“I'm No Hero” - New Zealand Police Association

“I'm No Hero” - New Zealand Police Association

“I'm No Hero” - New Zealand Police Association


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<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>New</strong>sletterGreymouth gets clean bill of health- but not without paying the priceBy <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Association</strong> President, Greg O’ConnorWest Coast <strong>Police</strong> were vindicatedrecently, when they received a clean billof health after the release of theeagerly awaited Greive report.Stuart Greive QC addressed 32allegations of corruption anddysfunction at Greymouth <strong>Police</strong>, madeby Act MP Ken Shirley after two officerstook their complaints to him. Greivefound 31, relating to the activities ofthe local <strong>Police</strong>, unfounded. The otherbeing an argument over point of law,whether the two officers who initiallymade the complaints should have beentreated as whistle blowers and theircomplaints investigated in accordancewith that Act.In February of this year, Ken Shirley, ina blaze of press releases, alleged thattwo local staff members had beenvictimised for exposing cover-ups anddysfunction at the station.Investigation of the allegations byDetective Superintendent PeterMarshall and Detective Senior SergeantMike Savage were overseen by Grievewho saw his role as ensuring that allthe matters raised by Mr Shirley werethoroughly and properly investigated.His report was a total vindication of theGreymouth staff. Opinions on thereliability, objectivity and judgement ofthe two officers making the allegationswere expressed in ‘critical’ terms.This paragraph from the Grieve Reportmay best sum up the situation:“Detective Superintendent Marshall’sinvestigations establish that there is noGSF Transfers - Progress at last?By <strong>Association</strong> Advocate, Greg FlemingFollowing frustratingly slow progress onthe issues of cash transfer from the swornGSF scheme to PSS the <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Association</strong>has taken a lead role in promoting aviable solution.Members Asked forFeedback on proposalMembers of the GSF <strong>Police</strong> Scheme arenow being asked for feedback on an<strong>Association</strong> developed proposal, whichhas received tentative support from OoC.We must again reiterate that no decisionhas been made and indeed can be madeuntil the Government considers the meritsof the proposal.With member feedback due by 18<strong>No</strong>vember the <strong>Association</strong> is hopeful thatfoundation for Mr King’s accusations.When confronted with the facts by MrMarshall, Mr King acknowledged that hewas labouring under a misapprehensionas to the facts. The material I havereviewed without doubt substantiatesDetective Superintendent Marshall’sconclusion.This is one of a number of examples ofpersonality conflicts which have festeredfor some time resulting in seriousallegations being made about anindividual, often without firstconfronting the individual concerned andrequesting an explanation. It is surelyregrettable, not only for Greymouth<strong>Police</strong>, but also for the community atlarge that things have developed to thisstage. The constables, with the enlistedhelp of the honourable Ken Shirley, seekto lay blame for this state of affairs onsenior police officers at Greymouth.Detective Superintendent Marshall’sreport rejects this contention. I agreewith his conclusions in that regard.”PUBLICACCUSATIONSCREATED HUGENEGATIVE IMPACTMr Grieve also talks of the negativeimpact that the honourable KenShirley’s public statements have had,causing “considerable consternationwithin Greymouth”and that they werebased on allegations, which were“found to be totally unwarranted.”a joint <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Association</strong>/NZ <strong>Police</strong>proposal could be put before the relevantGovernment Ministers before the end ofthis year for a decision in first half of2003.Members of the GSF <strong>Police</strong> Scheme canview the proposal by visiting the‘Member’s Only’ section of the <strong>Police</strong><strong>Association</strong> websitewww.policeassn.org.nz or contactingthe secretary of their local <strong>Association</strong>Committee.The proposal is presented in an easy toread Question and Answer format.Feedback on the proposal should besent to the <strong>Association</strong> before 18<strong>No</strong>vember via the following email addressgsftransfers@policeassn.org.nz<strong>No</strong>vember 2002Greymouth staff faced a nightmaresituation for any police trying to dotheir job. Two disaffected officers,aided by a gullible backbench list MP,were responsible for creating anuntenable and surreal workenvironment, which cost the station atleast one experienced and respectedpolice officer.Superintendent Grant O’Fee wasgenerous in his support for local policewhen the report was finally produced.The delays and the challenge of dealingwith the two police officers concernedmade the job of maintaining afunctioning police station a difficultone and he should be commended.GREYMOUTH STATIONSTAFF DESERVE APOLOGYLocal <strong>Association</strong> activists JohnCanning and Ian Langridge, along withthe committee showed the value ofhaving respected and capable membersacting as advocates when problems likethose visited on the Coast, threaten thestability of a station.The <strong>Association</strong> on behalf of thiscommittee rightly demanded anapology from Mr Shirley for the publicmanner in which he brought theallegations and continued with them.This was despite advice from the <strong>Police</strong><strong>Association</strong> in February, when theallegations were first made, that thetwo officers had been fairly dealt with.While it is perfectly appropriate forMr Shirley or any MP to ensureallegations are dealt with, it isentirely inappropriate to bring suchallegations to the attention of theauthorities by press release and bypersonal attacks on individuals.SHIRLEY’S ACCUSATIONSOF WHITEWASHSHAMEFULEven more shameful was Mr Shirley’sattempt at ‘saving face’ alleging, onceagain without a shred of evidence, thatthe Grieve report was a cover-up and awhitewash. We believe timing saved MrShirley from further public questioningover the allegations, by the fact thereport’s release was largely overshadowed by the Bali bombing.Once again, <strong>Police</strong> come to therealisation that creating a safer <strong>New</strong><strong>Zealand</strong> is a distant second to thoseinterested in the headlines, whichallegations against police bring. Thecost in efficiency and dollars of theinevitable inquiry, which follows andthe loss of public confidence in theirlaw-keepers, is the price the <strong>New</strong><strong>Zealand</strong> public pays for such headlines.151

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