March 2011 - Oklahoma City Boat Club

March 2011 - Oklahoma City Boat Club

March 2011 - Oklahoma City Boat Club


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1O K L A H O M A C I T Y B O A T C L U B<strong>March</strong> <strong>2011</strong>Volume 81 Issue 5Inside this issue:PHRF 1What is PHRF?Rear Commodore 4Vice Commodore 3Commodore 7Education Series 7Quote of the Month 8Sailing Definitions 11Calendar of Events3/3 Board of Governorsmeeting 19003/10 Membership meeting19303/19 St Patrick’s DayParty 1830Ball room dancing lessonsevery TuesdaynightFrom the USSailing website: PHRF is a locally administered handicapping system thatuses the perceived speed potential of a yacht as the basis for the handicap. An initial handicapis assigned based on comparisons with similar yachts. The handicap may then be adjustedbased on the performance of the class of the yacht.In most fleets there is no credit for lack of sailing skill or boat preparation. The handicap isbased on the yacht being sailed by a top notch crew with the best equipment. The PHRFsystem handicaps yachts, not sailors.Since the handicap is administered locally, you must contact the fleet that assigns thehandicaps for your area to obtain a handicap.HOW DOES PHRF ASSIGN A HANDICAP?Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (PHRF) handicaps are based on the speed potential ofthe boat, determined as far as possible on observations of previous racing experiences. Fornew boats, handicappers typically compare the new boat to others that they are familiarwith and references, if available, to designer's predictions, IMS or MORC handicaps. Theylook for boats of the same type, based on sail area to displacement ratios and then makeadjustments based on the differences. In addition handicappers generally look to see if theboat has raced in another PHRF group. The handicap can then be adjusted, based on raceperformance. This is the difficult part as the quality of the racing program has to be takeninto consideration. Just because a boat finishes last all the time or, on the other hand, winsmany races, does not necessarily mean that the handicap is wrong. In most areas, the overallphilosophy is that, for new boats, any error in the handicap is on the side of being a bitharsh, since it is always easier to raise a handicap than to lower one.WHY DOES MY CLASS OF BOAT HAVE A DIFFERENT HANDICAP IN OTHERSTATES/AREAS?PHRF handicaps are locally derived and may be different in other areas. There are severalreasons why your boat would rate differently throughout the country. The difference mayreflect real differences in relative boat speed (because of local sailing conditions) or merelyreflect a difference in local sailing skills or in perception of the local handicappers. Variationsto consider include sailing conditions like average wind speed and type of watersailed upon (i.e. ocean vs. lake) as well as the general make up of the local fleet. Since thehandicaps of boats are adjusted to other boats within the same area, comparisons to otherareas may not be relevant. Relative differences between boats typically provide a more

2accurate reflection than the absolute handicap assigned. In general, most areas tend to keep within the national handicap extremesbut if a particular handicap does not seem correct for local conditions (such as a sport boat in mostly reaching conditions), rememberthat local PHRF organizations rate boats independently.MY HANDICAP IS INCORRECT!You may be correct! Since the handicaps are based (or should be based) on observed performance all handicappers are at themercy of "experimental error". That is one reason handicaps are given in 3 sec/mile increments, we know we can't calculate anycloser. There is a measure of uncertainty in all the handicaps. Typically if the local handicappers think there is a higher probabilityof a new handicap being more correct then the old one - a change is/should be made. If not enough evidence exists to make achange, the old handicap usually remains. If there is a question on a boat's handicap, handicappers generally favor the fleet andnot an individual boat. The theory being: If you under handicap a boat, one boat suffers. If you over handicap a boat, the wholefleet suffers.Editorializing:The Lake Hefner PHRF Fleet has been rating boats successfully by the above guidelines for over a quarter of a century. Now thatprocess has come to an end with the adoption of the new PHRF bylaws. From this point forward the rating committee will beusing the “national average” as the base rating. The national average, is a misnomer, it is the average between the highest numberfound for a particular boat and the lowest number found for that boat. It doesn’t consider that 30 or 40 fleets may have that boatrated at the lowest number and one or two fleets rate it at a higher number, the average is that of the high number and low number.The national average makes no consideration between inland lakes or costal sailing conditions; local conditions are not afactor in the national average it is truly one size fits all. This is in direct opposition to the philosophy of PHRF; local fleets ratinglocal boats sailing in local conditions.Lake Hefner PHRF has followed the guidelines as stated above and has a history of pretty much getting it right. Most years theonly action the committee takes is to issue new certificates when boats change hands or new boats come in to the club. There arethe usual suspects that annually request their number be raised but other than that the system has worked well judging by the lackof complaints about boats scores at the end of the season. The ratings are right and they work and they make sense on a locallevel. What doesn’t make sense is the arbitrary and capricious action by this year’s PHRF committee to throw away all of thevalid certificate and the accumulated knowledge that goes with them for all new forms based on the national average and thengiving bonus time for things like roller furling. Roller furling can slow you down if the only sail you have is a big fat cruisinggenoa, but if your racing and put a racing sail on how does that justify 6 seconds a mile? It is absurd to expect everyone in theclub to submit new forms and be re-rated before sailing season; who is going to totally redo the scoring database in this short timeperiod. I only hope that the Board takes these problems into consideration before our handicap racing is thrown a curve.An example of the difference between the High-Low National Average; look at the Viking 28, Lake Hefner PHRF rates it at 177the national low is 177, the high 211 and the average 186. That is a 9 second per mile change in a number that has worked on thislake for years.Mike Anderson, Editor/PublisherA Message From the Race CommitteeThe Race Committee will score every boat that has a valid PHRF certificate on file in the scoring databaseno matter the date of the certificate. You will not be scored NHR No Handicap Rating for notgetting the new forms in this season as long as you have a certificate that was valid last year and isstill applicable no matter what the Rating Committee says.Mike Anderson RC Chairman

3Rear Commodore’s Report“I am happy toreport that thewidening projecton the ramp at thewest hoist iscomplete. ."<strong>March</strong> is here and the lake level is falling. At present, there is less than five feet of water in the harbor atOCBC. Any 5 foot draft boat is probably stuck for the season. Lake Canton has no water to give. Therewill be no significant increase in water level until the spring rains. So…..time is quickly running out.Trailer your boats now or be stuck in the mud. There are still boats on A Dock that need to move before theseawall project starts.Smokey Bear does not live here!! We could have lost the entire clubhouse but for fortuitous timing. Afire was discovered and extinguished at the east end of the south deck Sunday morning (<strong>March</strong> 6). Anyperson who starts a fire of ANY kind IS RESPONSIBLE for that fire until it is positively, absolutely out.That includes the fireplace, the grill, and smoking material. The planters are NOT ashtrays. OK?We will have two work parties before Splash Day. The first will be Sat <strong>March</strong> 26 th foroutside work; yard, docks, slips, fence etc. The second will be Sat. April 9 th to get the clubhouse ready forSplash Day festivities. If anyone has items parked in the dry slips that do not belong there, please removethem before <strong>March</strong> 26. The new Regular Members have need of those spaces for legitimate uses, like boatsand trailers.The center board lot will be reorganized. After a brief walk through, thanks David Bass and Dean Shafer,it became apparent that some change of ownership has not been reflected by a name change on the trailer(s). Please identify all boats, trailers, or other stuff with a legible name. If you are using 10 spaces youmight consider reducing your fleet, to be fair and in compliance with the facility policy. The Alfords havebeen authorized to rearrange the CB lot as necessary. Contact Randy or Kerri for more info.That is all for now, I hope to see you at the work parties.Robbin Phillips – Rear Commodore

4Vice Commodore’s Articles for Ye Logge - <strong>March</strong>, <strong>2011</strong><strong>2011</strong> Lighthouse Charity Regatta – Communication and UpdateDates: Centerboard Weekend – June 18 th & 19 th , <strong>2011</strong>Keel <strong>Boat</strong> Weekend – June 25 th & 26 th , <strong>2011</strong>The fourth organizational meeting of the <strong>2011</strong> Lighthouse Charity Regatta will be held on Thursday, <strong>March</strong> 24 th , <strong>2011</strong> at OCBCstarting at 1800 hours. Get involved!As a reminder, Lighthouse committee chairs are as follows:Race – Mike AndersonRegatta – Scott LawFood – Don SteeberPublicity – Sue Ogroki, Ron StahlRegistration – Gene McClendonTickets – Duke FuzzellWebsite – Bayless KirtleyWine Glass Pull – Ginny GreenTee Shirts – Jay CollinsWall Signage – Steve Humphries (“Signs to Go”)Paypal Arrangements – John KuperChallenge Cup – Glede Holman and Jay Collins. (Scott Law: Race Committee)The following updates where we stand:“The Wise Guys” have been booked for Saturday, June 18 th . Dinner will be catered by Dan’s BBQ.Action Items - Cal: Entertainment Only Tickets, OCBC access, and alcohol consumption and control (Insurance and Legal LiabilityReview); Glede: SecurityRon Stahl (Publicity) is setting up a meeting with Hal Smith.Regatta Watch Party - Set up a tent pavilion on the west point to watch the races. Norm Foster will coordinate.On the Water Narratives/Commentary – Broadcast a “play by play” commentary explaining the start, race progress and finish toincrease understanding and interest. Volunteers and any ideas on how we can do it would be greatly appreciated.Challenge Cup – Collegiate Regatta, probably using 420’s, obtaining sponsorship from corporate entities as well as universityalumni associations 50/50 split on funds raised. To be held on Firday, June 17 th . Action Item – Cal: Contact prior yearsponsors, level of interest?Sponsor forms are on the website – www.okclighthouse.com Donations may be made out to:“Lighthouse Charities, Inc.”c/o <strong>Oklahoma</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Boat</strong> <strong>Club</strong>P.O. Box 20245<strong>Oklahoma</strong> <strong>City</strong>, OK 73156-0245We look forward to seeing you on the 24 th !Cal Monsma and Terry ParkerCo-Chairs of the <strong>2011</strong> Lighthouse Charity RegattaThe Seawall Project – Communication and UpdateWe are waiting...

5Manhattan responded to the addition questions from the Utilities Department related to material specifications and construction sequencing.(Apparently the inclement weather put the Utilities Department behind.)As reported last month, after <strong>City</strong> approval is obtained, we will need a general construction building permit and storm water permit,both to be arranged by Manhattan - and apparently not normally an arduous process. Approval or involvement of the Corps of Engineersis NOT required.In the meantime, Manhattan will be contacting Rear Commodore Robbin Phillips to walk the two other seawall areas that have problemson the west side of the harbor. No promises, but if additional mobilization and demobilization efforts can be eliminated, thereis a good chance that additional work could be affordable – although any additional work will probably require another proposal andmembership vote.By the time you read this article, selection of the seven OCBC regular members willing to participate in the financing will have occurred.We had 16 confirmed members willing to step up and another 6 members that were willing to do so IF we didn’t have a sufficientnumber – for a total of 22. (This figure doesn’t include some members that were willing to provide funding for multipleshares.) Thanks to everyone that volunteered to participate! Loan documents are currently being drafted and selected lenderswill be provided copies of same for review. (NOTE: Neither the list of members expressing interest nor those selected will be published.This is a business transaction of a personal nature.)Finally, the timing. We are still on track to get this done before sailing season hits – but it’s going to be close. We are still consideringan alternative access to A dock just in case to minimize the impact on members, race committee, etc.Cal MonsmaVice CommodoreThe Planning Committee – Communication and UpdateAs announced at February’s membership meeting, the second open Planning Committee meeting was held at OCBC on Thursday,February 17 th , <strong>2011</strong> – resulting in more ideas and projects and projects to be considered. Thanks to everyone that participated ineither or both of the sessions.The following projects were proposed (those in black from January 20 th and those in red February 17 th ):Phase 2 Seawall – Northwest Harbor (Youth Area)Phase 3 Seawall – Southwest Harbor (West Hoist)Flying Scot HoistGazeboAir Conditioning for <strong>Club</strong>houseNew <strong>Club</strong>houseFloating Docks – Youth AreaFloating Docks – West HoistSwimming PoolTennis courtGeothermal HVACBocce courtDumpster blinds/road repair

6Big screen TVRace committee boatsYouthSmaller engine for “Fish Slayer”Youth programMove playground/new“C” dock/floating docksOuter harbor Floating docksDeck by beach near cottonwood treeRemodel/rebuild clubhouseFloating dock @ east hoistWaste water capture (see Cardinal Engineering)West hoistEast hoistYard hoistRebuild hoist @ center boardWater on docks A & BLong term hoist replacement/revision planGin pole statusPole by seawall*Clear area south of the improved west rampHandicap access/boardingMove “A” dock’s gangway to the eastern endParking lotCenterboardDrivewayKeelboat dry storageYouth area access gate for publicMore shade treesRV hook up (electric & sewage)Metered electricity for boats with HVACDock replacementEncapsulated FoamTrex/compositeReplace riprap at east end of inner harborCosmetic improvement of fencingRed tip photeniaMetal blind insertsExtend south fence into waterlineEvaluate condition of fencing – repair/replaceStairway from harbor to “gazebo” areaMore storage lockersUser fees – slips (wet & dry), personal partiesExecutive management / employeesIndoor ice machineRegrade main parking for drainage to north hoist (small)Redirect rainfall drainage at NE area of main parking lot to avoid the harborDiscuss w/Hogan replacing north fencingRaise level of small hoist surfaceReplace metal pavilion on north pointRebuild/relocate the east side mast rackWindows (west face)(all)Install ceiling fans over south deckSwamp coolerReplumb (internal) the water supply to the outdoor ice machinesDouble doors at main entrance to club houseCarports

7<strong>City</strong> Issue: Onramp to Hefner Parkway going SouthDog for bird controlKitchen area is HOT during the summer - Air Conditioning / Exhaust FanMembership increaseEstablish two levels of Associate A & B (with dry slip assignment)Parking Lot PavingDry Slip PavingPermanent tie downs for Flying ScotsIncrease space for TrophiesImprove instrumentation (fix, replace) wireless?Install tie down securing gasoline storage and reservoirRepair/replace deck chairsPorch side curtains/enclosureEstablish a Cost Savings CommitteeFinger Piers, individual member contribution for costDredge the harborRepair or replace the permanent marksAccordion doors between the kitchen area and main areaAs mentioned in the Seawall Proposal update, several members of the Planning Committee are also involved in the administration ofthe project. Once the seawall project is underway, we expect to begin assessing priorities, communicating same and forwarding recommendationsto the Board of Governors.Any questions or comments should be sent to the members of the Planning Committee: Cal Monsma (Chair); Harold Eiseman (1year appointment); David Cheek (2 year appointment); and John Barnett (3 year appointment)Cal MonsmaVice CommodoreCommodore’s Report:It is always nice to return home to your own house, your own bed, etc. This time on our return it was fulfilling in that we missedthe snowy weather that you all experienced, when we were dancing on the sands of the Caribbean. Though not planned, it turnedout to be the right time to chose a vacation away from <strong>Oklahoma</strong>.I need to thank Cal Monsma for taking the helm for the February Board Meeting and General Meeting. I am told that he did agreat job, or dare I say, good practice for his coming turn as Commodore. Thank you, Cal.As we can all see, our lake level continues to recede with no rain in sight to help or any indication from the <strong>City</strong> that we will getwater from elsewhere. Those of you with boats still in the water need to be ever mindful of the current condition, especially if thelake falls more and causes your boat to bottom out in the mud. It is very doubtful at this time if some of the boats would be able tomake it to the hoist to be hauled out.Though the seawall project is going as planned, we have suffered a slight delay due to additional requirements for more specificationsfrom the <strong>City</strong>. It is possible that Splash Day on April 16 could see heavy equipment moving in and around our club. We dohope, however, that this will not be so with the <strong>City</strong> signing off in order for Manhattan to start the project. Vice Commodore, CalMonsma, will be giving you a full report on this subject.In the February Ye Logge, Rear Commodore made mention of all the unauthorized trailers, power boats, deck boats, sea doo (LakeVermin) taking up slips in our south dry slip area. We ask that these be moved in order to allow space for our new members whowill be coming forward in the <strong>March</strong> General Meeting and who will be requesting slips. There are 8 members who will be movedto regular status. Our Board of Governors meeting covered quite a bit of ground in relation to membership, youth program, collegiateprogram, PHRF, etc., the various Chairs for these activities will give your their full report at our General Meeting.Our parties this year have been a great success, thanks to all who have participated and to those who have organized same. Ournext party will be our celebration of St. Patrick's Day when Mr. Bayless O'Kirtley will once again perform his magic on cornedbeef, cabbage and potatoes. This will be held on <strong>March</strong> 19 which is also the day that the <strong>City</strong> celebrates St. Patrick's. So get our

8your green and be Irish for a Day, whether an upstanding Lady or Gentleman, or, of course, Leprechauns are always welcome.Last but not least, in conclusion, my thanks go to all instructors who participated in our educational program to date to and DavidBass for his organization of same. I would also like to thank Steve Humphrey for his work in clearing the snow from our property,enabling us to gain access, and all other dedicated workers in and around our facility. The Rear Commodore will be announcingwork parties (two); one the latter part of <strong>March</strong> and the other prior to Splash Day. Watch your calendar for dates.Bob Chope, CommodoreOU Sailing Team Celebrates Successful Day of Team RacingThe University of <strong>Oklahoma</strong> Sailing team members (pictured left to right): Kyle DeFreitas, Allison Moorhead, Geoff Hamm,Chase Shaw, Shelby Aughtry, Benjamin Riggs, and #1 fan Jeff Laine celebrated a 2 nd Place finish out of 9 teams at SMU’s FrozenHate Team Racing Regatta on Saturday, February 19, <strong>2011</strong>. Near day’s end, the OU team and Texas A&M Galveston teamwere both undefeated going into the final race where they were matched against each other. Seconds separated the boats at thefinish with OU scoring a 1 st and 4 th , A&M Galveston a 2 nd and 3 rd . With the score tied, the tie breaker went in to effect – theteam with the 4 th loses, making Galveston the overall winner and OU 2 nd . It was an exciting finish to the day for the nine teamscompeting including: OU, Texas A&M Galveston Teams 1 & 2, Univ. Texas, Univ. North Texas, OSU, Texas A&M CollegeStation Teams 1 & 2, and SMU. The OU team will travel to Austin, TX next weekend (Feb 26-27) for a Team Racing eventwhere they will compete for the McCarthy Cup.

9V o l u m e 8 1 I s s u e 5 P a g e 9Quote Of YeMonthe:“If rightly made, a boat would be a sort of amphibiousanimal, a creature of two elements, relatedby one half its structure to some swift andshapely fish, and by the other to some strongwingedand graceful bird.”---Henry David Thoreau“A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers,”1849Quote of the Month and accompanying photos are submittedby Cindy Friedman, OCBC Public RelationsA Clean Car isJust a Breeze Away 6405 N. May 840-4477EXTERIOR WASH & TOWEL DRY$5.00 and takes about 5 minutesGreat for those people in a hurry!Cash Only for Exterior ExpressPhoto credit: Gary Saunders5100 N. Penn 840-44467224 W. Hefner 773-7222208 S. Air Depot MWC 737-8807We accept Credit Cards, Fuelman, Checks and CashShamrock fuel available at most locationsEXTRA SERVICESOnline WaxesWheel CleaningVinyl & Leather ProtectionAir FreshenersFULL SERVICE CAR WASHBug Removal, Complete Interior Vacuum,Washed and Dried Bumper to Bumper, InteriorWindows Cleaned, Dash Dusted, Door JamsCleaned.DETAILING SERVICESInterior Shampooing, Vinyl andLeather Cleaning & Protection,Wheel Cleaning, Exterior Waxand Polishing.Stop by for an estimateProud Sponsor of * OCBC Youth Sailing Program * Lighthouse Charity Regatta * Women’s Rolex *and * Member of the Month*

10PHRF Handicap Committee: Tony, Gary, Andy, Rudy, Richard, Bill andMartinARE YOU A KEELBOAT RACER?If so, regardless of your boat type, you must submit a new PHRF Rating Certificate request to the Handicap Rating Committee.And, they must be submitted by 31 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2011</strong> to assure receiving a Valid PHRF Rating before our racing season beginswith the Splash Day Regatta on May 1, <strong>2011</strong>. <strong>Boat</strong>s without a Valid Rating will not be able to be scored until one is obtained.The revised form is available for downloading from our <strong>Club</strong> website and copies are in a folder labeled “Blank PHRF Certificates”on the PHRF section of the Bulletin Board in the clubhouse.Over the years, our PHRF Fleet has grown from one with mostly one-design boats to one with many classes and some of thesehave multiple production configurations. In order to offer a fair playing field for competition to owners of boats covering thiswide range of designs and configurations, the Board of Governors asked this year’s Rating Committee to do an in-depth studyand recommend needed changes. The study resulted in revising the Fleet Bylaws. The revised Bylaws dated <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2011</strong>will soon be available on our <strong>Club</strong> website and in the <strong>2011</strong> Roster.The Standard Production <strong>Boat</strong> is now defined as, “A boat listed in US Sailing’s High/Low/Average Performance Handicaplist” (www.ussailing.org under the “Offshore” tab) and it has an auxiliary engine with a folding or feathering propeller on anexposed shaft or a retractable outboard unless the One Design rules for that class clearly states that the motor is optional or notincluded. There is a penalty for not having an engine/outboard if one is required. The previous Bylaws stated, “There is nopenalty for not having a motor.”Adjustments have been added for auxiliary engines with different propeller blade configurations and for those in an aperture.There is now an adjustment for boats with above deck roller furler, drum in place, sail reefable/furlable.Questions may be addressed to Tony Fuller, PHRF Committee Vice Chair, at drvrdad@swbell.net.Completed rating requests may be given to Tony at the 10 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2011</strong> General Membership meeting, e-mailed to Tony orplaced in the folder on the bulletin board.Tony and Gary

11V o l u m e 8 1 I s s u e 5P a g e 1 1Fleet ReportsHandicap Fleet:No ReportBlackwatch Fleet:No ReportSantana 20 FleetJoin us on Facebook at “Santana 20 <strong>2011</strong> Nationals”.Flying Scot Fleet 191:Sarasota Sailing Squadron is looking to a great midwintersstarting exactly one month from today. With over 30 boatsalready registered we're expecting a great turn out! Pleaseremind your fleets that we have but more 1 week to registerand get the early registration discount. Coral Reef Sailing isalso offering discounts on regatta items ordered by 2/21.NOR, registration, & additional information can be found onthe event web site:http://web.me.com/limerun/Site/Welcome.htmlLevel 170 Fleet:No reportCatalina Fleet 76:Well I guest I should introduce myself first; I’m the newlyelected Commander of Fleet 76(all Catalina fleet) CarlBorgfeld. Still trying to figure that one out? I kind of got offto a slow start do to some medical issues but I’m gettingback in the grove. While I was off enjoying somegreat hospital food I would like to thank several peoplethat help to keep the fleet heading in the right direction,they are Bob Heatley, Gene McClendon, and SteveMeyer.On the first Saturday of the month are our planned fleetmeetings for now. This last one was held over at KeelHall over on the city side. We are hoping to grow ourfleet with Catalina sailors from around the Lake Hefnerarea. I don’t know the count but we recruited severalsailors from the city marina (future OCBC members?)and hope to keep growing.One of our goals this year is to help new or old Catalinaowners to get out and race. This last meeting wewent over some of the rules and how to start a race.Yours truly talked about the R.O.W. (Right of Way)rules. I told them do as I say not as I do. The otherspeaker was our one and only Steve Meyer, he gave anexcellent presentation on what goes on at the start of arace. Steve went thru all the flags, times, and rules thatone might see at the start. But he did not give up hissecret of how to be first on the line when the Fleet flagdrops???Well that is it for now, if you have any question pleasedo not hesitate to get hold of me atboathefner@cox.net.Carl B.~~_/) ~~From the Dictionary for LandlubbersANCHOR, Any of a number of heavy, hook-shapeddevices that is dropped over the side of the boat on theend of a length of rope and/or chain, and which is designedto hold a vessel securely in place until (a) thewind exceeds 2 knots, (b) the owner and crew depart,or (c) 3 A.M.John BarnettSt. Patrick’s Day Party<strong>March</strong> 191830 (6:30)

12<strong>Oklahoma</strong> <strong>City</strong> Boa t C l u bP.O. Box 20245<strong>Oklahoma</strong> <strong>City</strong>, OK 73156T h e o f f i c i a l p u b l i c a t i o no f t h e O k l a h o m a C i t y B o a tC l u bEditor, Mike AndersonPhone: (405) 737-3168Email: mikeanderson@sbcglobal.netWe’re on the webwww.okcboatclub.comAd Rates:1/4 page $75, 1/2 page $150full page $300 per year.The Trading PageFor Sale: TWO DOLPHINS1969 & 1981, 14', GOODCONDITION, WITH TRAIL-ERS, $600 & $800 RESPEC-TIVELY. JOHN WALTERS,405-720-6467, bigjohndiego@sbcglobal.netWanted: New or used Hydrohoistthat can be used or modifiedfor J-22. Please contactGreg Thomas, tele: 405-203-4795 or greget@aol.comFor Sale: 1965 O'Day Rhodes19, fixed keel sailboat#278. Includes 1) 2 sets ofsails, one used only a few times2 rudders, one never used andtrailer with extension.Price: $3750 cash or barter. Ifinterested please contactMarvin or Debbie Mason 405-755-1378 or MarvDeb-Soc@att.netFor Sale: Three sets of usedFlying Scot sails. $200 each tobe donated to LighthouseCharities. Contact Keith Green,842-4664 or 388-8104 (cell).For Sale: Harken Reefing andFurling System Unit 0Already assembled on new forestayfor Catalina 27 TallRig$450Contact Chris Bayouth 722-5220For Sale:1988 Catalina 27 standardrig, Roller furling, 14hp dieselengine, asking $14,500. DavidLopp 350-9416 H, 317-4645 CFor Sale: Hull 413 (Chimps inOrbit) boat located in Tulsa OK.Very Fast, Keel, bottom, and rudderfaired; Old style deck. Traileris in very good condition, and has aextended pole for ramp launching.$5000.00 (ready to sail, nothing todo). Can send photos of everything.Contact Blake Kelso 918-610-2580Blake@controlvalves.comWanted: Velocitek SC-1 Contact Ric Drennen(405)850-2575rdrennen@gmail.com<strong>Oklahoma</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Boat</strong> <strong>Club</strong>Flag Officers & Board of GovernorsCommodoreBob ChopeVice CommodoreCal MonsmaRear Commodore Robbin PhilipsSecretaryGary SaundersTreasurerLiz EganTreasurer ElectTerry ParkerBoard MembersGene McClendonNorm FosterDarren WilliamsPast CommodoreJim BlakewellCommittee ChairmenPlanningCal MonsmaHD&ARobbin PhillipsRaceMike AndersonRegattaGlede HolmanPHRFGary Sander/ Tony FullerScoringAnn KilpatrickEntertainmentJim BowenMembershipKarl BenzerPublic RelationsR, Stahl/S. OgrokiYouthK. Smith, F. BelingUSSAGary SanderCSSADan CampLighthouseCal Monsma/Terry ParkerHoistM. Hahn/J. BurkeCommodore’s Cup Martin RadloffData Base& Roster Deal BowmanTechnologyBayless KirtleyYe LoggeMike AndersonEight Bells Society Bill HesseProtocolSteve BryantProtestRick MallinsonFinanceTerry ParkerPhotographyBruce McDermottEducationDavid BassHistorianBruce McDermottLadiesL. Eby/K. Alford/JDavidsonOU AdvisorR. MallinsonOCU AdvisorG. HolmanUCO AdvisorDavid BassThe editors of Ye Logge reserve the right to edit or delete anymaterial submitted for publication. Manuscripts submitted will notbe returned. Items submitted for publication must be sent to theeditor by the 25th of the month preceding the month of publication.The <strong>Oklahoma</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Boat</strong> <strong>Club</strong> accepts no responsibility for thecontents of any items published by the editors or contributions tothis publication. ©2005 The <strong>Oklahoma</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Boat</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, Inc, LakeHefner, OKC.

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