaining in no-confi<strong>de</strong>nce votes. Itwas less of an agreement b<strong>et</strong>ween allies, more anarrangement b<strong>et</strong>ween enemies. Cabin<strong>et</strong> posts wereshared out and Mr Yilmaz was ma<strong>de</strong> prime ministerfor this year. The i<strong>de</strong>a was that next year MrsCiller would do the job, and thereafter they wouldtake annual turns. Mr Ecevit extracted his price byblocking reform of the social-security system.By the end of April things were going badlywrong. The Refah Party put down two motions inparliament to have Mrs Ciller investigated for allegedcorruption during her time as prime minister.Mr Yilmaz did not back his coalition colleaguebut allowed Motherland MPS to support the mo-potiticiansfiddlewhile Turkey burns"0Con<strong>de</strong>mnedto coalitionsSeats in parliament ,':' , •.(1991 figures In bram). . I ., . -'~.MotherWnd ÇANAP) .132 (115)WeH.n*(Ref.h)1sa (U)" of vote 1995Welfare (Refah). - -. , .21.4~~5

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i6 SURVEY TURKEbecame paramount, and his government en<strong>de</strong>d upcompl<strong>et</strong>ely paralysed.Not even fear of Refah has kept the governmenton track. The other parties are <strong>de</strong>sperate to do almostany <strong>de</strong>al to avoid another election becaus<strong>et</strong>hey know that Refah would end up in the drivingseat. What would happen if it did? Some-includingmanywestern diplomats-see Refah as the Muslimequivalent of Europe's Christian Democrats.They believe that Refah has picked up protest votesfrom people fed up with the economic belt-tighteningsince the 1994 crash. Protest, they believe, pro- .vi<strong>de</strong>s 60% of Refah's support; another 20% comesfrom conservative, but non-militant Muslims; andonly 20% from the kind of fundamentalists whowould impose their own lifestyle on the rest ofTurkey.That would give the Islamists a share of about5%of the population.According to this school of thought, Refah's dilemmanow is wh<strong>et</strong>her to keep playing the fundamentalistcard or to mo<strong>de</strong>rate its message. It maytions, which were carried ..According to press re~pons, Mrs Ciller had withdrawn $6.5m from a govemmentslush fund just before she stepped down mentalists, but ifit turns mo<strong>de</strong>rate it may split. Thehave reached saturation support among funda-as prime minister. Where had the moneygone? Mrs purists rejoiced when it <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d not to field female~iller refused to say, claiming it was a state secr<strong>et</strong>. A candidates in the recent elections, but it probably~ewdays later the constitutional court ruled that the . lost votes as a result.~nfi<strong>de</strong>nce vote that had allowed the government'.0 take office was invalid. The prime minister and Educating Refah.\1rs Ciller started to engage in public slanging Once again there is talk of <strong>de</strong>als with the Islamists.:natches.ln late May Mrs Ciller announced that her Some politicians of the centre-right think the bestpany was withdrawing support from the coalition, way of taming Refah would be to bring it into a coalition.A spell in government, they say, would giveCtlt Insisted that True Path ministers would stay in~overnment until a new one was formed. As this Refah a taste of the realities of power; it would also.;urvey went to press, the parliament was due to <strong>de</strong>- force the party to confront the divi<strong>de</strong> b<strong>et</strong>ween its::latea censure motion brought by Refah, and supportedby Mrs Ciller, that threatened to bring down avoid an election. .pragmatists and its fundamentalists. And it wouldthe Yilmaz government.Centre-right parties would certainly lose supportif they entered such a pact, and opponents of a. Politics in Turkeyare played out on a field <strong>de</strong>-~lgned by the army. The soldiers act not only as goal- <strong>de</strong>al with Refah see it as a Trojan horse. Allowing.

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iand Refah mayors have been known to close restaurantsthat serve alcohol, even in tourist areas.Standing in the middle of a busy Turkish town,it is hard to imagine the Iranian revolution beingrepeated there: Turks seem too tolerant and downto-earthto be moved by religious fanaticism. Butthe faillU'eof the MotherPath government can onlyhelp Refah to grow among poor city-dwellers. Theparty already runs Istanbul, Ankara and severalother large towns, where its party workers befriendpeople newly arrived from rural areas. Overwhelmedby the big city, many of the newcomersturn to Islam as an anchor. Grassroots organisersfrom Refah knock on their doors, fixwater supplies,provi<strong>de</strong> food and other necessities-and <strong>de</strong>livertheir votes.At nationallevel, the party campaigns on "justiceand equity", but policies remain vague. MrErbakan has committed it to a "New MuslimWorld Or<strong>de</strong>r" which would found a Muslim UNand a Muslim NATO. He has also promised to renegotiat<strong>et</strong>he European customs union agreement,which he claims is unfair to Turkey. Politiciansfrom other parties dismiss such talk as unreal, andrecall Mr Erbakan's spell in (a coalition) governmentin the early 1970S,when he was regar<strong>de</strong>d as aTURKEY SURVEY 7'.Free-TV-for-allON Ahill across the Bosphorus from their favourite programmes. The stationsreopened.the heaven-pointing minar<strong>et</strong>s ofHagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque In April 1994 the government en<strong>de</strong>dgrows a forest oflv transmitters. On the the state monopoly on broadcastingoutskirts of every city, even the poorestshanty towns have sprouted thick<strong>et</strong>s of'and established a radio and televisioncouncil whose nine members, a}:raerials and dishes. Ifyou likeyour lV <strong>de</strong>regulated,pointed jointly by government and O}:rTurkey is heaven. There are position, had the unenviable task of try-no rules. At the last count there were 16 ing to regulate the stations. There isnational and 15 regional stations, as room on the spectrum for at most tenwell as about 300 local ones. Radio is national channels. The council is due toeven more extravagant: 35 nationalstations, 109 regional andalmost 1,000 local ones.In the old days there was just'TRT, the Turkish Radio and TelevisionCorporation, a state monopolyof mind-blowing dullness.Newsand information werehan<strong>de</strong>d down from on high.Then in March 1990 a private lVchannel, Star 1,started broadcastingvia satellite from Germany.The following year Show lVopened in <strong>Paris</strong>, and by that autumnthree more channels wereon air, alllinked with big newspapersor owned by largecompanies.The future is dish-shapedTo tune in, people had tohave satellite dishes. Mayors soon spottedannounce soon which applicants hav<strong>et</strong>he chance to make themselves PO}:r been lucky. "It's very difficult," said oneular by buying dishes and transmitters aca<strong>de</strong>mic. "Youjust can't turn down anand rebroadcasting the satellite channels10cally.Almostovernight hundredsapplication from one of Turkey's bigcompanies."of stations started up, some with littlemore than a transmitter, a camera and a Som<strong>et</strong>hing for everyonevi<strong>de</strong>o recor<strong>de</strong>r. Many of the transmittersSo far the only loser has been TRT, whichlacked filters to screen out adjacent has seen its advertising revenue collapsechannels. In March 1993 Turkey's and its best people leave for higher-paidbroadcasting watchdog complained jobs in the new companies. A cut-throatthat illegal radio and lV stations (which ratings war is in full swing as the companiesinvest fortunes in technologyat that time meant all of them) were interferingwith police and air-traffic-controland popular programmes. It is pro-communications, and or<strong>de</strong>red grammes rather than stations which at-nearly 700 of them to close. The nation tract loyalty. Football comes top of thewent mad. P<strong>et</strong>itions were launched,drivers tied black ribbons to their car radioaerials and crowds held vigils forlist, followed by the so-called "realityshows"-reports on ~omeaspect ofTurkishlife. Two recent e.xamples were policebrutality and incest.The main discussion programmesare essential viewing for anyone in publiclife.Some ofthem go on all night, untilthe participants keel over with exhaustion.A flick through the channelsreveals soaps, songs, interviews andfierce political discussions, open to audienceparticipation either directly orby phone-in. There is also an Islamicchannel and-not the government's favourite,this-a Kurdish separatist propagandachannel broadcast by satellitefrom London.Is everything discussed? "Almostbut not quite," says oneleading lV journalist who doesnot wan t to be named. "There arestill some difficult areas. Therewas a programme on the police.It was just exceedingly unpopular.People don't like to hear badthings about their police. And Icould not do a programme, forexample, calling for a political solutionto the Kurdish problem. Itwould be very unpopular."lV cameras have ma<strong>de</strong> allpoliticians into instant populists.With five parties each holding b<strong>et</strong>ween10% and 22% of the votes,they have to be. Glamorous MrsCiller looks good on lV and didwell out ofit when she was prime minister,but had a big row with one of thechannels, Interstar, when it attacked herfamily.The power of lV was well illustra tedbya recent skit on the army (a rare subjectfor jokes in Turkey),showing an attemptedcoup collapsing in chaos as 16comp<strong>et</strong>ing army units tried to take overthe 16lV stations. That rang true. Morebroadly, lV is transforming Turkishi<strong>de</strong>as on everything from fashion to religion."It is the only medium in Turkeywhich reaches all the people," saysBulent Chatli, a professor at AnkaraUniversity. "Just about everyone in Turkeyhas access to a lV. It is immenselypowerful. lV is drawing up the agendaoflife in Turkey."THIICONOMIIT JUNI8TH 1996125

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i8 SURVEY TURKEYTurkey's economyisftying onfaithdisaster. They also point out that Refah has beenlooking less holier-than-thou since funds collectedfrom the faithful to support fellow Muslims in Bosniawent missing.The army, worried by the rise of Refah, has beenworking behind the scenes to keep the ruling coalitiontog<strong>et</strong>her and issuing discre<strong>et</strong> remin<strong>de</strong>rs aboutthe importance of the secular state. Turkey's soldiersare not, however, hovering on the si<strong>de</strong>lines, ready toleap back into politics at a moment's notice. Theytake over only as a last resort. Their interventions in1960 and 1971broke political <strong>de</strong>adlocks and werewi<strong>de</strong>ly welcomed as "apolitical", although in 1980the army was seen as having a right-wing agenda.The army exercises immense influence through itsconstitutional position, most obviously throughthe National Security Council, a body chaired bythe presi<strong>de</strong>nt whicQ inclu<strong>de</strong>s the chief of staff andthe heads of the army, navy, air force and police aswell as the relevant ministers. The council's role isto "advise" the politicians, who usually comply.History gives the army a special place in the na- .tion. It was as army comman<strong>de</strong>r that Mustafa KemalAtaturk foun<strong>de</strong>d mo<strong>de</strong>rn Turkey 73 years ago.Even today all politicians, even those critical of militarypolicy in the south-east, invariably preface anyremarks about the army with lavish praise. Turkey'sofficial <strong>de</strong>fence budg<strong>et</strong> is about $6 billion, or 3-6%of Gop-and that does not inclu<strong>de</strong> the full cost ofthe war in the south-east, which may run to another$7 billion. Turkey spends a larger proportion of itsGOP on <strong>de</strong>fence and has more men un<strong>de</strong>r armsthan any other European country. Turkey's officersare professionals, mostly drawn from the lowermiddle classes andwell-drilled in Ataturk's visionof a non-religious, western-looking Turkey. At on<strong>et</strong>ime the army was consi<strong>de</strong>red a good, secure career,but now its status is <strong>de</strong>clining, and it is in danger ofbecoming isolated. University-educated Turks saythey have few friends in the armed services.The prominent role played by the army is perhapsone reason whyTurkey's <strong>de</strong>mocracy has neverquite grown up. Politicians can always hi<strong>de</strong> behindthe army's back. For example, by <strong>de</strong>fining the civilwar in the south-east as "terrorism", they have simplyhan<strong>de</strong>d the problem to the security forces. Thearmy, for its part, keeps itself to itself, doing thingsin its own, unaccountable, way. It gives no pressbriefings or interviews and employs no press officers.Its role remains ambivalent: it is both theguardian of the state and the strait-jack<strong>et</strong> which preventspolitical <strong>de</strong>velopment..A disaster that hasn't quite happenedURKEY'Seconomy is som<strong>et</strong>hing of a miracle. ItTought to be a crumpled wreck on the runway,but it flies.Itwould flyfar higher and faster ifitwererebuilt, relieved of the <strong>de</strong>adweight of loss-makingstate-owned companies, and properly piloted. Itmay still crash. But for now its engines-many thousandsofsmall family businesses-are bursting withenergy. "The medium term looks good if they sortout the macroeconomic environment," says oneAmerican economist. "But the short term is a problem.With inflation at 6o-

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i",Keeping the lid onPublic-sector <strong>de</strong>ficit as % of GDP---0," 0'~-'~ --!,.-- , ~ ....!.'~.;~..--- .,.--~- Of,;o'Oe,,,:- - " "..... : ,.. " : .- '~t ,':' !.2, !~ :! Il;f ~ >L .~.~;01985 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 '3 M t5$ouftt: otCD1970S.Half ofTurkey's manufacturing industry and60%ofits financial sector is still owned by the state.The regime of subsidies and state protection beganto change only when Mr Ozal took charge of theeconomy in the early 1980s,opening it up and liftingforeign-exchange controls. Turkish businessmen,especially small manufacturers, respon<strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>nthusiastically to his call to export and attract foreigninvestment and tourists. But Mr Ozal failed totackle the biggest problems of all: the budg<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>ficit,which had been building up since the 1974 oilpricerise; the loss-making state companies; and inflation,which after a brief slowdown r<strong>et</strong>urned to arampant 70% in 1988. "We have had ten wastedyears now since the Ozal reforms stopped," saysMeral Gezgin Eris, presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the EconomicDevelopment Foundation, an Istanbul think-tank.The wages of economic sinThe failure to tackle the fundamental issues culminatedin the crash of1994.After rapid expansion in1993 the economy was overheating, and fast-growingimports had created a huge tra<strong>de</strong> gap. The pul:>lie-sectorborrowing requirement had grown toover 12%of GOP. In January 1994 two rating agenciesdowngra<strong>de</strong>d Turkey's international credit rating.Hol<strong>de</strong>rs ofTurkish liras took refuge in foreigncurrencies, driving the lira down further. Despitecentral-bank intervention, it dropped by 70%against the dollar b<strong>et</strong>ween the end of 1993 andMarch 1994. More than $5billion of capital flowedout of Turkey that year. Mrs Ciller's government,facing local elections in March 1995,poured moremoney into the economy by giving substantial payrises to public-sector employees. Inflation wentwell above 100%.As soon as the local elections were over, MrsCiller announced a drastic IMF-backed packag<strong>et</strong>hat pushed up interest rates, slashed governmentspending, raised prices on state-controlled productsand imposed new taxes. The governmentagreed to cut short-term borrowing from the centralbank from 15%of its budg<strong>et</strong> to 3%by 1998, and imposednew reserve and liquidiry requirements onbanks and financial institutions. The packageseemed to work: stabilitY quickly r<strong>et</strong>urned to themark<strong>et</strong>s, and foreign-exchange reserves rose.But the rescue cost Turkey <strong>de</strong>ar. In 1994 as awhole its economy shrank by 6.5%'and real wagesfell by more than 30%.Domestic <strong>de</strong>mand droppedby 19%,and import.s fellsharply. Producers <strong>de</strong>pend-ing on imported raw materials were hit especiallyhard. Many workers were laid off. But constructionofhomes and factories around cities hardly paused.Exports, feeding on the collapsing lira, continued torise. Bythe end of 1994 recovery had already begun.Turks proudly point out that Mexico, which suffereda crisis at about the same time as Turkey, requireda huge international rescue operation,whereas Turkey received only token help from theinternational financial institutions. But then Turkey'scurrent account is buoyed up, among otherthings, by large remittances from Turkish workersabroad and by handsome earnings from tourism.The economy stayed on course until politics intervenedagain in November 1995.Mrs Ciller, facingan election in December, nee<strong>de</strong>d the votes ofthe 1.8m state employees, so she topped up their35%pay increase of April 1995 with a further 53%rise. Interest rates stayed where they were. By theend of the year' all mon<strong>et</strong>ary targ<strong>et</strong>s had beenmissed, inflation was up again, the lira was sinkingand the budg<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>ficit ballooned. It was April befor<strong>et</strong>he new government was able to agree on abudg<strong>et</strong> The <strong>de</strong>ficit this year might be as much as $15billion, more than twice last year's figure.Some 37%of spending will go on servicing <strong>de</strong>bt interest-andonly 7%on investment. Inflation may come downslightly.The central bank's targ<strong>et</strong> for this year is 45%,but the state planning <strong>de</strong>partment is keeping itsfingers crossed that it will not go above 60-65%.When Mr Yilmaz's new government took overin March, it was given a rousing welcome by thestockmark<strong>et</strong>, but that enthusiasm may have beenmisplaced. In the short term the government iscommitted to privatising some of the state banksand telecommunications operators, and to reformingthe social-security system. But nobody seems toknow wh<strong>et</strong>her it needs parliament's approval tosanction these reforms.One of the key economic posts has gone to MrSaracoglu, a former governor of the central bank,renowned for his strict mon<strong>et</strong>arist views and flamboyantties. Mrs Ciller was not one ofhis champions:as prime minister in 1994 she had pushed himout as head of the central bank. He,or anyone else in his job, urgentlyneeds to persua<strong>de</strong> the banks to provi<strong>de</strong>a breathing space for the economyby rescheduling the cripplingdomestic-<strong>de</strong>bt repayments.No matter who is in charge, g<strong>et</strong>tingthe Turkish economy back ontrack will be <strong>de</strong>vilishly difficult.The tax system is still riddled withholes. Havingjoined the Europeancustoms union, Turkey will loserevenue from tariffs ofb<strong>et</strong>ween $2'billion and $3 billion this year.And the war in the south-east,which has proved a huge drain onthe economy, shows no sign of ending.Even SO, many Turkish businessmenreckon that their countrywill continue to muddle through,and that no drastic changes arenee<strong>de</strong>d: it is the wayTurkey has al.ways managed, they say. In manyStrugglingTURKEY SURVEY 11Consumer prices% increase on year larlier____"'S1I1IIlIa:M12010080soTHE ECONOMIST JUNE 8TH 1996127

Revue <strong>de</strong> PreSse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i12 SURVEY TURKEYways Turkey's economy. is reminiscent of Italy's:growing <strong>de</strong>spite the government rather than becauseof it, kept going by the black economy andsmall, family-run enterprise, but held back by structuralprqblems such as excessivepublic <strong>de</strong>bt.Export or dieIn Turkey, most of the optimists are exporters, peerpie who build inflation and <strong>de</strong>valuation into theirprices and operate in a dollar or o-mark economy.Exports are one of Turkey's success stories. Thecountry's geographical position at the crossroads ofEurope, Central Asia and the Middle East gives iteasy access to all three mark<strong>et</strong>s. And just as exportsto the Middle East were beginning to wane, theBlackSea countries and the Turkic-speaking republicsthat had been spun off from the former Sovi<strong>et</strong>Union began to open up. Tra<strong>de</strong> with Russia hasleapt to $6 billion a year, from about $200m withthe old Sovi<strong>et</strong> Union, making Russia Turkey's second-largesttrading partner. Turkish goods, ofb<strong>et</strong>terquality than Russian ones but cheaper than Eurerpean ones, fi.!la gap in the mark<strong>et</strong>. The big items inofficial tra<strong>de</strong> are cars, clothes, electrical goods andfruit and veg<strong>et</strong>ables, but there is also a huge hid<strong>de</strong>n"suitcase" tra<strong>de</strong>. Planes and boats full of Russianscome to Istanbul for shopping sprees every day.In the early 1980s the Turkish government encourage<strong>de</strong>xporters by bearing 30% of companies'export costs, and offering rebates on energy andtransport costs. All such subsidies have now beenphased out, in line with EU regulations, and someAdventure playgroundcommentators caution against putting tOOmuchfaith in tra<strong>de</strong>. "Youcannot live on exports alone,"say Mrs Gezgin Eris of the Economic DevelopmentFoundation. "Investments are going into exportsbut Turkey's per-capita income is not growing."The best opportunities are likely to be snappedup bythe smaller, more adaptable firms rather thanbyTurkey's largeand unwieldyconglomerates. Oneexample ofthis nimble breed is a company run byHasan Arat,a former professional bask<strong>et</strong>ball playerwho zips around the world selling textiles,and talksas ifhe always has a plane to catch. Now 36, he wasTurkey's businessman of the year in 1995.With a<strong>de</strong>gree in business administration and what he <strong>de</strong>scribesas "the good name" ofhis father, who manageda textile factory, he started his own companywith his two brothers in 1986.Ten years on, GSD DisTicar<strong>et</strong> isone ofTurkey's biggest clothing e,xporters.Mr Arat iss<strong>et</strong>ting up a home page on the Intern<strong>et</strong> todisplayall his products electronically. "In the clothingbusiness you have to be very flexible and fast.We cannot comp<strong>et</strong>e with the Far East on price butwe have speed. We can g<strong>et</strong> the product to the shops. within four to fiveweeks of the or<strong>de</strong>r."At the moment he has 200 people working forhim, but this month he is due to open a new factoryin Adana which will employ 700. Above his <strong>de</strong>sk isa large photograph of the first stone of the buildingbeing laid by his father. ''That was the prou<strong>de</strong>st merment of his life,"says Mr Arat. "The family is veryimportant here, verystrong."The strength of the exten<strong>de</strong>d family is one of the"TURKEY is out on an adventure,"said one businessman, summingup the bewil<strong>de</strong>ring speed ofchange in Turkey's industry andcommerce.Bursa, just south of Istanbulacross the Sea of Marmara, is one of itsbusiness adventure playgrounds. It istypical of the old western towns full ofsmall manufacturing companies thatemploy cheap labour migrating fromthe east. Its population, now at about2m, js growing at }.8%a year. Bursa isfamous for its peach and chestnut orcharefsand for a sulphurous spring patronisedby the Byzantine empressTheodora. Nowadays the town lookslike an unplanned building site, with anew road tearing its centre apart and.factories and housing estates mush~rooming on its edges. As often in Turkey,<strong>de</strong>velopment comes first; governmentpaperwork, permits andinfrastructure follow later.Bursa's manufacturing industrygrew from silks and weaving, blossominginto a textile industry in the 1960s.HalfofBursa's export earnings Of$l billioncome from textiles, produced byaround 6,000 small firms. It is placeslike Bursa that have ma<strong>de</strong> Turkey intoEurope's main textile supplier. Thecountry's exports of cotton-based goodshave grown 2o-fold over the past tenyears. They are cheap by European standards,but of b<strong>et</strong>ter quality than thosefrom India or China, and or<strong>de</strong>rs can b<strong>et</strong>urned round faster.Bursa's other big business is motorcars. In 1970 Fiat opened an assemblyplant there, followed by Renault andPeugeot. Eventually about 200 supplierfirms grew up around the plants. Turkeynow makes rather than just assemblessome basic cars. Its car manufacturerswere badly hit by the 1994 slump, andare now being exposed to increasedcomp<strong>et</strong>ition through Turkey's membershipof the European customs union.Bursa owes its business success topeople like Ferit Karsiloglu, who s<strong>et</strong> uphis own firm in 1988 after a spell asmanager of a small high-tech car-partsfactory. He paid off a cheap governmentloan within three years and now employs67 people making rear lights andother car parts. Both his sons (one studiedfinance, the other engineering) andhis wife work with him.Mr Karsiloglu sees his future in ajoint-venture partnership with a EurerCloth of goldpean car-parts firm. It will provi<strong>de</strong> theor<strong>de</strong>rs and the equipment, and he canoffer labour costs that are a fifth or lessof those in Western Europe. and askilled workforce.'One of the main attractionsof Bursa-and many similarcities in western Turkey-is that its labourforce is young, computer-literateand not afraid ofhard work.THE ECONOMIST JUNE 8TH 1996128

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iWatch that gapMerchandise tra<strong>de</strong>. Sbnc:=lExporUc:llmporU~~1!~.!!12I 0,ta N." N It 10 Il IZ Il lM_0ICD:_ ..........00vM __"...!!Turkish economy's secr<strong>et</strong> weapons. It serves as aplatform for launching new enterprises and provi<strong>de</strong>sa life-raft in hard times-an important pointin a country where unemployment, officially 9%'isunofficially put at nearly twice as much and unemploymentbenefit is minimal. A typical young manmoving from village to town makes contact with,say, a distant cousin, who squeezes him into histwo-bedroom flat (already housing his wife andfour children) and supports him while the newcomerlooks for a job. When he finds one, again oftenthrough the cousin, he moves into his own flatand g<strong>et</strong>s his family to join him. It is this system offamily support that has ma<strong>de</strong> Turkey's urban revolutionpossible. Those with jobs often provi<strong>de</strong> formore than their immediate family. Many of them,wh<strong>et</strong>her working in Turkish cities or abroad, sendmoney back home.Another secr<strong>et</strong> weapon-some would call it adouble-edged sword-is Turkey's large black economy.No one can be sure just how large it is, but thelowest dtimate is at least a quarter the size of theofficial economy; some experts reckon it may be asmuch as half. Many outsi<strong>de</strong>rs looking at Turkeyareworried by its gloomy economic statistics (thoughnot all of them: Britain's Marks and Spenceropened a shop in Istanbullast year~but most Turkishbusinessmen take a philosophical view. "Somepeople look at the figures and are put off, but mostTurkish businessmenjust g<strong>et</strong> on with it," says one.Most ofthese businessmen employ fewer than 100people, and much of their activity does not appearin any official records.Even if they are operating in the official economy,Turkish businessmen specialise in g<strong>et</strong>tinground the rules. Ajournalist visiting the managingdirector ofone ofTurkey's largest companies foundhim poring over the building regulations. He hadjust begun to build a new factory by a lake, and tohis surprise had been or<strong>de</strong>red to stop. The factory,he had been told, was on a registered archaeologicalsite, and no study of the potential pollution impacton the lake had been carried out. "I must study theregulations carefully," he said, "there must be a wayround them. In Turkey there always is.".The war that cannot speak its nameTURKEY SURVEY 13VERYcountry has its own private nightmare.ETurkey's is disintegration. The country is surroun<strong>de</strong>dby neighbours that have either inva<strong>de</strong>dTurkish territory at some time in the past or beenTurkey's subjects. Turks fear that their country's internaldivisions will be exploited by foreigners whowill pull it to pieces. The Turkish watchword, therefore,is unity in all things.The Turks h.ave learnt their history lesson.Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries the Europeanpowers gradually un<strong>de</strong>rmined the Ottomanempire in the name of nationalism. Greeks, Serbs,Bosnians, Bulgarians and Egyptians secured theirin<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce from the Caliphate with help fromBritain,Austria, Hungary, Russia and France.At theend of the first world war Turkish officers overthrewthe remnant of.the Ottoman empire andcarved out the new state of Turkey, thwarting theFranco-British plan for a much smaller country laidout in the Treaty ofSèvres (which also provi<strong>de</strong>d fora state called Kurdistan~Having <strong>de</strong>feated the Sèvres treaty, Turkey continuesto consi<strong>de</strong>r vigilance essential-even againstallies such as America, France and Britain. Membersof all <strong>et</strong>hnic groups, Turks insist, are Turkishcitizens and equal before the law. "If we start talkingabout minorities, especially the Kurds, who areperhaps a fifth or even a third of the population,where will it end?" asks one official.Most Turks outsi<strong>de</strong> the south-east will tell youthat the PKK, or Partiya Karkeran Kurdistan (Work-ers ParryofKurdistan), is inspired bySyria, which isusing the guerrilla movement to put pressure onTurkey over drawing water from the Tigris and Euphratesrivers. Most Kurds, they claim, do not supportthe PKK, and the majority are fully integratedinto Turkish soci<strong>et</strong>y. More than a third of membersof parliament are Kurdish, and many Kurds servein the army. At the last election Kurds outsi<strong>de</strong> thesouth-east ignored a party i<strong>de</strong>ntified with Kurds.Ask Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Suteyman Demirel about theKurdish question, and you g<strong>et</strong> a dusty answer:"There is no Kurdish question in Turkey. What weface today is a bloody terrorist campaign aimed atthe stability and territorial integrity ofTurkey."Terrorists orfreedom fighters?All ofthis is true, up to a point. That point becomesclearer ifyou move eastwards across Turkey and se<strong>et</strong>he empty. burnt-out villages. the <strong>de</strong>serted landscapeand the shanty towns of refugees near the cities.The emergency area now covers ten provincesout ofTurkey's 76. It is controlled from Diyarbakir,an ancient city above the Tigris, walled in black basalt.It is also the city most affected by the war, itsbleak housing estates packed with refugees from thecountrysi<strong>de</strong>. These people were driven from theirhomes and fields by soldiers supposedly protectingthem who burnt their villages and <strong>de</strong>stroyed theirherds. They tell a different story from the one youhear in Ankara. Diyarbakir is like a town un<strong>de</strong>r militaryoccupation.There is no Kurdishquestion, say theTurksTHIICONOMIST JUNE 8TH 1996129

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i14 SURVEYTURKEYA war that no one can winA middle-aged man, unwilling to give his name,tells a typical story: "I was rich in my village andproud. Every day I took a tour of my fields, I was ahappy man. The soldiers moved us from our villageand burnt it. Here I live on the fourth floor of ablock offlats, three rooms for ten ofus including mysix children. I have no work, only the women cang<strong>et</strong> work picking cotton at [about a dollar] a day.That's how we live." Does the PKK also <strong>de</strong>stroy villagesand kill people? "They kill the village guardsbecause they are looking for food, and if the villagersdon't give it they take it by force. But they don't<strong>de</strong>stroy villages, they just kill the guards."Lawyers acting for the families of those killed bythe army are unwilling to give journalists theirnames for fear of reprisals. Dipping at random intotheir files, they come up with the case ofYusufKilig,aged 14. His family says that last November 18th hewas shot by soldiers while fishing in the Tigris. Fiftybull<strong>et</strong>s were found in his body. No action was takenin the state security court, so the family brought acivil case in a local court. Thejudge found a soldierguilty of lack of care and sentenced him to jail fortwo years, commuted to a fine of 1,600,000 liras(now $21), to be paid over two years. The family,threatened by other soldiers, was too frightened totake the case further."That is typical ofb<strong>et</strong>ween 2,000 and 3,000 inci<strong>de</strong>ntsin the past ten years," say the lawyers. "Oftenthe family comes with a case, accusing the armyof mur<strong>de</strong>r. We ask the prosecutor to bring it to courtbut he says 'No, it's PKK [that did itb there's nothingfurther to be done', and you can't take it further:'What about military courts? "They will punish asoldier for not keeping his boots clean, but not forkilling civilians," say the lawyers.The governor of the emergency zone lives andworks in a grand new building tightly guar<strong>de</strong>d inthe barracks in Diyarbakir. Asked if the armycomesun<strong>de</strong>r the rule of law, he says: "Yes, of course. Ifthere is a crime people will be punished." So howmany soldiers have been convicted of crimesagainst civilians? "I don't have the number but itdoes happen:' The ministry of foreign affairs hasfigures: 1,194 cases and 15convictions in 1"994,962cases and 20 convictions last year.It is tempting for outsi<strong>de</strong>rs to see the 25m Kurds,the largest self-<strong>de</strong>scribed "nation" on earth withouta state, as victims of a conspiracy among the stateswhose territory they occupy: Turkey, Iran, Iraq andSyria. The war led by the PKK is the latest in a longline of rebellions against the Turkish state and itsOttoman pre<strong>de</strong>cessor. Similar uprisings have takenplace in (ran. Iraq and Syria.But there are complications. Kurds have traditionallylived in tribal soci<strong>et</strong>ies that feud with eachother. They are still so <strong>de</strong>eply divi<strong>de</strong>d that governmentscan always s<strong>et</strong> one group against another. Atleast two distinct languages, and many dialects,keep them apart. What they have in common is thatthey look different from their Turkish, Arab andPersian neighbours, both in physiognomy and because,oftheirdistinctive,often gaudy, dress. Expertsdiffer on wh<strong>et</strong>her there is a common culture.Dream ofKurdistanSo what are the prospects for an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt Kurdistan?Take a <strong>de</strong>ep breath and ask the Turkish foreignminister. "(t would be very autocratic and repressive,"says Mr Gonensay. "Would Kurds fromother areas be forced to go and live there? Wouldthere be <strong>et</strong>hnic cleansing in non-Kurdish areas?"An in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt Kurdish state would have nointernational support. America and the EuropeanUnion are opposed to the i<strong>de</strong>a. Western diplomatspoint out that in a region of rough and rogueishstates, a landlocked Kurdistan would be neithersafe nor stable. Turkey's Kurds, they argue, are b<strong>et</strong>teroff as Turkish citizens.Militant Kurds respond that if you live in Turkey,you are forced to be culturally Turkish. Use ofthe Kurdish language, and in<strong>de</strong>ed of the very wordKurd, were forbid<strong>de</strong>n by law unti11991. Kurds werereferred to as "Mountain Turks". Although there isno obvious discrimination against Kurds in non-Kurdish areas ofTurkey, many Kurds say they havebeen turned away from jobs in the west because oftheir <strong>et</strong>hnic origin. And the ban on the Kurdish languagecontinues in various ways. When NevzatBingoi, a young Diyarbakir businessman who ownsa smalilocai TV station, broadcast some songs inKurdish, he got a l<strong>et</strong>ter from the public prosecutorsaying he had broken the law. Puzzlingly, soon afterwards,in March, the government announcedthat its own local TV station would start using Kurdishfor the first time.The PKK feeds on such ambiguities. Its roots goback into the 1970S when Abdullah Ocalan, then astu<strong>de</strong>nt lea<strong>de</strong>r, called for a separate socialist Kurdishstate. The shooting war did not begin in earnestTHE ECONOMIST lUNE 8TH 1996130

Revue ~e Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTURKEY SURVEY 15Some of the war's losers-.unti11984. Mr Ocalan recently dropped Marxism-Leninism and <strong>de</strong>mands for in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. Havingcalled a ceasefire last November, he is nowaskingfor talks with the government in Ankara.This may be because the PKK has lost mucl1 ofitsmilitary clout. Until about five years ago it was abl<strong>et</strong>o keep the Turkish army out of large areas of thesouth-east. and move in and out of Syria at will.When in 1991 Saddam Hussein's attacks on theIraqi Kurds led America. Britain and France to createa safe haven for them in northern Iraq, the PKKused the zone to organise and launch attacks intoTurkey. But the safe haven also gave the Turks a listeningpost in Iraq at Zakho, manned byTurkish aswell as British, French and American troops. Thisenabled the Turkish army, helped by Americanintelligence and equipment, to attack PKK bases inIraq and force the movement un<strong>de</strong>rground in Turkeyitself.Within Turkey, the government's sledgehammerpolicy in Kurdish areas has, unsurprisingly, encouragedKurdish support for the PKK. The governmentmay control the roads and towns by day, butno one goes out at night. Indoors, people can watchPKK propaganda broadcast to the region from theparty's own satellite "IVstation. A new party, HADEP,which i<strong>de</strong>ntifies with the Kurdish cause. is forecastto win an overwhelming number of votes in thearea in the next election. If Kurds who have migratedwest also vote for it, it could clear the 10%hurdle and g<strong>et</strong> seats in parliament. putting increasedpressure on the government for a politicals<strong>et</strong>tlement.GAP to the rescue?At present. the very words "political s<strong>et</strong>tlement"make politicians in Ankara fly into a fury. The onlyproblem in the south-east they will admit to. apartfrom "terrorism", is un<strong>de</strong>r<strong>de</strong>velopment. Their solutionis the mighty $32 billion South-Eastern AnatoliaProject (GAP): an integrated <strong>de</strong>velopment plan tobring everything from industry to health care to theregion. South-east Turkey has always been a poorarea.1t produces only 4% ofTurkey's GDP and 2%ofits industrial output. GAP should change all that.Among other things, 22 dams are planned to gener-ate electricity for industry and irrigate vast tracts ofland. According to Okay Unver, the engineer incharge of GAP, the project will provi<strong>de</strong> 3-sm jobs bythe time it is compl<strong>et</strong>ed in 2005. and quadruplefarm production in the region.But Nesim Sevinc. director of the local businessmen'sassociation. Gunsiad. paints a different picture."GAP? What GAP?" he asks. The vast bulk of theelectricity produced. he argues. will go west. Theparts of the project that benefit the west ofTurkeyare ahead of schedule but the parts that wi1\ help thesouth-east have barely started. He conclu<strong>de</strong>s: "Theregion is discriminated against by central government."But other officials insist that the governmentdoes intend to see the project through. and pointout that PKK attacks have held up some of the projects.1tdoes seem as though GAP, ifimplemented asplanned. might help south-eastern Turkey's economyalong; but only if the war came to an end.There were faint signs in Ankara in recentmonths that the government was giving thought tothe south-east problem and not simply leaving it tothe army, as Mrs Ciller did. Businessmen are pressingthe government for a solution because Turkey'shuman-rights record is damaging the country'sinternational standing. There is talk of allowing theKurds to use their own language for official purposesand to have their own "IV station. MrGonensay urges more autonomy, but stres~es thatthis is not a conceSsion to the PKK. "There can beprivate institutions teaching Kurdish but not stateones. We want nothing that will s<strong>et</strong> an <strong>et</strong>hnic trapwhich will create disunity in Turkey."Meanwhile the war goes on, even though manyofficers are said to believe there can be no militaryvictory in this kind of conflict. The government'sown figures show that things are g<strong>et</strong>ting worse, <strong>de</strong>spit<strong>et</strong>he "ceasefire". Of the 10.663 "terrorists" whowere ki1\ed b<strong>et</strong>ween 1987 and early March this year.7.116 died in the past two years. Similarly. of the3,400 members of the security forces killed sinc<strong>et</strong>he start of the war, 1.811died in the past two years.The <strong>de</strong>puty governor of the emergency area admits:"We have contained the situation, but as soon as werelax it wi1\ start up again."... HE ECONOMIST JUNE 8TH 1996131

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa:-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i16 SURVEY TURKEYTrouble with neighboursIt's a rough part oftheworldRoaring tra<strong>de</strong> with RussiaFYOU had to pick the ten countries in the worldIyou would least like to live next to. theywould bebound to inclu<strong>de</strong> some of Turkey's neighbours."Youdon't know what it's like to have Saddam Hussein,Hafez Assad and the Iranians next door," complainthe Turks. And just how stable, they ask, are.the new countries to their east: Azerbaijari'and Armenia?What would happen if Russia became aggressivelynationalist and tried to restore its hègemonyin the region?To Turkey's north-west lies the former Yugoslaviaor, ifyou prefer, the former Ottoman provinces.struggling to become nations of their own. And toits west is Greece.Spats b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and Greecemay be a historical habit, but there are real and unresolvedterritorial disputes b<strong>et</strong>ween them. Cyprusremains at the top of the list. Hopes that the Americansmight broker a more durable agreement therecame to nothing when war nearly broke out in theAegean in January. The dispute over some almostuninhabited islands may have been inflamed byGreek and Turkish

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i-.as r<strong>et</strong>aliation for the dams for hydro-electric powerand irrigation that Turkey is building on the Tigrisand Euphrates. Neutralobservers estimate that theriverscould lose as much as 40%oftheir flow by th<strong>et</strong>ime they reach Syria (and 90%-when they reachIraq, after Syria has taken its gulp~ Mr Gonensaydismisses the argument: "At the moment we aregiving them ten times what they need, so what istheissue? We must sit down and establish everyone'sneeds and then allocate the water." Buthe saystherewill be no talks until Syriastops supporting the PKK.Meanwhile the dam-building goes on.Iran, the third neighbour, is constantly suspectedof stirring the Kurdish and the Islamist pots.In the waiting roomHERE was outrage in Ankara when Turkey re-no invitation to the European Union'sTceivedinter-governmental conference in March but Poland,Hungary and the Czech Republic were askedto attend as observers. In Turkey's eyes,the East Europeanswere jumping the queue. Even more galling,the Turks learnt it was Greece that had blockedthe invitation, just as Greece is blocking EU fundsforiurkey that were pledged as part of the customsunion that came into effectat the beginning of thisyear. It all seemed to confirm the suspicion thatmembership of the customs union was not after alla step to full EU membership but a permanentlimbo. Not that anyone in authority would for amoment admit to that suspicion. "2001," says MrGonensay, the foreign minister. "But we have got toput our economic house in or<strong>de</strong>r first."Turkeyhas been moving towards free tra<strong>de</strong> withthe EU for the past 22 years.Evenbefore itjoined thecustoms union, it was sending more than half itsexports to Western Europe. Measures to protectTurkish industry had been gradually dismantled,but some remain in force to give Turkish companiestime to adjust. VAT on new foreign cars, for example,has come down from 100%to 40%, but importsof secondhand cars have been bannedaltog<strong>et</strong>her. Even so, in the longer run Turkey's carmanufacturers and their local suppliers will find ithard to comp<strong>et</strong>e with European makers.The abolition of tariffs on tra<strong>de</strong> with Europewill cost Turkey more than $2 billion in governmentrevenue each year.The economic.effect of customs-unionmembership, says Michael Lake, theEU'S man in Turkey, is best <strong>de</strong>scribed by a J-curve:for most Turks life will g<strong>et</strong>a little worse in the shortterm and then a lot b<strong>et</strong>ter. To help ease the pain,Turkey will g<strong>et</strong> a financial co-operatian packagefrom Europe. "Don't call it compensation," says theman from the EU. When Greece <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>s to stopblocking it, this will giveTurkey 375m ecus ($460m)over five years, and a further 750m ecus from theEuropean Investment Bank in loans.Businessmen say that the biggest boost for Turkeyfrom membership of the customs union is psychological:the feeling that they are no longer outsi<strong>de</strong>rs.But for the moment they are not beingtreated as insi<strong>de</strong>rs either-more as second-classmembers. They do have to obey all the rules, butA Turk working for Iranian intelligence recentlynamed four Iranian diplomats in Ankara as responsiblefor the mur<strong>de</strong>r of a well-known Turkishjournalist in 1990. When Turkey asked for theirwithdrawal, relations rapidly soured. They gotsourer still when <strong>de</strong>tails of a <strong>de</strong>fence agreement b<strong>et</strong>weenTurkey and Israel emerged in April.Turkey accepts its role as a buffer zone at theeastern edgeof the western world(and in turn treatsits own mountainous eastern region as a bufferzone for its westernised west~But in r<strong>et</strong>urn for goodbehaviour, it wants full membership of the westernclub; and that, it isbeginning to suspect, may neverbe forthcoming..they g<strong>et</strong> no say in drawing them up, and no moneyfrom the EU'S regional fund. "The customs union is futuremembership with a visa, and without help," saysone frustrated Turkish exporter. .In the short term, the obvious stumbling blockfor Turkey's progress in Europe is the Greekv<strong>et</strong>o (althoughmany Turks believe that the most powerfulobjections come from the Germans~ In the longerterm, Turkey's businessmen think the momentumtowards membership is now unstoppable. Foreignministryofficials, however, privately believe thateven in the medium term Turkey could join only ifthe EU were to accept the broa<strong>de</strong>r i<strong>de</strong>a of an outerrimclass of membership. And the EU has insistedthat, whatever happens, free movement ofTurkishworkers in Europe is a very long way off.Many former Turkish migrants who haveworked in European countries feel that if theircountry joined the EU, it would be swamped by Europe'salien culture. Having experienced racist rejectionin their host countries, they have fallen backon an Islamic or Kurdish i<strong>de</strong>ntity. "Refah and thePKK were both born and brought up in Europe,"saysone Turkish politician.But the main reasons why Turkey will not g<strong>et</strong>closer to Europe in the near future lie within Turkeyitself.The first is the state of its economy: as thingsstand, it lagsa long way behind even the poorest EUmembers (see tabte~ The second, and more important,reason is its lack of <strong>de</strong>mocratic values and itsviolation of human rights. Europe is simply notkeen to g<strong>et</strong> closer to a country where torture andimprisonment without trial are still reported withdisturbing frequency. .A long way to go Standard~e.~~.~.~r. ~.~of livingTURKEY SURVEY 17For the foreseeablePrivate . Telephone Television Infantconsumption Cars Unes s<strong>et</strong>s mortalityper person . per 1.000 per 1,000 per 1.000 per 1.000ppps. . peopl<strong>et</strong> peopl<strong>et</strong> people* Irvebirths*..?~.~ :..:.~.~.~ ~.~ ~~~ ~:~ .Spain . 8.412 351. ~ 371 496t 7.6~gäi" ~ j:jäi:j : 2.2.4 : 3SÖ ï]ï..... . ä::; .. ~~:: :::::::::::::~~ij::::::::::::::~:;:~::::~::::::::::::#.?~:::::::::::::::::~:iï ::::::.:..::::::::~:~ .Turkey . 3.617 . 43 201' 269 52.6_OICD: ~ _ pwtIr. lin tl". T__ .1,"""",","",,*IndusIryDoto.THE ECONOMIST JUNE 8TH 1996133

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-BasinÖz<strong>et</strong>iIS SURVEY TURKEYDemocracy at gunpointTo Turkey,freedom does notcome naturallyBEDRI BAYKAM is a young painter ~nd politician;or perhaps politician and pain ter. ln hisart he uses violent and erotic images. He is also aleading member of the (leftish) Republican People's.Party, foun<strong>de</strong>d by Kemal Ataturk. In Americanterms, that makes him Andy Warhol serving as aDemocrat senator. Odd? Not at all, he says. "EverythingI do I owe to that man, Ataturk. Without himmy art would not be possible. Politics is not a hobbyfor me, it's a necessity."Mr Baykam carries a gun and is escorted everywhereby a bodyguard. Too many ofhis friends andcolleagues have been mur<strong>de</strong>red. His style may be alittle melodramatic, but Mr Baykam believes thatthe secular state, foun<strong>de</strong>d 73 years ago, is the onlyhope for Turkey, and is worth fighting for. To him,the army is the ultimate protector of those secularvalues. He thinks that ifyou give an inch to the Islamiststhey will take all; ifyou give the Kurds minorityrights, Turkeywill break up. He <strong>de</strong>spises theappeasers who want Islamists brought into governmentto keep them qui<strong>et</strong> Mr Baykam, paintbrushin one hand and gun in the other, is proof that freedomis possible in Turkey. But it does not come naturally:it needs an armed guard. Democracy, remember,did not spring up by itself, it wasconferred, or perhaps imposed, by Turkey's armedforces. Now it is protected from anti-<strong>de</strong>mocraticforces by un<strong>de</strong>mocratic means.Turkey is som<strong>et</strong>imes portrayed as a bridge b<strong>et</strong>weeneast and west, with a foot in each world. Thisis the wrong image. Individual Turks belong to eithereast or west: these worlds are so different thatthere is no effective bridge b<strong>et</strong>ween them. Turkey ismore like a tree, with roots in many different culturesand <strong>et</strong>hnicities.ln its earlyyears it was prunedand trained to grow strictly in one direction: Turkish.Now, in its maturity, its branches tend to gotheir own way, seeking their own kind oflight. Eachbranch knows where it is going, but the tree as awhole does not. Westernised Turkey is drawn to Eu-rope, Turkish nationalists want to look east to fellowTurkic-speakers, fundamentalists south toother Islamic countries. Each group seeks mo<strong>de</strong>lsoutsi<strong>de</strong> Turkey, b~traying perhaps the lack of a commoni<strong>de</strong>ntity .But i<strong>de</strong>ntities shift with the twists and turns ofhistory. Turkey is un<strong>de</strong>rgoing the grea,test change inits short life, and its i<strong>de</strong>ntity is bound to evolve too.More than three-quarters of Turks now live in substantialcommunities, towns and cities, where theyhope to make a living and g<strong>et</strong> themselves, or theirchildren, an education. Like it or not, they will alsofind an international commercial culture shoutingat them. Some people will turn away from it, preferringto seek truth in the Koran. Others will be drawnto politicians trying to use Islam to build a constituencyamong the disillusioned.Will the Islamists ever come to dominate? That<strong>de</strong>pends on what the government-any government-doesnow.lfitfails to reform the economy sothat living standards fall further, if it allows the warin the east to continue, ifthere are riots in the stre<strong>et</strong>sm<strong>et</strong> by a repressive police force, then it is possible toimagine Turkey <strong>de</strong>scending into chaos and fallingvictim to political extremism.If it i,s to avoid such a fate and stay faithful toAtaturk's vision of a secular, mo<strong>de</strong>rn, <strong>de</strong>mocraticstate, it has to be open to the world and open to amultiplicity of i<strong>de</strong>ntities at home. It can do thisonly by creating a country in which everyone hasthe chance to live and work freely, and to aspire toliving standards that Europe has long taken forgranted. The steps required to attain this grand visionsound less grand, but will require Turkey'slea<strong>de</strong>rs to show courage and <strong>de</strong>termination. Itcomes down to mundane things such as bringingthe budg<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>ficit un<strong>de</strong>r control, cutting inflation,'selling off state enterprises, gathering taxes more efficientlyand spending them more effectively, andputting an end to the war: all of them difficult, butnot impossible.Offer' to rea<strong>de</strong>rsReprints of this surveyare available - price £2in Britain / n.50abroad. Minimum or<strong>de</strong>r5 copies. Please sendyour or<strong>de</strong>r with pre-paymentby cheque 10 TheEconomist Shop, 15 RegentStre<strong>et</strong>, LondonSWIY 4LR.Tel (0)1718391937. Orfax credit card or<strong>de</strong>rs on(0)171 839 1921.Turkey's <strong>de</strong>mocraticbackstop.THE ECONOMIST Jl'J\:[ 8TH 1996134

Revue <strong>de</strong> PresJe-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i-0NEWCENTURY'uot\luadreamsofanSUN DAYJUNE 9, 1996OttomancommonwealthN.ewCentury interviews pro-Islam Welfare party.sleading foreign policy man and party vice presi<strong>de</strong>nt,Mr. Abdullah Gül to discu.S5the party's visionof Turkey in the international arena.Ash Ayd'"ta~ba~Ankara- Welfare is the only lurkishparty which has an alternative visionoflurkey's international role.This vision is distinct from the principlesof,Turkish foreign polil)' adopted sinc<strong>et</strong>he creation of the Turkish Republie in1923. Mr. Gül stated that Welfare, if itcame to power. would change the profileof Turkey in terms of policy compl<strong>et</strong>ely,inclmling the nature of "Iurkey's relationshipwith the European Union,NATO. Syria, and Middle Eastern countries.Mr. Giil is among the first to he calledupon when foreign journalists and politiciansvisit Ankara. He recently attra<strong>et</strong>edattention last week with a statementwhich appeared in the EI-Hayatnewspaper pmclaiming that a prospectiveWeI(are administration would <strong>de</strong>clarevoid the lurkish-Israeli military agreement.'NC- Why arc you against the Turkish-Israeli agreement?On agreement with IsraelAG- First of all, we are against them<strong>et</strong>hodology. It is still not clear whatthe contents of the agreement are an<strong>de</strong>ven the ministers are not familiar withit. In addition. this is an agreement ma- .~e with a cl~unt!"Ywhich is still engaged111 wars, which II1va<strong>de</strong>s other countriesand violates U.N. resolutions. Most recently,Israel targ<strong>et</strong>ed civilians in Lebanon.In addition, Turkey is being forcedto become a party to some other scenarios.According to foreign press repo~s.the agreement coult) also be used a~l-.inst Israel's neighbors. .'. NC- Welfare has' always been agitinstlbr-key's membership in NATO and theEuropean Union. We recently heardhowever your lea<strong>de</strong>r, Mr. Erhakan, stat<strong>et</strong>hat you accept lurkey's involvementin these two organizations. Is Welfarechanging its foreign policy position as itis g<strong>et</strong>ting closer to power?AG- We do not envision buildingwalls around ll1rkey and separating itfrom Europe and the world. but somehowour policies always gellhis kind ofre~iew. w.e wantto impro.ve lilrkey's relationsWith many countries, but do notwant to tie our future only to Europe.Wc do not intend to leave the NATO alliance,but criticize the alliance stronglyfor ils neglect during the Bosnian erisis.While we will remain in these two alliances,we also want to build additionalalliances for tra<strong>de</strong> and securitypurposes ..If Welfare comes to power, we willstIll work with the I.M.F., the WorldBank and the United Nations. In the caseof the I.M.F. however, we will not acceptall their recommendations asincontestable. We intend to take a morehonorable position when it comes tointerference in domestie affairs. Forexample, the World Bank is now pushingfor population control.NC- Are you going to uphold the customsunion with the E.U.?AG- The currenl agreement has notbeen prepared properly. When we co-IllC to power through dClllocratic and legalmeans, we are not going to tcar upth~ aweement, but we will start negotiatIonsm or<strong>de</strong>r to changc certain clauseswhich are not in the interests of Turkey.NC- Are you going to take steps towardsfull E.U. membership?AG- We do not believe that. Thrkey isgoing to become a full member, and wedo not support the i<strong>de</strong>a of fullmembership.NC- During an election campaign,Mr. Erbakan has stated that you intendto "eliminate the bor<strong>de</strong>r b<strong>et</strong>ween "furkeyand Syria" and, more recently he arguedthat Syria is not backing the PKK.Are you against Thrkey's current foreignpolicy towards Syria?Historical allianceAG- We are talking about i<strong>de</strong>als here.We aim to have good relations based ona sense of community and on commoninterests with both our neighbors andMuslim countries.. TIl~re could be different ways of domgthIS. If Mr. Erbakan spoke this wayabo.ut Syri~, it is not so surprising consi<strong>de</strong>ringSyna was a province of ours untilabout 70 years ago. We believe that wecould fonn a historical alliance once more.If England was able to form a Commonwealthwhich exten<strong>de</strong>d from Australiato Canada, why can't Thrkey do som<strong>et</strong>hingsimilar with countries that it hashad many ties with throughout history?135

s urge Turkey toreconsi<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>al with Israelz~.n!t'Tj'Z~e~c::2..,.,-'" c:: '"_2..0 c::;'" :>"'" -

Habitat shield fails to protect<strong>de</strong>monstrators against batonsamong those <strong>de</strong>tained, New YorkbasedHuman Rights Watch said.Thrkish laws do not allow civil servantsto stage strikes or engage in collectivebargaining .Thrkish activists have stepped up theirefforts to draw attention to a numberof issues while some 15,000 people arein Istanbul for a 12-day U.N.conference on cities. There have beenseveral other similar inci<strong>de</strong>ntsthroughout the week. The IstanbulGovernor's Office warned foreignactivists who are here for the U.N.conference to stay away from Beyoglu."Naturally their activities should notgo beyond the purpose of theirpresence in Istanbul," Gov. RldvanYeni~en said in a statement. (yy, ap)~ ~~~~n;'"~I~ n;'"~ ......~~~ ~~~

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i>- 'oQ-< ao.Cl ao.Z,-:::> -'" ao.......z::::>Forced emigration'ANevin Bilginnkara- The Turkish Soci<strong>et</strong>y of'Physicans <strong>de</strong>tailed the extent costsbillionsof the immigratlion problemexperienced in Southeastern Anatoliawith concr<strong>et</strong>e data collected fromresearch. The report presented bytbe soci<strong>et</strong>y indicates that 2,500 villageswere evacuated in two years.According to the report the evacuationexpenditurestotaled 12 trillion\01~I Ilurk e k le ILiras. In the report titled, "Domestic~iIS pO IS S ogImmigration Debates in the Southeastand Related Health Issues", preparedby the Turkish Soci<strong>et</strong>y of:11 ner <strong>de</strong>monstrationPhysicians, General Secr<strong>et</strong>ary, Dr.Nec<strong>de</strong>t tpekyüz, stated that lack ofsecurity, unsolved mur<strong>de</strong>rs, plains"Omwhich have been transformed intoforbid<strong>de</strong>n zones, the lack of a<strong>de</strong>qua- ' ~I Kur<strong>de</strong>r protestera<strong>de</strong> mot försvinnan<strong>de</strong>nel? 'te educational and health services,~l' ISTANBUL (SvD) and the food embargo have resulted,na<strong>de</strong> söner och makar. Tuseninthe abandonment of villages. The~ ~ .• Massiva polisinsatser slog pä ' tal<strong>et</strong> poliser storma<strong>de</strong> fram frän...:l d lördagen ner fiera olika <strong>de</strong>mon- alla Mil och avbröt <strong>de</strong>monstrareportpresented the following conclusions:~ ¥: strationer i centrala Istanbul" tionen. Kvinnor greps och för-~ The region which lacks organizationand employment possibilitieshave faced serious problems. .~ People abandoning their villagesare regar<strong>de</strong>d as potential criminals.This makes it more diffucult fötvilliagers to find work. Exclusions ofthis type threaten social harmony.~ In Diyarbalur the continuing increasein population will cause anoutbreak of contagious diseases.~ The infant mortality rate is higherin the southeastern cities comparedwith other regions. ThroughoutTurkey, sixty out of every one thousandbabies die in the first vear after. birth, compared to 87 out of everyone thousand babies in Diyarbalor. '. The height-weight proportion of t.llèsechildren is also below averilge becauseof malnutrition.~ There are no specialized.doctorsin the hospitals of the region and theLice State Hospital is kept closed .•97of 112 health centers, and 15 of 67.infirmariesare closed. . .~ Infections of the digestivesystem are seen more frequently inDiyarbalar than other parts oj- Turkey.Diarrhera in childrel)...--ismostcommonly reported. Fifteen t~twenty thousand diarrhera cases areseen every year, followed by typhoidfever and Cholera.~ Psychological disor<strong>de</strong>rs have increasedin the region. Community violence,harrasment by the police andkidriapping promote the <strong>de</strong>velopmentof mental disor<strong>de</strong>rs.~ i' mitt un<strong>de</strong>r FN:s pägäen<strong>de</strong> bo- <strong>de</strong>s bort i bussar.Cl > stadskonferens. Poliser slog och En stor grupp äskädare pro-~ 14 sparka<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>monstranter innan 'testera<strong>de</strong> mot polisingripan<strong>de</strong>enWi <strong>de</strong> släpa<strong>de</strong> in <strong>de</strong>m i bussar för na, Nya polisattacker tog hand~I vidare transport till häkt<strong>et</strong>. En- om <strong>de</strong>monstranterna som var>, ligt uppgifter greps ätminstone bä<strong>de</strong>kvinnorochmän,bä<strong>de</strong>turenj 500 personer.kar och kur<strong>de</strong>r,tJ Den svenske riksdagsmllnnenPer Lager (mp) försökte do-.'kumentera polisattacken, men'en. hotfull polismàn sl<strong>et</strong> filmenur hän<strong>de</strong>rna pä honom. Sverigesgeneralkonsul skall pä diplomatiskväg kräva filmen Ater.Filmteam och fotografer fränsäväl turkiska som internationellamedier kun<strong>de</strong> dock följahän<strong>de</strong>lserna vid Galatasaray,.mitt pä Istanbuls shoppinggatanummer<strong>et</strong>t ..~rméer av poliserIstanbulpolisen börja<strong>de</strong> redan'pä morgonen att visa sin styrka.,Hela <strong>de</strong>n centrala <strong>de</strong>len av sta-,<strong>de</strong>n var fylld av polisbussar, bilar,motorcyklar, enstaka pan-.sarvagnar och arméer av patrulleran<strong>de</strong>polismän. En helikoptersurra<strong>de</strong> i luften../ Klockan 12 samla<strong>de</strong>s om-:krinMo kurdiska kvinnor till sin'.vecko<strong>de</strong>monstration pä Galatasaray.Ukt <strong>de</strong> gaina mödrarna iBuenos Aires <strong>de</strong>monstrerar <strong>de</strong>varje lördag sin saknad efter försv.unnaanhöriga., Pä samma sätt som un<strong>de</strong>r hela.q<strong>et</strong>senaste är<strong>et</strong> satte sig kvinnotnapä gatan och visa<strong>de</strong> plakat.achbil<strong>de</strong>r pâ döda eller sak-Kräver organisationsrättYtterligare en <strong>de</strong>monstrationvar föranmäld, men ut an polistillstând.Kesk, en fackföreningför kommunal- och statsanställda,dominerad av lärare, skullekräva organisationsrätt och enlaglig möjligh<strong>et</strong> att strejka. Omkring100 <strong>de</strong>monstranter täga<strong>de</strong>gatan fram men avbröts ocksäav polisstyrkorna. Shoppan<strong>de</strong>Istanbulbor och utiändska konferensbesökarefick kasta sig ini butiker och präng för att kommaundan <strong>de</strong> framrusan<strong>de</strong> kravallutrusta<strong>de</strong>poliserna.- Vi har ändâ haft lite mer frih<strong>et</strong>här i Istanbul jämfört med iDiyar Bakir och andra omrä<strong>de</strong>n,sa<strong>de</strong> Ilkay Demir frän vänsterparti<strong>et</strong>ÖDP efter lördagenshän<strong>de</strong>lser.- Men hur skall <strong>de</strong>t gä nu, efterFN-konferensen när ut1ändskajournalister,politiker och diplomaterâker härifrän?LENA BLOMQUIST138


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NGO's protest against police violence~~~-< z!3:ic....c.::J~~.t:.~~$::i~ ~I~~

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Delly News Monday, June 10. 1996Habitat II heats upwith the Kurdish issueEmre Kocatürk of the Turkish. Democracy Foundation(TDV) left the hall after vocally protesting the me<strong>et</strong>ing,and un<strong>de</strong>r the questioning looks of the shocked participantsand viewers of the me<strong>et</strong>ing he slahuned the doorISTANBUL-By Zafer F. YörükTurkish Daily NewsA workshop on "Forced Relocationof Ethnic Minorities" witnessed heated exchangesduring the discussion on Turkey and the Kurds.The Norwegian NGO Working Group for HabitatII organized a worksbop on the forced relocation of<strong>et</strong>hnic minorities in whicb the cases of Burma andTurkey were discussed. The co-director of theCentre on Housing Rights and Evictions, ScottLeckie, introduced the discussion with a oenera] andglobal overview, and <strong>de</strong>fined the forc~ relocationof <strong>et</strong>hnic minorities as a human rights violation.istic and in turn <strong>de</strong>mand more nationalistic reporting.Thus the press continues nationalist propaganda,and this vicious circle is largely responsible forthe indifference of the Turkish public to Kurdishquestion. He said that journalists who try to opt out .of this circle either lose their jobs 'or are imprisonedand even assassinated, and remin<strong>de</strong>d us that theTurkisb government was one of the world's majortransgressors regarding the ill- treatment of journalistsand censorship of the media.. Sauar ar£ued that terrorism has an epi<strong>de</strong>mic characterin Turkey which is maintained by a culture ofviolence imposed by the media. Sauar'spresentationinclu<strong>de</strong>d many observations from evacuated villages. in the southeast of Turkey and from individuals andfamilies wbo were forced to become refugees inmajorcities and in the cities of the southeast region..Epi<strong>de</strong>mics of terrorism in TurkeyThe discussion on Turkey was specifically limitedto the "<strong>de</strong>struction of villages in southeast Turkey",which was opened with a presentation by Erik Sauar H d h b tof the Norwegian Council for tbe RIghts of tbe eate exc ange e weenKurdish People; with a report on the observations of Turkish and Kurdish participantsa <strong>de</strong>legation investigating the forceable eviction of The workshop continued with the launch of thevillages in the southeast ofTurkey. . book "Freedom of Living in Turkey", which con~Sauar said that before their observations they had sists of banned articles from the Turkish press. Theasked the question of how these evictions could bap- articles were banned and their authors taken to courtpen in a supposedly <strong>de</strong>mocratic country, and why because of taking the Kurdish issue into accQunt. AtTurkish people did not protest. The key to tbe the press conference that followed Yavuz Onen ofans~ers to these questions w~ the position of ~e th~ Human Rights Trust and Lawy~r Vedat çe~. ofmedia as a fourth state power In Turkey, accordmg Dlyarbalar branch of th~ Huinan Rights ASSOCIatIonto Sauar. He said "Turkish people would react if' participated in a personal capacity with P<strong>et</strong>erthey knew wbat was going on in the Kurdish region, Fre<strong>de</strong>rikson of Finland. C<strong>et</strong>in saId.that the burningbut their access to siiffiCIent information has been . down and eviction of villages continued at present,<strong>de</strong>nied by the media". '. and that be finds it absurd that the Habitat II confer-Sauar went on to say that the press promoted ence is being held in Turk~. .nationalism, which ma<strong>de</strong> the people more national- Answering a question, y<strong>et</strong>in said that those most142

,~'"~~'->'"I~~'->~ ~.....'"~I~~'"~

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iAl P. - A~enteFrontePrelle - Al P. - A~enteFrontePrelle- Al P. - A~enteFronœPreIse- A.F. P. - A~enŒFronœPrelle - A.F. P. - A~emeFramePreIse- A.F. P. - A~enœFronœPrem-FRS0653 4 l 0297 TUR /AFP-UZ06ONU-Villes-TurquieManifestation à Istanbul: Ankara regr<strong>et</strong>te le mauvais traitement <strong>de</strong>.journalistesANKARA, 10 juin (AFP) - Le ministre turc <strong>de</strong> l'intérieur Ulku Guney aexprimé ses regr<strong>et</strong>s lundi pour les mauvais traitements subis par la presselors <strong>de</strong> la dispersion d'une manifestation organisée samedi à Istanbul par.la Confédération <strong>de</strong>s syndicats d'employés publics (KESK).Le ministre a en outre affirmé que 156 personnes parmi celles détenuessamedi étaient <strong>de</strong>s membres d'organisations clan<strong>de</strong>stines, notamment le Parti<strong>et</strong> Front Révolutionnaire <strong>de</strong> Libération Populaire (DHKP-C) <strong>et</strong>. le Parti <strong>de</strong>sTravailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparati"st.e). .Une dizaine dë journalistes avaient été molestés par la police lors <strong>de</strong>l'intervention.<strong>de</strong> celle-ci pour dissiper les manifestants, sur la riveeuropéenne du Bosphore, non loin du site <strong>de</strong> la conférence internat.ionale <strong>de</strong>l'ONU sur les villes, Habitat II.La police avait interpellé plusieurs centaines <strong>de</strong> manifestants."Il est regr<strong>et</strong>table que les journalistes aient subi <strong>de</strong>s mauvaistraitements, du fait du recours légal à la force", a déclaré M. Guney dansun communiqué. ."Les mesures prises pour contenir les foules comportent toujours <strong>de</strong>hauts risques" pour les journalistes, a-t-il estimé.A propos <strong>de</strong> la manifestation, le ministre a ajouté que l'''organisationd'une telle action, qui pouvait porter préjudice à l'image <strong>de</strong> la Turquie" àl'extérieur, "n'était pas admissible".M. Guneya affirmé "qu'une fois la manifestation autorisée, lesorganisations clan<strong>de</strong>stines d'extrême-gauche auraient pu l'exploiter commeelles l'ont fait à l'occasion du 1er mai". Il faisait allusion à <strong>de</strong>sémeutes qui avaient fait 3 morts <strong>et</strong> plusieurs dizaines <strong>de</strong> blessés, lors <strong>de</strong>manifestations du 1er mai à istanbul.KG/hc/mr t.fAFP /AA1234/101747 JUN 96FRS0919 4 l 0172 RFA /AFP-WK87Turquie -KU,r<strong>de</strong>sLe PKK déci<strong>de</strong> la reprise <strong>de</strong> ses actions militaires contre la TurquieBONN, 10 juin (AFP) - Le parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK) adécidé <strong>de</strong> reprendre ses actions militaires contre la Turquie, rompant uncessez-le-feu décrété unilatéralement le 15 décembre, a annoncé lundi soirle Centre <strong>d'information</strong> du Kurdistan en Allemagne ..Ce cessez-le-feu, affirme le communiqué du centre installé à Cologne(ouest), a été "respecté sans discontinué". Toutefois, poursuit-il, une"4ème conférence nationale kur<strong>de</strong>" a "constaté que c<strong>et</strong>te offre était nonseulement restée sans réponse du gouvernement turc mais que là guerre menéepar les militaires turcs avait encore été renforcée pendant c<strong>et</strong>te pério<strong>de</strong>".Le communiqué ne précise ni la date, ni le lieu ni les participants àc<strong>et</strong>te conférence."La 4èmeconférence nationale a également décidé <strong>de</strong> conduire <strong>de</strong>sattaques ciblées contre <strong>de</strong>s objectifs stratégiques dans lesquelles <strong>de</strong>scommandos suici<strong>de</strong> doivent être engagés", aj.oute le communiqué.ha/mr EUA.F.AFP /AA1234/102.109 JUN. ~6AlP. - A~en

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iIraq opposes Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfortcomprising just Turkey and USBy lIour ÇevikTurkish Daifv N,.....fANKARA- Iraq's Dermty Prime MinisterTari

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i......=-r LTurkisb Dai/vNeu~ MO!\DÀY.JC~E JO. 1996.'Turkey.is asking us to con<strong>de</strong>mn the PKK. This is not our.job or duty. I insist that the' PUK .will do its best for thesecurity of Turkey's bor<strong>de</strong>rs, and Ithink this is enough'By Ayse Karabat Now the United States has bases in Jordan andinTurkish Daily News Kuwait, while in the Gulf they have a naval fle<strong>et</strong>.. DUKAN/5ULA YMANIY AH, northern Iraq- Jatal They can use all these to frighten Saddam HusseinTalabani one of the Iraqi Kurds' top two lea<strong>de</strong>rs, from interfering. There are voices in Turkey askingaccuses Turkey of using itîfuennission for a Western for the removal of OPC. I don't think they are seriairforce to keep Saddarn ussein's forces at bayas aus.an instrument of blackmail. OPC was the best means, the best way for TurkeyThe lea<strong>de</strong>r of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan to interfere in the internal affairs of Iraqi Kurdistan. (PUK) sees the transfer of the small but powerful air and control Kurds' relations with the United Statesarmada from southern Turkey to either Jordan or and Europe by just being a part of this force, to keep,Kuwait as being in everybody's interest. . it within this framework of so-called "Iraqization'For more than four .years, the U.S.-British-French of the problem ... force composed of about 80 warplane~ and ,suppo!,! I don't think that the Turkish politicians are seriaircrafthas been <strong>de</strong>ployed at Turkep InCITlik air aus when the" are calling for the removal. If I wasbase un<strong>de</strong>r Operation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort (OPC) to in place of Ainerica I would say OK, remove it and<strong>de</strong>ter an Iraqi attack on the Kurdish enclave. take it to Jordan or Kuwait to protect the IraqiUn<strong>de</strong>r pressure from the country's Western allies, Kurds, and I would turn to Saddam Hussein and say.Turkish governments have regularly exten<strong>de</strong>d the "If you are attacking Kurds I will attack you, withstay of the Western warplanes - albeit with increas- missiles, with planes," and I think Saddam Husseining difficulty, since the Parliament fe.els the pro- will never dare to confront the United States.longed restriction of Baghdad's authority'in the 1)orthhelps the emergence of an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt Kurdish stateand whips up separatism among Turkey's own 12million Kurds. Turkey has been enga$ed in combatwith the separatist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKKlsince 1984. .In an exclusive interview with the TON soon afterthe recent oil-far-food agreement b<strong>et</strong>ween the UnitedNations and the Baghdad ~overnment, the .ebullientKurdish lea<strong>de</strong>r disclosed his views on a broad rangeof subjects. The <strong>de</strong>al allows Iraq to sell limitedamounts of oil every 90 days to pay for its imports ofessential provisions for the IraqI people sufferingun<strong>de</strong>r a strictly-enforced U.N. tra<strong>de</strong> embargo sinceIrag's GulfWarIraqi Kurds,<strong>de</strong>feat.having s<strong>et</strong> up their own regionaladmimstration in the north with Western protection,are to receive about $130 to $150 million from the oilsales.Talabani also spoke about the current state. of relationswith Massoud Barzani, his archrivalthe Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP).who heads,..'We will ensure thesecurity of the bor<strong>de</strong>r'TDN. Now there is a cease-flTe b<strong>et</strong>ween the KDPand the PUK. But this is not a real peace. What will.make you and the KDP end your conflict?TALABANI. A cease-fire doesn't mean a durablepeace, but also it doesn' t mean war. This is veryImportant. For us peace is in the interests of the Iraqi.people struggling againstWe think It is possibl<strong>et</strong>he dictatorship.that if our friends in UnitedStates and Turkeyare more serious, and' if they us<strong>et</strong>heir influence. we can make peace. Turkis'h policy.encouraged the'fight.They encouraged the KDP by providing arms andmoney against the PUK. Later Turkey's "clever men"discovered that as the KDP moved its forces from theBadinan and Duhok areas - close to the Turkish bor-.<strong>de</strong>r - to other areas, to confront the PUK, thereemerged a vacuum used by the PKK, which became abig force in Badinan.The KDP is not able to control it, so TurkishFollowing are excerpts.. authorities realized that their policy was wrong. Theyfrom the interview: started joininl! the U.S. mediation efforts. But theyalso refrainedlrom playing a positive role. .TDN. Howdo you e,'a1uate the ongoing <strong>de</strong>bates I can give vou one example. The Iranians also callin Turkey about ÖPC? . ' us to protect ihe Iranian bor<strong>de</strong>r - against infiltrationTALABANI. OPC was very useful in the begin- by the Iranian Kurds sheltering in northern Iraq. We.ning. We are grateful to all those who participated, . prevent Iranian Kurds from crossing the bor<strong>de</strong>r.flTSt to the Turks. As a matter of fact. it will be b<strong>et</strong>- But they didn't ask us to con<strong>de</strong>mn the Iranian KDP~er for all of us if it can be moved from Turkey to as a terrorist movement or as an anti-Islam move-.Jordan or to Kuwait - provi<strong>de</strong>d, of course. that the ment... United States, Britain and France remain committed But Turkev asks us to con<strong>de</strong>mn the PKK. This isto preventing Séiddam Hussein from attackinl! not our job, our duty. We are ready to participate inKurdistan. me Kurds in the area will be pleasea ensuring the securityof the Turkish bor<strong>de</strong>r. This isw.itb such a <strong>de</strong>velopment, because the present what Turkey has to ask from us. This. of course. is<strong>de</strong>plo)'!IIent creates problems for the Kurds as well . Turkey' s righ.t. We will do our best for the security of,as the Turks. the bor<strong>de</strong>r With our m<strong>et</strong>hods, with our tactics, withIt is continuously being used by Turkev as an our plans. I promise that the PUK will do its best forinstrument of blackmal1 against the Kurds, the security of the Turkish bor<strong>de</strong>r but I think this isAmericans and others. enough foiTurkey ...-146

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i'We have to keepgood relations with Iran'TDN. The United States has <strong>de</strong>clared that it hassome doubts about [ran. They said Iran was a threatto [raq' ~territorial integrity.TALABANI. This is an exaggerated perception ofIranian influence. There is no Iranian influence inIraqi Kurdistan.There has been a certain kind of relationshipb<strong>et</strong>ween Iranian and Iraqi Kurds for a long time.Friendship. All of us, the KDP, the PUK, otherKurdish parties, are <strong>de</strong>pending on Iran in our strugglewith the Iraqi dictatorshir' But this does not meanthat we are followers 0 Iran's example. We are<strong>de</strong>mocratic, socialist and secular. Iran is differentfrom us. Secondly, we have full rights, and this is ourduty. to improve our relations willi [ran. Because wehave a lon~ bor<strong>de</strong>r with Iran we cannot afford toantagonize lehran.For example, Turkey is tryin$ to maintain goodrelations with [ran. So why shoulan't we?TDN. There are those who say that Turkey has lostin northern [raq while Syria and [ran have won.TALAB~Nf. I can agree with this. TurlCey, afterPresi<strong>de</strong>nt Ozal, .lost its mfluence in Iraqi Kurdistan.At the time of Ozal. Turkey had very good relationswith [raqi Kurdistan. We were very close to Turkey.We were consulting, negotiating and talking with theTurkish authorities even before going to Europe.When passim! through Turkey on our way back, wewould brief die Turkish authorities. Then Turkey wasthe main force in Iraqi Kurdistan.But especially after Çiller was elected, Tur.kish foreignpolicy totally changed. At the time of Ozal theywere a~ainst the Iraqi dictatorship. At the time ofÇiller tney <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to turn toward the Iraqi dictatorship.and turned aaaj,nst the [raqi opposition.At the time of Ozal they were not against ourregional government, our elections, our freedom.Later they turned even against the words "Kurd" and"Kurdistan. "I don't know wh<strong>et</strong>her you know that the Turkishambassador in Prague ma<strong>de</strong> several representationswith the Czech Foreign Ministry because there is anightclub named "Kurdistan." This is som<strong>et</strong>hing"Strange.Turkish foreign policy <strong>de</strong>liberately changed,turned against Iraqi Kurdistan and tried to push usback."The lea<strong>de</strong>r of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Jalal Talabani. says Turkey has used ope as an instrument of blackmail.147

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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iDie türkischen Alawiten als AussenseiterEmanzipation und Ausgrenzung einer religiösen Min<strong>de</strong>rheitVon Priska Furre"-.-Ṇ ...,.;zIn <strong>de</strong>r Türkei sind zunehmen<strong>de</strong> Spannungen zwischen <strong>de</strong>r Mehrheit <strong>de</strong>r Sunniten und <strong>de</strong>rMin<strong>de</strong>rheit <strong>de</strong>r Alawiten zu registrieren. Diese Religionsgemeinschaft macht nach Schätzungen20 bis 25 Prozent <strong>de</strong>r Bevölkerung aus und ist über das ganze Land verteilt. Sie stellt,ähnlich wie die Kur<strong>de</strong>n, <strong>de</strong>n Einheitsmythos <strong>de</strong>s kemalistischen Staates in Frage. Das Gerohl,auch von seiten dieses Staates zunehmend unter Druck zu geraten, hat bei <strong>de</strong>n Alawi-.ten das Bewusstsein <strong>de</strong>r eigenen Son<strong>de</strong>ri<strong>de</strong>ntität verstärkt.Bil<strong>de</strong>r von einem brennen<strong>de</strong>n Hotel inmitteneiner fanatisierten Zuschauermenge haben im Juli1993 weit über die Türkei hinaus für Aufsehen gesorgt:Bei einem Brandanschlag auf die Teilnehmereiner Ge<strong>de</strong>nkveranstaltung für <strong>de</strong>n alawitischenVolksdichter Pir Sultan Abdal aus <strong>de</strong>m16. Jahrhun<strong>de</strong>rt kamen in <strong>de</strong>r zentralanatolischenStadt Sivas 37 Personen ums Leben. Seitherwur<strong>de</strong> es nicht mehr still um die türkischen Alawiten:Im September 1994 liess die von <strong>de</strong>r Refah-Parteigebil<strong>de</strong>te Stadtverwaltung von Istanbuleine ihrer Versammlungsstätten nie<strong>de</strong>rreissen.Nach Schüssen auf vorwiegend von Alawiten frerquentierteLokale kam es im März 1995 zu blutigenAusschreitungen im Istanbuler Stadtteil Gaziosmanpasa,und seit Mitte Februar 1996 häufensich Benchte darüber, dass die türkischen Sicherheitskräftein <strong>de</strong>r Gegend von Sivas Dutzen<strong>de</strong>von alawitischen Dörfern aus «Sicherheitsgrün<strong>de</strong>n»geräumt hätten. -Ein neuer KonfiiktherdDie Chronologie <strong>de</strong>r Ereignisse verweist aufeinen neuen Konfliktherd im ohnehin schon gespanntenpolitischen Gefüge <strong>de</strong>r Türkei. Die türkischeÖffentlichkeit ist mit <strong>de</strong>r Existenz einerweiteren Bevölkerungsgruppe konfrontiert, die -wie die Kur<strong>de</strong>n - <strong>de</strong>n lange gepflegten Einheitsmythosin Frage stellt. Doch wer ist dieseGruppe? Sind es Schiiten? Kur<strong>de</strong>n? Sich ein klaresBild von <strong>de</strong>n alawitischen Landsleuten zumachen, sie einer religiösen, <strong>et</strong>hnischen o<strong>de</strong>r politischenKategorie zuzuordnen, fâllt <strong>de</strong>r tûrkischenMehrheitsbevölkerung schwer. Uralte Vorurteileund Halbwissen. sind oft das einzige, worüber.man verfügt.Nicht nur im Westen, son<strong>de</strong>rn auch in <strong>de</strong>r Türkeiweit verbreit<strong>et</strong> ist die Gleichs<strong>et</strong>zung von Alawitenund Kur<strong>de</strong>n. Der Begriff «Kur<strong>de</strong>») scheint.in <strong>de</strong>r Vorstellung wenig informierter Türkenheute alle möglichen Gruppen zu umfassen, dieals «an<strong>de</strong>rs)) und potentiell illoyal empfun<strong>de</strong>nwer<strong>de</strong>n, ohne dass man über sie im einzelnen genauerinformiert wäre - Folge natürlich auch einerstaatlichen Politik, die çs '~ödèrheiten kaum jeeflaubte, ihre Son<strong>de</strong>ri<strong>de</strong>ntitätèn offen 'ausitidiükken.Es stimmt zwar, dass eS \lI;lter <strong>de</strong>n AlawitenKür<strong>de</strong>n gibt; und diese sind wegen inrer doppeltenMinorisierung in einer politisch beson<strong>de</strong>rsalawitische Mehr-heiklen Situation. Dabei istdièheit türkischsprachig .Abgrenzung gegen osmanischeund iranische SchiaSunnaWas die Alawiten als Gruppe <strong>de</strong>finiert, ist nichtdie Sprache, son<strong>de</strong>rn das religiöse Bekenntnis. Es• Die Autorin ist Lehrbeauftragte fùr Türkisch an <strong>de</strong>r univer.1sitllt Bern.----------------unterschei<strong>de</strong>t sie von <strong>de</strong>r Mehrheit <strong>de</strong>r sunnitisehenTürken und Kur<strong>de</strong>n. Dies be<strong>de</strong>ut<strong>et</strong> allerdingsnicht, dass sie ganz ohne Vorbehalte <strong>de</strong>rzweiten grossen islamischen Konfession, <strong>de</strong>rSchia. zuzurechnen sind. Die klare Abgrenzungvon <strong>de</strong>n iranischen Schiiten macht heute einenwesentlichen Teil alawitischen Selbstverständnissesaus. Die Alawiten teilen zwar wichtige Elementeihres Glaubens mit <strong>de</strong>r zwölfer-schiitischenRichtung, wie sie in Iran vorherrscht, so die VerehrungAlis, <strong>de</strong>s Schwiegersohns und VertrautenMohammeds - nach ihm bezeichnen sie sich als«Alawh), also Anhänger Alis -, und die Überzeugung,einzig Ali und seinen Nachkommen, <strong>de</strong>n'zwölf Imamen, sei die Führerschaft <strong>de</strong>r islami-:schen Gemein<strong>de</strong> legitimerweise zugestan<strong>de</strong>n.Doch die weitere Entwicklung <strong>de</strong>r schiitischenTheologie haben sie nicht mitvollzogen. Grund,für die Abkoppelung <strong>de</strong>r Alawiten vom iranischenSchiismus ist die politische Entwicklung.Noma<strong>de</strong>nkriegerim Dienst <strong>de</strong>s SchahsDie Vorformen <strong>de</strong>r heutigen alawitischen Gemeinschaftlassen sich zurückverfolgen bis ins15. Jahrhun<strong>de</strong>rt. Teile <strong>de</strong>r turkmenischen Noma<strong>de</strong>nAnatoliens verehrten damals die Scheichs <strong>de</strong>smilitanten Sufi-Or<strong>de</strong>ns <strong>de</strong>r Safawi<strong>de</strong>n aus Ardabilin Aserbeidschan als geistige Führer. Ihre Religiositätentsprach we<strong>de</strong>r sunnitischer noch schiitischer«Orthodoxie». Sie war volkstümlich,mystisch geprägt und mit vorislamisch-schamanistischenElementen durchs<strong>et</strong>zt. Nur durch <strong>de</strong>nKult um die Person Alis war eine gewisse Nähezur Schia gegeben. Die Safawi<strong>de</strong>n nutzten <strong>de</strong>nGlaubenseifer und die militärische Schlagkraftihrer nomadischen Anhänger - auf Grund einer'roten Kopfbe<strong>de</strong>ckung wur<strong>de</strong>n diese «Kizilbas)~(Rotköpfe) genannt - machtpolitisch aus. .Nach grossflächigen Eroberungszügen auf ira-.nischem Gebi<strong>et</strong> ernannte sich <strong>de</strong>r Safawi<strong>de</strong>n-.scheich Ismail 1501 zum Schah von Iran. Damitknüpften sich die Heilserwartungen <strong>de</strong>rjenigenKizilbas, die im osmanischen Machtbereich lebten,erst recht an seine Person. Teile <strong>de</strong>r anatoli~schen Bevölkerung sahen in ihm, <strong>de</strong>r nun religiö';ses Sendungsbewusstsein mit weltlicher Machtvereinte,eine vergöttlichte Erlösergestalt. Unzufrie<strong>de</strong>nheitmit <strong>de</strong>n zentralistischen Ten<strong>de</strong>nzen<strong>de</strong>r eigenen osmanischen Oberherren verstärkte'die Safawi<strong>de</strong>nbegeisterung nur.Zur gegenseitigen Abgrenzung nutzten die mit"einan<strong>de</strong>r rivalisieren<strong>de</strong>n Safawi<strong>de</strong>n und Osmanenauch die Religion: Schah Ismail machte die Zwölfer-Schiaoffiziell zur Staatsreligion Irans. Diesesneue Bekenntnis übernahmen - allerdings reinnominell - auch seine Anhänger in Anatolien ..Die Osmanensultane ihrerseits verstärkten gezieltdie Position <strong>de</strong>r sunnitischen Theologen undRechtsgelehrten in ihrem Reich. Gegen die inneren«Vorposten» <strong>de</strong>s bedrohlichen Nachbarn ~in-149

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>igen sie nun hart vor. Die Anhänger <strong>de</strong>r Safawi<strong>de</strong>nwur<strong>de</strong>n als «K<strong>et</strong>zer» verfolgt und massenweise.'verbannt o<strong>de</strong>r hingericht<strong>et</strong>'. Trotz<strong>de</strong>m kam esnoch fast ein Jahrhun<strong>de</strong>rt lang immer wie<strong>de</strong>r z\!'antiosmanischen Volksaufstän<strong>de</strong>n. Eist am An'-fang <strong>de</strong>s 17. Jahrhun<strong>de</strong>rts waren die Kizilbas soweit geschwächt, dass sie keine grössere Gefahr,mehr darstellten. S,ie zogen ,sich inc~pgel~geneUebilite .ziuuck und' entWickelten . dort dieReligionsfonn und die ganz eigene Sozialstruktur, .die heute mit <strong>de</strong>m Begriff Alawitum bezeiChn<strong>et</strong>wird. Dies geschah in weitgehen<strong>de</strong>r Isolation vomRest <strong>de</strong>r osmanischen Gesellschaft und in Isolationwohlgemerkt auch von Iran, wo dieSafawi<strong>de</strong>n nach ihrer Machtergreifung eine legalistische«Hoch-Schia» för<strong>de</strong>rten, die mit <strong>de</strong>m.volkstümlichen Alll~itum wenig gemeins aIIl _hat.Begräbnis von Opfern <strong>de</strong>r Krawalle im Istanbuler Viertel GaziosmanpasavJm März 1995. (Bild key)Anerkennung, Glau~ensfr:lheit und An~rkenn{ing aIs. gleic!i~berechtIgte Burger versprach <strong>de</strong>n Alawiten.erst~'mal~ die laizistischè türkische Republik.' Mit'<strong>de</strong>InKal~fat, <strong>de</strong>m Sultanat. und <strong>de</strong>n religiösen Scharià.:.Genc~ten sc~a~ten die K~inalisten Ata«!ikS g~.!lau die<strong>Institut</strong>IOnen ab, die ;für die ,AlawlteriImmer Inbegriff <strong>de</strong>r Verfolgung gewesen waCèn:'Gute ,Vor~uss<strong>et</strong>zungen für eine 'Einbindung dm'~awlten 10 das .neue politische.undgesellsch~ft,hche System bestan<strong>de</strong>n auch SOnst: Die Alawiten.haben ihren Glauben kaum sebriftlioh,fixièrt i\Uld:l~gen 'tra~itionellerweisé mèhr' Wert 'àuf persönhcheEthik <strong>de</strong>nn auf die äusserlichen Zeichen vonFrö~~!~~eit: Daher ~che.int ihnen eine gewisseFlexlblhtat eigen zu sem; Ihnen fiel es leichter alsan<strong>de</strong>ren, sich in einer säkularen Gesellschaft zurechtzufin<strong>de</strong>n.So gehörten sie mit zu <strong>de</strong>n treuest~n~tützen <strong>de</strong>s kemalistischen Refonnwerks.Viele I~rer .Exponenten. waren Mitglie<strong>de</strong>r in <strong>de</strong>r~epubhkamsch~n Volkspartei Atatürks - diesJedoch, ohne sich als Alawiten zu artikuliereno<strong>de</strong>r für alawitische Son<strong>de</strong>rinteressen einzutr<strong>et</strong>en ..Aus alawitischer Sicht schien dafür lange Zeitauch kaum Anlass zu bestehen.unter Atatiiik' - Verfolgung heuteLandfluchtscharrt ReibungsflächenHeute hat die Landfluchtbewegung in <strong>de</strong>r Tür.kei längst auch die Alawi-Dörfer erfasst. VieleAlawiten sind in die Städte gezogen und lebennun Tür an Tür mit sunnitischen Nachbarn. VermehrteKontakte zwischen <strong>de</strong>n Bevölkerungs-'.gruppen ergaben sich daraus, aber auch neue Rei- .bungsflächen. Weil die Alawiten die Pflicht zu'Ritualgeb<strong>et</strong>, <strong>de</strong>m Moscheebesuch o<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>mFasten im Ramadan nicht anerkennen, bleiben siefür traditionalistische Sunniten Ungläubige o<strong>de</strong>rK<strong>et</strong>zer, Auch dass sie unrein und schmutzig seien,gehört zum Inventar antialawitischer Vorstellun- .. gen, und um ihre religiösen Zeremonien ranken'.sich noch immer die jahrhun<strong>de</strong>rtealten Phan ta-,sien von Alkoholexzessen und sexuellen Aus-.schweifungen.Zu genauerer Kenntnis über die Alawiten zukommen fiel allerdings lange auch gar nicht leicht.Denn aus Angst vor Feindseligkeiten gaben sichdie meisten Alawiten bis in die jüngste Zeit nichtzu erkennen. Information über ihre Glaubenspraxiswar AusseQstehen<strong>de</strong>.n.!çaum.zugänglieh..150

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i"-weil sich das Alawitum lange als GeheimÏehrCverstand, die nur <strong>de</strong>n durch alawitische Geburtdazu Berechtigten offenstand. Mit dieser Exk1usiyitlltverband sich durchaus auch eine gewisseHerablassung mr <strong>de</strong>n sunnitischen Islam: F~(Alawiten repräsentiert er eine auf Äusserlichkeiltenberuhen<strong>de</strong> Form <strong>de</strong>r Religion, die sie selberhinter sich gelassen haben.Die Integration <strong>de</strong>r Alawiten in die türkische'Gesellschaft brachte kaum einen Abbau <strong>de</strong>r Ressentiments,dafür aber ei,nen massiven Umbruch,innerhalb <strong>de</strong>s Alawitums. Selbstverständnis undreligiös-soziale Organisationsform <strong>de</strong>r Gruppehatten immer auf...cl<strong>et</strong> strikten Abgrenzung gege~.WlSCD' beruht. Nur <strong>de</strong>r absolute Zusammenhalt<strong>de</strong>r Gemeinschaft hatte zu Zeiten <strong>de</strong>r VerfolgungdasÜberleben <strong>de</strong>s Individuums garantiert. J<strong>et</strong>ztda ein grosser Teil dér äusseren Bedrohung weggefallenwar, wur<strong>de</strong>n das Gemeinschaftsleben..und die religiösen Zusammenkünfte von vielen.nicht mehr als sinngebend erlebt. Religiöses Wissenwur<strong>de</strong> kaum mehr weitergegeben und bliebvielen jungen Alawiten fremd. Die überliefertenSozialstrukturen lösten sich auf.H<strong>et</strong>zkampagnen und VereinnahmungTrotz<strong>de</strong>m blieb die Vorstellung von einer eigenenalawitischen I<strong>de</strong>ntitllt bestehen. Nur wUr<strong>de</strong>sie neu in einem säkularisierten Sinn ge<strong>de</strong>ut<strong>et</strong>.Laizismus, Toleranz, Demokratie und Fortschrittlichkeitsind die Begriffe, die heute im alawitischenSelbstbild eine zentrale Rolle spielen undin <strong>de</strong>r Selbstdarstellung gegen aussen fast schlagwortartigimmer wie<strong>de</strong>rkehren. In <strong>de</strong>r Zeit <strong>de</strong>rpolitischen Unks-Rec;hts-Polarisierung hattennoch an<strong>de</strong>re Begriffe Konjunktur: Die alawitischenTraditionen <strong>de</strong>r Gruppeil$o1idarität und <strong>de</strong>rOpposition gegen staatliche Unterdrückung interpr<strong>et</strong>iertenjunge Alawiten als «Sozialismus» und«Antifaschismus» .. Dies allerdings brachte <strong>de</strong>nAlawiten die pauschale Charakterisierung alsKOnl.munisten ein. Antialawitische H<strong>et</strong>zkampagnen<strong>de</strong>r extremen Rechten waren die Folge undEn<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>r siebziger Jahre blutige antialawitischeAusschreitungen in Malatya, Sivas, Corum undKahraman-Maras.Von Staat und Parteien fùhlen sich die Alawitenseither zunehmend im Stich gelassen. Denndie Existenz von sunnitisch-alawitischen Spannungenwird von ofTlZÎellerSeite ganz einfach abgestritten.In <strong>de</strong>n Verlautbarungen <strong>de</strong>s Präsidiumsfür Religionsangelegenheiten wer<strong>de</strong>n die Unterschie<strong>de</strong>zwischen <strong>de</strong>n bei<strong>de</strong>n Gruppen heruntergespieltund eine eigenständige alawitische Religiositätgeleugn<strong>et</strong>. Die Form <strong>de</strong>s Islams, diedurch die staatliche Religionspolitik und <strong>de</strong>n seit1982 obligatorischen Religionsunterricht geför<strong>de</strong>rtwird, entspricht ganz klar rein sunnitischenVorstellungen. Als Reaktion auf diese Versuche,sie mr einen staatlich verordn<strong>et</strong>en Einheitsislamzu vereinnahmen, haben die Alawiten in <strong>de</strong>n l<strong>et</strong>ztenJahren begonnen, sich erstmals in <strong>de</strong>r Ge~schichte <strong>de</strong>r türkischen Republik öffentlich alseigenständige Gruppe zu artikulieren. .D.~.diealten Gemeinschaftsstrukturen weitgehend zerfallensind, erfolgt di~s heute QberVereine, Stiftungenund eine wachsen<strong>de</strong> Flut voril>ùblikationen.Auch die liberale türkische Presse hat die Alawitenent<strong>de</strong>ckt und publiziert recht positiv gehalteneBerichte über sie. Dies nicht zul<strong>et</strong>zt <strong>de</strong>shalb weilman in ihnen wichtige Verbün<strong>de</strong>te im I6mpfgegen <strong>de</strong>n anwachsen<strong>de</strong>n Antilaizismus sieht.Suche nach <strong>de</strong>r eigenen I<strong>de</strong>ntitätUnter <strong>de</strong>n Alawiten selber hat das Geffihl, zu,. nehmend unter Druck zu geraten, einen Prozess<strong>de</strong>r Neu<strong>de</strong>finition <strong>de</strong>r eigenen I<strong>de</strong>ntität in Gang: ges<strong>et</strong>zt. Was diese genau ausmacht, ob sie poli~tisch zu verstehen ist, kulturell o<strong>de</strong>r religiös unèÎin welcher Form die Gemeinschaft in Zukunft ZUorganisieren sei, darüber herrscht kaum Einigkeitunter <strong>de</strong>n verschie<strong>de</strong>nen alawitischen Organisationen.Nicht zu übersehen ist allerdings eines:Religiöse Traditionen scheinen bei <strong>de</strong>r jüngerenGeneratiol) seit ne'llegtem wie<strong>de</strong>r an Attraktivität1tu:~Wimlen. . ... ..... .'Neue Ptotè~1àktioltenin türkisèhtm:CefängnissenBessere Hafth!!di;,gu~en gefor<strong>de</strong>rtit. Istanbul,8. Jun~In <strong>de</strong>n Son<strong>de</strong>rgefängnissen <strong>de</strong>r Türkei ist seiteinigen Wochen eine neue, ständig zunehmen<strong>de</strong>Welle von Hungerstreiks im Gange, die aber bislangvon <strong>de</strong>n Turbulenzen auf <strong>de</strong>r politischenSzene überschatt<strong>et</strong> wur<strong>de</strong>. Die jüngsten Protestehaben nach Angaben <strong>de</strong>s türkischen Menschenrechtsvereinsmit einem Hungerstreik im Son<strong>de</strong>rgefängnisvon Diyarbakir begonnen. Mittlerweileb<strong>et</strong>eiligten sich inf gânzèrt Land rund 10 000 Gefangenein 43 Aqs.talten an <strong>de</strong>r Aktion, unterihnen auch die inhaftierten kurdischen Abgeordn<strong>et</strong>~nLeyl~ Zan~ Hatip Diele, Orhan Dogan undSehm Sadak. Alisserhalb <strong>de</strong>r Gefängnismauem •.vor allem in <strong>de</strong>n Büros <strong>de</strong>r prokurdischen ParteiHa<strong>de</strong>p, schlossen sich Familienmitglie<strong>de</strong>r vopGefangenen <strong>de</strong>r Protestbewegung an.Familienmitglie<strong>de</strong>r und ihre Anwälte, Menschenrechtlerund' Gewerkschaf ter haben am Freitagauf <strong>de</strong>m zentralèn Taksim-Platz in Istaftbuleine Pressekonferenz organisiert, um die Teilneh:mer <strong>de</strong>r Uno-K0!lfereJ17; Habitat II auf die Pro~bleme in <strong>de</strong>n türkiSChen Gefängnissen .aufmerksamzu machen. Sie wur<strong>de</strong>n von. <strong>de</strong>r Polizei verhaft<strong>et</strong>,noch bevor sie über die For<strong>de</strong>rungen <strong>de</strong>rHungerstreikendèn sprechen konnten.Eine <strong>de</strong>r wichtigsten For<strong>de</strong>rungen war bis zumRücktritt <strong>de</strong>r Reiîe~ die Ablösung <strong>de</strong>s Justizministers,~eh~t' ~#. Dieser war als Poliieichefberüchtigt, .scwe~~ doch unter seiner Füh.rung die Polizei yor i'e~Qer Folterm<strong>et</strong>ho<strong>de</strong> zurück.Er soll als erstér Polizeichef in <strong>de</strong>n westlichenStlldten <strong>de</strong>r Türkei To<strong>de</strong>sschwadronen eingembrthaben. Weiter for<strong>de</strong>rn. die Gefangenen ein~ Verbesserung<strong>de</strong>r Haftbedingungen. Die Gefängnissesind überbelegt und feucht, die Ernährung <strong>de</strong>rGefangenen ist ungenügend, die medizinisç:heVersorgung praktisch inexistent,151

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iSchauplatzTürkeiDie lange AnklagehallkEin Massenprozess gegen Künstler und IntellektuelleIm Schatten <strong>de</strong>r gegenwärtigen Regierungskrise läuft in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei ein Prozess. in <strong>de</strong>m über tausendKultur- und Medienschaffen<strong>de</strong> sich wegen «staatsfeindlicher» Aktivitäten verantworten müssen.Neben <strong>de</strong>r staatlichen Repression sieht <strong>de</strong>r Journalist Tugrul Eryilmaz die sich verstärken<strong>de</strong>religiäs-fundamentalistische Bewegu.ng als neue Gefahr für das Geistesleben.Während in Istanbul die Uno-Städtekonferenz '«Habitat Il>>mit erheblichem Aufwand über dieBühne geht, stehen dort auch gegen hun<strong>de</strong>rt türkischeKulturschatTen<strong>de</strong> vor <strong>de</strong>n Schranken <strong>de</strong>sStaatssicherheitsgerichts. Sie plädieren, dass es -entgegen <strong>de</strong>m Wortlaut <strong>de</strong>r Anklage - niemalsihre Absicht gewesen sei, durch ihre TätigkeitHass und Zwi<strong>et</strong>racht in <strong>de</strong>r Bevölkerung zu säen.Unter ihnen sind einige <strong>de</strong>r angesehenstenSchriftsteller, Filmstars, Musiker und Journalisten<strong>de</strong>s Lan<strong>de</strong>s; ihnen allen droht eine Haftstrafe,weil sie namentlich für die VerötTentlichung einesBuches zum Thema «Gedankenfreiheit in <strong>de</strong>rTürkei» vèrantwortlich zeichnen. Und die laufen<strong>de</strong>Verhandlung ist nur ein Segment einesgigantischen Prozesses, in <strong>de</strong>m 1087 Künstler undIntellektuelle sich vor <strong>de</strong>m türkischen Staat zuverantwo,rten haben; da die Zahl <strong>de</strong>r Angeklagtendas Fassungsvermögen <strong>de</strong>s Gerichtssaals bei weitemübersteigt, wer<strong>de</strong>n sie <strong>de</strong>n Behör<strong>de</strong>nvertr<strong>et</strong>erngruppenweise vorgeführt.Fernziel DemokratieGrundlage' und Nährbo<strong>de</strong>n je<strong>de</strong>r florieren<strong>de</strong>nKultur ist eine Staatsform, welche Meinungs- undAusdrucksfreiheit garantiert: die Demokratie. Fürdie Intellektuellen in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei. ist die persön- 'liche und geistige Entwicklung untrennbar verbun<strong>de</strong>nmit <strong>de</strong>r kontinuierlichen Auseinan<strong>de</strong>rs<strong>et</strong>zungmit einem Staat, <strong>de</strong>ssen wechseln<strong>de</strong> Machthabernicht gewillt scheinen, die für die Demokratisierunglängst überfälligen ges<strong>et</strong>zlichen undpolitischen ,Reformen in die Wege zu leiten. Somitsind fast alle KulturschatTen<strong>de</strong>n - im Gegensatzzu ihren Kollegen in jenem Westeuropa" <strong>de</strong>m sichdie Türkei so gern zugehörig fühlen möchte..,. frühero<strong>de</strong>r später zur militanten politischen Stellungnahmegezwungen. Dass dies, so gut wie dasbedrücken<strong>de</strong> und verunsichern<strong>de</strong> politische, Klimain <strong>de</strong>r Türkei; im Ausland zumin<strong>de</strong>st wahr-,genommen und yerstan<strong>de</strong>n wird, dokumentiertdie Solidaritätsbotschaft, welche - unterzeichn<strong>et</strong>von Arthur Miller, Allen Ginsberg, Susan Sontag,Harold Pinter und Tom Stoppard und vielenan<strong>de</strong>ren - am 31. Mai zum Beginn <strong>de</strong>r laufen<strong>de</strong>nGerichtsverhandlung eintraf: «In einem Land, woSchri,{tsteller vom Formateines Ya~ar Kemal für."ihre Ausserungen vorGericht zitiert wer<strong>de</strong>n, kann. es keine Ausdrucksfreiheit geben», heisst es darin,:«und wo Journalisten, die sich mit Tabuthemenwie <strong>de</strong>r Verfolgung <strong>de</strong>r kurdischen Minorität befassen,To<strong>de</strong>sdrohungen,. Verhaftung, Folter undpolitischem Mord ausges<strong>et</strong>zt sind, besteht keinePressefreiheit. Aber ohne Ausdrucks- und Pressefreiheitkann keine Demokratie existieren.»Trotz <strong>de</strong>n angeführten Repressalien war in <strong>de</strong>rTürkei nicht je<strong>de</strong>rmann gewillt, darüber zuschweigen, dass die Sicherheitskräfte im Kampfgegen die kurdischen Separatisten im Lauf <strong>de</strong>rl<strong>et</strong>zten zehn Jahre mehr als 2500 Dörfer im Südosten<strong>de</strong>s Lan<strong>de</strong>s zwangsevakuiert'und dabei überzwei Millionen Menschen ihres Obdachs und.~.ihrer Lebensgrundlage beraubt haben. Zahl-,reichen LiteraturschatTen<strong>de</strong>n, Aka<strong>de</strong>mikern undJournalisten hat ihre mutige Kritik Gerichtsverfahreno<strong>de</strong>r Haftstrafen eing<strong>et</strong>ragen.Unberechenbarund absurdEine beson<strong>de</strong>re Tücke <strong>de</strong>s türkischen Systems'besteht in seiner Unberechenbarkeit; in keinem,Falle ist vorauszusehen, wo genau die Machthaberd,ie Grenzen <strong>de</strong>r «Gedankenfreiheit» ziehenwer<strong>de</strong>n. Während ein Schriftsteller o<strong>de</strong>r Journalistsich unbehelligt zur Kur<strong>de</strong>nfrage äussernKann, lan<strong>de</strong>t 'ein an<strong>de</strong>rer - o<strong>de</strong>r eine an<strong>de</strong>re - imGefängnis; wenn <strong>de</strong>r eine Karikaturist o<strong>de</strong>r Fernsehproduzentfür seine Kritik am Vorgehen <strong>de</strong>rArmee lediglich eine bedingte Strafe kassiert o<strong>de</strong>rsogar freigesprochen wird, kann <strong>de</strong>r nächste zumehrjähriger Haft verurteilt wer<strong>de</strong>n. Der JournalistI~ik Yurtçu beispielsweise, ehemals Leitereiner mittlerweile verbotenen Tageszeitung, wirdsechzehn Jahre im Gefängnis verbringen müssen.Manchmal allerdings verkehrt sich die Tragödieins Groteske; so haben die türkischen Intellektuellenzumin<strong>de</strong>st gelegentlich noch, <strong>et</strong>was zulachen. Zurzeit <strong>et</strong>wa feiert in <strong>de</strong>n Kinos ein türkischerFilm Grosserfolge, <strong>de</strong>r die (authentische)Geschichte eines Mannes erzählt, <strong>de</strong>r vor langerZeit auf selbstgefertigten Schwingen über dasGol<strong>de</strong>ne Horn zu fliegen versuchte. Natürlichsind zeitkritische Anspielungen ins Szenario geschmuggelt;und natürlich führte <strong>de</strong>r Kulturministerunserer sogenannten :...und mittlerweile zerbrochenen- Koalitionsregierung in Presse undFernsehen einen erbitterten Krieg gegen <strong>de</strong>nStreifen. Der genaue Grund? Im Film wird ange<strong>de</strong>ut<strong>et</strong>,dass sich ein ottomanischer, Sultan gelegentlichauch mit jungen Männern vergnügthabe; darin sah <strong>de</strong>r treue biener seines Staatseine unverzeihliche Beleidigung' <strong>de</strong>s nationalen ,historischen Selbstverständnisses.Angesichts solcher aufgezwungener Tabus - dieauf praktisch je<strong>de</strong>m Denk- und Lebensbereich"lasten - ist es' <strong>de</strong>n türkischen Intellektuellen und 'Künstlern verwehrt, sich im eigenen' SchatTeno<strong>de</strong>r in gemeinsamer Diskussion unbehin<strong>de</strong>rt,und damit konstruktiv, mit grundlegen<strong>de</strong>n gesellschaftlichen,religiösen o<strong>de</strong>r politischen Fragen zubef~~~ fJ.Ind miUleJWeil~, d,roht sich vollendseine Zange urn die geistige Freiheit in unseremLand zu schliessen:'ltilgesiè:hts von Versagen undKorruption iimerhalb <strong>de</strong>r säkularen Staatsgewalthaben die islamischen Fundamentalisten wachsen<strong>de</strong>nZulauf. Wieviel an politischem und geistigemLiberalismus von dieser Seite zu erwartensein wird, ist bekannt - allerdings vielleicht nichtbis ins l<strong>et</strong>zte D<strong>et</strong>ail: So unterhalten die Islamistennämlich bereits privatè Fernsehkanäle, auf <strong>de</strong>nen<strong>de</strong>r Gebrauch <strong>de</strong>s Wortes «schaffen» untersagtist, weil Gott allein <strong>de</strong>s SchatTens mächtig sei.Muss - o<strong>de</strong>rkann - man hierzu noch <strong>et</strong>wassagen?H. Tugrul Eryilmaz152

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.EP. - A~eG[eframe Prelle-A.EP. - AJéîle frJ,ile PrÖlt-A,EP' - Aï:',: f':'l: P':"e-A.EP. - Aï:':: f':':t P;elle-A.EP. - A;e::e frc':e Prelle-A.EP. - A~enreframe Pre\\e-FRS0210 4 l 0277 RFA /AFP-AP71Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>sLe cessez-le-feu du PKK toujours en vigueur, selon le Centre <strong>d'information</strong>du KurdistanCOLOGNE (Allemagne), 11 juin (AFP) - Le Centre <strong>d'information</strong> duKurdistan en Allemagne a déclaré mardi que la reprise <strong>de</strong>s actionsmilitaires contre le régime turc décidée par le Parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs duKurdistan (PKK, séparatiste) ne s'appliquait qu'au "long terme" <strong>et</strong> que lecessez-le-feu "se poursuivait".Ce cessez-le-feu, décrété unilatéralement le 15 décembre <strong>de</strong>rnier par lePKK en Turquie, n'est pas rompu <strong>et</strong> est toujours en vigueur, a assuré mardile Centre <strong>d'information</strong> basé à Cologne (ouest), ajoutant que le PKK "resteprêt au dialogue pour trouver une solution politique".Le Centre explique ainsi qU'un communiqué précé<strong>de</strong>nt qu'il avait publiélundi soir <strong>et</strong> qui annonçait que le PKK avait décidé <strong>de</strong> reprendre sesactions militaires contre la Turquie avait conduit à "un malentendu".Ce communiqué avait annoncé la décision du PKK, prise lors d'une "4èmeconférence nationale kur<strong>de</strong>" dont la date n'a pas été précisée, <strong>de</strong>"renforcer ses actions militaires contre la Turquie", notamment par "<strong>de</strong>sattaques ciblées contre certaines villes <strong>et</strong> certains objectifs à portéestratégique dans lesquels <strong>de</strong>s commandos suici<strong>de</strong> doivent être engagés".Mardi, le Centre <strong>d'information</strong> du Kurdistan affirme que les "résolutionsconcernant la reprise <strong>et</strong> l'intensification <strong>de</strong> la guerre ne sont valablesqU'au cas où le cessez-le-feu prendrait fin". Elles doivent être comprisescomme étant "<strong>de</strong>s résolutions à long terme, <strong>et</strong> encore plus important, nesont valables qu'en temps <strong>de</strong> guerre", a assuré le Centre dans soncommuniqué publié mardi.amc/bm e.fAFP /AA1234/111030 .JUN 96A.F.P. -1~llle froncePressa-A.F.P. -lgelKl fralKePresll-A.F.P. -Agence fralO Presse-A.F.P. -igele flllKl Presse-A.F.P. -lgeMe fralllePressa-A.F.P. -l~n(t froncePresse-153

'Time for dying in the prisonsBy Jan PacalTurkish Daily NewsISTANBUL- The hunger strikes taking place in mor<strong>et</strong>han 40 prisons all over Turkeyare contmuing. But withsome of the prisoners into the 48th day of their protests, it isreported that some are at <strong>de</strong>ath'sdoor.'Nin<strong>et</strong>een prisoners from DiyarbakIr prison were reportedlybealen during their hunger strike and sent to Antepprison have reached the 48th day of their strike. In a <strong>de</strong>clarationgiven by the prisoners, it was reported that none willgive up the hunger strike although they are faced with<strong>de</strong>ath. According to information taken from the Jlrison, thehealth condition of 19 prisoners is very poor and is <strong>de</strong>terioratingrapidly. The families of.69 prisoners who startedfasting in June, are supporting theIr relatives by protestaction. Nearly 20 prisoners' relatives started a hunger strikein front of the Refah Party's Diyarbakir Headquarters.Refah' s DiyarbakIr regional chaIrman, Sadullati Seven,stated that Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agar, the Minister for Justice,.was not a,"justice, but tyranny tninister" and said they consi<strong>de</strong>r the'.activists as guests according to the <strong>de</strong>claration of their headnt'fiee. ' ."A human being, because of remorse, would conclu<strong>de</strong>this 48-day hunger strike by taking into consi<strong>de</strong>ration the<strong>de</strong>mands of these 19 prisoners," he said.The <strong>de</strong>mands of the prisoners are: .* The abolition of Mehm<strong>et</strong> A~ar' s circular l<strong>et</strong>ter's.* The closing of Eski~ehir Prison. '* Calling a halt to the attacks on prisoners' families.* An end to the attacks directed towards the right of self<strong>de</strong>fense..* The abolition of solitary confinement ,and of sending ofI?risoners to other prisons, often far away from theidamilies.Economist surveypessimistic onTurkey' s futureTurkish Daily New.~WASHINGTON - The Economist magazine, in a specialJune 8 survey, drew out a dark picture of Turkey, as adynamic country that is facing chaos unless it solves many ,economic, social and political problems that it faces, anddoes so in a hurry.If, for example, the Turkish army's allegedly "very brutal"battle agamst the PKK continues, it will help create"the separatist nationalism it wants to <strong>de</strong>stroy," Economistsaid. "If [the army] goes on, the country's religious, <strong>et</strong>hnicand political cracks may wi<strong>de</strong>n beyond spannmg, and the, Turkish state may simply become a brief pause in the longdisintegration of the Ottoman world.":~.•' ',Ii' .Tu'fkish Daily NewstÙEsDAV.JUNE 11.1996•Four economic problemsThe following are i<strong>de</strong>ntified as Turkey's top four economicproblems: "Subsidies for state enterprises, the costof war in the south-east, a huge black-mark<strong>et</strong> economy"and ineffective tax collection."Army, The surve~ focused on Army's role in tOOay's Turkey aswell since 'politics in Turkeyare<strong>de</strong>signed by tbe army."played out on a field"The prominent role played by the army is perhaps onereason why Turkey's <strong>de</strong>mocracy has never quite grown, up," the Economist said. "Pohticians can always hi<strong>de</strong>behind the army's back. For example, by <strong>de</strong>fining the civilwar in the south-east as "terrorism," they have simplyhan<strong>de</strong>d the problemsaid.to the security forces," the Economist.The army "gives no press briefings or interviews an<strong>de</strong>mploys no press officials. Its role remains ambivalent: itis both the guardian of the state and the strait-jack<strong>et</strong>prevent polttieal <strong>de</strong>velopment."which"Bridge?"The survey .zoomed in on the way Turkey has frequently, .been <strong>de</strong>scribed as the "bridge b<strong>et</strong>ween the East and theWest." That's simply not so, Economist said., "This is thewrong image. Individual Turks belong toeither east or west: these worlds are so different that there, is no effective bridge among them." ."Turkey is more like a tree," the survey silid, "with rootsin many different cultures and <strong>et</strong>hnicitits ... Each branchknows where it is going, but the tree as whole does not."The survey warned that "it is possible to imagine Turkey<strong>de</strong>scending mto chaos" if the government "fails to reformthe economy so that living standards fall further, if itallows the war in the east to continue, if there are riots inthe stre<strong>et</strong>s m<strong>et</strong> by a repressive police force."RefahWh<strong>et</strong>her the next government to tackle such problemswill be the pro-IslamIc Refah <strong>de</strong>pends on wh<strong>et</strong>her RI' willbe able to survive the splits among its own ranks,Economist notes. "Refah's dilemma now is wh<strong>et</strong>her tokeep playing the fundamentalist card or to mo<strong>de</strong>rate itsmessage. It may have .reached saturation support amongfundamentalists; but if it turns,mOOerate it may splh." ,As' a concr<strong>et</strong>e example to Refah' s problems, the surveymentioned the case of the missing female candidate candIdatesin December 1995 elections. "The purists rejoicedwhen it <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d not to field femaleprobably lost votes as a result."candIdates ... but itContradictionsTurkey is nevertheless a country with.a mighty potential,it is noted. Developing industrial centers hke Bursa addgreat vitality to the nation with its cheap and skilled workforc<strong>et</strong>hat can comp<strong>et</strong>e in world mark<strong>et</strong>s. Bursa earns $1billion annually from exports, half of which comes from6,000 small textile com~anies, Economist notes."But while "Turkey s heads an shoul<strong>de</strong>rs are thrusting.into the brave new world of global mark<strong>et</strong>s and universalculture, its leßs are firmly stuck in history, geography, warand poverty.' And that's the greatest obstacle to realizingdreams of "gol<strong>de</strong>n apple" in Turkey, Econotnist says -that is, dreams of jobs, homes, and a b<strong>et</strong>ter life in general,and joining the European Union in particular. ,154

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i--Reactions to Saturday'sinci<strong>de</strong>nts continueBy Zafer F. YörükTurkish Daily NewsISTANBUL- Reflections onSaturday's inci<strong>de</strong>nts in Istanbul'sBeyoglu district continue with theauthontiesthe laboron one si<strong>de</strong> and, on the other,unions and political partieswho were subjected to police VIOlenceand mass arrests.Minister of the Interior Ülkü Güneysaid that he was proud of the IstanbulPolice, who had acted "objectively andin <strong>de</strong>tennination" on Saturday.Güney claimed that they had receivedinformation that illegal organizationswould provoke the Confe<strong>de</strong>ration ofPublic Workers Unions (KESK) actionon Saturday, and that if the police hadnot dispersed the <strong>de</strong>monstratIOn at thattime, inci<strong>de</strong>nts similar to those that hadhappened on May Day - whe~ tra~itionalLabor Day <strong>de</strong>monstrations 10Istanbul' s Kadikoy district had turnedinto a full scale riot - would have takenplace again.. .Güney also said that the poilce ha<strong>de</strong>stablished that among the 156 arrestedwere members of illegal organizationssuch as the RevolutIOnary People'sLiberation Party-Front (DHKP- C), theTurkish Worker's and Peasant'sLiberation Army (T1KKO), and theMarxist Leninist Communist Party(MLKP).Güney stated that it had been impossibl<strong>et</strong>o allow an action to go ahead whichwould certainly have caused some negativeimpact on Turkey's image abroad.The minister also expressed regr<strong>et</strong> forthe way some members of the press hadbeen trealed by the police.Güney's statement came in parallel tothaI of Istanbul Chief of Police KemalYaliclOglu who had said on Saturdaythat "It should be known that we shallnot allow these illegal actions to goahead which aim to give a bad impressionto the world by putting Thrkey andthe Turkish police into a difficult position".Uras: "We shallinvestigate the Police Chief'VESK and the left ~ing Freedom andl~olidarity Party (ODP) both protestedthe police's behavior on Saturday inpre.~sconferences.ODP lea<strong>de</strong>r Ufuk Uras con<strong>de</strong>mnedthe Istanbul Police's seige of the ÖDPIstanbul organization office on Saturday,in which they arrested anybody enteringor leaving the building - including theparty's executives.Uras also con<strong>de</strong>mned the police's violentintervention in the silent protest ofthe families of the "missing" (those whohave disappeared while in police custody),and the KESK <strong>de</strong>monstration forlabor rights on Saturday.Commenting on the Minister of theInterior's explanation for the seige ~sbeing that ther~ ~ere moloto~ cockt~lsin the ODP bUlldmg, Uras saId the mmisterwas a caricature of the NaziPropaganda Minister, Goebbels.Uras continued to quote Istanbulpolice chief Kemal YazlclOglu by sayingthat the .police w,ere. in~estig~ting thelinks of Illegal organizations With thosearrested, and countered that "we shallinvestigate the Istanbul police chiefsconnections with illegal organizationswithin the state."Uras claimed that Yazlcloglu was awell known torturer, and the fact that hehad been appointed head of the IstanbulPolice meant that the Turkish stateawar<strong>de</strong>d torturers.Uras also called Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agar' sappointment as Minister of Jusl1ce .~scandal, given the alleged past of thisperson as a torturer, too.He went on to claim that "Turkey isat present governed by Agar andYazlclOglu, who are trying to implementa police coup in the vacuum of government."Uras said that the party' s lawyerswere to afply to the public prosecutor toask the stanbul Police Chief to bebrought to justice and to be punished forhis crimes.He said "YazlclOglu and Güneyshould learn to treat the ODP as a legalpolitical party or we shall teach themthrough legal means how to behave.::. Around 250 members of the ODPwere arrested on Saturday, among themone vice presi<strong>de</strong>nt, four party executivesand 40 provincial and district executives.Uras <strong>de</strong>clared that he had begun abeard growing protest in or<strong>de</strong>r to<strong>de</strong>mand the r<strong>et</strong>urn of Talat Türkoglu,who has been missing in custody forover two months, and to <strong>de</strong>mand an endto the escalating persecution in prisonsand to that the government apologize topeople who have been forcibly movedfrom their villages in the southeast.~~~-.,..-~~~Q~~ ~KESK prlltes~KESK Executive Commiuee hasTheld a press conference to con<strong>de</strong>mnthe {>lice'sobstruction of their <strong>de</strong>monstrationon Saturday.KESK presi<strong>de</strong>nt Siyami Er<strong>de</strong>rn, whowas arrested during the <strong>de</strong>monslralion,con<strong>de</strong>mned the Istanbul Chief of Police,the Istanbul Governor and the Ministerof the Interior for acting like ultrarightwingmilitants rather than statesmen,and said that "while the police supplyevery facility for reactionary, fascistand pro-Sharia <strong>de</strong>monstrators, they carry ,on multi- dimensional assaults on labororganizations<strong>de</strong>mands."who raise <strong>de</strong>mocraticEr<strong>de</strong>m protested that many KESKmembers had been manhandled andbeaten up by police truncheons onSaturday, and that 250 KESK membershad been arrested.In addition, he claimed, thousands ofKESK members coming from othercities to participate in the <strong>de</strong>monstrationhad been stopped on highway entrances'to Istanbul and been arrested or sentback. Er<strong>de</strong>m <strong>de</strong>clared that public workerswere <strong>de</strong>termined to continue theirstruggle against ail the odds.In Ankara, KESK members carriedout a <strong>de</strong>monstration on Monday inprotest at Saturday's<strong>de</strong>tentions.inci<strong>de</strong>nts andNGO's at Habitat Il carryon subsequent protestshe NGO's participating at the HabilatTII conference have been carrying outsubsequent protests to Saturday's events.On Sunday and Monday at IstanbulTechnical University s Ta~kl~laCampus. Hundreds of Habitat II participantsin black outfits gathered again onMonday and laid down on Ihe groundwith black stripes on their mouths to signifythe gagging of freedom of expression.A <strong>de</strong>claration expressed support forthe families of the missing ~rsons incustody, and for the Turkish publicworkers' stru~gle for their rights.The Habitat <strong>de</strong>monstrators also<strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d that the arrested <strong>de</strong>monstratorsbe released.155

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iAnkara conducting broad-based" "..socioeconomic survey in N.IraqRegional authorities are said tohave welcomed this initiative withthe hope that it will bring much-nee<strong>de</strong>d înfrastructural investmentBy Ay~e KarabatTurkish Daily NewsERBIL, northern lraq- A group ofTurkish researchers is conducting asurvey in northern Iraq un<strong>de</strong>r the coordinationof the Turkish ForeignMinistry in or<strong>de</strong>r to ~ather socioeconomicfacts about this sociologicallyun<strong>de</strong>r-charted region, the TurkishDaily News has learned.Ankara aims, by means of this survey,to gather not only <strong>de</strong>mographicinformation but to assemble data onthe living conditions of northernIraqis.The survey is said to have reserved aspecial place for the region' sTurkmens, who are relatives of theTurks and whose numbers in northernIraq are said to be anything from600,000 to 1,500,000. The questionsbeing asked the people of the regioninvolve such diverse topics as the kindof music they listen to, wh<strong>et</strong>her theyuse any birth control m<strong>et</strong>hods, andwhat they think about Turkey and theKurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).Local authorities in northern Iraq,who appear to approve of the survey,say that its results will also, amongother things, provi<strong>de</strong> ajicture of economicconditions an the kinds ofinvestment that would be beneficial forthe region.They also indicate that Turkey mayeven have been late in initiating such awelcome survey, which they clearlyhope will contribute to bringing muchnee<strong>de</strong>dsocial infrastructural projectsto the region.The Turkish research team comprisessix me/Il!>ers lWd is led by AssistantProfessor Umit Ozda~ from Ankara'sGazi University, who nas already visitedthe region and m<strong>et</strong> the regionalsenior officials such as Ali Cosrat fromthe Patriotic Union of Kurdistan(PUK), and Sami Abdurrahman fromthe Kurdistan Democratic Party(KPP).Ozdag and his team have alreadycompl<strong>et</strong>ed research on the, culturalcomposition and the i<strong>de</strong>ntity problemof the inhabitants of southeasternAnatolia, and those who have migratedwestwards in Anatolia from thisregion.Their findings in this research werebased on interviews with Il,000respon<strong>de</strong>nts.156EL pAts,martes 11 <strong>de</strong> junio'<strong>de</strong> 1996Protesta <strong>de</strong> las ONG <strong>de</strong> laCumbre <strong>de</strong>Estambul.por las 'cargas policialesDenuncias en Habitat II por la situacion <strong>de</strong> los kurdosRAFAEL RUIZ (ENVIADO ESPECIAL); EstambulCOmo ya sucedio en la COmbre <strong>de</strong> la MU:j~r~e-.kin, 1995), la protesta mas enérgica <strong>de</strong>i Foro <strong>de</strong>.ONG <strong>de</strong> la Cumbre <strong>de</strong>' Estambul se esta diri- 1giendo contra la actuàcion poücial -él fin <strong>de</strong>semana los agentes cargaron contra uiia nïani-festaciori <strong>de</strong> apoyo a las madres <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>sapareci-"dos, que se reunen semanalmente en él centro <strong>de</strong>Estambul, y <strong>de</strong>tuvieron a varios cientos <strong>de</strong> perso~y J.a violacion <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>rechOs humarios <strong>de</strong>IGobiemo antitrion, en este caso el turco, en relacioncon los kurdos. " .En este foro, el activista pro<strong>de</strong>rechos humanos Vedat Ge- ';10s no estaba directamente re- .tales y los alcal<strong>de</strong>s: sector prilacionadacon la-organizacion vado, ONG, profesionales y'tin presentoun documento <strong>de</strong>32 paginas con articulos perio- . <strong>de</strong> la cumbre, El portavoz <strong>de</strong> la sindièatos; y que supone una"disticos censurados por tratar <strong>de</strong>legacion <strong>de</strong> la' Union Eu" '. novedad en este tipo <strong>de</strong> conferopea;el italiano Paolo Coppi. . rencias), al seiialar que, mien-el tema <strong>de</strong> la <strong>de</strong>struccion <strong>de</strong>poblaciones kurdas.ni, seiialo'qûe:la preo(;;upaciori, " tras los alcal<strong>de</strong>s si estan' masEl enfado <strong>de</strong> las organiza- " por estasactuaciones se encau." implicados, las ONG contizarapor'''vias diplomaticas". nuan en un segundo plano.ciones no gubernamentales(ONG), que elaboraron un do- . . . Aunqlie en la Cumbre <strong>de</strong>cumento" <strong>de</strong> protesta dirigido . Es.6iinbul se les ha dado masal Gobiemo turco, ha alcanzado.tal cali1:>reque Naciones ..eiaS':'mundiales anteriores, las La CUmbre <strong>de</strong> Estambul pasacalMaqu~ en otras coiûeren- Los alcal<strong>de</strong>s protagonistasUnidas, "a"través <strong>de</strong> su. portavozAyman El Arnir, tuvo que 'ln'arginadas. Lo confirmo en la que los alcal<strong>de</strong>s entraron.O~(j siguen consi<strong>de</strong>randose '. ra a la historia como la reunionlanzar un llamamiento a la calma,tras aclarar qùe la mani-'té II (el foro <strong>de</strong> encuentro entre . das. Lo <strong>de</strong>staco ayer Elizab<strong>et</strong>h"Marth Lujanen, jefe <strong>de</strong>l çomi-en el <strong>de</strong>bate <strong>de</strong> NaCiones Unifestaciondon<strong>de</strong> hubJ' <strong>de</strong>tt

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i~ 3ürmtr 3ritungINTERNATIONALE AUSGABE Mittwoch, 12. Juni 1996 . Nr. 134 3Neue Herausfor<strong>de</strong>mng Ankaras durch die PKKZunehmen<strong>de</strong> Spannungen zwischen <strong>de</strong>r Türkei und SyrienDie Arbeiterpartei Kurdistans (PKK) hat ihren einseitigen Waffenstillstand been<strong>de</strong>t unddroht mit neuen Anschlägen in <strong>de</strong>r ganzen Türkei; es gibt dabei Anhaltspunkte dafür, dasssie von Syrien ferngesteuert wird. Das Militärabkommen <strong>de</strong>r Türkei mit Israel belast<strong>et</strong> dieohnehin seit längerem gespannten Beziehungen zwischen Ankara und Damaskus zusätzlich.Es birgt aber auch innenpolitisch b<strong>et</strong>rächtlichen Sprengstoff.it. Istanbul,Il.JuniDie Arbeiterpartei Kurdistans (PKK) hat amMontag ihren im l<strong>et</strong>zten Dezember einseitig ausgerufenenWaffenstillstand fùr been<strong>de</strong>t erklärt.Sie habe sechs Monate lang <strong>de</strong>n Waffenstillstandohne Unterbrechung eingehalten, während di<strong>et</strong>ürkische Regierung in dieser Zeit <strong>de</strong>n Krieg imSüdosten noch verschärft habe, hiess es in einerMitteilung <strong>de</strong>r Partei. Angeblich aus diesemGrund soll die kurdische Organisation an ihrer4. Nationalkonferenz beschlossen haben, künftigverstärkte Angriffe auf Städte durchzuführen und.auch Selbstmordkommandos bei «gezielten Angriffenauf Ziele von strategischer Be<strong>de</strong>utung»einzus<strong>et</strong>zen.Arabisches MisstrauenTürkische Nahostexperten fOOren das plötzlicheE.•<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>s Waffenstillstan<strong>de</strong>s hauptsächlich.auf die jüngste Eskalation in <strong>de</strong>n Beziehungenzwischen Ankara und Damaskus zurück; sie weisendarauf hin, dass <strong>de</strong>r PKK-Vorsitzen<strong>de</strong>,Abdullah Öcalan, unweit <strong>de</strong>r syrischen Hauptstadtresidiert. Tatsächlich sind die Beziehungenzwischen Ankara und Damaskus seit Mitte <strong>de</strong>rachtziger Jahre immer wie<strong>de</strong>r neuen Belastungenausges<strong>et</strong>zt, sei es wegen <strong>de</strong>r Wasserfrage amEuphrat, wegen <strong>de</strong>r syrischen Unterstützung <strong>de</strong>rPKK o<strong>de</strong>r wegen <strong>de</strong>r hauptsächlich von Arabernbewohnten Provinz Hatay im türkischen Südwesten.Zwischen Arabern und Türken herrschtseit <strong>de</strong>m Verfall <strong>de</strong>s Osmanischen Reiches ohnehinein gegenseitiges Misstrauen. Dieses wur<strong>de</strong>noch tiefer, als die Türkei und Israel im l<strong>et</strong>ztenFebruar ein Militärabkommen abschlossen.Das Abkommen, das unter an<strong>de</strong>rem <strong>de</strong>n Austauschvon Informationen und gemeinsameMilitärmanöver vorsieht, habe <strong>de</strong>n Nahen Ostenin eine «Region <strong>de</strong>r Konflikte und. Allianzen»verwan<strong>de</strong>lt, sagte vor kurzem <strong>de</strong>r ägyptischeAussenminister Amr Mussa. Wie schon gemel<strong>de</strong>t,haben die Spitzen Syriens, Ägyptens und Saudiarabiensbei ihrem Treffen vom Wochenen<strong>de</strong> inDamaskus die Türkei aufgerufen, ihr Militärabkommenmit Israel nochmals zu. über<strong>de</strong>nken.,.die Interessen <strong>de</strong>r Araber zu respektieren un<strong>de</strong>ine Politik <strong>de</strong>r «guten Nachbarschaft und <strong>de</strong>r gemeinsamenInteressen» zu verfolgen. Ankara hatauf <strong>de</strong>n eher harschen Ton dieser Deklaration zuerstgeschwiegen. Die geschäftsführen<strong>de</strong> RegierungYilmaz, mit <strong>de</strong>n Verhandlungen über dieBildung einer neuen Regierung vollauf beschäftigt,reagiert in aussenpolitischen Fragen nurmehr träge. Türkische Diplomaten machen aberkein Hehl aus ihrem Missmut über die arabischeIntervention. Kein arabischer Staat sei bemächtigt,<strong>de</strong>r Türkei zu diktieren, mit wem sie Abkommenabzuschliessen habe, sagte ein hoher Béamter<strong>de</strong>s Aussenministeriums in <strong>de</strong>r Tageszeitung«Milliy<strong>et</strong>». Mit diesem Wortlaut hatte voreinem Monat auch Präsi<strong>de</strong>nt Demirel die Be<strong>de</strong>nken<strong>de</strong>s ägyptischen Aussenministers zurückgewiesen.Islamisten gegen Abkommen mit IsraelDas Abkommen mit Israel wird mittlerweile in<strong>de</strong>r Türkei innenpolitisch zum Zankapfel zwischenIslamisten und Säkularisten. Im Gegensatzzu allen konservativen Parteien im Parlament, diedie militärische Zusammenarbeit mit Tel Aviv begrüssthaben, lehnte die islamistische Wohlfahrtspartei(Refah) diese von Beginn an ab; ihr ChefErbakan versprach, er wer<strong>de</strong> das Abkommen kündigen,falls er Regierungschef wer<strong>de</strong>. Diese Haltungfin<strong>de</strong>t in <strong>de</strong>r türkischen Öffentlichkeit zweifellosUnterstützung. Doch for<strong>de</strong>rn die Islamistenmit ihrer Ablehnung <strong>de</strong>s Abkommens das Misstrauen<strong>de</strong>s türkischen Militärs weiter heraus.Konservative Avancen an ErbakanAnkara, 10. Juni. (afp) Hasan Ekinci, stellvertr<strong>et</strong>en<strong>de</strong>rVorsitzen<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>r konservativen Partei<strong>de</strong>s rechten Weges (DYP), hat llIl\ Dienstag erklärt,eine Koalition mit Erbakans Wohlfahrtsparteisei möglich. «Um das Land auf vorgezogeneNeuwahlen vorzubereiten, können wir mitje<strong>de</strong>m eine Koalition bil<strong>de</strong>n, auch mit <strong>de</strong>r Wohlfahrtspartei»,sagte er. Die frühere Ministerpräsi<strong>de</strong>ntinCiller selbst hatte ein solches Bündnis <strong>de</strong>rDYP mit <strong>de</strong>n Islamisten am Sonntag noch ausgeschlossen.157

J." '.~ ~~~~~

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - A~€meFlame Pre\\e-A.F.P. - A~emeFramePrme-A.F.P. - A~emeFramePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~emeFramePr€\\e-A.F.P. - A;:':: Fre":: PI€I)€-A.F.P. - A~êê[eFrot:€ PI€\\e-A.F.P.A.F.P'.FRS0350 3 IG 0182 TUR /AFP-IZ96Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s lead72 rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> 6 soldats turcs tués, selon AnkaraANKARA, 12 juin (AFP) - Soixante douze rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s au total <strong>et</strong> sixsoldats turcs ont été tués lors d'opérations militaires <strong>de</strong> l'armée dansl'est <strong>et</strong> le sud-est anatoliens, a rapporté l'agence Anatolie, qui neprécise pas la date <strong>de</strong> ces opérations.Elles ont été menées dans les régions <strong>de</strong> Hakkari, à la frontière avecl'Iran <strong>et</strong> l'Irak, <strong>de</strong> Sirnak, à la frontière avec l'Irak <strong>et</strong> la Syrie, <strong>de</strong>BingoI (est) <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> Bitlis (sud-est), indique Anatolie.L'armée turque a multiplié ses opérations <strong>de</strong>puis début avril contre leParti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste), tuant près <strong>de</strong> 625maquisards kur<strong>de</strong>s, selon les bilans annoncés par les autorités.Le PKK mène une rébellion armée <strong>de</strong>puis 1984 contre Ankara. C<strong>et</strong>terébellion, qui vise à créer un Etat indépendant kur<strong>de</strong> dans le sud-estanatolien, situé à la frontière av~c la Syrie, l'Irak <strong>et</strong> l'Iran, <strong>et</strong> lesopérations <strong>de</strong> représailles <strong>de</strong> l'armée ont fait en 12 ans près <strong>de</strong> 22.000morts, civils, militaires, rebelles <strong>et</strong> policiers.CE/hc/nj eafAFP /AA1234/121146 JUN 96A.F.P.A.F.P.FRS0168 4 IG 0137 TOR /AFP-XU75Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s lead50 rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s tués par l'armée turque selon AnkaraANKARA, 14 juin (AFP) - Cinquante rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s ont été tués parl'armée turque lors d'opérations militaires dans la région <strong>de</strong> Cukurca, enterritoire turc le long <strong>de</strong> la frontière avec l'Irak, a annoncé vendredil'agence Anatolie.Ce bilan porte à 122 le nombre <strong>de</strong>s tués du Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs duKurdistan (PKK séparatiste) dans <strong>de</strong>s opérations militaires <strong>et</strong> accrochagesarmés entre troupes turques <strong>et</strong> rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s dans différentes régions dusud-est anatolien. .Un bilan <strong>de</strong> 72 tués chez les rebelles <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> 6 dans les rangs <strong>de</strong> l'armé<strong>et</strong>urque avait été annoncé mercredi sans que les dates <strong>de</strong> ces combats n'aientété précisées. Sur ces 72 rebelles mis hors <strong>de</strong> combat, 39 l'avaient étédans la région <strong>de</strong> Cukurca.CE/hc/nj tfAFP /AA1234/141000 JUN 96A.F.P. - AgenceFraMePresse-A.F.P. - AgenceFrancePresse-AJ.P. -Agence FrancePresse-A.EP. - AgenteFrancePresse-A.F.P. -lgelKe FrancePresse-A.F.P. -&gelD FraMePresse-159

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTURQUIE. Pour la première fois, la Turquie dispute la phase finale du Championnatd'Europe <strong>de</strong> football. Un sport qui suscite un engouement exceptionnel.Opium du peuple ou seul exutoire - trop souvent violent - à toutes les frustrations?Prolos, jeunes <strong>et</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>sjouent leur vie au footNOKTAISTANBUL'équipe Fers <strong>et</strong> Aciers <strong>de</strong>Karabük [à 300 km à l'estd'Istanbul], qui luttaitrécemment pour ne pasperdre sa place en pre-.mière division, avait unerencontre décisive à jouercontre l'équipe <strong>de</strong> ZeytinllUrnu,confrontée au même problème <strong>de</strong>survie. Hélas! Karabük ne put éviterle but marqué par ses adversairesà la 9Ü"minute du match, l'envoyantinexorablement en <strong>de</strong>uxième division.Le soir <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te rencontre, undébat télévisé réunissait les représentants<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux équipes. L'entraîneur<strong>de</strong> Karabük, Ilyas Tüfekçi,expliqua les sentiments qui avaientmotivé ses joueurs: "0 ne s'agissaitpas tant <strong>de</strong> conseroer notre place.Nous nous battions surtout pour:l'honneur <strong>de</strong> notre ville. "Il est vrai que les habitants <strong>de</strong>Karabük avaient transformé leur.équipe <strong>de</strong> foot en un instrwnent poli-~tique dans leur lutte contre les.~enaœs <strong>de</strong> ferm<strong>et</strong>ure du grand complexesidérurgique qui fait viVre la.ville. Une bonne partie <strong>de</strong> la gauche,qui soutenait leur cause, considéraitavec sympathie c<strong>et</strong>te forme <strong>de</strong> combat.En son sein, certains ont même.proposé <strong>de</strong> Ï<strong>et</strong>er le 1 er mai en assistantmassivement au match que Karabükdisputait ce jour-là contre Sariyer. Lesociologue Can Kozanoglu, auteur dulivre "Nous gagnerons ce match I", ne. comprend pas le raisonnement <strong>de</strong> lagauche: "La ville <strong>de</strong> Karabük est un.bastion <strong>de</strong> la droite. Et là-bas, les.ouvriers <strong>de</strong> la sidérurg;,e ne sont pasproches <strong>de</strong>s courants <strong>de</strong> gauche ..,D'aüleurs, l'équipe <strong>de</strong>foot n'était pastrès liée à la lutte <strong>de</strong>s ouvriers menacés.<strong>de</strong> chômage." Pourquoi, dans ces.conditions, manifester un tel engoue-:iD:ent pour l'équIpe ? Un autre;, . , ...êJi;empl~ousvient du Sud-Est ana~."n est atteint d'une crise d'égocentrisme. "Dessin <strong>de</strong> Mahmoud Kahil paru dans Al Majalla - LONDREStolien. Lors <strong>de</strong> la saison 1991-1992,;l'équipe Cizre Spor [Cizre est un bourgà majorité kur<strong>de</strong> près <strong>de</strong> la frontièresyrienne], en troisième division,.compte un joueur originaire d'Adana[vilie du sud méditerranéen], dont, à.vrai dire, le jeu n'est pas très brillant.Mais il s'appelle Abdullah, ce quidonne comme diminutif "Apo" [sur-,nom du lea<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong> la guérilla sépara-.tiste kur<strong>de</strong>, le PKK]. En fait, c<strong>et</strong> Apo-'ci n'est pas kur<strong>de</strong> du tout. Maisqu'importe! Il est le chouchou <strong>de</strong>sgradins. Qu'il arrive, <strong>de</strong> temps entemps, à donner un coup <strong>de</strong> pied dansle ballon, les spectateurs n'arrêtentpas <strong>de</strong> scan<strong>de</strong>r son nom aux cris <strong>de</strong>~"BijiApo!" ["ViveApo I", en kur<strong>de</strong>]. '. En vérité, les pelouses vertes <strong>de</strong>:Thrquie regorgent d'histoires <strong>de</strong> cegenre. A quoi donc correspon<strong>de</strong>nt.:au juste ces <strong>de</strong>ux m<strong>et</strong>s <strong>et</strong> ce ballon?Le foot est-il l'opium utilisé par le.pouvoir pour dépolitiser les masses?Un moyen <strong>de</strong> détoUrner les conflitssociaux vers <strong>de</strong>s cibles fallacieuses?'Qu'en est-il <strong>de</strong>s théories quiquallfientFenerbahçe d'équipe b~Hirgeoise,Galatasaray d'équipe ari~ocrate,<strong>et</strong> Besiktas d'équipe prolétaire[tous trois <strong>de</strong>s clubs starrtbouliotes], .dans un secteur où <strong>de</strong>s milliardssont souvent en jeu? D'après certains,on peut trouver dans le footbaIllaterre entière, selon d'autres,la terre entière est un terrain <strong>de</strong> foot.On peut comparer le foot à lamusique pop, surtout au rock, qui estsouvent lié à une certaine idée <strong>de</strong>révolte. C<strong>et</strong>te musique qui réunit les.tendances <strong>et</strong> les contradictions les .plus .diverses - allant <strong>de</strong>s musiciens.protestataires aux imprésarios <strong>et</strong> aux.sociétés <strong>de</strong> production richissimes-.est à la fois une véritable industrie<strong>et</strong> un spectacle très coloré. Les RollingStones l'avaient compris: "Après.tout, ce n..'est que du, ro.ck'n roll, mais160

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i1Wwl'aimons", 'chai1taient-ils.Mêmesi cela sonne simpliste, le plus raisonnableserait peut-être <strong>de</strong> dire lamême chose du football. Après tout,ce n'est qu'un ballon <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux fIl<strong>et</strong>s,mais nous l'aimons.Le plus ennuyeux dans ce tableauest sans doute la violence <strong>de</strong>s supporters,qui provoquent régulière~ment morts <strong>et</strong> blessés dans lesbagarres à la fin <strong>de</strong>s matchs. Ce .phénomène a toujours existé, maisil atteint <strong>de</strong>s somm<strong>et</strong>s ces <strong>de</strong>rnièresannées. Selon le sociologue CanKozanoglu, "on crée, avec lefoot, unmicrocosme <strong>de</strong> notre mon<strong>de</strong>. L'écart .énorme qui continue <strong>de</strong> se creuserentre les revenus <strong>de</strong>s différentes catégoriessociales en Thrquie <strong>et</strong> la stratificationcroissante au sein <strong>de</strong>'chaque classe sociale produisent <strong>de</strong>seff<strong>et</strong>s certains sur les gradins. "Pas <strong>de</strong> femme,pas <strong>de</strong> danse,pas <strong>de</strong> musique, reste le ste<strong>de</strong>Nos équipes, nos joueurs, leurs dirigeants,les supporters reflètent tousla société que nous connaissons.Plus le pays sombre dans la culture<strong>de</strong> la violence, plus la violencepénètre dans nos vies, dans les relationsà l'intérieur <strong>de</strong> nos familles.N'est-il pas naturel que les sta<strong>de</strong>s,aussi en soient envahis? N'est-il pasvrai qu'à une certaine époque, leschauffeurs <strong>de</strong>s minibus transportant<strong>de</strong>s gens aux sta<strong>de</strong>s appelaientleurs clients potentiels en criant "Al'hôpital, à l'hôpital l" ?Mais qui sont donc ces supportersqui déclenchent la bagarre? Selonune idée répandue, ce sont <strong>de</strong>sexclus <strong>de</strong>s banlieues. L'écrivainDeniz Gökçe, spécialiste en économiedu sport, est plus nuancé: "ITTUlginezun spectateur typique, unouvrier carrossier <strong>de</strong> seize ans. Il n'aaucune satisfaction dan.~ .~af,ie. travaillecomme un chien six jours sur.sept. Pas <strong>de</strong>femme, pas <strong>de</strong> danse, pas<strong>de</strong> mwique, il a jwte un jour à lui, le-diTTUlnche.Et ce jour-là, les TTUltchss'offrent comme un divertissementbon TTUlrehé.Lorsqu'il crie là-bas:'Fenerbahçe est la plusforte l', enfait,il crie 'J'existe, moi aussi l'. Quandson équipe gagne le Championnatnational, il peut TTUlrehercôte à côteavec le richissime Faruk SÜ1'en[prési<strong>de</strong>nt<strong>de</strong> l'autre grand club, Galatasaray],lefront ceint du même ban<strong>de</strong>au.npeut serrer la TTUlind~li Sen{le Bernard Tapie ture, prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> .Fenerbahçe], qui possè<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>s yachts,<strong>de</strong>s immeubles ... Ali Sen lui parlemême. Le seul endroit où il peut qffirmerson existence au sein du systètne,c'est' ce sta<strong>de</strong> dégoûtant, avec sespuanteurs d'urine <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> saucisson. Sivow interdisez l'activité syndicale auTTUlnœuvred'Umraniye [quartier <strong>de</strong>bidonvilles à Istanbul], si son partipolitique ne peut pas accé<strong>de</strong>r au pouvoir,si ses croyances religieuses necompensentpas le TTUlnquenon plus,<strong>et</strong> si par-<strong>de</strong>ssw le TTUlrché,il voit sonéquipe <strong>de</strong>foot battue, il ne lui restequ'à tout casser. Quel autre moyend'expression a-t-il ?"Partant <strong>de</strong> là, certains préconisent<strong>de</strong>s solutions comme l'augmentationdu prix qes bill<strong>et</strong>s d'entrée auIraq to bar UN inspectorsfrom all 'sensitive' sitesStandoff: Inci<strong>de</strong>nt brings new tensions b<strong>et</strong>ween .Iraq and Security Council which m<strong>et</strong> beJlindclose&doors.to consi<strong>de</strong>r latest violation'Reuler.fBAGHDAD- Iraq said onWednesday it would not allowU.N. armsinspectors to en~ersites it consi<strong>de</strong>red vital to Itsnational sovereignty and security.. Deputy Prime Minister TanqAzi~ said Baghdad <strong>de</strong>nied a teamof international experts access toa Republican Guard facility onW~nesday and two similar siteson Tuesday. He said it had nointention of changing its mind."We have a legitimate right tobe worried about the entry of theinspectors, who belong to COUDtriesthat have hostile schemesagainst Ir3

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iat U.N. head~uarterS of an agreement permitting Iraqto sell $2 bilhon worth of oil over six months to buyfood, medicine and other necessities.. The "oil-for-food" scheme is an exception to the.sanctions, which will remain in place until theSecurity Council is satisfied Iraq's nuclear, chemical,,hiologlcal and ballistic missile p~te~tia~ h~s beenscrapped and long-term U.N. momtonng IS ID plac<strong>et</strong>o prevent it from again acquiring banned weapons.Aziz accused the head of the U.N. SpecialCommission (UNSCOM), which is scrapping thearms, of trying to provoke Iraq."We had in the past informed UNSCOM's chair"man Rolf Ekeus to refrain from submitting provocativeinspection d~mands relevant to sovereignty andnationaf security," Aziz said.He said the <strong>de</strong>nial of access to such sites was notbecause Iraq hid prohibited items in them but because"they are places related to national security.". A team of more than 50 arms experts un<strong>de</strong>r.Rùssian Nikita Sniidovich is in Baghdad searchingfor possible hid<strong>de</strong>n missiles, missile launchers anddocuments. On Tuesday, Aziz said, Smidovich askedto visit eightsites and he was allowed to see only six.The other two belonged to Iraq's elite RepublicanGuards.''This morning (Wednesday) the insPection teamresumed its provocative aCl1vities and <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>ntrance into another Republican Guard site and wedid not allow it to do so," Aziz said.INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, SATURDAY-SUNDAY, JUNE 15-16, 1996By Celestine Bohlen, ;New York Times Service162

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iPolitical Crisis Creates MoreGloom for Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort-.tt..NUR ÇEVlKTurkey wants substantialchanges in the current statusof Operation Provi<strong>de</strong>Comfort while the United Statesopposes this and wants the status. quo to be preserved. Thus theyare far apart on the renewal of themandate for this special force createdin 1991 to protect the IraqiKurds against the forces ofSaddam Hussein after the GulfWar ...OPC comprises air units stationedin Turkey's southern airbase of lncirlik which patrol theskies of northern Iraq and monitorIraqi troop movements whichcould cause potential dangers tothe Kurds.The mandate of the force hasbeen renewed by the TurkishParliament at regular intervalsevery six months y<strong>et</strong> oppositioninsi<strong>de</strong> Turkey has grown to it asTurks charged that Provi<strong>de</strong>Comfort, while protecting IraqiKurds against Saddam, has alsohelped them to create the conditionsto s<strong>et</strong> up a separate Kurdishstate - thus creating a bad examplefor Turkey's Kurdish citizenswho live in the southeastern partsof the country bor<strong>de</strong>ring on Iraq.Most Turks now believeProvi<strong>de</strong> Comfort has becomemore of a liability than an ass<strong>et</strong>and want it scrapped.Parliament renewed its mandatein late March for threemonths, only until the end ofJune. Now Parliament has toeither extend the mandate of OPCor tell it to leave Turkish soil...Iraqi Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>r J alaITalabani in an interview with theTurkish Daily News has said itwould be much b<strong>et</strong>ter for Provi<strong>de</strong>Comfort to switch to anothercountry such as Jordan because,he charged, Turkey uses the issuefor permanent blackmail againstthe West as well as the Kurds.Observers say the currentgovernment crisis in Turkey hascreated a new situation in whichthe <strong>de</strong>bate over the extension ofProvi<strong>de</strong> Comfort has been furthercomplicated. There is no partywhich can properly concentrateon the issue as parties maneuverWhat Happens If Provi<strong>de</strong>Comfort Leaves Our Soil• According to the Foreign Ministry, the presence ofProvi<strong>de</strong> Comfort gives Turkey the upper hand in its <strong>de</strong>alingswith the United States. It improves Turkey's bargaining powerand its <strong>de</strong>parture means Turks would lose these advantages.• The presence of the Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort force helps Turkeyto monitor its movements and control its actions. Thus Turkeyhas a say in all <strong>de</strong>velopments regarding northern Iraq. Its <strong>de</strong>parturemeans Turkey would lose its leverage over the Iraqi Kurds.• Un<strong>de</strong>r Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort, Turkey is finding the legalgrounds to launch incursions in northern Iraq against Kurdishseparatists who have been waging a terrorist war in southeasternAnatolia since 1984. If Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort leaves any incursioninto northern Iraq will create strong Western reaction ...ObJections: Turkish <strong>de</strong>puties object to Operation Provi<strong>de</strong>Comfort, saying it became a liability encouraging the establishmentof a separate Kurdish state in northern IraqTalks: Turkish and American officials are still negotiating howthe change the status of Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort to convince the TurkishParliament to extend the mandate of the force but the ongoinggovernment crisis does not offer much hope for a satisfactory s<strong>et</strong>tlementto find coalition partners to endthe political stalemate.The outgoing government isstill struggling to g<strong>et</strong> theAmericans to agree to a series ofmeasures which would increaseTurkey's controlover how.Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort works.The Turkish <strong>de</strong>fense ministerwas in Brussels on June 13 to discusswith his American counterpartWilliam Perry the future ofProvi<strong>de</strong> Comfort. Sungurlu heldsimilar inconclusive talks withPerry last month in Washington.Turkey apparently wantssome changes in the rules ofengagement for Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfortfighters which patrol the northernIraqi skies. Turkey wants NATOrules to be applied strictly duringProvi<strong>de</strong> Comfort flights so thatOPC and Turkish Air Foree missionsdo not create confusion.Turkeyalso wants restrictionson the flights of Provi<strong>de</strong> Comforttraining missions over northernIraq. It is further seeking th<strong>et</strong>ransfer of the OPC military coordinationcenter from the northernIraqi town of Zakho to the nearbyTurkish town of Silopi.There was also talk thatTurkey did not want the Britishand French units in Provi<strong>de</strong>Comfort and preferred OPC tobecome a bilateral Turkish-American force. The Iraqis, whohave opposed Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfortfrom the very start, have sent al<strong>et</strong>ter to the French recently urgingthem not to leave the force.That means even the Iraqis areirked by the fact that a change inthe status of OPC may createmore complications for them andthus they have ma<strong>de</strong> a choiceb<strong>et</strong>ween the lesser of two evils ....163

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-BerhevokaÇapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iI 80 What Does TurkeyOwe the Arabs?SEMlli D. tntzThe accord Turkey conclu<strong>de</strong>dwith Israel in February seems,when combined with BenjaminN<strong>et</strong>anyahu's victory in the Jewishstate' s election, to represent all theArabs' nightmares come home to roost.At least this is the impression oneg<strong>et</strong>s from the spate of hastily convenedsummits b<strong>et</strong>ween key Arab lea<strong>de</strong>rsafterJhe <strong>de</strong>eply felt disappointment ofthe Peres <strong>de</strong>feat. .Following each of these recenthigh-level g<strong>et</strong>-tog<strong>et</strong>hers it has beenma<strong>de</strong> known to the public, either directlyby the lea<strong>de</strong>rs themselves or indirectlythrough various leaks, that Turkey'sbudding politico-military ties withIsrael had also been taken up with concern.First it was Egypt's Hosni Mubarakwho after his recent me<strong>et</strong>ing withSyria's Hafez al-Assad said, whenasked by a reporter, that they were stillexpecting an explanation from Ankaraconcerning the <strong>de</strong>tails of its militaryaccord with Israel.Then there was the two-day summitin Damascus last Thursday and Fridayb<strong>et</strong>ween Assad, Mubarak and SaudiCrown Prince Abdullah which issued ajoint statement that expressed mor<strong>et</strong>han just "<strong>de</strong>ep concerri" over th<strong>et</strong>urco-Israeli accord.Going a step further than what wassaid earlier, the three lea<strong>de</strong>rs appeared,from reports emanating from the summit,to actually be <strong>de</strong>manding thatTurkey compl<strong>et</strong>ely reconsi<strong>de</strong>r thisagreement with Israel., All of thiscame against the backdropof a visit to Ankara by EgyptianForeign Minister Amr Moussa in May.After his -talks with his counterpart:Emre Gonensay, Moussa had said hewas satisfied with the explanation givenhim by the Turkish si<strong>de</strong> concerning itsmilitary cooperation accord with Israel.As might be expected Ankara officially•expressed its surprise, given this positionexpressed by the Egyptian foreignminister, at Mubarak's remarks thatthey were still expecting informationfrom Turkey on this accord.Asfar as Turkish officials wereconcerned this was precisely what hadbeen given Amr Moussa.In fact this is the point at whichmany in Ankara also started won<strong>de</strong>ringwh<strong>et</strong>her there is an ulterior motive tothis overall Arab approach to Ankara.Turkey's explanations from both thecivilian and military wing is that theaccord in question is the same as somany signed by Ankara with othercountries, including countri~s such asSaudi Arabia and Kuwait. ,Foreign Minister Emre Gönensayrepeated earlier this week while travellingto an EU me<strong>et</strong>ing in Luxembourgthat there was nothing special concerningthe accord with Israel.He un<strong>de</strong>rlined that the accord wascertainly not the "security pact" that theArabs were trying to make it out to be<strong>de</strong>spite all the explanations given themby the Turkish si<strong>de</strong>. Of course the r<strong>et</strong>ortfrom the Arabs to this would be that theinformation provi<strong>de</strong>d so far is notenough.This would naturally invite thecounter r<strong>et</strong>ort from Ankara that nocountry is obliged to give anyone<strong>de</strong>tails about its legitimate <strong>de</strong>alingswith another country, but that Turkeyhas given the necessary assurances tothe Arabs in spite of this and out ofgoodwill.However it appears that the <strong>de</strong>vilfor the Arabs is in the <strong>de</strong>tails of theaccord with Israel, which Turkey is notdivulging fully and of which new infor-'mation is emerging every day. First itwas revealed that Israeli pilots wouldbe able to train in Turkish airspace.Then it was said by military officialsin Ankara that Turkey and Israelcould hold joint naval maneuvers un<strong>de</strong>rthis accord. Finally it was revealed thatTurkish pilots have been training inIsrael and familiarizing themselves withIsraeli radar equipment which could befitted on Turkish F-4 Phantom fighters.For military officials these are"highly regular" things that routinelytake place un<strong>de</strong>r military cooperationaccords. For the Arabs all of thesesmack of a strategic alliance in themaking.This concern was reflected onceagain in remarks by Syrian foreign mi~-"ister Farouq Al,~hara on.Wednes~y 10 ,Luxembourg where he was also attendingan EU me<strong>et</strong>ing.Expressing their difficulty in un<strong>de</strong>rstandingthe "alliance" that Turkey ha<strong>de</strong>ntered into with Israel, Shara toldreporters this attitu<strong>de</strong> of Ankara's was"dangerous" and had caused "shock" inthe Arab world."It is unacceptable for a Muslimcountry to enter an alliance with acountry that has occupied anotherMuslim country," Shara said.But there was more than a touch ofcynicism in this remark as far asTurkish officials were concerned.Ankara has been patiently watchingthe Arab world rally behind Syria. against Turkey concerning the issue ofthe waters of the Euphrates.But in doing so no Arab country has'ma<strong>de</strong> any reference to the support Syriais giving the Kurdistan Workers' Party(PKK), which is waging a separatistwar in Turkey.While Shara uses the notion of"Muslim solidarity" he convenientlyforg<strong>et</strong>s that a Muslim country, namelyhis own, has established its own "strategicalliance" with an organization that -is working to divi<strong>de</strong> Turkey.He also conveniently overlooks thefact that while Turkey's ties with Israelare legitimate from the point of view ofinternationallaw, there is nothing legitimatein Syria's bedding with an outlawedorganization, and one whosehands are soaked in blood at that.So the bottom line in all this is that,angry as the Arab world may be atTurkey, and angry as Turk~y'sownIslamists may be over the accord withIsrael, there is one question that they allhave to answer: "So what does Turkeyowe the Arabs?;' Looking at recent historyone sees nothing but negativeexamples ranging from the nonexistent"Islamo-Arab solidarity" for theTurkish cause in Cyprus, to Arab countriesactually claiming chunks ofTurkey, as Syria does, to the dangerousmeddling in Turkey's internal affairs,again as Syria does, through support fora group that every civilized nation seesas a terrorist organization.Therefore the simple answer to the 'ql,lestion "What does Turkey owe the 'A!!lbs?:' iS,"Not very muçh!" •164

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iJI •• ,Familleswaitanxiouslyousi<strong>de</strong>prisonswhil<strong>et</strong>heirlovedone8are onhungerstrike.Standing on theOutsi<strong>de</strong>Looking In--BILL SELLARS, Because l am Kurdish.' A simpleanswer to a simple question:"So. why were you in prison""The answer came from "Ali" (forwant of a b<strong>et</strong>ter name), as we sat in arestaurant by the Bosphorus in Istanbul.Ali had recently been released afterserving 13 months in prison and wastalking about the unrest in Turkev'sjails, the hunger strikes and the co~ditionsthat have given rise to them.Throughout Turkey's prisons inmatesare staging hunger strikes to bring to theattention of authorities and the publictheir grievances. At the time of writingsome, of the hunger strikers are in theeighth week of their protest and a numberare in a poor state of health and theircondition <strong>de</strong>teriorating rapidly.Nin<strong>et</strong>een prisoners in Diyarbakir arereported to be near <strong>de</strong>ath.Among the <strong>de</strong>mands of the prisonersare the closing of the Eski~ehir prison.recently reopened <strong>de</strong>spite being con<strong>de</strong>mnedin a series of reports as beingunfit to house prisoners; the abolition ofarbitrary solitary confmement and of th<strong>et</strong>ransferring of inmates to prisons farfrom their homes and the support oftheir fanùlies; the compliance with varioushuman rights accords that Turkey isa signatory to; a halt to the random torturesand brutality by authorities; and anend to attacks on the fanùlies of Ù'matesprotesting in support of their incarceratedrelatives. For Ali the hnnger strikersare using one of the few means availabl<strong>et</strong>o them to publicize their plight."Hunger strikes are a gun for prisoners,their biggest gun, their biggestweapon. They use it against the regulationsand against the soci<strong>et</strong>y."Arrested in Istanbul and charged onsuspicion of supporting the outlawedKurdish Workers Party (PKK), Ali wasput on trial in the State Security Court.He says that he was given no realopportunity to <strong>de</strong>fend himself and thatno hard evi<strong>de</strong>nce was presented againsthim. The result was a 13 months sentence,one month of which was spent inVan and the remaining year in Mus E-Type prison, mainly reserved for politicalprisoners as are the other E-Typejails. It is conditions in these prisons thatare the focus of many of the hungerstriker' s complaints. Ali, speaking fromexperiènce, believes that it is the wholestructure of Turkish soci<strong>et</strong>y that is thecause of the problems in the country'sprisons, not just the prison system itself.The requirement to conform, not toquestion authority and the lack ofrespect for human rights is, according toAli, pervasive throughout Turkey, notjust behind the bars of its prisons.Once s<strong>et</strong>tled into prison life took ona cOfnmùnal aspect for most inmates."There was no difference b<strong>et</strong>weenrich and poor, everything was shared.There was no room for guards in ourlives, they would som<strong>et</strong>imes come andcount us and then go. Butoccasionally there were beatings andtorture, we did not always know why, itwas the systl'm," says Ali.According to Ali there are two kindsof prisoners. One are the sort of peoplewho accept everything and become partof the system that has imprisoned andthen there are the others. "In the nameof being human they chose to lead a lifein prison in which they try to improv<strong>et</strong>hemselves and to continue their lives,for themselves and for those fighting forthem on the outsi<strong>de</strong>."165

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTwo kh,dsof prisonersAccording to Ali thereare two kinds ofprisoners. One are thesort of people whoaccept everything andbecome part of thesystem that hasimprisoned and thenthere are the others."In the name of beinghuman they chos<strong>et</strong>o lead a life in prison inwhich they try toimprov<strong>et</strong>hemselves and tocontinue their lives, forthem~elves and forthose fighting for themon the outsi<strong>de</strong>.""The state sees prisons as beingthere to make people conform, the pris":oners see them as a place to contin~<strong>et</strong>heir struggle for change," he says. "Idid nothing wrong, I did som<strong>et</strong>hingright, there is a movement for freedomwithin soci<strong>et</strong>y and I was a part of thatmovement. I was guilty according to thelaws."While in <strong>de</strong>tention Ali daims that he.was tortured to try and extract irforma- ..tion. Electric shocks. beatinl!s and beinghosed down with strong j<strong>et</strong>s of w~ter.were part of the catalogue of ill ~eat- .ment. ."I was also hung by my arms with anylon bag put over my head. They.soaked the bag in water. I almostdrowned, water got into my lungs. I felt.as if I was hanging in b<strong>et</strong>ween life and .<strong>de</strong>ath."It is som<strong>et</strong>hing about soci<strong>et</strong>y, it isnot an individual thing. The system,treats its prisoners in different waysaccording to their brains. It can treat itsown people the same way if they thinkin a way different from the system's."During the long days and even longernigh:s the political prisoners. "the soulof rebellion" as Ali calls them, wouldtalk. of the subjects near to their .heart:.KiJrdish history; Turkish history;thehistory of the Kurdish freedom movement;the political situation in Turkeyand the world. "But we still found time'to drink tea." laughs Ali. He feels thatthe media is not doing enough to publiciz<strong>et</strong>he plight of Turkey' s prisoners,concentrating of the. trials of those. famous writers and activists chargedwith sedition but ignoring the everydaymen and women who go unheral<strong>de</strong>dinto <strong>de</strong>tention.A. F. P. - A~ence Fronce Presse- A. F. P. - A~ence France Presse -A. F. P. - A~ence FroncePresse - A. F. P. - A~enceFro~le Presse- A.F. P. - A~enceFranIe Presse-A. F. P. - A~ence France Presse-A.F.P.A.F.P.FRS0404 4 I 0176 RFA /AFP-IS90Allemagne-Kur<strong>de</strong>sAu moins 40.000 Kur<strong>de</strong>s manifestent à Hambourg pour la paix en TurquieHAMBOURG (Allemagne), 15 juin (AFP) - ,Plusieurs dizaines <strong>de</strong> milliers <strong>de</strong>Kur<strong>de</strong>s, 40.000 selon la police, ont manifesté sans inci<strong>de</strong>nt samedi àHambourg pour la paix dans le sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie.Les organisateurs, rassemblés sous le mot d'ordre liLapëiix maintenant Il ,ont affirmé que près <strong>de</strong> 100.000 personnes avaient défilé dans les rues <strong>de</strong>la métropole du nord <strong>de</strong> l'Allemagne. Le~ manifestants ont principalementdénoncé ilIa sale guerre <strong>de</strong> l'Etat turc" contre les Kur<strong>de</strong>s.Dans la matinée, quelque 200 Kur<strong>de</strong>s avaient bloqué pendant plusieursheures un poste-frontière germano~danois à Ellund, le passage versl'Allemagne leur ayant été refusé faute <strong>de</strong> visa, a indiqué la police <strong>de</strong>sfrontières à Kiel. Un manifestant a alors tenté <strong>de</strong> s'immoler par le feumais il n'a été que légèrement blessé, les forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordre étantintervenues rapi<strong>de</strong>ment.Près <strong>de</strong> 400.000 à 450.000 Kur<strong>de</strong>s, pour la plupart ressortissants turcs,vivent en Allemagne.jlt/mmrefAFP /AA1234/151638 JON 96166

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iAnother Missing StoryERDtNç ERGENÇof missing people is g<strong>et</strong>tinglonger and longer day byTIelistday. The latest link in this chainis Talat TÜTkoglu, a 45 year old leftistpolitician. He has been missing sinceApril land there has been no sign ofhim since that date.Amnesty International has called forurgent action to be taken in the case ofTürkoglu.. Hasene TÜTkoglu, the wife of TalatTürkoglu, has been leading the searchfor her missing husband. She has, for along time, been one of those whoatten<strong>de</strong>d the me<strong>et</strong>ings of the SaturdayMothers, the group who gather outsi<strong>de</strong>Galatasaray Lycee to protest against thedisappearance of relatives in custody,without being aware that one day herhusband would be one of the missing.Last Saturday she was among thosewho were <strong>de</strong>tained in lstiklal Cad<strong>de</strong>siwhen police broke up the weeklyprotest. At 12 o'clock on Saturday, asusual, she went to Galatasaray Square inBeyoglu where fifty fourth traditional<strong>de</strong>monstration was to take place tomake the public aware that her husbandwas missing. But police arrested manyof the activists including HaseneTÜTkoglu.But she was released after shelost consciousness due to being beatenseverely.Hasene TÜTkoglu, talking to Probe,said that her husband went to visitEdirne where his family lives on 29March. He stayed for two days. Sheclaimed som<strong>et</strong>hing happened strange onhis trip to Edirne. A man who came tothe Istanbul bus station by taxi got onthe same bus as Türkoglu was travellingon. On arriving in Edirne the man wasm<strong>et</strong> by the same taxi and drove away.Türkoglu told his sister in Edirne that hewas being followed by civil policemen.He left his family's home in Edirne onApril 1 and has not been heard of since.Hasene Türkoglu said that she wentto every office or place that could shedany light on the whereabouts of her husband:police stations; prosecutorsoffices; the state security courts: hospitalsand even cem<strong>et</strong>eries. all to no avail.After that she. went to Ankara and puttheir case before the offices of thePresi<strong>de</strong>nt. the Prime \1inister. theInterior \1inister and some party representatives.giving documenb aboutTalat Türkoglu and what linie informationthat she had.She says that her husband is a leftistpolitician and had been in prison formore than six years because of hispolitic opinions, being released onOctober 3 last year. Hasene Türkogluremarked that she has sent appeals toAmnesty International, the HumanRights Commission of Europe andHelsinki Watch.Hasene TÜTkoglu says that her husbandis not an ordinary missing personand in those days while she was out ofher home looking for him, someone gotin her house without breaking the door,possibly with the key belonging to TalatTürkoglu. She emphasized that her. house was still being watched by police.TÜTkoglu says that the state has a lot ofways to help find her husband TalatTÜTkoglu, alive or otherwise, but claimsthat no efforts are being ma<strong>de</strong>, <strong>de</strong>spit<strong>et</strong>his being the responsibility of the state.Amnesty International said in itspress relea~e calling for urgent actionthat the procedures laid down in theTurkish Criminal Procedure Co<strong>de</strong> forthe prompt and proper registration of~~::)~~t'Il". \"- .----<strong>de</strong>tainees, and for the notification oftheir families, were universally ignored.The statement ad<strong>de</strong>d that this createdthe condition in which disappearancesand torture could occur. Amnesty saidthat people suspected of offences un<strong>de</strong>rthe Anti-Terror Law could be held inpolice custody without access to fanuly.friends or legal counsel for up to 30days in the 10 provinces un<strong>de</strong>r State ofemergency in the South East, and for 15days in the rest of Turkey. AmnestyInternational had issued an UrgentAction Alert on behalf of TalatTürkoglu in 1987, when he was<strong>de</strong>tained and feared tortured. as he hadbeen tortured previously while in <strong>de</strong>tention.The human rights organizationclaimed that torture was often used inTurkey against <strong>de</strong>tainees. Beingstripped naked and blindfol<strong>de</strong>d. hosedwith high pressure ice-cold water, beinghung by the arms or \H .,ts, electricshocks, beating the soles of the fe<strong>et</strong>,<strong>de</strong>ath threats and sexual assaults wereamong the forms of torture used inTurkey.Hasene Türkoglu attending the fifty third week of the Saturday Mothers protest. Sheis wearing a shirt with a photo of her mission husband, Talat, embossf.d upon it.167

. Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iFRIDAY,JUNE 14, 1996Message to Erbakan: Army not againstRefah forming a coalition governmentDenial: DYP claims that military does not want pro-Islamic Refah Chairman Erbakanbecause he will head the Supreme Military Council as prime minister. Army <strong>de</strong>nies thisBy lInur ÇevikTurkish Daily NewsANKARA- Pro-Islamic Welfare Party(Refah) Chairman Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan hasreceived word from the military Ihat theArmed Forces are loyal to <strong>de</strong>mocracy andwill nol object to him becoming prime ministerthrough the parliamentary system,Refah sources told the Turkish Daily Newson Thursday.According to Ihe sources who asked not 10be named, Ihe military feels the center-rightpoliticians are Irying 10 make Ihe ArmedForces their scapegoat and that Ihis will notbe lolerated.Out~oing Prime Minisler Mesut Ylimazhad vlftually nailed an agreement withErbakan three monlhs ago for a coalitionpartnership but. <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d 10 scrap the <strong>de</strong>al atthe last minute to form a coalilion with theErbakan in the past always claimed the militaryhad not objected to him becoming prime minister.Now it seems he has been proven right.True Palh Party (DYP). AI Ihe time there. were speculations that Ihe mililary had dissua<strong>de</strong>dYlimaz from forming the coalitionwith Erbakan and had forced him into a partnershipwith the DYP.The TDN learned from Refah sources thatTrue Palh Party (DYP) officials who arenegotiatiRg a possible' coillition p~nershipwith the Islamists said DYP lea<strong>de</strong>rTansu Çiller should be prime ministerfor the fust six months because themilitary did not want Erbakan asprime minister to head their SupremeMilitary Council me<strong>et</strong>ings scheduledfor early Augustl'be military reportedly does notcare who is prime ~ster and th~schairs the Supreme Military Council.l'be prime minister is the symbolic. head of the council but does not takepart in the <strong>de</strong>liberations and <strong>de</strong>cisionïnaJ?ngprocess of.the coun~ which<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>s on promotions, appomtmentsand r<strong>et</strong>irements of top level militaryofficials. Refah was reportedly told asthe presence of the prune nunister isa mere formality there is no reasonwhy Erbakan or someone else should. not lead the council. Sources said themilitary prefers to keep a certain distancefrom Refah but this does notmean it will oppose the p~ fromcoming to power as a coalinon part-. nero168

Human Rights Watch! Helsinkicharges Turkey with forcible evictions;p~'"~I~ ~'"~ ~~.~ ~~~~~I~~l;:)~~"'S~:>~.....~~.~$?~~ ~ t::S-t::l.t,~,,~~r~~ >:

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iLe Refah au pouvoir à Ankara ?SOUS l'arbitrageErbakan est chargé à nouveau <strong>de</strong> former le gouverne.par (em Ser<strong>de</strong>ngecti <strong>et</strong> PhilippeLa Turquie, qui a conclu il y aquelques mois un accord <strong>de</strong>. libre-échange avec l'Union. ~européenne, va-t-elle basculerdans le camp <strong>de</strong>s républiquesislamiques? Tansu Ciller <strong>et</strong> MesutYilmaz, les <strong>de</strong>ux dirigeants <strong>de</strong>s partislaïques turcs <strong>de</strong> centre-droit, n'étaientpas fiers voici une semaine, à la sortiedu palais prési<strong>de</strong>ntiel <strong>de</strong> Cankaya.Incapables <strong>de</strong> s'entendre, ils venaient<strong>de</strong> contraindre le prési<strong>de</strong>nt SuleymanDemirel, qui leur est pourtantfavorable, à faire appel à l'islamisteNecm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan en vue <strong>de</strong> formerle gouvernement.R<strong>et</strong>our à,la case départ. Au début<strong>de</strong> janvier, Erbakan avait déjà étéchargé <strong>de</strong> composer l'équipe gouvernementaleaprès la victoire relative<strong>de</strong> sa formation (le parti <strong>de</strong> laProspérité, en turc Refah Partisi ouRP) aux élections législatives du 24décembre 1995.Mais, avec 158 sièges seulementsur 550, le Refah ne pouvait pas gou- .verner sans alliés. Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakann'en a pas trouvé <strong>et</strong> a dO j<strong>et</strong>erl'éponge le 19 janvier ..Une alliance <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux rivaux ducentre-droit, le parti <strong>de</strong> la Juste Voie<strong>de</strong> Tansu Ciller (DYP, 134 sièges), <strong>et</strong>le parti <strong>de</strong> la Mère Patrie <strong>de</strong> MesutYilmaz (Anap, 126 sièges), laissait espérerun dénouement rapi<strong>de</strong>. Il n'ena rien été. La crise n'a pris fin qu'aprèssix semaines <strong>de</strong> rebondissements rocambolesques<strong>et</strong> la menace du prési<strong>de</strong>ntDemirel <strong>de</strong> provoquer <strong>de</strong> nouvellesélections. Au début du mois <strong>de</strong>mars, Mesut Yilmaz <strong>de</strong>venait péniblementpremier ministre, à travers unsystème <strong>de</strong> rotation du pouvoir: à lafin <strong>de</strong> l'année, il s'engageait à cé<strong>de</strong>rses fonctions à Tansu Ciller.C<strong>et</strong>te fragile <strong>et</strong> complexe mécaniquen'a pas tenu longtemps. Le 14mai, la Cour constitutionnelle annulele vote <strong>de</strong> confiance obtenu par legouvernement auprès du Parlement.. Dix jours plus tard, Ciller porte lecoup <strong>de</strong> grâce en r<strong>et</strong>irant son soutienà Yilmaz.170Douc<strong>et</strong>Mme Ciller est en eff<strong>et</strong> sous lamenace <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux enquêtes parlementairespour corruption, déclenchéespar le Refah, à propos <strong>de</strong>s privatisations<strong>de</strong> Tedas, l'EDF turque, <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>Tofas, un constructeur d'automobiles.Elle est notamment accuséed'avoir détourné 35 millions <strong>de</strong>francs <strong>de</strong> fonds publics. L'Anapsemble avoir aidé le Refah à lancerses accusations. Tànsu Ciller ne pouvaitque chercher à se venger.Quarante-cinq jours .ëtË!..rlguelï, .Pour Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan, c'estun triomphe. Il a fait chuter la coalitionlaïque, l'a divisée, <strong>et</strong> il est <strong>de</strong>venul'homme du recours. D'autantqu'aux municipales son parti vient <strong>de</strong>renforcer ses positions, obtenant unbon tiers <strong>de</strong> l'élec!orat en moyennenationale. Le prési<strong>de</strong>nt Demirel lui adonné les quarante-cinq jours <strong>de</strong> rigueurpour constituer un nouveau cabin<strong>et</strong>.Le chef du Refah compte à la foissur la Juste Voie <strong>et</strong> la Mère Patriepour former sa coalition. Il ne nourritaucune confiance dans les partis<strong>de</strong> gailche -le parti social-démocrate(DSP) <strong>et</strong> le parti républicain dupeuple (CHP). D'ailleurs, ces <strong>de</strong>rniersper<strong>de</strong>nt constamment <strong>de</strong>s voix<strong>de</strong>puis plusieurs années: ils n'ontplus qu'un rôle <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>uxième forced'appoint.A travers une vaste opération <strong>de</strong>séduction, Erbakan se tourne enpriorité vers les députés <strong>de</strong> l'Anap,qui lui ont montré le moins d'hostilitédans le passé .Il n'hésite pas à leur dire qu'il seconsidère comme le « frère aîné» <strong>de</strong>¥esut Yilmaz. Ma.ispour.1e moment,

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i<strong>de</strong> l'islamment. C<strong>et</strong>te fois, il a ses chances.celui-ci ne lui a guère r<strong>et</strong>ourné sessentiments fraternels.Erbakan pourrait mieux s'entendreavec Tansu Ciller. En re<strong>de</strong>venantpremier ministre, celle-ci pourraitespérer échapper à ses tracasjudiciaires ou au moins les différer.« Mme Ciller pourra-t-elle vraimentéviter d'aller à la Cour suprême enentrant dans le harem du Refah? »s'interroge cependant GüngorMengi, un éditorialiste' du quotidienSabah.Une vingtaine <strong>de</strong> ses députésmenacent <strong>de</strong> démissionner si ellecontinue à entr<strong>et</strong>enir <strong>de</strong>s contactsavec le Refah. Et dans ce cas, plusd'espoir <strong>de</strong> majorité au Parlement.Erbakan, il y a encore quelquessemaines, disait que « les imitateurs<strong>de</strong> l'Occi<strong>de</strong>nt dansaient leur d.rniertango ». Il a changé radicalement <strong>de</strong>discours. Il se déclare maintenantpour l'union douanière avec l'Unioneuropéenne, l'adhésion à l'Otan, ladémocratie pluraliste, le bikini sur lesplages, le raki (l'alcool national) <strong>et</strong>i même la laïcité.- Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan est prêt àtout pour s'asseoir dans le fauteuil <strong>de</strong>premier ministre, dit-on à Ankara.C'est à la fois Machiavel <strong>et</strong> le loup duP<strong>et</strong>it Chaperon rouge...La plupart <strong>de</strong>s militants du Refahtiennent en eff<strong>et</strong> un langage fortdifférent <strong>de</strong> celui <strong>de</strong> leur chef. Ilsveulent, par exemple, développer lesliens avec l'Irak ou la Syrie, qui hébergepourtant Abdullah Öcalan,surnommé « Apo )),le chef du PKKkur<strong>de</strong>.Ils dénoncent également l'accordmilitaire récemment conclu avec Israël<strong>et</strong> exigent <strong>de</strong>s précisions sur l'entraînement<strong>de</strong> pilotes <strong>de</strong> chasse turcssur <strong>de</strong>s avions israéliens.L'inflationfrôle................................................................100%paranFace à la détermination du Refah,les partis laïques apparaissentlymphatiques <strong>et</strong> en panne d'idées.Une partie <strong>de</strong> l'électorat, toutes tendancesconfondues, leur reproched'avoir laissé filer les choses. Ils ne sesont guère montrés efficaces dans lalutte contre l'inflation, <strong>de</strong>venue chronique(environ 100 % par an), lacorruption, le marché noir, le gouffrefinancier que représentent les entreprisespubliques <strong>et</strong> la guerre dansl'Est.On évoque <strong>de</strong> plus en plus TurgutÖzal, premier ministre <strong>et</strong> prési<strong>de</strong>nt<strong>de</strong> 1983à 1993. Avant lui, la Turquieach<strong>et</strong>ait <strong>de</strong> l'électricité à sesvoisins. Et après six ans d'un pouvoircertes autocratique, mais dynamique,elle leur en vendait.Les Turcs sont déçus par la mollesse<strong>et</strong> le conformisme <strong>de</strong> leurs gouvernants.Jeunes, formés en Occi<strong>de</strong>nt,polyglottes, Tansu Ciller <strong>et</strong>Mesut Yilmaz représentent pourtantun rêve partagé par beaucoup: celuid'un pays mo<strong>de</strong>rne développant sesrichesses avec les métho<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> lestechnologies <strong>de</strong> l'Ouest. Bref, uneTurquie « kémaliste )), fidèle auxprincipes <strong>de</strong> Kemal Atatürk.Les chefs <strong>de</strong> la Juste Voie <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>la Mère Patrie ont au plus jusqu'à lafin <strong>de</strong> juill<strong>et</strong> pour renégocier unenouvelle alliance <strong>et</strong> contraindre Necm<strong>et</strong>tinErbakan à un <strong>de</strong>uxième départ.Ou déci<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong> passer la main.Un autre facteur accélère encorele jeu politique turc. La mission <strong>de</strong> laforce <strong>de</strong> soutien (Pro i<strong>de</strong> Comfort),mise en place dans l'est du territoireaprès la guerre du Goi k pour protégerles Kur<strong>de</strong>s d'Irak <strong>de</strong> la colère <strong>de</strong>Sadd am Hussein, arri\ e à son terme.C<strong>et</strong>te force multinationale a empêchéles Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Turquie <strong>de</strong>suivre leurs cousins d'Irak sur la voie<strong>de</strong> la sécession. Les Etats-Unis, alliéstraditionnels <strong>de</strong> la Turquie, ne cachentpas qu'ils aimeraient voir leParlement d'Ankara voter le renouvellement<strong>de</strong> son mandat.Une inconnue <strong>de</strong> taille <strong>de</strong>meure:l'armée. On la dit toujours foncièrementkémaliste. L'arrivée au pouvoir<strong>de</strong>s islamistes pourrait donner l'occasion<strong>de</strong> voir à quel point.« L'armée est un volcan qui entreen éruption tous les dix ans )),constate-t-on à Ankara <strong>et</strong> à Istanbul.Dernière intervention en date: lecoup d'Etat <strong>de</strong> 1980. •

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iAlP. - A~enteFrancePrel\e- Al P.- A~enteFrontePrem- Al P.- A~entefronte Prem - Al P.- A~entefronte Prelle- Al P. - A~enteFrontePre\le- AlP. - A~entefronte Pre\le-A.F.P.FRS0266 4 lSyrie-TurquieA.F.P.0381 LBN /AFP-HW09La Syrie masse <strong>de</strong>s troupes à la frontière turque, selon un journalBEYROUTH, 15 juin (AFP) - La Syrie a massé près <strong>de</strong> 40.000 soldats'lelong <strong>de</strong> sa frontière avec,la Turquie' à la suite <strong>d'information</strong>s surl'implication d'Ankara dans une série d'explosions en Syrie ces <strong>de</strong>rnières,semaines, a rapporté samedi le quotidien saoudien al~Hayat.Des voyageurs en provenance <strong>de</strong> la frontière turque ont fait état d'unclimat <strong>de</strong> tension e,t d'échanges <strong>de</strong> tirs du côté turc, qui Ilsemble' en étatd'alerte permanentelI, ajoute le journal, publié à Londres~ ,Ces voyageurs ont fait état <strong>de</strong> l'arrivée IIpour la première fois ll <strong>de</strong>,renforts syriens dans les zones frontalières, ajoute al-Hayat.Selon le journal, une <strong>de</strong>s explosions en Syrie --qui n'ont pasvictime-- est due à une voiture piégée qui a sauté le 6 mai dans<strong>de</strong> Bassàtine, dans la banlieue <strong>de</strong> Damas, non loin du domicile duParti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs kur<strong>de</strong>s (PKK) Abdallah Ocalan.JUN 96fait <strong>de</strong>la régionchef duilLes forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordre syriennes ont découvert sur les lieux une autrevoiture piégée qui n'a pas explosé ll , ajoute le journal citant une sourceproche du PKK, mouvement séparatiste en lutte contre le régime d'Ankara.Une <strong>de</strong>uxième bombe, plus p<strong>et</strong>ite, a explosé quelques jours plus tard surla place Marj eh <strong>de</strong> Damas, dans un terrain en construction., D'eux'autresbombes ont explosé en <strong>de</strong>ux mois à Lattaquie (nord), poursuitiejournalcitant <strong>de</strong>s sources bien informées à Damas qui ont démenti que ces bombes--une placée dans une voiture <strong>et</strong> l'autre dans une poubelle-~ aient visé leprési<strong>de</strong>nt Hafez al-Assad.La semaine <strong>de</strong>rnière, le quotidien britannique Financial Times, citant<strong>de</strong>s sources politiques arabes haut placées, avait indiqué que M. Assad, quidispose d'une rési<strong>de</strong>nce secondaire à Lattaquie, avait été visé par unattentât à la bombe à Damas.Selon <strong>de</strong>s sources diplomatiques citées par al-Hayat, les services <strong>de</strong>sécurité syriens ont arrêté 80 membres <strong>de</strong> la communauté turkmène àLattaquie àla suite <strong>de</strong> ces explosions.AI-Hayat cite <strong>de</strong>s lIobservateurs ll , selon lesquels la Syrie a accûséAnkara d'être responsable <strong>de</strong> ces explosions, qui représentent <strong>de</strong>sIImessages ll <strong>de</strong>stinés à montrer que Illes services secr<strong>et</strong>s turcs sont capables<strong>de</strong> menacer la sécurité <strong>de</strong> la Syrie ll •hkb-jhd/tm t.fAFP /AA1234/151314Al P.- A~entefronce Prelle- AlP. - A~enceFrancePresle- A.F.P.- AgencefroncePresle- A.F.P. - AgencefroncePrme- A.F.P. - AgenœFrontePrelle - A.F.P. - Agenœfronte Prelle-172

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Éerhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - Agenle Fronte Pressa-A.F.P. - AgelKeFrolKePresle-A.F.P. - AgelXe FrolXePresse-A.F.P. - Ageß(e FranIe Presse-A.F.P. - AgelKeFrolKePressa-A.F.P. - AgelKeFrolKePreSle-A.F.P.A.F.P.FRS0250 4 I 0340 TOR /AFP-HT85Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s 2èlead77 rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s tués dans <strong>de</strong>s opérations <strong>de</strong> l'armée turqueANKARA, 15 juin (AFP) - 77 rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s ont été tués par l'armé<strong>et</strong>urque lors d'opérations militaires menées dans <strong>de</strong>s régions du sud-estanatolien, a rapporté samedi l'agence Anatolie, citant <strong>de</strong>s sourcesofficielles.57 rebelles du Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste)ont été tués lors d'opérations au sud <strong>de</strong> Cukurca, près <strong>de</strong> frontière avecl'Irak, selon un communiqué <strong>de</strong> la préfecture <strong>de</strong> l'état d'urgence <strong>de</strong>Diyarbakir cité par l'agence. Un soldat turc a été tué lors <strong>de</strong> cesaccrochages, selon la'même source.16 autres rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s ont été tués sur le mont <strong>de</strong> Bagok, au nord-est<strong>de</strong> Nusaybin, région frontalière avec la Syrie, selon le communiqué. Quatrerebelles ont été abattus par ailleurs à Gurpinar (sud-est, province <strong>de</strong>Van) .Ce bilan porte à 199 le nombre total <strong>de</strong>s rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s tués <strong>de</strong>puismercredi, dont 146 dans la seule région <strong>de</strong> Cukurca, le long <strong>de</strong> la frontièr<strong>et</strong>urco-irakien, où les troupes turques effectuent <strong>de</strong>puis plusieurs jours uneopération ponctuelle contre le PKK.Vendredi, le quotidien turc Hurriy<strong>et</strong> avait rapporté que 5.000 hommes <strong>de</strong>l'armée turque avaient pénétré c<strong>et</strong>te semaine en territoire irakien afin <strong>de</strong>pourchasser les rebelles du PKK qui l'utilisent comme base arrière pourmener <strong>de</strong>s attaques contre les cibles turques.Les opérations contre le PKK se poursuivaient samedi, selon lecommuniqué.L'armée turque a intensifié ses opérations contre le PKK <strong>de</strong>puis débutavril dans l'est <strong>et</strong> le sud-est anatoliens, tuant près <strong>de</strong> 750 rebelles.Un cessez-le-feu déclaré unilatéralement le 15 décembre <strong>de</strong>rnier par lechef du PKK, Abdullah Ocalan dit "Apo", n'est pas reconnu par l'armé<strong>et</strong>urque.Le PKK mène une rébellion armée <strong>de</strong>puis 1984 contre Ankara dans le but <strong>de</strong>créer un Etat indépendant kur<strong>de</strong> dans l'est <strong>et</strong> le sud-est anatoliens. Lesattaques du PKK <strong>et</strong> les opérations <strong>de</strong> l'armée ont fait en 12 ans près <strong>de</strong>22.000 morts, civils, militaires, rebelles <strong>et</strong> policiers.KG/bm t.fAFP /AA1234!151256 JUN 96A.EP. - A~enŒFronŒ Prelle-A.F.P. - A~eme Fronte Prme-A.F.P. - A~eme Fron[e Pre\\e-A.F.P. - A~ente Fronte Prel\e-A.F.P. - A~enŒfronŒ Pre\le-A.F.P. - A~eme fronŒ Pre\\!-173

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - A~en(eFroncePresse-A.F.P. - A~en(eFran(ePresse-A.EP. - Agen(eFran(ePresse-A.F.P. - Agen(eFrontePresse-A.F.P. - AgenceFran(ePresse-A.F.P. --:- AgenceFran(ePresse-FRS0161 4 I .02.92TUR /AFP-LR42Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s28 rebelle~~.kur<strong>de</strong>s tués dans <strong>de</strong>s opérations <strong>de</strong> l'armée turqueANKARA, 16 juin (AFP) - Vingt-huit rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s ont été tués <strong>de</strong>puissamedi par l'armée turque lors d'opérations militaires menées dans <strong>de</strong>srégions du sud-est anatolien, a rapporté .dimanche l'agence Anatolie, citant.<strong>de</strong>s sources officielles.Seize rebelles du Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste)ont été tués lors d'opérations au sud <strong>de</strong>. Cukurca, près <strong>de</strong> la frontière avecl'Irak, selon un communiqué <strong>de</strong> la préfecture <strong>de</strong> l'état d'urgence <strong>de</strong>Diyarbakir cité par l'agence. Un gardien <strong>de</strong> village (miliciens kur<strong>de</strong>s:pro-gouvernementaux) a été tué lors <strong>de</strong> ces accrochages, selon la même.source.Douze autres rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s ont été tués lors d'opérations' dans lesrégions <strong>de</strong> Baskale (est, province <strong>de</strong> Van, fronalier avec l'Iran), <strong>de</strong> Sirnak(sud) <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> Bagok (prés <strong>de</strong> Nusaybin, frontalière avec la Syrie) selon lecommuniqué.D'importantes quantités d'armes, <strong>de</strong> mines <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> vivres ont été saisiesdans c<strong>et</strong>te <strong>de</strong>rnière zone d'opération.Ce <strong>de</strong>rnier bilan porte à 227 le nombre total <strong>de</strong>s reçelles kur<strong>de</strong>s tués<strong>de</strong>puis mercredi, dont 162 dans la seule région <strong>de</strong> Cukurca, le long <strong>de</strong> lafrontière turco-irakien, où les .trqupes turques effectuent <strong>de</strong>puis plusieursjours une opération ponctuelle contre le PKK.L'armée turque a intensifié ses opérations contre le PKK <strong>de</strong>puis débutavril dans l'est <strong>et</strong> le sud-est anatoliens, tuarit près <strong>de</strong> 775 rebelles.Le PKK mène une rébellion armée <strong>de</strong>puis 1984 contre Ankara dans le but <strong>de</strong>créer un .Etat1indépendant kur<strong>de</strong> dans l'est <strong>et</strong> le sud-est anatoliens. Lesattaques du PKK <strong>et</strong> les opér~tions <strong>de</strong> l'armée ont fait en 12 ans près <strong>de</strong>22.000 morts, civils, militaires, rebelles <strong>et</strong> policiers.KG/phP. t.fraAFP /A:A1234/1'61214 JUN 96--A.F.P. - AgenceFroncePresle-A.F.P. - A~enteFroncePresse-A.F.P. - AgenteFrontePrme-A.F.P. - AgenteFrontePrelse-A.F.P. - AgenteFroncePrme-A.F.P. - Agencefronte Presle-174

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - A~enceFrontePresse-A.F.P. - A~enceFrancePresse-A.F.P. - AgelKeFraMePresse-A.F.P. - AgenceFrancePresse-A.F.P. - AgelKeFrolKePresse-A.F.P. - AgelKeFrolKePresse-FRS0401 4 l 0500 EGY /AFP-NG75Syrie-Turquie-Arabes'leadLa Ligue arabe m<strong>et</strong> en gar<strong>de</strong> contre une éventuelle incursion turque enSyrieLE CAIRE, 16 juin (AFP) - Le secrétaire général adjoint <strong>de</strong> la Liguearabe, le Syrien Mouaffak al-Allaf, a mis en gar<strong>de</strong> dimanche contre uneincursion militaire turque en Syrie mais a affirmé ne pas croire audéclenchement d'un conflit armé entre les <strong>de</strong>ux pays.A un journaliste qui l'interrogeait sur une éventuelle incursion turqueen Syrie pour pourchasser les militants kur<strong>de</strong>s du PKK, M. Allaf a répondu"Ce serait grave si la Turquie' pense faire quelque chose <strong>de</strong> ce genre"."Il s'agirait d'une menace sans précé<strong>de</strong>nt contre la Syrie. Ce ne serapas comme en Irak où les forces turques ont pénétré à plusieurs reprisesdans le nord", a ajouté le responsable <strong>de</strong> la Ligue."De telles actions turques, dirigées contre l'Irak ou la Syrie,provoqueront un regain <strong>de</strong> tension dans la région. Elles démasqueront lesintentions turques, qui ont été à l'origine <strong>de</strong> son accord militaire avecIsraël d'autant que la multiplication <strong>de</strong>s visites entre militaires turcs <strong>et</strong>israéliens sont inquiétantes", a estimé M. Allaf.La Ligue "suit avec inquiétu<strong>de</strong> ce qui se passe actuellement à lafrontière syro-turque <strong>et</strong> le mon<strong>de</strong> arabe ne restera pas les bras croisés siles informations sur <strong>de</strong>s mouvements (<strong>de</strong> troupes turques) à la frontièresyrienne se confirmaient", a-t-il affirmé.M. Allaf a toutefois "exclu le déclenchement d'un conflit armé car tousces mouvements visent à exercer une pression sur la Syrie <strong>de</strong> façon à servirIsraël". Il a estimé que l'accord militaire israélo-turc "nuit auxrelations arabo-turques d'autant que le peuple turc ne profitera pas <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>accord qui sert l'ennemi <strong>de</strong>s Arabes <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>. la Turquie, c'est à dire Israël".Ankara, a ajouté M. Allaf, "doit être attentif <strong>de</strong>vant les tentativesd'Israël visant à enfoncer un coin entre les Arabes <strong>et</strong> la Turquie <strong>et</strong>profiter <strong>de</strong> la tension entre eux".Le somm<strong>et</strong> du Caire discutera "<strong>de</strong> toutes les questions concerant lasecurité nationale arabe dont 'l'.accord israélo-turc <strong>et</strong> le problème <strong>de</strong>l'eau" <strong>de</strong> l'Euphrate.L'agence semi-officielle turque Anatolie a affirmé dimanche que la Syriea massé <strong>de</strong>s unités blindés dans les régions frontalières avec la Turquie.Samedi, le quotidien saoudien al-Hayat avait rapporté que la Syrie avaitmassé près <strong>de</strong> 40.000 soldats le long <strong>de</strong> sa frontière avec la Turquie à lasuite <strong>d'information</strong>s sur l'implication d'Ankara dans une. série d'explosionsen Syrie ces <strong>de</strong>rnières semaines. .Les relations entre la Syrie <strong>et</strong> la Turquie sont tendues <strong>de</strong>puis plusieursannées, Damas reprochant à Ankara <strong>de</strong> détourner les eaux <strong>de</strong> l'Euphrate alorsque la Turquie accuse la Syrie <strong>de</strong> soutenir les séparatistes kur<strong>de</strong>s turcs.Les rapports entre les <strong>de</strong>ux pays se sont détériorés après la signatureen févrirer d'un accord <strong>de</strong> coopération militaire entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> Israëlqui prévoit notamment <strong>de</strong>s vols d'entrainement <strong>de</strong>s avions <strong>de</strong> chaque paysdans l'espace aérien <strong>de</strong> l'autre.ms/sk/jhdAFP /AA1234/161812 JUN 96A.F.P. - A~enceFroncePresle-A.F.P. - A~encefroncePresse-A.F.P. - A~encefroncePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~encefroncePrel\e-A.F.P. - A~enceFromePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~encefronce Pre\\e-175

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro,<strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iGreece Drops ObjectionTo EU Aid for Turkey----B-y-.-T-o-m-B-u-e-rl-<strong>de</strong>------' Turkey' tö pursue "good~nei~hborly re~lations" and to submit temtorial dis- .International Herald Tribuneputes with Greece to arbitration by theBRUSSELS - Signaling a potential International Court of Justice. Greecebreakthrough in the tense political and Turkey ,both NATO allies, went tostandoff b<strong>et</strong>ween Athens and Ankara, the brink ,of c~nfrontation in January .Greece on Monday sirid it would stop ;after Turkish sallors planted their counblockingthe release of billions of dol-try'S flag on the disputed Aegean islandlars of European Union aid to Turkey :of Imia.and Il other Mediterranean countries. Foreign Minister Dick Spring of Ire-The <strong>de</strong>cision, announced by Foreign land, who brokered the agreement asMinisterTheodorosPangalosatame<strong>et</strong>- hol<strong>de</strong>r of the Union's rotating presidingof EU foreign ministers here, fol- ency, called it a "very positive <strong>de</strong>lowedmonths of strong diplomatic, ' velopment. "'pressure from Gr:eece's EU partners,; 'Hans van <strong>de</strong>n Brook; the EU com-'who regard the3..~ billion Ecu. ($4,9 missioner for external relations, said,billion) aid package':-as vit1Ûto stabil"':, "We hope very much that this proizingthe bloc' s' southern and eastern cedure can at least help <strong>de</strong>velop a dia-Mediterranean neighbors. logue with Turkey that will give someThe Greek move came after EU min- relief to tension" b<strong>et</strong>ween Athens andisters endorsed a <strong>de</strong>cl~ation calling ~~, ~a.,ra' __INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1996. ,Mt:.PäiJ,galos ~sisted that. Turkeywould have to agree to the EU ,con- 'ditions for aid to flow.'Mr. Spring and Mr~;~an <strong>de</strong>n Broek'planned to me<strong>et</strong> with the Turkish foreignminister, Tansu Ciller, in Dublin onWednesday. .,"We have to have a response, andthIS response has to be positive," Mr.PangaIos said.Mr. Pangalos refused to drop a separateGreek v<strong>et</strong>o over other EU plans toextend 375 million Ecus of aid to Turkeyto help the country face up to EUcomp<strong>et</strong>ition as tariffs are phased outun<strong>de</strong>r a customs union signed lastyear.That position could force Ankara tobalk at accepting any <strong>de</strong>al that did not .guarantee access to those funds.Still, EU officials said Monday'sagreement was significant because theaid package was a vital element of the~nion' s plan to <strong>de</strong>velop closer ties with .Its southern and eastern Mediterraneanneighbors, leading to a paßcMediterraneanfree-tra<strong>de</strong> area around the year2010.AlP. - A~enceFroncePreSle-A.F.P. - A~enrefronre PreSle-A.F.P. - A~enrefronre PreSle-A.EP. - A~en(eflonre Prme-A.F.P. - A~enreFroncePresse-AlP. - A~enrefronce Presle- .'FRS0219 '4:1 0246 TOR !AFP-HP36Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s lead57 rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s tués dans la zone frontalière turco-irakienneANKARA, 15 juin (AFP) - Cinquante-sept rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s ont été tué~ parl'armée turque lors d'opérations militaires au sud <strong>de</strong> Cukurca, la régionfrontalière turco-irakienne, a rapporté samedi l'agence Anatolie.Un soldat turc a été tué lors d'accrochages selon la même source.Ce bilan porte à 146 le nombre <strong>de</strong>s rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s du Parti <strong>de</strong>sTravailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste), tués <strong>de</strong>puis mercredi dans laseule région <strong>de</strong> Cukurca, le long <strong>de</strong> la frontière turco-irakien.Vendredi, 50 rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s avaient été tués dans <strong>de</strong>s opérations <strong>de</strong>,l'armée turque dans c<strong>et</strong>te région.Les troupes turques effectuent <strong>de</strong>puis plusieurs jours une opérationponctuelle contre les rebelles du PKK dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, avait-onindiqué vendredi <strong>de</strong> sources militaires à Ankara.Vendredi, le quotidien turc Hurriy<strong>et</strong> avait rapporté quel'armée turque avaient pénétré c<strong>et</strong>te semaine en territoirepourchasser les rebelles du PKK qui l'utilisent comme basemener <strong>de</strong>s attaques contre les cibles turques. 'J.UN 965.000 hommes <strong>de</strong>irakien afin <strong>de</strong>arrière pourLe PKK mène une rébellion armée <strong>de</strong>puis 1984 contre Ankara. C<strong>et</strong>terébellion, qui vise ,à créer un Etat indépendant kur<strong>de</strong> dans le sud-estanatolien, situé à la frontière avec la Syrie, l'Irak <strong>et</strong>. l'Iran, <strong>et</strong> lesopérations <strong>de</strong> l'armée ont fait en 12 ans près <strong>de</strong> 22.000 morts, civils,militaires, rebelles <strong>et</strong> policiers.KG/dfg t.fraAFP /AA1234/1S12.0a-'176

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - Agence fronce Pre\se-A.F.P. - AgelKefrolKe Presse-A.F.P. -1~lKe frolKe Pre\se-A.F.P. - Agenle franœ Pre\se-A.F.P. -.8 fralt Pre\se-A.F.P. - AgelKe frolKe Presse-FRSO~52 .4 l 0607 TUR /AFP-LQ70Turquie-Syrie 2èleadDes troupes syriennes massées près <strong>de</strong> la frontière turque, selonAnatolieANKARA, 16 juin (AFP) - La Syrie a massé <strong>de</strong>s unités blindées dans lesrégions frontalièrés avec la Turquie, a rapporté dimanche l'agencesemi-officielle turque Anatolie, citant <strong>de</strong>s commerçants turcs <strong>et</strong> syriensvenant <strong>de</strong> Syrie.Ces commerçants déclarent avoir vu <strong>de</strong>s convois <strong>de</strong> blindés syriens quiavancaient vers la frontière turque, indique l'agence dans une dépêchedatée <strong>de</strong> Nusaybin,localité proche <strong>de</strong> la frontière, près <strong>de</strong> Mardin.Ils affirment également avoir vu <strong>de</strong>s unités blindées positionnées dansplusieurs provinces syriennes frontalières <strong>de</strong> la Turquie.L'agence n'a pas précisé quelles étaient ces provinces. La frontièresyrienne, qui fait près <strong>de</strong> 800 km, est la plus longue frontière <strong>de</strong> laTurquie.Interrogé à Ankara, l'état-major <strong>de</strong> l'armée turque s'est refusé à toutcommentaire. Un porte-parole a indiqué que l'état-major était "très calme"<strong>et</strong> qu'il ne disposait pas <strong>d'information</strong>s pour la presse.Samedi, le quotidien saoudien al-Hayat avait rapporté que la Syrie avaitmassé près <strong>de</strong> 40.000 soldats le long <strong>de</strong> sa frontière avec la Turquie à lasuite <strong>d'information</strong>s sur l'implication d'Ankara dans une série d'explosionsen Syrie ces <strong>de</strong>rnières semaines.Ces attentats ont eu lieu en mai à Lattaquie (nord) <strong>et</strong> à Damas, dontl'un non loin du domicile du chef du Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan(PKK, séparatistes kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Turquie) Abdullah Ocalan, dans la capitalesyrienne, selon al-Hayat.Anatolie rapporte pour sa part, toujours en citant ces commerçants, queles attentats à la bombe en Syrie était l'oeuvre <strong>de</strong> l'organisationislamiste <strong>de</strong>s Frères Musulmans;De noIDbreuses explosions ont également eu lieu <strong>de</strong>puis une semaine dansles provinces syriennes frontalières avec la Turquie, selon l'agence qui neprécise pas les lieux exacts.Elle ne donne pas non plus <strong>d'information</strong> sur d'éventuelles victimes <strong>de</strong>ces explosions, qui selon les témoins se produisent en général dans lasoirée.Selon l'agence, la Syrie a déclenché une campagne d'arrestations dansles milieux. turcomans (syriens d'origine turque), qU'elle soupçonne <strong>de</strong>responsabilité dans ces explosions.Depuis mai, Damas a commencé à exercer un strict contrôle sur les Turcsqui font du commerce frontalier avec la Syrie, indique encore l'agence.Depuis, très peu <strong>de</strong> commerçants turcs ont obtenu la permission d'entrer enSyrie, ce qui a fait doubler les prix <strong>de</strong>s marchandises dans les zonesfrontalières.A.F.P. - A~emeframe Pre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enŒframe Prme-A.F.P. - A~emeframe Pre\\e-A.F.P. - A~emefranŒ Prem-A.F.P. - A~enŒframe Pr€\le-A.F.P. - A~emefrome Prme-177

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - A~enceFroncePreSle-A.F.P. - A~enceFroncePresse.-A.F.P. - A~enceFroncePresse-A.F.P. - A~enceFroncePresse-A.F.P. - A~en(eFroncePreSle-A.F.P. - A~enceFroncePresse-Les relations turco-syriennes sont froi<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>puis plusieurs années. LeTurqui~ ~eproche à la Syrie <strong>de</strong> donner refuge à Damas ou dans l~ B:kaa ,lib~naise sous son contrôle à Abdullah Ocalan, chef dU.PK~, q~l ~e~e <strong>de</strong>puls12 ans une rébellion armée dans le sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Turqule a maJorlte kur<strong>de</strong>pour l'établissement d'un Etat kur<strong>de</strong> indépendant.La Syrie, avec l'Irak, reproche à la Turquie d'utiliser contre,ellel'arme <strong>de</strong> l'eau en rationnant le vol~me ~es ea~x <strong>de</strong> l'Euphra~e qu ellelaisse passer sur son territoire, grace a un glga~tesque proJ<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> barrages<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> systèmes d'irrigation en cours,<strong>de</strong> constructlon dans le sud-est <strong>de</strong> laTurquie. Ankara dément c<strong>et</strong>te accusatlon. .Dernièrement, les relations se sont tendues davantage avec ~a slgnatu:een février d'un accord <strong>de</strong> coopération militaire entre la Turqule <strong>et</strong> Israelqui prévoit notamment <strong>de</strong>s vols d'entrainement <strong>de</strong>s avions <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux pays dansle ciel <strong>de</strong> l'autre. . '. .La Syrie ainsi que d'autres pays arabes <strong>et</strong> l'Iran, ont v7ve~entcondamné c<strong>et</strong> accord. Damas <strong>et</strong> Téhéran ont estimé qu'il les vlsalt, cequ'Ankara a catégoriquement démenti.FRS0543 4 l 0282 IRK /AFP-OC10Irak-Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>sBagdad proceste contre une nouvelle "invasion" turque dans le nord <strong>de</strong>l'IrakBAGDAD, 16 juin (AFP) - L'Irak a protesté dimanche contre une opérationmilitaire turque dans le Kurdistan irakien <strong>et</strong> a <strong>de</strong>mandé à Ankara <strong>de</strong> m<strong>et</strong>trefin au plus tôt à c<strong>et</strong>te nouvelle "invasion".Selon un porte-parole du ministère irakien <strong>de</strong>s Affaires étrangères, citépar l'agence officielle INA, "<strong>de</strong>s troupes terrestres.turques ont pénétrésur une profon<strong>de</strong>ur <strong>de</strong> 10 km en territoire irakien alors que l'aviationd'Ankara bombardaït <strong>de</strong>s villes <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s villages irakiens sous prétexte <strong>de</strong>poursuivre <strong>de</strong>s fauteurs <strong>de</strong> troubles, qui menacent la sécurité nationale <strong>de</strong>.la Turquie".Le porte-parole n'a pas précisé quand c<strong>et</strong>te opération turque a eu lieu.Il a exprimé les "profonds regr<strong>et</strong>s" <strong>de</strong> Bagdad à la suite <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te "nouvelleinvasion qui viole la souverain<strong>et</strong>é <strong>et</strong> l'intégrité territoriale" <strong>de</strong> l'Irak<strong>et</strong> constitue "une atteinte au droit international, à la Charte <strong>de</strong>s Nationsunies ainsi qu'aux relations <strong>de</strong> bon voisinage" entre les <strong>de</strong>ux pays.Vendredi, on avait indiqué <strong>de</strong> source militaire à,Ankara que l'armé<strong>et</strong>urque avait effectué c<strong>et</strong>te semaine une opération ponctuelle contre lesrebelles du Parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste) dans lenord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak.Selon ci<strong>et</strong>te source, c<strong>et</strong>te opération était "ponctuelle" <strong>et</strong> n'était pascomparable à celle menée en mars-avril 1995 contre le PKK en territoire'irakien où l'armée turque avait déployé 30.000 à 35.000 hommes.Le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, qui échappe au contrôle <strong>de</strong> Bagdad <strong>de</strong>puis 1991, sert<strong>de</strong> base arrière au PKK <strong>et</strong> est le théâtre d'une lutte d'influence entre lesdiverses faction~ kur<strong>de</strong>s irakiennes. .elf/sb/mmr tfAFP /AA1234/162105 JUN 96.-A.F.P. - A~enceFroncePresse-A.F.P. - A~enceFroncePresse-A.F.P. - A~enceFroncePrelse-A.F.P. - A~enceFroncePresse-A.F.P. - A~enceFroncePresse-A.F.P. - A~enceFroncePresse-178

How Assad Plays All Si<strong>de</strong>s Against Middle, ......2~==2~.....Q~=~:=>~=0-3== .....=~P'a:Q2~~ c...~ 2~....;--l....~~ ~~'"~~ ~...,'" I~ ~...,~ ~....'"~I~~~~"0"'S"'>~....I~/:::.~~ ~~~I~ ;::::"'i-~~~~'1:i;::::~I~...,....;::::Q:N...."'i-'""Syria's Consistent Pattern / 'errorlsm, Drug Trafficking and Counterfeiting........~By Elaine Sciolinoand Douglas lehlNew York Times St!n'ict!PaR FIVE hours on April22, Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of StateWarren M. Christopherheld intense discussionswith Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Hafez Assad ofSyria at his presi<strong>de</strong>ntial palacein Damascus to end the fightingb<strong>et</strong>ween Israel and Muslimguerrillas in southern Lebanon.While Mr. Christopher paidcourt, a few miles away at DamascusInternational Airport, anIran Air 747 unloa<strong>de</strong>d Katyusharock<strong>et</strong>s and other militaryequipment for <strong>de</strong>livery via Syrianmilitary trucks for thoseguerrillas, American intelligenceofficials believe.Five such shipments reportedlyarrived b<strong>et</strong>ween AprilI3 and 29. All the while, theSyrian presi<strong>de</strong>nt was receivingvisits from Mr. Christopher andsix other foreign ministers -from Russia, France, Italy,Spain, Ireland and Iran. Ai<strong>de</strong>s toMr. Christopher say that at the'time he did not know about thespecific weapons shipments,only that the guerrillas werewell supplied.For more than a <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>. Syriahas played both ends against themiddle, taking part in peac<strong>et</strong>alks even as it fosters terrorismand tolerates drug traffickingand the distribution of counterfeitAmerican currency in lebanon'sWild West: the SyriancontrolledBekaa region.American officials say theelection of Benjamin N<strong>et</strong>anyahuas prime minister of Israelmay shift the balance, Mr, N<strong>et</strong>anyahuis opposed to exchangingthe Israeli-held GolanHeights for peace with Syria,and the United States fears thatMr. Assad will react by steppingup his support for terrorism.An examination of MT. Assad'srecord, based on interviewswith current and formerAmerican officials and authoritiesfrom Israel, Lebanon,Jordan and Turkey, shows aconsistent pattern: Mr. Assadsupports g~oups that put pressureon his adversaries.The arrests in Jordan of threedozen members of Syrian-basedPalestinian guerrilla groups inthe last two months illustrate therole such groups can play.Jordanian officials say the infiltrators,members of the PalestinianIslamic Jihad and othermilitant groups, traveled insmall groups, carrying machineguns and up to 200 pounds ofexplosives for attacks on Israelitourists and other targ<strong>et</strong>s inJordan. The groups operatefrom Syria while receivingmoney from Iran.According to the StateDepartment's annualreport on terrorism,Syria has not been"directly involved" in a terroristattack since 1986, whenMr. Assad's air force intelligencechief mastermin<strong>de</strong>d thebombing of an El Al airliner.But Syria remains on the listof nations that support terrorismfor giving groups as varied as theIslamic Palestinian group Hamasand the Japanese Red Army aplace to call home, and for allowingPalestinian and anti-Turkish Kurdish guerrillas to runmilitary training operations.Until the Israeli election lastmonth, American officials portrayedMr. Assad, 66, as a lea<strong>de</strong>rwho comes to <strong>de</strong>cisions slowlyand sees dangers everywhere,but who in recent years hadcome to realize that negotiatingwith Israel was clearly to hisadvantage.Those views changedovernight. "If Assad feelsthere' s nothing in it for him at all,he'II have an incentive to showthe consequences of excludinghim," a senior U.S. official said."If the new Israeli government<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>s it wants to make Assadthe bad guy, it will be a selffulfillingprophecy."Edward P. Djerejian, whowas ambassador to Syria andIsrael, said: "Assad feels <strong>de</strong>eplythat the biggest card he has toplay is that there will be nopeace unless Syria is part of acomprehensive s<strong>et</strong>tlement.These other factors are not hismain preoccupation. "Bahraini officials publiclyblamed Iran recently for backingan attempted coup against theirgovernment, asserting that thesuspected plotters, who wereBahrainis, were trained in bothIranand the Bekaa region. Americanintelligence officials callthose claims credible, adding thatthe plotters could not hav<strong>et</strong>rained in the Bekaa without theknowledge and support of Syria.As for Jordan, officials in thekingdom are reluctant to criticizeSyria publicly for its support foranti-Jordanian guerrillas for fearthat the publicity could un<strong>de</strong>rmineJordan's tourist industry.In an interview at his palacein Amman on June l, King Husseinspoke angrily about what he<strong>de</strong>scribed as the continuing infiltration.He said Jordan hadintercepted "people comingacross, weapons coming across,explosives coming across andinformation about <strong>de</strong>cisions beingtaken to continue it."The king did not mention Syriaby name, but Jordan protestedprivately through security channelsto Syria. "These groups areoperating out of Syria, and it'shard to believe that the Syriangovernment does not knowabout these activities," a Jordanianofficial said.The United States has itsgrievances against Syria forsimilar reasons. Ramadan AbdullahShallah, a lecturer at theUniversity of South Florida andthe head of an Islamic organizationin Tampa, moved toDamascus and became head ofthe Palestinian Islamic Jihad lastyear. The United States put himon its list of terrorist organizationsand seized his ass<strong>et</strong>s inthe United States: $2,300 fromhis personal account, $15,500from his organization.Syria <strong>de</strong>nies trying to<strong>de</strong>stabilize other governments,although it regardsits support for itsPalestinian br<strong>et</strong>hren as a duty."There are half a million Palestinianrefugees driven fromtheir homes by Israel who foundshelter in Syria," the officialdaily Syria Times said in a recentcommentary."It is natural for thoserefugees to have their own organizationsand to cling fast tothe United Nations resolutionswhich guarantee for them theright to repatriation. ' •Syria's support for Palestiniangroups is not nearly as greatas that of Iran. But Syria closelymonitors and controls the move-ment of Palestinians, Americanintelligence officials say.With 35,000 troops as well asplainclothes intelligence officers,Syria operates like a<strong>de</strong>eply entrenched protectionrack<strong>et</strong> in Lebanon. Its troopshave allowed parts of the Bekaaregion to remain a haven forlawlessness, particularly in thedrug tra<strong>de</strong> and counterfeiting.To its credit, Syria has reducedthe marijuana and opiumpoppy crop in the Bekaa to inconsequentiallevels. accordingto American satellite photographstaken last year.But new drug processingplants have been built in theBekaa. Since 1993. substantialamounts of cocaine paste andmorphine base have beensmuggled through Lebanon,processed at the Bekaa plants,then rerouted to Europe and theArabian Peninsula.And Syrian officers extractlarge profits from drug trafficking~d other illegal smuggling, 'American intelligence officialsbelieve. MT. Assad has refusedto prosecute them.For that reason, the UnitedStates has <strong>de</strong>clined to certifythat Syria is cooperating in effortsto combat illegal drugs.This has enraged the Syrians.who have felt they should berewar<strong>de</strong>d for helping eradicat<strong>et</strong>he drug crops.Syria also tolerates the counterfeitingof $100 bills in theBekaa. The Bekaa and otherparts of Lebanon have producedhigh-quality fake $100 bills foryears. In recent years. the Lebaneseand Syrian authoritieshave uncovered offs<strong>et</strong> pressesand confiscated millions of dollarsand other currencies.

~ ~~~~~~'"~I~ ~'"~~....~~I~~~~"S~>I~.~.~~ ~~~1t:J~;:::l~Ç:l~~~ "Ii;:::l~I~ ....;:::la:~ ~.....00~INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRffiUNE, MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1996~ ~_.",__ ''---'-'''' __ '_ ~--L''-'' - ,---.----:-- .'Turkey and Israel Spring a Realignment in the Middle EastASHINGTON - One ofW the best diplomatic storiesthese days is a cloak-anddaggerthriller involving bombsin Syria, an assassination attemptin Turkey, missing bagsof money in Ankara and covertTurkish-Israeli military cooperation,It's James Bond does theTigris and Euphrates, and it'swhat Middle East lea<strong>de</strong>rs arereally talking about.Scene One. Our story opensin Israel in February 1996,when the Turkish military' s<strong>de</strong>puty chief of staff, Cevik Bir,pays a secr<strong>et</strong> visit to forge amilitary alliance with ShimonPeres. The <strong>de</strong>al calls for Israeliplanes to practice in the openskies over Turkey and for Turkishplanes to train over Israel.This gives Israel' s air forceits first staging area in Asia,from which it could outflankSyria and. intimidate Iran. It- gives the Turks a perfect way tosqueeze Syrian Presi<strong>de</strong>nt HafezAssad, who has been providinga sanctuary for Abdullah Oca-By Thomas L. Friedmanlan, lea<strong>de</strong>r of the Kurdish the shadows and tries to shootWorkers Party, the PKK, which him. A Demirel bodyguard <strong>de</strong>hasbeen fighting a bloody guer- flects the gunman's arm andrilla war against the Turks from foils the assassination attempt.bases in Syria. Mr. Assad keeps The assailant says he at-Mr. Ocalan around to prevent tacked the presi<strong>de</strong>nt to expressTurkey, which is building a dam anger over the Turkey-Israelon the Euphrates, from choking pact. The shooting comes daysoff Syria's water supply. after Iran and Turkey qui<strong>et</strong>lyScene Two. At a me<strong>et</strong>ing of evicted several of each other'sCentral Asian lea<strong>de</strong>rs in diplomats on suspicion of fo-Ashkabad, Turkmenistan, in menting trouble.May, Iranian Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Hash- Scene Four. In early May, aemi Rafsanjani me<strong>et</strong>s Turkey's series of unexplained bomb expresi<strong>de</strong>nt,Suleyman Demirel, plosions take place around Syrwhohad recently visited Israel. ill'.The Financial Times reportsMr. Rafsanjani, according to a that one bomb explo<strong>de</strong>d on Mayparticipailt, goes "bananas" 6 on the route that Mr. Assadover the Turkey-Israel pact, ful- was to have taken to the annualminating that "the Israelis will commemoration of the day Syruseit to bomb Tehran." ian nationalist rebels were ex-Scene Three. Two days later, ecuted by the Ottoman Turks inMr. Demirel is cutting the rib- the 19th century. The Syriansbon at a new offiœ building in round up 600 <strong>et</strong>hnic Turks liv-Izmit, Turkey, when Ibrahim ing around Damascus on sus-Gumrukcuoglu, a 47-year-old picion of involvement in thepharmacist with Islamic funda- bombings.mentalist leanings, steps out of Scene Five. Turkey's coalitiongovernment collapses, andNecm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan, head of theIslamist Welfare Party, is calledon to form a new government.But the Turkish military, workingbehind the scenes, effectivelyblocks him from building acoalition, because the army fearsthat he would scotch the Israeli-Turkish military <strong>de</strong>al.Word then leaks out thatformer Turkish Prime MinisterTansu Ciller can't explain whathappened to $6 million from theprime minister's discr<strong>et</strong>ionaryoperations fund. Mrs. Ciller saysthat if she were to disclose wher<strong>et</strong>he money went, it could damagerelations with neighboring statesand possibly cause a war. Speculationin Istanbul is that themoney went to Chechen rebelsor for bombings in Damascus.Meanwhile, the Turks reportthat a squadron of their F-4Phantom j<strong>et</strong>s have been reconfiguredwith Israeli electronicsso that they can fue on Syriansurface-to-air missiles befor<strong>et</strong>he Syrians can fire on them.What is going on here? Quite'simply, it is a major strategic.realIgnment in Middle East-Asia. Israel' s peace processwith the Muslim world has giv-'en Turkey the cover to openlyalign with Israel so that the twocan un<strong>de</strong>rcut their commonfoes, Syria and Iranian-style Islamicextremism.This realignment is a remin<strong>de</strong>rthat for the Peres-Rabin team,the peace process was not just a:romantic adventUre but a stra-=.tegic choice to help Israel make'peace with the inner ring ofcountries around it so that itcould <strong>de</strong>al more effectivelywith the real long-term threatsto its security on the outer ring- Libya, Iran and Iraq.Maybe the most importantstrategic relationship that thenew Israeli government will inherit,and have to <strong>de</strong>ftly manage,will be neither the one tothe west with Egypt nor the on<strong>et</strong>o the east with Jordan, but theone to the north with Turkey.The New York Times.'.I. "'

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - AgenceFron,ePresse-A.F.P. - AgenœFronœPresse-A.F.P. - AgenceFronœPresse-A.F.P. - AgenteFruntePresse-A.F.P. - Agele Frule Presse-A.F.P. - AgenceFroncePresse-A.F.P.A.F.P.FRS0454 4 l 0340 TUR /AFP-SE62Turquie-Syrie leadLa Turquie dément toute intention d'entrer militairement en SyrieANKARA, 17 juin (AFP) - La Turquie a démenti lundi avoir l'intentiond'effectuer une incursion militaire en territoire syrien pour pourchasserles rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Turquie qui, selon elle, reçoivent l'ai<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Damas."Il n'y a aucun plan d'incursion" (en Syrie), a déclaré un porte-paroledu ministère <strong>de</strong>s affaires étrangères, Nur<strong>et</strong>tin Nurkan, lors d'un point <strong>de</strong>presse."La Turquie ne constitue pas un danger pour ses voisins", a-t-il ajouté.Le secrétaire général adjoint <strong>de</strong> la Ligue arabe, le Syrien Mouaffakal-Allaf, avait lancé dimanche une mise en gar<strong>de</strong> à la Turquie contre uneéventuelle incursion en Syrie, indiquant qu'une telle incursion aurait <strong>de</strong>graves conséquences.Par ailleurs, un exercice naval turc en cours dans les mers Egée <strong>et</strong>Méditerranée va se poursuivre dans les eaux internationales au large <strong>de</strong> laSyrie, a-t-on appris <strong>de</strong> source militaire."C'est un exercice d'entrainement <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s exercices semblables ont déjàeu lieu dans c<strong>et</strong>te zone par le passé. La Syrie n'a pas à s.'inquiéter",a-t-on précisé <strong>de</strong> même source.Les relations entre Damas <strong>et</strong> Ankara sont froi<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>puis plusieursannées. La Turquie accuse la Syrie d'abriter <strong>et</strong> d'ai<strong>de</strong>r les militants duParti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du K~rdistan (PKK, séparatiste) <strong>et</strong> notamment leurchef Abdullah Ocalan qui rési<strong>de</strong> à Damas ou dans la Bekaa libanaise sous.contrôle syrien. Damas rej<strong>et</strong>te ces accusations.La Syrie accuse la Turquie <strong>de</strong> lui rationner l'eau <strong>de</strong> l'Euphrate à l'ai<strong>de</strong>d'une série <strong>de</strong> barrages sur ce fleuve, ce qu'Ankara dément.. Les relations syro-turques se sont encore envenimées après la signatureen février <strong>de</strong>rnier d'un accord <strong>de</strong> coopération militaire entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong>Israël. La Syrie se considère visée par c<strong>et</strong> accord, malgré les dénégationsturques."Nous voulons <strong>de</strong> bonnes relations avec la Syrie mais la précondition estqU'elle cesse <strong>de</strong> soutenir le terrorisme", a déclaré M. Nurkan lors <strong>de</strong> sonpoint <strong>de</strong> presse.UE/hc/mrtfAFP /AA1234/171427 JUN 96.-A.F.P. - A~enreFronrePrelle-A.F.P. - A~emeFromePrme-A.F.P. - A~emeFromePrelle-A.F.P. - A~emeFronrePrme-A.F.P. - A~emeFronrePrelle-A.F.P. - A~enreFlonrePrme-181

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iLa Marseillaise - 17 juin 1996TURQUIE :BAiN DESANGAU KURDISTANCourrier Picard - 17 juin 1996Vingt-huit combattants Iwf.<strong>de</strong>s ont été tués ce week-'end lors d'acaochagese~ :"'ann~ ~,#e PKK (parti <strong>de</strong>s~illeurs du Kurdis~) tJans leS, régions frontalières crvec!,!ralc. l'Iran <strong>et</strong> la Syrie;' ci,~rté ragence Anatolie. Ce bi-:1onporte à 227 le nOmb~, totCJl<strong>de</strong>s "rebelles" kur<strong>de</strong>s tués,,<strong>de</strong>puis mercredi, dont 162é1éJrls 'a'région <strong>de</strong> Cukurca. le long. <strong>de</strong>'lcJ fi'ontière irakienne. au <strong>de</strong>là <strong>de</strong> 'aque'le.1eS troupes turquesont effectué plusieurs incursions .ces <strong>de</strong>rniers jours- Toujoursse'on l'année turque.le bilan <strong>de</strong>puis le début,<strong>de</strong> l'ann~serait <strong>de</strong> 775 tués._L'agence Anatolie affinne également que l'année srrlènneä massé <strong>de</strong>s troupes <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s blindés le long <strong>de</strong> s~ 'fi'o~.tière cMc lcJ Turqu~MONDAY,JUNEp,I996Turkish Dâlly NewsMuslim Brothers shake the regime in SyriaTurkish Daily NewsANKARA- The Syrian, oppositiongroup, Muslim Brothers, which has beentrying to weaken the regime of the BaathParty in Syria via bombardments sinceMay, has taken action in the s<strong>et</strong>tlementareas near the Turkish bor<strong>de</strong>r, the Anatolianews agency reported.According to re,po)tS,there were blasts in, the provinces and towns near the Turkishbor<strong>de</strong>r last week as weil as in Damascus,Aleppo and Latakia. Turkish and Syriantra<strong>de</strong>rs coming from Syria said thatalthough it was believed that the MuslimBrothers were responsible for the blasts, theSyrian government was maintaining thatTurkmen were responsible and was <strong>de</strong>tainingthem and makii1g arrests.The tra<strong>de</strong>rs said that the Baath governmentimposes strict controls over bor<strong>de</strong>rtra<strong>de</strong> and that it gives priority only totrucks that carry cement from Turkey."Syria supported Hizboilah against Israeland the PKK against Turkey. The Baathgovernment, which supports terrorism, isnow weakened by the Muslim Brothers,"claimed the tra<strong>de</strong>rs. It was also reported thatSyria had placed armored units at theTurkish bor<strong>de</strong>r, which can only be seenfrom the Syrian si<strong>de</strong> of me bor<strong>de</strong>r and notfrom the Turkish si<strong>de</strong>. Meanwhile, theTehran Timès newspaper, which is publishedin Iran>claimed mat people comingfrom the Syria-Turkey bor<strong>de</strong>r heard gunshotson the Turkish si<strong>de</strong>., The paper, which is said to have an affinitywim the Iran Foreign Ministry, said thatTurkey' s Syria policy serves Israel, and matTurkey had become an ally of Israel since itsigned a militaryFebruary.training agreement i~.Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace - 17 juin 1996Syrie-Turquie:' mouvements<strong>de</strong> troupes à la frontièreLa Syrie a massé (les unitésblindées dans les régionsfrontalières avec la. Turquie, arapporté hier l'agence semiofficif;!l1<strong>et</strong>urqueI\natolie. Laveille déjà, le quotidien saoudienal-Hayat avait égalementrapporté que la Syrie avaitmass~ près <strong>de</strong>' 40 DOO soldatsle lon'S'<strong>de</strong> sa frontière avec laTurquie à la suite <strong>d'information</strong>'ss,llr l'implication d'An-:kara dans une séri~" d'e.l}plo-,sions ~n Sy.rie ,Fe_~, 'ôel;,niètèssemaines. A iÙikar~ l'état~',"'"~',.'major <strong>de</strong> l'armée turque s'estrefusé à tout commentaire.Les relations turco-syriennessont froi<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>pui~ plusieursannées. Le Turquie reproche:à la Syrie <strong>de</strong> donner refuge àDamas ou dans la Bekaa libanaisesous son contrôle à' AbdullahOcalan, chef du Parti<strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan:(PKK, séparatistes kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>'Turquie); qui mène <strong>de</strong>puis 1ians une rébellionàr'mée'dans,', le 'sud-e~t, <strong>de</strong>. la T'utt]i.1iepour.rétabii'ssèment .d'un Etat kur-.q(3, irydép,en'dant. .La Llgu~~abe'm:.t-eitgardë "la TurquieLe secrétaire' gé.n6.raiadjoint <strong>de</strong> la Ligue arabe"le Syrien Mouaffakal-Allcifia mis en gar<strong>de</strong> hier contra-,une incursion, militaire tur~'que en Syrie mais' a,"affirmé ne pas croire au'déclenc,hement d:'unconflit armé entre les d~xpays,A un journaliste' qui l:iri~''terrogeait sur une éVE-:.-1uelle incursion' tutque en,Syrie pour "p.ourchass,"r'les militdnts kut1ès. du,PKK,M, Allaf ';1 '~,epdndu :«Ce seraitgrave'$i la Turquiepense faile' quelque,chose <strong>de</strong> ce genre », :«Il s'agirait d'une.menace sans précé<strong>de</strong>nt'contre la Syrie, Ce ne sera:pas coI11rileen Irak où le~forces turques ont pénétré'à plusieurs reprises dansle nord», a ajouté le res-'ponsable <strong>de</strong> la Ligue,«De telles actions turques"dirigées contre,l'Irak ou la Syrie, provo-'que l'ont un regain <strong>de</strong> ten-.sion dans la région, Elles:,jémasqueront les inten7lions turques, qui ont été àJ.'Drigine <strong>de</strong> son accord.nilitairE' avec Israel d'au-;.;ht que la multiplication:::;e'svisites entre militaires',,:ircs <strong>et</strong> israéliens sont;.'>'(l'uiétantes», a estimé M,:}(;":3r,';; ,Li Lig:.le « suit aveci,1,\;.t iiétu<strong>de</strong> ce qui 'se passea0':';'sur <strong>de</strong>s mouvements(d~' troupes turques) à lafrontière syrienne se,"confirmaient »; a-t-il'affirmé,Ankara, a ajouté M, .Allaf, «doit être attentif<strong>de</strong>vant les tentatives d'Is-'raël visant à enfoncer uncoin entre les Arabes <strong>et</strong> la .Turquie <strong>et</strong> profiterie latension entre eux »,182

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.EP. -lgelKe 'falKe Presse-A.F.P. - 'genIe 'falKe Presse-A.EP. - '~lKe 'falKe Presse-A.F.P. - Agenle'rum Presse-A.F.P. - AgelKe'ralKe Presse-A.F.P. - ~elKe 'falKe Pres!e-FRS0504 4 l 0549 TUR /AFP-S021Turquie-SyrieLa Turquie minimise la tension avec la SyriePar Umit ENGINSOYANKARA, 17 juin (AFP) - La Turquie s'est attachée lundi à minimiser latension entre elle <strong>et</strong> la Syrie voisine, affirmant que les mouvements <strong>de</strong>troupes <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux côtés <strong>de</strong> leur frontière n'avaient pas un caractèreagressif.Elle a en particulier démenti toute intention d'effectuer une incursionmilitaire en territoire syrien pour pourchasser les rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>Turquie qui, selon elle, reçoivent l'ai<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Damas."Il n'y a aucun plan d'incursion" (en Syrie), a déclaré un porte-paroledu ministère <strong>de</strong>s affaires étrangères, Nur<strong>et</strong>tin Nurkan. "La Turquie neconstitue pas un danger pour ses voisins", a-t-il ajouté.Le secrétaire général adjoint <strong>de</strong> la Ligue arabe, le Syrien Mouaffakal-Allaf, avait lancé dimanche une mise en gar<strong>de</strong> à la Turquie contre uneéventuelle incursion en Syrie, indiquant qu'une telle incursion aurait <strong>de</strong>graves conséquences.De son côté, un responsable <strong>de</strong> l'armée turque, confirmant <strong>de</strong>sinformations qui circulaient <strong>de</strong>puis le week-end sur <strong>de</strong>s mouvements. <strong>de</strong>troupes syriennes dans la région frontalière entre les <strong>de</strong>ux pays, a'souligné que la Turquie ne s'estimait pas visée."Ce sont <strong>de</strong>s mouvements <strong>de</strong> troup~s isolés, nous ne nous attendons pas àune agression syrienne contre nous", a-t-il dit à l'AFP.Il a fait état <strong>d'information</strong>s selon lesquelles <strong>de</strong>s explosions,rapportées récemment par la presse internationale en certains points <strong>de</strong> laSyrie, "continuaient <strong>et</strong> étaient peut-être l'oeuvre <strong>de</strong>s Frères Musulmans"(organisation hostile au pouvoir). "Les mesures syriennes ont pu êtreprises en réaction contre cela", a-t-il dit.Il a également confirmé <strong>de</strong>s mouvements <strong>de</strong> troupes turques du côté turc<strong>de</strong> la frontière tout en les qualifiant <strong>de</strong> mouvements <strong>de</strong> routine n'ayant"rien à voir avec la Syrie". Il a ajouté que les forces turques n'étaientpas dans un état d'alerte particulier.Ce responsable a par ailleurs tenu à souligner que la Syrie ne <strong>de</strong>vaitpas s'émouvoir d'un exercice naval turc en cours en Egée <strong>et</strong> en Méditerranée<strong>et</strong> qui va se poursuivre dans les eaux internationales au large .<strong>de</strong> sescôtes."C'est un exercice d'entrainement <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s exercices semblables ont déjàeu lieu dans c<strong>et</strong>te zone par le passé. La Syrie n'a pas à s'inquiéter",a-t-il dit.De longue date, les relations entre Damas <strong>et</strong> Ankara sont froi<strong>de</strong>s. LaTurquie accuse la Syrie d'abriter <strong>et</strong> d'ai<strong>de</strong>r les militants du Parti <strong>de</strong>sTravailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste), notamment leur chef AbdullahOcalan qui rési<strong>de</strong>-à Damas ou dans la Bekaa libanaise sous contrôle syrien.Damas rej<strong>et</strong>te ces accusations.La Syrie accuse la Turquie <strong>de</strong> lui rationner l'eau <strong>de</strong> l'Euphrate à l'ai<strong>de</strong>", d'une série <strong>de</strong> barrages sur ce fleuve, ce qu'Ankara dément.Les relations syro-turques se sont encore envenimées après la signatureen février d'un accord <strong>de</strong> coopération militaire entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> Israël.A.F.P. - A~enteFrontePrelle-A.F.P. - A~enteFrontePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enteFrontePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enteFrontePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enteFramePrel\e-A.F.P. - A~emeFramePre\\e-183

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - A~en(efronte Prelle-A.F.P. - A~en(efronte Pre\\e-A.F.P. - Agen(efrolKePre\\e-A.F.P. - Agemefronte Prme-A.F.P. - Agen(efronte Prme-A.F.P. - A~en(8fronte Prelle-La Syrie se considère visée par c<strong>et</strong> accord, malg:é le~ dénéga~ions.t~rques., "Nous voulons <strong>de</strong> bonnes relations avec la SyrJ.e maJ.s la precondJ.tJ.on estqu',elle cesse <strong>de</strong> soutenir le terrorisme", a déclaré M. Ntirkan lors <strong>de</strong> sonp6int <strong>de</strong> presse. . . ALa tension syro-turque <strong>de</strong>vral.t <strong>et</strong>:r:eabordée lors du pi-Cièhain somm<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>la Ligue Arabe au Caire c<strong>et</strong>te semaine.'.UE/hc/mr t .f~P jAA.12J~/~71518 JUN96A.F.P.A.F.P.FRS0561 4 l 0215 BEL /AFP-SX82OTAN-Turquie-SyrieL'OTAN suit "très attentivement" la situation entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> la SyrieBRUXELL~S,17 juin (AFP) - L'OTAN suit "très attentivement" ia situationentre la Turquie, membre <strong>de</strong> l'Alliance atlantique, <strong>et</strong> la Syrie, <strong>et</strong> n'a pasentrepris <strong>de</strong> démarche particulière pour faire baisser la tension entre les<strong>de</strong>ux pays, a-t-on indiqué lundi <strong>de</strong> source diplomatique."Chaque mouvement <strong>de</strong> troupes, qu'il soit normal ou anormal, dans lesrégions proches"d'un Etat membre <strong>de</strong> l'OTAN "est un facteur <strong>de</strong>préoccupation" <strong>et</strong> "nous suivons <strong>de</strong> très près" la situation militaire lelong <strong>de</strong> la frontière entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> la Syrie, a indiqué un diplomateau siège <strong>de</strong> l'Alliance.Selon Ankara, les mouvements <strong>de</strong> troupes perceptibles <strong>de</strong>puis ce week-end<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux côtés <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te frontière n'ont pas un caractère agressif. LaTurquie a démenti en particulier toute intention d'effectuer une incursionmilitaire en territoire syrien pour pourchasser les rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>Turquie qui, selon elle, reçoivent l'ai<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Damas.Le secrétaire général adjoint <strong>de</strong> la Ligue arabe, le Syrien Mouaffakal-~llaf, avait pour sa part lancé dimanche une mise en gar<strong>de</strong> à la Turquiecontte une éventuelle incursion en Syrie, indiquant qu'une telle incursionaurait <strong>de</strong> graves conséquences.prh/MR T.FAFP /AA123~/171600 JUN ..9ç..A.F. P. - A~entefronte Presle- A.F. P. - A~emefronte Prem - A.F. P. - A~enteFrontePrelle- A.F. P. - A~enteFrontePreIse- A.F. P. - A~enteFrontePrelle- A.F. P. - A~ênteFrontePrem-184

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iIt A.F.P. - AgeIKeFroMePresse-A.F.P. - AgeMeFraMePresle-A.F.P. - AgeIKe FrolKePresse-A.F.P. - AgenœFraocePresse-A.F.P. -lgeIKe FrancePresse-A.F.P. - AgeMeFralKePresse·Turquie-Syrie 3èlead . ..J L'armée turque confirme lés mouvements <strong>de</strong> troupes syriennesANKARA, 17 juin (AFP) - Un responsable <strong>de</strong> l'armée turque a confirmélundi <strong>de</strong> récents mouvements <strong>de</strong> troupes syriennes dans les régions:frontalières <strong>de</strong> la Turquie, mais a estimé que ces mouvements ne visaient'pas la Turquie.C<strong>et</strong>te source militaire contactée par l'AFP à Ankara a confirmé également.<strong>de</strong>s mouvements <strong>de</strong>s troupes turques du côté turc <strong>de</strong> la frontière, tout enajoutant que "ce sont <strong>de</strong>s mouvements <strong>de</strong> routine qui n'ont rien à voir avecla Syrie"."Nous disposons <strong>d'information</strong>s sur <strong>de</strong>s mouvements <strong>de</strong> troupes syriennes.mais ceux-ci ne visent pas la Turquie <strong>et</strong> ne nécessitent pas <strong>de</strong>contre-mesures <strong>de</strong> la part <strong>de</strong> la Turquie. Ce sont <strong>de</strong>s déplacements isolés.Nous ne nous attendons pas à une agression syrienne", a poursuivi ce.responsable."Nous avons <strong>de</strong>s mouvements <strong>de</strong> troupes en Turquie mais ceux-ci ne visentpas la Syrie, a-t-il ajouté. Ces mouvements concernent soit la sécuritéintérieure soit la formation militaire".C'est la première confirmation officielle, tant du côté turc que syrien,<strong>de</strong> mouvements <strong>de</strong> troupes dans les régions frontalières entre les <strong>de</strong>ux pays.Le quotidien saoudien al-Hayat avait rapporté samedi que la Syrie avaitmassé près <strong>de</strong> 40.000 soldats le long <strong>de</strong> sa frontière avec la Turquie à lasuite <strong>d'information</strong>s sur l'implication d'Ankara dans une série d'explosionsen Syrie ces <strong>de</strong>rnières semaines.L'agence semi-officielle turque Anatolie, citant <strong>de</strong>s commerçants turcs<strong>et</strong> syriens venant <strong>de</strong> Syrie, avait fait état dimanche <strong>de</strong> mouvementß d'unitésblindées syriennes dans les régions syriennes frontalières avec la Turquie,sans préciser leur emplacement précis.La frontière turco-syrienne est longue <strong>de</strong> près <strong>de</strong> 800 km. .Ce responsable turc a précisé qu'il "n'est pas possible <strong>de</strong> dissimuler"<strong>de</strong>s préparatifs <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong> envergure <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux parties l'une contre l'autre.Selon lui, les troupes turques situées dans les régions frontalièresavec la Syrie ne sont pas actuellement en état d'alerte ou <strong>de</strong> vigilanceaccrue.Les troupes postées dans la province turque <strong>de</strong> Hatay, dans la zone ouest<strong>de</strong> la frontière, 'n'ont pas été renforcées, selon ce responsable militaire.La région <strong>de</strong> Hatay, sur laquelle la Syrie a <strong>de</strong>s revendicationsterritoriales <strong>de</strong>puis près <strong>de</strong> 50 ans selon Ankara, constitue parfois unpoint <strong>de</strong> passage <strong>de</strong>puis le territoire syrien <strong>de</strong> rebelles du Parti <strong>de</strong>sTravailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK), en rébellion armée contre Ankara."Nous avons dëï:i-- informations faisant état <strong>de</strong> la poursuite <strong>de</strong>s explosionsen Syrie <strong>et</strong> d'activités <strong>de</strong>s Frères musulmans (organisation hostile aurégime syrien). Les mouvements syriens peuvent être liés à la sécuritéirttérieure", a ajouté par ailleurs le responsable militaire turc.Des attentats ont eu lieu en mai à Lattaquie (nord) <strong>et</strong> à Damas, dontl'un non loin du domicile du chef du (PKK, séparatistes kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Turquie)Abdullah Ocalan, dans la capitale syrienne, selon al-Hayat ..- I Selon lui, l'armée turque a <strong>de</strong>s informations selon lesquelles lesautorités syriennes ont procédé à <strong>de</strong>s arrestations ces <strong>de</strong>rniers jours,notamment dans les milieux turcomans (syriens d'origine turque), que lesautorités syriennes soupçonnent <strong>de</strong> responsabilité dans ces explosions.CE/hc/php t.fra .A.F.P. - A~enleframe Pre\\e-A.F.P. - A~emeflame Pri\\e-A.F.P. - A~emeframe Pre\\e-A.F.P. - Aje~[efrJ~[e Pre\\e-A.F.P. - A;e'[e FrJnie pre\\e-A.F.P. - A;en[e fra':e Pre\\e-185

., I"""" 00Les Echlis ~'Iundll? juin 1996C\".La ,Turquie ~ftendavec impatienceIs,réouverture' du, marché irakien,L,t' débouché Iraklenétaltconsi-~ comme le <strong>de</strong>uxième marché!tidérteur <strong>de</strong> la Turquie. D'autantj(ijà précieux que le transit du:P.ê)role était particuiièrement lu-'J:ftdIf pou'r Ankara. Les hommesitiàffalres turcs ont maintenu <strong>de</strong>s~, ,. __,', ... ~_ ~. _~~~~1'1:.~~ ~....1'1:.,~~....~~.~~~1'1:.~

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkisb Dairy News,TUESDAY. lUNE IH. 19'16Kurdish infighting in N. IraqKDP forces killleading Kurdistan Conservative Party figureTurkish Daily NewsANKARA- A leading politicalfigure and one of the lea<strong>de</strong>rs of theS~rci family, H~ssein Surci, w~skilled by" KurdiStan DemocraticParty (KDP) forces in northern Iraqon Sunday morning, the Anatolianews agency reported.In total, seven were killed duringclashes.The KDP, led by Messud Bananihad accused the KurdistanConservative Part¥ (KCP) of sPYingand encouragIng hostilities Inthe .region. In r<strong>et</strong>urn the KCPaccused the KDP of attacking its villagesSurci was a leading figure in theknown to be pro-British KCP. TheAnkara re,Presentative of thePatriotic Dmon of Kurdistan (PUK),Sehzad Saib, said that there weresome problems b<strong>et</strong>ween the KDPand the KCP.Last Friday the two parties ma<strong>de</strong> apeace agreement but on Sunday KDPforces attacked a pro-KCP vlllage,Serciy'a.Salb said that the KDP wanted tocontrol the whole of northern Iraqand for that reason they have beenattacking the KCP.The PUK, led by Jalal Talabani,are the main rivals to the KDP butare currently observing a ceasefrre.The KCP was established inAnkara after the Kurdish uprising~ainst Saddam Hussein in 1991.Their main aim is for a referendumfor Musul 'Province, whereby thewhole population of Musul Province(Kurds and non-Kurds alike) would<strong>de</strong>termine wh<strong>et</strong>her to become in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt,join with Turkey or to staywith Iraq.The KCP particularly wants in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncebut would seule with joinmgthe Turkisb Republic.INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, TUESDAY, JUNE IS, 1996Iraq CalledUnbending on Arms InspectionsVisit by UN Official Expected to FailReutersGulf War cease-fire, introduceBAGHDAD - Iraq is unlikely fresh inspection procedures.to give in to pressure to change its Mr. Ekeus, the commissionstand on blocking inspection by chairman, is due in Baghdad onUnited Nations weapons experts Wednesday. A teamof53 UN armswhen a senior UN official, Rolf experts left the Iraqi capital SundayEkeus, visits Baghdad, diplomats after futile attempts to gain accessand analysts said Monday. to five installations that Iraq hasThey said they expected that Iraq'sgovernment, an~ered by an-The commission suspects that<strong>de</strong>clared vital to its sovereignty.other search of its facilities, would Iraq is still hiding 15 long-ran~ebe uncooperative unless the UN missiles and documents about Itsoffered a tim<strong>et</strong>able for the end of its weapons programs.disarmament activities here. Iraq insists it has nothing left toBaghdad, the diplomats and analystssaid, will <strong>de</strong>mand that the UN of <strong>de</strong>laying the lifting of curbs onhi<strong>de</strong> and accuses the commissioncommission, which is overseeing its oil exports, part of comprehensiveUN tra<strong>de</strong> sanctions imposed forthe scrapping of Iraq' s weapons ofm~s <strong>de</strong>struction un<strong>de</strong>r the 1991 its 1990 invasion of ~uwait. .Baghdad G<strong>et</strong>s Into Disarmament ForumReutersGENEVA - Iraq won a longbattle for membership in the internationalConference on Disarm~ament Monday after promising notto v<strong>et</strong>o any of the body' s <strong>de</strong>cisionsfor at least two years.After a weekend of closed-doornegotiations, the 38 members ofthe influential United Nationssponsoredforum agreed by consensusto admit 23 new members,including Iraq, Syria, Israel, NorthKorea and South Africa.The United States blocked theforum's expansion three years ago,arguing that Iraq should not be allowedto hold v<strong>et</strong>o power on 'the~OI}fere9êe - whfèh .always operatesby consensus - while it isstill un<strong>de</strong>r UN sanctions for its1990 invasion of Kuwait.Un<strong>de</strong>r a rather cumbersomecompromise brokered by SouthAfrica, all 23 will have to forgotheir v<strong>et</strong>o right for at least two yearsand Iraq would have to do so foreven longer if it remained un<strong>de</strong>rUN sanctions.The U.S. ambassador, StevenLedogar, said that Washington'sessential condition had been m<strong>et</strong>-Iraq alone could not biock the workof the conference - although hesaid the compromise blurred thefact that Iraq had been the onlyobstacle to expanding the forum'smembership._ ....._I111!-_ .... ~- __ -~- ..r--------- r-----"-:--....-.,------------ ........ -187

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iVisibleinent, Damasn'a pas apprécié lerécent accord militaireentre Ai1kara <strong>et</strong> Jérusalem.Et ill'a fait S\lvoirà 'sa manière, en organisant<strong>de</strong>s mouvements <strong>de</strong>troupes dans les régions'frontalières <strong>de</strong> la Turquie.Le quotidien saoudien al-Hayat avait rapporté sa-'medi que la Syrie avaitmassé près <strong>de</strong> 40.000 sol- ':dats le long <strong>de</strong> sa frontière,avec la Turquie à la suite'<strong>d'information</strong>s sur l'implicationd'Ankara dans unesérie d'explosions en Syrie'ces <strong>de</strong>rnières semaines. Lesautorités turques, elles,cherchent à dédramatiserla situation <strong>et</strong>le porte-parbleduministère turc <strong>de</strong>sAffairesétrangères, Nur<strong>et</strong>tinGürkan,déclarait hierqu'il n'y avait pas «<strong>de</strong>planmilitaire syrien visant le territOir<strong>et</strong>uro>.naaussi souli- ,gné qu'Ankara «ne menaçait,pasdil tout l'intégritéterritoriale <strong>de</strong> la Syrie» <strong>et</strong>que «l<strong>et</strong>raité turco-israélien 'n'était pas dirigé contre unpays tiers».La tension n'en est pasmoins vive entre les <strong>de</strong>uxpays séparé$ par quelques :600 km <strong>de</strong> frontière. Unhaut responsable <strong>de</strong> l'étatmajor<strong>de</strong> l'armée turque a ,d'ailleurs reconnu que lestroupes turques s'étaientrécemment déploy~ tout'le long <strong>de</strong> la frontière pour 'renforcer «la sécurité frontalière».n a justifié c<strong>et</strong>temesure par «l'accroissement<strong>de</strong>s troubles internes en Syrie»,ce qui soit traduit unedégradation effective <strong>de</strong> lasituation intérieure, soitsert <strong>de</strong> prétexte pour justifierle déploiement <strong>de</strong> l'armé<strong>et</strong>urque. De son côté,, l'Otan, dont la Turquie estl'un <strong>de</strong>s piliers, a fait savoir•' qu'elle «suivait <strong>de</strong> trèsprésles développements <strong>de</strong> la situatiom>.Si on ne péut exelure une, aggravation <strong>de</strong>s problèmes, intérieurs dans la Syried'Hafez el-Assad, force est, ceperidant <strong>de</strong> constater quec<strong>et</strong>te montée <strong>de</strong> la tenSionsurnent au moment mê-'me où la Turquie <strong>et</strong> Israëlse découvrent <strong>de</strong>s intérêts.économiques <strong>et</strong>, surtout,,militaires 'communs aupoirif dë -signer eri-céVrierun traité <strong>de</strong> coopération.'Les <strong>de</strong>UX:paYs oiltamsiconvenu <strong>de</strong> partager lesrenseignementS töuchantàlasécurité militaire <strong>et</strong> d'entraîner<strong>de</strong> concert leurs pi- ,, lotes <strong>de</strong> guerre. Depuis dé-',but juin, huit F-16'•israéliens volent dans l'

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iII -I

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i~ ~ütdJtr ~ritunßINTERNATIONALE AUSGABEMittwoch, 19, Juni 1996', Nr, 140, 3~:":Spanntil.Ige~:;~Wi'schenS~~ntî~d.<strong>de</strong>r Tü~k~i. ,Gègeru;eitige~Vorwll:rf <strong>de</strong>r Truppenkônzentratio,,- an <strong>de</strong>r 'Greni,ë. ' .: , / ." '. . • f' ._ .•:Syrien und die Türkeihaben sich gegenseitig beschuldigt,.an <strong>de</strong>r gemeinsamen GrèhZeTruppen zu, konzentrieren; 'Diesbelast<strong>et</strong> die seit' WQcllenap.gespannten'Beziehungen zwi-.schen<strong>de</strong>n bei<strong>de</strong>n Län<strong>de</strong>rn zusätzlich. Damaskusfiihlt sich durch dïe-erwart<strong>et</strong>e Blockiériuig, <strong>de</strong>s~Nä1iQst~Frie<strong>de</strong>nsprozessesmid die Militärkooperation Isra<strong>et</strong>smit <strong>de</strong>r TÜrkeibedreht; ,, :::';~;'~/'.': ' , vk. ,l1mâssol(l$~ Juni', runge~ 'geg~n tien :Fned~~prozess. ,uiähiiliéb~~: ,'Der'syrisch(Vizepräsidènt' Khaddam hat sicli •Weise reagierte die8Yti~èhe ~opâganda 'n~. ~tifj am Diensta. g'"'p,ersöolic,hd,ârum bèJIl,übt, 'Berich,te die Berichte übe~ :rrop,penyèrschiebu~gen:D.içsê,hiess es, lenkten' von '<strong>de</strong>r ' t'Ürkisch'-israeliSchenI.' <strong>de</strong>r türkischenNachrichtehagentur Abatôlia über Militärkoopèrati~Jjab; QDd erhöhten, <strong>de</strong>n D~ck:•.s~'che ,'TI'!JPpenkOnzenfrationen an <strong>de</strong>r Gr~nze ur S' . h d . 11: li h 'B d' ' b';; iuiTürkei Z!l<strong>de</strong>p1ei)~è~n; Er sprach ~berseiner- ,a y~en, slc.e~ Isre sc ~n e lDgungCn.:.elI' seits von einein tûrkiSchen Aufmarsch im Grenz. <strong>de</strong>n Fne<strong>de</strong>nsverhàndlUJ:lien zl,lbeugen, ' ',', ~',-:,;", ' gèbi<strong>et</strong>.' $oldie :ItO~9kÎ!-ti6rt,èn'känienvon Zeit zu ' , Ei,ii syrischer ~~~~gs~èrtr<strong>et</strong>er b~ki~~'~èh ., ;,~i~~:ertr<strong>et</strong>erin Teheranbefeuerte' amSonntag, je<strong>de</strong> V~r.schlhfung <strong>de</strong>s Verhältriissës zw;schen <strong>de</strong>r Tür~eiund Syrien bedrohe direkt die SicherheitIrans .. '0-190

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - Agence France Presse-A.F.P. - AgeIKe FralKePresse-A.F.P. - AgeIKeFralKePresse-A.F.P. -1ge1Ke France Presse-A.F.P. -Agence FroID Presse-A.F.P. - Ageoo FralD Presse-FRS0367 4 I 0339 TUR /AFP-JE08Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s28 rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s tués dans <strong>de</strong>s opérations <strong>de</strong> l'armée turqueANKARA, 19 juin (AFP) - 28 rebelles du Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs duKurdistan (PKK, séparatiste) ont été tués lors d'opérations militaires <strong>et</strong>combats dans la province <strong>de</strong> Van, frontalière avec l'Iran, a-t-on annoncémercredi <strong>de</strong> source officielle.Ces opérations ont été déclenchées après l'enlèvement par un groupe <strong>de</strong>rebelles du PKK <strong>de</strong> 12 bergers <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> près <strong>de</strong> 2.000 moutons dans la région <strong>de</strong>Gurpinar (Van), indique un communiqué <strong>de</strong> la super-préfecture <strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir(sud-est), chargée <strong>de</strong> la coordination <strong>de</strong> la lutte contre la rébellion arméedu PKK <strong>de</strong>puis 1984 contre Ankara.Alerté par un berger qui a pu s'éva<strong>de</strong>r, les forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordre ontpoursuivi les rebelles en fuite vers la frontière avec l'Iran <strong>et</strong> tué 28d'entre eux dans la région <strong>de</strong> Gurpinar, ajoute le communiqué cité parl'agence Anatolie. Quatre bergers ont pu échapper aux preneurs d'otageslors <strong>de</strong> ces opérations, précise-t-on <strong>de</strong> même source.Le communiqué n'indique pas la date exacte <strong>de</strong> ces opérations <strong>et</strong> combatsainsi que le sort <strong>de</strong>s sept autres bergers.Un soldat turc <strong>et</strong> quatre "protecteurs <strong>de</strong> village", milicienspro-gouvernementaux armés par l'Etat, ont été blessés lors <strong>de</strong>s combats.Ce bilan porte à au moins 255 le nombre total <strong>de</strong>s rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s tués<strong>de</strong>puis le début <strong>de</strong> la semaine <strong>de</strong>rnière, dont 162 dans la seule région <strong>de</strong>Cukurca, le long <strong>de</strong> la frontière turco-irakien, où les troupes turquesavaient effectué <strong>de</strong>puis plusieurs jours une opération ponctuelle contre lePKK en territoires turc <strong>et</strong> irakien.L'armée a intensifié ses opérations contre les maquisards kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>puisdébut avril dans liest <strong>et</strong> le sud-est anatoliens, à majorité kur<strong>de</strong>, tuantprès <strong>de</strong> 800 rebelles d'après les bilans annoncés par les autorités.La rébellion armée du PKK dans le but <strong>de</strong> créer un Etat indépendant kur<strong>de</strong>dans l'est <strong>et</strong> le sud-est anatoliens <strong>et</strong> les opérations <strong>de</strong> l'armée ont faiten 12 ans près <strong>de</strong> 22.000 morts, civils, militaires, rebelles <strong>et</strong> policiers.CE/bm t.fAFP /AA1234/191326 JUN 96FRS0262 4 I 0141 TUR /AFP-Ig63Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>sLa Turquie prolonge le mandat <strong>de</strong> la force <strong>de</strong> protection <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s-.ANKARA, 19 juin (AFP) - Le Parlement turc a prolongé pour un mois lemandat <strong>de</strong> la force multinationale basée en Turquie, chargée <strong>de</strong> protéger lesKur<strong>de</strong>s d I Irak.Le Parlement a accepté mardi une requête du gouvernement proposant <strong>de</strong>prolonger le mandat <strong>de</strong> la force, qui expirait le 30 juin, jusqu'au 31juill<strong>et</strong> par 257 voix pour <strong>et</strong> 195 contre.L'opération "Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort" été instaurée en 1991 à la suite <strong>de</strong> laguerre du Golfe pour protéger les Kur<strong>de</strong>s d'Irak du nord contre les attaques<strong>de</strong>s soldats <strong>de</strong> Bagdad.La force aérienne, composée d'avions <strong>de</strong> combat américains, britanniques<strong>et</strong> français, est déployée principalement sur la base d'Incirlik (sud). Elledispose également d'un comman<strong>de</strong>ment opérationnel dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak.ue/hc/nev t.fAFP /AA1234/191131 JUN 96A.F.P. - AgelKeFrance Presse-A.F.P. - AgelKeFrolKePresse-A.F.P. - AgelKeFrolKePresse-A.F.P. - AgelKeFrancePresse-A.F.P. - AgelKeFraIe Presse-A.F.P. -IgeMe FraMe Presse-191

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iAu. moins diX.mortsdans: <strong>de</strong>ux attaques .terroristes en TurquieS .,ept pe.-sonnes ont été.tuéeS <strong>et</strong> quinze autreS'QlesSéesdaQs une attaque àmain armée samedi soir à'Diya.rbaJ9r, -chef-lieu duSud-Est anatolien à rnajo-'rité ~<strong>de</strong>. Un groupe <strong>de</strong>'rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s du Parti <strong>de</strong>stravailleurs d~ KuréUstan(PIÇK, séparatiste) iltirésur:une centaine <strong>de</strong> personnesk}ui dînaient dans un restauran1:'enplein a1r à uneguinzairie <strong>de</strong>kilomètres <strong>de</strong>hl ~e, tuaritnotamm~ttrois enfantsenceinte;<strong>et</strong> une femme.Par. ailleurs;' un

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iLe Mon<strong>de</strong> - 19 juin 1996Latension monteentre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> la SyrieA quelques jours du somm<strong>et</strong> arabe du Caire,Damas juge que les récentes décisionsprises par Ankara lui sont hostiles".DAMAS<strong>de</strong> notre envoyée spécialeA quelques jours du somm<strong>et</strong>arabe du Caire, le premier <strong>de</strong>puissix ans, la tension monte entre laSyrie <strong>et</strong> la Turquie, alors que riensur le terrain ne parait justifierc<strong>et</strong>te dégradation. Si, en privé, laplupart <strong>de</strong>s Syriens attribuent àl'armée turque la. responsabilité<strong>de</strong>s explosions qui ont récemmenteu lieu dans le pays, le gouvernements'est bien gardé jusqu'àmaintenant <strong>de</strong> toute accusation,alors que, selon <strong>de</strong> bonnessources, plusieurs personnes arrêtéesauraient avoué avoir agi pourle compte <strong>de</strong> léJTurquie.Le quotidien britannique FinancialTImes avait rapporté, mardi 11.juin, qu'une bombe avait explosé,le 6 mai, sur ùoe route qu'auraitdU emprunter plus tard le chef <strong>de</strong>l'Etat syrien, Hafez El Assad, pourse rendre à .une cérémonie annuelleà la mémoire <strong>de</strong> nationalistesexécutés Par l'Empire ottoman.Le département d'Etataméricain avait fait état, quelquesjours auparavant, d'explosions enSyrie, dont iln'é~ pas en mesure<strong>de</strong> déterminer l'origine. Selon <strong>de</strong>sinformations recueillies par LeMon<strong>de</strong>, ces explosions ont pu êtrele fait <strong>de</strong> certains services turcs,exaspérés par le soutien que Damasapporte aux extrémisteskur<strong>de</strong>s turcs du fKK.IŒ5ERYISTES MOBWSUli"aditionnellement difficiles, lesrelations syro-turques se sont tendues<strong>de</strong>puis la fin <strong>de</strong> l'année, avéc,d'une part, les accusations syroirakiennessur une réduction, parAnkara, du débit <strong>de</strong>s eaux <strong>de</strong> l'Euphrate<strong>et</strong> surtout, d'autre part, lasignatme,-en fimer, d'\IIl accordmilitaire israélo-turc. Accord qui aparticulièrement inquiété Damas,qui y voit une tentative d'encerclementsur ses frontières nord <strong>et</strong>sud.En pleine offensive israélienneau Uban, en avril, la Syrie avaitmobilisé certains réservistes pourles envoyer sur sa frontière nord,mais aurait, <strong>de</strong>puis, allégé son dispositif.A l'heure actuelle, leschiffres cités - 40 000 hommes <strong>et</strong>1 200 chars - sont, selon <strong>de</strong>s témoinsrevenant dll Nord, très largementsurestimés. En tout état.<strong>de</strong> cause, un mouvement d'un<strong>et</strong>elle ampleur ne pourrait passertotalement inaperçu <strong>et</strong> semble au<strong>de</strong>là<strong>de</strong>s capacités <strong>de</strong> l'armée syrienne.Selon <strong>de</strong>s voyageurs qui ont traverséla frontière ces <strong>de</strong>rnièresquarante-huit heures, si lescontrôles cÔté turc sont stricts, aucunemesure <strong>de</strong> sécurité supplémentairen'a été prise du cÔté syrièn.La tension inquiète toutefoisd'autant plus la Syrie que lesEtats-Unis ont accordé leur soutienpublic à Ankara <strong>et</strong> quel'OTAN s'est déclaré «préoccupée» par la situation à la fron-~re. C<strong>et</strong>te affaire est perçue parDamas comme une forme <strong>de</strong> pres~sion pour la reprise <strong>de</strong>s négociations<strong>de</strong> paix avec IsraëLLors d'une récente rencontre àDamas, le prési<strong>de</strong>nt syrien <strong>et</strong> sonhomologue égyptien, Hosni Moubarak,ainsi que le p~e héritierd'Arabie saoudite, Abdallah BenAb<strong>de</strong>l Ariz, avaient appelé la Turquieà reconsidérer son accord militaireavec Israël.. à adopter unepolitique. <strong>de</strong> bon voisinage <strong>et</strong> àrespecter les intérêts arabes.Fra",oIseChl.paw193

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista.Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>irnURSDA Y, JUNE 20, 1996New Turkish assault andreconnaissance plane forSoutheast on drawing boardTAI plan: OfficiaIssaid it would have.cannon, rock<strong>et</strong>launcher and cameraBy M<strong>et</strong>ehan DemirTurkish Daily NewsANKARA- Turkish Aerospace..Industries (TAI) is workipg on an.assault and reconnaissance lightaircraft type that could be used inthe Southeast. If the Turkish.Anned Forces approve, the companysaid it would be ready toproduce in 1997, the TurkishDaily News learned onWednesday.Company officials, who askedto remain anonymous, said thatthis mo<strong>de</strong>l, which would look.like a Cessna, could be used insécurity operations in the.Southeast because of its firingability and higher thrust thatbrings higher maneuverability.They said that the armed versionof this aircraft, which was speciallyimproved by the TAI,would be able to land and takeoffon short earthen runways. .The mo<strong>de</strong>l of the arrcraft theyare working on was taken from a.<strong>de</strong>sign created by the SadlerCompany in the. United States.The TAI mo<strong>de</strong>l is, however, amuch improved mo<strong>de</strong>l.. TAI is also workin~ on apilotless mo<strong>de</strong>l of the aIrcraft.The sources pointed out thatthey are planning to affix a camera,that could observe ground .movements; a machine gun; anda rock<strong>et</strong> launcher to the lightaircraft. .With these additions, the aircraftcould me<strong>et</strong> Turkey's needs .in the field of fighting terrorismin the Southeast, the sourcessaid. .Turkish Dai~ NewsThe aircraft wouldhave biggerengine and stronger thrust,the officials said. They alsoad<strong>de</strong>d that the aircraft' wouldhave slightly differel)t body thatwould give extra agility to theplane. .The officials noted that it .would have folding wings, that .means it could be transportedfrom one region to another byrail or road. The costof a air-Craft is expected to be b<strong>et</strong>ween$300,000 and $400,000. .They ad<strong>de</strong>d that earlier, negotiationsto g<strong>et</strong> permission fromthe Sadler firm had been sucéessful.~ The officials said that a prototypeis expected to ready to flyby next year. They said that<strong>de</strong>spite unofficial contacts, themo<strong>de</strong>l has not y<strong>et</strong> been official-.ly approved by the relevantorgarnzations but that the com-.pany W~ aptiinjstic.Socialistsin EU wantamnesty in TurkeyTurkish Daily News.~KARA- The Socia~st Group, which has th~ greatest number ofseats ID the European Parliament, ID a draft resolution has called on theTurkish government to <strong>de</strong>clare an amnesty to release those who havebeentried in court un<strong>de</strong>r laws, which are "contrary to freedom of speechand human rights," the Anatolia news agency reported.It was stated that the new government should put an end to operationscarried out in Southeast Anatolia and find a peaceful solution to thepro~lem. The draft resolution contains statements such as "the, EuropeanParliament summons the new government to keep her word WIthrespectto the European Convention on Human Rights." .It was also pointed out that the EU Council of Ministers should {>utheSoutheast Anatolia probIernon the agenda of the OrganizatIon ofCooperation and Security in Europe. In another draft resolution preparedfor the summit in florence, the Socialist Group has said that tile EU isworried about the humàn rights situation in Turkey. .194

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTroop movementsare creating apotential flashpoint,Owen Bowcottin Nusaybin writesTIle ........ Thursday June 2f'1991'--- - - ~ --- ~-~ -- -~ - - ~ -- - --~-------- ----~---- ----- -- --- -- --------- -------- ----~- - ----------- - - - ---- ----~---------- ------- -- --- --------- -- -------------------~---- - ------------ ~---- --------------- ---------Bor<strong>de</strong>r tension worsensin Turkish-Syrian rowclaim the bor<strong>de</strong>r has been Israel and Turkey in Februclosedto Syrians seeking ary, which provi<strong>de</strong>s forchea~r electronJ,c goods in reciprocal alrforce trainingTurkey for the past two t1lghts and naval visits, leftmonths. ADkara insists the Syria feeUng encircled androad remains open. farther isolated within the"No one comes here any- Middle East peaee process.more," one tra<strong>de</strong>r said. Recent bombings in Da-''The government wants to mastus have been blamedprevent the PKK [Kurdish on Turkish mllltary intelll-Workers' Party) from en- genee (MIT). No oJ,lewas in-STRIDEthe old Sllk tering the coantry from jured by the explosions, but.Ar, Road and a stratellc Syria." Syrian authorities claimor<strong>de</strong>r-crossing into The army presence on the they are meant to an<strong>de</strong>r-Syria, the -- ..... ofN1ISIly- Turkish si<strong>de</strong> is visible mine the country's statusbin should be bastlJng. In everywhere. The mo.... tain before the Arab summit inthe cool recess of a covered town of Mardin is doml- Cairo this weekend.arca<strong>de</strong>, shops are packe.d nated by radar installa- "With these explosionswith portable phones, vi<strong>de</strong>o Uons scannt .. the Mesopo. they are trying to confusecameras and watches. tamian plain and the Syria's standing," a Syrian:But the. JIUU!k<strong>et</strong> tra<strong>de</strong>rs approadles _Syria belOW. oMctall!lald yesterday.squ,at listlessly on their low ~ aloq, th,_ main The attack$, he said, were.:oal:tur~~~=e"~=Ir~~e=D~:~~~=:the TurkiBh tow:n a double <strong>de</strong>r for 30 mlles, is alowed hood, as Turkey claims:line of barbed wire and by fortlfled barracks and ''Turkey has been <strong>de</strong>ploywatchtowers str<strong>et</strong>chea armoured c:heckpolnts. In lq its forces along the bor-:''::tt~tothe heat haze, most plaœa Syria - which <strong>de</strong>r for a long Ume. Theywhat is emerging provi<strong>de</strong>s a reftqe for the are dolq this to increaseas a potenUal new Dash- PU Chief, Abdallah Oca- tensioil in the region."point in the Mlddle East. Ian - is merely a fleld or Turkey said yesterdayThe diplomaUe stand-otf two away to the south. that improving Ues withb<strong>et</strong>ween Ankara and J)a.. Relations b<strong>et</strong>ween the Syria <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>d on DamaslII8SC1I8- C8Wled by bombs countries, whic& dispute eus withdrawing allegedin Syria, closer mUltary the bor<strong>de</strong>r Deal' the Medi- ~upport for PKK rebelsUes b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and Is- terranean. have worseaed tlgbUq a separatist camraeland a dispute abo&t as Turkey has bullt more' palp in south-east Turkey.water richts - has led to dams to irrlpte its flelds. "Stopplq Syrian supportreported troop movements. The project.' Syria cJaima, for terrorism is the ftrstCommerclal relaUons be- has reduced the flow of condiUon for meaningfultween the countries, which .water down the Euphrates talks b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey andshare a S48-mlle bor<strong>de</strong>r, and Tlgrjs riven and dam- Syria," a foreign ministryhave been dJnnapd sev- apd qrica1taral output. spokesman, Omer Akbel,erely. Local shopkeepers A mllltary <strong>de</strong>al slped by said.195

\ \~~~~....~I~~....~~.~I~~ , " ~ 100'ri1B1iorî$'en,2020): -', ''. • • 1' ..... ' :- ... -'->- " -. ,"" J •'/Ethnlés:T~rCs :19 à90%. Kur<strong>de</strong>s:,'. '", -«. "-'." - ,., •. , .''-.9 àl9(lb'(c~~ vanablèsenfonction .'<strong>de</strong>8;è)~gihèS:\Y1iXt~s)~Xrabes:1i2'%," ":'i)NB~;li5;7mi/li~~<strong>de</strong>dQllars'(1992),.' il:f 97.5Qolln par ,hab:" " J,ct .... meritmondl.i du'PNUD: '; 'f.'. ~ ~>~;'. il\!POf!lßll mind ,< ,,:,~., ZoaI11'UCIiaaiéà I, ' ; ,", ~I~8~,rariQ~loni~ indicateurs',du, " ,",' ..',. ,!lIIJ~,;r: \ kuI1Ie ': ,',< ,,:~":; '1À1porieP!Ï';.:A~';:;.,déY~I~p~n)e,nt~~m~~ (ID~>.,~n1~94;; INOKTAISTANBULLe système, qui <strong>de</strong>vait être à, l'origine "provisoire", <strong>de</strong>s "gar<strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> village", prévu [en 1987,, Turgut Özal étant alors Premierministre] pour protéger lespaysans du sud <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'est <strong>de</strong> l'Ana-•tolie contre la terreur du PKK [par-,ti autonomiste kur<strong>de</strong> partisan <strong>de</strong>la guérilla], continue d'exister,, indépendamment <strong>de</strong> l'Etat <strong>et</strong> malgrécelui-ci.Le débat concernant le maintienou non <strong>de</strong> ce système est revenu à, i'ordre du jour avec <strong>de</strong>ux récentes, affaires. La première a eu lieu àUexistence <strong>de</strong> ce système <strong>de</strong>milices pour encadrer les villageoisconstitue aujourd'hui l'une <strong>de</strong>s difficultésles plus aiguës dans le conflitkur<strong>de</strong>. Ceci est souligné dans <strong>de</strong>nombreux rapports ou enquêtes parlementairesréalisés ces <strong>de</strong>rnierstemps sur la "question du Sud-Est"[nom "officiel" <strong>de</strong> la guerre au Kurdistanpour les autQrités d'Ankara].Viols, séquastratlons, plllagas,trafics d'armas at da droguaEn général, les vues convergent: ilfaut, progressivement, aller vers ladissolution <strong>de</strong> ces milices. Car onconstate qu'elles sont à l'origine <strong>de</strong>plusieurs problèmes graves dans larégion. Alors qu'elles étaient cen~sées combattre la terreur du PKK,elles-mêmes créent, d'après les rapports,"une autre terreur", en se servant<strong>de</strong>s moyens mis à leur dispositionpar l'Etat. Deux mille procèssont déjà ouverts contre eux !Sanscompter qu'elles sont parfois soupçonnées"d'ai<strong>de</strong>r <strong>et</strong> d'héberger lePKK" ... La plupart <strong>de</strong>s accusationsportent cependant sur <strong>de</strong>s crimeshonteux, comme "<strong>de</strong>s vols à mainarmée, <strong>de</strong>s séquestrations <strong>de</strong> jeunesfilles, <strong>de</strong>s viols, <strong>de</strong>s pillages <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s trafics(d'armes <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> drogue)".Lorsqu'on envisage la suppressiondu système <strong>de</strong>s milices, se posealors le problème <strong>de</strong> leur réembaucne.Privées <strong>de</strong> la sécuritésociale <strong>et</strong> du droit à la r<strong>et</strong>raite, cespersonnes, dotées d'un statut pro-'visoire, sont inquiètes pour leuravenir. La conséquence est qu'elless'opposent à la levée <strong>de</strong> l'état d'urgence,conscientes qu'elle seraitpour eux synonyme <strong>de</strong> chômage.On dénombre 55 000 "gar<strong>de</strong>s"appointés dans le Sud-Est Mais ilenexiste <strong>de</strong> nombreux autres qui sont ,volontaires <strong>et</strong> ne perçoivent aucun 'salaire. Pour pouvoir <strong>de</strong>venir milicien,il faut rèmplir certains critères,comme l'obligation <strong>de</strong> ne pasêtre impliqué ou avoir été condamnédans une affaire <strong>de</strong> vengeance (trèsfréquentes dans la région). Le députéBülent Tania, qui a récemment •enquêté sur la question, rappelleque c<strong>et</strong>te clause a été rajoutée à laloi régissant c<strong>et</strong>te organisation car"on a constaté que <strong>de</strong>s règlements <strong>de</strong> 'compte personnels sejais aient avecles armes distribuées par l'Etat". :Mais, malgré c<strong>et</strong>te mesure, TanIaexplique qu'une gran<strong>de</strong> partie <strong>de</strong>sgar<strong>de</strong>s viennent <strong>de</strong> tribus ..

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i• -:ldverses, <strong>de</strong> groupes ou <strong>de</strong>familles qui poursuivent entre euxune ven<strong>de</strong>tta. "L'Etat s'est aperçu duproblème, mnis a ne suffit pas <strong>de</strong>faireune loi, ilfaut veiller à son application,poursuit le parlementaire. Enfait, il est difficile <strong>de</strong> savoir si quelqu'unest impliqué dans une ven<strong>de</strong>ttaavant qu'a ne passe à l'action <strong>et</strong> qu'ane soit condamné pd~r un crime. "Apart les ven<strong>de</strong>tta's entre familles,on sait qu'il y a aussi <strong>de</strong>s bagarresentre différentes tribus qans c<strong>et</strong>te"région qui conserve '.encore lestraces d'un système féodal. Tous lesrapports préparés ces <strong>de</strong>rnierstemps soulignent que le système ,<strong>de</strong>smilices ne fait qu'aggraver c<strong>et</strong>tesituation. Certains gar<strong>de</strong>s agissentcomme un Etat dans l'Etat, abusant<strong>de</strong>s armes <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'autorité qui lui sontconférées par ce <strong>de</strong>rnier.Selon Sefik Can, député du CHP"[Parti populiste républicain, socialdémocrate],élu à Sürt {voir carte],tous ceux qui sont armés par l'Etatse r<strong>et</strong>rouvent en situation <strong>de</strong> supé- .riorité par rapport à leurs adversaires."Chaquefois que quelqu'un<strong>de</strong>vient gar<strong>de</strong> dans un village,. vingtou trente personnesjuient à caUse <strong>de</strong>la pression exercée sur elms. Avec lesarmesfournies par l'Etat, les gar<strong>de</strong>spunissent les habitants, dit Can. Ce'système <strong>de</strong> milices n'a enfaitjamaisrépondu aux attentes. L'argent quel'Etat leur verse va finalement auPKK, auquel ils reversent la moitié<strong>de</strong> leur salaire. Et puis ils se livrentaux trqfics en tout genre, allant <strong>de</strong>sarmes jusqu'à l'héroïne. Enfait, toutceci n'est pas un secr<strong>et</strong> pour l'Etat",ajoute-t-il..... COdboHbwtD ......ane les fan:es <strong>de</strong> RcùItt6Une autre voix s'élève contre l'autoritéexcessive accordée auxmilices, c'est celle d'Attila Durak,:rédacteur en chef du journal <strong>de</strong>Sürt, "Le <strong>de</strong>rnier mot". Il expliqueque tous les contrôles dans la région'sont du ressort <strong>de</strong>s milices. "Ily a<strong>de</strong>s vérifications d'i<strong>de</strong>ntité auxentrées <strong>et</strong> sorties <strong>de</strong>s villages. Comme.si on entrait dans un pays étranger,indique-t-il. Officiellement, les milicienssont censés se soum<strong>et</strong>tre auxordres <strong>de</strong>s postes <strong>de</strong> police, maisdans la réalité ils font ce qu'ils veulent.S'ils ont envie <strong>de</strong> procé<strong>de</strong>r à <strong>de</strong>svérifications d'i<strong>de</strong>ntité dans tel ou telvillage, personne ne peut s'opposerà eux. "D'ailleurs, on constate que,parfois, si leurs intérêts l'exigent,ces milices n'hésitent pas à entrerdans <strong>de</strong>s confrontations arméesavec les Forces <strong>de</strong> sécurité, allantmême jusqu'à blesser <strong>de</strong>s soldatsavec les armes que leur a fourniesl'EtaL Enfm, un rapport commandépar l'Union <strong>de</strong>s chambres profes-'sionnelles <strong>de</strong> Thrquie précise quecertaines personnes, après avoircommis un crime, choisissent <strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>venir gar<strong>de</strong>s avec l'objectif <strong>de</strong> secacher sous les ailes <strong>de</strong> l'Etat <strong>et</strong>d'échapper ainsi à la justice.Les dirigeants <strong>de</strong>s organisationsciviles [au Kurdistan] aßlnnent que"les milices ne sont pas aimées dansla région" <strong>et</strong> que "<strong>de</strong>s gens ont étéen quelque sorte contraints à <strong>de</strong>ve-,nir gar<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> village. Ils choisissentcè métier sous contrainte officielle<strong>et</strong>faute d'autre activité économique,car, dans les conditions <strong>de</strong> viediJJiciles <strong>de</strong>s villages isolés, urisalaire <strong>de</strong> gar<strong>de</strong> possè<strong>de</strong> une gran<strong>de</strong>valeur économique aux yeux <strong>de</strong>la population". Le maire <strong>de</strong> Hakkari,Abdurrahman Keskin, ajoute:"Dans notre région, ce système <strong>de</strong>milices est <strong>de</strong>venu un véritable secteurd'activité économique. Si l'onveut le supprimer, afaut m<strong>et</strong>tre autrechose à sa place. On ne peut pas laissertomber les gens comme ça.. •Salak Altun <strong>et</strong> Ayten OVUTLE POINT - n .1"10: 1"%Certes, les relations entreDamas <strong>et</strong> Ankara n'ontjamais été chaleureuses,mais, ces <strong>de</strong>rnières semaines,elles sont <strong>de</strong>venuesfranchement exécrables, aupoint d'amener Syriens <strong>et</strong>Turcs à masser <strong>de</strong>s troupessur leur frontière commune.Gesticulation? Probablement.Malgré les rumeursalarmistes, nul ne croit àl'imminence d'une nouvelleguerre au Proche-Orient. D....... ~.ANKARAL'histoire commence en fé- ~vrier <strong>de</strong>rnier, lorsque Cevik MANŒUVRES SOUS TENSMUSBir, chef d'état-major turc, "__ --r-_IVn _se rend secrètement en Israëlpour signer un accord<strong>de</strong> coopération militaire.Pour les Syriens, l'accordsemble lourd <strong>de</strong> menaces.Ils se sentent pris en tenailleentre Israël <strong>et</strong> la Turquie, àlaquelle les oppose un vieuxcontentieux territorial. Ilsn'ont jamais admis qu'à laveille <strong>de</strong> la Secon<strong>de</strong> Guerremondiale la France ait donnéà la Turquie le sandjakd'Alexandr<strong>et</strong>te (la régiond'Isken<strong>de</strong>run pour les Turcs),qu'ils estiment faire partie <strong>de</strong>la Syrie. Sans oublier queDamas n'apprécie pas quelès Turcs contrôlent les barragessur l'Euphrate, leurseule source d'approvisionnementen eau.Depuis longtemps déjà,pour conserver un moyen <strong>de</strong>pression sur son voisin, ~afezel-Assad a fait <strong>de</strong> sonpays un sanctuaire pour lechef du PKK (le parti kur<strong>de</strong>qui mène une lutte à mortcontre Ankara). Début mai,<strong>de</strong>s bombes ont explosé enSyrie. A l'origine <strong>de</strong>s attentats: sans doute les services "secr<strong>et</strong>s turcs. Alors, en réponse,Damas a massé <strong>de</strong>stroupes sur sa frontière nor<strong>et</strong>Mais Hafez el-Assad ne sefait guère d'illusions. L'ac~cord passé 'entre Israël <strong>et</strong> laTurquie n'a rien <strong>de</strong> conjonc-.turel. Il traduit pour l'Etat hébreuun choix stratégique:s'assurer un allié <strong>de</strong> poids'face à l'Iran. _ MIHBW DII-1&.197

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i_ _ la Croix - 20 .Il'IN I~l%Les.E.tats'~Unis ßlisentsur les généraux turcsWashington s'appuie sur l'armée turque pour avancer sur <strong>de</strong>udossièi'S dés: la Bosnie'<strong>et</strong> la mise en place d'un« nouvel ordre» au Moyen-OrientMurinfluent <strong>de</strong> la dans le réarmement <strong>de</strong> l'ar-, Vie politique à An- ' méebosniaque.LaTurquieakam, l'armée turque déjà accueilli un contingenttaussi considérée <strong>de</strong> 200 sOldats <strong>de</strong>s unités muparles pays occi<strong>de</strong>ntaux sulmanes dans le cadre d'uncomme une pièce maîtresse programme <strong>de</strong> 700 miJlionsdans. une région parmi les <strong>de</strong> francsl8ncé par les Etatsplustroublées du mon<strong>de</strong>. Unis. D'autres vont suivre.Deuxième armée <strong>de</strong> l'Otan" L'armée turque, qui lors <strong>de</strong> .forte d'en viron' l'offensive croato-bosniaque. 500 000 homm~, eUe consti-, <strong>de</strong> l'été <strong>de</strong>rnier avait pioché'tue le pilier qu dispositif d~, dans ses stocks pour approvisécuritéau sud-est <strong>de</strong>s terri-' sionner ses alliés, esl jusqu'à.toires couverts par c<strong>et</strong>te or-, présent la seule à participer'ganisation. EUe est aussi un activement à l'entraînementfer <strong>de</strong> lance <strong>de</strong> la diplomatie. <strong>de</strong>s troupes <strong>de</strong> Sarajevo.américaine dans la région. Ankara a par ailleurs signéLa visite au début <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te le 23 février <strong>de</strong>rnier un ~-semaine du prési<strong>de</strong>nt turc cord <strong>de</strong> coopération militaireSuleyman. Demirel à Sara-. avec Israël qui <strong>de</strong>ssine lesjevo, Mostar <strong>et</strong> Zagreb a sou- contours du «nouveauligné l'intense coopération Moyen-Orient .. souhaitéentreAnkara<strong>et</strong>Wasbington. par Washington .. L'accord-' -prévoitl'oJl?lniRlltion<strong>de</strong>ma- .D(eu~es communes aérienn.es<strong>et</strong> navales, <strong>de</strong>séchanges <strong>de</strong> technologies <strong>et</strong><strong>de</strong>renseignement<strong>et</strong>unecoopérationentre les industries, <strong>de</strong> défense <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux pays.Dès avril, une escadrille <strong>de</strong>F 16 israéliens a effectué <strong>de</strong>smissions en Turquie, poussant<strong>de</strong>s vols <strong>de</strong> reconnaissancejusqu'à la 'frontièreiranienne.Début juin, <strong>de</strong>s pilotesd'essai turcs ont volé à bord<strong>de</strong> prototypes du futur chasseurisraélien Lavi, équipéd'un système radar dont Israëlvoudrait équiper54 Phanwm F 4 turcs. Uncontrat d'un montant <strong>de</strong> '3 milliards <strong>de</strong>.dollars quin'attend plus qnelebot,clage.du montage finAncier par <strong>de</strong>sbanques israéliennes.L'~rd, israélo-turc a.suscité un tollé <strong>de</strong>s paysarabes qui enten<strong>de</strong>nt abor-,<strong>de</strong>r le suj<strong>et</strong> lors <strong>de</strong> leur somm<strong>et</strong>au Caire le l(eek-endprochain. Il a été aussi. condamné par le Refah.«Nous l'annulerons si nous'arrivons aù pouvoir .., affirmaitle 2 juin son vice-prési<strong>de</strong>nten charge <strong>de</strong>s affairesétrangères, Abdullah Gul.En menaçantcertains~es intérêtsprioritaires <strong>de</strong>s Etats--Unis dans la région, le Refahest certain <strong>de</strong> trouver l'ariiDée turque sur son chemin.'~M.PLOQlJl1tf(aœeJoil DAVIDàJérumlemJINTERNATIONAL HERALD mmUNE, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1996UN OffIciaisDestroy IraqGerm PlantThe Associated PressUNITED NA nONS, New York -UN weapons monitors have <strong>de</strong>stroyed a•huge Iraqi weapons plant used to man-:ufacture botulism, anthrax and other.germ-warfare agents, the United Nations. announced Thursday. .A UN vi<strong>de</strong>o of the <strong>de</strong>struction showedworkers dynamiting buildings, smash-.ing equipment with trucks and sprayingwater on chemical~ .The <strong>de</strong>structionbegan lalit mO!lth.an~<strong>de</strong>Q ThJlrs~y~"Itspecially <strong>de</strong>signed for the production of,biological weapons," Rolf Ekeils, the'chief weapons monitor, told United NationsTelevision.: Monitors said Iraq cooperated in the•plant' s <strong>de</strong>struction, and the vi<strong>de</strong>oshowed inspectors watching as Iraqi.workers smashed equipment. , .Iraq said last week that itwould no,longer allow UN inspectors into sens- .'itive bases suspected ofhousing material;'related to its banned weapons programs.'The UN has

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>ila Croix -Ll) Jl'j:\ I~l%TurquieL'armée veille discrètementsur la vie politique turqueAlors que le lea<strong>de</strong>r lSlàmiste Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan effectue un <strong>de</strong>rnier tour <strong>de</strong> piste pourtenter <strong>de</strong> former un gouvernement, les militaires jouent les arbitresISTANBULDerwtrecorrespondantNecm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan,le chef du Rèfah, leParti islamiste turc,aura jeudi une rencontredéterminante avecl'ancien premier ministreconservateur Tansu Ciller.De leur entrevue dépen<strong>de</strong>ntles chances du lea<strong>de</strong>r isla.;miste <strong>de</strong> former le prochaingouvernement. En casd'échec, ilsera88D8doutëappelépar le prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> laIRépublique à pager la main .à un autre chef <strong>de</strong> parti.Ce revers ferait entrer lamois Turquie <strong>de</strong> criSe dansgouvernemen-tale. Depuis les élections du80n sixième25 décembre <strong>de</strong>rnier, la Turquieest en eff<strong>et</strong> ballottéed'un candidat premier ministreà l'autre. Une éphé- L'.""" turque s'Inquiète <strong>de</strong> la mo~ enpuissanœ du parti islamiste.mèréco8lition <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux prin- .cipaux partis <strong>de</strong> droite s'est une victoire éclatante aux aptèB l'interdictiOD par leeffondrée en mai après élections municipales <strong>de</strong> commAnMlnAut géMral <strong>de</strong>moins <strong>de</strong> trois mois d'exis- mars 1994. L'événement est la gendarmerie <strong>de</strong>s saße8 <strong>de</strong>tence. très peu probable mais IOn prière dans les eueroes. laUn acteur omniprésent <strong>et</strong> éventualité perm<strong>et</strong> parada- " nosta1giepour lacbariaendiscr<strong>et</strong>observe ce ball<strong>et</strong> poli- xalement aux défenseurs <strong>de</strong> tr<strong>et</strong>enue par <strong>de</strong>s religieuxticien : l'~. La montée la laïcité <strong>de</strong> se rassurer. factieux ne saurait eudomenpni889nce du Refah, qui "Avec l'armée, nous ferions mager l'armée .., déclaraest <strong>de</strong>venu le premier parti un saut <strong>de</strong> dix ans en arrière l alon un " haut responsable<strong>de</strong> Turquie, inquiète une ins- avec les islamistes, <strong>de</strong> ein- militaire.. dont les propostitution attachée aux prin- ~te .., résume unjourna- furent dift'uaés par l'agencecipes fondateurs <strong>de</strong> la Tur- liste turc. <strong>de</strong> presse semi-officiellequie mo<strong>de</strong>rne, notamment Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan nie Anatolie.celui <strong>de</strong> la laïcité. En février, que les militaire8 soient hoe- Le cas <strong>de</strong> Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erb&-Mesut Y'1lmaz, dirigeant <strong>de</strong> tiles à son parti. " Notre hé- kan est aggravé, aux yeuxla droite libérale, avait attri- roique ~ est née <strong>de</strong>s en- <strong>de</strong>s militaires, par sa remiaehué à une preIBion <strong>de</strong> l'état- traillœ <strong>de</strong> notre peuple .. <strong>et</strong> en C8II88 du CAmIeil <strong>de</strong> 8écu-JWQor son reooncementà la . ne saurait s'opposer au" ritéD8ÜoDale, un organe soiformationd'une coalition fab, mouvement lui aussi disant COnlA,lbdif' mais dontavec les isIamistes, alon que " populaire .., pioteste-t-iL aucune d. recolllJD8llda-95 % <strong>de</strong>s portefeuiHes Pourtant,dixjouraaftntles tiona D'a 1IWen trente-ciDqavaient déjà été distribués. <strong>de</strong>rnières i'Jecöons, 18 offi- ans rej<strong>et</strong>ée ou ignoréeper lesDans un Jl8!B qui a connu ciers <strong>et</strong> 321OU&-08i<strong>de</strong>n ont chefs <strong>de</strong> gouvernement.trois ooupe d'Etat militaires étéadua<strong>de</strong>l'lI'ID6eàcause C.ompœée <strong>de</strong> replé8entantB<strong>de</strong> 1960 à 1980, l'hypothèse <strong>de</strong> leurs ~ WAmi___ <strong>de</strong>sdüférentBCOI'p8d'81'1Dée,d'une intervention <strong>de</strong> 1'81'- En mars, un député isla- du premier ministre <strong>et</strong> duméeestànouveauagitâ!<strong>de</strong>- miste ac:eu8a l'armée d'être prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> la BépubIique,puis que le Refah a emporté l'ennemie <strong>de</strong> la religion c<strong>et</strong>te instanœ est un rouagedé du pouwir aécutif enTurqUie..qp.î échappe à toutcoDtr~Ue, une "chambrenoire .. Belon le mot <strong>de</strong> Necm<strong>et</strong>tinErbabnquiBOUhaitele BOUJD<strong>et</strong>tre àla vigilA1l(P.duParlement..Face à la légitimité démocntique.l'.,œ.,gar<strong>de</strong>d'importantslDOJ8D8 <strong>de</strong> se ~entendre. Elle défeod l'Étatcontre la.gœri1la kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>puisplus <strong>de</strong> dix 8D8 ; èIle détientun important levierécoDomiqueavecl'Organisationd'entrai<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'armée(Oyak), troisièmehoJdingdupays. Elle fait enfin le lienavec l'Occi<strong>de</strong>nt à travenl'Otan. L'ex-premier ministre,Tanau Ciller,1ui aaitreodu un hnm .... indirectIon <strong>de</strong>8 <strong>de</strong>mières éIectioDsen preII8DtllUl' sa liste lecbeCd'état-DuQor 8Ol1;ant, DoganGüres.199

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iFRIDAY,JUNE21,l996Turkish Daily News ..Iran offers military pact withSyria according to a1-HayatReutersLONDON- Iran has offered àmilitary pact with Syria tocounter an Israeli-Turkish militaryagreement, the London-basedal-Hayat newspaper said onThursday."Iran has offered a militarypact with Syria similar to that of a. Turkish-Israeli agreement," thedaily, q~oting foreign ~iplomaticsources fi Damascus, saId. . ."Tehran's artnouncement that itstands by Syria against Turkeywas an important <strong>de</strong>velopment onthe basis t~a~ Iran's security ispart of Syna s security," Hayat• said. .Relations b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and.Syria worsened in recent monthsover a military training <strong>de</strong>al'b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and Israel. Their .links were also strained over .Syrian support for Kurdistan,WorkersParty (PKK) rebelsfighting a separatist campaign insoutheast Turkey. Turkey' saysthat PKK chief Abdullah Ocalan.lives in Damascus,Both countries are also at odds .over sharing the waters of theEuphrates River.Syrian Vice-Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Abdul-Halim Khaddam on Mondaycalled for a me<strong>et</strong>ing of a Syrian- ..Turkish security committee to.discuss what he called a Turkish, military build-up neat the bor<strong>de</strong>r 'b<strong>et</strong>ween the two countries ..The Turkish military has said .that Syria was increasing its ownforces in the area. .Kurdish infighting canspread in northern IraqThe killing of the lea<strong>de</strong>r of the Surchi family by theKDP may cause the PUK to interfere, and clashesb<strong>et</strong>ween the rival groups could begin againBy Ay~e KarabatTurkish Dailv NewsANKARA- 'Since theKurdistan Democratic Party(KDP) killed a leading politicalfigure from the powerful conservativeKurdish Surchi family,clashes b<strong>et</strong>ween the KOP and thePatriotic Union of Kurdistan(PUK) may result. This would bevery dangerous for Turkey, a wellinformeddiplomatic source hastold the Turkish Daily News.The KDP, led by MassoudBarzani, and the PUK, hea<strong>de</strong>d byJatal Talabani, have generallyhonored a cease-fire agreement forthe past two years. The KOP hadaccused the KurdistanConservative Party (KCP) of sPyingfor the PUK and encouragmghostilities in the region. Inresponse, the KCP accused theKDP of attacking villages ruled bythe Surchi family, which establishedthe KCP and has for manyyears been a rival of the Barzanis.Finally, last Sunday morningHussein Surchi was killed by KOPforces in northern Iraq in clashesin which six others died. Thediplomatic source pointed out thatKurds traditionally react to suchinci<strong>de</strong>nts with a blood feud. Whil<strong>et</strong>he Surehis might intend that, henoted, they are not strong enoughto carry it off and therefore souentthe help of the PUK. Thus, the .two Jjval 2l'OUPS the KDP and thePUK coufd start fighting again."This would be very dangerousfor the region - especially forTurkey. It would create a powervacuum directly affecting Turkey..In that case, Bntain and the UnitedStates would immediately try tostop the fighting by putting pressureon the KurdIsh foes,' thesource said.Hussein Surchi was a leadingfigure in the KCP, and the brotherof the party's lea<strong>de</strong>r. It was establishedin Ankara in 1992. TheSurchi family, which is believedto be pro-British, was also knownas supporters and benefactors of.Saddam Hussein, until the anti-Saddam Kurdish uprising after theGulf War in 1991. It played aprominent role among the KurdsID seeking autonomy from theBaghdad regime.The KCP's main aim accordingto its party pro2l1lIIlis to have "aregionally stabilizing, interimsolution in the form of a UnitedNations protectorate over theMosul Province (i<strong>de</strong>ntified onKCP maps as all of northern Iraq), .without prejudice to its eventual .in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce or reattachment toIraq or Turkey." The KCP arguesfor a referendum in or<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>terminewh<strong>et</strong>her northern !rag shouldbe in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt or part of Turkeyor Iraq.200

*~'" ~~~'"'" I~~.....~ ~~.~I~~~~"0"'6~>~~.~.~~$::i~~ItJ;::t'"~~~~;::t~I~N.;::t0:~::toFRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1996EDITORIALS/OPINIONw 1~INTERNATIONAL m •b:ntra u~~n nutPU1ILISHED WITH THE NEW YORK TIMES AND THE WASHIN(öTON l'OSTKeep Rooting Qut Saddam Hussein's ArsenalASHINGTON - The UnitedW Nations will compl<strong>et</strong>e the <strong>de</strong>structionof Saddam Hussein's gennwarfare plant this week, having blownit up bit by bit over several weeks. Notbad for a world organization wi<strong>de</strong>lyconsi<strong>de</strong>red to lack te<strong>et</strong>h.But the dramatic end of Iraq'sHakam facility, 80 kilom<strong>et</strong>ers south ofBaghdad, is not the end of the matter. Itdoes not fInish the showdown with Saddam.Economic sanctions against Iraqmust remain in place to dismantle therest of his arsenal of dangerous toys.Saddam' s grandiose ambitions in theregion -, to have weapons of mass<strong>de</strong>struction and means of <strong>de</strong>livery thatcould reach Riyadh, Rome and Jerusalem- have been ma<strong>de</strong> plainthrough the work of a tough-min<strong>de</strong>dSwe<strong>de</strong>, Rolf Ekeus, directing the UNSpecial Commission on Iraq.The commission's work has used intrusiveon-site inspections, technicalmonitoring, interviews with ~i militaryand civilian personnel, helicopterflyovers and U-2 surveillance flights tolook for new weapons and research facilities.The high quality of this work hasled to mention ofMr. Ekeus as a possibleUN secr<strong>et</strong>ary-general.'Tracking Saddam also has requiredwinning cooperation from errant countriesand companies that supplied IraqBy Ruth Wedgwoodin the past, by holding out the chance toplay on the right si<strong>de</strong>.Mr. Ekeus has shown that Iraq manufacturedits own Scuds and importedmissiles from Russia Iraq embarked ona crash program to <strong>de</strong>velop a nuclear<strong>de</strong>vice after the invasion of Kuwait. An<strong>de</strong>ven after the Gulf war <strong>de</strong>feat, it built upa new infrastructure to import ballisticmissile components.Iraq's early claim that it had no interestin biological weapons' also hasbeen given the lie.Mr. Ekeus's exposure of Baghdad'sdrive for offensive biological weaponsis worthy of Holmes and Watson. Thekey clue was the innocuous substanceof "growth 'media," a laboratory nutrientused in ordinary medical tests.Mr. Ekeus noticed that Iraq had drumsof the stuff, stored at dispersed sites.He contacted the countries of originto <strong>de</strong>termine how much Iraq hador<strong>de</strong>red. The tally was astonishing. In1988 and 1989 it imported 39 tons ofgrowth media - in barrel containersrather than in the usual two-poundpouches. Iraq' s imports were 200 timesmore than could possibly be used inlegitimate medical care.Iraq then began to teU the "most oddstories," as one official puts it. The fIrstwas about the floating <strong>de</strong>cimal. Thehealth minister was a politician, not adoctor, Iraq explained. He had or<strong>de</strong>redtoo much growth media by mistake.Where was the extra media? Can'tshow itto you, said Iraq ... Rioters" hadallegedly <strong>de</strong>stroyed 17 tons of it.The rioters were soon replaced bycows. The missing media was purportedlyused in the manufacture ofcow feed. Of course, the ingredientscost 10 times the value of feed.The fourth stop in the slough ofmendacity was for Iraq to admit thatperhaps, after all, there had been amilitary biological research program,but of course no weapons had beenproduced.Meanwhile, Mr. Ekeus's inspectorsuncovered unusual items such as spraydryingmachines to create aerosolparticles, machines used for injectingbacterial warfare agents into munitionsor containers, and numerous monkeycages, su~esting possible testing.Saddam s son-in-law Hussein KamelMajid <strong>de</strong>fected to Jordan last August -the weapons program architect turnedstate's evi<strong>de</strong>nce. Mr. Ekeus was steeredto a barn at General Kamel's farm andfound 150 m<strong>et</strong>al and woo<strong>de</strong>n boxes ofdocuments and microfIche on Iraq' snuclear and biological programs.Iraq now admits that it ran an extensiveoffensive biological weaponsprogram, heads forces (fonnerly called the cow feed factory)was the major manufacturing site.The United Nations' <strong>de</strong>struction ofthe Hakam plant does not put to rest theproblem of stockpiled biological weapons.Iraq claims that all biologicalweapons and reagents were <strong>de</strong>stroyedafter the Gulf war. Mr. Ekeus asked tosee paperwork from the <strong>de</strong>structionprocess and to talk to the technicianswho carried it out. There is no documentation,Iraq says, and no participatingpersonnel are available.The Kamel farm documents revealthat Iraq assembled at least 191 biologicalbombs. The 17 tons of missin~ growthtryingto <strong>de</strong>velop a missile with a range of2,000 kilom<strong>et</strong>ers.G<strong>et</strong>ting to the bottom of this <strong>de</strong>vil' sbrew is not an optional task.<strong>de</strong>ploying and in the bombs Gulf war. loa<strong>de</strong>d missile against The Hakam warheadscoalitionplantmissile warheads and aerialmedia agents and enterovirus. were used including Iraq to produce anthrax, has also bIOlogicalbotulinumbeen The writer. a senio~ fellow at theCouncil on Foreign Relations and alaw professor at Yale, contributed thiscomment to The Washington Post.~'=>~

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F. P. - A~enceFroncePresse- A. F.P. - A~en[eFroncePresse- A.F. P. - A~enceFroncePresse- A.F. P. - A~enœFronœPresse- A, F.P. - A~enceFroncePresse-A.F. P. - A~en[eFroncePresse-A.F.P.A.F;P.FRS0955 4 I 0390 AUT /AFP-EI72Turquie-politiqueLe fondamentalisme n'a "aucune chance" en Turquie, selon M. DemirelVIENNE, 21 juin (AFP) - Le prési<strong>de</strong>nt turc Suleyman Demirel a estimé quele fondamentalisme islamique n'avait "aucune chance" en Turquie, dans uneinterview publiée par le quotidien autrichien Kronenzeitung sans sonédition <strong>de</strong> samedi."Le fondamentalisme c'est vouloir établir un régime théocratique, ce quin'a jamais eu <strong>de</strong> succès en Turquie même pas sous l'empire ottoman. Et ceuxqui chercheraient à utiliser la religion à <strong>de</strong>s fins politiques n'ont aucunechance chez nous", a déclaré M. Demirel, interrogé sur les préoccupationsocci<strong>de</strong>ntales face à la montée <strong>de</strong>s forces islamistes en Turquie."99% <strong>de</strong> notre peuple est musulman <strong>et</strong> pratique sa religion comme ill'entend. C'est pour c<strong>et</strong>te raison que l'ancien système séculaire, quin'oblige personne à adopter une pratique religieuse précise, est populaire.Mais une croyance profon<strong>de</strong> n'est pas synonyme <strong>de</strong> fondamentalisme", a ajouté,M. Demirel ..Interrogé sur le danger que les milieux islamistes puissent s'attirer lasympathie <strong>de</strong> la population en prom<strong>et</strong>tant "la fin <strong>de</strong>s injustices' sociales",le prési<strong>de</strong>nt turc a estimé que ces promesses se heurteraient à"l'intelligence <strong>de</strong> la majorité <strong>de</strong> la population"."Vous pouvez en tromper quelques uns mais pas la majorité. C'estpourquoi je suis persuadé que la majorité défendra le système séculaire <strong>et</strong>protègera ce qU'elle. a acquis", a dit M. Demirel. 'Le chef d'Etat turc a par ailleurs critiqué "l'Europe qui fait trop peucontre le PKK", le Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan, qui a "déjà tué5.000 personnes innocentes" <strong>et</strong> "même <strong>de</strong>s ~r<strong>de</strong>s" ."Les Kur<strong>de</strong>s ne sont pas un peuple prisonnier <strong>de</strong> la Turquie mais tant queles séparatistes kur<strong>de</strong>s revendiqueront <strong>de</strong>s territoires <strong>et</strong> non pas <strong>de</strong>sdroits constitutionnels" il n'y aura "pas <strong>de</strong> solution au problème", adéclaré le prési<strong>de</strong>nt turc.'. "Nous, ne pouvons accepter une déstabilisation <strong>de</strong> la Turquie. La Turquiene doit pas <strong>de</strong>venir une Yougoslavie", a mis en gar<strong>de</strong> M. Demirel.. "Mais la Turquie étant un Etat <strong>de</strong> droit avec une société ouverte <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>smédias libres, si nous réussissons à départager les revendicationsséparatistes <strong>de</strong>s autres, je suis persuadé que nous parviendrons alors àtrouver une solution. (~..) Ma porte reste ouverte au dialogue", a ajoutéM.Demirel. .ls/birAFP /AA1234/211914 JUN 96A.F.P. - A~enceFroncePresse-A.F.P. - A~elKeFroncePresse-A.F.P. - A~encefranœ Presse-A.F.P. - A~encefranœ Presse-A.F.P. - A~enceFrancePresse-A.F.P. - A~enceFroncePresse-202

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iLutte Ouvrière - -'I Ii '1.\ l'I'II,Solidaritéavec les• •prisonniers.poli6ques<strong>de</strong> Turquie<strong>et</strong> duKurdistan1:::nTurquie, actuellementplus <strong>de</strong> 10000 prisonnierspolitiques mènent une grève<strong>de</strong> la faim. Ils protestentcontre les cellules d'isolementcarcéral, la répression <strong>de</strong> l'État,la torture <strong>et</strong> les massacres.Par exemple, en 1995 à Buca(Izmir) <strong>et</strong>' à Ümraniye(Istanbul), les détenus politiquesont été ~auvagementagressés. Il y a eu sept morts<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s centaines <strong>de</strong> blessés.Les détenus réclament la suppression<strong>de</strong>s peines d'isolementcellulaire, l'arrêt <strong>de</strong>sagressions dont sont vi

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i,SATURDAY. JUNE 22. 1996 Turkish Daily News-US pr<strong>et</strong>ends aUis well b<strong>et</strong>weenTurkey and SyriaAmerican military if escalating tensions along the bor<strong>de</strong>rwith NATO ally Turkey erupt into war.""We simpl~ remin<strong>de</strong>d Sria, diplomatically, thatTurkey is a ATO ally 0 the United States," thesenior official said. "Any attack on a NATO member isconsi<strong>de</strong>red an attack against all NATO nations ... Theseare treaty commitments we cannot ignore." -. Nicholas Burns ma<strong>de</strong> remarks to the same effectwhen he told Turkish journalists about two weeks agothat, when push came to shove, the United Stateswould si<strong>de</strong> with Turkey, a NATO member, and notSyria.Sißnificant <strong>de</strong>ploymentA .S. intelligence analyst also quoted by the sameBut report claims US warnedsource confirmed that there were troo~ movements onboth si<strong>de</strong>s of the Turkish-Syrian bor er. ''''s not theinvasion of Normandy," the analyst quipPtd. "But it'sSyria. of NATO responsea significant movement for both countnes no matterhow you look at it."Bl U!ur AkInclS~ria is reßö8ed by Arabic: daily al-Hayar tQ haveurkis Daily News,<strong>de</strong>ß oyed 40, trOC)fs.along.its bor<strong>de</strong>r with TurkeyWASHINGTONe Despite all the reports of doom and fo lôwin~ a series 0 explosions in various. Syrianä100m emanating from around the Turkish-Syrian bor- cities. A out 600 Turkmens have been artest.ed byer and the area south of it, the U.S. administration is Syrian authorities as suspects. Turkey's milit~'-cooptryingto maintain a rosy public faca<strong>de</strong> when comment- eration agreement with Israel has been <strong>de</strong>criedb)" Synain~ on the rising tensions. .. and other Arab countries as a hostile act directed at'Both rountnes have an obliiation and self-interest to Syria. The Arab Summit convening in Cairo onmake sure thel, minimize t eir problems," State Saturda~ is expected to discuss the matter, as well asDepartmentt esman Nicholas Burns said, and quiCk-the Tur 'sh dams built on the Eu~hrates, and ~rhapsly ~d<strong>de</strong>d:" e do not bel~eve there will be trou.ble, issue a communique ac Jing Tur ey. Turkish 0!tignmajor trouble b<strong>et</strong>ween Syna and Turkey. We belIeve Minster Emre Gönensay sent l<strong>et</strong>ters to all Arab counthatboth countries are mindful of their own national . tries attending the summit, except Syria, wamin! .hemsecurity interests. We don't believe either rountry will that such a statement would "<strong>de</strong>stroy Turkish re alionsbe led to a confrontation with the other. We think many with the Arab world."reports are overblown about such a ronfrontation."ArabSummitMediation?Burns was also asked how the State DepartmentWhen asked if the United States was ~'mediating" viewed the aggressive stance of the Arab SUl11mitb<strong>et</strong>ween the two countries; Bums said, "Not by any nations vis-a-VIs Turkey. The <strong>de</strong>veld'ing relationsstr<strong>et</strong>ch of the imagination." b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and Israel were goo not only for"I don't mean to im~y that we are mediating any- these two countries but for the Middle East as well,thing," he continued." e have an alliance relationship Burns said.with Turkey. We have a relationship with Syria. And we"If people are going to criticize Turkey for its.relatalkto both governments. Our assessment is, there is no tionshlP with Israel, why not criticize any number ofimmanent threat of any kind of conflictb<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey Arab countries who have <strong>de</strong>veloped relationships with .and Syria."Israel over the last cOlXleof years?" he asked."We want to see rab countries and others likeUS warnin~ Turkey <strong>de</strong>velop normal relations with Israel. Israel -Y<strong>et</strong> a reliable mt:rican source, quotin$ an unnamed <strong>de</strong>serves it," Bums conclu<strong>de</strong>d.U.S. senior official, claimed that "the UnIted States haswamed Syria it runs the risk of confrontation ..with .the--204

the Social Democratic Party (SHP) upon the issuingof the Kurdish Report, said that tile solution isdirectly linked to the freedom of opinion. Turelalso me<strong>et</strong> with Turkey and Middle East ForumFoundation chairman Fikr<strong>et</strong> Ba~kaya and gavehim information about the case and sought hisassistance to protect the EP's rights. Fikr<strong>et</strong>B~kaya said tlie dismissal of the case <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>dfive percent on justice and 95 percent on the reactionfrom the stre<strong>et</strong>s and ad<strong>de</strong>d that they have toconceive the public first of all the importance ofthe problem. He said they will give the necessarysupport to EP.~~~;p":i;:s~I~.... ......;:s0:~::toINTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, SATURDAY.SUNDAY, JUNE 22.23, 1996Chemical Risk Seen in 1991 U.S. Attack on Iraq~'"~~ ~~,nr MJf1ciatt!d PrHS engineering battalion, but that they wereWASHINGTON - American ~ unaware the rock<strong>et</strong>s contained chenûcal<strong>de</strong>stroyed an Iraqi ammunition <strong>de</strong>pot m . weapons. They were three miles fromMarch 1991 that contained rock<strong>et</strong>s the site when the bunker was <strong>de</strong>tonated. armed wi~ chemical ageol8 and may in an operation after the Gulf War.ha-ve.been ~ to the chemicals, the Mr. Bacon said the Pentagon wasPentagon saia Friday. reviewing health records from soldiers"1t'll9wappears me of the <strong>de</strong>stroyed who served during the Gulf War tobunil!Ita contjined dlëmiCal weapons, " <strong>de</strong>termine wh<strong>et</strong>her the soldiers whosaid a Pentagon spokesman, Ken Ba- blew up the <strong>de</strong>pot had distinctive clincon.ièa1problems. .He ~ that the soldiers who <strong>de</strong>s- In the past. the U.S. government hastroyed*bunker at the Kamisiyah <strong>de</strong>- insisted that Gulf War v<strong>et</strong>erans were notpQt in aobdlem &àq were members of an likely to have been exposed to harmfulmaterials. It still contends it haS found noevi<strong>de</strong>nce that Iraq used any of its arsenalof chemical and biological weapons.So far, almost 9,000 v<strong>et</strong>erans haveftled disability claims with the Departmentof V<strong>et</strong>erans' Affairs for illnessesthey maintain are related to the conflict.V<strong>et</strong>erana affairs and Pentagon officialshave said they have y<strong>et</strong> to fmd anysingle cause for the illnesses - includingneurological, respiratory andskin problems - that are known collectivelyas •'G~iU' syndrome." _The U.S: Aroi.y's top dOctor said IDMay that in his opinion - a view notofficially shared by the government atthat time - it should be presumed thatsome Americana were exposed to chemicalsin the war, given the thousands ofunexplained illnesses and evi<strong>de</strong>ncefrom other. countries of biologicalagents in the region.Major General Ronald Blanck, comman<strong>de</strong>rof.Walter Reed Army MedicalCenter, said that while scientists havenot y<strong>et</strong> been able to link chemicals to thevarious iUwlISes, ••clearly there 11some~vidènce of low-level exposure."~ ~ ....~~......'"~I~~'"~~~SATURDAY. JUNE 22,1996~"'6 "'~ I~Turkish Daily News I~'Ç')Kurdish problem threatens another party with closure IiBy Erdinç ErgençTurkish Daily N~sISTANBUL- The reactions against the caseopened by the Istanbul Attorney Generalship inConstitullonal court for the closure of Emek Party(Labor Party) due to its including in its programopinions concerning the resolution of the Kurdishproblem are increasmg.According to the Turkish Constitution nationalismis the obligatory i<strong>de</strong>ological base thai has tobe accepted by all parties. But, stated the chiefprosecutor, Ihe Emek Party's program concerningthe Kurdish problem violates the "inviolableintegrily of the state with the nation",Emek Party lea<strong>de</strong>r Levent Türel stated the EPdoesn't approve of the state's approach to theKurdish problem and <strong>de</strong>fends an equal and brotherlysolidarity and therefore was consi<strong>de</strong>red separatistby the state.Tüzel, claiming thai the real separatism is amentality that forces nationalism, said that thismentality threatens the freedom of politics as wellas the freedom of expression and organization.In or<strong>de</strong>r to gain support for the EP in the caseagainst its closure Tüzel visited yesterdayRepublican Peoples Party (CHP) lea<strong>de</strong>r DenizBaykal, CHP Istanbul parliament representativeErcan Karak~ and Samsun member oTparliamentMurat Karayalçm.Türel, in his me<strong>et</strong>ing with CHP lea<strong>de</strong>r Baykalat the parliament in Ankara, asked him for supportagainst the closure of the EP. At the end ofthe me<strong>et</strong>ing Baykal said they will follow the case,since this IS a problem of Turkish <strong>de</strong>mocracy.Ercan Karaka~ claimed that they are facing theimage of a police state and the governmentdoesn't respect rights and freedoms.Murat Karayalçm, recalling that a similar casewas opened, but subsequently dropped, against~~

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iAlP. - Agenle Fron[e Presse-AlP. - Agenle FronIe Presse-A.F.P. - Agen[e FronIe Presse-AlP. - Agme FranIe Presse-A.F.P. - Agenle FronIe Presse-AlP. - Agenle FronIe Presse-A.F.P.A.F.P.FRS0012 3 l 0350 TUR /AFP-KD53Turquie-attentats leadHuit morts dans <strong>de</strong>ux attentats armés en TurquieANKARA, 23 juin (AFP) - Huit personnes ont été tuées <strong>et</strong> 19 autres ont,été blessées dans <strong>de</strong>ux attentats à main armée samedi soir à Diyarbakir,chef-lieu du sud-est anatolien à majorité kur<strong>de</strong>, <strong>et</strong> à Istanbul, ontrapporté <strong>de</strong>s chaînes <strong>de</strong> télévisions turques.Sept personnes ont trouvé la mort <strong>et</strong> 15 autres ont été blessées dans un,attentatâ main armée, attribué par les autorités à <strong>de</strong>s rebelles du Parti'<strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste), dans un parc à 15 km <strong>de</strong>Diyarbakir, selon les mêmes sources. '• Un groupe <strong>de</strong> rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s ont tiré sur une centaine <strong>de</strong> personnes quidînaient dans un restaurant en plein air, a affirmé un témoin oculaire,Savas Donmez, responsable <strong>de</strong> la chaîne ße télévision privée locale, Soz-Tv.Troi~ enfants <strong>et</strong> une femme enceinte figurent parmi les victimes <strong>de</strong>l'attentat, a affirmé M. Donmez. " ,Les blessés ont été hospitalisés à Diyarbakir <strong>et</strong> les forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordreont déclenché une opéfation pour r<strong>et</strong>rouver les assaillants.Le P~K mène une rebellion armée <strong>de</strong>p~is 1984 contre Ankara pour créer unEtat in~épendant kurdè dans le sud-est:',anatolien à majorité kur<strong>de</strong> àlafrqntiè;+e avec la Syrie, l'Irak <strong>et</strong> l'Iran. ,'C<strong>et</strong>te rébellion <strong>et</strong>} les opérations <strong>de</strong> 'représailles <strong>de</strong> l'armée turque ontfait près 22.000 morts en 12 ans. \A Istanbul, un "terroriste" a été tué,<strong>et</strong> quatre policiers ont étéblessés 'lors d'un attentat à main arméècontre un groupe <strong>de</strong> policierspatrouillant près du bâtiment qui abrite les locaux <strong>de</strong> l'organisationlocale à Kagithane du ":Parti <strong>de</strong> la Juste Voie (DYP, droite) <strong>de</strong> l'ancienpremier!ministre Tansu Ciller, selon les mêmes sources.Cinq personnes, dont trois femmes, ont ouvert le feu sur le véhicul<strong>et</strong>ransportant les policiers, blessant <strong>de</strong>ux d'entre eux. Un assaillant, unefemme, a été tué <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>ûx autres policiers ont été blessés lors <strong>de</strong>l'accrochage armé qui a suivi l'attentat; ,La police a encerclé la zone <strong>et</strong> lancé une o~ération pour r<strong>et</strong>rouver lesagresseurs. C<strong>et</strong> attentat n'avait .pas été revend~qué dan$ l'immédiat.ce/ab ' , eap.m 'AFP/AA12j~/230109 JON 96Al P. - Agenle Fron[e Presse - A. F. P. - Agenle FronIe Presse - Al P. - Agenle FronIe Presse- A.F. P. - Agenle FronIe Presse- A. F. P. - Agenle FronIe Presse- A. F. P. - Agenle Fron[e Presse-206

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>ile Mon<strong>de</strong> - l,; II Il'\.,\ l'Il\(,La Turquie, ses voisins<strong>et</strong> IsraëlLA MAlTRISE <strong>de</strong>s eaux <strong>de</strong> l'Euphrate<strong>et</strong> l'ai<strong>de</strong> apportée aWt séparatisteskur<strong>de</strong>s: c'est sur ce doubleregistre que se joue <strong>de</strong>puis <strong>de</strong>s annéesle conflit entre la 1\1rquie <strong>et</strong>la Syrie, dont le <strong>de</strong>rnier rebondissementrappelle que le danger persiste(Le Mon<strong>de</strong> du 19juin).Ankara est soupçonné d'avoirorganisé une série d'attentats quiont secoué la Syrie au cours <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong>rnières semaines. Feu <strong>de</strong> détailssont connus sur ces actes que ledépartement d'Etat américain aindirectement confirmés en faisantrécemment état <strong>de</strong> plusieursexplosions en Syrie. En mai, unebombe aurait apparemment exploséà Damas, à proximité du domiciled'Abdullah Dealan, le dirigeantdu Parti (turc) <strong>de</strong>stravailleurs kur<strong>de</strong>s, le PKK. Des informationsrécentes suggèrent quela cible n'en était pas M. Dealan,mais le prési<strong>de</strong>nt Hafez El Assad.lui-même.La 1\1rquie dément avec vigueurles accusations portées contre elle.<strong>et</strong> réfute les rumeurs selon lesquellesla Syrie aurait massé <strong>de</strong>stroupes à la frontière entre les<strong>de</strong>ux pays. «La Thrquie n'est pasun pays terroriste, Nous "~vons rienà voir avec ces attentats », affirmeNur<strong>et</strong>tin Nurkan, porte-parole duministère <strong>de</strong>s affaires étrangèrès.Le différend turco-syrien pourraitc<strong>et</strong>te fois prendre une ampleurrégionale. La Syrie a saisi le mon<strong>de</strong>arabe <strong>de</strong> ses problèmes avec Ankara<strong>et</strong> espère d'autant plus sé-bouleversé les équilibres régionaux.~clûe entre la 1\1rquie <strong>et</strong> Israël arieusement obtenir son soutien Déjà entourée <strong>de</strong> pays avec. lesquelsque les pays du Moyen-Orient ont elle entr<strong>et</strong>ient <strong>de</strong>s relatioBs inamicales,la,Thrquie pourrait,ainsi voirviolemment réagi à la signature,en février, d'un accord <strong>de</strong> coopérationmilitaire entre la 1\1rquie <strong>et</strong> la liste déjà longue <strong>de</strong> ses ennemis.s'ajouter plusieurs nouveaux pays àIsraël. La présence d'avions israé- , L'eau, <strong>de</strong>venue presque aussi précieuseque le pétrole dans unliens sur le territoire turc <strong>et</strong> leséchanges <strong>de</strong> visites <strong>de</strong> militaires <strong>de</strong> Proche-Orient qui en manque cmellement,est au centre <strong>de</strong> la disputehaut rang entre les <strong>de</strong>ux pays ontsoulevé <strong>de</strong>s inquiétu<strong>de</strong>s dans la région,où c<strong>et</strong>te nouvelle alliance est se déroulent SUl'uJi:f()nddc!ressenti-turco-syrienne, dont les péripétiesperçue comme dirigée contre les :inent accumulé. EP-l~jlJ, la syn~Arabes.,avait été forcée <strong>de</strong> cé<strong>de</strong>r ~ Jeune--La 1\1rquie s'en défend, fait valoirqu'un accord la menaçant a d'Alexan\,lr<strong>et</strong>te, ~evenue au-.République turque la province'été conclu entre la Grèce <strong>et</strong> ~ Sy-.jourd'hui la provinc~ turque du ~a.:..rie selon le vieux principe qui veutque les ennemis <strong>de</strong> mes ennemissoient mes amis, <strong>et</strong> affirme qu'ellecontinue <strong>de</strong> se tenir à égale distanced'Israël <strong>et</strong> du mon<strong>de</strong> arabe.La coopération aérienne <strong>et</strong> navaleavec l'Etat juif ne menace aucun<strong>de</strong>s pays voisins, plai<strong>de</strong>-t-on à Ankara.Les Arabes, notamment les Syriens,qui se sentent directement vi-.sés par un échange éventuel <strong>de</strong> renseignementsentre Ankara <strong>et</strong>Jérusalem, ne sont pas convaincus.La convergence <strong>de</strong> vues sur le terrorismeentre le gouvernement turc <strong>et</strong>le premier ministre israélieq, 8eQyaminNétanyahou, nest p)S 'rion plus<strong>de</strong> nature à les rassureiIls troUvent un certain répondanten 1\àquie même, où les milieux islamistessont hostiles à l'accordconclu avec IsraëL Lefait que celui-ciait été rendu public qUelques joursseulement avant l'offensive israélienneau LIban sud n'a falt qu'accrottrel'embarras <strong>de</strong>s autoritésturques, au point qUe le premier mi-Distre, Mesut yilmaz - ~ laissant allerun bref instant avant <strong>de</strong> faire publierun démenti -, a rkemmentdéclaré que c<strong>et</strong> accord avait entraînéplus d'ennuis que <strong>de</strong> bénéfices.Jbsq\l'à la signature <strong>de</strong> l'accordavec Israël,le mon<strong>de</strong> ai'abi,œritait<strong>de</strong> ~ pas prendre clairefti!nt partisuI)~qtÎestion du plUta8e,«~ eaux~~~;1'~uphrate. Mais l'allianceAux yeux <strong>de</strong>s Turcs,j'essor <strong>de</strong>s relationsavec Israël pourraitêtre plus rentableque les relationsambiguësqu'ils ont toujoursentr<strong>et</strong>enuesavec lesArabestay (même si, sur certaines cartes syriennes,elle fait encore partie duterritoire national).Au cours <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>rniers mois, la 1\1rquie,dont la politique étrangère est<strong>de</strong> plus en plus influencée par les militairesen raison <strong>de</strong> l'instabilité gouvernementale,a clairement durci l<strong>et</strong>on envers Damas, qui protège <strong>et</strong>soutient les combattants kur<strong>de</strong>s duPKK,<strong>de</strong>puis qu'Ankara a commencéla construction du barrage d'Atatürkpour exploiter les eaux <strong>de</strong> l'Euphrate.La première attaque arméedu PKK, en aoÜt 1984, avait marquéle début du conflit qui continued'opposer les rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s auxforces gouvernementales turques <strong>et</strong>été maintenu. Mais c'est le réfusd'Ankara <strong>de</strong> garantir une quantitéfixe d'eau, sous forme d'un traitépermanent, qui continue d1irriter lesdirigeants syriens, alors que la 1\1rquiecônstruit d'autres barrages surl'Euphrate, dans le cadre du gigantesqueproj<strong>et</strong> du Sud-Estanato1Ïen,çonnu sous le nom <strong>de</strong> GAP.Les 1\1rcs, toujours pres~ <strong>de</strong> démontrerque la question kui<strong>de</strong> n'e:>tpas un problème national, maiS uniquementune arme utiUsée par lesennemis <strong>de</strong> leur pays, ont tour 1 tourpointé un doigt accusateiJr'qt direction<strong>de</strong> tous leurs voisIns; d~ la Grèceà l'Annénie •.cm passant par.J'lran <strong>et</strong>l'Irak. Ils ont, en revanche; ~ généralemèntplus pru<strong>de</strong>nts ave

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>ile Dauphiné libéré -2:~.Il'lN I~)%l'Humanité - 22 JUIN 1996... Turquie: huit morts.... -dans <strong>de</strong>ux attentats armes:H~it personnes ont été tuées <strong>et</strong> 19 autres ont étébJèsàéesdans <strong>de</strong>ux attentats à main armée samedi;$O'r. à' Diyarbakir, chef-lieu du sud-est a'1atolien àjnajdr1té kur<strong>de</strong>, <strong>et</strong> à Istanbul, ont rapporté <strong>de</strong>sèhaines <strong>de</strong> télévisions turques. .Sept personnes ont trouvé la mort <strong>et</strong> 15 autres ont été,b.lßsséesdans un attentat à main armée, attribué parI~s autorités à <strong>de</strong>s rebelles du Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs,du .Kun::ljstan (PKK, séparatiste), dans un parc à~5 km <strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir, selon les mêmes sources.Aistanbul, un .. terroriste .. a été tué <strong>et</strong> quatre polioiersont été blessés lors d'un attentat à main armée'COntrejJn groupe <strong>de</strong> policiers patrouillant près dubâtiment qui abrite les locaux <strong>de</strong> l'organisation localeà Kagithane du Parti <strong>de</strong> la Juste Voie (DYP, droite) <strong>de</strong>l'ancien pr~mier ministre Tansu Ciller, selon 'lesmêrTI~$soûrces.,Liberté pour les prisonnierspolitiques en TurquieA l'initiative, entre autres, du graupe <strong>de</strong> la Gauche unitaireeur.opéenne,le Parlement<strong>de</strong> Strasb.ourga adapté une résoluti.onsurles dr.oits <strong>de</strong> l'h.ommee~.la situati.on en Turquie. n se déclare«prQf.ondément préoccUJ1é par les.opérati.onsmilitairesmenéespar lesfarcesturquesen Turquie.orientale<strong>et</strong> par leur refus<strong>de</strong> rechercherles'!'Oiesd'un règlementpacifiquedu conflit,malgrél'annonce<strong>de</strong>cessez~t~feu faitepar lePICKle15décembre1995».Ev.oquantlagrève<strong>de</strong>la'fànn .observéepar <strong>de</strong>s centaines <strong>de</strong> pris.onniersp.olitiques<strong>et</strong> lapersistance<strong>de</strong> mauvaistraitementsdans lespris.ons,le texte<strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>au n.ouveaug.ouvernement<strong>de</strong> « s'engagerà rec.onnaître<strong>et</strong> à sautenir;lesdr.oits<strong>de</strong> l'h.omme», <strong>de</strong> décréterune amnistiegénérale,<strong>de</strong> m<strong>et</strong>tre!finaux.opérationsmilitairesdansle sud-estdupays»... Intervenantaun.om du graupe GUE, .Aline Pailler dén.onçaitles complaisancesentr<strong>et</strong>enuesen faveurdu régime turc, s'exclamant: « Liberté p.our~vla Zana<strong>et</strong> toYS lespris.onniersp.olitiques!» . .June 24, 1996The Nation.THE FUTURE IS ON VIEW NEARA U.N. SUMMIT ON CITIES: MILLIONS OF DISPIACED PERSONS.Habitat for InhumanityI JOBN TIRMAN I"~ Il the houses were shattered, tom down,not a single one intact," a young Kurdishman named Kamil was telling me in Istanbull~stfall. He was talking about hisvill~ge in southeastern Turkey. "The <strong>de</strong>struction.ofeach house came through the roof,. each oftl:1em crushed or bombed. I was told they. were bombed. Windows were shattered. Doorswerebroken. Whatever was left was taken bythe police for themselves."This was my childhood home. Everyonein my father's line lived there. My life passed before my eyeswhen l saw the fountain where we had played as children; itwas crushed. Nothing was left in the village except the school~house, where a Turkish flag wasflying. In the health center,where everything had been looted, an intact wall had scrawledJo~1'J1ïrman, executive director of the Winston Foundation in Washington,f)'c., is writing a bookfor the Free Press on the Turki~h-Kurdish conflict.-on it, 'One Turk is worth the whole world.'''The' United Nations <strong>de</strong>legates convened atthe global summit on the future of the city, heldthe first half of June in Istanbul, are likely to ignorestories like Kamil's. Refugees from war"political repression, environmental disaster an<strong>de</strong>conomic neglect are not priorities for the~ 20,000 atten<strong>de</strong>es-including several heads of~ state--expected for the Habitat II me<strong>et</strong>ing. Judgêing by the preparatory gatherings, Habitat II'" will insist on <strong>de</strong>cent housing for all humankindand other satisfying goals, but the hard cases of urban lif<strong>et</strong>hemillions pouring into cities worldwi<strong>de</strong> from the oppressive.outback-will earn no special mention. Too bad, really, sinceIstanbul itself is the global showcase for how disgracefully agovernment can treat its own "internally displaced." The city is ,home to up to a million refugees from the Kurdish areas of thesoutheast, driven from their villages by the Turkish military.using u.s. weapons.208

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i22 The Nat,ion. June 24, 1996The U.S. Committee for Refugees says there were 15.3 millionpolitical refugees in 1995 and 20 million internally displaced,with Thrkey's 2 million among the world's highest number. Thesedisplaced commonly migrate to cities, constituting a large fractionof the globe's explosive urban growth.Among Istanbul's 10 million people may be a million or moredisplaced Kurds. The city's Kurdish population is swollen by thewar b<strong>et</strong>ween the Turkish government and the Kurdistan WorkersParty, or P.K.K., a war that has taken 20,000 lives since 1984. TheP.K.K., a quasi-Marxist guerrilla army, claims to want only culturaland political rights for the beleaguered Kurds, who makeup one-fifth of the country's 60 million people. To <strong>de</strong>feat theP.K.K., the military-dominated government has evacuated and<strong>de</strong>stroyed some 2,500 Kurdish villages since the early nin<strong>et</strong>ies.The villagers, left without resources or relocation aid, migrat<strong>et</strong>o the larger cities of the southeast like Diyarbakir, which hasgrown from 300,000 to 900,000 since 1993; or to western citieslike Adana or Izmir, which have also explo<strong>de</strong>d in size. But Istanbulis the <strong>de</strong>stination of choice.Just twenty miles from where the Habitat II <strong>de</strong>legates aregathering is a part of Istanbul called Esenyurt, teeming with100,000 Kurds, many thousands of those in homes builtillegally, without running water, of stacked bricks and tinroofs. Cows and geese drink from a stream blackened by industrialwaste that runs through the middle of the s<strong>et</strong>tlement.Children roam about, unable to attend school because they possessno i<strong>de</strong>ntification papers and the Turkish government <strong>de</strong>mandsa school fee that none of the parents can pay. The adults,too, have fallen out of the system. Afraid to speak up for theirrights-voting, housing, jobs-the refugees of Esenyurt piec<strong>et</strong>og<strong>et</strong>her subsistence lives un<strong>de</strong>r constant threat. Ultranationalistgangs harass and som<strong>et</strong>imes "disappear" political activistsamong them. The men can find work only as day laborers onconstruction crews, uncertain and seasonal employment. Thelocal mayor, excoriating the refugees as P.K.K., regularly bulldozesthe shanties of the hillsi<strong>de</strong> haml<strong>et</strong>.This is not the worst of it, either: Tens of thousands of otherslive in tents, or in refugee camps in other countries. Thousandsmore find housing with relatives, doubling up in crow<strong>de</strong>d apartments,hiding out from the authorities, who they feel may persecut<strong>et</strong>hem again. Virtually all find the city a bizarre andfrightening experience. "I was a shopkeeper in my town," saidMehm<strong>et</strong>, a wiry man of 48 who was forced to migrate to Istanbulwith his wife and ten children. "I wasn't political, but I wasa respected citizen. After we left, our house was looted andburned. Now I cannot fmd work. Here we live incognito." Awoman tells me, "The children don't know about the city. Oneof mine was struck by a car." A 49-year-old man from near Diyarbakir,whose wife was mur<strong>de</strong>red by the government-backed"village guards" and whose home was shelled, says ofhis existencein Istanbul, "I don't even un<strong>de</strong>rstand my life anymore; Idon't un<strong>de</strong>rstand what is happening to me."A 25-year-old woman explains how she came to Istanbul."We had a hundred houses in our village," she says. "Guerrillaswould come to the village, so soldiers targ<strong>et</strong>ed this place. We lik<strong>et</strong>he P.K.K. If we had a problem we would go to the P.K.K. andthey would solve it. We'd be too afraid to go to the government."We were preparing for the Nawroz [New Year's] festival.Soldiers came to the village. My two brothers-in-law were athome; the soldiers threw a bomb at the house and killed both.They then took all the villagers into the schoolyard and s<strong>et</strong> thewhole village on fire. Everything was burned, including the animals.There were ten other villages in the area, and nine of themwere also burned to ashes. Nothing was left. We had fourteenchildren, and they told us, Go wherever you like, but you have novillage now. We couldn't take anything from the village. Thewhole family came to Istanbul except for two of my stepdaughters,who joined the rebels because of this inci<strong>de</strong>nt. We lived in atent for eight months. The police came and rai<strong>de</strong>d because of th<strong>et</strong>wo stepdaughters with the guerrillas. They kept my husband in<strong>de</strong>tention for two months."Ali, a 50-year-old man from a village near Diyarbakir, tells asimilar tale .. "When they burned Kaynak, my village, they assembledall the people in the central square. The soldiers tookvaluables and jewelry from the houses, then burned the houseseven with the animals insi<strong>de</strong>. Tanks, helicopters, they are all th~time there. In my village they have slaughtered 200 horses; withthese, we carried food. There w~re so many animals in Kurdistan;now you cannot find two chickens." Ali found his way to adormitory-style camp outsi<strong>de</strong> Athens, one of a growing numberof foreign (and urban) resting spots for Kurdish refugees.1he.forced-evacuations ofKurds violate internationallaw, butneither Europe nor the United States is holding Ankara accountable.The human rights focus on Thrkey typically inclu<strong>de</strong>sonly torture and freedom of speech issues. The UnitedStates provi<strong>de</strong>s 80 percent of Turkey's weapons, includingSikorsky and Bell-Textron helicopters, F-16 fighters and M-60.tanks used to drive Kurds from their homes. Precious little attentionis given to the millions of displaced persons.Less noticed still is the growing anger of the newly urbanKurds. "In the immigrant populations we see a higher rate of p0:-litical radicalization," says Dogu Ergil, a professor at AnkaraUniversity who studied Kurdish attitu<strong>de</strong>s in an exhaustive 1995survey. "In the cities, theyare trivialized. They had their gar<strong>de</strong>nsand thcir livestock in thc village, and now they have nothing." Afield trip to Esenyurt would expose the Habitat II <strong>de</strong>legates toone of the bleakest urbanscapes in the world, and a soberingglimpse of the future of the city.•209

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iMONDA Y, JUNE 24, 1996.Turkish Daily NewsWild scenes at HADEP congressA man unfurled a PKK flag from the ceiling to the cheers of the audience. He then climbed along the gir<strong>de</strong>rs and cutdown the enonnous Turkish flag, which had been the backdrop of the main stage, once again .the crowd cheeredBy Ayse KarabatTurkish Daily Nell'sANKARA- The People's Democracy Party(HADEP) held an evenlful"2nd General Congresson Sunday at the Ataturk Sports Cenler inAnkara.The me<strong>et</strong>ing itself was extremely crow<strong>de</strong>d, thehall as packed as the gar<strong>de</strong>n. The gar<strong>de</strong>n was fullof women and children from all over Turkey, butespecially from the Southeast. Some of the familieshavmg picnics, children sleeping on theground and others crying, all ma<strong>de</strong> the sceneextremely chaotic. The crowd both in the ~ar<strong>de</strong>nand in the hall was full of enthusiasm. Insi<strong>de</strong> thehall, quite often masked youngsters would holdup pictures of Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)lea<strong>de</strong>r Abdullah "Apo" Ocalan and shout pro-PKK slogans.The congress was supposed to start with aminute's silence but it wasn't long before therestless crowd launched into singing a Kurdishnationalist anthem.Whilst HADEP lea<strong>de</strong>r Murat Bozlak was makingthe opening speech of the congress, someonewas seen climbing the steel gir<strong>de</strong>rs running alongthe roof of the hall. .He then unfurled a PKK flag to the cheers ofthe audience. He then climbed along the gir<strong>de</strong>rsand cut down the enormous Turkish flag, whichhad been the backdrop of the main stage. Onceagain the crowd cheered.The chairman of the congress <strong>de</strong>nounced th<strong>et</strong>earing down of the Turkish fla~ and asked for itto be put back up. This call elicited many boosand jeers from the exited crowd. During hisinterrupted speech Bozlak said that 105 Kurdishpolitictans had given their lives for the cause butthis will not stop them from fightingrights.for theirBozlak compared the Dec. 24 election with therecently-held referendum in Iraq, which foundthat 9.9.9 percent' of Iraqis 'supported SaddamHussein. He said that 10 million Kurdish peopleWere not allowed to vote in the last general elec-. lion and that the election itself was held un<strong>de</strong>rRelatives of hunger ~triking prisoners atthe HADEP congress. HADEP officials are to go on a one-daysympathy hungry stnke today.TON Cengiz Uysaltight security pressure. He also attacked mainstreampolitical parties forrefraining from introducing<strong>de</strong>mocratic measures. He also claimedthaI Ihe Turko-Israeli military accord is anti-Kurdish: "The Israeli planes will take off fromlncirlik and bombard innocent PalestiiJians.Turkish planes will take off from Diyarbakir andattack t.he Kurds." _Also present at the congress were rdatives ofprisoners who are on a hunger strike protestingconditions in prisons throughout the country.Bozlak said that he and official <strong>de</strong>legates hadpledged to also go on a one-day hunger strike insympathy with the other hunger strikers.There was a strong police presence outsi<strong>de</strong> thesports ~ente~ and at the entra~ces. Interestingly,the police did not use the available m<strong>et</strong>al <strong>de</strong>tectorsunlike at other party political congresses.Guests at the me<strong>et</strong>ing inclu<strong>de</strong>d a SwissSocialist Party <strong>de</strong>puty, Nills <strong>de</strong> BarkeI; WelfareParty <strong>de</strong>puty F<strong>et</strong>ullah Erbas; Freedom and.Solidarity Party (ODP) lea<strong>de</strong>r Ufuk Uras; andHuman Rights Association Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Akin Birdal,who was also an HADEP candidate in the lastgeneral election.Some members of the press found entering thecongress difficult as they were held up by thepolice, arguments ensued and the journalists werefinally allowed to enter.Party office elections were to be held as theTurkish Daily News went to press. IncumbentMurat Bozlak is the only candidate for the chairmanship.The interesting elections will be for theCentral Administration Committee where approx-.imately 200 candidates are comp<strong>et</strong>ing for 50positions.210

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iINTERNATIONAL HERALD TRmUNE, MONDAY,JUNE 24, 1996CIA-Backed IraqisAgain Seek a WayTo Depose SaddamBy John Lancasterand David B. OttawayWashington Post StrviceInan office suite on a qui<strong>et</strong>stre<strong>et</strong> in Amman, Jordan, anexile group called the IraqiNational Accord is plottingand struggling to carry out a.new CIA-backed plan totopple Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam'Hussein of Iraq.Now equipPed with a'powerful radio station andclaiming contacts at highlevels of the Iraqi military, diegroup is trying to promote acoup by officers close to Presi<strong>de</strong>ntSaddam, according toAmerican and Saudi officialsand members of the organization.Besi<strong>de</strong>s operating the radiostation, which can reach mostareas of Iraq, the group hasai<strong>de</strong>d the <strong>de</strong>fection of severalhigh officers, including aformer army chief of staff,and it claims to be usin$ capturedmilitary field radios tostay in contact with IraqiArmy units."We think that any uprisingshould have as its ~ery.center the armed fortes,"said the group's lea<strong>de</strong>r, AyadAlawi, a _ physician and(~~m.P.tesi<strong>de</strong>nt-~r ~~dft.ih 1971."We don't preach civilwar," Mr. Alawi said. "Onthe contrary, we preach controlled,coordinated militaryuprising supported by thepeople that would not allowitself to go into acts of revengeor chaos. "The outlook is far from certain,however. The oppositionmovement is severelysplintered. Similar effortshave failed miserably in thepast. Six other radio stationsare broadcasting anti-Saddammessages.Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam is nothingif not a survivor, havingheld on to power un<strong>de</strong>r theconstant, crushing pressure ofinternational tra<strong>de</strong> sanctionsand ostracism that followedthe Iraqi invasion of Kuwaitin 1990 and the ensuing Gulf:War."The opposition is more.active in a kind of very diffuse.way than it has ever been, "Isaid a U.S. intelligence officer."There are all sorts ofopponents to the regime. ' ,•'But they don 't coalesce,"the American ad<strong>de</strong>d. "Theyhave different agendas, differentconstituencies - bothinsi<strong>de</strong> and outsi<strong>de</strong> Iraq.They're really more gnats andmosquitoes to Saddam ratherthan anything serious."But the United States,among otherS, is taking Mr.Alawi's group seriously. InJanuary, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Bill Clintonauthorized $6 million incovert aid to support its activities,according to Iraqi oppositionsources familiar withthe plan of the Central IntelligenceAgency.Asked over the weekend.about assistance to the Iraqiopposition group, a CIAspokesman <strong>de</strong>clined to comment.An administration officialalso refused to talkabout a covert operation.The amount of money is inaddition to a similar or largersum provi<strong>de</strong>d by Saudi Arabia,Kuwait and several otherArab countries, accordingto a Saudi official and oppositionsources.••It' s not a secr<strong>et</strong> that a fewpeople are working to create aclimate," a government officialin Saudi Arabia said lastmonth, alluding to efforts fora coup. "We are not asleep,we are not sitting on our fanniesdoing nothing. Thingsare hapPening."PreVlOUS.efforts to over-.throw the Iraqi lea<strong>de</strong>rcentered largely on. another:opposition organization, theIraqi National Congress,formed with CIA backing in1992 as an umbrella group for:Sunni Muslim, Shiite Muslim.and Kurdish factions, includingthe National Accord.The United States supportedthe new group in hopes ofencouraging a broad-baseduprising in which rebellionwould spread from Jesistancegroups to army units. But theINC, based in Kurdish-controllednorthern Iraq, has beenparalyzed by intemàt fightmg,including virtually a civilwar b<strong>et</strong>ween the two mainKurdish factions.The National Accord,formed with Saudi backing in1990, has sought to encouragea quick coup by generalsthat would, in effect, <strong>de</strong>capitat<strong>et</strong>he regime but leave therest of Iraq intact.At a me<strong>et</strong>ing in Saudi Arabiain mid-January, American,British, Saudi and Jordanianintelligence officersagreed that the center of 0perationsfor the Iraqi oppositionwould become Ammanand that the newly anointedgroup would be used as "themagn<strong>et</strong>" to attract Iraqi militaryand intelligence officersmto <strong>de</strong>fecting or, b<strong>et</strong>ter y<strong>et</strong>,taking action against Presi<strong>de</strong>ntSadqam, according to Iraqiopposition sources ."The :New 1 criteria wechose was credibility," saidthe Jordanian informationminister, Marwan Muasher,speaking in Washington lastweek .• 'The INC has no credibilityin Iraq or in Jordan. ' ,In late January, Presi<strong>de</strong>ntBill Clinton signed a new"fmding" authorizing the $6million project to finance themore powerful opposition radiostation and to pay for theoperations out of Amman.Still, some intelligence officialsremain skeptical.'Given Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam'sviplance and the fearsurroundmg him, many analystsbelieve no amount ofmaneuvering can influenceevents insi<strong>de</strong> the regime. A-ccordingto this view, changecould come only after somèdfama like the <strong>de</strong>ath of Presi<strong>de</strong>ntSaddam of naturalcauses or Perhaps assassin.ation by a relative.211

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-BerhevokaÇapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTUESDAY. JUNE 25.1996Turkish Daily NewsPolice <strong>de</strong>tainHADEP lea<strong>de</strong>rsover flag slightTurkish Daily NewsANKARA- Police on Monday <strong>de</strong>tained leadingofficials of the~ro-Kurdish People'sDemocracy Party (HADEP) to a chorus ofapproval from politicians and the media aftertlie party' s overnight congress turned into ashow of support for the outlawed KurdistanWorkers' Party (PKK),The tensions threatened to further flare overreports that three HADEP <strong>de</strong>legates r<strong>et</strong>urninghome after the eventful congress had been mur<strong>de</strong>redoutsi<strong>de</strong> Kayseri, central Turkey, whentheir car was ambushed by unknown attackers.A fourth <strong>de</strong>legate was rèportedly injured, ,The police used batons early Monday to dISperseparty supI>Ortersprotesting the <strong>de</strong>tentionof 32 officials, includmg re-elected HADEPChainnan Murat Bozlak,Police action followed the conclusion of thecongress during which a large Turkish flag wastom down from the roof of the hall and replacedby a PKK banner and a portrait of rebel chiefAbdullah Öcalan. The PKK has been fighting aseparatist war in southeastern Turkey, liome toaoout half of the country's estimated 12 millionKurds, for the past 12,years. The fighting hasclaimed nearly 20,OOO,Jiveso far., .Interior Minister Ulkü Güney said that IDaddition to the HADEP officials who will bequestioned by the State Security Court llrosecutorthe two people who tore down the llag hadb~n captured and <strong>de</strong>tained. Con<strong>de</strong>mning theinsult to the flag, Prime Minister Mesut Yilmazsaid the true aim of the perp<strong>et</strong>rators ap~ ~obe to <strong>de</strong>stabilize the country, disrupt publicor<strong>de</strong>r and harm <strong>de</strong>mocracy.But he said "~ple's common sense and thestrength of the Turkish state will prevent theperp<strong>et</strong>rators of the inci<strong>de</strong>nt from reälizing theiraims.". The incid.ent also triggered'strong reacti9nfrom the rightand the left: .Chairman Alparslan Türke~ ofthe far right NationalistMovement Party dismissed theHADEP officials' explanationsthat the. outrage had been thehandiwork of "lITesponsible elements,"hinting a linkb<strong>et</strong>ween HADEP and thePKK."The Turkish Republic is a'.u.ni.tan: state and the .TurkishINTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1996Arms Inspection PledgeBy Iraq Encourages UNBy Barbara Cross<strong>et</strong>teNew York Times ServiceUNITED NATIONS, New York-In a move that United Nations officialsregard as a significant political step forPresi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam Hussein, Iraq hassigned a UN agreement to speed theprocess of eliminating all its weapons ofm~s <strong>de</strong>struction so that economic sanctionscan be lifted.The new agreement was signed Saturdayby Tariq Aziz, Iraq' s <strong>de</strong>puty primeminister, and Rolf Ekeus, the Swedishdiplomat who is chairman of the commissioncharged with monitoring Iraqicompliance."I don't un<strong>de</strong>restimate the concessionsIraq has ma<strong>de</strong>," said Mr. Ekeus,who has heard unfulfilled promises ofIraqi compliance in the past He saidMonday that his request for writtenagreement produced some' 'heartburn". in Baghdad. ,. "I told them a 'no' to this wouldmean serious repercussions for Iraq,"Mr. Ekeus said.The agreement inclu<strong>de</strong>s an unequivocalpledge by Iraq to allow UN inspectors"immediate, unconditional aildunrestricted access" to all suspect sites.Mr. Ekeus reiterated, however, thatthere was still much to be accomplishednation is powerful. No one can<strong>de</strong>fy that power to dictate things.in pursuance of their treacher-. ous aims ...Those smeared with bloodshould not be allowed to polluteour country and its <strong>de</strong>mocracy,"the v<strong>et</strong>eran rightist thun<strong>de</strong>red.At the opposing end, RldvanBudak, the chairman of the l<strong>et</strong>twingConfe<strong>de</strong>ration ofRevolutionary Workers' Unions(DtSK) also con<strong>de</strong>mned the.action targ<strong>et</strong>ing the Turkishflag, saying it was a joinHymbol"for all the people living inthis country regardless of their<strong>et</strong>hnic background."Budak further charged thatsuch "acts of primitive national-; ism" were un<strong>de</strong>rmining thepeace everyone wanted.. While the Turkish mediaexpressed shock and anger overthe inci<strong>de</strong>nt, HADEP officialsdisow.ned. the support for the.in Iraq because the government continuedto conceal what he called ,. someimportant components of weapons andtelltale documents."Weapons monitors, who believe armsor components are still being hid<strong>de</strong>nmore than five years after the GulfWar,will soon test the accord with an in-spection that may involve politicallysensitive sites.The agreement s<strong>et</strong>s up a regular sys- .tem of me<strong>et</strong>ings b<strong>et</strong>ween Mr. Ekeus andMr. Aziz, and a schedule for turningover long-requested Iraqi documentationby the end of this month.The accord was ma<strong>de</strong> public Mondayby Mr. Ekeus, who went to Iraq laStweek armed with Security Council <strong>de</strong>- .mands for cooperation thatstopped shortof the U.S. <strong>de</strong>sire to inclu<strong>de</strong> a threat offorce. Inr<strong>et</strong>urn, the Uriited Nations gavea vague pledge to respect Iraqi sovereigntyand territorial integrity.An un<strong>de</strong>rlying message in this pledgeis that once they have access to sensitivesites, inspectors will not poke around in .material they may fmd that does notrelate to weapons.}?KK, saying the replacement offlags was a 'provocation;"They argued that the <strong>de</strong>tentionswere unwarranted and theHADEP lea<strong>de</strong>rs would havegone by themselves if they hadbeen summoned by the prosecut?rf~r an exp.lanatIon. .Guven Ozata, a seniorHADEP politician, charged thatthe "provocation" followed his~arty s calls for a peaceful solu- .lion to the Kurdish question .The congresses of other pro-Kurdish pa~ties which prece<strong>de</strong>dHADEP also witnessed similarexpressions of support for thePK.K and its lea<strong>de</strong>r, causingtheir closure and strengthening .public suspicions that they were• fro,nt organizations for the separatIstgroup .In a notorious crackdown onlegal Kurdish self-assertiveness,. Turkey banned the DemocracyPartY (DEP) two vears,.ago,212

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iI .expefled 13 pro-Kurdish poIlti- over the PKK.cians from Parliament and subsequentlyjailed six at the end of Championing a peaceful 'anda controversial trial which <strong>de</strong>mocratic solution insteadcaused reaction in the West and HADEP swept the Kurdish~n~arly killed a customs paèt dominated southeasternwith the European Union. _ provinces in the general election.-But other former DEP politi- last December. but failed tocla~s who fled the country to clear a nationwi<strong>de</strong> IO-percentaVOId arrest became active pro- threshold to send representativesmoters of a PKK-dominated to the Turkish legislature.Kurdish parliament-in-exile Be~ore Sunday's congress; thevindicating suspicions. ' party s platform of mo<strong>de</strong>rationHADEP, formed after the cio- had been winning convertssure of DEP, became immedi- among Turkish intellectuals andately popular with the Kurds in media commentators to the i<strong>de</strong>athe Southeast who resent the of a. mo~e free advocacy ofheavy-han<strong>de</strong>d policies of the Kur~l~h fights, <strong>de</strong>spite lingeringstate pursuing a military victory suspicions of PKK guidance ....and PKK becomesliability for HADEPFor quite some time there has been a<strong>de</strong>bate going on about the relationshipb<strong>et</strong>ween the People's Democracy Party(HADEP) and the Kurdish terrorist organizationPICK, which calls itself the KurdistanWorkers Party ...HADEP has continuously claimed it hasnothing to do with the PKK and that it is apolitical force on its own.HADEP had a chance to prove its own musclewhen it managed to win more than 4 percentof the overall votes in the Dec. 24, 1995parliamentary elections and show it is a politicalforce to be reckoned with in southeasternTurkey ...However, the inci<strong>de</strong>nts at the HADEP conventionin Ankara on Sunday has' shown onceagain that the party is un<strong>de</strong>r threat by thePKK. PKK militants openly hijacked the convention,tearing down the Turkish flag, replacingit with their own PKK flag. They also heldup post<strong>et</strong>:~ showing photos of PKK lea<strong>de</strong>rAbdullah Ocalan and chanted anti-Turkish slogansṪhis was notonlya provocation edito¥ialon the part of the '" "PKK but it was alsoa <strong>de</strong>ath blow toHADEP. Instead ofdisassociating themselveswith the PICK,the lea<strong>de</strong>rs ofHADEP actuallyseemed to 'pay lipservice to them ...HADEP chief MuratBozlak was speakingas the militants toredown the Turkishflag before his veryeyes. Y<strong>et</strong>, Bozlak didnot even bother toIiBy tlnurÇevikTIJESDA Y, JUNE 25, 1996Turkish Daily Newstry to stop the milltantsand just continuedwith hisspeech. What was expected from him wouldhave been an open <strong>de</strong>claration of con<strong>de</strong>mnationand then he should have closed the conventionand walked out. Bozlak and his officials failedto do anything and just l<strong>et</strong> the PKK hijack theirconvention. Thus HADEP now has to pay thebill for whatever the PKK did on Sunday ...The Irish party Sinn Fein is having problemswith the terrorist IRA. As-Britain andIreland had agreed to accept Sinn Fein as acounterpart at the talks for a s<strong>et</strong>tlement of theNorthern Irish question, the IRA ruined everythingby spoiling the truce and exploding bombsin English cities. Now Sinn Fein has beenexclu<strong>de</strong>d from the talks and the IRA is to beblamed. So it seems the militants of the worldare all alike. They do not want peace and calm.They simply want chaos, disor<strong>de</strong>r and suffering.Of course this also should be a lesson forthose who keep on urging Turkey to speak tothe "mo<strong>de</strong>rate" Kurds to find a solution to theproblems in southeastern Turkey. If someonesomeday did <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> to talk to HADEP or anyoneelse would the PKK give them a free hand?The PKK and its supporters have showndisrespect for the our flag which is unacceptable.They simply wanted to anger the Turksand they were successful. Y<strong>et</strong>, by failing to preventthe PICK, J:lADEP is now shoul<strong>de</strong>ring theblame. When will the HADEP officials realiz<strong>et</strong>hat the PKK is now a serious liability forthem?213

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>id) 0.-0769, 0797, OSZO cl 0020/9GRéaolulion sur los droits <strong>de</strong> l'holllb(!el la ~jluaUon on Turqll~eLe Parlement euroD~en,vu la clauso sur 10 respoct <strong>de</strong>s droi tJ; <strong>de</strong> l' homme contE!nue dans lapropo.ition <strong>de</strong> règlemont du Con~e;] relalif l ls mi~e en oouvro d'une actionen faveur <strong>de</strong> la Turqu1è (COM(9S)0389 ~ C4-03P1/95(')vu la Déclaration <strong>de</strong> Barcelone, dont IB Turquie esl Itun <strong>de</strong>s si9nata1res,A. déaireux d'établir <strong>de</strong> bonnos relations avec la Turquie, mais ~~ppcl~l Ip.Rnombreuae. r'~olut1ons sur les droUf! dé l' hommequ'il l' edoptées dans lePaid ainsi que lea déc:la X'otioml dans lCGfjUêllcQ ~9~ f.\ltodUo turquema"~aient, avont.la ratification <strong>de</strong> l'union douaniore, en9ag6o~ à am61iorerla situation,B. profond6ment préoccupé par lOG opérations militaires récemment menées parlea forces am6efl turques On Turquie oriontale ot. par leur r'ofus <strong>de</strong>rechercher les voies d'~n règlement pacifique du conflit, ma19r6 l'annoneedo ceAaoz-le-feu faite par le PKK le 15 décembre 1995,C. oonsidérant que, dsns <strong>de</strong> nombrouses prLsons turques, d~s prisonniers kurd,sont feit uno orAv8 <strong>de</strong> la faim pour proteater contr'e les mesures répre881v,sedopt60s par H. Hehmot Ac;Jar,ancien cher <strong>de</strong> lD Sécurité promu ministre d.ela ~ustioe, ,; D. ala~é par les informations selon losquelles plusieurs <strong>de</strong>s ;réviste$ ~e lafai~ BO trouvent dans un état 9rave, les aojns médicaux roqui~ leur 6ta~trefusés,E. très pr'occupé par dl aut .... es informliltions sm' lea mauvei. trai t.elllents quisont infligés aux d6tonus el qui se sont soldés not.amment par quatre mortson ,envier 1996, , la priaon d'Istanbul,F. a1arm6 d'apprendre que les anciens dépulés d'origine kur<strong>de</strong>, 6 savo~rLey!e Zonll, "atip Diele, Selim Sadak <strong>et</strong> Orhall Vogan, n'ont toujours pas étéUb6rés <strong>de</strong> prison <strong>et</strong> qu I Us se sont associés Ii la 9rève <strong>de</strong> la {eillI âlaquelle partioipent d'sutres d6tenuB politiques,.G. estimant que les ~rs6ouUon!l à l'encontJ"e<strong>de</strong> l'écrivajn Yashar Kemal <strong>et</strong> du80ciOlo911& Ismail Bosikci, einst Que le traite~cnt ré8ervé aux prisonnierspolitiquee en g6néral, ne sauraient être conCormos aux r~gles reconnues àl'éohelle internationale en lIIaUère <strong>de</strong> dro,it.1l <strong>de</strong> l'homme,H. dénonçant les interdiotions <strong>de</strong> réunion el <strong>de</strong> maniCestation, los violences,les arrestations el les matrpquBge. par la poUco penClant la conférenceHABITAT n,I. vivement préoccupé par le. fail que M. SoyC<strong>et</strong>tin Kidlkan, prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong>l'ordre <strong>de</strong>B m&<strong>de</strong>cins <strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir <strong>et</strong> militant.<strong>de</strong>s droita do l'h~e, a étécondamn& par une cour do sür<strong>et</strong>é do l'Elal à plus <strong>de</strong> trois annéesd 1 ellpr1aonnemont sur la base d'accusations que <strong>de</strong>s ~b&ervateurs ontju9éelOfor9ées <strong>de</strong> toutes piècos;(1) JO C 271 du 17.10.1995, p. 12.g:\PV_SEANCt\P.AOVISOI\ADOPTES\9G-06-20 FR PE 250.1231 6$214

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iJ. pleinement. con8eient dos iucort.H.u<strong>de</strong>s qui pOsent. sur l a scène politiqu<strong>et</strong>urquo après la chute do l'actuel gouvernemont <strong>et</strong> la démi$sion du pr~ierministre, M. Mosul Yflmae;," invite 1nst-aMent le prochain 90UVC1'tlOment è. s 'cngager à t'oconnaitre <strong>et</strong> à.outenir le. droHs <strong>de</strong> l'hommo en Turquie, conformément • la ConvenUoneuropéenne .ur les droits dQ l'hommc, dont cc pay~ est l'un <strong>de</strong>~ .ignalaires,<strong>et</strong> i entreprendre <strong>de</strong> nouveUes réformes U!l~hlalives, substantielles,requises pour prévenir toute at.teinteA oes droits;2. <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> au nouveau 90uvornCIDent <strong>de</strong> décréter une flll101sUe génora1G quigarantira la lib6raUon do lous lOS prisonniers d6clarés coupables enapplication d'uno 16gi618t1on oont.raire au principe <strong>de</strong> la libertéd'expre8sion <strong>et</strong> BUX droits <strong>de</strong> l'ho~e, el à m<strong>et</strong>tre un terme BUk actio~ enjustice en08g6e8 l l'encontro <strong>de</strong> toutes los porsonnes dont le prOC~B estenoore en cours at renouve110 plus particulièreMent ~o <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> libérerimMédiatement Mme Loyla Zan~ ainSi quo lea troi~ autres d6putés au DEP;3. invite le gouvernement turc à MQtlro fin 0 seB opérations ~ilitBires dansle SU~-88t du pays <strong>et</strong>. • ontamer dos nêgociaUons aveo l 'onseftlble (lesorvanl8ations kur<strong>de</strong>s en vuo <strong>de</strong> dl!bloquer la Iiitualion <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> Si achelll1nol' veraun dglellent politique ot paciUque du conflit.;f. <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> aux autodt6s turques <strong>de</strong> reconna1tJ"e lep droits <strong>de</strong> toua les Kur~e~vivant dans le pays <strong>et</strong>. i faciliter le rapatrielllent do tous les Kur4esdiplaeés;5. presse le ConBeil d'lnsorjt~ 1. question kur<strong>de</strong> on Turquie a l'ordre du jour<strong>de</strong> l'Osel <strong>et</strong> A rechercher tOU9 les ~oyen8 qui perm<strong>et</strong>tronl d'enoourager lesinitiati\res vi81lnt l ré;ler les Que~lions <strong>de</strong>s dl"oits <strong>de</strong> 1 'hollUlle<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>sKur<strong>de</strong>s en Turquie;6. invite instammont le nouveau gouvernement à adopt.er résolument leB me8U~8Qui B' imposent pour m<strong>et</strong> tt-e un termo à I a tOl-lure <strong>et</strong> è prendre <strong>de</strong>sdispositioN; pour que la CrOix-Rouge internationalo puisse visiter 18.prisons <strong>et</strong> le8 prisonniers politiques;7. e6Ume qu'un tel ..épris à l'69ard <strong>de</strong>s obUoalions inhérentes au droitinternational <strong>et</strong> aux loxtes rondamentaux sur les droits <strong>de</strong> l'homlle .atgravemont incompatible avec l'osprit dans loquel 8 éto conclu l'acco~d 8~rl'union doua.nièr-eentre l'Unioll européenne cl la Turquie, <strong>et</strong> invite donc leConseil <strong>et</strong> J Il COlllllh&ion à presser les autorH6s turques d' 00.1r en sorle ql,lEl188 détenus ne soient plu. lDaltrailés el reçoivent <strong>de</strong>s soins médicaux;e. <strong>de</strong>llAndo I la cOlIIll\isdon do t.enh" 80S eno&geRlontRquant au suivi <strong>de</strong> lasituation <strong>de</strong>~ droi ts <strong>de</strong> l' hommeen Tut"quie, el }' Snvite à lui transut tJ:'edan~ les plus bref. délais le d8Uxi~e rapport intérimaire sur les droits<strong>de</strong> l'homme en Turquio;9. charge son Prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> translllC~tlre la présente résolution au Conseil, i laCommission, au gouvernement lure, <strong>et</strong> eux gouvernemenls <strong>de</strong>s ttats membres.66 l'fiE 250" 123 g:\PV Sf~NC~\1>ROV]SOI'ADOPT&S\96-06-20 FR215

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i10(d) n4-07G9, 0791, 08?O arm 08?8/9GRoaoluUon on hUJ!lan :dghl;; iind t.ho s1tuaUon ~n 'J'urkuyThe EurODoan parliaMont,having regard to t..ho human d ght& chuan :includcd in t.he proposal for ClCouncil J{ogulat.ion regarding the implemenlation oC a special financialcoopo~.tion moasure tor Turkey (COM(9S)03B9)',having regard to the Barcelonft Doeleration of which Turkey is & si9natO~1'A. anxious to achieve 900d rQIAtion~ with Turkey, but recalling it& nUMerousprevioU8 resolutions on human r19hts and statements ma<strong>de</strong> by the Turktshauthorities prior to the approval of the Customs Un~on, promisingimprov9ment.a,B. <strong>de</strong>eply concerned at the recenl military operllUons un<strong>de</strong>rtaken by tho '1'urkhhanned forcos in Jastorn Turkey and tho rofusal lo attolllpt lo aChie". apeaceful 8<strong>et</strong>tlenent <strong>de</strong>spite tho dool.ralion of a ce~se£ire by the PKK on 15December 1995,C. whoroBs Kurdiah priaonQrs in many Turkil:h p~i~Qn5 h~ve beon on hunger str"kein protest. agaim:t rcprcs:dvo me.sureS introduood by Mr Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agar,fo~orly Chief of socurity and subsequently Minister of Justice,o. concerned by reports that lOC!dioaltJ.-ealmenl is being obstructed and that thehealth of vBdous prisonel-s participating in the prisotl hunger strike is nowin grave danger,~. <strong>de</strong>eply concerned by reporle of ill-trealment 89aincl prisoners which, intoralia, has resulled in {our <strong>de</strong>aths in January '996 in Istanbul's prison,F. <strong>de</strong>eply dh:turbed by the bot. lhal the forlllor Hembers of parUament ofKurdish origin, Leyla Zana, lIatip Diele, Selim Sadak and Orhan Dogan h.vestill not been released trom prison, and havo joined the hungor strike byother political prisoner;,C. unable to accept that the prosecutions of tho wriler YaDsr Kamal and thesociolooist Ismail Pesikoi and the lreatmont of political prisoners ingeneral arc compatible with internationally accepted .tandards of humanrights,H. con<strong>de</strong>mning lhe bans on .a~elllbly and <strong>de</strong>monstration, the violence, tho arre<strong>et</strong>.sand baton charQO&by the pol ice durin9 the IlABI'J'A'l' II conference,1. concerned that. the preddcml of the Diyarbakir 1II8"1c.1 association .ndcomldttecJ hum8n rights activist, Seyfctlin Kir.ilkan, has been senlenced toover throe years' imprisonment by a state 50curity court, althou9h observersaasums that the charges weTe fabricated,J. taking fully int.o 8COOunt the uncertai nly proveU ing on tho 'J'urk~shpolitical scene following lhe hU of the present Government and theresi9nllHon of the Prime t4inister, fo!rMesut Yilma~,OJ C 27'.17.10.1995, p .. 1i1.216

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i,. Appeals to th~ incolll1nggovorßlll~t lo eommÙ :lUelf to t'ocognbe and upholdhuman ~ights in Turkey, in aoaordanc~ w1th. tho F.uropean Convention on HumanRight. oC wh1ch Turkey ~B a Iiignatory, and to un<strong>de</strong>rtake 'further. andsubstantial le9i.lat~ve reiorms Tequired to prevent ttloir infringement;2. Requests the now government to <strong>de</strong>clare ..goneral amnesly <strong>de</strong>si 900d to •• ourothe releaee of pri.onor~ convioted of olleneos undor lawa in conflict withthe principles of iree spoech and human righls and lo terminate Courtaction. against those .lill on trial, and 1n particular renews its call forthe illllllodiat.e release of Mrs Leyl. ZanB and the three other rnubore of theDEP;3. Calls on the Turki8h Govornmont. to end :i.t~m1 lit.ary operations in the ~Outhpeast of the country and to open n090t~at10ns with all Kurdish Or9ani&.~ionsin ord~r to overcoec tho <strong>de</strong>adlock and ~ove towards a peacoful politicals<strong>et</strong>tlemont of the problem;4. Asks th. Turkish authorities to recognisQ the rights of all Kurds withjnTurkey and to raciUtate the r<strong>et</strong>urn of all displaced Kurds to thoir h~es;S. Prcsse~ the Council to put the Kurdish issue in Turkey on tho agGnda of theOSC£ and to leek other WDY~ to pro.ole iniliativos <strong>de</strong>si9nod to assi.l inresolving the problema of human ri9hts and the Kurdo in Turke"6. Calls on lhe now 90vernmont to take fi Tm flteps to ond the practice oftorture an~ to make provision {or lhe IntornaHonal Red Cross to Ït:l.&itprisons and political pri~o~.r.;7. Consi<strong>de</strong>r~ thal .uch disre9ard of ob119alions with ~ooard to bothinternational law and human rights instruaonte, is eeriously incon81~tentwith the spirit of lhe tU/Turkey Customs Union, and lhere!ore oall~ on thoCounoil and lhe Commi .. ion lo ur98 the TU1°kish Aut.horitio8 to take steps toen.ure th.t ill treatlllent of prhoners Bnd the ob8trucUon or me(Hc,.ltreatment stops;8. Cel18 on the Commission lo llIe<strong>et</strong>its comm1tments as reoards moniloring thehuman ric;Jhtssituation in Turkey and .sk~ it to forward the second inl:erillreport on hUlIlanrioht. in 'turkey to ParU.ment 88 80011 aliipo.-sible,9. ln.tructs ita Presi<strong>de</strong>nt to forward th!a ro.olution to the Council and theCommission, the Government of Turkoy, and lo all Hember Stato governments.60 /I>F. 250.1 '-3 G:\PV_SF.ANC\PROV1SO]\ADOPTES\96-06~20.EN217

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - A~entefronte Pmse-A.F.P. - A~entefronte Presse-A.F.P. - A~entefronte Presse-A.F.P. - A~en(efrome Presse-A.F.P. - A~entefronte Presle-A.F.P. - A~entefronte Presse-A. F. P . A. F . P.'FRS0303 4 l 0340 TUR /AFP-XM04Turquie-~llr<strong>de</strong>sArrestation <strong>de</strong> près <strong>de</strong> 70 membres d'un parti pro-kur<strong>de</strong>ANKARA, 25 juin (AFP) - Près <strong>de</strong> 70 membres, dont une trentaine <strong>de</strong>cadres, du Parti <strong>de</strong> la Démocratie du Peuple (HADEP) ont été arrêtés à lasuite d'un congrès <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te formation pro-kur<strong>de</strong>, a indiqué mardi unprocureur <strong>de</strong> la Cour <strong>de</strong> Sûr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong> l'Etat d'Ankara (DGMA), Nuh M<strong>et</strong>e Yuksel.Un précé<strong>de</strong>nt bilan annoncé lunditrentaine <strong>de</strong> cadres <strong>de</strong> ce parti.faisait état <strong>de</strong> .l'arrestation. .d'uneParmi les cadres arrêté~, figurent le prési<strong>de</strong>nt du HADEP, Murat Bozlak,quatre vice-prési<strong>de</strong>nts, le secrétaire général <strong>et</strong> environ 25 autresresponsables.Ils avaient été arrêtés alors qu'ils quittaient la salle du congrès oùle drapeau turc avait été j<strong>et</strong>é <strong>et</strong> remplacé par l'emblême du Parti <strong>de</strong>sTravailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste, en rébellion armée contreAnkara),' <strong>et</strong> un portrait sur tissu du chef du PKK, Abdullah Ocalan, dit"Apo".L'enquête ouverte dès dimanche soir à propos <strong>de</strong> ce congrès sepoursuivait dans le cadre <strong>de</strong>s lois sur "outrage au drapeau turc","propagan<strong>de</strong> séparatiste" <strong>et</strong> "ai<strong>de</strong> à l'organisation séparatiste" (PKK), aprécisé le procureur, cité par l'agence Anatolie."De nombreux documents appartenant à l'organisation séparatiste ont étésaisis lors <strong>de</strong> perquisitions dans les locaux du HADEP", a ajouté leprocureur. Il a acusé le HADEP "<strong>de</strong> poursuivre ses activités parallèlement àcelles du PKK" <strong>et</strong> "d'être la branche politique du PKK". .Par ailleurs, l'homme qui avait j<strong>et</strong>é la drapeau turc lors du congrès,Omer Doyuran, a été arrêté lundi soir à Yalova (nord-ouest) <strong>et</strong> c'est "unmembreOguz.du HADEP", a déclaré mardi le gouverneur <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te province, SuleymanC<strong>et</strong> ac'e a causé une vague <strong>de</strong> protestations en Turquie <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>sorganisal~ons, universités <strong>et</strong> syndicats ont publié <strong>de</strong>s déclarations pour"le condamner".Dans le communiqué final du congrès, le HADEP a "présenté ses regr<strong>et</strong>s"face à c<strong>et</strong> acte.

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iL'Humanité - 22 JUIN 1996Attentats meurtriers,en TurquieHuit personnes ont été tuées <strong>et</strong> dix-neuf autres ont été blesséesdans <strong>de</strong>ux attentats à main armée hier soir à Diyarbakir,chef-lieu du sud-est anatolien à majorité kur<strong>de</strong>, <strong>et</strong> à Istanbul,ont rapporté <strong>de</strong>s chaînes <strong>de</strong> télévisions turques.SEPT personnes ont trouvéla mort <strong>et</strong> quinze autresont été blessées dans unattentat à main armée, attribuépar les autorités à <strong>de</strong>s rebellesdu Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan(PKK, sépllfatiste), dansun parc à 15 km <strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir,selon les mêmes sources. Ungroupe <strong>de</strong> rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s ont tirésur une centaine cre personnesqui dînaient dans un restauranten plein air, a affirmé untémoin oculaire, Savas Donmez,responsable <strong>de</strong> la chaîne <strong>de</strong> télévisionprWé8locale, Soz-Tv.Trois enfants <strong>et</strong> une femmeenceinte figurent parmi les victimes<strong>de</strong> l'attentat, a affirméM. Donmez. les blessés ont été'hospitalisés à Diyarbakir <strong>et</strong> les,forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordre ont déclenchéune opération pour r<strong>et</strong>rouver lesassaillants.le PKK mène une rebellionarmée <strong>de</strong>puis 1984'contre Ankarapour créer un Etat indépendantkur<strong>de</strong> dans le sud-est ana-,tolien à majorité kur<strong>de</strong> à lafrontièr~ avec la Syrie, l'Irak <strong>et</strong>~Ir&n. C<strong>et</strong>t~ rébellion <strong>et</strong> les QPérations<strong>de</strong> représaIlles <strong>de</strong> liarmé<strong>et</strong>urque onUait près 22.000morts en 12 ans.A Istanbul, 'Œi !'terroriste n aété tué <strong>et</strong> quatrè, policiers ontété blessés lors d'un attentat àmain armée contre un groupe<strong>de</strong> policiers patrQuiliant près dubâtiment qui abrite les locaux <strong>de</strong>l'organisation locale à Kagithanedu Parti <strong>de</strong> la Juste Voie (DYP,

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>ilibération - 25 juin 1996L!axe Ankara-Jérusalem contreDamas <strong>et</strong> TéhéranLamanifestationd'unitéofferte par les dirigeantsarabes lors <strong>de</strong> leur réunion,au Caire, a sans doutemoins troublé Benyamin N<strong>et</strong>anyahouqu'il ne l'a laissécroire.D'abord parce qu'il a <strong>de</strong>.bonnes raisons <strong>de</strong> douter <strong>de</strong> la .pérennité d'un rapprochementavant tout tactique. Etensuite parce qu'il disposepour la suite <strong>de</strong>s événementsd'un atout qui pourrait se révéler<strong>de</strong> poids.C<strong>et</strong> atout, qui inquiète pratiguement-1oùs les dirigeantsarabes, à l'exception du roi <strong>de</strong>Jordanie, a été légué bien involontairementà N<strong>et</strong>anyahoupar un Shimon Pérès quicomptait bien l'utiliser lui-même.Ce sont en eff<strong>et</strong> l'ancienPremier ministre <strong>et</strong> ses collaborateursqui, en février <strong>de</strong>rnier,avaient reçu dans le plusgrand secr(':tle chef d'état -majoradjoint <strong>de</strong>. Turquie <strong>et</strong>.avaient .con~l~. !lvec Ankara-Tamorce d'qbparienariat stratégique.En vertu <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong> accord,qui n'avait été rendu publicque quelques jours avant la<strong>de</strong>rnière intervention israélienneau Lipan, chaque paysouvrait sori.~ce aérien ainsique cèrtains '<strong>de</strong> ses aéroports,en principe aux seules finsd'entraînement, aux appareilsmilitaires dé l'autre: Depuis, a-t-on appris, <strong>de</strong>s facilités analoguesconcerneraient égalementlesnavires <strong>de</strong> guerre.C<strong>et</strong> accord, bien sill, a reçu labénédiction" <strong>de</strong> Washington,mêmesi les responsables américainsn'ont guère été prolixessur le suj<strong>et</strong> pour ne PélSdonnerl'impression <strong>de</strong> rem<strong>et</strong>tre auPAR JACQUES AMALRICgoût du jour feu le Pacte <strong>de</strong>Bagdad, sorti en 1955<strong>de</strong>l'imaginationbdtannique pourcontrer l'influence soviétiquedans la région (1). Il ne s'agissaitpas c<strong>et</strong>te fois-ci, p01,lrlesEtats-Unis, <strong>de</strong> contrer l'expansionnismesoviétique 01,1 rusSe,mais <strong>de</strong> consoli<strong>de</strong>r un disposi~tif <strong>de</strong>stiné à dissua<strong>de</strong>r l'Iran <strong>et</strong>l'Irak <strong>de</strong> Saddam Hussein <strong>et</strong> àfaire pression, si nécessaire,surla Syrie. Peu <strong>de</strong> temps avant laconclusion <strong>de</strong> l'accord israéloturc,Washington avaitd'ailleurs obtenu du roi <strong>de</strong> Jordanie,qui venait <strong>de</strong> signer lapaix avecJérusalem, le droit <strong>de</strong>baser <strong>de</strong>s appareils dans leroyaume. Des avions quis'ajoutaient à ceux d~jà sta-.tionnés en Arabie saoudite, auKoweit, dans les Emiratsarabes <strong>et</strong> à Oman.Le partenariat israélo-turc aconstitué un coup très durpour Hafez el Assad, qui s'estr<strong>et</strong>rouvé pris en tenailles parses <strong>de</strong>ux ennemis. Ce fut aussiune mauvaise nouvelle pourl'Egypte, qui vit dans l'affaireune réduction <strong>de</strong> son statut <strong>de</strong>.gardienne du processus <strong>de</strong>paixproche-orienW. Même sila dépendance financière duCaire à l'égard <strong>de</strong> Washingtoninterdit à Moubarak <strong>de</strong> manifestertrop ouvertement sonmécontentement <strong>de</strong> voir se réveillerlessuccesseurs<strong>de</strong>s Ottomans.L'accord constituait enrevanche un vrai succès pourShimon Pérès, qui pouvait leprésenter comme un renforcement<strong>de</strong> la sécurité d'Israëldontl' aviation avait ainsi accèsà la frontière nord <strong>de</strong> la Syrieainsi qu'à l'espace aérien ira-nien. C'était enfin un coup <strong>de</strong>maître <strong>de</strong> la part <strong>de</strong>s dirigeantsquatre années <strong>de</strong> blocages, <strong>de</strong>tensions, voire <strong>de</strong> dérives en<strong>et</strong> militaires turcs. Soudain, ils .forme d'affrontements <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>se trouvaient en meilleure positionpour exiger <strong>de</strong> Damasrecours systématique au terro-.risme. C'est bien pourquoiun contrôlecombattantsplus strict <strong>de</strong>skur<strong>de</strong>s du PKK,Hafez elAssad a faitle d~place-'inent du Caire où il était certainbasés en territou:~synen. Et ne<strong>de</strong>. trouver une oreillepas se laisser impressionnerpar lesprotestations syriennesconcernant tant l'anneJcionducomplaisante, à condition <strong>de</strong>s'en tenir, dans un premiertemps, au registre <strong>de</strong> l'hommeSandjak d'Alexandr<strong>et</strong>te (2) .<strong>de</strong>paix outragé pour avoir cruque l'utilisation <strong>de</strong>s eaùx <strong>de</strong> naguère aux promesses américano-israéliennes.l'Euphrate pour <strong>de</strong> gigan-.Et c'esttesques travaux d'irrigation àpartir du barrage Atatürk.pourquoi, également, il a accepté<strong>de</strong> donner I:apparence.L'échec <strong>de</strong> Shimon Pérès <strong>et</strong> d'une réconciliation avec un.Yasser Arafat au bord du,A l'heure où llM gouffre. L'avenir du pactedirigeants arablM ébauché par Jérusalem <strong>et</strong>An-'. . kara soulève enfin <strong>de</strong>ux ques- :atbwhent leur tions:les Etats-Unis vont-ils.unité l

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iWEDNESDAY,JUNE26,1996Turkish Dailv NewsThe European Union-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee me<strong>et</strong>ing started yesterday at the Turkish Grand National Assembly after a three-year periodof suspension. TON Cengiz UysalHuman rights dominate EU-Turkey relationshipAt me<strong>et</strong>ings of EU-Turkey JointParliamentary Committee, EUrepresentatives emphasizesituation of human rights in TurkeyTurkish Daily NewsANKARA- The European Union-TurkeyJoint Parliamentary Committee me<strong>et</strong>ing whichstarted yesterday in Ankara showed that humanrights dominate relations b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey andthe EuroIJeanUnion and Greece, as well as economicaiô problems.These me<strong>et</strong>ings were broken off by theTurkish si<strong>de</strong> three years ago after the con<strong>de</strong>mnationby the European Uruon of Turkey for thearrests of pro-Kurdish Democracy Party (DEP)<strong>de</strong>puties. At the opening ceremony in theTurkish Grand National Assembly, co-chainnanof the committee, Kahramanmara~ DeputyMehm<strong>et</strong> Saglam, said that in Turkey iliere was ageneral impression that the European Unionwas badly informed about the realities ofTurkey anô that those who are hostile to Turkeytried to fill this gap.He said that last year' s changes in theConstitution and the criminallaw were importantand a step forward on the path of improving<strong>de</strong>mocracy. Another co-chairman of the committee,French parliamentarian Rene EmilePiqu<strong>et</strong>, said that the aim of the me<strong>et</strong>ing was anexchange of views and that the European <strong>de</strong>legationfiad come to listen to Turkey's problems.He told the assembled parliamentarians thatEurope carefully watcheà the <strong>de</strong>velopments in<strong>de</strong>mocracy' in Turkey but still had some doubtsabout human rights and <strong>de</strong>mocracy.Turkish Foreign Minister Emre Gönensaysaid that Greece used its position as a memberof the European Union in or<strong>de</strong>r to prevent the<strong>de</strong>velopments of the relationship b<strong>et</strong>weenTurkey and the union. He pointed out that thedialogue mechanisms b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey andGreece had broken down after Greece became afull member, a situation which he called"thought-provoking."He saià that the problems b<strong>et</strong>ween Greeceand Turkey were historical and serious. "Greeceis neglecting even the existence of some ofthese problems. But it wants to find solutions toproblems chosen by itself, problems which ithas selected," Gönensay ad<strong>de</strong>d.He remin<strong>de</strong>d his au'could not accept violencein any form, terronst or not, as a means ofimproving human rights. He ad<strong>de</strong>d that hewanted to believe that the European Unionshared this stance."I would like to emphasize that s~gestionswhich are advising the changing of the historicalstate structure of Turkey, are consi<strong>de</strong>red asinterference and cannot be accepted byTurkey," the foreign minister said.On the question of economic aid to Turkey aspart of the customs union <strong>de</strong>al, Gönensayasserted Turkey's rights to the funds, which arecurrently being blOCKedby Greece. He warnedthat unless economic cooperation materialized,the custom union would become nonsense andpublic opinion in Turkey would start to askquestions about the partnership with the union.Italian Ambassador to AnKara MichelangeloPisani said that economic aid was an indispensablepart of the custom union agreement.SpeaKing on behalf of Italy, which holds thecurrentterm presi<strong>de</strong>ncy of the European Union,he said that ~urope un<strong>de</strong>rstood tfie violenceattacks against Turkey but stressed that thestruggle against these attacks should be carriedout WIthinthe framework of law.European Union representative Michael Lakesaid that <strong>de</strong>mocracy and human rights nee<strong>de</strong>d toimprove in Turkey. The afternoon sessions ofthe committee were closed to the press. In theseme<strong>et</strong>ings the main subjects were the customunion, the intergovernmental conference andTurkey's economic situation. The me<strong>et</strong>ings fin-Ish today.221

-:=. " ~_._~_Revu<strong>et</strong>!I!:Isse-Pre.u~ -.-.=Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-~asin Öz<strong>et</strong>ibeyond"trom drugs and extortIOn. But the matter goes=-."this. Today there are around 200 people'-~ "-" involved in this complex operation ofMED-TV's in~ c::LJ.=.• Europe. All of this also requires sophisticated know-< "loO. how that does not come readily, and from just any-~ where," the official talking to the lDN said.z ~----- .e'"It is impossible, therefore, to think that unless~ "-" .., there was some substantial help coming from some-...=where that this can all be gotten tog<strong>et</strong>her. We knowthe sYI!lpathe~ic local authorities in Europe that are'provIdIng aSSIStance. But the help nee<strong>de</strong>d goes far _,beyond this," he ad<strong>de</strong>d, not wanting to clarify ther-~ ., -.-. 'im£licati.on ofhis r~marks.~ '- ~ SpeCIfic countnes, when confronted by us say, ~ " they can not preyent MED- TV broadcasts because222~~ theX are unable. to track its source," he said.(IIIIIIIIIII, But every Urne they say this now, we give them~ By Semih D. tdiz a file. We also go beyond this. Before they woul<strong>de</strong>d ment to violence, racism and separatism, cannot be,and a U.S. satellite is being currently used. Bowmg allowed in transboundary broadcasting. Unhappy asCI:J to pressure from Turkey, and no doubt at the same many European countnes may be over this, they_ . .time concerned that it may be pinned down as aiding have had to go along with it because 0fPosing It'-~'-~S=~ •=.. • and ab<strong>et</strong>ting a terrorist organization, France woul~ fall contrary to their own nationa critena,",Telecom refused to renew MED-TV's transpon<strong>de</strong>r hesaJd... .. :lease when it expired. . He recalled the.MED- TV subsequently contracted another restrictions there ar<strong>et</strong>ranspon<strong>de</strong>r from a Portuguese company. This com- today on carryingpany, whose name officials do not want to reveal at reports on TV in Great-e ~ '-, its• " • this point, is only allowing MED- TV to use the Britain which promote-.-. '''empty spaces" in its own broadcasting to broadcast the point of view of thep,rograms. Irish Republican Army.-....c~.Just to kick-start such a n<strong>et</strong>work one needs $25 (IRA), and the "gag-.~ :million. Obviously the PKK can raise this money ging_or<strong>de</strong>r" that e~sted

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>ion Sinn Fein lea<strong>de</strong>rGerry Adams until.recently, whereby hisremarks could not begiven in his own voice."The Adams casealone <strong>de</strong>monstrated.that they will go to theextent that they can toprevent certain broadcasts.If they [md theycannot do this fully,then they will try and interfere with the flow of.these broadcasts as much as they can, even Ü thisinvolves a ridiculous situation where you are carryinga man's words but giving it with someone else'svOIce."The authorities in Ankara are well aware thatmuch of their sleuthing and the files they presentwill probably not have any immediate impact onEuropean governments, even if these expose an<strong>de</strong>mbarrass them."But we want them to know that we are not justsitting back an.d ,sw~llowing all, this. We are alsoc~nfi<strong>de</strong>nt that dislike It as th~y IDIght,they will <strong>de</strong>ft-Mely c~me around to our vIew eventually, becausenot dOIDg so would mean having themselvesexposed to the extent that it is no longer comfortable,"the official talking to the lDN saldo"For example, most European governments had ad~p antipathy to Turk~y's trying to, eguate terrorismwith the concept of 'gross' hwnan rights violation.'They wanted to see terrorism as a commoncrime and nothing else. Whereas we were saying,'No, terrorism is not a common crime but the grossestof human rights violations because it <strong>de</strong>privesinnocent civilians of their most basic right, namelythe right to live'," he said."We also argued that nationalliberation movementsand terrorism must be differentiated becaus<strong>et</strong>here are norms adopted at the U.N. concerning lib- .eration movements.The inevitability of adopting our very clear and,coherent position on this score is evi<strong>de</strong>nced by thefact that today international organizations, such asthe United Nations and Nato, have come around toofficially acknowledging that terrorism represents aviolation of human rights.This concept we are confi<strong>de</strong>nt will spread to otherinternational organizations in time," he ad<strong>de</strong>d. Hewent on to explain that as a country that has had tolive with terrorism, and especially terrorism that isfed from outsi<strong>de</strong> the country, Turkey has taken thelead in having a judicial fraInework, in this mo<strong>de</strong>mday scourge, bemg drawn up at the internationallevel."Our experience, and the stri<strong>de</strong>s we have ma<strong>de</strong> inthis r~spect, w~e~ taken against the backdrop of.the'growmg pamc ID Europe over the connectIOnb<strong>et</strong>ween organized crime and terrorism, is ensuringthat thingS are going our way, even Ü it is going totake some European governments time to realiz<strong>et</strong>his," this official add~.Iraq says it may buy food from TurkeyTurki.fh Daily News administration before and during the and future governments, <strong>de</strong>al with coun-ANKARA- Iraq has said that it wants embargo," it said. tries and companies on the basis of theirto buy food product from southeastern Several Western companies have lined stands towarlf the embargo," the govern-Turkey as part of an oil-for-food <strong>de</strong>al up to sell goods to Iraq, according to the ment newspaper al-Jumhouriya said.with the Umted Nations. statement. One example, it saId, is a "Major and important contracts will beA statement from the Iraqi Embassy in recent exhibition where a total of 28 granted to friends."Ankara said that the Baghdad administra-. Sr.anish companies displayed agricultur- Iraq hopes an apment on partial oiltion was keen to me<strong>et</strong> its food needs a, commercIal and industrial products. sales It sIgned wllhthe United Nationsfrom Turkish companies. "A similar exhibition was organized br, last month willlead to the lifting of theIt said Iraq purchased 300,000 m<strong>et</strong>ric companies from the Czech Republic. ' crippling sanctions imposed after ittons of flour from Turkey last year, Also, the embassy said, two separate inva<strong>de</strong>d Kuwait in 1990. The <strong>de</strong>al allowsadding that Turkey had been its third tra<strong>de</strong> missions from India and the Iraq to sell $2 billion worth of oil overlargest tra<strong>de</strong> partner prior to the U.N. Russian Fe<strong>de</strong>ration visited Baghdad to six months to pay for food and medicineembargo. Tra<strong>de</strong> volume b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey seek <strong>de</strong>als. Recently, Iraq said It would un<strong>de</strong>r U.N. monitoring. Al-Jurnhouriyaand Iraq was around $3 billion in 1989. grant major tra<strong>de</strong> contracts only to com- said companies of big countries such asThe embassy said Iraq would give pri- panies and countries which stood by the United States and Japan "would beority to "friends" when selecting suppli- Baghdad against U.N. tra<strong>de</strong> sanctions mistaken if they thought the quality ofers. "It is im~ossible to ignore those im~sed in 1990. their products and their low prices.wouldcountries whIch supported the Iraqi Iraqi people, including their current induce Iraqis to <strong>de</strong>al with them."223

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Ba..fin Öz<strong>et</strong>iWill HADEP besatisfied if our<strong>de</strong>mocracy fails?There are already some people in. Western Europe who feel that Turkishreaction to .the "flag inci<strong>de</strong>nt" duringthe weekend convention of the pro..Kurdish People's Democracy Party (HADEP)is blown out'of proportion ... A groupofKurdish separatist militants tore down theTurkish flag at the convention and threw iton the floor to the applause of the crowd ...What these people do not seem to realizeis that the people of this land have <strong>de</strong>epaffection and respect for their crescent andstar which represents the dignity andintegrity of this nation for more than 2,000years. The Turkish flag is the symbol of ourcenturies old heritage which no one can<strong>de</strong>ny. Thus we Turks, hold our flag as asacred symbol and never toy around with it.Unlike in some Western countries we do notmake clothes of our flag or tolerate peoplemaking un<strong>de</strong>rwear'from them ... Somepeople have tried todownplay Sunday's editorialinci<strong>de</strong>nt as a provocati.on.They feltsome misgui<strong>de</strong>dyoung militantKurds had tried toexploit the atmosphereat the convention.Y<strong>et</strong>, thiswas well plannedand executed andwas 'not a spontaneous.action.Everyo'ne at thatconvention hallknew full well thatthe Kurdish terroristgroup PKK waspreparing to hijackthe convention.taken.Y<strong>et</strong>, no precautions. .wereWhen the young militants tore down theTurkish flag from the top of a sports hall theconvention crowd, including the HADEP <strong>de</strong>legatesapplau<strong>de</strong>d the inci<strong>de</strong>nt. HADEPChairman Murat Bozlak, who was addressingthe convention, simply failed to react tothe inCi<strong>de</strong>nt which occurred before his veryeye's and simply continued with his speech ...The convention chairmanship appealed tothe officials to once again hang the Turkish.flag but this call was shouted down by boos...The fact that HADEP officials later ma<strong>de</strong>a party <strong>de</strong>claration apologizing to the publicfor the inci<strong>de</strong>nt hardly <strong>de</strong>fused the publicanger. HADEP spokesrqe~,hav~ con<strong>de</strong>~~dthe inci<strong>de</strong>ntsaying "we'hav.è. to show respeCt:to'the flags of others ..." That seems to soundthat they do not regard our flags as their'sbut are trying to tolerate our flag ... This isunacceptable. HADEP won 4.17 percent ofthe votes in the Dec. 24, 1995 election. It wasthe leading party in southeastern Anatoliabut could not win in any province simplybecause it could not pass the 10 percentthreshold to become eligible to win parliamentaryseats ... But in the provinces ofDiyarbaktr and Hakkari, the total votes wonby all other parties could not add up to thevotes of HADEP. In the provinces of Mardin,Van, Batmanand I(tdtr, HADEP was thenumber one party while in Siirt, Tunceli,~lrnak and Mu~ it was number two.The election results legitimized HADEPand it was expected that the party wouldbecome the voice of the suffering people ofsoutheastern Anatolia and thus become astrong force in the Turkish political arena ...Y<strong>et</strong>, instead of this HADEP allowed thePKK to dominate its convention and losevital points in the ey~ p(the public. All thishas served to strengthen the hands of thosewho say <strong>de</strong>mocracy has failed in Turkey.Before the 1980 coup, the Islamists had ere.ated an inci<strong>de</strong>nt in Konya where theyrefusèd to show respect to the nationalanthem, which is y<strong>et</strong> another sacred thing inTurkey. The generals frequently referred tothis inci<strong>de</strong>nt after the coup as one of the reasonswhy they <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to take over power.The flag inci<strong>de</strong>nt seems to remind some pea-. pIe of those days.The <strong>de</strong>mocrats of this country should notfall into such traps. HADEP and the PKKmay not want <strong>de</strong>mocracy in Turkey becaus<strong>et</strong>hey may feel they can further their aimsun<strong>de</strong>r a more authoritarian rule. Y<strong>et</strong>, theyhave to remember that this may not be. the.case. They have fueled Turkish nationalistsentiment in Turkey. People are puttÜ1g upflags all dYer the nation to show their solidarity.This should be an appropriate messag<strong>et</strong>o all concerned ...Editor's note:We have or<strong>de</strong>red Turkishflags hung in all Turkish Daily News officesin Ankara.We have also hung a large flag atthe Cafe Daily News in Ankara to show ourrespeçt to the crescent and the star andprotest the Sunday inci<strong>de</strong>nt.224

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iHADEP's move to become amass party hits huge obstacleHADEP aims to be the party that bringsa non-military, political solution to theKurdish problem in the Southeast.However, after Sunday's congress itmay fmd it difficult to stay legalBy Erdinç ErgençTurkish Daily N~sISTANBUL- The 2nd Congress of the People'sDemocracy Party (HADEP), held in Ankara lastSunday to compl<strong>et</strong>e the restructuring it had startedafter the Dec. 24, 1995 elections, generated greatcontroversy when the Turkish fla~ was tom downand replaced by the PKK flag. This event led to ahuge outcry from many groups but which dismissedby party representatIves as one of sabotage orprovocation.After the events, none of the Turkish press tookinto consi<strong>de</strong>ration HADEP' s restructuring. This<strong>de</strong>tail, perhaps as important as the ~ag event itself,went unremarked. It has been chumed that somepoliticians who ,are unpopular, du~ to ~e governmentcrisis have found a way wIth this event todraw the att~ntion of the public elsewhere.The congress en<strong>de</strong>d with the <strong>de</strong>tention ofHADEP Chairman Murat Bozlak and some partyofficials. Later, three <strong>de</strong>legates to the congress weremur<strong>de</strong>red when their convoy was attacked as theywere r<strong>et</strong>urning to Kahramanmaras. A bomb attackon the party's Izmir headquarters. also followed ..After a1I this chaos, HADEP IS perhaps entenngthe most important period of its msto1'Y,.J:lADEP,which is aiming to un<strong>de</strong>rtake a new ffilSSlonconcerningthe Kurdisb problem, bad compl<strong>et</strong>ed itsreconstruction after the elections with this congress.But these events bave brought the party, the fo~of its type foun<strong>de</strong>d, near to the danger of bemgclosed down. .HEP, ÖZDEP, DEP and HADEPHADEP, foun<strong>de</strong>d after the closure of thePeople's Labor Party (HEP), tbe Freedom andDemocracy Party (ÖZDEP) and the DemocracyParty (DEP) by the Constitutional Court, has as itscentral policy aim, solving the Kurdish problem.One difference from its pre<strong>de</strong>cessor parties is that ithas labelled itself a Turkish party far more than theothers, and has tried to act accordingly. Even iftbese activities have been none too successful,HADEP has expressed itself as a potential ally forother opposition parties.HADEP, which claims to act as the mouthpieceof the Kurdish people, is on tbe left-wing 01 thepolitical spectrum. Being a left-wing party is asmuch an obligation as a voluntary

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iing in the <strong>de</strong>tention fparty chairman Murat. Bozlak and many party members, as the <strong>de</strong>structionof HADEP's role in the peace negotiations. Theyclaim that these events following each other were.nothing but a plot that was planned beforehand.Aiming for a seat atthe negotiating tableHADEP wanted to put an end to the isolationistpolicy that was submitted by this congress. Itun<strong>de</strong>rstood that they were not able to express themselveswell enough to the masses, and also that theywere not able to reflect their opinions concerningsubjects such as <strong>de</strong>mocracy, women and workers.Some circles within the party, claiming thatHADEP.couldn't be well organized due to domesticproblems within the frame of the Labor Peace Bloc,.said that by becoming a mass party, with a pluràlist.approach, they wanted to reach a level that not onlyinclu<strong>de</strong>d the left-wing but all sections of soci<strong>et</strong>y,including Islamists and groups that aim to chang<strong>et</strong>he existmg or<strong>de</strong>r. At the congress, those who weresupporting this approach and those who wereopposed to it strongly expressed their own opinions.The restructuring penod that started after Dec.24, 1995 election was m reality un<strong>de</strong>rtaken in thename of party consensus and the un<strong>de</strong>rstariding thatHADEP nee<strong>de</strong>d to look for wi<strong>de</strong>r platforms for the. resolution of the Kurdish pr.o~lem. ~it~ thèrestructuring process, the party n~ Itself.of Its I<strong>de</strong>ologicalimage, and transform~d Itself 1ß~0.a.platformbringing tog<strong>et</strong>he.r dlffe~ent dlVlslOns.Although this was conSI<strong>de</strong>red, ID a way, as anexpansion, it was seen within the party.~ a narro~ing.The administration, seen as a coalitIon of YaI'!-ous groups, is now seen as a platform where I~d!-viduals can exist in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly from groups, diVIsionsand i<strong>de</strong>ologies. This reform, consi<strong>de</strong>red bysome as a reflection of the exclusion of the hammerand sickle from the flag of the PKK in 1995, alsobrought about some disqui<strong>et</strong> in party ranks. Thespeech of party officials at the last congress ofHADEP, bringing tog<strong>et</strong>her various divisions,proved this clearly. The party's former vice-secr<strong>et</strong>ary,Abdullah Saygm, complaining about the narrowingof the party, said that he won't take part inthe administration anymore with his friends butwould continue to work as an ordinary member.Party assembly member Enver Karahanaddressed the circles aiming to see the party as aTurkish party and said that HADEP's policy shouldbe revised so that they are accepted as a Kurdishparty. .Murat Bozlak was the only candidate for thechairmanship of the party. But the most importantthing was the election of party assembly and disciplinecommittee members. The elections, that wereboycotted by some, en<strong>de</strong>d with the reformers winninga mandate to turn the party into a mass-based.organization. HADEP, preparing a good showcase. for the peace negotiations table, is now waiting to.sit at the table.However, the future of the party now <strong>de</strong>pends onthe steps authorities may take in light of the recentevents.Police nab ofTen<strong>de</strong>rsÎnHADEP congress outrageTurkish Daily NewsANKARA- As the aftershocksof the flag disrespect inci<strong>de</strong>nt atthe weekend congress of the pr

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - A~emeFronrePrelse-A.F.P. - A~enreFronrePrelle-A.F.P. - A~enreFromePrelle-A.F.P. - A~enreFronŒPrelle-A.F.P. - A~enreFromePr€\le-A. EP. - A~emeFronrePres\e-A.F.P.A.F.P.FRS0397 4 l 0369 TUR /AFP-IE23Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s-EuropeAnkara appelle les députés européens à réviser leur jugement sur le PKKANKARA, 26 juin (AFP) - La Turquie a appelé mercredi les députéseuropéens à réviser leur jugement sur le PKK (parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs duKurdistan), en rébellion armée contre Ankara, après un attentat, revendiquépar ce mouvement séparatiste, qui a fait huit morts samedi <strong>de</strong>rnier àDiyarbakir.Le porte-parole du ministère <strong>de</strong>s Affaires étrangères Omer Akbel a dit"regr<strong>et</strong>ter que c<strong>et</strong> attentat ait eu lieu trois jours après que <strong>de</strong>s députésmembres <strong>de</strong> six groupes différents du parlement européen eurent soutenu uneproposition prévoyant un accroissement <strong>de</strong> la pression sur la Turquie pourque celle-ci ouvre un dialogue avec le PKK <strong>et</strong> rem<strong>et</strong>te en liberté lesterroristes"."La Turquie invite les députés européens ayant soutenu c<strong>et</strong>te propositionà refléchir une fois <strong>de</strong> plus si leur attitu<strong>de</strong> (...) sert les valeursdémocratiques <strong>et</strong> la suprématie du droit", a dit M. Akbel, lors d'un point<strong>de</strong> presse.Selon un bilan cité par M. Akbel, huit personnes, dont une femmeenceinte <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux enfants, ont été tuées <strong>et</strong> 11 autres blessées dansl'attentat à main armée perpétré par cinq rebelles du PKK à Diyarbakir,chef-lieu du sud-est anatolien à majorité kur<strong>de</strong>.Les assaillants avaient ouvert le feu sur une centaine <strong>de</strong> personnes quidînaient dans un restaurant en plein air appartenant à une chaîne <strong>de</strong>télévision privée locale, Soz-Tv, situé dans un parc à une quinzaine <strong>de</strong> km<strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir."Ce n'est que le <strong>de</strong>rnier <strong>de</strong>s nombreux attentats semblables du PKK quivisent à terri fer les gens innocents <strong>et</strong> à affaiblir la position <strong>de</strong>s forces<strong>de</strong> l'ordre. Le PKK a revendiqué la responsabilité <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te atrocité", aajouté le porte-parole.Il a qualifié <strong>de</strong> "regr<strong>et</strong>table" que c<strong>et</strong> attaque armée, "qui a créé uneirritation dans l'opinion publique turque, n'ait pas eu d'écho dans lesmédias étrangers".Le PKK mène une rebellion armée <strong>de</strong>puis 1984 contre Ankara pour créer unEtat indépendant dans le sud-est anatolien à majorité kur<strong>de</strong> à la frontièreavec la Syrie, l'Irak <strong>et</strong> l'Iran.C<strong>et</strong>te rébellion <strong>et</strong> les opérations <strong>de</strong> représailles <strong>de</strong> l'armée turque ontfait quelque 22.000 morts en 12 ans.CE/hc/dfg eafAFP /AA1234/261319 JUN 96A.F.P. - A~enceFrancePrme-A.F.P. - A~enceFrancePre\se-A.F.P. - A~en

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA. F.P. ....,.,.Agen(eFron!e Presse - A.F. P. - Agen!e Fron!e Presse - A.F. P. - Agen!e Fron,e Presse- A. F. P. - Agen(! Frome PreSle- A.F. P. - Agen(! Fron,e PreSle- A.F.P. - Agen,e Fron!e Prme-FRS070a,3- l 0279 TUR !AFP':''RS-48Turquie-~Jr<strong>de</strong>s-IrakFin <strong>de</strong> l'opération turque dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak: 45 rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>stuésANKARA, 27 juin (AFP) - L'opération lancée jeudi par l'armée turquecontre le PKK dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak a pris fin, faisant 45 tués chez lesrebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s, a rapporté l'agence Anatolie.C<strong>et</strong>te incursion contre les rebelles du Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs duKurdistan (PKK, séparatiste), a été menée avec la participation <strong>de</strong> 3.500hommes <strong>de</strong> l'armée, a ajouté l'agence.L'opération, appuyée par <strong>de</strong>s hélicoptères d'attaque Cobra, a pris finsans que les troupes turques aient subi <strong>de</strong> pertes. Les unités turques sesont r<strong>et</strong>irées en territoire turc, selon l'agence.Une source militaire interrogée, à Ankara en fin <strong>de</strong> matinée avait estiméle nombre <strong>de</strong> troupes participant'à c<strong>et</strong>te opération à 5 à 6.000 hommes <strong>et</strong>n'avait donné aucune précision sur sa durée.Les troupes avaient pénétré en territoire irakien dans <strong>de</strong>s zones situéesau sud <strong>de</strong> la région turque <strong>de</strong> Semdinli, près <strong>de</strong> la frontière avec l'Irak <strong>et</strong>i'Iran.Elles étaient appuyée~ par 250 "protecteurs <strong>de</strong> village" (milicienspro-gouve~nementaux armés par l'Etat) <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> forces spéciales formées pourla lutte contre le PKK, selon Anatolie., De telles opérations <strong>de</strong> l'armée turque, <strong>de</strong>stinées à chasser lesmilitants du PKK du nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, sont fréquentes. La précé<strong>de</strong>nte dataitd'il y a <strong>de</strong>ux semaines.Le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, région montagneuse, est utilisé par le PKK comme basearrière pour lancer <strong>de</strong>s attaques en territoire turc. Il profite ,pour cefaire du vi<strong>de</strong> d'autorité régnant dans la région, qui échappe au contrôle <strong>de</strong>Éagdad <strong>de</strong>puis la fin <strong>de</strong> la guerre du Golfe en 1991.CE/hc/stbtfFRS0253 3 l 019a TUR /AFP-OS24Turquie~Kur<strong>de</strong>s-Iraklead ,, Nouvelle opérätîon 'turque dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'IrakAN~, 27 juin (AFP) '- Des troupes turques ont lancé jeudi une nouvelleopéra~ion dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak contre le Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs duKurdi,stan (PKK, séparatiste), a-t-on indiqué <strong>de</strong> source militaire à Ankara.Une unité <strong>de</strong> commandos formée <strong>de</strong> 12 bataillons, soit 5 à 6.000 hommes,appuyés par <strong>de</strong>s hélicoptères Cobra, ont lancé c<strong>et</strong>te opération au sud <strong>de</strong> lalocalité turque <strong>de</strong> Semdinli, en territoire irakien, a précisé c<strong>et</strong>te source,interrogée par l'AFP., Les troupes turques sont également appuyées par 250 "protecteurs <strong>de</strong>'village" (miliciens pro-gouvernementaux armés par l'Etat) <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> forcesspéciales formées pour la lutte contre le PKK, a indiqué <strong>de</strong> son côtél'agence Anatolie.Elles ont pénétré en territoire irakien dans les zones <strong>de</strong> Butine,Ispindari, Sipe, Edilbi <strong>et</strong> Meros, situées au sud <strong>de</strong>s vilages turcs <strong>de</strong>Kocyigit, Umurlu, Yesilova, Ormancik <strong>et</strong> Meselik dans la région <strong>de</strong> Semdinli,a précisé l'agence.De telles opérations <strong>de</strong> l'armée turque, <strong>de</strong>stinées à chasser lesmilitants du PKK du nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, sont fréquentes. La précé<strong>de</strong>nte dated'il y a <strong>de</strong>ux semaines.CE/hc/nj tfAFP /AA1234/271055 JON 96228

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - A~eO(eFrontePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~eO(eFran[ePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~emeFrarle Pre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enleFramePre\\e-A.F.P. - A;en(e Fran(ePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enŒFramePre\\e-A.F.P.A.F.P.FRS0433 4 I 0381 TUR /AFP-QA38Turquie-Egypte-SyrieL'Egypte prête à jouer un rôle entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> la Syrie, selon M.MoussaANKARA, 27 juin (AFP)Moussa a indiqué que sonrésolution <strong>de</strong>s problèmes- Le ministre égyptien <strong>de</strong>s Affaires étrangères'Amrpays était "prêt" à jouer un rôle pour laturco-syriens, dans une interview au quotidienturc Hurriy<strong>et</strong>."Les problèmes entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> la Syrie ne pourront être surmontésque par un dialogue (...) Nous sommes conscients <strong>de</strong>s problèmes entre les<strong>de</strong>ux pays. Nous sommes prêts à jouer un rôle pour leur résolution", a ditM. Moussa, qui n'utilise toutefois pas le mot <strong>de</strong> médiation.La Turquie accuse la Syrie <strong>de</strong> soutenir la rébellion du parti <strong>de</strong>sTravailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste) <strong>et</strong> d'abriter <strong>de</strong>s maquisards duPKK sur son sol, dont leur chef, Abdullah Ocalan, qui rési<strong>de</strong> généralement àDamas ou dans la Bekaa libanaise sous contrôle syrien.La Syrie accuse pour sa part la Turquie <strong>de</strong> lui rationner l'eau <strong>de</strong>l'Euphrate à l'ai<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> barrages construits dans le cadre d'un grand proj<strong>et</strong>d'irrigation <strong>et</strong> ~e production d'énergie électrique, ce qu'Ankara dément.Les relations\tu~co-syriennes se sont encore détériorées après lasignature en février d'un accord <strong>de</strong> coopération militaire entre la Turquie<strong>et</strong> Israël. Damas estime que c<strong>et</strong> accord le vise, malgré les démentisd'Ankara. ."Tout pacte engendre d'autres pactes semblables", a dit M. Moussa dansc<strong>et</strong>te interview, .à propos <strong>de</strong> l'accord turco-israélien. C<strong>et</strong> accord aégalement suscité une vive réaction <strong>de</strong> l'Irak <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'Iran, frontaliers <strong>de</strong>la Turquie.Celle-ci affirme que l'accord ne constitue pas un pacte <strong>et</strong> qU'elle estcontre la formation <strong>de</strong> blocs au Proche-Orient."Pour dissiper les doutes qui pèsent sur l'accord, le mieux que laTurquie puisse faire c'est le rendre public", a ajouté le ministreégyptien.Lors d'une visite début mai à Ankara, M. Moussa s'était déclarésatisfait <strong>de</strong>s explications <strong>de</strong>s autorités turques à propos <strong>de</strong> l'accord maisplus tard il l'avait dénoncé.L'accord prévoit notamment <strong>de</strong>s vols d'entraînement <strong>de</strong>s avions <strong>de</strong> combat<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux pays dans l'espace aérien <strong>de</strong> l'autre, une coopération entre lesindustries <strong>de</strong> défense <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s échanges <strong>d'information</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> personnel.Ankara affirme qu'il n'est dirigé contre aucun pays.CE/hc/dfg eafAFP /AA1234/271326JUN 96A.F.P. - ~ence FrancePresse-A.F.P. - ~nce FrancePres\e-A.F.P. - A~nce FrancePresse-A.F.P. - ~nle FranIePres\e-A.F.P. - ~nce FrancePresse-A.EP. - A~lIle FrancePreße-229

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iCOURRIERINTERNATIONAL27 JUIN - 3 JUILLET 1996' ..~::::J...-(1),'ca~Ē~o(J(J~caCI).!!(1)...ṯ:CI))(.::::J(1)+:it:(1)oṯ:(JCI)(1)CI)::::Jo-~ca...(1)œ-(1)...::::JC""C...o(J::.::~Q.::::J"CCI)(1)"E::::J~CI)(1)-.~Eoc:o-::::JcaCI)....!!(1)(J t:"C-.~ca (1)t: '5::::J 0(1) CI)::::JC"t:.urcaEcac(1)::::JC"CI)...o~ .', ,,"." ::;:>,'., ~,---

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>isont avalées par la lutte contre le terrorisme: 18 000 <strong>de</strong> nos concitoyensy ont déjà perdu leur vie. Le facteurPKK pèse aussi sur la politique internationale<strong>de</strong> la Thrquie. Et tout celaprend sa source en 8.rrie."Voilà bien un parallèle très intéressantdans les propos <strong>de</strong> Sabanci <strong>et</strong>d'Öymen. Car, par exemple, mêmel~ prolongation <strong>de</strong> la mission Provi<strong>de</strong>Comfort [les forces alliées stationnéesdans le sud <strong>de</strong> la Thrquie <strong>de</strong>puisla guerre du Golfe, dont la présenceest soumise à l'autorisation du Par:lement turc tous les six mois) estencore à m<strong>et</strong>tre en rapport avec la-Syrie,à cause <strong>de</strong> l'implication du PKK'dans toute la situation [au Kurdistan).Le diagnostic concernant la Syrieest juste. Et il n'est pas seulementpartagé par notre chancellerie <strong>et</strong>Sakip Sabanci. Les Etats-Unis, Israël,la Jordanie <strong>et</strong> même le Japon font lemême diagnostic. Les organisationsqui menacent la sécurité d'Israël-leHamas <strong>et</strong> le Hezbollah - ont pignonsur nI{' à Damas. Chacune y possè<strong>de</strong>une représentation officielle. Di~organisations terroristes qui cher- 'chent à créer <strong>de</strong>s troubles en Jordaniesont alimentées par la Syrie.Damas n'hésite pas non plus, tout ennous regardant droit dans les yeux,à ouvrir <strong>de</strong>s camps d'entraînementau PKK, à lui fournir <strong>de</strong> l'ai!Ïe logis-THURSOÄ Y. JUNE 27.1996tique, <strong>de</strong>s ànnes <strong>et</strong> clé l'argent.Face à c<strong>et</strong>te situation, la Thrquieest toujours restée jusqu'ici dans laposition du quéman<strong>de</strong>ur. Pour la premièrefois, le gouvernement d'Ankaraentreprend aujouÏ'd',hui unepolitique différente. Tout d'abord, ila fait parvenir une note diplomatique'à la Syrie pour lui <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>r officiellementl'extradition d'AbdullahÖcalan. En échange, Ankara prom<strong>et</strong>à Damas d'établir <strong>de</strong>s relations économiques<strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong> enver~. Uneproposition qui corrobore celled'autres pays, comme les Etats-Unisle Japon <strong>et</strong> les membres <strong>de</strong> l'Unio~européenne, qui font pression sur laSyrie, lui prom<strong>et</strong>tant <strong>de</strong> redresser sonéconomie si elle cesse <strong>de</strong> soutenir l<strong>et</strong>errorisme. Ainsi, pour Damas, l'alternative<strong>de</strong>vient simple : soit lémaintien <strong>de</strong> la terreur avec son corol~laire la misère, soit la croissance,mais en abandonnant la voie du terrorisme.Et que l'on ne' s'imagine pasqu'il ne s'agit que <strong>de</strong> promesses. Car,sous la cape, on montre aussi lebâton. C'est ainsi qu'il faut interprétèrle récent accord <strong>de</strong> coopérationmilitaire signé par Ankara avec Israël.[voire/n° 289du 15 mai 1996J.Actuellement, le malaise <strong>de</strong> Damasaugmente. D'autant que, malgrétoute sa superbe, la puissance militairesyrienne est considérablement'affaiblie. ses stocks d'imnes, ànciensproduits soviétiques, sont <strong>de</strong> plus en'plus obsolètes. La Syrie ne peutmême plus mener <strong>de</strong>s guerres éclairs<strong>de</strong> courte durée. Tout cela montreque Damas se m<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> plus en plus le'dos au mur.Tel est le vaste cadre général danslequel il faut replacer la prolongation[le 18 juin <strong>de</strong>rnier) <strong>de</strong> la mission d~Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort. En eff<strong>et</strong>, c<strong>et</strong>te forceest certes utile pour le moment, dansla mesure où elle empêche uneattaque éventuelle <strong>de</strong> Saddam Husseincontre les Kur<strong>de</strong>s du nord <strong>de</strong>l'Irak <strong>et</strong> leur fuite massive vers laThrquie. En revanch~ fa b~se alliée<strong>de</strong> Zakho [au nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak] sert <strong>de</strong>parapluie sécuritaire aux Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>c<strong>et</strong>te région. Ceux-ci n'ont ainsi plusbesoin <strong>de</strong> la Turquie. Sans c<strong>et</strong>tenécessité, ils ne surveillent plus lePKK,qui opère le long <strong>de</strong> la frontière.Dans c<strong>et</strong>te' optique, la présence <strong>de</strong>Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort est néfaste. La solution? Il faudrait que la base <strong>de</strong>sforces alliées soit transférée <strong>de</strong> Zakhoà l'intérieur <strong>de</strong> nos frontières - àSilopi, par exemple •. Il faut lier à laTurquie la sécurité <strong>de</strong>s lea<strong>de</strong>rs autonomisteskur<strong>de</strong>s irakiens, Barzani ouTalabani. Avant la fm <strong>de</strong> juill<strong>et</strong>, ilfaudraiten arriver là.•GOner; Civaoglu• Actuellement, la base <strong>de</strong> Provi<strong>de</strong> Comforten Thrquie se trouve à Incirlik (voir carte).Turkisb Daily NewsHADEP accuses the mediaof provoking hatredTurkish Daily News1STANB UL- The Istanbul branch of the PeoplesDemocracy Party (HADEP) held a press conferenceyesterday at which it was said that the partywas respectful of the moral values of all peopleand ~atlOns and ~id not approve of the teanngdown of the Turkish flag at their last general congresson the weekend. While stating that it did notapprove of the actions by radicals at their congressit claimed that HADEP couldn't be blamed forthese actions and in<strong>de</strong>ed that there was a conspiracyagainst the party,At the press conference HADEP officialsaccused State television channels, private TORTTV. and, the media in. general of provoking ultranaUonalism. The officIaIs also remIn<strong>de</strong>d journalistsof the ~ttacks on the party in which three peoplewe~ killed and of the bombing of party offices inlZffilf and Ankara, events that have received lessattention in the ~edia than the flag inci<strong>de</strong>nt.HAI?EP officIals expressed their'disqui<strong>et</strong> at the<strong>de</strong>tentIOn of party executives and attacks onLabour Party supporters. Officials of the partyalsoco~emned the behavior and the intolerance of thepollce t~wards <strong>de</strong>mocratic actions. The partyemphasIzed that they would continue to fightagamst nationalism and <strong>de</strong>fend the moral values ofthe people.231

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - A~enœfronce Presle-A.F.P. - A~enœfrome Prme- A.F.P. - A~enœfronœ Presse-A.F.P. - A~enœfronœ Presse- A.F.P. - A~enœfronœ Presse- A.F.P. - A~enœfronœ Presse-A.F.P.A.F.P.FRS0734 4 I 0421 TUR /AFP-BV46Turquie-Iran leadL'armée turque dément un raid d'hélicoptères dans le nord-ouest <strong>de</strong>l'IranANKARA, 28 juin (AFP) - L'état-major <strong>de</strong>s armées turques à Ankara adémenti vendredi les informations faisant état d'une attaque d'hélicoptèresturcs qui, selon l'agence officielle iranienne IRNA;--a fait six morts <strong>et</strong> 16blessés dans un village kur<strong>de</strong> du nord-ouest <strong>de</strong> l'Iran, a rapporté l'agenceAnatolie.Selon <strong>de</strong>s sources à l'état-major citées par Anatolie, aucune opérationtransfrontalière n'a été menée par la Turquie en territoire iranien.Toutefois, elles ont affirmé que les forces turques avaient ouvert lefeu "en territoire turc" contre <strong>de</strong>s "terroristes" (terme officiel désignantles rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s du PKK) qui tentaient <strong>de</strong> s'infiltrer <strong>de</strong>puis l'Iran.Ces sources ont souligné que les opérations menées contre les rebellesdu Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatistes kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>Turquie) en territoire turc avaient un caractère <strong>de</strong> routine <strong>et</strong> qu'aucunproblème n'existait entre l'Iran <strong>et</strong> la Turquie dans ce domaine, selonl'agence.L'agence IRNA avait annoncé vendredi que six membres d'une tribu noma<strong>de</strong>du nord-ouest <strong>de</strong> l'Iran ont été tués <strong>et</strong> seize autres blessés mercredi par<strong>de</strong>s tirs <strong>de</strong> trois hélicoptères turcs qui avaient pénétré dans l'espaceaérien iranien.Le ministère iranien <strong>de</strong>s affaires étrangères a élevé une "forteprotestation" <strong>et</strong> "réclamé une. explication rapi<strong>de</strong>" aux autorités turques àla suite <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong> inci<strong>de</strong>nt, avait ajouté IRNA. -La presse turque rapportait vendredi qu'un millier <strong>de</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>s iraniensavaient manifeste violemment jeudi <strong>de</strong>vant le consulat général <strong>de</strong> Turquie àOroumyieh (nord-ouest <strong>de</strong> l'Iran).Selon la presse, les manifestants ont brulé <strong>de</strong>s drapeaux turcs <strong>et</strong> lancé<strong>de</strong>s pierres, causant <strong>de</strong>s dégâts mineurs à l'immeuble du consulat, lors <strong>de</strong>.c<strong>et</strong>te manifestation qui serait donc intervenue au len<strong>de</strong>main <strong>de</strong> l'attaque<strong>de</strong>s hélicoptères turcs.-Selon Anatolie, l'ambassa<strong>de</strong>ur <strong>de</strong> Turquie à Téhéran Mithat Balkan a<strong>de</strong>mandé aux autorités iraniennes <strong>de</strong> prendre <strong>de</strong>s mesures pour assurer laprotection du consulat d'Oroumyieh.L'armée turque mène régulièrement <strong>de</strong>s opérations contre les militantsarmés du PKK, dans le sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie, à proximité <strong>de</strong>s frontièresirakienne <strong>et</strong> iranienne,ainsi que dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak où les rebelles.trouvent refuge.Les relations irano-turques traversent une phase <strong>de</strong> tension <strong>de</strong>puisplusieurs mois, à la suite notamment <strong>de</strong> l'accord militaire signé en février<strong>de</strong>rnier entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> Israël.KG/hc/phvtfAFP /AA1234/281655 JUN 96A.F.P. - A~encefronce Prelle-A.F.P. - Agencefronte Prem-A.F.P. - Agencefranœ Presle-A.F.P. - Agencefronce Prelse-A.F.P. - A~encefroncePrme-A.F.P. - AgencefroncePrelse-232

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P.A.F.P.FRS0369 3 I 0270 TUR /AFP-XM91Turquie-Iran leadAttaque d'hélicoptères turcs en Iran: l'état-major turc pas au courantANKARA, 28 juin (AFP) - L'état-major <strong>de</strong>s armées turques a .déclarévendredi n'être pas au courant <strong>de</strong> tirs d'hélicoptères turcs contre unvillage iranien, qui ont fait 6 morts <strong>et</strong> 15 blessés mercredi selon l'agenceofficielle iranienne IRNA."Nous n'avons aucune information pour l'instant", a déclaré leporte-parole <strong>de</strong> l'état-major, le colonel Kemal Ay, interrogé par l'AFP àAnkara.Selon IRNA, le ministère iranien <strong>de</strong>s Affaires étrangères a "élevé uneforte protestation" <strong>et</strong> "réclamé une explication rapi<strong>de</strong>" aux autoritésturques à la suite <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong> inci<strong>de</strong>nt, qui a eu lieu dans le nord-ouest <strong>de</strong>l'Iran, en pays kur<strong>de</strong>, à quelque 25 km au nord-ouest d'Oroumyieh.La presse turque rapportait vendredi qu'un millier <strong>de</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>s iraniensavaient manifesté violemment jeudi <strong>de</strong>vant le consulat général <strong>de</strong> Turquie àOroumyieh.Les manifestants ont brulé <strong>de</strong>s drapeaux turcs <strong>et</strong> lancé <strong>de</strong>s pierres,causant <strong>de</strong>s dégâts mineurs à l'immeuble du consulat, lors <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>temanifestation qui serait donc intervenue au len<strong>de</strong>main <strong>de</strong> l'attaque <strong>de</strong>shélicoptères turcs.L'armée turque mène régulièrement <strong>de</strong>s opérations contre les militantsarmés du Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste) dans lesud-est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie, à proximité <strong>de</strong>s frontières irakienne <strong>et</strong> iranienne,ainsi que dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak où les rebelles trouvent refuge.Elle en a mené une jeudi en territoire irakien mais la région visée nesemble pas correspondre au lieu où s'est déroulée l'attaque <strong>de</strong>shélicoptères selon IRNA.KG/hc/dfgt.fraAFP /AA1234/281238 JUN 96A.F.P. - &gellleFrolllePresse-A.F.P. - Igeln FroncePresse-A.F.P. - A~ FroncePresse-A.F.P. -Igeace FranœPresse-A.F.P. -Agence FroncePresse-A.F.P. - AgellleFroln Presse-233

othe store you're bound to have some,china knocked over. But you g<strong>et</strong> theimpression that some of these new con-.-gressmen do not hear the sound of crashingchina. ~', Washington has relentlessly pushed a:policy of containment and economiC:embargo against Iran since last year;when Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Bill Clinton banned,tra<strong>de</strong> and prohibited U.S. companies~:from purchasing Iranian oil. 'U.S. officials say the government inTehran is seeking weapons of mass <strong>de</strong>oRevue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iINTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1996Washington and Bonn Colli<strong>de</strong>onHow Bestto Deal. WithJran IBy Rick AtkinsonWasflington Post Service,BONN ~ As se,enthrOl,lghAri1ericaneyes, Iranis a pariah state, one that sanctions internationalterrorism, opposes a comprehensive' peace in theMiddle East and seeks to build a nuclear arsenal.'Such outlaw behavior, U.S. policymakers insist,should be repaid with contempt, isolation andworld sanctions.As seen through German eyes, Iran is in<strong>de</strong>edmisgui<strong>de</strong>d and dangerous, if not the monolithictheocracy often <strong>de</strong>monized by Washington.Y<strong>et</strong>, as a large, strategically located 'country,with vast oil réserves, Bonn says, Iran should notbe ostracized but rather engaged willi economi.c;benefits as well as tough talk. .These divergent views have become a thorn ontheTOsebnsh of U.S.-German relations, the oneprickly issue that is the subject of public exasperationand private acrimony.Moreover, officials in Washington and Bonnbelieve the disagreement could soon escalate into'som<strong>et</strong>hing uglier i(the U.S. government pressesahead with a proposed law to impose sanctions onforeign companies that tra<strong>de</strong> with Iran or Libya.'.':PIe tra<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>bate has taken a really nasty turnin the last several weeks," an American offidâlsaid. "The Europeans don't like sanctions. They'don't like any of this stuff." ,,'It' s the one issue, " he ad<strong>de</strong>d, "where there' sconflict b<strong>et</strong>ween us and the Germans."'Klaus Becher, an analyst at the German Soci<strong>et</strong>y'for Foreign Policy said, "There seems to be a very'clear confrontation coming."Legislation adopted unanimously by the U.S.'House of Representatives this month - similar toa bill passed by the Senate last winter - would:impose sanctions on foreign companies un<strong>de</strong>rcertain conditions if they invested more than $40million in Iran's oil industry.'The proposai follows other tra<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>velopmentsthat have triggered alarm in Bonn and other,European capitals, including a new U.S. law thatpenalizes foreign companies continuing to tra<strong>de</strong>with Cuba in <strong>de</strong>fiance of a U.S. embargo.Lea<strong>de</strong>rs of the 15-nation European Union,"me<strong>et</strong>ing in Italy last weekend, voiced "<strong>de</strong>epconcern" at the U.S. actions and reserved theright to r<strong>et</strong>aliate in <strong>de</strong>fense of European interests.The brewing quarrel is likely to be discussed at theGroup of Seven me<strong>et</strong>ings in Lyon, as Europeanllovemments make clel!r to the lJn~~ed_States their'dismil}' at efforts by Washington to imposeits policy toward Iran on others."That would have enormous ramifications,"said a senior German official."That's what we 're really worriedabout. We see a certain lack of com-''munication b<strong>et</strong>ween the U.S. Congressand the outsi<strong>de</strong> world. Forexample, wehaven't seen a U.S. congressional <strong>de</strong>l-, egation in Bonn in two years.""The United States is ahuge fell,ow,"he ad<strong>de</strong>d, "and when he turns around in,struction while un<strong>de</strong>iwriting terrorist at~tacks against Israel and a ven<strong>de</strong>tta of:killings against political foes living inexile.': The most notorious of those killings is ,likely to make headlines again in coming,weeks when a German court is expectedto ren<strong>de</strong>r a verdict in the trial of anIranian and four Palestinians accused otmur<strong>de</strong>ring a Kurdish separatist lea<strong>de</strong>rand three ai<strong>de</strong>s in à Berlin restaurant in'il992., Prosecutors contend that thosekillings, like those of dozens of others or:Iranian expatriates, were or<strong>de</strong>red by a:Tehran government that brooks no dis-'sent.The German fe<strong>de</strong>ral prosecutor issued,,an arrest warrant in March for Ali Fal-,lahian, head of the Iranian Ministry of:Intelligence and Security, on suspicion,of having or<strong>de</strong>red the attack. The unprece<strong>de</strong>ntedwarrant drew Iranian <strong>de</strong>-,'nunciations and threats of reprisal.Given such alleged violations ofGer-,man sovereignty, U.S. officials consi<strong>de</strong>r:BonIl' s approach to Iran to be, morallyquestlonabîë àn

~ ~'"~;p~Q:~ ~.Turkisb Daily NewsSATURDAY, JUNE 29. 1996:3!~I;p~...,Sim Saklk'SakIk blames media after being arrestedSaklk had said during a 1V program that people who ask for respectfor their flag should show respect for the flags of others. This statementwas seen as promoting separatism by the State Security CourtTurkish Daily NewsANKARA- The Ankara State SecurityCourt (DGM) or<strong>de</strong>red the arrest on Thursdayof Sim Saklk, who was taken into custody bythe police for comments he ma<strong>de</strong> on a pnvate- TV channel after last Sunday's controversial;j~ HADEP congress., '"".\ Saklk had said during a TV program that:j people who ask for respect for their flagshould show respect for the flags of others.This statement was seen as promoting separatismby the DGM.His comments stemmed from events thatoccurred last Sunday at the HADEP conventionin Ankara. Masked youths tore down theTurkish flag and hoisted up the KurdistanWorkers' Party (PKK) fla,gand pictures of itslea<strong>de</strong>r, Abdullah "Apo" Ocalan. Hundreds ofparticipants shouted pro-rebel slogans. Afterthe incI<strong>de</strong>nt, leading party members, includingHADEP Chairman Murat Bozlak and other<strong>de</strong>legates, were taken into custody after policesurroun<strong>de</strong>d the hall.He said that those people are trying to leadTurkey into darkness, when in fact, there wereothers promoting brotherhood. As a result hesaid that the media agencies responsible formisconstruing events should be the ones ontrial, not him.Ankara DGM prosecutor Nuh M<strong>et</strong>e YükselSome HADEP officials were still being has asked for a pri~o~ term of three years andquestioned on charges of separatism and a fi~e ~f.TL 300 mtll~on for Saklk, on chargesinsulting the Turkish flag. HADEP lea<strong>de</strong>r of ~nctttng separ~ttsm, ~n offence un<strong>de</strong>rMurat Bozlak and his ai<strong>de</strong>s, as well as three ArtIcle 8 of the Antt-Terronsm La,,:.people believed to be directly involved in tear- Saklk was one of the <strong>de</strong>putIes of the109 down the flag were <strong>de</strong>tained earlier in the Democracy Party - a pre<strong>de</strong>cessor to HADEPweek. - sentenced to 15 years in jail in 1994 forThree HADEP <strong>de</strong>legates were killed in an links with pro-Kurdish militants, but was laterambush by unknown attackers as they were released.r<strong>et</strong>urning to Kahramanmara~ after the con- HADEP was formed in 1994. The pre<strong>de</strong>cesgress.sors of HADEP - the People's Labor PartySpeaking to journalists after his court hear- and the Democracy Party - had been bannedjng, Saklk <strong>de</strong>Dled all the accusations ma<strong>de</strong> by by the Constitutional Court for alleged linksthe court. with the PKK. Some pro-Kurdish politiciansSaklk also said that his actions at the had been expelled from Parliament, and someHADEP congress were entirely misconstrued were sentenced to jail terms on charges of sepbysome media organizations. He said that as aratism. .soon as he saw that the Turkish flag was cut The inci<strong>de</strong>nts occurring at the HADEP condownhe ~arned the p~y council and protes~- gress sparke~ nationwi<strong>de</strong> reactions. Enormoused by leavlOgthe me~tlOg. He charged that h.'s 30. ft.. TurkIsh flags fluttered from publicstateme,nts were dIstorted by some media bUlldlDgs, apartment balconies and shopsS?U~ces10 Turkey who use theIr pen as a gun, throughout the country on Wednesday, in anaImlOg to provoke people to shoot each other. outpouring of nationalist fervor.~ ~~.~1~~'"~


Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çap"ê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iTurkish Dairy News SATURDAY,JUNE29,1996 •U.N. Weapons Inspector Rolf Ekeus warned Turkey to be aware of Iraq's weaponsarsenal.UN weapons inspectorwarns Turkey against IraqEkeus still believes that Iraq loa<strong>de</strong>dsome of its weapons on to trucksand hauled them elsewhere befor<strong>et</strong>he inspectors arrivedTurkish Dail\' NewsANKARA- Rolf Ékeus, the U.N.inspector who is investigating Iraqiweapons, warned Turkey against IraqdUrIng a one-day working visit toAnkara.Some doubts have arisen in the internationalarena about Turco-Iraqi ties,which some feel to be close. On theother hand, Ekeus believes that Iraq stillpossesses significant quantities ofweapons. It has been speculated thatthese weapons could be used againstTurkey, Israel or Iran.Ekeus also wants the Kirkuk-Yumurtahk pipeline to be used for th<strong>et</strong>ransport of oil products, but this i<strong>de</strong>a isnot favored by Turkey. Un<strong>de</strong>r the oilfor-foodagreement Iraq reached withthe United Nations in May, Iraq wasal10wed to export oil and oil productsworth $2 billIOn e\'er\' six months, inor<strong>de</strong>r to buy food and' medicine. Someof its exports and imports will pass viaTurkey by trucks.Ekeus stil1 belines that Iraq loa<strong>de</strong>dsome of its weapons on to trucks andhauled them elsewhere before theinspectors arri\'ed."1 presented information on recent<strong>de</strong>velopments and long-term prospectsfor solving the outstanding problems,"Ekeus told reporters after bis three-hourme<strong>et</strong>ing with Forei£II Ministry DeputyUn<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary Ali tm'gan.Some analysts speculate that Ekeuswants to establish a monitoring systemfor Iraq's exports and imports viaTurkey. "Iraq IS still. accordmg to ouranalysis, concealing some importantcomponents and weapons and also concealingimportant documents explainingtheir program," Ekeus told reporters onMonday.237

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>i,Islamic Party FormsCoalition in TurkeyCiller Will Be Deputy Minister;Tough Parliament VoteAheadBERLIN - in a move that representeda sharp break with 73 years ofsecular nile in '(urkey, the lea<strong>de</strong>r of thatcountry's Islamic party forged a coalitionFriday that could, make himprime minister within a few days.The party lea<strong>de</strong>r, Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan,said he had agreed to form a coalitiongovernment with former Prime Minister, Tansu Ciller, who would serve as <strong>de</strong>putyprime minister and foreign minister.Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Suleyman Demirel approvedthe new government after me<strong>et</strong>ipgwith Mr. Erbakan late Friday.,. I have very good news for you, ' , Mr.Erbakan said after emerging from hisme<strong>et</strong>ing with the presi<strong>de</strong>nt. "A newgovernment has b<strong>et</strong>'n formed."The coalition must now win a vote ofconfi<strong>de</strong>nce in Parliament. Mr.Erbakan's Welfare Party and Mrs.Ciller's True Path Party hold a majorityof seats in the 550-seat Parliament.Some True Path <strong>de</strong>puties, howev~r,have hinted that they might vote againstthe coalition because they cannot bearthe i<strong>de</strong>a of helping to bring an Islamicgovernment to power.Secularism and' pro-Western foreignpolicies have been fundamental principlesof the mo<strong>de</strong>rn Turkish state sinceits founding in 1923. Mr. Erbakan haschallenged those principles, suggestingthat he favors Turkish withdrawal fromNATO and closer ties with Iran and withmilitant Islamic groups like Hama~"which is waging guerrilla war against.Israel. ' ,"We will s<strong>et</strong> up an Islamic United,Nations, an Islamic NATO and an Is"lamic version of the European Union," .Mr. Erbakan vowed in a campaignspeech in December. "We will createari,Islamic currency."Turkey's resolutely secular military,however, would look with great dis~., favor on moves that would turn the:::countrY away from the West. Anti);officers have seized power three tinie.,.since 1960 when they disapproved ,ofelected governments. .:...Mr. Erbakan's party received j~t21.38 perc~nt of the vote in Decemberrs,national election, meaning that nearly 1\0:percent of voters supported secularistcandidates. Because of splits amon~ oth-238er parties, however, Mr.-Erbakan's totalwas enough to put him in first place.Mrs. Ciller's <strong>de</strong>cision to join a £o~'alition with Mr. Erbakan was startling in,view of her resolutely secular i<strong>de</strong>als:,She is an American-educated economistwho only a few months ago warned tha(a government led by Mr. Erbakàn would"bury the country in darkness."Not a single one of the 158 members,'of Parliament from Mr. Erbakan 's partyis female. He has said that Turks" do notwant to be represented b-y women. "Mrs. Ciller is fighting several cor-,ruption charges, and has refused to ex~ 'plain what she did with $6.5 million thatshe withdrew from a seCr<strong>et</strong> government.fund shortly before leaving office lastyear. The new coalition would not onlygive her a chance to hold a measure ofpower, but could also win her enoughsupport in Parliament to head off furtherinvestigations of her finances., Turkey has been without a stable government,since~eptember, when. Mrs:Following are some of the key po-', sitions of Turkey' s Welfare Party:Military: Supports an "Islamic• NATO." Opposes Turkey's military.training pact with Israel, and pposestheU.S.-led allied force that provi<strong>de</strong>s air shel-'ter to Iraqi Kurds from a Turkish base.Tra<strong>de</strong>: Reassess Turkey' s customsunion with European Union. Has calledfor an Islamic ••common mark<strong>et</strong>."Rights: Maintain.' current constitu-:tion, but con<strong>de</strong>mns barring female stu<strong>de</strong>ntsfrom wearing head shawls., Currency: Advocates an Islamiccurrency.,Finance: Maintains that interest ratesare a violation of Islam.Attack con<strong>de</strong>mned on Turkishconsulate-general in UrumiyeTurkish Daily NewsANKARA- Pro-Kurdish activists onThursday attacked the Turkish Consulate inUrumiye, Iran, the semi-official Anatolianews agency reported from Tehran.The attack occurred after Iranian claimsthat Turkish helicopters had bombedKurdish inhabited areas in the northwest ofIran on Wednesday.It was claimed that six Kurds, fivewomen and one child, were killed and ISwoun<strong>de</strong>d.The Tehran government summoned the,Turkish ambassador to protest the raid.The office of the Chief of General Staffon Friday refuted the claims saying thattheTurkish army fired upon r<strong>et</strong>reatmg PKKmilitants as they fled mto Iran. The officesaid that this was just a normal operation." About a thousand pro-Kurdish activistsgathered around the consulate in Urumiyewhere they threw stones. No-one was hurtin the inci<strong>de</strong>nts .. ,Ciller's govermilent colilipsed arter twoyears. After the December elections, Mrs. :..Ciller formed a coalition with another ~center-right lea<strong>de</strong>r, Mesut YiImaz. It col-: =lapsed after just three months amid bitter ~,recriminations b<strong>et</strong>ween the two partners.. Q\They support similar policies, but their, C'lintense personal rivalry ma<strong>de</strong> it Ïrn-. ~possible for them to work tog<strong>et</strong>her"and: ;Jpaved the way for Mr. Erbakan's rise. ~Mr. Erbakan, 70, is a German-edu.; ~cated engineer who has been active in~

ẓ .....::J'"';)oM--Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iIrak: l'ONU se hâte lentementLe diplomate irakien qui avait signé le 20 mai à l'ONU l'accord «pétrole contre nourriture»est revenu en fin <strong>de</strong> semaine à New York pour présenter formellement un plan <strong>de</strong>distribution <strong>de</strong> vivres élaboré par Bagdad, considéré comme essentiel dans la mise enœuvre <strong>de</strong> l'arrangement qui tar<strong>de</strong> à s.econcrétiser.MAb<strong>de</strong>l Amir al-Anbarita déclaré "espérer"que le plan <strong>de</strong> distribution<strong>de</strong> vivres, qui comprendsept annexes, serait viteapprouvé par le secrétairegénéral <strong>de</strong> l'ONU, M.Boutros Boutros-Ghali.Celui-ci étant actuellementen Europe, M. AI-Anbari aété reçu par M. ChinmayaGharekhan, conseiller politiquedu secrétaire général,a indiqué un porte-parole<strong>de</strong>s Nations unies. Selon M.AI-Anbari, M. Gharekhan adit "ne pas être en mesure"<strong>de</strong> se prononcer immédiatement.Il n'est pas exclu que lesEtats- Unis <strong>et</strong> la Gran<strong>de</strong>-Br<strong>et</strong>agne, membres permanentsdu Conseil <strong>de</strong> sécurité,examinent à la loupe la<strong>de</strong>rnière version du planélaboré par l'Irak, notammentles propositions relativesà la distribution <strong>de</strong>svi vres dans les troisprovinces du nord (à majoritékur<strong>de</strong>) qui ont leur"spécificité", estiment <strong>de</strong>sdiplomates occi<strong>de</strong>ntaux.L'accord "pétrole contrenourriture" autorise l'Irak,toujours soumis à <strong>de</strong>s sanctionsinternationales, àexporter <strong>de</strong>s quantités limitées<strong>de</strong> brut, notammentafin d'ach<strong>et</strong>er <strong>de</strong>s vivrespour sa population, sous lasupervision <strong>de</strong>s Nationsunies.Outre l'approbation du plan<strong>de</strong> distribution, M. Boutros-Ghali doit également ouvrirun compte séquestre dansune banque où seraientgérés les fonds du pétrole(<strong>de</strong>ux milliards <strong>de</strong> dollarsautorisés tous les six mois).Selon <strong>de</strong>s diplomates occi<strong>de</strong>ntaux,M. Boutros-Ghalia déjà opté en faveur <strong>de</strong> laBanque nationale <strong>de</strong> <strong>Paris</strong>(BNP), qui dispose d'unesuccursale à New York. Leporte-parole <strong>de</strong> l'ONU n'ani confirmé ni démentil'information, affirmantqu'une décision seraitannoncée lorsquel'ensemble du dossier seraitbouclé.De son côté, le Comité <strong>de</strong>ssanctions <strong>de</strong> l'ONU contrel'Irak (Comité 661), quiregroupe les 15 paysmembres du Conseil <strong>de</strong>sécurité,. a apparemmentprogressé dans la très lenteélaboration <strong>de</strong>s "modalitésd'application accélérée" <strong>de</strong>l'accord "pétrole contrenourriture".Premièresexportations en juill<strong>et</strong>?M. AI-Anbari, représentant<strong>de</strong> l'Irak à l'UNESCO(<strong>Paris</strong>), s'est déclaré "troublé"par les r<strong>et</strong>ards enregistrésau sein du Comité661, qui a tenu pas moins<strong>de</strong> "26 réunions" <strong>de</strong>puis le20 mai. "Certains essaient<strong>de</strong> réécrire" la résolution986 ayant ouvert la voie àl'accord "pétrole contrenourriture", a-t-il affirmé.Selon <strong>de</strong>s sources européennes,les procéduresd'application accélérée <strong>de</strong>l'accord pourraient êtreadoptées la semaineprochaine. Parmi les<strong>de</strong>rniers points <strong>de</strong> blocagefigure la question <strong>de</strong>scontrôleurs qui seraientchargés d'approuver lescontrats pétroliers à l'ONU.On parle <strong>de</strong> trois ou quatrepersonnes (un Français, unAméricain, un Norvégien <strong>et</strong>'un Russe, Washingtonayant <strong>de</strong>s réticences quant àun Russe), selon cessources. Le mécanismed'approbation <strong>de</strong>s contratsserait rapi<strong>de</strong> (24 à 72heures), la question étant <strong>de</strong>savoir si les décisions <strong>de</strong>scontrôleurs seraient souverainesou s'il pourrait yavoir intervention <strong>de</strong>s délégationsdu Conseil <strong>de</strong> sécurité.Les diplomates <strong>de</strong>meurentpru<strong>de</strong>nts quant à la dateexacte <strong>de</strong> reprise effective<strong>de</strong>s exportations pétrolièresirakiennes, interrompues<strong>de</strong>puis six ans. Les plusoptimistes osent espérerque le pétrole commenceraà être écoulé avant finjuill<strong>et</strong>.L'accord "pétrole contrenourriture" a visiblementsubi le contrecoup <strong>de</strong> larécente épreuve <strong>de</strong> forceautour <strong>de</strong>s inspections <strong>de</strong> laCommission spéciale <strong>de</strong>l'ONU chargée du désarmement<strong>de</strong> l'Irak (UNSCOM).R.F.A.F.P. - A~emeFronŒPre\\e-A.F.P. - A~emeFrontePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enŒFramePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enteFrontePresse-A.F.P. - A~enŒFromePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~emeFramePre\\e-FRSb320 2 I 0183 TUR /AFP-GV15Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>sM. Erbakan prom<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> lever l'état d'urgence dans le sud-estANKARA, 29 juin (AFP) - Le nouveau premier ministre turc Necm<strong>et</strong>tinErbakan s'est engagé samedi à lever progressivement l'état d'urgence envigueur dans le sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie, théatre <strong>de</strong> la rébellion armée duParti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste)."L'état d'urgence sera levé progressivement dans la régio~ <strong>et</strong> le concept<strong>de</strong> fraternité sera développé avec <strong>de</strong>s mesures <strong>de</strong>stinées à améliorer la vieéconomique <strong>et</strong> sociale", a déclaré M. Erbakan dans une conférence <strong>de</strong> presse."Mais la lutte <strong>de</strong> l'Etat contre le terrorisme séparatiste se poursuivraavec toute sa vigueur", a-t-il ajouté.Le prédécesseur <strong>de</strong> M. Erbakan, Mesut Yilmaz, avait lui aussi promis <strong>de</strong>lever progressivement l'état d'urgence en vigueur dans dix provinces <strong>de</strong>liest <strong>et</strong> du sud-est, mais n'avait pas commencé à le faire.L'état d'urgence donne <strong>de</strong>s pouvoirs très étendus aux autorités <strong>et</strong> auxforces <strong>de</strong> sécurité <strong>et</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te situation a donné lieu à <strong>de</strong> nombreusesaccusations <strong>de</strong> violations <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme.HC/dfg eafAFP /AA1234/291325 JUN 96239

Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-PressReview-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basin Öz<strong>et</strong>iA.F.P. - A~enceFroncePre\se-A.F.P. - A~enceFroncePresse-A.F.P. - A~enceFrontePres\e-A.F.P. - A~emeFroncePres\e-A.F.P. - A~enceFromePre\\e-A.F.P. - A~enteFromePresse-. .A.F.P.A.F.P.FRS0223.4 I 0357 TUR /AFP-LD95Turql<strong>de</strong>-Kur<strong>de</strong>s1.128" rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s tués par l'armée turque en six moisANKARA, 30 juin (AFP) - Au total 1.128 rebelles du Parti <strong>de</strong>sTravailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste), en rébellion contre Ankara,ont été tués en six mois par l'armée turque lors d'opérations militaires <strong>et</strong><strong>de</strong> combats, a rapporté dimanche l'agence semi-officielle Anatolie.'De janvier à fin juin J.996.,83 membres <strong>de</strong>s forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordre turques,dont <strong>de</strong>s "protecteurs <strong>de</strong> village" (ndlr: miliciens pro-gouvernementauxarmés par l'Etat) ont trouvé la mort lors <strong>de</strong> ces opérations <strong>et</strong> accrochagesarmés, a indiqué Anatolie.Selon l'agence, 124 militants armés du PKK se sont rendus aux forces <strong>de</strong>sécurité turques, 104 autres ont été capturés <strong>et</strong> 14 blessés lors <strong>de</strong> combats.dans l'est.<strong>et</strong> le sud-est anatolien, à majorité kur<strong>de</strong>, où le PKK mène unerébellion armée contre Ankara <strong>de</strong>puis 1984.Une' importante quan'cité d' armes <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> munitions, dont <strong>de</strong>slance-roqu<strong>et</strong>tes, <strong>de</strong>s grena<strong>de</strong>s, <strong>de</strong>s mines <strong>et</strong> plus <strong>de</strong> 20.000 balles, ainsique447 kg d'opium ont été saisis dans différentes zones du sud-estanatolien, toujours selon la même source.La rébellion du PKK, qui 'vise à créer un Etat indépendant kur<strong>de</strong> dans lesud-est anatolien, ainsi que les opérations <strong>de</strong> représailles <strong>de</strong>. l'armée, ontfait en 12 ans près <strong>de</strong> 22.000 morts, civils, militaires, rebelles <strong>et</strong>policiers.L'armée turque, qui ne reconnaît pas le cessez-le-feu déclaré'unilatéralement le 15 décembre <strong>de</strong>rnier par le chef du PKK, Abdullah Ocalan,;dit "Apo", poursuit ses opérations quasi-quotidiennes contre les maquisardskur<strong>de</strong>s, soit en territoire turc, soit en territoire irakien frontalier.. Les rebelles utilisent le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak comme base arrière pour lancer<strong>de</strong>s attaques en territoire turc. Pour ce faire, ils profitent du vi<strong>de</strong>d'autorité régnant dans c<strong>et</strong>te région, qui échappe au contrôle <strong>de</strong> Bagdad<strong>de</strong>puis la fin <strong>de</strong> la guerre du Golfe en 1991.L'armée turque a'intensifié ses opérations contre les maquisards du PKK,notamment <strong>de</strong>puis le début avril, sur les territoires turc <strong>et</strong> irakien, tuantprès <strong>de</strong> 865 rebelles, selon les bilans annoncés par les autorités.CE/sgtfAFP /AA1234/30~439 JUN 96A.F.P. - A~en'e FroncePresse-A.F.P. - A~en'e FrontePresse-A.F.P. - A~en'eFron,ePre\se-A.F.P. - A~en(eFron,! Pr!sse-A.F.P. - A~en'eFron,ePresse-A.F.P. - A~en(eFron,ePrme-240

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