Tentative Rehearsal Schedule - WBHSTheatre.com

Tentative Rehearsal Schedule - WBHSTheatre.com

Tentative Rehearsal Schedule - WBHSTheatre.com


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“For every moment of our lives is the beginning.”WBHS Fall Prod. of Radium Girls- September 2012Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday2 3 4 5 6 7 I.T.S. Meeting toprep for FSDM,2:15pm in the ForumALL ITS membersshould plan onattending!89 10WBHS Open House11Student DirectorRecruiting Meeting,2:15-3:15pm in theForum.12Full-School DramaMeeting & FreshmenOrientation, 2:15-5:00pm in the ForumWel<strong>com</strong>e, class of 2016!13 141 st Student DesignMeeting (scenicdesigners only), 2:15-4:15pm1516Online Pre-AuditionRegistration DUE by8pm!17Holiday Observance,No School18Student DirectorMeeting, 2:15-5:15pmHard-Copy Aud.Applications DUE w/Necessary Signatures(those not submittedon-time cannot audition!)19 Audition sessionfor fall production.2:30-5:30pm in theForum20Callbacks for fallproduction. 2:30-5:00pm in the Forum21 2 nd Student DesignMtg (full design staff), 2:15-4:15pm, Cast list posted.Place initials next to nameNO LATER than 2:15pmto accept your part. Sing-athon@ 9pm22No <strong>Rehearsal</strong>Sing-a-thon (ends inmorning)23241 st FCM in Forum 2:15-5:30pm25AS: Leads, blocking2:15-5pm26Holiday Observance,no school and norehearsal27 AS: FCM,blocking rehearsal &PD work 2:15-5pmEV: 6:15-7:45pmblocking workPay-to-Play PaymentsDUE!28AS: FCM, blockingrehearsal & PD work2:15-5pm29Marching BandInvitational (WBHS)Leads, blocking10am-1pm30 AHH! Do no forgetthe deadline listedtwo boxes above me!SERIOUSLY!Same thing again. Isuffer the wrath of mySD’s if I waver this year,so I won’t! Get yourmaterial in on-time!Notes: FCM = Full Cast Meeting (all actors must attend), AS = After School Reh. Session, EV = Evening Reh. SessionDW = Dept. Work (not all Depts. will meet during DW days), F2WK = Final 2-Week Policy (NO absences allowed)

WBHS Fall Prod. of Radium Girls - October 2012Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 3 rd Design Mtg. 2:15-3:45pm (lighting)AS: blocking rehearsal2:15-5:00pm MSU (kidsback 5pm) EV ParentMtg. @ 7pm in Forum2 AS: FCM 2:15-5pm,full-cast blocking,production work, andgamesBIOS for Main ProgramDUE!3 AS: Leads,blocking 2:15-5:15ppm4 AS: FCM 2:15-5pm,full-cast blocking,production work, andgames, EV: Leads blocking6:15-7:45pm5 AS: Leads, 2:15-5:oopm, blockingrehearsal, TBA6 Leads, blocking,10am-1pm7 8 4 th Design Mtg. 2:15-3:30pm (sounds andprops)AS: Leads, 2:15-5pm9 FCM AS: 2:15-5:15pm PW & workselect scenes, TBAEV, Leads, poster shoot6:30-8:30pmDisplay Ads DUE!10 AS: Leads,blocking 2:15-5:15ppmEV, Leads, trailershoot 6:30-8:30pm11 AS FCM 2:15-5pm, PW and scenework, EV: 6:15-7:45pm,work scenes, TBA12 AS: Leads & selectsPD’s, blocking 2:15-4:15pm,Off-Book Act 1 Prism<strong>Rehearsal</strong> & Home<strong>com</strong>ingPatron Ads DUE!13Leads, 10am-1:30pm,blocking rehearsal,All blocking <strong>com</strong>pletedHome<strong>com</strong>ing Dance14 15 AS: Leads, blocking2:15-4:30pm, 5 th DesignMtg. (TBA), PrismConcert Reh. 6-9pm16 AS: FCM 2:15-5pm, Off-Book Act 217 AS: Leads, TBA,scene work andcharacterization work 2:15-4:15pm, TESTING,Prism Concert @ 7pm18 AS FCM 2:15-5pm, PW and scenework, EV: Leads, 6:15-8:30pm, run-throughAct 1 (Lighting Designers& SM attend)19 AS: 2:15-5:15pm,Prod Dept. Work, LeadsRun-Through Act 2(Lighting Designers & SMattend)EV: Prod Hist. 6:15-8pm20 Leads 10am-1pm,polish various scenesLeads, trailer shoot 2-5pm21 22 AS: FCM 2:15-5pmpolish full cast & largegroup scene EV: Leads6:15-7:45pm polish scenesTBA, F2WK23 AS: FCM 2:15-5pmrun through showEV: Leads 6:15-8:15pmpolish scenes on stageF2WK24 AS: FCM 2:30-5pmrun through A1EV: FCM 6-8pm Runthrough show on stageF2WK25 AS: PD’s TBA &Leads, 2:15-4:15pm,EV: 5:30-9:00pm, runthroughfull show26 AS: Leads, TBA,work small moments2:15-4:15pm, PD work,TBA27 STARVINGARTIST/TECH REH.FCM 9am-6pm, Pleaseschedule testing foranother date! F2WK28 29 FCM 1 st Dress<strong>Rehearsal</strong>, 2:15-9:30pmF2WK30 FCM 2:30-9:30pmShow, 2 nd Dress<strong>Rehearsal</strong>, F2WK31 FCM 2:30-8:30pmFinal Dress <strong>Rehearsal</strong>,Run-Through FullShow, F2WKNotes: FCM = Full Cast Meeting (all actors must attend), AS = After School Reh. Session, EV = Evening Reh. SessionDW = Dept. Work (not all Depts. will meet during DW days), F2WK = Final 2-Week Policy (NO absences allowed)

WBHS Fall Prod. of Radium Girls - November 2012Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1OPENING NIGHT,Actor call: 5:30pmF2WK2SECONDPERFORMANCE –Maintain focus!Actor Call 5:30pmF2WK3CLOSING NIGHT!Actor Call 5:30pmF2WK4 5STRIKE! All actorsmust attend or beineligible to auditionfor future WBHSshows! 2:30-5:30pm6STRIKE, DAY 2! Allactors must attend or beineligible to audition forfuture WBHS shows!2:30-5:30pm7Sadness? NO! Timefor the Children’sShow, time for theFilm Festival, timefor MIFA!8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28Notes: FCM = Full Cast Meeting (all actors must attend), AS = After School Reh. Session, EV = Evening Reh. SessionDW = Dept. Work (not all Depts. will meet during DW days), F2WK = Final 2-Week Policy (NO absences allowed)* * *Disregard this schedule following auditions! Rely on the WEEKLY SCHEDULES for rehearsal information! * * *

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