Somaliland-Djibouti Relationship - Somali News Online from ...

Somaliland-Djibouti Relationship - Somali News Online from ...

Somaliland-Djibouti Relationship - Somali News Online from ...


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<strong><strong>Somali</strong>land</strong>-<strong>Djibouti</strong> <strong>Relationship</strong>Gelle: The Tireless Crusader Against <strong><strong>Somali</strong>land</strong> 2012Today, it would consider any suggestion to be part of the Pan-<strong>Somali</strong>sm concept such so preposterous aproposition.Now put aside gratitude. Forget that they, themselves, unceremoniously spurned Pan-<strong>Somali</strong>sm. Nevermind their complacency in—and arguably their compliancy with—the miscarriage of the creed’s firstattempt at realization. But for the <strong>Djibouti</strong> ‘president’ to call on others to remain devoted to Pan-<strong>Somali</strong>sm is nothing less than the height of hypocrisy.<strong><strong>Somali</strong>land</strong>ers would be the least to find fault with <strong>Djibouti</strong>ans in exercising self-determination on anyissue under the sun that concerns them, including on Pan-<strong>Somali</strong>sm. Thus, what justification could<strong>Djibouti</strong> evoke in denying <strong><strong>Somali</strong>land</strong>ers the exercise of the same self-determination?Yet <strong>Djibouti</strong>’s Gelle has left no stone unturned to nip <strong><strong>Somali</strong>land</strong>’s right to self-determination andindependence in the bud—exactly the same right he and his predecessors had exerted to its fullest extentwithout any fear or expectation of reproach and, in the opinion of most <strong><strong>Somali</strong>land</strong>ers, rightfully so.To mind comes a <strong>Somali</strong> saying: “There is he whose shoes you are mending while he is mending yourdeath body cloth” (Nin aad kabahiisa toleeso ayaa kafantaada vii toleeya.) It seems that, as strangely as itmight sound, <strong><strong>Somali</strong>land</strong> and <strong>Djibouti</strong> have been playing these roles, one benevolent and the othermalevolent, respectively on each other.In every contentious issue that cropped up between <strong><strong>Somali</strong>land</strong> and <strong>Somali</strong>a, <strong>Djibouti</strong>’s leaders havesided with the Southerners.Another <strong>Somali</strong> adage pertinent here as well: “Neighborliness is closer to one than kinship” (Owdi ab kadow). It is incomprehensible to most <strong><strong>Somali</strong>land</strong>ers why <strong>Djibouti</strong> leaders have always been and still ismore favorably disposed to the Southerners with whom they share neither neighborhood nor kinshipthan to the Northerners with whom they boast both common ancestry and land.There is no shortage of theories of the real motives behind Gelle’s callous antagonism towards<strong><strong>Somali</strong>land</strong>. Like all theories, some would seem rather farfetched. Others are more plausible. Aselect spectrum of these hypotheses, fluidly classifiable either way, might be worthwhile to bementioned here.Berbera: A Maddening Thorn In Gelle’s SideLike a jealousy stricken lady who, though he is devotedly faithful to her, can’t stand the mere sight ofanother woman within six miles of her husband, <strong>Djibouti</strong> wishes to possess the only functioningSeaport between the Suez and Mombasa. Berbera, the only fairly operational seaport in <strong><strong>Somali</strong>land</strong>,particularly invokes in <strong>Djibouti</strong>’s psyche a maddening fit of hysteria.To them, Berbera is a direct threat to their vital economic interests. <strong>Djibouti</strong> fears that not only would<strong><strong>Somali</strong>land</strong>ers cease using its port’s facilities but also that Berbera would compete with <strong>Djibouti</strong> in thetransit trade of landlocked Ethiopia.AIH Page 9

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