Winter Orbiter 2015.pdf

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KAURI TREES, BEGONIAS AND A SPOT OF GOLFTHE GOINGS-ON AT BAYCARE up in the beautifulBay of Islands have been many and varied.Over the past few months our residents havehad quite a few nice outings. One of thesetrips was to Puketi Forest. Our residents havebeen here before and just love the tranquillityand beautiful bush scenery. They enjoyedtheir morning tea sitting amongst the hugeKauri trees.Another of our trips was to the fabulousBegonia House in Kaikohe. As you can see,a few of our residents got lost in amongstthe beautiful blooms. Baycare enjoyed potsof Begonias that the residents brought backwith them. Those pots have been returned toBegonia House to be nurtured until our visitnext summer.This trip coincided with the local Lions clubvisit and new friendships were made over acup of tea and scones.Baycare have an active golfing fraternity. JunePike, an avid golfer in the past, showed therest how it’s done, having holed-in-one duringher golfing career. She classes herself as ‘topdog.’RADIUS BAYCAREin Kerikeri is setamongst beautifullawns and gardens.The facility offershospital, rest home,palliative andyoung disabledcare.EDITHWRIGLEYEdith spent her childhood in the East End of London, living ina council high-rise flat with her parents, four sisters and sixbrothers.She joined the army in 1941 at the age of eighteen and trained atHatfield, just outside of London. Her job was to build and repairmotorcycles for the front. Most of the time she was running, becauseof the bombs dropping around the area.On days off she returned to the East End to visit her family. Sheremembers sirens going off and diving for cover anywhere she could.One night a bomb dropped on the flats, killing her neighbour andten others. Edith remained in the army for twelve years beforeemigrating to New Zealand on the Ten Pound scheme in 1953.She found employment as a cleaner, working at Greenlane Hospitalin Auckland. There she met Phillip: she was smitten. Walking in thepark one evening, Phillip asked her to become his wife. Her motherin-law-to-beinformed everyone that her Phillip was going to marrya Pommie.Edith and Phillip had three children and Edith now has threegrandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. She has been inBaycare now for thirteen years and has a wonderful sense of humourand a story to tell.ORBITER 19

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