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<strong>FORMATIVE</strong> <strong>EVALUATION</strong><strong>ANG</strong>-<strong>4036</strong>-6<strong>PART</strong> 2<strong>Reading</strong> ComprehensionAndWritten ExpressionQUESTIONNAIREMay 2004Martine PoulinC.E.A. Mgr BeaudoinC.S. Beauce-Etchemin

______________________________<strong>Reading</strong> Comprehension and Written Expression – Student CopyRead statements 1, 2 and 3.Choose A, B, C or D.1. Which region won’t have fog today?a) Kent Countyb) St-Johnc) Grand Manand) Grand Falls2. Which area will have cloudy skies during the night?a) Mt Carletonb) Fundy National Parkc) Monctond) Victoria County3. Next Tuesday’s date will be…a) August 5b) August 4c) August 7d) August 2________________________________________________________________________Formative Evaluation <strong>ANG</strong>-<strong>4036</strong>- 3 -

______________________________<strong>Reading</strong> Comprehension and Written Expression – Student CopySITUATION 2You want to visit New Orleans in Louisiana and you are looking for a place to stay.Read the ads below and answer questions 4 and 5.______________________________Ramada Limited – GoldAward. Free high-speedinternet. Hot breakfast. Café,Spa, Salon and valet parking.Gym, meeting room & pool. Inroommicro-fridge, iron &coffee. (318) 410-1005._______________________Sleep Inn Metairie – FreeMcDonald’s breakfast, cable andinternet. Free parking, pool andexercise facility available.Conference room. 15 minutesfrom French Market. (318) 251-4433.A Villa Bed & Breakfast –Circa 1905. 5 Rooms withwhirlpools tubs. Cable, TV/VCR,full breakfast, quiet andromantic. In historical district,Cajun restaurant nearby.(318) 352-2178.The Jackson Street GuestHouse – Simple luxury. Private1900 cottage. Spacious Suitewith Jacuzzi. Kitchen privileges& screen porch. Complimentarybreakfast. 10 minutes fromCasino. (318) 251-5521.________________________________________________________________________Formative Evaluation <strong>ANG</strong>-<strong>4036</strong>- 4 -

______________________________<strong>Reading</strong> Comprehension and Written Expression – Student CopyRead statements 4 and 5.Choose A, B, C or D.4. You’d rather have a room with breakfast included. Where will you have to pay for yourbreakfast?a) Sleep Inn Metairieb) The Jackson Street Guest Housec) Ramada Limitedd) A Villa Bed & Breakfast5. You hate it when you have to carry your luggage all the way from the parking area to thehotel? Where would you love to stay?a) Sleep Inn Metairieb) The Jackson Street Guest Housec) Ramada Limitedd) A Villa Bed & Breakfast________________________________________________________________________Formative Evaluation <strong>ANG</strong>-<strong>4036</strong>- 5 -

______________________________<strong>Reading</strong> Comprehension and Written Expression – Student CopySITUATION 3You are reading a magazine and notice this article. Read it carefully and answer questions 6,7 and 8.Niagara Falls Run DryThere appears to have been nothingterribly unusual about the winter of1847-48. But during the night of March29-30, 1848, the great cataracts overboth falls diminished, slowed to a trickleand then stopped completely! When thelocal residents awoke on the morning ofthe 30th, something felt wrong...indeed,something sounded wrong. Therewas...silence. No roaring water filled theambient background as it had everymorning in anyone's memory.Many rushed to the Falls and saw: rockand ice and some ponds and pools ofwater. The Niagara River had stoppedflowing, and both the Horseshoe Fallsand the American Falls had stopped,well, falling!Despite the limited and slowcommunication network of the day, areported 5000 people from as far asHamilton, Ontario and Buffalo, NewYork converged on the scene, jamminglocal roads. Thousands attended specialchurch services, convinced that theincident was a prophetic sign of greaterdisasters yet to come.But many brave souls took theopportunity to descend into the GreatNiagara Gorge and explore the neverbefore-seenbasin at the foot of theNiagara Falls. Some retrieved a varietyof relics from beneath the Falls,including weapons from the War of1812: bayonets, musket barrels, swords,pistols and tomahawks. Severalenterprising men brought a cart to theedge of the Horseshoe Falls andsalvaged huge pine logs and timbers 12-18 metres (36-60 ft) long that hadjammed there. These were eventuallyturned into furniture and sold (atpremium price?) as special items thathad an incredible and rare story attachedto their wood.Others used the opportunity to walk orride across the river above and below theFalls. A squadron of United States Armycavalry rode down the river bed enjoyingthe novel situation. Operators of theMaid of the Mist excursion boat took theoccasion to blast away a rock outcropfrom the channel which had threatenedthe boat's keel.The cause of the water stoppage appearsto have been a perfect ice dam formed atthe source of the Niagara River nearBuffalo.To date, this was the only naturaloccasion when the waters of the fullNiagara Falls complex stoppedcompletely. An ice boom placed in LakeErie to protect water intakes for thehydroelectric generating stations on bothsides of the Niagara River will likelyprevent a similar ice dam from everagain forming.________________________________________________________________________Formative Evaluation <strong>ANG</strong>-<strong>4036</strong>

- 6 -______________________________<strong>Reading</strong> Comprehension and Written Expression – Student CopyRead statements 6, 7 and 8.Choose A, B, C or D.6. What happened one night of March 1848?a) Cataracts formed on the Niagara River.b) Many people hurried to the falls and perished.c) Nothing unusual happened.d) The Niagara Falls stopped falling.7. What was recovered at the bottom of the Falls?a) Numerous objects and pieces of wood.b) Large pieces of furniture.c) Weapons that had been lost recently.d) A large number of Indian bones and pottery.8. What was the cause of this extraordinary event?a) It still remains a mystery to this day.b) God sent a clear message of more disasters to come.c) An ice jam occurred in the Niagara River.d) The Falls froze over for several hours.________________________________________________________________________Formative Evaluation <strong>ANG</strong>-<strong>4036</strong>

- 7 -______________________________<strong>Reading</strong> Comprehension and Written Expression – Student CopySITUATION 4In the same magazine, you find this other article. Read it carefully and answer questions 9and 10.SpaceIn 1866, a meteorite fell to Earth nearKnyahinya, Hungary. It was then givento Doctor Otto Hahn, a respectedGerman geologist. Hahn sawed offseveral slices which he polished to atransparent thinness. Under amicroscope he found what looked likeminiature, fossilized lifeforms similar toEarth sealife: sponges and corals.Before going public with his findings thedoctor decided to get a second opinion.He asked a zoologist, Doctor D.F.Weinland, to determine what he hadfound. Doctor Weinland studied theocean-like objects and agreed withDoctor Hahn's findings.The two eminent scientists publishedtheir research in 'Popular Science' in1880. They experienced a backlash.Their fellow colleagues would not evenexamine the evidence. Instead, they weretold that the Earth was unique and that itwas the only place in the universe withlife. This discovery was buried.In September of 1921, William Marconiclaimed to have received radiocommunication, from outer space, on hisyacht in the Mediterranean.At that time a radio transmitter couldonly transmit signals with a wavelengthof up to 24,000 meters. His radioreceiver picked up signals with awavelength of up to 150,000 meters.No transmitter was capable of doing thatat this time and the regularity of thesignals ruled out any possibility ofelectrical disturbances. The signalslooked like a code. But the only part thatcould be understood was somethingwhich was similar to the letter "V" in ourMorse Code.In 1924, the American Navy workedwith Amherst College to find out if therewas life on Mars. They would use thelatest technology to try and receive radiosignals from that planet.The two scientists who headed theproject were Doctor David Todd andFrancis Jenkins. The receiver they usedwas called a 'Radio-Camera'. Newlyinvented, this instrument could convertradio waves into visual images. Theseimages could then be recorded onsensitized paper film thirty feet long andsix inches wide. On the night of August23, they aimed their device at Mars.Over a 29 hour period, when the radiosignals came in, they were convertedinto a beam of light and recorded ontothe paper film. Unmistakably, a humanface kept appearing on the film over andover again. The scientists were baffledas to how the signals could betransmitted to produce suc h a strangeresult. Called the 'Martian Code', it wasnever deciphered.________________________________________________________________________Formative Evaluation <strong>ANG</strong>-<strong>4036</strong>

- 8 -______________________________<strong>Reading</strong> Comprehension and Written Expression – Student CopyRead statements 9 and 10.Choose A, B, C or D.9. What fact can be inferred from this article?a) Earth was hit by a huge rock from space.b) Marconi invented the radio in 1921.c) Americans discovered Mars.d) Unexplained events have been happening for years.10. What was the 'Martian Code' ?a) It was a device called a Radio -Camera.b) They were symbols seen on the surface of Mars.c) It was a series of pictures of a human face.d) It was a special paper that could record images from radio waves.________________________________________________________________________Formative Evaluation <strong>ANG</strong>-<strong>4036</strong>

- 9 -______________________________<strong>Reading</strong> Comprehension and Written Expression – Student CopySITUATION 5You are spending the construction vacation at the beach. Write a postcard to a friend. Tellhim or her:- Where you are- How the weather is- How the place and people are- What you have been doing- How you will spend the rest of your vacationSITUATION 6You were chosen to be a contestant on 'The Price Is Right' game show and you won the finalshowcase which included winter sports equipment, kitchen appliances and a brand newHonda CRV. You already have all of these things at home and you need money more thanthese prizes. Choose one of these items and write and ad to sell it. Give the name of theperson to contact. (15 words minimum)________________________________________________________________________Formative Evaluation <strong>ANG</strong>-<strong>4036</strong>

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