How Does Tanning Work? - Java Tanning Studio

How Does Tanning Work? - Java Tanning Studio

How Does Tanning Work? - Java Tanning Studio


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Showering after tanning will not interfere with the tanning process. <strong>How</strong>ever, showering straightafter a tanning session will wash all your lotion off. The lotion is still conditioning your skin andpromoting your tanning results, so it seems a bit of a waste! JAVA <strong>Tanning</strong> <strong>Studio</strong> & Contempo Spaoffer for sale, special towelettes that contain ingredients to inhibit after-tan odor. If you really wantto shower right after tanning, we advise that you try to wait a minimum of 4 hours at least.Why Do I Have Trouble <strong>Tanning</strong> My Legs?Legs have much less melanin pigment in them than other parts of the body. Humans were designedwith more melanin in the parts of the body that needed more protection from over-exposure to thesun, e.g. shoulders and arms. Legs are usually ‘shaded’ by the rest of the body, so they don’t need asmuch protection, and therefore it will take longer for you to see tanning results on your legs. Shaving,waxing & exfoliating legs also slows down results as this strips older, tanned skin cells, revealingnew un-tanned skin. Have patience, limit your exfoliation, or use products with bronzers or hotaction in them to give legs a boost. (Try a Hydration Station Session for amazing results!)<strong>Tanning</strong> Outside: Can I Do It?Indoor tanning is, in our opinion of course, the best way to get and keep a natural tan the mostsensible way. But yes, tanning outside is a viable option too... as long as you follow the rules ofoutdoor tanning- this can be a perfectly acceptable way to top up your color. After all, it's what wewere all doing well before sun beds were invented!The DO'S of Outdoor <strong>Tanning</strong>• DO Use tanning lotion, good quality moisturizer or low-factor sunscreen when tanningoutside- just like indoors skin can dry out without this essential hydration replenishment.• DO Watch your exposure time carefully- get a stopwatch & make sure you have the sameamount of time both sides- increasing gradually between sessions. <strong>Work</strong> out your skin typeand be cautious. For example, a skin type 2 would start with just five-ten minutes exposureeither side, and increase this time every second day by just 3-5 minutes to avoid sunburn andmaximize your tan result.• DO Know your limits! When you start to feel uncomfortably hot, it's time to get in the shade.o To Use <strong>Tanning</strong> Lotion: While using the best tanning lotions you can afford isadvisable for exceptional tanning results and skincare, we are happy to recommendusing good budget lotions for outdoor tanning. These are a really affordable way to getgood tanning results outdoors.o To Use Moisturizer: The best moisturizers for tanning skin are actually specialty tanextenders- available to suit different budgets – they are also acceptable to use outdoorsfor great nourishment to prevent the skin drying out and give good quality antioxidantbenefits to your tanning skin.o To Use Sunscreen: These days it's pretty tough to find a sunscreen product in thechemist or supermarket that will actually help you tan. California Tan Sunscreens aregorgeously luxurious sun screening products, which help you to develop a lovelygolden tan while screening out UV rays so that you can enjoy the sun longer.The DON'Ts of Outdoor <strong>Tanning</strong>

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