ECE 332 Week 1 DQ 1 Benefits of Preschool

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. N-Z: Proponent <strong>of</strong> NurtureFor this debate, you must develop a persuasive, research-based argumentshowing the extent to which your assigned influence affects development. Besure to utilize both the course text as well as other scholarly resources to supportyour argument. Remember, you are arguing that either nature or nurture is themost important influence on development.Conception to Birth. There are three major stages from conception to birth.They are the germinal stage (first two weeks following conception); theembryonic stage (until the end <strong>of</strong> the eighth week); and the fetal stage (untilbirth). Complete a table, like the one below, making sure to identify thedevelopment that happens in each stage and how the development is affected byoutside influences, both positive and negative. Finally, list yourrecommendations for the healthy development <strong>of</strong> a child.Point <strong>of</strong> View. You are a parent <strong>of</strong> a child who has a serious peanut allergy.You are meeting with your child’s new teacher to explain this allergy and whatspecific needs your child has. Your goal for this meeting is to ensure yourchild’s comfort and safety in the classroom by communicating yourexpectations to the teacher.For your journal entry, reflect on the following questions:a. How do you expect your child to be treated not only by his teacher, but by therest <strong>of</strong> the school staff?b. How would you want the school staff to talk with the other children aboutyour child’s specific needs and accommodations?c. In addition to the teacher, who else should be involved in ensuring the safety<strong>of</strong> your child?Early Language Development. Take a moment to watch the video, A Place <strong>of</strong>Our Own: Early Academics – Part 1. After reading about early languagedevelopment in Chapter 5 <strong>of</strong> your text and watching the video, describe alearning center that would promote early language development. Yourdescription must include the learning objective <strong>of</strong> the center, the materialsprovided, and step-by-step instructions for implementation <strong>of</strong> the activity. Makesure to include the specific areas <strong>of</strong> language that the center targets, the

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