Aug 12 - Everything Epping Forest

Aug 12 - Everything Epping Forest

Aug 12 - Everything Epping Forest


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<strong>Everything</strong> <strong>Epping</strong> <strong>Forest</strong>Page 14 of 23Anyone with any information should ring PC Mike Ferguson on 101, or Crimestoppersanonymously on 0800 555 111.Open gardens raise over £6,000 for hospice3.50pm - 14th <strong>Aug</strong>ust 20<strong>12</strong>VISITORS to a number of gardens in and around Harlow which were opened to the publichelped raise £6,043.59 for St Clare Hospice.The gardens were opened on Saturday and Sunday, June 30 and July 1, however withseveral gardens being involved across the town, the final amount raised has only justbeen confirmed.The event was organised by the Harlow Friends of St Clare Hospice.A selection of gardens in Harlow, New Hall, Church Langley and Hastingwood were openwith visitors charged for a programme which gave entry to all the gardens on both days.Refreshments, plants, homemade jams and pickles and bric-a-brac were on sale.Among the raffle prizes was tea for two on the House of Commons terrace which wasdonated by Harlow MP Robert Halfon.St Clare Hospice community fundraiser Camilla Whitby said: "This is a fantastic result andour thanks go to everyone who tended their gardens in the weeks and months leading upto the open gardens weekend and to everyone who went along to see their greenfingeredefforts."Special thanks go to Ann Gould for the huge amount of effort and expertise she put in toco-ordinating such a successful event."School used as 'secret' Team GB camp3.47pm - 14th <strong>Aug</strong>ust 20<strong>12</strong>GOLD medal-winning Team GB athletes were among those who used facilities at <strong>Forest</strong>School, Snaresbrook, during the London Olympic Games.Team GB's boxing, swimming, hockey, fencing and Taekwondo teams used <strong>Forest</strong>School as a 'quiet camp' - a place to train away from distraction.Several Team GB athletes who trained at the school went on to win medals.They included Jade Jones (gold medal in Taekwondo), Nicola Adams, Luke Campbelland Anthony Joshua (gold medal in boxing), Fred Evans (silver medal in boxing), AnthonyOgogo (bronze medal in boxing), Lutalo Muhammed (bronze medal in Taekwondo) andTeam GB's women's hockey team (bronze medal)Team GB bosses sought privacy for their athletes during the Games so British OlympicAssociation representatives visited more than 20 locations in the local area before optingfor the facilities at <strong>Forest</strong> School.The school, just four miles (a 15-minute drive) from the Olympic Park, was seen as anideal location for Team GB athletes to train.Team GB athletes were ferried between the Athletes' Village and <strong>Forest</strong> School by schoolstaff in a specially designated 'Olympic Minibus'.Depending on the training requirements of Team GB athletes, they used either theschool's well-equipped gym or the school's large sports hall.Due to the unique training requirements of Team GB's fencers, they predominantly usedthe school's cricket suite. <strong>Everything</strong> from co-ordinating the safe collection and return ofTeam GB athletes to and from the Olympic Park, right through to ensuring that all of theathletes' needs were met whilst at the school, was overseen by <strong>Forest</strong> School'sSylvestrian Leisure Centre manager Wayne Bishop.In a personal letter, Andy Hunt, Chief Executive and Chef de Mission Team GB London20<strong>12</strong>, praised the school for the support it had given Team GB.He said "support from all colleagues has been unwaveringly positive". Rob McCracken,performance director for Boxing with Team GB, described the school's facilities as"superb".Wayne Bishop said: "This has been a fantastic experience for staff at <strong>Forest</strong> School. Theathletes that used our site have all commented on the superb facilities and support theyreceived. It has been immensely enjoyable."Nicola Adams (gold medal in boxing) training in the school's gymnasium clickhere(left to right) Team GB swimmers Aimee Wilmott (400m individual medley) andHannah Miley (200m individual medley and 400m individual medley) in the school'sSylvestrian Leisure Centre click hereOngar Mums ready for fundraiser1.38pm - 13th <strong>Aug</strong>ust 20<strong>12</strong>THE Ongar Mums group is holding a 'field day' at the Love Lane recreation ground,Ongar, on Thursday.The event (10am-2pm) is the second to be held by the group to raise money to developthe park facilities at Love Lane.Play in the Park returns for two hours of fun and games while the Lee Valley Farm will betaking along some of their farm animals.There will be a climbing wall, arts and crafts, cakes and face painting and Ongar LeisureCentre will be running football and badminton sessions from noon until 2pm.A prize draw includes tickets to Old MacDonalds Farm, a Pimms hamper, family photoshoot and a family leisure pass.Hospice takes delivery of new van1.10pm - 13th <strong>Aug</strong>ust 20<strong>12</strong>A NEW van has taken to the road to deliver stock to the seven St Clare Hospice shopsacross the area and from the stores to customers' homes.The vehicle has been leased from Gates of Harlow to service the charity's shopsthroughout west Essex and east Herts.Louise Hamilton, Retail Sales Manager at St Clare Hospice, said: "Having a van is vitalfor the running of our retail business. We need a reliable vehicle to collect and deliverfurniture as well as move stock between our shops six days a week. The preferred optionfor us is a leased vehicle."St Clare is a local charity supported by lots of local businesses so it seemed right whenwe were looking for a new van that it should come from a local business."Gates of Harlow were able to offer us the most competitive deal and to top it off theyhave very kindly sponsored the bold signage on the van so there is no doubt it's the StClare Hospice van!"Moe Ali, Group commercial sales manager at Gates, said: "As a local business, familyowned and operated for over 90 years, we are delighted to be able to supply a suitablevehicle that will assist the team at St Clare Hospice with their vital fundraising initiatives."For more about the collection service, click hereChance to have say over Local Plan01/10/20<strong>12</strong>

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