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This Manual provides information for planners, developers,managers and decision makers involvedwith tourism development and resource managementin areas of sensitive biodiversity. The purposeis to help them to mainstream biodiversity concernsand ecosystem services within sustainable tourismdevelopment. Its primary target is public authoritiesand other agencies in a position to influence tourismimpacts, while also being relevant to potentialdevelopers of tourism projects.The Manual has been prepared as a result of decisionstaken by the Parties to the Convention on BiologicalDiversity (CBD) in 2012 (COP 11) and furtherdeveloped in 2014 (COP 12) to improve knowledgeand materials to better inform the integration of biodiversityinto sustainable tourism development.The Manual is based on the CBD Guidelines on Biodiversityand Tourism Development. However, italso reflects a wider perspective on approaches andexperience in sustainable tourism development andmanagement. 1This Manual, with an emphasis on managementand governance, complements the more technicalUser’s Manual on the CBD Guidelines on Biodiversity andTourism Development published in 2007. 2This Manual is available as a PDF document at: AManual on applying the CBD Guidelines on Biodiversityand Tourism Development. 3Tourism Supporting Biodiversity 7

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