AP U.S. History Syllabus

AP U.S. History Syllabus

AP U.S. History Syllabus


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<strong>AP</strong> U.S. <strong>History</strong> <strong>Syllabus</strong>Rob Henryhenryr@rainier.wednet.eduThe objective of this course is to increase the student's understanding of UnitedStates history and to have each student pass the <strong>AP</strong> Examination with a score of“3” or higher. The course is divided into two semesters, Contact throughReconstruction and The Gilded Age to the present. The areas of concentrationinclude historical, political and economic history coupled with an intense study ofcultural and intellectual institutions and their development. These areas will bestudied from a variety of perspectives with the hope of providing a balanced view ofhistory. This course is taught at the college level. The major differencebetween a high school and college history course is the amount of reading anddepth of focus. Moreover, the <strong>AP</strong> curriculum stresses higher order thinking skillswithin a rigorous academic context. Thus, the student will be required frequently toanalyze, synthesize, and evaluate primary and secondary historical sources inaddition to memorizing, comprehending, and applying facts.Text: -The American Pageant (13th Edition)Supplementary Readings: Howard Zinn, A People's <strong>History</strong> of the United StatesVarious readings and handouts throughout the yearCourse Requirements:For success in this class, be on time and be prepared to start when the bellrings. Materials needed daily: Textbook, Paper, blue or black ballpoint pen,pencil Materials suggested: Colored pencils, highlightersClassroom Rules: Everything in the student handbook applies in thisclass1. This classroom will always be a positive environment, respect yourself, yourclassmates and your teacher. (Watch your language!)2. Be prepared to begin class when the bell rings in your assigned seat.3. No hats or head coverings in the classroom.4. Cell Phones or other electronic devices are allowed only during individual worktime.4. ONLY ONE STUDENT MAY USE THE RESTROOM AT A TIMEConsequences:1. Warning2. Removal from class (step outside)3. Call to parent and detention4. Referral to office

Grading Scale: See PlannerExams: Approximately ten multiple-choice/essay exams will be given during thefirst semester. The first semester final is cumulative. A cumulative midterm examwill be given at the end of the first and third quarters. Tests will be rigorous as theyare intended to challenge the student at the Advanced Placement level. Moreover,tests are designed to give students frequent experience with the types of multiplechoicequestions, free-response essays, and Document Based Questions (DBQ’s)that will appear on the <strong>AP</strong> exam. Frequent exams also insure that students read thetextbook and supplementary readings, consistently check for understanding, andtake copious notes that are thorough and well organized.Homework Policy: Assignments are due on the date the reading assignmentis shown on the calendar. Students are required to print out the homeworkpackets and complete them prior to the due date. Late assignments willnot be accepted after the 5th late allowance. All late work must be turnedin the day after it is due. For excused absences, assignments are due the day thestudent returns to class unless prior arrangements have been made foremergencies. All the required Zinn assignments are available online.Organization: Students are expected to keep a well-organized notebook of allcourse-related materials (e.g. syllabus, lecture notes, study guides, homework,quizzes, exams, handouts, etc.)Missed Exams: Students who are absent legitimately on a day a test is givenmust make up the test on the day they return to class. An alternate exam will begiven. If a student is absent for an extended period (e.g., more than five days), anappointment for making-up the test will be made. Complete loss of credit for anexam may result if the exam is not completed in a timely fashion.Participation: Students are expected to contribute in class discussions andeffectively participate in class activities. Many of the class sessions will be seminars.In order for seminars to work, student preparation and participation is critical.Students who are "on the border" between grades at the semester may be giventhe higher grade if their overall participation has been commendable.Most importantly, stay positive! Although this course is extremelychallenging,You must believe in yourself and be willing to accept a few setbacks along the wayin order to grow as a young scholar and as a person ("no pain, no gain"). Learnfrom your mistakes and setbacks, make adjustments, and tryagain. The prize at theend is worth it! You can do it!!

Acknowledgment of <strong>Syllabus</strong> andExpectationsReturn to Mr. Henry for CreditI have read this syllabus and understand the expectations and rules in this class.I understand that in order to be successful in this class I will have to adhere tothese policies and complete the work required._______________________ ____________________ _________Student Name (Print) Student Signature Date_______________________ ____________________ _________Parent Name (Print) Parent Signature DateParent Acknowledgement, Contact and Film PermissionDear Parents and Guardians,Please read the syllabus with your student, if you have any questions-pleasecontact me via phone or email. During the course of teaching history it is at timeshelpful to use film footage or movies to illustrate different periods in time andhistorical events. I use a combination of documentary style film and dramatic filmsto teach along with lecture and book activities. I generally choose films rated PG orPG-13. If you have questions about this policy or the films shown, please don’thesitate to contact me. Please check the appropriate box below if your student haspermission to watch films in class. If you decide that you don’t want your child towatch a movie that I will show, I will assign an alternate learning experience forhim/her. An updated film list can be found on my website off the Rainier HighSchool page.Yes, my student may watch films or clips from films in classNo, I do not give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and schoolappropriate full-length movies of the types mentioned in this letter. Iunderstand alternate learning experiences will be provided for my child whilethe movie is being watched.Lastly, I would like to be able to contact you, please provide the best number andemail address where I can reach you during the day (7:30AM-4:30PM).__________________ _________________ ___________________Parent Signature Parent Contact Number Parent Email Address

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