“She is to have a son and you are to name him Jesus.” Matthew 1:21

“She is to have a son and you are to name him Jesus.” Matthew 1:21

“She is to have a son and you are to name him Jesus.” Matthew 1:21


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Memos & MemoriesFALL 2009“She <strong>is</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>have</strong> a <strong>son</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>you</strong> <strong>are</strong><strong>to</strong> <strong>name</strong> <strong>him</strong> <strong>Jesus</strong>.” <strong>Matthew</strong> 1:<strong>21</strong>

Memos & MemoriesVol. 28, No. 1, Fall 2009Memos & Memories <strong>is</strong> publ<strong>is</strong>hed threetimes a year for alumnae <strong>and</strong> friends ofMother of Mercy High School by theDevelopment <strong>and</strong> Alumnae Office.Admin<strong>is</strong>trationKirsten MacDougalPresidentSr. Nancy Merkle, RSM ‘62PrincipalDiane LaakeAss<strong>is</strong>tant PrincipalHeather WagnerAss<strong>is</strong>tant PrincipalRalph BradburnBusiness ManagerEdi<strong>to</strong>rL<strong>is</strong>a Mahon Fluegeman ‘78fluegeman_l@motherofmercy.orgDesign <strong>and</strong> La<strong>you</strong>tAimee Wolf Reilly ‘80DevelopmentCasey Conner Betz ‘69Direc<strong>to</strong>rDonna Eddingfield,Development Ass<strong>is</strong>tantNancy Conway Jam<strong>is</strong>on ‘85Donor Relations Coordina<strong>to</strong>rBarb Cruse Baker ‘73Mercy Gras Coordina<strong>to</strong>rMother of Mercy High School3036 Werk RoadCincinnati, OH 45<strong>21</strong>1Phone: 513.661.2740Fax: 513.661.1842www.motherofmercy.orge-mail: alum@motherofmercy.orgPlease direct all address changes orcorrespondence <strong>to</strong> the above address.2|memos & memoriesBoard ofTrusteesContents3 Message From The President6 Student Activities9 From the Principal14 Reunion News15 New Arrivals17 Born <strong>to</strong> Eternal Life18 Alumnae NewsBonnie Perrino-Badinghaus ‘69Mary Jo BarnettEric ChermelyAnne Flanagan ‘69Sr. Dor<strong>is</strong> Gottemoeller, RSMRichard KellyPatrick KowalskiMichael LaRosaMaggie LundKirsten MacDougalMichael McKennaRoberta Baechle Michel ‘61Sr. Nancy Merkle, RSM ‘62Thomas Scheid

message from the presidentSeveral years ago, when she was three, my eight-year-old daughter started attendinga Montessori school, as an alternative <strong>to</strong> full-time dayc<strong>are</strong>. Combinedwith her Catholic Religious Education classes every weekend plus Mass, we feltconfident she was receiving the best of both worlds: a terrific education that fostersindependent learning, plus the cons<strong>is</strong>tent opportunity <strong>to</strong> learn about our Catholicfaith through classes at our par<strong>is</strong>h. Year-<strong>to</strong>-year we would consider again if it was time <strong>to</strong>switch <strong>to</strong> a Catholic elementary school, but every year, certain things were working so well,we would renew our commitment <strong>to</strong> th<strong>is</strong> kind of hybrid-model of “Catholic education.”It was during second grade, shortly after her First Communion, that our daughter camehome from school one day <strong>and</strong> said, “Mom, Dad – I want <strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong> a school where I can talkabout God with my friends.” Well – time <strong>to</strong> go! I was thrilled <strong>and</strong> I was proud. So th<strong>is</strong> currentthird grade year <strong>is</strong> her first in a Catholic school <strong>and</strong> the experience has been wonderfulfor her <strong>and</strong> eye-opening for us as p<strong>are</strong>nts.The practice of our faith <strong>is</strong> not a “weekend activity” for children like intramural soccerwhere they can practice a few hours <strong>and</strong> ab<strong>and</strong>on the activity the rest of the week. Certainl<strong>you</strong>r daughter was learning Catholic values <strong>and</strong> passages from the Bible, but one class onSunday was not the same as having faith integrated in<strong>to</strong> her school day, sh<strong>are</strong>d in with herclassmates, <strong>and</strong> celebrated with her teachers. Our daughter has blossomed in a way thatI believe only comes from the trust <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong>ing that God <strong>is</strong> with each of us in ourdaily lives, <strong>and</strong> it <strong>is</strong> her school that has made th<strong>is</strong> difference – her Catholic school.It wasn’t until our daughter was actually attending her new school did we truly d<strong>is</strong>coverwhat we’d been m<strong>is</strong>sing. That’s Mercy. It’s a school that has <strong>to</strong> be experienced; it’s a schoolthat quietly goes about achieving excellence in every way; <strong>and</strong> it’s a community that wrapsits arms around <strong>you</strong> <strong>and</strong> leads <strong>you</strong>ng women <strong>to</strong> become more than they ever thought theycould be. Mercy <strong>is</strong> a school that should not be m<strong>is</strong>sed, <strong>and</strong> it <strong>is</strong> my job as President <strong>to</strong> makesure more families d<strong>is</strong>cover Mercy <strong>and</strong> all that it has <strong>to</strong> offer.Kirsten MacDougalPresidentMother of Mercy High School3036 Werk RoadCincinnati, OH 45<strong>21</strong>1513.661.2740So, why a President?As most of <strong>you</strong> <strong>are</strong> aw<strong>are</strong>, Mercy’s Board of Trustees elected <strong>to</strong> move <strong>to</strong> a new model ofleadership as of September 1, 2009. Mercy has adopted the President – Principal organizationwhich <strong>is</strong> now in place at more than half the high schools in the Archdiocese ofCincinnati. More <strong>and</strong> more Catholic schools <strong>are</strong> seeing th<strong>is</strong> model as the answer <strong>to</strong> theever-growing dem<strong>and</strong>s on a principal in recruiting, finances, fund ra<strong>is</strong>ing, public relations<strong>and</strong> business management. With my attention given <strong>to</strong> the leadership of these critical<strong>are</strong>as, our principal, S<strong>is</strong>ter Nancy Merkle, <strong>is</strong> once again able <strong>to</strong> focus her attention <strong>to</strong> academics,p<strong>are</strong>nt relations <strong>and</strong> professional development of teachers. The daily operation ofthe school remains the principal’s priority while that of the President <strong>is</strong> more v<strong>is</strong>ionary <strong>and</strong>strategic. Operating much like a CEO (Chief Executive Officer) <strong>and</strong> COO (Chief OperatingOfficer) of a corporation, the President <strong>and</strong> Principal work collaboratively <strong>to</strong> continuallyimprove our educational product <strong>and</strong> strengthen Mercy for the years ahead.FALL/WINTER 2009| 3

How <strong>have</strong> things changed for Mercy?FinancesAs <strong>you</strong> can imagine, Mercy <strong>is</strong> quite different <strong>to</strong>day than in its earlyyears. The biggest change, which has had the greatest impact onour school as a business, <strong>is</strong> in per<strong>son</strong>nel. Today, nearly 100% of ourfaculty <strong>and</strong> staff <strong>are</strong> lay per<strong>son</strong>s, the salary <strong>and</strong> benefits of whichaccount for nearly 80% of our operating budget. Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> obviously avery different dem<strong>and</strong> on revenue <strong>and</strong> the primary cause of increasingtuition rates at all Catholic schools.There <strong>is</strong> also more dem<strong>and</strong> on a family’s budget, especially inour current economic state, so as the cost of Catholic educationcontinues <strong>to</strong> r<strong>is</strong>e, its affordability becomes a greater questionfor p<strong>are</strong>nts. Thus, one of my immediate goals <strong>is</strong> creating greaterfinancial support for tuition ass<strong>is</strong>tance at Mercy. None of usshould ever <strong>have</strong> <strong>to</strong> experience worshiping at our neighborhoodchurches where the family we sit next <strong>to</strong> in the pew can sh<strong>are</strong>in Mass with us, but can’t sh<strong>are</strong> in the spirit of Mercy simplybecause they can’t afford it.RecruitingIn addition <strong>to</strong> the dramatic per<strong>son</strong>nel shift over the decades,recruiting students <strong>to</strong> Mercy has also changed significantly. Whileblessed with a larger than average community of Catholics in ourlocal neighborhoods, as well as by some very generous contribu<strong>to</strong>rs,we <strong>are</strong> still not completely immune <strong>to</strong> the struggle mostCatholic schools <strong>are</strong> experiencing across the nation. The <strong>to</strong>talprospective pool of students at the elementary level has steadilydecreased over the years, which naturally impacts high schoolenrollments. Th<strong>is</strong> trend, combined with the aforementioned escalatingtuition, has caused an overall dimin<strong>is</strong>hing student body formany Catholic high schools.Even more specific <strong>to</strong> Cincinnati, in 2007 the Archdiocese “lifted”the recruiting boundaries which had provided each high schoolwith tributary elementary schools <strong>and</strong> guaranteed a fairly steadysupply of students each year as girls continued <strong>to</strong> their designatedhigh school. Now those same students can choose any one ofthe local Catholic high schools (in addition <strong>to</strong> the public, which<strong>have</strong> always been an option) which has created a very competitivemarket in our Catholic system. The idea of competing against ourCatholic partners <strong>is</strong>, <strong>to</strong> me, quite tragic <strong>and</strong> seems in conflict withthe very m<strong>is</strong>sion of Catholic schools, but it’s indeed our reality atth<strong>is</strong> time. Recruiting <strong>is</strong> now like another competitive sport thatdem<strong>and</strong>s a lot of planning, diligence <strong>and</strong> thorough execution -<strong>and</strong> ultimately the numbers reveal the winners.What <strong>is</strong> the future for Mercy?Those Catholic schools that <strong>are</strong> “surviving” the compoundingcomplication of fewer students available <strong>and</strong> higher costs <strong>are</strong> thoseinstitutions that <strong>are</strong> conducting business very differently than inthe past. Yes, Mercy <strong>is</strong> a school, but we must think as a businessof education. And as a business, we <strong>are</strong> managing <strong>and</strong> positioningMother of Mercy High School <strong>to</strong> not merely survive, but thrive!There <strong>is</strong> so much of which <strong>to</strong> be proud here at Mercy – it’s truly <strong>are</strong>markable school with a long track record of excellence <strong>and</strong> I amso very proud <strong>to</strong> be its first President. While our student body <strong>is</strong>smaller than it was ten years ago, our academic <strong>and</strong> extracurricularachievements, as well as curriculum offerings, <strong>have</strong> grown. Forexample, we <strong>have</strong> six National Merit students th<strong>is</strong> year <strong>and</strong> 100%of our graduates <strong>have</strong> been continuing on <strong>to</strong> the higher education!We’ve also exp<strong>and</strong>ed our beautiful facility <strong>and</strong> provide state-of-theartlearning <strong>to</strong>ols <strong>and</strong> technology. However, my job <strong>is</strong> <strong>to</strong> see Mercynot only for all that it <strong>is</strong>, but for all that it can become, <strong>and</strong> I believeMercy can become a school that reaches even more families <strong>and</strong>changes more lives. I believe we can ra<strong>is</strong>e the essential resources<strong>to</strong> build the bridge <strong>to</strong> our next generation of Mercy girls; <strong>and</strong> Ibelieve we can become the single-most sought after high school forPresidential ‘perks’: French classes will sh<strong>are</strong> crepes with <strong>you</strong>!4|memos & memories

Kirsten MacDougal recievesroses from student JulieMurray on her first day asMercy’s President.educating <strong>you</strong>ng Catholic womenin all of Cincinnati. And now Iam asking <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong> believe in th<strong>is</strong>v<strong>is</strong>ion with me.You <strong>have</strong> my commitment thatI will work relentlessly for thefuture of th<strong>is</strong> amazing institution.We also <strong>have</strong> the dedicationof incredible teachers <strong>and</strong> staffat Mercy who <strong>are</strong> drawn <strong>to</strong> workevery day by their hearts <strong>and</strong> nottheir wallets; <strong>and</strong> finally, we <strong>have</strong> ah<strong>is</strong><strong>to</strong>ry of support from countlessindividuals who <strong>have</strong> made Mercyall that it <strong>is</strong> <strong>to</strong>day.So how can <strong>you</strong> help usrealize our v<strong>is</strong>ion?There <strong>are</strong> multiple ways in which<strong>you</strong> can demonstrate <strong>you</strong>r faithin the future of Mercy: If <strong>you</strong>’rea p<strong>are</strong>nt soon considering a highschool for <strong>you</strong>r daughter, her enrollment would be our greatest gift<strong>and</strong> one which guarantees a terrific return on <strong>you</strong>r investment; if<strong>you</strong>’ve time <strong>and</strong> talent which <strong>you</strong> could sh<strong>are</strong>, we welcome <strong>you</strong>rparticipation; if <strong>you</strong> would hold Mercy <strong>and</strong> all of its students in<strong>you</strong>r thoughtful prayers, we would be most grateful; <strong>and</strong> finally, if<strong>you</strong>’ve long considered contributing a financial gift <strong>to</strong> Mercy, nomatter the size, th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> the time – the need of those we serve hasnever been greater. With every one of us committing <strong>to</strong> the v<strong>is</strong>ionfor Mercy, we <strong>are</strong> uns<strong>to</strong>ppable!May God bless <strong>you</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>you</strong>r family at Chr<strong>is</strong>tmas <strong>and</strong> throughoutthe New Year!Mother of MercyAlumnae Hall of ExcellenceStatement of V<strong>is</strong>ionThe Mother of Mercy High School Alumnae Hall of Excellence ex<strong>is</strong>ts<strong>to</strong> recognize exemplary graduates who contribute significantly <strong>to</strong>their professions, who achieve academic or professional excellence<strong>and</strong> who positively promote Mother of Mercy <strong>and</strong> its values. Theseinductees will serve as positive role models <strong>to</strong> our students <strong>and</strong> willoffer expert<strong>is</strong>e in their chosen field.Name of Nominee_ ___________________________________________Graduation Year______________________________________________Address____________________________________________________City, State, Zip Code __________________________________________Phone _____________________________________________________Email______________________________________________________To be completed by the Nominee:*Academic/Professional Degrees* Honors <strong>and</strong> Awards* Additional Achievement Information* Please include additional information <strong>you</strong> feel <strong>is</strong> important forconsideration as a nominee.Kirsten MacDougalPresidentPlease return <strong>you</strong>r nomination by March 31, 2010 <strong>to</strong>:Casey Conner Betz ’69, Direc<strong>to</strong>r of DevelopmentAlumnae Hall of Excellence,c/o Mother of Mercy High School, 3036 Werk Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45<strong>21</strong>1Or Email: betz_c@motherofmercy.orgFALL/WINTER 2009| 5

student activitiesOver 100 students presented a spectacular performance of<strong>Jesus</strong> Chr<strong>is</strong>t Superstar at the College of Mount St. Joseph.Camille Chiappone ’10 <strong>is</strong> the recipient of a $2000scholarship <strong>to</strong> the College of Mount St. Joseph, for herartwork “Garden Delight” in the Mount St. Joseph Selections’09 Student Art Exhibit.Students participated in many different activities during FrenchWeek at Mercy. There were delicious crepes, prayers in French<strong>and</strong> even a ‘Tour de France’ in Mercy’s parking lot on tricycles!Taylor Reilly ’12 shows her great racing form.6|memos & memories

Mercy gives thanks!Mercy gave thanks for our many blessings, <strong>and</strong> worked <strong>to</strong>gether<strong>to</strong> ‘fill the truck’ with canned goods for Mercy NeighborhoodMin<strong>is</strong>tries food pantry. Mercy <strong>is</strong> the pantry’s largest contribu<strong>to</strong>r.Mercy welcomed hundreds of grade school families <strong>to</strong> its annualOpen House in late Oc<strong>to</strong>ber. Many thanks <strong>to</strong> Jerry Kr<strong>is</strong>mer ofKr<strong>is</strong>mer’s Plant Farm (<strong>and</strong> past Mercy p<strong>are</strong>nt!) for the beautifulmums.Mercy <strong>is</strong> proud of National Merit Semi-Final<strong>is</strong>tsElaine Simp<strong>son</strong> ’10 <strong>and</strong> Mallory Workman ’10,<strong>and</strong> Commended Students Adrienne Bussard ’10,Chelsea Rosfeld ’10, Al<strong>is</strong>on Stevens ’10 <strong>and</strong>Hannah Zimmerman ’10.FALL/WINTER 2009| 7

Mother of Mercy can earn money every time <strong>you</strong> <strong>are</strong> online!What if Mother of Mercy High School earned a donation every time <strong>you</strong> searched theInternet or a percentage of every purchase <strong>you</strong> made online? Well, now it can!GoodSearch.com <strong>is</strong> a new Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advert<strong>is</strong>ingrevenue, about a penny per search, <strong>to</strong> the charities its users designate. Use itjust as <strong>you</strong> would any search engine, get quality search results from Yahoo, <strong>and</strong>watch the donations add up!GoodShop.com <strong>is</strong> a new online shopping mall which donates up <strong>to</strong> 30 percen<strong>to</strong>f each purchase <strong>to</strong> <strong>you</strong>r favorite cause! Hundreds of great s<strong>to</strong>res includingAmazon, Target, Gap, Best Buy, ebay, Macy’s <strong>and</strong> Barnes & Noble <strong>have</strong> teamedup with GoodShop <strong>and</strong> every time <strong>you</strong> place an order, <strong>you</strong>’ll be supporting <strong>you</strong>rfavorite cause.And if <strong>you</strong> download the GoodSearch – Mother of Mercy High School <strong>to</strong>olbar,our cause will earn money every time <strong>you</strong> shop <strong>and</strong> search online- even if <strong>you</strong> forget <strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong> GoodShop or GoodSearchfirst! Add the Mother of Mercy High School <strong>to</strong>olbar athttp://www.goodsearch.com/<strong>to</strong>olbar/mother-of-mercy-high-school8| memos & memories

from the principalOur celebration of Thanksgiving seems like a holy day <strong>to</strong> me because we <strong>have</strong> somuch <strong>to</strong> be grateful for at Mercy. The strong <strong>and</strong> vibrant h<strong>is</strong><strong>to</strong>ry of the school,the strength of the values taught from the beginning <strong>to</strong> the present, the alumnaethat bring those values <strong>and</strong> their talents <strong>to</strong> professions all over the country <strong>and</strong> theworld, our students <strong>and</strong> their p<strong>are</strong>nts who bring us daily blessings, <strong>and</strong> the faculty<strong>and</strong> staff current <strong>and</strong> past who <strong>are</strong> wonderful examples of the spirit of faith <strong>and</strong> excellence,all cause me <strong>to</strong> rejoice in the wonderful gifts the Lord has bounteously bes<strong>to</strong>wed on Mercy.May God preserve <strong>and</strong>bless <strong>you</strong> <strong>and</strong> grant <strong>you</strong>all the graces <strong>and</strong>precious gifts reservedfor th<strong>is</strong> holy sea<strong>son</strong>.Catherine McAuley,Foundress of the S<strong>is</strong>ters of MercyWith the beginning of Advent, I think of our focus on the role each of us plays in makingGod present in the lives of the people we meet daily. As little children, we learned of God’spresence at Chr<strong>is</strong>tmastime, <strong>and</strong> now we as students <strong>and</strong> adults must help one another knowGod’s presence again. At Mercy th<strong>is</strong> takes many forms, <strong>and</strong> one of great importance <strong>is</strong> ourspiritual life. We celebrate our gratitude <strong>and</strong> our desire <strong>to</strong> help those in need at theThanksgiving Prayer Service. At the “Feast of the Immaculate Conception,” we celebrateMary’s example of a woman of great faith, strength, <strong>and</strong> c<strong>are</strong> for others. As we prep<strong>are</strong><strong>to</strong> leave for the Chr<strong>is</strong>tmas break, we pray <strong>to</strong>gether as a school for God’s blessing on eachMercy family, that it might be a time of joy <strong>and</strong> peace for all.No less important <strong>is</strong> our focus on service throughout the year, <strong>and</strong> particularly during th<strong>is</strong>sea<strong>son</strong> of giving. These days, we <strong>are</strong> immersed in collecting food <strong>and</strong> our hope <strong>is</strong> <strong>to</strong> enlivenin the hearts of our students the realization that without the food that they generouslyprovide, someone will go hungry. The faculty <strong>and</strong> staff continue their commitment <strong>to</strong>prep<strong>are</strong> <strong>and</strong> serve dinner once a month at Epic House, a sh<strong>are</strong>d living facility for lowincome elderly in the inner city. The basketball teams will also v<strong>is</strong>it Epic House <strong>and</strong> inaddition <strong>to</strong> the meal will provide yard clean-up <strong>and</strong> other services. The Art <strong>and</strong> ConsumerScience students will paint windows <strong>and</strong> decorate doors at Mountain Crest Nursing Home.A variety of students will entertain adolescents who <strong>have</strong> special needs at the Starfire Party.These <strong>are</strong> a just few examples of the many projects carried out here at Mercy. The student<strong>and</strong> faculty commitment <strong>to</strong> develop a strong aw<strong>are</strong>ness of the needs of others <strong>is</strong> whatimpels us <strong>to</strong> be involved in so many service activities.Our theme for the year <strong>is</strong> “Focus” <strong>and</strong> that <strong>is</strong> certainly v<strong>is</strong>iblein the prayer <strong>and</strong> service opportunities we embrace. Pleasejoin us in prayer for all members of the Mercy family <strong>and</strong> letus know <strong>you</strong>r own commitment <strong>to</strong> service so that we mightsh<strong>are</strong> <strong>you</strong>r good example with our students.May God bless each of <strong>you</strong> th<strong>is</strong> Chr<strong>is</strong>tmas,Sr. Nancy Merkle RSM ‘62PrincipalFALL/WINTER 2009| 9

Homecoming & Hall of Fame GameSaturday, January 2, 2010Mercy vs. McNicholasFreshmen - 3:00 Reserve - 4:30 Varsity - 6:00 pm2010 Hall of Fame Inductees:Den<strong>is</strong>e Ortman Harvey ‘91• Kendra Zinser Mossburger ‘00Hall of Fame Inductions will take place following the Varsity Game(Approximately 7:30 pm)Reception in the cafeteria immediately following induction ceremony(hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer <strong>and</strong> soft drinks)Babysitting provided in the gym during the reception.PrayerRequestsOur Mother of Mercy High Schoolcommunity <strong>is</strong> happy <strong>to</strong> keep <strong>you</strong> inour prayers. We <strong>are</strong> pleased <strong>to</strong> l<strong>is</strong>t<strong>you</strong>r prayer requests <strong>and</strong>/or specialintentions in the petition book locatedin the Chapel <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> remember them a<strong>to</strong>ur school prayer services <strong>and</strong> liturgies.Please contact:L<strong>is</strong>a Mahon Fluegeman ’78phone: 513.661.2740,email: fluegeman_l@motherofmercy.orgmail <strong>to</strong>: Mother of Mercy High SchoolPrayer Request, 3036 Werk Rd.Cincinnati, Ohio, 45<strong>21</strong>1.“If we <strong>are</strong> humble <strong>and</strong> sincere, God willfin<strong>is</strong>h in us the work He has begun. Henever refuses H<strong>is</strong> grace <strong>to</strong> those whoask it.”Catherine McAuley, S<strong>is</strong>ters of Mercy foundress10|memos & memories

The Circle of Mercy AwardThe Alumnae Circle of Mercy Award <strong>is</strong> presented annually <strong>to</strong> a Mother of Mercy Alumna who best reflects the Mercy valuesof excellence, compassion, faith, leadership, <strong>and</strong> service. Please nominate an alum who meets one or more of the following criteria:• Notable achievement in her profession or c<strong>are</strong>er• Per<strong>son</strong>al achievement in the arts, sports, or public service• Exceptional support of church, par<strong>is</strong>h activities• Volunteer<strong>is</strong>m <strong>to</strong> one or more activities on a continuing bas<strong>is</strong>Nominee _________________________________________________Address _ ________________________________________________City, State, Zip _____________________________________________Phone ___________________________Class of__________________Your Name ________________________________________________Address_ _________________________________________________City, State, Zip______________________________________________Phone____________________________________________________On a separate piece of paper, please describe the nominee in detail <strong>and</strong> attach any material that will help the committee members in making their selection.Return <strong>to</strong>: Casey Conner Betz, Development Direc<strong>to</strong>r/Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Alumnae Relations Deadline: April 20, 20102005 Winner -Connie Carrol Widmer ‘522006 Winner -Roberta Baechle Michel ‘612007 Winner -Bonnie KuhnPerrino-Badinghaus ‘692008 Winner -Janet Schutte McGrath ‘672009 Winner -Rosemary Meyer Huhn ‘58FALL/WINTER 2009| 11

The Mercy Legacy Society was establ<strong>is</strong>hed <strong>to</strong> recognize those individuals who <strong>have</strong>made a planned gift <strong>to</strong> Mother of Mercy High School <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> encourage others <strong>to</strong> doso. By remembering Mercy in <strong>you</strong>r bequest plans, <strong>you</strong> can help fund scholarships,capital improvements, <strong>and</strong> programs for academic excellence, the arts <strong>and</strong> athletics.Those making planned gifts help <strong>to</strong> guarantee that Mother of Mercy High Schoolwill continue her valuable work long in<strong>to</strong> the future <strong>and</strong> can also provide significant benefits<strong>to</strong> the donor.A planned gift <strong>to</strong> Mother of Mercy High School places <strong>you</strong> among those who believe in theimportant value of an all-girl Catholic high school committed <strong>to</strong> academic excellence <strong>and</strong>helps ensure that it does happen. Planned gifts can be arranged in several ways --- the mostcommon being through a will. Many people set aside a certain dollar amount while othersleave a percentage of their estate or any assets left over after their family has been providedfor. Still others leave a paid-up life insurance policy. It <strong>is</strong> important <strong>to</strong> seek professionaladvice <strong>to</strong> ensure that the path chosen <strong>is</strong> most beneficial for the donor <strong>and</strong> for Mercy.If <strong>you</strong> would like <strong>to</strong> include Mercy in <strong>you</strong>r will, our legal <strong>name</strong> <strong>is</strong>: Mother of Mercy HighSchool. You may find additional information at the Leave a Legacy website athttp://www.leavealegacycincinnati.org/faq/index.phpThank <strong>you</strong> in advance for investing in the Mercy Legacy Society. We <strong>are</strong> deeply grateful for<strong>you</strong>r continued <strong>and</strong> generous support. May the Lord grant <strong>you</strong> mercy <strong>and</strong> peace.If I can ever ass<strong>is</strong>t <strong>you</strong> in any way, please feel free <strong>to</strong> contact me.Casey Conner Betz ’69Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Development <strong>and</strong> AlumnaeRelations513.661.2740 ext.313betz_c@motherofmercy.org12|memos & memories

Mercy salutes its legacy of excellence with the recent installation ofth<strong>is</strong> mural in the Tech Wing. Many thanks <strong>to</strong> Paul Maffey, father ofAnna Maffey ’12, for h<strong>is</strong> expert<strong>is</strong>e.Mercy Legacy Society Welcomes MembersOur Mother of Mercy school community <strong>is</strong> deeplygrateful <strong>to</strong> the following graduates who so very generously<strong>have</strong> <strong>name</strong>d Mother of Mercy High School in theirwills.Judith Wilmes Bean ‘59Susan Murphy Burge ‘65Lora Culman Deitsch ‘77Marian Reck Ellerhorst ‘46S<strong>and</strong>y Schaefer Haas ‘67Ruth Meyer ‘52Connie Carroll Widmer ‘52The Mercy Legacy Society recognizes those individualswho <strong>have</strong> made a planned gift <strong>to</strong> Mother of Mercy HighSchool. By remembering Mercy in our bequest plans, <strong>you</strong>can help fund scholarships, capital mprovements, <strong>and</strong> programsfor academic excellence, the arts <strong>and</strong> athletics. Thosemaking planned gifts help <strong>to</strong> guarantee that Mother of MercyHigh School will continue her valuable work long in<strong>to</strong> the future<strong>and</strong> can also provide significant benefits <strong>to</strong> the donor. It <strong>is</strong> important<strong>to</strong> seek professional advice <strong>to</strong> ensure that the pathchosen <strong>is</strong> the most beneficial for the donor <strong>and</strong> Mercy.We invite <strong>you</strong> <strong>to</strong> profess <strong>you</strong>r belief in Catholiceducation for <strong>you</strong>ng women at Mother of Mercy.If <strong>you</strong> would like <strong>to</strong> include Mercy in <strong>you</strong>rwill, our legal <strong>name</strong> <strong>is</strong>: Mother of Mercy HighSchool. If <strong>you</strong> <strong>have</strong> any questions, please contact CaseyConner Betz ’69 at 513.661.2740 or email betz_c@motherofmercy.org.“The tender mercy of Godhas given us one another.”--Catherine McAuley, S<strong>is</strong>ters of Mercy FoundressFALL/WINTER 2009| 13

eunion newsClass of 1956Online Giving Now AvailableWill meet Wednesday,Mother of Mercy now offers the option <strong>to</strong> support MercyDecember 30 at 5:30online. It’s easy, safe <strong>and</strong> secure.pm at Nick & Tom’sYou can set up a direct payment from <strong>you</strong>r checking oron Bridge<strong>to</strong>wn Road.savings account on a regular bas<strong>is</strong>. Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> a convenient <strong>and</strong>Questions? Call Janhassle free way <strong>to</strong> make <strong>you</strong>r gift <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> spread it out overGib<strong>son</strong> Mathews at (513) 481-0468 or bythe course of the year.email at Jan.Mathews@fuse.netDonations <strong>to</strong> support Mercy <strong>are</strong> a wonderful way <strong>to</strong> celebratethe birth of a baby, commemorate a significant miles<strong>to</strong>ne inClass of 1965a life, or <strong>to</strong> remember a loved one. We <strong>are</strong> happy <strong>to</strong> sendnotification of <strong>you</strong>r thoughtfulness <strong>to</strong> loved ones <strong>you</strong> w<strong>is</strong>h <strong>to</strong>Join classmates for dinner <strong>and</strong> laughs on Wed., March 31,honor, birthdays or anniversaries <strong>you</strong> w<strong>is</strong>h <strong>to</strong> celebrate or <strong>to</strong>2010 at 5:00 pm at LaRosa’s on Boudinot. Give <strong>you</strong>r input the family of those <strong>you</strong> w<strong>is</strong>h <strong>to</strong> remember.for a 45th Reunion in 2010. Contact Peggy KleimeyerGo <strong>to</strong>: www.motherofmercy.org <strong>and</strong> click onTonn<strong>is</strong> at (513) 923-4256 or by email at pat2706@fuse.net Support Mercy.for more information.Attention Class of:1960 – 1965 – 1970 – 1975 – 1980 –1985 – 1990 – 1995 – 2000 – 2005!2010 will be a reunion year. The Alumnae Office <strong>is</strong> happy<strong>to</strong> help! Please contact L<strong>is</strong>a Fluegeman by phone at (513)661-2740 or by email at alum@motherofmercy.org forass<strong>is</strong>tance in planning.Angel’s TouchNursing C<strong>are</strong>, Inc.3619 Harr<strong>is</strong>on AvenueCincinnati, OH 45<strong>21</strong>1(513) 661-411114| memos & memories

new arrivalsGr<strong>and</strong>childrenDiane Eckstein Bolger ’69Connor James, April 15, 2009Renate Wachter Thomas ’73Joseph Thomas, April 17, 2009Marianne E<strong>is</strong>mann Becker ’75Eastan Michael, May 18, 2009Mary Ann Federle Bloemker ’76Cameron Joseph, August 14, 2009ChildrenDeborah Miller Ward ’90Mad<strong>is</strong>on Virginia, December 16, 2008Julie Ell<strong>is</strong> Beck ’92Samuel Alex<strong>and</strong>er, Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 16, 2009Shannon McCormick Chapman ’93Sophia Riley, June 19, 2009Julie Vonderbrink Wolfe ’93August Edward, December 17, 2008Amy Stautberg Fortkamp ’94Peter Joseph, August 29, 2009Stephanie Krizsa Knapke ’94Caroline RoseAmy Dabbelt Clyde ’95Cole Thomas, Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 23, 2008Anne Joesting Burgan ’96Lucy Madeline, April 11, 2009Rebecca Corbett Surendorff ’97Nora Ann, May 27, 2009Kimberly Bicknell Carpenter ’98Chr<strong>is</strong><strong>to</strong>pher James, April 10, 2009Keri Weber Sikich ’98Luke AdamKr<strong>is</strong>ta Sagers Lee ’99Cameron Joseph, August 14, 2009Jennifer Bolger Maga<strong>to</strong> ’99Connor James, April 15, 2009Mel<strong>is</strong>sa Schehr Ma<strong>son</strong> ’99Eric Kenneth, November 12, 2008Julie Dannemiller Semm ’99Logan William, Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 15, 2008Jeanne Lang Enderle ’02Lucy Lou, June 8, 2009Joseph Thomas, gr<strong>and</strong><strong>son</strong> ofRenate Wachter Thomas ’73Eastan Michael, gr<strong>and</strong><strong>son</strong> ofMarianne E<strong>is</strong>mann Becker ’75Samuel Alex<strong>and</strong>er, <strong>son</strong> ofJulie Ell<strong>is</strong> Beck ’92Sophia Riley, daughter ofShannon McCormick Chapman ’93August Edward, <strong>son</strong> ofJulie Vonderbrink Wolfe ’93Laurie DeWine, Au.D., CCC-A-Audiolog<strong>is</strong>tStefanie Godbey, M.A., CCC-A-Audiolog<strong>is</strong>t, ‘92Diane Blazer, Office Manager, ‘59513.922.01233302 Westbourne Dr. l Cincinnati, Ohio 45248FALL/WINTER 2009| 15

new arrivalsLuke, Henry <strong>and</strong> Peter, children ofAmy Stautberg Fortkamp ’94Connor James, <strong>son</strong> ofJennifer Bolger Maga<strong>to</strong> ’99, gr<strong>and</strong><strong>son</strong> ofDiane Eckstein Bolger ‘69Chr<strong>is</strong><strong>to</strong>pher James, <strong>son</strong> ofKimberly Bicknell Carpenter ’98Eric Kenneth, <strong>son</strong> ofMel<strong>is</strong>sa Schehr Ma<strong>son</strong> ’99Cole Thomas, <strong>son</strong> ofAmy Dabbelt Clyde ’95Luke Adam, <strong>son</strong> ofKeri Weber Sikich ’98Logan William, <strong>son</strong> ofJulie Dannemiller Semm ’99Nora Ann, daughter ofRebecca Corbett Surendorff ’97Cameron Joseph, <strong>son</strong> ofKr<strong>is</strong>ta Sagers Lee ’99, gr<strong>and</strong><strong>son</strong> ofMary Ann Federle Bloemker ‘76Jeremiah <strong>and</strong> Lucy, children ofJeanne Lang Enderle ’0<strong>21</strong>6| memos & memories

orn <strong>to</strong> eternal lifeWe profess our common faith <strong>and</strong> our hope of eternal resurrection for those who <strong>have</strong> passed through death in<strong>to</strong> new life.Alumnae:Rita Neumann Sucher ‘40Aurea SchroederSchlachter ‘45Marilyn Lawall Edgell ‘48Dorothy Fuller Kemper ‘50Janet Lampe Vaught ‘54Carolyn LaemmleMaratea ‘55Barbara LietzNiehauser ‘56Kathleen ShannonMenke ‘58Helen Tully Nieman ‘58Judith Espelage Laird ‘60Ann Buschur Dav<strong>is</strong> ‘61Joyce Rentschler ‘62Penny Petit Manter ‘63Dorinne Selm ‘66Marian Kock Collins ‘67Cheryl Seitz ‘80Husb<strong>and</strong> of:Claire JacobsBeaver ‘47 LaVerne SchmutteStevens ‘48Carolyn SewellKallmeyer ‘51Carol D<strong>is</strong>tler Graham ‘53Carol Blair Brockman ‘55Marlene HofmannOlliges ‘55Carol Blessing Liggett ‘56Mary Ann Flaherty Rolf ‘61Nancy RiestenbergMcBreen ‘62Constance BreitfelderBeilke ‘80Margie Keller Castelli ‘86Son of:LaVerne MeyerStautberg ‘38Mary Jane Me<strong>is</strong>terBrowne ‘56Daughter of:Marg<strong>are</strong>t ElchynskiPatrick ‘94Daughter-in-Law of:Joan Hoess Jester ‘52Mother of:Judy Meyers Schwallie ‘58An<strong>to</strong>inette Marks Heil ‘60Barbara NienaberMyers ‘61Elaine Meyers Reardon ‘61Trudy Enderle ‘62Marcia Buchert Barrett ‘65Kathleen SucherHobday ‘66Sue Meyers Adick ‘67Andrea PapaniaIngersoll ’67 Maureen O’ConnerWeber ’68 Julianne BuchertWoosley ‘68Marcy Papania ‘69Adele O’ConnerRosenfeld ‘69Nancy Schmidtgoessling,MD ‘69Dianne O’ConnerGerrety ‘70Jerilyn SucherKorfhagen ‘70L<strong>is</strong>a Papania Herman ‘71Jean Grote Leitz ‘71Patricia BloomfieldPeter<strong>son</strong> ‘71Nancy FernedingSablosky ‘71Donna Grote Steiger ‘72Ann Robin<strong>son</strong>McKenna ‘73Monica Bennett ‘74Patricia O’ConnerMeyers ‘75Adrienne SchalkDavenport ‘76Elaine Buchert Sale ‘77Amy Robin<strong>son</strong> Luca ‘78Chr<strong>is</strong>tine Gately ‘79Elaine Cranley Pate ‘79Kirsten SchalkRodriguez ‘79Ursula KlaeneShel<strong>to</strong>n ‘79Michelle Gately ‘89Diane Kemper Re<strong>is</strong> ‘83Diane Laake(Ass<strong>is</strong>tant Principal)Father of:Ruth Ann Werle ’54 Rose Werle Kelley ‘56Joyce Plum Voss ‘60Mary Werle Bittner ‘62Brenda ReardonR<strong>is</strong>chmann ‘70Linda Witteride ‘72Anna Reardon Flaig ‘73K<strong>are</strong>n SchneiderGardner ‘73Pamela McCoyHammerschmidt ‘73D. Lynn Meyers ‘73Adrienne Schreibe<strong>is</strong>Walsh ‘73Cynthia Schreibe<strong>is</strong>Hoard ‘75K<strong>are</strong>n Stevens ‘75Kathleen Meyers ‘77Linda StevensKetterman ‘78Laura Schreibe<strong>is</strong> ‘79L<strong>is</strong>a Schreibe<strong>is</strong> Kitko ‘79Mary Sue Stevens ‘81Kathleen McCoyRickels ‘84Chr<strong>is</strong>tine OlanoSchneider ‘84Michelle Scott Bosse ‘87Gracy GundrumCrosby ‘90Jill Stautberg ‘91Jennifer Urti ‘91Erin Nor<strong>to</strong>n ‘94Terri Rosskopf (Staff)Mother-in-law of:Donna NordmannFlick ‘69Diane Kecke<strong>is</strong>Sweeney ‘71Shirley BraffordLockwood ‘73Pamela We<strong>is</strong>gerberIssler ‘74Carol SunderhausHaws ‘78Amy Gay Bussard ‘81Joni James Gerdes ‘81Mary Fessel Weil ‘81Debbie Lameier Flick ‘86Father-in-Law of:Diana KnoepflerWitteride ‘67Carol Ann StevensGundrum ‘75Patricia CorsoWendling ‘77Ann Reupert Wurster ‘77Julie Feldman Scott ‘79Julie Drach McCoy ‘80Sharon HelmesGundrum ‘82Cary Lynn Dav<strong>is</strong>Stevens ‘91Kr<strong>is</strong>ta DehmerBrockhoff ‘98Gr<strong>and</strong>mother of:Debbie Re<strong>is</strong> Winter ‘79Julie Schwallie Terrill ‘87Suzanne SchwallieGilkey ‘88K<strong>are</strong>n Flick Cr<strong>is</strong>tino ‘95Amy Dannemiller ‘95Jaclyn D<strong>is</strong>on ‘95Al<strong>is</strong>on Sweeney ‘95Emily SweeneyOliverio ‘98Jennifer RiestenbergLe<strong>is</strong>gang ‘99Katie McKennaCappel ‘99 Julie DannemillerSemm ‘99Michelle Flick ‘00Laurie Goettke ‘01Maureen SweeneyHildebr<strong>and</strong>t ‘01Erin Sweeney Linde ‘01Erin S<strong>and</strong>erRiestenberg ‘01Emily Weber ‘01Katherine Weber ‘01Abby Luca ‘03Jennifer Flick ‘04L<strong>is</strong>a Schmidtgoessling ‘04Tricia Meyers ‘05Erika Bussard ‘06Chr<strong>is</strong>ta Schreibe<strong>is</strong> ‘06Samantha Davenport ‘07Colleen Meyers ‘08Kelly O’Conner ‘08Lauren Davenport ‘09Adrienne Bussard ‘10Camille Chiappone ‘10Ryann Conn ‘10All<strong>is</strong>on Cremering ‘11Abigail Bussard ‘12Kelsey Niehauser ‘12Kr<strong>is</strong>ten O’Conner ‘13Gr<strong>and</strong>father of:Stephanie RuweHeidorn ‘99Andrea Ruwe ‘02Mary C. Besl ‘03Michelle Fieglein ‘03Mel<strong>is</strong>sa Ketterman ‘04Laura Fahey ‘05Erin Fussinger ‘05Monica Fussinger ‘05Therese Fussinger ‘05Kimberly Lou<strong>is</strong> ‘05Jessica McCoy ‘05Lindsey Ruwe ‘05Elizabeth Lou<strong>is</strong> ‘06Sara Fahey ‘07Alexx McCoy ‘07All<strong>is</strong>on Wanstrath ‘07Anna Fahey ‘08All<strong>is</strong>on Evans ‘09Catherine Lou<strong>is</strong> ‘10Corrine Bachman ‘12Sarah Wenke ‘13GreatGr<strong>and</strong>mother of:Angela MaioranoBurkart ‘99Annette Maiorano ‘01Kr<strong>is</strong>tina Winter ‘07Kelly Winter ‘10S<strong>is</strong>ter of:Marg<strong>are</strong>t NeumannHaynes ’35 Rita NeumannSucher ’40 Joan Fuller Honkomp ‘48Jan<strong>is</strong> SchroederSwafford ‘48Mary Jean ShannonLuckey ’52 Darlene Rentschler ‘66S<strong>and</strong>y Seitz Amend ‘67Nancy BillBroxterman ‘68Catherine Selm ‘72Donna Bill Vale ‘74Diane Bill Lauck ‘75Nancy Seitz ‘77Judy Bill Dykes ‘80K<strong>are</strong>n Bill Gillespie ‘83S<strong>is</strong>ter in Law of:Joan WubboldingWalsh ‘46Carol WubboldingH<strong>are</strong> ‘48Carolyn GreenLaemmle ‘62Barb Butscha Kock ‘64Marianne SauerShannon ‘64Brother of:Dor<strong>is</strong> Woellert Weber ‘44Miriam Carle ‘46Mary Lou HillenJesionowski ‘47Lo<strong>is</strong> Carle Kunkel ‘47Joi Jack<strong>son</strong> Menke ‘47Janet Carle Jansen ‘51Eileen Carle Fox ‘52Nancy Blume Maurer ‘53Jackie StrassellGeyer ‘56Charlene HartmanSchloss ‘59Mary Kabbes Schrum ‘60Roberta Aichele Ford ‘61Ardith Rogg Mers ‘61Janet Kabbes Andrea ‘62Sherron FredwestWiner ‘64Shelley ScallanMorgan ‘72Brother-in-Law of:Jeanne HellmanSchottelkotte ‘43Rose Marie MoloneyL<strong>and</strong>ers ‘49Peggy HalpinSchmeltzer ‘51Ruth Fogelman ‘54Patricia KearnsHamburg ‘54Bonnie KramerStrassell ‘59Barbara FogelmanDehner ‘61Kathleen Dav<strong>is</strong>Hilvers ‘63Sue Schehl Schiller ‘67Elizabeth GambettaHartman ‘69Deborah BreitfelderKoppenberger ‘83Lauralee O’ConnellNadaud ‘83Shelagh O’ShaughnessyStautberg ‘83Chr<strong>is</strong>tine Klefas Keller(faculty)Nephew of:Sr. M. PerpetuaOverbeck RSM ‘41Sharon MooreFurlong ‘74Niece of:Alicia BroeringGraber ‘81Aunt of:Mary Bruser Dole ‘80Barbara Bruser ‘81Mary Jo LuckeySchablein ‘82Tamara Amend ‘96Chr<strong>is</strong>tine Burnett ‘98Tina Amend ‘00Jacquelyn Seitz ‘06Shannon Burnett ‘07Morgan Dorsey ‘09Hannah Dorsey ‘11Molly Dorsey ‘13Uncle of:Janet BerkemeyerJuengling ‘64Marilyn Berkemeyer ‘66Anne BerkemeyerShaffer ‘70Linda BerkemeyerFarb ‘71Anita CappelStautberg ‘89Amy StautbergFortkamp ‘94Elizabeth StautbergHorvath ‘96Maggie Stautberg ‘03Laura Stautberg ‘04Heidi Stautberg ‘10Great Aunt of:Sarah Schablein ‘03Courtney Bruser ‘09Step Uncle of:Debbie LehaneBerger ‘80Sharon Lehane Lew<strong>is</strong> ‘82Cousin of:Lo<strong>is</strong> Kock ‘59Jean Ludwig Bruns ‘55Elaine Ludwig Mack ‘58Barbara Krollmann ‘59Lo<strong>is</strong> Ludwig Decker ‘64FALL/WINTER 2009| 17

alumnae newsFlorence B. Meyer ‘32 writes, “At 85,macular degeneration <strong>and</strong> hearing losshas cramped my style, but mostly I can’tcomplain.” Her per<strong>son</strong>al note remin<strong>is</strong>cedabout the early days of Mother of MercyAcademy when she was a second graderin a little farmhouse on Ramona. She alsorecalls that her “very best sorority friend atUC” <strong>to</strong>ld her that her family was related <strong>to</strong>Mother McAuley!Rosemarie Scholle Murray ‘48 comesback <strong>to</strong> Mercy for every Varsity volleyballgame <strong>and</strong> can’t believe the changes in theschool. She enjoys watching gr<strong>and</strong>daughter,captain Julie Murray, “play her heart out.”Rosemarie added, “The class of ‘48 gets<strong>to</strong>gether for lunch every other month <strong>and</strong>we look forward <strong>to</strong> seeing each other. Can’tbelieve how fast the years <strong>have</strong> gone!”Ellen Rose Gerhardstein Reik ‘49 lives inColumbus <strong>and</strong> volunteers for Worthing<strong>to</strong>nMeals on Wheels, the American Red CrossBlood Bank Center <strong>and</strong> St. Vincent DePaulfood pantry.Julie Hoffmann Murdock-Russo ‘53 hasretired from the University of Cincinnati.She has been at the University for 32 years,with 12 years at the College of Pharmacyas the Admin<strong>is</strong>trative Secretary <strong>to</strong> the Ass<strong>is</strong>tantDean.Ann Flick Lampe ‘55 <strong>is</strong> the proud gr<strong>and</strong>motherof 8 lb. 4 oz. Nicholas Gerald Witte,born on August 27, 2009 <strong>to</strong> Cathy LampeWitte ‘96 <strong>and</strong> K.C. Witte. Th<strong>is</strong> “h<strong>and</strong>somelittle boy” joins Avery Lou<strong>is</strong>e (2 ½), Ethen(9) <strong>and</strong> Ch<strong>and</strong>ler (10). “They <strong>are</strong> onehappy family!” Debbie Lampe ‘94 <strong>and</strong> RobMorr<strong>is</strong> will be married in June - “anotherhappy occasion in the Lampe family!Lo<strong>is</strong> Rebold Kemper ‘56 retired fromnursing in 1975 <strong>and</strong> was the secretaryat Rebold Funeral Home until 1991. She<strong>and</strong> Mercy Hamil<strong>to</strong>n School of Nursingclassmates Mary Jane Sch<strong>are</strong> Yockey ‘56<strong>and</strong> Sr. Mary Clyde RSM (Mary Ann Stiers18|memos & memories‘56) <strong>are</strong> celebrating their 50 th reunion witha dinner in Hamil<strong>to</strong>n as well as being honoredguests at the annual nurses Mass at St.Julie Billiart <strong>and</strong> breakfast. Later they willcelebrate for a week in San An<strong>to</strong>nio withother classmates.Lo<strong>is</strong> Jane Riedel Wagner ‘57 heard fromfellow classmate Jane Molique Thole ‘57 asa result of her note in the last alum news.She <strong>and</strong> Jane had lunch <strong>and</strong> Jane brough<strong>to</strong>ver her annuals while they remin<strong>is</strong>cedagreeing, “Oh how funny!” Lo<strong>is</strong> <strong>and</strong> Janewould like <strong>to</strong> hear from more classmates<strong>and</strong> possibly meet for lunch. Call Mercy(661-2740) <strong>and</strong> we’ll see that <strong>you</strong> get<strong>to</strong>gether!Sally Sherman, RSM ‘58 <strong>is</strong>, “Happily, aS<strong>is</strong>ter of Mercy for 51 years!” She graduatedwith her BA in Biology, her MA in ScienceTeaching <strong>and</strong> her MS in OrganizationalDevelopment. Sr. Sally works with MercyNeighborhood Min<strong>is</strong>tries, Inc.April Hughey Walters ‘59 thoroughly enjoyedMercy’s 50 th reunion celebration th<strong>is</strong>year where there were “lots of laughs, sometears.” She adds, “It was wonderful <strong>to</strong> seeold friends <strong>and</strong> old teachers - we all lookedpretty darn good.”Marilyn Strassell Boyd ‘60 asks forprayers for her brother David who died ofa massive heart attack in August. Jim <strong>and</strong>Marilyn spend summers in Cincinnati <strong>and</strong>enjoy winters in Florida.Susan Plageman Coleman ‘61 <strong>is</strong> apart-time event planner for the NationalAssociation of Printing Ink Manufacturersworking with her husb<strong>and</strong> who <strong>is</strong> ExecutiveDirec<strong>to</strong>r of NAPIM. She <strong>and</strong> Jim <strong>have</strong>8 married children <strong>and</strong> just became gr<strong>and</strong>p<strong>are</strong>ntsfor the 19 th time (11 girls <strong>and</strong> 8boys). Her work has provided the opportunity<strong>to</strong> travel <strong>to</strong> many foreign countries <strong>and</strong><strong>to</strong> many states in the USA. Jim <strong>and</strong> Sue<strong>have</strong> “lots of places <strong>to</strong> v<strong>is</strong>it” with childrenliving in London, Pennsylvania, Cincinnati,Texas, New Jersey <strong>and</strong> Florida.Mary Reifenberger MacMillan ‘63 <strong>and</strong>John <strong>have</strong> lived in Milford for 22 years.They <strong>have</strong> 8 children between them (Maryhad 5, John had 3) <strong>and</strong> they <strong>have</strong> 14 gr<strong>and</strong>childrenwith another baby due in November.Mary retired in 2003 after 27 yearswith Chr<strong>is</strong>t Hospital/Health Alliance.Mary Jo Niklas Dangel ‘64 retired in Mayfrom St. Anthony Messenger as ass<strong>is</strong>tantmanaging edi<strong>to</strong>r. In June she <strong>and</strong> husb<strong>and</strong>Richard <strong>to</strong>ok their 9 <strong>and</strong> 12 year old gr<strong>and</strong>kid<strong>son</strong> an Elderhostel trip that focusedon barrier <strong>is</strong>l<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> marine biology.Daughter, Jenny Dangel Parks, MD ‘85<strong>and</strong> her family live next door giving MaryJo lots of time <strong>to</strong> enjoy those “adorablegr<strong>and</strong>kids.”Carol Kreimer Martin ‘65 won in theDallas Senior Racquetball Games, won atthe State level <strong>and</strong> competed in the SeniorOlympics in San Franc<strong>is</strong>co. She received aBronze medal in herage div<strong>is</strong>ion admitting“Pretty goodfor a Mercy girl whonever played sportsbefore taking upracquetball in my40’s. Having no gymin the 60’s, Mercygirls played basketballin the cafeteria. Withthose low ceilings wetall girls really had anadvantage.”Mel<strong>is</strong>sa Lang Furr ‘66 <strong>and</strong> David <strong>are</strong> moving<strong>to</strong> Germany in December where theywill be stationed at an Army post in EastGermany for approximately three years!Linda Schrenker Dolan ‘68 <strong>is</strong> proud ofdaughter, Sara, who <strong>is</strong> in her freshman yearat Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia,majoring in Elementary Education<strong>and</strong> minoring in Child Psychology. She <strong>is</strong>also a member of the Dance team.

Diane Nusekabel Kolks ‘72 <strong>is</strong> a nurse atQueen City Physicians in Pediatrics <strong>and</strong> <strong>is</strong>the proud gr<strong>and</strong>mother of six “beautifulgr<strong>and</strong>children.”Barbara Weber Williams ‘72 <strong>is</strong> Direc<strong>to</strong>rof Information Management, Hill-Romin Batesville. She <strong>and</strong> Rodger <strong>have</strong> fourchildren. The two oldest graduated th<strong>is</strong> yearfrom college – Joe has a Finance degreefrom UC <strong>and</strong> works at Fifth Third; Tim hasan Integrate Art degree from Penn State<strong>and</strong> interned th<strong>is</strong> summer at BatesvilleProducts. Nathan <strong>is</strong> majoring in MechanicalEngineering at UC while Lizzy <strong>is</strong> at St.Franc<strong>is</strong> University in Pennsylvania studyingPhysical Therapy. Tim <strong>and</strong> Nathan <strong>are</strong> bothcollegiate swimmers, swimming at NCAA,Big Ten, Big East. Tim competed at theOlympic Trials last summer. Lizzy <strong>is</strong> a collegiatevolleyball player, playing at Div<strong>is</strong>ionI level for the North East Conference.Mary Mazza Jack<strong>son</strong> ‘73 writes, “I <strong>have</strong> somany great memories <strong>and</strong> am thrilled <strong>to</strong>know many of my nieces attend <strong>and</strong> <strong>have</strong>graduated from Mercy. Thanks for <strong>you</strong>rcommitment <strong>to</strong> Catholic education. It’s atradition that lives on!!”Moreen Plageman Muldoon ‘75 <strong>is</strong> aSpecial Ed Teacher in Nashville, TN <strong>and</strong>has been teaching for 25 years. She <strong>and</strong>Sean <strong>have</strong> been married for 27 years <strong>and</strong><strong>have</strong> two daughters. Moreen <strong>is</strong> very proudof their oldest daughter who entered theAdrian Dominican S<strong>is</strong>ters in Oc<strong>to</strong>ber.Their <strong>you</strong>ngest daughter will graduate soonwith a degree in Social Work/Geology.Moreen adds, “Keep the faith alive!”Kim Chr<strong>is</strong><strong>to</strong> Hirsch ‘83 <strong>is</strong> proud of her 8thgrade <strong>son</strong>, Jacob, who has been selected asa 2009 Jack Kent Cook Young Scholar! Oneof 50 students across the country <strong>to</strong> be chosen,he will receive a per<strong>son</strong>al academicadv<strong>is</strong>or <strong>and</strong> financial support throughouth<strong>is</strong> high school years with opportunities <strong>to</strong>do summer camps/workshops focusing onh<strong>is</strong> life goals.Tina Ott Utz ‘84 <strong>and</strong> husb<strong>and</strong> Jack <strong>are</strong>very proud of their <strong>son</strong> who graduated inJune from Oak Hills <strong>and</strong> joined the UnitedStates Marine Corps. He left for boot campat Parr<strong>is</strong> Isl<strong>and</strong> SC in August <strong>and</strong> graduatedon November 25 th .Ellen Wil<strong>son</strong> Crosbie ‘86 <strong>is</strong> starting her12 th year at Wittenberg University as theHead Certified Athletic Trainer. In the pastyear, she has completed a half <strong>and</strong> a fullmarathon <strong>to</strong> ra<strong>is</strong>e money for the LeukemiaLymphoma Society. Husb<strong>and</strong>, Dave, wasdiagnosed with B-cell lymphoma in March,2008 <strong>and</strong> as of January <strong>is</strong> cancer free!Terri Menkhaus Schatzman ‘86 graduatedfrom the Art Academy of Cincinnati <strong>and</strong>recently received National Board Certificationin Art Education for Early Adolescent/Young Adult.Vicki Neihe<strong>is</strong>el Monahan ‘88 has beensinging in the b<strong>and</strong>, “Engl<strong>is</strong>h Channel” forabout a year <strong>and</strong> a half. They play 60’s <strong>and</strong>70’s music. She invites us <strong>to</strong> check the b<strong>and</strong>out at www.engl<strong>is</strong>hchannelb<strong>and</strong>.com.Patricia Luna ‘89 recently moved back<strong>to</strong> the Cincinnati <strong>are</strong>a from Florida. They“love it….<strong>and</strong> <strong>are</strong> so glad <strong>to</strong> be near family<strong>and</strong> friends again.”Elizabeth Hud<strong>son</strong> Moore, EdD ‘93 graduatedfrom UC in June with her Doc<strong>to</strong>ratein Education <strong>and</strong> writes, “Special thanks <strong>to</strong>my husb<strong>and</strong> for h<strong>is</strong> support <strong>and</strong> love.”Kim Mortimer Mouti ‘94 has her Masters<strong>and</strong> has been a Social Worker for over tenyears. She currently works at an InsuranceCompany authorizing inpatient psychiatricadm<strong>is</strong>sions. She <strong>is</strong> married <strong>and</strong> has twochildren, ages five <strong>and</strong> three.Colleen Brown Rodenberg ‘95 <strong>and</strong> Doug<strong>have</strong> been married for six years <strong>and</strong> livein Bridge<strong>to</strong>wn with their two childrenMolly (5) <strong>and</strong> Luke (9 mos.) Colleen adds,“Gr<strong>and</strong>ma, Sharon Noble Brown ‘78 <strong>is</strong>having as much fun with the kids as we<strong>are</strong>!” Colleen loves her job as the BallparkOperations Manager for the CincinnatiReds Front Office.Alecia Grawe ‘96 was a guest on “The Price<strong>is</strong> Right” on Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 12!L<strong>is</strong>a Lameier Rich ‘97 <strong>and</strong> her husb<strong>and</strong>John <strong>are</strong> expecting their first baby the endof January. “It <strong>is</strong> a little girl <strong>and</strong> we <strong>are</strong> soexcited!” exclaims L<strong>is</strong>a.Stephanie Dattilo Hayes ‘98 <strong>is</strong> a graphicdesigner at Marsh, Inc., a packaging,promotions <strong>and</strong> br<strong>and</strong>ing firm that she’sbeen with since her graduation from OhioUniversity in 2002. Rob <strong>and</strong> Stephanie weremarried in 2007. Stephanie adds, “We <strong>are</strong>enjoying living <strong>and</strong> working near our family<strong>and</strong> friends in Westwood, Cincinnati,Ohio.”Keri Weber Sikich ‘98 gave birth <strong>to</strong> 6 lb. 14oz <strong>son</strong>, Luke Adam Sikich last August. KeriProfessional AlterationsCall Sally at (513) 941-7383Located off Bridge<strong>to</strong>wn Road,1 mile past Shady Lane PlazaProm, Formal & Graduation Dresses • Wedding• Home Decorating • General AlterationsSpecializing in Women’s & Children’s clothingFALL/WINTER 2009| 19

Xavier University <strong>and</strong> has been teachingseventh grade for the past two years atSt. Teresa of Avila. She “feels so lucky <strong>to</strong><strong>have</strong> a job that I absolutely love!” Thealumnaenewswrites, “Our new family <strong>is</strong> doing great, justadjusting <strong>to</strong> life with a baby!” She <strong>is</strong> alsoworking on fin<strong>is</strong>hing her PhD in Justice,Law & Society with her d<strong>is</strong>sertationinvolving the study of jury systems aroundthe world. After fin<strong>is</strong>hing her degree,Keri’s plans involve either academia orconsulting.Kimberly Dupps Truesdell ‘99 marriedMark in December <strong>and</strong> <strong>is</strong> an ass<strong>is</strong>tantmetro edi<strong>to</strong>r at The Fort Wayne JournalGazette. She writes, “I’ve also been bloggingabout life as a newlywed for the newspaperat www.journalgazette.net/belle.”Rebecca Oberjohann ‘00 has two daughters,Alyssa Marie (6) <strong>and</strong> Kierstyn Arleigh(18 mos.) <strong>and</strong> she <strong>is</strong> pregnant with herthird, “hopefully a boy,” due April 13,2010!Amy Schwager Scott ‘00 <strong>is</strong> a speechlanguagepatholog<strong>is</strong>t. She <strong>and</strong> Eric gotmarried in August 2009 <strong>and</strong> they <strong>are</strong> livingin Day<strong>to</strong>n, Kentucky.Emily Pierce ‘01 kept her maiden <strong>name</strong>when she married Peter David on June 27,2009. They honeymooned in Egypt <strong>and</strong>recently bought a house in Michigan. Emily<strong>is</strong> currently a stage manager for a localcommunity theatre.Heidi Hehemann V<strong>and</strong>erputten ‘01 <strong>and</strong>David V<strong>and</strong>erputten (Xavier 2000) alongwith their immediate families traveled <strong>to</strong>Europe for their wedding. Everyone spentthe first week sightseeingin the Netherl<strong>and</strong>swith the fatherof the groom as their<strong>to</strong>ur guide. After atrain trip <strong>to</strong> Munster,Germany <strong>and</strong> a carride on the au<strong>to</strong>bahn,the marriage <strong>to</strong>okplace in Sankt MartinusChurch, NottulnGermany on April 25,2009. The matron of honor was StephanieHehemann-Smith ‘98 <strong>and</strong> best man wasMark V<strong>and</strong>erputten. The couple spent theirhoneymoon <strong>to</strong>uring Germany staying in adifferent <strong>to</strong>wn every night.Maggie Miller Bradley ‘02 graduatedfrom the University of Indianapol<strong>is</strong> with aBachelors of Science in Nursing <strong>and</strong> com-pleted four years of Div<strong>is</strong>ion II women’ssoccer in 2006. She worked at Chr<strong>is</strong>t Hospitalfor three years. Maggie <strong>and</strong> Steven(from Beech Grove, Indiana) got marriedJune 6, 2009 at Our Lady of Lourdes. Theymoved <strong>to</strong> Lincoln, Illino<strong>is</strong> where Steven <strong>is</strong>a wrestling coach <strong>and</strong> PE professor at LincolnJunior College. Maggie <strong>is</strong> a Reg<strong>is</strong>teredNurse at Springfield Memorial MedicalCenter on a cardiac unit.Janet Nester ‘02 has a Masters in Educationfrom Arizona State University <strong>and</strong><strong>is</strong> a third grade teacher in the GlendaleElementary school D<strong>is</strong>trict in Phoenix,AZ via “Teach for America.” She’s traveled<strong>to</strong> Greece, Italy, Finl<strong>and</strong>, Australia, CostaRico, Panama, <strong>and</strong> Peru for pleasure <strong>and</strong>some service/conservation work.Amy Brons Thomp<strong>son</strong> ‘02 <strong>is</strong> a full timeRN at Chr<strong>is</strong>t <strong>and</strong> in January will startUC <strong>to</strong> get her Bachelors Degree. She alsoworks part time at a chiroprac<strong>to</strong>r’s officepracticing massage therapy. She has beenhappily married for 2 ½ years <strong>and</strong> has twodogs, Lucy <strong>and</strong> Lily.Theresa Madden Gerken ‘03 has her BSin Middle Childhood Education fromresa married Alan Gerken last June at St.Teresa. Mercy grads Katie Madden ‘06,Julie Ottke Mosholder ‘03, Jen KaufholdGronauer ‘03, <strong>and</strong> Chr<strong>is</strong>tina Mayhaus ‘03were bridesmaids at the wedding. Theresaadds, “After a fabulous honeymoonin beautiful Puer<strong>to</strong> Vallarta, Mexico, nowwe’re back <strong>to</strong> reality <strong>and</strong> looking forward<strong>to</strong> our new life <strong>to</strong>gether. We also justbought a house - where else but the westside of <strong>to</strong>wn!”Am<strong>and</strong>a Papania Hensley ‘03 marriedRob on May 23, 2009 <strong>and</strong> honeymoonedin Cabo San Lucas <strong>and</strong> New York City.She worked at KinderC<strong>are</strong> until July 2009<strong>and</strong> now works at the Hamil<strong>to</strong>n CrossingAnimal Hospital. Am<strong>and</strong>a adds, “I lovethe married life <strong>and</strong> can’t wait <strong>to</strong> start afamily.”Jessica Alex<strong>and</strong>er ‘04 <strong>is</strong> currently enrolledin Xavier University’s Master’s of NursingProgram, <strong>and</strong> <strong>is</strong> scheduled <strong>to</strong> graduate inMay. She recently got engaged <strong>to</strong> her highschool sweetheart, Dave Thielen, <strong>and</strong> they<strong>are</strong> getting married on August 14, 2010.Am<strong>and</strong>a Fritsch ‘04 <strong>and</strong> her s<strong>is</strong>terAndrea Fritsch ’09 <strong>to</strong>ok a trip <strong>to</strong> Irel<strong>and</strong>th<strong>is</strong> summer. They wanted <strong>to</strong> celebrateAndrea graduating from Mercy <strong>and</strong> beginningher college c<strong>are</strong>er at Saint Mary’s20|memos & memories

College – where Am<strong>and</strong>a <strong>is</strong> also a graduate!Am<strong>and</strong>a <strong>is</strong> a contract negotia<strong>to</strong>r forthe Naval Sea Systems Comm<strong>and</strong> with theDepartment of Defense. NAVSEA <strong>is</strong> anacqu<strong>is</strong>ition agency with the Departmen<strong>to</strong>f Navy, which builds, buys <strong>and</strong> maintainsships, submarines <strong>and</strong> combat systems forthe U.S. Navy. Am<strong>and</strong>a adds, “While atMercy, I always dreamed of having a rolein our federal system <strong>and</strong> moving <strong>to</strong> Washing<strong>to</strong>nDC. Double majoring in politicalscience <strong>and</strong> business admin<strong>is</strong>tration atSaint Mary’s allowed th<strong>is</strong> position <strong>to</strong> be aperfect fit.”Heather Koch ‘05 graduated from XavierUniversity in 2009 with her Bachelor’s inMiddle Childhood Education.Hilary Smith ‘05 <strong>is</strong> engaged <strong>to</strong> TomSchnieders (Elder ’00) <strong>and</strong> they <strong>are</strong> gettingmarried at St. Catharine of Siena Churchon April 9, 2010.Lindsay Volpenhein ‘05 graduated magnacum laude with a BS in Chemical Engineeringfrom Ohio State <strong>and</strong> has moved<strong>to</strong> the Hous<strong>to</strong>n <strong>are</strong>a <strong>to</strong> work for DowChemical.Maggie Wilhelm ’05 graduated from UCwith a Bachelor’s in Communication <strong>and</strong> aPublic Relations Certificate. She <strong>is</strong> servingas a Jesuit Volunteer in St. Lou<strong>is</strong> at St. CeciliaMiddle School <strong>and</strong> Academy for oneyear. Maggie writes, “The Jesuit VolunteerCorps has kept my Mercy values strong,as they focus on Spirituality, Social Justice,Community <strong>and</strong> Service. Although I don’tyet <strong>have</strong> a specific c<strong>are</strong>er path, I am excitedfor the year <strong>to</strong> come. I think of Mercy,my classmates, teachers <strong>and</strong> friends quiteoften, <strong>and</strong> I cher<strong>is</strong>h all of my amazingmemories there. I pray that every <strong>you</strong>nggirl can <strong>have</strong> such the fulfilling experiencethat I had at Mercy.”Amy Whittle Feck ’06 <strong>and</strong> Andy weremarried June 13, 2009 at BellarmineChapel on Xavier’s Campus. Her “two bestfriends” Emma Chermely ’06 <strong>and</strong> AlyssaHautman ’06 were co-maids of honor!Andy <strong>is</strong> a police officer <strong>and</strong> Amy <strong>is</strong> fin<strong>is</strong>hingher undergraduate chem<strong>is</strong>try degreeat Xavier <strong>and</strong> preparing <strong>to</strong> start medicalschool at the University of Cincinnati nextfall.Rose Rolfes ‘06 <strong>is</strong> back at Mercy <strong>to</strong> completeher community health practicum!She completed her internship at CincinnatiChildren’s on the Hema<strong>to</strong>logy/Oncologyfloor last summer. Rose was one of fourjuniors recently inducted in<strong>to</strong> the SigmaTheta Tau International Nursing HonorSociety. She will graduate in May 2010with a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing.Shannon Bauer ‘07 <strong>is</strong> engaged <strong>to</strong> NickCraig with their wedding planned for September10, 2011. Shannon will graduatefrom EKU in Spring of 2011 with her BSin Athletic Training. She then plans <strong>to</strong> gether Doc<strong>to</strong>rate in Physical Therapy.Melanie Ruhe ‘07 <strong>is</strong> a junior studying <strong>to</strong>be a Dietician at the University of Day<strong>to</strong>n,but claims, “My heart <strong>is</strong> still at Mercy!”Melanie joined a sorority <strong>and</strong> <strong>is</strong> having agood time but acknowledges that classes<strong>are</strong> <strong>to</strong>ugh. She adds, “Hope everyone inMercy’s Class of 2007 <strong>is</strong> doing great!”Fall Sport All Stars AnnouncedCross Country – D<strong>is</strong>tricts 4th placeMelina Artmayer - GGCL 1st TeamAnna Ahlrichs - GGCL 1st TeamElaine Simp<strong>son</strong> - GGCL 1st TeamLauren Seibert - GGCL 2nd TeamGolfMel<strong>is</strong>sa Funk - GGCL Honorable MentionSoccerHannah Borell - GGCL First TeamKelly O’Brien - GGCL First TeamKelsey Zwergel - GGCL First TeamAm<strong>and</strong>a Huschart - GGCL 2nd TeamElle Ventre - GGCL 2nd TeamKelly Winter - GGCL 2nd TeamTenn<strong>is</strong>Heather Smith - GGCL Singles 2nd TeamCaroline Sullivan - GGCL Honorable MentionMadeline Tucker - GGCL Honorable MentionMichelle Weber - GGCL Honorable MentionVolleyballLindsey Dinkelacker - GGCL First Team,SWOVBCA 2nd TeamJulie Murray - GGCL 2nd Team, SWOVBCA City AllStar Game <strong>and</strong> Senior Academic AwardEmily Caldwell - GGCL Honorable Mention, SWOVBCASenior Academic AwardMaggie Cosker - SWOVBCA Senior Academic AwardHannah Zimmerman - SWOVBCA Senior Academic AwardMegan Wanstrath - GGCL Honorable MentionTeam - SWOVBCA Team Academic AwardFALL/WINTER 2009| <strong>21</strong>

Mercy Gras XXIMercy Gras Gr<strong>and</strong> Raffle$5,000 Gr<strong>and</strong> Prize • $2,500 Second Prize$1,000 Third Prize • Three $500 Fourth PrizesDrawing : Saturday, February 6, 2010 – Winner Need Not Be PresentAll proceeds benefit Mother of Mercy High SchoolDonation: $25 per ticket 5 for $100Name___________________________Address________________________________________________________City, ST, Zip_____________________Phone__________________________- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -22|memos & memoriesMercy Gras XXIMercy Gras Gr<strong>and</strong> Raffle$5,000 Gr<strong>and</strong> Prize • $2,500 Second Prize$1,000 Third Prize • Three $500 Fourth PrizesDrawing : Saturday, February 6, 2010 – Winner Need Not Be PresentAll proceeds benefit Mother of Mercy High SchoolDonation: $25 per ticket 5 for $100Mercy Gras XXIMercy Gras Gr<strong>and</strong> Raffle$5,000 Gr<strong>and</strong> Prize • $2,500 Second Prize$1,000 Third Prize • Three $500 Fourth PrizesDrawing : Saturday, February6, 2010 – Winner Need Not Be PresentAll proceeds benefit Mother of Mercy High SchoolDonation: $25 per ticket 5 for $100Mercy Gras XXIMercy Gras Gr<strong>and</strong> Raffle$5,000 Gr<strong>and</strong> Prize • $2,500 Second Prize$1,000 Third Prize • Three $500 Fourth PrizesDrawing : Saturday, February 6, 2010 – Winner Need Not Be PresentAll proceeds benefit Mother of Mercy High SchoolDonation: $25 per ticket 5 for $100Mercy Gras XXIMercy Gras Gr<strong>and</strong> Raffle$5,000 Gr<strong>and</strong> Prize • $2,500 Second Prize$1,000 Third Prize • Three $500 Fourth PrizesDrawing : Saturday, February 6, 2010 – Winner Need Not Be PresentAll proceeds benefit Mother of Mercy High SchoolDonation: $25 per ticket 5 for $100Phone__________________________Phone__________________________Phone__________________________Phone__________________________City, ST, Zip_____________________City, ST, Zip_____________________City, ST, Zip_____________________City, ST, Zip_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Address_________________________Address_________________________Address_________________________Address_________________________Name___________________________Name___________________________Name___________________________Name___________________________

Mercy Gras XXIMercy Gras ItalianoSaturday, February 6, 2010Mercy Gras Italiano!Mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle RaffleExperience the d<strong>is</strong>tinctivecru<strong>is</strong>er styling of th<strong>is</strong>2009“America” Mo<strong>to</strong>rcycleby TriumphPacific Blue <strong>and</strong>New Engl<strong>and</strong> WhiteTraditional Brit<strong>is</strong>h air-cooled 865ccparallel twin engineWinner <strong>is</strong> responsible for title transfer6:00 pm Hors d’oeuvres, Open Bar <strong>and</strong> Silent Auction7:15 pm Sit-Down Dinner8:00 pm Oral AuctionCo-Chairs Rick & Michelle Bachman, Dan & Maria FunkProfits ra<strong>is</strong>ed at Mercy Gras help defray tuition costs <strong>and</strong> help fundtechnology, student activities, fine arts, <strong>and</strong> building <strong>and</strong> groundsimprovements.Indulge <strong>you</strong>rself <strong>and</strong> head for the open road.Mercy Gras Italiano!Mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle RaffleAll proceeds benefitMother of Mercy High SchoolWinner Need Not Be PresentTickets must be received by Feb. 3.Drawing:Saturday, February 6, 2010$25 per chance or $60 for 3Mercy Gras Italiano!Mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle RaffleAll proceeds benefitMother of Mercy High SchoolWinner Need Not Be PresentTickets must be received by Feb. 3.Drawing:Saturday, February 6, 2010$25 per chance or $60 for 3Mercy Gras Italiano!Mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle RaffleAll proceeds benefitMother of Mercy High SchoolWinner Need Not Be PresentTickets must be received by Feb. 3.Drawing:Saturday, February 6, 2010$25 per chance or $60 for 3Name______________________________________Address_____________________________________City_________________________________________State, Zip___________________________________Phone______________________________________Name______________________________________Address_____________________________________City_________________________________________State, Zip___________________________________Phone______________________________________Name______________________________________Address_____________________________________City_________________________________________State, Zip___________________________________Phone______________________________________www.motherofmercy.orgwww.motherofmercy.orgwww.motherofmercy.orgFALL/WINTER 2009| 23

Have a Merry Mercy Chr<strong>is</strong>tmas!

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