Winter Orbiter 2015.pdf

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THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD, AS WE THAT ARE LEFTGROW OLD:AGE SHALL NOT WEARY THEM, NOR THE YEARSCONDEMN.AT THE GOING DOWN OF THE SUN AND IN THEMORNINGWE WILL REMEMBER THEM.-LAURENCE BINYON-RADIUS HEATHERLEAWe decided to talk to a resident ofours, Alistair, about what Anzac Daymeans to him and how he spendsit, as we noticed that he is verypassionate about Anzac Day. Here iswhat we discovered.Alistair Bublitz has been a residentof Heatherlea since February of thisyear.His grandfather fought in WWI andhis father in WWII, though his fatherwas not allowed to fight the war inEurope because his German heritagemeant that he might end up fightinghis own relatives. So he was sent overto the islands where he fought theJapanese, so Alistair has always feltvery involved in Anzac Day.Every Anzac Day Alistair puts onhis suit and attends the memorialservice in Eltham, where he grew upand where his dad was the Presidentof the Returned Services Association(RSA); his mother was a member inthe women’s division of the RSA.After the service Alistair visits hisparents’ gravestones at Elthamcemetery, where they are both buriedin the Returned Services section—infact his mother is the only servicewife buried in that section. Theburial request required a committeehearing for permission to be buriednext to her husband. He then travelsto Manaia cemetery where he andhis close friend Barry visit Barry’sgrandparents’ graves where they arealso buried in the Returned Servicessection.They finish the day off by travellingback around the mountain, stoppingat Opunake beach where hisgrandparents and parents had a bachbefore the council pulled it down andthey have lunch and remember themany times he and his father spentfishing on that same beach.RADIUS KENSINGTONRadius Kensington celebrated AnzacDay with a church service followed byan afternoon tea.Maeroa Intermediate School invitedour residents to their Anzac Daycelebration. Staff accompanied anumber of residents down wherethey were treated to a show andlovely morning tea. One of the localhigh schools had their students at thefunction dressed up as cadets, whothen assisted the residents back tothe facility. The residents came backvery excited having been pushed backin their wheelchairs by the cadets.ORBITER 11

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