directory. - Surrounded by Reality

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directory. - Surrounded by Reality


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138 MADIS ON DIRECT ORY .Treasurer, . . . . .. . G. OttTurnwart,. . . . . .H. ReppMeet every Monday evening, for business, at th eir H all ,Nolden's Bl ock, State St reet , and every Tu esday and Fridayfor gymna stic exercises.RELIGIOUS WORSIIIP, CHURCHES, &0.BAPTIST Cn URClI, Carroll Street, near ) Iain.The F irst Baptist Church in Madison was organized, December23J. 1847, composed of t wenty cons tituent members. Rev.H . 'V . R ead became th o first pastor; he resigned in Mar ch,1849, when he went out as a pioneer missionary t o .New)Iexico.In October, 1840 , Rev. J ohn Williams was chose n pa s­t or, but resigned Fe bruary ensuing; and in th e summer of1851, Rev. S. S. Whi tman, formerl y pr ofessor in H amilt on I n­sti tu te, New York , came from Belvidere, l11inois, aIHI becamepast or of th e church, but his labors W e TC of brief du rat ion.H e died , after a shor t illn ess, on the 2

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