How Does Tanning Work? - Java Tanning Studio

How Does Tanning Work? - Java Tanning Studio

How Does Tanning Work? - Java Tanning Studio


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What's My Skin Type?Knowing your skin type is the key to understanding how much UV exposure your skin can handle,which helps you to balance the risks and benefits of sun exposure. Come in to JAVA <strong>Tanning</strong> <strong>Studio</strong>& Contempo Spa and fill out our Skin Assessment questionnaire to determine your skin type. Thenwe will recommend the correct tanning times for you in accordance with our particular tanningequipment.Some Facts About The SkinYour skin is your body's largest organ. Skin covers the entire body and protects you from sunlight,heat and cold, infections, toxins and injury. It weighs about six pounds, and is made up of millions ofcells, divided into two layers. The outer layer is the epidermis, and the inner layer is called the dermis.The epidermis contains a defense mechanism designed to protect skin against over-exposure to UVlight which can result in sunburn. This occurs by a biological process called 'melanogenesis'. We callit 'tanning'.When skin is exposed to UV light, melanocytes in the epidermis produce melanin, a pigment whichgives skin and hair its natural color. Melanin pigment absorbs UV radiation, turning it into heat andprotecting the skin cells against sunburn. The more melanin pigment you have & produce, the darkeryour skin. The amount of melanin pigment you have depends on your skin type, which isdetermined by your genetic background and your skin's history of UV exposure.PsoriasisThe word 'psoriasis' is the ancient Greek word for 'itch'. Psoriasis affects 50 million people worldwide,mostly adults, and the symptoms can be extremely distressing. The symptoms of psoriasis areusually raised patches of thick, red skin covered with silvery scales. Medical research shows that UVlight (sunlight) significantly improves psoriasis and other similar skin conditions like eczema.Dermatologists often prescribe 'light treatment' to patients with these conditions; this treatment isusually administered in a concentrated dose of narrowband UVB- similar to the UVB light availablein tanning equipment. Many people have experienced fast and remarkable improvement in theirpsoriasis condition by following a moderate and highly supervised course of indoor tanning. In fact,many of them have been referred to tanning by their GP or dermatologist as indoor tanning at anexcellent tanning salon is a much cheaper way to get results for psoriasis than expensive medicaltreatments.Worried About A Sunbed's Effect On Your Skin?We often hear sweeping & unfounded statements such as "sun beds are 10 times worse than the sun".But what does that even mean? We know that sunlight is necessary for survival on this planet.Excessive exposure to UV light has been found to contribute to non-melanoma skin cancers, whichare easily treated and rarely fatal. Excessive exposure is also corelated with melanoma skin cancer, sotaking a vigilant approach makes sense. Protect yourself and your family from sunburn, and don'tover-expose your skin to the sun. Have annual skin checks if you are a pale skin type or have a familyhistory of skin cancer. It is virtually impossible to live a life without exposure to the sun, and in fact

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