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District makes tough decision - Community Shoppers, Inc.

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6 MESSENGER ■ Sunday, September 14, 2008<br />

communityshoppers.com<br />



Left takes<br />

aim at Palin<br />

V<br />

oters can expect attacks on Republican<br />

vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin<br />

to intensify in coming weeks. For the<br />

American left and its willing accomplices in the<br />

elite media, Palin is the most dangerous political<br />

figure since the transformative Ronald<br />

Reagan — fresh from making hash of the largebrained<br />

Jimmy Carter — ushered in the conservative<br />

revolution of the 1980s.<br />

Palin, 44, the<br />

reform-minded<br />

Alaskan governor, is<br />

an accomplished,<br />

articulate, freshfaced<br />

mother of five,<br />

and she is, of<br />

course, conservative.<br />

Our view<br />

■ Self-described “hockey<br />

mom” might be the real<br />

transformative figure in this<br />

year’s presidential campaign.<br />

She manages an $11 billion budget and 15,000<br />

state employees. Hers is the kind of political<br />

resume liberals covet for their candidate, former<br />

community organizer Barack (middle name<br />

omitted) Obama.<br />

Should John McCain win the presidency in<br />

November, Palin immediately stands a better<br />

chance than any woman before her, including<br />

Hillary Clinton, of being the first female president<br />

in the country’s history. This is intolerable<br />

for liberals, whose identity-politics dogma<br />

rejects the very notion that a woman like Palin<br />

— with blue collar roots and a pregnant teenage<br />

daughter — would choose the Republican Party<br />

over the party of caterwauling feminist entitlement.<br />

Thus we’ve had to witness an unprecedented<br />

and sexist media/Internet assault on Palin and<br />

her family. Smear merchants have questioned<br />

her commitment to motherhood, they’ve assailed<br />

her hairstyle and wardrobe, they’ve questioned<br />

her husband’s drinking habits, sneered at her<br />

working-class background and lied with<br />

Clintonesque aplomb about her record.<br />

For her part, Palin has held up remarkably<br />

well; if she manages to further establish herself<br />

as a consequential political leader and helps her<br />

party retain the White House, the effects of<br />

John McCain’s bold <strong>decision</strong> to put her on the<br />

ticket likely will reverberate long after the<br />

November election.<br />

And that, to be sure, is a nightmare scenario<br />

for American liberals, who see Palin and still<br />

can’t quite believe their eyes.<br />


For rest of the world, Obama intrigues, not Palin<br />

While Americans are just getting ready<br />

for the presidential campaign with the two<br />

contenders receiving their party nominations,<br />

and while the race seen from here is<br />

extremely close, foreigners seem to think it<br />

already is over, with Democratic candidate<br />

Barack Obama the landslide winner.<br />

The encomiums in the foreign media<br />

have called Obama variously “the black<br />

Kennedy,” “the new Abraham Lincoln,” “the<br />

new Mandela,” “the new Dalai Lama” and<br />

even “Tony Blair of 11 years ago.”<br />

Obama struck a strong chord overseas,<br />

even before he won the Democratic primaries,<br />

because there are so few examples of an<br />

ethnic minority reaching the highest pinnacle<br />

of government in other countries.<br />

Although the United States has never elevated<br />

a woman to the White House, much<br />

of the rest of the world has long been used<br />

to female presidents, prime ministers,<br />

empresses and monarchs.<br />

Obama’s novelty value is such that the<br />

foreign media immediately dropped Hillary<br />

Clinton like a sack of potatoes as soon as<br />

the primary season got under way. And<br />

there is not much chance that they will be<br />

YOUR TURN:<br />

Joanne<br />

Anderson<br />

Janesville<br />

I think it was a<br />

mistake because<br />

she doesn’t have<br />

that much<br />

experience. I think<br />

she’s an attractive<br />

woman, but we need<br />

more than that.<br />

‘Untested’ Obama<br />



impressed by Republican candidate John<br />

McCain’s choice of a woman to share his<br />

ticket. Not only is Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin<br />

too conservative for many of America’s critics,<br />

but most foreign media invariably side<br />

with the Democratic contender.<br />

For many outside the United States, the<br />

idea of a female political leader is not nearly<br />

as exotic as it is for Americans. Foreign<br />

visitors to America often ask why this is so<br />

— usually with an undertone that this<br />

great country is at heart male chauvinist,<br />

as well as racist (both notions have taken a<br />

real blow in this election cycle). Mrs.<br />

Clinton has spoken about finally breaking<br />

through the glass ceiling after the “18 million<br />

cracks” she made in this hypothetical<br />

structure by winning so many votes in the<br />

Democratic primaries. But abroad, women<br />

leaders are far from a new phenomenon.<br />

What’s your impression of GOP vice presidential<br />

nominee Sarah Palin?<br />

Lisa<br />

Brown<br />

Fort Atkinson<br />

I think she’s<br />

generated a lot of<br />

excitement. She<br />

adds a lot to the<br />

ticket. She’s a new<br />

and fresh face. I<br />

think it was a very<br />

good move.<br />

To the editor:<br />

Earlier this year, Sen. Barack<br />

Obama finally repudiated the Rev.<br />

Jeremiah Wright’s anti-American,<br />

anti-white and anti-Israel sermons,<br />

because Obama had to do it to save<br />

his presidential campaign.<br />

Wright repeatedly used these sermons<br />

over the past 20 years at the<br />

Trinity United Church of Christ,<br />

where Obama has been a member for<br />

the 20 years. Obama had to hear<br />

these sermons, or likely discussed<br />

them with other members of the<br />

church, but he did not leave the<br />

church, he did not question Wright<br />

and his sermons, and he did not<br />

counter the sermons in any way.<br />

Wright stated the U.S. invented<br />

HIV to wipe out blacks, the U.S. committed<br />

terrorism when we dropped<br />

the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and<br />

Nagasaki, and the U.S. brought on<br />

the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks because of<br />

our foreign policy. Wright also asked<br />

God to damn America. Wright endorses<br />

Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the<br />

Nation of Islam, who is an extremist<br />

Mary<br />

Hunt<br />

Janesville<br />

She believes in all<br />

the things I don’t<br />

believe in, and<br />

doesn’t believe in<br />

the things I do<br />

believe in. That does<br />

not attract me.<br />

spewing hateful remarks about<br />

whites, females, Catholics, Jews and<br />

gays.<br />

Do we want an inexperienced and<br />

untested president who will just sit<br />

and listen to — and appease — the<br />

anti-U.S. rants of Ahmadinejad,<br />

Assad, Chavez, Castro and Kim Jong<br />

Il? Do we want a novice dealing with<br />

China and Russia?<br />

Donald A. Moskowitz<br />

Londonderry, N.H.<br />

Putting health first<br />

To the editor:<br />

Hhffrrrggh’s bar and restaurant in<br />

Janesville recently reopened after<br />

renovation and now is smoke free! We<br />

want to be the first to say thank you<br />

to the owners for putting their<br />

patrons’ and their workers’ health<br />

first when it comes to the dangers of<br />

second-hand smoke.<br />

Everyone deserves the right to<br />

breathe clean, smoke-free air at work.<br />

What’s more, now people in Janesville<br />

can enjoy a night out with good food<br />

and good friends without inhaling a<br />

Europe has had many strong female leaders,<br />

such as Elizabeth I of England, Queen<br />

Victoria and Catherine the Great of Russia,<br />

going back to times when monarchs really<br />

counted. Today, Denmark and the<br />

Netherlands have queens who have served<br />

with distinction. But the most powerful<br />

modern female leaders have been those<br />

holding elected office. One immediately<br />

thinks of Margaret Thatcher in Britain and<br />

Angela Merkel in Germany. But France,<br />

Norway, Turkey and others have had<br />

female prime ministers. In Denmark, a<br />

woman is the leader of the opposition. And<br />

in other parts of the world, the phenomenon<br />

is widespread. One has only to think of<br />

Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, Benazir Bhutto<br />

and Corazon Aquino to mention a few.<br />

As for Obama, what the world finds so<br />

fascinating by his presidential campaign is<br />

the fact that it is, in fact, unique. In no<br />

European country, nor in most of the world,<br />

has a minority candidate achieved the necessary<br />

cross-over to be a contender for the<br />

highest office in the land. While Europe is<br />

still struggling to integrate its racial, ethnic<br />

and religious minorities, the United States<br />

Brad<br />

Larson<br />

Janesville<br />

I love her. I just think<br />

she gets it. I see<br />

leadership in that<br />

gal — she can get it<br />

done.<br />

Letters guidelines:<br />

Holli<br />

Grams<br />

Janesville<br />

She’s very down to<br />

earth, and someone<br />

I can relate to as far<br />

as her family life and<br />

kids are concerned.<br />

■ No longer than 250 words.<br />

■ All letters are subject to editing for spelling, grammar,<br />

length.<br />

■ No personal attacks or letters related to personal<br />

disputes.<br />

■ Daytime phone number needed for verification.<br />

This also applies to e-mail submissions.<br />

■ Limit of one per month.<br />

■ Please note that we may not be able to print<br />

every letter we receive due to space restrictions.<br />

■ Send to: Managing Editor, P.O. Box 367, Delavan,<br />

WI 53115. E-mail letters to<br />

bheisel@communityshoppers.com.<br />

toxic cloud of cigarette smoke.<br />

I hope everyone in Janesville who<br />

supports a statewide smoke-free bill<br />

will show their support for<br />

Hhffrrrggh’s by giving them some<br />

added business, and proving that having<br />

smokers step outside to light up is<br />

both good for health and good for<br />

business!<br />

Annette Baker<br />

Youth2Youth Coalition<br />

Rock County<br />

American Heart Association<br />

Janesville Division<br />

has moved way ahead.<br />

For those who observe American politics<br />

up close, Obama’s rise is not that surprising.<br />

The rise of governors from ethnic<br />

minorities is a case in point from Colorado<br />

to Massachusetts to New Mexico and<br />

Louisiana. And Republicans like Clarence<br />

Thomas, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice<br />

have helped pave the way for the presidential<br />

candidate. Americans can be remarkably<br />

colorblind in their selection of leaders.<br />

Yet for the world, Obama has burst on<br />

the scene like a deus ex machine. Right<br />

now, foreigners are living vicariously<br />

through the American election cycle a<br />

dream of racial integration that they themselves<br />

are far from achieving, despite all the<br />

lip service. Whether this image of the<br />

United States will survive the actual election<br />

in November may be somewhat in<br />

doubt if the Obama-Biden ticket goes down<br />

to defeat. Yet for the moment, the United<br />

States has achieved a new status in the<br />

eyes of the world.<br />

Editor’s note: Helle Dale is director of the Douglas and<br />

Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies at the Heritage<br />

Foundation in Washington, D.C.<br />

■ The Janesville Messenger welcomes issue-oriented letters and guest column submissions for publication on the Perspectives page. Guidelines: Letters no longer than 250 words; all letters are subject to editing for spelling, grammar, length; no personal<br />

attacks or letters related to personal disputes; daytime phone number needed for verification. Guest columns should be approximately 550 to 650 words; not all guest columns will be published; Limit of one letter/column per month. Send to:<br />

Managing Editor, P.O. Box 367, Delavan, WI, 53115. E-mail to bheisel@communityshoppers.com

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