HIGHLIGHTS - MINDA Malaysian Directors Academy

HIGHLIGHTS - MINDA Malaysian Directors Academy

HIGHLIGHTS - MINDA Malaysian Directors Academy


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FEATURED ARTICLES _ARTICLE ONEGroup Governance:<strong>Directors</strong> with Many HatsBy Philip Koh Tong NgeeThe Modern corporation is many hydra forms. Complexstructures include pyramidal form, chain –ownershipforms (popular in Asia as entrepreneurs leveraged their ninvestments with outsider investors). There could also benetwork cross –holdings with dominant substantial block.but at another the law holds her accountable to dischargeher duties for the interests of the corporation in which sheholds office irrespective of her being an employee of theappointer. The dualities and overlapping duties coalesceespecially in contested and questionable transactions.MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMYBob Tricker has observed that there are two distinctoptions in governance and management structureof conglomerates. One which embraces Group selfgovernancewith each company governing itself subjectto overall group policies. Alternatively group widegovernance where entities are treated as divisions ordepartments of holding company.Group entities abound and directors find that their rolesmay intertwined and that whilst being a director at theholding board level they may be nominated to hold office ina subsidiary or related company to represent, defend andensure that interest of the appointer corporation. It is alsocommon that joint venture company have nominee directorswhich specifically are appointed to ensure that the distinctinterest of the joint venture partners are not negated.The dilemmas confronting a nominee director are acuteand complex. At one level she owes duty to her appointerNominee <strong>Directors</strong> in MalaysiaThe first time it was recognised in legislation was in thePengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad Act 1998, whichconferred a right on the special administrator to appoint aperson on to the board of a defaulting company to overseeand represent the interest of the special administrator.Section 132(1E) of the Companies Act 1965 now recognisesthat there can be a director who has been appointed by virtueof being an employee of a company or as a representative ofa shareholder, employer or debenture holder.Section 132(1E) of the Companies Act 1965 statescategorically that a nominee director “shall act in the bestinterest of the company and in the event of any conflictbetween his duty to act in the best interest of the companyand his duty to his nominator, he shall not subordinate hisduty to act in the best interest of the company to his dutyto his nominator.”4

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