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Political ScienceNEW AND NOTEWORTHY 2012A Supplement to the Complete Political Science 2011Catalogue, Available on www.transactionpub.comAmerican Government and PoliticsInternational and Comparative Government and PoliticsPolicy, Administration, and LawUrban PlanningPolitical Theory and MethodPolitical PhilosophyReligion and PoliticsView this catalogue online atwww.transactionpub.comand share the linkwith colleagues and friends!Most titles are available aseBooks

<strong>Transaction</strong> <strong>Publishers</strong>Political Science Update 2012StaffIRVING LOUIS HOROWITZChairman and Editorial DirectorMARY E. CURTISPresidentMICHAEL CELLETTOAccounting ManagerKAREN LUTYAccountingMINDY WAIZERMarketing ManagerAILEEN BRYANT-ALLENEllen Largay-McConnellNehama VerterMarketingJEFFREY STETZIT ManagerBRUCE MEYERSProduction ManagerDEBORAH A. BERGERELLEN F. KANEKathleen Ruane-PrzyhockiProductionJENNIFER NIPPINSManaging EditorCheryl Lynn EatonHannah K. JonesANDREW McINTOSHEditorialMAUREEN FELDMANRights & PermissionsFRANK DIXONDistribution Center ManagerNANCY CONINEOrder Department ManagerLISA BILLIANPublisher Services ManagerSUSAN PHILIPSHECKOrder FulfillmentCatalogue Design byEllen F. Kane, Senior Graphic DesignerINTRODUCTIONTable of Contentsamerican government and politics 1international and comparative governmentand politics 4policy, administration, and law 10urban planning 14political theory and method 15political philosophy 17religion and politics 19title INDEX 19Founded in 1962, <strong>Transaction</strong>’s reputation is built on excellence in social science publishingwith an expansive book program including an outstanding group of series and serials spanningsocial policy to international relations. This catalogue offers testimony to <strong>Transaction</strong>’scontinued commitment to scholarship and the academic community.ORDERING INFORMATION AND SALES POLICYSee the inside back cover of this catalogue. This catalogue lists U.S. Prices ($), British PoundSterling prices (£), Canadian prices ($C) and European prices (€). eBook titles are onlyavailable in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Australia, and Italy.A REMINDER AND REQUEST FOR LIBRARIESMany people are responsible for library acquisition decisions. If you have finished with thiscatalogue, we ask that you send it, along with your recommendations, to the appropriatelibrary acquisitions staff member, departmental library budget administrator, or otherinterested book buyer. Should additional copies of this catalogue be required, please emailorders@transactionpub.com.<strong>Download</strong> and share This CatalogueVisit our website at www.transactionpub.com to view e-catalogues or download <strong>PDF</strong>s ofnew and recently released catalogues.eBooksMost books in this catalog are available as eBooks, and may be purchased byindividuals through the Google eBookstore (http://books.google.com/ebooks).Select new and recent titles may be available from Netlibrary and ebrary for purchase byinstitutions and libraries. For more information, e-mail ebooks@transactionpub.com.* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.

American Government and PoliticsMy Own StoryFrom Private and Public PapersFranklin Delano RooseveltWith a prologue and epilogueby Donald DayThis volume permitsRoosevelt,in his own words,to tell what he intendedto do andwhat he tried to doas a political leader.The book carries thereader through thehighlights of Roosevelt’sAmericandomestic policies,foreign dangers, andhis personal reflections on thebest course of action in each moment of hispresidency. Donald Day chooses passagesthat reveal all of Roosevelt’s dimensions—hishumor, personal magnetism, and his insightsinto the outlook of the American people.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4241-9 (paper) 2011461 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4814-5 (eBook)**The Competition of IdeasThe World of the WashingtonThink TanksMurray WeidenbaumWith a new introductionby the author“Murray Weidenbaum’s book on Washingtonthink tanks (what they do, how and why)is richly documented and very valuable. Itprovides solid scholarship and a good adviceon a subject that needs both.”—Richard P. Nathan, co-director,Rockefeller Institute of GovernmentMurray Weidenbaum, an independent participantobserver of various Washingtonthink tanks, presents a careful, balancedaccount of where think tanks have been andare now headed in The Competition of Ideas.Weidenbaum discovered that think tankstaffers are mostly activists and scholars, thatthey are not made up of totally conservativeor totally liberal members, and that they domake a special contribution to public policy.He believes that the overarching issue ofquality control deserves more attention thanit has attained in the think tank world.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4223-5 (paper) 2011128 pp. $19.95/£14.95/$C23.95/€19.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-1355-6 (ebook) 2011**American ConservativeThought in the TwentiethCenturyWilliam F. Buckley, Jr., editorWith a new introductionby Roger Pilon“[T]he collection is intellectual yetaccessible and focuses on conservativethought in the realms of economics, socialorder, and religion.”—Book News Inc.If America has been an unsympathetic environmentfor conservatism, conservatism has,nevertheless, demonstrated an extraordinarytenacity in politics, literature, law, religion,economics, and social thought. Conservatismforms a dissent within the liberal tradition anddeserves a hearing from any serious studentof American history. William F. Buckley, Jr.brought this issue to the forefront in this outstandingcollection featuring some of the greatestpolitical thinkers of the twentieth century.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4251-8 (paper) 2011628 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00American Political Cartoons,1754-2010The Evolution of a National IdentityStephen Hess and Sandy Northrop“This is it. On these pages are the drawingsand the points that truly make our politics,government, and democracy the enjoyablemess it is. Nobody could have assembled andexplained it better and more completely thanStephen Hess and Sandy Northrop.”—Jim Lehrer, PBS NewsHourFrom Benjamin Franklin’s drawing of thefirst American political cartoon in 1754 tocontemporary cartoonists’ blistering attackson George W. Bush and initial love-affairwith Barack Obama, editorial cartoons havebeen a part of American journalism and politics.American Political Cartoons chroniclesthe nation’s highs and lows in an extensivecollection of cartoons that span the entirehistory of American political cartooning.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1119-4 (paper) 2010203 pp. $24.95/£18.95/$C29.95/€24.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4397-3 (eBook)**Jewish Power in AmericaMyth and RealityHenry L. FeingoldWith a new introductionby the author“Drawing upon five historical case studies,Henry Feingold highlights complexity andparadox as central to understanding thepower of Jews in the United States. A wiseand reasoned response to the polemicists,conspiracy theorists and antisemites of ourtime.”—Jonathan D. Sarna,author of American Judaism: A HistoryISBN: 978-1-4128-4216-7 (paper) 2011181 pp. $24.95/£18.95/$C29.95/€24.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-1223-8 (eBook)**The Jewish WarsEdward AlexanderWith a new introductionby the authorEdward Alexander launches a counterattackin the war of ideas over Zionism, very mucha warrior using words and ideas as his weapons.The recurring themes in Alexander’sessays are the relations between Americanand Israeli Jews and the incorporation ofanti-Zionism into liberalism, multiculturalism,and literary criticism. He analyzes thepolitically motivated distortion and exploitationof the Holocaust, the strategies of moraland political discrimination used againstIsrael, the self-deceptions by which prominentAmerican and Israeli Jews evade theimplications of such discrimination, and thegrowing impunity with which anti-Semitictropes can be employed at both ends of thepolitical spectrum.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1132-3 (paper) 2010228 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4457-4 (eBook)American Government and PoliticsCheck www.transactionpub.com for discounts on select titles.* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.

American Government and PoliticsContours of African AmericanPoliticsVolume I: Race and Representationin American PoliticsVolume II: Black Politics and theDynamics of Social ChangeGeorgia A. Persons, editorThis two-volume set represents a chroniclingof scholarship on African-American politicsas it appeared in the National Political ScienceReview (NPSR). It provides a selectivesample of the first twenty years of publicationof the NPSR that depicts its contributionto the study of African-American politics. Itanalyzes such issues as African-Americanleadership, political thought and ideology,protest and civil disobedience, coalitions andsocial movements, courts and legislation,civil rights and regulations, campaigns andelections, partisanship and public opinion,institutions and public policy, governanceand administrative processes, identity andsocial change, and the development ofAmerica as a nation.Volume I- ISBN: 978-1-4128-4775-9 (paper)2012 302 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00Volume II- ISBN: 978-1-4128-4776-6 (paper)2012 302 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00The Case for ConservatismFrancis Graham WilsonWith an introductionby Russell KirkFrancis Wilson’s lectures address the contentof conservative thought without reducingthe result to a mere psychological bent ordisposition. The Case for Conservatismhas continuing relevance to those who seekto understand the intellectual roots of thecontemporary revival of conservative publicpolicies.American Government and PoliticsCapitalist SolutionsA Philosophy of American MoralDilemmasAndrew Bernstein“Americans desperately need new solutionsbased on the principles of individualrights, individual freedom, and freemarket capitalism. This book is a welcomecontribution to the growing body of workapplying Ayn Rand’s ideas to today’s mostimportant issues.”—Yaron Brook, president andexecutive director, The Ayn Rand InstituteThe author argues that the U.S. governmentis pushing the nation toward socialism inits attempt to resolve America’s problems.The government’s increasing control of thebanking industry, its massive bailouts ofauto makers, and its proposal of emissionslegislation are all examples of the expansionof government’s power. Bernstein argues thatwhatever the intentions of the government,or its illusions about the workability of itsproposals, morally upright and practicalsolutions can only come from moving tothe opposite end of the political-economicspectrum: the establishment of laissez-fairecapitalism.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4294-5 (cloth) 2011180 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4646-2 (eBook)**The Presidential DilemmaRevisiting Democratic Leadership inthe American SystemMichael A. GenoveseWith a new introductionby the authorThe Presidential Dilemma reflects on theidea that as our country’s problems grow,our politicians seem to shrink. Arguing thatAmerican presidents of the last forty yearshave largely failed to meet the needs, expectations,and responsibilities placed uponthem, the book discusses how presidentsmight better maximize their opportunities forleadership and suggests a distinctive theoryof presidential politics: presidents, facing asystem of multiple veto points, seek to maximizepower and influence. This third editionof Genovese’s stimulating book is thoroughlyupdated to reflect presidential developmentin recent years, and a new introduction makeshis arguments current.The Transformation ofthe American DemocraticRepublicStephen M. Krason“[Krason’s] accounting of American historyis presented as objectively as humanlypossible and the educated reader can easilydisentangle interpretation from the merefacts of the matter.”—Joseph A. Varacalli,State University of New YorkThis stimulating volume considers whetherthe Founding Fathers’ vision of the Americandemocratic republic has been transformedand if so, in what ways. Krason looks to thebasic principles of the Founding Fathers, andthen discusses changes that resulted fromevolving contemporary attitudes about andapproaches to government. Krason focuseson concerned, public-spirited citizens whoare aware of the extent to which our currentpolitical structures deviate from the visionof the Founders, and want to do somethingabout it. Ultimately, a democratic republiccan exist, be sustained, and flourish onlywhen there is a deep commitment to it in theminds and norms of its people.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4745-2 (cloth) 2012554 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00United States DiplomaticCodes and Ciphers, 1775-1938Ralph E. WeberUnited States Diplomatic Codes and Ciphers,1775-1938 is the first basic referencework on American diplomatic cryptography.Weber’s research in national and privatearchives in the Americas and Europe hasuncovered more than one hundred codesand ciphers. Beginning with the AmericanRevolution, these secret systems maskedconfidential diplomatic correspondenceand reports.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4234-1 (paper) 2011 ISBN: 978-1-4128-1112-5 (paper) 2011 ISBN: 978-1-4128-1486-7 (paper) 201094 pp. $19.95/£14.95/$C23.95/€19.00 224 pp. $25.95/£19.95/$C30.95/€25.00 651 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-3609-8 (eBook)** ISBN: 978-1-4128-4428-4 (eBook)**ISBN: 978-1-4128-4465-9 (eBook)**Order Online @ www.transactionpub.com* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.

The Epic of AmericaJames Truslow AdamsWith a new introductionby Howard SchneidermanThe Epic of America paints a sweepingpicture of the diverse past that has createdAmerica’s national story. In this importantnarrative, James Truslow Adams reviewshow the ordinary American has maturedover time in outlook, character, and opinion.Adams traces the historical origins of theAmerican concept of “bigger and better,”attitudes toward business, the AmericanDream, and other characteristics generallyconsidered “typically American.” This classicbook is valuable for a new age and asimportant for this new century as it was whenoriginally written.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4743-8 (paper) 2012441 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00James Truslow AdamsSelect Correspondence—Edited witha Biographical EssayAllan Nevins, editorThe brilliant historian of the mid-twentiethcentury, Allan Nevins, introduces thisvolume of correspondence by and to JamesTruslow Adams with a summary of Adams’life and importance. This presents Nevins’appreciation of Adams in a manner thatproperly serves as a bridge to a full rangeof his correspondence, including a longseries of letters by Adams himself. Both thebiographical sketch and the correspondencereflect Adams as possessing a nimble, precisemind and a stubborn set of opinions thatare sometimes liberal, while at other timesconservative. Despite a lifetime of publicservice, Nevins and the letters remind us,Adams was and remained essentially ascholar.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4740-7 (paper) 2012315 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00American Government and PoliticsNational Political Science Review SeriesCharting the Range ofBlack PoliticsNational Political Science Review,Volume 14Michael Mitchell and David Covin,editorsBarack Obama’selection to theAmerican presidencyhas promptedrethinking inthe way that scholarshave customarilymapped outthe terrain of blackpolitics. This developmentbroughtonto the nationalstage the complexities confrontingthe members of a minority groupassuming power over national political institutionsand also the limits placed on thatpower by virtue of the double accountabilitysuch a figure faces. The question posed inthis new volume of the NPSR is: might theascendancy of President Obama lead to aderacialization of American politics, or perhapsits opposite?ISBN: 978-1-4128-4939-5 (paper) 2012320 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00The Politics ofReapportionmentMalcolm E. Jewell, editorWith a new introductionby William J. QuirkThe issue of apportionmentis one ofthe most importantproblems facing citizensof most of thestates in America.Growing judicialconcern with apportionmentis evidenceof a failure ofthe political processin many states. Apolitical solution tothe problem requires better understandingand more accurate information about apportionment,which may be found in ThePolitics of Reapportionment.Black Politics in a Time ofTransitionNational Political Science ReviewVolume 13Michael Mitchell and David Covin,editorsBlack Politics in aTime of Transitionappears at an historicpoint in Americanpolitics. Fromthe vantage pointof the maturation ofthe study of blackpolitics, this volumeprovides a frameworkfor current andfuture discussion ofthis critical time. Incorporatingthe expanded stream ofwork on today’s black politics, this volumeof National Political Science Review is also anew assessment of the period from which thestudy of black politics emerged.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4268-6 (paper) 2011239 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4800-8 (eBook)**For more books in theNational Political Science Review series,visit www.transactionpub.com.The Robber BaronsThe Great American Capitalists1861-1901Matthew JosephsonThe Robber Baronsdetails the history ofa small class of menwho arose at thetime of the AmericanCivil War andswept into power.They were aggressive,and, in importantcrises, nearly allof them tended to actwithout those establishedprinciplesassociated with the common people of thecommunity. At the same time, many of themshowed qualities of courage. These robberbarons were the dominating figures of anaggressive economic age.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1865-0 (paper) 2011 ISBN: 978-1-4128-1125-5 (paper) 2010353 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00 482 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4817-6 (eBook)**ISBN: 978-1-4128-4466-6 (eBook)**Check www.transactionpub.com for discounts on select titles.* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.American Government and Politics

International and Comparative Government and PoliticsInternational and Comparative Government and PoliticsDiplomacy and GlobalGovernanceThe Diplomatic Service in an Ageof Worldwide InterdependenceThomas Nowotny“What role is left for diplomats in an age ofinstant communications? Thomas Nowotnyoffers a sure and comprehensive guide tothe continuing, yet changing, relevance ofstatecraft in a global age.”—Dan Hamilton, Richard von WeizäckerProfessor, Johns Hopkins University, Schoolof Advanced International Studies, directorof the Center for Transatlantic RelationsTraditional diplomacyis based on thenotion of competingnation states, eachattempting to maximizeits autonomyand independence.This notion is atodds with today’sworld in which evenmighty states areenmeshed in a webof interdependence.Much of the world’s economy, information,industry, and culture have become global.Given these massive changes, argues Nowotny,much of traditional diplomacy hasbecome redundant and sometimes counterproductive.Nowotny bases his argumentson his unique experiences in internal politicsand in bilateral and multilateral diplomacy,as well as on his theoretical reflections asan academic.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1844-5 (cloth) 2011322 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4958-6 (paper) 2012322 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00Authoritarianism, History,and Democratic Dispositionsin Austria, Poland, Hungaryand the Czech RepublicOliver Rathkolb andGunther Ogris, editorsBased on a questionnaire-assisted survey, thisstudy casts light on the relationship betweenauthoritarianism as an individual disposition,support for democracy, political participation,new political authoritarianism, anomia,and group specific misanthropy in Austria,the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland.ISBN: 978-3-7065-4862-5 (cloth) 2011206 pp. $39.95/$C47.95*Predicting the Unthinkable,Anticipating the ImpossibleFrom the Fall of the Berlin Wall toAmerica in the New CenturyGeorgie Anne Geyer“Georgie has put together a staggering bodyof work in her illustrious career, establishingherself as a steady and trusted voice duringtumultuous times.”—Andrews McMeel, Universal CEOGeyer studies thehistory of nationsand of peoples, observeshuman nature,particularly asinfluenced by religionand ideology;and is a close analystof the acts of menand women whenthey perceive theyhave been humiliatedby others or byhistory. She warns Americans and journaliststhat we must anticipate the changes in theworld before they are upon us and that wemust employ predictions to strengthen ournation and its principles.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1487-4 (cloth) 2011362 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00The Political Economy ofNation BuildingThe World’s Unfinished BusinessMack OttDonor nations mayadvise and counsel,but the creationof a liberal nationstate falls to its ownpeople. They mustcreate laws, exercisetheir liberties,provide freedom ofbelief and expression,and protectindividual propertyrights. No nationbecomes or remains free unless its peoplebuild, use, and defend these institutions, andprotect them with understanding, vigilance,and effort. The Political Economy of NationBuilding reviews the effects of politicalstructures on the evolution and stability ofliberalism in developing nations and considersthe outlook for their success.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4742-1 (cloth) 2012439 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00Reflections on the Revolutionof Our TimeHarold J. LaskiWith a new introductionby Sidney A. Pearson, Jr.Harold J. Laski saw World War II as a periodof revolutionary change as profound as anyin the modern history of the human race. Inhis view, the period’s inner nature was assignificant in its essentials as those whichsaw the fall of the Roman Empire; the birthin the Reformation of capitalist society; or,as in 1789, the final chapter in the dramaticrise of the middle class to power. All of thesewere not revolutions made by thinkers, butof ordinary people who shaped the largeoutlines of these changes.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1838-4 (paper) 2011463 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4806-0 (eBook)**Harvest of a DecadeDisraelia and Other EssaysWalter LaqueurThis is a selection of essays written by a figurewidely acknowledged as the conscienceof European liberalism. In Walter Laqueur’slifetime, there have been more acutely dangeroussituations, such as the coming of aworld war or the seemingly unstoppablemarch to victory of totalitarian regimes, thanin any other previous epoch. Such immediatedangers may not exist at the present time, butlong-term trends are equally or even morethreatening, as we now see in the ability ofsmall groups of people, unprecedented inhistory, to inflict enormous damage.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4232-7 (cloth) 2011268 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4555-7 (eBook)**Shaping the Culture of Peacein a Multilateral WorldPatrick U. Petit, editorShaping the Culture of Peace in a MultilateralWorld aims to strengthen multilateralcooperation among intergovernmental organizationsworldwide, and to facilitate theformation of a global network of multilateralmechanisms, which will provide collectiveand holistic responses to the peace and securitychallenges of the twenty-first century.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1093-7 (paper) 2010278 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4413-0 (eBook)**Order Online @ www.transactionpub.com* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.

International and Comparative Government and PoliticsThe Generative Principle ofPolitical ConstitutionsStudies on Sovereignty, Religion, andEnlightenmentJoseph de MaistreWith an introduction by Jack LivelyJoseph de Maistre had no doubt that the rootcauses of the French Revolution were intellectualand ideological. The degenerationof its first immense hopes into the Reign ofTerror was not the result of a ruthless competitionfor power or of prospects of war.He echoed Voltaire’s boast that “books did itall.” The philosophers of the Enlightenmentwere the architects of the new regimes; andthe shadow between revolutionary idea andsocial reality could be traced directly to afatal flaw in their thought.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4265-5 (paper) 2011303 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4828-2 (eBook)**Memorializing the PastEveryday Life in South Africaafter the Truth and ReconciliationCommissionHeidi Peta GrunebaumThis work is a meditation on the shaping of timeand its impact on living with and understandingatrocity in South Africa in the wake of the Truthand Reconciliation Commission (TRC). It is anexamination of the ways that the institutionalizationof memory has managed perceptions oftime and “transition,” of events and happenings,of sense and emotion, of violence and recovery,of the “past” and the “new.”ISBN: 978-1-4128-1473-7 (cloth) 2011185 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00Military and Society in 21stCentury EuropeA Comparative AnalysisJürgen Kuhlmann andJean Callaghan, editorsThis outstanding compendium of articles onEurope’s military situation has been compiledunder the aegis of the George Marshall EuropeanCenter for Security Studies. The leadinganalysts of military studies in every major nationof Europe are included, along with threeoverview pieces that set the tone and contentfor this nicely integrated volume.The JacobinsAn Essay in the New HistoryCrane BrintonWith a new introductionby Howard SchneidermanThe Jacobins were the most famous of thepolitical clubs that fomented the FrenchRevolution. Initially moderate, they areremembered mainly for instituting theReign of Terror. Brinton offers an anatomyof Jacobinism, its membership, beliefs andpolitical platform, and how it evolved frommoderation to tyranny.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1833-9 (paper) 2011345 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4810-7 (eBook)**The Structure ofPolitical GeographyRoger E. Kasperson andJulian V. Minghi, editorsThis volume seeks to provide a sense ofpurpose and order to the study of politicalgeography. The editors devise a conceptualstructure for the field, bringing political geographyinto line with trends in contemporarygeography as a whole and with othersocial sciences. The selections in the volume,originally published in 1971, remain usefuland pertinent to political geographers ofdiverse persuasions and to social scientistsinterested in geographical approaches.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1854-4 (paper) 2011539 pp. $69.95/£52.95/$C84.95/€66.00An Idea and Its ServantsUNESCO from WithinRichard HoggartWith a new introductionby John R. BoltonRichard Hoggart was assistant directorgeneralfrom 1971 to 1975 and reflectsthat epoch in this work; he describes howUNESCO’s mission became side-trackedby politics. Hoggart offers both idealismand accuracy when he reports what actuallyhappens inside the UNESCO Secretariat.Hoggart’s experiences remain relevant to ourcontemporary understanding of the world ofmultilateral organizations. While he reflectsan earlier era in United Nations’ history, thebook serves as a reminder that agencies, likeindividuals, are not eternal.National Identities in FranceBrian Sudlow, editorNational Identitiesin France exploresnationalism, nationalidentities, and thevarious ways inwhich these conceptsare accepted,adapted, discarded,or internally disputedacross ideologicaldivides. The popularassumption that automaticallyregardsnationalism as a largely right-wing concernoccludes the many ways in which nationalismand national identities have contributedto social imagination and political or literarydiscourses across the right-left spectrum.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4288-4 (cloth) 2012227 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4713-1 (eBook)**Nation and State in LatinAmericaPolitical Language duringIndependenceJosé Carlos Chiaramonte“[A] new cornerstone for an interpretationof the nation state; one that is entirelyappropriate for our chaotic political epoch.Nation and State in Latin America isespecially valuable for understandingchanges in the organization forms requiredto sustain new movements in states, whichuntil now have served only factions of thepolitical process as a whole.”—Federica Morelli,New World/New WorldsReflecting on eighteenth-and nineteenth-centuryusesof the concept ofnation in Europeand the Americas,Chiaramonte arguesthat historical questionsrelated to theterm “nation” derivefrom its changingmeaning in differentcontexts. Thedifferent national intonations of the conceptof sovereignty and the nuances of the federaland confederate forms of the state areexamined in detail.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1827-8 (paper) 2011 ISBN: 978-1-4128-4213-6 (paper) 2011345 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00 228 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00 ISBN: 978-1-4128-4622-6 (paper) 2012ISBN: 978-1-4128-2866-6 (eBook)** ISBN: 978-1-4128-4813-8 (eBook)**263 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00Check www.transactionpub.com for discounts on select titles.* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.International and Comparative Government and Politics

International and Comparative Government and PoliticsInternational and Comparative Government and PoliticsThe Nazi MovementTheodore AbelWith an introduction by the authorThis book identifies the main factors bywhich the Nazi movement rose to power andmeasures their relative importance. Basedon more than six hundred autobiographiesobtained from the followers of Hitler, TheNazi Movement explains the social bases ofNazism and why it was so appealing. Abel’swork helps us understand why and how Hitlerand his Nationalist Socialist party took rootamong ordinary middle and working classGerman people. In so doing, he takes usbeyond those who focused on ideologicaldogmas that presented Nazism as a rulingclass movement at one end and a vehicle forproletarian disaffection at the other.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4613-4 (paper) 2012320 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00Images of IllegalizedImmigrationTowards a Critical Iconology ofPoliticsChristine Bischoff, Francesca Falk,Sylvia Kafehsy, editorsIllegal immigration is a highly iconic topic.The public perception of the current regimefor mobility is profoundly shaped by visualand verbal images. As the issue of illegalimmigration is gaining increasing politicalmomentum, the editors feel it is a wellwarrantedundertaking to analyze the roleof images in the creation of illegalization.They map out an iconography of illegal immigrationin relation to political, ethical, andaesthetic discourses. They discuss the needto project new images as well as the dangersof giving persons without legal papers anindividual face. Illegalization is producedby law, but naturalized through the everydayuse of images.ISBN: 978-3-8376-1537-1 (paper) 2011200 pp. $35.95/$C42.95*Nazi Germany and ImperialJapanThe Hollow Diplomatic AllianceJohanna Menzel MeskillWith a new introductionby Thomas Nowotny“Well-reasoned and extremely well written. Afirst-rate piece of diplomatic history.”—Hans J. Morgenthau,University of ChicagoAlliances between sovereign states areamong the least stable political associations.Despite professions of fidelity and commonpurpose, most are effective for only shortperiods, and only as long as it suits theirinterests. Johanna Menzel Meskill arguesthat the German-Japanese alliance failed, notonly because each power failed separatelyto attain its goals, but because as allies thepowers failed to take advantage of their association.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4619-6 (paper) 2012255 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00Armenian Organization andIdeology under Ottoman Rule1908-1914Dikran Mesrob KaligianThis book provides a comprehensive pictureof Armeno-Turkish relations for the brief periodof Ottoman Constitutional rule between1908 and 1914.ISBN: 978-1-4128-0775-3 (cloth) 2009270 pp. $59.95/£45.50/$C72.95/€57.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4245-7 (paper) 2011272 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-1373-0 (eBook)**The African National Congressand the Regeneration ofPolitical PowerSusan BooysenSusan Booysen analyzes how the AfricanNational Congress (ANC) has acted to shape,maintain, and regenerate power in relationto its internal structures and processes, oppositionparties, people, government, andthe state. By dissecting contemporary powerdimensions and comparing them with whathas gone before, Booysen explores the constructionof the political power “complex”of the ANC.Virgil’s Golden Egg and OtherNeapolitan MiraclesAn Investigation into the Sources ofCreativityMichael Ledeen“Naples is almost a microcosm of Europeanhistory; a unique record of a place that hasreceived the marks of every passing politicaland cultural current without ever havingbeen completely conquered by any.”—Richard Fernandez, pjmedia.comNaples has been a great creative center forhundreds of years. Neapolitan creativity hassurvived centuries of foreign occupation,widespread misery, repeated natural catastrophes,and terrible epidemics. What accountsfor the creativity of Naples? MichaelLedeen suggests some surprising answers ina highly original exploration of Neapolitanlife and death.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4240-2 (cloth) 2011132 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4565-6 (eBook)**Popular Politics andResistance Movements inSouth AfricaWilliam Beinart and MarcelleDawson, editorsThis volume explores some of the key featuresof popular politics and resistance beforeand after 1994. It explores continuities andchanges in the forms of struggle and ideologiesinvolved, as well as the significance ofpost-apartheid grassroots politics.ISBN: 978-1-86814-518-8 (paper) 2011360 pp. $34.95/$C41.95*Europe’s NeighboursEuropean Neighbourhood Policyand Public Opinion on the EuropeanUnionPaul DekkerThe sixteen neighbors of the European Unionare a mixed bunch. They range from the oilstates of Algeria and Libya to wealthy Israeland impoverished Moldova. This group ofcountries, owing to deep mutual tensionsand large geographical distances, either donot or barely talk to each other. The EuropeanNeighbourhood Policy (ENP) aims topromote prosperity in and relations with theneighboring countries of the EU.ISBN: 978-1-86814-542-3 (paper) 2012 ISBN: 978-90-377-0386-3 (paper) 2009528 pp. $34.95/$C41.95*136 pp. $29.95/$C35.95*Order Online @ www.transactionpub.com* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.

International and Comparative Government and PoliticsWhen Small Countries CrashScott B. MacDonald andAndrew Novo“ [ T ] h i s b o o k. . . [focuses] onthe particularlydamaging impactof the recent globalfinancial crisis ona select group ofcountries of lessthan 10 millioninhabitants. Theauthors analyzenot only the currentfinancial figures, butalso historical antecedents that mark similarperiods in those countries’ history.”—Book News Inc.This in-depth study takes a close look atfinancial disasters in Iceland, Latvia, Ireland,the Caribbean, Scotland, Finland, and Albaniathat have, until now, been overlooked.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1483-6 (cloth) 2011223 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4398-0 (eBook)**Elites and Classesin the Transformationof State SocialismDavid S. Lane“In his thorough empirical study, Lane reintegratesthe notions of class and interestinto the analysis of the elites and illustratestheir explanatory power in accounting forelites’ social and economic values and globaloutlooks.”—Alena Ledeneva, International AffairsDavid S. Lane examines a few of the theoreticalapproaches that help explain the trajectoryof change from socialism to capitalism.He focuses on two main approaches in thisvolume—elite theories and social class. Theoriesdwelling on the role of elites regard thetransformation from socialism to capitalismas a type of system transfer in which elitescraft democratic and market institutionsinto the space left by state socialism. Lanecontrasts this interpretation with class-basedtheories, which consider transformation interms of revolution, and explain why suchtheories have not been considered the bestway of framing the transition in the postsocialiststates.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4231-0 (cloth) 2011222 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00Market as a WeaponThe Socio-Economic Machinery ofDominance in RussiaAnton Oleinik“[This book] discusses power in Russia andhow it operates . . . [A] provocative, in-depthscholarly examination showing how powerchanges into a coordination mechanism withimpact on everyday life.”—Midwest Book ReviewMarket as a Weaponfocuses on issuesof power anddomination usingthe configuration ofpower relationshipsin Russia as a “criticalcase,” but goesfar beyond a narrowlydefined scopeof country-specificstudies. Particularemphasis is put ondomination by virtue of a constellation interestsin the market, since this is a relativelyunderexplored yet broadly used techniquefor imposing will in all countries that heavilyrely on interventionist policies.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1129-3 (cloth) 2010390 pp. $59.95/£45.50/$C72.95/€57.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4436-9 (eBook)**A Political History of the CivilWar in Angola1974-1990W. Martin James IIIWith a new introductionby the authorWhen Portugal’s colonial rule in Angola endedin 1974, three liberation groups—UNITA(National Union for the Total Independenceof Angola), FNLA (National Front for theLiberation of Angola), and MPLA (PopularMovement for the Liberation of Angola)—agreed to a tripartite movement for the fledglingnation. Conflicts quickly arose and theMPLA, with Cuban and Soviet assistance,drove its rivals from the capital, instigating acivil war, which continued into three periods(1975-1991, 1992-94, and 1998-2002). Thisvolume covers the first period, focusing onthe political history of the UNITA movementand its struggles with the MPLA.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1506-2 (paper) 2011327 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-1621-2 (eBook)**Cold War in the CongoThe Confrontation of Cuban MilitaryForces, 1960-1967Frank R. Villafaña“Frank Villafaña has brilliantly captureda critical chapter of Cold War history.One where anti-communist Cuban exilesplaced their lives on the line and changedhistory.”—Armando I. Gonzalez,columnist, El Nuevo HeraldIn this absorbingvolume, Frank Villafañadetails the contributionmade byCuban exiles to thepreservation of democracyin Congo.Villafaña exploresreasons for Castro’sinvolvement in Congoand he considerswhether Castrowas operating with amaster plan, of which Africa was a key.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4766-7 (paper) 2012236 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-1522-2 (eBook)**ExpansionismIts Effects on Cuba’s IndependenceFrank R. VillafañaStarting in the earlypart of the nineteenthcentury, Americanadministrations expresseda desire toown Cuba. A rationalefor adding Cubato the territory of theUnited States couldbe built on Cuba’ssugar and tobaccoindustries, as well asCuba’s mineral deposits.As Frank R. Villafaña shows, Cubanswere not sitting idle, waiting for outsidersto liberate them from Spanish oppression.A major part of this research is devotedto studying Cuban efforts to liberate theirisland from prolonged Spanish domination.Villafaña emphasizes that Cubans, livingin Cuba as well as abroad, still seek a landfree and independent of foreign threat anddomestic tyrants.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4308-9 (cloth) 2011234 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4656-1 (eBook)**Check www.transactionpub.com for discounts on select titles.* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.International and Comparative Government and Politics

International and Comparative Government and PoliticsThe Green Movement in IranInternational and Comparative Government and PoliticsThe Executioner’s MenLos Zetas, Rogue Soldiers, CriminalEntrepreneurs, and the Shadow StateThey CreatedGeorge W. Grayson andSamuel LoganA new generation of ruthless pragmatists iswreaking havoc across Mexico and CentralAmerica. Most powerful among them isLos Zetas, ruled over by Heriberto Lazcano,known as The Executioner. Lazcano and hismen have forced a tectonic shift among drugtrafficking organizations in the Americas,forever altering how criminal business is conductedin the Western Hemisphere. This narrativebrings an unprecedented level of detailin describing how Los Zetas became Mexico’smost diabolical criminal organization.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4617-2 (cloth) 2012268 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00The Social Anthropologyof the Nation-StateLloyd A. FallersThe contemporarynation-state is popularin that it restsupon mutual identificationbetweenrulers and ruled.But the nation-statehas also producedfar more rigorousauthoritarianismsand frequently lesstolerance than oldempires. This volumeuniquely applies the techniques of socialanthropology to the study of the nationstate.This classic volume offers a differentperspective for understanding internationalissues.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1866-7 (paper) 2011184 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00Hamid DabashiNavid Nikzadfar, editorWith an introduction by the editor“These passionate, often strident essays,largely written as events were unfolding,represent Dabashi’s effort to explain,understand, and interpret the GreenMovement . . . In the end, Dabashi’s viewis that the Green Movement was a civilrights movement and not a revolutionagainst an Iranian government that had lostlegitimacy.”—C. H. Allen, ChoiceThe Green Movement in Iran presentsDabashi’s account of Iran’s June 2009 election,its tumultuous aftermath, and the characteristicsand aspirations of the emergingGreen Movement.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1841-4 (cloth) 2011185 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4545-8 (eBook)**Leadership in East EuropeanCommunism, 1945-1970R. Barry Farrell, editorFifteen eminent social scientists from NorthAmerica and Eastern Europe met underthe auspices of Northwestern University’sComparative Politics Program to discuss thesignificance and characteristics of changes inpolitical leadership in Eastern Europe and theSoviet Union since World War II. The presentationsat the conference are incorporatedinto this comprehensive analysis of politicalleadership in European communist countriessince World War II.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4281-5 (paper) 2011370 pp. $44.95/£33.95/$C53.95/€43.00Mission to the Republicof Congo15-24 March 2010African Commission onHuman and Peoples’ RightsBased on a mission to Brazzaville and in theSibiti region and meetings held with governmentauthorities, civil society organizations,indigenous communities and other stakeholders,the report describes the situation ofthe indigenous populations in the Republicof Congo.ISBN: 978-87-92786-08-1 (paper) 2012150 pp. $24.95/$C29.95*The Elections in Israel 2009Asher Arian and Michal Shamir,editorsThe elections to the 18th Knesset (legislatureof Israel) are best understood in the contextof the wars that were at each end of EhudOlmert’s government tenure, corruptionscandals involving the prime minister, andthe failure of Tzipi Livni, the newly electedhead of the ruling center party, Kadima, toform a new coalition following Olmert’sresignation. This was followed by theworld financial crisis, which directed attentiontowards the economic dimensionand performance of the candidates. On theface of it, the campaign was cut short whenmilitary action began in Gaza. Still, the electionbecame personalized and focused onthe candidates: Benjamin Netanyahu, EhudBarak, and Tzipi Livni.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1478-2 (cloth) 2011315 pp. $69.95/£52.95/$C84.95/€66.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4432-1 (eBook)**The Oslo IdeaThe Euphoria of FailureRaphael IsraeliThe nation of Israel has never known peace,but it dreams of peace. The Oslo Idea tracesthe roots of the current campaign to delegitimizeIsrael. It results from a change of tacticsby the Palestinian leadership. Raphael Israelideconstructs the immense illusion of the Oslopeace accords, which initiated the so-called“peace process.” He shows how Oslo lured anaive Israeli leadership into a trap. He showshow Oslo’s supporters have advanced the“peace process” by coaxing and threateningIsrael behind the scenes, and binding Israelalone with the Oslo commitments and theirderivatives. More importantly, the authoroutlines and analyzes the basic and seeminglyunbridgeable points of contention thatremain: security, refugees, settlements, water,borders, and the status of Jerusalem itself.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4611-0 (cloth) 2012244 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00Order Online @ www.transactionpub.com* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.

International and Comparative Government and PoliticsThe Soviet SystemModels of Political ScienceGeorge FischerWith a new introductionby Paul HollanderIn this book Fischer takes issue with currentassumptions that societies developingan advanced, fully modern economy andculture must inevitably adopt Western-typesocial and political institutions. The authorholds that our understanding of contemporarynations is impeded by assessing themin terms of the prevailing American theoryof “pluralism.” The notion that a “pluralist”division of labor pervades all of modern societyis challenged and tested in the contextof the former Soviet Union as a modernsociety. The emergence of the dual executive,a leader with a special mixture of politicaland economic know-how, is emphasized asa trend toward a “monist” model of society.Fischer demonstrates how this model, inwhich all power is public and both industryand culture remain part of a non-capitalist,non-liberal state structure, can prove usefulin studying social change today.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4275-4 (paper) 2012211 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00Public-Private Relations inTotalitarian StatesGabriel A. BarhaimThis book argues that the disappearance ofmajor ideologies on the one hand and thedisintegration of the state and its institutionson the other hand have contributed to theredefinition of the social order. This leadsto cultural phenomena whose prevailingthemes encode the fate of individuals, bothsymbolically and expressively. Gabriel A.Barhaim regards the social order as the inspiringscene of action, while culture, withits diverse modes of expressions, providesguiding commentaries.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4260-0 (cloth) 2011192 pp. $44.95/£33.95/$C53.95/€43.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4650-9 (eBook)**ChernobylCrime without PunishmentAlla A. Yaroshinskaya“With admirable courage and heroicpersistence, the author overcomes strongbarriers of government secrecy, lies, andcover-ups to bring to light a story of officialarrogance and incompetence, resultingin tragic suffering and death from theChernobyl nuclear disaster.”—David Krieger, president,Nuclear Age Peace FoundationTwenty-five years ago the nuclear reactor atChernobyl experienced an explosion, meltdown,fire, and massive release of radioactivity.Yaroshinskaya describes the aftermath ofthe disaster, and reviews the latest medicaldata and the changes in the health of 9 millionChernobyl victims in over two decadessince the nuclear blast. She presents an accuratehistorical record of the events, completewith information on government cover-ups,with never-before-seen contents based onsecret documents from the Kremlin.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4296-9 (cloth) 2011409 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00Science and Ideology inSoviet Society1917-1967George Fischer,Richard T. De George,Loren R. Graham, andHerbert S. LevineThis book divides its attention among four differentfields of science: cybernetics, economics,philosophy, and sociology. The authorsbelieve that the disciplines discuss revealingtrends in Soviet science, in general, and itsinteraction with an established (though notimmutable) ideology, in particular. The authorsconducted a pioneering examination of themutual influence of ideology and science andthe problems and opportunities created forgovernment by the new scientific revolution.British MiscalculationsThe Rise of Muslim Nationalism,1918-1925Isaiah FriedmanIn the aftermath of World War I there wasfurious agitation throughout Islam againstthe dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire.Coupled with the powerful effect ofthe principle of self-determination, Britishindifference to Muslim sentiments gaverise to militant nationalism in Islam—whichbecame de facto anti-Western. This detailedand convincing account describes British indecisiveness,policy contradictions, and howmilitant nationalism was aggravated by theGreek invasion of Smyrna and its ambitionto create a Hellenic Empire in Anatolia withBritain’s connivance. As Friedman shows,the British administration of Palestine bearsa considerable share of responsibility for theArab-Zionist conflict in Palestine.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4749-0 (cloth) 2012309 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00Soldiers and Politics inSoutheast AsiaCivil-Military Relations inComparative Perspective, 1933-1975J. Stephen HoadleyBy exploring the role of military officers andchronicling the sequences of events, Soldiersand Politics in Southeast Asia offers insightinto the conditions that fostered military governmentsspecifically in Thailand, Burma,South Vietnam, Indonesia, and Cambodia.Critically comparing these case studies andstatistics, this volume provides readers witha deeper understanding of the causes andconsequences of military involvement inthe region’s politics during the post-colonialperiod. The book concludes that neither conservativenor radical views are fully correctas to the effects of military-led governmentson development.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4736-0 (paper) 2012319 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-3478-0 (eBook)**ISBN: 978-1-4128-4594-6 (paper) 2012185 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00Check www.transactionpub.com for discounts on select titles.* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.International and Comparative Government and Politics

Policy, Administration, and LawPolicy, Administration, and LawAmerica’sWater andWastewaterCrisisThe Role ofPrivate Enterprise“In this distinctivebook . . . [Lewis D.Solomon] discusses thehistorical development and regulation of U.S.water resources and provides a comprehensiveoverview of current challenges, such as agingwater infrastructures, conservation efforts,dwindling natural supplies, population growth,funding, security, technological advances, andwastewater treatment. Solomon identifiesfuture trends like project privatizations andincreases in partnerships between privateand public organizations, and offers adviceabout how to fine-tune these partnershipsso they are win-win situations . . . Becausethe information here may be hard to findquickly by other means, the book will mostbenefit urban planners and policymakers.The content is illuminating and will appeal toreaders with an interest in civic affairs.”—Caroline Geck, MLS, Library JournalISBN: 978-1-4128-1823-0 (cloth) 2011240 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4950-0 (paper) 2012240 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00Defining DangerAmerican Assassins and the NewDomestic TerroristsJames W. ClarkeWith a new epilogue by the authorIn Defining Danger,James W. Clarkeexplores the culturaland psychologicallinkages that defineassassinations and anew era of domesticterrorism in America.The importanceand originality ofthis material hasbeen acknowledgedin presentations toand consultations with the U.S. Secret Serviceand some of the nation’s top independentprivate investigators.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4590-8 (paper) 2012445 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4906-7 (eBook)**Lewis D. SolomonSynthetic BiologyScience, Business, and Policy“[Solomon] presents a policy framework forself-regulation of the promising new fieldof synthetic biology . . . The volume beginswith background chapters on scientificexplanations of the origins of life, thechemical basis for life as revealed bymolecular biology, and recent research onreading the genetic code and sequencing thehuman genome.”—Book News Inc.Synthetic biology, the modification of artificialgenetic code, is the future of medicine.Creating organs in the lab, developingdisease-fighting proteins, and creating lifechangingpharmaceutical applications areall examples of this new technology. Arguingfor self-regulation by the scientific andbusiness communities, Lewis D. Solomonrecommends a policy framework that wouldguard against governmental overregulation,which could create a barrier to innovation.Although synthetic biotechnology holdsconsiderable social and economic potential,absent a nurturing regulatory climate, it mayprove difficult to translate research discoveriesinto commercially viable applications.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1856-8 (cloth) 2011174 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4647-9 (eBook)**Emotional BureaucracyRupert Hodder“Hodder questions the classic model ofbureaucracy and its relevance to developingregions.”—Book News Inc.Hodder challenges the Weberian distinctionbetween the role of emotion and a modernbureaucracy’s impersonal and rationalqualities. He suggests that bureaucraciesfunction differently, and offers a differentperspective. The focus is the Philippines,but Hodder’s conclusions are applicable toother developing areas. Two main themesare discussed. The first explores the classicWeberian model of bureaucracy. Thesecond concerns ways of thinking about thesocial features of bureaucracy. The focusis dimensions of bureaucracy that are lessdependent upon structure. What emerges isan innovative description of the social worldof bureaucracy and its attributes.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1493-5 (cloth) 2011286 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00The Privatizationof SpaceExplorationBusiness, Technology,Law and PolicyBy unleashing entrepreneurialactivity,Solomon writes, itmay be possible tomove the space programfrom the historicprovince of NASAand several giantaerospace firms andcreate a renaissancein human spaceflight.The private sector canenergize the quest for spaceexploration and shape the race for the finalfrontier. Space entrepreneurs and privatesector firms have already made significantinnovations in space travel. They have plansfor future tourism in space and safer shuttles.Solomon details current U.S. and internationallaws dealing with space use, settlement, andexploration. He then offers policy recommendationsto facilitate privatization.ISBN: 978-1-4128-0759-3 (cloth) 2008128 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4756-8 (paper) 2011128 pp. $24.95/£18.95/$C29.95/€24.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-1230-6 (eBook)**The Place of LawThe Role and Limits of Law inSocietyLarry D. BarnettThe framework forlaw proposed byBarnett is concernedwith activities thatare fundamentalaspects of socialorganization, i.e.,activities that aredeeply embeddedin social life, and isgrounded on a bodyof quantitative researchpertinent tothe societal sources and limits of law. Theframework is intended to apply to law insovereign, democratic nations that are economicallyadvanced and socially complex.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4258-7 (cloth) 2011499 pp. $59.95/£45.50/$C72.95/€57.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4643-1 (eBook)**10 Order Online @ www.transactionpub.com* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.

Policy, Administration, and LawLegal Education andPublic PolicyHarold D. LasswellWith a new introductionby Irving Louis HorowitzIn the process ofdeveloping nowc o m m o n p l a c efoundations of socialresearch fewindividuals haveexercised a greaterrole in justifyingand enriching socialscientific thoughtand practice thanHarold D. Lasswell.Lasswell’s essaysfuse the legal and moral in the conduct ofpublic policy. This did not deter him fromarguing the case for and ultimate benefitsof democratic values as a ground for legalthought. Lasswell’s essays serve as a landmarkin accelerating rapid advances in socialscience research. It allowed for the evolutionof political behavior that has catapulted thefield to a major dimension of political sciencestudies in leadership and mass persuasion.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4287-7 (paper) 2012324 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00Strategic Contracting forHealth Systems and ServicesJean Perrot andEric de Roodenbeke, editorsUntil the start of the new century, efforts tostrengthen health systems focused solelyon the public sector and health programsoverseen by public bodies. The private sectorwas sidelined in certain countries andeven banned in others. This volume notesprofound changes in health care aroundthe world in two areas. The stakeholdersinvolved in the health sector are increasingin number and diversifying as a result of thedevelopment of the private sector. They arealso responding to a process of democratizationand decentralization. The interdependenceof health stakeholders becomes moreevident along with the increased complexityof delivery systems as these respond tochanging demand.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1499-7 (cloth) 2011556 pp. $79.95/£60.5/$C96.95/€76.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-1500-0 (paper) 2011556 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4798-8 (eBook)**To Kill AnotherHomicide and Natural LawGraham J. McAleer“To Kill Another: Homicide and Natural Lawis a pick for any college-level legal history,religion, and political collection and offersan assertion that only public authority hasthe right to intentionally kill . . . [McAleer]argues there must be consequences for theguilty as well as prohibition against killinginnocents.”—James A. Cox, BookwatchPublic acts of homicide-likecapitalpunishment are nowviewed by many asbarbaric, even forheinous crimes,while a private actof homicide like the(increasingly routine)starvation ofcomatose patientsis viewed by manyas a caring gestureboth to patient and family. This privatizationof homicide is ongoing in Western law,despite the fact that it runs counter to therule of law.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4960-9 (paper) 2012250 pp. $24.95/£18.95/$C29.95/€24.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4440-6 (eBook)**Promoting Democracy AbroadPolicy and PerformancePeter BurnellPromoting democracy has grown from asmall, little-known activity to a high-profileendeavor. It now involves academia, thinktanks, and the popular media. The numberof countries and organizations, inter-governmental,non-governmental, as well as governmentalinvolved in supporting the spreadof democracy is now legion. Countriestouched by these efforts include a majority ofall the world’s states and some independentterritories that are not yet fully sovereign.For Burnell, if democracy promotion andassistance are to be fit for the future, thenthe need for a broadly based, appropriatelycontextualized examination of the policy andthe performance is greater now than at anytime in the past.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1842-1 (cloth) 2011337 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00Marriage MattersPerspectives on the Private andPublic Importance of MarriageJanice Shaw Crouse“Marriage Matters is a wonderful weaving ofhow the private and the public, the intimate,and the commons are interdependent . . . Itis a great handbook for this national debateand, despite its complexity, is an easy read,for Crouse is a great practitioner of therhetorical arts.”—Patrick F. Fagan,senior fellow and director,Marriage and Religion Research InstituteIn Marriage Matters,Janice ShawCrouse argues thatmarriage is a criticalelement in afree society andthat society’s mostvulnerable communities,especiallyminorities and thepoor, suffer the mostfrom the nation’s retreatfrom marriage.Compared to other household arrangements,Crouse observes, marriage is by far the bestfor raising children and offers financial advantagesas well.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4607-3 (cloth) 2012256 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00Classic Writings inLaw and SocietySecond Edition, Revisedand ExpandedA. Javier Treviño, editorThe goal of Classic Writings in Law andSociety is to acquaint a new generation ofstudents with classic writings by diversesocial and legal scholars. This work continuesto demonstrate their contemporarytheoretical relevance. These essays have aclear relation to the “classic” tradition insociolegal thought. Reading the classics isuseful in gaining a better understanding andappreciation of the essential foundation fora post-classic approach in law and socialinquiry—an approach that can be found insuch orientations as critical legal studies,chaos theory in law, and legal semiotics.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1142-2 (paper) 2010388 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4460-4 (eBook)**Policy, Administration, and LawCheck www.transactionpub.com for discounts on select titles. 11* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.

Policy, Administration, and LawPareto on PolicyWarren J. SamuelsWith a new introductionby Steven G. MedemaWarren J. Samuels interprets Vilfredo Pareto’sTreatise on General Sociology in termsof a general equilibrium model of policy.Three themes run throughout the study. Thefirst is a model of policy making involvingthree sets of variables: power, knowledge,and psychology. The second is a generalequilibrium approach to the study of thesevariables emphasizing their fundamentalinterdependence. The third is the importanceof Pareto’s work. The approach outlined hereis important to those who are interested inpursuing the working rules of law and moralsthat govern the distribution and exercise ofpower as well as the exercise of power thatgoverns the development of these rules.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4751-3 (paper) 2012242 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00Psychiatry and Public AffairsGroup for the Advancementof PsychiatryLeo H. Bartemeier, editorThis stimulating collection bears witnessto the insight that psychiatrists, with theirspecial training and background and concernfor human relationships, can contribute solutionsto major problems of public affairsand public policy. The contributors representthe summation and distillation of the bestthinking of psychiatry’s leaders. The Groupfor the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP)envisages a continuing program of workaccording to the following aims: to collectand appraise significant data in the field ofpsychiatry, mental health, and human relations;and to re-evaluate old concepts and todevelop and test new ones.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4283-9 (paper) 2011476 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4811-4 (eBook)**Policy, Administration, and LawManaging Diversityin the MilitaryResearch Perspectives fromthe Defense Equal OpportunityManagement InstituteMickey R. Dansby,James B. Stewart, andSchuyler C. Webb, editorsManaging Diversity in the Military providesan introduction to diversity management andequal opportunity research in the UnitedStates military. In twenty-four chapters itaddresses current equal opportunity and diversityissues and explores how the militaryis attempting to resolve them.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4605-9 (paper) 2012589 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-2799-7 (eBook)**Men at WarPolitics, Technology and Innovationin the Twentieth CenturyTimothy Travers and ChristonArcher, editorsThe perspective of Men at War is a crossbetween a professional internalist approachand a civilian contextual view. This separationis not unique to military history, for thesame dualism tends to occur in those areasof history, such as law and medicine, that canbe written both by members of the professionconcerned—lawyers and doctors—and bythose outside the profession.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1498-0 (paper) 2010228 pp. $24.95/£18.95/$C29.95/€24.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4464-2 (eBook)**Military Rules, Regulationsand the Code of WarFrancis Lieber and the Certificationof ConflictRichard Shelly HartiganMilitary commanders in ancient times setdown rules and regulations to discipline theirtroops. From the Pharaohs on, commandersdirected the strategy, tactics, and camp disciplineof the often unruly hosts of soldiersunder their command. They had one aim: tocreate an efficient fighting force. Militaryofficers, camp-followers, and cooks were allexpected to perform their services accordingto mandate and in light of the best interestsof the armed force and the fighting soldiery.Modern commanders have exemplified thesame passion for military discipline to producean effective combat machine.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1476-8 (paper) 2010164 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4412-3 (eBook)**The Challenge of AbolishingNuclear WeaponsDavid Krieger, editorIn this remarkable collection, scholars andpolicy analysts argue that humankind has achoice: either allow nuclear weapons to continueto proliferate throughout the world ormove toward their complete elimination. Thecontributors to this volume provide historicalperspective on nuclear weapons policy;explore the role of international law infurthering the prospects of nuclear weaponsabolition; consider the obstacles to abolition;present a path to achieving a nuclear weapons-freeworld; and look beyond abolition toconsider issues of post-abolition sovereigntyand general and complete disarmament.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1036-4 (cloth) 2009301 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-1490-4 (paper) 2010301 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-1517-8 (eBook)**12 Order Online @ www.transactionpub.com* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.

Policy, Administration, and LawThe Dilemma of AmericanSocial WelfareWilliam M. EpsteinThis is one of thoserare works emanatingfrom a socialwelfare expert thatdoes not offer easyplacebos or simplisticclaims basedon more money.Epstein is bluntin his denial thattraditional welfarecan readily resolvemajor social andeconomic questions of the times. His work,addressed to the malaise in the social welfareor helping professions, should serve as anearly warning signal that easy solutions arehard for recipients to identify and harderstill for donors to put forth. Although it wasoriginally published in the early 1990s, thebook remains relevant to political and socialquestions of the day.ISBN: 978-1-56000-088-4 (cloth) 1993251 pp. $44.95/£33.95/$C53.95/€43.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4586-1 (paper) 2011251 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-3654-8 (eBook)**Informing Cultural PolicyThe Research and InformationInfrastructureJ. Mark SchusterWith an appendixby Catherine C. Galley andRuth Ann StewartIn Informing Cultural Policy, internationalcultural policy scholar and researcher J.Mark Schuster relates the findings of a studythat took him from North America to Europeto gain understanding of the cultural policyinformation infrastructure in place abroad.Schuster discusses private- and public-sectormodels, including research divisions of governmentcultural funding agencies, nationalstatistics agencies, independent nonprofitresearch institutes, government-designateduniversity-based research centers, privateconsulting firms, cultural “observatories,”non-institutional networks, research programs,and publications.ISBN: 978-0-88285-174-7 (paper) 2002292 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00Comparative Policy Evaluation SeriesRay C. Rist, Series EditorEvaluationCultures—Sense-Makingin Complex TimesVolume 19Jean-Claude Barbierand Penny Hawkins,editorsThe relationship between evaluation andculture is a complicated one. Political systemsand countries can be seen as harboringdiverse “evaluation cultures.” As a result ofglobalization, more experts and academicsare now firmly inserted in expert forums,or cross-national expert “markets”; and theexperience of cultural difference is verycommonly shared. Evaluators deal withpeople, individuals, and communities thatare best seen in the light of a multiculturalperspective. These issues encapsulate themain aspects of the complex relationship ofevaluation and culture(s). When it comes toevaluation, public policies and governmentsare involved in such a manner that politicalculture has a dominant position in providingexplanations for diversity across countries.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4942-5 (cloth) 2012246 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00Evaluating the ComplexAttribution, Contribution, andBeyondVolume 18Kim Forss, Mita Marra, andRobert Schwartz, editorsEvaluating the Complex is a conceptualframework and collection of case studiesdepicting how governmental and non-governmentalorganizations evaluate the successof complex policy initiatives. The chapterscover a wide variety of subjects, such aspoverty, homelessness, smoking prevention,HIV/AIDS, and child labor. The use of casestudies sheds light on the conceptual ideas atwork in organizations addressing some of theworld’s largest and most varied problems.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1846-9 (cloth) 2011360 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4544-1 (eBook)**EvaluationSeeking Truth orPower?Volume 17Pearl Eliadis,Jan-Eric Furubo,and Steve Jacob,editorsToday most social andpolitical observers would havedifficulty imagining a society where evaluationis not a fixture of daily life, from individualprograms to local authorities toparliamentary committees. While universityresearchers, grant makers, and public servantsmay think there are too many types of evaluation,rankings, and reviews, evaluation isnonetheless viewed positively by the public.It is perceived as a tool for improvement andevaluators are seen as dedicated to using theirknowledge for the benefit of society. The bookexamines the degree to which evaluators seekpower for their own interests.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1141-5 (cloth) 2011240 pp. $59.95/£45.50/$C72.95/€57.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4424-6 (eBook)**The Evidence BookConcepts, Generation, andUse of EvidenceVolume 15Olaf Rieper, Frans L. Leeuw, andTom Ling, editorsKnowledge grows as ideas are tested againsteach other. Agreement is not resolved simplyby naming concepts but in the dialecticalprocess of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.There are many echoes of these debates inThe Evidence Book. The contributors makeclaims for both practitioner wisdom and thevoice of experience. Against this is posedthe authority of experimental science andthe randomized controlled trial.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1023-4 (cloth) 2009192 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4581-6 (paper) 2011192 pp. $24.95/£18.95/$C29.95/€24.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-1582-6 (eBook)**For more books in theComparative Policy Evaluation Series, visitwww. transactionpub.comPolicy, Administration, and LawCheck www.transactionpub.com for discounts on select titles. 13* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.

Urban PlanningRemaking Urban CitizenshipOrganizations, Institutions, and theRight to the CityComparative Urban and CommunityResearch, Volume 10Michael Peter Smith andMichael McQuarrie, editorsDue to heightened global migration andtransnational mobility, many residents of theworld’s cities lack national citizenship in theplaces to which they have moved for work,refuge, or retirement. These concerns—citieswithout citizenship and people withoutpolitical power—inform the agendas oforganizations that seek to restructure urbancitizenship in more democratic directions.Remaking Urban Citizenship focuses on theuses and limits of such political organizationsand coalitions, shows the various ways theypursue expanded rights within the city, anddescribes the institutional changes necessaryto empower global migrants and popularclasses as urban citizens.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4618-9 (paper) 2012237 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00Department of Housing andUrban DevelopmentPublic Scandals and Silent FiascoesIrving WelfeldIn recent history, HUD was scrutinized forlax lending standards, blatant over appraisalsand shoddy housing. The author provides notonly documented history, but analyses ofevents that arrive at different interpretationsthan Congress reached in its investigationsof the Department of Housing and Urban Development.This volume provides solutionsthat would minimize secrecy on the part offederal administrators and the temptation toabuse the public trust.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4781-0 (paper) 2012194 pp. $26.95/£20.50/$C32.95/€26.00Urban PlanningEconomic Growth and FiscalPlanning in New YorkRoy Bahl and William DuncombeThe authors describe and analyze the patternsof population, employment, and personalincome growth. Following this is a study ofstate and local government finances in NewYork since 1970 and a recounting of the fiscaladjustments that were made in the faceof slower and then faster economy growth.Economic Growth and Fiscal Planning inNew York should be read by all those seekinga route through the tangled thickets ofgovernment policy for economic growth.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4839-8 (paper) 2012355 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00The Metropolis inBlack and WhitePlace, Power and PolarizationGeorge C. Galster andEdward W. Hill, editors“A useful way to stimulate thinking about thestill unresolved problems of race and classin the cities.”—PlanningThough urban areas have become multicultural,the editors argue that black–whiteracial differences will outlast ethnic differencesin metropolitan America and thatAfrican Americans, on average, are the poorest,most segregated, most disadvantagedurban racial (or ethnic) group, because theyare deeply entangled in the web of interrelationshipsconnecting place, power, andpolarization. Intertwined themes of spatialisolation, political empowerment, and racialdisparities—place, power, and polarization—guidethe analyses.ISBN: 978-0-88285-139-6 (paper) 1992404 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00Introduction to PlanningHistory in the United StatesDonald A. Krueckeberg, editorThis book is an introduction to the historyof the city planning profession in the UnitedStates, from its roots in the middle of thenineteenth century to the present day. Thebook contains case studies and focuses onthe role of the planner and the effectivenessof the profession. Donald A. Krueckebergconcludes with a bibliography of planninghistory in the United States.ISBN: 978-0-88285-083-2 (paper) 1983315 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00Federal Housing Policy andProgramsPast and PresentJ. Paul Mitchell, editorThe basic outlines of a federal housing policywere drawn during the Great Depression.Housing programs arose to stimulate employment,to preserve and strengthen financialinstitutions, and to protect and promotehomeownership. During the decades followingWorld War II, homeownership programswere successful. High family formation andhigh birth rates went hand-in-hand with highwages, mortgage availability, and consumerism,so that, despite raising home prices,single-family dwellings sprawled across thenation. Where is the federal government goingin housing now? This book provides thebuilding blocks to understanding the presentand future.ISBN: 978-0-88285-107-5 (paper) 1985406 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00Readings in Urban AnalysisPerspectives on Urban Form andStructureRobert W. Lake, editorBeginning with landmark articles in neoclassicaland ecological theory, this volumecovers the latest departures and developments.Separate sections cover political approachesto locational conflict, institutional influenceson urban form, and recent Marxist approachesto urban analysis. Among the topics includedare community strategies in locational conflict,the political economy of place, the roleof government and the courts, institutionalinfluences in the housing market, and therelationship between urban form and capitalistdevelopment. This is a valuable introductorytext for courses in urban planning, urbangeography, and urban sociology.ISBN: 978-0-88285-082-5 (paper) 1983341 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00<strong>Transaction</strong> isproud to presenta valuable newcollection ofbooks inUrban Policyand Planning.For a copy of this catalogue, visitwww.transactionpub.com or call1-888-999-677814 Order Online @ www.transactionpub.com* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.

The Problem withSurvey ResearchGeorge Beam“[A]bsorbing and highly readable . . .This well-researched and cogent bookwill certainly prod many social scientistsnot only to question their assumptionsregarding survey research, but even morefundamentally to question its relevance andvalidity.”—Lawrence D. Hubbell, professor ofpolitical science, University of WyomingThe Problem withSurvey Researchmakes a case againstsurvey research asa primary sourceof reliable information.George Beamargues that all surveyresearch instruments,all types ofasking—includingpolls, face-to-faceinterviews, andfocus groups—produce unreliable andpotentially inaccurate results. Reliable informationcan only be acquired by observation,experimentation, multiple sources of data,formal model building and testing, documentanalysis, and comparison.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4603-5 (cloth) 2012450 pp. $59.95/£45.50/$C72.95/€57.00Images of Voting/Visionsof DemocracyPeter B. NatchezWith introductionsby John C. Blydenburg and SidneyA. Pearson, Jr.When survey research, statistics, and electronicdata processing were first introduced,they held out promise that a new level ofpolitical knowledge would be created. Appliedto the study of voting behavior, surveyresearch promised an understanding of thefactors determining the outcome of an election,that political history could be basedon rich and current data, and that we couldbegin to understand the role of electionsin constitutional democracy. The truth, asPeter B. Natchez shows, is that despite theopportunity provided by this revolution,voting studies have failed to make significantcontributions to democratic theory orpolitical history.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4292-1 (paper) 2011332 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4920-3 (eBook)**Political Theory and MethodPolitical Responsibility for aGlobalised WorldAfter Levinas’ HumanismErnst WolffThe aim of this book is to reflect on thecomplex practice of responsibility within thecontext of a globalized world and contemporarymeans of action. Levinas’ explorationof the ethical serves as point of entry and isshown to be seeking inter-cultural politicalrelevance through engagement in the issuesof postcolonialism and humanism. However,Levinas fails to realize the ethical implicationsof the inevitable instrumental mediationbetween the ethical meaning and politicalpractice. With recourse to Weber, Apel, andRicoeur, Wolff proposes a theory of strategicco-responsibility for the uncertain globalcontext of practice.ISBN: 978-3-8376-1694-1 (paper) 2011286 pp. $44.95/$C53.95*Political RomanticismCarl SchmittWith a new introductionby Graham McAleerA pioneer in legal and political theory,Schmitt traces the prehistory of politicalromanticism by examining its relationshipto revolutionary and reactionary tendenciesin modern European history. According toSchmitt, the use of the concept to designateopposed political positions results from thecharacter of political romanticism: its unpredictablequality and lack of commitment toany substantive political position.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1472-0 (paper) 2010227 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4430-7 (eBook)**The Scope and Method ofPolitical EconomyJohn Neville KeynesWith a new introductionby David FelixJohn Neville Keynes argues that almost everyproblem connected with the scope andmethod of political economy has given rise toconflict of opinion. While making no attemptto bring about a complete reconciliationbetween opposing views, Keynes shows thatthe nature of the opposition between themhas sometimes been misunderstood, and itsextent is consequently exaggerated.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1464-5 (paper) 2011375 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4439-0 (eBook)**Beyond Global CrisisRemedies and Road Maps by DaisakuIkeda and His ContemporariesTerrence Edward PauppWith a foreword by Olivier UrbainIn this volume, TerrencePaupp arguesthat much humanconflict and environmentaldegradationis the directconsequence of povertyand inequality.Until these issuesare addressed, manyof the world’s problemswill remain.By using variousroad maps and remedies supplied by notedJapanese peace activist Daisaku Ikeda andhis contemporaries, viable solutions willemerge.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4616-5 (paper) 2012416 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00A Theory of Public OpinionFrancis Graham WilsonWith a new introductionby H. Lee Cheek, Jr.Wilson appraises the influence of modernpsychology, with its techniques and ideas,and the slow and at first scarcely recognizedappearance of the methodologies thatwould enable people not only to measurethe opinions of others, but to mold them aswell. The author’s penetrating insight bringsan understanding on public opinion that isinvaluable.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1501-7 (paper) 2012308 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00Bounded Bureaucracy andthe Budgetary Process in theUnited StatesJay Eungha RyuBureaucracies have been criticized fromvarious perspectives and blamed for a varietyof failings. This book provides solid data onhow bureaucracies can expedite informationprocessing and reduce organizationalconflicts. Jay Eungha Ryu finds that the functionsof bureaucracies are highly dependentupon external political conditions.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4289-1 (cloth) 2011223 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4645-5 (eBook)**Check www.transactionpub.com for discounts on select titles. 15* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.Political Theory and Method

Political Theory and MethodPolitical Theory and MethodIrving Louis HorowitzHannah ArendtRadical Conservative“Arendt remains one of the most original,challenging and influential political thinkersof the twentieth century and her work willno doubt continue to provide inspiration forpolitical philosophy as we enter the twentyfirstcentury.”—Majid Yar, Lancaster University, UKHannah Arendt: Radical Conservative paintsa broad picture of the personal traits andprofessional achievements in the work ofan extremely complex iconographic figurein twentieth-century intellectual life. Thisvolume was written in response to continuinginterest in her work and also to thebitter and sometimes emotional attacks ofher toughest critics. Irving Louis Horowitzemphasizes her unique contributions to politicalphilosophy. Hannah Arendt’s career isa lesson in the life of the human mind. Herreflections on our political universe are bothinteresting and compelling.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4602-8 (cloth) 2012144 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.00The Long Night of Dark IntentA Half Century ofCuban Communism“Horowitz’s keen intellect and acerbic styleare on full display.”—Joshua H. Nadel, ContemporarySociology: A Journal of ReviewsThis selection of essays, articles, andspeeches by Horowitz is cumulatively astatement of the collective national disastersuffered by Cubans for the past half century.The volume aims to explain the theory andpractice of the regime, the absence of internalopposition, and the persistence of externalsupport for Castro.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4224-2 (paper) 2011620 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00Culture and CivilizationReligion in the Shadows ofModernity, Volume 4Debates on the meaning of religious beliefin an advanced technological age haveestablished the emergence of religion as afact of daily life. In this volume of Cultureand Civilization, religion is examined inthe context of post-modern societies. Thevolume as a whole projects a sense of thefuture and avoids hysteria about the past. Thecontributors have a sharp edge and speak in acritical voice to the dilemmas of the presentworld order.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4621-9 (paper) 2012288 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4671-4 (eBook)**Culture and CivilizationGlobalism, Volume 3A constant theme throughout this volume ofCulture and Civilization is the immediateimpact of globalism: in economics, government,manners, styles, egalitarianism in politicaldemands, and terrorism as a responseto democratic systems. Threading a needlebetween abstracted empiricism that dominatespresent science policy and speculativemetaphysics that offers little else than a greatvision of the world, this volume of Cultureand Civilization on Globalism charts a spacefor which there is a felt need by large publics,responded to by serious social science specialistscapable of addressing such interestsin historically meaningful contexts.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4238-9 (paper) 2011281 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4729-2 (eBook)**Psychology and PoliticsW. H. R. RiversWith an introductionby Charles S. MyersIn applying psychology to the field of politics,the eminent British anthropologist andpsychologist W. H. R. Rivers considered therelation between psychology and sociology.He put forward the position that the formulationof an adequate science of social psychologylies in the observation of social conduct,including not merely the social conduct ofeveryday life, but also those forms of it whichare subsumed under the headings of religion,economics, and politics, as well as the socialinstitution of language.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1819-3 (paper) 2011188 pp. $24.95/£18.95/$C29.95/€24.00Behavioralism inPolitical ScienceHeinz Eulau, editorSince the middle of the twentieth century, thestudy of politics has been rocked by disagreementsover its scope, theories, and methods.These disagreements were somewhat lessfrequent than in most sciences, natural orbehavioral, but they have been at times bitterand persuasive. The subject matter of politicalscience—politics and all that is involved inpolitics—has a halo effect. The stakes of politicsmake people fight and sometimes die forwhat they claim as their due. This collectionbrings together the most persuasive writingson these topics from top minds in the field.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1852-0 (paper) 2011169 pp. $24.95/£18.95/$C29.95/€24.00The Small CommunityFoundation of Democratic LifeArthur E. MorganWith a foreword by Baker Brownell“Morgan’s book is an argument in favor ofthe small community and its rehabilitationas a basic unit in modern society.”—Robert A. Polson,American Sociological ReviewIn this manual for human survival, Arthur E.Morgan offers a solution: peaceful existencein the small, primary community where,more easily than anywhere else, people canfind a way to live well.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4746-9 (paper) 2012333 pp. $29.95/£22.95/$C35.95/€29.0016 Order Online @ www.transactionpub.com* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.

Political PhilosophyNathaniel Hawthorne asPolitical PhilosopherRevolutionary PrinciplesDomesticated and PersonalizedJohn E. AlvisFrom America’sfounding proclamationsin theDeclaration ofIndependence wetake a sense of thenational aspirationsfor a politicalorder that conformsto “laws ofnature and nature’sGod.” From thishigher law emergethe principles enumeratedin that revolutionary document. Withexamples drawn from Hawthorne’s shorterworks as well as acknowledged classics, suchas The Scarlet Letter, John E. Alvis showsthat Hawthorne’s characters bear somethingsacred in their generic humanity, yet aresubject to moral judgment. He conveysreciprocity between obligations regulatingindividual relations and the responsibilitiesof individuals to their community.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4247-1 (cloth) 2011291 pp. $49.95/£37.95/$C59.95/€47.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4795-7 (eBook)**The Frankfurt SchoolThe Critical Theories of Max Horkheimerand Theodor W. AdornoZoltan TarrWith a new introductionby the author and a forewordby Michael LandmannThe Frankfurt School refers to a school ofneo-Marxist interdisciplinary social theoryparticularly established at the Institute forSocial Research at the University of Frankfurt,Germany in 1923. Zoltan Tarr’s investigationfocuses on three key issues. The firstis the Frankfurt School’s original programof providing a general theory of moderncapitalist society. The second is the claimto represent a continuation of the originalMarxian theory through the school’s CriticalTheory. The third is the scientific validityof Critical Theory in light of the generallyaccepted canons of the natural and socialsciences.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1834-6 (paper) 2011271 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00The Art of ConjectureVernon Louis ParringtonThe Romantic Revolution inAmerica: 1800-1860Main Currents in American Thought,Volume 2With a new introductionby Bruce BrownThe developmentof literature between1800 and1860 in the UnitedStates was heavilyinfluenced bytwo wars. The Warof 1812 hastenedthe developmentof nineteenth-centuryideals, and theCivil War uprootedcertain growths ofthose vigorous years.Parrington argues that Americawas becoming a new world with undreamedpotential. The older America of colonialdays had been static, rationalistic, inclinedto pessimism, and fearful of innovation. TheAmerica that emerged, which is the focalpoint of this volume, was a shifting, restlessworld, eager to better itself, and bent on findingeasier roads to wealth than the ploddingpath of natural increase.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4599-1 (paper) 2012531 pp. $44.95/£33.95/$C53.95/€43.00Bertrand de JouvenelWith a new introductionby Daniel J. MahoneyThe Art of Conjecture clearly explains whatthe “study of the future” can mean. Bertrandde Jouvenel emphasizes the logicaland political problems of forecasting anddiscusses methods in economics, sociology,and political science by which the future canbe studied. The author argues that it is naturaland necessary for the population to have visionsof the future. Without this, he states,we would only be able to set one opinionof the future against another. De Jouvenelaimed to show how “the art of conjecture”could inform prudential judgment and allowcitizens and statesmen to detect troublesbefore they arise.ISBN: 978-1-4128-4748-3 (paper) 2012319 pp. $34.95/£26.50/$C41.95/€33.00Liberalism, Puritanism andthe Colonial MindMain Currents in American Thought,Volume 1With a new introductionby Bruce BrownIn Liberalism, Puritanismand theColonial Mind,Parrington givesa brilliant accountof the beginningand developmentof American letters,the early ideasthat have come tobe regarded as traditionallyAmerican—howtheycame into being, howthey were opposed, and what influencethey have exerted in determining theform and scope of our ideals and institutions.This first of a three-volume work carries theaccount from early beginnings in PuritanNew England to the triumph of Jeffersonand back-country agrarianism.ISBN: 978-1-4128-1868-1 (paper) 2011452 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00The Modern Social ConflictThe Politics of LibertyRalf DahrendorfIn this completely revised edition of TheModern Social Conflict, Ralf Dahrendorfexplores the basis and substance of socialand class conflict. Ultimately, he finds thatconflicts are about enhancing life chances;that is, they concern the options people havewithin a framework of social linkages, theties that bind a society, which Dahrendorfcalls ligatures. The book offers a concise andaccessible account of conflict’s contributionto democracies, and how democracies mustchange if they are to retain their political andsocial freedom.ISBN: 978-0-7658-0385-6 (cloth) 2007219 pp. $39.95/£30.95/$C47.95/€38.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-4758-2 (paper) 2012219 pp. $24.95/£18.95/$C29.95/€24.00ISBN: 978-1-4128-0944-3 (eBook)**Check www.transactionpub.com for discounts on select titles. 17* Only available from <strong>Transaction</strong> in North America** eBooks available through http://books.google.com/ebooks. Institutions can buy direct; visit ebookstore.transactionpub.com.Political Philosophy

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