Basic Word List I - Ivy Global

Basic Word List I - Ivy Global

Basic Word List I - Ivy Global


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<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Word</strong> <strong>List</strong> I# <strong>Word</strong> Definition Group1 affirmation positive assertion argument and language2 analogous similar argument and language3 cliché overused expression, platitude argument and language4 contend compete, assert argument and language5 conviction belief argument and language6 discourse discussion argument and language7eloquence,eloquent fluent and persuasive speech/writing argument and language8 excerpt a passage taken from a book, speech, etc. argument and language9 ramble talk endlessly, take a long walk argument and language10 brevity conciseness argument and language11 conjecture hypothesis argument and languageredundant,12redundancy repetition argument and languagearticulate,articulation well-spoken argument and language1314 succinct concise argument and language15 viable possible argument and language16 indifferent lacking interest argument and language17 anecdote short story argument and language18 consensus agreement argument and language19 terse concise argument and language20 abstract theoretical, not practical argument and language21 comprehensive thorough argument and language22 concise succinct, brief and to the point argument and language23 explicit fully expressed, leaving nothing implied argument and language24 bias prejudice, preconception argument and language25 blatant obvious, conspicuous argument and language26probable,probability likely argument and language27 thesis statement of logical argument argument and language28 objective not biased argument and language29 subjectivebiased, dependent on one's personalopinionargument and language30 antithesis opposite argument and language31 memoir autobiography argument and language32 contradict assert the opposite of argument and language33 assert declare argument and language34 compelling convincing, interesting argument and language35 explicate explain argument and language36 narrative story argument and language37 parallel analogous, similar argument and language38 relevant significant, related to the topic at hand argument and language<strong>Ivy</strong> <strong>Global</strong>

39 whimsical playful, fanciful emotions40pessimist,pessimismone who usually expects a negativeoutcomeemotions41ambivalent,ambivalence mixed feelings emotions42nonchalant,nonchalance lack of concern emotions43apprehension,apprehensive uneasy anticipation emotions44 ardent passionate emotions45optimist,optimisticone who usually expects a positiveoutcomeemotions46 awe wonder, admiration emotions47 whim impulse, spur-of-the-moment desire emotions48spontaneity,spontaneous spur of the moment emotions49 captivating enchanting, fascinating emotions50 timid shy emotions51 cynical pessimistic emotions52 robust strong, healthy energyexhilaration,53 exhilarating lively energy54 tranquil(ity) calm, peaceful energy55 remedy cure, salve energy56 rambunctious boisterous, disorderly energy57 rejuvenate make young again energy58 dynamic full of energy energy59 animated lively energy60 aversion dislike, disinclination friends and enemies61 complementary forming a complete whole friends and enemies62 intervene interrupt, come between friends and enemies63 inadvertent not on purpose friends and enemies64 emulate imitate friends and enemies65 animosity hostility friends and enemies66 affable, affability friendly, friendliness friends and enemies67 discord(ant) conflicting, inharmonious friends and enemies68antagonism,antagonistic,antagonize adversarial, opposing friends and enemiesappease,appeasement bring about peace friends and enemies6970 cordial polite friends and enemies71 repel reject, cause someone to feel disgust friends and enemies72 adversary opponent, foe friends and enemies73 exploit (verb) take advantage of friends and enemies74 allegiance loyalty friends and enemies75 ally friend, supporter friends and enemies76 antisocial antagonistic, not friendly friends and enemies<strong>Ivy</strong> <strong>Global</strong>

77 charismatic charming friends and enemies78 compassionate sympathetic, empathetic friends and enemies79 confrontational causing conflict friends and enemies80 nemesis cause of misery or harm friends and enemies81 passive not confrontational friends and enemies82 taunt tease, insult friends and enemies83 courteous polite friends and enemies84 compatible harmonious friends and enemies85 accord agreement friends and enemies86 curt rudely brief or abrupt friends and enemies87 agreeable pleasant friends and enemies88 alienate to cause to be unfriendly or withdrawn friends and enemies89 hospitable generous friends and enemies90 inspiring uplifting, encouraging friends and enemies91 introverted withdrawn, introspective friends and enemies92 engaging charming, agreeable friends and enemies93 collaborate work together friends and enemies94 colleague co-worker friends and enemies95 exasperate annoy friends and enemies96 reconcile make peace, harmonize friends and enemies97 intimidate make timid, cause fear give up?98 sustain(ed) maintain, deal with give up?99 acquiesce give in give up?100 audacious daring give up?101 accessible easy to approach or reach give up?102 diligence, diligent hardworking give up?103 decode decipher give up?104 plea earnest request give up?105 topple fall, tumble give up?106 weary tired, fatigued give up?107 arduous demanding great effort give up?108 thwart obstruct give up?109 wary cautious give up?110 demise downfall give up?111 fend off prevent, deflect give up?112 inflexible not yielding give up?113 relentless not yielding give up?114 reluctant unwilling, uneager give up?115 deter prevent, discourage give up?116 vulnerable susceptible, exposed give up?117 calculated deliberate knowledge and skill118 devise create knowledge and skill119 vigor strength knowledge and skill120 impeccable perfect knowledge and skill121pragmatic,pragmatism,pragmatist practical knowledge and skill122 astute shrewd, smart knowledge and skill<strong>Ivy</strong> <strong>Global</strong>

123 confound(ed) confuse(d) knowledge and skill124 prudent careful knowledge and skill125 baffling perplexing, confusing knowledge and skill126 bewilderment confusion, disorientation knowledge and skill127 capacity ability knowledge and skill128 flimsy insubstantial knowledge and skill129 muddled confused, jumbled knowledge and skill130 rudimentary basic, incomplete knowledge and skill131 incompetent not qualified, inadequate knowledge and skill132 convoluted complicated, twisted knowledge and skill133 deft skillful knowledge and skill134 novice beginner knowledge and skill135 decisive conclusive, resolute knowledge and skill136 merit excellence knowledge and skill137 prominent famous, noticeable knowledge and skill138 mediocre inferior, second-rate knowledge and skill139 criterion standard, measure law and order140 comply act in accordance with rules law and order141 lax not strict law and order142 corrupt immoral, depraved law and order143 lavish extravagant money144 opulence, opulent wealthy money145 rebate refund, discount money146 affluent wealthy money147 entrepreneur businessman money148 bounteous abundant, rich money149 charitable generous money150 sparse scarce, poor money151 thrifty cheap moneyprosperous,prosperity abundant, rich money152153 execute produce politics and tradition154 hierarchy class-based system politics and tradition155 discrepancy divergence, disagreement politics and tradition156anomaly,anomalous not normal politics and traditionautonomous,autonomy independent politics and tradition157158 authoritarian commanding politics and tradition159 disparity inequality, incongruity politics and tradition160 mundane boring, ordinary politics and tradition161 disclaimer renunciation, rejection politics and tradition162 generic general politics and traditionpassed down from one generation to thenext, connection through genes163 hereditarypolitics and traditionaristocrat,164 aristocratic member of the nobility politics and tradition165 atypical not normal politics and tradition<strong>Ivy</strong> <strong>Global</strong>

166 eccentric unconventional politics and tradition167 unorthodox not traditional politics and tradition168 improvise perform without preparation politics and tradition169 discreet tactful, diplomatic politics and tradition170 conformist someone who uncritically follows rules politics and tradition171 dominant most prominent politics and tradition172 exclusive not shared, elite politics and tradition173 rant loud and angry speech/writing praise and criticism174 disdain(ful) contempt(uous) praise and criticism175 adulation praise praise and criticism176 acclaim praise praise and criticism177 denounce criticize praise and criticism178 dismiss(ive) reject(ing) praise and criticism179 condone excuse, overlook praise and criticism180 endorse approve, support praise and criticism181 erroneous incorrect praise and criticism182 belittle disparage, talk down praise and criticism183 complimentary expressing praise praise and criticism184 scorn contempt praise and criticismcommend,commendable praise praise and criticism185186 admonish warn praise and criticism187 applaud praise praise and criticism188 flatter praise praise and criticism189 scold criticize praise and criticism190 stimulating exciting, interesting praise and criticismcondescend,condescending belittle, belittling praise and criticism191192 discredit damage in reputation praise and criticism193 tedious boring, tiresome praise and criticism194 braggart boaster, show off pride195egotism, egotist,egotistical self-centered pride196arrogance,arrogant haughty pride197 flaunt show off pride198 smugexcessive self-satisfaction orcomplacencypridepompous,pomposity arrogant pride199200 proud haughty pride201 arbitrary random science202 combustible flammable science203 compile collect science204 corrode rust, decay science205 dehydrate remove water science206 incidental secondary, accompanying science207 apparatus device, equipment science<strong>Ivy</strong> <strong>Global</strong>

208 amalgam mixture science209 erratic irregular, unpredictable science210 abridge shorten size, amount, location211 augment enlarge, increase size, amount, location212 constraint restraint, limit size, amount, location213 contract enter into an agreement, reduce in size size, amount, location214 nurture cultivate, nourish size, amount, location215 subside diminish size, amount, location216 thrive prosper, grow vigorously size, amount, location217 curtail shorten size, amount, location218 prevalent widespread size, amount, location219 detached separated size, amount, location220 enhance heighten, improve size, amount, location221 pervasive widespread size, amount, location222 bountiful plentiful, ample size, amount, location223 puny small, weak size, amount, location224 deficit lack, shortage size, amount, location225 foster (verb) nurture size, amount, location226 rustic relating to the countryside size, amount, location227 extravagant excessive size, amount, location228 incorporate include size, amount, location229 unkempt untidy, unpolished the senses230 aesthetic relating to visual beauty the senses231 ornate elaborate the senses232 superficial shallow the senses233 embellish decorate, ornament the senses234 picturesque attractive, vivid, expressive the senses235 pigment substance that gives color the senses236 antiquated old time237 linger delay, prolong departure time238 archaic old-fashioned time239anachronism,anachronistic an error in chronology (time) time240 unprecedented without any previous example timeinnovation,241 innovative something new time242 simultaneous at the same time time243 nostalgia sentimental desire to relive the past time244 antecedent what came before time245 fleeting short-lived time246 provisional temporary time247 chronological in temporal order, sequential time248 acknowledge recognize truth249 devious sly, dishonest truth250 disclose make information known truth251 gullible naïve, credulous truth252 opacity, opaque not transparent, hard to understand truth<strong>Ivy</strong> <strong>Global</strong>

253 cryptic mysterious truth254 ambiguous unclear truth255 feasible possible truth256 obscure not well-known, hard to understand truth257 crafty devious, deceptive truth258 imperceptible undetectable truth259 inaudible impossible to hear truth260 principle basic truth, rule truth261 candid, candor honest truth262 distort, distortion misrepresent, alter truthinevitable,inevitability sure to happen truth263264 subtle not obvious truth265 impenetrable impossible to enter or understand truth266 deplore express sorrow war and peace267 detrimental damaging, harmful war and peace268 facilitate allow, help war and peace269 falter stumble war and peace270 impair damage war and peace271 pitfall hidden danger war and peace272 remorse regret war and peace273 exacerbate make worse war and peace274 lament, lamentable express grief war and peace275 alleviate relieve war and peace276 adversity misfortune, hardship war and peace277 ominous menacing, threatening war and peace278 atrocity appalling situation war and peace279 affliction pain, suffering war and peace280 ailment illness war and peace281 bystander spectator, onlooker war and peace282 catastrophic disastrous war and peace283 hazard, hazardous dangerous war and peace284 anguish agony war and peace285 fiasco failure war and peace286 pandemonium chaos war and peace287 eradicate destroy war and peace<strong>Ivy</strong> <strong>Global</strong>

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